Napco Security Technologies Gemini Gem P3200 Users Manual P3200_RP1_WI818G.17_PROG
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PROGRAMMING INSTRUCTIONS R Publicly traded on NASDAQ Symbol: NSSC HARDWIRE WIRELESS GEM-P3200 CONTROL PANEL/COMMUNICATOR Programming the GEM-P3200 Control Panel with the "Classic" GEM-RP1CAe2 Keypad and the "K Series" GEM-K1CA Keypad GEMINI GEMINI SYSTEM READY 01/01/06 12:00 AM SYSTEM READY 01/01/06 12:00 AM ED ARM T ST A US A 1 2 3 D NEXT/YES E PRIOR/NO F B 4 5 6 C 7 8 9 0 G AREA C O M P UT E R I ZE D S E C U R I T Y SY S T E M "Classic" GEM-RP1CAe2 ARM ED T ST A US U NEXT/YES P R 1 2 3 B 4 5 6 C 7 8 9 0 G PRIOR/NO Q AREA C O M P UT E R I ZE D S E C U R I T Y S Y S T E M "K Series" GEM-K1CA Quick Start (for "Classic" GEM-RP1CAe2) Quick Start (for "K-Series" GEM-K1CA) 1. Refer to the wiring diagram, connect Siren, Aux. Power, PGM Output, Remote Bus, Earth ground, Zone and Telephone wiring. NOTE: See Installation Instructions (WI817). 1. Refer to the wiring diagram, connect Siren, Aux. Power, PGM Output, Remote Bus, Earth ground, Zone and Telephone wiring. NOTE: See Installation Instructions (WI817). 2. Connect AC power first and then the battery. 2. Connect AC power first and then the battery. 3. Configure the keypad (see page 55). 3. Configure the keypad (see page 55). 4. Access the Easy Menu Driven (Dealer Program) Mode: 4. Access the Easy Menu Driven (Dealer Program) Mode: Press EEEEEEA Press EEEEEER Master Security Code (on microshield) Master Security Code (on microshield) Press NO (g) until “ACTIVATE PROGRAM Y/N” appears on the keypad display. Press NO (Q) until “ACTIVATE PROGRAM Y/N” appears on the keypad display. Press YES (F) to Enter Dealer Program Mode. Go to page 5. Press YES (P) to Enter Dealer Program Mode. Go to page 5. © NAPCO 2005 WI818G 10/05 THIS MANUAL INCLUDES FEATURES WHICH ARE ONLY AVAILABLE IN CONTROL PANEL FIRMWARE VERSION 50 OR LATER. IMPORTANT NOTE This manual supports the keypad programming of the GEM-P3200 control panel with the NAPCO "classic" GEMRP1CAe2 keypad as well as the GEM-K1CA "K Series" keypad. The new "K Series" GEM-K1CA model offers the new STAY and AWAY buttons with simplified functionality, along with the new MENU and ENTER buttons. Note: While the instructions in this manual are depicted using the GEM-K1CA keypad, the manual applies to both the "classic" and the "K Series" keypads. Program Mode is the same for both keypads--only the button names have changed, as follows: • The A button and the R button operate identically (in Program Mode) for both keypads. • The D button and the U button operate identically (in Program Mode) for both keypads. button and the button operate identically (in Program Mode) for both keypads. The words • The "NEXT/YES button" are used in this manual. button and the button operate identically (in Program Mode) for both keypads. The words • The "PRIOR/NO button" are used in this manual. For consistency, it is recommended that all keypads either be all "classic" or all "K Series"--both keypad types should not be used in one alarm system. CHANGES FROM PREVIOUS EDITION The following changes have been made to this manual (WI818G) since the previous edition (WI818F). New addresses added to accommodate the GEM-ACM1D / GEM-2D Access Control Accessories, as follows: • • • • • • • • • • Enable ACM Access ACM Zone Options ACM Global Flags ACM Timeouts ACM Door Area Options ACM Scheduled Free Access Enable Panel Options Emergency Free Access Keypad Home Area / ACM Door #1 Area (Hex) Addition to the Easy Program Menu instructions, "Enter Proximity Card Users". Existing addresses were changed and new addresses were added to accommodate the NAPCO NetLink™ NL-Mod device, as follows: • • • • • For each telephone number desired, enable "Report to TCP/IP Receiver or AES" for Telco 1, Telco 2 and Telco 3. Enable "Callback Telephone No. Select". Enter either "1" for Callback Telephone Number 1 or "2" for Callback Telephone Number 2. Enable "Handshake for Local Telemetry" Enable "TCP/IP Communications" Enable "TCP/IP Panel/Site Initiated Functions" NAPCO Security Group, Inc., 333 Bayview Avenue, Amityville, New York 11701 For Sales and Repairs, call toll free: (800) 645-9445 For direct line to Technical Service, call toll free: (800) 645-9440 Internet: Page 3 WI818G 10/05 TABLE OF CONTENTS IMPORTANT NOTE ...................................................... 2 CHANGES FROM PREVIOUS EDITION ..................... 2 SYSTEM PROGRAMMING OPTIONS......................... 4 Introduction ............................................................... 4 Downloading from a Computer ................................. 4 EASY MENU DRIVEN PROGRAM MODE .................. 5 Dealer Program - Preliminary Information ................ 5 Accessing Dealer Program Mode............................. 5 Customizing a Default Program................................ 5 GEM-RP1CAe2/GEM-K1CA Keypad Easy Program Menu ......................................................................... 6 DIRECT ADDRESS PROGRAM MODE .................... 15 Direct Address Overview ........................................ 15 Address Mode Displays .......................................... 15 Binary (Bit) Format Example .............................. 15 Decimal Format Example ................................... 16 Hexadecimal Format Example ........................... 17 Programming Conventions Used in this Manual .... 18 PROGRAMMING OPTIONS & WORKSHEETS........ 19 SYSTEM DELAYS & TIMEOUTS (ADDRESS 0000-0002, 2402, 2406, 2414 & 3902)............................................................................................19 SYSTEM DELAYS & TIMEOUTS (ADDRESS 2407, 2408 & 4088) ......................19 SYSTEM DELAYS & TIMEOUTS (ADDRESS 2400, 2401, 2403-2405, 4082 & 4083)............................................................................................20 KEYPAD SYSTEM CODES (ADDRESS 0490-0495 & 0500-0502).......................20 CS RECEIVER FORMAT OPTIONS (ADDRESS 0520, 0521, 0525, 0526, 0550, 0551, 0575 & 0576)....................................................................21 CS RECEIVER TELEPHONE NUMBERS (ADDRESS 0527-0546, 0552-0571, 0577-0596) ..................................................................................22 DOWNLOAD/CALLBACK OPTIONS (ADDRESS 4089, 0600-0619, 0625-0647, 1022 & 1023) ..............................................................................22 CS SUBSCRIBER ID NUMBERS (ADDRESS 0650-0787) ....................................23 CS SUBSCRIBER ID NUMBERS (ADDRESS 0790-0857) ....................................24 CS REPORTING CODES (ADDRESS 0859-0883) .................................................24 CS REPORTING CODES (ADDRESS 0870-0904) .................................................25 CS AREA & SYSTEM REPORTING OPTIONS (ADDRESS 1024-1027).............25 CS ZONE REPORTING CODES (ADDRESS 0910-0957) .....................................26 CS USER REPORTING CODES (ADDRESS 1030-1074) .....................................27 GLOBAL SYSTEM TROUBLE REPORTING OPTIONS (ADDRESS 1082-1116)28 AREA SYSTEM TROUBLE REPORTING OPTIONS (ADDRESS 1120-1137) ...29 ZONE OPTIONS / ZONES 1-16 (ADDRESS 1200-1386) .......................................30 ZONE OPTIONS / ZONES 17-32 (ADDRESS 1402-1586).....................................31 ZONE OPTIONS / ZONES 33-48 (ADDRESS 1602-1786).....................................32 SYSTEM OPTIONS (ADDRESS 2415-2419) ...........................................................34 SYSTEM OPTIONS (ADDRESS 2420-2422, 3874, 3905, 3880-3881) .................35 ALARM/TROUBLE REPORTING CODES (ADDRESS 3880-3881) .....................35 SYSTEM OPTIONS (ADDRESS 3882-3901, 3903-3905 & 4084) .........................36 KEYPAD OPTIONS (ADDRESS 2425-2446) ...........................................................37 ACM ZONE OPTIONS (ADDRESS 2740-2769).......................................................38 ACM GLOBAL FLAGS (ADDRESS 2780) ................................................................38 ACM TIMEOUTS (ADDRESS 2782-2783) ................................................................38 ACM DOOR AREA OPTIONS (ADDRESS 2784-2787) ..........................................39 ACM SCHEDULED FREE ACCESS (ADDRESS 4072-4075) ...............................39 KEYPAD HOME AREA / ACM DOOR #1 AREA (HEX) (ADDRESS 2425-2431) 40 SYSTEM OPTIONS (ADDRESS 2423) .....................................................................41 EMERGENCY FREE ACCESS (ADDRESS 4080)..................................................41 USER AREA OPTIONS (ADDRESS 2455-2502).....................................................42 EZM GROUP OPTIONS (ADDRESS 2555-2576)....................................................43 AREA ARMING OPTIONS (ADDRESS 2650-2651)................................................44 REMOTE ACCESS LOGGING (ADDRESS 3184) ..................................................44 AREA OUTPUT CONTROL OPTIONS (ADDRESS 2700-2739) ...........................45 RF RECEIVERS & SUPERVISORY TIMER OPTIONS (ADDRESS 3776 & 37603775)............................................................................................46 EXTERNAL RELAY CONTROL / RELAYS 1-24 (ADDRESS 3778-3801 & 28002895)............................................................................................47 NUMBER OF RELAY BOARD MODULES (ADDRESS 3777)...............................51 SYSTEM RESET OPTIONS (ADDRESS 4091-4093) .............................................52 USER PROGRAM MODE .......................................... 52 Preliminary Information........................................... 52 Accessing User Program Mode ............................. 53 User Codes ............................................................ 53 Zone Descriptions .................................................. 54 KEYPAD CONFIGURATION MODE ......................... 55 Keypad Installation ................................................. 55 Configuring the Keypads ........................................ 55 ALPHABETICAL INDEX ............................................ 57 ADDRESS NUMBER INDEX ..................................... 61 GEM-P3200 WIRING DIAGRAM ............................... 68 Refer to accompanying GEM-P3200 Installation Instructions (WI817) for installation information. L NAPCO Security Systems X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions Page 4 WI818G 10/05 SYSTEM PROGRAMMING OPTIONS INTRODUCTION The GEM-P3200 control panel may be programmed by various means, each of which will be covered in detail in the sections that follow. Keypad displays shown are for a GEM-K1CA (v.8), the recommended keypad for programming. Downloading From a Computer. This is the preferred method of programming. The panel may be downloaded from (or uploaded to) an IBM PC-compatible computer, either locally or remotely. Napco's PCD3000 and PCD Windows Quickloader software feature context-sensitive help screens as well as an error-checking utility that prevents programming of incompatible or conflicting data to ensure proper panel operation. Note: Unattended downloading from a computer is not allowed for Fire Alarm or UL installations. Easy Menu-Driven Program (Dealer Program) Mode - Keypad Programming. The Easy Menu-Driven Program Mode allows keypad programming of number of zones in Area 1 and 2, number of fire zones (both 4-wire and 2-wire), local or Central Station reporting, number of exit/entry zones, number of interior zones, number of 24 hour zones, number of chime zones, Chime 2 zones, Exit/Entry2 zones, 50ms loop response zones (Note: 750mS is required for Loop Response time in UL installations), aux output activated on alarm zones, sensor watch zones, keypad sounder on alarm zones, auto bypass re-entry zones, EOLR zones, number of keypads in Area 1 and 2, Central Station telephone number, Central Station account number, Central Station receiver format, User Codes, RF transmitter points, RF keyfob transmitters, zone descriptions, date/time, dealer code, Telco line fault test, Burg output chirp on keyfob, keypad time/date display, enable CP-01 programming, and clear dealer program/cold start. For new panels, a custom default program may be created at the keypad. A menu-driven utility prompts the installer to configure the system. Further detailed customization is accomplished in the Direct Address Program Mode. Direct Address (Dealer Program) Program Mode - Keypad Programming. The Direct Address Program Mode is an extension of the Dealer Program Mode wherein data is entered at the keypad by location. This mode is accessed from the Easy Menu Driven Program Mode by pressing the C button at any time. User Program Mode - Keypad Programming. The User Program Mode is intended for authorized users and is limited to keypad programming of User Codes, Time, Date and Zone Descriptions. DOWNLOADING FROM A COMPUTER The control-panel program may be downloaded from the computer by any of the following methods. Local Downloading (Note: This procedure should be used after installation, after peripheral devices are connected). For direct high-speed data transfer to the control panel from a desktop computer, connect the download jack (JP2) on the panel to the LOCAL jack (J3) on the Napco PCI2000/3000 computer interface using the supplied 6conductor cable. (Refer to PCI2000/3000 Installation Instructions WI443 for wiring diagram and procedures). Similarly, a high-speed local download may be made in the field using a notebook or laptop computer. Connect JP2 on the control panel to a Napco PCI-MINI computer interface using the 6-conductor cable supplied. (Refer to PCI-MINI Installation Instructions WI767). Remote Downloading (Also see PCI2000/3000 Installation Instructions WI443). Function Mode Start by establishing a telco connection between the computer operator and the installer. During this procedure, voice contact will be lost, therefore both the installer and the computer operator should be familiar with the operation. When a steady high-pitched tone is heard at the site phone, access the “ACTIVATE DOWNLOAD” Function (see Keypad Programming Modes), then press the J or U button or the NEXT/YES button; the site phone will go dead. Hang up the phone and wait for a call from the central station confirming a successful download. Callback Method An installed, unattended panel may be programmed or reprogrammed remotely using the Callback-Method Download feature of the PCD-Windows Quickloader software. Remote downloading requires a modem compatible with the PCI2000/3000. Upon answering the call from the computer, the panel will verify the Download Security Code and, if confirmed, will establish a connection. If a Callback Number is programmed into the panel, the panel will automatically disconnect and call the computer at this number before establishing a connection. X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems Page 5 WI818G 10/05 EASY MENU DRIVEN PROGRAM MODE DEALER PROGRAM - PRELIMINARY INFORMATION Only Keypad #1 may be used for both dealer and user programming, however this keypad may be located in any area. The Master Security Code is printed on the panel’s microprocessor can. Use this code to enter the Dealer Program Mode to program a custom Dealer Security Code. Record the number, then remove the code label to prevent unauthorized access to the panel. If you forget your Dealer Security Code, use the Master Security Code to enter programming. After entering codes or data, press the save U button. Data will not be stored into memory unless it is pressed. If the keypad is in the Program Mode and no activity is detected for longer than 4 minutes, a steady tone will sound. Silence the sounder by pressing the G button to continue, or by pressing the C button to exit. A panel that has been COLD STARTED (Address Location 4093) performs identically to a new panel. If a GEM-RP2ASe2/GEM-K2AS (Version 6) is used, configure address jumpers as Keypad #1 (see WI1184). ACCESSING DEALER PROGRAM MODE 1. Press EEEEEE R GEM-P3200 R Master Security Code (on microshield) CONTROL COMMUNCIATOR MASTER SECURITY CODE #-#-#-#-#-# 2. Press Q Until “ACTIVATE PROGRAM Y/N” appears on the keypad display. 