LEGO Systems 95646 Mindstorms EV3 User Manual LME UserGuide ViewAll US 20130507

LEGO Systems Inc Mindstorms EV3 LME UserGuide ViewAll US 20130507


User manual part 2

  37LEGOtheLEGOlogoMINDSTORMSandtheMINDSTORMSlogoaretrademarksofthe/ sontdesmarquesdecommercede/sonmarcasregistradasdeLEGOGroup©TheLEGOGroupEV3 SOFTWAREEvery time you open the EV3 Software, you will automatically start out in the Lobby area. The Lobby makes it easy to locate and work with the software and gives you access to everything you need.In the Lobby you will find the following options and resources:   Lobby Tab—This button always returns you to the Lobby.   Activity Overview—Here you can access, organize, and preview content and get started with a project.  + Building instructions for the Core Models  +  Quick Start resources such as a small introduction video  and the EV3 User Guide  +  File management, where you can start a new project or  open an existing one  +  Robot Educator, with forty-eight step-by-step tutorials that explain how to use the EV3 Software and Hardware   View—This button takes you back to the Activity Overview.   Search—Find projects with specific content using different filter options —A link to the official LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Education website.LobbyLobby overview 38LEGOtheLEGOlogoMINDSTORMSandtheMINDSTORMSlogoaretrademarksofthe/ sontdesmarquesdecommercede/sonmarcasregistradasdeLEGOGroup©TheLEGOGroupEV3 SOFTWAREWhen you open a new program or experiment, it will automatically create a project folder file. All programs, experiments, images, sounds, videos, instructions, and other assets that are used within aproject will automatically be stored in this project folder. This makes it easy to store your project and share it with others.Each project will be displayed in the form of a tab at the top of the screen. Underneath, you will see tabs for the Programs and Experiments that belong to the selected Project. You can add a new Project, Program, or Experiment by clicking on the + button to the right of the other tabs. Clicking on an X will close thetab.PROJECT PROPERTIES PAGEIf you click on the tab with the wrench to the far left of the Program and Experiment tabs, you will be taken to the Project Properties page. This page gives you an orderly display for the project that is currently selected, including all programs and experiments, images, sound, and other assets. Here you can describe your project with text, images, and video that will determine how the project shows up in the Lobby. In the Teacher version of the EV3 Software, the Project Properties page also allows you to restrict access to selected programs and other assets in your project.Project Properties and StructureProject, Program and  Experiment tabs
 39LEGOtheLEGOlogoMINDSTORMSandtheMINDSTORMSlogoaretrademarksofthe/ sontdesmarquesdecommercede/sonmarcasregistradasdeLEGOGroup©TheLEGOGroupEV3 SOFTWAREProject Properties displayed include:   Project Description—Give your project a title, describe it,  and insert any images and video you would like to appear in the Lobby when the project is previewed.   Project Content Overview—Here you will find all assets included in the project: for example, programs, experiments, images, sounds, and My Blocks.   