NIKON TRIMBLE NT0003 Bluetooth Module User Manual Nikon Manual 2

NIKON-TRIMBLE CO., LTD. Bluetooth Module Nikon Manual 2

User manual 2 of 4

CHAPTER3Total Station Nivo Series Instruction Manual     21Getting Started 3In this chapter:QTurning the Instrument On and OFFQBasic Operation
3     Getting Started22     Total Station Nivo Series Instruction ManualTurning the Instrument On and OFFTurning on the instrumentPress [Power] key to turn on the instrument, and the application program will start up.Refer to the operation manual for how to use the application program.Note – Check the batteries are correctly inserted into the slot if the application program doesn’t start up even after pressing [power].Turning off the instrumentPress [Power] key, and the “Power Key!” window shown on the right appears.Tap [Stanby] button on the window to turn off the instrument.Tap [OK] button, and the window disappears. The display returns to the screen shown before pressing [Power] key.Note – Stanby“Stanby” is the function which stops the program running and turns off the instrument.Pressing [Power] key again returns to the screen displayed before the instrument is turned off.
Total Station Nivo Series Instruction Manual     23Getting Started     3Basic OperationTurning on and off the BacklightPress [Power] key, and the “Power Key!” window shown on the right appears.Tapping [Backlight On/Off] button on the window switches on/off the back light.Tap [OK] button, and the window disappears. The display returns to the screen shown before pressing [Power] key.Other functionsPress [Power] key, and the “Power Key!” window shown on the right appears.Press [Options] button on the window to display option menu.Tap [OK] button, and the window disappears. The display returns to the screen shown before pressing [Power] key.
3     Getting Started24     Total Station Nivo Series Instruction ManualCleaning of touch screenTapping the menu button [Clean Touch Screen] disables the touch screen. Use this menu button for cleaning the touch panel.Press   (Enter) key, and the display returns to the screen shown before pressing [Power] key.Adjustment of touch screenTapping the menu button [Adjust Touch Screen] shows the touch panel adjustment window.By following the instruction in this window, a gap between the actual tapping point and button on the window will be corrected.Press [+] (plus) sign on the screen by stylus pen over 1 second. The [+] (plus) sign will move to a corner of the screen when you remove the stylus pen. Pressing   (Enter) key after you press [+] (plus) sign on center and four corners completes the adjustment of touch screen.Press [ESC] key to cancel the adjustment.ResetTap the menu button [Reset], and the window shown on the right is displayed.[Reset] stops the program in process and initializes the Total Station. Use this menu when the application program does not run normally because of an unexpected reason.Tap [Yes] button to execute Reset.Tap [No] button to cancel Reset and return to the screen shown before pressing [Power] key.Note – Once the Reset is executed, data that are not stored in the application program will be lost.
Total Station Nivo Series Instruction Manual     25Getting Started     3Shut downTap the menu button [Shutdown], and the warning window shown on the right is displayed.Tap [Yes] button to execute Shut down.Tap [No] button to cancel Shut down and return to the screen shown before pressing [Power] key.Note – Executing Shut down completely turns off the Total Station.Note – Executing Shut down ends the application program and the data that are not stored in the program will be lost.Auto power off settingAuto power off function saves the consumption of electricity by switching the Total Station to the standby mode when it is not operated for a certain time.Tap [Windows] button to display the menu.Select [Settings] to display the sub-menu. Choose [Control Panel].Double click [Power] icon.
3     Getting Started26     Total Station Nivo Series Instruction ManualThe latest battery status is displayed.Choose [Power Off] tab.Time setting window is displayed.Check the check box of [Suspend after] in the “Idle Time Settings” field.Select time from the pull down menu.Selectable time is 5/10/30 minutes.The suspend mode check box will be cleared if time is not selected from the pull down menu.Tap [OK] button to complete the setting.Note – Suspend mode and standby mode are the same status.Date/Time settingsThis function allows date and time setting of the Total StationTap [Windows] button to display the menu.Select [Settings] to display the sub menu.Choose [Control Panel].Double click [Date/Time] icon.
Total Station Nivo Series Instruction Manual     27Getting Started     3Current set date and time are displayed.Set date, time and time zone.Tap [Apply] button to fix the set values.Tap [OK] button to complete the setting process.
