Motorola Solutions 89FT7623 5400xxyyzzab User Manual Operations guide pt 3c

Motorola Solutions, Inc. 5400xxyyzzab Operations guide pt 3c

Operations guide pt 3c

Release 8    Installation and Configuration Guide   Issue 2, December 2006  Draft 2 for Regulatory Review  353     Improper dish, tube, and module positions for this case are illustrated in Figure 139.     --------------------------------------------EARTH-------------------------------------------- Figure 139: Incorrect mount with reflector dish 19.9.2 Modules Mounted at Different Elevations For cases where the other module in the link is mounted at a different elevation, the assembly hardware allows tilt adjustment. The proper angle of tilt can be calculated as a factor of both the difference in elevation and the distance that the link spans. Even in this case, a plumb line and a protractor can be helpful to ensure the proper tilt. This tilt is typically minimal. The number of degrees to offset (from vertical) the mounting hardware leg of the support tube is equal to the angle of elevation from the lower module to the higher module (b in the example provided in Figure 40 on Page 145). 19.9.3 Mounting Assembly Both the hardware that Mounting Assembly 27RD provides for adjustment and the relationship between the offset angle of the module and the direction of the beam are illustrated in Figure 140.
Installation and Configuration Guide    Release 8   354  Draft 2 for Regulatory Review  Issue 2, December 2006   Figure 140: Mounting assembly, exploded view 19.10 INSTALLING A BH TIMING MASTER To install the Canopy BHM, perform the following steps: Procedure 30: Installing the BHM 1.  Access the General tab of the Configuration page in the BHM. 2.  If this is a 20-Mbps BH, set the 2X Rate parameter to Disabled (temporarily for easier course aiming). 3.  Click the Save Changes button. 4.  Click the Reboot button. 5.  After the reboot is completed, remove power from the BHM. 6.  Choose the best mounting location for your particular application. 7.  Attach the BHM to the arm of the Canopy Passive Reflector dish assembly as shown in Figure 141.    RECOMMENDATION: The arm is molded to receive and properly aim the module relative to the aim of the dish. ( See Figure 138 on Page 352.) Stainless steel hose clamps should be used for the attachment.
Release 8    Installation and Configuration Guide   Issue 2, December 2006  Draft 2 for Regulatory Review  355      Stainless steel hose clamps Reflector dish arm  Figure 141: BH attachment to reflector arm  8.  Align the BHM as follows: a.  Move the module to where the link will be unobstructed by the radio horizon and no objects penetrate the Fresnel zone. (The Canopy System Calculator page AntennaElevationCalcPage.xls automatically calculates the minimum antenna elevation that is required to extend the radio horizon to the other end of the link. The Canopy System Calculator page FresnelZoneCalcPage.xls automatically calculates the Fresnel zone clearance that is required between the visual line of sight and the top of a high-elevation object.) b.  Use a local map, compass, and/or GPS device as needed to determine the direction to the BHS. c.  Apply the appropriate degree of downward or upward tilt. (The Canopy System Calculator page DowntiltCalcPage.xls automatically calculates the angle of antenna downward tilt that is required.) d.  Ensure that the BHS is within the beam coverage area. (The Canopy System Calculator page BeamwidthRadiiCalcPage.xls automatically calculates the radii of the beam coverage area.) 9.  Using stainless steel hose clamps or equivalent fasteners, lock the BHM into position. 10.  Remove the base cover of the BHM. (See Figure 52 on Page 178.) 11.  If this BHM will not be connected to a CMMmicro, optionally connect a utility  cable to a GPS timing source and then to the RJ-11 port of the BHM. 12.  