LINKSYS WRT330N Wireless-N Gigabit Gaming Router User Manual UserMan
LINKSYS LLC Wireless-N Gigabit Gaming Router UserMan
- 1. Manual Part1
- 2. Manual Part2
- 3. Manual Part3
- 4. Manual Part4
Manual Part3
Follow nose steps to set DMZ hosting- 1 Access the Renter's Wehrboaed utility by going to http ”102100111“ the II" address ofthe Router. Go to tie hpplitations t Gaming => Rm Range Forwarding ran. 2. Disable or remove the entries you have entered tor fonuarding. Keep this information in case you want to use n a a later time. 3 Go m the Applications 5. Gaming => DMZ tab 4. Select Enabled next to DMZ. rorrhe tornputer you want exposed rothe intemet. specify iroy IP address or Milt address. Ifyou use its IP address. select Destinatim IP Address. and enter its IP address the Destination IPAddressfidd Ityot use its MAC address. select Destin ton Mite Address, am enter its MAC address in the Destination MAC Address held. Please reter to vAppendix E: Finding the MAC Adtress and IP Address for Vour Ethernet Adapter" tor details on getting an IP address. It you afiignsd a static IP address ti: the computer. then you can click the DHcP Reservation button onthe Basic Sew: screen to look up its static IP address. 5. Once completed With he configuration, clickthe Save Settings button. 9. ilorgot my password, or the password prompt always appears when tam saving settings to the Router. Reset the Router to Iactory denult by pressing the Reset bunon for five seconds and then releasing it. If you are still getting prompted for a password what savrnu settings, then pertorrn the tollowmg steps: 1 Access the Renter's wehrbfrsed utility by going to httpiI/192 168.1.1 or the iP address of the Router. Enter the detailt password admin, cm! clrok the Mmtntatrntion _-, Mnnugememlub. 2. Enter a ditterent password in the Rotter Passwordt‘ield, and enter me same password i1r'ie secmo Iield to confirm the password. 3. Click the Save Settings button. 10. i am a PPPoE user, and I need to remove the pmtiy settings or the diai-up pop-up window. It you have oroty settian. you need to disable these m your computer. Because the Router is the Gateway for the Internet connection, the ctmputerdoes not need any proxy settings to gain access. Please tollow these ctioris to verify that you do not have any Foxy settings and that the browser you use is set to connect drrectlyto the LAN. - For Microsofl Internet Explorer 5.0 or higier. 1. Click Start, Settings, rnd Control Patel. Double—click Internet Optbns. Z. Clickthe connectionstab. 3. Clickthe LAN settings button and remove anything that is checked. 4. Click the 0K httton to go back to the preVious screen. 5. Click the option Neverdial a conneetion. This Will remove any dial—up pop—ups tor PPPoE users. - For Netscape 4.7 oi higher 1. Start Netscape Navigrtor, am click Erit, Preterences, Advanced. and Proxies. 2 Make sure you have Drect connection to the Internet selected ontils screen. J. Close all the Window: to ilhlah. 55 11, To gran over, I need to set the Router m Intury delaults Ilold the Item button rornve seconds and then release it This will return the paamrd, lorwnrding. and othersatings on the Roulertolhe taclory default setings. In otherwoids, the Routerwill revert to its original lactory tohfigurauon. 12.1med to upgrade the firmware. I1 orderlo upgrade the firmware with the latest teatuies, you need to go to the Linksys website and download the latest firmware at iuww.linprelerentze -> connections tah->,and check I am heh'nd a firewall or proxy. Then set the firewall timeout to BO seconds in the firewall setting. The Internet usercan then send a file to auserbmind the Router. 55 I set up an unreal Tnnmamni sen/er, hm nrlnrs on the Mill cannntjoirt llIIIrar it) I need in do? Ifym have a dedlcoted Unreal tou—nornent server runnrng, you need to create o startle I‘fur eoen ol the LAM corrputers rnd lorward ports 7777, 7778, 7779, i750, 7781, and 27900 to the IP address otthe servet Vou can also use a port forwardlng range ol 7777 ~ 27900. Ilyou want to use the UT ServerAdmln, forward another part. (Pol: 8030 usually works well but ls used lor remote adrrlln. Vou may have to dlsable this.) Then ln the [UWeb.WehServer] sectionofthe sewerjni file, set the ListenPort to soon (to match the mapped port above) and Serten‘iame to the IP assigned to the Router fron your IsP. Carr mulfifle gamers an the LAN get on one game server and play simultaneously with just one public ”1 Mae’s? It depends on whlch netwtrk game or what Klnd or game serveryllu are using. For example, unreal Tournament supports mllltl—Iogln llrlth one pubic IP. How do I mt Half-Life.