LINKSYS WRT54GSV7 Wireless-G Broadband Router with 4-Port Switch User Manual WRT54GS V7 revised
LINKSYS LLC Wireless-G Broadband Router with 4-Port Switch WRT54GS V7 revised
- 1. User manual 1
- 2. User manual 2
- 3. User manual 3
- 4. User manual 4
User manual 4
Aiiiiuei all Liiiiieye wiieieee piuiiueie ieiiuiie Mieiusun Wiiiuuwe. Wiiiuuwe is the must need upeieiiiig system in the Wlll'ld and comes with mflnV teatures that help make networking easter. “ESE teatures can he HOCESSGd through Windows Help and are described in this appendix TCP/IP Bclurc n campulcr mm oommuniculc with the Broadband Router, TGi‘lIl‘ must be enabled. TW/Il‘ is 11 act of Instructions, or protocol, all PCs tollow to communicate over a network. This Is true for wlrelew networks as well. Your PCs viiIi not be able to utilize wireless networkino Without having TCPIIP enabled. VWndows Help provides complete inctrudionn on enabling TCP/iP. Shared Resources It you wish to share pi'iiiteianIder, or tiles over your network. Windows Help provides complete instructions on utilizing shared resources. Network Neighborhood/My Network Places Other PC; nn your network will appear irnder Netwnrk Neiuhhnrhnnd or My Network Places (depending upon the union of Windows you're running). Windowe Help providce complete instructions on adding P05 to your network 63 llllllolldili E: Finding the MN: Address and l? Address for Your [his section descnhes howio ilnd ihe MAC address ior vourcomnuier’s Ethernet adapter sovnu can use the MAC liliering and/or MAP. address nlnning feature (rf the. Rnnier Vnrl can also Iiml the IP address at ynnr nnmprnflr’s Ethernet adapter. This IF‘ address is used for inc Renter’s filtering, forwarding, and/or DMZ ichiurcs. Follow the steps In thrs appendix to find the adapters MAC or IP address in Windows 9&5, Me. 2000, or XP. Windnws SBSE ur Me Instructions 1. Gliuk Shirt and Run. In the 0pm: iicld, cnicr winipnrg. Then press the Enter key arthc 0K bultnn. 2. When the II" UOHflgMTErIDfl screen appears. select the trherner adapter you have conneclefl to the Houler rm: 3 CAT 5 Flhemet netwnrk cable. 3. Wrile down the AdapterAddress as shown on your computer screen. This is the MAC address tar your tthernet adapter and Is shown as a series or numners and letters. The MAG address/Adnpier Address is when you will use for MAC address cloning or MAC filtering. Another screen will shew the Ethernet adapters IP address, (Shown In the example as 19?168,1.100.)VOIlr cum purer may shew something dillerent. | llflTE: The MAC address is also called the Adapter Address. Windows 2000 or XP Instructions 1. Click Start and Run. In the Open tield. enter cunt. Press the Enter key or click the 0K bullon. 2. At the cemmand nromnl. enler Inonnlln IaII. Then Dress lire Enler kev. _u.rgm [i—M Mum IPAdfi-ui smut-r human as...“ limmw III u”. =.,_. mun nu...» mum» Figure E W um m w... flu. Mohammi mwwwwm) rag-AM 7mm“ My" | emu urn-m >r . IP Configuration Screen mm LNEIWIXmIirhemeI - mum I—imu. mu 5mm limzemn mm mm Fig m F-7s Figure E-a: MAI“! Addmslflrraphar Address MAG Address/Physical Address 64 Wireless-G Broadband Router with Speeduoosler 3A Write down the Physical Address as shown on your computer screen; it is the MAC address tor your Ethernet . , - u adapter Tnls appears as a series or numbers and Ietlers. m M“, mum Emvmmmsmmw mmmm The MAC address/Physical Address is what you will use tor MAC address cloning or MAC filtering. | IIOTE: The MAC address is also called the Physical Address. Another screen WI|| SHOW the Ethernet adapters ”7 address. (SHOWN in the example as 192.1611 JUU.) Your mm |r||ter may show something diflerent. For the Itouter’s Web-based Utility Fnr MAC filtering, enter the 17-digit MAC address in this format, XXXXXXKXXXXX, WI'IHfllIT the hyphens For MAC address cioningt enterthe12-digitMAG address in the MAGA-fdmstields provided, two digits per tield. Figure E5: MAC Address [tlnne App=ndix E: Finding Ih: MAC Address and u: Mamas fer Veur EtharnetAdnplel 55 ror the neuter: Webrhased uruny riiis glossary contains some basic ttetwutkitty tennis yuu |||dy unite across when using this product. Fur mute advanced terms. see the complete Lintfivs olossarv at trttn:)/www.