Either connect the BHM to the CMM or connect the DC power converter to the BHM and then to an AC power source. RESULT: When power is applied to a Canopy module or the unit is reset on the web-based interface, the module requires approximately 25 seconds to boot. During this interval, self-tests and other diagnostics are being performed. 13.  Access the General tab of the Configuration page of this BHM. 14.  If the CMM is a CMMmicro, set the Sync Input parameter to the Sync  to Received Signal (Power Port) selection. If the CMM is a CMM2, set the Sync Input parameter to the Sync  to Received Signal (Timing Port) selection. =========================== end of procedure ===========================
Installation and Configuration Guide    Release 8   356  Draft 2 for Regulatory Review  Issue 2, December 2006 19.11 INSTALLING A BH TIMING SLAVE Installing a Canopy BHS consists of two procedures: ◦  Physically installing the BHS and performing a course alignment using the alignment tone (Procedure 31). ◦  Verifying the BH link and finalizing alignment using review of power level and jitter, link tests, and review of registration and session counts (Procedure 32 on Page 357). Procedure 31: Installing the BHS 1.  Choose the best mounting location for the BHS. 2.  Remove the base cover of the BHS. (See Figure 52 on Page 178.) 3.  Terminate the UV outside grade Category 5 Ethernet cable with an RJ-45 connector, and connect the cable to the BHS. (See Procedure 8 on Page 192.) 4.  Attach the BHS to the arm of the Canopy Passive Reflector dish assembly as shown in Figure 133 on Page 346.   RECOMMENDATION: The arm is molded to receive and properly aim the BH relative to the aim of the dish. Use stainless steel hose clamps for the attachment.  5.  Use stainless steel hose clamps or equivalent fasteners to lock the BHS into position.  6.  Remove the cover of the 300SS Surge Suppressor. 7.  With the cable openings facing downward, mount the 300SS as close to the grounding system  (Protective Earth) as possible. 8.  Using diagonal cutters or long nose pliers, remove the knockouts that cover the cable openings to the 300SS. 9.  Connect an Ethernet cable from the power adapter to either RJ-45 port of the 300SS. 10.  Connect another Ethernet cable from the other RJ-45 port of the 300SS to the Ethernet port of the BHS. 11.  Refer to Grounding SMs on Page 172. 12.  Wrap an AWG 10 (or 6mm2) copper wire around the Ground post of the 300SS. 13.  Tighten the Ground post locking nut in the 300SS onto the copper wire. 14.  Securely connect the copper wire to the grounding system (Protective Earth) according to applicable regulations. 15.  Connect a ground wire to the 300SS. 16.  Replace the cover of the 300SS surge suppressor. 17.  For coarse alignment of the BHS, use the Audible Alignment Tone feature as follows: a.  If the Configuration web page of the BHS contains a 2X Rate parameter, set it to Disable.
Release 8    Installation and Configuration Guide   Issue 2, December 2006  Draft 2 for Regulatory Review  357     b.  At the BHS, connect the RJ-11 6-pin connector of the Alignment Tool Headset (shown in Figure 136 on Page 349) to the RJ-11 utility port of the SM. Alternatively, instead of using the Alignment Tool Headset, use an earpiece or small battery-powered speaker connected to Pin 5 (alignment tone output) and Pin 6 (ground) of an RJ-11 connector. c.  Listen to the alignment tone for ◦  pitch, which indicates greater signal power (RSSI/dBm) by higher pitch. ◦  volume, which indicates better signal quality (lower jitter) by higher volume. d.  Adjust the module slightly until you hear the highest pitch and highest volume. e.  If the Configuration web page of the BHS contains a 2X Rate parameter, set it back to Enable. 18.  