- Inam Fortress m work with Ilte Runner? The detaultcllerl port tor llalt-the ls 27005, Thecnmputers on your [AN heed to have “+cllentport Zloux" added to the Ht shortcut command Ilne; the x world be E, 7, ll, and on up. Thls lets mlltlple computes connect to rle same server. One prohlem:version1.0.1.6 won‘t let mutiple computers with the same CD key connect at the sametlrrle, even ll on the same LAN (mta problem Wth1.0.1.3). Aslar as hostlng games, the HL serverdoes not need to be lo the DMZ. Just forward port 27m 5 to the local IP address olthe server computer Ihrw can I brook can-Warrrrr- downloads? If ym are get corrupted tiles whenyou oownloada file Wll|1 your FTP client, try using another ITP program. Ilre well page hangs; downloads are corrupt, or nothing or: junk characters are being displayed an the screen. What do lneelitd do? Foroe your Ethernet adapter to tolllhps or halfdlplex mode, and turn air the "Auto—negotiate” featureot your Ethernet adimel as a temporary measure. lPlease look a the Network Control Panel inyorrr Ethernet adapters Advanced Hopenies tab.) l/Iake stre that your proxy settlng ls dlsahleo lnthe browser. Check our webslte at www.llnltsys.corn for more lnlormotlon. ll all else lails l'rr lire installation, what canl do? Reset the Router by holdlng down :he Reset button until the Power LED hilly turns on and olT. Reset your cable or DSL modern by powerlng the unlt clfand then on.0htaln and Ilash the latest llrmware release that ls arallahleon the trnksys we hslte, wwwllnksyscom. How will I be nolilied or new Rainer limrware upgrades? All Ijnltsys llrmware upgrades are posted an the Llnksys wehslte atwww.llnhsys.cun1,wnere they call be downloadet tor lree. To upgrade the Reuters hrrrware, use the Admlnlstratlon- Flrmlllrare Upgrade tall ofthe Router's wet-based utlllty. llthe Router’slntemel mnnectlon ls worklng well, there ls no needto download a newer rinnwnre veroron, unless tlutverslon mnmno new lemme: that you would Ilhe to use. Downloadlng a 59 more currenl llelsion or Router firmware will not enhance the quality or speed at your Internet conrectlon, and may dlnrupi your current oonneotlm atobilty. Will the halter function W a Macintosh environment? Yes, but the Routers setup pages are accesslble orly through Internet Btplorer 4.0 or Netscape Nalllgator 4.0 or hlghertor Macintosh. I an not able to net the lueb configuration screen for the Router. What can I do? You may have to remove the proxy settlngs on your Internet browser, e.g., Netstape Nat/lgator or Internet Explorer or remove the dlaI-up seltlngs on your browser. Check wlth your browser documentatlon, and make sure thatyolr browser is set to co'lnect dlrectty and thatany mat-up ls dlsabtec. Make sure that your Drowsel ls set to connect dlrectly andtlm any tlialrup ls dlsaoled. For Internet Explorer, cll:k Tools. InternetOptillns, and then the Connectlorl tan Make sure that Internet Explorer ls set to Never dlal a connection For Netscape Navgatorv dlck Edlt, Prefelences, Rdvmced, and Proxy. Make sure that Netscape Navlgator IS set to Drect conneotlon to the Internet. What is DIIIZ Hosting? Derrllltanzod Zone (DMZ) allows one IP address (uomputerMo be exposed to the Internet. Some applltzllons requlre multlple TCPIIP polls to be open. It ls lemrnmemeo that you set your oomputei Wlth a statlc P ltyou wart to use DMI Hostlng. To get the LAN IP adorms, see "Appendlx E: Flnding me MAC Address and IP Address rnr Your [tterrlel Adopter." II DMZ Hosingis used, does the exposed user share the public IP with the Router? No. Does the Ruutev pass PFTP packets of actively mute PPIP sessions .7 The Router allows PPTP kaets k Dass throuoh. I: the Ruukr cross-platform compatible? Any platform that supports Ethernet a no lcP/IP IS compalhl e with the Router. How many parts can be simultaneoushr IBM/"dad? Theoreticallj, the Router can estatllsrl 520 sesslms at the same tlme, but lt can only Iorward ‘IO ranges oI ports. What are the advanced leatures of the Route” The Routers adlla nced Ieatllles inzlude aova ncec wireless settings, fillers, access reslricrion policiesl porl forwardlng, advanced routngv and DDNS. How do I mt mIRB to ”Mk with the Router? Underthe Pan rorwordlngtub, set ponlorwurdlrg to 111 for the N: on whlch you are llamg mlRC. Ran the Ram.