Daisy Chain Mode—This check box enables the Daisy Chain Mode, so you can program up to four connected EV3 Bricks.Project Properties and StructureProject Properties page 40LEGOtheLEGOlogoMINDSTORMSandtheMINDSTORMSlogoaretrademarksofthe/ sontdesmarquesdecommercede/sonmarcasregistradasdeLEGOGroup©TheLEGOGroupEV3 SOFTWARERobot Educator is the name of both the basic robot and the tutorials you will find in the EV3 Software. The Robot Educator learning tool is designed to take you through the essentials of programming, data logging, and hardware.Robot Educator consists of forty-eight tutorials divided into thefollowing categories: Basics, Beyond Basics, Hardware, Data Logging, and Tools. Each tutorial is structured in the following way:+  Understanding the objective+  Build and program your robot+  Test it+  Modify itIn the Robot Educator section in the Lobby, you can also find all related building instructions and a Teacher’s Guide (only available in the Teacher version of the EV3 Software).Robot EducatorRobot Educator
 41LEGOtheLEGOlogoMINDSTORMSandtheMINDSTORMSlogoaretrademarksofthe/ sontdesmarquesdecommercede/sonmarcasregistradasdeLEGOGroup©TheLEGOGroupEV3 SOFTWAREWithout a program, a robot is just a statue. It may be a cool statue, but it’s still a statue. When you program a robot you give it abilities—to move, to follow lines, to avoid objects, to make mathematical calculations, and much more. The EV3 Software has an intuitive, graphics-based format that users from 10 to 100 years of age can quickly learn and successfully use.The EV3 Programming environment consists of  the following main areas:    Programming Canvas—Lay out your program here.   Programming Palettes—Find the building blocks for your program here.   Hardware Page—Establish and manage your communication with the EV3 Brick here and see what motors and sensors are connected where. This is also where you download programs to the EV3 Brick.   Content Editor—A digital workbook integrated into thesoftware. Get instructions or document your project using text, images, and videos.   Programming Toolbar—Find basic tools for working with your program here. Learn more about these tools in the EV3 Software Help.ProgrammingProgramming environment 42LEGOtheLEGOlogoMINDSTORMSandtheMINDSTORMSlogoaretrademarksofthe/ sontdesmarquesdecommercede/sonmarcasregistradasdeLEGOGroup©TheLEGOGroupEV3 SOFTWAREProgramming Blocks and PalettesAll the programming blocks that are used for controlling your robot are located in Programming Palettes at the bottom of theProgramming environment underneath the Programming Canvas. The Programming blocks are divided into categories according to type and nature, making it easy to find the block you need.To learn more about the EV3 Programming environment and see how you can get started with your first program, see the Programming and Programming Overview videos in the Quick Start section of the Lobby.You can also find more information about how to program in theEV3 Software Help.ACTION BLOCKS(In order from left to right)+  Medium Motor+  Large Motor+  Move Steering+  Move Tank+  Display+  Sound+  Brick Status LightFLOW BLOCKS(In order from left to right)+  Start+  Wait+  Loop+  Switch+ Loop InterruptSENSOR BLOCKS(In order from left to right)+  Brick Buttons+  Color Sensor+  Gyro Sensor+  Infrared Sensor+  Motor Rotation+  Temperature Sensor+  Timer+  Touch Sensor+  Ultrasonic Sensor+  Energy Meter+  NXT Sound Sensor 43LEGOtheLEGOlogoMINDSTORMSandtheMINDSTORMSlogoaretrademarksofthe/ sontdesmarquesdecommercede/sonmarcasregistradasdeLEGOGroup©TheLEGOGroupEV3 SOFTWAREProgramming Blocks and PalettesDATA BLOCKS(In order from left to right)+  Variable+  Constant+  Array Operations+  Logic Operations+  Math+  Round+  Compare+  Range+  Tex t+  RandomADVANCED BLOCKS(In order from left to right)+  File Access+  Data Logging+  Messaging+  Bluetooth Connection+  Keep Awake+  Raw Sensor Value+  Unregulated Motor+  Invert Motor+  Stop ProgramMY BLOCKSWhen you are repeatedly using the same segment of aprogram in many programs, that is a good time to create aMy Block. Once your My Block is created, you can simply insert that single  block into future programs within the same project.
