LINKSYS WRT54GSV7 Wireless-G Broadband Router with 4-Port Switch User Manual WRT54GS V7 revised

LINKSYS LLC Wireless-G Broadband Router with 4-Port Switch WRT54GS V7 revised

User manual 2

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Date Submitted2007-01-11 00:00:00
Date Available2007-01-11 00:00:00
Creation Date2007-01-08 14:55:19
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Document TitleWRT54GS V7 User manual revised .PDF
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Document Author: carol

The Wireless Tab - Wireless Security '
The unreleee Security settings configure The security of your wireleee network, There are lour wireless security
mode options supported by the Router: WPA Pris-Shared Keyl WPA RADIUS, RADIUS, and WEP. (WPA stands furWi-
H Protected Access, which is a security standaru stl’ongerlnan th encryption. WtP stands lor Wired tqulvalent
Privacy, While RADIUS stands tnr Remnile Alliheniinaiinn Dial—In “SF" Service) These inllrana, hrileily dismissed
hero For detailed instructions on configuring wireless security for the Router, turn to “Appendix B: Wireless Llrm'
WPA Pru-Shared Kaye WPA gives you turn encryption methnris, TKIP 3an AFS, with tiynamil: encryption keys
Select the type of algorithm, TKIP or A55. Enter a WPA Shared Key oi 9—33 characters Then enter a Group Key
Renewal pencil, whlch Instructs the Router how often It should change the encryption Keys.
WPA RflDIIIS This nritlnn inntllrps WPA used in rmrdinziinn with a RAnII IR server (Thls shrilllri nnly he uteri
when a RADIUS sewer is connected to the HouterJ First, wlect the type of WPA algorithm you wont to use, TKIP
Dr “Es. Enter “18 RADIUS server’s IF ACICIIeSS anti porl number, along Wlln a KEY SMI’EG between the KOLIIEI aI‘ICI
the server. Last, enter a Kev Renewal Timeout, which instructs the Router howl often it should chance the
IMPORTANT: If you are using WPA. always
lelllelllbel lllul eautl ueviue ill yuul Wllellsas
network MUST use the same WPA method
and shared key, or else the network will not
function properly.
encryption keys. Figure 5-15: Wireless Tail - Wireless Sewrily
(WPA Pre-Shared Key)
w“ rlrlrlr
xrr mm.
Fiuure 5-19: Wireless Tali - Wireless Security
radius.- a protocol ”refuses an authentication
Eel Ver (V Gunfmlnetwwk access
RADIUS server Is cennecteo to the neuter.) first, entertne RADIUS server's IP Aouress anu pun number, along always remember that each oevlce In your wlreless
with a key shared between the Router and the server. Then. seleota Delault Transmit Key (choose which Key to network MUST use the same WEP encryption
use), and a level ol WEP encryption, 64 bits 10 hex digits or 128 hits 26 hex digits. Last, either generate a method and encryption key, or else your wireless
WEP key using the Passplnase \Il enter [Ire WEP key nmnually. nelwurk will nul lu|||;liur| properly.
RADIUS. This option lectures WEP used in coordination with a RADIUS server. (This should only be used when a | IMPORTANT: II you are using WEP encryption,
WEP. WEP is a basic encryption method. which is not as secure as WPA. To use WEP. select a Delault Transmit
Key (choose which Key to use), and a level of WEP encryptionv tint bits 10 hon digit: or 129 hits 26 hex digits.
Then either yenuate aWEP key using the Passplnase or enter the WEP key manually.
Ghanoe these settinus as described here and click the Save Settinos button to apply your chances or Cancel
changes to cancel your changes. Fordetailed instructions on configuring wireless security tor the Router. turn to -Illl
"Appelnlix B. Wireless Seoul ily.‘
m- r—uw _
Wu ‘l— mm
m e
,,, e
m. r—
Figure 5-21: Wireless Tab - Wireless Security (WEP)
WIreIess-G Broadband nouler wllli Speeufloosler
The Wireless Tab - Wireless MAB Filter LNlGYE‘
Wireless access can be filtered by using the MAC addresses or the wireless devices transmitting within your
network’s radius,
Wlmess MAG Flllel TD filler wireless users W MAC Address. eilher permitting or blocking] access. click Enable
ll yuu do not wish in filler users by MAC Address, select Disable.