3. Press P To Enter Dealer Program Mode. 4. Press CC To Exit Dealer Program Mode when finished. CUSTOMIZING A DEFAULT PROGRAM For new panels, you can design a default program that will best suit your application. Using this procedure, you will configure the panel for: • • • • • • • • • • • • Total Number of Zones in Area 1 Total Number of Zones in Area 2 Fire Zones in Area 1 2-Wire Fire Zones in Area 1 Report All Zones to Central Exit/Entry Zones in Area 1 Interior Zones in Area 1 24 Hour Zones in Area 1 Chime Zones in Area 1 Chime 2 Zones in Area 1 Exit/Entry2 Zones in Area 1 50mS Loop Response Zones (Note: 750mS is required for Loop Response time in UL installations). • • • • • • • • • • • • Aux Output Activated on Alarm Zones Sensor Watch Zones Keypad Sounder on Alarm Zones Auto Bypass re-entry Zones Enable no EOLR Zones Enable Telco Line Fault Test Enable Burg Output Chirp on Keyfob Enable SIA CP-01 Features Number of Keypads in Area 1 Number of Keypads in Area 2 Central Station Receiver 1 Tel. Number Central Station Receiver 1 Account Number • • • • • • • • • • • Central Station Receiver 1 Format Enter User Codes RF Transmitter Points Quick Method (Enroll Method) KeyFob Transmitters (as Arm/Disarm & Control Devices) KeyFob Transmitters (as Zone Input Devices) Enter Zone Descriptions Enter Date Enter Time Dealer Code Exit Dealer Program Mode This procedure will automatically set up system keypads, EZMs, wireless transmitters, etc. After your basic default program has been loaded, you may alter it as necessary in the Direct Address Program Mode. NEW PANELS: The custom default program may be created for new panels only. Once the panel has been programmed by any means, the number of areas, number of zones, fire zones, entry/exit zones and interior zones will be suppressed and cannot be changed. Should it be necessary to create a new custom default program, (a) from the Dealer Program Mode, press the C button to enter the Direct Address Program Mode; (b) access Location 4091 (Clear Program); (c) press the U button and start over. L NAPCO Security Systems X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions EASY MENU DRIVEN PROGRAM MODE KEYPAD #1: For ease of programming, it is recommended that a GEM-K1CA (Version 8) be used as Keypad #1. (Regardless of which keypad is selected, all new keypads are configured as Keypad #1 out of the box). Page 6 WI818G 10/05 GEM-RP1CAe2/GEM-K1CA Keypad Easy Program Menu To create a custom program using the GEM-RP1CAe2/GEM-K1CA keypad, simply answer the following questions and re- cord your information on the Easy Menu Programming Worksheet. In each of the following steps, press R to set cursor, the NEXT/YES button to go forwards, the PRIOR/NO button to go backwards, U to save and C twice to exit at any time. #of Zns in Area1 Enter # Zones XX GEM-RP1CAE2/GEM-K1CA KEYPAD EASY PROGRAM MENU (Direct Entry) Total Number of Zones in Area 1 (New Program Only) • Enter the total number of zones to be programmed for Area 1. • Valid entries are from 08 to 48. Directly enter the total number of zones, including leading zeros. • The system is based on groups of 4 zones each (after the first 8 zones), and will automatically round up to the next group of 4. For example, if you enter 18, it will automatically convert this to 20 zones. Press U to save. Press the NEXT/YES button to proceed. #of Zns in Area2 Enter # Zones XX (Direct Entry) Total Number of Zones in Area 2 (New Program Only) • Enter the total number of zones to be programmed for Area 2. • Valid entries are from 00 to 48. Directly enter the total number of zones, including leading zeros. • The system is based on groups of 4 zones each (after the first 8 zones), and will automatically round up to the next group of 4. For example, if you enter 18, it will automatically convert this to 20 zones. Press U to save. Press the NEXT/YES button to proceed. Fire Zones Enter Zone # °° (Direct Entry) Fire Zones in Area 1 (New Program Only) • Enter the zone number of any Fire Zones (including 2-wire, 4-wire or wireless). • Valid entries are from 01 to 48. • Directly enter each zone number, including leading zeros, and press U to save, and then repeat for any additional zone(s). Press the NEXT/YES button to proceed. 2-Wire Fire Zones in Area 1 (New Program Only) 2-Wire Fire Zns Enter Zone # ° ° (Direct Entry) • Enter the zone number of any Fire Zone (from previous question) to be used with 2-wire smoke detectors. • Valid entries are 07 and 08. Directly enter each zone number, including leading zeros. • Press U to save, and repeat for any additional zone(s); press NEXT to proceed. NOTE: Only zones which have been designated as Fire Zones can be programmed as 2 Wire Fire zones. JP3 must be set to “2-WF” position for 2-wire fire for zones 7-8. (refer to Installation Instructions). Local or Central Station Reporting System (New Program Only) Report All Zones To Central? Y/N Press the NEXT/YES button for all zones to report; press the PRIOR/NO button for local system. (Press YES or NO) Exit/Entry Zones Enter Zone # XX (Direct Entry) Exit/Entry Zones in Area 1 (New Program Only) • Enter the zone numbers of zones to be used as Exit/Entry zones. • Valid entries are from 01 to 48. Directly enter each zone number, including leading zeros. • Press U to save and repeat for any additional zone(s); press the NEXT/YES button to proceed. NOTE: Entry Delay Time of 30 seconds and Exit Delay Time of 60 seconds will automatically be programmed. Interior Zones Enter Zone # XX (Direct Entry) Interior Zones in Area 1 (New Program Only) • Enter the zone numbers to be used as Interior Zones. • Valid entries are from 01 to 48. Directly enter each zone number, including leading zeros. • Press U to save and then repeat for any additional zone(s). • Press the NEXT/YES button to proceed. • All Interior zones will also be automatically programmed as “Exit/Entry Follower” and as "Power Up Delay" zones. 24 Hour Zones Enter Zone # °° (Direct Entry) 24 Hour Zones in Area 1 (New Program Only) • Enter the zone numbers of zones to be used as 24 Hour zones. • Valid entries are from 01 to 48. Directly enter each zone number, including leading zeros. • Press U to save and repeat for any additional zone(s); press the NEXT/YES button to proceed. NOTE: 24 Hour Zones will automatically be programmed as audible (Burg Output). Chime Zones Enter Zone # (Direct Entry) Chime Zones in Area 1 (New Program Only) °° • Enter the zone numbers which are to be used as Chime Zones. • Valid entries are from 01 to 48. Directly enter each zone number, including leading zeros. • Press U to save and then repeat for any additional zone(s), press the NEXT/YES button to proceed. NOTE: A chime time of 2 seconds will be automatically programmed. X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems Page 7 WI818G 10/05 Chime 2 Zones Enter Zone # °° (Direct Entry) Chime 2 Zones in Area 1 (New Program Only) • Enter the zone numbers which are to be used as Chime 2 Zones. • Valid entries are from 01 to 48. Directly enter each zone number, including leading zeros. • Press U to save and then repeat for any additional zone(s), Press the NEXT/YES button to proceed. NOTE: A chime time of 2 seconds will be automatically programmed. Chime 2 zones give a distinct pulsating tone when zone is faulted. Exit/Entry2 Zones Enter Zone # °° • Enter the zone numbers of zones to be used as Exit/Entry zones. • Valid entries are from 01 to 48. Directly enter each zone number, including leading zeros. • Press U to save and repeat for any additional zone(s); press the NEXT/YES button to proceed. NOTE: An Entry Delay Time of 30 sec. and an Exit Delay Time of 60 sec. will automatically be programmed. 50mS Loop Zones Enter Zone # °° (Direct Entry) 50 mS Loop Response Zones (New Program Only) • Enter the zone numbers of zones to have a 50mS loop response. • Valid entries are from 01 to 08. Directly enter each zone number, including leading zeros. • Press U to save and then repeat for any additional zone(s), Press the NEXT/YES button to proceed. Note: Only panel zones 01-08 can be programmed for Quick Loop Response. All other zones can be programmed via their respective EZM's (hardwire). Note: 750mS is required for Loop Response time in UL installations. Aux Output Zones Enter Zone # ° ° (Direct Entry) Aux Output Activated on Alarm Zones (New Program Only) • Enter the zone numbers of zones to activate the Aux Output upon alarm. • Valid entries are from 01 to 48. Directly enter each zone number, including leading zeros. • Press U to save and then repeat for any additional zone(s), Press the NEXT/YES button to proceed. NOTE: An Aux Output Timeout of 15 minutes will automatically be programmed. Sensor Watch Zns Enter Zone # ° ° (Direct Entry) Sensor Watch Zones (New Program Only) • Enter the zone numbers of zones to be Sensor Watch zones. • Valid entries are from 01 to 48. Directly enter each zone number, including leading zeros. • Press U to save and then repeat for any additional zone(s), Press the NEXT/YES button to proceed. NOTE: A Sensor Watch Time of 24 hours will automatically be programmed. KP Sndr Alrm Zns Enter Zone # ° ° (Direct Entry) Auto Byp REnt Zn Enter Zone # ° ° (Direct Entry) Keypad Sounder On Alarm Zones (New Program Only) • Enter the zone numbers of all zones to activate the Keypad Sounder upon alarm. • Valid entries are from 01 to 48. Directly enter each zone number, including leading zeros. • Press U to save and then repeat for any additional zone(s), Press the NEXT/YES button to proceed. Auto Bypass Re-entry Zones (New Program Only) (Not evaluated by UL) • Enter the zone numbers of zones to be Auto Bypass Re-entry zones. • Valid entries are from 01 to 48. Directly enter each zone number, including leading zeros. • Press U to save and then repeat for any additional zone(s), Press the NEXT/YES button to proceed. • Auto Bypass Re-entry Zones allow the system to be armed with the zone faulted but come back into the system (armed) when the zone is subsequently closed. Enable No EOLR Zones Y/N Enable No EOLR Zones (New Program Only) • Press YES to program all zones except 24 Hr & fire zones for No End Of Line Resistor. Press NO to continue. • Do not program this feature for UL Installations. (Press YES or NO) Enable Telco Line Fault Test? Enable Telco Line Test? Y/N (Press YES or NO) • Press YES to enable Telco Line Fault Test. • Press NO to continue. NOTE: If enabled, a Telco Line Fault Test Delay of 60 sec. will automatically be programmed. Enable Burg Output Chirp on KeyFob? Enable Burg Out Chirp? Y/N (Press YES or NO) L • Press the NEXT/YES button to enable Burg Output Chirp on KeyFob Arm / Disarm. • Press the PRIOR/NO button to continue. NOTE: The Burg Output will chirp once on Keyfob Arm and twice on Keyfob Disarm. NAPCO Security Systems X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions GEM-RP1CAE2/GEM-K1CA KEYPAD EASY PROGRAM MENU (Direct Entry) Exit/Entry2 Zones in Area 1 (New Program Only) Page 8 WI818G 10/05 Enable SIA CP-01 Features? Enable SIA CP-01? Y/N (Press YES or NO) # Area 1 Keypads Enter # KPs 01 GEM-RP1CAE2/GEM-K1CA KEYPAD EASY PROGRAM MENU (Direct Entry) # Area 2 Keypads Enter # KPs 00 (Direct Entry) • Press the NEXT/YES button to enable. • Press the PRIOR/NO button to continue. The SIA CP-01 Features are designed to reduce the incidence of false alarms. NOTE: unless reporting, otherwise system trouble Fail to Communicate may occur. Do not enable Number of Keypads in Area 1 • Enter the total number of Keypads to be installed in Area 1. • Valid entries are from 01 to 07. Directly enter the number of keypads, including leading zeros. Press U to save. Press the NEXT/YES button to proceed. Number of Keypads in Area 2 • Enter the total number of Keypads to be installed in Area 2. • Valid entries are from 00 to 07. Directly enter the number of keypads, including leading zeros. Press U to save. Press the NEXT/YES button to proceed. NOTE: Area 2 keypads must have zones in Area 2, otherwise the keypad will indicate "Out Of System". Central Station Receiver 1 Telephone Number Central Phone # (Direct Entry) • Enter telephone number of up to 16 digits. • Press 1 through 9 for digits 1–9; G 0 for a zero and 0 for a blank (•). • Press G 1 through G 5 for letters B–F, respectively. • Pre-Dial Delay = “D” (G 4); Dial-Tone Detection = “E” (G 5). • Press U to save and press the NEXT/YES button to proceed. NOTE: Central Station Receiver 2 and 3 Telephone Numbers must be entered in Direct Address Programming. See CS Receiver Options. Easy Programming of Auto download ID #'s and PC Preset Callback Numbers (GEM-RP1CAe2 or GEM-K1CA keypads only) from the Central Station Telephone number. For unattended PC Preset downloading, it is now possible to set the Auto download ID #’s and PC Preset Callback from the Keypad Easy Program Mode. • At the field for CENTRAL PHONE #, program an "F" followed by the Auto Download ID # (2 