 44LEGOtheLEGOlogoMINDSTORMSandtheMINDSTORMSlogoaretrademarksofthe/ sontdesmarquesdecommercede/sonmarcasregistradasdeLEGOGroup©TheLEGOGroupEV3 SOFTWAREData LoggingTo data log is to collect information for analysis. For example, aweatherperson might collect temperature readings throughout theday, and then analyze it for a report on the evening news. Or azookeeper might collect data on where visitors are spending their time at the zoo. The EV3 Software cannot only record data, it can help you to organize and analyze it.The EV3 Data Logging environment consists of  the following main areas:    Graph Area—This is where you see and analyze your data plots.   Configuration Panel—Here you set up your experiment, manage your dataset, and get access to Dataset Calculation and Graph Programming, special data logging functionalities.   Hardware Page—Establish and manage your communication with the EV3 Brick here and see what sensors are connected where. This is also where you download experiments to the EV3 Brick and upload data to the software.   Content Editor—A digital workbook integrated into thesoftware. Get instructions or document your project using text, images, and videos.   Data Logging Toolbar—Find basic tools for working with your graph and experiment here. Learn more about these tools in the EV3 Software Help.Data Logging environment 45LEGOtheLEGOlogoMINDSTORMSandtheMINDSTORMSlogoaretrademarksofthe/ sontdesmarquesdecommercede/sonmarcasregistradasdeLEGOGroup©TheLEGOGroupEV3 SOFTWAREConfiguration PanelIn the Configuration Panel, you will find four different tabs that will help you prepare, manage, and analyze your experiments. Some of the tabs are dynamic: they will automatically be shown when relevant. You will always be able to switch between tabs manually.EXPERIMENT CONFIGURATIONHere you set up your experiment by selecting the sample duration and rate and choosing what sensors to collect data from. For each sensor, you also have to select sensor mode, since most sensors can provide different types of data.DATASET TABLEIn addition to displaying the collected data in the graph area, adataset will be shown in the Dataset Table. Here you can also rename the dataset, delete or hide it, and change plot style and color of the graphs.DATASET CALCULATIONHere you can manipulate datasets and graphs by doing various calculations using numbers, functions, and other datasets. Theoutput result will be displayed as both graph and dataset values.GRAPH PROGRAMMINGBy dividing your graph area in different zones, you can enable your sensor input to trigger or activate an output: for example, a motor or a sound from the EV3 Brick when the sensor values reach a certain level or threshold.To learn more about the EV3 data logging environment and see how you can get started with your first experiment, see the Data Logging and Data Logging Overview videos in the Quick Start section of theLobby.You can also find more information about how to data log in theEV3 Software Help.Data LoggingExperiment Configuration panelDataset Table panelDataset Calculation panelGraph Programming panel
 46LEGOtheLEGOlogoMINDSTORMSandtheMINDSTORMSlogoaretrademarksofthe/ sontdesmarquesdecommercede/sonmarcasregistradasdeLEGOGroup©TheLEGOGroupEV3 SOFTWAREThe Hardware Page provides a range of information about your EV3 Brick. It is always located in the lower right-hand corner when working with both Programs and Experiments and can be collapsed when needed using the Expand/Collapse tab. Even when collapsed, theHardware Page Controller will be visible, allowing you to download your program or experiment.The different Hardware Page Controller buttons have thefollowing functionality:   Download—Downloads the Program or Experiment to the EV3 Brick   Download and Run—Downloads the Program or Experiment to the EV3 Brick and runs it immediately   Download and Run Selected—Downloads