3     Getting Started28     Total Station Nivo Series Instruction Manual
CHAPTER4Total Station Nivo Series Instruction Manual     29Checking and Adjustment 4In this chapter:QAdjusting the Electronic LevelQChecking and Adjusting the Circular LevelQChecking and Adjusting the Optical/Laser PlummetQZero Point Errors of Vertical Scale and Horizontal Angle CorrectionsQChecking the Instrument ConstantQChecking the Laser Pointer
4     Checking and Adjustment30     Total Station Nivo Series Instruction ManualAdjusting the Electronic LevelAdjustment of the electronic level is done by Zero point errors of vertical scale and horizontal angle corrections. For detailed instruction, please see page 31.Checking and Adjusting the Circular LevelOnce you have checked and adjusted the electronic level, check the circular level. If the bubble is not in the center of the level, use the adjusting pin to rotate the three adjustment screws of either circular level on the instrument main body or tribrach until the bubble is centered.Checking and Adjusting the Optical/Laser PlummetThe optical axis of the plummet must be aligned with the vertical axis of the instrument.To check and adjust the optical/laser plummet:1. Place the instrument on the tripod. You do not have to level the instrument.2. Place a thick sheet of paper marked with an X on the ground below the instrument.While you are looking through the optical plummet, adjust the leveling screws until the image of the X is in the center of the reticle mark .For laser plummet, adjust the laser pointer to the X.3. Rotate the alidade 180°.If the marked image is in the same position in the center of the reticle mark, no adjustment is requiredFor laser plummet, if the laser pointer is on the X, no adjustment is required.P
Total Station Nivo Series Instruction Manual     31Checking and Adjustment     44. If the image or laser pointer is not in the same position, adjust the optical or laser plummet: a. Use the supplied hexagonal wrench to turn the adjustment screws until the image of the X is in Position P. Position P is the center point of the line connecting the X and the center of the reticle mark .b. Repeat from Step 2.For laser plummet adjustment, a cap needs to be removed.Zero Point Errors of Vertical Scale and Horizontal Angle CorrectionsChecking1. Set up the instrument on the tripod.2. Follow the leveling procedures described in Leveling, page 15.3. Flip the telescope to the Face-1 position.4. Sight a target that is within 45° of the horizontal plane.5. Read the vertical angle from the VA1 field in the Basic Measurement Screen (BMS).6. Rotate the instrument 180° and flip the telescope to the Face-2 position.7. Read the vertical angle from the VA2 field.8. Add the two vertical angles together, VA1 + VA2.–No adjustment is required if the zero reference for vertical angles (VA zero setting) is set to Zenith, and VA1 + VA2 equals 360°. –No adjustment is required if the zero reference for vertical angles (VA zero setting) is set to Horizon, and VA1 + VA2 is either 180° or 540°.–An adjustment is required if VA1 + VA2 is not one of the values listed above.Note – The difference between the vertical angle reading the relevant angle (either 360° for Zenith, or 180° or 540° for Horizon) is called the altitude constant.
4     Checking and Adjustment32     Total Station Nivo Series Instruction ManualAdjustingThere are two steps in the calibration program. Usually you only complete the first step that is described below, because the trunnion axis is finely adjusted mechanically. To make a major adjustment to the trunnion axis error compensation, however, you can complete the second step that is described below and make three sets of observations.To enter the calibration program, tap [Windows] button to display the menu. Select [Program] to show the sub-menu. Choose [Calibration].First step1. Take an F1 measurement to a target on the horizon. Tap [OK] button.The vertical angle is shown in theV0 dir= Horiz setting.If you sight a target that has a VA of more than 3°, a warning message appears and [OK] button becomes disabled.To set the parameters for trunnion axis error compensation, establish two targets at a horizontal distance of at least 30 m from the instrument. The first target should be placed on the horizontal plane and the second should be more than 30° above the horizontal plane. Before you set the trunnion axis compensation value, you must complete three sets of F1/F2 observations to these two points. Even if you complete the second step, the instrument cannot store a trunnion axis error compensation of more than 30". If the error is more than 30", the instrument needs a mechanical check.VA1 Face-1 vertical angle (tilt-off value)HA1 Face-1 horizontal angle (tilt-off value)X1 Face-1 X axis tilt valueY1 Face-1 Y axis tilt valueSecond targetFirst target
Total Station Nivo Series Instruction Manual     33Checking and Adjustment     4When you have taken the measurement, the message changes from DO NOT TOUCH! to Turn to F2.2. Take an F2 measurement to the same target. Tap [OK].When the observation on F2 is completed, three parameters are displayed.3. Do one of the following:–To return to the first observation screen, tap [Redo].–To set parameters on the instrument, tap [OK].4. To go to the second step (trunnion axis compensation), tap [Trun].VA2 Face-2 vertical angle (tilt-off value)HA2 Face-2 horizontal angle (tilt-off value)X2 Face-2 X axis tilt valueY2 Face-2 Y axis tilt value
4     Checking and Adjustment34     Total Station Nivo Series Instruction ManualSecond step1. Sight the second target that is placed more than 30 degrees above the horizontal plane.2. Tap [OK] to take angle measurements in the following order:–Face-2 to P2–Face-1 to P2–Face-1 to P1 (Horizontal)–Face-2 to P1 (Horizontal)–Face-2 to P2–Face-1 to P2–Face-1 to P1 (Horizontal)–Face-2 to P1 (Horizontal)–Face-2 to P2–Face-1 to P2If the HA corr. setting is set to OFF, the ACH parameter is not applied to horizontal angle readings. If this setting is set to ON, both of the ACH and trunnion-axis parameters are applied to HA. If you do not complete the second step, the trunnion-axis parameter remains set to zero, and only the ACH parameter is applied. If ACV, ACH, X, or Y is out of range, OVER appears. Press any key to return to the first observation screen.