|| Mesa: Point , It device that allows wireless—equipped computers and artist devices to communicate with a What network Also used to expand the tange ot a wireless network. Aid-hot: — A urouo of Wireless devices communicating directly with each ottter [Deer—to—Deer) without the use at an access point. AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) - A security method that uses symmetric IZB—oit blow data encryption. Bandwidth - The transmission capacity ot a given device or network, nit — A binary digit Boot — to sta|1 adevrce and cause it to start executing instructions. Broadband - Art always-on, last Internetconnection. Browser — Art application program that provides a way to quk at and interact will] all the intorrrtation on tile World Wide Web. Byte — It unit of data that is usually eight bits long Cable Modem - A UEVlCE that OOHHEEIS a computer 10 the cable tEIEVlSOI'I network, Wthh ltl tum connects tD the Internet. Daisy chain — A method used to connect devices in a series, one after the other. DUNS (WhflmlC DOITlalh Name System) - AllOWS the hDS‘tlhg fit a WEDSlte, HP SEWER DI' E-tflflll sewer Wltt'l a fixed domain name (e g , utnuwxy7 mm) amt a dynamic IP address Detatllt Gateway - A device that fotwards Internet traffic from yout' local area network DltGP (Dvnamic Host Contiouration Protocol) - A networkino protocol that allows administrators to assiqn temporary IP addresses to network computers by “leasing" an IP address to a userfora limited amount at time, instead of assigning psi manent IP addresses. 66 DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) Removes the Router's firewall protection from one PC, allowing illo be “seen” from [HE ImEmEI. Dlls (Domain llame Server) - The IP address ofyour lSP‘s sewer. which translates the names or websites into IP addresses. Domain - A specific name for a HEIWOI’K of computers. annlnarl - Tn receive. a tile transmittal nvera network DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) - An always-on broadband connection overtraditlonal phone lines. Dvnamie IP Address - A temoorarv IP address assioned bv a DHCP server. sop (Extensible Authentication Protocol) A general authentication protocol used to control network access. Marry 5p ilrt; authentication rrrellrvds wurkwitlrirr llris lrarrrewur k. Encl’vnlion - Encodino data transmitted in a network. E|hernet 7 IEEE standard network protocol that specifics how data is placed on and rctricvcd from a common transmission medium. Firewall 7A set nr relalrerl nrnyams Innairerl at a network gateway snrvnrihat pmiedslhe rflsnrrrnes nr 2 notworktrom users trorn other networks. Firmware - lhe programming code that runs a networking oevroe. FI'P (File Transfer Protocol] , A protocol used to transtsr files over a TCPJIP network. Full nuureu — The ability ur a irelwurkirrg oeuiee to receive ruur transmit data suuuriaueuusry. Gateway - A device that interconnects networks with dillerent. incompatible communications protocols. Halt Duplex Data transmission that can occur in two directions over a single line, hutonly one dircction at a time. HTTP lHyperText Transport Protocol) - The communications protocol used to connect to servers on the World Wide Web. lnrrastructure - A Wireless network that IS brrogeo 10 a wrreo network vra an access point. IP (Internet Protocol) - A protocol used to send data over a network 67 IP Address The addrem used to identify a computer or device on a network. IPGONFIG - A Windows ZUUU and XP utility that displays the IP address fora particular networking device. IPSeleflnterner Prntnnnl Security) - A tIPN [rmtnnnl uteri to implement tenure exchange of packet: at thr:I IP layer rsr= (Internet Service Provider) - A company that provides access tutlle Internet. thtt - The computers and networking products that make up your local network. MM: (Media Access Control) Address , The unique address that a manufacturer assigns to each networking device. MbnstMeoaBrts Per Second) - One million hits per second: a unit or measurement lordata transmission. NAT(ltehrr/ork Address Translation) — NAT technology tronelotcs IP addrcwcs ot o Iocol orco nctworkto o dhfcrcnt IP address ror tne Internet. Network — A series of computers or de transmission between users. 