When you have achieved the best signal (highest pitch, loudest volume), lock the BHS in place with the mounting hardware. =========================== end of procedure =========================== 19.12 UPGRADING A BH LINK TO BH20 To replace a pair of 10-Mbps BHs with 20-Mbps BHs, you can minimize downtime by temporarily using the 10-Mbps capability in the faster modules. However, both interference and differences in receiver sensitivity can make alignment and link maintenance more difficult than in the previous 10-Mbps link. The effects of these factors are greater at greater link distances, particularly at 5 miles or more. In shorter spans, these factors may not be prohibitive. For these cases, set the first replacement module to 1X Rate and establish the link to the 10-Mbps BH on the far end. Similarly, set the second replacement module to 1X Rate and re-establish the link. With both of the faster modules in place and with an operational link having been achieved, reset their modulation to 2X Rate (20 Mbps).  19.13 VERIFYING A BH LINK To verify the backhaul link after the BHS has been installed, perform the following steps. Procedure 32: Verifying performance for a BH link 1.  Using a computer (laptop, desktop, PDA) connected to the BHS, open a browser and access the BHS using the default IP address of (or the IP address configured in the BHS, if one has been configured.) 2.  On the General Status tab of the Home page in the BHS (shown in Figure 71 on Page 210), look for Power Level and Jitter.  IMPORTANT: The received Power Level is shown in dBm and should be maximized. Jitter should be minimized. However, better/lower jitter should be favored over better/higher dBm. For example, if coarse alignment gives a BHS a power level of −75 dBm and a jitter measurement of 5, and further refining the alignment drops the power level to −78 dBm and the jitter to 2 or 3, the latter would be better, with the following caveats: ◦  When the receiving link is operating at 1X, the Jitter scale is 0 to 15 with desired jitter between 0 and 4.
Installation and Configuration Guide    Release 8   358  Draft 2 for Regulatory Review  Issue 2, December 2006 ◦  When the receiving link is operating at 2X, the Jitter scale is 0 to 15 with desired jitter between 0 and 9.   NOTE: For historical reasons, RSSI is also shown and is the unitless measure of power. The best practice is to use Power Level and ignore RSSI, which implies more accuracy and precision than is inherent in its measurement.  3.  Fine-adjust the BHS mounting, if needed, to improve Jitter or Power Level. 4.  Click the Link Capacity Test tab of the Tools web page in the BHS. NOTE: Use of this tool is described under Using the Link Capacity Test Tool (All) on Page 434. 5.  Perform several link tests of 10-second duration as follows: a.  Type into the Duration field how long (in seconds) the RF link should be tested. b.  Leave the Packet Length field (when present) set to the default of 1522 bytes or type into that field the packet length at which you want the test conducted. c.  Leave the Number of Packets field set to 0 (to flood the link). d.  Click the Start Test button. e.  View the results of the test. 6.  If these link tests fail to consistently show 90% or greater efficiency in 1X operation or 50 to 60% efficiency in 2X, troubleshoot the link, using the data as follows: ◦  If the downlink is consistently 90% efficient, but the uplink is only 40%, this indicates trouble for the BHS transmitting to the BHM. Investigate a possible source of interference near the BHM. ◦  If the uplink is consistently 90% efficient, but the downlink is only 40%, this indicates trouble for the BHM transmitting to the BHS. Investigate a possible source of interference near the BHS. If these link tests consistently show 90% or greater efficiency in 1X operation, or 50 to 60% efficiency in 2X operation, in both uplink and downlink, continue this procedure. 7.  Open the Session Status tab in the Home page of the BHM. NOTE: An example of this page is shown in Figure 142.