only the highlighted blocks to the EV3 Brick and runs them immediately   Upload—Uploads your collected datasets from the EV3 Brick to your ExperimentThe EV3 text in the small window at the top will turn red when anEV3 Brick is connected to your computer.Hardware PageHardware Page Controllers 47LEGOtheLEGOlogoMINDSTORMSandtheMINDSTORMSlogoaretrademarksofthe/ sontdesmarquesdecommercede/sonmarcasregistradasdeLEGOGroup©TheLEGOGroupEV3 SOFTWAREBRICK INFORMATIONThe Brick Information tab displays important information about theEV3 Brick that is currently connected, such as EV3 Brick name, battery level, firmware version, connection type, and memory bar. It also gives you access to the Memory Browser and Wireless Setup tools.PORT VIEWThe Port View tab displays information about the sensors and motors connected to the EV3 Brick. When your EV3 Brick is connected to the computer, this information is automatically identified and you will be able to see the live values. If your EV3 Brick is not connected, you can still set up the Port View tab manually. Select a port, then select the appropriate sensor or motor from the list.AVAILABLE BRICKSThe Available Bricks tab shows the EV3 Bricks that are currently available for connection. You are able to choose which EV3 Brick you want to connect to and the type of communication. Also, you can disconnect an existing EV3 Brick connection.You can find more information about how to use the Hardware Page in the EV3 Software Help.Hardware PageBrick Information tabPort View tabAvailable Bricks tab
   48LEGOtheLEGOlogoMINDSTORMSandtheMINDSTORMSlogoaretrademarksofthe/ sontdesmarquesdecommercede/sonmarcasregistradasdeLEGOGroup©TheLEGOGroupEV3 SOFTWAREThe Content Editor offers a convenient way for users to document the purpose, process, and analysis of their projects. You can include text, images, videos, sound effects, and even building instructions. It is also a convenient, paperless way for educators to monitor and evaluate student projects. Content Editor is also the place where already-made content—for example, Robot Educator tutorials and purchased LEGO® Education activity packs—is displayed and used.Each page can be customized with different layouts and can automatically perform a range of actions, such as opening specific programs or highlighting a particular programming block.The Content Editor is located in the top right corner of the EV3 Software and is available whether you are working with a Program or an Experiment. You open the Content Editor using the large button with the book icon. Once open, you will be able to see whatever content has been made for the project: for example, a Robot Educator tutorial.The Content Editor consists of the following main areas  and features:   Open/Close Content Editor—Here you open and close theContent Editor.   Edit/View Mode—Allows you to view or edit your pages.   Page Navigation—Go to the next or previous page.   Teacher/Student Toggle—Switch between the Student Page and Teacher Notes while viewing the content. This functionality is only available in the Teacher version of the EV3 Software.   Page Title—Add a title to your page.   Page Area—This is where the main content is shown and edited.   Media Icons—Select what content type you wish to add to thepage area.   Page Thumbnails—Go to a specific page using the thumbnail images. In the Teacher version of the EV3 Software, Teacher Notes will also be available.   Add/Delete Page—When adding a page, you get to choose from fourteen different templates.   