Kodiak Networks U400 Carbonado - Wifi Device User Manual

Kodiak Networks. Carbonado - Wifi Device

User manual

 Copyright 2013, Kodiak Networks, Inc.    kodiaknetwor ks.com  1 User  Manual        For Carbonado UA400 Handset with Android OS
 Copyright 2013, Kodiak Networks, Inc.    kodiaknetwor ks.com  2 Table of Contents   1.  General Information .......................................................................................................................................................... 3  1.1  Phone Model Covered ................................................................................................................................................ 3  1.2  Netw ork Services ......................................................................................................................................................... 3  1.3  UA400 Suppor t Information .................................................................................................................................... 3  1.4  Safety Guidelines ......................................................................................................................................................... 3  1.5  Precautions to Use the Battery ............................................................................................................................... 4  1.6  Batter y Replacement……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….4   1.7  Avoid High Temperatures ..................................................................................................................................... ...4  1.8  Child Safety ................................................................................................................................................................. …5  1.9 Emergency Calls ......................................................................................................................................................... …5   2.  Getting Started .................................................................................................................................................................. …6  2.1  Setting Up Your Phone ........................................................................................................................................... …6  2.2  Inserting the Battery .............................................................................................................................................. …6  2.3  Removing the Battery ............................................................................................................................................ …7  2.4  Charging the Batter y .............................................................................................................................................. …7   3.  Basics of your Phone ...................................................................................................................................................... …9  3.1  UA400 Layout ......................................................................................................................................................... …9  3.2 UA400 Front Layout .............................................................................................................................................. …9  3.3 UA400 Back Layout ............................................................................................................................................... .10  3.4  Sw itching ON Your Phone for the first time ................................................................................................. .10  3.5  Home Screen Indicator s ...................................................................................................................................... .11  3.6  Keypad Functions .................................................................................................................................................. .11  3.7  FCC Certification .................................................................................................................................................... .13
 Copyright 2013, Kodiak Networks, Inc.    kodiaknetwor ks.com  3  1. General Information  Welcome to the w orld of Carbonado Rugged phones. This phone w orks as a Wi-Fi only device and has an intuitive, feature-rich user  inter face, w hich allow s you to make the best use of the available functions 1.1 Phone Model Cover ed: This user  guide covers the Car bonado UA400 phone model. The phone model name can be read on the phone label under the batter y.  1.2 Networ k Ser vices: Your Carbonado device is equipped to w or k only for PoC ser vice with Wi-Fi netw or k. To make the best  of  these  ser vices,  you  must  subscribe  to  the  Wi-Fi  services  through  Operator  and  obtain instructions on how to use Wi-Fi on your device.  1.3 UA400 Suppor t Information: If your device needs any product support, please contact Carbonado suppor t +1-972-665-0200. For  online support information, contact us at car bonado_support@kodiaknetwor ks.com.  1.4 Safety Guidelines :  Please  read  and  understand  the  following  safety  guidelines  before  you  use  the  phone.  These guidelines provide details to enable you in operating your phone safely and confor m to any legal requirements regarding the use of Carbonado phones. Disposal of Stale Electrical and Electronic Equipment  The symbol of the crossed-out wheeled bin indicates that within the country of the United states of America, this pr oduct, and any enhancements marked w ith this symbol, cannot be disposed as unsorted waste but must be taken to separ ate collection at their  end-of-life.  Disposal of Batter y  Please check local regulations for disposal of batteries. The batter y should never be placed in municipal waste. Use a battery disposal facility if available.
 Copyright 2013, Kodiak Networks, Inc.    kodiaknetwor ks.com  4  Guideline for  Headphone and Earphone   To  prevent  possible  hearing  damage,  please  do  not  listen  at  high  volume  levels  for   long periods.         Warning  !                             Avoid actions that could cause injur y to yourself or other s   Caution                Avoid usage of the device in situations that could cause damage to your  device or  other                         equipments   1.5 Precautions to Use the Battery: A rechargeable battery pow ers your  device. Use the batter y only for  its intended pur pose. Never  use any char ger  or battery that is damaged. If the battery is completely discharged, it may take a few minutes before the char ging indicator appears on the display or before any calls can be made. The full perfor mance of  a new batter y  is  achieved only after   three to  four   complete  char ge  and discharge cycles. You can charge the batter y sever al times but it w ill eventually wear  out. Unplug the charger fr om the electrical plug and the device w hen not in use. Ensur e that you do not leave the fully char ged battery connected to a charger . If left unused, a fully charged batter y will lose its charge over time. 1.6 Battery Replacement:  When the talk and standby times ar e noticeably shor ter than normal, replace the battery w ith an original Carbonado battery. If a replacement batter y is being used for  the first time or if the batter y has not been used for  a pr olonged period, it may take a few minutes before the char ging indicator  appears on the display or befor e any calls can be made. 1.7 Avoid High Temper atures:  If you leave the batter y in hot or  cold places, such as in a closed car in summer  or winter conditions, it  will  r educe  the  capacity  and  lifetime  of  the  battery.  For  best  r esults,  try  to  keep  the  battery betw een  -20°C  and  +55°C  (-4°F  and  131°F).  A  device with  a  hot  or   cold  battery  may  not  w or k tempor arily, even w hen the batter y is fully charged. Batter y perfor mance is particularly limited in temperatur es below freezing.
