L 3 Communications Avionics Systems TRC497 SkyWatch Traffic Advisory System User Manual COVER
L-3 Communications, Avionics Systems SkyWatch Traffic Advisory System COVER
- 1. Install Manual part 1 of 3
- 2. Install Manual part 2 of 3
- 3. Install Manual part 3 of 3
- 4. Pilots Guide part 1 of 2
- 5. Pilots guide part 2 of 2
Install Manual part 2 of 3
SKY497 Installation Manual TRANSMITTER RECEIVER COMPUTER UNIT P/O J1 SEE NOTE #13 P/O P1 HDG_FLGHDG_FLG+ SYNC_LO SYNC_HI SYNC_Z SYNC_Y SYNC_X SEE NOTE #6 52 53 54 55 64 65 66 TP ORN TP BLU WHT HDG FLAG HDG FLAG + DRIVE MOTOR 3 UNREG +15 BLU WHT BLU WHT BLU ORN WHT SEE NOTE #12 BLU WHT BLU WHT BLU ORN WHT DRIVE MOTOR 1 ORN FLAGFLAG+ P2 BOT NC P1 TOP BLU WHT NC AIRFRAME GROUND HDG_FLGHDG_FLG+ SYNC_LO SYNC_HI SYNC_Z SYNC_Y SYNC_X DPWR+15_OUT DPWR-15_OUT DSPLY_GND HSYNC_OUT_HI HSYNC_OUT_LO VSYNC_OUT_HI VSYNC_OUT_LO VIDEO_OUT_HI VIDEO_OUT_LO PWR_SW_HI PWR_SW_LO SFTKEY1_IN SFTKEY2_IN SFTKEY3_IN SFTKEY4_IN 14 49 48 63 62 38 37 11 85 84 83 82 TP ORN TP BLU WHT SEE NOTE #6 TP BLU TP ORN TP RED TP GRN TP BLK TP YEL SEE NOTE 10 BLU WHT BLU WHT BLU ORN WHT BLU WHT BLU WHT BLU ORN WHT ORN TRC497 DPWR+15_IN DPWR-15_IN DSPLY_GND HSYNC_IN_HI HSYNC_IN_LO VSYNC_IN_HI VSYNC_IN_LO VIDEO_IN_HI VIDEO_IN_LO SFTKEY1_OUT SFTKEY2_OUT SFTKEY3_OUT SFTKEY4_OUT CWS_SS SW_RET 40 41 50 51 56 57 58 59 71 72 81 88 87 100 99 98 80 79 78 77 70 69 68 67 12 13 97 96 95 94 86 10 39 93 24 15 47 46 61 60 36 35 76 75 74 73 31 LOW 26 VAC REFERENCE HIGH HEADING BLU WHT DISPLAY CABLE WHT ORN BLU WHT BLU WHT BLU WHT BLU WHT BLU WHT BLU WHT BLU P101 SEE NOTE #6 WHT ORN BLU WHT BLU WHT BLU WHT BLU WHT BLU WHT BLU WHT BLU WHT BLU ORN RED GRN BLK YEL SEE NOTE #15 ALT_A1 ALT_A2 ALT_A4 ALT_B1 ALT_B2 ALT_B4 ALT_C1 ALT_C2 ALT_C4 ALT_D4 ALT_COMN SQUAT GEAR DR_RX+ DR_RXDR_TX+ DR_TXTOP_BOT NY164_NY156 FIX_ROTOR ALT_DISP1 ALT_DISP2 ALT_DISP3 ALT_DISP4 SYNCHRO_IN STEPPER_IN HEADING_FLG DR_ALT422 CONFIG_GND CONFIG_GND STP_CONFIG4 STP_CONFIG5 STP_CONFIG6 STP_CONFIG7 STP_CONFIG8 SPARE_1 SPARE_2 SPARE_3 HEADING VALID SEE NOTE #12 HEADING INPUT CABLE SEE NOTE #6 SEE NOTE #6 WHT ALTERNATE STEPPER HEADING INPUT DIRECTIONAL GYRO COMPASS SEE NOTE #6 52 53 54 55 64 65 66 KI-525 INDICATOR N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C 19 14 18 10 22 23 13 12 25 24 11 17 15 16 20 21 J101 +15 -15 DSPGND HSYNCHI HSYNCLO VSYNCHI VSYNCLO VIDEOHI VIDEOLO PWRSWHI PWRSWLO SFTKEY1 SFTKEY2 SFTKEY3 SFTKEY4 SHIELD GND N/C GND -15V GND +15V GND GND CHASSIS WX-1000 DISPLAY TP A1 ALTITUDE A2 DIGITIZER A4 B1 B2 B4 SEE NOTE 10 C1 C2 C4 D4 ALT_COMMON TP SEE TABLE "A" SEE NOTE 10 SQUAT SWITCH LANDING GEAR POSITION NOTES: SEE NOTE #7 N/C 1. ALL WIRES TO BE 22 AWG EXCEPT WHERE NOTED. 2. TP - USE TWISTED SHIELDED PAIR CABLE. TERMINATE SHIELD TO AIRFRAME GROUND AT SENSOR (OR POWER SOURCE). 3. THE SUM CABLE WILL HAVE A BLUE BAND AT EACH END. THE DIFFERENCE CABLE WILL HAVE A RED BAND AT EACH END. 4. WHEN INTERFACING TO AN ALTERNATE DISPLAY THE SERVICE MENU CANNOT BE ACCESSED, THEREFORE A TERMINAL DEVICE (I.e., LAPTOP) MUST BE USED FOR SETUP AND CHECKOUT OF TRC497. 5. A RADIO ALTIMETER, AIRDATA COMPUTER, OR OTHER ARINC 429 OUTPUT DEVICE MAY REPLACE ANALOG SENSORS FOR MAGNETIC HEADING, RADIO ALTITUDE, OR BAROMETRIC ALTITUDE. 6. TIE THE OUTER SHIELD TO THE CONNECTOR BACKSHELL. CONNECTOR BACKSHELL IS CHASSIS GROUND. 7. FOR FUTURE EXPANSION. LEAVE UNCONNECTED. 8. DELETED 9. USE AUDIO_H FOR 600 OHM AUDIO SYSTEMS. USE AUDIO_L FOR 150 OHM AUDIO SYSTEMS. 10. DO NOT INSTALL EXTERNAL ISOLATION DIODES. 11. SPARE PINS 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, AND 30 ARE NOT SHOWN AND NOT USED. 12. HEADING FLAG CONNECTIONS NEED TO BE CONFIGURED PROPERLY FOR YOUR AIRCRAFT. 13. STEPPER HEADING INPUT MAY BE USED IN PLACE OF SYNCHRO HEADING. 14. DELETED 15. WHEN INTERFACING TO AN ALTERNATE DISPLAY THE SOFTKEY INPUTS MUST BE CONNECTED PER DISPLAY MANUFACTURER INSTRUCTIONS. Figure 2-2. Interconnect Wiring Without WX-1000 (Sheet 1 of 2) 2-3 (page 2-4 blank) Rev. C SKY497 Installation Manual CAUTION: P/O J1 THE AIRCRAFT TRANSPONDER MUST HAVE SHIELDED SUPPRESSION CIRCUITRY TO ENSURE THAT SKYWATCH DOES NOT DISPLAY ITSELF AS A TARGET (TA). P/O P1 SUP_BUS GPWS TRANSMITTER RECEIVER COMPUTER UNIT SEE NOTE #6 89 32 SUPPRESSION I/O GPWSFLAG SEE NOTE #2 ARINC-429 RX 1A ARINC-429 RX 1B ARINC-429 RX 2A ARINC-429 RX 2B ARINC-429 TX 1A ARINC-429 TX 1B 45 44 43 42 34 33 SEE NOTE #2 ARINC 429 DEVICE (SEE NOTE #5) TP SEE NOTE #9 ARINC 429 DEVICE (SEE NOTE #5) SEE NOTE #6 AUDIO HIGH AUDIO COMMON TP TP ALTERNATE DISPLAY (OPTIONAL) (SEE NOTE #4) SEE NOTE #6 SEE NOTE #2 AUDIO_H AUDIO_L AUDIO_C TRC497 92 91 90 21 22 23 IOP_SERIAL_TX IOP_SERIAL_RX IOP_SERIAL_GND TP TEST ONLY F3 16 AWG J8 P8 +28V +28V_RET SPARE 16 AWG NOTE: FOR 14V USE 7.5 A FOR 28V USE 5.0 A TABLE "A" AIRCRAFT POWER (11 - 34VDC) INSTALLATION CONFIGURATION (CONFIG GROUND IS AVAILABLE AT P1-12 AND P1-13) AIRCRAFT POWER RETURN SEE NOTE #2 FUNCTION CONFIGURATION JUMPER AIRFRAME FIXED WING ROTOR CRAFT P1-98 (OPEN) (JUMPER TO CONFIG GROUND) NY-164 NY-156 P1-99 (OPEN) (JUMPER TO CONFIG GROUND) ANTENNA POSITION TOP BOTTOM P1-100 (OPEN) (JUMPER TO CONFIG GROUND) ARINC-429 ALTERNATE DISPLAY NONE ARINC735 TYPE1 P1-77 HEADING FLAG SENSE LOW P1-68 J7 DIAG_GND DIAG_RX DIAG_TX ANTENNA TEST ONLY SEE NOTE # 3 NY164/NY156 J10 P3 P9 TYPE TNC P10 CONNECTOR SUM TNC J11 DIFFERENCE (RED) TYPE BNC P11 CONNECTOR TYPE TNC CONNECTOR BIT_PROBE BNC HIGH P1 TNC P1-80 (1 = OPEN) (O = JUMPER TO CONFIG GROUND) BLUE BAND P2 BIT_PROBE P1-79 DIRECTIONAL ANTENNA SEE NOTE #3 J9 SUM (BLUE) P1-78 DIFFERENCE RED BAND HEADING INPUT SOURCE NONE SYNCHRO STEPPER ARINC429 BUS P1-69 RS422 INTERFACE DATA RECORDER ALTERNATE P1-67 (1 = OPEN - IF LOW LEVEL INPUT ON HDG_FLG+ (P1-53) INDICATES VALID HEADING OR NO VALID HEADING INPUT IS AVAILABLE OR WHEN ARINC-429 INPUT IS HEADING SOURCE.) (O = JUMPER TO CONFIG GROUND - IF HIGH LEVEL INPUT ON HDG_FLG+ (P1-53) INDICATES VALID HEADING.) P1-70 (1 = OPEN) (O = JUMPER TO CONFIG GROUND) (OPEN) (JUMPER TO CONFIG GROUND) FUTURE OPTION Figure 2-2. Interconnect Wiring Without WX-1000 (Sheet 2 of 2) 2-5 (page 2-6 blank) Rev. C SKY497 Installation Manual TRANSMITTER RECEIVER COMPUTER UNIT P/O J1 SEE NOTE #13 P/O P1 HDG_FLGHDG_FLG+ SYNC_LO SYNC_HI SYNC_Z SYNC_Y SYNC_X SEE NOTE #6 52 53 54 55 64 65 66 TP ORN TP BLU WHT HDG FLAG HDG FLAG + DRIVE MOTOR 3 UNREG +15 BLU WHT BLU WHT BLU ORN WHT SEE NOTE #12 BLU WHT BLU WHT BLU ORN WHT DRIVE MOTOR 1 ORN FLAGFLAG+ P2 BOT NC P1 TOP BLU WHT NC AIRFRAME GROUND KI-525 INDICATOR ALTERNATE STEPPER HEADING INPUT DIRECTIONAL GYRO COMPASS SEE NOTE #6 HDG_FLGHDG_FLG+ SYNC_LO SYNC_HI SYNC_Z SYNC_Y SYNC_X DPWR+15_OUT DPWR-15_OUT DSPLY_GND HSYNC_OUT_HI HSYNC_OUT_LO VSYNC_OUT_HI VSYNC_OUT_LO VIDEO_OUT_HI VIDEO_OUT_LO PWR_SW_HI PWR_SW_LO SFTKEY1_IN SFTKEY2_IN SFTKEY3_IN SFTKEY4_IN TRC497 DPWR+15_IN DPWR-15_IN DSPLY_GND HSYNC_IN_HI HSYNC_IN_LO VSYNC_IN_HI VSYNC_IN_LO VIDEO_IN_HI