Release 8    Installation and Configuration Guide   Issue 2, December 2006  Draft 2 for Regulatory Review  359      Figure 142: Session Status tab of BHM  8.  Find the Session Count line under the MAC address of the BHS. 9.  Check and note the values for Session Count, Reg Count, and Re-Reg Count.  10.  Briefly monitor these values, occasionally refreshing this page by clicking another tab and then the Session Status tab again. 11.  If these values are low (for example, 1, 1, and 0, respectively, meaning that the BHS registered and started a stable session once) and not changing a.  consider the installation successful. b.  monitor these values from the network office over the next several hours and days. If these values are greater than 1, 1, and 0, or they increase while you are monitoring them, troubleshoot the link. (For example, recheck jitter as described in Procedure 28: Installing the SM or recheck link efficiency as described in this procedure, then look for sources of RF interference or obstructions.) =========================== end of procedure ===========================
Release 8    Installation and Configuration Guide   Issue 2, December 2006  Draft 2 for Regulatory Review  361     20 VERIFYING SYSTEM FUNCTIONALITY To verify system functionality after the APs and or BHs have been installed, perform the following steps. Procedure 33: Verifying system functionality 1.  For each installed AP, use a computer or PDA connected to an SM set to a compatible configuration (frequency and color code, for example) and verify link functionality. 2.  For each BH installed, use a notebook computer connected to a BH (BHM or BHS, as appropriate) set to a compatible configuration and verify link functionality. 3.  If a network data feed is present and operational, use an SM or BHS to verify network functionality. =========================== end of procedure ===========================
Release 8    Operations Guide   Issue 2, December 2006  Draft 2 for Regulatory Review  363     OOPERATIONS PERATIONS GGUIDEUIDE
Release 8    Operations Guide   Issue 2, December 2006  Draft 2 for Regulatory Review  365     21 GROWING YOUR NETWORK Keys to successfully growing your network include ◦  monitoring the RF environment. ◦  considering software release compatibility. ◦  redeploying modules appropriately and quickly. 21.1 MONITORING THE RF ENVIRONMENT Regardless of whether you are maintaining or growing your network, you may encounter new RF traffic that can interfere with your current or planned equipment. Regularly measuring over a period of time and logging the RF environment, as you did before you installed your first equipment in an area, enables you to recognize and react to changes. 21.1.1 Spectrum Analyzer    IMPORTANT! The following sections describe the use of a Canopy module in scan mode to analyze the RF spectrum. While a module is in the scan mode, no RF connectivity to that module is possible until either you click Disable on the Spectrum Analyzer page or 15 minutes elapses since the module entered the scan mode.  For this reason ◦ do not enable the spectrum analyzer from an RF-connected module. (No readings will be displayed when the RF connection is re-established.) ◦ be advised that, if you enable the spectrum analyzer by Ethernet connection, any current RF connection to that module drops.  You can use any AP, SM, or BHS to see at once the frequency and power level of any detectable signal that is within, above, or below the frequency band range of the module.   RECOMMENDATION: Vary the days and times when you analyze the spectrum in an area.  The RF environment can change throughout the day or throughout the week.  Temporarily deploy an SM or BHS for each frequency band range that you need to monitor and access the Spectrum Analyzer tab in the Tools web page of the module. (For access from a PDA, see PDA Access to Canopy Modules on Page 331.) To enter the scan mode and view readings, click Enable. 21.1.2 Graphical Spectrum Analyzer Display An SM/BHS displays the graphical spectrum analyzer. An example of the Spectrum Analyzer tab is shown in Figure 143.
Operations Guide    Release 8   366  Draft 2 for Regulatory Review  Issue 2, December 2006  Figure 143: Spectrum Analyzer tab of SM, example  Colors in the display have the following meanings: ◦  Green bars show the most recent measurements. ◦  Yellow ticks show the maximum measurements from the current spectrum analysis session. ◦  Red ticks show measurements of −40 dBm or stronger.  To keep the displayed data current, either set this page to automatically refresh or repeatedly click the Enable button. When you are finished analyzing the spectrum, click the Disable button to return the module to normal operation. 21.1.3 Using the AP as a Spectrum Analyzer You can temporarily transform an AP into an SM and thereby use the spectrum analyzer functionality. This is the only purpose supported for the transformation.   CAUTION! You lose connectivity to the AP during spectrum analysis, have no service to any SMs that are connected to it, and can regain connectivity (and toggle it back to AP) through only the wired Ethernet interface to the AP. For this reason, you should perform the transformation to SM in the Ethernet interface.  To transform the AP into an SM for spectrum analysis and then return the device to an AP, perform the following steps. Procedure 34: Using the Spectrum Analyzer in AP feature 1.  Connect to the wired Ethernet interface of the AP. 2.  Access the General tab of the Configuration page in the AP. 3.  Set the Device Setting parameter to SM. 4.  Click the Save Changes button. 5.  Click the Reboot button.
