LG Electronics USA L06D PCS GSM Phone with WLAN, Bluetooth and RFID User Manual
LG Electronics MobileComm USA, Inc. PCS GSM Phone with WLAN, Bluetooth and RFID
Users Manual
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Ä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onfirmation and Settings before Using Confirmation and Settings before Using 29 There are three keys on the front of the terminal. The roles of these keys are shown below. Menu key Tap this key to display the options menu for the current screen or application. Home key r If you tap this key, you will return to the Home screen, regardless of the application being used or the screen being displayed. r If you touch this key for over 1 second, the icons of the most recently used applications appear. Tap an icon to open the application. (It may be displayed as horizontal screen.) Back key Tap this key to return to the previous screen. It also closes a dialog box, an options menu, the Notification panel, or the on-screen keyboard. 30 Confirmation and Settings before Using UIM UIM is an IC card that stores informations of each customer. You cannot use some of the terminal functions if the UIM is not inserted. Before inserting or removing the UIM, you must always turn OFF the power and disconnect the AC adapter cable. This terminal uses only the UIM. Bring your miniUIM/ FOMA card to a docomo Shop to exchange it. UIM security codes The UIM can set security code named PIN code. This code is set to "0000" at the time of subscription, but you may subsequently change it. For details about changing this security code, refer to "Security Code and UIM Protection" (P111). Inserting the UIM a fingernail into the groove in the Insert back cover, and pull up in the direction of the arrow (a) while pressing the battery pack (P35), and Remove insert the UIM into the slot with the goldcolored IC side facing down Removing the UIM the back cover and the battery Remove pack. Gently press the UIM with your fingertip and slide it out 32 Confirmation and Settings before Using Battery Pack the direction of the back cover Check and attach it to the terminal (b). Press portion to close it firmly (c) Attaching the Battery Pack Remove the back cover (P31) the battery pack in the direction of Insert the arrow (a) with the "CE" mark facing up. Ensure that the tabs on the terminal and the battery pack are aligned with each other 34 Confirmation and Settings before Using r Make sure there is no gap between the terminal and the back cover. Removing the Battery Pack Remove the back cover (P31) your fingernail into the groove, and Put lift out the battery pack in the direction of the arrow (b), pushing it to the direction of the arrow (a) Charging Battery Pack Life r The battery pack is a consumable accessory. The usage time of the battery per one charge decreases gradually each time the battery is recharged. r When the usage time from one charge becomes about half of a new battery pack, the life of the battery pack is assumed to be almost over. We recommend that you replace the battery ahead of time. Refer to "Repairs" on the back of the manual or consult a specified DOCOMO repair center for battery exchanging information. Note r Turn the power OFF before attaching/removing the battery pack. Confirmation and Settings before Using 35 Usage Time (estimate) A list of the charging time (estimate) of a fully charged battery is shown below. The usage time varies depending on the usage conditions and the battery pack condition. For details, refer to "Main Specifications" (P225). Continuous standby time Xi/LTE Stationary (Automatic): Approx. 240 hours FOMA/3G Stationary (Automatic): Approx. 300 hours GSM Stationary (Automatic): Approx. 240 hours FOMA/3G Approx. 340 minutes GSM Approx. 240 minutes 1Seg watching time Approx. 240 minutes Continuous call time 36 Confirmation and Settings before Using Turning ON/OFF the Power Note r The "Locked" screen appears when the power is Turning ON the Power and hold the power key for over 1 Press second turned ON or when the backlight is turned on. r If the screen lock has been set using a screen unlock pattern, the "Draw pattern to unlock" screen appears when the power is turned ON. r If the screen lock has been set using a PIN code or password, the "Locked" screen appears when the power is turned ON. After releasing the screen lock by following Step 2, enter the PIN code or password and tap "OK". To correct the typing error, tap Turning OFF the Power and hold the power key for over 1 Press second "Power off" "OK" Tap 40 to release the screen lock. Confirmation and Settings before Using Turning on Backlight To prevent unintended operation and to save power, the backlight turns off after a set period. If you then turn on the backlight to release the screen lock, the screen that was displayed before the backlight was turned off appears again. the power key rPress The "Locked" screen appears. The backlight automatically lights up when you receive a call or when alarm is ringing. Note r Screen gets locked if pressing the power key while the backlight is on. r You can set the length of time before the backlight turns off. For details, refer to "Display" (P109). r If a screen unlock pattern has been set, you will be prompted to enter the pattern when pressing the power key. For more details about setting a screen unlock pattern and releasing the screen lock, refer to "Location & Security" (P110). Basic Operations (Touch Screen Operations) The display of the terminal has a touch screen that allows you to perform various operations by touching it. Precautions on Using Touch Screen The touch screen has been designed for finger touching slightly. Do not press it with sharp objects (fingernail, ballpoint pen, pin etc.) or press it hard with your finger. The following user actions may cause the touch screen not to work properly. They may also cause malfunction. r Touching the screen with gloved hands r Touching the screen with the tip of a fingernail r Placing a foreign object on the screen r Sticking a protective sheet or seal on the screen Confirmation and Settings before Using 41 Touch Screen Operations You can perform the following actions on the touch screen. r Tap: Touch the screen lightly r Double-tap: Touch the screen lightly twice successively r Touch for over 1 second: Touch and hold down the screen r Swipe: Lightly flick the screen r Drag: Touch and hold down to flick the screen, and then release your finger r Pinch-out: Touch the screen with 2 fingers and then move them apart r Pinch-in: Touch the screen with 2 fingers apart and then move them together, as if pinching Opening Items Tap an item Checking or Unchecking Options an item that has a checkbox Tap r If the checkbox was unmarked, a check mark now appears in it. r If the checkbox was marked, the check mark now disappears from it. 42 Confirmation and Settings before Using Scrolling Screen You can scroll the screen up or down. On some web pages, you can also scroll side to side. Drag up or down to scroll. Swipe to scroll quickly. To stop scrolling, touch the screen. Zooming In or Out Note Some applications allow you to zoom in on small text that is difficult to read. After zooming in, you can also zoom out to a full-screen view. The movement of your fingers enlarges the screen display by pinching it out. r Sometimes appears when you drag the screen. You can also zoom in or out by tapping to zoom in by this zoom control icon. Tap to zoom out by one level. one level. Tap or grays out if you have However, already zoomed in to the maximum or zoom out to the minimum. This grays out indicates that you cannot zoom in or out any further. r The movement of your fingers reduces the screen display by pinching it in. r Pinch in on the Home screen to display the Home screen list, and then set the Home screen. Confirmation and Settings before Using 43 Using Motion Gesture Various functions can be operated simply by moving the terminal. r To use motion gestures, tap X "Settings" X "Gesture" from the Home screen, and place a check mark in each item. Using motion gesture on alarm  Stopping alarm the terminal while alarm is ringing Flip r Alarm stops. 44 Confirmation and Settings before Using Using motion gesture while an incoming call arrives  Muting ringtone an incoming call arrives, flip the When terminal r The ringtone is muted. Using motion gesture in gallery  Viewing previous/next image an image in gallery is being While displayed, tap the left or right side of the Changing Screen Orientation The terminal screen automatically rotates to horizontal (landscape) or vertical (portrait) views, depending on the direction in which it is turned. terminal r The left or right image is displayed. Note r Screen orientation may not change in some applications. r You can disable screen rotation by tapping "Settings" X "Display" on the Home screen, and unmarking the "Auto-rotate screen" checkbox on the "Display settings" screen. Confirmation and Settings before Using 45 Initial Settings First-time Settings When the power is first turned ON, you need to set the language and date for the terminal. Once you set those settings, there is no need to set them the next time the power is turned ON. You can also change these settings later. r Procedures differ depending on the connection with network and settings. Here, an explanation is given for the docomo Palette UI. and hold the power key for over 1 Press second Tap to cancel the screen lock On the " Configuring Wi-Fi Settings The terminal connects to the Internet via access points for Wi-Fi networks or public wireless LAN services. To connect, you must configure the access point connection settings on the terminal.  Reception interference caused by Bluetooth devices r As the terminal's wireless LAN devices and Bluetooth device use the same frequency (2.4 GHz), reception interference may occur or the communications speed may lower. Also, you may hear noise or have a connection problem. In these cases, do the following: - Keep the wireless LAN device over 10 m away from the Bluetooth device. - Within 10 m, turn off either the wireless LAN device or the Bluetooth device. Wi-Fi network status When the terminal is connected to a Wi-Fi network, appears in the status bar. An open network with no security protection is detected when Wi-Fi network always appears in the status notification is set to ON, bar. Confirmation and Settings before Using 47 Connecting to a Wi-Fi network the Home screen, From X "Wireless & networks" X "Settings" r The "Wireless & network settings" screen appears. Place a check mark on "Wi-Fi" settings" "Wi-Fi r The "Wi-Fi settings" screen appears. the Wi-Fi network that you want to Tap connect to r If you try to connect to a protected Wi-Fi network, you will be prompted to enter the security key for that Wi-Fi network. Tap the "Password" box, enter the network password and tap "Connect". r Usually, when you enter a password, the last character entered is displayed and as many Connecting to a Wi-Fi network by specifying a static IP address the Home screen, X "Settings" From X "Wireless & networks" X "Wi-Fi Notifying when Wi-Fi network with no security protection is detected the Home screen, X "Settings" From X "Wireless & networks" X "Wi-Fi settings" settings" r The "Wi-Fi settings" screen appears. r The "Wi-Fi settings" screen appears. X "Advanced" Place a check mark on "Use static IP" in the order of "IP address", Tap "Gateway", "Netmask", "DNS 1", and "DNS 2" to set Place a check mark on "Wi-Fi" a check mark on "Network Place notification" r You will be automatically notified when an open network with no security protection is detected. r A menu appears for each item. Set the appropriate value for each item. Make sure to enter value on "IP address", "Gateway", "Netmask", and "DNS 1". Confirmation and Settings before Using 49 Adding a Wi-Fi network the Home screen, X "Settings" From X "Wireless & networks" X "Wi-Fi Changing the Wi-Fi network password the Home screen, X "Settings" From X "Wireless & networks" X "Wi-Fi settings" settings" r The "Wi-Fi settings" screen appears. r The "Wi-Fi settings" screen appears. Place a check mark on "Wi-Fi" Wi-Fi network" "Add r The "Add Wi-Fi network" menu appears. the network SSID in the "Network Enter SSID" box "Security" r "Security" menu appears. Select the appropriate type from "Open", "WEP", "WPA/WPA2 PSK", and "802.1x EAP". r The setting method differs depending on the security settings. "Save" r The Wi-Fi network is added. the Wi-Fi network name for over 1 Touch second r A menu appears. network" "Modify r The network settings are displayed. Tap the "Password" box and enter the new password. Disconnecting from a Wi-Fi network the Home screen, X "Settings" From X "Wireless & networks" X "Wi-Fi settings" r The "Wi-Fi settings" screen appears. the name of Wi-Fi network that Touch you want to disconnect from for over 1 second r A menu appears. network" "Forget r You are disconnected from the Wi-Fi network. 50 Confirmation and Settings before Using Setting Wi-Fi to sleep mode Set Wi-Fi to sleep mode and specify the timing of switching the terminal to data communications. the Home screen, X "Settings" From X "Wireless & networks" X "Wi-Fi settings" r The "Wi-Fi settings" screen appears. X "Advanced" sleep policy" r"Wi-Fi "Wi-Fi sleep policy" menu appears. Choose from "When screen turns off", "Never when plugged in" and "Never". Setting Online Service Accounts You can update your status on Google and other online services once you have set up your online service account on the terminal. You can also configure the terminal to automatically sync updates from the online service. You can also delete unnecessary accounts. Adding an online service account the Home screen, From X "Accounts & sync" X "Settings" r The "Accounts & sync settings" screen appears. account" "Add r The "Add an account" screen appears. the online service that you want to set Tap an account r Follow the screen instructions and enter your login details. r When you have finished adding the account, the added online service appears in the "Manage accounts" group. Confirmation and Settings before Using 51 Deleting an online service account Note r If you mark the "Background data" checkbox, all installed applications on the terminal will automatically communicate with their respective services. If you mark the "Autosync" checkbox, the applications will also automatically synchronize data with their respective services. These operations may incur packet communication charges. Marking these checkboxes also runs down the battery. Manually synchronizing online service data the Home screen, From X "Accounts & sync" X "Settings" r The "Accounts & sync settings" screen appears. the account that you want to Tap synchronize with r A list of online service's synchronized data appears. r The data with a check mark is synchronized. a check mark on synchronized Place data r The data with a check mark is synchronized. 