LG Electronics USA 50PC3DUUE Plasma Display Panel User Manual 38289U0527F LG PDP

LG Electronics USA Plasma Display Panel 38289U0527F LG PDP

User Manual 2

22InstallationWhen connecting with a component cable12345Connect the video outputs (Y, PB, PR)  of the DVD  to the COMPONENT IN VIDEO jacks on the set.Connect the audio outputs of the DVD to the COMPONENT IN AUDIO jacks on the set.Turn on the DVD player, insert a DVD.Select Component 1 input source with using the INPUT button on the remote control.- If connected to COMPONENT 2, select Component 2 input source.Refer to the DVD player's manual for operating instructions.•Component Input portsTo get better picture quality, connect a DVD player to the component input ports as shown below.Y PBPRComponent ports on the TVYYYYPbB-YCbPBPrR-YCrPRVideo output ports on DVD playerHDMI / DVI IN ANTENNA/CABLE INVIDEOAUDIOVIDEOAUDIO(            )S-VIDEOAV IN 1AV OUTCOMPONENT INDIGITAL AUDIO OUTOPTICALVIDEOAUDIOAUDIOCOMPONENTCOMPONENT INBR(R) AUDIO (L)DVD1 2
23Installation- This TV can receive Digital Over-the-air/Cable signals without an external digital set-top box. However, ifyou do receive Digital signals from a digital set-top box or other digital external device, refer to the figureas shown below.HDSTB SetupWhen connecting with a HDMI cable123Connect the HDMI output of the digital set-topbox to the HDMI IN 1(DVI) or 2jack on the set.Select  HDMI1/DVI or  HDMI2 input source withusing the INPUT button on the remote control.Turn on the digital set-top box. (Refer to theowner’s manual for the digital set-top box.) Digital Set-top Box•TV can receive the video and audio signal simultaneously using a HDMI cable.•If the digital set-top box supports Auto HDMI function, output resolution of the digital set-top box willbe automatically  set to 1280x720p.•If the digital set-top box does not support Auto HDMI, you need to set the output resolution appro-priately. To get the best picture quality, adjust the output resolution of the digital set-top box to1280x720p.RGB INREMOTECONTROL INRS-232C IN(CONTROL & SERVICE)RGB IN(PC)AUDIO IN(RGB/DVI)HDMI-DTV OUTPUTREMOTECONTROL INRS-232C IN(CONTROL & SERVICE)RGB IN(PC)AUDIO IN(RGB/DVI)REMOTEREMOTECONTROL INCONTROL INRS-232C INRS-232C IN(CONTROL(CONTROL & SER & SERVICE)VICE)RGB INRGB IN(PC)(PC)AUDIO INAUDIO IN(RGB/DVI)(RGB/DVI)VIDEOAUDIOVIDEOAUDIO(            )S-VIDEOAV IN 1AV OUTCOMPONENT INDIGITAL AUDIO OUTOPTICALSERVICESERVICESERVICEHDMI IN HDMI IN 1(DVI)1(DVI)2HDMI IN 1(DVI)21When connecting with a Component cable1234Connect the video outputs (Y, PB, PR) of the digi-tal set-top box to the COMPONENT IN VIDEOjacks on the set.Connect the audio output of the digital set-top boxto the COMPONENT IN AUDIO jacks on the set.Turn on the digital set-top box. (Refer to theowner’s manual for the digital set-top box.) Select Component 1 input source with using theINPUT button on the remote control.- If connected to COMPONENT 2, selectComponent 2 input source.BR(R) AUDIO (L)RGB INREMOTECONTROL INRS-232C IN(CONTROL & SERVICE)RGB IN(PC)AUDIO IN(RGB/DVI)HDMI / DVI IN REMOTECONTROL INRS-232C IN(CONTROL & SERVICE)RGB IN(PC)AUDIO IN(RGB/DVI)HDMI / DVI IN REMOTECONTROL INRS-232C IN(CONTROL & SERVICE)RGB IN(PC)AUDIO IN(RGB/DVI)VIDEOVIDEOAUDIOAUDIOVIDEOVIDEOAUDIOAUDIOMONO(            )S-VIDEOS-VIDEOAV IN 1V IN 1AV OUTV OUTCOMPONENTCOMPONENT INDIGITAL AUDIO OUTOUTOPTICALPTICALSERVICESERVICESignal480i480p/720p/1080iComponent1/2YesYesHDMI1/DVI, HDMI2NoYes21Digital Set-top Box