Release 8    Operations Guide   Issue 2, December 2006  Draft 2 for Regulatory Review  367     6.  When the module has rebooted as an SM, click the Tools navigation link on the left side of the Home page. 7.  Click the Spectrum Analyzer tab. 8.  Either set this page to automatically refresh or repeatedly click the Enable button. RESULT: The SM enters the scan mode.  9.  When you are finished analyzing the spectrum, click the Disable button. 10.  In the left-side navigation links, click Configuration. 11.  Click the General tab. 12.  Set the Device Setting parameter to AP. 13.  Click the Save Changes button. 14.  Click the Reboot button. RESULT: The AP boots with its previous frequency setting. =========================== end of procedure =========================== 21.2 CONSIDERING SOFTWARE RELEASE COMPATIBILITY Within the same Canopy network, modules can operate on multiple software releases. However, the features that can be enabled are limited to those that the earliest software supports. 21.2.1 Designations for Hardware in Radios Canopy documentation refers to hardware series (for example, Series P9). Canopy Release 8 requires APs, BHs, and AES SMs to be Series P9 or later hardware. The correlation between hardware series and the MAC addresses of the radio modules is provided in Table 56. Table 56: Hardware series by MAC address Hardware Series Radio Frequency Band Range P7 or P8  in These MAC Addresses P9 or Later  in These MAC Addresses 900  None All 2.4 ≤ 0A003E20672B ≥ 0A003E20672C 5.2 ≤ 0A003E00F4E3 ≥ 0A003E00F4E4 5.4 None All 5.7 ≤ 0A003EF12AFE ≥ 0A003EF12AFF  Differences in capabilities among these hardware series are summarized in Table 57. Table 57: Hardware series differences Availability per Hardware Series Capability P7 P8 P9 Auto-sense Ethernet cable scheme no yes yes
Operations Guide    Release 8   368  Draft 2 for Regulatory Review  Issue 2, December 2006 Support CMMmicro no yes yes Support hardware scheduling in APs1 no no yes Support 2X operation in APs and SMs no no yes NOTES: 1.  An SM of P7 or P8 series requires an FPGA load through CNUT for access to hardware scheduling, and then only  at 1X operation. An AP of P7 or P8 series cannot perform  hardware scheduling.  Advantage Series P9 APs provide higher throughput and lower latency than earlier series Advantage APs and support configuring the high-priority channel per SM. Regular Canopy Series P9 APs do not provide the higher throughput and lower latency, but they do support configuring the high-priority channel per SM. 21.2.2 CMMmicro Software and Hardware Compatibility The CMMmicro contains both a programmable logic device (PLD) and software. These must be compatible. For example, the PLD that is compatible with CMMmicro Release 2.0.8 is PLD 5. Further, the CMMmicro must be compatible with both the application software release and the hardware of attached APs and BHs. These attached modules must have been manufactured in October 2002 or later. APs and BHs that were manufactured earlier do not support sync on the power leads of the Ethernet port. To determine whether the AP or BH hardware is compatible with the CMMmicro, see Table 58.  Table 58: AP/BH compatibility with CMMmicro Range of MAC Addresses (ESNs) Frequency Band Range Incompatible with CMMmicro Compatible with CMMmicro 900 MHz AP none all 2.4 GHz none all 5.2 GHz ≤ 0A003E0021C8 ≥ 0A003E0021C9 5.4 GHz none all 5.7 GHz ≤ 0A003EF00F79 ≥ 0A003EF00F7A  21.2.3 MIB File Set Compatibility Although MIB files are text files (not software), they define objects associated with configurable parameters and indicators for the module and its links. In each release, some of these parameters and indicators are not carried forward from the previous release, and some parameters and indicators are introduced or changed.  For this reason, use the MIB files from your download to replace previous MIB files in conjunction with your software upgrades, even if the file names are identical to those of your previous files. Date stamps on the MIB files distinguish the later set.