52 Confirmation and Settings before Using the Home screen, From X "Accounts & sync" X "Settings" r The "Accounts & sync settings" screen appears. the account that you want to delete Tap r The "Data & synchronization" screen appears. account" "Remove r The "Remove account" screen appears. account" "Remove r The selected account is deleted. Note r The Google account that you set for the first time cannot be deleted with the operation above. To delete it, initialization of the terminal is required from the Home screen, tap "Settings" X "Privacy" X "Factory data reset". r docomo account cannot be deleted. Screen Display/Icons Main status icons Signal strength Status Bar The status bar is displayed at the top of the screen. The terminal status and notifications are displayed in the status bar. Notification icons are displayed on the left side, and the terminal status icons are displayed on the right side. Out of service area Bluetooth ON Connected to Bluetooth device When you are roaming overseas GPRS available 3G available LTE available FOMA high speed/HSDPA network available Communicating by GPRS Communicating by 3G Communicating by LTE Communicating by FOMA high speed/ HSDPA network Battery level Confirmation and Settings before Using 53 The battery needs to be charged The battery is charging GPS enabled GPS is positioning Airplane mode activated UIM locked or UIM not inserted Phone microphone is muted Silent mode is set (no vibration) Silent mode is set (vibration) Alarm is set Connected to Wi-Fi Synchronizing data Osaifu-Keitai lock activated Main notification icons New Gmail New SMS message Problem with an SMS message New Google Talk message Making a call or during a call Call on hold Missed call New voicemail message Upcoming calendar event Music is playing Discovered Open Network (Wi-Fi) UIM is not inserted USB is connected Uploading data Downloading data/Data download completed 54 Confirmation and Settings before Using Problem with login or synchronization Update of installed application available Viewing 1Seg More notifications Connected to a VPN/Not connected to a VPN USB debug mode is connected USB tethering available Wi-Fi tethering available Notification Panel Notification icons are displayed in the Notification panel. You can open notifications, such as messages, reminders, or event notifications, directly from the Notification panel. Opening the Notification panel or swipe the status bar downwards Drag r The Notification panel appears. Icons are displayed at the top of the Notification panel. Icons are blue when they are on, and gray when they are off. Confirmation and Settings before Using 55 a Silent mode Switch between on and off. Touch for over 1 second to display the "Sound settings" screen. b Wi-Fi Switch between on and off. Touch for over 1 second to display the "Wi-Fi settings" screen. c Bluetooth Switch between on and off. Touch for over 1 second to display the "Bluetooth settings" screen. d GPS Switch between on and off. Touch for over 1 second to display the "Location & security settings" screen. Viewing notification details the notification message on the Tap Notification panel r The notification details are displayed in the appropriate application. Clearing notification informations Tap "Clear" on the Notification panel Note e Mobile network settings When Wi-Fi is not available, set if access to mobile network. Touch for over 1 second to display "Mobile network settings" screen. r Some notifications cannot be cleared, depending on their content. f Clear Delete notification information and icons. Closing the Notification panel g Notification information Display details of notification information. or swipe the bottom of the Drag Notification panel upwards Note r You can also close the Notification panel by tapping . 56 Confirmation and Settings before Using Character Entry The terminal has an on-screen keyboard that is displayed in the touch screen for character entry.  On-screen QWERTY keyboard Use this for entering Japanese in "Roman letter input". Character Entry Using the Onscreen Keyboard If you tap a text box on the screen, the on-screen keyboard appears in the touch panel. The terminal provides two types of on-screen keyboards: an onscreen 10-key keyboard and an on-screen QWERTY keyboard. Tap key icon to switch the entry operation such as character mode change.  On-screen 10-key keyboard Use this for entering Japanese in "Kana character input". a Reverse order key/Undo key Displays the previous character (reverse sequence). When "Undo" is displayed, this undoes the last operation. b Left cursor key The highlight moves to the left. Touch this for over 1 second to move it continuously. It can also narrow the conversion range. c Symbol key Displays a list of pictograms, symbols and emoticons. d Switch character mode key/Setting key Switch the character mode. Touch for over 1 second to display "iWnn IME Menu". Confirmation and Settings before Using 57 e Deletion key Deletes the character to the left of the cursor. Touch this for over 1 second to delete the characters continuously. f Right cursor key The highlight moves to the right. Touch this for over 1 second to move it continuously. It can also widen the conversion range. Also, if you tap this icon when the highlight is at the right end of an unconfirmed character string, the number of characters applicable to predictive conversion increases. g Space key/Conversion key Enter a space. Execute consecutive segment conversions. h Execution key/Enter key Confirms the entered characters or converted characters. If the entered characters or converted characters have already been confirmed, this executes the function of the text box in which the characters were entered. i Shift key Switch between upper case letter and lower case letter. Tap once: Only the first letter is capitalized Tap twice: All letters are capitalized Tap three times: Lowercase Note r The key display varies depending on the entry screen or character mode. r For information on switching the type of onscreen keyboard, refer to "Switching the keyboard" (P58). r When you no longer need the keyboard, you can close it by tapping . To display it again, tap the text box on the screen. There are 8 character input modes. The current mode is indicated by the following icons in the status bar. Hiragana and Kanji input Half-width alphabet input Full-width Katakana input Full-width number input Half-width Katakana input Half-width number input Full-width alphabet input Voice Input Switching the keyboard the on-screen keyboard, touch On over 1 second r "iWnn IME Menu" appears. 58 Confirmation and Settings before Using for "10-key Keyboard Type This allows you to set the type of keyboard to use on each screen view (horizontal/vertical) or for each input mode. Voice Input Mark the checkbox to enable voice input, and add it to the character entry modes. 10-key Keyboard Flick Input Mark this checkbox to change the input method on the on-screen 10key keyboard to flick input. Unmark this checkbox to change it back to toggle input. Flick Sensitivity If you tap this when the "Flick Input" checkbox is marked, the "Flick Sensitivity(Low Home Screen Management What You can Add to the Home Screen You can customize the Home screen. the Home screen for over 1 second Touch r The "Add to home screen" list screen appears. Shortcut You can create shortcuts. Widget You can layout Widgets. Folder You can create folders. Kisekae You can select the background and icon design. Wallpaper You can choose the wallpaper for the Home screen. Group You can select from groups. the item you want to add/set. Tap r It is added/set to the Home screen. Moving Shortcuts, etc. the Home screen, touch the icon you From want to move for over 1 second the icon and release your inger Drag r The icon is moved. Note r You can also drag the icon to one of the Home screen's extended screens to the left or right. Deleting Shortcuts, etc. from the Home Screen the Home screen, touch a shortcut From icon or widget for over 1 second it to and release your inger rDrag The icon is deleted from the Home screen. Note r It is also possible to delete by tapping âDelete" displayed in the balloon of Step 1. docomo Palette UI 63 Uninstalling Applications and Widgets From the Home screen, "Applications" the application you want to delete for Touch over 1 second X "Uninstall" "OK" r The application is deleted. Note r Applications installed in the terminal when purchasing cannot be uninstalled. Changing Folder Names the Home screen, tap a folder you From want to change name r The folder window opens. the title bar for over 1 second Touch r The "Edit name" menu appears. a new name of the folder and tap Enter "OK" r The name of the folder is changed. 64 docomo Palette UI Changing Kisekae Change the wallpaper and icon of the Home screen to change the image. the Home screen for over 1 second Touch r The "Add to home screen" list screen appears. "Kisekae", select a design, and tap Tap "Set" r It is possible to select and set designs that you like from a website. r It is also possible to set from the Home screen by X "Kisekae/Wallp" X "Kisekae". Changing Wallpaper Touch the Home screen for over 1 second "Wallpaper" / "Live wallpapers" / "Wallpaper "Gallery" gallery" r If you have tapped "Gallery", tap an image that you want to use as wallpaper. Drag the square displayed on the screen to select the section that you want to use as wallpaper, and then tap "Save". r L i ve w a l l p a p e r l i s t a p p e a r s w h e n t a p p i n g "Live wallpapers". Tap to select one of the live wallpaper, then tap "Set wallpaper". Depending on the type of wallpaper, you can set the live wallpaper settings by tapping "Settings...". Adding Home Screens You can add Home screens. the Home screen, From screens" X "Home r The "Home screens" screen appears. r You can create up to 12 Home screens. one of the thumbnails with a "+" mark Tap r The "+" appears for screens that can be added. Sorting Home Screens You can sort the scroll order for Home screens. the Home screen, From screens" X "Home r The "Home screens" screen appears. the thumbnail for over 1 second, and Touch drag it to the location where you want to move it docomo Palette UI 65 Deleting Home Screens the Home screen, tap From screens" X "Home r The "Home screens" screen appears. the thumbnail for over 1 second, Touch drag it over to and release your inger Note r It is also possible to delete by tapping "Delete" displayed in the balloon of Step 2. 66 docomo Palette UI Note Manage Applications r This is a list of the applications that have been installed in this terminal at the time of purchase. r If the software is updated, application content and icon positions may change. r The names of some applications may not be fully displayed below their respective icons. Adding Shortcuts to the Home Screen From the Home screen, "Applications" the application icon for which you Touch want to create a shortcut for over 1 second, and tap "Add" The shortcut icon is added to the Home screen. Uninstalling an Application From the Home screen, "Applications" the application icon you want Touch to uninstall for over 1 second, and tap "Uninstall" conirmation screen appears, The then tap "OK" docomo Palette UI 73 Moving Applications From the Home screen, "Applications" the application you want to move for Touch over 1 second the application and release your Drag inger r The application is moved. Group Management Manage groups on the application screen and sort icons. Adding Groups From the Home screen, "Applications" X "Add group" a group name and tap "OK" Enter r The group is added on the application screen. Sorting Groups From the Home screen, "Applications" the group name for over 1 second, Touch and drag it r The group location is moved. 74 docomo Palette UI Editing Group Names From the Home screen, "Applications" the group name for over 1 second, Touch and tap "Edit name" a new group name and tap "OK" Enter r The group name is changed. Changing Group Colors From the Home screen, "Applications" the group name for over 1 second, Touch and tap "Edit label" r Select a color and tap. Adding Groups to the Home Screen From the Home screen, "Applications" the group name for over 1 second, Touch and tap "Add" r The group shortcut icon is added to the Home screen. Deleting Groups From the Home screen, "Applications" the group name for over 1 second, Touch and tap "Delete" "OK" r The group is deleted. docomo Palette UI 75 Searching Applications X "Search" r The Search widget starts. Enter a keyword or From the Home screen, "Applications" You can view the operation guide for the docomo Palette UI. use Voice Input to search. the Home screen, From "Help" Switching Application Screen Display Version Information Select the display for the Application screen as Tile or List. From the Home screen, "Applications" X "List format" / "Tile format" 76 Home Application Information docomo Palette UI X "More" X r An explanation for the docomo palette UI operation is displayed. the Home screen, From "Application info" X "More" X r The application name, provider, and version are displayed. Home Application Settings the Home screen, From "Home settings" X "More" X r "Home settings" screen appears. Personal area Personal area is displayed. Wallpaper loop The wallpaper display is looped. Sync function Auto communication is executed when personal area information is updated. International roaming Auto communication is executed during international roaming. docomo Palette UI 77 Calling / Network Services Making/Receiving Calls Making a Call You can use the terminal to make international calls and emergency calls, as well as standard calls. You can also enter a pause when using phone services, such as reserving tickets or checking your bank balance. Making a call the Home screen, "Phone" X From "Dial" r The "Dial" tab appears. Enter the phone number X Tap r If you enter a wrong number, tap delete the number. 78 Calling / Network Services to Ending a call During a call, "End" Emergency call Emergency call Phone number Police 110 Fire department or ambulance service 119 Japan Coast Guard 118 Note r When you are making an emergency call (110, 119, and 118) from your terminal, be sure to notify that you are calling from a mobile phone and give your mobile phone number and present location clearly, as the police/fire department may call you back for confirmation. During an emergency call, be sure to stay where you are so that your call will not be interrupted. After making an emergency call, do not turn off your mobile phone immediately. Keep it on for about 10 minutes so that it can receive an incoming call. Calling / Network Services 79 r Depending on the location from which you make an emergency call, connection may be made to the fire department or the police of another jurisdiction. r In Japan, the 110, 119, and 118 emergency numbers cannot be dialed when UIM is not inserted, from the PIN code input screen or from the PIN unblocking key input screen. For details on PIN code, refer to "Security Code and UIM Protection" (P111). 