— act a: my Dllcl'serlmr? Yes. The Roller has DHCP server software built Call I run an applicatiul from a remote computer over the wireless network? Thiswill depend dn whether or not the application is designed to be used over I network. Consult the appicalron's documenlatiun To determine if it supports operation over a nelwont. What is the IEEE 302.115 standard? It is one oftle IEEE standards for Wireless networts The 002.119 standard allows wireless networking hardware from different manufacturers to communicate, pmvrded that the hardware complies With the 002.1 lg standard. The 802.l lg standard slates a maximum data tra'lsfer rate of 54Mups am an operating frequency of1.4GHz. What is Mn IEEE m2. 110 standard? It is one of he IEEE standards for Wireless hetworrs The 002.11u standard allows wreless networking hardware from different manufacturers to communicate. moulded that the hardware complies With the 002.1") standard. The 802.l 1b standard slates a matimum dale transfer rate of 1 1Mhps am an operaling frequency ofMGHz. What IEEE 902.11; [names aresupparfed? The product supports the followrng IEEE 802.1 1 9 functions: CSNNCA plus Acknowledge protoeni - OFENI protocol - Mulli—Channel Rualrling - Automatic Rate Selection RTSCCTS feature - Fragmerltall'nn - PuwerMan-‘lclemert What IEEE 802.1117 leatms amsupparted? The product supports the followrng ItEE 802.11bfunctions: CSNA/CA plus Acknowledge protocol - Mulli Channel Roaming - Automatic Rate Selection - RTSrCTS teature Fragmentation PDWSI’ Managemerl What is ad-hoc mode? When a Wireless network is set to ad-hoc mode. the wireess-equipped computers are configured til corrmunlcute dlledly wlth each olher. The ud'hoc network wlII not communicate with any wired netwntk. 61 wrm is infrastructure nude? when a Wireless network is set to nfrastruciure node. lh3 Wireless network is mnfigured to communicate with a Wired network through a Wireless access point. mm is morning? Roaming isthe ability or a sortable computer to mmmuricale continuously Whie the userand computer are mound lredythroughout an area preaterthanthat covered by a single access point Belore using the roamino function. the workstation must mate sure that it s the same channel number With the access point oldedicaied coverage area. To a:l|eiie hie seamless connectivrly. the Wireless LAN inust incorporate a number of different functions. Each node and atcess paint. forexampte. must always acknowledge receipt at each message. Each node must maintain cmtact unth the ivireless network even when mt actually transmitting data. Achieving thesefunctims simlltaneousty requires a dynamic RF networking technology that Iin ks access points and nodes. in slch a system. the users end node undertakes a searchlorthe best possible access to the system. First. I evaluates such factors as signal strength and quality. as well as the message load currenily being carried by each access poirl and the distance or each access pointto thr- Wired Jackhone. Based onttet inlormation. the node next selects the right access point and registers its adrlress. Communications between end node and host computer can then betmnsmitted Lip and down the backbone As the usermoves on. the end node's RF transmiiter regularly checks the system to determine Whether it is in toudi with he original access point or whether itshould seek a new one. When a node no longer rece ves acknowledgment horn its original access point. it undertakes a new search. Upon finding a new access point. it then re—regsters, and the communication process comimes. What is ISM band? The FCC and their counterparts ouside ofthe [LS lave setaside banduiiidth forunlicensed use in the ISM (Industrial, Scientific and Medicaliband. Spectrum in the vicintyofM GHz. in particular. is being made available worldWide. This presents atruly revolutionary opportunity to place convenient high-speed Wireless capabilities in the hands of users around