Modular Mining Systems 302230 Spread Spectrum Transmitter User Manual Manual Page 31

Modular Mining Systems Inc Spread Spectrum Transmitter Manual Page 31

Manual Page 31

Chapter 2 — Hardware Installation    2-23Revision A: October 2002Once the attenuator is installed, you must connect cable 302202(drawing 403516) to the attenuator and to the top of the PC to connectthe antenna to the built-in 2.4 GHz Cisco radio. Cable 302202 isterminated at one end, as shown below. Minimize cable 302202 formaximum power (six foot minimum for FCC compliance).Figure 2.23 Terminated End of Cable 3022022Terminate the other end of cable 302202, as shown in drawing403516.3Attach the terminated end to the attenuator and attach the otherend to the top of the PC. Make sure the bend radius is 3 - 4 inches.Figure 2.24 Cable 302202 Attached to Attenuator

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