 Copyright 2013, Kodiak Networks, Inc.    kodiaknetwor ks.com  5 1.8 Child Safety:   Do not allow children to use your  mobile phone or its accessories. Keep it out of their  reach. They could  hurt  themselves or   others, or  could  accidentally damage the  mobile  phone or  accessories. Your mobile phone and its accessor ies may contain small parts, w hich could be detached and create a choking hazar d for  your child.   1.9 Emer gency Calls:  Carbonado phones operate using Wi-Fi r adio signals, w hich cannot guar antee connection under all circumstances.  Therefor e  you  should  never  solely  rely  upon  any  mobile  phone  for   essential communications (e.g. medical emergencies). Emer gency calls will not be possible as this is Wi-Fi only device.
 Copyright 2013, Kodiak Networks, Inc.    kodiaknetwor ks.com  6 2. Getting Star ted   The following topics give you all the information needed to set up your phone for  the first time.   Setting Up Your  Phone:   Refer to the follow ing sections to insert and charge the battery and set up the phone. To change the battery you can use the key supplied along w ith the device, in the absence of the key you can also use screw driver .    Inser ting t he Batter y:  Complete the following steps to insert a Car bonado batter y into your  UA400 phone.                                    1. Rotate both battery cover scr ews in counter clockw ise dir ection (as show n in the figure). You  can  use  a  key/ scr ewdriver  set. Sometimes  the  scr ew s  may  be  tight  and extra effort is required to open them.   2. Lift the battery cover  to view the battery slot.  3. Insert the batter y and push it into the batter y slot  such  that  the  three  metallic  contacts  at    the bottom of the batter y ar e aligned w ith the metallic  contacts  within  the  batter y compartment.  4. Close  the  batter y  cover .  Rotate  the  batter y cover   scr ew s  in  clockwise  dir ection.  You  can use  a  key/ screwdriver   to  tighten  the  screws. Ensur e not to over tighten.
 Copyright 2013, Kodiak Networks, Inc.    kodiaknetwor ks.com  7  Removing the Batter y:   Complete the following steps to remove the Carbonado battery from your UA400 phone.                       Char ging the Batter y:  The battery pr ovided with your mobile phone does not come fully charged. We r ecommend that you charge the phone at least for  five hours before you use it for  the first time.   Note: With a fully charged batter y, the phone can r emain in standby mode for  up to 800 hours. If the batter y is completely out of charge, the charging icon appears only after  several minutes w hen the charger is connected.                   Do not use an incorr ect batter y type as it may cause explosion.   Complete the following steps to charge the phone batter y.   1. Plug the charger into a pow er outlet.    1. Rotate both batter y cover  scr ew s in counter clockw ise direction (as show n in the figur e). You  can  use  the  key/ scr ew driver   to  open the  back.  Sometimes  the  scr ews  may  be tight  and  extra  effor t  is  r equired  to  open them.  2. Lift the battery cover  to view  the battery slot.  3. Raise the upper end of the batter y from the       slot and remove the battery.   4. Close the batter y cover . Rotate the batter y          cover  scr ew s in clockwise dir ection. You can       use a key/ screw driver  to tighten the screws.         Ensure not to over  tighten.
 Copyright 2013, Kodiak Networks, Inc.    kodiaknetwor ks.com  8               If the batter y is being charged while the phone is sw itched on, you will notice that the bars in the battery charge icon (visible on the home scr een) show movement indicating that the battery is being charged. After the phone is fully charged, the batter y bars on the display stop scrolling. At this point, you can disconnect the phone fr om the charger .                 2. The char ger  port is located at the bottom of  the phone. To access the charger  port, lift the cover  with the USB sign. Insert the Micr o USB connector   into the  port  and inser t the  other end of the USB cable into the charger .   Alternatively, you can charge the phone with your PC. Insert the Micro USB connector  USB cable into the charger  port of the phone and inser t  the other  end of the  cable into  a USB por t on your  PC.   3. If  the  batter y  is  being  charged  w hen  the phone is switched off, only the battery icon is displayed (as shown in the figure).