9 connected tor the purpose of data sharing. storage, and/or Packet - A unit or data sem overa network. Passplnase— Used much like a password, a passphrase simplifies theWEP encryption process by automatically generating the WIZP encryption keys tor Linksys products. Ping (Packet Itttemet Gmper) , An Internet utility used to determine whether a particular IP address is online. POPS (Post Otrice Protocol 3) - It standard mail server commonly used on the lnternet. Port —The connection point on a computer or networkan device used tor plugging In cables or adapters. Power over Ethernet (PoE) - it technology enahlinn an Frhernet network cable to deliver both data and power PPPnE (Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet) -Atypc ot broadband connection that provides authentication (username and password) In aoduion 10 oara rransport. pm (Point-to-Polnt Tunneling Protocol) . A van pmmmr that allow; the Point m Point Protocol (pop) to he tunneled through an IP network. This protocol is also used as a type of broadband connection in Europe. RADIUStHemote AUthefltlBfltlDfl Dral-In User Servrcel ' A protocol that USES an authentrcatron sewer tD control network access Gfl RJ45 (Regietered JackAE) An Ethernet connector that holds up to eight wires. Roaming - The ability to take a wireless device from one access point's range to another without losing the connection. Router , A networking device that connects multiple networks together. Server — Any computer whose tunction in a network is to provide user access to tiles, printing, communimtions, and nther services SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) - The standard e-mail protocol on the Internet. SIIMP (Simole Network Illanaoement Protocol) - Awidelv used network monitorino and control orotocol. SPI (Statotul Packet Inspection) Firewall Ittechnology that incpecte incoming packets of information betore allowing them tu enter the nelwurtc SSID (Service Set IlJentilier) - Your wireless network‘s name. Stalin II" Addms — A lixcd address assigned to 11 computer or dcvicc that is connected to a network. Static Routing - t’UtWfll’UIllg data In a network Vlfl fl TIXEG pith. Suhnet Mask— An address code that determines the size at the network. 5 ti , 1. A data switch that connects coinnuting devices to host computers, allowing a Iaige number of tt s to share a limited number of ports. 2. Adevice for making. brwking, or changing the connections in an electrical circuit. rcP (Trerrsrrrissirrrr Guiiliul Piuluoul) — A network piuluuul lui irarrerrriulrrg data that requires actrruwieugerreni from the recipient of data sent. TCPIIP (transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) — It set at instructions PCs use to communicate ovora netwurk. Tetnet - A user command and TCPIlP Drotocol used for aocessino remote PCs. TFTP (Trivial Filo Tronslor Protocol) Aversion of the TCP/IP FTI" protocol that has no directory or pomword capability. Thmilgltpn! . The amnnntnt data mnvett Sitnnessfnlly fmm nne. nndre tn annther in a given time perinrl. 