LINKSYS WRT330N Wireless-N Gigabit Gaming Router User Manual UserMan
LINKSYS LLC Wireless-N Gigabit Gaming Router UserMan
- 1. Manual Part1
- 2. Manual Part2
- 3. Manual Part3
- 4. Manual Part4
Manual Part4
tU-ls (Reg‘siered Jack-45) , An Ethernet cumenmr rha' holds up to eight wires Roaming — The abiiity to take a w'reless device tiorn one access point's range to another without losing the connection. Roller - A networking deiiice thatconnects multiple networks together. Server , Any computer iii/lose fttnjlifln in a network is loprmiitle iiseramess u iiies, priming, communications. and olilei betviceb. SMTP [Simoie Maii Transfer Proto:o|) — The standard erinail protocol on the Internet. SNMP (Si mole NetworkManagement Protocol) - A widely used netwoik monitoring and contml protocol. SPI (Stateftl Packet Inspeetioni Firewall - A technologythat inspects incoming packets oi information helore nilowmg mm to enter the network. SID (Service Set IDentifier) — Vntr wireless network's name Static IP Address — A fixed address assigned to u computer or device that is connected to a network. Statio Rouim - Font/ardiriq datain a network via a fixed path. Subnet Mask - An address eode net determinesthe size of the network. Switch -1.A data switch that comects computing deviees m host computers, allowing a large number at devices m were a iimiied numberol ports. 2. A ttwiize fur mfking breaking, orchanging the uonnecrirms in an eieotrieal ci'cuit. TEP (Transmission Control Protocol] , fl network orntocoi tor transmitting data that requires acknowledgement from the recipient of data sent. TcPtIP iTra1smission control PronooI/Internet notoool) — l\ setol instructions PCs use in commuricate overa network. Telnet , A mer command and TOP/II" pmmmi used luv accezjlng remute r'c: TFTP (Trivia File muster "Macon - A versiunufrlie TcP/IP FTP protocol that ins no directory or password capability. Throughput! — The amatintofdata moved successlully from one node to another in a given time peiiod. 75 TKIP (Templral Key Inregrly Protocol) , a wrreleg encryption protocol lhal prolifies dynamlc encryption keys [or eoch pnckel trnnnmrned. Topology - The physical layout on nenllmrk. TX kale - Transmissron Rae. Lpgade , To replace existing solware or firmwae vvllh a newer version. I.Ip|oad - Tu Lransrnlr a lileover a lerwork. lll(unilonn Resource [Dealer] -The address nla file Iccaled unllre Internet. VPN (llmual anale Hetwarlq - A secunty measlm to protect data as rt leaves one network and goes to another overlne lmernel. llllll (Widellrea Nelworkl The Irlemel. wep (Wired Equlvalenl Privacy) , A method ol encrypli ng network data lransmlned on a Wireless network lor greater security. WLAN (Wireless Local Area Newarlo - A group or computers and assaclaled devrces that communicate with each mhcrwrrolcssly WPA (lm—Fr Protected Access] , a wrreless securly protocol usrng TKIP [Temporal Key lmegnly Prolooall enclyprion, whim can be used in conjunction with a RADUS sewer. 75 Appendix 3: Specifications Model Standards Ports Button Cabling Type LEDs # of Antennas RF Pwr (EIRP) in dBm Antenna Gain in dBi UPnP able/cert Security Features WEP Key Bits Dimensions (W K H x D) Unit Weight Power Certifications WRTSXON 802.1 1 b. 802.1 1g, 802.3. 