MEILOON 480200 DLP Projector User Manual DHT100 UserMan



User Manual 2

20INSTALLATION2-3-4 OPERATING THE WIRELESS SPEAKER2-3-4-1    CONNECTING THE SPEAKERSDRAWING 292-3-4-2    OPERATING THE SPEAKERSA. Make sure the AC voltage selector (115V or 230V) is selected for your local voltage(Factory preset is on 230V).B. Connect the power cord into a wall outlet.C. Turn on the power switch on the rear panel of the speaker.D. Make sure the wireless channel of the speaker that is selected is the same as thewireless channel of the transmitter that is selected in the projector. (Please checkthe OSD, it will be described in the section of "3-2-2-4 Audio")E. Adjust the volume with volume knob on the rear panel of the speaker.DRAWING 30VOLUMESPEAKEROUTPUTAC VOLTAGESELECTOR230V~115 V~POWERDOUBLE INSULATIONWhen servicing onlyuse identical partsCAUTIONTo reduce the risk of fire, replacewith only the same type and rating of fuse.LINEINPUTLRP. L .RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCKDO NOT OPEN~WARNING: SHOCK HAZARD-DO NOT OPENAVIS : RISQUEDE CHOC ELECTRIQUE-NE PAS OUVRIR.FUSE: T 1A L/250VPOWER CONSUMPTION: 100WCHANNELSELECTORBar-code(45x13mm)AUDIO SYSTEM86ACE241996EIKI INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD.MADE IN CHINAR33803MeiloonW24025FCC ID:RRT480200Volume KnobChannel SelectorSignal OutputSignal InputPower SwitchAC Power InletAC Voltage SelectorDHT100/200DHT100/200
211. MENU: Press once to display the OSD.Press again to exit theOSD.2. UP/SOURCE: This button is dual function.UP: Cursor function or make an adjustment based on yourselection of a function.SOURCE: Selects "Composite Video", "S-Video","Component-I Video (YCbCr)", "Analog YPbPr", "DVDPlayer", "Media player", "Computer", "TV" sources.3. DOWN/SYNC: This button is dual function.DOWN: Cursor function or make an adjustment based onyour selection of a function.SYNC: Optimizes the signal from PC4. LEFT: Cursor function or make an adjustment based on yourselection of a function.5. RIGHT: Cursor function or make an adjustment based onyour selection of a function.6. ENTER: Confirms your selection item.7. EJECT/ROTATE: This button is dual function.EJECT: Eject a DVDROTATE: Rotates the photo 90 degrees clockwise on screen,but this function can't be accessed when Slideshow isplaying.8. II/PAUSE: This button is dual function.II: Pauses when playing the DVD disc.PAUSE: Pauses when playing photos.9. PLAY/SLIDE: This button is dual function.PLAY: Plays a DVD.SLIDE: Displays the photos on your memory card as a slide show, with (MP3)music if available on your memory card.10. ECO: Using the projector in this mode will save lamp life and reduce fan noise. Youcan use this mode for watching video in a room with reduced ambient  lighting.3.Control Panel and Remote Control3-1  CONTRO PANELL AND REMOTE CONTROL3-1-1    USING THE CONTROL PANELYou can control the projector's functions through the Control Panel and Remote Control.DRAWING 311234567891011DHT100/200DHT100/200
22DHT100/200DHT100/2003-1-2 USING THE REMOTE CONTROL10mO30O3010mO30O30LED indicatorUSER CONTROLSSection ASection BSection CSection DSection EDRAWING 32 DRAWING 33