80 Calling / Network Services Calls to mobile phone the Home screen, "Phone" X From "Dial" r The "Dial" tab appears. "010" X Country code X Enter Recipient's mobile phone number, and tap Note r If a recipient's mobile phone number or an area code begins with "0", omit "0". However, "0" may be required when calling some countries or areas, such as Italy. r "+" (touch "0" for over 1 second to input "+") or "009130-010" can also be used instead of "010". r For details on WORLD CALL, refer to DOCOMO "International Services website". Receiving a call an incoming call arrives, tap When "Activate" X "Accept" r You can talk to the caller. Note r If the caller has been saved in Contacts (Phonebook), the caller's name and phone number are displayed. If the caller is not saved in Contacts (Phonebook), only the phone number is displayed. Declining a call an incoming call arrives, tap When "Activate" X "Reject" r The incoming call is declined. Muting ringtone Receiving a Call The terminal plays a ringtone when there is an incoming call. In Silent mode, the ringtone does not sound. If the terminal has been set to vibrate, it vibrates when there is an incoming call. the Volume key (upper)/Volume Press key (lower) while an incoming call ringing r The ringtone is muted. Calling / Network Services 81 Operations during a Call During a call, you can adjust the volume, turn the speaker ON/OFF, mute the microphone, and put the call on hold, depending on the usage conditions. Adjusting Call Volume During a call, you can adjust the reception volume. Volume key (upper)/Volume key Press (lower) r The call volume changes accordingly. Using Call Options During a call, you can put the caller onto speaker or temporarily mute the microphone. Turning the speaker ON/OFF a call, "Speaker" During r You can hear the caller's voice through the speaker. the speaker ON, "Speaker" With r You can no longer hear the caller's voice through the speaker. 82 Calling / Network Services Note r Do not hold the terminal against your ear with the speaker ON. r Speak into the terminal from a distance of no more than 50 cm. If you find it difficult to hear what is being said, turn off the speaker. Muting the microphone a call, "Mute" During r The caller can no longer hear what you are saying. the microphone OFF, "Mute" With r The caller can hear what you are saying again. Putting the call on hold a call, "Hold" During r The call is put on hold. the hold state, "Unhold" Inr Hold is canceled, and you can resume the call. Call Log This automatically records a history of your incoming and outgoing calls. You can also use the call log to call a phone number or add it to Phonebook. d Call icon : Call icon without caller ID notification : Call icon other than without caller ID notification e Logs with the same person are displayed together as . The number in parentheses shows the number of logs. Calling to Answer a Missed Call When you have missed calls, a missed call notification appears in the status bar. If you see in the status bar, drag or swipe the status bar downwards r The missed call notification appears in the Notification panel. The missed call notification displays the caller's phone number or the caller's name that is saved in Phonebook, and the time or date of the missed call. the missed call notification Tap r The "Incoming history" tab appears. a The names of the recipient and caller are displayed. b A call is made. c Log icons are displayed. : Dialed calls log : Received calls log r For the missed call log, is displayed. right of the missed call log rTapThe callon isthemade. : Missed calls log : International call log Calling / Network Services 83 Calling a Number from the Call Log You can make calls to the phone numbers stored in the call log. the Home screen, "Phone" X From "Recent calls" tab r "Incoming history" and "Outgoing history" appear. Tap on the right of the other party's name or phone number r The call is made. Note r You can make a call by tapping the name or phone number on the "Recent calls" tab and then "Call". r You can also make a call by touching the name or phone number on the "Recent calls" tab for over 1 second and then tapping "Call ĂĂĂ-ĂĂĂĂĂĂĂĂ" in the menu that appears. 84 Calling / Network Services Registering Phone Numbers from the Call Log to the Phonebook You can register unregistered items from the call log to the Phonebook. the "Recent calls" tab, tap a phone On number to phonebook" "Add r The "Register/Update phonebook" screen appears. new" "Register r When multiple accounts have been registered, select the account for which you want to create a phonebook. information, and tap "Save" Enter r It is registered as a Phonebook. Note r It is also possible to register to the Phonebook by touching the phone number that you want to register for over 1 second on the "Recent calls" tab and tapping "Add to phonebook" X "Register new". Deleting the Call Log The call log is automatically added. However, you can delete a call log or all call logs. Deleting a desired call log the "Recent calls" tab, touch a phone On number for over 1 second Displaying the Phonebook You can view all the information that is saved in Phonebook. the Home screen, "Phone" X From "Phonebook" tab r The Phonebook appears. r A menu appears. from call log" X "OK" r"Remove The call log is deleted. Deleting the entire call log the "Recent calls" tab, "Incoming On history" / "Outgoing history" X "Delete all" X "OK" r The entire "Incoming history"/"Outgoing history" call log is deleted. Phonebook In Phonebook, you can enter information about your personal contacts, such as their phone numbers, email addresses and web service accounts. Calling / Network Services 85 a The Phonebook (profile) is displayed. b Call log is displayed. You can also confirm the sent/ received details for sp-mode mail and SMS. c Your profile (My profile) is displayed. d Tap the icon that is displayed by selecting the image to make a call, create an email, or use various services on the internet. e Phonebook belonging to the selected group are displayed. Registering Phonebook You can register a new phonebook. the "Phonebook" tab, "Register" On r When multiple accounts are registered, select the account for which you want to create a phonebook. information, and tap "Save" Enter r The entered information is added to Phonebook. f A new phonebook is registered. g Enter a keyword and search Phonebook. Note r When you open Phonebook for the first time, descriptions for adding Phonebook are displayed. Tap X "Others" X "Import/Export" to import or export contacts from your UIM. Editing Phonebook You can edit a phonebook that has already been registered. the "Phonebook" tab, tap a On phonebook that you want to edit r The Profile screen appears. "Edit" r The "Edit profile" screen containing previously entered information appears. delete or edit the information, and Add, tap "Save" r The Phonebook is updated. 86 Calling / Network Services Searching the Phonebook You can search for a phonebook on the "Phonebook" tab by dragging in the tab or by text entry. On the "Phonebook" tab, "Search" the word(s) that you are looking Enter for r Search candidates and search results in the terminal are displayed. r The Phonebook menu appears. Tap a phonebook Making Calls/Sending Emails/ Chatting via Phonebook You can make a call directly from Phonebook. If you have added an email address or chat account to the phonebook entry, you can also send an email or launch a chat application. the "Phonebook" tab, tap one of the On Phonebook contacts r The Profile information is displayed. rTapYou can, now, make, ora call, send an email or chat. Make a call. Send an SMS message. Record Koe-no-Takuhaibin Send an email. Note r Touch the Phonebook for over 1 second to display the option menu. You can now make a call if you tap "Phone", or send an SMS message if you tap "SMS". Calling / Network Services 87 Viewing the Map of a Contact's Address If the address has been added to the Phonebook, you can view its location in a map. the "Phonebook" tab, tap one of the On Phonebook contacts r The phonebook information appears. the "Profile" tab, touch the address On for over 1 second X "Display map" r When selecting "Maps" or " Adding a Phonebook to Favorites When you add a phonebook to Favorites, it appears on the "Favorites" tab. The "Favorites" tab allows you to quickly display a specific Phonebook. the "Phonebook" tab, tap the On phonebook that you want to add to Favorites r The Profile screen appears. rTapThe phonebook is added to the "Favorites" tab. Note r When you display a phonebook that has been added to Favorites, the star icon in the top righthand corner of the screen turns yellow. r If you tap the yellow star icon, it turns gray. - If the phonebook has a call log, the phonebook is displayed in the "Favorites" tab. - If the phonebook has no call log, the phonebook is undisplayed in the "Favorites" tab. r If you tap a gray star icon, it turns yellow and the phonebook is displayed in "Favorites". Calling / Network Services 89 Message recording From the Home screen, "Phone" X "Dial" Enter the phone number X Tap "Koe-no-Takuhaibin" r The terminal is connected to the Koe Voice Mail Service If you are in a location with no radio reception, the terminal is powered off, or you are unable to take the call within the preset ring time, the Voice Mail Service answers a call with a voice mail greeting and records the caller's message. Note r The message can be recorded up to 3 minutes per 1 message, up to 20 messages, and stored up to 72 hours. r If you do not answer an incoming call when the Voice Mail Service is set to "Activate", the call is saved in "Incoming history" as a missed call, appears in the status bar. and r This terminal does not record voice messages on internal memory. Use the Voice Mail Service. 92 Calling / Network Services Basic flow of the Voice Mail Service Start the Voice Mail Service. Checking messages Check whether there is a new Voice Mail message. After checking, the completion message appears. Message notification settings Configure the setting for whether to notify when new messages arrive. Note r If you have messages at the Voice Mail Service appears in the status bar. Once Center, all messages have been cleared or stored, will disappear. following the guidance, 94 Calling / Network Services Playing a voice message or swipe the status bar downwards Drag r The Notification panel appears. mail" X "OK" r"Voice The terminal is connected to the Voice Mail Service Center. Follow the guidance to play messages. Call Waiting Service When there is another incoming call while you are on a call, the in-call ringtone notifies you of the second call. You can answer the second call by putting the first call on hold. You can also put your current call on hold and make a call to another party. Note r Even when the call is on hold, the caller is charged for a call fee. Setting the Call Waiting Service the Home screen, X "Settings" XFrom "Call settings" X "Network service" X Putting the current call on hold and answering an incoming call you hear a beep during a call, If"Activate" X "Accept" r The first call is automatically put on hold and the incoming call is answered. to the first call Switch r To end the second call, tap "End". The second call is terminated and you return to the first call. r To put the second call on hold, tap "Swap". The second call is put on hold and you return to the first call. Tapping "Swap" switches to the other party. "Call waiting" r The "Call waiting" screen appears. Activate service Tap "OK" to start the Call Waiting Service. Deactivate service Tap "OK" to deactivate the Call Waiting Service. Settings confirmation The current settings are displayed. Calling / Network Services 95 Putting the current call on hold and making a call to another party a call, "Add call" During r The "Dial" tab appears. the other party's phone number X Enter Tap r The first call is automatically put on hold and you are put through to the new call. You can also search for a phonebook if you tap the "Phonebook" tab or "Recent calls" tab. to the first call Switch r To terminate the new call, tap "End". The new call is terminated and you return to the first call. r To put the new call on hold, tap "Swap". The new call is put on hold and you return to the first call. Tapping "Swap" switches to the other party. Call Forwarding Service The Call Forwarding Service forwards a call to a preset forwarding number if you do not answer the call within the preset ring time, or are outside of the service area or if the terminal is powered off. Note r If you do not answer an incoming call when the Call Forwarding Service is set to "Activate", the call is saved in "Incoming history" as a missed appears in the status bar. call, and Basic flow of the Call Forwarding Service Register the forwarding number. Call charge for the Call Forwarding Service Caller Setting the Call Forwarding guidance on/off the Home screen, "Phone"X "Dial" rFrom The "Dial" tab appears. X "4" X "2" X "9" X "1" r Voice guidance is played. Follow the guidance to configure the settings. For details, refer to "Mobile Phone User's Guide [Network Services]". Caller ID Notification Service When making a call, your phone number can be shown in the display of the other party's phone. Note r The Caller ID Notification Service is not available (out of service area) is displayed. when r The service is only available when the other party's phone can display the caller ID. r If an announcement requesting caller ID is heard when making a call, activate Caller ID Notification or add the "186" prefix to the phone number and call again. the Home screen, X "Settings" XFrom "Call settings" X "Network service" X "Caller ID notification" r The "Caller ID notification" screen appears. 98 Calling / Network Services Settings Set whether the other party is notified of your caller ID. Tap "Notify" to enable notification, and "Not notify" to disable notification. Settings confirmation The current Caller ID Notification settings are displayed. Public Mode (Power OFF) When you receive at a public location where you want to refrain from using or while driving, guidance is provided to callers. Public mode (Power OFF) guidance is also played when you are outside of the service area or when there is no signal. Public mode (Power OFF) settings the Home screen, X "Settings" XFrom "Call settings" X "Network service" X "Public mode (power OFF) settings" r The "Public mode (power OFF) settings" screen appears. Activate service Tap "OK" to activate Public mode (Power OFF). Deactivate service When Public mode (Power OFF) is set, tap "OK" to deactivate the service. Settings confirmation The current settings are displayed. Calling / Network Services 99 Wi-Fi Tethering Settings Connect wireless LAN compatible device up to eight devices to the Internet simultaneously using the terminal as a Wi-Fi hotspot. Note r Wi-Fi tethering and USB tethering cannot both be used at the same time. Activating Wi-Fi tethering the Home screen, X "Settings" XFrom "Wireless & networks" X "Portable hotspot" Wi-Fi hotspot" "Portable r Confirm the details of the warning and then tap "OK". r When activating for the first time, a dialog for entering a new password appears. Enter a new password, and then tap "Save". 