LG Electronics USA IS11LG Cellular CDMA Phone with WLAN and Bluetooth User Manual
LG Electronics MobileComm USA, Inc. Cellular CDMA Phone with WLAN and Bluetooth
Users Manual
This device is not intended for sale in the USA. Part 15.21 statement " Change or Modifications that are not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. â Part 15.105 statement This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful IS11LG interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference or INSTRUCTION MANUAL television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: - Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. - Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. - Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. - Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. 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Precautions on Using Touch Screen The touch screen has been designed for ďŹnger touching slightly. Do not press it with sharp objects (nail, ballpoint pen, pin etc.) or forcibly with your ďŹnger. The following user actions may cause the touch screen not to work properly. They may also cause malfunction. s Touching the screen with gloved hands s Touching the screen with the tip of a fingernail s Placing a foreign object on the screen s Sticking a protective sheet or seal on the screen Touch Screen Operations You can perform the following actions on the touch screen. s Tap: Touch the screen lightly s Double-tap: Touch the screen lightly twice successively s Touch: Touch and hold down the screen s Swipe: Lightly flick the screen s Drag: Touch and hold down to flick the screen, and then release your finger s Pinch-out: Touch the screen with 2 fingers and then move them apart s Pinch-in: Touch the screen with 2 fingers apart widen and then move them together, as if pinching Scrolling Screen Zooming in or out You can scroll the screen up or down. On some web pages, you can also scroll sideways. Some applications allow you to zoom in on small characters that are difďŹcult to read. After zooming in, you can also zoom out to a full-screen view. Drag up or down to scroll. Opening Items The movement of your fingers enlarges the screen display by pinching it out. s The movement of your fingers reduces the screen display by pinching it in. s Pinch in on the Home screen to set the number of screens. Swipe to scroll quickly. To stop scrolling, touch the screen. Tap an item Marking or Unmarking Options an item that has a checkbox Tap s If the checkbox was unmarked, a tick now appears in it. s If the checkbox was marked, the tick now disappears from it. ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using Note appears when you drag the s Sometimes screen. You can also zoom in or out by tapping to zoom in by this zoom control icon. Tap to zoom out by one level. one level. Tap or part of the zoom control However, the icon turns to gray if you have already zoomed in or to the maximum or zoom out to the minimum. This indicates that you cannot zoom in or out any further. Using Motion Gesture Operate simply by moving the terminal or pressing G key. s To use motion gesture, tap X "Settings" X "Gesture" X "Use motion gestures" from the Home screen, and place a check mark in each item. ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using  Display the right or left area of the Home screen the Home screen, tip the terminal From leftward or rightward with G key being pressed s The left or right area is displayed. Using motion gesture on video player  To pause while playing a video the terminal while playing a video Flip s The video is paused. Using motion gesture on the Home screen  To move the icon rightward or leftward on the Home screen the Home screen, touch an icon From for over 1 second the terminal leftward or rightward Tip s The left or right area is displayed. Using motion gesture while an incoming call arrives Using motion gesture on alarm  To stop alarm to snooze the terminal while alarm is set Flip s Alarm stops and snooze turns on. an icon to a desired location and Drag release your ďŹnger ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using  To mute the ringtone an incoming call arrives, ďŹip the When terminal s The ringtone becomes mute.  Receiving a call you receive an incoming call, When shake the terminal with G key being pressed  To move a thumbnail list display in gallery Using motion gesture in gallery a thumbnail list is being While displayed, tip the terminal leftward or  To move image display of the gallery an image in gallery is being While displayed, tap the left or right side of the rightward with G key being pressed s The thumbnail list is moved leftward or rightward. terminal Changing Screen Orientation The terminal screen automatically rotates to horizontal (landscape) and vertical (portrait) views, depending on the direction in which it is turned. s The left or right image is displayed. Note  Ending a call the terminal with G key being Shake pressed while answering a call  To enlarge or reduce an image an image in gallery is being While displayed, press G key s The image is enlarged or reduced. ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using Initial Settings First-time Settings When the power is ďŹrst turned ON, you need to set the language and date for the terminal. Once you set those settings, there is no need to set them the next time the power is turned ON. You can also change these settings later. s Procedures change depending on the connection with network and settings skip. s If tap "Skip", the corresponding settings are skipped. ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using "Next" in Google account setting Tap s Enter the login information, etc. following the on- ConďŹguring Wi-Fi Settings The terminal connects to the Internet via access points for Wi-Fi networks or public wireless LAN services. To connect, you must conďŹgure the access point connection settings on the terminal.  Reception interference caused by Bluetooth devices s The terminal's wireless LAN devices and Bluetooth device use the same frequency (2.4GHz), reception interference may occur or the communications speed may lower. Also, you may hear noise or have a connection problem. In these cases, do the following: screen instruction. s For the details about character input method, refer to "Text Entry" (P71). "OK" and hold the power key for over 1 Press second "Continue" Select a language Set the date and tap "Next" whether to use mobile network when Set Wi-Fi is not available Wi-Fi settings and tap "Next" Set s For details, refer to "Configuring Wi-Fi Settings" (P46). ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using 45 s Screen orientation may not change in some applications. s You can disable screen rotation by tapping "Settings" X "Display" in the Home screen, and unmarking the "Auto-rotate screen" checkbox in the "Display settings" screen. Connecting to a Wi-Fi network the Home screen, XFrom "Wireless & networks" X "Settings" s The "Wireless & network settings" screen appears. Place a check mark on "Wi-Fi" settings" "Wi-Fi s The "Wi-Fi settings" screen appears. Tap the Wi-Fi network that you want to connect to s If you try to connect to a protected Wi-Fi network, you will be prompted to enter the security key for that Wi-Fi network. Tap the "Password" box, enter the network password and tap "Connect". s Usually, when you enter a password, an immediate entered character is displayed and Deleting an online service account Note s If you mark the "Background data" checkbox, all installed applications on the terminal will automatically communicate with their respective services. If you mark the "Autosync" checkbox, the applications will also automatically synchronize data with their respective services. These operations may incur packet communication charges. Marking these checkboxes also runs down the battery due to the increased background activity. Manually synchronizing online service data From the Home screen, X "Accounts & sync" X "Settings" s The "Accounts & sync settings" screen appears. the account that you want to Tap synchronize with the Home screen, From X "Accounts & sync" NotiďŹcation Panel X "Settings" NotiďŹcation icons are displayed in the NotiďŹcation panel. You can open notiďŹcations, such as messages, reminders, or event notiďŹcations, directly from the NotiďŹcation panel. s The "Accounts & sync settings" screen appears. the account that you want to delete Tap s The "Data & synchronization" screen appears. account" "Remove s The "Remove account" screen appears. "Remove account" s The selected account is deleted. Opening the NotiďŹcation panel or swipe the status bar downwards Drag s The Notification panel appears. Icons are displayed at the top of the Notification panel. Icons are blue when they are on, and gray when they are off. Note s Google account that you set for the first time cannot delete with the operation above. To delete it, initialization of the terminal is required from the Home screen, tap X "Settings" X "Privacy" X "Factory data reset". s A list of the online service's synchronized data list appears. s The data with check mark is synchronized. a check mark on synchronized Place data s The data with check mark is synchronized. ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using a Silent mode Switch between on and off. Touch for over 1 second to display the "Sound settings" screen. b Wi-Fi Switch between on and off. Touch for over 1 second to display the "Wi-Fi settings" screen. c Bluetooth Switch between on and off. Touch for over 1 second to display the "Bluetooth settings" screen. d GPS Switch between on and off. Touch for over 1 second to display the "Location & security settings" screen. 54 Viewing notiďŹcation details ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using Home Screen the notiďŹcation message on the Tap NotiďŹcation panel You can customize the Home screen by adding or moving shortcuts and widgets, and by changing the wallpaper. The Home screen has two screens each on the left and right for adding shortcuts and widgets. s The notification details are displayed in the appropriate application. Clearing notiďŹcation informations Tap "Clear" on the NotiďŹcation panel s Some notifications cannot be cleared, depending on their content. f Clear Delete notification information and icons. Closing the NotiďŹcation panel a Extended home location Display location of the Home screen which is currently displayed. b Widget (Ex: quick search box) Tap to activate or operate Widget (applications on the Home screen). c User customized part Customization which you perform in the Home screen is reflected. Moving/deleting application shortcuts or widgets are available. d Shortcut Tap to activate an application or items in terminal settings. Note e Mobile network settings When Wi-Fi is not available, set if access to mobile network. Touch for over 1 second to display "Mobile network settings" screen. g NotiďŹcation information Display details of notification information. 51 Open application list. In application list screen, "Applications"/"Downloads" tab is selectable. or swipe the bottom of the Drag NotiďŹcation panel upwards Note s You can also close the Notification panel by tapping ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using 55 56 ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using Switching the Home Screen From the Home screen, "Applications" X "Home selector" s Home selector opens. Viewing the Extended Screens Rightward or Leftward the Home screen rightward or Drag leftward a Home application that you want to Tap change s Home screen is changed. Note s "Home" is the only application that pre-installed in the terminal when purchasing. The Home screen will be changed after downloading the Home application. s Follow the instructions of the downloaded Home application and tap "Home selector" X "Home" to go back to the former Home screen. s The description in this manual is based on the operations when Home selector is set to "Home" and the contents of the Home screen are in initial settings. Operations, such as opening an application, may differ if the Home screen is changed to the downloaded Home application or when the Home screen contents are changed. s The extended screens on the right or left appear. Adding a Widget to the Home Screen From the Home screen, touch a shortcut icon you want to add to a folder for over 1 second the icon to the folder and release Drag your ďŹnger s After the folder window opens, confirm whether Tap the folder the shortcut has been added. Change a Folder Name Android Market Music Play music tool Google Search Search tool Power Control A tool to manage Power Show current location YouTube Play videos Analog clock Analog clock Task Manager Manage the application running Rate Places Take notes shops nearby Calendar Calendar News & Weather News and weather forecast Adding a Shortcut to the Home Screen the Home screen for over 1 Touch second "Shortcuts" Tap a shortcut type you want to add a shortcut you want to add Tap s The shortcut icon is added to the Home screen. s It may be required to set some items depending on the shortcut. Set the settings according to the on-screen instruction. Creating a Folder on the Home Screen Function Latitude Tap the Home screen for over 1 second "Folders" a folder you want to add Tap s The folder is added to the Home screen. 57 58 Moving a Shortcut Icon Market to user customization area. Release your finger at the location you desired. s The widget is added to the Home screen. s "Widgets" tab appears. Widget Function Show hint of the operation a widget to add Tap s Touch the widget for over 1 second and drag it the Home screen for over 1 Touch second ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using Adding a Shortcut to a Folder Widget Home screen tips ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using Changing the Home Screen Wallpaper From the Home screen, touch a shortcut icon that you want to move for over 1 second the Home screen for over 1 Touch second your ďŹnger on the icon, drag it to Keep the new location and release your ďŹnger "Wallpapers" "Wallpapers" or a wallpaper Tap s If you have tapped "Wallpapers" X "Gallery", s The shortcut icon is moved. tap an image that you want to use as wallpaper. Drag the square displayed on the screen to select the section that you want to use as wallpaper, and then tap "Save". s Live wallpaper list appears when tapping "Wallpapers" X "Live wallpapers". Tap to select one of the live wallpaper, then tap "Set wallpaper". Depending on the type of wallpaper, you can set the live wallpaper settings by tapping "Settings...". Note s You can also drag the shortcut icon to one of the Home screen's extended screens to the left or right. a folder you want to change name Tap s The folder window opens. Touch the title bar for over 1 second s "Rename folder" menu appears. a new name of the folder and tap Enter "OK" Searching The "Google Search" widget allows you to search for Contacts or applications in the terminal, or web pages. You can also change the type of information that you are searching for and the search range. Searching by text entry the search box in the Search widget Tap in the Home screen s The Quick Search box appears. a word to search Enter s A list of search candidates, search results in the terminal, and previously selected search results are displayed in accordance with the entered words. one of the items in the list Tap s The selected item is displayed by the appropriate application. Deleting a Home Screen Icon s The name of the folder is changed. the Home screen, touch a shortcut From icon or widget for over 1 second your ďŹnger on the icon, drag it to Keep "Remove" and release your ďŹnger s The icon is deleted from the Home screen. ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using 59 60 ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using Note s If there is no search result that you want, you can to search web pages. tap Voice-activating search ConďŹguring search settings of the Search widget on the Tap Home screen the Home screen, tap search box From in the Search widget "Speak now" appears, clearly When speak the search word towards the settings" s TheX "Search "Search settings" screen appears. Change the settings if required microphone s Your spoken word is converted into text. A "Did you mean..." list of information containing the search term is displayed. s Google home page with the search words in the search box are shown if there is no suggestion. s Tap "Speak again" in the "No matches found" screen if your voice cannot be recognized. s Google home page with the search words in the Tap one of the lists Show web suggestions Set if display the Google search options when inputting. Use My Location Set if allow Google to use location information to search or improve the service quality. Search history Set if display the customized search history. Manage search history Set if use Google account to manage the customized search history. search box are shown. Note s If your spoken word is not converted correctly, search by tapping again and speak the work or enter the word to search. Searchable items Web Google search ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using Application Screen Phone Clear shortcuts 61 62 Web Enter Web search, Bookmark and Browser history to search. Apps Enter the installed application name to search. Music Enter artist, album and track to search. Messaging Enter the text of a message to search. Contacts Enter a contact name to search. Voice Search Enter voice search history to search. On the Application screen, icons of all applications stored in the terminal are displayed. You can tap an icon to open the application. Opening an application from the application screen From the Home screen, "Applications" an icon Tap s The application for the tapped icon opens. Note s The icon in category will be hidden if tap the title bar of a category on the application screen. Tap the title bar again to display the icon. Delete the shortcut of the latest selected search word. ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using Managing Category Changing the layout of an application screen Manage categories on the application screen and sort icons. Application screen is displayed with three versions of layout: category, page and list. From the Home screen, "Applications" X "Layout" Tap "Category", "Page" or "List" Adding a category From the Home screen, "Applications" X "Manage category" "Add" a category name and tap "Save" Enter s The category is added on the application screen. Changing a category name From the Home screen, "Applications" X "Manage category" Tap a category a category name and tap "Save" Enter s The category name is changed. Note s The names of categories which are pre-installed in the terminal when purchasing cannot be changed. ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using 63 ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using 69 Moving a category X "Manage category" of a category and drag Tap s The category is moved. From the Home screen, "Applications" Deleting a category From the Home screen, "Applications" X "Manage category" "Delete" a check mark on the category to Place delete X "OK" "Delete" s The category is deleted. Note s The categories installed in the terminal when purchasing cannot be deleted. Managing Applications Manage applications on the application screen. The terminal has an on-screen keyboard that is displayed in the touch screen for text entry. Moving an application From the Home screen, "Applications" X "Manage app" Touch an application for over 1 second the application and release your Drag ďŹnger s The application is moved. Deleting an application From the Home screen, "Applications" X "Manage app" an application Tap s "Application info" screen appears. "OK" s The application is deleted. Note ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using f Right cursor key The highlight moves to the right. Touch this for over 1 second to move it continuously. It can also widen the conversion range. Also, if you tap this icon when the highlight is at the right end of an unconfirmed character string, the number of characters applicable to predictive conversion increases. g Space key/Conversion key Enter a space. With an unconfirmed character, tapping this icon will display conversion candidates. h Execution key/Enter key Confirms the entered characters or conversed characters. If the entered characters or conversed characters have already been confirmed, this executes the function of the text box in which the characters were entered. i Shift key Switch between upper case letter and lower case letter. Text Entry Using the On-screen Keyboard If you tap a text box on the screen, the on-screen keyboard appears in the touch panel. The terminal provides two types of on-screen keyboard for Japanese entry - an on-screen 10-key keyboard and an on-screen QWERTY keyboard. Tap key icon to switch the entering operation such as letter type change.  On-screen 10-key keyboard Use this for entering Japanese in "Kana character input". a Reverse order key/Undo key Displays the previous character (reverse sequence). When "Undo" is displayed, this undoes the last operation. b Left cursor key The highlight moves to the left. It continues to move if you touch the icon for over 1 second. It can also narrow the conversion range. c Symbol key Displays a list of symbols and emoticons. d Switch character type key/Setting key Switch the character type. Touch for over 1 second "iWnn IME Menu" appears. e Deletion key Deletes the character to the left of the cursor. The characters continue to be deleted if you touch the icon for over 1 second. s Applications installed in the terminal when purchasing cannot be deleted. 70  On-screen QWERTY keyboard Use this for entering Japanese in "Roman letter input". Text Entry ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using There are 8 character input modes. The current mode is indicated by the following icons in the status bar. Hiragana and Kanji input Half-width alphabet input Full-width Katakana input Full-width number input Half-width Katakana input Half-width number input Full-width alphabet input Voice input Switching the keyboard the on-screen keyboard, touch On over 1 second s "iWnn IME Menu" appears. "10-key for 71 10-key Keyboard Flick Input Mark this checkbox to change the input method on the on-screen 10key keyboard to flick input. Unmark this checkbox to change it back to toggle input. Flick Sensitivity If you tap this while the "Flick Input" checkbox has been marked, the "Flick Sensitivity(Low Operations during a Call During a call, you can adjust the volume, turn the speaker ON/OFF, mute the microphone, and put the call on hold, depending on the usage conditions. Adjusting Call Volume During a call, you can adjust the reception volume. Volume key (upper)/Volume key Press (lower) s The call volume changes accordingly. Using Call Options During a call, you can put the caller onto speaker or temporarily mute the microphone. Turning the speaker ON/OFF a call, "Speaker" sDuring You can hear the caller's voice through the speaker. Call Log Note s Do not hold the terminal against your ear with the speaker ON. s Speak into the terminal from a distance of no more than 50 cm. If you find it difficult to hear what is being said, turn off the speaker. This automatically records a history of your incoming and outgoing calls. You can also use the call log to call a phone number or add it in Contacts. Calling to Answer a Missed Call When you have missed calls, a missed call notiďŹcation appears in the status bar. Muting the microphone a call, "Mute" During s The caller can no longer hear what you are saying. If you see in the status bar, drag or swipe the status bar downwards s Notification of the missed call appears in the Notification panel. The missed call notification displays the caller's phone number or the caller's name that is saved in Contacts, and the time or date of the missed call. s The caller can hear what you are saying again. With the microphone OFF, "Mute" Putting the call on hold the missed call notiďŹcation Tap s The "Call log" tab is displayed. a call, "Hold" During s The call is put on hold. the hold state, "Unhold" Ins Hold is cancelled, and you can resume the call. s For the missed call log, Calling a Number from the Call Log You can make calls to the phone numbers stored in the call log. the Home screen, "Phone" X "Call From log" tab s The "Call log" tab appears. on the right of the other party's Tap name or phone number s The call is made. Note s You can also make a call by touching the desired name or phone number on the "Call log" tab for over 1 second and then tapping "Call ĂĂĂ-ĂĂĂĂĂĂĂĂ" in the menu that appears. is displayed. on the right of the missed call log Tap s The call is made. the speaker ON, "Speaker" With s You can no longer hear the caller's voice through the speaker. Calling / Network Services Adding a Phone Number from the Call Log to Contacts You can add phone numbers from the call log to Contacts. On the "Call log" tab, touch the phone number for over 1 second s A menu appears. to contacts" "Add s The Contacts screen appears. The contact in which you want to add a number or "Create new contact" s The "Create contact under account" screen appears when selecting the "Create new contact", select an account. Enter the contact information and tap "Save" s The contact is added to Contacts. 