Total Station Nivo Series Instruction Manual     35Checking and Adjustment     4The tolerance in angle reading to each direction is 10". To maintain the accuracy of the instrument, you must take shots with extreme care. If the dHA to the same direction is more than 10", an error message appears, and you must remeasure all three sets of points.After three sets of F1/F2 observations, the instrument calculates the trunnion axis parameter and the updated ACH (the average of each set).3. Do one of the following:–To return to the measurement screen for the first set of F1 measurements, tap [Redo].–To go to the next set of observations for a more accurate result, tap [Cont.]. You can record up to ten sets.–To store the parameter and return to the BMS, tap [End].4. If HA corr. is set to OFF when you finish updating the trunnion axis parameter, a message appears. The message asks if you want to change the setting. To change the setting, tap [Yes].
4     Checking and Adjustment36     Total Station Nivo Series Instruction ManualTrunnion axis compensationThe trunnion axis error is reported when the vertical axis and the trunnion axis (horizontal axis) are not perpendicular to each other. The sighting axis error is from the sighting and the trunnion axes. These two errors can be compensated by applying the Tr-axis and ACH parameters on this instrument to horizontal angle readings. Because the amount of compensation changes according to the vertical angle, when compensation is enabled there is a slight movement in horizontal angle even if you clamp the tangent screw.Tr-axisACH
Total Station Nivo Series Instruction Manual     37Checking and Adjustment     4Checking the Instrument ConstantThe instrument constant is a numerical value used to automatically correct for the displacement between the mechanical and electrical centers when measuring distances. The instrument constant is set by the manufacturer before the instrument is shipped. However, to ensure the highest operational accuracy, we recommend that you check the instrument constant several times a year.To check the instrument constant, you can either compare a correctly measured base line with the distance measured by the EDM, or follow the procedure below.To check the instrument constant:1. Set up the instrument at Point P, in as flat an area as possible.2. Set up a reflector prism at Point Q, 100 m away from Point P. Make sure that you take the prism constant into account.3. Measure the distance between Point P and Point Q (PQ).4. Install a reflector prism on the tripod at Point P.5. Set up another tripod at Point R, on the line between Point P and Point Q.6. Transfer the Nivo series instrument to the tripod at Point R.7. Measure the distance from Point R to Point P (RP), and from Point R to Point Q (RQ).8. Calculate the difference between the value of PQ and the value of RP + RQ. 9. Move the Nivo series instrument to other points on the line between Point P and Point Q. 10. Repeat Step 5 through Step 9 ten times or so.11. Calculate the average of all the differences.The error range is within 3 mm. If the error is out of range, contact your dealer.About 100 mPQPRQ
4     Checking and Adjustment38     Total Station Nivo Series Instruction ManualChecking the Laser PointerThe Nivo series total station uses a red laser beam to a laser pointer. The laser pointer is coaxial with the line of sight of the telescope. If the instrument is well adjusted, the red laser pointer coincides with the line of sight. External influences such as shock or large temperature fluctuations can displace the red laser pointer relative to the line of sight.