digits) and then the Callback Telco # (up to 13 digits). • Press D or U to save. • • • • • Exit Program Mode (CC) Enter Master Code Press A or R Go to Function "ACTIVATE DOWNLOAD Y/N" and press YES (E or P). The panel will automatically call the PC Preset computer and download the program on the specified Auto Download line # of PC Preset. Example: Program an Auto download ID # of 07 and a PC Preset Callback # of 1-516-842-9400 CENTRAL PHONE # F0715168429400 • Go to Central Phone # input screen and press: [*] [5] [0] [7] [1] [5] [1] [6] [8] [4] [2] [9] [4] [0] [0] D (or U). X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems Page 9 WI818G 10/05 Central Station Receiver 1 Account Number Central Station Account # (____) (Direct Entry) • Enter an account number of up to four digits. • Press 0 through 9 for digits 0–9, and G 0 for a blank (•). • Press U to save and press the NEXT/YES button to proceed. NOTE: Central Station Receiver 2 and 3 Account Numbers must be entered in Direct Address Programming. See CS Reporting Options. Central Station Receiver 1 Format See WI for Info Rcvr Format (0) DATA ENTRY blank(•) • Press U to save and press the NEXT/YES button to proceed. CS RECEIVER 1 FORMAT DATA ENTRY Ademco Slow, Silent Knight Slow 9 FBI 4/3/1 Sescoa, Vertex, DCI, Franklin Fast Radionics Fast 0 Radionics Modem 2 B SIA 3 Silent Knight Fast C Ademco Point ID 4 Radionics, DCI, Franklin Slow D Ademco Express 5 Universal High Speed E Pager 8 Radionics BFSK 1 2 L NAPCO Security Systems CS RECEIVER 1 FORMAT NOTE: Modem IIe is available only in Direct Address Programming. Central Station Receiver 2 and 3 Formats can only be entered in Direct Address Programming. See CS Receiver Options. X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions GEM-RP1CAE2/GEM-K1CA KEYPAD EASY PROGRAM MENU (Direct Entry) • From the table at the right enter the receiver format. • Press 0 through 9, and G0 for blank (•). • Press G1 through G4 for letters B–E. Page 10 WI818G 10/05 Enter User Codes (Press the R button to set cursor.) Enter up to 48 User Codes with User Options, Authority Level and Access Control Options (if necessary) for each code. Refer to the tables below and on the next page for available data entries for User Options, Authority Level and Access Control Options. Note: All 48 Users must be assigned to areas in “User Area Options” (Address 2455-2502) in Direct Address Programming. By default, only User 1 is enabled in Area 1 and Area 2. Users 2 - 8 are enabled in Area 1 and users 9 - 16 are enabled in Area 2. Enter user code 001 123 -E3User# User Code GEM-RP1CAE2/GEM-K1CA KEYPAD EASY PROGRAM MENU Press the R button to set the cursor to the User Code. Use the number buttons 1 through 9 to enter a code from 3 to 6 digits. Enter up to 6 digits in the first six boxes from left to right for each user code. Valid entries are: 0-9. Note: Press the 0 button for a zero. No blank spaces in between; leave blank (•) any trailing boxes. If an “Ambush Code” (Address 0495) is entered, do not program the first two digits of ANY User Code as the same digits entered for the “Ambush Code”. If the programmed code is less than 6 digits, press the R button to set the cursor to the OPTION/LEVEL. Refer to the tables below for the available User Option and User Level data entries. Enter the user options data in the left digit. Enter the level data (with arming options, if any, added) in the right digit. Note: For entries greater than 9, press the G1 buttons through the G5 buttons for B through F, respectively. For Keypad Access Control, press the R button once again to program applicable keypads. Refer to the tables below, use the number buttons to enter the data for Keypad 1–4 in the right digit; and the data for Keypad 5–7 data in the left digit. (Press the 0 buttons for blank). Example: Enter a code of “123456” as “123456” (from left to right). USER OPTIONS DATA BLOCKED USER BYPASS ENTRIES VIEW PROGRAM 3 7 Y blank (•) LEVEL 2 ARM/DISARM 1 Y 3 LEVEL 3 ARM/DISARM 2 Y 4 NONE ARM ONLY 3 Y 5 LEVEL 1 ARM ONLY 4 Y 6 LEVEL 2 ARM ONLY 5 Y Y 7 LEVEL 3 ARM ONLY 6 Y Y 8 NONE SERVICE 7 Y 9 LEVEL 1 SERVICE 8 Y 0 LEVEL 2 SERVICE 9 Y Y B LEVEL 3 SERVICE 0 Y Y C* NONE AMBUSH B Y Y D* LEVEL 1 AMBUSH C Y Y E* LEVEL 2 AMBUSH D Y Y Y F* LEVEL 3 AMBUSH E Y Y Y Y 0 B Y C D Y E F Y Note: “Y” indicates option is enabled. X blank (•) ARM/DISARM 2 8 9 DATA K.P. 1 K.P. 2 K.P. 3 K.P. 4 ENTRIES ARM/DISARM Y 6 ACCESS CONTROL KEYPADS DATA K.P. 5 K.P. 6 K.P. 7 ENTRIES NONE 4 5 ACCESS CONTROL KEYPADS LEVEL 1 Y Y CODE TYPE ACCESS CONTROL KEYPADS 1 DISABLED 2 DATA AUTHORITY ENTRIES LEVEL USER OPTIONS USER USER OPTION LEVEL blank (•) blank (•) 1 OVERVIEW USER CODE (UP TO 6 DIGITS) *Note: These entries are only available when address 3905 option 8 is enabled. GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions F NONE Y Y 1 Y 2 Y 3 Y 4 Y 5 Y Y 6 Y Y 7 Y Y NONE Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 8 Y Y 9 Y 0 Y B Y C Y D Y Y E Y Y F Y Y Note: “Y” indicates option is enabled. L Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Note: “Y” indicates option is enabled. NAPCO Security Systems Page 11 WI818G 10/05 USER AUTHORITY LEVEL KEYPAD DISPLAY FUNCTION MENU FUNCTION DISPLAY ZN FAULTS LEVEL* 1 NOTES: * Minimum Level required to access function ** Level-3 Code with appropriate user option *** Requires Dealer Code DISPLAY ZN BYPASSED 1 DISPLAY ZN DIRECTORY 1 ACTIVATE BELL TEST 1 DISPLAY PHONE #’S 1 DISPLAY SYS TRBL 1 DISPLAY FIRE ALARM 1 Disabled DISPLAY FIRE TRBL 1 Blocked View DISPLAY OP/CL 3 3** ACTIVATE CHIME 1 ACTIVATE WATCH 2 RESET SYSTEM TRBL 3 RESET SENSOR MSG 3 START EXIT TIME User Program Bypass Overview 1 FAULT FIND *** Arm Only ACTIVATE LOCATE *** Service EZM ZONE FIND *** ACTIVATE DIALER TEST 3 DISPLAY ALARM LOG 3 DISPLAY TOTAL LOG 3 DISPLAY FIRE LOG 3 DISPLAY OP/CL LOG 3 DISPLAY SYSTEM LOG 3 AUTOARM IN 1-4HRS 2 DISPLAY AUTOARM SCHD ACTIVATE PROGRAM 3 3** ACTIVATE DOWNLOAD 3 DISPLY RF XMITTER STAT 1 RELAY CONTROL 1 Ambush Access EXPLANATION User Code not active in this area. Allows User Code to block another code from being viewed by another user. An unblocked code cannot view a blocked code, but a blocked code can view all codes. The master user code and the dealer program code can view all codes. User Program Option is enabled for Keypad 1 only, wherever it is connected (any area). If enabled, Level 3 must also be enabled. Allows User Code to bypass zones. This option, along with Level 3 Authorization, enables selection of OVERVIEW mode at a keypad. This Mode provides a system status display of all areas at a glance. Prevents User Code from disarming this area. A Service Code has restricted arm/disarm rights; if an area is armed with a Service Code, a “5” appears on the GEM-RP1CAe2 keypad and the area can be disarmed with any valid User Code, including a Service Code. If the area is armed with OTHER than a Service Code, it CANNOT be disarmed with a Service Code. This is typically used to allow tradesmen access to premises under control of the owner. There are two types of Ambush Codes: (1) A 2-digit code (prefix) that is entered immediately prior to (and as part of) the regular User Code and (2) A separate and unique User Code. Disarming with an Ambush Code will cause a silent report to be sent to a central station. Thus, should a user be forced to disarm, he can silently signal an emergency while appearing to be merely disarming the system. This is normally used to activate a door striker while an area is disarmed. A code with the access option will not function as an arm/disarm code. When the code is entered, the keypad will display “ENTER NOW” and the Brown Wire on the keypad will become Active Low (Ground Potential) for 7 seconds. Related User Options: “Ambush Code” (Address 0495), “Panel Access Code” (Address 0490), “Dealer Security Code” (Address 0500) & “User Area Options” (Address 2455-2502). Press U to save each code. To proceed to the next User Code, set the cursor to the User Number and change it using the number buttons. Program a new User Code as previously described. Press NEXT P button to proceed. Example: Program a code of “2222” for user 02, with User Option of “User Program”, User “Level 3” and Access Control Option “Keypad No. 1”. Enter “2222” for a user code, “2 3” for user option and “blank(•) 1” for access control option. CHANGING OR CANCELING A CODE: To change any code, merely program over the existing code as described above and press U to save. Similarly, to cancel a code, blank out each number of the code and press U to save to save. L NAPCO Security Systems X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions GEM-RP1CAE2/GEM-K1CA KEYPAD EASY PROGRAM MENU ACTIVATE OVERVIEW USER OPTIONS OPTIONS Page 12 WI818G 10/05 Enter Proximity Card Users (FOR ACM USE ONLY). (Press the R button to set cursor). See WI1221 for more information. Enter up to 48 Proximity Cards with User Options, Access Level and ACM Area (if necessary) for each card. Refer to the tables below and to WI1221 for more information. Enter user code 001 123456- 6User# User Code GEM-RP1CAE2/GEM-K1CA KEYPAD EASY PROGRAM MENU Press the R button to set the cursor to the User Code. Use the number buttons 1 through 9 to enter a 6 digit code. Enter the digits in the first six boxes from left to right for each user code. Valid entries are: 0-9. Note: Press the 0 button for a zero. No blank spaces in between; leave blank (•) any trailing boxes. Refer to the tables below and WI1221 for the available User Level data entries. Enter the level data in the right digit. Leave blank (•) in the left digit. Note: For entries greater than 9, press the G1 buttons through the G5 buttons for B through F, respectively. For ACM Area, enter data for Areas 1 or 2. Example: Enter a code of “123456” as “123456” (from left to right). See table below. USER CODE (UP TO 6 DIGITS) USER OPTIONS USER LEVEL ACM AREA ACM AREA DATA ENTRIES DATA ENTRIES ACCESS LEVEL CODE TYPE blank (•) 0 NONE 1 1 NONE 2 2 NONE 4 0 ARM/DISARM 5 1 ARM/DISARM 6 2 ARM/DISARM 8 0 ARM ONLY 9 1 ARM ONLY 0 2 ARM ONLY A1 blank (•) 1 NONE Y 2 X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions 3 A2 Y Y Y Note: “Y” indicates option is enabled. L NAPCO Security Systems Page 13 WI818G 10/05 ZN# XMIT#+CS P Zn01- 000000:0-0 Zone # Mapped to Xmitter ID Check Sum Point # RF Transmitter Points (Press R to set cursor.) For each transmitter enter: (For wireless systems only. Also see Quick Method, which follows) • The zone number (01–48) to which the transmitter will be mapped. • The 6-digit RF ID # and 1-digit checksum number printed on the transmitter and box, • The point number (1–2); enter “9” for unsupervised (all points). • Press U to save and NEXT/YES button to proceed when all transmitters have been entered. NOTE: When programming the ID Code number, “0” through ”9” = 0 through 9; A = G0 ; B = G1 ; C = Quick Method (Enroll Method). If a receiver is already installed in the panel, transmitter wireless points can be programmed automatically (“enrolled”) using the following procedure. NOTE: The transmitter point will be enrolled only if the signal ZN# X M I T # + C S P strength is 3 or greater. Z n 0 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 - 0 1. Enter the zone number to which the transmitter point will be mapped. ZN# XMIT#+CS P ZN01- ENROLL:A-- 2. Press B to enter the Enroll Mode. The red and green LEDs on the keypad will flash and the window will display as shown at left. 3. Open the loop of the point that is to be programmed (GEM-TRANS2 only). 4. Install the transmitter battery. The keypad will beep to indicate that the point has been successfully enrolled. Multi-point transmitters can be mapped to successive zones simultaneously. to Zone 6). Example. A 2-point transmitter has the RF ID number 287613:1. Map point 5. Enter Zone “09”. 1 to Zone 6 and point 2 to Zone 9. 6. Close point-1 loop and open point-2 loop. 1. Enter the Enroll mode as described above. 7. Remove the transmitter battery, then re-install it. The keypad will beep 2. Enter Zone “06”. once to indicate that one point has been programmed. (Transmitter 3. Open point-1 loop. 287613:1, point 2 is mapped to Zone 9). 4. Install the battery. The keypad will beep once to indicate that one point has been programmed. (Transmitter 287613:1, point 1 will be mapped KEYFOB ZONE ASSIGNMENT: Keyfobs can also be assigned to zones to allow multiple wireless panic buttons on one alarm system, each reporting to a central station, a pager or having a description on the keypad that describes the person holding the keyfob, the location where the person holding the keyfob is stationed, or the special purpose of the keyfob button being depressed. See the next page on Keyfob Transmitters as Zone Input Devices . KF A XMIT#+CS OP 01-0 000000:0 00 KF # Area Xmitter ID Check Sum Aux 1&2 Keyfob Transmitters as Arm/Disarm & Control Devices (Press R to set cursor). Keyfobs can be programmed as “Arm/Disarm” devices using their On/Off buttons (refer to WI752). For each Keyfob Transmitter, enter: • The Keyfob Transmitter number (01–08). • • • • • • The area number to which transmitter is assigned (0 to disable keyfob, 1 or 2). The 6-digit RF ID # and 1-digit checksum number printed on the transmitter and box, The Aux 1 Option (see keyfob aux 1 & aux 2 options). The Aux 2 Option (see keyfob aux 1 & aux 2 options). NOTE: Keyfobs 1-8 report openings and closings as Users 25-32. Press U to save and NEXT/YES button to proceed when all keyfobs have been entered. NOTE: When programming the ID Code number, “0” through ”9” = 0 through 9 ; A = G0 ; B = G1 ; C = G2 ; D = G3 ; E = G4 and “F” = G5. L NAPCO Security Systems X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions GEM-RP1CAE2/GEM-K1CA KEYPAD EASY PROGRAM MENU G2 ; D = G3 ; E = G4 and “F” = G5. Page 14 WI818G 10/05 KeyFob Transmitters as Zone Input Devices GEM-RP1CAE2/GEM-K1CA KEYPAD EASY PROGRAM MENU (Refer to display above: press the PRIOR button to go backwards). Each of the 4 keyfob buttons can be assigned to a zone. For example, On button = point 1; Off button = point 2; A1 = point 3; A2 = point 4. Up to 48 keyfobs (using 1 button) or 24 keyfobs (using 2 buttons) or 14 keyfobs (using all 4 buttons) or any combination up to a maximum of 48 controlled zones can be assigned, providing multiple wireless panic buttons on a system, each reporting to a Central Station or a pager and/or annunciating on a keypad the keyfob zone number with a description. To assign a keyfob to a zone: program the keyfob as you would a