79 80 Deleting the Call Log Calling / Network Services Contacts Calls are automatically added to the call log. However, you can delete a call log or all call logs for any phone number or contact. In Contacts, you can enter information about your personal contacts, such as their phone number, email address and web service accounts. Deleting a phone number or contact from the call log Viewing a Contact You can view all the contact information that is saved in Contacts. the "Call log" tab, touch the phone On number for over 1 second s The "Contacts" tab appears. From the Home screen, "Contacts" s A menu appears. s The call log is deleted. s If the "Favorites" tab appears, tap "Contacts". "Remove from call log" the "Contacts" tab or "Favorites" On X "New contact" tab, s Select an account from "Create contact under account" screen. the contact information, and tap Enter "Save" s The entered information is added to Contacts. Editing a Contact You can edit a contact that has already been added to Contacts. Deleting all call logs On the "Call log" tab, log" X "OK" Adding a Contact You can add a new contact to Contacts. the "Contacts" tab, touch a contact On that you want to edit for over 1 second X "Clear call s A menu appears. s The entire call log is deleted. contact" "Edit s The Edit contact screen containing previously entered information appears. delete or edit the information, and Add, tap "Save" s Contacts is updated. Calling / Network Services 81 82 Calling / Network Services Searching for a Contact You can search for a contact on the "Contacts" tab by dragging in the tab or by text entry. On the "Contacts" tab, the search text Enter s Suggestions, search results in the terminal and previously selected search results are displayed. one of the contacts Tap s The contact information is displayed. Making Calls/Sending Emails/ Chatting via Contacts Viewing the Map of a Contact's Address You can make a call directly from Contacts. If you have added an email address or chat account to the contact's entry, you can also send the contact an email or launch a chat application and chat with the contact. If the contact's address has been added to Contacts, you can view its location in a map. the "Contacts" tab, tap a contact On s The contact information is displayed. xxxx address" "View s The "Maps" application opens, displaying the the "Contacts" tab, tap a contact On s The contact information is displayed. , , or s You can now make a call, send an email or chat. location of the contact's address that is saved in Contacts. Deleting a Contact Make a call. Send an SMS message. the "Contacts" tab, tap a contact On s The contact information is displayed. "Delete contact" s AXconfirmation message appears. "OK" s The contact is deleted. Send an email. Start a chat. Note s Touch the contact for over 1 second to display a menu. You can now make a call if you tap "Call contact", or send an SMS message if you tap "Text contact". Calling / Network Services Adding a Contact to Favorites When you add a contact to Favorites, it appears on the "Favorites" tab. The "Favorites" tab allows you to quickly display a speciďŹc contact. the "Contacts" tab, touch the contact On that you want to add to Favorites for over 1 second s A menu appears. to favorites" "Add s The contact is added to the "Favorites" tab. Note s When you display a contact that has been added to Favorites, the star icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen turns yellow. s If you tap the yellow star icon, it turns gray. - If the contact has call log, the contact is displayed in "Frequently contacted" of "Favorites" tab. - If the contact has no call log, the contact is undisplayed in "Favorites" tab. s If you tap a gray star icon, it turns yellow and the contact is displayed in "Favorites" of "Favorites" tab. Using Phonebook Copy Tool Copy Phonebook data between this terminal and other terminals via microSD card. Also, you can copy the Phonebook data saved to your Google account to your account. Open Phonebook copy tool the Home screen, "Applications" From X "PhoneBookCopy" s For first time users, to accept " Note s You can also delete a contact by touching a contact on the "Contacts" tab for over 1 second, and tapping "Delete contact" in the menu that appears. 83 84 Calling / Network Services Sharing a Contact You can share the contacts saved in the terminal with other applications. the "Contacts" tab, tap one of the On contacts s The contact information appears. "Share" s AXmenu listing the applications that the contact can be shared with appears. one of the applications Tap s The screen of the selected application appears. Follow the instructions on the screen. Voice Mail Service If you are in a location with no radio reception, the terminal is powered off, or you are unable to take the call within the preset ring time, the Voice Mail Service answers a call with a voice mail greeting and records the caller's message. Basic ďŹow of the Voice Mail Service Start the Voice Mail Service. A call is made to your terminal. If you do not answer the voice call, a connection is made to the Voice Mail Service Center. Setting the Voice Mail Service s The "Voice mail service" screen appears. The following operations are available to you. Activate Tap "OK" to start the Voice Mail Service. Ring time Enter 0 to 120 (seconds) for the ring time. If the ring time is set to "0", calls will not be saved to the call logs. Deactivate Tapping "OK" when setting the Voice Mail Service stops the Voice Mail Service. Check setting Display the setting state of the Voice Mail Service. Play messages Tap "OK" to connect to the Voice Mail Service Center. Follow the voice prompts to play the message. A message is recorded. You are notified of the message at the Voice Mail Service Center. Play the message. 88 Calling / Network Services Missed call notiďŹcation Delete icon 90 The "Missed call notification" screen appears. Configure settings of the SMS message notification that will be received for calls that were missed while the terminal was powered off or outside of the service area. The SMS message contains the date and time of the missed call and the caller's phone number and will be sent the next time that the terminal is powered on or reenters the service area. s Tap "Activate" to specify the type of missed calls to be notified about. Select "All calls" to be notified of all missed calls. Select "Calls with caller ID" to be notified only of missed calls with caller ID. s Tap "Deactivate" and then tap "OK" during a notification to deactivate the notification. s Tap "Check setting" to display the current notification settings. The Voice Mail notification is deleted. Calling / Network Services Setting Tap "OK" to connect to the Voice Mail Service Center. Change the Voice Mail settings by following the voice prompts. Check messages Check whether there is a new Voice Mail message. After checking, the completion message appears. Tone/ Vibration message notiďŹcation The "Tone/Vibration message notification" screen appears. Mark the "Sound" or "Vibrate" checkbox to be alerted of a new Voice Mail message by a tone or vibration or both. the Home screen, X "Settings" From X "Call settings" X "Voice mail service" Calling / Network Services Note s If you have messages at the Voice Mail Service appears in the status bar. Once all Center, messages have been cleared or stored, following will disappear. the guidance, Playing a voice message or swipe the status bar downwards Drag s The Notifications panel is displayed. voicemail" X "Yes" "New s The terminal is connected to the Voice Mail Service Center. Follow the guidance to play messages. Call Waiting Service When there is another incoming call while you are on a call, the in-call ringtone notiďŹes you of the second call. You can answer the second call by putting the ďŹrst call on hold. You can also put your current call on hold and place a call to another party. 