802.3u, draft 802.1 1n Power, Internet, Ethernet Reset CAT Se Power, Internet, Ethernet (1-4), Wireless, Security 14 1.5 dBi able WEP, WPA, WPM G4, 128 7 40”X'157"X593" (188x40x176mm) 13.50 02. (0.527 kg) 12V, 1 0A FCC, III-03 77 Operating Temp. Storage Temp. Operating Humidity Storage HJmidin 0“ [I to 50“ C (32° F to 122” F) —20° C [075“ C (41° F to 167° F) 10% [0 85%, Non-Condensing 5% to 9556 Non-Condensing 75 ADMIN“ |'|: Will‘l‘illllll Information LIMllED WARRANTV Linksy: Wuranu to Van mu, for a period of ihreeyear: line "Warranty Feriod"),yaur Linkaya induct will be all baumiialiy Tree of defetts lii imterialsaiirl workmanship under normal use. Your exclusive remerly and Liliksys‘ eiilire liability ulirler this warranty Will be forLirksys atlts option to repair or replace the Product or refund Your purchase priceless any rebates. Ths limited warranty extendsorlyln the original purchaser Iflne Product proves detective dump the Warranty Period call Linksys Tecnnlcd Suppm in orderlo obtain a Return Auth‘mlatlun Number, If applicable. BE SURE TO HAVEVOUR PROOF OF PURCHASE ON HAND WHEN CALLiNG. I'Vou are requeaeu to return the Product, mark the Return Authorization Number clearly on the outside in me package anu include a copy of your original proof of purclase. RETURN REQUESTS CANNOT BE PRUC ESSED WlTHOUT PROOF OF PUREHASE. Von aio iesponsiliio rpi shipping deIeCNIE Prod uclS m Linksys linksys paysroi LlPSGrnund shipping Ircim Linksys back to Voii only Customers located outside oithe Urited Staes olAmerica and Canada an responsible for all sh'pping aid handling charges. ALL lMPLIED WARRANTi ES AND CONDITiONS OF MERCHAIITABlLITV OR FiTNESS FDR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE LIMTED TO THE DURATION OF THE WARRAIITV PERIOD. AIL OTHER EXPRESS ORIMPLIED CONDiTIONS, REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIE, INCLUDING ANV IMP_IED WARRANTV DF NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE DISCLAIMED. Sorrlejurisdictlons do not alloiii limitations on how long oii implied warrnnly lasts, so lire apoiie Ilmllilllorl may not apply in Voii. riiis iiiiamimy gives You SpDcIllCIcgaI rigllls, ano voii may also have anor riglts which varybyjurlsuicrion. Thiswarrarry does not apply iflhe Product (a) has been altered, except by Linksys, (b) has not been irstalled, operated, rflpzrnd nrmzlnhlnnd in xrrnrdz’rrn pulp inslririinns supplied h] I lnk| IN: and we, e‘eclm and slacker“: fiqmpmmlwa dezwgrahd mllec‘wm ram-mes appanted b; we gcve-nmwor mm aulhnnbes Correct an posamm mymmg le hflp pvev.=rv pomn-al mpganvp mnsacuerms 70 he enmonmem a1d human hcaHh for man: chefled wow-anon aboutlh: disposal cl ymr dd equwpflenl‘ please nonlacl your wccaw aulhar hes waste dAspoaal wwm. Jl Ihe ahvp wlme yuu wluvdwd we uuwm. Ca nfirprh lu'nrmz-p, n unhlam’l livnlm'hn pmsmdipm likzxniky v19m|rh Evrnpiké mie Evrnpski smér'ucc 2002/95/55 zakazwe a yz: acm' cznaeeuu urvlu w/mhoIr-fl na mmmkm qnphn na cram hyln Inwdmnms nerrménym mmuna'nm odpadcm. Tc symbo udava in an"; produkl mus by: nxvmve‘m meleue w Uélncllu lumuua mm mpacu Cupuw’uals 4a mmu mumu FrQCI-IKIL a CE‘SICH efeNflCKyCh a aeklrcmcq'ch zanzem p'estreumcwm wccnycn sbc—rwcn misw sxanomycr ua‘am ncbc mwslm'mk uracy Sprévné mu dacearecyldzce pcma’na pPedcnazel palenmamm negauvmm dopadurr wa Zwutm p nslv’edla Ildske mum Pudmu em In'UlIVldLeu lmuau slalehu women 9 waswave vyzaeue oa mwsmicn “mu, comm zanyvap‘cino se m dacn kcmunawmch odpadu rcbo abmcdu (dc 151: prudukl zakoumh Appandix |: Regulatory Informauor Wimless-M eiganil Gaming kouler Dansklhnish Miqmnlnrmmmn lm