23DHT100/200DHT100/2001. POWER: Powers On/Off the projector2. ZOOM-: Reduces the image size (For projecto r use)3. ZOOM+: Increases the image size (For projector use)4. MUTE: Mutes the audio output. Press once for Mute on ,press again for mute off.5. SLEEP: Turns off the projector after a period. (So the time you need---0ff, 15min, 30min, 45min,60min)6. FREEZE: Freezes the image.7. SYNC: Optimizes the signal from PC8. SOURCE: Selects "Composite Video", "S-Video",  "Component-I Video (YCbCr)", "AnalogYPbPr", "DVD Player", "Media player", "Computer", "TV" sources.9. KEYSTONE: Adjusts image distortion caused by tilting the projector (+/- 12 degree)10. ASPECT: Selects the aspect ratio.(4:3,16:9,1:1)11. IMAGE MODE: Three modes can be selected. (Theater/Computer, Standard, User)12. MENU: Displays the MENU of your playing device. Press once to display, twice to disappear.There are five sections on the Remote Control  as described  below.LED indicator: The LED will light when the Remote Control is functioning. If not, please checkyour batteries.Section A: BLUE characters, for PROJECTOR useSection B:  RED characters, for MEDIA PLAYER use13. PLAY and PAUSE:PLAY: Plays programPAUSE: Pauses the program.When playing slideshow with music, press once to pause the slideshow, press again to pause theMP3 music.14. MUSIC SLIDE: Plays slideshow with music15. PHOTO: Plays the photos16. PREV/RWPREV: Selects the previous photoRW:  Rewinds the program17. STOP: Stops the program18. SETUP: Enters the OSD of the Media player. (If you are playing a program, please stop it first).19. ROTATE: Rotates the photo (This function can't be executed when playing a slideshow)20. NEXT and FW:NEXT: Selects the previous photoFW:  Forward the program21. INFORMATION : Shows the information (resolution) of the displaying photo.22. SELECT: a. Selects the card you want when different cards are inserted simultaneously.b. Return to start-up screen.USER CONTROLS
24DHT100/200DHT100/200Section C: BLACK Characters, for ANY SOURCE useThese are "Common Keys". They can be used with any source.23. VOL -: Decreases the volume of either the internal speaker or the external speaker.24. VOL +: Increases the volume of either the internal speaker or the external speaker.25. UP:  Moves up when selecting item.26. LEFT: Moves left when selecting item.27. RIGHT: Moves right when selecting item.28. DOWN: Moves down when selecting item.29. ENTER: Confirms your selection.30. PLAY: Plays the program.31. STOP: Stops the program.32. FF: Fast-forwards the program.33. FR: Fast-rewinds  the program.34. SF: Slow-forwards the program.35. SR: Slow-rewinds the program.36. NEXT: Selects the next song or chapter.37. PREV: Selects the previous song or chapter.38. YCbCr : This key can't be used on this model.39. YPbPr: This key can't be used on this model.40. PAUSE/STEP:PAUSE: Pauses the program.STEP: Plays the disc step by step.41. VCD AUDIO: Selects a VCD language. (if the VCD is recorded in two languages) This functioncan't work while playing a DVD.42. EJECT:  Ejects the disc from the DVD player.43. SUBTITLE: Selects the language of the subtitle.44. LANGUAGE: Selects the language of the dub. (If the disc is recorded with multi-language)45. MENU: Enters the menu of the DVD disc.46. SETUP: Stops the program, press this button to enter the OSD of the DVD player, and then setthe function you need.47. SAP: Second audio program.48. AV/TV: Changes the mode between AV and TV49. CH JUMP: Channel jump.50. CH +: Next channel51. CH -: Previous channel52. Fine tune: Fine tune the TV signal53. 0-9 KEYS: Selects the TV channel.Section D: GREEN characters, for DVD PLAYER useSection E: BROWN characters, for TV TUNER useUSER CONTROLS