transmitter, entering the keyfob's ID code, check sum and point number at the appropriate zone. The “Quick Method” is not allowed. The zone may be hardwired to an electrical sensor as well as assigned to a keyfob (either one will activate the zone alarm output). NOTE: If assigning a keyfob to a zone, the “ON/OFF” buttons on the keyfob will no longer arm/disarm the system. The keyfob is converted to a “panic only” device. Enter Zone Descriptions AUX 1/AUX 2 OPTIONS 1 Relay Group 1 Toggle 2 Relay Group 2 Toggle None 9 Panic A Auxiliary B Instant C Aux. Output Toggle D Access on Aux. Output E Arm STAY ("K Series" Keypads Only) Interior Bypass ("Classic" RP Series F • Press 1 and 2 to place the cursor and; press 001- DATA ENTRY 0 3 and 6 to select the character. • For each zone, enter a description of up to two lines. • Press U to save each description. (Direct Entry) • To proceed to the next description, place the cursor under the Zone Number (e.g. “01”) and change the Zone Number using 3 and 6. Program new description as above. • NOTE: Zone Descriptions can only be entered through the GEM-RP1CAe2 Keypad or by using the Napco Quickloader Software. See Easy Menu Programming Worksheet for available zone description characters. Enter Date ( / / Enter Date (Press R to set cursor). • Enter the current date in the format MM/DD/YY. (MM = month, DD = day and YY = year. • Press U to save. Press the NEXT/YES button to proceed. ) (Direct Entry) Enter Time (Press R to set cursor.) Enter Time ( : • Enter the current time in format HH:MMA/P, where HH=hours (01–12); MM=minutes (00–59). • Select AM or PM by pressing any number button to toggle selection. • Press U to save. Press the NEXT/YES button to proceed. ) (Direct Entry) Dealer Code • Directly enter the Dealer Code (default = 456789), using 0 through 9 buttons. Dealer Code 456789 • Press U to save. • Re-enter the Dealer Code to verify the previous code. • Press U to save. DEALER CODE RE-ENTER • Press the NEXT/YES button to proceed. EXIT DEALER PROGRAM MODE: This completes the custom default program. Press C to enter the Direct Address Program Mode for further programming or press C once again to end all programming and resume normal keypad operation. CLEAR PROGRAM: Should it be necessary to create a new custom default program, (a) from the Dealer Program Mode, press C to enter the Address Program Mode; (b) access Location 4091 (Clear Program) or 4093 (Cold Start); (c) press U and then (d) press C to exit the Dealer Program Mode. A “SYSTEM TROUBLE/E09-00 SERVICE” will occur. Press C to silence the keypad. Clear Dealer Program (Erases Dealer Program) 4091 XX H Use this feature to erase the Panel Program, while maintaining Scheduled Data and Zone Descriptions. Access address 4091 and press U. Data entry is not allowed. NOTE: Enter Easy Menu Driven Program Mode to reprogram system. 4093 XX H Cold Start (Erases Entire Program) This erases all programmed data (Dealer Program, Zone Description Data and Schedules). Access address 4093 and press U. Data entry is not allowed. NOTE: Some features (schedules) can only be pro- grammed again with the Downloading Software. X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems Page 15 WI818G 10/05 DIRECT ADDRESS PROGRAM MODE DIRECT ADDRESS OVERVIEW Direct Address Programming allows you to go directly to the address locations (up to 4095) and change the data entries manually in order to customize your control panel options. Whereas the Easy Menu Program Mode guides you through limited selections to get you started, Direct Address Program Mode allows you to change all options directly. It consists of up to 4095 address locations each with data entry locations as shown in the following diagram (below left). The data entry location accepts data in one of three formats: Binary, Decimal and Hexadecimal (explained below in "Address Mode Displays"). The following diagram (below right) illustrates a Decimal format data entry location (using a GEM-RP1CAe2/GEM-K1CA keypad). DATA ENTRY LOCATION ADDRESS LOCATIONS GEM-RP1CAe2/GEM-K1CA Keypad Display Example 1 0000 0000 060 DATA ENTRY LOCATION: (One of three formats): • Binary (Bit) • Decimal • Hexadecimal 1 2 D = ADDRESS LOCATION = DATA ENTRY LOCATION ADDRESS MODE DISPLAYS There are three types of address displays when programming in Direct Entry Program Mode, as follows: A) Binary (Bit) Format Settings (such as Zone Features) display and accept data in "number" format. For example, Zone Features are turned on by the pressing of keypad buttons 1 through 8, with the activated Zone(s) displaying the corresponding decimal digit (replacing deactivated zones which are signified by dashes). EXAMPLE: BIT Format with the GEM-RP1CAe2/GEM-K1CA: Program Zones 2, 4, 5 and 7 as Exit/Entry Follower Zones. 1218 Address 1218 "Exit/Entry Follower" - - - - - - - - B DATA ENTRY LOCATION: Binary (Bit) Format • No zones yet activated 1218 Address 1218 "Exit/Entry Follower" - 2 - 4 5 - 7 - B DATA ENTRY LOCATION: Binary (Bit) Format Press 2 4 5 and 7 in order to activate Zones 2, 4, 5, and 7. (The "B" on the right indicates "Binary" format). DETERMINE THE DATA ENTRIES Referring to ZONE FEATURES in the Programming Worksheets that follow, the Exit/Entry Follower for Zones 1 through 8 are located at address 1218. L NAPCO Security Systems X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions DIRECT ADDRESS PROGRAM MODE 0000 TO 4095 2 Page 16 WI818G 10/05 ZONES 1 ZONE FEATURES ADDR Z1 1 Exit/Entry Follower 8 ZONES 9 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 Z6 Z7 Z8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 1218 ADDR 16 Z9 Z10 Z11 Z12 Z13 Z14 Z15 Z16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1318 PROGRAM THE DATA ENTRIES 1. Enter the panel's Dealer Security Code, then press R. 2. Answer NO to all questions until “ACTIVATE PROGRAM Y/N” is displayed; then press YES. NOTE: If you pass “ACTIVATE PROGRAM”, scroll backward using B. 3. Press C to enter the Address Program Mode. Address "0000" will display. DIRECT ADDRESS PROGRAM MODE 4. Press 1218 to access Address 1218. The existing data will display and the cursor will advance to the data field. 5. Press 6 7 8. The numbers 6,7 and 8 will appear on the keypad display indicating the zones activated. 6. Press U to save. Address 1218 is now programmed with “6,7,8”. 7. Press R and enter another 4-digit address to continue programming--or--press C to exit and resume normal keypad operation. B) Decimal Format Settings (such as Entry and Exit Delay) display and accept data in decimal format, as a 3 digit number. Data is entered directly, by pressing keys 0 – 9, with the cursor automatically moving to the right upon each key press. EXAMPLE: DECIMAL Format with the GEM-RP1CAe2/GEM-K1CA: Program Abort Delay to be 15 seconds. 2406 - - - D DATA ENTRY LOCATION: Decimal Format Address 2406 "Abort Delay" • No time yet entered 2406 Address 2406 "Abort Delay" 015 D DATA ENTRY LOCATION: Decimal Format Press 0 1 5 in order to set "Abort Delay" to 15 seconds. The "D" on the right indicates "Decimal" format. DETERMINE THE DATA ENTRIES Referring to SYSTEM DELAYS & TIMEOUTS in the Programming Worksheets that follow, the Abort Delay is located at address 2406: ABORT ADDRESS 2406 DELAY (sec.) [Default = 000] PROGRAM THE DATA ENTRIES 1. Enter the panel's Dealer Security Code, then press R. 2. Answer NO to all questions until “ACTIVATE PROGRAM Y/N” is displayed; then press YES. NOTE: If you pass “ACTIVATE PROGRAM”, scroll backward using B. 3. Press C to enter the Address Program Mode. Address "0000" will display. 4. Press 2406 to access Address 2406. The existing data will display and the cursor will X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems Page 17 WI818G 10/05 advance to the data field. 5. Press 015. The numbers 015 will appear on the keypad display indicating the number of seconds entered. 6. Press U to save. Address 2406 is now programmed with a 15-second Abort Delay. 7. Enter another 4-digit address to continue programming or press C to exit and resume normal keypad operation. C) Hexadecimal Format Data such as Report Codes displays, accepts data by means of a Hexadecimal display. Data is entered directly, by pressing keys 1 – 9, G0 for zero, and G 1 through G 5 for hex B through F (11-15), with the cursor automatically moving to the right upon key press. See table below. HEXADECIMAL ENTRIES PRESS N KEYPAD DISPLAYS ENTRY TOTAL PRESS N KEYPAD DISPLAYS blank 0 • 8 8 8 1 1 1 9 9 9 2 2 2 10 G 0 0 3 3 3 11 G 1 B 4 4 4 12 G 2 C 5 5 5 13 G 3 D 6 6 6 14 G 4 E 7 7 7 15 G 5 F EXAMPLE: HEXADECIMAL Format with the GEM-RP1CAe2/GEM-K1CA: Program an Ambush CS Reporting Code to be "1B". 0900 Address 0900 "Ambush" - - H 0900 DATA ENTRY LOCATION: Hex Format • No data yet entered Address 0900 "Ambush" 1 B H DATA ENTRY LOCATION: Hex Format Press 1G1 in order to set "Ambush" Reporting code to "1B". The "H" on the right indicates "Hexadecimal" format. DETERMINE THE DATA ENTRIES Referring to CS REPORTING CODES in the Programming Worksheets that follow, Ambush is located at address 0900. In the "Keypad Reporting Codes" table, the data entries needed to assign a code of "1B" are "1" and "G1". KEYPAD REPORTING CODES Ambush Panic ADDRESS 0900-0904 LEFT ADDR RIGHT 1 0900 B Fire Auxiliary Tamper L NAPCO Security Systems 0901 0902 0903 0904 X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions DIRECT ADDRESS PROGRAM MODE ENTRY TOTAL Page 18 WI818G 10/05 PROGRAM THE DATA ENTRIES 1. Enter the panel's Dealer Security Code, then press R. 2. Answer NO to all questions until “ACTIVATE PROGRAM Y/N” is displayed; then press YES. NOTE: If you pass “ACTIVATE PROGRAM”, scroll backward using B. 3. Press C to enter the Address Program Mode. Address "0000" will display. 4. Press 0900 to access Address 0900. The existing data will display and the cursor will advance to the data field. 5. Since you wish the reporting code to be "1B", press 1 to enter a "1" in the display, and press G1 to enter a "B" in the display. NOTE: The right address is reported first, therefore, in the ad- dress table, the right digit is the 1st digit of the reporting code ("1" in this example). DIRECT ADDRESS PROGRAM MODE 6. Press U to save. Address 0900 is now programmed with an Ambush reporting code of "1B". 7. Press R and enter another 4-digit address to continue programming--or--press C to exit and resume normal keypad operation. PROGRAMMING CONVENTIONS USED IN THIS MANUAL The Keypad Programming Worksheets that follow are provided as an address-programming reference to help the installer modify his custom default program or to make minor field alterations to an existing panel program. It is recommended that the panel be uploaded to NAPCO's PCD-Windows software following any keypad programming and that the PCD-Windows's error-check feature be utilized to reduce the possibility of programming omissions or conflicts. 3 Keep the Keypad Programming Worksheets on file for future reference. General Programming Steps 1. Contact the central station to ascertain receiver format, data format, event codes, subscriber numbers and telephone number(s). 2. Select the desired features by writing in (pencil recommended) the respective “address” boxes. Refer to the Programming Options and Worksheets for guidance in selecting the “data” to be entered into those boxes. 3. Program the data entered in the boxes on the worksheets into the respective addresses. The display will show the entry numerically, but if hexadecimal format will display “0” for the number 10, and letters “B”, “C”, “D”, “E”, and “F” for the numbers 11 through 15, respectively. To program a 10, press G 0. To program 11 through 15, press G 1 through G 5, respectively. The displays will appear after a brief delay. Use R to toggle the cursor between the 4-digit address field and the data entry locations. Enter the address directly using the number buttons. The contents of the address will be read automatically, along with the feature name and programming information. The cursor will advance to the data field. Enter the required data directly using the number buttons. IMPORTANT: Press U or D to save the contents of each address. EXIT DIRECT ADDRESS PROGRAM MODE: When done, press C to exit and resume normal keypad operation. X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems Page 19 WI818G 10/05 SYSTEM DELAYS & TIMEOUTS (ADDRESS 0000-0002, 2402, 2406, 2414 & 3902) ADDRESS 0000 EXIT DELAY (sec.) ENTRY DELAY 1 (sec.) [Default = 030] [Default = 060] ADDRESS 0001 ENTRY DELAY 2 (sec.) ADDRESS 0002 [Default = 030] Aux. Output Access Control Timeout (sec.) ADDRESS 2402 ABORT DELAY (sec.) ADDRESS 2406 [Default = 000] [Default = 000] Telephone ADDRESS 2414 Line Test Delay (x15 sec.) Select delay/timeout (0-255 seconds). [Default = 000] EXIT/ENTRY DELAYS: Apply only to zones programmed with the following options “Exit/Entry 1, Exit/Entry 2, Exit/Entry Follower”. For UL Installations, the maximum exit delay is 60 seconds and the maximum entry delay is 45 seconds. NOTE: Sensor Watch Time Options are similar to above table, except in hours. CS Telco 3 ADDRESS 3902 Report Delay (sec.) Press U or D to save. [Default = 000] SYSTEM DE LAY S & TIM EOU TS (ADDRESS 2407, 2408 & 4088) CHIME ADDRESS 2407 AC Fail TIME Report Delay (¼sec.) (x10 min.) [Default = 008 x ¼ sec. = 2 sec.] ADDRESS 2408 Sensor Watch Delay (Hr.) [Default = 008] ADDRESS 4088 [Default = 024] 1. Enter delay/timeout in corresponding address locations above. Note: All entries for address 2407 are in quarter seconds (.25 seconds). Therefore, the default of 008 results in a 2 second timeout. 2. Press U or D to save. L NAPCO Security Systems X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions SYSTEM DELAYS/TIMEOUTS WARNING: Timers have uncertainty of +/-1 sec, so a "time" of 1 second may actually timeout IMMEDIATELY. Page 20 WI818G 10/05 SYST EM DE LA YS & TIMEOU TS ( ADDRESS 2400, 2401, 2403-2405, 4082 & 4083) Reset Output ADDRESS 2400 Timeout (min.) [Default = 000] Aux. Output Timeout (min.) ADDRESS 2401 Burg. Alarm Output Timeout (min.) [Default = 000] ADDRESS 2403 ADDRESS 2404 Pulse Alarm Output Timeout (min.) [Default = 015] [Default = 015] ADDRESS 2405 [Default = 000] Report Cancel Window (min or sec.) 1. Select delay/timeout (0-255 min.). 2. Enter in corresponding address locations above and right. 3. Press U or D to save. SYSTEM DELAYS/TIMEOUTS & KEYPAD CODES Fire Output Timeout (min.) ADDRESS 4082 [Default = 000] V.1 or less = sec. V.3 or greater = min. Program for at least 5 minutes in a CP-01 installation.