kunde' IEU Euuuekuv zuomleF Klfivel at udslyl as: bar! dens symbo pa pmauluel ogleller emnallagen ma ma bcrtsKafles sum Lscllefel knmmunallallam Symbolel Delyuer. aldElle prawn skal borlslalles acsxm lra ca: 3 Turmellge hushuldmngsallald Del er dll msvar at berlskalle defre Dg andel elecnsk Dy eleklmmsk may we neslemlemnsarrlmgssleaer udpegel al slalen alley fie Inkale mmdlghadar Karekl bcrlskalfelse cg genvmdng vi hlalpe med an al undga mungs ska/Jar lc- mllme 0g menneske's sundhea Kmlakl venngsl de Inkale mindlgheder 'EIIDVEUB[S|PH€SIEH eller den bulk Ilvul du Far biI Cloduklel anuaenae mere deleuerel lrllormallon om bonskallelse alnlluame udslyr. DBulsch/Gwmzn Umwell'rlfulmalion fill KundEn innemalb der Europi'iischen Uriun Dle Europalscne Rlchllmle zuuzlserC verlangl dasslechmsche Ausnslung cle dllekl am Geral unc‘cder an ear Vernackung mlt dlesem Symbal vefsehen le ”Ch! zusammer ml! unmnianen Ge'ne ndeablal anumgzwerden darl Des Symbol welsl deraul hln‘ (lass (as Flodukl von feauli em Hausnalmllgelrennl anknrgimflrdflh r<||=gl nlher=ra1lunn g Ala“ flab! ml antic-r: Elektnsche nrld alskllnnszhe aerate naev dlE fla‘lirzuslanfllgen und van der npgmung ndprnrllrhm Rem-1m dam halmnlen Sammr slellen m efliso gen Ordnunuegemafle lsorqen urld Rocycdn "39'- dazu be: mien ele neqauve ngen Vur Umwell und die may sdmllche Gesundked zu xermelder Wern sle re Infcrmalonen zur Enlscrgu ng Ihrer ngeléle nendllgel wands" Sie ch bilL an d-z onllchen Behzvden cdsr sled lsnhen knlsugmgsdlensle odar an dm Handler um um Sue ans I’mdukl e'wnrher Idben Eestllssmnian Keslkunmalane lnlanmlslnnn Eu maps Llldus asuvalale kllemldele Eurocpa Llldu dream zooms/Eu nanele kmasell an seadmeld. mlllel on lack: vél palmall hncadev aumbol leclelud kbrvaldada kcm wmenmm clmelaa’tnelega See sirr bol fallen el loodelucks hfirvaldada e/aldl lavallstest clmelaamemwgudesl, Dlele kvhuszalud kérvaldama «aesoleva 1a ha muud elem-1a Eleklmulllkassadmed mgl val kuhallha amelasulusle punll elle lléhlui hogumlsnunktlae kawu seashele ko'reklne Kcrvalaamlne la nnglussewu a lab wanna valmallkke nagzuvsala agajélgl ksskkannale 1|ng numesle lnrvlsele Vanade sesamele kbrvaldamlse koMa lapse'va mforflalsloom saamlseks vélke palun unennusl konallke ameuasuluslega pamexanuslmnaga val kauolustga wusl le luole csIslle Appandix I: Regulatory Informallor EspxfiuI/Spanlsh Inlomeclén medleambiental pm clienms de la Uniér Eumpeu L2 Dlemiva 2002/96/CE d: la UE flag: the In} Wulvus (ue llzvcrl eslc simbol: En el prcpio aparam ylc en su embalaje m: deben enmlna se Junta car olras reslnms urnaros rln seleccunados El slrrnolo mama que El productu er GUESHOI'! Gene sepalarse 66 I05 leslduos domesllms claw-emu“ as car vlsws a su elmmaufin. Es rcspcrsabillclad su-fa Jesmnar este v walesqulera BUGS aparales elmcosy eleotronlws alravés de los pu-llcs ce recoglda qua panerl a su disposmcn el goblemc y Ias aJlondades looses Al desecharyreclclar wraclamerle estos aparalzs eslala mnbuyenm a eviEr Dcslbles mlsacuenclas negalivas gala el rrEdloamblEntE 1 la salad de las persmas s. dsea cblensl lrllu'maclon mas delzllaca sable Iaellmlnaubn segura de su ammo usado consults a Ias amondfldasluzfles d SENCID de lecognda y elmmacién l1e residues de su zone 0 urecunte enla (lends donde acqulné el pmrlmn Eanlxfi/Greak [mum] Wzmfinllmvulng npnmumu; vm nzmmg ma; "1g Eupunmlxfig “Ewwqg H Kavmlm 06th lam/WEE mud on a £{CVTMUUOC a mnoiog «mm mm m muflom cm