69 TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol) a wireless encryption protocol that provides dynamic encryption keys for each packet lransmlttefl. Topology - The physical Iayoutot a network. TX Rate — Transmission Rate. Upgrade — to replace existing sottware ortirmware With a newer version. Upload - To transmit a file overa network. UKL(Ur|ilu|r|| Resource Luu'dlui) - The address ul a tile Iuealed Hit the hileniel. VPN (Virtual Private Network) - A security measure to protect data as it leaves one network and ones to another over the Internet. WRII (Wide Area NelWDI’lO- The Internet. WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy] — A method 01 encrypting network data transmitted on a wir network for greater security. WLA“ (Wireless Local Area network) - Agroup or computers and associated devices that communicate wnn Earth ntherwirelessly WPA (Wi-I'i Proteeted Access) - A wireless security piotoeol using TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol) EI‘ICTYPTIDH. which can DE 11500 In con|unct|0n Wm’l a HAU|US server. 70 llllllltmlill G: Sneeitieations Model Standards Channels Ports/Buttons Cabling Type LEDS RF Power OutDut UPnF able/cert Security features Wireless Security Dimensions (W x H x D] WRT54GS IIIIZ 802.3, IIIIZ 002.3u, IIIE 002.119, IIIIZ 002.11b 11 Channels (US, Canada) 13 Channels (Europe, Japan) Internet: One 10/100 HJ-45 Port LAN: FDLlr 10/100 RJ-45 SwitDlleCl Pans One Power Port One Reset Button One SecureEasySetup Button UTP CAT 5 Power. DMZ. WLAN, LAN (1, 2, 3. 4). Internet 16 dBm AIJIe Slflteful Packet Inspection (SPI) Firewall, Internet Policy WEP, Wireless MAC Filtering, WPA, WPIl2 7.32" x 1.89“ x 7.87" (186 mm x 48 mm x 200 mm) 71 Unit Weight Power Certiiicatinn Operating Temp. Storage Temp. Operating Humidity Storage Humidity Warranty 17 oz. (0.43 kg) External, 12V DC, 1.0A FCC, IC-03, CE 0” C to 40” U (32" Ft0104u F) -20" Gto 70“ G (-4" F to I58“ F) 10% to 85% Non-Condensing 5% to 90% Non—Condensing 3-Years Limited 72 Appendix |'|: Warranty Information LIMITED WARRANTY Linksvs warrants to You that. for a period at three years (the “Warranty Period"). your Linksus Product will be substantiallv tree of defectg in materials and workmanship under normal use Vallr mineive remedy and tinkeye' entire liability under this warranty wiII be for Linksys at its option to repair or replace the Product or rctund Your purchase price less any rebates. Tnls Iimlteu warranty extends only to the Urlglnal purchaser. it the Product proves defective duriuothe Warranty Period call Linksys Technical Support in orderto obtain a Return Authorization Number, iI applicable. BE SURE TO HAVE YOUR PROOF OF PURCHASE ON HAND WHEN CALLING. If Vou are requested to return the Product, mark the Return Authorization Numbei'clearly on the outside of the package and include a copy Of your original DI’DOI of purchase. RETURN REOUESTS CANNOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT PROOF OF PURCHASE. You are responsible forshipDintl detective Products to Linksus. Linksvs Days tor UPS Ground snioDino tram Linksi/s back to You only. Customers located outside of the United States of America and [Lanada are responsible for all shipping and handling charges. ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE LIMITED m THF IIIIHATIDN (IF THF WARRANTV PFRIDD All OTHFR FXPHFSS DR IMPI IFI] CONDITIONS, RFPRFSFNTATIIINS AND WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON INFRINGEMENT, ARE DISCLAIMED. Some tuli ictions do not allow Iir|iilaliuris on how long an iliiplied warranty lasts, so the above Iiiriilatiurl may not apply to You. This warranty gives YOU SDECIIID legal IIOIIIS. and YOU may also have other IIflhIS WITICI'I VaIV NV IUI'ISUIDIIOII. This warranty does not apply if the Product (a) has been aitereu, exeepi by Linksys, (b) has net been installed, operated, repaired, or maintained in accordance with instructions supplied by Linksys, or(c) has been subjected to abnormal physlcal or eiectrlcal suess, mlsuse, negllgence, or accloent. in auditlon, due a) the continual developmentor new techniques forintrudino upon and attacking networks. Linksvs does not warrant that the Product will be free at vulnerability to intrusion or attack. TO THE EXTENT NOT PROHIBITED BY LAW. IN