the globe. What is Spread Spectrum? Spread Spectrum technology is a wmenahd ramotrequeiicy technique developed bythe military tor use in reliable. secure. mission-ciitical communicationssysten‘s. It is designed to trade 0" ba ndwrdth efficiency lor reliability. irtegrit’y. and security. Iii other Words, more bandwidth is consumed ihah in the case or mrmwband trartsrnissio'i, but the trade-off produces a signal that is, n eflect. louder and thrs easierto detect. provided that the receiver knows the parameters of the spread-spectrum signal being broadcast. It a receiver is nottuned to the right freruency. a spretd-spearum signal looks like background nose There are two main alternztivg. nrect Sequmce Spread Spectrum (osss) and Frequency napping Spread Speurum (ri isst. Wine is uses:- wtrat i: 17:55? And what are their diflemmzes? Frequencyrlloppi rig Spreac—Spectium tFHSS) uses a narrowband carrierthatchanges frequency in a pattern that is knownto oothtransmitter and receiver. Propeny synchronized, the net effect is to maintain a single logical channel. Toan unintended receive: fHSS appears to tie short-duration impulse miise. Direct-Sequence Spread- Spectrum loses) generates a redundant hit pattern for each bit to be transmitted. This hit pattern is caiieti a chip (or chipping code). The longer the chip, the greater the probability that the origiral data can be recovered. Even it one or more hits in the chip are danaqed during transmission. statistical techni‘iues embedded in the radio can recover theongihal data Without the need for retransmission. To an unintended receiver. DSSS appeais as low powerwtdetiand noise and is rejected (ignored) by most 1armwhand receivers. What is a now Address? The Media Access Control MAC) address is a unique number assigned by the manufacturer to any Ethernet netvmrkingdevice. such as a netviioik adapter,that allows the network to identily it atlhe hardware level. Forall practical pirposes.this number is usually permanent. Unlike lP addresses. llllhlth can change every tiine a conputei logs onto the network, the MAC address at a dewce stays the same. making it a valuable identitier hr the network. How do I reset the Room? Press the Reset button on the luau panel for short five seconds. This Will resetthe Router to its default settirgs. How do l resolve issues vvim siynal loss? There is no ivay to knowtl‘e exact “ange of your wireless networlt Without testing. Every obstacle placed between the Router and a Wireless PC wtll Lreate signal loss. Lead glass, metal, concrete floors. water and walls Will inhibit the s'gnal and reduce range. Stanwith the Router and your wireless PC in the same room and move it away in small increments to determine the maximum rarge in your enviohrnerl. You may also try using different cl'annels. as this may elminate interference al‘ecting only one channel. lliave excellent signal strength but I cannot see my network. Wireless security is probably enat‘led on the Router, but not on yourwireless adapter (orVice versa]. Verify that the same wreless security method and passphrasetkeysare being used on all devices olyourwtreless netwuk. lam manychannels/rrequencies are available wim the Met? Theie are eleven available channes. rangng lion 1 to 1T, in North America. There may be additional channels avaiable inother regiars. sudjectio the regulations olynur region and/or country ltyuirquesions are not addrexed here. relertotle linlsys website. Appendix B: Wireless Security Llnksys wants to make Wireless networking as safe and easy for you as possible. The currerl generation of llnleys products provide several retwtlrk securiq features, but they require specific action on your pm for implemernalnn. So, keep the follollling in mind whenever you are settirg up or uslng yourwireless network. Security Precautions The following is a complete list of security precautions to take (at least steps 1 :hrough 5 should be followedi 1. changethe default Wireless Network Name (SSID). 2. Disable SSID Broadcast. 3 Changethe default pasword for the Administrator amount 4. Enable MAC Address Fitering. 5. chanqethe SSID periodically. 6. Use the highest encryption algorithm possible Use PSK lflt is available. Please note that this may reduce your network performance. 