VIDEO_IN_LO SFTKEY1_OUT SFTKEY2_OUT SFTKEY3_OUT SFTKEY4_OUT 52 53 54 55 64 65 66 14 49 48 63 62 38 37 11 85 84 83 82 24 15 47 46 61 60 36 35 76 75 74 73 TP ORN TP BLU WHT TP BLU TP ORN TP RED TP GRN TP BLK TP YEL WHT TP BLU TP ORN TP RED TP BLK TP YEL HEADING INPUT CABLE SEE NOTE #6 DISPLAY CABLE WHT ORN BLU WHT BLU WHT BLU WHT BLU WHT BLU WHT BLU WHT BLU SW_RET ALT_A1 ALT_A2 ALT_A4 ALT_B1 ALT_B2 ALT_B4 ALT_C1 ALT_C2 ALT_C4 ALT_D4 ALT_COMN SQUAT GEAR DR_RX+ DR_RXDR_TX+ DR_TXTOP_BOT NY164_NY156 FIX_ROTOR ALT_DISP1 ALT_DISP2 ALT_DISP3 ALT_DISP4 SYNCHRO_IN STEPPER_IN HEADING_FLG DR_ALT422 CONFIG_GND CONFIG_GND STP_CONFIG4 STP_CONFIG5 STP_CONFIG6 STP_CONFIG7 STP_CONFIG8 SPARE_1 SPARE_2 SPARE_3 WHT SEE NOTE #6 AND NOTE #8 P101 WHT BLU ORN RED GRN BLK YEL 19 14 18 10 22 23 13 12 25 24 11 17 15 16 20 21 J101 +15 -15 DSPGND HSYNCHI HSYNCLO VSYNCHI VSYNCLO VIDEOHI VIDEOLO PWRSWHI PWRSWLO SFTKEY1 SFTKEY2 SFTKEY3 SFTKEY4 SHIELD GND N/C GND -15V GND +15V GND GND CHASSIS WX-1000 DISPLAY P301 STORMSCOPE 31 SW1 40 41 50 51 56 57 58 59 71 72 81 88 87 100 99 98 80 79 78 77 70 69 68 67 12 13 97 96 95 94 86 10 39 93 LOW 26 VAC REFERENCE HIGH HEADING BLU N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C WHT ORN BLU WHT BLU WHT BLU WHT BLU WHT BLU WHT BLU HEADING VALID SEE NOTE #12 ORN WHT ORN BLU WHT BLU WHT BLU WHT BLU WHT BLU WHT BLU WHT BLU SKYWATCH CWS_SS SEE NOTE 10 BLU WHT BLU WHT BLU ORN WHT BLU WHT BLU WHT BLU ORN WHT SEE NOTE #6 WHT SEE NOTE #6 OVER-RIDE SW2 NORMAL SEE NOTE #6 AND NOTE #8 WHT ORN BLU WHT BLU WHT BLU WHT BLU WHT BLU WHT BLU WHT BLU WHT BLU ORN RED GRN BLK YEL 36 38 23 40 39 22 21 20 26 43 44 J301 +15 -15 DSPGND HSYNCHI HSYNCLO VSYNCHI VSYNCLO VIDEOHI VIDEOLO PWRSWHI PWRSWLO WX-1000 PROCESSOR SEE NOTE 14 SFTKEY1 SFTKEY2 SFTKEY3 SFTKEY4 SHIELD TP NOTES: TP SEE TABLE "A" SEE NOTE #7 1. ALL WIRES TO BE 22 AWG EXCEPT WHERE NOTED. 2. TP - USE TWISTED SHIELDED PAIR CABLE. TERMINATE SHIELD TO AIRFRAME GROUND AT SENSOR (OR POWER SOURCE). 3. THE SUM CABLE WILL HAVE A BLUE BAND AT EACH END. THE DIFFERENCE CABLE WILL HAVE A RED BAND AT EACH END. 4. FUTURE OPTION. 5. A RADIO ALTIMETER, AIRDATA COMPUTER, OR OTHER ARINC 429 OUTPUT DEVICE MAY REPLACE ANALOG SENSORS FOR MAGNETIC HEADING, RADIO ALTITUDE, OR BAROMETRIC ALTITUDE. 6. TIE THE OUTER SHIELD TO THE CONNECTOR BACKSHELL. CONNECTOR BACKSHELL IS CHASSIS GROUND. 7. FOR FUTURE EXPANSION. LEAVE UNCONNECTED. 8. IF THE SKYWATCH IS BEING INSTALLED TO AN EXISTING WX-1000 SYSTEM, THE CABLE GROUND AT THE WX-1000 DISPLAY AND THE WX-1000 PROCESSOR MUST BE CHANGED FROM AS SHOWN IN THE WX-1000 MANUAL TO BE AS SHOWN HERE. 9. USE AUDIO_H FOR 600 OHM AUDIO SYSTEMS. USE AUDIO_L FOR 150 OHM AUDIO SYSTEMS. 10. DO NOT INSTALL EXTERNAL ISOLATION DIODES. 11. SPARE PINS 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, AND 30 ARE NOT SHOWN AND NOT USED. 12. HEADING FLAG CONNECTIONS NEED TO BE CONFIGURED PROPERLY FOR YOUR AIRCRAFT. 13. STEPPER HEADING INPUT MAY BE USED IN PLACE OF SYNCHRO HEADING. 14. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE WX-1000 ARE DETAILED IN THE WX-1000 INSTALLATION MANUAL. A1 ALTITUDE A2 DIGITIZER A4 B1 B2 B4 SEE NOTE 10 C1 C2 C4 D4 ALT_COMMON SEE NOTE 10 SQUAT SWITCH LANDING GEAR POSITION Figure 2-3. Interconnect Wiring With WX-1000 (Sheet 1 of 2) 2-7 (page 2-8 blank) Rev. C SKY497 Installation Manual CAUTION: THE AIRCRAFT TRANSPONDER MUST HAVE SHIELDED SUPPRESSION CIRCUITRY TO ENSURE THAT SKYWATCH DOES NOT DISPLAY ITSELF AS A TARGET (TA). P/O J1 P/O P1 SEE NOTE #6 89 SUP_BUS 32 GPWS TRANSMITTER RECEIVER COMPUTER UNIT SUPPRESSION I/O GPWSFLAG SEE NOTE #2 ARINC-429 RX 1A ARINC-429 RX 1B ARINC-429 RX 2A ARINC-429 RX 2B ARINC-429 TX 1A ARINC-429 TX 1B 45 44 43 42 34 33 SEE NOTE #2 ARINC 429 DEVICE (SEE NOTE #5) TP SEE NOTE #9 ARINC 429 DEVICE (SEE NOTE #5) SEE NOTE #6 AUDIO HIGH AUDIO COMMON TP TP SEE NOTE #4 SEE NOTE #6 AUDIO_H 92 AUDIO_L 91 AUDIO_C 90 TRC497 IOP_SERIAL_TX IOP_SERIAL_RX IOP_SERIAL_GND 21 22 23 TP TEST ONLY F3 J8 16 AWG AIRCRAFT POWER (11 - 34VDC) 16 AWG AIRCRAFT POWER RETURN P8 +28V +28V_RET SPARE NOTE: FOR 14V USE 7.5 A FOR 28V USE 5.0 A TABLE "A" INSTALLATION CONFIGURATION (CONFIG GROUND IS AVAILABLE AT P1-12 AND P1-13) SEE NOTE #2 FUNCTION CONFIGURATION JUMPER AIRFRAME FIXED WING ROTOR CRAFT P1-98 (OPEN) (JUMPER TO CONFIG GROUND) NY-164 NY-156 P1-99 (OPEN) (JUMPER TO CONFIG GROUND) ANTENNA POSITION TOP BOTTOM P1-100 (OPEN) (JUMPER TO CONFIG GROUND) ARINC-429 ALTERNATE DISPLAY NONE P1-77 HEADING FLAG SENSE LOW P1-68 J7 DIAG_GND DIAG_RX DIAG_TX ANTENNA TEST ONLY SEE NOTE # 3 P1-78 P1-79 P1-80 NY164/NY156 DIRECTIONAL ANTENNA SEE NOTE #3 J9 SUM (BLUE) J10 P3 P9 TYPE TNC SUM P2 BIT_PROBE TYPE BNC J11 DIFFERENCE (RED) BIT_PROBE BNC P11 CONNECTOR TYPE TNC CONNECTOR BLUE BAND TNC P10 CONNECTOR HIGH P1 DIFFERENCE RED BAND TNC (1 = OPEN) (O = JUMPER TO CONFIG GROUND) HEADING INPUT SOURCE NONE SYNCHRO STEPPER ARINC429 BUS P1-69 RS422 INTERFACE DATA RECORDER ALTERNATE P1-67 (1 = OPEN - IF LOW LEVEL INPUT ON HDG_FLG+ (P1-53) INDICATES VALID HEADING OR NO VALID HEADING INPUT IS AVAILABLE OR WHEN ARINC-429 INPUT IS HEADING SOURCE.) (O = JUMPER TO CONFIG GROUND - IF HIGH LEVEL INPUT ON HDG_FLG+ (P1-53) INDICATES VALID HEADING.) P1-70 (1 = OPEN) (O = JUMPER TO CONFIG GROUND) (OPEN) (JUMPER TO CONFIG GROUND) * FUTURE OPTION Figure 2-3. Interconnect Wiring With WX-1000 (Sheet 2 of 2) 2-9 (page 2-10 blank) Rev. C SKY497 Installation Manual 2.5 DISPLAY LOCATION The display should be mounted in a location easily accessible and clearly visible to the pilot. In selecting a location, consider the following: Magnetic Effect Where possible to avoid it, the display should not be mounted within 3 inches (8 cm) of an electric turn and bank indicator, as the magnetic effect of the turn and bank motor may affect the display presentation. (a common symptom of magnetic interference is a wobbling or vibrating display raster.) NOTE If it is necessary to mount the display unit next to a device that may affect the CRT display, magnetic shielding material can be placed around the display unit. Shielding material is available from BFG Avionics Systems. Specify P/N 78-8060-5882-8 when ordering. Panel Depth Adequate depth must be available behind the instrument panel to allow for the display, the display connector, and excess display cable. Remember, a service loop is necessary to allow access to the display connector when removing the display or inserting it into the instrument panel. Cooling While the display has no special cooling requirements, it should be mounted to permit adequate ventilation. Viewing Angle The viewing angle for the CRT display is not a critical factor. The most favorable mounting position would be near eye level and no more than arms length from the principle user of the instrument. 