Release 8    Operations Guide   Issue 2, December 2006  Draft 2 for Regulatory Review  369     21.3 REDEPLOYING MODULES Successfully redeploying a module may involve ◦  maintaining full and accurate records of modules being redeployed from warehouse stock. ◦  exercising caution about −  software compatibility. For example, whether desired features can be enabled with the redeployed module in the network. −  procedural handling of the module. For example ◦  whether to align the SM or BHS by power level and jitter or by only jitter. ◦  whether the module auto-senses the Ethernet cable connector scheme. −  hardware compatibility. For example, where a CMMmicro is deployed. −  the value of each configurable parameter. Whether all are compatible in the new destination. ◦  remembering to use auto discovery to add the redeployed SM to the network in Prizm. 21.3.1 Wiring to Extend Network Sync The following procedure can be used to extend network sync by one additional hop, as described under Passing Sync in an Additional Hop on Page 97. Where a collocated module receives sync over the air, the collocated modules can be wired to pass the sync as follows: Procedure 35: Extending network sync 1.  Connect the GPS Utility ports of the collocated modules using a sync cable with RJ-11 connectors. 2.  Set the Sync Input parameter on the Configuration page of the collocated AP or BH timing master to Sync to Received Signal (Timing Port). 3.  Set the Frame Timing Pulse Gated parameter on the Configuration page of the collocated SM or BH timing slave to Enable. NOTE: This setting prevents interference in the event that the SM or BH timing slave loses sync. =========================== end of procedure ===========================
Release 8    Operations Guide   Issue 2, December 2006  Draft 2 for Regulatory Review  371     22 SECURING YOUR NETWORK 22.1 ISOLATING APS FROM THE INTERNET Ensure that the IP addresses of the APs in your network ◦  are not routable over the Internet. ◦  do not share the subnet of the IP address of your user.  RFC 1918, Address Allocation for Private Subnets, reserves for private IP networks three blocks of IP addresses that are not routable over the Internet: ◦  /8 subnets have one reserved network, to ◦  /16 subnets have 16 reserved networks, to ◦  /24 subnets have 256 reserved networks, to 22.2 ENCRYPTING CANOPY RADIO TRANSMISSIONS Canopy systems employ the following forms of encryption for security of the wireless link: ◦  BRAID–a security scheme that the cellular industry uses to authenticate wireless devices. ◦  DES–Data Encryption Standard, an over-the-air link option that uses secret  56-bit keys and 8 parity bits. ◦  AES–Advanced Encryption Standard, an extra-cost over-the-air link option that provides extremely secure wireless connections. AES uses 128-bit secret keys as directed by the government of the U.S.A. AES is not exportable and requires a special AP to process the large keys.  BRAID is a stream cipher that the TIA (Telecommunications Industry Association) has standardized. Standard Canopy APs and SMs use BRAID encryption to ◦  calculate the per-session encryption key (independently) on each end of a link. ◦  provide the digital signature for authentication challenges. 22.2.1 DES Encryption Standard Canopy modules provide DES encryption. DES performs a series of bit permutations, substitutions, and recombination operations on blocks of data. DES Encryption does not affect the performance or throughput of the system. 22.2.2 AES Encryption Motorola also offers Canopy products that provide AES encryption. AES uses the Rijndael algorithm and 128-bit keys to establish a higher level of security than DES. Because of this higher level of security, the government of the U.S.A. controls the export of communications products that use AES (among which the Canopy AES feature activation key is one) to ensure that these products are available in only certain regions and by special permit.