24InstallationWhen connecting with a HDMI to DVI cable1234Connect the DVI output of the digital set-top box to the HDMI IN 1(DVI) jack on the set.Connect the audio outputs of the set-top box to the AUDIO IN(RGB/DVI) jack on the set.Turn on the digital set-top box. (Refer to the owner’s manual for the digital set-top box.) Select HDMI1/DVI input source with using the INPUT button on the remote control.RGB IN(R) AUDIO (L)DVI-DTV OUTPUTREMOTECONTROL INRS-232C IN(CONTROL & SERVICE)RGB IN(PC)AUDIO IN(RGB/DVI)REMOTEREMOTECONTROL INCONTROL INRS-232C INRS-232C IN(CONTROL(CONTROL & SER & SERVICE)VICE)RGB INRGB IN(PC)(PC)AUDIO INAUDIO IN(RGB/DVI)(RGB/DVI)REMOTECONTROL INRS-232C IN(CONTROL & SERVICE)RGB IN(PC)AUDIO IN(RGB/DVI)VIDEOAUDIOVIDEOAUDIO(            )S-VIDEOAV IN 1AV OUTCOMPONENT INDIGITAL AUDIO OUTOPTICALSERVICESERVICESERVICEHDMI IN 1(DVI)2HDMI IN HDMI IN 1(DVI)1(DVI)2Digital Set-top Box12• If the digital set-top box has a DVI output and no HDMI output, a separated audio connection is nec-essary.•If the digital set-top box supports Auto DVI function, the output resolution of the digital set-top box willbe automatically set to 1280x720p.•If the digital set-top box does not support Auto DVI, you need to set the output resolution appropri-ately. To get the best picture quality, adjust the output resolution of the digital set-top box to1280x720p.
25InstallationDigital Audio Output123Connect one end of an optical cable to the TVDigital Audio Optical Output port.Connect the other end of the optical cable to thedigital audio optical input on the audio equipment.See the external audio equipment instructionmanual for operation. When connecting with external audio equip-ments, such as amplifiers or speakers, pleaseturn the TV speakers off. (Refer to p.41)VIDEOVIDEOAUDIOAUDIOVIDEOVIDEOAUDIOAUDIOMONO(                        )S-VIDEOS-VIDEOAV IN 1V IN 1AV OUTV OUTCOMPONENTCOMPONENT IN INDIGITDIGITALAL AUDIO AUDIO OUTOUTOPTICALPTICAL- Send the TV’s audio to external audio equipment (stereo system) via the Digital Audio Output Optical port.CAUTIONDo not look into the optical output port. Looking at the laser beam may damage your vision.1/2AV Out Setup12Connect the second TV or monitor to the TV’s AVOUTPUT jacks. See the Operating Manual of the second TV ormonitor for further details regarding that device’sinput settings.S-VIDEO IN(R) AUDIO (L)VIDEOVIDEOVIDEOAUDIOVIDEOVIDEOAUDIOAUDIOMONO(                        )S-VIDEOS-VIDEOAV IN 1AV OUTV OUTCOMPONENTCOMPONENT IN INDIGITDIGITALAL AUDIO AUDIO OUTOUTOPTICALPTICAL- The TV has a special signal output capability which allows you to hook up a second TV or monitor.1/2 •Component 1-2, RGB-PC, HDMI1/DVI,HDMI2, DTV input sources cannot be usedfor Monitor out.• We recommend to use the video and audiooutput jacks for VCR recording.