102 Settings Setting Wi-Fi access point the Home screen, X "Settings" XFrom "Wireless & networks" X "Portable hotspot" "Portable Wi-Fi hotspot settings" Wi-Fi hotspot" "Configure r "Configure Wi-Fi hotspot" menu appears. network SSID in the "Network Enter SSID" box "Security" r "Security" menu appears. Select appropriate one from "Open" and "WPA2 PSK". r The password entry is necessary if "Security" is set to "WPA2 PSK". "Save" Note r Network SSID is set to "AndroidAP", and security is set to "WPA2 PSK" by default. Set Security as needed. Connecting to VPN (Virtual Private Network) VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a technique to access to the information protected in local network from other networks. VPN is generally equipped in companies, schools or other facilities. Users can access the local network and view information outside the premise. To set VPN access from the terminal, security information from network administrator is required. Adding a VPN the Home screen, X "Settings" XFrom "Wireless & networks" X "VPN settings" "Add VPN" a VPN type to add rTapPPTP is unavailable when ISP is set to sp-mode. "VPN name" X Enter a VPN name X Tap Tap "OK" "Set VPN server" X Enter the Tap settings of VPN server X Tap "OK" Connecting to a VPN list, tap a VPN name to connect Inr AVPN menu appears. Tap "Username" X Enter a user name Tap "Password" X Enter a password "Connect" r You can also connect to a VPN by touching a VPN name to connect for over 1 second and tapping "Connect to network". Editing a VPN list, touch a VPN name to edit for InoverVPN1 second r A menu appears. network" "Edit r The detailed setting screen is displayed with the registered information entered. delete or edit the information, and Add, X "Save" tap r The settings are updated. Enter other necessary items X "Save" Settings 103 Deleting a VPN list, touch a VPN name to delete InforVPN over 1 second r A menu appears. "Delete network" X "OK" Setting the Access Point The access points (sp-mode, mopera U) required for connecting to the Internet are preset. You may add or change them if necessary. The sp-mode is set as the default access point. Checking the access point being used the Home screen, X "Settings" XFrom "Wireless & networks" X "Mobile networks" X "Access Point Names" Setting an additional access pointthe Home screen, X "Settings" XFrom "Wireless & networks" X "Mobile networks" X "Access Point Names" X X "New APN" "Name" X Enter the network profile Tap name you want to create X Tap "OK" "APN" X Enter the access point Tap name X Tap "OK" any other items requested by your Enter network operator X "Save" Note r Do not change MCC to anything other than 440, or change MNC to anything other than 10. Doing this will result in not being shown on the screen. r If the MCC and MNC disappear from the screen after changing the settings, you can either restore default settings or manually set the access points again. 104 Settings Initializing an Access Point When you initialize an access point, it returns to its default settings. the Home screen, X "Settings" XFrom "Wireless & networks" X "Mobile networks" X "Access Point Names" X "Reset to default" sp-mode sp-mode is an ISP for NTT DOCOMO smartphones. In addition to Internet connection, this also provides an email service that uses the same email addresses as i-mode (@docomo.ne.jp). The sp-mode is a paid service that requires subscription. For details about sp-mode, refer to the NTT DOCOMO website. mopera U mopera U is an NTT DOCOMO ISP. If you have subscribed to mopera U, you can use the Internet after making the simple settings. mopera U is a paid service that requires subscription. Setting mopera U the Home screen, X "Settings" XFrom "Wireless & networks" X "Mobile networks" X "Access Point Names" to select the "mopera U" or "mopera Tap Remote operation settings Set to remotely control the terminal from a docomo mobile phone, land-line phone, NTT public phone, etc. Public mode (power OFF) settings "Public Mode (Power OFF) Settings" (P99) Settings 107 Sound Feedback This allows you to configure various sound settings, such as the type and volume of ringtones, Silent mode and Vibrate. General Silent mode Enable/disable Silent mode. When in Silent mode, all sounds apart from music/video and alarms are muted. Vibrate Set when to use the vibrator. Volume Set the volume of the ringtone, music/video and alarms. Sound volume of notification also can be adjusted. Incoming calls Phone ringtone Set the sound used as the ringtone. Notifications Notification ringtone 108 Settings Set the sound used for notifications. Audible touch tones Set whether to play a sound when a phone number is entered. Audible selection Set whether to play a sound when a menu item is selected. Screen lock sounds Set whether to play a sound when the screen is locked/unlocked. Haptic feedback Set whether to vibrate the terminal during specific operations, such as , , and . Display Gesture This allows you to configure display settings, such as screen brightness and animation. This allows you to enable or disable each motion gesture. Brightness Set the screen brightness. Home screen Auto-rotate screen Set whether to automatically change the screen display when the terminal is rotated. Rearrange items Animation Configure the animation settings. Screen timeout Set how long to keep the backlight on after the last time you use the terminal. Screen optimization Adjust the display of downloaded applications according to resolution. You can change item locations by tilting the phone to the left and right while an item is selected. r This is only available when the Home setting is "Home". It does not work when "docomo Palette UI" is used. Incoming call Mute When the phone is flipped while ringing, the ringtone will stop. Alarm Sensor settings Motion sensor calibration Adjust the calibration of the motion sensor. Snooze (turn off) When the phone is flipped while ringing, the alarm will stop. Gallery Previous/next picture Tap the sides to view the previous/ next image. Settings 109 Location & Security This allows you to configure settings such as GPS, screen lock and passwords. Use wireless networks Display the current location in an application using a wireless network. Use GPS satellites Set whether to use GPS. Screen unlock Set whether to use the screen lock and configure its settings. SIM/RUIM card lock Set up SIM/ RUIM card lock Set whether to lock the SIM card (UIM) and configure its settings. Passwords Visible passwords 110 Settings Select device administrators Add or delete the administrator of this terminal. Credential storage My location Set up screen lock Device administration Set whether to display the characters entered for the password. Use secure credentials Set whether to allow the application to access the secure certification and other certification information. Set password Set/change the credential information storage password. Clear storage Delete all content of credential information storage and reset the password. Note r If you enter incorrect screen-unlock patterns 5 times, a message prompting you for reentry will appear after 30 seconds. If you forget the screen-unlock pattern, tap "Forgot pattern?" on the reentry screen then log in with your Google account that has been set on your terminal. In this way, you can enter a new pattern. r Note that you cannot unlock the screen if you forget the PIN or screen-lock password and have not set a Google account. Security Code and UIM Protection For convenient and secure use of the terminal, you can set codes to lock the terminal and network security codes to be used with network services. You can make better use of the terminal by using different codes depending on the purposes. Note r Avoid setting security codes using your birthday, part of your phone number, your address or room number, "1111" or "1234", which can be easily guessed by others. Be sure to write down the security codes and store them in a safe location. r Do not reveal your security codes to others. DOCOMO is not responsible for damage caused by misuse of your security codes by others. r If you forget your security codes, you need to bring your identification document (driver's license, etc.), the terminal and the UIM to a docomo Shop. For details, contact "General Inquiries" provided on the last page of this manual. Settings 111 r Your PIN unblocking key is written in the application form (copy for subscriber) given at the time of contract. If you have subscribed at a place other than a docomo Shop, bring your identification document (driver's license, etc.) and the UIM to a docomo Shop, or contact "General Inquiries" provided on the last page of this manual. Network security code The network security code is a 4-digit number necessary for using the docomo Network Services or identification at reception of your request in docomo Shop or at docomo Information Center. It can be set to any number at the subscription and also changed later by yourself. You can change your network security code to the new one through PC if you have a "docomo ID/ Password" on General support site for PC "My docomo". 112 Settings PIN code The UIM can set security code named PIN code. This code is set to "0000" at the time of subscription, but you can subsequently change it. PIN code is a 4- to 8-digit number that is entered to check the user when the UIM is inserted in the terminal or the terminal power is turned on. It is intended to prevent unauthorized use of the terminal by a third party. You can use the terminal by entering PIN code. Note r If you use a UIM that has been currently used when you buy a new terminal, use the same PIN code that had been set on the current terminal. The code is "0000" if the default setting has not been changed. r If you enter incorrect PIN code three times in a row, the code will be locked. In that case, unlock with "PUK code". PIN unblocking key (PUK) Changing PIN code The PIN unblocking key (PUK) is an 8-digit number used to unblock the PIN code. You cannot change it by yourself. r If you enter the PUK code incorrectly ten times in a row, the UIM will be locked. If this happens, please contact a docomo Shop. Enabling UIM's PIN code the Home screen, XFrom "Location & security" X "Settings" SIM/RUIM card lock" r"SetTheup"SIM/RUIM card lock settings" screen appears. SIM/RUIM card" r"Lock Set the PIN code on the "Lock SIM/RUIM card" screen. PIN code and tap "OK" rEnter You are asked to enter the PIN code when the terminal is powered on. the Home screen, XFrom "Location & security" X "Settings" up SIM/RUIM card lock" "Set r The "SIM/RUIM card lock settings" screen appears. SIM/RUIM PIN" "Change r The "SIM/RUIM PIN" screen appears, and you are prompted to enter the PIN code. the current PIN code, and tap Enter "OK" r You are prompted to enter the PIN code in the "SIM/RUIM PIN" screen. a new PIN code and tap "OK" Enter r You are prompted to enter the PIN code again in the "SIM/RUIM PIN" screen. the same PIN code that you Enter entered in step 5 and tap "OK" r The PIN code is changed. Settings 113 Enter PIN code This the following operations if you are asked to enter the PIN code when the terminal is powered on. Configure device management settings to use Omakase Lock. the PIN code of the UIM, and tap Enter "OK" the Home screen, XFrom "Location & security" Unblocking the PUK locked UIM Follow the procedures below to unlock PIN when you enter PIN code 3 times incorrectly in a row. Enter PUK on PIN unblocking code screen and tap "OK" the same PIN code that you Enter entered in step 2 and tap "OK" Enter a new PIN code and tap "OK" 114 Device management Settings X "Settings" device administrators" X "Select Select a device administrator X Place a checkmark r At the time of purchase, the Omakase Lock is set to be enabled. Note r To use the Omakase Lock, it is necessary to enable "Omakase Lock". As of November 2011, Omakase Lock cannot be used. Applications This allows you to configure applications' settings. Unknown sources Configure whether to allow the installation of the applications that are supplied by other than Android market. Manage applications List/delete installed applications. Running services List/stop the active services. Storage use Display storage status used for application. Battery use Display applications which are using battery and battery usage. Development Configure the various settings required for application development. Accounts & Sync This allows you to configure the settings of accounts and their synchronization. General sync settings Background data Set whether the applications always synchronize and send/receive data. Auto-sync Set whether the applications automatically synchronize data. Manage accounts Add or delete an account used in this terminal, such as Google account. Settings 115 Privacy Storage This allows you to initialize data. This allows you to display the free space in internal memory. Personal data Factory data reset Delete all data from the terminal. Available space Initializing Terminal the Home screen, XFrom "Privacy" X "Settings" data reset" X "Reset phone" X "Factory "Erase everything" 116 Settings Internal storage Display free space of internal storage. Language & Keyboard This allows you to configure the terminal's language and keyboard settings. Voice Input & Output This allows you to configure settings for voice input and output. Language settings Voice input Select language Select the language used on the terminal. User dictionary Procedures such as registration are required when using the character entry application supplied by Google. You can download the character entry application provided by Google from Android market. Voice recogniser settings Configure the settings of voice recognizer. Voice output Text-tospeech settings Configure the settings for reading out text. Keyboard settings iWnn IME Set screen keyboard settings. Accessibility Set the settings of accessibility application. Accessibility Enable or disable the applications compatible with accessibilities. Note r "No accessibility related applications found" appears when purchased. If you want to set accessibility, download compatible applications from Android Market in advance. Settings 117 Activating USB Tethering Connect the terminal and a PC using USB connection cable to connect the PC to the Internet using the terminal as a modem. the terminal and a PC using USB Connect connection cable r Confirm the details of the warning and then tap "OK". the Home screen, X "Settings" XFrom "Connectivity settings" X "Default connection mode" X "USB tethering" X "OK" Note r Hardware requirements of a PC for USB tethering are as follows: - OS*: Windows 7/Windows Vista/Windows XP (Service Pack 3 or later) * Operations conducted in environment with upgraded OS or in added/changed environment cannot be guaranteed. r A dedicated driver is required for USB tethering. For details about the method of the download and operation of dedicated driver, refer to the following site. http://www.lg.com/jp/mobile-phones/downloadpage/index.jsp (in Japanese only) Settings 119 Date & Time This allows you to configure the date and time settings. Automatic 120 Set the automatic retrieval of date and time information via the network. Set date Configure the date settings. Select time zone Configure the time zone settings. Set time Configure the time settings. Use 24-hour format Set whether to display the time in 24-hour or 12-hour format. Select date format Set the date format. Settings About Phone This allows you to display various informations of the terminal. Software Update Change software update settings. Status Display information related to this terminal. Battery use Display information about battery usage. Legal information Display information about the terms of use. Model number Display the model number (model name) of your terminal. Android version Display the version of Android running on your terminal. Baseband version Display the version of baseband running on your terminal. Kernel version Display the version of the kernel used in Android running on your terminal. Build number Display the build number of Android running on your terminal. Software version Display the software version of the terminal. Displaying your Own