Operations Guide    Release 8   372  Draft 2 for Regulatory Review  Issue 2, December 2006 The Canopy distributor or reseller can advise service providers about current regional availability. Canopy AES products are certified as compliant with the Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) in the U.S.A. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in the U.S.A. has specified AES for significantly greater security than that which DES provides. NIST selected the AES algorithm for providing the best combination of security, performance, efficiency, implementation, and flexibility. NIST collaborates with industry to develop and apply technology, measurements, and standards. 22.2.3 AES-DES Operability Comparisons This section describes the similarities and differences between DES and AES products, and the extent to which they may interoperate. The DES AP and the DES BHM modules are factory-programmed to enable or disable DES encryption. Similarly, the AES AP and the AES BHM modules are factory-programmed to enable or disable AES encryption. In either case, the authentication key entered in the Configuration page establishes the encryption key. For this reason, the authentication key must be the same on each end of the link. See Authentication Key on Page 283. Feature Availability Canopy AES products run the same software as DES products. Thus feature availability and functionality are and will continue to be the same, regardless of whether AES encryption is enabled. All interface screens are identical. However, when encryption is enabled on the Configuration screen ◦  the AES product provides AES encryption. ◦  the DES product provides DES encryption.  Canopy AES products and DES products use different FPGA (field-programmable gate array) loads. However, the AES FPGA will be upgraded as needed to provide new features or services similar to those available for DES products. Canopy DES products cannot be upgraded to AES. To have the option of AES encryption, the operator must purchase AES products. Interoperability Canopy AES products and DES products do not interoperate when enabled for encryption. For example, An AES AP with encryption enabled cannot communicate with DES SMs. Similarly, an AES Backhaul timing master module with encryption enabled cannot communicate with a DES Backhaul timing slave module.  However, if encryption is disabled, AES modules can communicate with DES modules.
Release 8    Operations Guide   Issue 2, December 2006  Draft 2 for Regulatory Review  373     22.3 MANAGING MODULE ACCESS BY PASSWORDS 22.3.1 Adding a User for Access to a Module From the factory, each Canopy module has a preconfigured administrator-level account in the name root, which initially requires no associated password. This is the same root account that you may have used for access to the module by telnet or ftp. If you upgrade a module to Release 8 ◦  an account is created in the name admin. ◦  both admin and root inherit the password that was previously used for access to the module: −  the Full Access password, if one was set. −  the Display-Only Access password, if one was set and no Full Access password was set.   IMPORTANT! If you use Prizm, do not delete the root account from any module. If you use an NMS that communicates with modules through SNMP, do not delete the root account from any module unless you first can confirm that the NMS does not rely on the root account for access to the modules.  Each module supports four or fewer user accounts, regardless of account levels. The available levels are  ◦  ADMINISTRATOR, who has full read and write permissions. This is the level of the root and admin users, as well as any other administrator accounts that one of them creates. ◦  INSTALLER, who has permissions identical to those of ADMINISTRATOR except that the installer cannot add or delete users or change the password of any other user. ◦  GUEST, who has no write permissions and only a limited view of General Status tab, as shown in Figure 144, and can log in as a user.
Operations Guide    Release 8   374  Draft 2 for Regulatory Review  Issue 2, December 2006  Figure 144: General Status tab view for GUEST-level account  An example of the Add User tab is displayed in Figure 145.
Release 8    Operations Guide   Issue 2, December 2006  Draft 2 for Regulatory Review  375      Figure 145: Add User tab of SM, example  After a password has been set for any ADMINISTRATOR-level account, initial access to the module GUI opens the view of GUEST level (Figure 144).  Accounts that cannot be deleted are ◦  the current user's own account. ◦  the last remaining account of ADMINISTRATOR level. 22.3.2 Overriding Forgotten IP Addresses or Passwords on AP, SM, or BH Canopy systems offer a plug that allows you to temporarily override some AP/SM/BH settings and thereby regain control of the module. This plug is needed for access to the module in any of the following cases: ◦  You have forgotten either −  the IP address assigned to the module. −  the password that provides access to the module. ◦  The module has been locked by the No Remote Access feature. (See Denying All Remote Access on Page 453 and Reinstating Remote Access Capability on Page 453.) ◦  You want local access to a module that has had the 802.3 link disabled in the Configuration page.  You can configure the module such that, when it senses the override plug, it responds by either

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