Prev/sill. Clicking lliis button will block wireless access by MAC Address,
Permit llnlv. Clickinu this button will allow wireless access by MAC Address.
Edit Mite Address Filter Lid. Clicking this butlcn will open the MAC Mdrew Filter Lim. On this screen, you can Figure 5-22: Wire's“ Ta” ' Winn“ MA“ Fm”
Iisl users, by MAC Address, to whom you wish 10 provide ur block access. Fur easy reference, clitx the Wireless
cllent MAG Llst butlon to display a list 0! network users by MAC Address. a... i... .. .. ..
Change these settings as described here and click the Save Seflinw button hi apply your changes or Cancel m“ “m“ m" L'“
changes ID Cancel yuur changes. Ermmuimunh-lvm! “mm.“
m n:
m ll:
m I):
line a:
m is.
m is-
m »,
Figure 5-23: MM: Address Filter List
chapter 5: Cunli uring Ihe Wiieicec G Broadband Reutci 25
the ereless Tab , Wireless MAC I'llter
The Wireless Tab - Advanced Wireless Settings
This tab is used to set up the Reuters advanced wireless functions, These settings should only he adjusted by an
expert administrator as incorrect settings can reduce wireless performance.
who.“ mat... hm‘ .... W
Authentication “lie. The default is set 10 All"), which it||DWS either Open SVStEI‘t‘I of shared Kev authentication whim’M—q m... a...
to be used. With open System authentication, the sender and the recipient do NOT use a WEP key for --'-= T." i273"
authentication. With Shared Key authentication, the sender and recipient use a WEP key for authentication. ' lm- ; “on
. mu Fm lea- mun
Basie Rate The Bastc Rate setting is not actually one rate of transmission but a series of rates at whlch the I; ‘ ,— 21:11:72“ ""
Router can transmit. The Router will advertise its Basie Rate to the other wireless devices in your network, so LWJ u manor—am
mm IT! muYWJI-Uurlw.
they know which rates will be used. The Router will also advertise that it will automatically select the best late
for transmtsslon. the default setting is Default. when the Router can transmit at all standard Wireless rates
(1.7llihns,5 5Mhnx,11Mhps,1RMhps,anrt 7AMhps) other options am1-2Mhsznrllse. with nlrler wireless
technology, and All, When the Router can transmit at all wireless mics. The Basic Rate is not the actual rate of “gm“- 5'7" Wireless Tah ' “WM?" Wireless SEMNQS
data transmission. Ifyou Want to specify the fiduter‘s rate of data transmlslon, configure the transmission Hate
settino. we,- (wired equivalenlpriuaeyn- a method of
encrypting network data transmitted on 3
Transmission Hate. The rate or data trnnsmiasien should be out depending on the speed of your wireless Mum network "7, greater mum},
network. you can select from a range of transmlsslon speeds, oryou can select Auto to have the Router
automatlcallv use the fastest possible data rate and enable the Auto-Fallback feature. Auto-Fallback will
negotiate the host possible connection npssd between the Router anti a wireless client. The default value it: Auto.
m (eim to send): a signal sent by a Wireless
[715 Protection Ililooe. HTS (GIear—To-Send) Protection Mode should rernalh olsahleo unless you are having , , , , _ _
demo, signifying fliatlt is ready to receive data
severe problems with youernreIess-G products not being able to transmit to the Router in an environment with
heavy 802.11btraffio. Thls function boosts the Router‘s ability to catch all Wireless—G. transmissions but will
severely llerxease perlurlllallce.
Frame Burst. Enabling this option should provide your network with greater pertormance. depending on the
manufacturer of your wireless products. If you are not sure howto use this option, keep tho doloult, oisuhln.
aeaeon interval. Tne oelau ll value ls loo. Enler a value between T and 55,535 mllllseconus. fne Beacon lnlerval Wm" interval: ”at” frflflsmiflcd fl" yflur wimlcsa
value indimtes the frequency interval of the beacon. A beacon is a packet broadcast by the Router to synchronize "91W!” fnatkeeps ”3 "E’W'J’k SJ’WWWZE”
the wireless network.
DTIM Interval. This value, between 1 and 255, Indicates the Interval of the Dellvery Trafflc Indicatlon Mesage
(DTIM). A DTlM field is a countdown field informinp clients of the next window for listening to broadcast and ”W": a ”7555595 ’"‘?’””E”’" W Fame“
multicnst messages. When the Router hue huhcred broadcast or mullisast messages for associated clients, it ”13m" “mass W919“ WWW“
sends the next DTIM wiltl a DTIM Interval value. Its clients hear the [reasons and awaken lu receive the broadcast
and multicast messages. The default value is 1.
