Napco Security Technologies Gemini Gem P3200 Users Manual P3200_RP1_WI818G.17_PROG

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HARDWIRE  WIRELESS GEM-P3200 CONTROL PANEL/COMMUNICATOR Programming the GEM-P3200 Control Panel with the  "Classic" GEM-RP1CAe2 Keypad and the "K Series" GEM-K1CA Keypad WI818G  10/05 © NAPCO 2005 Quick Start (for "Classic" GEM-RP1CAe2)  1.  Refer to the wiring diagram, connect Siren, Aux. Power, PGM Output, Remote Bus, Earth ground, Zone and Tele-phone wiring.  NOTE:  See Installation Instructions (WI817).  2.  Connect AC power first and then the battery.  3.  Configure the keypad (see page 55).  4.  Access the Easy Menu Driven (Dealer Program) Mode:  Press EEEEEEA    Press  NO (g) until “ACTIVATE PROGRAM Y/N” appears on the keypad display.  Press YES (F) to Enter Dealer Program Mode.  Go to page 5. Master Security Code  (on microshield) "K Series" GEM-K1CA  GEMINI SYSTEM READY 01/01/06   12:00 AM ARMED COMPUTERIZED SECURITY SYSTEM STATUS R   1   2   3  B   4   5   6  C   7   8   9  0 U NEXT/YES P PRIOR/NO Q AREA G PROGRAMMING INSTRUCTIONS R"Classic" GEM-RP1CAe2  GEMINI SYSTEM READY 01/01/06   12:00 AM ARMED COMPUTERIZED SECURITY SYSTEM STATUS A   1   2   3  B   4   5   6  C   7   8   9  0 D NEXT/YES E PRIOR/NO F AREA G Quick Start (for "K-Series" GEM-K1CA)  1.  Refer to the wiring diagram, connect Siren, Aux. Power, PGM Output, Remote Bus, Earth ground, Zone and Tele-phone wiring.  NOTE:  See Installation Instructions (WI817).  2.  Connect AC power first and then the battery.  3.  Configure the keypad (see page 55).  4.  Access the Easy Menu Driven (Dealer Program) Mode:  Press EEEEEER    Press  NO (Q) until “ACTIVATE PROGRAM Y/N” appears on the keypad display.  Press YES (P) to Enter Dealer Program Mode.  Go to page 5. Master Security Code  (on microshield) Publicly traded on NASDAQ     Symbol: NSSC
THIS MANUAL INCLUDES FEATURES WHICH ARE ONLY AVAILABLE IN CONTROL PANEL FIRMWARE VERSION 50 OR LATER. IMPORTANT NOTE This manual supports the keypad programming of the GEM-P3200 control panel with the NAPCO "classic" GEM-RP1CAe2 keypad as well as the GEM-K1CA "K Series" keypad.  The new "K Series" GEM-K1CA model offers the new STAY and AWAY buttons with simplified functionality, along with the new MENU and ENTER buttons.  Note:  While the instructions in this manual are depicted using the GEM-K1CA keypad, the manual applies to both the "classic" and the "K Series" keypads.  Program Mode is the same for both keypads--only the button names have changed, as follows:  •The A button and the R button operate identically (in Program Mode) for both keypads.  •The D button and the U button operate identically (in Program Mode) for both keypads.  •The  button and the  button operate identically (in Program Mode) for both keypads.  The words "NEXT/YES button" are used in this manual.  •The  button and the  button operate identically (in Program Mode) for both keypads.  The words "PRIOR/NO button" are used in this manual.  For consistency, it is recommended that all keypads either be all "classic" or all "K Series"--both keypad types should not be used in one alarm system. NAPCO Security Group, Inc.,  333 Bayview Avenue, Amityville, New York 11701 For Sales and Repairs, call toll free: (800) 645-9445 For direct line to Technical Service, call toll free: (800) 645-9440 Internet: CHANGES FROM PREVIOUS EDITION The following changes have been made to this manual (WI818G) since the previous edition (WI818F).    New addresses added to accommodate the GEM-ACM1D / GEM-2D Access Control Accessories, as follows: •Enable ACM Access •ACM Zone Options •ACM Global Flags •ACM Timeouts •ACM Door Area Options •ACM Scheduled Free Access •Enable Panel Options •Emergency Free Access •Keypad Home Area / ACM Door #1 Area (Hex) •Addition to the Easy Program Menu instructions, "Enter Proximity Card Users".   Existing addresses were changed and new addresses were added to accommodate the NAPCO NetLink™ NL-Mod device, as follows: •For each telephone number desired, enable "Report to TCP/IP Receiver or AES" for Telco 1, Telco 2 and Telco 3. •Enable "Callback Telephone No. Select".  Enter either "1" for Callback Telephone Number 1 or "2" for Callback Telephone Number 2. •Enable "Handshake for Local Telemetry" •Enable "TCP/IP Communications" •Enable "TCP/IP Panel/Site Initiated Functions"

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