7. changeihe WEP encryption keys periodically. Security “treats Facing Wireless Networks Wireless rieiwtirks are easy to find Hackers know thnl in orderto pain zlwlreless nelulrnrk, Wireless nonworkirg products firs isten for “beacon rressages" These messages can be easily decrypted and contain mien ofihe network's informatlon, sum as the network's SSID (Servize Set Iiiernilier). Hereare the steps you can take: Challoe the administrator's password reouiarly Viith every wireless networking device you use. keep in mlnli that network sellngs (SSID, WEP keys,eic.) are stored in its firmware. Vour network ad mi strator ls the only person who can orange network settings. Ifa hacker yes a mic oftne administrator'spassworo, he. too. can change those settings. so. make it haraerfor a hackerloget that information. Change Irle aun'inlstrator's pasworo regularly. SSIII. There are several things to keep in mind aboul the SSID: NOTE: Some ofihese secuity features are availableonlyihioigh the network router or access Dolm. Relertothe rouleruraecess Dninl’s dbnimenraiiun for more lnlurmatlon. 1 DisaoIeBmadcast 2. vlakeitunique 3. Changeitolten Most wireless networking deviceswul give you the option of broadcasting the SSID. While this option may be more convenient, il allowsanyoneto log inlo your wireless nelwork. Th's includes hackers. So. don’t broadcafi the ssto. Wireless neworking products corre with a defaut 5le set bythe factory. (The linksys default 5le is Iinksys".l l-hckers know these delatlts and can check these against your network. Change your SSID to something unique and not something related In youreompany or the networking products you use. Change yoil SSID regularly so that any hackers who have gained access to you wireless network will have to start from the beginning inttying to break in. MM Add resses. Enable MAI: Addess filtering. MAC Adcress filtering will allow you to provide access to only those Wireless trodes With certain MAC Atiltesses. This makes it harder for a hacker to acce$ your network with a random MAC Address. vrzp Encrwtiolt Wired Equivalert Privacy (WEP) is olton looked upon as a cure-all Forwiroloss security concerns. his is overstating WEPs ability. Again. this ca1 only provide enough security to make a hadtcr’syob more difficult. There are several ways that WEP can be maximized: 1. Use thehignest level olencryption possible 2. Use “Stored Key" autrertication 3. change yourWEP key regularly PSK. Prershated Key (PSK] is the newest and hes available standard inWi—Fi security. Two modes are available: PSKand Radius. PSK givesyou a matte at two encryption methods: TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Prototol], whch utilizes a stronger encryption method and incorporates Message Integrity CooetMICl tri proVide protemon aganst hooters. and AES [Advanced Encryption System). which utilizes a symmetric 1ZH-Bit block data encryptionRADiUS (Remote Authentication Dialrh user Service] utilizes a RADlJS server torauthentication. IMPORTANT: Always remember that each device in your Wireless nawork MUST use the same security method ard key. or else yourwireless network Will not [motion properly PSK Ifyuu 1111 no! hzvaa RADIUS server, Salem the type of algnrithm, TKlP nr MES, and Anur a password i1 lhe anphrune field 010ch nhumtteu RADlUS.WEP used in mominalim wim a RADIUS server. (This shnuld only m used when a RADIUS serveris connected to the Route! or other device) Implememmg encrypnon nay haw a negallve lnpact onynur network’s pellormance, but ll you are transmmmg sensmve data over your netwnrk, encryplmn shalld be used. These security recummennaliuns shnuld help keep your mind al ease while you are emoying [he most flexible and cunvenanl lechnnlngy Linksys has to mm Appendix B: Upgrading Firmware The Rouler‘s filmwale IS upgrade: thrcu gh the Web-based Uullly's ADMINSTRATION lab Follow these insuuclinns . Download the firmware [mm L nksys's webshe at Wu/le‘nksysmm . Exlracnhe fimware file onyourcumpuler. 3. Open the RfluIer’s Web-based JlIIily, and did. (he ADMINISTRATION lab 4. chckme HRMWARE LPr-RADE tan, and me FIRMWARE UPGRADEscreen will swear. 