89 Putting the current call on hold and answering an incoming call hear a beep during a call, drag Iftoyou rightward s The first call is automatically put on hold and the incoming call is received. s To end the second call, tap "End". The second Switch to the ďŹrst call Note s Even when the call is on hold, the caller is charged for a call fee. Setting the Call Waiting Service the Home screen, X "Settings" From X "Call settings" X "Call waiting" s The "Call waiting" screen appears. The following operations are available to you. Activate Tap "OK" to start the Call Waiting Service. Deactivate Tap "OK" to stop the Call Waiting Service. Check setting The current settings are displayed. call is terminated and you return to the first call. s To put the second call on hold, tap "Swap". The second call is put on hold and you return to the first call. Tapping "Swap" switches to the other party. Ending the current call and answering an incoming call X "End current call & answer" or "End active call" during a call s The first call is terminated and the incoming call is received. Calling / Network Services 91 Putting the current call on hold and making a call to another party a call, "Add call" During s The "Phone" tab appears. the other party's phone number, Enter and tap s The first call is automatically put on hold and you are put through to the new call. You can also search for a contact if you tap the "Contacts" tab or "Call log" tab. to the ďŹrst call Switch s To terminate the new call, tap "End". The new call is terminated and you return to the first call. s To put the new call on hold, tap "Swap". The new call is put on hold and you return to the first call. Tapping "Swap" switches to the other party. Call Forwarding Service The Call Forwarding Service forwards a call to a preset forwarding number if you do not answer the call within the preset ring time, or are outside of the service area or if the terminal is powered off. Note Call charge for the Call Forwarding Service Caller Call charges are incurred by the caller. Subscriber to the Call Forwarding Service s If you do not answer an incoming call when the Call Forwarding Service is set to "Activate", the call is saved in "Call log" as a missed call, and appears in the status bar. Basic ďŹow of the Call Forwarding Service Register the forwarding number. Call charges are incurred by the subscriber to the Call Forwarding Service. Forwarding number s Even when the Call Forwarding Service is active, you can answer a call while the ringtone sounds. A call is made to your terminal. If you do not answer a call, it is automatically forwarded to the specified forwarding number. Calling / Network Services Forwarding number busy Check setting Tap "Connect" to automatically connect an incoming call to the Voice Mail Service Center if the forwarding number is busy*. The current Call Forwarding Service settings are displayed. * A subscription to the Voice Mail Service is required. Setting on/off the Call Forwarding voice prompts the Home screen, "Phone" From s The "Phone" tab appears. X "4" X "2" X "9" X "1" s Follow the voice prompts to configure the setting. For details, refer to "Mobile Phone User's Guide [Network Services]". 94 Calling / Network Services s The "Call forwarding" screen appears. The following operations are available to you. Activate Change forwarding number Enter the forwarding number. Register ring time Enter 0 to 120 (seconds) for the ring time. If the ring time is set to "0", incoming calls are not saved in the call log. Note Set the Call Forwarding Service to start. 92 Setting the Call Forwarding Service the Home screen, X "Settings" From X "Call settings" X "Call forwarding" Deactivate Tap "OK" to stop the Call Forwarding Service. Register number Enter a new forwarding number and tap "OK" to change the forwarding number. You can also activate the Call Forwarding Service by marking the "Activate" checkbox when the service is deactivated. Calling / Network Services Caller ID NotiďŹcation Service When making a call, your phone number can be shown in the display of the other party's phone. Additional Services When a new network service is introduced by au, you can use it after registering it in the menu. Note Note s The Caller ID Notification Service is not available (out of service area) is displayed. when s The service is only in operation when the other party's phone can display the caller ID. s If an announcement requesting caller ID is heard when making a call, activate Caller ID Notification or add the "186" prefix to the phone number and call again. s When using the service, enter "Special Numbers" or "service code" informed by au. "Special Numbers" is the number to access service center. "service code (USSD)" is the number to inform to service center. the Home screen, X "Settings" From X "Call settings" X "Caller ID notiďŹcation" s The "Caller ID notification" screen appears. The following operations are available to you. Setting additional services the Home screen, X "Settings" From X "Call settings" X "Additional service" s The "Additional service" screen appears. "Add USSD functions" X "Add USSD functions" s The "Add USSD functions" menu appears. Check setting The current Caller ID Notification settings are displayed. Setting Set whether the other party is notified of your caller ID. Tap "Notify" to enable notification, and "Not notify" to disable notification. "Service name" and "USSD Enter string", and tap "OK" 93 Registering the response message when using the service the Home screen, X "Settings" From X "Call settings" X "Additional service" s The "Additional service" screen appears. message" X "Add message" "Add s The "Add message" menu appears. "Answer word" and "USSD string" Enter and tap "OK" s The new service is added. s Enter "Answer word" using 20 double-byte characters or 20 single byte characters. Using the registered service the Home screen, X "Settings" From X "Call settings" X "Additional service" s The "Additional service" screen appears. USSD functions" X Tap the "Add registered service s The registered service is available to use. s Enter "Service name" using 20 double-byte characters or 20 single byte characters. Calling / Network Services 95 Feedback Sound This allows you to conďŹgure various sound settings, such as the type and volume of ringtones, Silent mode and Vibrate. The menu and functions displayed on this screen are shown below. General Silent mode Enable/disable Silent mode. When in Silent mode, all sounds apart from music/video and alarms are muted. Vibrate Set when to use the vibrator. Volume Set the volume of the ringtone, music/video and alarms. Sound volume of notification also can be adjusted. Display Audible touch tones Set whether a sound is played when a phone number is entered. Audible selection Set whether a sound is played when a menu item is selected. Screen lock sounds Set whether a sound is played when the screen is locked/unlocked. Haptic feedback Set whether to enable to vibrate during specific operations, such as , , and This allows you to conďŹgure display settings, such as screen brightness and animation. The menu and functions displayed on this screen are shown below. Brightness Set the screen brightness. Auto-rotate screen Set whether to automatically change the screen display when the terminal is rotated. Animation Configure the animation settings. Screen timeout Set how long to keep the backlight on after the last time using the terminal. Incoming calls Phone ringtone Set the sound used as the ringtone. NotiďŹcations NotiďŹcation ringtone 102 Set the sound used for notifications. Settings Settings Network security code Note Security Codes and UIM Protection For convenient and secure use of the terminal, you can set codes to lock the terminal and network security codes to be used with network services. You can make better use by dividing the codes depending on different purposes. s Avoid setting security codes using your birthday, part of your phone number, your address or room number, "1111" or "1234", which can be easily guessed by others. Be sure to write down the security codes and store them in a safe location. s Do not reveal your security codes to others. is not responsible for damage caused by misuse of your security codes by others. s If you forget your security codes, you need to bring your identification document (driver's license, etc.), the terminal and the UIM to a Shop. For details, contact "General Inquiries" provided on the last page of this manual. s Your PIN unblocking key is written in the application form (copy for subscriber) given at the time of contract. If you have subscribed at a place other than a Shop, bring your identification document (driver's license, etc.) and the UIM to a Shop, or contact "General Inquiries" provided on the last page of this manual. Settings The network security code is a 4-digit number necessary for using the Network Services or identiďŹcation at reception of your request in Shop or at Information Center. It can be set any number at the subscription and also changed later by yourself. You can change your network security code to the new one through PC if you have a " ID/ Password" on General support site for PC "My ". PIN code The UIM can set security code named PIN code. This code is set to "0000" at the time of subscription, but you may subsequently change it. PIN code are 4- to 8-digit numbers that are entered to check the user when the UIM is inserted in the terminal or the terminal power is turned on. It is intended to prevent unauthorized use of the terminal by a third party. You can use the terminal by entering PIN code. Note s If you use a UIM that has been currently used when you buy a new terminal, use the same PIN code that had been set on the current terminal. The code is "0000" if the default setting has not been changed. s If you enter incorrect PIN code three times in a row, the code will be locked. In that case, unlock with "PUK code". 