* OUTPUT TIMEOUTS: If a timeout of “0 min.” is selected, then the output will remain active (ON) until the system is reset or disarmed. For UL Residential Installations, the minimum timeout is 4 minutes. For UL Commercial Installations, the minimum timeout is 15 minutes. Auto Disarm Rearm Delay (min.) ADDRESS 4083 [Default = 000] *Address 4082: When "Enable CP-01 Features" is selected in the Easy Program menu, this time is set to 7 minutes. KEYPAD SYS TE M CODE S (ADDR ESS 0490-0495 & 0500-0502) Panel Access Code ADDRESS 0490-0492 0490 0491 0492 L R L R L R [Default = blank (•) blank (•) from address 0490-0492] PANEL ACCESS CODE: Enter up to 6 digits to activate a door strike while the area is disarmed. 1. Enter in both left and right digits of address locations. 2. Valid entries are: 0-9. Note: Also, “Access Control on Aux. Output” (Address 2418) and “Aux. Output Access Control Timeout” (Address 2402) must both be enabled. Ambush Code ADDRESS 0495 LEFT RIGHT [Default = 99] AMBUSH CODE: Enter a 2-digit code used just prior to disarming and will activate an Ambush Condition, causing a SILENT report to be sent to the central station. 1. Enter in both left and right digits of address locations. 2. Valid entries are: 0-9. Note: Also, “Enable Keypad Ambush” (Address 2440-2446), “Report on Ambush Alarm” (Address 1125, 1127, 1135 & 1137) must be enabled and “Ambush Reporting Code” (Address 0900) must be provided. Dealer Security Code ADDRESS 0500-0502 0500 0501 0502 L R L R L R [Default = blank (•) blank (•) from address 0500-0502] DEALER SECURITY CODE: Enter up to 6 digits to be used by the dealer to enter programming. 1. Enter in both left and right digits of address locations. 2. Valid entries are: 0-9. Note: If left blank, the Master Security Code must then be used to enter programming. X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems Page 21 WI818G 10/05 C S R EC EI VE R FO RM A T O PTIO NS ( ADDR ESS 0520, 0521, 0525, 0526, 0550, 0551, 0575 & 0576) ADDRESS 0525 ADDRESS 0575 ADDRESS 0550 CS Receiver 1 Format CS Receiver 3 Format CS Receiver 2 Format Default for CS Receiver 1 Format depends on Easy Menu Question “RCVR FORMAT”. [Default = •(blank) E] for CS Receivers 1, 2 and 3 Formats. DATA ENTRIES LEFT RIGHT CS RECEIVER FORMATS blank (•) blank (•) blank (•) 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 0 B C D E F 1 blank (•) blank (•) blank (•) blank (•) blank (•) blank (•) blank (•) blank (•) blank (•) blank (•) blank (•) blank (•) Ademco Slow, Silent Knight Slow Sescoa, Vertex, DCI, Franklin Fast Radionics Fast Silent Knight Fast Radionics, DCI, Franklin Slow Universal High Speed Radionics BFSK FBI 4/3/1 Radionics Modem 2 SIA Ademco Point ID Ademco Express Pager Disabled Radionics Modem IIe 1. Select the desired CS Receiver Format from the table shown. 2. Enter in the corresponding digit address locations for each CS Receiver. NOTE: Dark shaded data value box shows option not available. Leading Digits for Pager Format (1st Digit) ADDRESS 0520 Leading Digits for Pager Format (2nd Digit) [Default = blank (•) blank (•)] ADDRESS 0521 [Default = blank (•) blank (•)] LEADING DIGITS FOR PAGER FORMAT: In Pager Format reporting, the message typically begins with “00”. However, for some pager services, this will cause the Pager's Voice Mail feature to activate. This option allows you to program these digits to any number desired. Typical Pager report is “003 022 1234”, where 3 is the Event, 22 is the zone, and 1234 is the Subscriber ID number. For example, if the Leading Digits are programmed as “98”, the Pager report will now appear as “983 022 1234”. 1. Enter in 1st and 2nd Leading Digits in right digit only (left digit is not used) as shown. 2. Valid entries are: 0-9. 0526 Press U or D to save CS Receiver 1 Options 0551 Option Default CS Receiver 2 Options Option Default 1400Hz Handshake/Kissoff * OFF 1 1400Hz Handshake/Kissoff * OFF 1 OFF 2 2300Hz Handshake/Kissoff * OFF 2 2300Hz Handshake/Kissoff * OFF 3 Enable Zone Number on Pulse Alarm OFF 3 Enable Zone Number on Pulse Alarm OFF 4 Single Digit Only OFF 4 Single Digit Only OFF 5 Sum Check OFF 5 Sum Check OFF 6 3/1 with Extended Restores OFF 6 3/1 with Extended Restores OFF 7 Report to TCP/IP Receiver or AES (Telco 1)** OFF 7 Report to TCP/IP Receiver or AES (Telco 2)** OFF 8 RESERVED OFF 8 RESERVED 0576 CS Receiver 3 Options Default for CS Receiver 1 Format depends on Easy Menu Question “RCVR FORMAT”. [Default = •(blank) E] for CS Receivers 2 and 3 Formats. Option Default OFF 1 1400Hz Handshake/Kissoff * OFF 2 2300Hz Handshake/Kissoff * OFF 3 Enable Zone Number on Pulse Alarm OFF 4 Single Digit Only OFF 5 Sum Check OFF 6 3/1 with Extended Restores OFF 7 Report to TCP/IP Receiver or AES (Telco 3)** OFF 8 RESERVED L NAPCO Security Systems CS RECEIVER FORMATS: Up to 3 CS Formats may be programmed. 1. Select the desired CS Receiver Format from the table shown. 2. Enter the corresponding digit in the address location for each CS Receiver. NOTE: Dark shaded data value box shows option not available. Press [Enter] of [ON/OFF] to save. NOTES: * If both are selected, 1400Hz has priority over 2300Hz. ** For NAPCO NetLink™ installations only: For each telephone number desired, enable to allow the panel to report alarms via the NL-MOD accessory. See WI1242 for more information. X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions CS RECEIVER FORMAT OPTIONS blank (•) CS RECEIVER FORMATS: Up to 3 CS Formats may be programmed. Page 22 WI818G 10/05 CS RECEIVER T ELEPH ONE NUMBERS (ADDRESS 05 27-0546, 0552-0571, 0577-05 96) CS RECEIVER TELEPHONE NUMBERS & DOWNLOAD/CALLBACK OPTIONS ADDRESS 0527-0546 (DIGITS 1-20) CS Receiver 1 Telephone 0527 0528 0529 0530 0531 0532 0533 0534 0535 0536 0537 0538 0539 0540 0541 0542 0543 0544 0545 0546 Number (Digits 1-20) ADDRESS 0552-0571 (DIGITS 1-20) CS Receiver 2 Telephone 0552 0553 0554 0555 0556 0557 0558 0559 0560 0561 0562 0563 0564 0565 0566 0567 0568 0569 0570 0571 Number (Digits 1-20) ADDRESS 0577-0596 (DIGITS 1-20) CS Receiver 3 Telephone 0577 0578 0579 0580 0581 0582 0583 0584 0585 0586 0587 0588 0589 0590 0591 0592 0593 0594 0595 0596 Number (Digits 1-20) Default for CS Rec eiv er 1 Telephone Number depends on Easy Menu Question “CENTRAL PHONE #”. [Default = blank (•)] across digits 1-20 for CS Receiver Telephone Numbers 2 and 3. CS RECEIVER TELEPHONE NUMBERS: Enter telephone numbers for any of the three CS Receivers (Telco 1, 2 & 3). 1. Enter up to 20 digits from left to right. NOTE: Leave trailing boxes blank (•). 2. Valid entries are: 1-9, B = *button, C = #button, D = 3 sec. pause, E = Wait for dial tone, F = ignore location DOWNL OAD/CAL LBACK OP TI ONS Answer on Ring Number ( A D DR E S S 4 08 9, 06 00 - 0 6 1 9, 0 6 2 5 - 06 4 7, 10 2 2 & 1 0 2 3) ANSWER ON RING NUMBER: Enter the number of rings before automatic pickup by the control panel when downloading from a computer (see Glossary in WI817). Initial value of 000 becomes 15 rings. 1. Enter digits only. ADDRESS 4089 2. [Default = 015] Valid entries are: 003-015. NOTE: Default is 15 Rings. Press U or D to save. ADDRESS 0600-0619 (DIGITS 1-20) Callback Telephone 0600 0601 0602 0603 0604 0605 0606 0607 0608 0609 0610 0611 0612 0613 0614 0615 0616 0617 0618 0619 Number 1 (Digits 1-20) [Default = blank (•) for all digits 1-20] ADDRESS 0625-0644 (DIGITS 1-20) Callback Telephone 0625 0626 0627 0628 0629 0630 0631 0632 0633 0634 0635 0636 0637 0638 0639 0640 0641 0642 0643 0644 Number 2 (Digits 1-20) [Default = blank (•) for all digits 1-20] CALLBACK TELEPHONE NUMBERS: Enter telephone numbers to be used when downloading from a computer. 1. Enter digits only. 2. Enter up to 20 digits from left to right. NOTE: Leave trailing boxes blank (•). 3. Valid entries are: 0-9, B = *button, C = #button, D = 3 sec. pause, E = Wait for dial tone, F = ignore location. ADDRESS 0645-0647 Download Security Code 0645 0646 0647 [Default = blank (•) blank (•)] DOWNLOAD SECURITY CODE: Enter up to 6 digits to be used for remote access when downloading from a computer. 1. Enter digits in address locations above. 2. Valid entries are: 0-9. Callback Telephone No. Select Press U or D to save. ADDRESS 1022 Auto Download ID No. [Default = blank (•) blank (•)] ADDRESS 1023 Valid entries - 01-99 CALLBACK TELEPHONE NO. SELECT: Enter either “1” for Callback Telephone Number 1 or “2” for Callback Telephone Number 2. [Default = blank (•) blank (•)] 1. Valid entries are: 1 or 2. Note: Download Security Code must match the code entered in the PCD-Windows Quickloader Download Software. X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems Page 23 WI818G 10/05 CS SUBSCRIBER ID NUMBERS (A DDRESS 0 6 50 -0 78 7) CS TELCO 1 SUBSCRIBER OPENING/CLOSING ID NUMBERS AREA 1 AREA 2 ADDRESS 0650-0653 (DIGITS 1-4) 0650 0651 0652 0653 ADDRESS 0654-0657 (DIGITS 1-4) 0654 0655 0656 0657 AREA 1 AREA 2 SYSTEM ADDRESS 0682-0685 (DIGITS 1-4) 0682 0683 0684 0685 ADDRESS 0686-0689 (DIGITS 1-4) 0686 0687 0688 0689 ADDRESS 0714-0717 (DIGITS 1-4) 0714 0715 0716 0717 CS TELCO 2 SUBSCRIBER OPENING/CLOSING ID NUMBERS (BACKUP REPORTING) AREA 1 AREA 2 ADDRESS 0720-0723 (DIGITS 1-4) ADDRESS 0724-0727 (DIGITS 1-4) 0720 0721 0722 0723 0724 0725 0726 0727 CS TELCO 2 SUBSCRIBER EVENT ID NUMBERS (BACKUP REPORTING) AREA 1 AREA 2 SYSTEM ADDRESS 0752-0755 (DIGITS 1-4) ADDRESS 0756-0759 (DIGITS 1-4) 0756 0757 0758 0759 ADDRESS 0784-0787 (DIGITS 1-4) 0784 0785 0786 0787 0752 0753 0754 0755 L NAPCO Security Systems X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions CS SUBSCRIBER ID NUMBERS (TELCO 1 & 2) CS TELCO 1 SUBSCRIBER EVENT ID NUMBERS Page 24 WI818G 10/05 C S SUBSCRIBER ID NUMBERS (A DDRESS 0 79 0-08 5 7) CS SUBSCRIBER ID NUMBERS (TELCO 3) & CS REPORTING CODES CS TELCO 3 SUBSCRIBER OPENING/CLOSING ID NUMBERS AREA 1 AREA 2 ADDRESS 0790-0793 (DIGITS 1-4) 0790 0791 0792 0793 ADDRESS 0794-0797 (DIGITS 1-4) 0794 0795 0796 0797 CS TELCO 3 SUBSCRIBER EVENT ID NUMBERS AREA 1 AREA 2 SYSTEM ADDRESS 0822-0825 (DIGITS 1-4) ADDRESS 0826-0829 (DIGITS 1-4) ADDRESS 0854-0857 (DIGITS 1-4) 0822 0823 0824 0825 0826 0827 0828 0829 0854 0855 0856 0857 Default for CS Telco 1 Subscriber Event ID Number (Area 1) depends on Easy Menu Question “ACCOUNT #”. [Default = blank (•) blank (•) blank (•) blank (•)] for all other ID Numbers. CS TELCO SUBSCRIBER ID NUMBERS: Enter the Subscriber Opening/Closing and Event ID Numbers for any of the 3 CS Receivers. 1. Enter 3 or 4 digits (depending on the CS receiver format) for each subscriber number from left to right. NOTE: Leave trailing boxes blank (•). 2. Valid entries are: 1-9, 0 and B-F. NOTE: A is not permitted. Press [Enter] or ON/OFF] to save. CS REPOR TIN G CODES (ADDRE SS 0859-0883) ALARM/TROUBLE REPORTING CODES Cancel Alarm Restore Trouble Trouble Restore ADDRESS 0859-0862 LEFT blank (•) blank (•) blank (•) blank (•) ADDR 0859 0860 0861 0862 RIGHT [Default = blank (•) blank (•) from address 0859-0883] OPENING/CLOSING REPORTING CODES ADDRESS 0864-0883 ADDR Closing Conditional Closing Opening blank (•) blank (•) blank (•) 0864 0865 0866 Opening after Alarm Fail to Open Fail to Close blank (•) 0867 0868 0869 Telemetry Trouble 0882 Telemetry Fail 0883 CS SYSTEM REPORTING CODES: 1. Enter in corresponding address location (left and right digits). NOTE: Left digit is the first digit and right digit is the second digit in a two digit CS receiver format. 2. Valid entries are: 1-9, 0 and B-F. NOTE: A is not permitted. 3. To disable a code leave boxes blank (•). NOTE: Dark shaded data value box shows option not available. 4. Press U or D to save. X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems Page 25 WI818G 10/05 CS REPOR TIN G CODES (ADDRESS 0870-0904) SYSTEM REPORTING CODES ADDRESS 0870-0880 LEFT ADDR SYSTEM REPORTING CODES RIGHT ADDRESS 0890-0897 LEFT ADDR RIGHT KEYPAD REPORTING CODES ADDRESS 0900-0904 LEFT ADDR Test Timer Alarm Supervisory 0870 0871 Digital Dialer Test RESERVED 0890 0891 Ambush 0900 Panic 0901 Bus Failure 0872 RESERVED 0892 Fire 0902 Memory Failure Low Battery 0873 0874 Service Message Program Change 0893 0894 Auxiliary 0903 Tamper 0904 AC Failure EZM Tamper 0875 0876 RF Receiver Trouble RF Tamper 0895 0896 RF Trouble 0897 Sensor Watch 0877 RESERVED blank (•) 0878 blank (•) RESERVED blank (•) 0879 blank (•) 0880 CS SYSTEM REPORTING CODES: 1. Enter in corresponding address location (left and right digits). NOTE: Left digit is the first digit and right digit is the second digit in a two digit CS receiver format. 2. Valid entries are: 1-9, 0 and B-F. NOTE: A is not permitted. 3. To disable a code leave boxes blank (•). NOTE: Dark shaded data value box shows option not available. 4. Press U or D to save. CAUTION: For all 2-Digit Reporting Formats (see CS Receiver Format Options), use the following: Reporting Code ADDRESS Loc. LEFT RIGHT 1 2 2nd Digit of Reporting Code 1st Digit of Reporting Code Example: The 2-digit reporting code as shown is “21”. CS AREA & SYS TEM R E POR TIN G OP TION S (ADD RESS 10 24 -102 7 ) AREAS 1 CS Area Reporting Options ADDRESS DISABLE OPENING REPORTS 1024 1025 DISABLE CLOSING REPORTS A2 1 2 1027 CS System Report Options Option Default L OFF 1 Backup Report on Telco 2 OFF 2 Touch-tone Dialing Only * ON 3 Touch-tone Dialing w/Rotary Backup * OFF 4 Transmit “402” Opening/Closing Code OFF 5 Cancel Next Test Timer on any Report OFF 6 Disable Wait for Silence OFF 7 Disable Wait for Handshake OFF 8 Handshake for Local Telemetry NAPCO Security Systems 2 A1 CS AREA & SYSTEM REPORTING OPTIONS: 1. Select the desired option entering the option number (1-8) for each digit. 2. Enter corresponding option number in address location. NOTE: Dark shaded data value box shows option not available. 