2.6 CABLE REQUIREMENTS AND FABRICATION NOTE All wiring must be in accordance with industry accepted methods, techniques and practices. The installer will supply and fabricate all system cables. Appendix A defines the electrical characteristics of all input and output signals and identifies the cable requirements for each signal. Refer to figure 2-2 (without WX-1000) or 2-3 (with WX-1000) for interconnect wiring information. Required connectors and contact pins are supplied in the installation kits. The length and routing of the external cables must be carefully studied and planned before attempting installation of the equipment. Observe the following precautions: • Note the signal characteristics of flag lines and discrete signal inputs; an external relay may be required to provide proper polarity or "sense" of the signals. • All cable routing should be kept as short and direct as possible. • Avoid sharp bends (do not exceed the minimum bend radius detailed in table 2-1). • Avoid routing the cables too close to aircraft control cables. • Avoid routing cable near the ADF, comm radio, or transponder antenna cables (allow at least a 12 inch separation). • Avoid routing cable near power sources (e.g., 400 Hertz generators, trim motors, etc.) and near power for fluorescent lighting. • To limit the possibility of wire chafing, it is recommended that heat shrink sleeving be installed over the wire bundle between the shield termination’s (inside the connector backshell) and the connector cable clamp. • Observe all wiring notes on interconnect wiring diagram. 2-11 Rev. C SKY497 Installation Manual After fabricating the cables and before installing the equipment, use the interconnect diagram to verify continuity between each pin and its opposite end termination. Check resistance to ground between each connector pin. When a path to ground is detected, verify its validity. 2.6.1 Antenna Cables NOTES 1. Use of any cable not meeting BFG Avionics Systems specifications voids all system warranties. 2. If you fabricate your own cables, you must verify that the attenuation and VSWR does not exceed the specified values. 3. To add strain relief and alleviate stress caused by aircraft vibration, place 46 inches of heat shrink tubing over each antenna connector and cable. The directional antenna requires three cable assemblies; sum (Sigma Port), bit probe (Probe Port) and difference (Delta Port). Cable attenuation for the sum and difference ports must not exceed 2.5 dB. Table 2-1 identifies U. S. vendors who sell approved cables by the foot. Table 2-2 provides a cable to connector cross reference. RG142B or equivalent may be used for the bit probe cable. Attenuation for the bit probe cable must not exceed 6 dB. VSWR, on cables attached to the sum, bit probe, and difference ports, must not exceed 1.5:1. Table 2-1. Directional Antenna SIGMA and DELTA Port Cable Vendors Electrical & Mechanical Technologies (EMTEQ) 1-888-879-6170 262-679-6170 FAX 262-679-6175 Part Number PFLX195-100 PFLX240-100 PFLX340-100 Attenuation (dB/100 ft 1.0 gHz) 10.81 9.76 6.3 Weight (lb) (per 100 ft) Maximum Length (ft) 2.7 4.5 7.2 21.8 25.0 38.2 Minimum Bend Radius (in) 0.50 0.75 0.88 Electronic Cable Specialists 1-800-327-9473 414-421-5300 FAX 414-421-5301 Part Number 352001 311601 311201 310801 Attenuation (dB/100 ft 1.0 gHz) 12.2 8.7 5.56 3.63 Weight (lb) (per 100 ft) 2.7 5.5 8.5 16.1 Maximum Length (ft) 15 26 41 63 Minimum Bend Radius (in) 0.81 1.15 1.59 2.26 PIC Wire and Cable 1-800-742-3191 262-246-0500 FAX 262-246-0450 Part Number S33141 S55122 S22089 Attenuation (dB/100 ft 1.0 gHz) 7.2 5.7 3.8 Weight (lb) (per 100 ft) 6.5 8.2 18 Maximum Length (ft) 32 40 61 Minimum Bend Radius (in) 1.5 1.6 2.5 If cable weight is not a consideration, select lowest loss cable. Contact cable vendors before installation. New low-loss light-weight cables may be available. 2-12 Rev. C SKY497 Installation Manual At the antenna, each connector has an identifying color band. To ensure the cables are connected to the correct port, affix the following marking at the termination points of each cable: Sum (Sigma) Port The Sum (Sigma) port is the forward antenna connector. It is marked with a blue band. Fabricate the sum antenna cable with a TNC connector at each end. Affix a blue marking band on each connector. At the TRC, the sum port (J9) is identified with blue marking. Probe (Bit) Port The Probe (Bit) port is the center antenna connector. Fabricate the probe cable with a BNC connector at each end. Difference (Delta) Port The Difference (Delta) port is the rear antenna connector. It is marked with a red band. Fabricate the difference antenna cable with a TNC connector at each end. Affix red marking band on each connector. At the TRC, the difference port (J11) is identified with red marking. When routing antenna cables, observe the following precautions: • All cable routing should be kept as short (do not exceed maximum cable length detailed in table 2-1) and direct as possible. • Avoid sharp bends (do not exceed maximum bend radius detailed in table 2-1). • Avoid routing cable near power sources (e.g., 400 Hertz generators, trim motors, etc.) and near power for fluorescent lighting. • Avoid routing cable near ADF antenna cable (allow at least a 12-inch separation). • Observe all wiring notes on interconnect wiring diagram (figure 2-2 or 2-3). • Use pressurized bulkhead connectors certified to 30 psi or greater where needed. Table 2-2. Cable to Connector Reference Electrical & Mechanical Technologies (EMTEQ) 1-888-879-6170 262-679-6170 FAX 262-679-6175 Cable Part Number PFLX195-100 PFLX240-100 PFLX340-100 TNC Straight TMS195-1 TMS240-1 TMS340-1 TNC Right Angle TMR195-1 TMR240-1 TMR340-1 BNC Straight BMS195-1 BMS240-1 BMS340-1 BNC Right Angle BMR195-1 BMR240-1 BMR340-1 Electronic Cable Specialists 1-800-327-9473 414-421-5300 FAX 414-421-5301 Cable Part Number 311601 311201 310801 352001 TNC Straight CTS922 CTS122 CTS022 CTS3522 TNC Right Angle CTR922 CTR122 CTR022 CTR3522 BNC Straight CBS922 CBS122 CBS022 CBS3522 BNC Right Angle CBR922 CBR122 CBR022 CBR3522 PIC Wire and Cable 1-800-742-3191 262-246-0500 FAX 262-246-0450 Cable Part Number S33141 S55122 S22089 TNC Straight 190308 190608 190408 TNC Right Angle 190309 190609 190409 BNC Straight 190312 190612 190412 BNC Right Angle 190313 190613 190413 2-13 Rev. C SKY497 Installation Manual 2.6.2 Configuration Jumpers All installation dependent selections are defined via configuration jumpers. The configuration jumpers, as detailed in table 2-3, are installed on the TRC mating connector (P1). Figure 2-4 shows the contact arrangement for connector P1. Configuration ground is available at P1-12 and P1-13. Figure 2-4. Connector P1 Contact Arrangement Table 2-3. Configuration Jumpers FUNCTION CONFIGURATION JUMPER Airframe Fixed Wing Rotor Craft P1-98 (Open) (Jumper to Configuration Ground) Antenna NY-164 NY-156 P1-99 (Open) (Jumper to Configuration Ground) Antenna Position Top Bottom* P1-100 (Open) (Jumper to Configuration Ground) ARINC-429 