Fragmenhlion Threshold. This value specifies lhe maximum size fora packet helore dala is lragmenled into
mulllple pacKels. It yuu experlence anlgrl packet error rate, you may sllgnlly Increase lne Fragmenlallun
Threshold. Setting the Fraflmenlalinn Threshold too low nlall result in flour nelwark Derformanoe. Only minor
reduction ol The default value is recommended. In most cases, it should remain at its delault value of 2346.
HTS Trlresllllld. Should you encounter incunsistenl data flow, only minor reduclilln at the delaull value, 2341‘ is
recommended Ila nelwnrk packel is smaller than The preset HTS Threshold size. The HTS/CTS mechanism will
net be enabled. me neulorsends nequesl le Sand (HTS) frames le a particular receiving station and neguliales
the sending ufa dale lranle. After leueillillg all HTS, The Wireless station lespnllds with a Cleal hl Send (CTS?
frame to acknowledge the name begln transmlssmn. The HTS Threshold valueshuuld remaln at lts delaultvalue
of 23111
Change tllflbv sellillya aa dEaLIiUHU here and LIiLh tile Sn": Sal
Changes TD Dancel VUlil changes.
gs trullllll lu apuly yuul ullallges m Galluul
fragmentation: breaking a packet into smaller urll'rs
when transmitting aver a network medium that
cannot euppnr! tna an'ginal size of 11m packet
The Security Tab - Firewall
wm- "enema... wm Wk
FIrewnII Protection Enable this- leature to em ploy Shteful Packet Inspection (SPI) for more detailed review at
data packets entering your network environment.
serurvv m... u...
Block wan Requests. Enable the Block WAN Request feature bv checkinq the box beside Bloek Anonymous m
Internet Requests and you can prevent your network from being “pinged," or detected, by other Internet users. uwn—n :
The Block WAN Request ieatme also reintmces you| network security by hiding your network wns. Beth r “WWW.“
tuncnons OT the BlBCK WAN Request teature make II more ulmcult tor outsrde users (0 WDI'K lllell‘ way IITIO YDUI‘ " WWW“
network This leatnre is enabled by detault. Selent Disabled tn allow annnymnus Internet requests.
Filter Multieast. Multicasting allows for multiple transmissions to specific recipients at the same time. If “Ell" 5-15: Security Tab ' ”WW?“
multlcastlng I5 permuted, then the ”Outer WI" allow W multlcast packets 10 DE remarried W the appropnate
nnmplllflm Select Ellalllell ln filler mullicasling, nr Disabled ln disahlfl. lhts lflalure Iiremll' a set of relatedpmgrams located 212
network gateway server that protects the resources
Filter Internet NAT Redirection. This feature uses po|t fowvanting to block access to local sewers lrom local OI a ”BMW“ my" ”56,5 ”a," other "em/”Ks
HETWDI'KEG computers. Select Enahtert IO llllel Internet NAl leflllefllflfl, til Disabled ll) (usable IhIS teature.
Filter msu'r (pm 1 13) This feature keeps pm 11: lmm being scanned by device; nntgide at your Innal
network. Select Enabled to tiller port 113. or Disabled to disable this feature.
Chance these settings as described here and click the Save Settings button to aDnIV vuur chances or Cancel
Changes in cancel your changes.
The Security Tab - VPtt Passthrough
Use the settings on this ial: to allow VPM tunnels using IPSec, PPTP, or LQTP protocols- to page through the
Houler’s firewall,
IPSee Pass-through. Intemet Protocol Secu ntv llPSec) is a suite of nrotocols used to imnlement secure
exchange of packets at the IP layer. To allow IPSec tunnels to pass through the Router, click Enable IPSec Pass-
Thraugh is enabled by default.
PPTP Pass-through. Point-to-Point tunneling Protocol (PPTP) allows the Point»toAPoint Protocol lPPP] to be
tunneled through an ID network To allow PPTD tunnelg to page through the Hauler, click lnallle. PDTD Page.
Through is enabled by default.