Number From the Home screen, X"About phone" X "Settings" r"Status" The "Status" screen appears. Your own number appears as "My phone number". Settings 121 Mail / Internet sp-mode Mail SMS This allows you to send and receive emails using an i-mode mail address (@docomo.ne.jp). It allows you to use pictograms and Deco-mail, and also supports auto receive. For details about sp-mode, refer to "Mobile Phone User's Guide (sp-mode)". You can send and receive text messages containing up to 70 double-byte characters (or 160 single-byte alphanumeric characters) to other terminals. the Home screen, "sp-mode mail" From r Follow the instruction on the screen. the Home screen, "Applications" From X "Messaging" Sending an SMS Message r The "Messaging" screen appears. "New Message" the "To" box X Enter recipient's Tap phone number r A list of contacts beginning with the entered number or name appears. the "Enter Message" box X Enter a Tap message "Send" r The message is sent. 122 Mail / Internet Note r Tap X "Insert smiley" while entering a message to insert a pictogram. Although an emoticon appears on your "Enter Message" box, the pictogram is displayed if the message is received on an Android compatible phone. r To receive notification that the SMS message is received, tap X "Settings" on the "Messaging" screen, and check the "Delivery reports" checkbox. r You can also send/receive SMS messages to/ from users of overseas network operators. For available countries/compatible overseas network operators, refer to "Mobile Phone User's Guide [International Services]" or the DOCOMO "International Services website". r To send SMS messages to users of overseas network operators, enter "+" X "Country code" X "Recipient's mobile phone number". Omit "0" if the recipient phone number starts with "0". You can also send an SMS message by entering "010", "Country code" and "the recipient mobile phone number". (To reply to an SMS message sent from overseas, enter "010".) Receiving/Viewing an SMS Message the Home screen, "Applications" From X "Messaging" r The "Messaging" screen appears. one of the threads Tap r The message appears. Note r When you receive an SMS message, appears in the status bar. To read the message, drag or swipe the status bar downwards to open the Notification panel, and tap a new message. Mail / Internet 123 Gmail If you have a Google account, you can send and receive emails using Gmail. If you do not have a Google account, you must open an account before using Gmail. Opening Gmail the Home screen, "Applications" From X "Gmail" r Gmail opens, and the "Inbox" screen appears. Note r If your Google account settings have not been completed, the "Add a Google Account" screen appears. Follow the displayed instructions. If you do not have a Google account, create one here. r For details about Gmail, tap X "More" X "Help" on the "Inbox" screen. 124 Mail / Internet Creating and Sending an Gmail From the "Inbox" screen, "Compose" r The "Compose" screen appears. Enter email address in the "To" box Enter a subject in the "Subject" box a message in the "Compose Mail" Enter box r You can also send an email by tapping "Send" on the "Compose" screen. Early Warning "Area Mail" You can receive Earthquake Early Warnings provided by the Japan Meteorological Agency. r Area Mail is a free service that does not require application. r You cannot receive Area Mail in the following cases. - When the phone is turned OFF - When you are out of the service area - When the terminal is in Airplane mode - During voice calls - While updating software - When you are roaming overseas - When sending/receiving SMS messages - When using a SIM card from another provider r You may not be able to receive Area Mail when using packet communication and tethering functions. r You cannot receive an Area Mail after it has been missed. Receiving Area Mail Area Mail automatically Receiving r When an Area Mail is received, a dedicated ringtone sounds and the text of the Area Mail is displayed. r When the screen lock is set, the text of the Area Mail is not displayed. It will be displayed when the screen lock is canceled. r You cannot change the ringtone volume. Viewing Area Mail later the Home screen, "Applications" From X "Area Mail" r The "Early warning 'Area Mail' Inbox" screen appears. an Area Mail Tap r The text of the Area Mail appears. Mail / Internet 125 Setting Area Mail the Home screen, "Applications" From X "Area Mail" r The "Early warning 'Area Mail' Inbox" screen appears. r TheX "Settings" "Settings" menu appears. Change the settings if required 126 Receive setting Check to receive Area Mail. Beep tone Configure the beep time settings and operations during Silent mode. Check screen image and beep tone You can confirm operations for receiving earthquake early warnings and disaster/evacuation information. Other settings To receive Area Mail other than earthquake early warnings and disaster/evacuation information, you can register Area Mail names and message IDs that you want to receive. Mail / Internet Browser Browser allows you to view web pages in the same way that you can from a PC. Opening Browser the Home screen, "Browser" From r Browser opens, displaying the last web page that you viewed. The home page appears if you have not used the Browser recently. r Pinch out on the web page to zoom in the display, and pinch in to zoom out. b Bookmark button The "Bookmarks" tab appears. c Previous web page The previous page is displayed. d Next web page The next page is displayed. e Zoom Tilt the terminal toward you while touching to zoom in the web page. Tilt it away from you to zoom out. f Switching windows You can switch to the selected window when accessing web pages via multiple windows. You can close the window by tapping . g New window A list of frequently used web pages is displayed, and you can tap to access in a new window. a Search box Enter the text you want to search or URL to display a list of web page candidates and search candidates that match the entered characters. Tap one of the listed candidates or finish entering to display the web page. the URL, and tap If the search box is not displayed on the browser screen, tap Mail / Internet 127 Searching for a web page by voice entry Tap the search box Tap r "Speak now" appears. speak the search word(s) into Clearly the microphone r Candidates for the search word are displayed. Tap a candidate word and it will be entered in the search box. Also, a list of web pages including the search word appears. one of the listed web pages Tap r The selected web page opens. Using Bookmark and History Bookmarking a web page allows you to quickly access that web page. You can also view previously visited web pages by displaying your browsing history. Adding a bookmark the page that you want to View bookmark Tap r A thumbnail of the bookmarked page appears on the "Bookmarks" tab. " Changing Browser Settings the Browser screen, XFrom "Settings" X "More" r A menu appears. Change the settings if required Page content settings Set whether to use the default scaling on web pages, whether to display popup windows, whether to import images, the home page and other items. Privacy settings Clear the browser cache, the browsing history, cookies, form data, and location information. Configure the settings about whether to accept cookies, to save form data and to allow location information. Security settings Set whether to save passwords and whether to display security warnings. You can also clear saved passwords. Advanced settings Return website settings and browser settings to default setting. Talk Google Talk is a Google instant messaging program. It allows you to chat (text chatting) with friends who have Google accounts. To use Google Talk, you must set up your own Google account. For details, refer to "Setting Online Service Accounts" (P51). Before Using Google Talk To use Google Talk, it is required to log in and add a new friend. If you already have a Google account, you don't have to sign in to start using Google Talk. Logging in to Google Talk the Home screen, "Applications" From X "Talk" r The set Google account appears. Note r If your Google account settings have not been completed, the "Add a Google Account" screen appears. Follow the displayed instructions. If you do not have a Google account, create one here. Mail / Internet 129 Chatting a friend's account on the "Talk" Tap screen r The Chat screen appears. the "Type to compose" box X Enter Tap your message and tap "Send" r The text that you entered in the "Type to compose" box is sent. r For details about Google Talk, from the Google Talk screen, tap X "Settings" X "Terms & privacy" X "Help Center" (Talk Help is displayed in English). 130 Mail / Internet File Management File Operation You can synchronize music with "Windows Media Player" on your PC by connecting the terminal with the PC via the supplied USB connection cable, and transfer the data between the PC and the terminal by dragging and dropping. Sharing some data may not be permitted due to copyright. r In order for your PC to recognize this terminal, a dedicated driver and Windows Media Player 11 or later are required. - For details about the method of the download and operation of dedicated driver, refer to the homepage below. http://www.lg.com/jp/mobile-phones/downloadpage/index.jsp (in Japanese only) - You can download the latest Windows Media Player on Microsoft website. http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/ download (in Japanese only) r Some functions such as shooting and playing video may not work while connecting the terminal with PC. Note r Operating environment of a PC for file operation is as follows: - OS*: Windows 7/Windows Vista/Windows XP (Service Pack 3 or later) - Windows Media Player: Windows Media Player 11 or later * Operations conducted in environment with upgraded OS or in added/changed environment cannot be guaranteed. r Other than the terminal or PC, the following devices and software are necessary to perform file operation on a PC. - Dedicated driver File Management 131 Folder and File Operations Note Note r For details about Windows Media Player, refer to Windows Media Player help. r Do not turn off the terminal while reading or writing data. r Do not unplug USB connection cable while reading or writing data. It results in loss of data. Synchronizing Data with Windows Media Player This allows you to synchronize music and videos with Windows Media Player library on PC. In this way, music and videos with copyright protection can be synchronized as well as the copyright information. the terminal with a PC via the Connect USB connection cable (P139) USB connection mode to "Mass Set storage" (P139) Windows Media Player on PC Activate and synchronize File Management 133 Disconnecting the terminal from a PC and remove the removable disk Stop safely from PC r For example, for WindowsÂŽ 7/Windows VistaÂŽ/ WindowsÂŽ XP, execute operation according to the " Turning ON Bluetooth Function to Make the Terminal Discoverable From the Home screen, X "Settings" X "Wireless & networks" X "Bluetooth settings" a check mark on "Bluetooth" Place r Bluetooth function turns ON. "Device name" and enter the Tap terminal name X Tap "OK" a check mark on "Discoverable" Place r The terminal can be detected by another Bluetooth device for approx. 120 seconds. Note r When you do not use Bluetooth function, turn it OFF to save the battery. r The setting of the Bluetooth ON/OFF is not changed even when the power is turned off. 136 File Management Pairing/Connecting with Other Bluetooth Device To transfer data by Bluetooth connection, perform pairing (pairing setting) with the device in advance and register it to the terminal. r Depending on Bluetooth device, only pairing is performed or pairing and connecting is performed successively. the Home screen, X "Settings" XFrom "Wireless & networks" X "Bluetooth settings" X "Scan for devices" r Detected Bluetooth devices list appears. a device that you want to connect Tap with X Tap "Pair" r If pass code (PIN) is set on Bluetooth devices, enter pass code (PIN) and tap "OK". r For some Bluetooth devices, after completion of pairing, connection may be established successively by tapping a device. Note r Even for device requiring entry of pass code (PIN) when pairing, once pairing is performed, entering pass code (PIN) is not necessary for next connection. r Pairing can be set even if a device is unable to connect such as non-profile-compliant. However, it cannot be connected even if you tap the device. r Touch a device that has already been paired for over 1 second, tap "Connection access" and then select "Automatic" to connect or "Always ask". r Devices that are not compatible with SCMS-T cannot play any audio related data such as music. When the other device requests for pairing When a screen asking for pairing for Bluetooth connection appears, tap "Pair & connect" or enter pass code (PIN) if required and tap "OK". Disconnecting the connected device on "Bluetooth Tap devices" list X "OK" r Touch the connected device for over 1 second and tap "Disconnect" to disconnect. Canceling the pairing a device to unpair for over 1 Touch second on "Bluetooth devices" list X Tap "Disconnect & unpair" r If you want to unpair with a device being only paired, touch the device for over 1 second and tap "Unpair". File Management 137 Sending/Receiving Data via Bluetooth Function r Set the Bluetooth function to ON beforehand to be discoverable. Sending data via Bluetooth You can send data of Phonebook (name card data in vcf format), files such as photos or videos, etc. to a Bluetooth device (PC etc.). r For sending, perform the operation from the menu such as "Share"/"Send" of each application. Receiving data via Bluetooth Set the terminal to discoverable "Accept" when Bluetooth Tap Authorization Request screen appears is displayed in the status bar, and data reception starts. r You can confirm data reception on the Notification panel. r Message screen appears at the bottom screen after receiving data. 138 File Management External Device Connection Connecting the Terminal with a PC Make sure that Windows Media Player 11 or later and dedicated driver are installed on PC. If Windows Media Player 11 or later and dedicated driver are not installed, the terminal may not be recognized by PC correctly. For details about operating environment, refer to "File Operation" (P131). the microUSB connector of Connect USB connection cable to the microUSB connection terminal of the terminal r Insert the microUSB connector horizontally with the surface with the USB mark facing up. r Request for installation of the device driver may appear on your PC. If it appears, cancel it. is displayed in the status bar. r The "USB connection mode" screen appears on the terminal. If the "USB connection mode" screen does not appear, drag or swipe the status bar down to open the Notification panel, and then tap "Charge only", "Mass storage", "PC sync", or "USB tethering". the USB connector of USB Connect connection cable to the USB port of PC r The terminal is recognized automatically by PC. only" / "Mass storage" / "PC "Charge sync" / "USB tethering" X "OK" File Management 139 Note r While connecting to a PC, drag or swipe the status bar down to open the Notification panel, and then tap "Charge only", "Mass storage", "PC sync", or "USB tethering" to display the "USB connection