Alternate Display None ARINC 735 Type 1 Device** P1-77 Heading Flag Sense LOW P1-68 (1 = Open - If LOW level input on HDG_FLG+ (P1-53) indicates valid heading or no valid heading input is available or when ARINC 429 input is heading source.) (0 = Jumper to Configuration Ground - If HIGH level input on HDG_FLG+ (P1-53) indicates valid heading.) HIGH P1-79 P1-80 (1 = Open) (0 = Jumper to Configuration Ground) Heading Input Source None Synchro Stepper ARINC 429 Bus P1-69 RS422 Interface Data Recorder Alternate*** P1-67 (Open) (Jumper to Configuration Ground) ** *** 2-14 Rev. C P1-78 P1-70 (1 = Open) (0 = Jumper to Configuration Ground) See paragraph 2.3 Antenna Position ARINC-735 Type 1 device is a BFGAS designation that identifies the current display driver Future Option SKY497 Installation Manual Heading flag logic, as detailed in table 2-4, is programmed with a jumper between P1-68 (Heading Flag Sense) and configuration ground. NOTE If the heading system has a low level flag between 1.5 VDC and 2.7 VDC (when valid), P1-68 (HEADING FLAG SENSE) should not be jumpered to ground and P1-53 (HDG_FLG+) must remain unconnected. Table 2-4. Heading Flag Action FLAG SENSE LOW (P1-68 Open) Heading Flag Logic Heading Status P1-53 Relative to P1-52 (HDG_FLG+ - HDG_FLG-) FLAG SENSE HIGH (P1-68 Jumpered to ground.) VALID FLAGGED VALID FLAGGED <1 V >5 V >5V <1V 2.6.3 Display Cable The display cable connects the TRC to the WX-1000/SKY497 Display. If a WX-1000 Stormscope® Weather Mapping System is installed, the same type cable is used to connect the TRC to a WX-1000 processor. Refer to figure 2-2 (without WX-1000) or 2-3 (with WX-1000) for interconnect wiring information. Pinout information relating to the WX-1000 processor and display is also provided in tables 2-5 and 2-6. Table 2-5. WX-1000/SKY497 Display Connection Display FUNCTION P101 WIRE COLOR WIRE P1 WHITE WHITE P1-7 WHITE ORANGE P1-6 18 WHITE BLUE P1-14 HSYNC_OUT_HI BLUE BLUE P1-49 HSYNC_OUT_LO BLUE WHITE P1-48 VSYNC_OUT_HI ORANGE WHITE P1-63 VSYNC_OUT_LO 10 ORANGE BLUE P1-62 VIDEO_OUT_HI RED WHITE P1-38 (Inner Jackets) DPWR+15_OUT 19 DPWR-15_OUT 14 DSPLY_GND VIDEOOUT_LO SUB-CABLE TRC RED BLUE P1-37 PWR_SW_HI 22 (SW2*) GREEN WHITE P1-11 PWR_SW-LO 23 (SW2*) GREEN BLUE P1-3 SFTKEY1_IN 13 BLACK WHITE P1-85 SFTKEY2_IN 12 BLACK BLUE P1-84 SFTKEY3_IN 25 YELLOW WHITE P1-83 SFTKEY4_IN 24 YELLOW BLUE P1-82 *SW2 required if WX-1000 Processor installed (see figure 2-2). 2-15 Rev. C SKY497 Installation Manual Table 2-6. WX -1000 Processor Connection WIRE COLOR FUNCTION WX-1000 Processor SHIELD SUB-CABLE WIRE TRC497 P301-5 PWRSWHI P301-21 GREEN WHITE SW2* PWRSWLO P301-20 GREEN BLUE SW2* P1-24 +15 P301-3 WHITE WHITE -15 P301-36 WHITE ORANGE P1-5 DSPGND P301-38 WHITE BLUE P1-15 HSYNCHI P301-6 WHITE BLUE P1-47 HSYNCLO P301-23 BLUE WHITE P1-46 VSYNCHI P301-40 ORANGE WHITE P1-61 VSYNCLO P301-7 ORANGE BLUE P1-60 VIDEOHI P301-22 RED BLUE P1-36 VIDEOLO P301-39 RED WHITE P1-35 SFTKEY1 P301-9 BLACK WHITE P1-76 SFTKEY2 P301-26 BLACK BLUE P1-75 SFTKEY3 P301-43 YELLOW WHITE P1-74 SFTKEY4 P301-44 YELLOW BLUE P1-73 *SW2 required if WX-1000 Processor installed (see figure 2-2). Table 2-7 identifies U.S. vendors who sell approved display cables by the foot. NOTE Use of any cable not meeting BFG Avionics Systems specifications voids all system warranties. Table 2-7. Display Cable Vendors U.S. COMPANY DISPLAY CABLE P/N WEIGHT (LB PER 100 FT) Dallas Avionics 1-800-527-2581 214-320-9776 FAX 214-320-1057 WX-3 10.5 Electronic Cable Specialists 414-421-5300 FAX 414-421-5301 3N6715 16 A.E. Petsche 817-461-9473 FAX 817 277 2887 TZDIS 13.1 PIC Wire and Cable 1-800-742-3191 414-246-0500 FAX 414-246-0450 WM25815 14.5 EDMO Distributors 1-800-235-3300 509-535-8280 FAX 1-800-828-0623 FAX 509-535-8266 WX-1000 Display --- Required connectors and contact pins are supplied in the installation kit. 2-16 Rev. C SKY497 Installation Manual The display cable consists of the following (refer to figure 2-5). 1. Twisted, shielded, jacketed triad #22 AWG Colors: White, Blue, Orange Shield: Tin plated copper braid, 90% min. Jacket: FEP .007 in. min., White jacket 2. Twisted, shielded, jacketed pair #24 AWG Colors: White, Blue Shield: Tin plated copper braid, 90% min. Jacket: FEP .007 in. min., Blue jacket 3. Same as 2 except Orange jacket. 4. Same as 2 except Green jacket. 5. Same as 2 except Red jacket. 6. Same as 2 except Black jacket. 7. Same as 2 except Yellow jacket. 8. Aluminized Mylar® wrap. 9. #34 AWG braided shield. 10. FEP Teflon® jacket .013 in. - .023 in., Red tint. 11. Marker tape with Vendor P/N. Figure 2-5. Display Cable The sub-cable color-coded jackets and shields should be left on the sub-cables as close to the connectors as practical to provide the required shielding and to identify the sub-cables. 2-17 Rev. C SKY497 Installation Manual 2.6.4 Heading Input Cable The heading input cable connects the TRC497 to the aircraft heading system (refer to the Interconnect Wiring Diagram, figure 2-2 or 2-3). This cable provides XYZ and HC aircraft heading information (or King KCS55 stepper signals) to the TRC497. FLAG lines are also included in the heading input cable to provide the TRC497 processor with flag status (or heading valid) information. Figure 2-6 shows the TRC497 heading validation circuit of the King KCS55 that provides a heading valid signal to the TRC497. Figure 2-6. KCS55 Heading Flag Connection If the heading source does not have a FLAG LO (-), the heading source FLAG HI(+) input is connected to P1-53 (HDG_FLG+) and P1-52 (HDG_FLG-) is connected to ground. If the heading system has a low level flag between 1.5 VDC and 2.7 VDC (when valid), P1-68 (HEADING FLAG SENSE) should not be jumpered to ground and P1-53 (HDG_FLG+) must remain unconnected. Table 2-8 lists some U.S. vendors who sell the required cable by the foot. NOTE Use of any cable not meeting BFG Avionics Systems specifications voids all system warranties. The synchro cable consists of the following (refer to figure 2-7): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2-18 Rev. C Twisted, Shielded, Jacketed Triad #24 AWG Colors: White, Blue, Orange Shield: Tin Plated Copper Braid, 90% min. Jacket: FEP .007 in. min., White Twisted, Shielded, Jacketed Pair #24 AWG Colors: White, Blue Shield: Tin Plated Copper Braid, 90% min. Jacket: FEP .007 in. min., Blue Same as Item 2, except Orange jacket. Aluminized Mylar® Wrap. #34 AWG braided shield. SKY497 Installation Manual 6. 