Figure 5-26: Securitv Tab - lIPlt Passthrnuqh
LZTP Pass-through. Laver 2 Tunnellnu PlDlDCDl IS the method LSEd to enable Pomt-to-Pomt SESSIONS Vlail'fl
Internet on the Layer 2 level To allow LETP tunnels to pass through the Router, click Enable L2TP Pass-Through
is enabled by delault.
VPII.’ a security measure [ll/"DIED! flab? as ”leaves
one network and ones to another over the internet
Change these settings as described here and click the Save Settings button to apply your changes or Cancel ipsec: a VPN protocol used to implement
Changee tn eancel your change; gem/re ext-[range ofpadrels at the [Player
pptp: a I/PNpmtaaal that allows the Point to Point
Prutuuul (PPP) to be tunneleu [lining/i an IP network
This Malawi is also used asa time [If broadband
connection in Europe
lNIreIess-G Broadband Router wllh Speedfloosler
The Access Restrictions Tab - Internet Access
The Werner/lace“ screen allows you to block or allow specific kinds ot Internet usage and trattic,such as
Internet access. designated services, websites, and inbound tratfic during specific days and times.
Internet Access Policy. Access can be managed by a DOlICV. Use the settings on this screen to establish an
access policy (after the Save Settings button is clicked), Selecting a policy from the dmpdown menu will
display that policy's settings. To delete a policy, selectthat policy’s number and click the Delete button.To view
a" the POlICIeS, Click the summary button. (Policies 03" be deleted trom the Summary SONG" by selecting the
policy nr policies and clicking the Delete button. in retum to the Internet Access tab, click the tllnse huttnn)
Status. Policies are disabled by delault. To enable a policy, select the policy number from the drop-down menu,
and click the radio button hesnie Enable.
You can create two kinds of policies, one kind to manage Internet access and another kind to manage inbound
t| attic.
To create an Internet Access policy:
1. Select a number [mm the InternerAccess Pullcydrop-down menu.
7 To enahle. this pnliw, nllnk the. radin hllflnn hflsirtfl Fnzhlfl,
3. Entera Policy Name in the tield provided.
4. Click the Edit list button to select which PCs will be attested by the policy. The List 47th screen will apDear.
Vou can select a PC by MAC Address or IP Address. You can also enter a range ot IP Addresses it you want this
policy to attect a group at P05. After making your changes, click the Save Settings button to apply your
changes or Cancel Changes to cancel your changes. Ihen cllck the Close button.
5. Clickthe appropriate option, Deny or Allow, depending on whether you want to block orallow lnlemet access
tol the PCs you listed on the List of PCssmeen.
6. Decide which days and what times you want this Dolicvto be entorced. Selectthe individual days during
which the policy will be in ettect, or select Everyday. Then enter a range ot hours and minutes during which
the policy will be in effect, or select 2! Hours,
Chapter 5: Configuring the Wireless G Broadband Router
the Access l'lestrletlon: Tub , Internet Access
w ”W [Tm l
Figure: 5-19: Lisl U! P?»
7A Von can litter aeeees to various services accessed over the Internet, such as FTP or telnet, by selecting
servlces from me urap-uuwn menus next to Blankea sew/Des. (You can block up to 20 servlees.)
Then enter the ranae ni Darts you want to litter.
It the service you want lu lrluuk ib ilul listed in yvu want llr suit a berviw$ selling», their iuk the Add/Edi!
Servlee bm‘tun. Then the Part Services screen will aDDear.
Te add a service, enter the service’s name in the Service Name lielrl. Select its metrical horn the Pmmcal
GI'OIPGDWH menu, and EI’IIEI‘ HS range In the PM Henge tields. then CllCK the Add button.
To modify a eewiee, eeieoi it tram the list on the right. Change its name, protocol setting, or port mnge. Then
click the Ntndny button.
To delete a service, select it lrom the iiet on the right. Then click the Delete button.
When you are finished makinu charities on the Part Services screen. clickthe Anvlv button to save chances.
if you wantto cancel your changes, click the Cancel button. To close the Port Services screen and return to
the Access Restrictions scieen. click the chase buttnn.
B. if you want to hlock websites with specific URL addresses. entereach URL in a separate field nexttu Website
Blocking by URI. Address.
9. It yuu waril lu tiluck websites using specific keywords, enter each keywurd iii a separate field next to Website
Blanking by Keyword.