3. Press U or D to save. * NOTE: If neither TouchTone Dialing nor TouchTone w/Rotary Backup is selected, then system defaults automatically to Rotary Dialing. Leave blank (•) to select Rotary Dialing. X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions CS REPORTING CODES & CS REPORTING OPTIONS Telco Line Failure [Default = blank (•) blank (•) from address 0870-0904] RIGHT Page 26 WI818G 10/05 CS ZONE REPORTING CODES CS ZON E REP OR TING C ODES (A DDRESS 0 91 0-09 57) ADDRESS 0910-0917 ZONES REPORT CODE (CONTROL PANEL) ZONE 1 ZONE 2 ZONE 3 ZONE 4 ZONE 5 ZONE 6 ZONE 7 ZONE 8 0910 0911 0912 0913 0914 0915 0916 0917 ADDRESS 0918-0921 ZONES REPORT CODE (GROUP 1) ZONE 9 ZONE 10 ZONE 11 ZONE 12 0918 0919 0920 0921 ADDRESS 0922-0925 ZONES REPORT CODE (GROUP 2) ZONE 13 ZONE 14 ZONE 15 ZONE 16 0922 0923 0924 0925 ADDRESS 0926-0929 ZONES REPORT CODE (GROUP 3) ZONE 17 ZONE 18 ZONE 19 ZONE 20 0926 0927 0928 0929 ADDRESS 0930-0933 ZONES REPORT CODE (GROUP 4) ZONE 21 ZONE 22 ZONE 23 ZONE 24 0930 0931 0932 0933 ADDRESS 0934-0937 ZONES REPORT CODE (GROUP 5) ZONE 25 ZONE 26 ZONE 27 ZONE 28 0934 0935 0936 0937 ADDRESS 0938-0941 ZONES REPORT CODE (GROUP 6) ZONE 29 ZONE 30 ZONE 31 ZONE 32 0938 0939 0940 0941 ADDRESS 0942-0945 ZONES REPORT CODE (GROUP 7) ZONE 33 ZONE 34 ZONE 35 ZONE 36 0942 0943 0944 0945 ADDRESS 0946-0949 ZONES REPORT CODE (GROUP 8) ZONE 37 ZONE 38 ZONE 39 ZONE 40 0946 0947 0948 0949 ADDRESS 0950-0953 ZONES REPORT CODE (GROUP 9) ZONE 41 ZONE 42 ZONE 43 ZONE 44 0950 0951 0952 0953 ADDRESS 0954-0957 ZONES REPORT CODE (GROUP 10) ZONE 45 ZONE 46 ZONE 47 ZONE 48 0954 0955 0956 0957 Default for Group Zone Report Codes depends on Easy Menu Question “RCVR. FORMAT”. ZONE REPORT CODE OPTIONS DATA ENTRIES DATA ENTRIES NOTE: Zones 1-8 are included in the control panel and Zones 9-32 are EZM Zones. Zones 33-48 are wireless. See Address 2555-2560 to enable “EZM Zone Groups”. MODEM CODE 1 2 3 4 Burglary Hold up 7 8 Gas Alarm Heat Alarm 0 Auxiliary Alarm B 24 Hour Auxiliary X PULSE EVENT CODE will be the first digit of the 2 digit reporting code. The second digit will be the second digit of the reporting zone. For example, for zone 9 (address 0918), if the right digit is “3", then the reporting code is “39”. With another example, for zone 15 (address 0924), if the right digit is “4", then the reporting code is “45”. Fire * Panic MODEM CODES determine the zone types reported for the following formats: SIA and ADEMCO Point ID. 1. 2. Select the desired Modem Code for each zone from the table shown. Press U or D to save. GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems Page 27 WI818G 10/05 CS USER REP OR TING C ODES (A DDRESS 1 0 30 -1 07 4) USERS 1 Enable Users to Report User Opening Telco 1 User Closing Telco 1 User Opening Telco 3 User Closing Telco 3 1 2 3 4 5 User Closing Telco 1 User Opening Telco 3 User Closing Telco 3 User Closing Telco 1 User Opening Telco 3 User Closing Telco 3 8 16 U9 U10 U11 U12 U13 U14 U15 U16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 24 USERS 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 ADDR U25 U26 U27 U28 U29 U30 U31 U32 8 1032 1045 1058 1071 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1033 1046 1059 1072 40 USERS 41 ADDR U33 U34 U35 U36 U37 U38 U39 U40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1034 1047 1060 1073 48 ADDR U41 U42 U43 U44 U45 U46 U47 U48 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1035 1048 1061 1074 NOTE: These opening events will report as the user number shown. Also, Keyfobs 1-8 (see Easy Menu Program Driven Mode) will report as Users 25-32, respectively. L NAPCO Security Systems X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions CS USER REPORTING CODES User Opening Telco 1 7 U20 ADDR U17 U18 U19 U21 U22 U23 U24 4 USERS 33 Enable Users to Report 6 ADDR 1031 1044 1057 1070 1 User Opening Telco 1 USERS 9 1030 1043 1056 1069 USERS 17 Enable Users to Report 8 ADDR U1 U2 U3 U4 U5 U6 U7 U8 Page 28 WI818G 10/05 GLOBAL SYS TE M TR OUBLE RE P ORTIN G OPT IONS (ADDRES S 1082-1116) GLOBAL SYSTEM TROUBLE REPORTING OPTIONS GLOBAL SYSTEM EVENT/TROUBLE SYSTEM RESPONSE ACTIVATED BY GLOBAL EVENT/TROUBLE ADDR Burglary Alarm Output Pulsed Burg. Output Fire Output (Lug E9) Reset Relay Auxiliary Relay Report Event Telco 1 Report Restore Telco 1 Report Event Telco 3 Report Restore Telco 3 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1091 1092 TEST TIMER ALARM SUPERV. COMM. BUS 1 MEMORY FAILURE LOW BATTERY AC FAIL EZM TAMPER SENSOR WATCH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [Default = blank (•) from address 1082-1092]. SYSTEM RESPONSE ACTIVATED BY GLOBAL EVENT/TROUBLE GLOBAL SYSTEM EVENT/TROUBLE ADDR TELCO FAIL RSRVD. Telemetry Trouble Telemetry Failure RSRVD. RSRVD. RSRVD. RSRVD. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Burglary Alarm Output 1094 Pulsed Burg. Output 1095 Fire Output (Lug E9) 1096 Reset Relay 1097 Auxiliary Relay 1098 Report Event Telco 1 1099 Report Restore Telco 1 1100 Report Event Telco 3 1103 Report Restore Telco 3 1104 [Default = blank (•) from address 1094-1104] * NOTE: Keypad Aux. is not to be selected for UL Installations. SYSTEM RESPONSE ACTIVATED BY GLOBAL EVENT/TROUBLE GLOBAL SYSTEM EVENT/TROUBLE ADDR Digital Dialer Test RSRVD. RSRVD. 1 2 3 SERVICE PROGRAM RF RCVR. MESSAGE CHANGE TROUBLE 4 5 6 RF TAMPER RF TROUBLE 7 8 Burglary Alarm Output 1106 Pulsed Burg. Output 1107 Fire Output (Lug E9) 1108 Reset Relay 1109 Auxiliary Relay 1110 Report Event Telco 1 1111 Report Restore Telco 1 1112 Report Event Telco 3 1115 Report Restore Telco 3 1116 [Default = blank (•) blank (•) from address 1106-1116] * NOTE: Keypad Aux. is not to be selected for UL Installations. 1. 2. Select the desired option entering the option number (1-8) for each digit. Enter corresponding option number in address location. NOTE: Dark shaded data value box shows option not available. Press U or D to save. X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems Page 29 WI818G 10/05 AREA SYST EM T ROUBLE R EPORTING OP TI ONS (ADD RESS 11 20 -1 137 ) AREA 1 SYSTEM EVENT/TROUBLE SYSTEM RESPONSE ACTIVATED BY AREA 1 EVENT/TROUBLE ADDR Pulsed Burg. Output 1120 Burglary Output 1121 Fire Output (Lug E9) 1122 Reset Relay 1123 Auxiliary Relay 1124 Report Alarm Telco 1 Report Alarm Telco 3 1125 1127 AMBUSH KEYPAD PANIC KEYPAD FIRE KEYPAD AUX. KEYPAD TAMPER FAIL TO OPEN FAIL TO CLOSE RSRVD. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Default ON Default ON Default ON Defaults as noted from address 1120-1127] ADDR Pulsed Burg. Output 1130 Burglary Output 1131 Fire Output (Lug E9) 1132 Reset Relay 1133 Auxiliary Relay 1134 Report Alarm Telco 1 Report Alarm Telco 3 1135 1137 AMBUSH KEYPAD PANIC KEYPAD FIRE KEYPAD AUX. KEYPAD TAMPER FAIL TO OPEN FAIL TO CLOSE RSRVD. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Default ON Default ON Default ON Default ON Default ON Default ON [Defaults as noted from address 1130-1137] 1. 2. Select the desired option entering the option number (1-8) for each digit. Enter corresponding option number in address location. NOTE: Dark shaded data value box shows option not available. 3. L Press U or D to save. NAPCO Security Systems X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions AREA SYSTEM TROUBLE REPORTING OPTIONS AREA 2 SYSTEM EVENT/TROUBLE SYSTEM RESPONSE ACTIVATED BY AREA 2 EVENT/TROUBLE Page 30 WI818G 10/05 ZONE OPTI ONS / ZONE S 1-16 (AD DRESS 120 0 -13 8 6) ZONES 1 ZONE OPTIONS ADDR Z1 ZONE OPTIONS / ZONES 1-16 1 8 ZONES 9 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 Z6 Z7 2 3 4 5 6 7 16 Z8 ADDR Z9 Z10 Z11 Z12 Z13 Z14 Z15 Z16 8 1 50ms Loop Response (A) 1200 20ms Loop Response (A) Priority 1201 1202 1302 Priority with Bypass 1203 1303 Auto-Bypass 1204 1304 Selective Bypass 1205 1305 Keyswitch Arming 1206 1306 Auto-Bypass Re-entry 1207 1307 Pre-Alarm Warning 1208 1308 Never Arm 1209 1309 24-Hour Zone 1210 1310 Burg. Alarm Output 1211 1311 Pulsed Alarm Output 1212 1312 Fire Output (Lug E9) 1213 1313 Reset Relay 1214 1314 Auxiliary Relay 1215 1315 Entry/Exit 1 1216 1316 Entry/Exit 2 1217 1317 Exit/Entry Follower 1218 1318 Auto Reset 1219 1319 Swinger Shutdown 1220 1320 Chime 1221 1321 Abort Delay 1222 1322 Power-up Delay 1223 1323 Day Zone Open 1224 1324 Day Zone Short 1225 1325 Alarm on Day Zone 1226 1326 RPT Alarm Tel 1 1227 1327 RPT Alarm Restore Tel 1 1228 1328 RPT Trouble Tel 1 1229 1329 RPT Trouble Restore Tel 1 1230 1330 RPT Alarm Tel 3 1235 1335 RPT Alarm Restore Tel 3 1236 1336 RPT Trouble Tel 3 1237 1337 RPT Trouble Restore Tel 3 1238 1338 No EOL Resistor 1239 1339 Sensor Watch 1240 1340 Trouble on Open 1241 1341 Trouble on Short 1242 1342 Trouble on Night Open 1243 1343 Zone Area 1 1244 1344 Zone Area 2 1245 1345 2-Wire Smoke Detectors (B) 1252 RESERVED 1253 1353 Zone ANDing Group 1 1254 1354 Zone ANDing Group 2 1255 1355 Interior #1 Bypass 1262 1362 Interior #2 Bypass 1263 1363 Keypad Sounder on Alarm 1264 1364 Fire (C) 1275 1375 Fire Alarm Verification (C) 1276 1376 Interior (STAY) Bypass 1284 1384 Chime 2 1286 1386 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 When the Easy Program Menu is used, these features are enabled by default (for new panels or after a Cold Start (address 4093)). Zone Area 1 is enabled for the first 8 zones only, by default Do not program if "K Series" keypads (with "P" and "Q" buttons) are used in the system. See Zone Options on Page 33. Disable Auto-Reset on non-fire zones for SIA CP-01 installations. In UL installations, all Fire Zones must also be programmed for "Pulse Burg Output Cadence" (Address 2422, press 1 (bit zero)). X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems Page 31 WI818G 10/05 ZONE OPTI ONS / ZONE S 17 -32 (A DDRESS 1 40 2 -1 58 6) ZONES 17 ZONE OPTIONS 24 ZONES 25 32 ADDR Z17 Z18 Z19 Z20 Z21 Z22 Z23 Z24 ADDR Z25 Z26 Z27 Z28 Z29 Z30 Z31 Z32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 1402 1502 Priority with Bypass 1403 1503 Auto-Bypass 1404 1504 Selective Bypass 1405 1505 Keyswitch Arming 1406 1506 Auto-Bypass Re-entry 1407 1507 Pre-Alarm Warning 1408 1508 Never Arm 1409 1509 24-Hour Zone 1410 1510 Burg. Alarm Output 1411 1511 Pulsed Alarm Output 1412 1512 Fire Output (Lug E9) 1413 1513 Reset Relay 1414 1514 Auxiliary Relay 1415 1515 Entry/Exit 1 1416 1516 Entry/Exit 2 1417 1517 Exit/Entry Follower 1418 1518 Auto Reset 1419 1519 Swinger Shutdown 1420 1520 Chime 1421 1521 Abort Delay 1422 1522 Power-up Delay 1423 1523 Day Zone Open 1424 1524 Day Zone Short 1425 1525 Alarm on Day Zone 1426 1526 RPT Alarm Tel 1 1427 1527 RPT Alarm Restore Tel 1 1428 1528 RPT Trouble Tel 1 1429 1529 RPT Trouble Restore Tel 1 1430 1530 RPT Alarm Tel 3 1435 1535 RPT Alarm Restore Tel 3 1436 1536 RPT Trouble Tel 3 1437 1537 RPT Trouble Restore Tel 3 1438 1538 No EOL Resistor 1439 1539 Sensor Watch 1440 1540 Trouble on Open 1441 1541 Trouble on Short 1442 1542 Trouble on Night Open 1443 1543 Zone Area 1 1444 1544 Zone Area 2 1445 1545 RESERVED 1453 1553 Zone ANDing Group 1 1454 1554 Zone ANDing Group 2 1455 1555 Interior #1 Bypass 1462 1562 Interior #2 Bypass 1463 1563 Keypad Sounder on Alarm 1464 1564 Fire (C) 1475 1575 Fire Alarm Verification (C) 1476 1576 Interior (STAY) Bypass 1484 1584 Chime 2 1486 1586 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 When the Easy Program Menu is used, these features are enabled by default (for new panels or after a Cold Start (address 4093)). Do not program if "K Series" keypads (with "P" and "Q" buttons) are used in the system. Disable Auto-Reset on non-fire zones for SIA CP-01 installations. In UL installations, all Fire Zones must also be programmed for "Pulse Burg Output Cadence" (Address 2422, press 1 (bit zero)). See Zone Options on Page 33. L NAPCO Security Systems X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions ZONE OPTIONS / ZONES 17-32 Priority Page 32 WI818G 10/05 ZONE OPTI ONS / ZONES 33 -48 (A DDRESS 1 6 02 -1 78 6) ZONES 33 ZONE OPTIONS ZONES 41 48 ADDR Z33 Z34 Z35 Z36 Z37 Z38 Z39 Z40 ADDR Z41 Z42 Z43 Z44 Z45 Z46 Z47 Z48 1 ZONE OPTIONS / ZONES 33-48 40 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Priority 1602 1702 Priority with Bypass 1603 1703 Auto-Bypass 1604 1704 Selective Bypass 1605 1705 Keyswitch Arming 1606 1706 Auto-Bypass Re-entry 1607 1707 Pre-Alarm Warning 1608 1708 Never Arm 1609 1709 24-Hour Zone 1610 1710 Burg. Alarm Output 1611 1711 Pulsed Alarm Output 1612 1712 Fire Output (Lug E9) 1613 1713 Reset Relay 1614 1714 Auxiliary Relay 1615 1715 Entry/Exit 1 1616 1716 Entry/Exit 2 1617 1717 Exit/Entry Follower 1618 1718 Auto Reset 1619 1719 Swinger Shutdown 1620 1720 Chime 1621 1721 Abort Delay 1622 1722 Power-up Delay 1623 1723 Day Zone Open 1624 1724 Day Zone Short 1625 1725 Alarm on Day Zone 1626 1726 RPT Alarm Tel 1 1627 1727 RPT Alarm Restore Tel 1 1628 1728 RPT Trouble Tel 1 1629 1729 RPT Trouble Restore Tel 1 1630 1730 RPT Alarm Tel 3 1635 1735 RPT Alarm Restore Tel 3 1636 1736 RPT Trouble Tel 3 1637 1737 RPT Trouble Restore Tel 3 1638 1738 No EOL Resistor 1639 1739 Sensor Watch 1640 1740 Trouble on Open 1641 1741 Trouble on Short 1642 1742 Trouble on Night Open 1643 1743 Zone Area 1 1644 1744 Zone Area 2 1645 1745 RESERVED 1653 1753 Zone ANDing Group 1 1654 1754 Zone ANDing Group 2 1655 1755 Interior #1 Bypass 1662 1762 Interior #2 Bypass 1663 1763 Keypad Sounder on Alarm 1664 1764 Fire (C) 1675 1775 Fire Alarm Verification (C) 1676 1776 Interior (STAY) Bypass 1684 1784 Chime 2 1686 1786 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 When the Easy Program Menu is used, these features are enabled by default (for new panels or after a Cold Start (address 4093)). Do not program if "K Series" keypads (with "P" and "Q" buttons) are used in the system. Disable Auto-Reset on non-fire zones for SIA CP-01 installations. In UL installations, all Fire Zones must also be programmed for "Pulse Burg Output Cadence" (Address 2422, press 1 (bit zero)). See Zone Options on Page 33. X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems Page 33 WI818G 10/05 ZON E O PTI ONS / ZONE S 1- 4 8 (AD DRESS 12 0 0-1 7 86 ) ZONE OPTIONS: Select zone options for any zone. 1. Select the desired zone option by entering the option number (1-8) for each selected zone. 2. Enter corresponding option number in address location, in Binary (Bit) Format. NOTE: Dark shaded data value box shows option not available. Press U or D to save NOTE: See Direct Address Programming Example on page 15. NOTES: (A) 50ms & 20 ms Loop Response only available for zones 1-8. (B) 2-wire Smoke Detectors only available for zones 1-8. Refer to Installation Instructions (WI817) for more details. If 2-wire Smoke Detector is selected, then Fire must also be selected. (C) If Fire Alarm Verification is selected, then Fire must also be selected. DEFAULTS: The zone options indicated are automatically set after exiting the Easy Menu Driven Mode. Priority, Selective Bypass, Alarm Output, Auto Reset, Swinger Shutdown , Zone Area 1 and Zone Area 2 are enabled for the total number of zones entered in “AREA 1 # ZONES = 08” and “AREA 2 # ZONES = 00”. Alarm Telco 1 is enabled for the zones if [YES] is entered for “REPORT ALL ZONES TO CENTRAL ZONES? Y/N”. Entry/Exit 1 and Chime are enabled for zone numbers entered in “EXIT / ENTRY ZONES”. Exit/Entry Follower and Interior Bypass are enabled for zone numbers entered in “INTERIOR ZONES”. Fire, Pulse Alarm Output and Fire Verification is enabled for the zone numbers entered in “FIRE ZONES”. 