26Installation- This TV provides Plug and Play capability, meaning that the PC adjusts automatically to the TV's settings. PC SetupWhen connecting with a D-sub 15 pin cable1234Connect the RGB output of the PC to the RGB IN(PC) jack on the set.Connect the PC audio outputs to the AUDIOIN(RGB/DVI) jack on the set.Turn on the PC and the set. Select  RGB-PC  input source with using theINPUT button on the remote control.(R) AUDIO (L)RGB-PC OUTPUTREMOTEREMOTECONTROL INCONTROL INRS-232C IN(CONTROL(CONTROL & SER & SERVICE)VICE)RGB INRGB IN(PC)AUDIO INAUDIO IN(RGB/DVI)(RGB/DVI)HDMI / DVI IN REMOTECONTROL INRS-232C IN(CONTROL & SERVICE)RGB IN(PC)AUDIO IN(RGB/DVI)SERVICE12PCWhen connecting with a HDMI to DVI cable1234Connect the DVI output of the PC to the HDMI IN 1(DVI) jack on the set.Connect the audio outputs of the PC to the AUDIO IN(RGB/DVI) jack on the set.Turn on the PC and the set. Select HDMI1/DVI input source with using the INPUT button on the remote control.(R) AUDIO (L)DVI-PC OUTPUTREMOTECONTROL INRS-232C IN(CONTROL & SERVICE)RGB IN(PC)AUDIO IN(RGB/DVI)REMOTEREMOTECONTROL INCONTROL INRS-232C INRS-232C IN(CONTROL(CONTROL & SER & SERVICE)VICE)RGB INRGB IN(PC)(PC)AUDIO IN(RGB/DVI)SERVICESERVICEHDMI IN HDMI IN 1(DVI)1(DVI)2PC• If the PC has a DVI output and no HDMI output, a separated audio connection is necessary.•If the PC does not support Auto DVI, you need to set the output resolution appropriately. To get thebest picture quality, adjust the output resolution of PC graphics card's output resolution to1024x768, 60Hz.12
27Installation1. Depending on the graphics card, DOS mode maynot work if a HDMI to DVI Cable is in use.2. When Source Devices connected with HDMI/DVIInput, output PC Resolution (VGA, SVGA, XGA,WXGA), Position and Size may not fit toScreen.Press the ADJUST button to adjust thescreen Position of TV SET and contact an PCgraphics card service center.3. When Source Devices connected with HDMI/DVIInput, output TV SET Resolution (480p, 720p,1080i. 1080p) and TV SET Display fit EIA/CEA-861-B Specification to Screen. If not, refer to theManual of HDMI/DVI Source Devices or contactyour service center.4. In case HDMI/DVI Source Devices is not connect-ed Cable or poor cable connection,  "NO SIGNAL"OSD display in HDMI/DVI Input. In case that VideoResolution is not supported TV SET output inHDMI/DVI Source Devices, "INVALID FORMAT"OSD display. Refer to the Manual of HDMI/DVISource Devices or contact your service center.5. Check the image on your TV. There may be noiseassociated with the resolution, vertical pattern,contrast or brightness in PC, HDMI/DVI mode. Ifnoise is present, change the PC or HDMI/DVImode to another resolution, change the refreshrate to another rate or adjust the brightness andcontrast on the menu until the picture is clear. If therefresh rate of the PC graphic card can not bechanged, change the PC graphic card or consultthe manufacturer of the PC graphic card.6. Avoid keeping a fixed image on the TV's screen fora long period of time. The fixed image may becomepermanently imprinted on the screen.7. The synchronization input form for Horizontal andVertical frequencies is separate.Supported Display Resolution (RGB-PC, HDMI1/DVI, HDMI2 Mode)Resolution640x350720x400640x480HorizontalFrequency (kHz)31.46831.46931.46937.87970.0870.0859.9460.31VerticalFrequency (Hz)Resolution*720x480*1280x720HorizontalFrequency (kHz)31.46931.50044.9645.0033.7233.7527.0033.7559.9460.0059.9460.0059.9460.0024.0030.00VerticalFrequency (Hz)1280x768 47.747.747.148.36360606060.001360x7681366x768800x6001024x768*1920x1080i* This format is only for HDMI-DTV input.*1920x1080p
28Installation* Adjustment for screen Resolution, Position, Size, and Phase* Initializing (Reset to original factory values)- To initialize the adjusted valuesPosition This function is to adjustpicture to left/right andup/down as you prefer. Size This function is to minimizeany vertical bars or stripesvisible on the screen back-ground. And the horizontalscreen size will alsochange. Phase This function allows you toremove any horizontal noiseand clear or sharpen theimage of characters.Resolution  This function allows youselect Resolution ofXGA/WXGA.Mini Glossary- When RGB connect to PC input and select the RGB-PC, this function is used. - When HDMI/DVI connect to PC input and select HDMI/DVI input, this function is used. - After connecting RGB-PC or HDMI/DVI to PC input and checking the screen quality.Press the ADJUST button and then use DD  /  EEbutton to selectResolution, POSITION, SIZE, or PHASE.Press ENTER button and then use DD  /  EE/  FF  / GG  buttons tomake appropriate adjustments.• The PHASE adjustment range is -16 ~ +16.(In HDMI/DVI-PC mode, PHASE is not available.)• The SIZE adjustment range is -30 ~ +30.(In HDMI/DVI-PC mode, SIZE is not available.)Press ENTER button.123Press the ADJUST button and then use DD  / EEbutton to selectthe RESET option.Press ENTER button and then use FF  / GG  button to select Yes.Press ENTER button.123Screen Setup for PC modeTVTVINPUTDVDRATIOEXITEZ SOUNDINFOADJUSTEZ PICTIMERCCSAPMENUVCRPOWERCOMP1MODECOMP2  HDMIRGB-PCINPUT  ADJUSTTVTVINPUTDVDRATIOEZ SOUNDINFOADJUSTEZ PICVCRPOWERCOMP1MODECOMP2  HDMIRGB-PCINPUT  ADJUST* When you change the resolution, select the proper resolutionin present input to see the best picture appearance.