NO EVENT WILL LINKSYS BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST DATA, REVENUE OR PHUI‘I I, OH I'UIt SPECIAL, INUIHECI, WNSEUUENIIAL, INUIUENIAL UN PUNIIIIII: UAMAltS, REUAHULESS UI' IHI: IHEUHY OF LIABILITY (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE [IF OR INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCT (INCLUDING ANV SOFTWARE), EVEN IF LINKSVS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT WILL LINKSYS‘ LIABILITY EXCEED THEAMOUNT PAID BY YOU FOR THE PRODUCT. The foregoing Iilllitatiuiiswill apply even it any warranty or remedy prouldeo under this Agreement tails at its essential purpose some |ur|sdictions do not allow the exclusion or Iimitatian of incidental orconseauential damages, so the above Iimitation or exclusion may not apply to You. Please direct all inquiries to: Linksys, Flt). Box18558, Irvinc, CA 02623 USA 73 ltllllenllilt I: HGQIIIHIOI‘U IIITDI'IIIflIiOII FCC Statement This product has been tested and complies with the specifications for a Class B digital device, pumuantlo Part 15 ot the FOG Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful lmenerence In a residential installation. This equipment Denerales. uses. and can radiate radio lieuuencti energy and. it not installed and used FCC Caution Any changes or modifications not expressly approved hy the party responsihle rnr enmniianne entiirt voivl the user‘s authority to operate this equipment according to the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that iiileileleliue will nut Menu! in a partioulai illbtdttdtlllll. II this equipment dues Lduoe tldl iiilul iiiteileieiuee tu miliu ul teteVlSlOll reception, WhIBh IS tound bV turninu the euuinment Off and 0", the user IS encoumoed t!) "V to COFTECt the interferenme by one or more of the following measures- - Retuient or relocate the receiving antenna - Increase the separation between the equipment ordevioes - Connect the equipment to an outlet other than the receiver‘s ' Consult a dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for asststance FDf‘. Radiation Exposure Statement This device complies thh FCC Part 15 and RES—210 ofthe Industry Canada. Operation is subject to the following two conditions it] Trtisoevtce may not cause harmful interference and (2) this device must accept any interference received, Including interference that may cause undesired upeiatiun. The availability nteeme specific channels arid/or npei-atinnai rieuuency bands are oountty depenuent and are fii inwai e piogramnteo at the factory to match the intended destination The firmware setting is not aenessihie by the and user This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth tor an uncontrolled enviioitment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator and your potty. This transmitter inoet not he eo-ieeeteu or operating in enniunetion With any othcr antenna er transmitter satety Notices Caution: To reduce llte risk ul lire, use urtly No.26 AWG or larger lelecunintuniualiun litre tam]. Do not use this product near water, for example, in a wet basement or nmr aswimmina pool. Avoid using this product during uri cicctricui storm. There may be a remote risk at electric; shock from lightning. Industry Canada (Canada) This device complies with Canadian ICES—003 and RSSZtfl rules. Bet appareil est ounlurrne aux nuniies NMB-DDS el RSSZtD d‘lntlustry Canada. Reglement d’lndustry Camda Lee eenuitione de tonetionnement eent Guystlsz a dew Uurtditiuits. 