MUL T LOCK TECHNOLOGIES ENTRWRF00 ENTR Fingerprint Reader User Manual ENTRR Fingerprint Reader FCC IC
MUL-T-LOCK TECHNOLOGIES LTD ENTR Fingerprint Reader ENTRR Fingerprint Reader FCC IC
- 1. Users Manual-Part 1 (1-20).pdf
- 2. Users Manual-Part 2 (21-35).pdf
- 3. Users Manual-Part 3_rev.pdf
Users Manual-Part 2 (21-35).pdf
Y I ENTR‘ I .MUL-T-Locx' mm; mm 5. Touchpad Reader Operation 5.1 Operation To turn the Touchpad Reader 0N press [it] for 5 seconds. The reader will perform a self test followed by series of beeps. LED blinks Green, Red, Blue. 5.2 Pairing Touchpad Reader This procedure is done via the ENTR® lock. See also: Pairing Remote Control. 1 III‘ 2 ill. 3 Touch ENTR' lock screen with palm Press [Add] Numeric buttons illuminated. or fingers for 3 seconds to active, Type [PIN code] ill‘ [it] Numeric buttons blinking. Mute Cig Del Mute qu Flute f :i 1 ,1 [‘el 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 # tiude d 4’ 51? yr 4 In» 5 Press [1] to add Touchpad. Touch the Touchpad Reader screen illuminated buttons turn off. with palm or fingers. [OK] indication blinks for 15 seconds Press [711iiiQm waiting for the Touchpad. Blue LED blinking rapidly. Mute Cfg Lei 22 ENTR® Dead Bolt User Manual I, MUL-T-LDCK‘ I ENTR' I mm; mm Pairing OK Pairing failed [0K] indication blinks once, 2 short beeps emitted. Touchpad Reader added. I‘Iv-i—: Cfg [,4 OK] indication blinks for 15 seconds, No beeps emitted. In wall reader: Green LED Illuminated and 2 beeps emitted. Start the process from Stage 1. I Hang the Touchpad Reader on the base plate. I Tighten fixing screw. Fixing screw ENTR® Dead Bolt User Manual 23 Y I ENTR’ I aMuL-T-LDCK‘ mm; mm 5.3 Touchpad Reader Master PIN Code 1 III’ 2 III. 3 Touch screen with palm or fingers. Enter [New master PIN code] Reenter: Press [11] in. [ll] (440 digits) lIIQ [a] [New master PIN code] lIIQ [ll] For Example:1231234# Master PIN code added Master PIN code not added Green [OK] illuminated for 1 second. Red [Error] illumlnated for 1 second. 2 short beeps emltted. 1 long beep emltted. 5.4 Menu Mode Entering menu mode: Press [*] n. [Master PIN code] n. [#1 5.5 Adding PIN Code (up to 20 different codes) 1 III‘ 2 III» 3 Touch Reader screen with palm Enter [Personal PIN code] Retype; or fingers [440 dlglts) u» [at] [Personal PIN code] an [ll] Press [*1 III. [Master PIN code] For example: 123123491 up [a] Press [11] III’ [II] PIN code added PIN code not added Green [0K] illuminated for 1 second, Red [Error] illumlneted for 1 second, 2 short beeps emitted 1 long beep emitted. 24 ENTR® Dead Bolt User Manual Y I ENTR‘ I .MUL-T-ann' mm; mm 5.6 Open Door 1 l» 2 Touch Reader screen wuh palm or fingers. Press [Personal pm code] in’ [3] Red [Error] illuminated for 1 second, 1 long beep emitted. 5.7 Lock Door 1 III‘ 2 Not locking Touch Reader screen with palm or fingers. press [1] r..‘ [a] Red [Error] illuminated for 1 second, 1 long beep emitted 5.8 Delete PIN Code 1 HQ 2 Touch Reader screen with palm or fingers. For delen'on enter: Press [*1 III’ [Master PIN code] III’ [:1] [Personal PIN code] rrlQ [tr] Press [as] in. [u] Personal code deleted Personal code not deleted Green [OK] illuminated for 1 second, Red [Error] illumlnated for 1 second, 2 short beeps emitted. 1 long beep emitted. 5.9 Delete all PIN Codes 1 ”IQ 2 Touch Reader screen WIth palm or fingers. Enter [Masfier PIN code] ill‘ [:1] Press [*1 n» [Master PIN code] n» [It] Reamer; [Master pm code] rer [3:] Press [22] lll‘ [“1 Personal PIN codes deleted Personal PIN codes not deleted Green [0K] illuminated for 1 second, Red [Error] illuminated for 1 second, 2 short beeps emitted, 1 long beep emitted. Note: Master PIN code can not be deleted. ENTR® Dead Bolt User Manual 25 In MUL-T-LDCK' 5.10 Volume Control 1 ”IQ 2 I ENTR‘ I «mm mm Touch Reader screen With palm or fingers. Press [2] to increase the volume, or [B] to press [*1er [Master pm Code] in [a] decrease the volume press [55] in. [k] press [a] to confirm volume level. 