29OperationOperationOperationBasic operationBasic operation1. First, connect power cord correctly. At this moment, the TV switches to standby mode.In standby mode to turn TV on, press the , INPUT, CH DD/ EEbutton on the TV or press the POWER, TVINPUT, INPUT, CH DD/ EE, Number (0 ~ 9) button on the remote control .2. Select the viewing source by using TV INPUT, INPUT button on the remote control.This TV is programmed to remember which power state it was last set to, even if the power cord is out. 3. When finished using the TV, press the POWER button on the remote control. The TV reverts to  standby mode.1. Press the VOL DD/ EEbutton to adjust the volume.2. If you want to switch the sound off, press the MUTE button. 3. You can cancel this function by pressing the MUTE or VOL DD/ EEbutton.Press the CH DD/ EEor NUMBER buttons to select a channel number.- The menus can be shown on thescreen in the selected language.First select your language.On Screen Menus Language SelectionVolume AdjustmentTurning on the TVChannel SelectionPress the MENU button and then use DD/  EEbutton to select theOPTION menu.Press the GGbutton and then use DD/ EEbutton to select Language. Press the GGbutton and then use DD/ EEbutton to select your desiredlanguage. From this point on, the on-screen menus will be shown in theselected language.Press  EXIT  button to return to TV viewing or press MENU button toreturn to the previous menu.1234• If you intend to be away on vacation, disconnect the power plug from the wall power outlet.Aspect RatioCaption/TextCaption OptionLanguage GISM MethodLow PowerEnglishEspañol (Spanish)Français (French)Aspect RatioCaption/TextCaption OptionLanguageISM MethodLow Power
30OperationOn Screen Menus Selection and On Screen Menus Selection and AdjustmentAdjustment1. Press the MENU button and then DD/ EEbutton to select each menu.2. Press the GGbutton and then use DD  / EE/ FF  / GGbutton to display the available menus.• Your TV's OSD (On Screen Display) may differ slightly from what is shown in this manual.How to adjust the OSD screenEZ ScanManual ScanChannel EditDTV SignalInput SourceInput LabelSet IDEZ PictureColor TemperatureXDAdvancedVideo ResetAudio LanguageEZ SoundBalanceTV SpeakerAuto ClockManual ClockOff TimerOn TimerSleep TimerAuto OffAspect RatioCaption/TextCaption OptionLanguageISM MethodLow PowerLock SystemSet PasswordBlock ChannelMovie RatingTV Rating-ChildrenTV Rating-GeneralInput Block
31OperationEZ Scan (Channel Search)Setup Menu OptionsSetup Menu OptionsPress the MENU button and then use DD  / EEbutton to select the SETUP menu.Press the GGbutton and then use DD  / EEbutton to select EZ Scan.Press the ENTER button to begin the channel search.Allow EZ Scan to complete the channel search cycle for ANTENNA, andCABLE.123Manual Scan-  A password is required to gainaccess to Manual Scan menu ifthe Lock System is turned on.Press the MENU button and then use DD  / EEbutton to select the SETUP menu.Press the GGbutton and then use DD  / EEbutton to select Manual Scan.Press the GGbutton and then use DD  / EEbutton to select TV, DTV, CATV,and CADTV.Press the GGbutton and then use DD  / EEbutton to select channel num-ber you want to add or delete.Press the ENTER button to add or delete for the channel number.Press  EXIT button to return to TV viewing or press MENU button toreturn to the previous menu.123456- Automatically finds all channelsavailable through antenna orcable inputs, and stores them inmemory on the channel list.- Run EZ Scan again after anyAntenna/Cable connection changes.-  A password is required to gainaccess to EZ Scan menu if theLock System is turned on.EZ Scan GManual ScanChannel EditDTV SignalInput SourceInput LabelSet IDSelection ( Gor     ) leads you to the EZ  scan screen.EZ ScanManual ScanChannel EditDTV SignalInput SourceInput LabelSet IDProcessing EZ scan...TV Ch.200 channel(s) foundPress     to stop thecurrent scan and startDIGITAL ANTENNA channelscan.MENU  PreviousNextEZ ScanManual ScanChannel EditDTV SignalInput SourceInput LabelSet IDEZ ScanManual Scan GChannel EditDTV SignalInput SourceInput LabelSet IDSelect channel type and RF-channel number.TV  GG2Press      to delete the channel.TV 2-0DDEE

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