mode" screen, and then you can change the USB connection mode. r To change the default USB connection mode for connecting with a PC, from the Home screen, tap X "Settings" X "Connectivity settings" X "Default connection mode". r Do not turn off the terminal while reading or writing data r Do not unplug USB connection cable while reading or writing data. It results in loss of data. r For details about Windows Media Player, refer to Windows Media Player help. 140 File Management Application Camera The terminal has a built-in camera that can shoot photos and videos. Before Shooting Copyrights and portrait rights Avoid copyright infringements when copying or editing photos and videos that have been shot on the terminal. You should also avoid infringing the portrait rights of other people by using or modifying their portraits without their consent. Note that the shooting or recording of stage performances, shows or exhibitions may be prohibited, even for personal use. Please be considerate of the privacy of individuals around you when shooting and sending photos using camera-equipped mobile phones. Notes for capturing images r The Camera employs high precision technology, but some pixels or lines may seem brighter or darker than others. Also, when you shoot photos in places with insufficient lighting, noises seen as white line increase. This is normal. r Clean the lens with a soft cloth before shooting. If the lens is stained with fingerprints or oil, the shot photo may appear out of focus or blurred. r Do not leave the terminal in a warm place or under a direct sunlight for a long period of time. The quality of shot photos or video may deteriorate. r If you shoot under a fluorescent light, mercury lamp or sodium lamp flickering at high speed, flickering such as stripes may appear. The color tone of photos or videos may vary depending on the shooting timing. r Do not expose the lens to direct sunlight for a long period of time and do not point at the sun or a bright light directly. The image may become discolored or the camera may fail to operate properly. r Do not cover the lens with your fingers or hair when shooting. Application 141 r Shooting a fast moving object may result in an image slightly distorted from the image displayed on the screen at the time of shooting, or the image may be blurred. r When the battery level is low, you may not be able to save shot photos or videos. Check the battery level before using the camera. r Shot photos or videos may differ from the actual subjects in brightness or color tone. r You can hear shutter sound even when the terminal is set to Silent mode. Shooting a Photo You can shoot photos with both horizontal and vertical screen. Viewing shooting screen The meanings of marks (icons and others) on the photo shooting screen are as follows: a Switching cameras Switch between the front and main cameras. b Zoom Adjust zoom. c Brightness Adjust brightness. 142 Application d Flash Set flash mode to Auto, Off or On. e Settings (while shooting photos) Set Focus/Image size/Scene mode/ISO/White balance/Color effect/Timer/Shot mode/Auto review/ Tag location (horizontal screen). f Auto focus frame Touch the screen on the area where you want to focus. It is shown in green when auto focus is successfully done. It turns to red if auto focus is failed. g Focus mode Adjust the focus to a specified position (Auto/Face tracking). h Possible number of shooting images i Switch button Switch between photo mode and video mode. j Shutter Shooting a photo the Home screen, "Applications" From X "Camera" r The photo shooting screen is displayed. r Menus appear on the screen to allow you to configure various settings to suit the scene and conditions for shooting. r If you tap a menu icon, and appear. to return all settings to the initial settings. Tap to confirm the details of each function. Tap Point the camera at the subject Tap r The shutter sound plays and the photo is shot. r After shooting, a preview of the photo is displayed. r The shot data is saved in "Gallery". k Thumbnail Tap to display the preview screen and confirm the shot photo. Also you can edit the photos. Application 143 Note r Menus are displayed on the preview screen after shooting a photo. The following operations are available. - "Share": Send via Bluetooth, Gmail, Picasa, etc. - "Set as": Set to wallpaper or phonebook icon. - "Rename": Edit the name of the shot photo. Shooting Videos You can shoot videos by switching modes. Videos are shot horizontally. Viewing shooting screen The meanings of marks (icons and others) on the video shooting screen are as follows: : Delete the displayed photo. : Shoot a new photo. : Confirm and edit the shot photo. a Switching cameras Switch between the front and main cameras. b Zoom Adjust zoom. c Brightness Adjust brightness. 144 Application d Flash Set flash mode to ON or OFF. e Settings (when shooting video) Set the video size/white balance/color effects/audio recording/auto review. f Sound (On/Off) g Switch button Switch between photo mode and video mode. h Recording button i Thumbnail Tap to display the preview screen and confirm the shot videos. j Shooting duration Shooting videos on the photo shooting screen. rDrag The screen switches to the video shooting screen. r Menus appear on the screen to allow you to configure various settings to suit the scene and conditions for shooting. and appear. r If you tap a menu icon, to return all settings to the initial settings. Tap to confirm the details of each function. Tap Point the camera at the subject Tap r The recording start sound plays and Camera starts shooting. r While you are recording, "REC" appears and a red circle blinks. Tap r The recording stop sound plays and recording stops. Then, the screen displayed at the start of recording appears. r The shot data is saved in "Gallery". Application 145 Note r Menus are displayed on the preview screen after shooting a video. The following operations are available. - "Play": Play the shot video. - "Share": Send via Bluetooth, Gmail, YouTube, etc. - "Rename": Edit the name of the shot video. : Delete the displayed video. : Shoot a new video. : Confirm the shot video. Gallery Gallery allows you to view photos/videos in a slide show. Photos can be trimmed. Viewing Photos and Videos the Home screen, "Applications" From X "Gallery" r The Gallery screen appears. r Gallery contains both photos and videos shot with camera and those downloaded. : Tap to switch between the Calendar screen and Gallery screen. Tap a date on the Calendar screen to display photos and videos shot on that day by thumbnail. a folder Tap r Both photos and videos are displayed by thumbnail. r Photos and videos are categorized by shooting date by tapping r To view photos or videos shot by this terminal, tap "Camera". one of the thumbnails Tap r Photo can be zoomed in or out by tapping or pinching out or in on the touch screen. r The video is played if you tap a video thumbnail. 146 Application Note r A screen appears to enable/disable thumbnail on the Gallery screen, selection if you tap or touch one thumbnail for over 1 second. The following operations are available. - "Select all": Select all the thumbnails. - "xx items": Show the number of the selected thumbnails. - "Deselect all": Cancel all the selected thumbnails. - "Share": Send the selected photos via Picasa, Gmail, or Bluetooth, and the selected videos via YouTube, Gmail, or Bluetooth. - "Delete": Delete the selected photos or videos. - "More": Confirm the detailed information of photos and videos, configure the photo settings, trim the photos, etc. r The following operations are available from the photo display screen. - "Slide show": Display the photos and videos saved in terminal in slide show order. - "Menu": Share or delete photos. : Zoom in or out the image. : Activate Camera to shoot photos or videos. Media Player The "Media Player" application plays music files and video files saved on the storage. Media Player supports the following file formats.  Available file formats Music files Video files MP3, 3GP, 3GA, AMR, WMA, AAC, MID, WAV, OGG, ISMA, M4A, FLAC, AWB MP4, AVI, 3GP, WMV, ASF, MKV, MOV, WebM, TS, ISMV, FLV, OGM, DivX (Only for Non-DRM contents) Note r Some files may not be played even with the supported file format. r Some files are protected by copyright and may not be played. Copying Music Files and Videos to the Terminal From Media Player, you can play music files and video files of your own after copying them to a storage. the terminal with a PC via the Connect supplied USB connection cable (P138) USB connection mode to "Mass Set storage" (P139) Open " Note r This terminal can be connected to most devices supporting the USB mass storage interface and the following operating systems (OS). - WindowsÂŽ 7 (32-bit/64-bit version) - Windows VistaÂŽ (32-bit/64-bit version) - WindowsÂŽ XP (32-bit/64-bit version) Opening the Media Player the Home screen, "Applications" From X "Media Player" r The "Media Player" screen appears. r Tap the icon at the bottom of the screen to switch between lists for "Songs", "Artists", "Albums", and "Movie". Application 149 a Quick play bar This is displayed when there is music playing/ paused. Tap this to display the Music screen. b Play/Pause icon This is displayed for the music playing/paused. c Title d Artist name e Index A list of songs starting with the tapped letter are displayed. f Bottom bar You can change the icons that are displayed on the bottom bar. For more details, refer to "Setting the Media Player" (P155). r Songs: Display a list of playable songs saved on the storage. Tap a song to display the Music screen. r Artists: Display a list of artists. Tap an artist name to display a list of albums by the artist. Tap an album title to display a list of songs on the album. r Albums: Display a list of albums. Tap an album title to display a list of songs included on the album. r Movie: Display a list of playable videos saved on the storage. 150 Application r MUSIC Store: Access the dmarket Music Store. While a list of videos is displayed, the "VIDEO Store" icon appears. Tap this to access the dmarket VIDEO Store. Note r From the "Media Player" screen, tap X "Sort" to switch the list display between ascending and descending order. r From the "Media Player" screen, tap "Search" to access dmarket for purchasing songs. r From the "Media Player" screen, while a list of albums/videos is displayed, tap X "Switch display" to switch the list display format between thumbnail display and list display. r From the "Media Player" screen/Music screen/ Video screen, tap X "Exit" to close the Media Player. Playing Music Inplaythe song list, tap a song you want to r The Music screen appears and the song is played. c Cover flow Tap to switch between display/not display elapsed time, play progress bar, and song length. Flick left or right to scroll through the thumbnails on horizontal screen. d Contents information Title/artist name/album title are displayed. e Return to list Return to the song list. f Back button Start playing from the beginning of the current song. Double-tap to start playing from the beginning of the previous song. g Play/Pause button h Song length i Repeat/1 Repeat button Switch between Repeat all/1 repeat/Repeat OFF. j Shuffle button Turn shuffle play on/off. k Forward button l Volume bar Drag or tap to adjust the volume. a Elapsed time b Play progress bar Drag or tap to play a song from a desired point within the song. Application 151 Note r While a song is playing, is displayed in the status bar. r From the Music screen, tap X "Settings" X "This song : Ringtone settings" to set the displayed song as a ringtone for voice calls, email, or sp-mode mail. Playing Videos the "Media Player" screen, tap From r A list of playable videos saved on the storage appears. a video you want to play Tap r The Video screen appears and the video is played. 152 Application a Elapsed time b Play progress bar Drag or tap to play a video from a desired point within the video. c Video information Displays titles/artist names. d Video list button Return to the video list. e Back button Start playing from the beginning of the current video. Double-tap to start playing from the beginning of the previous video. f Play/Pause button g Video length h Rotation lock button Lock not to change the orientation of the screen even when the orientation of the terminal changes. i Forward button Using Playlists Playlists allow you to play your favorite songs in a desired order. Set to view playlists With the initial setting, the bottom bar of the "Media Player" screen does not display the "Play list" icon. The following operation will allow you to display it. From the "Media Player" screen, "Settings" X "Arrange icons" r The "Arrange icons" screen appears. the "Play list" icon and drop it on Drag the bottom bar r You cannot change the "Movie", "MUSIC Store", and "VIDEO Store" icons. "Apply" j Volume bar Drag or tap to adjust the volume. Note r Tilt the terminal to the side while displaying the Video screen to switch to horizontal screen display so that videos can be displayed on the whole screen. Tap the screen to switch between button display/not display. Application 153 Displaying playlists the "Media Player" screen, tap From "Play list" r Current playlists are displayed. r The following quick playlists are available. Recently added songs Display songs that were added in the last two weeks in the order you add them. Recently played songs Display songs that were played in the last two weeks with the most recent date on top. Most played songs Display songs that were played with the most frequently played song on top. a playlist/quick playlist Tap r The songs contained in the playlist are displayed. r Tap a song from the playlist/quick playlist to play. 154 Application Creating a playlist In the Playlists, tap "New" songs to playlist" "Add r Tap the "All songs", "Artists", and "Albums" tabs to switch the display list. the song you want to add Tap r Tap "Add all songs" to add all songs in the list. "Apply" X "Save" X "OK" Editing playlists of Playlists, tap the playlist Inthattheyoulistwant to edit r The songs contained in the playlist are displayed. "Edit" r Tap the title of the playlist to edit the title. r Tap "Add songs to playlist" to add a song to the playlist. r Tap "Delete all songs" to delete all songs. Deleting all songs from a playlist will also delete the playlist itself. r Tap on a song to make turn red and become a deletion target. r Drag and drop to change the order of the song. After you finish editing, tap "Save" Deleting/sorting a playlist the Playlists, tap "Edit" rInTap "Delete all playlists" to delete all playlists. r Tap on a playlist to make turn red and become a deletion target. r Drag and drop to change the order of the playlist/quick playlist. After you finish editing, tap "Save" Setting the Media Player From the "Media Player" screen, "Settings" r The "Settings" menu appears. Change the settings if required Audio effect settings Set effects for when playing music. Ringtone settings Set a song as a ringtone for voice calls, emails, and spmode mail. r Some songs cannot be set as ringtones. Movie sort settings Select the order of the video list from "Saved date and time" and "Title". Delete contents Delete all/selected displayed music files/video files. Application 155 Arrange icons 156 Drag and drop to change the icons