5.11 Factory Reset The reset action will delete a_H PIN codes (master and personal) and will cut off the Touchpad Reader from the ENTR® lock. 1 ”IQ 2 Touch Reader screen with palm or fingers. Enrer [Master PIN code] in. [a] press [*1 n. [Master PIN code] nr. [3:] press [as] in. [k] Personal and master PIN codes deleted Personal and master PIN codes not deleted Green [0K] illuminated for 1 second. 2 short beeps emitted. Device performing self test & Is factory reset. Red [Error] illuminated for 1 second. 1 long been emitted. 26 ENTR® Dead Bolt User Manual Y I ENTR‘ I .MUL-T-ann' m. 6. Fingerprint Reader 6.1 Mounting the Fingerprint Reader Prior to starting, select the location where the Fingerprint Reader is to be mounted. Avoid direct sun light to the front panel. - Attach the Fingerprint Reader base plate to the wall. 0 Use 4 screws and screw anchors or double sided glued tape. 6.2 Battery Replacement 1. Using a 2mm Allen key release the lid screw and open the lid. 2. Insert batteries (2xAA) according to the m "+" "-" signs. Green LED will illuminate U for 2 seconds. : 3. Close the lid and tighten the screw. 4. Press [#] for 5 seconds. a The reader will self calibrate, which will be followed Li " by a series of beeps and blinking LEDs. 6.3 Adjust Date & Time DEVICE --I--I-- - - 24/09/16 DATE/TIME i|lil DD/MMIYY : 11:00 Enter Date Enter Time Press [OK] Press [OK] Press [OK] ENTR® Dead Bolt User Manual 27 Y I ENTR‘ I EMUL-T-LDCK' «mm mm 6.4 Pairing Fingerprint Reader This procedure is done via the ENTR® lock. See also: Pairing Touchpad Reader. 1 In» 2 lll‘ 3 Touch ENTR‘ lock screen with palm Press [Add] Numeric buttons illuminated. or fingers for 3 seconds to active Type [PIN code] lll‘ [it] Numeric buttons blinking, Mule Gig Del Mule Gig 4 HQ 5 Press [11m add the reader Touch Flngerprlm Reader screen. llluminaled buttons turn Off, 2 Short beeps emitted. [OK] indication blinks for 15 seconds Press [OK] for YES or [*] to cancel. waiting for the reader Ii-Ih Cfg i—‘l PAIR LOCK? | 5. ' 4| = : *-NO OK-YES i. I II.» . ll ll [l | [I a v a e r Pairing 0K Pairing failed 0K] Indication bllnks once 1 “”3 PEEP emitted. 2 short beeps emitted. Red LED illuminated for 2 seconds. Fingerprint Reader added. LOCK FAILED PAIR PAIR Note: At the end of the initial pairing process, a short notice will be displayed. 28 ENTR® Dead Bolt User Manual ? I ENTR‘ I .MUL-T-ann' my... .me 6.4.1 Add Master User Setting a Master User requires both fingerprint and PIN code. It is possible to have up to two Master Users. MASTERNAME Q) JOHN Type in [Master name] Ill. [OK] 6.4.2 Set Finger Blue LED Illumlnates. Green LED blinking. SUCCESS 1ST FINGER ADD USER SET FINGER 1ST FINGER Press [OK] Place finger on scanner, wait for beep, then swipe finger down several times over fingerprint scanner until two Confirmation beeps emitted. Green LED bllflklflg. SWIPE 2nd FINGER SUCCESS 2nd FINGER Place finger on scanner, wait for beep, then swme finger down several times over fingerprint scanner until two confirmation beeps emitted. 