7. FEP Teflon® jacket .013 in. - .023 in., clear (translucent). Marker tape with vendor P/N. The sub-cable color-coded jackets and shields should be left on the sub-cables as close to the connector as practical to provide the required shielding and to identify the sub-cables. Table 2-8. Heading Input Cable Vendors US COMPANY CABLE P/N Dallas Avionics 1-800-527-2581 214-320-9776 FAX 214-320-1057 WX-5 (6.84 lb/ 100 ft) Electronic Cable Specialists 414-421-5300 FAX 414-521-5301 3N6607 (7.5 lb/ 100 ft) A.E. Petsche 817-461-9473 FAX 817-277-2887 TZGYR (6.84 lb/ 100 ft) EDMO Distributors 1-800-235-3300 805-295-6689 FAX 1-800-828-0623 FAX 805-295-6703 WX-1000 SYNCHRO PIC Wire and Cable 1-800-742-3191 414-246-0500 FAX 414-246-0450 WM25807 (7.2 lb/ 100 ft) Figure 2-7. Heading Input Cable 2-19 Rev. C SKY497 Installation Manual 2.6.5 ARINC 429 Data Cables ARINC 429 Data Input Cable. The two ARINC 429 receivers can be used to input data from other avionics systems. The following labels are supported: LABEL FUNCTION 164 Radio Altimeter (see note) 203 Barometric Altitude (Uncorrected) 320 Magnetic Heading NOTE The radio altimeter must provide full range output between 0 and 2500 feet. Not all altimeters provide this full range output. The full range output can sometimes be obtained as a mod to the radio altimeter. Check with the specific altimeter manufacturer for compatibility and availability of modification, if necessary. Data can be input at either low speed (12.5 kHz) or high speed (100 kHz). Both transmitters (data sources) must be set to the same speed. The TRC will automatically adjust both receivers to the speed of the first detected incoming data. The TRC can only accept Radio Altimeter input from ARINC 429 source. The Barometric Altitude can be ARINC 429 or Gilham Code. The Magnetic Heading can be ARINC 429, Synchro (XYZ) or Stepper depending on the configuration pins and interconnect wiring. (See figure 2-2 or 2-3.) NOTE If 429 barometric altitude is used, it should be from the same source that is interfaced with the transponder or it must be at least as accurate as that source, i.e., ± 125 ft. Once the TRC detects valid ARINC 429 barometric altitude (Label 203) input, it will only use 429 data as a source. ARINC 429 data cables are #22 AWG (minimum) twisted, shielded cables. Cable runs should be as short as practicable. Receiver “1” connection: ARINC-429 RX 1A -to- P1-45 ARINC-429 RX 1B -to- P1-44 Receiver “2” connection: ARINC-429 RX 2A -to- P1-43 ARINC-429 RX 2B -to- P1-42 Refer to figure 2-2 or 2-3 for detailed interconnect wiring information. Ground overall shields to the airframe at the processor end only. ARINC 429 Output Cable. The ARINC 429 transmitter can be used to output data to an external alternate display (e.g., weather radar via BFGoodrich Avionics Systems RGC250). The output speed is 100 kHz. ARINC 429 data cables are #22 AWG (minimum) twisted, shielded cables. Cable runs should be as short as practicable. Transmitter connection: ARINC-429 TX 1A -to- P1-34 ARINC-429 TX 1B -to- P1-33 Refer to figure 2-2 for detailed interconnect wiring information. 2-20 Rev. C SKY497 Installation Manual 2.6.6 Altimeter Input Cable NOTE Only one altimeter input source (Gray Code or ARINC 429, not both) should be connected. The altimeter input should be from the same source that is interfaced with the transponder or it must be at least as accurate as that source, i.e., ± 125 ft. These signals are Gilham Code inputs coming from an airdata computer or altitude digitizer. These 10 lines may be connected in parallel with the aircraft transponder. If the aircraft is equipped with selectable altitude encoders, connect the altitude inputs so that SKY497 is always connected to the selected encoder. (Reference ARINC 572-1.) Altitude encoder connection: A1 -to- P1-40 A2 -to- P1-41 A4 -to- P1-50 B1 -to- P1-51 C1 -to- P1-58 B2 -to- P1-56 C2 -to- P1-59 B4 -to- P1-57 C4 -to- P1-71 ALTITUDE COMMON - to P1-81 D4 -to- P1-72 NOTE If the aircraft has switched encoders that uses 28V RETURN or AIRCRAFT GROUND as reference for encoder selection, then ALTITUDE COMMON should be left unconnected. For each connection use #22 AWG (minimum). Cable runs should be as short as practicable. Refer to figure 2-2 or 2-3 for detailed interconnect wiring information. 2.6.7 Audio Alert Output Cable Audio output from the TRC is directly compatible with industry standard aircraft audio panels. There is no internal audio adjustment. Audio levels are adjusted at the aircraft audio panel. This output is disabled when a GPWS alarm is detected and remains disabled until the warning clears. Use #22 AWG (minimum) twisted shielded pair cable for lengths up to 30 ft. . Cable runs should be as short as practicable. • • • Connect 600-ohm audio systems to P1-92 (AUDIO_H). Connect 150-ohm audio systems to P1-91 (AUIDO_L). Audio common is connected to P1-90 (AUDIO_C) Refer to figure 2-2 or 2-3 for detailed interconnect wiring information. 2.6.8 Suppression Bus I/O The TRC497 outputs (P1-89) a 100 µs (± 5 µs) suppression pulse on the aircraft suppression bus. In addition, the TRC497 receives suppression signals from all other devices on the suppression bus (e.g., transponder, DME). (Reference ARINC 735-2 and DO-197.) CAUTION The aircraft transponder must have suppression circuitry to ensure that SKYWATCH does not paint itself as a target (e.g., TA). Any size low capacitance shielded cable may be used. Cable runs should be as short as practicable and the shields should be grounded at both ends of the cable. Refer to figure 2-2 or 2-3 for detailed interconnect wiring information. 2-21 Rev. C SKY497 Installation Manual 2.6.9 Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) Input This input senses a GPWS alarm and temporarily disables the audio alert output until the warning clears. The input can be either a constant flag signal or an alternating flag output. The flag must be cleared for five (5) seconds before the TRC accepts a “NO ALARM” condition and restores audible alerts. NOTES 1. If the aircraft is equipped with GPWS, it must be connected to the TRC. 2. If the aircraft is not equipped with GPWS, leave this input unconnected.. For the GPWS input (P1-32) line, use #22 AWG (minimum) unshielded cable. Routing and length are not critical to system operation. 2.6.10 SKYWATCH/Stormscope Mode Switch The SKYWATCH/Stormscope mode switch (SW1) is required only if a WX-1000 Stormscope Weather Mapping System is installed. This switch permits the flight crew to switch the display between the SKY497 and WX-1000. If a TA (Traffic Advisory) is detected in the Stormscope mode, the display will switch to the SKYWATCH mode. Refer to figure 2-3 for interconnect wiring information. Any general purpose SPST toggle switch (3 Amp @ 28 VDC) may be used. Display mode switch cable routing and length are not critical to system operation. Mount the switch at a location easily accessible to the pilot. 