10. Cliekthe Save Settings button to save the policy’s settings. To cancel the pnliw’s settings, click the Cancel
changes llllllUlI.
my .,.
we... mainmi‘
W V WWW-"rm
m4 Mmm an... M9515?” J
m __.i-‘ irLi
Figure 5730: Port Servim
Im- a pmtnml user! in transfer files river 3 TSP/IF netwrrk
telnet: a user canimand and TCP/IP
pro taco! used for accessing remote PCs
ml: the address of a file [abated on the Internet
The Applications and Gaming Tab - Port Range Forward
The Applications and Gaming Tab allows you to set up public sen/ices- nn yaur network, such as web cerverc, ftp
servers, e-rnail servers, or other specialized lntemei applications. (Specialized Inteth applications are any
applrcamns that use Internet access to penorm runcnons such as vueoconterenctng or unttne gamtng. some
tnuarnur applinafinns may nnl require. any lnnmmling)
Ta fvmerd a pan, enter the inhrmation on each line forthe criteria required. Descriptions of each criteria are
UeSCI'IDEfl nere.
Appllentlnn In mtg field, enlerthe name yuu wish u give the application, Each name can be up to 12 characters,
slflIUElll‘.1|IiSib the pull range. Euler rue trultlbet lltnlblutls the putt range under Start and tire nun-run llral
ends the “mile under End.
Promnl. Enter the protocol used lor this application, either rep or UDP, or lath.
IP Muress. Fureaen applleatlun, entertne IP Audress at the PG runnlngtne specltle appllcatlun.
Enable. Click the Enable checkbnxtu enable port funnarding lorthe relevant application.
Change these settings as described here and click the Save Settings button to apply your changes or Gancel
changes TD Cancel VUUI’ changes.
if r r rm int-tr
r— n—a n— m
if r, r rm rumrr
t— u—u u— m “Mr
t— tu—u F m urn-ru—
t In N h m urmrp
l_' rt r rm mar
Figure 5-31. Applications and Gaming Tab -
P0" Range Forward
hp: 2 network proton! for transmitting data that requires
acknonnedgement fmm tire recipient of data sent
m1p: a network protocol for transmitting data
that does not require anknnwledyement from
the moipiont of the dam thatis sent.
in (1mm: protacal}: a promout
U$€l7 “158!” data til/6,5 network
in address: dte address used to identify
a computer or device on a network
The Applications & Gaming Tab - Port Triggering
The Part Triggering screen allows the Router to watch outgoing data lor specific port numbers, The IP address ol
the computer that sends the matching data is remembered Iry the Flouter, so that when the requested data
reiurns inrougn ine neuter, the tiara is puiieu back to the proper computer by way or iv audress and port mapping
n iles
POIT mggerlng
Application. Enter the application name of the trigger,
For aaeir application, list the triggered port number range. Check with the Internet applieafinn doeumemaiian for
the purl iiuiiiber(s) needed.
Start Port. Enter the startino port number 01 the Triooemd Ranoe.
End Port. Enier lhc ending port number ol the Triggered llnngc.
Fonivariled Flange
For each application, list Ihc lorwurdcd port number rnngc. Check with the Inlcrncl application documentation for
me port numoens) neeueu.
Start Pnrt Fnlei the slarling port number at the aniuanlerl Range
End Port. Enter the ending pen number vi the Forwarded Range.
Chanae these settings as described here and click the Save Settings button to aDnIV vuur chances or Cancel
Changes to cancel your changes.
a r in“
ma- ”mum-annui—
ii Puffin-f r
l in nu n .i.
V7 Wary-far
17 Puffer-fr
l— ln_i-lfl_l-_.l-_r
rigu-e 5-32: Applications anu naming lab - Pnl‘t
Wireless-G Broauoano Router with Speeuuoosler
The Applications and Gaming Tab - DMZ
The DMZ feature allows- one network user to be oxpooed to the Internet for use of a special-purpose service such
as Internet gaining or videoconlerencing. DMZ hosting iorwards all the ports at the same timeto one PC. The Port .~. mm g
Mange rolwam ieature ls more secure because It only opens the ports you want to nave opened. wnlle umz
hnsiing linens All the parts at nne. nnmplller, filpnsing the. cnmpllter tn the Internet
Any P0 whose polt is being iolwmled must have its DHCP client function disabled and should have a new static
lP adores assumed IO I1 because IIS "7 address may change when ”Sing the DHCP tunctlon.
