Modular Mining Systems 301582 Spread Spectrum Transceiver User Manual Radio SW Operation Instructions
Modular Mining Systems Inc Spread Spectrum Transceiver Radio SW Operation Instructions
- 1. Operation Instructions
- 2. Users Manual
- 3. CORRECTED Revised Manual infor for Antenna Info
- 4. MPE Statement for manual
Operation Instructions

Radio SW Operation Instructions
1. Power switch on Using switch on the side of the computer (upper right)
Computer boots up into Windows
2. CNTL-ALT-DEL to begin windows Login
3. Username: Modular Login to Windows
Password: modular (lower case)
4. Linux Double click on Linux icon on the desktop
This brings up the Linux Operating system under VMware
5. "Power On button" – one click In VMware click once on "Power On" button in the upper left.
vmware will boot up (this will take a while)
6. CNTRL-ALT-ESC and then This changes cursor from Windows back into Linux
press left mouse button window. Cursor should now be a square (not an arrow)
7. colunga-1 login: mms type "mms" for login to vmware
password: modular type "modular" for password to wmware
should get the: colungavm-1:mms$ Prompt
8. pswd –r BOOTDIR=/taz/boot Must change the boot directory
9. (Power up radio and Hub) UUT must be powered up before the next command.
10. pswtip Load the Hub interface driver
should get the: arm Boot (roadrunner), V2.6.003-r > prompt
11. net/scripts/test-radioa-new Intializes the test program (for radio A) or for radio port B use
net/scripts/test-radiob-new (repeater is always radio A).
wait for 20 seconds while script runs. when finished execute the
"pa dump" or the "pb dump" command to verify registers and verify
communcations with radio are okay.
Note: "pa" is if using radio A port. If using radio B port use "pb".
Note: The following prompt will be present before each command: arm Boot (roadrunner), V2.6.003-r >
pa Lists the program settings. Intially all defaults will appear
pa dump Dump registers out of the BBP
Verify 1st 3 are: D2 00 07
pa setdac:xx where xx is 0 to 255. This is the DAC setting that controls
the output power level.
pa cnt:xx where xx is 1 to ??. This is the number of packets to TX
The default is 1000 packets. (3 seconds of transmitting)
Note: 5000 packets of length 250 (default length) results in
about 15 seconds of transmitting.

pa size:xx where xx is the number of bytes per packet (default is 250)
Valid range is from 1 to 1000
pa chan:xx where xx is from 1 to 10. This is the 802.11b DSSS
channel of operation. Defualt value is channel = 5
pa set Must invoke this in order to make the channel change valid
pa dly:xx Delay in mSec between packets sent out
pa randdata:1 Enable random data function for TX
pa randdata:0 Disable random data function for TX (then 0x55 is always sent)
1. Exit type "exit" to get to colungavm-1: mms$ prompt
2. su type "su" to login as super user
password: roadph@se2 enter password of roadph@se2
Should get the [root@colungavm-1 mms] # Prompt
3. /sbin/shutdown –h now shutdown linux & vmware
4. "X" to close vmware window click on "X" in upmost right of window to close vmware
5. Start – Shutdown Exit Windows (if desired)
6. Power Down Switch on right side of computer (upper right)