Page Setup—Make special settings for each page, such as format, page action, and navigation to the next page.You can find more information about how to use the Content Editor in the EV3 Software Help.Content EditorContent Editor 49LEGOtheLEGOlogoMINDSTORMSandtheMINDSTORMSlogoaretrademarksofthe/ sontdesmarquesdecommercede/sonmarcasregistradasdeLEGOGroup©TheLEGOGroupEV3 SOFTWAREIn the top menu bar of the EV3 Software you will find a number of small Tools that can add extra functionality and support to your EV3 Software experience.You can learn more about most of the Tools in the EV3 Software Help.SOUND EDITORCreate your own sound effects or customize one from our selection of official EV3 Sound files. The sounds can then be used for programming your robot by use of the Sound Programming Block.IMAGE EDITORMake creative use of the EV3 Brick Display by designing original images or customizing existing images. The images can then be used for programming your robot by the use of the Display Programming Block.MY BLOCK BUILDERSometimes you make a great miniprogram that you want to use again in another project or program. My Block Builder helps you take this miniprogram and create a unique My Block where you define the name, icon, and parameters that are relevant for you. My Blocks will automatically be archived in the My Block Programming Palette.FIRMWARE UPDATEPeriodically, updated firmware will become available for your EV3 Brick. We recommend that you install new versions as they become available. This tool will tell you if there is a new firmware version available and help you update it on your EV3 Brick.WIRELESS SETUPIn case you wish your EV3 Software to communicate with your EV3 Brick using Wi-Fi, this tool will help set up the wireless connection. To do so, you will need to acquire a Wi-Fi USB dongle for the EV3 Brick and enable Wi-Fi communication on the EV3 Brick.BLOCK IMPORTAdd new blocks to your Programming Palettes. This can be new LEGO® Programming Blocks or blocks developed by other manufacturers: for example, in relation to a third-party sensor. These Blocks first need to be downloaded to your computer—then you can import them into your EV3 Software using this tool.MEMORY BROWSERIt is easy to lose track of what you have stored on your EV3 Brick. The Memory Browser provides an overview of memory use on your EV3 Brick (including an SD card if you have it inserted). You can use the Memory Browser to transfer programs, sounds, graphics, and other files between your EV3 Brick and a computer, and copy and delete files that are already on your EV3 Brick.Tools 50LEGOtheLEGOlogoMINDSTORMSandtheMINDSTORMSlogoaretrademarksofthe/ sontdesmarquesdecommercede/sonmarcasregistradasdeLEGOGroup©TheLEGOGroupEV3 SOFTWAREDOWNLOAD AS APPAdvanced users may enjoy the challenge of creating applications for generic tasks on the EV3 Brick. An EV3 Brick app is made as anormal EV3 program, but when downloaded to the EV3 Brick using this tool, it will show up as a new app in the Brick Apps screen, together with the default apps such as Brick Programming and Port View.IMPORT BRICK PROGRAMThis tool will enable you to import a program made in the Brick Program App on the EV3 Brick to the EV3 Software programming environment. Your program can then be further refined using the full functionality of the EV3 Software.DATA LOG FILE MANAGERUse this tool to view, manage, and import datasets created by anexperiment into your EV3 Software. This is used when collecting data remotely on the EV3 Brick. The Data Log File Manager can import datasets from the EV3 Brick, an SD card, or your computer.REMOVE VALUES FROM DATASETWhen collecting data from your sensors, you may later wish to remove certain values from a dataset. This might be done to narrow the range of sensor values you wish to further analyze or because your dataset contains sporadically invalid values generated by a sensor returning a default value when a real value cannot be measured.CREATE DATA LOGGING PROGRAMIf you have an experiment that you would like to integrate into a program, this tool will help you. Rather than collecting data at the same place all the time, you may wish to program a robot to collect data from different areas in a room. This tool