LINKSYS WRT330N Wireless-N Gigabit Gaming Router User Manual UserMan

LINKSYS LLC Wireless-N Gigabit Gaming Router UserMan

Manual Part2

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Document ID725763
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Document DescriptionManual Part2
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Filesize194.94kB (2436728 bits)
Date Submitted2006-11-08 00:00:00
Date Available2007-02-06 00:00:00
Creation Date2006-11-06 11:45:52
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Document Author: midoli

PSK Enterprise
Ihls vpnnn features PSK used |n omrmnatlon wnh a RADIUS server. (Thrs shouId only he used when a RADIUS
server ls cmneaed In the Router.)
Enclyptinn Selectthe algnnthmm you wanna use, TKIP nr AES. (AES |s a stranger encrypimn methud than
RAUIU! server. truer me IP anuress or your KAuU> server.
RADIUS Pm. Emer lhe pm number ufyuur RADUS senIer.
shared Key. Emel the keyshzred by me Rnuler znd mums server
Key Renewal. Entertne Key Renenlal penou, when tellslhe Router how often I should change encrypllun qu.
when you rave finished making changes Lorhis screen, tlICk SAVE sETrIIIGS In save me changes, ovcliclr
CANCEL cmuczsm undh yuur manges
PSKZ Enterprise
rhm nnIIOn fnzhlrnc PW? uwI |n ~nnn|ma|mn umh a RAnlIls srwnr Irhw shm In nnly he "> button to move it to the Blocked List. To remove an application from the Blocked
List, select itand click the << hutbn. Ilthe application you wont to block is notlisted in you wont to edit a
servlce's setilngs, enter the appliwtlon's name In the Alpllcatlorl Nameneld. Enter Its range In the Pot Range
fields. Select its protocol from the Protocoldrourlovun menu. Then clickthe Add button To modify a service
select it from the Application list. change its name, port range, and/or protocol setting. Then click the Modily
button. To delete a service, sclcct t lrorn the Appllcotldnllst. Then click the Delete button.
Click SAVE Settingsto save your changes, or Clltk CANCEL CHANGES to cancel your changes.
AGL‘ESS Potlct
When you clicklhe APPLICAIICNSxt GAMING lah,yllu will see the SINGIE PORTFORWARDING scleen. Vou can
customize purl services Ior common applicationsml thisscreen
when usels send these types a! requess to your netwurii via the iutemet, the Router will furWnrdlI‘iflSe requests
in the appropriate savers (computes). Before us'ng forwarding. you should assign static IP addresses to the
desionated servers (use the DHCP Reservation feature or the Basic Setup screen).
Single PorI Forwarding
Common application; are available for the first file entries. Select the appropriate applcalion. Then enter the IP
address ol Ire serve“ lllal should leceive these requestsicllck the Enable Chedfihax to activate this entry.
FUl auuitiuiia appllcdllulb, complete the ruiiuuiiig I'Ielus
Application Name. Entellhe narre utlhe appliczlinn.
External Poll. Enterthe external port number used hythe server or inmrnet application. check with the Internet
application rhculllelilatlull for inuie iiituruiutiori
Internal Pon Enter the internal pun number used hytile serveror Intelllet application. Check Withtie Inleriet
application tbcumentation for more information.
Protocol Select the protocol TOP or UBP, or select Both
lo IF Address. Enter the IP address ofthe servel that smuld receive the requests. To ind the IP address, go to
“ADDerldiit E: Findinuthe MAC Add'ess and IP Adtress for Vour Ethernet Adallter” Ifyou assioned a static IP
address to tre serve“, then you can click the DHCP Reservation button on the Basic Setup screen to look up its
static IF addless.
Enable. Click the Enable checkout to enable the applications you have defined. This is disabled lunciecked] by
When you have finished muting changes tothla screen, cllck SAVE srrrilms. lo save the changes. m cllck
CANCEL OHANGES D undo your manges.
urn-i i tuna-n
tsp: a network protocol Int transmitting data that
requires acknowledgement from the recipient of data
m.- a IleM/fllft protocol for transmitting flaw that
does not requve acknowledgemelt fro/mite rectpl'enl
of me data that is senl.