npslnv mm um awkzuuma mu m Tlpfl'm vu unoppwmcu uozl 12 m 1mm Kowollm cropplwmu. Ta UOLIBFAQ umiuxvucl an aura IO rpOlbv Bu wptrm vu macaw": clizxwplcvd cnc vu omen 0mm: OWOr-Dlllumfl Elm! unruewoc Vlflmv JI’DODflunTGU “memo: (DI OMGU nhmnmw W-‘I Mammal/mull LEQWADuw mu 0); nuficuuuwuv cw: mrdcamv auwc‘wpunng unopplwn-mv m qmifig wupéxovrm and to native; r'l lug counéxg vomlc‘g maxi;- H mavr'] mmlwn «an uvcnxl'mhuun appaucl ornv wpoxqwq maukuapvmwdum cumwrwvvw Io “941me you mu wzml rm Wsplworcpcg "Amman; oxcmd u: mv anoaplwn mu rum: cm; lEenAmcL. Tmpnquw Emplolvwvr‘rarc u: u; Icmxig cpxtg, u; unnpwl'ng own-mun; n m mldmnuuarl‘: mower: woman" to noelévl Wimless-M eigann Gaming kouler Franga [French Inlannalions envimnnemeflhles pour les clients dE l'union européennz u Juecwe eu overruns 23029ch ex ge we lequipemem an! mm m Mimi: w symbfik: suw Ie wudull emu son zmbmldge we still pas ‘tlenvec les uulles uldules mé hagéras Ce sy mboleindiqueqbe is woduil mu ewe 9 wine dans un m muncma new pour les sécheudcs renaqea Iesl aeuxre respanaa qe pour oe malével amsi que lou‘ aulve malérel electrwque Du é|ec1wnique par we ncrers de wheels mnques pal IE puvewl|alw=|lt el m pcwuws puuiw am not muwm umlmialss L‘élwmmahor 9! I! reuyclage en home at due lcrme an! pour but de ‘ulbr come mmpacx neram potemiel we ce (we as Wduhs sn I'enviro-memenl u a same publique Pow Mus d'mlnnnalon sur h! mode délmmalon de me amen Aqulpe mam. mung: pre'mre ccl lac' avec les chvas pubhcs Wacaug IE semce de Vmcmcu ass dcchcls cu imam on w» me: some k: prawn! Italhnollalian Intermazlcm relallve in’amhlenle per i cllenti reswdenti new I’Unlone Europe: La dlretwa zurcpea 2009/9615: rxc'uede one a appa‘ecdnamre mnrassegnate can quem ymbcla gm pmdnna e/o gulmmmmggin m sianu smaltheinsiems ai mm urtam Hon Mereman n smbom mum: che qugm prndmln nun nave essere sna Mo nsxeme a nomali rifiuh domesw Eresponsabmté de! Fropviulalm WOVEN: mu qucflli pmdom 50 lo tire upmrwohizlurc cbltridvc cd ele'lroniehe medwante Ie spemfiflte smmure dl raceolta lndwcae da‘ pvamu D cagh cni pubblvj bcah || carrmc snammcma ed il rimdaggm a mmrm a prevenirz wussguenze mamawmwe negauve per fambeme a pa Ia salme ceH'essEre um am Perrioevere informazinni ; u uenzgnate arca we sna (memo ceHe vex/ohm apparewmaxu-e m Vafilro posssso. v. unmama a wiltallale gh enu pmmici m compelelza. -| serwzio di smah’menw mu 0 | negozto nan an‘e avexe amuu saw iI madam). Lalvieéu valadalLatviun Ekulngiska informacip klieniiem arenas Savienlbas junsdiknija m fauna meme/H .. pfasibn ks! api aim—u. kem pwewenota sze uz paéa L "315.1"an uzfié Esalchuma, neariks! llmes' lesbgrut'a vsdé mpé ar warnLnaE \€m ankmunlem men. K: raua vlelefi Iaazvvma] un uzrge—n mm) 51 ime n é 10‘ ka ST werice lrEizmet azknwmosté, Ian 1? newonéhlu kcpé ar paasue'n méjsalmmecibas atintumwen JJSL pienémrrs u so un alas Elekmsfis un e‘ektron'skaa [elites Imat Elk tumofi warn-amulet ipa'sus elkntumu savakEenas vewdus Ln dektus. kc nodlo‘sna valsls un paévmdl'bu |S|édes Je mesana atknlunros m pévslvéc‘e llek veukta parem. tad mazmés lspéjamaws kauéiums iabaw un ci uéku vaelbal Shakes znas par now ecmu'sa Frflknuma |7ms§anu aknmmaa ‘ varzt san viefifi mivalmhé afimhlmu svékémas dimesté ké ari vsikal' kur wegéié aneséo lzsnédéjurru. Appm u |: Regulatory Informauor LlelnvskailLithuaman Apnnkosauaee mvavmacip, skirts Europos qumgos lanolqams Euum dueklyvd zooms/EC numawu. («ad palms mun Gama] kullus