Kohler PNA1 5.8GHZ TOILET VENTILATION ACCESSORY User Manual Revised Users Manual



Revised Users Manual

85984Ć2ĆAB Kohler  Co.,  Kohler,  WI2RECOMMENDED  TOOLS  AND  MATERIALSAdjustableWrench TapeMeasureScissorsor  SnipIMPORTANT  SAFEGUARDSWhen  using  electricalproducts,  especially  whenchildren  are  present,  basicsafety  precautions  shouldalways  be  followed,  includingthe  following:READ  ALL  INSTRUCTIONSBEFORE  USING  THISAPPLIANCE.DANGER:ĄRisk  ofelectrical  shock.  To  reducethe  risk  of  electrical  shock:Only  connect  the  AC  adapter  toa  properlyĆgrounded,groundingĆtype  receptaclewhich  is  protected  by  aGroundĆFaultCircuitĆInterrupter  (GFCI).Do  not  drop  into  water  or  otherliquid.Do  not  reach  for  a  product  thathas  fallen  into  water.  Unplugimmediately.WARNING: To  reduce  the  riskof  personal  injury,  followthese  safety  precautions:Use  this  ventilating  toilet  kit  for  itsintended  use  as  described  in  thismanual.  Do  not  use  attachmentsnot  recommended  by  Kohler  Co.Never  operate  this  ventilating  toiletkit  if  it  has  a  damaged  cord  or  plug,if  it  is  not  working  properly,  if  it  hasbeen  dropped  or  damaged,  ordropped  into  water.  This  producthas  no  user  adjustable  parts.Keep  the  cord  away  from  heatedsurfaces.SAVE  THESE  INSTRUCTIONSOperation  of  this  equipment  is  authorized  under  a  waiver  issued  by  theFCC,  and  is  subject  to  the  following  conditions:  (1)  This  device  may  notcause  harmful  interference,  and  (2)  this  device  must  accept  anyinterference  received,  including  interference  that  may  cause  undesiredoperation.  If  it  is  determined  that  operation  of  this  equipment  causesharmful  interference  to  authorized  radio  operations,  the  operator  shallimmediately  cease  operations  and  contact  the  Compliance  andInformation  Bureau  of  the  FCC.
85984Ć2ĆABKohler  Co.,  Kohler,  WI 3BEFORE  YOU  BEGINWARNING: Do  not  useinĆtank  cleaners.  Productscontaining  chlorine  (calciumhypochlorite)  can  seriouslydamage  this  product  as  wellas  the  other  fittings  in  yourtoilet.  Kohler  Company  shallnot  be  responsible  or  liablefor  any  damage  caused  by  theuse  of  cleaners  containingchlorine.SDo  not  attempt  to  repair  orreplace  the  AC  adapter.SDo  not  use  an  extensioncord  with  this  product.SElectrical  servicerequirements:  120  VAC,  60  Hz(circuit  protected  by  a  Class  AGFCI).  The  kit  uses  a  6'lowĆvoltage  electrical  cord  andAC  adapter.SThis  ventilating  toilet  kit  usesa  motionĆsensing  device  toautomatically  turn  itself  onand  off.SPlug  in  the  AC  adapter  onlyafter  the  ventilating  toilet  kitis  properly  installed  in  thetoilet  tank.INSTALL  ELECTRICAL  SERVICE  (IF  NEEDED)1.NOTE: You  can  use  an  existingelectrical  service  if  it  meets  thefollowing  requirements.A  licensed  electrician  shouldinstall  a  properlyĆgrounded,groundingĆtype  receptaclewhich  is  protected  by  a  GFCI.We  recommend  that  theelectrician  locate  the  receptacleno  less  than  6"  above  the  floorline,  and  within  a  32"  radiusmeasured  level  with  the  toiletledge,  as  shown.NOTE: Do  not  connect  thisproduct  to  an  extension  cord.6"  MIN.32"  R.
85984Ć2ĆAB Kohler  Co.,  Kohler,  WI4INSTALL  THE  KIT2.Remove  the  tank  cover .If  your  toilet  uses  a  fill  valvewith  a  float  ball,  you  mustreplace  it  with  a  compact  fillvalve  such  as  a  Fluidmaster400A.  Replace  the  fill  valveaccording  to  the  manufacturer'sinstructions. ReplaceFloatĆBall  TypeFill  Valve  withCompact  ValveWe  recommend  a  flapperwithout  a  bottom  cone  tooptimize  performance  of  theventilating  toilet  kit.Flapper  withBottom  ConeFlapper  withoutBottom  ConeAdjust  the  tank  water  line  so  itis  at  least  7/8"  from  the  top  ofthe  overflow  to  ensure  correctoperation  of  the  ventilating  kit.Adjust  WaterLine  to  at  Least7/8"  FromOverflow