will transform your experiment into a Data Logging Programming Block on theProgramming Canvas. You can now build your program.EXPORT DATASETSIf you wish to work further with your dataset in another software tool (for example, Microsoft Excel), you can export any EV3 dataset to a comma-separated value (CSV) file format and save it on your computer. The CSV file can then be opened from within the chosen software. Make sure the software supports theCSV file format.Tools 51LEGOtheLEGOlogoMINDSTORMSandtheMINDSTORMSlogoaretrademarksofthe/ sontdesmarquesdecommercede/sonmarcasregistradasdeLEGOGroup©TheLEGOGroupTROUBLESHOOTINGUnder Help at the top menu bar of the EV3 Software, you will find access to the EV3 Help section. The help section is acomprehensive and structured resource that provides helpful information about and guidance with all of the EV3 Software, including how to best use and program with sensors and motors. This is the first place to look if you need help or more information on how to use the EV3 Software.Software UpdatesUnder Help at the top menu bar of the EV3 Software, you can enable the EV3 Software to automatically check for software updates. By clicking Check for Software Updates, a check mark will appear and the software will regularly check for software updates (this requires an Internet connection). If a relevant update is available, you will be notified by the software. If you wish to install this software update, you will be taken to a website where you can download the update file. Once downloaded, you can install the update. Make sure you have closed down your EV3 Software during installation.EV3 Software Help 52LEGOtheLEGOlogoMINDSTORMSandtheMINDSTORMSlogoaretrademarksofthe/ sontdesmarquesdecommercede/sonmarcasregistradasdeLEGOGroup©TheLEGOGroupTROUBLESHOOTINGNOTE:Updating firmware will delete all existing files and projects in theEV3 Brick memory!Firmware is the software that is inside the EV3 Brick. Without its firmware, the EV3 Brick will not work. Occasionally, the LEGO Group may release new versions of the firmware that add enhanced functions or fix software bugs.To update the firmware, you need a USB connection from your computer to your EV3 Brick. Your computer must also be connected to the Internet.   Turn your EV3 Brick on and connect it to your computer.   Select Firmware Update in the Tools menu.   Click the Check button to see if new firmware updates are available.   Select the most recent firmware version from the Available firmware files.   If you want to use a firmware version located on your computer instead, use the Browse button to find and select the correct firmware file.   Click the Download button to download the new firmware to your EV3 Brick. The progress bars at the bottom of theFirmware Update dialog box will show you how the firmware update is proceeding. Once complete, your EV3 Brick will restart itself.If for some reason your EV3 Brick stops working during the firmware update process, you will need to manually update the firmware by doing the following (the EV3 Brick still needs a USB connection to your computer):   Hold down the Back, Center, and Right buttons on the EV3 Brick.   When the EV3 Brick restarts, release the Back button.   When the screen says “Updating,” release the Center and Right buttons and click the Download button in the Firmware Update tool. The firmware will be downloaded to your EV3 Brick, which will restart itself.If the manual firmware update does not make your EV3 Brick work the first time, repeat the manual update process.Firmware UpdateFirmware Update toolNOTE:Check your EV3 Brick batteries before repeating manual firmware updates.  The problem may simply be due to worn-down batteries! 