25DHT100/200DHT100/200USER CONTROLS3-2 ON-SCREEN DISPLAY MENUS3-2-1    HOW TO OPERATE1. To Open the ON-Screen Display (OSD) menu, press the "Menu" button on theRemote Control or Control Panel .2. When the OSD is displayed, use "Cursor" buttons on the Control Panel or on theRemote Control to choose the item you need.3. Press the "Menu" button again to exit.3-2-2    PROJECTOR'S OSDIMAGEDISPLAYAUDIOSYSTEMLANGUAGETVCOMPUTER IMAGEBrightnessContrastFrequencyTrackingHor. PositionVer. PositionImage ModeVIDEO IMAGEBrightnessContrastColor Satur.SharpnessTintImage ModeDISPLAYAspect RatioZoomKeystoneColor TemperatureAUDIOVolumeTrebleBassMuteInt/Ext SpeakerWireless Channel setSYSTEMOSD LocationProjectionLamp HoursLamp ResetInt/Ext SpeakerAuto SourceFactory ResetLANGUAGEEnglishDeutschFrancaisEspanol繁體中文簡體中文TVAuto Search ChannelAdd/Del ChannelFine TuneVolume ModeTV SystemHigh BrightnessGammaHigh BrightnessGammaNTSC sys. settingPAL sys. settingRed ColorTemperatureGreen ColorTemperatureBlue ColorTemperatureWireless Channelsetting
26USER CONTROLS3-2-2-1    MAIN MENUDRAWING 34Press the “Enter" button to enter the submenu,press it again to return to the main menu.Main Menu includes:ImageDisplayAudioSystemLanguageTV3-2-2-2    IMAGEComputer ImageBrightness: Adjusts the brightness of theimage.Contrast: Adjusts the contrast of the imageFrequency: Adjusts the frequency to matchthe frequency of your computer's graphiccard.Tracking: Synchronizes the signal timing withyour computer's graphic card.Hor. Position: Moves the image's horizontalposition.Ver. Position: Moves the image's verticalposition.Image Mode: Choose a modeComputer: This mode is good for computersignals.Standard: This mode is good for moviepictures.User: This mode allows you to adjust HighBrightness and/or Gamma. Press the "Right"button to enter the submenu.High Brightness: Sets the white peaking levelof the DMD chip. If you prefer a strongerimage, press the "Right" button to increasethe value. If you want a more natural image,press the" Left" button to decrease the value.Gamma: Adjusts the Gamma (mid-tonebrightness) curve.DRAWING 35DRAWING 36DHT100/200DHT100/200
27USER CONTROLSBrightness: Adjusts the brightness of the image.Contrast: Adjusts the contrast of the imageColor Satur. : Adjusts color saturation of theimage.Sharpness: Adjusts the sharpness of the image.Tint: Adjusts the color balance of red and green .Image Mode: See "Image Mode" in the "ComputerImage" section.Aspect Ratio: Selects your desired aspect ratio.Zoom: Increases or reduces the size of the image.Keystone: Adjusts image distortion caused by tiltingthe projection.Color Temperature: Adjusts the color temperatureof the image. A higher color temperature lookscolder. A lower color temperature looks warmer.When the color temperature is set to User mode,press "Down" button to select Red, Green, or Blueadjustment.Red, Green, Blue: Increases or decreases the valueto find the desired color temperature.3-2-2-3    DISPLAYVideo ImageDRAWING 37DRAWING 38DHT100/200DHT100/200
28USER CONTROLS3-2-2-5    SYSTEMOSD Location:Chooses the OSD location on thedisplay screen.Projection: Selects the projector's orientation.Front: The factory default setting. For "tabletop"projection.Front Ceiling: Inverts the image. For "ceilingmounted" projection.Rear: Reverses the image. For "tabletop"rearprojectionRear Ceiling: Reverses and inverts the image. For"ceiling mounted" rear projection.Lamp Hours: Displays the cumulative lamp operation time.Lamp Reset: Resets the lamp operation time after changing lamps..Auto Source: Detects the input source automatically.Factory Reset: Resets all items in all menus to their default settings.DRAWING 41Volume: Adjusts the volume of the internal or wireless speaker.Treble: Adjusts the treble audio of the internal or wireless speakerBass: Adjusts the Bass audio of the internal or wireless speaker.Mute: Mutes the internal or wireless speaker.Int/Ext Speaker: Selects the internal or wireless speaker. If you select wireless speaker, pressthe "Down" button to get the wireless channel selection. Set the wireless speaker channel tomatch the wireless speaker channel set on the projector. Press the "Enter" button to return tothe main menu.Wireless CH.: Sets the wireless channel.3-2-2-4    AUDIODRAWING 39 DRAWING 40DHT100/200DHT100/200