6.4.3 Set PIN Code Type in [PIN Code], (4 to 10 digits) Retype [PIN Code] ADD USER ENTER CODE RETYPE CODE SET CODE my,“ my,“ 4-10 digits 4-10 digits Press [OK] Press [on] Press [ox] Matched Codes Mismatched Codes SUCCESS FAILED @ A SET CODE INVALID ENTR® Dead Bolt User Manual 29 Y I ENTR‘ I .MUL-T-ann' mm; “er: - Hang the reader on the base plate. - Tighten fixing screw. Fixingscrew . I 6.5 Unlock the Door OPTION 1: OPTION 2: Place finger on fingerprint scanner. Touch the Fingerprint Touchpad. Short beep emitted & white LED is on. Screen shows user code. Swipe finger overfingerprint scanner Enter your code uIQ [0K] Fingerprint authorized: Blue LED blinking and unlock command is sent. Fingerprint not authorixed: Red LED is ON. The device goes to standby. USER CODE 23:49 03/01 FAILED Note: In case ENTR® lock hasn’t succeed to unlock the door, unlock failed message appear on the screen. UNLOCK 3° ENTR® Dead Bolt User Manual Y I ENTR’ I ,MUL-T-Locw mm mm 6.6 Lock the Door Touch the Fingerprint Touchpad. Press [1] m [tr] 6.7 Low Battery Indication Warning signal blinking. Fingerprint Reader low battery indication Red LED illuminate for 15 after wake-up, 2 long beeps emitted. l] G] BATTERY LOW 15 2.3: 35;; ,‘ m 5.“ on? j‘ 5 7m 8;“; , 6.8 Setting Menu USER CODE MASTER CODE [SETTING Touch screen ”I‘ mm 1- USERS 23:49 03/01 23:49 03/01 Press [*1 Enter [Master PIN code] lll‘ [OK] or Swlpe finger over fingerprint scanner ENTR® Dead Bolt User Manual 31 Y I ENTR‘ I .MUL-T-ann' «mm IErKEE 6.9 Add User The unit allows adding up to 20 users. For each user two different fingerprints and one PIN code. Use different user name for each user. ’SETTING S USERS 2nd MASTER? USERNAME USER #08 & USERS ADD USER A JENNIFER @ *-NO OK-YES JENNIFER Vress [0K] Press [OK] Choose [OK] to add 2nd User name added. Type [USER NAME] Master User or[*]to ir|.[OK] adda user. Note: This screen Will not appear if two Master Users are defined. 5 6 lst finger added 7 USERNAME ADD USER SWIPE SUCCESS SWIPE SET FINGER E Q) fl 1ST FINGER 1ST FINGER 2"d FINGER Same user name. Press [OK] to set a finger Swrpe lst finger several SWipe 2nd finger several Choose different user or use [3'] or [2A] in times over fingerprint times over fingerprint name. order to set a code only. scanner until two scanner until two confirmation beeps emitted. confirmation beeps emitted. 2nd finger added 8 9 10 SUCCESS ADD USER ENTER CODE RETYPE CODE Q) s—ET CODE 2"“ FINGER "-NO OK-YES 4-10 digits 4-10 digits Press [OK] for v5 or [is] Type [cone] in» [OK] Retype [cone] in. [OK] for NO. Mismatched Matched codes codes SUCCESS Q) FAILED INVALID SET CODE Process did not complete. Ail data typed in will be erased from memory. 32 ENTR® Dead Bolt User Manual Y I ENTR’ I .IIIIUL-T-Loclr mm; .mse 6.10 Delete User USER CODE MASTER CODE [SETTING Touch screen III‘ mm 23:49 03/01 23:49 03/01 Press [*1 Enter [Master PIN Code] rm [OK] or swipe finger over fingerprint scanner 1 2 [SETTING .1 USERS DELETE USER DELETED .1 USERS DELETE USER JENNIFER A A ‘-NO OK-YES *-NO OK-YES JENNIFER Press [OK] Use [8V ] or [2‘] to Press [OK] Confirm deletion. Two beeps emitted, select user for/deletion: Green LED Illuminates. [DELETE USER] ”IQ [OK] Note: The first Master User can't be deleted without doing a factory reset. 6.11 Enable/Disable User USER CODE MASTER CODE [SETTING Touch screen III» mm 23:49 03/01 23:49 03/01 Press [*1 Enter [Master PIN Code] III. [OK] or swipe finger over fingerprini scanner. 