To expose one PC, select 5":th Then, enterthe computer's ll> address in the DMIHagiIDAr/dleggfigld, lzlgm 533! Application; amt Gaming m . omz
Cllallge lllebe sellillya aa deahlibetl Ilele nllll LIith the Sn": Sal
Ehanoes TD Dancel VUlll changes.
gs lrullull lu apply yuul along.» in Galluel
Duality of Service (005) ensures better service to high-priority types oi network traffic. which may involve
demanding, real-time apolications, such as videoconterencing
There are three types oi 008 available, Devioe Priority, Application Priority, and Ethernet Poll Priolily. l_-EI n W W W m m
' H lln-Bfilfilfififilfi
Enabled/Disabled. To limit outgoing bantfilllidlh for the 003 policies in use. select Enable Otherwise, select Disable
Upstream Bandwidth. Seleot the bandwidth to be lined from the empuown menu.Thia netting allows you to
limit the outgoing bandwidth for the nos policies In use, so you can control how much banowlotnapanlcular
application is allowed to use.
Device Priority
Enter the name of your network device in the Device name liekiv enter its MN? Address, then select it: priority
from the dlop-down menu.
Ethernet Port Priority
Ethernet Port Prlorlty uos allows you 10 prlorlllze perrormancerorrourol me llouter's ports, LAN Ports 1-4. l-or Fiwre 5.34: Anpficatinns and [taming Tab . DDS
Earth (if these pnris, select High or Lnuu lnr Prinrity Fnr Flnw Cnlllml, il ynll want lhr-l. Rnllllel'ln nnnirnl the
trnnomieoion at data between network ucvicm, Golcct Enable. To dieoblc this feature, select Disable. The
Chapter 5: Configuring the Wireless G Broadband Router 34
the Applications and Gaming Tab , DMZ
Rouler’s otherfour ports will be automatically weighed low priority. Incoming Role Li to the inoominq
banuwrom. To use this reature, select out, 4m, 1m, 1 MI, 511K. look, or lZuK (M stands lor Mops, wrrlle Kslanus ror Kopsr. Ir
you do not wantto use this feature. keep the default Disable
Ethernet Port Priority 008 does not require support trom your ISP because the prioritized ports are LAN ports
going out to your network.
Application Port Priority
Application Port Priority (roS manages information as it is transmitted and received. Depending on thesetlrngs of
the naggcrgen, this leature will assign lnlormation a high or low priority tor thefitle preset applications and three
additional applications that you specl y. For each application select High or Low tor Priority. I'orSpecific Ports. you
can add three addtional applications by entering their respective port numbers in the Specific Porttffields
FtP (File Tramter Protocol) A protocol used to transter files over a TCP/IP network(lnternet, UNIX, etc) For
example atter'developing the HTML pages tor a website on a local maehine, they are typically uploaded to the
web server using HP.
HTTP (HyperTent Transport Protneol) The communications protocol used to connect to servers on the World
Wide Web. Its primary function is to establish aconnection with a web server and transmit I ITML pages to the
client web browser.
Tetnet. Aterrrlinal emulation protocol commonly used on Internet and TEMP—based nettrmrks. It allows a user at
a terminal or computer to log onto a remote device and run a program.
SMTP (Simple ttlaiITrallsfer Frotoeol). The standard e-mail protocol on the Internet. It is a ICPIIP protocol
that detines the message tormat and the message transfer agent (MT/t), which stores and torwards the mail.
POP: (Post oroue Prutuuur 3). A standard mail server ourrlrrrurrly used on tile Irrlelrrel. It provides a dressage
store that holds incoming email until users Inn on and download it. POPS is asimule system with little selectivilv.
All pending messages and attachments are downloaded at the same time. POP3 uses the SMTP messaging
Application ltarrle. You can add three additional applications by entering their names in the Aoplieatiorr Name
Change these settings its described trere and elicit the Save Settings Irullurr to apply your utlalrges ur t‘rarluel
Ghanoes to oancel your chanues.
The Administration Tab - Management
This section ol the Administration tab allows the network’s odministratorto manage specific Routortunctions tor
access and security.
Local Router Assess. You can change the Reuters Dassword from here. Enter a new Router password and then
type it again in the lie-enter to confirm iield to confirm.
Well Access. HTlP (Hyper Text Transom Protocol) - The cunnnunioations protocol used to connect to servers on
the World Wide Web. Hl'lPS » Uses SSL (Secured Socket Layer) to encrypt data transmitted tor higher security.