1) % peripherique ne doit pas oauser d‘inlerte'rence et. 2) Ce périphériqlis doit aneepter tntte interference, y oompns les interterenees peuvaiit pal'tul'ber Ie boit lonctionnement de ce peripherique. lMT’ORTANT NOTE Radiation Exposure Statement This equipment complies with IC radiation exposure limits Bet faith for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment snouitt oe tnstaiieo and operated wttn minimum distance 20cm between the radiator & your body This eteuiee has heen designed tn nperate with art aiilctnta ttavitiy a lIlflAlIlIulIl gain urz uoi Aiitcitiiq tidying 74 a higher gain is strictly prohibited per regulations of lndistry Canada The required antenna impedance is 50 ohms Wireless-G Broadband Router with Speedlloaster User Intormatitintor ConsumerPioducts Covered iiy EU Directive zooms/EC on Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) This document contains important information for users with regards to the proper disposal and recycling ot Linksys products. Consumers are requireu to comply With this notice tor all electronic products bearing the iollowmg symliol: English Environmental Information tot Customers in Iltc European Union EUIOPEEH Directive ZuudlfiblEl; requires Mat me equipmer‘i neanng this symbol on the product andlot its packaging must not be disposed olwtth unsorted municloal waste The symbol indicates that tots product should be disposed at separately lrcm reoular household waste streams ll 5 Wm fesDOflSlblillV to dispose of this and other electric and electronic equipment via destgnated miianltnn (arlililsl’l appmnien hy thn gnusmmpnt nr innai attthnrtttae nnrmm dispcszl and recycling Will help prevent pntentlal negative conseqtientss In the environment and human health For more detailed intonation about the disposal otyour old equipment, please contact your local nuthonlica waste disposal semee o. the shup where yUu purchased the product Coitinalfiznnh Informace a ochrané iivotniho prostiadl' pro zékszniky v zemich Evropské unie Evmpsita smemice zone/95155 ZaKzlejE‘ any zarizenl ozracene ilmlo symbolem ta prouoku aneoo na ooalu byio ititvtdcvano s nelrlueny‘m komtlnalnlm oopadem lento symbol tldava ze dany produkt mJSi byt itkvttlovan oddé ené 0d béVnéhc komunélnlho odpadu Odpo ’l1éte la ilkvldacl Ioholc orcduklu a daléich eleklrlckv’ch a elektronickich zarizeiii Drostiednlctvl'm uréent'zch soé'nl‘ich mist stariovenych vlédou neon misinimt urady Sortivria‘t likvldace a recyklace ooméhé piedcha’zel otenctélnim negatlvltim dopadum na ilvatni astiedi’al sk' zdrsvl’ Panmhné iintcrmace nlikvdaf‘ glsrétm vybaverti El Iaskavé v delta 0d mielnl'ch uradul podniku labyvali itimdnet' hamurii'xlm'ch edpndu ncbo cbchadu‘ Itdc late praduht laltnupllt Appendix it Regulatory Inlntmntien Wireless-G Broadband Router with Speedfloasur Dansleanish Mlllmmormauon MI’ kunuer I EU EU~dwrekhv2002l961EF kraever al udslvr der barer delle svm bul pa nroduklel wieller embanaqen wkke ma bwnskafies sum uswrlerel kommunau alfald Symhmm haeynsr ao mans pmmuko skm hnrvskafleq adekm 1m fie! almmdphgp hushmdmngsaflam Deter an ansvar at bonskafle dene cg andel eleklnsk cg elektromslr. udelyrvws beclemle mdzamlmgeeleder udpegei 36 mm eller de mkawc mynmghcacr Kormkt bonskaficww cg gcnvmdmg le hjm|p0 med m at undga muhgc skndcr fo- mflpcl cg mcnneskcr; sundhed Konlnkl vcnhgst dc wuxawe lvlynuwgheuul mnuvduunaljsnaalrm elk-H Lien bunk va du hm mm produmet angaenue mere uenaueml mvormanon 0m oonsnawelse av ungamle udstyr lenlnle an umwelmnlormauon vur nunaen mnemalb uer turopalscnen Unlon Dwe Europawsche Richtlime 2002/96/EC verlangl, dass technische Ausrustung, cie dwekl am Gerat und/uder an der vernackuna rm! diesem Svmbm versehen wsl mchlzusammen mw unsomenem Gememdeabiall enlsorql werden darf Das Svmhrfl waml damn! hm dag: dag Pmrlnkl unn nagnlz‘rpm Hau-zhallmnfl gamanm pmmrg' wpmpn enlnp Fa “Pg! 111 IhrF-r Vs-mmwnmmg, (“papa Cam! nnn annpm aleklngcha und alwhtmmgcha Goratn uber me dalur zuflandlgon und van der Regmung odar onlmhen Eehorden dazu beshmmlan Sammewsxeuen zu emsorgen, Oldnungagemafiea Entaorgen und Reoycewn Iraq! dam 1m potermaue negatwe rowgen far Umwelt urm dle manschhche Gesundhell zu vsvmculcu. W=|||| s": wrltmvIHNHHalluucll All! Enlamguvvg mm ngma'lc benmgelh wenaen Swe an," blue an due iznhunen Beholder! uuev Mildhschen tmsargungsmenfle Oder an 115” Handler De‘ Gem SE 065 I‘VDELIKI erworben raben. EeaLi/Ealuniau Keskkonnaalane