2-Wire Smoke Detector is enabled for zone numbers entered in “2 WIRE FIRE ZONES”. Note: See “Number of Zones & Keypads per Area” in Easy Menu Driven program Mode. L NAPCO Security Systems X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions ZONE OPTIONS / ZONES 1-48 Page 34 WI818G 10/05 SYST EM OPTION S (ADDRES S 2415-2419) 2415 System Options - Disable Fire Reset Option Default System Options - Enable Day Zone Watch Option OFF 1 Disable Fire Reset (Area 1) OFF 1 Enable Day Zone Watch (Area 1) OFF 2 Disable Fire Reset (Area 2) OFF 2 Enable Day Zone Watch (Area 2) OFF 3 RESERVED OFF 3 RESERVED OFF 4 RESERVED OFF 4 RESERVED OFF 5 RESERVED OFF 5 RESERVED OFF 6 RESERVED OFF 6 RESERVED OFF 7 RESERVED OFF 7 RESERVED OFF 8 RESERVED OFF 8 RESERVED 2417 System Options 2418 Option Default SYSTEM OPTIONS 2416 Default System Options Option Default OFF 1 Opening Report only after Alarm Report OFF 1 Auto Bell Test on Arming OFF 2 OFF 3 Closing Report only on Cond. Closing (Auto-Byp.) ON 2 Auto Reset after Burg. Output Timeout Include Sel./Grp. Bypass in Cond. Closing Status OFF 3 Suppress “Bypass” Icon when Armed OFF OFF 4 Status Report (Auto-Byp. Zones on Clos.) OFF 4 RESERVED 5 RESERVED OFF 5 Access Control (Panel) on Aux. Output OFF OFF 6 Lug E4 Armed Away Only OFF 6 Enable Burg. Output Warning on Entry 7 Disable Auto-Unbypass on Disarming OFF 7 Enable Manager’s Mode Outside Overview OFF 8 Enable All-Zone-in-Trouble Bypass OFF 8 Start Exit Delay after Ringback 2419 System Options Option Default OFF 1 OFF 2 Enable Exit-Delay Restart OFF 3 Reset Day Zone with Arm/Disarm Only OFF 4 Enable Local Alarm on First Zone “AND” Trip OFF 5 Disable Keypad Function-Mode Download OFF 6 Disable Callback Download OFF 7 Disable Answering-Machine Download OFF 8 Disable Auto-Reset on Day Zone Interior 1 Normally Bypassed* SYSTEM OPTIONS: 1. Select the desired option entering the option number (1-8) for each digit. 2. Enter corresponding option number in address location. NOTE: Dark shaded data value box shows option not available. Press U or D to save. *Do not use on systems with "K Series " keypads. X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems Page 35 WI818G 10/05 SYST EM OPT ION S (AD DRES S 24 20 -2 4 22, 387 4, 3 90 5, 38 8 0-38 81 ) 2420 System Options 2421 Option Default OFF 1 OFF System Options Option Default † OFF 1 Automatic Interior Bypass/Easy Exit 2 Chime on Lug E4 OFF 2 Veri-phone Zones trip Aux. Output OFF 3 Disable Code required for Func. Mode Lvl. 1 OFF 3 Veri-phone Zones Priority over Alarms OFF 4 Disable Code required for EZ Bypass OFF 4 AuxOut Chirp on Keyfob Arm/Disarm** OFF 5 Disable Keypad Instant Button OFF 5 Disable Auxout Clear on Disarm OFF 6 Enable Telephone Line-Fault Test OFF 6 2nd Call Answering Machine Override OFF 7 Disable AC Fail Detection OFF 7 Disable Zone Fault Scrolling (Auto Status) OFF 8 Telco Fail only when Armed OFF 8 Veri-phone Zones trip Fire Output Disable System Trouble Audible (at Keypad) † NOTE: Not for UL Installations. ** Default for this address contingent on EZ Menu selections. 2422 System Options 3874 Option Default System Options Option Default § 1 Pulse Burg Output Cadence OFF 1 Enable GEM-PRINT 2 Wireless Smoke Low Battery Resound OFF 2 Enable Cancel Report to Telco 3 OFF 3 Supervised Alarm Output OFF 3 Wireless Trouble to Telco 1 OFF 4 Enable Smoke Detector Dirty Trouble OFF 4 Wireless Trouble to Telco 3 OFF 5 Disable Area Entry Relays OFF 5 Enable Set Time/Date Message OFF 6 Disable Exit/Entry Urgency Tone at Keypad OFF 6 RESERVED OFF 7 Select Bell Output on Keyfob Arming ON 7 Enable Keypad Time/Date Display OFF 8 Enable Burg. Output on Telco Fail only when Armed 8 RESERVED § In Zone Options, Fire Zones, and only Fire Zones, must be programmed for pulse alarm output. 3905 System Options Option Default SYSTEM OPTIONS: 1. Select the desired option entering the option number (1-8) for each digit. 2. Enter corresponding option number in address location. NOTE: Dark shaded data value box shows option not available. Press U or D to save. OFF 1 RESERVED OFF 2 Enable Exit Delay Restart (SIA-FAR)** OFF 3 Enable Bell on Exit Error** OFF 4 Enable Report Exit Err/Recent Close** OFF 5 Digital Dialer Rpt Enter/Exit Test Mode** OFF 6 Enable CP-01 Limits** OFF 7 Disable Call Waiting on First Attempt OFF 8 Enable Ambush in User Assignment Code Type ** Default for this addresses contingent on EZ Menu selections. ALARM/TR OUBL E REPORTIN G C ODES (A DDRESS 3880-3881) ALARM/TROUBLE REPORTING CODES: 1. Enter in corresponding address location (left and right digits). ALARM/TROUBLE REPORTING CODES ADDRESS 3880-3881 Wireless Supervisory 3880 Wireless Tamper 3881 [Default = blank (•) from address 3880-3881] NOTE: Left digit is the first digit and right digit is the second digit in a two digit CS receiver format. 2. Valid entries are: 1-9, 0 and B-F. NOTE: A is not permitted. 3. To disable a code leave boxes blank (•). 4. Press U or D to save. L NAPCO Security Systems X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions SYSTEM OPTIONS ON OFF Page 36 WI818G 10/05 SYST EM OPT ION S (A DDRES S 3882-3901, 3903-3905 & 4084) ADDRESS 3882-3901 (RIGHT DIGITS 1-20) Telephone Dialing Prefix (Digits 1-20) 3882 3883 3884 3885 3886 3887 3888 3889 3890 3891 3892 3893 3894 3895 3896 3897 3898 3899 3900 3901 Pager Recalls ADDRESS 3903 LEFT RIGHT [Default = blank (•) blank (•)] Pager Format: Maximum Pages per Session ADDRESS 3904 LEFT RIGHT [Default = blank (•) blank (•)] SYSTEM OPTIONS LEFT DATA VALUES RESERVED 1 RESERVED 2 SYSTEM OPTIONS ADDRESS 4084 RESERVED 4 Skip Automatic Dial Tone Detect 8 X LEFT DIGIT (SUM RIGHT DIGIT (SUM OF DATA VALUES) OF DATA VALUES) GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions Note: Right digit is RESERVED (not used). Enter data in left digit only. blank (•) [Default = blank (•) blank (•)] L NAPCO Security Systems Page 37 WI818G 10/05 KEYPA D OPTION S (ADDRES S 2425-2446) Keypad 1 Type & Area Assignment ADDRESS 2425 LEFT RIGHT [Default = blank (•) 1] Keypad 5 Type & Area Assignment ADDRESS 2429 LEFT RIGHT blank (•) [Default = blank (•) blank (•)] Keypad 2 Type & Area Assignment ADDRESS 2426 LEFT RIGHT blank (•) Keypad 3 Type & Area Assignment [Default = blank (•) blank (•)] Keypad 6 Type & Area Assignment ADDRESS 2427 LEFT RIGHT blank (•) [Default = blank (•) blank (•)] ADDRESS 2430 LEFT RIGHT blank (•) Keypad 7 Type & Area Assignment [Default = blank (•) blank (•)] ADDRESS 2428 LEFT RIGHT Keypad 4 Type & Area Assignment blank (•) [Default = blank (•) blank (•)] ADDRESS 2431 LEFT RIGHT blank (•) [Default = blank (•) blank (•)] KEYPAD TYPE & AREA ASSIGNMENT: Up to 7 keypads may be programmed, if they are connected. NOTE: See Keypad Configuration Mode. By default from the factory, each keypad is configured as number 1. KEYPAD TYPE LEFT OPTION blank Burg Keypad (•) 2 Wizard Keypad KEYPAD AREA ASSIGNMENT RIGHT OPTION blank (•) 1 Not Used Area 1 2 Area 2 1. Select keypad type & area assignment for each keypad from the tables shown. 2. Enter in corresponding right and left digit address locations above. KEYPAD NUMBER ADDR KEYPAD KEYPAD KEYPAD FIRE AUXILIARY PANIC 1 2 Rem. Acc. Only * AMBUSH EASY ARMING PANEL ACCESS TOUR STATION 4 5 6 7 8 3 1 2440 default ON default ON default ON default ON 2 2441 default ON default ON default ON default ON 3 2442 default ON default ON default ON default ON 4 2443 default ON default ON default ON default ON 5 2444 default ON default ON default ON default ON 6 2445 default ON default ON default ON default ON 7 2446 default ON default ON default ON default ON [Defaults as noted for address 2440-2446] KEYPAD OPTIONS: Select options for any of the 7 keypads. * Note: For Remote Access Control only (no Arm/Disarm capability). 1. 2. 3. Select the desired option entering the option number (1-8) for each digit. Enter corresponding option number in address location. Press U or D to save. NOTE: Dark shaded data value box shows option not available. L NAPCO Security Systems X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions KEYPAD OPTIONS KEYPAD OPTIONS Page 38 WI818G 10/05 ACM ZONE OPTI ONS (ADDRESS 2740-2769) ACM ZONE OPTIONS: Enter the Zone numbers (in decimal 1-48 format) for each option in the table below. Press U or D to save. NOTE: Dark shaded data value box shows option not available. Note: The Area # for Door 1 is controlled by the existing Keypad Programming table (Address 2425 to 2431). The assigned area for Door #2 for each ACM must be entered in the table below (addresses 2748 and 2758) and must not be left blank if Door 2 is to be used. ACM1 Zone Options ADDR 2740 2741 2742 Door Contact Forced Entry Zone Door Ajar Zone Area # for Door 2 Reserved Reserved ADDR Door 1 2750 2751 2752 Door Contact Forced Entry Zone Door Ajar Zone Area # for Door 2 Reserved Reserved ADDR Door 2 2745 2746 2747 2748 2749 2743 2744 ACM2 Zone Options ACM OPTIONS Door 1 ADDR Door 2 2755 2756 2757 2758 2759 2753 2754 A CM GLOBA L F L AGS (AD DRESS 278 0) ACM Global Flags 2780 Option Default OFF 1 Enable Two-Swipe Arming OFF 2 Enable NAPCO Proprietary Access Format OFF 3 Enable Facility Code OFF 4 Enable Access Logging into Burg Log OFF 5 Enable Printing of Access Events OFF 6 Enable Card Presentation Beep and Green LED Flash OFF 7 RESERVED OFF 8 RESERVED ACM GLOBAL FLAGS: 1. Select the desired option entering the option number (1-8) for each digit. 2. Enter corresponding option number in address location. NOTE: Dark shaded data value box shows option not available. Press U or D to save. ACM TIM EOU TS (ADDRESS 2782-2783) Maximum Two-Swipe Arm Time (x100ms) ADDRESS 2782 [Default = 030 = 3 seconds.] Unlock Time (sec.) ADDRESS 2783 [Default = 005 = 5 sec.] Enable ACM Access (address 2423) must be enabled. Address 2782 determines the maximum time allowed for the double swipe (x100ms). Address 2783 determines the door unlock time, in seconds, after a successful entry. 1. Select timeout (1-255). 2. Enter in corresponding address locations above and right. X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions Press U or D to save. L NAPCO Security Systems Page 39 WI818G 10/05 ACM D OOR ARE A OPTION S (AD DRESS 278 4-27 8 7) ACM DOOR AREA OPTIONS: 1. Select the desired option entering the option number (1-3) for each address. 2. Enter corresponding option number in address location. NOTE: Dark shaded data value box shows option not available. Press U or D to save. ACM DOOR AREA OPTIONS ACM Door Number ADDR ACM 1 - Door 1 2784 ACM 1 - Door 2 2785 ACM 2 - Door 1 2786 ACM 2 - Door 2 2787 Arm All Areas Allowed Disarm All Areas Allowed Stealth Mode RSRVD. RSRVD. RSRVD. RSRVD. RSRVD. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [Default = blank (•) blank (•) from address 2784-2787] ACM SCHEDULED FREE ACCESS: 1. Enter the Scheduled Free Access Index (1-24) (Relay #1-24) for each option in the table at right. 2. Press U or D to save. Scheduled Free Access Index ADDR Relay Number ACM 1 – Door 1 – 4072 ACM 1 – Door 2 – 4073 ACM 2 – Door 1 – 4074 ACM 2 – Door 2 – 4075 [Default = blank (•) blank (•) from address 4072-4075] L NAPCO Security Systems X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions ACM OPTIONS ACM SCHEDULE D FREE ACCES S (ADDR ESS 4072-4075) Page 40 WI818G 10/05 KEYPAD HOME AREA / ACM DOOR #1 AR EA (HE X) (ADDR ESS 2425-2431) ACM ZONE OPTIONS: Enter the Zone numbers (in two-digit hexadecimal format) for each option in the table below. The left digit (nibble) determines the type of device: "●" for Keypad and "1" for ACM. The right digit (nibble) determines the home area (1 or 2) of the specified device. Press U or D to save. ACM OPTIONS KEYPA D HOME AR EA / AC M DOO R #1 AR EA (H EX) ( A D DR ES S 2 4 2 5 - 2 4 3 1 ) ACM / Keypad ADDRESS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2425 2426 2427 2428 2429 2430 2431 DEVICE TYPE (●) or 1 See *Note at bottom AREA # (1 or 2) [Default = blank (•) 1 for address 2425 blank (•) blank (•) for addresses 2426-2431] * Note: First device should be a keypad. X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems Page 41 WI818G 10/05 SYST EM OPTION S (ADDRES S 2423) SYSTEM OPTION: 1. Select the System Option from the table shown and enter in the corresponding address location at right. Keypad Blanking will clear all data from the LCD display (and turn off all keypad LED's) after the system is armed and delay time has expired. The display will re-appear when an exit/entry door is faulted, causing an entry time delay display, or if a valid user code is entered at the keypad while the system is armed. 2. Press U or D to save. NOTE: Dark shaded data value box shows option not available. ADDRESS 2423 SYSTEM OPTIONS DATA ENTRIES RIGHT 1 OPTION Enable ACM Access 2 RESERVED 3 Enable TCP/IP Communications 4 TCP/IP Panel/Site Initiated Functions 5 RESERVED 6 RESERVED 7 RESERVED 8 Enable Keypad Blanking ENABLE ACM OPTION: 1. Select the Emergency Free Access Zone Number (001-048) and enter corresponding address location at right. 2. L Press U or D to save. NAPCO Security Systems ADDRESS 4080 Emergency Free Access Zone Number [Default = 000] X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions ACM OPTIONS EMER GEN CY FREE AC CESS (AD DRESS 40 8 0) Page 42 WI818G 10/05 USER AREA OPTIONS (ADDRESS 2455-2502) USER NUMBER USER AREA OPTIONS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 ADDR 2455 2456 2457 2458 2459 2460 2461 2462 2463 2464 2465 2466 2467 2468 2469 2470 2471 2472 2473 2474 2475 2476 2477 2478 2479 2480 2481 2482 2483 2484 2485 2486 2487 2488 2489 2490 2491 2492 2493 2494 2495 2496 2497 2498 2499 2500 2501 2502 AREAS 1 2 A1 A2 1 2 ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON [Default = blank (•) blank (•) from address 2471-2502 Default = blank (•) 1 from address 2455-2462 Default = blank (•) 2 from address 2463-2470] USER AREA OPTIONS: 1. Each address corresponds to a specific User, numbered 1-48. For each User, select the desired Area by marking the desired Area number (1 or 2) in the above table. 2. 3. Enter the corresponding Area number in each the address location, in Binary (Bit) Format. Press U or D to save. NOTE: See Direct Address Programming Example on page 15. X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems Page 43 WI818G 10/05 EZM GR OUP OPTIONS (ADDRE S S 2555- 2576) EZM Group 1 EZM Group 2 EZM Group 3 EZM Group 4 EZM Group 5 EZM Group 6 ZONES 9-12 ZONES 13-16 ZONES 17-20 ZONES 21-24 ZONES 25-28 ZONES 29-32 ADDRESS 2555 ADDRESS 2556 ADDRESS 2557 ADDRESS 2558 ADDRESS 2559 ADDRESS 2560 Default depends on Easy Menu questions: "# OF ZNS IN AREA1" and "# OF ZNS IN AREA2" For example, If 32 zones are used, then all 6 groups will be automatically enabled. If only 8 zones are used, then groups 1-6 will be automatically disabled. NOTE: Zones 1-8 are included in the control panel and Zones 9-32 (Groups 1-6) are EZM Zones (either Wireless or Hardwired). Zones 33-48 are wireless only. DATA ENTRIES RIGHT blank (•) OPTION 1. Select EZM type from the table shown. 