5. Emerthe bcatmn utthz firmware‘s fiIe, Urclitkthe Browse bultun 10 find the file. 6. Clwck UPGRADE, and dedWlhE on—screen instructiors. F‘uule 0-1: Firmware Upgrade 67 Appendix I]: Windows Help Almost all Iunksys Wireless produns require Mcnsalthdaws. Windows is the most used operating systemin the world and comes with ‘nany features that rial) make networking easier. These lefltures can be accessed through windows Help and are described in this appendix. TCP/IP Belcre a compuler can communicate With the Rouler. TCPIIP must be enabled. lCPllP is a set or instructions, or protocol. aIIPCslollowlo (ornmuricate over a nawork. This 5 true lorwrreless networks as well. Your PCs will not be able to utilize Wireless networking WithouthavingTCP/IPenabled. Windows Help provides complete instructions on enabling T(P/IP. Shared Resouoes Ifym Wish to snare prirlels. lolde’, or files overyour network Windows Help provides complele IllSlILClIOlIS on utilizmg shared resources. Newark Neighborhood/My Network Places Qher PCs on your nelworkwill apoearunder Network Neighborhood or My Network Places (depending upon lhe vereon ofllliridows you‘re running. Windows Help provides complete instructions on adding PCs to your network. Appendix E: Finding the MAI: Address and IP Address for Your Ethernet Adanter Thissedlnndescrihes home find the MAC addressforymircnmputer’s Etherne: adaptersn you caniise the MAC filtering and/Ur MAE address cluiiiiig «mine or tie Ruulei. run wan aiso find the IP address oryuur cuntputer's Ethernet adamer. This IP address is used forms knurer’sfilieiing,iorularding, and/hr DMZ features F0||Wllh3 step in this appendix in iiiid the adapter; MAE in IP address in Windows zmnnr xv Windows 2000 or XP Instructions I. ciick Sun and Run Ilillie Dpeliflelu, enter um. Press the Eumr key ui ciicit the DK uunnn. 2. M the cummand prompt. erlei ipcontig (all. Then press me Enter key. 3. Write dnnn the Physiczl Address as shown on your ermpnter screen (Figure m]; it is the MAC address m your Eihemeladupter. this fipyefirs as a series nf nnrrirers and ieners. Tie MAC address/Physical Adcross is what you Will use lur MAC address cloning or MAC filterirg. figure 5.1: IP canrignmim Screen ‘he example in Figure E—l shows the Ethernet adapter's IP address as 192.168.1100. Your carrpiLer may zhow seiiietliiiig dirietunt. | No“: he MAC address is also filled the Adaplerhddress. For the Rouler's Web—based U y wmsss MAC FILIER To filler WlfllESS users by MAC Address, select ll! WIREIESS lull, (hen seled WIRELESS MAC FILTER. Use lhis screen to Enable DI Disable me Wireless MAC Filler, Prevent ur Pelmilancess lc me wireless newvurkmiew the MAC AfldIESS Filler List and access the Wireless Client List. Far more in'hrmatian, refer to “thapr 5: Cuni|glr|ng the Wireless-N G|gabn Gaming Router." I NOTE: The MAC address is also miled the Physical Address. Figure E-Z: MAC Alums/Mame: Address 73 Nlac Cloning To cone a Fc’s MAC Address, seleclrne SETUP ll'ab, men uliuk on MAC ADDRESS CLONE. You can Enable nr Usable MAC Clunmg and enter the MAC Address 'eq|stered with your ISP w cro're. For more |n'armztrun, refer to "Chap|e15:Cunl|glr|ngthu Wrmlnssru Glgablt Gamrng Router.” Fuure 5-3: MAC Mass/Physical Address 71 ltnnemliit F: Glossary Thts glossaty comatns serve bastc networktng letms you may come across when ustng thts product. For more advanced terms, seethe complete Ltnksys glossary at htltp:llwww.|inksys com/glossary. lioness Point - A device thatallovts wireless-equipped computers and otherdevrces to communicate witha wired network. Also used to expand the range ota wireless network M—noc , Agroup ofwtreless devtoes oommunicettng directly With each other (peer—to—peer) wttholtt he use or an access point. AES (Advanced Encryption Standad) — A security method that uses symmetric 128rbit block data encryption. Bandwidlh- The transmtsstort capacity at n gwen detnce or network. Bit - Abinary digit. Boa - To start a devtce ant cause tt to start exemtrng trstrudtons. Brnodband - An always-on, Vast Internet. ounnet‘ion. Browser - Art appltcatmn program that pmvtdes I way to look at and tnternct With all the tnfonnatton on the Wand WlfleWED. Byte , A out at data that ts usually ctqht htts long (Fable Modem , A device that conlebts a computer to the cable television network, which in turn mnmct: to the Internet. Daisy chain - A method ured to connect devioesin a series, one alter the other. DDNS (Dynzmtc Domam Name System) — Allows the hosting ofa webstte, FTP sewer, tr e—matl serverwttha fixed domatn name (e.g.. www.xyLeom) and a dy'tamr: IP address. Default Gateway -A device that fi)rwa'ds Internet traffit from your local area retwork DHCP (Dynzmio Host Configuration Protocol) , A networking protocol that allows administrators to assign temporary IP addresses m network computers by "lensing” an n7 address to a userlora limited amount drone, instead of asignrng permanent lPaddresses. 