2.6.11 WX-1000 Maintenance Switch ON/OFF control and display brightness is controlled through the OFF/BRT switch located on the WX-1000 display. An external NORMAL/OVERRIDE control over-ride switch (SW2) is required only if a WX-1000 Stormscope Weather Mapping System is installed. The override switch enables the SKYWATCH to be powered-up if the WX-1000 processor has been removed for maintenance. During normal operation the switch should remain in the NORMAL position and moved to OVERRIDE only if the WX-1000 processor has been removed for service or if it is necessary to access the WX-1000 service menu. Refer to figure 2-3 for interconnect wiring information. Any general purpose DPDT toggle switch (3 Amp @ 28 VDC) may be used. The maintenance switch cable routing and length are not critical to system operation. The switch can be located in the avionics bay near the WX-1000 processor. 2.6.12 Squat Switch Input This signal line is to be connected to the squat switch to sense when the aircraft is on the ground. If the aircraft is not equipped with a squat switch, it is recommended that a squat switch be installed. For the SQUAT input (P1-88) line, use #22 AWG (minimum) unshielded cable. Routing and length are not critical to system operation. If a squat switch is not available, this input could be tied to an airspeed switch inline with the pitot system as an alternate input for the squat switch. In this configuration care should be taken to ensure the switch is set to trigger at a speed consistent with take-off and landing. On helicopter installations with skids, and a squat switch is not available, this input can be tied to the collective switch. In this configuration care should be taken to ensure the switch is connected to provide a ground when the aircraft is on the ground and open when the aircraft is airborne. If it is not possible to install a squat switch, airspeed switch, or collective switch ground this input. With this configuration the pilot must press soft-key (4), labeled →OPR or →STB, to toggle the system in and out of standby. To display traffic, the pilot will have to switch out of standby by pressing the →OPR button. With a squat switch installed, SKYWATCH will automatically switch out of standby (i.e, ABV/6nm) 8 to 10 seconds after takeoff and switch back to standby 24 seconds after landing. A squat switch would also prevent the pilot from placing SKYWATCH in standby (i.e., pressing the →STB button) while the aircraft is in-flight. 2-22 Rev. C SKY497 Installation Manual 2.6.13 Landing Gear Switch Input This signal line is to be connected to the landing gear switch to sense the position of the landing gear. For the GEAR input (P1-87) line, use #22 AWG (minimum) unshielded cable. Routing and length are not critical to system operation. If the aircraft does not have a landing gear switch input (e.g., fixed-gear aircraft), leave this input unconnected. With this configuration, if no ARINC 429 compatible radio altimeter is installed, the system will default to the highest TA sensitivity level (level B) and audio TA announcements (i.e., “traffic, traffic”) will not be inhibited during takeoff and landing. 2.6.14 Power Cable The power cable (not supplied) runs from the aircraft circuit breaker panel to the TRC. The power cable is connected to the TRC using the MS3126F12-3S connector included in the TRC installation kit. For the power cable, use #16 AWG (minimum) twisted shielded pair cable (Beldon 83322, Alpha 2826/2, or equivalent). NOTE For 14 V aircraft systems a 7.5 A circuit breaker is required and for 28 V systems a 5 A circuit breaker is required. The circuit breaker may be selected to match components of the individual aircraft. The positive wire (P8-A) connects to the circuit breaker. The negative wire (P8-B) connects to the aircraft power return. Terminate the shield to airframe ground at the power source. Power cable routing and length are not critical to system operation. 2.7 ANTENNA INSTALLATION The following paragraphs provide installation details for directional antenna. The installer must ensure the immediate antenna installation area is clean and prepared so that the antenna is electrically bonded (metal-to-metal contact) to the aircraft. To provide optimum bonding through the mounting holes, prepare the surfaces with Alodine No. 1001. To facilitate mounting to the airframe, the dimensions shown in figure 2-8 can be used to locate and drill mounting and connector access holes. Connection to the antenna should be made in accordance with the system interconnect diagram (figure 2-2 or 2-3). NOTE A doubler plate (not supplied) is required to reinforce the aircraft skin. 1. Connect each of the three antenna cables. Check to ensure that each cable is connected to the correct antenna connector. Each connector/cable has a matching color band (see note para 2.6.1). 2. Attach the antenna to the aircraft, with the special adapter plate and o-ring, using 10-32 hardware provided. See figure 2-9. NOTES 1. When mounting the antenna remove the O-ring from the bag and install it in the O-ring groove on the bottom of the antenna. 2. The antenna must be sealed to the airframe. For pressurized aircraft, use a sealant that meets the requirements of SAE AMS-S-8802 such as Flamemaster® CS3204 class B. For non-pressurized aircraft, use a noncorrosive sealant that meets the physical requirements of MIL-A-46146 such as General Electric RTV162. 2-23 Rev. C SKY497 Installation Manual Figure 2-8. Antenna Mounting Holes Figure 2-9. Directional Antenna Installation 2-24 Rev. C SKY497 Installation Manual 2.8 TRC MOUNTING TRAY INSTALLATION To accommodate different space limitations, the standard TRC mounting tray (P/N 805-10870-001) can be channel or flat mounted. To flat mount the tray, simply remove the eight 6-32 (Phillps) screws that secure the channel to the tray. The ruggedized TRC mounting tray (P/N 805-10870-003), required for rotorcraft installations, must be channel mounted. Figure 2-10. Mounting Holes for Standard Mounting Tray, P/N 805-10870-001 Figure 2-11. Mounting Holes for Ruggedized Mounting Tray, P/N 805-10870-003 2-25 Rev. C SKY497 Installation Manual 1. Position tray at the installation location. 2. Determine centers for mounting holes, and drill for required fasteners. See figure 2-10 (standard tray) or 2-11 (ruggedized tray). 3. Secure tray in place using suitable 8-32 (channel mount) or 6-32 (flat mount) hardware. 2.9 TRC INSTALLATION CAUTION Before placing the TRC into its mounting tray, de-energize or disconnect all power and signal sources and loads used with the SKY497 system. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Slide the TRC into the mounting tray (see figure 2-12). Ensure that the rear hold-down pins on the mounting tray are properly inserted into receptacles on the TRC. Place the retainer cups over the TRC J-hooks. Secure the TRC to the mounting tray by tightening the self-locking hold-down knobs. Connect the three antenna inputs to the connectors on the front panel. a. Connect the Sum port antenna connector (P9 - a TNC connector identified with a blue band) to connector J9 (identified with blue marking). b. Connect the Probe (Bit) port antenna connector (P10 - a BNC connector identified with a black band) to connector J10. c. Connect the Difference (Delta) port antenna connector (P11 - a TNC connector identified with a red band) to connector J11 (identified with red marking). Connect I/O Signal Cable (P1 - a 100-pin connector) to connector J1. Connect the power cable (P8 - a three pin connector) to connector J8. 