uakuule yra paiymeta 5mm swmncllu negahma samu karlu 5L nercsmmums Komunallnems amewmns Sls sum-Ms roan kan gamut rem-a salmu alsxuaw nun bendro bummq amen; sfaub Jas rwame uillkrlnh kad éw w ma eiekuos ar elektrcnme Langa new, ialmama per tam ukras nzmnalnés a“ wellnas mums nuslalytes e | ekq rmklmo sslemas kaaw salmam w perdwrbantafllekas ms lévengla gawmos 2a as aplmkm u z'momq svema. Daugau mlcrmacuas ape Afisusenos naugus sahnima aah nae kh wellnes valcbos nslmaucs allmku Saummo larrybns ama parcuoluves kunose lsmqme [a Qamm| MailiMfllese lnsonnmjml Ambjemxli gnm Kljs'vti fI-Unjnni Ewmpea Id-Dwanivs Ewmped Milli/KI; fish n t-hghmiflijkun fin ls lmbalu luq n. prom: uljew fuq prakkjal ma sttalemrema ma'skan nunmpau n ma grex issepavst Is-swmbulu mks Ii den i‘rludult gnanm jmvens separahmml mmn ma‘ \ wskart domesfiku Iago an Hlja responsabbikfi lieghel n larml dan n iaghmlr u kquaghmr wehorla' Lele‘lriku u awenronlku permnz1a‘lacimajwana'gblr nppmm npmsta millrgvcm ‘cw mllrawtmnn‘ict leknm. IHimA h'mnd karrnt u v7 nuklagg Jghn jlpplevjem kcnsegwam negamvl pmerzlallgnaH-amnjem u ghas- sahha ml—bnedem. Gnalaka Newman. denauacn dwarl—llm (m—iugflmir anukueghek jekk pgngbou lkkunmqn law-“momma Ickal Iwegnek, ls—jerwzzl gnar-rimi la kartjew u-r-anm mim fain majt ul-pmdm Magyar/Hurgnrian Kbmyzmtvédel nlurmicié ax suiépai unias vasulok széméra A ZDDZIBG/E: szamu euroml was uranyew magkwama hogy amkat a termekekm amelyeken esa‘vagy aneyek csomaga‘a sar az alabhw clmke megjelenik. films a (EDD sze Ekmlalran Iakmszigw lullanéklta egym knub1|.A cwmk= azl Jewon hogy az econ termek kmobasakor a szokvanyos nazzanasn nunacekasalma‘sl vefldsze'eklél ekulo‘n'ten eua'rasl Kel alkawmazri. Az On rewaissége Imgy ezl es més eektmms es elekromhs be. e1dezésewl a Kcrmanyzz'i vagy a new nadsagot a'l'zl mjelnn gynjmredszweken kareszml szérrclia fel. Amegtaek‘: hulladekfewdolgozés segt s korryezare e‘s az emben egéflségre patemahsan malmasnegam natasm megefizéseben Hsaavuk beremezeseinek vewszam onsamzlombi resflevss in‘onnau‘ora van wkseqe. kériu(_ Iépjan kzpcsulatba ; new rmuszgckkak ahunadékfswdowgoms. szpquxlattal vagy azzal uzlsnel. ahm alermeket vasarclw Wimless-M eigann Gaming kouler chcrlmdstutch Nilieu-informaue veal khnlen in as Eurapese Ume De Eurolfie Rid‘fllm ZQOZISG/EC Schim v301 lfil apparaluur tie is women van m symmd on he! prewar 0! aa verpmmg nel magworuen Ingezamem ma met-geschemen hJIS’DfldEIUk zfvaw Dl: syrrbcd geenaan cat he! proeun apart moat women ungezamed U bml zelr mammdeiul voar de vernnetngmg var» Gala in ardae elekmsjfi En slekl'cflsui’ve wuaratmr vii de dazrvocw don de Wardehjke of mass“, ke owerhed aangewezer mzamel flgskanalen De iuwste var Igng en lecydmg van ceze apparzLurvootkumt mogemke neg . e gevmgen vocr rel ml en en degeznndr' em Voor meer mlcrmane over hel vernieuer van uw we aooarauuv neemt u mutant on ma ce maatsemke autoritewsr a! sfilah'e'werkingxiwensL 3! met de wirkel wasr u hat product hebl sanaesmak Harsh/Norwegian Milialnlormasjcn lav mnder 1 EU EU—dire‘dlv 2002/96/EF krever a: may med ialgerde symbd avbildet pa Eroduklsl og/euer Daknnqen wke ma kasles sammafl med “501m Nan Sym mm meme a: dame nrmuktel skzn renames azskm fm mama! rvi ”Sln'iifimhl‘fl for hlshnldnmasnvfnll DAR 6! dm smrfn kvlfle deg med 191m prod uktfl og ame\ e emlsk cg eleklronisk aviall we sgne mnsamlinugsordm nger
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