displayed on the bottom bar of the "Media Player" screen. r If you change the icons to "Play list", "Genre", or "Age", you can display lists according to Playlists/Genre/ Age on the "Media Player" screen. r You cannot change the "Movie", "MUSIC Store", and "VIDEO Store" icons. Update database Update the Media Player database. Reset settings Return the Media Player to its initial settings. Application Market Android Market enables you to access applications and games you like and download them to install into the terminal. Opening Android Market the Home screen, "Applications" From X "Market" r When the application is activated for the first time, the terms of Android Market use appears. It only appears for the first time open. "Accept" r Android Market opens. Note r Be sure to check the security of application, and then install it at your own risk. The terminal may be infected with a virus and the data may be damaged. r NTT DOCOMO is not liable for malfunctions, if any, caused by the application you installed. r NTT DOCOMO is not liable for any disadvantage brought to you or any third party due to an application you installed. r Some applications automatically perform packet communications. Packet communication is kept active unless you disconnect or it is timed out. To disconnect packet communication, tap X "Settings" X "Wireless & networks" X "Mobile networks" on the Home screen, and uncheck the "Data enabled" checkbox. r If you need more information about Android Market, tap X "Help" when Market is open. Searching or Installing an Application for the desired application Search and enter a key word on the r If you tap "Market" screen, you can search for an application by its name. the application name Tap r The application details are displayed. Users' comments and their evaluations are displayed on the screen. continue installing operation, To tap "Download" / "Install" (for free application) or Price button (if paid application) r The displayed content differs depending on the application. r If the application needs to access data and functions on the terminal, the functions used by the application are displayed. & download" / "Accept & buy" "Accept r It is download and installed automatically. When installation is complete, the notification icon appears in the status bar. Application 157 Note r Read the application details carefully. Once you install the application, you accept liability for its use. r You are required to purchase those paid applications. For purchasing an application, refer to "Purchasing an Application" (P159). r If it takes a long time to download, you can tap "My Apps" to check the progress status onscreen. r Most applications can be installed in a few seconds, but, if the download does not end after a long time, you can stop it by tapping X "My Apps" X "u Stop 1" displayed in the application to abort downloading. r If download or installation is finished normally, the notification icon will be displayed in the status bar. Display the Notification panel and tap the application name. The installed application opens. 158 Application Updating an Application If an installed application is updated, the notification icon appears on the status bar. You can also check the update information on the "My Apps" screen. Once you have confirmed the availability of an update, you can update the application. the application which shows Tap "Update" on the "My Apps" screen X "Accept & download" r"Update" You can update the application by following the same procedures used for installation. Note r You can also display the "My Apps" screen by tapping X "My Apps" on the "Market" screen. "Update" appears beside updated applications. Tap the application to update it by following the same procedures used for installation. Uninstalling an Application You can uninstall applications whenever you want. any of application on the "My Apps" Tap screen r The application details are displayed. r A message appears. "OK" "Uninstall" Purchasing an Application Before downloading a paid application, you must first purchase it. Try it for free within a certain period. If you do not ask for a refund within a certain period after purchasing, your credit card will be charged. Note r You pay for the application only once. You are not charged for uninstalling an application or for downloading it again. r If you have multiple Android devices that use the same Google account, you may download the purchased application to all of them at no additional cost. Application 159 Purchasing an application an application that you want to Tap purchase r The application's functions and other users' comments and evaluations appear. button X "Accept & buy" Price r If the application needs to access data and functions on the terminal, the functions used by the application are displayed. r Purchase procedure screen is displayed. r When purchasing for the first time, tap "Add payment method" X "Add card" to proceed. Requesting a refund and deleting an application the "Market" screen, X "My Apps" Inr The "My Apps" screen appears. the application that you want to Tap uninstall "Refund" r A menu asking why you want to delete the application appears. If this menu does not appear, the trial period has expired. 160 Application the answer that best matches your Tap reason, and then "OK" Maps "Maps" enables you to show your current location, search for other locations and routes. Open Google Maps to show your approximate location according to information received from the nearest base station. Your current location will be updated more accurately if your current position is determined by GPS. Location Information Services Mobile networks, Wi-Fi and GPS methods are available to obtain current locations. With Wi-Fi current locations can be speedily determined, but accuracy is lacking. If GPS is used, it takes more time, but accurate positioning can be obtained. When determining current locations, activate both Wi-Fi and GPS to utilize both of Application 161 Enabling location search by Wi-Fi Note r This terminal is equipped with a GPS receiver that uses satellite signals to calculate current locations. Some GPS functions use the Internet. Transferring data may incur charges. r To use a function which requires a GPS receiver for positioning of your current location, check for an unimpeded view of the sky. Move to another location if your current location is not determined after a few minutes. r In order to calculate the current location faster, do not move or cover GPS antenna with other objects. r It may take up to ten minutes to determine current locations when the GPS functions are used for the first time. Activating GPS functions the Home screen, XFrom "Location & security" X "Settings" a check mark on "Use GPS Place satellites" r The "Notice" menu appears. "Agree" r The GPS function is enabled. 162 Application the Home screen, XFrom "Location & security" X "Settings" a check mark on "Use wireless Place networks" r The "Location consent" menu appears. "Agree" r You can search for your location with an application that uses Wi-Fi. Note r Location information that is collected by WiFi does not identify individual users. Location information can also be collected even when the application is not running. Open Maps Viewing Street View the Home screen, "Applications" From X "Maps" r Google Maps opens. r Refer to the following to zoom in or zoom out a map. Pinch out/ pinch in Pinch your fingers apart to zoom in, or together to zoom out. Double-tap Double-tap to zoom in. Tap with 2 fingers Tap with two fingers to zoom out. Identifying your Current Location the "Maps" screen, tap rInYour current location is displayed on the map by a blinking blue circle. You can switch to the Street View of your current location. the Maps screen, touch the section From that you want to view in Street View for over 1 second r A balloon appears. the balloon X Tap Tap r Street View appears. Note r Street View is not available in some areas. is light gray for areas where Street View is not is dark gray for areas where Street available. View is available. r You can change direction by dragging the "Street View" screen. You can also zoom in/out to the by pinching out/in on the screen. Drag place that you want to view. r If you tap X "Compass mode" when viewing Street View, the terminal's magnetic compass directions is linked to the directions displayed in Street View. Application 163 Searching for a Specific Location From the Maps screen, tap the "Search Maps" box and enter the location that you are looking for r In addition to the address, you can specify city names or facility names in your search (e.g., "Tokyo" and "museum"). r When you tap "Search Maps" box, a list of previously searched or viewed locations appears. You can also display a location by tapping the list. Tap r An icon appears at the location on the map. the location icon Tap r Balloons with names of locations and facilities Note r You can also search by voice entry. For details, refer to "Searching for a web page by voice entry" (P128). Changing Layer The map can display multiple layers of different information. Adding a layer in the "Maps" screen Tap r The "Layers" menu appears. The following information is displayed in the layers. Traffic View traffic information. This is only available in some areas. Satellite View satellite photos. Terrain View topography. : Start navigation to the displayed location, or search for routes. Transit Lines View train information. This is only available in some areas. : Make a call. Latitude Join Latitude. For details, refer to "Joining Latitude" (P167). appear. the balloon Tap r Detailed information appears. : Return to the Maps screen. : Display other options. r The displayed information and available options vary depending on the location. 164 Application My Maps View My Maps you created on your PC. You can only view My Maps on the terminal. You cannot create My Maps on the terminal. Wikipedia Display . to view a Wikipedia article Tap about the location. Clear Map Clear all displayed layers, route search results, etc. Deleting a layer in the "Maps" screen rTapThe "Layers" menu appears. the checked layer Tap r The layer is unchecked and deleted. Searching for a Route You can view a detailed route to your destination. From the "Maps" screen, tap "Directions" your departure point in "Start Enter point:* " box X Enter your destination in "End point:" box r You can also select your Start point and End point by tapping to the right of their respective boxes to display a menu and then choosing from "My current location*2", "Contacts", "Point on map" and "My Places*3" on the menu. *1 "My current location" is entered in "Start point:" box. *2 If "My current location" is entered in "Start point:" box or "End point:" box, it will not be displayed even if you tap . *3 Only the location with star mark can be displayed. Application 165 / Select transportation as your mode of r A list of routes to your destination appears. one of the routes Tap r The selected route appears. "Get directions" 166 Application Note r If the routes are searched by car, on foot, or on bicycle, the routes are displayed on the map. r Tap the icon on the top left of the screen to choose the mode of transportation, "Driving", "Transit", "Walking" or "Bicycling". r When appears, if you tap , Google maps navigation is activated, and route guidance all the way up to the destination is started. r Tap to change "Start point:"/"End point:". r When routes are searched via Public transportation agencies, route choices are displayed under "End point:". Tap any one of the routes and details concerning travel times and transfer for trains, station names and fares are displayed. r Tap to search for routes according to âDeparture time", "Arrival time" and "Last available time". r Tap "Show earlier trips" or "Show later trips", to search for routes at earlier or later times. r When routes are searched via Car, On foot, Bicycle, if the items displayed under "End point:" are tapped, the changes in directions for the points on the routes are displayed on the maps. Clearing a Map You can clear all displayed layers and route search results. in the "Maps" screen rTapThe "Layers" menu appears. Map" r"Clear The displayed layers and route search results are cleared. Latitude Google Latitude enables you and your friends to check each other's locations on maps and share status messages with each other. It also enables you to send emails, make calls and search for routes to friend's locations. Location information is not shared automatically. You must first join Latitude and then invite friends to provide their locations, or accept invitations from friends to share your location. Note r If there is nothing that can be cleared, "Clear Map" is grayed out and cannot be tapped. r You can also clear a specific layer by tapping on the Maps screen and tapping checked layers to uncheck them. r You can also clear displayed layers and route search results by tapping X "Clear Map" in the Maps screen. Joining Latitude the Home screen, "Applications" From X "Latitude" r The first time that you join Latitude, you are prompted to accept or reject the Google privacy policy. the link for "Google Privacy Policy" Tap X After reading, tap X "Join Latitude" X "Allow and Share" r Latitude opens and a list of members with Google accounts appears. Application 167 Opening Latitude the Home screen, "Applications" From X "Latitude" r Latitude opens and a list of members with Google accounts appears. Note r You can also open Latitude by tapping "Latitude" on the Maps screen. r For more details, tap X "See map" X "More" X "Help" X "Latitude" in the Latitude screen, to refer to Mobile Help. Navigation Google Maps Navigation (beta) is route guidance software with voice guidance. the Home screen, "Applications" From X "Navigation" r Service terms are displayed. Check "Show this message next time", and from the next time onward the same message is displayed. "Accept" r Opens Google Maps navigation and displays menu. 168 Application one of the items Tap Enter or select your destination to start route guidance. r "Speak Destination": Search for destination via voice. r "Type Destination": Enter the characters of your destination. r "Contacts": Search for an address registered in your contacts. r "Starred Places": Search for a location with a star added in Google Maps. (Route options): Set whether to use the expressway and toll roads. : Display a map. : Select by car or on foot Note r Any operation during driving should be performed by a passenger. Places You can use Places to easily search for nearby restaurants, cafes, bars, travel spot, ATMs, gas stations, and other places of interest. the Home screen, "Applications" From X "Places" r Places opens. one from "Restaurants" / "Coffee" / Tap "Bars" / "Attractions" / "ATMs" / "Gas Stations" / "Explore Nearby" r A list of search results appears. Tap a search result to view details. Note r You can also open Places by tapping on the Maps screen. r To add the search condition, tap "Add", enter a category to search, and tap "Add". 