CHAPTER5Total Station Nivo Series Instruction Manual     39Specifications 5In this chapter:QMain BodyQStandard ComponentsQExternal Device Connector
5     Specifications40     Total Station Nivo Series Instruction ManualMain BodyTelescopeMeasurement rangeDistances shorter than 1.5 m (4.92 ft) cannot be measured with this EDM.Measurement range with no haze, visibility over 40 km (25 miles)•The target should not receive direct sunlight.•“Reference target” refers to a white, highly reflective material. (KGC90%)•The maximum measurement range of Nivo2.C is 500 m in the reflectorless mode.Tube length 125 mm (4.91 in.)Magnification 30 XEffective diameter of objectiveNivo2.C 40 mm (1.57 in.)EDM 45 mm (1.77 in.)Nivo3.C/Nivo5.C 45 mm (1.77 in.)EDM 50 mm (1.97 in.)Image ErectField of view 1°20'2.3 m at 100 m (2.3 ft at 100 ft)Resolving power 3.0''Focusing distance 1.5 m to infinity (4.92 ft to infinity)Nivo2.CPrism modeReflector sheet (5 cm x 5 cm) 270 m (886 ft)Standard prism (1P) 3,000 m (9,840 ft)Reflectorless modeReference target 300 m (984 ft)Nivo3.C/Nivo5.CPrism modeReflector sheet (5 cm x 5 cm) 300 m (984 ft)Standard prism (1P) 5,000 m (16,400 ft)Reflectorless modeReference target 300 m (984 ft)
Total Station Nivo Series Instruction Manual     41Specifications     5Distance precision Nivo2.CPrecise modePrism ± (2 + 2 ppm × D) mm (–20 °C to +50 °C)Reflectorless ± (3 + 2 ppm × D) mm (–20 °C to +50 °C)Normal modePrism ± (10 + 5 ppm × D) mmReflectorless ± (10 + 5 ppm × D) mmISO17123-4 for Prism measurementNivo3.C/Nivo5.CPrecise modePrism ± (3 + 2 ppm × D) mm (–10 °C to +40 °C)± (3 + 3 ppm × D) mm(–20 °C to –10 °C, +40 °C to +50 °C)Reflectorless ± (3 + 2 ppm × D) mm (–10 °C to +40 °C)± (3 + 3 ppm × D) mm(–20 °C to –10 °C, +40 °C to +50 °C)Normal modePrism ± (10 + 5 ppm × D) mmReflectorless ± (10 + 5 ppm × D) mm
5     Specifications42     Total Station Nivo Series Instruction ManualMeasurement intervalsMeasurement intervals may vary with the measuring distance or weather conditions.For the initial measurement, it may take few more seconds.Angle measurementTilt sensorNivo2.CPrecise modePrism 1.6 sec.Reflectorless 2.1 sec.Normal modePrism 1.2 sec.Reflectorless 1.2 sec.Prism offset correction –999 mm to +999 mm (1 mm step)Nivo3.C/Nivo5.CPrecise modePrism 1.5 sec.Reflectorless 1.8 sec.Normal modePrism 0.8 sec.Reflectorless 1.0 sec.Prism offset correction –999 mm to +999 mm (1 mm step)Reading system Absolute encoderDiametrical reading on HA/VAMinimum display increment360° 1''/5''/10"400G 0.2 mgon/1 mgon/2 mgonMIL6400 0.005 MIL/0.02 MIL/0.05 MILDIN18723 accuracyNivo2.C 2''/0.6 mgonNivo3.C 3''/1.0 mgonNivo5.C 5''/1.5 mgonMethod Liquid-electric detection (Dual axis)Compensation range ±3'
Total Station Nivo Series Instruction Manual     43Specifications     5Tangent screwTribrachLevelOptical plummetOptional laser plummetDisplay and keypadType Friction clutch endless fine motionType DetachableElectronic level Displayed on the LCDCircular level vial Sensitivity 10'/2 mmImage ErectMagnification 3×Field of view 5°Focusing range 0.5 m (1.6 ft) to infinityWave length 635 nmLaser class Class 2Focusing range ∞Laser diameter Approx. 2 mmFace 1 display QVGA,16 bit color, TFT LCD, backlit (320 x 240 pixel)Face 2 display Backlit, graphic LCD (128 x 64 pixel)Face 1 keys 14 keysFace 2 keys 4 keys
5     Specifications44     Total Station Nivo Series Instruction ManualConnections in the instrumentBattery packTested at 25 °C (nominal temperature). Operation times may vary depending on the condition and deterioration of the battery.Environmental performanceDimensionsCommunicationsRS-232C Maximum baud rate 38400 bps asynchronousUSB Host and ClientClass 2 Bluetooth 2.0 EDR+External power supply input voltage 4.5 V to 5.2 V DCOutput voltage 3.8 V DC rechargeableContinuous operation timeNivo2.CContinuous distance/angle measurement approx 12 hoursDistance/angle measurement every 30 seconds approx 26 hoursContinuous angle measurement approx 28 hoursNivo3.C/Nivo5.CContinuous distance/angle measurement approx 7.5 hoursDistance/angle measurement every 30 seconds approx 16 hoursContinuous angle measurement approx 20 hoursOperating temperature range –20 °C through +50 °C (–4 °F through +122 °F)Storage temperature range –25 °C through +60 °C (–13 °F through +140 °F)Main unit 149 mm W x 145 mm D x 306 mm HCarrying case 435 mm W x 206 mm D x 297 mm H