2-26 Rev. C SKY497 Installation Manual Figure 2-12. TRC497 Installation 2-27 Rev. C SKY497 Installation Manual 2.10 MOUNTING THE WX-1000/SKY497 DISPLAY The display mounts in a standard 3ATI panel cutout (figure 2-13). The unit may be mounted from the front or rear. The following paragraphs describe the installation procedure. 2.10.1 Panel Cutout. Refer to figure 2-13 for the panel cutout and mounting hole dimensions. Drill and punch the required holes. The instrument panel cutout is a standard 3ATI. Figure 2-13. Instrument Panel Cutout and Mounting Holes 2-28 Rev. C SKY497 Installation Manual 2.10.2 Display Installation Figure 2-14 shows a typical display installation. The display can be mounted to the instrument panel from the front or from the rear. An optional mooring clamp is available for increased stability in high-vibration environments. Figure 2-14. Display Installation Use rivnuts® or a mooring clamp to secure the display to the instrument panel. NOTE 1. The mooring clamp is not furnished with the display. 2. A mooring clamp (P/N 78-8060-5856-2) can be ordered when the order for the display is placed. 3. A 3ATI mooring clamp is also available from: MSP, Incorporated R.R. 4, Box 383A Nashville, Indiana 47448 Tel. (812) 988-6623 or FAX (812) 988-6181 2-29 Rev. C SKY497 Installation Manual This page intentionally left blank. 2-30 Rev. C SKY497 Installation Manual CHAPTER 3 INSTALLATION CHECKOUT 3.1 INTRODUCTION This section contains instructions for using the BFGoodrich Avionics Systems TT391 Flightline Tester to do post-installation checkout of the BFG Avionics Systems SKY497. Detailed setup, operation and maintenance information for the TT391 Flightline Tester is provided in the TT391 Instruction Manual. NOTES 1. This procedure assumes familiarity with the set up and operation of the TT391 Flightline Tester. 2. All test equipment used in completing these tests shall be calibrated in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. 3. This section provides checkout information for the BFGoodrich Avionics Systems SKY497 using the WX-1000 Display. If using an alternate display use Appendix E for installation checkout. 4. Checkout of the WX-1000 processor should be done in accordance with the procedures detailed in the WX-1000 Installation Manual. This procedure will validate the installation and return to service of the BFGoodrich Avionics Systems SKY497. 3.2 CONTROLS All operating controls are located on the front of the indictor. Figure 3-1 shows the locations of the controls. Complete operating instructions for the SKY497 are provided in the SKY497 Pilot's Guide supplied with each system. Figure 3-1. Controls OFF/BRT Switch 1, 2, 3, & 4 Pushbuttons Power is applied by rotating the knob clockwise past the detent. Continued clockwise rotation increases display brightness. Also referred to as soft-keys (1), (2), (3), and (4). In every operating mode a label identifying the button function will be displayed next to the button. 3-1 Rev. C SKY497 Installation Manual 3.3. CHECKOUT PROCEDURE The TT391 Flightline Tester simulates both a ground based secondary surveillance radar (SSR) and an airborne transponder. With the SKY497 set to GROUND TEST (i.e., the barometric altimeter is simulated to 50,000 ft, heading simulated to 0 degrees, and the radar altimeter simulated to 2,500 ft) the TT391 will simulate two targets; a Traffic Advisory (i.e., a solid circle) at ¼ nm and Other Traffic (i.e., open diamond) at 4.5 nm. Both targets will be displayed in level flight at own aircraft altitude (i.e., "00" displayed above the traffic symbol). If the indications given in the following procedure, except for the Flightline Tester, are not obtained, refer to the troubleshooting procedures in Chapter 4. If indications given for the Flightline Tester are not obtained, refer to the maintenance section of the TT391 Instruction Manual. 1. Make sure the aircraft's transponder is in the STBY mode and the DME is turned OFF. At the aircraft's instruments, verify all compass/HSI flags are valid. NOTE After power up, it may take a couple of minutes for the altitude encoder to return a valid altitude to the transponder and SKY497. 2. Turn SKY497 ON. The display will show a start-up screen similar to one shown in figure 3-2. After start-up screen appears, rotate the OFF/BRT switch. Verify that clockwise rotation increases display brightness. Figure 3-2. Start-up Screen After approximately thirty seconds the display will show the STANDBY screen (see figure 3-3). NOTE If the TRC has not been calibrated to the directional antenna (see step 3) the display may show a “SKY497 FAILED” message. 3-2 Rev. C SKY497 Installation Manual Figure 3-3. Standby Screen 3. Turn SKY497 OFF and then enter the Service Menu (see paragraph 4.4) by holding the left two buttons (soft-keys 1 and 2) depressed as the system is turned ON. 4. From the Service Menu, calibrate the TRC to the directional antenna (see paragraph 4.4.1). 5. Return to the Service Menu and select System Data (see paragraph 4.4.3). a. Verify status and save the configuration jumpers (see paragraph, Configuration). WARNING Verify displayed antenna position matches antenna location on the aircraft (top or bottom). Failure to do so could give incorrect traffic bearing. b. Verify that the system has recognized and is responding to installed sensors (see paragraph, Data Monitor). 1) Sequence through each Data Monitor display page. 2) Verify that the sensor information displayed is correct. 3) If the information is not correct, the sensor has failed to communicate with the TRC. Check operation of the sensor and cables between the TRC and sensor. 4) Change the status of the landing gear, squat switch, altitude, and heading sensors. Verify that the display shows the correct input (i.e., sensing of these signals). 6. Exit the service menu and do the SKYWATCH self-test (see para 3.4). 7. Turn SKY497 OFF, return to the Service Menu and select Ground Test (see paragraph 4.4.4). 8. Verify operation of range function. Soft-key (3) is labeled to indicate the current range. Press soft-key (3) to toggle the display range between 2 and 6 nm. 9. Select the 6 nautical mile range. 10. Verify that the system toggles through the altitude display modes. Soft-key (2) is labeled to indicate the current mode. Press Soft-key (2) to select normal (NRM), below (BLW), and above (ABV). 