Port range fowardirg sets up public services on yo ur neinmrlt, such as web servers. ftp servers, e-mail servers,
orutherspecialized hternetapplicztidns (Specialized Internet applications are any applications that use Internet
necess to peiIorm fmctinns such as videoconferencing or nnline gaming Some Internet applications my not
require any forwarding)
When users send these tyDes 0! requests to your network via the Intemel, the Router vinII fonivardthose requests
to the appropriate savers (tompuiers). Before usng forwarding, you should assign static IP addresses to the
designated servers (use the DHCF Reservation feature or the Been: Setup screen).
lfyou need to forward all pmstn one PC, clicktre Illllll iah.
Port Range Fonivarding
To add an application, complete tie inllnwurq fields
Application Mame. Emertle narre oIlhe appliczlinn.
sun~ EmI Pm. Ertertlienumherormnge of pen(sj used bytlre serverorlnternet application. Check with the
internetapplication documentation for more information.
Protocol. seect the protocol IDP or UBP. or select Both
To IP Address. Enter the IP address of the server that you want the Internet users to be able Io access. Tn full
the IF address, gr) to“Appendix E: Finding the MAC Address and IP Address for ‘lnur Erhernemdaprer.‘ If you
assigned a static IP address to the servenlhen ycu can click the DHCP Reservation hunon onlhe Basic Setw
scram In Inm up its static IP address
Enable. Click the Enable checktmt to enable the applications you have defined. This is disabled luncl'ecked] try
When you hare finished making changes to this screen, (lick SAVE SE'ITIIIGS to save the changes, or click
CANCEL oneness D undo your manges.
This screen iiistm cts the Router to Watch nulguing data fcr specific purl numbers. The IP address of the cumpuer
that sendstlp matching data I3 renumbered byt1e Router, Sn that when the requested data miiimsinniugh the
Router, the dam is sent to the prupercnmplllel byway oi IP nddless and pori rmpping mles.
Port Range Triggering
To add an application, compiete tie iollowmg fields:
Application Name. Emartne naive Mine application.
Iriggererl Range. Enter the Slamtig and ending inn nunbers oi the triggered port range. Check with the Internet
application documentation for the pun numbcr(s) needed.
Forwarded Range. Enter in: staring and ending port numbers oftne tnmarde] port range. Check With me
internerapplicatidn documemalinl for the port numberisi needed.
EnIHe. Click the Enable checkhdx to enable the appliutidns yuu have defined. 111i; is disabied (unchecked) by
Wiieri you hare finished making changes Latins screen, click SAVE SEHIHC‘S m save [ll-3 changes, or click
CANCEL CHANGES t) undn your changes.
RANGE TR £66le
The DMZscreen allows onelocal [SEIIO be exposed In the Imemelfur use nfa special-purpose sen/ire suchas
lnlernel gaming anduideucmfereucing DMZ rinsing Iorvuards all the pans at “19 same lime In one PC The Pm
Range Foruimding is more secure because it only opens :he pons you mm In lnue opened, while ow hnslirg
opens all me pons 0' one cnmputer, exposing the computer in the Internal.
Any PC whose mm |s hemq lurwalded must havens DHCP chem funcnm d|sabled and should have a new stanc
lP address assumed to it because ls IP address may change when us|ng me DHCP function.
To use th|s lealure, EIQCI Enabled. To disable DNZ hosti'ig, select Disabled.
DMZ Hus! IP undress. lryuu wan. w specuy me DMZ nm by IF address, Culllplele me IP aimless in me I'Ielll
when you hale finished mahilg changes Lnlhis screen, click save samples in save the changes, ovclick
CANCEL WANGES D undo your manges‘
Glalily of Service anS) ensures tenet SElViCE [0 high-pliovily Kypes nf nelwnrklrafflc, which may invnlve
damandmg reaHime appIiczlinns, such as uiden-szermcing
003 (Quality of Service)
Enable/Dixabla. To use the Q08 {olicwsv select Enable. Otherwise, salad Disablo.
Figum 5-32: APPlIBATIOMS I. GAMING Iab - 005
When you have flushed making dmngesm m's screen, chck SAVE smmm m save the changes, or click
CANCEL CHANGES m undo your changes.