53LEGOtheLEGOlogoMINDSTORMSandtheMINDSTORMSlogoaretrademarksofthe/ sontdesmarquesdecommercede/sonmarcasregistradasdeLEGOGroup©TheLEGOGroupTROUBLESHOOTINGIf your EV3 Brick suddenly stops working and cannot be shut down through the normal process, you will need to reset your EV3 Brick. Resetting the EV3 Brick does not delete existing files and projects from previous sessions in the EV3 Brick memory. Files and projects from the existing session will be lost.   Make sure that the EV3 Brick is turned on. 2.  Hold down the Back, Center, and Left buttons on the EV3 Brick. 3.  When the screen goes blank, release the Back button. 4.  When the screen says “Starting,” release the Center and Left buttons.Resetting the EV3 BrickNOTE:Check your EV3 Brick batteries before reinstalling firmware. Problems may simply be due to worn-down batteries! 54LEGOtheLEGOlogoMINDSTORMSandtheMINDSTORMSlogoaretrademarksofthe/ sontdesmarquesdecommercede/sonmarcasregistradasdeLEGOGroup©TheLEGOGroupUSEFUL INFORMATIONSound File ListANIMALS COLORSCatpurr BlackDogbark BlueDogbark BrownDoggrowl GreenDogsniff RedDogwhine WhiteElephantcall YellowInsectbuzzInsectbuzzInsectchirpSnakehissSnakerattleT-rexroar 55LEGOtheLEGOlogoMINDSTORMSandtheMINDSTORMSlogoaretrademarksofthe/ sontdesmarquesdecommercede/sonmarcasregistradasdeLEGOGroup©TheLEGOGroupUSEFUL INFORMATIONSound File ListCOMMUNICATION EXPRESSIONSBravo BoingEV BooFantastic CheeringGameover CrunchingGoGoodjobGoodCryingFanfareGoodbye KungfuHello LaughingHi LaughingLEGO Thankyou MagicwandMINDSTORMS YesMorningNoOuchShoutingOkay SmackOkey-dokey SneezingSorry SnoringUh-oh 56LEGOtheLEGOlogoMINDSTORMSandtheMINDSTORMSlogoaretrademarksofthe/ sontdesmarquesdecommercede/sonmarcasregistradasdeLEGOGroup©TheLEGOGroupUSEFUL INFORMATIONSound File ListINFORMATION MECHANICALActivate AirreleaseAnalyze AirbrakeBackwards BackingalertColor BlipDetectedDownErroralarmBlipBlipError BlipFlashing HornForward HornLeft Turn LaserObject UpRightSearchingMotoridleMotorstartStart MotorstopStop RatchetTouch SonarTicktackWalk 57LEGOtheLEGOlogoMINDSTORMSandtheMINDSTORMSlogoaretrademarksofthe/ sontdesmarquesdecommercede/sonmarcasregistradasdeLEGOGroup©TheLEGOGroupUSEFUL INFORMATIONSound File ListMOVEMENTS NUMBERSArm EightArm FiveArm FourArm NineDroploadLiftloadServo OneServo SevenServo SixServo Speeding TenSlideloadSnapSpeeddown ThreeSpeedidle TwoSpeedup Zero 58LEGOtheLEGOlogoMINDSTORMSandtheMINDSTORMSlogoaretrademarksofthe/ sontdesmarquesdecommercede/sonmarcasregistradasdeLEGOGroup©TheLEGOGroupUSEFUL INFORMATIONSound File ListSYSTEMClickPowerdownReadyStartupConfirmConnectDownloadGeneralalertOverpower 59LEGOtheLEGOlogoMINDSTORMSandtheMINDSTORMSlogoaretrademarksofthe/ sontdesmarquesdecommercede/sonmarcasregistradasdeLEGOGroup©TheLEGOGroupUSEFUL INFORMATIONImage File ListEXPRESSIONSBigsmileHeartlargeHeartsmallMouthopenMouthshutMouthopenMouthshut ZZZSadSickSmileSwearingTalkingWinkDisappointedAngry DizzyAwake DownBlackeye EvilBottomleft HurtBottomright KnockedoutCrazy LoveCrazyUpSleepingPinchrightTearMiddleleftWinkingMiddlerightTiredleftNeutralTiredmiddleNuclearTiredrightPinchleftToxicPinchmiddleEYES 60LEGOtheLEGOlogoMINDSTORMSandtheMINDSTORMSlogoaretrademarksofthe/ sontdesmarquesdecommercede/sonmarcasregistradasdeLEGOGroup©TheLEGOGroupUSEFUL INFORMATIONImage File ListINFORMATIONAcceptBackwardDeclineForwardLeftNogoQuestionmarkRightStopStopThumbsdownThumbsupWarningColorsensorEViconEVGyrosensorIRbeaconIRsensorLargemotorUSsensorLEGOMediummotorMINDSTORMSSoundsensorTempsensorTouchsensorLEGO 61LEGOtheLEGOlogoMINDSTORMSandtheMINDSTORMSlogoaretrademarksofthe/ sontdesmarquesdecommercede/sonmarcasregistradasdeLEGOGroup©TheLEGOGroupUSEFUL INFORMATIONImage File ListDialBarDialBarDialBarDotsBarDotsBarDotsDialDotsDial TimerHourglass TimerHourglass WaterlevelHourglass WaterlevelTimer WaterlevelTimer WaterlevelTimerOBJECTSBombBoomFireFlowersForestLightoffLightonLightningNightPirateSnowTarget 62LEGOtheLEGOlogoMINDSTORMSandtheMINDSTORMSlogoaretrademarksofthe/ sontdesmarquesdecommercede/sonmarcasregistradasdeLEGOGroup©TheLEGOGroupUSEFUL