85984Ć2ĆABKohler  Co.,  Kohler,  WI 5Shut  off  the  water  supply  to  thetoilet,  and  flush  the  toilet  torelieve  the  water  pressure.Remove  and  discard  theexisting  refill  tube  from  the  fillvalve.Position  the  snorkel  assemblyover  the  overflow  tube,  andhang  the  snorkel  assembly  onthe  back  wall  of  the  tank.Adjust  the  snorkel  assemblyfrom  sideĆtoĆside  andfrontĆtoĆback  to  preventinterference  with  the  trip  leverlinkage,  fill  valve,  and  tankwalls.SnorkelAssemblyOverflowTubeExistingRefill  TubeConnect  the  new  refill  tube  tothe  overflow  tube.  Make  surethe  refill  tube  points  directlydown  into  the  overflow  tube  toensure  proper  toilet  operation.Trim  away  any  excess  tubelength.  Then  connect  the  newrefill  tube  to  the  fill  valve.Turn  on  the  water  supply  to  thetoilet.  Allow  the  toilet  tank  tofill  until  it  shuts  off.  ReĆcheckthe  water  level  to  ensure  a  7/8"minimum  space  between  thewater  line  and  the  top  of  theoverflow.RefillTube
85984Ć2ĆAB Kohler  Co.,  Kohler,  WI6Install  the  fan  and  filterassembly  to  the  snorkelassembly  by  first  engaging  thetwo  clips  located  on  the  left  sideof  each  assembly.  Then  squeezethe  right  side  of  both  assembliestogether  to  snap  in  place.Fan  and  FilterAssemblySnorkelAssemblyClipsClipsRoute  the  power  cord  betweenthe  hooks,  and  plug  the  ACadapter  into  aproperlyĆgrounded,groundingĆtype  receptaclewhich  is  protected  by  a  GFCI.ReĆinstall  the  tank  cover.Power  Cord HookHook
85984Ć2ĆABKohler  Co.,  Kohler,  WI 7OPERATION3.This  kit  is  equipped  with  abuiltĆin  motion  sensor  forautomatic  activation  anddeĆactivation  from  inside  thetoilet  tank.SThe  ventilating  toilet  kitwill  run  for  up  to  60seconds  when  initiallyplugged  in.SThe  kit  turns  on  when  itsenses  motion  above  thetoilet  bowl  area,  or  whenthe  toilet  is  flushed.SThe  kit  remains  on  as  longas  it  senses  motion  every90  seconds.SThe  kit  turns  offautomatically  about  90seconds  after  the  userleaves  the  toilet,  or  afterthe  toilet  flush  sequenceends.
85984Ć2ĆAB Kohler  Co.,  Kohler,  WI8TROUBLESHOOTING4.SYMPTOM CAUSE REMEDYNoise  after  theflush.A  gurgling  noise  mayoccur  after  the  flushdue  to  air  and  waterinteraction.Normal  operation.Bowl  water  level  islow.Refill  tube  notpointing  downoverflow  tube.Reposition  the  refill  tube.Water  in  filter. Less  than  7/8"  fromwater  line  to  top  ofoverflow.Adjust  water  line  to  at  least7/8"  from  top  of  overflow.Refill  tube  notpointing  downoverflow  tube.Reposition  the  refill  tube.Kit  activates  byitself.Leaking  flappercausing  tank  refillcycle.Replace  the  flapper.Kit  does  not  turnon.Unit  not  plugged  inor  power  turned  off.Plug  in  or  turn  on  power.Kit  does  not  turnoff.A  metal  object  is  onthe  tank  lid.Remove  metal  object  fromthe  tank  lid.Questions?  Problems?  First  review  the  installation  instructions  toensure  correct  installation.  For  additional  assistance  in  the  USA,  callour  Customer  Service  Department  for  direct  help.  You  may  also  contactus  at  our  web  site  listed  below.1Ć800Ć4ĆKOHLERCALL  US  FOR  HELPwww.kohlerco.comE2001  Kohler  Co.Kohler  Co.,  Kohler,  WI 85984Ć2ĆAB

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