When you tlickthe Administration tab, you can select the MAMAGEMENrscreer. This screen allows you to
change the Routers access seltirgs and Lorll'lgure me who (Universal Plug and Play] Iealures Vou can also back
up and restore the Rouler‘s conligurotionlile.
Local Router Access
To ensure the Routers security, you erI be asked for you password when you access the Reuters Web-based
Utility. The default password is adnin.
Router Password and Re-emerlo Confirm. It E recommended that you change the delalllt password to one of
your choice, Entera new Router password and then enter it again in the Re-enter ta Corrfirrnfield.
I’ITTPS Web Arson:
HTIPS Access Server, It you are using the Router h a public domain where you are giling Wireless access to
your guests, you cm disahle wireess access m the Router's Wehrbased Utility. llou will only be able to access the
Utility via owired connection it you disobe the setl'ng. Select Enabled lo ollowwireless access to the Utility, or
select Disabled to block Wireless accessto the Utility.
Remote Router Access
Ran-ole Managerrml.1o permit remote access oflhe Router, from outside the local network, Selecl Enabled.
Otl'enA/lse, keep the deiault seltlrg, Disabled.
Management Port Enlerthe por, number that Wlll be open to outside access.
Use HIIPs. H'I'lP {HyperText Transpon Protocol) is the communications protoccl used to connect to servers on
the World Wide Web. HTTPS uses SSL (Secured Socket Layer) to encrypt data transmitted for higher security. For
more security whm using the re rlole roller, click on “UPS
Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) albws Windows Me and XP to allomatlcally contigure the Router tor various
lnternet apollcatlons. such as gaining rind llldeoconieren‘ing.
LPnP. If you wont to use UPnP, keep the (eloult selling, lnlbled. Otherwise, select Disabled.
Allow users to D'sable InlerrlelAccess. Select Enabled, it you want lo be aide to prohihit any am all Internet
co nnectlors. Othelvlllsc. keel! the delaultsettino, Disabled.
...,. . .o
Figue 5-33: ADMIIISTRITIDH Tob -
Allow users to madily mnual Server Mappings Select Enahlad, ilwu wan] m allow manual changes [a (he
Rnuter whle uamg the unm feature. Ulherwlze, keep the defaultnemng, nimHed.
Mullicast Passlhrmgh. If you want to allcw mulncast passthmugn select Enabled. otherWlsc, sclcct Disabled.
Rebonl [ha Davina. To restore the Rauler's configuration selllngs, click this bunnn and follnw the onscreen
lnslruclions. (Vnu must have plewously backed up [he Runner’s conflgumnon semngs.)
When you have l'msned making mangesm llis screen, Clle SAVE SETTINGS lo save the changes. ol Clle
CANCEL CHANGES to undo your changes.
when you rlickthe Administration tab, you can select the Lugscreen. It provides ynu with a log of all incoming
and outgoing not; or IP addresses Inr your mm connection
Log Options
View CIICk in a ban to View the log Iur F' wall Security the Syshm, or the Ibutnl Stalus.V0u can IISO select
the level ol the log you want to see, crmeal, Warning or Inlormational.
The Firewall Security log msplaysthe logn |morrnat|on tarthe Web-based Unlity. The System log wulmsplaya
the sourcelP addresses, destmatlon pormumbers tor the |ncumlng Internet traffic, the local IP addresses,
destination URLs/IP addresses, and servnelpon numbers for the autgomg Internet tralfic. Router Stairs will
display the LAN DHCP server statls |nlomat|on.
Log Details
Click the Save Ihe Log button to save this informatlflntoa file on your PC‘S hard drive. Click the Re'resh bumn
to update the log. Dlickthe clear button lo clenrall the information thatis displayed.
Adoressx parlor nttpsslldntemer IPMoress>' purl, oependmg onwnether you use H I l P or
HTTPS. Enter the Reuters specmc Internet lP address in place of dormer/P Address>, and enter
Wilenyoll the Adm|n|slrat|on Pan numbzrm place olthe word pan.
finished maklng clanges to th|s strecn, chck SAVE SEIIlNGS to save the changes, or tuck CMICEL cIlAIIGES to
undo your changes.
| ND‘IE: When you are n a remote location and wish to manage the Router, enter Irllp:// Pun Range Furvvardlng tab.