11. Select the NRM (normal) mode. 3-3 Rev. C SKY497 Installation Manual 12. Position the aircraft with the nose aligned on any 90 degree heading. Avoid areas within 250 ft of obstructions (e.g., hangers, large aircraft, control towers, etc.) where there is a potential for multipath problems. Locate and mark test points at 30 degree intervals (i.e., 000, 030, 060, 090, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240, 270, 300, and 330 degrees) with respect to the directional antenna. Mark these points at the same distance, between 100 and 150 ft, from the aircraft. 13. Position the TT391 Flightline Tester on one of the test points identified in previous step. CAUTION The Flightline Tester is not weatherproof when the lid is open. Do not setup or operate the Flightline Tester in conditions of rain, sleet, etc. 14. Setup and verify operation of the TT391 Flightline Tester: a. Open the chassis lid and remove the lid from the chassis by sliding the lid off of the hinge pins (sliding it to the right). The lid "stay" must be removed from the lid before mounting. The stay will pop off of the lid. (The stay is the hinged part that props the lid open on the chassis). NOTE The Patch Antenna may be used without a tripod. The Patch Antenna can be held, or secured, and pointed towards the SKYWATCH aircraft under test WITH THE MOUNTING STUD POINT TOWARD THE GROUND . This orientation is critical. b. Mount the chassis lid, with the Patch Antenna facing the aircraft, onto a tripod (not included). The tripod must be capable of holding the antenna (approximately 2.5 lb) and must provide a standard base mounting stud threaded 1/4"-20. A typical tripod mount is shown in figure 3-4. c. If the internal batteries are being utilized, proceed to sub-step f. If the Flightline Tester AC Converter Power Supply is to be utilized, proceed to sub-step d. d. Connect the AC Converter Power Supply cable connector to the chassis external connector. e. Connect the AC Converter Power Supply input power cable connector to one of the following AC sources:. • 115 Vac, 60 Hz • 115 Vac, 400 Hz f. Set the Flightline Tester POWER switches to the ON position. g. Verify that the LOW indicator is not steady on (it may flash). If the LOW indicator remains on (i.e., lit), perform one of the following three options. • Use the AC Converter Power Supply to power the unit. • Recharge the internal batteries. • Replace the internal batteries. h. Set the SELF-TEST switch to the 1030 position and verify that the 1030 indicator blinks on for 1/2 second every 5 seconds. i. Set the SELF-TEST switch to the 1090 position and verify that the 1090 indicator blinks on for 1/2 second every 5 seconds. j. Set SELF-TEST switch to center position (off). Set the POWER switch to the OFF position. NOTE Care should be taken to ensure that the Patch Antenna is connected to TT391 connector J1 and NOT J2. IF THE PATCH ANTENNA IS CONNECTED TO J2 THE TT391 WILL NOT FUNCTION CORRECTLY. k. 3-4 Rev. C Connect the Flightline Tester coax cable to J3 on the Patch Antenna and to connector J1 in the chassis. (J2 should remain capped by the dust cover). SKY497 Installation Manual Figure 3-4. Typical Patch Antenna Tripod Mount 15. From each test point (see step 12): a. Position the TT391 Patch Antenna facing the SKYWATCH aircraft under test. b. Set the TT391 POWER switch to the ON position. c. Verify that the display shows, in the direction (± 30 degrees) of the TT391, two targets; a Traffic Advisory (i.e., a solid circle) at ¼ nm and Other Traffic (i.e., open diamond) at 4.5 nm. Both targets will be displayed in level flight at own aircraft altitude (i.e., "00" displayed above the traffic symbol). NOTES 1. If the display reflects a gross error in target bearing, check the directional antenna cables at TRC connectors J9 (sum port) and J11 (difference port). They may be reversed. A further indication of this condition would be a target that moved in a counter-clockwise direction when the TT391 is moved in a clockwise direction. 2. Multiple targets or a faulty bearing may result from multipath distortion (see step 1). 3. During these tests, the SKY497 may detect and display other active targets. 4. To obtain a better line of sight, it may be necessary to elevate the patch antenna. d. Set the TT391 POWER switch to the OFF. Repeat procedure from each test point. Step 15 can be done from the last test point. NOTE To prevent SKYWATCH from tracking the movement of the test-set, it is necessary to set the TT391 POWER switch to OFF after completing each bearing measurement. 16. Return the TT391 assemblies to their position in the aluminum carrying case. 17. Restart SKYWATCH by cycling power OFF and then ON. 18. Connect an oscilloscope to the suppression bus and verify that the SKY497 suppression pulse (100 µs ±5 µs) exceeds +15 V dc. If less than +15 V dc the suppression bus is overloaded. Check all equipment connected to the bus. Repair/replace the offending device. 19. This completes the post installation checkout procedure. 3-5 Rev. C SKY497 Installation Manual 3.4 SELF TEST 1. Turn SKYWATCH OFF and then: a. Make sure the aircraft's transponder is in the STANDBY, ON, or ALT mode. NOTE After power up, it may take a couple of minutes for the altitude encoder to return a valid altitude to the transponder and SKY497. b. If installed, power up the radio altimeter. c. Make sure all compass/HSI flags are cleared from the aircraft's instruments. 2. Turn SKYWATCH ON. The display should show a start-up screen similar to one shown in figure 3-2. 3. After approximately thirty seconds, observe the STANDBY screen and then press the TEST button (soft-key (1)). 4. The display should present a screen similar to that shown in figure 3-5. Figure 3-5. Self Test Screen 5. If SKYWATCH passes the self-test, the system will return to the STANDBY screen (see figure 3-3) and the voice message, "TRAFFIC ADVISORY SYSTEM TEST PASSED," will be enunciated over the cockpit audio system. 6. If you do not hear the voice message or if the voice message is of insufficient volume: a. Check headphones/speaker and aircraft audio panel switch settings. NOTE Audio levels are adjusted at the aircraft audio panel. There is no internal audio adjustment. 3-6 Rev. C SKY497 Installation Manual b. Check audio connection to the TRC: 1) 600-ohm audio systems should be connected to P1-92 (AUDIO_H). 2) 150-ohm audio systems should be connected to P1-91 (AUDIO_L). 3) Audio common is connected to P1-90 (AUDIO_C). NOTE Audio output from the TRC is transformer isolated. 7. If SKYWATCH fails the self-test: a. The "SKY497 Failed" screen (see figure 3-6) with an error message indicating the type of failure will be displayed. b. The voice message, "TRAFFIC ADVISORY SYSTEM TEST FAILED", will be enunciated over the cockpit audio system. c. Soft-key (1) will be labeled TEST. To re-test, press soft-key (1). d. Soft-keys (2), (3), and (4) are not used. Figure 3-6. Self Test Failed Screen e. Refer to the fault isolation procedures in Chapter 4. 3-7 Rev. C SKY497 Installation Manual This page intentionally left blank. 3-8 Rev. C
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