Total Station Nivo Series Instruction Manual     45Specifications     5WeightEnvironmental protectionMain unit w/o batteryNivo2.C 3.9 kg (8.6 lbs)Nivo3.C/Nivo5.C 3.8 kg (8.4 lbs)Battery 0.1 kg (0.2 lbs)Carrying case 2.3 kg (5.1 lbs)Charger and AC adapter 0.4 kg (0.99 lbs), approx. Watertight/dust-proof protection IP66
5     Specifications46     Total Station Nivo Series Instruction ManualStandard Components•Instrument main body•Battery pack (X 2)•Battery charger•AC adapter•Adjustment pin, Allen wrench•Objective lens cap•Vinyl cover•Total Station Nivo Series Instruction Manual (this document)•Carrying case•Shoulder strap (X 2)External Device ConnectorThis connector can be used to connect to an external power source or to communicate with an external device.Before using the external device connector, make sure that the external device meets the specifications below.CCAUTION – Except for the connection shown in Figure 6.1on page 50, use of this connector is at your own risk.CCAUTION – Use only the male connectors specified above. Using other connectors will damage the instrument.Input voltage 4.5 V to 5.2 V DCSystem RS-232CSignal level ±9 V standardMaximum baud rate 38400 bps asynchronousCompatible male connector Hirose HR10A-7P-6P or HR10-7P-6P
Total Station Nivo Series Instruction Manual     47Specifications     5The external device connector is a Hirose HR 10A-7R-6S female connector. The pinouts for connecting it to an external device connector are shown below:CCAUTION – Use only the pin connections shown above. Using other connections will damage the instrument.CCAUTION – The Nivo series total station has different pin assignment from other models of Nikon total station.To connect to an external power source, supply power to Pin 4 (power terminal) and Pin 5 (ground terminal) on the instrument. The instrument will use the external power source even if the internal battery packs are attached.CCAUTION – Make sure that the power supplied is within the rated input range (4.5 V to 5.2 V DC, 1 A maximum). Power supplied outside this range will damage the instrument.To communicate with an external device, connect the RS-232C signal from the external device to Pin 1 (input terminal) and to Pin 2 (output terminal) on the instrument.Cap the data output/external power input connector securely while not in use. The instrument is not watertight if the cap is not attached or not attached securely, and when the data output/external power input connector is in use.The instrument can be damaged by static electricity from the human body discharged through the data output/external power input connector. Before handling the instrument, touch any other conductive material once to remove static electricity.Pin Signal Description1 RXD Receive data (Input)2 TXD Send data (Output)3 NC No connection4VPower5 GND Ground6 NC No connectionHRS162534
5     Specifications48     Total Station Nivo Series Instruction Manual
CHAPTER6Total Station Nivo Series Instruction Manual     49System Diagrams 6In this chapter:QSystem Components
6     System Diagrams50     Total Station Nivo Series Instruction ManualSystem ComponentsFigure 6.1 Measurement sideTubularCompassTubular compassattachmentNivo seriesConnecting cablePersonal computerDiagonal Battery charger Low-powereyepieceHigh-power eyepieceSolar filterAC adapter and plug adapter(9 pin, USB)USB cableUSB memoryeyepiecePersonal computer
Total Station Nivo Series Instruction Manual     51System Diagrams     6Figure 6.2 Prism reflector sideNote – Nivo series must be used with the Tribrach W30 or W30b.Mini prism CMini prismholderMini prismadapterTel esc op icprism poleCoaxial target platefor single prismTiltable singleprism holderPrism adapterTripod for telescopic prism poleStandard roundsingle prism CTa r ge t  p o l eTriple prismholderTribrach adapter 15Nikon tripodTribrach W30/W30bHeight adjustment adapter is not used.
6     System Diagrams52     Total Station Nivo Series Instruction Manual
© xxxx–xxxx, Trimble Navigation LImited. All rights reserved. Trimble is a trademark of Trimble Navigation Limited registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office and other countries. Nikon is a registered trademark of Nikon. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. PN xxxxxxx-xxx (xx/xx)NORTH AMERICA (Survey)Tripod Data SystemsP O Box 947 Corvallis, OR 97339USA+1-541-753-9322 Phone+1-541-757-7439

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