1Seg 1Seg is a digital terrestrial TV broadcasting service for mobile devices that allows you to receive data programs along with video and audio. It is also possible to acquire detailed program information, participate in quiz shows, and enjoy TV shopping. For details on "1Seg" service, refer to the following homepage. Association for Promotion of Digital Broadcasting http://www.dpa.or.jp/english/ 1Seg Viewing the Home screen, "Applications" From X "TV" r The 1Seg viewing screen appears. r When activating it for the first time, it is necessary to accept the terms of service and to select your viewing area. Application 171 Viewing the 1Seg viewing screen Vertical screen display shows the data broadcast. a TV broadcast area Flick left or right to switch channels. Tap to display the TV operation screen. b Data broadcast area Tapping directly on the content of the data broadcast may allow you to operate. c Data broadcast operation button d Subtitle display area Tap to display the TV operation screen. 172 Application Viewing the TV operation screen Tap the TV broadcast area/subtitle display area on the 1Seg viewing screen to temporarily display the TV operation screen. a Channel, Broadcast station, Program name b "Channels" tab Tap to display the channel list. Tap on a channel to switch channels. c Volume bar Swipe left and right to adjust the volume. It is also possible to adjust the volume using the volume key (up)/volume key (down). d Channel switch button Tap to switch to the previous/next broadcast station registered in the channel list. Touch for over 1 second to start a channel search and switch to the first received broadcast station regardless of the channel list order. e "Programs" tab Tap to display the program schedule of the channel you are watching. Tap on a program to display the details. Application 173 Fixing the screen orientation You can fix the screen orientation that is currently displayed. From the 1Seg viewing screen, screen direction" X "Fix Note r To cancel fixed screen orientation, from the 1Seg viewing screen, tap X "Unfix screen direction". Using the Program Schedule You can view a TV guide of both terrestrial TV programs and BS digital broadcast programs. You can search programs using key words or by genre, and make reservations for viewing. From the 1Seg viewing screen, "Programs" r The program schedule appears. r When activating it for the first time, it is necessary to accept the terms of service and to select your viewing area. on a program Tap r Program information is displayed. r Tap " Using TV Link Note r The start of a program cannot be notified if the terminal power is OFF at the reservation time. Confirming, editing, or deleting reservation contents From the "TV timer list" screen, touch a viewing reservation for over 1 second r A menu appears. The following operations are available to you. Detail Display the viewing reservation details. Edit Edit the viewing reservation. Delete Delete the viewing reservation. Some data broadcasts may show link information (TV link) to related sites. By registering a TV link, it is possible to connect to related sites later. r To register a TV link, tap the item that can be registered for the TV link that is displayed in the data broadcast area. From the 1Seg viewing screen, "TVlink" r The "TVlink" list screen appears. the TV link Tap r Connect to the registered site. Note r From the "TVlink" list screen, touch the TV link for over 1 second, and tap "Delete" X "Yes" to delete. r From the "TVlink" list screen, tap X "Delete All" X "Yes" to delete all TV links. Application 175 1Seg Settings From the 1Seg viewing screen, "Settings" Other settings Change the settings if required Audio setting 176 Application Create and edit channel lists, switch channel lists, and initialize channel lists. Alarm setting Configure the settings for the viewing reservation alarm. Reset broadcast memory Delete the information and TV links that are registered on the data broadcast r The "Settings" menu appears. Subtitle settings Channel setting Subtitle display Put a mark in the checkbox to display subtitles. Subtitle language If the program provides multiple subtitles, select the subtitle you want to display. Main/Sub switch If a sub audio channel is available for a program, you can switch between the main and sub audio channels. Audio switch If multiple sounds are available for a program, you can select the sound you want to hear. Creating a channel list From the 1Seg viewing screen, "Settings" X "Channel setting" X Osaifu-Keitai "Channel list edit" r The "Channel list edit" screen appears. Touch "Untitled" for over 1 second r"Create" The "Creating channel list" screen appears. The following operations are available to you. Manual setting Select the viewing area from the area list, and create a channel list. Auto setting Scan broadcast stations that can be received at the current location and create a channel list. Osaifu-Keitai is equipped with an IC card, so by waving the terminal close to a reader at a shop, it is possible to make payments or use coupons or participate in stamp rallies. By waving the terminal close to a reader, it is also possible to access sites and home pages, acquire the latest coupons using communication, and deposit money and confirm usage status for e-money. As a countermeasure for loss, an Osaifu-Keitai lock function is available so that you can use it without worry. r For details about Osaifu-Keitai, refer to "Mobile Phone User's Guide [sp-mode]" or dmarket. r To use Osaifu-Keitai compatible services, it is necessary to make settings through sites or applications. r If the terminal has a problem, data in the IC card (including e-money and points) may be lost or changed (if the terminal needs repair, terminals with data cannot be accepted, so principally the user needs to delete the data). For more information about reissuing and restoring data, and support for saving and transferring data, contact the OsaifuKeitai service provider. Please use Osaifu-Keitai compatible services that provide backup services to save you important data. Application 177 r We are not responsible for damages such as lost or changed data in the IC card, or other damages related to Osaifu-Keitai compatible services in any cases including terminal malfunction or terminal replacement. r If a terminal is stolen or lost, please immediately contact your Osaifu-Keitai compatible providers for what to do. Swiping Close to Readers Communication can be executed by swiping the mark close to a reader. Using Osaifu-Keitai To use Osaifu-Keitai compatible services, from the Osaifu-Keitai compatible site, download the application for Osaifu-Keitai and then configure settings. Some services do not require downloading of an Osaifu-Keitai compatible application. the Home screen, "Applications" From X "Osaifu-Keitai" r The "Service List" screen appears. r If your initial settings have not been completed, the Initial Settings screen appears. Tap the service that you want to use service settings Configure r Make necessary settings from the service site or application. 178 Application Keep in mind the following when swiping to a reader. r Do not let the terminal hit the reader r Swipe the mark parallel to the reader r Swipe the mark as close to the center of the reader as possible mark needs to be r If the reader does not read, the adjusted front, back, left, or right. r Do not attach metallic objects to the surface of the mark. Locking Osaifu-Keitai Lock the Osaifu-Keitai service from being used. After locking, data cannot be acquired from the reader. the Home screen, "Applications" From X "Osaifu-Keitai" r The "Service List" screen appears. X "Osaifu-Keitai Lock Setting" the "Password:" box and enter Tap password Canceling the lock the Home screen, "Applications" From X "Osaifu-Keitai" r The "Service List" screen appears. X "Osaifu-Keitai Lock Setting" the "Password:" box and enter the Tap same password entered for locking "OK" the "Confirm Password:" box and Tap enter the same password entered in Step 3 "OK" Note r The lock is not canceled even if the power is turned off. Application 179 ToruCa ToruCa is an electronic card that can be loaded to your mobile. It can be acquired from readers and websites as the shop information or coupons. The acquired ToruCa will be saved in "ToruCa" application. Use "ToruCa" application to display, search or update. r For details of ToruCa, refer to "Mobile Phone User's Guide [sp-mode]" or dmarket. the Home screen, "Applications" From X "ToruCa" Note r Packet communication fee may incur when acquiring, displaying or updating ToruCa. r You may not be able to acquire, display or update the ToruCa provided for i-mode terminal. r The functions below may not be available depending on the IP (Information Provider) setting. - Acquiring from readers - Update - ToruCa sharing - Viewing maps r It is not possible to acquire ToruCa from readers while Osaifu-Keitai is locked. 180 Application r Depending on IP setting, ToruCa that can be displayed on the map from ToruCa (details) may not be able to be displayed on the map from ToruCa list. r When sending ToruCa using email, it is sent with the status before acquiring ToruCa (details). r The received ToruCa by email may not be saved depending on the email application you use. r ToruCa may not be acquired depending on the browser you use. r ToruCa may not be acquired from readers when Osaifu-Keitai is not initialized. Alarm Clock the Home screen, "Applications" From X "Alarm Clock" r The following functions are available by switching tabs. : Alarm : Timer : World Clock : Stopwatch Setting Alarm on the Alarm Clock screen Tap r The "Alarm" screen appears. alarm" "New r The "Set alarm" screen is displayed, and the following settings are available. Hour/ Minute Change the time setting. Repeat Set the alarm to repeat on certain days of the week at the same time. Snooze duration Set the snooze time. Vibration Check to enable both alarm sound and vibrator. Alarm tone Set the alarm sound. Puzzle lock Check to enable or uncheck to disable the puzzle setteing. Memo Add memos to alarms that are set. Application 181 alarm details and tap "Save" Set r The "Alarm" screen is displayed. The set alarm is added to the list. Set the alarm ON or OFF by tapping / . r Tap the list to display the "Set alarm" screen and change the content. Tap "Save" to overwrite the changes, and return to the "Alarm" screen. Note r The alarm functions at the time set for the alarm. Tap "Stop" to stop the alarm. Tap "Snooze" to make the alarm function again according to the time interval set in the alarm setting for "Snooze duration". Setting the Timer on the Alarm Clock screen Tap r The Timer screen is displayed, and the following settings are available. Hour/Minute/ Second Set the timer. Vibration Check to enable both alarm sound and vibrator. Alert tone Set the alarm sound. "Start" r The timer starts. Setting the World Clock You can confirm the date and time for registered cities in a list. Tap on the Alarm Clock screen city" "New r City names are displayed. Tap to display the current time and name of the selected city on to add/delete cities. the list screen. Tap 182 Application Setting the Stopwatch Tap on the Alarm Clock screen r"Start" The stopwatch starts. Tap "Lap" to count lap times. r To stop the stopwatch, tap "Stop". r Tap "Resume" to restart the stopwatch, and tap "Reset" to reset it. Calendar Calendar The terminal has a calendar for managing your schedule. It can synchronize with scheduler built by Microsoft Exchange Server or with Google Calendar if you have a Google account. Opening Calendar the Home screen, "Applications" From X "Calendar" r The Calendar screen appears. Application 183 Changing Calendar Display/ Displaying Schedule Changing to Day/Week/Month view Tap "Day" / "Week" / "Month" in the change display box r Tap "Agenda" in the change display box to display a list of events. Tap each list to display the content. Note r If you swipe left or right in Day, Week, or Month view, the previous or next day, week, or month is shown. r If you tap "Today" in the Calendar screen when in Week or Month view, today's date is highlighted according to the system date. Setting calendar type to display From the Calendar screen, "Calendars" r The registered calendar types are displayed. Tap display of the calendar you want to r If appears, update is automatically running. If appears, the calendar is displayed. If both of them are grayed out, functions are not available. "OK" r The Calendar screen appears and information based on the settings you set is displayed. Note r This application cannot create calendar type. To create calendar type, access Google calendar web page from browser and tap " Viewing your schedule Note the Calendar screen, tap the From schedule that you want to view r Tap "Agenda" in the change display box to display the "Agenda" screen. r As the schedule time approaches, appears in the status bar. Drag or swipe the status bar downwards to open the Notification panel then tap the calendar notification, the "Calendar notifications" screen is displayed. Tap "Dismiss all" to delete the notification or tap "Snooze all" to repeat the notification 5 minutes later. r From the Calendar screen, tap to display the "New event" screen. Creating a Schedule Changing Calendar Settings r The "Agenda" screen appears, and a list of your schedules is displayed. Note From the Calendar screen, event" X "New r The "New event" screen appears. Follow the onscreen instructions to fill out each item and tap "Save". From the Calendar screen, tap "Settings" r The "Settings" screen appears. the settings if required Change r Set how to notify an event, also set ringtone, vibrator and default notification time. Application 185 Calculator the Home screen, "Applications" From X "Calculator" r The Calculator screen appears. Calculate r The results are displayed. SmartWorld the Home screen, "Applications" From X "SmartWorld" r The âSmartWorld" screen appears. SmartWorld menu For SmartWorld, the following menu is displayed. Note r You can display the Functions screen by dragging or swiping the keypad area to the left on the Calculator screen or by tapping "Advanced panel". You can return to the Calculator screen by dragging or swiping the keypad area to the right on the Function screen or by tapping "Basic panel". r Tap "CLEAR" to delete the most recently entered number or arithmetic operator. Touch "CLEAR" for over 1 second to delete all entered information. r Tap X "Clear History" to clear the history. Item Description Hot & New Hot & New screen is displayed. Apps Apps screen is displayed. YouTube You can play YouTube videos or upload the videos you have shot to YouTube. r First-time users are required to accept "mobile terms of service". the Home screen, "Applications" From X "YouTube" r The âYouTube" screen appears. : Enter a keyword and then search for a video : Shoot a video with the camera of the terminal and then upload the video to YouTube Polaris Office the Home screen, "Applications" From X "Polaris Office" r The "Polaris Office" screen appears. Note r If you have not registered as a user, the user registration screen appears when activating "Polaris Office". r Files with password may not be usable. r Files created on PC may be displayed differently or may not be displayed. r You need to log in to your YouTube account to upload a video. video you want to play rTapThea video is played. : Switch between high quality (HQ) playback and low quality playback. r Tap screen to pause a video, or to show the playback bar to change the playback position. Application 187
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