293-2-2-6    LANGUAGESelects the Language you need.DRAWING 42USER CONTROLS3-2-2-7    TVAuto Search: Searches channels automatically.Add Channel: Adds the channel you need.Del Channel: Deletes the channel you don't need.Fine Tune: Mutes the internal speaker of projectoror wireless speaker.Volume Mode:Mono: Outputs the mono sound.Stereo: Outputs the stereo sound.Sub-Language: Changes the main language to thesub-language.TV System: Selects the NTSC or PAL system.NTSC: Selects Country.PAL: Selects region and volume systemDRAWING 43DRAWING 45DRAWING 44DHT100/200DHT100/200
30USER CONTROLS3-2-3 MEDIA PLAYER'S OSDPHOTO SETUPMUSIC SETUPSLIDESHOW SETUPMOVIE SETUPPREFERENCEPress the "Setup"(red) button on the Remote Control to enter the Media Player's OSD.PHOTO SETUPThumbnail digestMUSIC SETUPRepeat modeSLIDESHOW SETUPSlideshow modeFolder repeatInterval timeTransitionAuto startMOVIE SETUPInterval timeRepeat modePREFERENCEOSD LanguageDefaultsFirmwareOn, OffOne, All, OffAuto, ManualOne, All, OffOne, Three, Five, Ten secondsFull ScreenTOP -> BOTTOMBOTTOM -> TOPTB -> CENTERCENTER -> TBBLIND: T -> BLEFT -> RIGHTRIGHT -> LEFTL/R -> CENTEROn, OffFast, NormalOff, One, AllEnglishChineseChinese FFrenchGermanJapaneseSpanishResetEditionUpdateDHT100/200DHT100/200
31USER CONTROLS3-2-3-1    MAIN MENUDRAWING 461. Press "Setup" button to show the main menuon screen2. Press "Up" / "Down" button to select theitem.3. Press "Enter" button to enter the sub-menu.4. Press "Right" button to set the function.5. Press "Enter" button to confirm the setting6. Press "Left" button to return the functionitem.7. Select "EXIT SETUP" to exit the setup main.Main Menu includes:PHOTO SETUPMUSIC SETUPSLIDESHOW SETUPMOVIE SETUPPREFERENCESThe Menu can only be accessed from the Remote Control.3-2-3-2    PHOTO SETUPDigital cameras automatically store a thumbnail of each picture taken. These thumbnails loadfaster and allow you to browse photos more easily.The Media Player can detect and display these thumbnails. The PHOTO SETUP function letsyou turn the THUMBNAIL DIGEST on or off. If you select on, you can view your photos morequickly.DRAWING 47SubmenuDRAWING 48DHT100/200DHT100/200
32USER CONTROLS3-2-3-3    MUSIC SETUPSubmenuONE—Repeats the selected song.ALL—Repeats all the songs in the memory card.OFF—Does not repeat any songs.Repeat Mode3-2-3-4    SLIDESHOW SETUPDISPLAY MODE —Set to cause the slideshow tostart automatically.REPEAT MODE —Set to cause all photos in a folderto display consecutively and continuously (in a loop).INTERVAL TIME —Set the show time of each photo.(One, Three, Five, or Ten sec).TRANSITION —Set the transition mode betweenslides.FULL SCREEN —Image appears full screenTOP -> BOTTOM —Image rolls in from top to bottomBOTTOM -> TOP —Image rolls in from bottom to topTB -> CENTER —Image rolls in from top and bottomto centerCENTER -> TB —Image rolls from center to top andbottomBLIND: T -> B—Image rolls in blinds from top tobottomLEFT -> RIGHT—Image rolls in from left to rightRIGHT -> LEFT—Image rolls in from right to leftL/R -> CENTER—Image rolls in from left and right tocenterSubmenuDRAWING 49 DRAWING 50DRAWING 51DRAWING 52DHT100/200DHT100/200