2 Enter any name you Want to use for the Applizatmn Name.
a Enterthe smrtand End l‘orl range ofme aervlbe you ulenamg. For example iryou have 11 web aener.
you would enter the range 3010 80.
4. Select the protocolls) you will be using. lCP and/or LlDP.
5. Enter the IP address dlthe PC or netvtork deuce that you Want the part sewer to go to. For example.
if the web server‘s Ethernet adapter II’ address is 192.188.1100, qu would enter 100 in the field
provided. Chect "Appendix E: Finding the MAC Address and P Address tnr llnur Ethernet Adapter" for
details on dettinn an lPaddres.
6. Check the Enabled opuon lorthe porl serv|ces you want to use. Cons|der the example below:
Application Name Start and End Port Protocol To IP Address Enabled
Webserver auto 80 Both 192.158.1100 X
FTP sewer zuuzr TOP 192.155 1.101 x
SMTP (outgoing) 25m 25 Bath 1511581102 X
POP? (Inoomlng) 113 to 110 Bath 192.1fi3.1.102 X
when yuu have competed the configuration. ick the Save Settings human.
7. “mad or set up unline game hosting or use mm lmerml applications.
it you wart to play anline games or use Intermt npplbatluns, Irma! will work without doing any part
torwarding or DMZ rusting. Trere maybe cases when you warn to host an entire game orlnternet
applicattdn.1h|s would require you to set up he Routerto deliver incoming packets or data to a specifie
computer. This also applies lathe Internet applications you are using. The best way to get the informatidnon
what pm services to use istogd to the webs’te oi the unline game orflpplir-ntiori you wantto use Follow
these steps in set up online gane hosting nr lse a certain Irternei wpltcamn:
1 Accessthe Ruuter's Wen interlace by uninu tn tutu/I1 92.1 68.1 .1 or the IP address 01 the Router. Gd tn
the Application: a Gatling es Part 12er Fontvarding tab.
2. Enter any name you Want to use for the Application Name.
3. Enter the Stanand End Port range oftne service you are using. For example, ityau want tn host
Unreal Tournament (1111, you would enter me 'ange 7777 to 17900.
4. Select the prdtvcolls) you Will be using, tcP and/or UDP.
5. Enter the IP address otthe PC or netvtork device that you want the port sewer to go to. For example,
11 the web servers Ethernet adapter II’ address ls 192.1 58.1 .1 (10, yet would enter 100 In the tield
provided. Chect "Appendix E: Finding the MAC Address and P Address tor vour Ethernet Adapter” for
details an getting an IPaddress.
6. Check the Enabled option tonne purl services you want to use. Consider the example Irelvw:
Appication Name Start and End Port Protocol To IP Address Enabled
07 7717 to 27900 Both 1921681100 11
HaIiINe 17015 to 27015 Both 192 1m 1.105 11
PC Anywhere 5531 to 5631 UDP 192.158.1102 X
VDN lPQEC Sun to EDD LIDP 1921581 1071 Y
When you have mmpbted the configuration, click the Save Settings button
8. I can‘t yr! the Internet game, server, or applicariun to work.
it you are having difiictlties gating any Interret game, server, or application to function properly, consider
exposing one Do to tholntornat using noMiiiurima Zorro (1311111 husong. rhn opllon 1; available when an
Applicauun requires too many ports drwhen you are not sure which pun services to use. Make sure you
disable all [in forwarding entries if you want to successfully use DMZ trusting, since forwarding has priority
over DIVE hosting.(ln other words, data that enters the Router will be checked first bythe forwarding settings.
it the pm number that the data enters from dues not nave purl forwarding, then the Rnulervvill send the data
to whichever PC or network aeriee ynu setior DMZ rusting.)

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Producer                        : pdfFactory Pro 2.30 (Windows 2000 Professional Chinese)
Creation Date                   : 2006:11:06 11:45:52+08:00
Mod Date                        : 2006:11:06 14:08:05+08:00
Metadata Date                   : 2006:11:06 14:08:05+08:00
Title                           : UserMan_.pdf
Creator                         : midoli
EXIF Metadata provided by
FCC ID Filing: Q87-WRT330N

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