 Copyright 2013, Kodiak Networks, Inc.    kodiaknetwor ks.com  9 3. Basics of your Phone  Your phone comes w ith featur es that simplify your life and expand your ability to stay connected to the  people  as  w ell  as  infor mation  that  are  important  to  you.  Refer  to  the  follow ing  sections  to understand the basic functions and features of your  phone. Carbonado UA400 Layout:   The Carbonado UA400 comes with a single LCD screen. The TFT technology used scr een displays 262K color s. The Carbonado UA400 keypad has 11 function keys and 12 alphanumeric keys. The left side of the phone has one key for  PTT application and the right side of the phone has thr ee keys, tw in keys at the top are used to control the volume and a single red key at the bottom used for sending SOS  .  The  battery  and  the  speaker  are  located  at  the  back  side  of  the  phone.  For  mor e infor mation r efer  to the follow ing sections.  Carbonado UA400 Fr ont Layout:   The following image pr ovides the details of the front layout of your Carbonado UA400.        Power But ton LCD screen Green key Center Navigation key Back Button Clear Button SOS but ton PTT but ton Home Button M enu Butt on Volume control Charging port Alpha Numeric Key pad M icrophone Red key
 Copyright 2013, Kodiak Networks, Inc.    kodiaknetwor ks.com  10 Carbonado UA400 Back Layout:   The following image pr ovides the details of the layout at the back of your Carbonado UA400.      Switching ON your  Phone for the fir st  time  Press and hold the Power ON/ OFF key provided at the top for two seconds to power on the phone.  When the phone is switched on, it tries to r egister with the near by Wi-Fi netw or k. In some cases you may have to pr ovide the Passw or d for  the Wi-Fi connectivity that you want to choose. After  successful  r egistration, the Wi-Fi symbol is displayed on the  status bar   at the  top of your  home scr een.  Home Scr een Indicator s:   The home screen indicators are visible in the status bar at the top of the home screen when the phone is in standby mode. Some icons indicate the status of cer tain functionalities of the phone, for  example, the battery charge indicator , the Wi-Fi networ k status indicator , time etc. Some icons are displayed only if the specific ser vices ar e activated.    Battery cover Speaker
 Copyright 2013, Kodiak Networks, Inc.    kodiaknetwor ks.com  11 The following table describes the display indicator s in the status bar of the home screen in the your   phone.                                                   Keypad Functions:   The following table displays the var ious keys and the corresponding functions they per form:  Keys  Descr iption Center  navigation key To select an application/ action/ Enable Keypad Left Selection Key/  Menu Key  To select an application/ action Right Selection Key     To move back fr om any application Call/ Accept/ Send Key(Gr een Key)  To make PoC calls/  send IPA’s Call disconnect Key (Red Key)    To disconnect the call Up navigation key  To move up by selection Down navigation key  To move down by selection Right navigation key To move right by selection Left navigation key To move left by selection * (Applicable only for PTT applications) To reach t op of t he list  # (Applicable only for PTT applications) To reach bott om of t he list Side PTT key     To launch PTT applicat ion   PTT floor  cont r ol BatteryWi-Fi connectivityUSB Port connected
 Copyright 2013, Kodiak Networks, Inc.    kodiaknetwor ks.com  12 Right volume keys     To incr ease or decr ease volume SOS     Non-functional Pow er Key    Power key is also used for scr een wake up/  screen t urn off Head set Jack   To inser t Head Phone jack Home Key     Home Key t o reach Home screen Clear Key    To clear  t he edited t ext USB /  Char ger Por t    USB connectivit y and charger  por t
 Copyright 2013, Kodiak Networks, Inc.    kodiaknetwor ks.com  13 Car bonado Wi-Fi Mobile Phone: UA400     FCC Regulations   This  device  complies w ith part 15  of  the FCC Rules.  Operation is subject to the following tw o conditions:  (1)  This device may not cause harmful interference  (2)  This  device  must  accept  any  inter ference  received,  including  interference  that  may  cause undesir ed operation.   This  device  has been  tested  and  found to  comply  w ith  the  limits  for  a  Class  B digital  device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to pr ovide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiated radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance w ith the instr uctions, may  cause  harmful  inter ference  to  r adio  communications.  How ever,  ther e  is  no  guar antee  that  interference  will  not  occur  in  a  particular  installation  If  this  equipment  does  cause  har mful interference to radio or television reception, which can be deter mined by turning the equipment off and on, the user  is encouraged to try to corr ect the inter ference by one or more of the follow ing measur es: -Reor ient or relocate the receiving antenna. -Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver . -Connect  the  equipment  into  an  outlet  on  a  circuit  different  from  that  to  w hich  the  receiver  is connected. -Consult the dealer or an exper ienced radio/ TV technician for  help. Changes or  modifications not  expr essly  approved by  the party  responsible for   compliance could void the user‘s authority to oper ate the equipment.  RF Exposure Information  This device meets the government’s requirements for  exposure to radio w aves.  This device is designed and manufactured not to exceed the emission limits for exposure to r adio frequency (RF) energy set by the Federal Communications Commission of the U.S. Gover nment.  This device complies w ith FCC r adiation exposur e limits set forth for an uncontr olled envir onment.

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