Select HTTP or HTTPS. Wireless Access Web » It you are using your Wireless Routerin a public domain where you
are giving wireless access to your guests. you can disable wireless assess to the router’s web-based utility. Vou
W|II only be ante to aooess the web-based utrllty Vla a W|rei1 connectlon it you disable the setting. Select Enahle
tn nnahle wireless amok: in the. Rnlltnr's wnhvhasfirl ||tility nr Disaliln tn disable. wireless amass tn the utility
Remote Router Awe“. To access the Router remotely, from outside the network, veiity that Enable is selected.
then, enter the port number that Will be open to Outside access. V0“ Will need to enter the HOUlel’S pflSSWDI'fl
when amassing the leter this way, as usual.
UPnP. When using UPnP features, select Enahle. Because allowing this may piesent a risk to security this
teature IS disabled by (tetault.
Change these settings as described here and click the Save Settings button to apply your changes or flannel
changes to cancel your changes.
The Administration Tab - Log
The Houtei ran keep logs of all trailic tin your Inteinet connection. To disable the Log lunchun, keep the deiaull
setting. Dlsahle. To monitor traffic hehneen the nehnork and the Internet. select Enable. Wl'la'l VOIJ Wish to View
the logs, ciick humming Lou or outgoing log, depending on which you wish in view,
Change these settings as desciibed Ireie and click the Save Settings button to apply your changes or cancel
Changes to cancel your changes.
Figure 5-35: Administration Tat: - Management
emu. new“
Figure 5-35: Administration Tah - Log
lllllreless-G Broaunand houler wllh Speeufloosler
The Administration Tab - Diagnostics
The diagnostic tests (Pi ng and Traceroute) allow you to check the connections at your netwom components.
Filly Trial. The Ping test will check the status ul a culllluuliull. Click the Filly Llullull lu upell llle Filly Tealwmull.
Enter the address at the PE whose connection vou wish to test and how manvtimes vou wish to test it. Then.
cl ink the Ping button, The Ping Test screen will show it the test was successtul. To stop the test, click the Stop
button. click the clear Log button to clear the ween. click the Glose button to letul‘n to the Diagnostics scleen.
Traoeroute Test. To test the performance 0! a connect, click the naeeroute button. Enter the address of the PC
whine commotion you wish to mt and click um Plng human The Tracemuh rm screen will show it "IQ met was
successlul. To stop the test, clickthe Slop button. Otickthe clear Lou button to clearthe screen. Click the Close
button to return to me Ulagnostlcs screen.
Change these settings as described here and click the Save Settlngs button to apply your changes or cancel
Manges to cancel your changes.
Chapter 5: eunliguring the Wireless G Broadband Router
The Administration “Tab , Dingnostles
n“ m
men-Mm... mm E
“mum... s y
Ilwlnlmlfl- m. mun-“um
Mn, ....i “MNMAN mm.
Fiuure 5-38: The Pine Test
,,., —-~- El
mam-imam “emu...“-
minimum noun mm-
w hfliifll
Figure 5-39: The Tracernute Test
WIreIess-G Broadband Router wllh Speedfloosler
The Administration Tab - Factory Defaults
Click the Yes button to reset all configuration settings to their default values, and then click the Save Setllngs
button. Any settings you have saved will be lost when the delault settings are restored. This ieaturc is disabled by
The Administration Tab - Firmware Upgrade
Firmware can be upgraded bv clicking the llnnrads button alterbrowsino forthe firmware, which you can
download from the Linksys website. Do not upgrade your firmware unless you are experiencing problems with
the Router. For more inlormation about ungrading firmware, refer to “Apnendix C; Upgrading Firmware”.
Figure 5-41: Administration Tab - Firmware Upgrade
firmware: the broom/"mind node that runs a
networking device
upgrade: in renbrne existing snfiwam nr firmware
with n m: War vumion
download: to recs/vs a tile rransmltted uvara network
chapter 5: eunriguring the Wireless G Broadband Router an
The Administration “Tab , Factory Defauits
WIreIess-G Broaunand nouler wllh Speeufloosler
The Administration Tab - config Management
This- screen is used to back up nr res-tore the Renter's configuration tile.
Tu bduk up [he Ruula$ wuliyuraliuu tile, slink the Backup hulluu. Tlluu lulluvv tile UII-btitwll inalruuliuus.