33USER CONTROLS3-2-3-5    MOVIE  SETUPFAST: A short preview of movie plays in Thumbnail view.NORMAL: The whole movie plays in Thumbnail view.REPEAT MODEOFF: REPEAT MODE is turned off.ONE: Plays the selected movie continuously (loop).ALL: Plays all movies on the memory card continuously(loop).INTERVAL TIME3-2-3-6    PREFERENCEOSD LANG: Selects the OSD language.DEFAULTS: Returns to the default value.FIRMWARE: Updates the firmware. (For service person use only)SubmenuDRAWING 53DRAWING 55 DRAWING 56DRAWING 54AUTO START —When turned on, any media in the memory card plays automatically when thecard is inserted.DHT100/200DHT100/200
34USER CONTROLS3-2-4 DVD PLAYER'S OSDLANGUAGEVIDEOAUDIO 1AUDIO 2Press the "Setup"(green) button on the Remote Control to enter the DVD player's OSD.LANGUAGEOSD MenuSubtitleAudioDVD menuVIDEOTV ShapeTV SystemAUDIOAC3DTSMP3/WMAOthersMORE AUDIOPrologicSubwooferFactory SetEnglish, 簡體中文,繁體中文, Francais日本語, Deutsch, SpanishEnglish, 簡體中文,繁體中文, Francais日本語, Auto, OffEnglish, Chinese S, Chinese T, FrancaisJapanese, German, SpanishEnglish, Chinese S, Chinese T, FrancaisJapanese, German, Spanish4:3, 16:9NTSC, PAL, PAL60, AUTOAnalog Out - 2 Channels, 6 ChannelsDigital Out - PCM, RAW, OFFAnalog Out - 2 Channels, 6 ChannelsDigital Out - PCM, RAW, OFFAnalog Out - 2 Channels, 6 ChannelsDigital Out - PCM, RAW, OFFAnalog Out - 2 Channels, 6 ChannelsDigital Out - PCM, RAW, OFFAuto, On, OffOn, OffOn, OffDHT100/200DHT100/200
35USER CONTROLS3-2-4-1    MAIN MENUThe Menu can only be accessed from the RemoteControl.1. Press "Setup" button to show the main menu onscreen2. Press "Right" or "Left" button to select the itemyou want.3. Press "Enter" button to enter the sub-menu.4. Press "Up" button to return the main menu5. Press "Setup" button to exit the menu3-2-4-2    LANGUAGEDRAWING 58DRAWING 57DHT100/200DHT100/200㪪㪼㫃㪼㪺㫋㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪣㪸㫅㪾㫌㪸㪾㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㪦㪪㪛㩷㪤㪼㫅㫌㪅㩿㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㪃㩷◲㜚ਛᢥ㪃 ❥㜚ਛᢥ㪃 㪝㫉㪸㫅㪺㪸㫀㫊㪃㩷ᣣᧄ⺆㪃 㪛㪼㫌㫋㫊㪺㪿㪃㩷㪪㫇㪸㫅㫀㫊㪿㪀㪪㫌㪹㫋㫀㫋㫃㪼㪪㪼㫃㪼㪺㫋㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪣㪸㫅㪾㫌㪸㪾㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㫊㫌㪹㫋㫀㫋㫃㪼㪅㩿㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㪃㩷◲㜚ਛᢥ㪃㩷❥㜚ਛᢥ㪃㩷㪝㫉㪸㫅㪺㪸㫀㫊㪃㩷ᣣᧄ⺆㪃㩷㪘㫌㫋㫆㪃㩷㪦㪽㪽㪀㪘㫌㪻㫀㫆㪪㪼㫃㪼㪺㫋㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪣㪸㫅㪾㫌㪸㪾㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㪻㫌㪹㪅㩿㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㪃㩷◲㜚ਛᢥ㪃㩷❥㜚ਛᢥ㪃㩷㪝㫉㪸㫅㪺㪸㫀㫊㪃㩷ᣣᧄ⺆㪃㩷㪛㪼㫌㫋㫊㪺㪿㪃㩷㪪㫇㪸㫅㫀㫊㪿㪀㪛㪭㪛㩷㪤㪼㫅㫌㪪㪼㫃㪼㪺㫋㫊㩷㫋㪿㪼㩷㪣㪸㫅㪾㫌㪸㪾㪼㩷㫆㪽㩷㪛㪭㪛㩷㪤㪼㫅㫌㪅㩿㪜㫅㪾㫃㫀㫊㪿㪃㩷◲㜚ਛᢥ㪃㩷❥㜚ਛᢥ㪃㩷㪝㫉㪸㫅㪺㪸㫀㫊㪃㩷ᣣᧄ⺆㪃㩷㪛㪼㫌㫋㫊㪺㪿㪃㩷㪪㫇㪸㫅㫀㫊㪿㪀
363-2-4-3    VIDEOTV ShapeThere are two aspect ratios to choose from:4:3: The image will be displayed in 4:3 aspect.16:9: The image will be displayed in 16:9 wide screen.TV SystemSelects system you need.USER CONTROLS3-2-4-4    AUDIO 1AC3, DTS, MP3/WMA, Others:Analog Out:Selects the channels you need (2 or 6channels)Digital Out: PCM, RAW, OFFRAW: Digital outputPCM: Analog outputPlease set 2 channels and PCM when playing wirelessstereo speaker.DRAWING 59DRAWING 60DHT100/200DHT100/200
373-2-4-5    AUDIO 2USER CONTROLSPrologic:Auto: Default setting. The DVD player will automaticallychange the output from 2 channels to 6 channels.On: Sets the function always on.Off: Sets the function off.Subwoofer:On: Sets the subwoofer on.Off: Sets the subwoofer off.Factory Set:On: Restores the default setting.Off: Keeps the user's setting.DRAWING 61DHT100/200DHT100/200