72 m1 (Demilirarized lone) Remotes the Rnurer's firewall prnretrion tram one PC, allowing it m be ”seen” trim the internet Ills (Doma n Name Sen/er) - me P address or your ISP's sen/eL whichrranslates the names otwebsnes into IP addresses. Domain - Aspecrfic nametora network ofcomptrlers. Dlwmlnal‘l Tl) receive a lie llflllsllilled we! to rework. DSLlDigitalSubscriher Line) — An always—on broadband tonnection over traditional phone lines. Wmmir. IP Address - A temporay IP address assigned by a DHCP server. ERPtExlensrhIe Arnhemrcatron Protocol) -A general authentrcatron protocol used to control network access. Many specrlrc authentrcotron metmds work Witnrn thrs tramewom. Encryption. Encoding data lransnitted in a network Ethemel — lEEE standard networkpmtocol that speoifies how data is placed onand retrieved from a common transrnrssro'r meurum. Firewall , A set or related programs located at a 1ctworl gateway server that protects the resources oi a network iron users from other networks. Firmware , The programming code that mns a networking device. FIP (File Trtnsier Protocoll - A prrtocol used to transfer liles over a TCFIIP network. Full Duplex — The abrlity ola networking devrce n recerve and transmrt data srmultaneously. Gateway , A devrce that rtterconrects networks wlh drflerent, rncompatrltle ccmmunrcatrons protncds. Halt Duplex — Data transmissron that can occur r| two dr'cctrons over a srnglc line, but only one drmclron at a time. H1TP (Hypertext transpen Protocol) - The commuricfltiurvs protocol used to connect to servers on the World Wide Welt. Intrastnrcture - A wrreless network that is bridged to a rvrreo network vra an access pornt. IP (htemet Protocol) , A protocol used to send data were network. 73 IP Address, The address used tuidentify a computer ordevice on a network IPculIFIG —AWindows Zoo!) and xP utility that displays the l? address lora particularnetworking detice. IPSec (Inteinet Protocol Secuntyl - A lIFN prolocol used to in'plernent secure exchange of packets at the IP layer. ISP (Internet Service Provider) , A company that provides acoess to the Intemet. LIIII- The mmputcrs and netwom'ng product: that make up your local networt. MAC (Media Access control) Address - The unique address that a manufacturer assigns to each networking deuice. Mbps (MegBits PerSecoridl - One million hits persecond; a unit oI measurement Iordata transmiseon. run'r metvvuknuuress ‘nansiaiiurn - NAT technology uamiates IP addresses or a local area iienvuriuu a uirleieril IP address brtlre lnterrEt. Network , A series or cunpulers or devices ennnectea forlhe purpose of data sharing. storage, and/or transmissim between users. Packet - A unit of data sent over a network. Passphrase - Used much ike a password, a possphrase simplifies the WEP entryption process by automatically generating the WEP encryption kevs Ior Linkeys products. Ping (Packet INlerriet hover) - Ar Internet utility used to determine whether a particular IP address is online POPS lPostOl’fice Protocol 3] , A standard mail EIIIEI commonly used onthe Internet. Pan - The connection poirt on a computer or networking device used for pluggng in cables or adaptes. Power overElhernet (PoE)- A technology enabling an Ethernet network cable to deliver omn data and power. PPPoE (Poinlto Point Protocol over Ethemel) - Alype ofhroadband oonnection that pmvides authent’mtion (usunamo and passweni) in additon to data dampen. PPTP [PoinlstosPoint "lurlnellrlg Protocol) , R VPN protocol tl'ld allows the Polntto Point Protocol lPPPlto be tunneled through an IP netrlork. This protocol is also used asa type of broadband connection In Europe. RADIUS (Remote Authentitaiion Iial—In User Service) — A protocol that uses an authentication server to control network access. 74
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