To restore the Router’s configuration file. click the Browse button to locate the tile. and follow the on—screen
lnetructions. After you have selected the lilov click the Rom" button.
mange these settings as uescrlbea here and suck the save Senlllfi Dunon m apply your changes or cancel
china» to cancel your chances
Chapter 5: Cuntiguring the Wireless G Broadband Rnutsr
The Administrutlan Tab , Contlg Management
mam“, rim
rig-m.- 542: Adminiatrntion Tab , ennrig Mnnngemcnt
WIreIess-G Broaunand hauler wllh Speeuuoosler
The Status Tab - Router
The Rnuterecreen an the Statue Tab displays- the Renter’s curvent status.
Firlnwaru Vursiuu. This ib the Ruutel ta uulleut iilluwwe.
current Time. This shows the time. as you set on the Setup Tab.
MAG Mums. This is the Renter’s MAC Addrws, as seen by your ISP.
Router llama. This is the specific name for the Router, which you set on the Setup Tab.
"net Hams. if required by ymlr ISP, this would have been entered an the Setup Tab
Dunlnin Name. If lequiled by yvul ISP, this weuld have been elvteled on the Setup Tab.
configuratlon Type. This shows the intormation required by your ISP tor connection to the Internet. This
information was entered on the Setup Tab. You can connector Dlmnmet yourconnection here by clicking on
that button.
chapter 5: eeniiguriug the Wireless G Broadband neuter
The Status Tab . neuter
wmvm mm- m
e...“ mun"
mm m.
Figure 5-43: Status Tab - Router
we address: the unique address there
manufacturer assigns to each nemarking device.
im- your internet prul/idsr
damain: a specific name lura netwnrk uf camputers
Wireless-G Broadband Router with Speedfloosler
The Status Tab - Local Network
The Local Network screen an the Status Tab displays the status- af your network,
MAI; Mdrvss. this is the Huulem MAC Address, ilb been UII yuui twat, Elliemel llelwuih.
IP Address. This shows the Reuters IP Address. as it appears on yourlocal. Ethernet network. 233" LTST‘
Suhnet Mnskt When the Router is using a Subnet Mask, it is shown here. mm.
DllcP Server. If you are using the Router as a DHCP sewer, that will be displayed here. im
Start IP Armrest: For the range of ID Addresses used by devices on ynlir Inml, Ethernet netwnrk, the beginning
of that range ia shown here.
Figure 544: Status Tab — Loonl Network
End IF Address. l-orthe range at IP Addremis used by devices (in your local, ttnernet network, the end at that
range is shown here,
Dllt‘rl’ clients Table. clicking this button will open a screen to show you which P03 ale utilizing the Planner as a “N" “m“ " "W
MFSmeMflna mum
DHCP server. You can delete PCs train that list, and sever their connections, by checking a Delete box and m_.__._,_ ,._,_
clicking the helm huttnn, m... ,,
1mm in;
new te
F'gul! 5-45: DHGP Glienh Table
Sllblml mask: an address code that
determines the size of the network
Chapter 5: Cenliguring the Wireless G Broadband Reuier 41
the Status Tee , Local Network
The Status Tab - Wireless
The Wireless screen on lhe sums Tab displays the status oi yaur wireless- network.
MAI; dess. illis is the Huulem MAC Address, ilb been uu yuul Iwul, wimluos llelvrulk.
Mode. As seiectedlrom the Wireless tab. this will display the wireless mode (Mixed. G-Onlu or Disabled) used by
the network.
55m. As entered on me wueless Ian, nus w||| ulsplay the wlreless network name or SSID.
nucr Server. If you are using the Ruuler as a DHCP server, that will be displayed here.
channel. As entered on the Wireless tab, this will display the channel on which your wireless network is
Eucrypliun Function As selected un lhe Security Tab, this will dispiay whatlype uf encryptinn the Rnuter uses
for security.
ngre 5-46:sra1us lab - wueless
encryption: encoding data transmitted In a network

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Author                          : carol
Producer                        : pdfFactory Pro 2.30 (Windows 2000 Professional Chinese)
Creation Date                   : 2007:01:08 14:55:19+08:00
Mod Date                        : 2007:01:08 15:14:06+08:00
Metadata Date                   : 2007:01:08 15:14:06+08:00
Title                           : WRT54GS V7 User manual revised .PDF
Creator                         : carol
EXIF Metadata provided by
FCC ID Filing: Q87-WRT54GSV7

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