inlormamsnocn Euroopa Luaus asuvatele kliemmele Euroopa Liudu mrekzuw 2002/9515) néuete kohaselt on seadmewd mi‘le‘ on motel v6! DakendH k'aesolev sumbol. keelatud kérvaldada koos soneenmma olmelaélmetega See sumbol n'awlab 9! (code tuleks kérvaldada eraldw lavalwstesl nlmmfiiimnvnngudam mm knmmmmn kfimzmamz khnqnlav: ‘a m mmm elekln- la ewemmmkasaaamed mgl mix knhahke ameuasutuste pamt élte nahmu kngummpunkhdc kaudu Scadmctc Kcrrcklnc karmmummc m rlngmsacvén mun vsilhde véimnhkke negemvseld lagajzirgi keskkonnsle mng lmmefle terwsela Vanafle madman hawaldamlse mhm tapaema uflmmatsmam seamlscn vfilhe palun uhendust kuhahke ameuasutuswga. Jaaunekaulusflrmaga vm kauplusega‘ KLISl |e tome OSlSIle Appendix I‘ Regulatory Inlnrmntion EspufioIISpanish Inlormacmn meuloam hlenlal para cllentes GE |E Unlfifl ELITOPE La Directiva 2002/96/05 de la UE exlge que Ios equlpos que “even este simbolo an a DI’ODifl aparato via en su embala|e no deben ewimmarse 1unlo can ctros reswduns urbams no selaocimzdos El simbo‘o mule! due a\ umducto en numfihn dnhp «pararne ma. Ins rpemnm dnmésflm: mnvpnrjnnalp: cm was a su ehminacvc‘m E; respongabniaad guy: desechar este y walesquwera cues aparam electricos y electrémcos 5 mm ds Ios pumas de rscogid: qua ponen a nu dwcpommén cl gamma y lac aulorldadcc males N decochar y rcoldnr wrracramenle estcs aparatos estava' cenmuyenuo a evitar poswb‘es wyy=mu=m|a= llsgauvna pm =| "chle avHUchl: y la Mum u: I4) prlaumfi. 31 desea Wiener infurlllacim! mas detaHada some Ia elmvinamfin seguva Us au apavaw usann CDnSuIIE a Ias amoncaces IOCHIES. al SEWICJO Ge recogwaa y ellgnénstcwén de reswduos de su zone 0 pregunle en la twenda donde adqumo e\ pr u 0 _ AnleéJGr-eek Elmxziu lltplBuAAuvunl]; llpuolu 'us vlu "mm; mm, u“, Eupwuu’lm’]; ‘Evulcmg H Kolvonm Oénviu 2002/96JEC uwulm' (m 0 [ionklcubg o anoiug wipfl uuré m mluBDNJ m0 naawév KGl/fi Um cumuuam'u You 55V norm! vu unnopimnul uuli uz TCI umfl uowvonxu anouoiuucm To au'uBcAc UTIOfiEIKVDKI ow cure to rrpowév Bu Trotrm vu moonimuul isxmplmn' am) 10 aux/hen OIKICIKd nwnppiupum Eims uncuBuvor, w: "W mépplwn mu rrupévmg Kfll dMnu nkxtplzou um qkmpovmo-J {Emmapob new rwv meopwww chmumdava cuvkévrpuang unopplpudev m 0110ng napéxavvul and w Kpc'ro; a n; swam; rofimé; apxég. H awcmfi cmépplwn m ammo-(mm cuppdm- omv npo'Aqu mauvu‘uv apvqmwv cuvmau‘w mu m thwpnMov m. ”Iv uvuu. nu mpnuumpu, umpwupug uxulm p; HIV quppwu luu numw Gag [tumucrucu' mpaKoAm zmmwmvncrs |J[ H; mmth upxig ng uvnpzclzg unopplwqg n YD Kummnuc arm to OTIOIO ayopumrz YO npowov 7G Wireless-G Broadband Router with Speedfloasur Franqailerench Informalrons envrronnemenlales pour leS CIIeI’llS fle I'Umon europaenne La direclwe eumpeenne 2002/96/CE exrge que réqmpemenr sur quuel est apposé ca symmle sur la produrr aflou son embalrage ne sort pas jeté avec les autres ordures menageres Ce svmbure mdmue one Is nmdurt dortérre alumme dans un ciraurt drslmcl de cam pour les dechels des manages u as! de vnlre responsamme de 1515! as maxénel ainsr que (our aulre malerier Elecrriuue nu élearoniuue par les mavens de collecle indrques par la gawememenl el Ies couvorrs pubhcs des wrleclwrrés lerfliurlales. L'élrmrnallcn 51 Ie recvcraqe en bcrme e! due him? unl flour but de Imler centre Irmpacl nelasle notemrel de ce type de orodurls sur I'envrron nemenl et la sarlé publique Pour mus d'mrmmacms sur la mode d'ehmmarmn de vulre ancien équlpement veuiuez prendre canram avec les muvnrrs pubhcs Incaux Ie servrce de rmwempm an dfichph on | mdrmi on vms My nnhpre IP pmdmr uallanorlrauan Infomazioni relative all'am hieme peri clienli residenti nell‘Unione Europea La diremva eurooea 2002'95/EC rrchlede che re anoareechiature contrasseunare mn qlmm qmmrn <||I nmdnfln pin wu'mhzuamm nnn tum mam; rn atlnekq saunlmo ramynos ama pamumuves Kunase [slguore vagamlm M uni/Mal!!! lnhrmaujonl Ambjentali 9M! Klijerm iI-Unjoni Ewropea rd-Drrettiva Ewrobea ZDOZIBG/KE tiflob Ii l—laahmir || |kun frh