INFORMATIONImage File ListSYSTEM!Accept!Accept!Alert!Box!Decline!Decline!Dotempty!Slider!Slider!Dotfull!Slider!EV!Slider!Hourglass!Slider!Hourglass!Slider!Play!Slider!Slider!Slider 63LEGOtheLEGOlogoMINDSTORMSandtheMINDSTORMSlogoaretrademarksofthe/ sontdesmarquesdecommercede/sonmarcasregistradasdeLEGOGroup©TheLEGOGroupUSEFUL INFORMATIONIMAGESAcceptPinchrightPirateNeutralHurtDeclineQuestionmarkAwakeWarningStopBoomEViconBrick Program App—Assets ListSOUNDSHelloFanfareStartGoodbyeErroralarmStopObjectBlipSnapOuchArmLaser 64LEGOtheLEGOlogoMINDSTORMSandtheMINDSTORMSlogoaretrademarksofthe/ sontdesmarquesdecommercede/sonmarcasregistradasdeLEGOGroup©TheLEGOGroupUSEFUL INFORMATIONElement ListxPointer-modulewhitexConnectorpegwithaxle-modulebeigexConnectorpeg -modulebeigexAxle-moduleredxConnectorpegwithbushing-moduleredxConnectorpegwithfriction/axle-modulebluexBushing½-moduleyellowxAxlewithstud -moduledarkbeigexBushing-modulegrayxConnectorpegwithfriction-moduleblackxConnectorpeg -modulegrayxAxlewithstop -moduledarkgrayxAxlewithstop -moduledarkgrayxAxle-modulegrayxAxle-modulegrayxAxle-modulegrayxAxle-modulegrayxAxle-moduleblackxAxle-moduleblackxAxle-moduleblackxAxle-moduleblackxAxle-moduleblackxT-Beamx-moduleblackxBeam-moduleblackxBeamwithcrosshole -moduleblackxConnectorpegwithfriction-moduleblue 65LEGOtheLEGOlogoMINDSTORMSandtheMINDSTORMSlogoaretrademarksofthe/ sontdesmarquesdecommercede/sonmarcasregistradasdeLEGOGroup©TheLEGOGroupUSEFUL INFORMATIONxAngularbeam x-moduleblackxAngularbeam x-modulewhitexAngularbeam x-modulewhite xDoubleangularbeam x-modulewhitexBeam-moduleredxAngularbeam x-moduleredxBeam-modulebluexBeam-moduleyellowxBeam-modulewhitexBeam-modulegreenxFrame x-modulegrayxFrame x-modulegrayxAngularbeam x-modulegrayxBeam-modulegrayxAngularbeam x-modulegrayxBeam-modulegrayxBeam-modulegrayxBeam-modulegrayxBeam-modulegray 66LEGOtheLEGOlogoMINDSTORMSandtheMINDSTORMSlogoaretrademarksofthe/ sontdesmarquesdecommercede/sonmarcasregistradasdeLEGOGroup©TheLEGOGroupUSEFUL INFORMATIONxConnectorpegwithhandle -moduleblackxCrossbeam x-moduleredx½trianglebeam x-modulegrayxDoubleconnectorpeg -modulegrayxCrossblock x-modulegrayxDoubleconnectorpeg x-modulegrayxCrossblock -modulegrayxAngularconnectorpeg x-modulegrayxCrossblock -moduledarkgrayxCrossblock x-moduleblackxDoublecrossblock -moduleblackxCrossblockfork x-moduleblackx½beam -moduleblackxAngularblockº blackxAngularblockº blackxAngularblockºblackxRubberbeamwithcrossholes -moduleblackx-spokeangularblock xºgrayxTube-modulegrayxGear-toothdarkgrayxGear-toothdarkgrayxGear-toothgrayxBevelgear-toothbeigexBushing/axleextender -modulered 67LEGOtheLEGOlogoMINDSTORMSandtheMINDSTORMSlogoaretrademarksofthe/ sontdesmarquesdecommercede/sonmarcasregistradasdeLEGOGroup©TheLEGOGroupUSEFUL INFORMATIONxTurntablebottom -toothgrayxWormgeargrayxTurntabletop -toothblackxGear-toothblack xLowprofiletire xmmblackxTirexmmblackxSteelBallsilvermetalicxHub xmmgrayxBallbearingdarkgrayxHubxmmdarkgrayxTrackx-moduleblackxRightcurvedpanel x-moduleblackxLeftcurvedpanel x-moduleblackxRightcurvedpanel x-moduleblackxLeftcurvedpanel x-moduleblackxSprocket xmmblackxDoublebevelgear -toothblackxDoublebevelgear -toothblackxDoublebevelgear -toothblackxGear-toothgray 68LEGOtheLEGOlogoMINDSTORMSandtheMINDSTORMSlogoaretrademarksofthe/ sontdesmarquesdecommercede/sonmarcasregistradasdeLEGOGroup©TheLEGOGroupUSEFUL INFORMATIONxGyroSensorxUltrasonicSensorxColorSensorxTouchSensorxMediumMotorxRechargeableBatteryxLargeMotorxEVBrick
cm/incm/incm/in 69LEGOtheLEGOlogoMINDSTORMSandtheMINDSTORMSlogoaretrademarksofthe/ sontdesmarquesdecommercede/sonmarcasregistradasdeLEGOGroup©TheLEGOGroupUSEFUL INFORMATIONxCablecm/inxCablecm/inxCablecm/inxUSBCableiPad, iPhone and iPod touch are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.iPod Touch (4th gen.)iPhone 4iPhone 4SiPad 1iPad 2iPad 3 (3rd gen.)

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