1 2 3 [SETTING .1 USERS ENABLE USER .1 USERS ENABLE USER JENNIFER Disabled ENABLED Press [OK] Use [Svloru‘ho Use [8'] or [2‘]to Two beeps emitted. select user: toggle between Users. Green LED Illuminales. [ENABLE USER] In. [UK] Press [OK] Note: Repeat this procedure to disable a user. ENTR® Dead Bolt User Manual 33 Y I ENTR‘ I .MUL-T-ann' mm; mm 6.12 Delete All Users USER CODE MASTER CODE [SETTING Touch screen III» ****** Ill» .1 USERS 23:49 03/01 23:49 03/01 Press [*1 Enter [Master PIN Code] r... [UK] or swipe finger over fingerprint scanner. [SETTING .1 USERS DELETE ALL? SUCCESS .1 USERS DELETE ALL A A @ *-NO OK-YES *-NO OK-YES DELETED ALL Press [OK] Use [8'] or [2‘] to Press [OK] Press [OK] Two beeps emitted. select: Green LED illuminates. [DELETE ALL] ill. [OK] 6.13 Add Time Schedule 1 2 3 4 5 [SETTING .1 USERS ADD SCHED CHOOSE DAY SUNDAY J. USERS ADD SCHED SARAH [‘ FROM Sun-Sat(1-7) 12:00 Press [OK] Use [3V] or [2A] to Use [3'] or [2A] to Press 1-7 m choose a day. Entersmmfimem. [on select: select a user m. [0K] Example: 1 for Sunday. [ADD SCHED] ”IQ [OK] 6 7 SUNDAY 12:00-13:00 *-No OK-YeS Schedule Q) Enter END time Iil’ [OK] Press [OK] for YES or [*1 for NO Notes: 1. Define up to 7 different time schedules for the same user. 2. Press [*] to go back on every menu. 3. Press [*] for 3 seconds to exit setting menu. 34 ENTR® Dead Bolt User Manual Y I ENTR’ I .MUL-T-Locw mm; mm 6.14 Edit Time Schedule 1 2 3 4 5 [SETTING S USERS EDIT SCHED SUNDAY FRIDAY & USERS EDIT SCHED SARAH 12:00-13:00 12. 0-13100 *-Back OK-Yes V DAY A Press [OK] Use [3V1er[2A1te Use [3V1or12A1ro Use [3V1or12A1ro Use [8V1ar[2A1te select: toggle between users choose the desired change schedule day [EDIT SCHED] Ill‘ [OK] ru¢10i<1 schedule to be edited. n. [0K] Presslng on [44] for 3 seconds shall delete the specific schedule. 6 7 8 9 FRIDAY FRIDAY FRIDAY FRIDAY FRIDAY 11:00-13:00 12:15-13:00 12:15-17:00 12:15-17:45 12:15-17:45 --:mm'HH:MM HH:--'HH:mm HH:mm'--:mm HH:mm'HH:—- *-NO OK-Yes UseiaV]or[zA1te Use [sVlorizAne Use [s']or[zA]to Usels'lmlelto Press [OK]forVESor[*] change the START hour change START minutes change END hour setting. change END mlnutes for N0. settrng. Use [6 >1 to move settlng. Use [6 >1 to move Use [6 >1 to move to the setting. to START minutes, to the END hour, END minutes, 6.15 Volume Control USER CODE MASTER CODE [SETTING Touch screen |ll¢ mm .1 USERS 23:49 03/01 23:49 03/01 Press [*1 Enter [Master pm Code] rm [ox] or SWIpe finger over fingerprint scanner. 1 2 3 [SETTING g DEVICE VOLUME VOLUME SUCCESS § DEVICE VOLUME @ SET VOLUME Use [3'] m [2A1te Use [8V] or [2‘] to Use [3V] or [2A1to Press [OK] Two beeps emltted. select: select: toggle between HIGH, Green LED illuminates. [DEVICE] Ill’ [OK] [VOLUME] lll‘ [0K] MEDIUM or LOW. ENTR® Dead Bolt User Manual 35 Y I ENTR‘ I .MUL-T-ann' mm; Inns: 6.16 Double Security After activating the double security option use both methods - swiping a fingerprint and inserting a PIN code to unlock the door. Note: User set up with only one of the settings (fingerprint or PIN code) will not be able to unlock the door. USER CODE MASTER CODE [SETTING Touch screen III» mm 23:49 03/01 23:49 03/01 Press [*1 Enter [Master PIN Code] iii. [OK] or swipe finger over fingerprint scanner. 1 2 3 4 ,SETTING n DEVICE ENABLE? 2X Security g DEVICE 2x Security @ ‘-N0 OK-YES 0N Use [3'] or [2‘] to Use [8'] or [2‘] to Press [OK] Two beeps emitted. select: select: Green LED illuminates. [DEVICE] iiiQ [OK] [211 Security] iiiQ [UK] 6.17 Factory Reset Warning: A factory reset action will delete all information stored in the memory, including users and paired locks. USER CODE MASTER CODE [SETTING Touch screen Ill» ****** In» .1 USERS 23:49 03/01 23:49 03/01 Press [*1 Enter [Master PIN Code] iii. [OK] or swipe finger over fingerprint scanner. [SETTING § DEVICE RESET? SUCCESS — —_ x; g DEVICE FACTORY c A @ *-N0 OK-YES *-NO OK-YES FACTORY 0 Use [3'] or an to Use [3V] or [2A] in Press [ox] Press [OK] Two beeps emitted. select: select: Green LED illuminates, [DEVICE] Ill. [OK] [FACTORY] ill. [OK] 35 ENTR® Dead Bolt User Manual
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