38DHT100/200DHT100/2004.APPENDICES4-1 TROUBLESHOOTING1. No Images appearsCheck the power cable connection at the power inlet of the projector and at thewall outlet.Confirm that the main power switch at the rear of the projector is in the onposition.Check the Standby/on button indicator. (Section 3-1)Confirm that the lens cap has been removed.Make sure the source device is properly connected to the projector, and isoutputing a signal.Press "Source" button on either the projector or the Remote Control to ensurethat correct source is selected.2. Image is blurredEnsure the distance between the projector and the screen is within the focusrange of the lens. (Section 2-2)Adjust the focus ring.3. Image is too darkAdjust the contrast or brightness in the image menu of projector properly.Adjust the brightness in the setup menu of DVD player.Has the lamp reached the end of its life? If so replace the lamp.4. Computer Image is unstable or the projector isn't projecting the whole image.Press "SYNC" button either on the projector or the Remote Control tosynchronize the computer output signal.Use "Image" menu to adjust the tracking or frequency.Verify that the computer's output resolution to the projector is less than orequal to 1024 x 768.5. Image is stretched when displaying 16:9 DVD.Adjust the "Aspect Ratio" in the OSD of projector.Adjust the "TV Shape" in the OSD of DVD player.
39DHT100/200DHT100/2006. No soundMake sure the Mute option in Audio menu is off.Make sure the Audio menu in DVD player's OSD is set properly.Make sure the Internal/External speaker option in audio menu is set as required.Make sure the channel of wireless transmitter selected in projector is the sameas the channel of wireless receiver selected in the wireless speaker.7. Wireless speaker noisyChange the channels on the projector and wireless speaker simultaneously.There are 8 channels selectable.(refer to the Section 3-2-2-4)8. Remote control does not workInstall new batteries.Make sure there are no obstacles between you and the projector's receivers.Make sure you are attempting to operate it within its usable range.9. Can't read the memory cardMake sure the Media Player's LED indicator (beside the card slot) is lighting..Check the compatibility of memory card (refer to section 2-3-2)Re-insert the memory card.10. Can't play DVDMake sure the DVD player's LED indicator (on the control panel of the projector)is lightingConfirm that the disc is an original edition.Eject the disc and play again.11. The disc can't play or is automatically ejected after loadingMake sure the disc is free from dirt and dust and is not damaged.Make sure the disc is loaded with the label side face-up and aligned properly inthe disc tray guide.Make sure the disc format is compatible with the DVD player of the projector.Please refer to the specification.12. The color of Image is not correctPlease reset all settings.APPENDICES
40DHT100/200DHT100/200APPENDICES4-2-1 REPLACING THE LAMP4-2 MAINTENANCEWhen the lamp's total working time accumulates to over 1850 hours, the on-screendisplay (OSD) will deliver a message recommending that you replace the lamp. Pleasecontact a service center to replace the lamp as soon as possible, or refer to thefollowing instructions to replace it yourself.TO REPLACE THE LAMP1. Turn off the projector by pressing the "Power" button2. Allow the projector to cool down for at least one hour.3. Switch off the power and disconnect the power cord.4. Loosen the screw on the lamp cover and remove the lamp cover. (Drawing 62)5. Loosen two screws on the lamp module (Drawing 63) remove the lamp module bypulling on the handle (Drawing 64)6. Insert a new lamp module (Drawing 65) into the socket: make sure it is in position.7. Reverse steps 4 and 58. Ensure that the lamp cover is securely attached and flush with the bottom of the unit.The unit will not operate with the cover incorrectly installed.9.  Reset the lamp timerDRAWING 63DRAWING 62DRAWING65DRAWING 64