105 106 Settings 103 PIN unblocking key (PUK) Changing PIN code The PIN unblocking key (PUK) is an 8-digit number used to unblock the PIN code. You cannot change it by yourself. s If you enter the PUK code incorrectly ten times in a row, the UIM will be locked. If this happens, please contact a Shop. Enabling UIM's PIN code the Home screen, XFrom "Location & security" X "Settings" up SIM card lock" "Set s The "SIM card lock settings" screen appears. "Lock SIM card" s The "Lock SIM card" screen appears. PIN code and "OK" Enter s You are asked to enter the PIN code when the the Home screen, From X "Location & security" Entering PIN code Perform the following operations if you are asked to enter the PIN code when the terminal is powered on. X "Settings" Enter the PIN code of the UIM, and "OK" up SIM card lock" "Set s The "SIM card lock settings" screen appears. SIM PIN" "Change s The "SIM PIN" menu appears, and you are Unblocking the PUK locked UIM Follow the procedures below to unlock PIN when you enter PIN code 3 times incorrectly in a row. PUK on PIN unblocking code screen Enter and "OK" prompted to enter the PIN code. the current PIN code, and "OK" Enter s You are prompted to enter the PIN code in the the same PIN code that you Enter entered in step 2 and "OK" Enter a new PIN code and "OK" "SIM PIN" screen. the new PIN code, and "OK" Enter s You are prompted to enter the PIN code again in Applications This allows you to conďŹgure applications' settings. The menu and functions displayed on this screen are shown below. Unknown sources Configure whether the installation of the applications, which are supplied by other than Android market are allowed. Manage applications List/delete installed applications. Running services List/stop the active services. Storage use Display storage status used for application. Battery use Display applications which are using battery and battery usage. Development Configure the various settings required for application development. the "SIM PIN" screen. the same PIN code that was Enter entered in Step 5, and "OK" s The PIN code is changed. terminal is powered on. Note s Default setting for PIN code is "0000". Settings Accounts & Sync Allows you to conďŹgure the settings of accounts and their synchronization. The menu and functions displayed on this screen are shown below. 107 108 Privacy Storage Allows you to initialize data. The menu and functions displayed on this screen are shown below. Background data Set whether synchronization applications always synchronize and whether send/receive data. Auto-sync Set whether synchronization applications automatically synchronize data. Manage accounts Add or delete an account used in this terminal, such as Microsoft Exchange, Google, etc. Factory data reset SD card Initializing Terminal X "Settings" "Factory data reset" X "Reset phone" X "Erase everything" Note s Backup your data such as images, videos and music on PC. For details about connection method, refer to "File Management" (P140) and "External Device Connection" (P147). Settings This allows you to conďŹgure the terminal's language and keyboard settings. The menu and functions displayed in this screen are shown below. Language settings Delete all data from the terminal. From the Home screen, X "Privacy" Language & Keyboard This allows you to display the microSD card status, mount and format, and the free space in internal memory. The menu and functions displayed on this screen are shown below. Personal data General sync settings Settings Total space Display the total space on mircoSD card. Available space Display free space on mircoSD card. Unmount SD card/Mount SD card s Unmount the microSD card to remove it safely. s Mount the microSD card before using. Erase SD card Erase all data (music, photo, etc.) inside microSD card. Internal storage Available space 109 110 Settings Display free space of internal storage. Select language Select the language used on the terminal. User dictionary Procedures such as registration are required when using the character entry application supplied by Google. You can download the character entry application provided by Google from Android market. Keyboard settings iWnn IME Set screen keyboard settings. Voice Input & Output Mail / Internet This allows you to conďŹgure settings for voice input and output. The menu and functions displayed on this screen are shown below. Email Voice input Voice recognizer settings You can send/receive emails in the same way that you do with a PC. As well as normal email, you can also send/receive emails using Microsoft Exchange Server. Configure the settings of voice recognizer. Opening an Email Voice output Text-to-speech settings Configure the settings for reading out text. the Home screen, "Applications" From X "Email" s The "Inbox" screen appears. s Automatically receive new emails. Settings Viewing an Email an email on the "Inbox" screen Tap s The contents of the email are displayed on the mail screen. Note s If set new email checking frequency to "Never", new emails will not be received automatically. s If mopera U email is set to " 111 114 Mail / Internet Setting an Email Account the Home screen, "Applications" From X "Email" s The "Set up email" screen is displayed. your email address and password Enter on the "Set up email" screen setup" or "Next" "Manual s Tap "Manual setup" to select account type. Follow the on-screen instructions. For the settings and other information, contact the server administrator. sp-mode Mail This allows you to send and receive emails using an i-mode mail address. It allows you to use Pictograms and Deco-mail, and also supports auto receive. For details about sp-mode, refer to "Mobile Phone User's Guide (sp-mode)". the Home screen, "Applications" From X "sp Searching for a web page by text entry Tap the search box the word(s) that you are looking Enter for s Before you finish entering the text, a list of web pages that include the entered search word(s) appears. Tap one of the listed web pages or ďŹnish entering the text and tap s The selected web page opens. Searching for a web page by voice entry Tap the search box Tap s "Speak now" appears. speak the search word(s) into Clearly the microphone Zooming in/out on a web page Using Bookmark and History Drag or swipe the Browser screen Tap or Bookmarking a web page allows you to quickly access that web page. You can also view previously visited web pages by displaying your browsing history. Zooming in/out on speciďŹc point on a web page Adding a bookmark the page that you want to View bookmark out on the web page Pinch s The display is enlarged, with the center of enlargement at the point where your pinch-out started. "Bookmarks" s AXthumbnail of the bookmarked page appears s The display is reduced. Pinch in on the web page on the "Bookmarks" tab. " s Your voice is converted into text which is entered in the search box. one of the listed web pages Tap s The web page is displayed. Mail / Internet 121 a Settings (while shooting photos) Set Image size/Scene mode/ISO/White balance/ Color effect/Timer/Shot mode/Image Quality/Auto review/Shutter sound/Tag location (horizontal screen). b Focus mode Adjust the focus to a specified position(Auto/Macro/ Continuous AF/Face tracking/Manual). c Flash Set Auto/Red-eye removal/On/Off. d Brightness Adjust brightness. e Zoom Adjust zoom. f Auto focus frame It shows green color when auto focus is successfully done. It turns to red color if auto focus is failed. g Possible number of capture images h Thumbnail Tap to display the preview screen and confirm the shot videos. Also you