rs-srmbolu lua ir- pmdott u/jew fuq r-rpn Mar ma Jislalentrema ma' skanmuniclpau Ir ma ciex may-arm I:-r|m| Idt-laghrnir anllk (legneK, leKK JWHQDDK IKKumaflJa HII—awmmajlet rake” uegnen ls—servzzr ghav-nmr ta‘ I-rskan. Jew ll-hanu mrnn fern xlrsn ll-proom Magyarmungarlan Kbrnyezelvéderml infmrnécld 31 eurépai unibs vasérlék sumara A 2002/9615) szarnu Europa unros |ranve|v megkrvanra hcav azckar a flmékekm ameryeken ps/vagy amdypk rsnmacnlmén a; amhhi mmke meme‘Enik. ("Us a lohhr s7e‘fiha'lallan Iakcisagr hullariékkal egyrm krdnhm A crmke m Jelcll hogy =z adolnermek kldubuzkw = smkvényu; banana;- hu‘sdéke‘sza'lmasr rendszerektél elku‘cnrten eha’réa keH a‘kalmszm A1 On lelclémgc, hcgy m. 5; ms; clcktro'nos e; clcktronikus bdcndcmacil a kcrmanyzatl vagy a heryi harosa'gok altar kijelolr gywreredszereken kereszrur “Amulja M. A ngfele‘i) lluflddékffilduguzch 559“ 4 Kumyaelre is 44 will)!” egeszségre potenclausan analmas negallv naxasok megelomsében Ha elavulr Defendezesemek rerszam masahcz Iovabbv reszletes Informauora van szukseger kérruk IepJen kapcsoralba a heryr hamsagokkak a hulradekfeidolgozasr slegélaual, vagy azzar uzlene‘ ahul a rermékel va’sa’lroha. 77 Wireless-G Broadband Router with Speedfloasur Nederldndleulcll Mllleu-mvormalle voor Klanten In Ge Europese Unle De Eurouese Rwahll [n 2002/96/32 schrufi voor da! annaraluur die is vocrzwen van dwl symbom op het producl of de verpakkinq‘ met mac warden mezameld met met-gescheudan huwshoudeluk awm Dwt symbnol geeft aan flat net product agar! moetwmden mgezamem u bent zen vflanrwcordelijk van! is vermeliglng van daze en andere dektricche on doktroniiche apparaluur via de daarvoor door de mndehjke of plaatsehjke overhewd aangewezen mzamehngskanawen De 1 use vcrmchging cm rocynlmg van dczc appalaluur veorkornt megclukc ncgnlicvc gevolgen vocr hat mlheu en de gezondhcld Von! meer infcfmau'e ever na vevmeugbu vdu uw uuue awdlaluul ”mm u wulaq up ulel de pwaahumke automazen or avvalverwerklngsdlmst. m met de wlnkel Wear _| net produm nem aangescnan Numk/Numegim Milioinformasion for kunderi EU EU-dlrekuv 2002/96/EF krever al utstyr med falgende syn-lbw avblldet pa produk|et oclleHer paknmgen 1kke ma kas1es sammen med marten avfaH Symwet mdkerer at dens momma skal hanmsres atskwlt fra ordmar avfallsmnsamhngfor hushmdnmsaviau DE! er um ansvara kvllle deg Wed dens produldet a; annel slektrigk 139 eleklmnin Mall ma egns innszmlingswdmnger sllk myndlghetene eHer kommunene bastsmmsr. Kcrrekt avfsushandisnng cg gmvmmg v|| vmrc med pa 5 forhmdvc mungc ncgmlvc kcnockvcnocr lor mum cg helse For nermere mlormasjm um handlering av det kassene umyre! dim hen nu la mmam med kmflmunem en mnaemhngsstasjon fwawfall cfler bulwkksn Ger cu Kjupie produktel. Polgkupal iah Informacja dl.’ klicnt-‘aw wum. Europcjfiqu o przopisach dotyizqcych ochruny émdawiskn Dyleklywa Eumpejska 200236150 wymaga‘ any splzgl Unvauzuny symnolan zwa|du|acym ye na pmuukae I/IUDJEQO opakowamu me by! wyrzucany razem z mnyml mesmoxvanymu naps/Jam komunalnyml symnoi (an WSKaZujé, za produkt me pcwmwefl Dyc usuwany razem ze zwykwmi odpadaml z gcspodarstw domowch Na Pafistwu soccsza obovnazek wvrzuca—ua (awl innvch urzadzeri aektwcznych 0781 elektrcmsznych W DUHMGC’V DdbiOfU WVZnaCZOfl‘Im DYZEZ wladze krajawe Iub Iokalne Pozbywame swe sprzetu we wlasuwy spnsfib | jego racykhng pnmnga umbim ponmnjamia negmywnym konmwenqnm dlz s’rodowwskaw zarwa Manage. chm uzyskama szczegcuowych mformacji o usuwamu starega sprzexu pmsmy zwroolc me do Iokalnych Mada 5mm oczyszczania miastfl wub akwepu w kté’ym produkt wale! nanny, Appendix I‘ Regulatory Inlnrmntion PolluguéslPorluguese |flf0fm8550 am biemm para C|iEI||ES 06 Ufliao Europeia A Diremwva Europsa 2002/96/05 exlge que o equioamento qua ewae taste sfmboo no procure you na sua embalagem néo sews ellmwnado Junta com as resnduos municiuais néo senaradas O simbmo mdlca uue esle modulo deve ser swim mm
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