41DHT100/200DHT100/200CAUTION* Do not touch the lamp immediately after it has been used: it will be extremely hot.Allow the fan to finish its cooling process, then turn the projector off, and disconnectthe power cord. Then allow at least one hour for the lamp to cool down before handling.* Do not remove any screws other than the lamp cover screw and the lamp housingscrews. Removing other screws could result in electric shock.* Although the mercury content of the lamp is minuscule, spent lamps should betreated as hazardous waste. Consult federal, state/provincial or local regulations forproper disposal.APPENDICESTo reset the lamp timer1. Press the Menu button on control panelor remote controller.2. Go into the system menu and move thecursor to the lamp reset item.3. Select "Yes" to execute the lamp resetand the lamp hours will reset to 0 hour.ImportantContinuing to use the lamp after the replace the lamp message has been displayed onthe screen may result in the lamp exploding.  If this occurs, pieces of glass may scatterinside the projector, and out into the room. If this occurs, do not touch them, as thepieces of glass may cause injury.  The bulb contains a small amount of mercury:ventilate the area well. Contact your dealer for servicing: do not attempt to service theprojector yourself.DRAWING 66
42DHT100/200DHT100/200APPENDICES4-2-2 CLEANING THE PROJECTORCleaning the cabinetWipe lightly with a soft, dry cloth. If the cabinet is very dirty, clean it with a soft,dampened cloth using mild commercial cleaner and finish with a dry cloth. Do not useliquid or aerosol cleaners.Cleaning the lensClean the lens carefully by using a blower or lens paper to prevent creating anyscratches on lens.
43DHT100/200DHT100/2004-3 SPECIFICATIONAPPENDICESNTSC/PAL/SECAM/NTSC4.43SXGA (Compression) /XGA/SVGA/VGA/MacAdjustable from 35” to 300”1.5m – 10m1800 ANSI lumens2000 : 1Single 0.7” DDR XGA DMD4 segmentations786,432 (1024 x 768)480 TV Lines (S-Video)F2.8~ 3.1, f = 25.8 ~ 30 mm, Zoom ratio: 1.2:110 : 0250 W, Lamp life: 2000 hours (Normal mode) / 3500 hours (Eco mode)Max. X32 for XGA mode+/- 12 degrees (Vertical)Left/Right and Top/BottomUp to 15 degrees / 45 degrees up and downAutomatic frequency controlH sync. 15kHz~82kHz, V sync. 50Hz~85Hz5°C to +35°C32dBADsub 15 x1Component (HDTV, EDTV) input: RCA Jack x3, RCA x1 (Composite),Mini DIN 4-pin x1,  RCA x2 (R, L-mono)3.5mm mini Jack x 1: Audio Out3.5mm mini Jack x 3: Audio 5.1 channel output2W x 1Stereo 25W x 2Dimension (WxDxH): 170x180x270 mm(6.7" x 7.1" x 10.6")Weight: 8.35 Kg100 - 240V, 50 - 60Hz330W374 x 290 x 92mm (14.7" x 11.4" x 3.6")4.5 kg (10 lb)1. EMC - FCC Class B, CE Class B, CCC2. Safety - cUL, TUV, CBPower cordVGA CableAudio CableMac AdapterRemote ControlSoft Carry Bag for projector25W x 2 Wireless speakersTV tunerDeluxe speakerSatellite speakerSoft Carry Case for Wireless SpeakersColor systemComputer compatibilityScreen size (diagonal)Throw distanceBrightnessContrast ratioDMD panelColor wheelNumber of pixelsHorizontal resolutionProjection lensLens shift (U/D ratio)Projection lampDigital ZoomDigital KeystonePicture Reverse ScanFront Elevation /Maximum tilt angleScanning frequencyOperating temperatureFan noiseComputer InputComputer Output                        Dsub 15 x1VideoAudio OutBuilt-in SpeakerWireless SpeakerPower SupplyPower consumptionDimensions (WxDxH)Net weightRegulationsStandard AccessoriesOptional Accessories

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