can edit the photos. Shooting a photo the Home screen, "Applications" From X "Camera" s The photo shooting screen is displayed. s There is a menu displayed on the screen that allow you to configure various settings to suit the scene and shooting conditions. appears. Tap this icon s If you tap a menu icon, to check details about the respective function. s The menus automatically disappear after a set period. To bring them back, tap the touch screen or tap . Point the camera at the subject s The shutter sound plays and the photo is shot. Note s After shooting, menu is displayed on the preview screen. The following operations are available. - "Rename": To edit the name of the shot photo. - "Set as": To set to wallpaper or contact icon. - "Share": To send the photo via Bluetooth, Gmail, Picasa or Email*. * Appears only when email account is registered. : Confirm and edit the shot photos. : To shoot a new photo. : Delete the displayed photo. Shooting Videos You can shoot videos by switching modes. Videos are shot horizontally. Viewing shooting screen The meanings of marks (icons and others) on the shooting video screen are as follows: s After shooting, you can view a preview of the photo. s The shot data are saved in "Gallery". i Shutter a Zoom Adjust zoom. j Switch button Switch between photo mode and video mode. b Brightness Adjust brightness. c Flash Set flash mode to ON or OFF. 126 Multimedia d Recording duration Set recording duration (Normal/Mail). The time duration restriction may happen when select "Mail". e Settings (when shooting video) Set the video size/white balance/color effects/video quality/audio recording/auto review. f Switch button Switch between photo mode and video mode. g Recording button h Thumbnail Tap to display the preview screen and confirm the shot videos. i Shooting duration Multimedia Shooting videos on the photo shooting screen Drag s The screen switches to the video shooting screen. s Menus appear on the screen to allow you to configure various settings to suit the scene and conditions for shooting. s If you tap a menu icon, appears. Tap this icon to check details about the respective function. s The menus automatically disappear after a set period. To bring them back, tap the touch screen or tap . Point the camera at the subject s The recording start sound plays and Camera starts shooting. s While you are recording, "Rec" appears in red and a red circle blinks. s Recording stops, and the screen displayed at the start of recording appears. Recording start screen is displayed later on. s The shot data are saved in "Gallery". 128 Multimedia Note s Menus are displayed on the preview screen after shooting videos. The following operations are available. - "Play": Play the shot video. - "Share": To send the video via Bluetooth, Gmail, YouTube or Email*. - "Rename": To edit the name of the shot video. * Appears only when email account is registered. : Delete the displayed video. : To shoot new video. : Confirm the shot video. 127 Using Gallery Gallery allows you to view photos in a slide show or edit them. Viewing Photos and Videos the Home screen, "Applications" From X "Gallery" s The Gallery screen appears. s Gallery contains both photos and videos shot with camera and those downloaded. a folder Tap s Both photos and videos shot by this terminal are displayed by thumbnail. s Photos and videos are categorized by shooting date if you tap s To view photos or videos shot by this terminal, tap "100ANDRO". one of the thumbnails Tap s Photo size can be enlarged or reduced either or pinch out/pinch in on when you tap the touch screen. s The video is played if you tap a video thumbnail. Multimedia 129 Note s A screen appears to enable/disable thumbnail on the Gallery screen, selection if you tap or touch one thumbnail for over 1 second. The following operations are available. - "Select All": Select all the thumbnail. - " Managing Songs Deleting a song the Music library screen, touch a From song to delete for over 1 second s Menu appears. "Delete" X "OK" Setting ringtone the Music library screen, tap a From song to set to ringtone Playing Music Music data saved on the microSD card is played in track order. You can also shuffle the playback order and play music in a random order. Playing music in track order for the song that you want to Search play the song title Tap s The Music screen appears and the tapped song is played. a Jacket image j Total time b Artist name k Playback progress bar s Drag or tap to play the current song from a desired point within the song. c Album d Title e Elapsed time Note f Playlist g Shuffle Turn shuffle on/off. Shuffle turns on when icon is green. Shuffle turns off when icon is gray. h Repeat setting Turn repeat on/off. Repeat all/repeat one turns on when icon is green. Repeat turns off when icon is gray. i Guide a song for over 1 second Touch s Menu appears. "Use as phone ringtone" : Start playing from the beginning of the current song. Double-tap to start playing from the beginning of the previous song. Touch for over 1 second to rewind a song during playback. : Pause/play. : Start playing from the beginning of the next song. Touch for over 1 second to fast forward a song during playback. 134 Playing music in a random order for the song that you want to Search play the song title Tap s The Music screen appears and the tapped song is played. Tap s Play the songs from the album containing the current song in a random order. Note s To play all songs from the Music Library in a random order, tap X "Party shuffle" on the Music screen. To turn off music shuffle, tap "Party shuffle off". Multimedia Using Playlists Playlists allow you to group your favorite songs for easy playback. You can create multiple playlists. Creating a playlist for your favorite songs in the Search Music Library screen one of your favorite songs for Touch over 1 second s A menu appears. s The "Add to playlist" menu appears. the playlist that you want to add the Tap song to "Add to playlist" s Tap "Current playlist" to add the song to an existing playlist. s Tap "New" to specify a new playlist name and add the song to the new playlist. s If a registered playlist exists, tap the playlist name to add. Note s From Music playback screen, tap X "Add to Playlist", the selected music is added to a new playlist or a registered one. 136 is displayed on the status bar while playing. Multimedia Multimedia Viewing a playlist/playing music the "Playlists" tab Tap s Current playlists are displayed. Tap one of the playlists s The songs contained in the playlist are displayed. one of the songs Tap s The tapped data is played. Note s Touch the playlist name for over 1 second to display a menu. Tap "Play" in the menu to play the songs in the playlist in order. Managing Playlists After you have created a playlist, you can rename it and its songs, and delete songs from it. You can also set a playlist's song as a ringtone. Renaming a playlist On the "Playlists" tab, touch the playlist name for over 1 second s A menu appears. "Rename" s A screen for entering the playlist name appears. the playlist name and tap "Save" Enter s The new name appears in the "Playlists" tab. Note s You cannot delete or rename the playlists in "Recently added". 135 Changing the playback order of a playlist the playlist of which the playback Open order you want to change to the left of the song to the Drag desired position within the playlist s The song is changed to the position that has been dragged and the playback order also changes. Setting a playlist song as ringtone a playlist that contains the ringtone Tap songs on the "PlayLists" tab s Songs from the selected playlist are displayed. the song for over 1 second Touch s A menu appears. as phone ringtone" "Use s The selected song is set as ringtone. For details on ringtones, refer to "Sound" (P102). Note s On music playback screen, tap X "Use as ringtone" to set a song as ringtone. Multimedia 137 Deleting a song from a playlist On the "Playlists" tab, tap the playlist that contains the song that you want to delete s The songs contained in the selected playlist are displayed. Touch the song that you want to delete for over 1 second s A menu appears. from playlist" "Remove s The song is deleted from the playlist. a Screen lock Using Video Player You can easily play videos that have been saved on a microSD card. the Home screen, "Applications" From X "Video player" b Playback progress bar Drag or tap to play the current song from a desired point within the song. c Elapsed time d Guide s A list of the videos saved on the microSD card appears. : Start playing from the beginning of the current song. Double-tap to start playing from the beginning of the previous song. Touch for over 1 second to rewind a song during playback. s The video is played back. Tap one of the videos the "Playlists" tab, touch the playlist On that you want to delete for over 1 e Total time second Note s A menu appears. s The playlist is deleted. "Delete" 138 s You can delete one video by touching it for over 1 second in video display list X "Delete" X "OK". s You can delete all or some of the videos by tapping X "Multiselect" X Tap "Select all"/ tap a video to select X "Delete" X "OK" or a video X "Delete" while the list of videos is being displayed. Multimedia Multimedia Turning ON Bluetooth Function to Make the Terminal Discoverable the Home screen, X "Settings" XFrom "Wireless & networks" X "Bluetooth settings" a check mark on "Bluetooth" Place s Bluetooth function turns ON. "Device name" and enter a name of Tap the terminal X "OK" a check mark on "Discoverable" Place s The terminal can be searched by another Bluetooth device for approx. 120 seconds. Note s When you do not use Bluetooth function, turn it OFF to save the battery. s The setting of the Bluetooth ON/OFF is not changed even when the power is turned off. 144 : Pause/play. : Start playing from the beginning of the next song. Touch for over 1 second to fast forward a song during playback. Deleting a playlist File Management Pairing/Connecting with a Bluetooth Device To transfer data by Bluetooth connection, perform pairing (pairing setting) with the device in advance and register it to the terminal. s Depending on Bluetooth device, only pairing is performed or pairing and connecting is performed successively. 139 Note s Even for device requiring entry of pass code(PIN) when pairing, once pairing is performed, entering pass code(PIN) is not necessary for next connection. s Pairing can be set if a device is unable to connect such as non-profile-compliant. However, it can not be connected even if tap the device. the Home screen, X "Settings" From X "Wireless & networks" X "Bluetooth settings" X "Scan for devices" s Detected Bluetooth devices list appears. a device that you want to connect Tap with s If pass code (PIN) is set on Bluetooth devices, enter pass code (PIN) and tap "OK". s For some Bluetooth devices, after completion of pairing, connection may be established successively by tapping device. File Management 145 When the other device requests for pairing When a screen asking for pairing for Bluetooth connection appears, tap "Pair" or enter pass code (PIN) if required and tap "OK". s Set the Bluetooth function to ON beforehand to be discoverable. Sending data via Bluetooth Disconnecting the connected device X "OK" on Tap "Bluetooth devices" list s Touch the connected device for over 1 second X "Disconnect" to disconnect. Canceling the pairing Sending/Receiving Data via Bluetooth Function From"Bluetooth devices" list, touch a device to unpair for over 1 second X "Disconnect & unpair" You can send data of Contacts (namecard data in vcf format) or Schedule, business data, ďŹles such as photos or videos, etc. to a Bluetooth device (PC etc.). s For sending, perform the operation from the menu such as "Share"/"Send" of each application. the Home screen, "Applications" From X "Alarm/Clock" s Clock screen is displayed. Date, week day and weather forecast for a specific area set in "News & Weather" are displayed on the clock screen. is displayed at the bottom part of the screen. alarm" "Add s Alarm time setting screen appears. alarm time and tap "Set" Set s The duration before alarm rings is displayed and disappears automatically. The "Set alarm" screen is displayed. a check mark on "Turn alarm on" Place and set other options, then tap "Done" "Accept" when Bluetooth Tap recognition screen appears s The "Alarms" screen is displayed. The set alarm is added to the list. As alarm options, the following settings are available. Set the terminal to discoverable is displayed on the Status bar, and data reception starts. s Available to confirm data reception on notification panel. s Message screen appears at the bottom screen after receiving data. Turn alarm on Mark this checkbox to turn on the alarm. Unmark it to turn off the alarm. Time Change the time setting. Repeat Set the alarm to sound at the same time every day of the week. Ringtone Set the alarm sound. File Management Vibrate Label Application Place a check mark to enable both alarm sound and vibrator. Enter a name for the alarm. Note s The alarm functions at the time set for the alarm. Menu is displayed at that time. Tap "Dismiss" to stop the alarm. Tap snooze to make the alarm function again after ten minutes. Calendar Calendar The terminal has a calendar for managing your schedule. It can synchronize with scheduler built by Microsoft Exchange Server or with Google Calendar if you have a Google account. Opening Calendar From the Home screen, "Applications" X "Calendar" s The Calendar screen appears. 166 Clock screen, On s The "Alarms" screen appears. The current time Opening a Clock Receiving data via Bluetooth s If you want to unpair with a device being only paired, tap the device for over 1 second X "Unpair". 146 Setting Alarm Alarm/Clock Application Changing Calendar Display/ Displaying Schedule Changing to Day/Week/Month view the Calendar screen, sFrom Calendar changes to Day view. From the Calendar screen, s Calendar changes to Week view. the Calendar screen, sFrom Calendar returns to Month view. X "Day" X "Week" X "Month" 165 Setting calendar type to display the Calendar screen, From X "Calendars" X "More" s The registered calendar type is displayed. the displayed calendar Tap s If appears, update is automatically running. If appears, the calendar is displayed. If both of them are grayout, functions are not available. "OK" s The Calendar screen appears and informations based on the settings you set are displayed. Note Note s If you swipe up or down in Month view, the previous or next month is shown. If you swipe left or right in Day or Week view, the previous or next day or week is shown. s If you tap X "Today" in the Calendar screen when in Week or Month view, that day's date is highlighted according to the system date. s This application cannot create calendar type. To create calendar type, access Google calendar web page from browser and tap "Settings" menu. Application 167 Viewing your schedule Creating a Schedule the Calendar screen, tap the From schedule that you want to view s The "Agenda" screen appears. Your schedules are displayed in list. Note s From Calendar screen, tap display "Agenda". X "Agenda" to From the Calendar screen, X "New event" Calculator X "More" s The "Event details" screen appears. Follow the on-screen instructions to fill out each item and tap "Done". Note Changing Calendar Settings X "More" s The "Settings" screen appears. the settings if required Change s Set how to notify an event, also set ringtone, vibrator and default notification time. 168 Application s The Calculator screen appears. numerals and arithmetic Input operations s The results are displayed. s As the schedule time approaches, appears in the status bar. When you drag or swipe the status bar downwards to open the Notification panel then tap the calendar notification, the "Calendar notifications" screen is displayed. You can delete the notification by tapping "Dismiss all" and tap "Snooze all" to repeat the notification 5 minutes later. the Calendar screen, From X "Settings" From the Home screen, "Applications" X "Calculator" Note s You can display the Functions screen by dragging or swiping the keypad area to the left on the Calculator screen or by tapping X "Advanced panel". You can return to the Calculator screen by dragging or swiping the keypad area to the right on the Functions screen or by tapping "Basic panel". s Tap "CLEAR" to delete the most recently entered number or arithmetic operator. Tap "CLEAR" for over 1 second to delete all entered information. s Tap X "Clear history" to clear the history. GREE the Home screen, "Applications" From X "GREE" s GREE application screen is displayed. " LG World the Home screen, "Applications" From X "LG World" s "LG World" screen opens. LG World menu The menu of LG World is displayed as below. Item Description Hot & New Hot & New screen is displayed. Apps Apps screen is displayed.
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