2. Enter either blank (•) or "1" in corresponding address locations above. 3. Press U or D to save Not used (No EZM present) 1 4-Zone EZM EZM PGM TERMINAL CONTROL GROUP ADDR NUMBER A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2577 2578 2579 2580 2581 2582 [Default = blank (•) blank (•) from address 2577-2582] 1 2 3 4 5 6 A8 8 EZM PGM ARMED TERMINAL CONTROL: For each zone group select the area(s) which, when armed, will activate the PGM Lug on the corresponding EZM modules. Each zone group corresponds to 4 zones. If 8-Zone EZMs are used, each one is treated as TWO zone groups. NOTE: Lug goes ACTIVE (low) when EITHER selected area is armed. When activated, the PGM Lug goes negative (to ground). 1. 2. 3. Select the desired group number. Enter the corresponding Area number in each the address location, in Binary (Bit) Format. NOTE: See Direct Address Programming Example on page 15. Press U or D to save. L NAPCO Security Systems X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions EZM GROUP OPTIONS EZM GROUP OPTIONS: Up to 6 Groups of 4 Zones each may be programmed depending on the number of zones used and which EZM modules are connected. Each group represents 4 zones. EZM TYPE Page 44 WI818G 10/05 AREA ARMING OPTI ONS (ADDRE SS 2650-2 651) PRIORITY AREA ARMING ARMING AREA ADDRESS 1 2650 2 2651 A1 A2 1 2 AREA ARMING OPTIONS & REMOTE ACCESS LOGGING [Default = blank (•) blank (•) from address 2650-2651] PRIORITY AREA ARMING: 1. 2. 3. Select the desired arming area. Enter the corresponding Area number in each the address location, in Binary (Bit) Format. NOTE: See Direct Address Programming Example on page 15. Press U or D to save. NOTE: Dark shaded data value box shows option not available. REMOTE ACCES S L OGGIN G (AD DRESS 3184) 3184 System Options - Enable Keypad Option Default OFF 1 Enable Keypad 1 OFF 2 Enable Keypad 2 OFF 3 Enable Keypad 3 OFF 4 Enable Keypad 4 OFF 5 Enable Keypad 5 OFF 6 Enable Keypad 6 OFF 7 Enable Keypad 7 OFF 8 Enable Keypad 8 REMOTE ACCESS LOGGING: Enable logging of every keypad access event. 1. 2. 3. X Select the desired option entering the option number (1-7) for each digit. Enter corresponding option number in address location. Press U or D to save. GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems Page 45 WI818G 10/05 AREA OUT PUT C ONTR OL OP TI ON S (ADDRES S 2700-2739) DISARMING AREA 1 TURNS OFF AREA OUTPUT OUTPUT SILENCED (TURNED OFF) ADDR A1 A2 1 2 DISARMING AREA 2 TURNS OFF OUTPUT SILENCED (TURNED OFF) ADDR A1 A2 1 2 Burglary Output 2700 ON ON Burglary Output 2701 ON ON Pulsed Burg. Output 2708 ON ON Pulsed Burg. Output 2709 ON ON Fire Output 2716 Fire Output 2717 Reset Relay 2724 Reset Relay 2725 Auxiliary Relay 2732 Auxiliary Relay 2733 [Default = Noted above with "ON"] [Default = Noted above with "ON"] AREA OUTPUT TURNS OFF UPON DISARM: Select options for any of the 5 Outputs per area when disarming a particular area. 1. 2. Select the desired option. 3. Press U or D to save. NAPCO Security Systems AREA OUTPUT CONTROL L Enter the corresponding Area number in each the address location, in Binary (Bit) Format. NOTE: See Direct Address Programming Example on page 15. X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions Page 46 WI818G 10/05 RF RECEIVER S & SUPERVIS ORY TIMER OP TI ONS (ADDRESS 3 7 7 6 & 3 76 0 - 3 7 7 5 ) Number of RF Receivers ADDRESS 3776 0 0 Default Number of Receivers = 0 RF RECEIVERS & SUPERVISORY TIMER OPTIONS RF RECEIVERS: Up to 2 RF Receivers may be programmed. NOTE: This adds wireless capability to the system, increasing up to 48 the number of zones. 1. Select the number of receivers (1-2). DATA RF ENTRIES RECEIVER(S) 0 None 1 1 2 2 RF SUPERVISORY TIMER RF TRANSMITTER Type 0 Type 1 Window/Door, 2 Pt. Window/Door, 2 Pt. Type 2 Window/Door, 2 Pt. Type 3 Window/Door, 2 Pt. Type 4 2. ADDRESS 3760-3767 RF TRANSMITTER Type 8 Type 9 Smoke Detector Keyfob 3762 3763 Type A Dual Tech. Type B Keyfob Window/Door, 4 Pt. 3764 Type C Window/Door, 4 Pt. 3771 3772 Type 5 PIR PIR 3773 PIR 3765 3766 Type D Type 6 Type E Smoke Detector 3774 Type 7 Smoke Detector 3767 Type F Napco Glass Break 3775 LEFT RF SUPERVISORY TIMERS DATA ENTRIES ADDR 3760 3761 RIGHT RIGHT DELAY RF SUPERVISORY TIMERS DATA ENTRIES DELAY LEFT RIGHT blank (•) blank (•) 0 min. 2 6 380min. blank (•) 1 10 min. 2 7 390 min. blank (•) 2 20 min. 2 8 400 min. blank (•) 3 30 min. 2 9 410 min. blank (•) 4 40 min. 2 0 420 min. blank (•) 5 50 min. 2 B 430 min. blank (•) 6 60 min. 2 C 440 min. blank (•) 7 70 min. 2 D 450 min. blank (•) 8 80 min. 2 E 460 min. blank (•) 9 90 min. 2 F 470 min. blank (•) 0 100 min. 3 blank (•) 480 min. blank (•) B 110 min. 3 1 490 min. blank (•) C 120 min. 3 2 500 min. blank (•) D 130 min. 3 3 510 min. blank (•) E 140 min. 3 4 520 min. blank (•) F 150 min. 3 5 530 min. 1 blank (•) 160 min. 3 6 540 min. 1 1 170 min. 3 7 550 min. 1 2 180 min. 3 8 560 min. 1 3 190 min. 3 9 570 min. 1 4 200 min. 3 0 580 min. 1 5 210 min. 3 B 590 min. 1 6 220 min. 3 C 600 min. 1 7 230 min. 3 D 610 min. 1 8 240 min. 3 E 620 min. 1 9 250 min. 3 F 630 min. 1 0 260 min. 4 blank (•) 640 min. 1 B 270 min. 4 1 650 min. 1 C 280 min. 4 2 660 min. 1 D 290 min. 4 3 670 min. 1 E 300 min. 4 4 680 min. 1 F 310 min. 4 5 690 min. 2 blank (•) 320 min. 4 6 700 min. 2 1 330 min. 2 2 340 min. 2 3 350 min. 2 4 360 min. F F 2550 min. = 42 Hr., 30 min. 2 5 370 min. X ADDRESS 3768-3775 RF SUPERVISORY TIMER [Default = blank (•) 8 from address 3760-3767 (80 minutes)] LEFT Enter the corresponding decimal number (1-2) into the right-most loca- tion. Press U or D to save. GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions LEFT ADDR 3768 3769 3770 RIGHT [Default = blank (•) 8 from address 3768-3775 (80 minutes)] RF SUPERVISORY TIMERS: RF Supervisory Timers may be programmed for each type of transmitter used. A transmitter will send a transmission every time it is tripped, when there is NO activity, the transmitter sends a status transmission about once an hour. If the receiver does NOT receive ANY signal (a trip or a status) from a transmitter in the time specified for transmitter type, a system trouble “E-04-NN” will be displayed at the keypad. 1. Select timer delay from the table shown. Timers are programmed in increments of 10 minutes each. Valid entries are (•)8-FF (80 minutes-2550 min) (2550 minutes = 42 hr,30 min). WARNING: Timers have uncertainty of +/-30 minutes. 2. Enter in corresponding address locations above (left and right digits). 3. For a desired timer not listed do the following: 6 Quotient 16 100 96 4 Remainder Left Digit Right Digit A. Choose a desired timer (intervals of 10), ex: 1440 min. (24 Hours) B. Divide it by 10, ex: 1440/10 = 144 C. Divide it by 16 NOTE: These timers apply only to Supervised RF Transmitters (see RF Transmitters in Easy Menu Driven Mode Programming). L NAPCO Security Systems Page 47 WI818G 10/05 EXTERNAL RELAY CONTR OL / R ELAYS 1-24 (ADDRESS 3778-3801 & 2800-2895) ADDRESS 3778 & 2800-2803 (RELAY/entry 1) 3778 L R 2800 L R 2801 2802 L R ADDRESS 3779 & 2804-2807 (RELAY/entry 2) 2803 L R 3779 L R ADDRESS 3781 & 2812-2815 (RELAY/entry 4) 3781 L R 2812 L R 2813 2814 L R 2824 L R 2825 2826 L R 3782 L R 2836 L R 2837 2838 L R 3785 L R 2849 2850 L R 3788 L R L R 2860 L 2861 R 3791 L R 2863 L L R 3794 L ADDRESS 3796 & 2872-2875 (RELAY/entry 19) 3796 L R 2872 L 2873 R 2818 L R 2828 L R 2829 2830 L R 2840 L R 2841 2842 L R 2852 L R 2853 2854 L R R 2864 L 2865 R 2875 L L R 3797 L R 2876 L 2877 R 3783 L R 3786 L R 3789 L R ADDRESS 3799 & 2884-2887 (RELAY/entry 22) L R 2884 L R 2885 3792 L R 2887 L L R R (•) 3800 L R 2821 2822 L R 2823 L R 2832 L R 2833 2834 L R 2835 L R 2844 L R 2845 2846 L R 2847 L R 2856 L R 2857 2858 L R 2859 L R L L R L R 2868 L 2869 R 2870 2871 L L R R ADDRESS 3798 & 2880-2883 (RELAY/entry 21) 2878 2879 L L R 3798 L R 2880 L 2881 R 2882 2883 L L R R (•) 2888 L 2820 L R ADDRESS 3795 & 2868-2871 (RELAY/entry 18) 3795 ADDRESS 3800 & 2888-2891 (RELAY/entry 23) 2886 2811 L R ADDRESS 3792 & 2856-2859 (RELAY/entry 15) 2855 L R (•) 3799 2810 L R ADDRESS 3789 & 2844-2847 (RELAY/entry 12) 2843 L R 2867 R 2809 ADDRESS 3786 & 2832-2835 (RELAY/entry 9) 2831 L R 2866 R 2808 L R ADDRESS 3783 & 2820-2823 (RELAY/entry 6) 2819 L R ADDRESS 3797 & 2876-2879 (RELAY/entry 20) 2874 R 2817 ADDRESS 3794 & 2864-2867 (RELAY/entry 17) 2862 R 2816 L R ADDRESS 3791 & 2852-2855 (RELAY/entry 14) 2851 L R ADDRESS 3793 & 2860-2863 (RELAY/entry 16) 3793 3780 L R R 2889 ADDRESS 3801 & 2892-2895 (RELAY/entry 24) 2890 2891 L L R R 3801 L R (•) 2892 L R 2893 2894 2895 L L R R (•) [Default = blank (•) blank (•) from address 3778-3801 & 2800-2895] Continued L NAPCO Security Systems X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions EXTERNAL RELAY CONTROL 2848 L R ADDRESS 3780 & 2808-2811 (RELAY/entry 3) 2807 L R ADDRESS 3788 & 2840-2843 (RELAY entry 11) 2839 L R ADDRESS 3790 & 2848-2851 (RELAY/entry 13) 3790 L R 2806 L R ADDRESS 3785 & 2828-2831 (RELAY/entry 8) 2827 L R ADDRESS 3787 & 2836-2839 (RELAY/entry 10) 3787 L R 2805 ADDRESS 3782 & 2816-2819 (RELAY/entry 5) 2815 L R ADDRESS 3784 & 2824-2827 (RELAY/entry 7) 3784 L R 2804 L R Page 48 WI818G 10/05 EXTER NAL R ELAY CONTR OL To program, follow the 5 steps below: STEP 1: RELAY # OPTIONS: Each relay/entry can be assigned to any of the 24 available external relays from Relay Module RM3008. Multiple entries can drive the same External Relay. RELAY EVENT OPTIONS RELAY # AREA Timeout Event ID COND. L R L R L R L R (•) (•) Select the relay number from Table 1 (shown on next page); enter in corresponding left and right digit address locations. Note: Entries 01-24 correspond to relays 1 through 24. If entries are zero, zero (00), then relay number is identical to the relay/entry address table number, in the selected address table(s) above. Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 STEP 2: AREA OPTIONS: Each relay/entry can be assigned to Area 1 or 2 or both areas. Select the area from Table 2 (shown on next page); enter in corresponding left and right digit EXTERNAL RELAY CONTROL address locations. STEP 3: TIMEOUTS: Each relay event can be assigned a timeout depending on Alarm Type option. If Alarm Type is selected for timeout in minutes or seconds, enter the 3-digit timeout duration in corresponding address location. To choose seconds or minutes, see step 5A below. 254 is maximum entry. STEP 4: EVENT ID CODES: Each relay event can be assigned any of the available event IDs from the table. Select 2-digit Event ID from Table 4 (see page 50); enter in corresponding address locations (left and right digit). STEP 5: RELAY EVENT CONDITION OPTIONS: Each relay event can be assigned an alarm type; and an activation condition; also, select a timeout type for each. 5A. Select Alarm Type and Timeout Type from Table 5A (see page 51); enter in corresponding address location (left digit). NOTE: Select Timeout from Step 3. Continued 5B. Select Activation from from Table 5B (see page 51); enter in corresponding address location (right digit). X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems Page 49 WI818G 10/05 EXTERNAL REL AY CONTROL RELAY EVENT OPTIONS AREA TIMEOUT EVENT ID COND. See See See See Table 2 below Table 3 below Table 4 on page 50 Tables 5A & 5B on page 51 RELAY # See Table 1 below TABLE 1 For a desired relay not listed: A. Choose a desired relay, ex: 60 B. Divide it by 16 Areas 1-2 TIMEOUTS: Each relay event can be assigned a timeout depending on Alarm Type option. TABLE 2 (AREAS 1-2) AREAS CONTROLLING RELAY SHUTOFF ON DISARM RIGHT DATA ENTRY blank (•) 1 AREA 1 minutes or seconds, enter the 3-digit timeout duration in corresponding address location. To choose seconds or minutes, see step 5A on page 51. Maximum entry is 254. NONE Y 2 3 If Alarm Type is selected for timeout in AREA 2 Y Y Y Note: “Y” indicates option is enabled. 3 Quotient 16 60 48 C Remainder Left Digit Right Digit Continued L NAPCO Security Systems X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions EXTERNAL RELAY CONTROL RELAY MAPPING DATA ENTRIES RELAY # LEFT RIGHT blank (•) blank (•) None * blank (•) 1 1 blank (•) 2 2 blank (•) 3 3 blank (•) 4 4 blank (•) 5 5 blank (•) 6 6 blank (•) 7 7 blank (•) 8 8 blank (•) 9 9 blank (•) 0 10 blank (•) B 11 blank (•) C 12 blank (•) D 13 blank (•) E 14 blank (•) F 15 1 blank (•) 16 1 1 17 1 2 18 1 3 19 1 4 20 1 5 21 1 6 22 1 7 23 1 8 24 * Note: [blank (•) blank (•)] option affects the relay with the same entry number. All other options affect the relay number specified. Ex: Suppose Relay/Entry 1 is mapped to External Relay 1 and Relay/Entry 2 is mapped to External Relay 24. The data entries are as follows: Address 3778 = [blank (•) blank (•)] and Address 3779 = [1C]. Page 50 WI818G 10/05 STEP 4: EVENT ID CODES: Each relay event can be assigned any of the available event IDs from the table. Select 2-digit Event ID from Table 4 (below); enter in corresponding address locations (left and right digit). TABLE 4 EXTERNAL RELAY CONTROL EVENT ID CODES DATA ENTRIES OPTION LEFT RIGHT blank (•) blank (•) Area 1 Arm blank (•) 1 Area 2 Arm C blank (•) Area 1 disarm C 1 Area 2 disarm Zone 1 blank (•) 8 Zone 2 blank (•) 9 Zone 3 blank (•) 0 Zone 4 blank (•) B Zone 5 blank (•) C Zone 6 blank (•) D Zone 7 blank (•) E Zone 8 blank (•) F Zone 9 1 blank (•) Zone 10 1 1 Zone 11 1 2 Zone 12 1 3 Zone 13 1 4 Zone 14 1 5 Zone 15 1 6 Zone 16 1 7 Zone 17 1 8 Zone 18 1 9 Zone 19 1 0 Zone 20 1 B Zone 21 1 C Zone 22 1 D Zone 23 1 E Zone 24 1 F Zone 25 2 blank (•) Zone 26 2 1 Zone 27 2 2 Zone 28 2 3 Zone 29 2 4 Zone 30 2 5 Zone 31 2 6 Zone 32 2 7 Zone 33 2 8 Zone 34 2 9 Zone 35 2 0 Zone 36 2 B Zone 37 2 C Zone 38 2 D Zone 39 2 E Zone 40 2 F Zone 41 3 blank (•) Zone 42 3 1 Zone 43 3 2 Zone 44 3 3 Zone 45 3 4 Zone 46 3 5 Zone 47 3 6 Zone 48 3 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B B B B B B B B D D D D D D D D F F F F 8 9 0 B C D E blank (•) 1 2 3 5 6 8 0 B C D E F blank (•) 8 9 B C D E F blank (•) 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 blank (•) 1 8 9 Area 1 Keypad Ambush Area 1 Keypad Panic Area 1 Keypad Fire Area 1 Keypad Medical Keypad Tamper Area 1 Fail to Open Area 1 Fail to Close Area 2 Keypad Ambush Area 2 Keypad Panic Area 2 Keypad Fire Area 2 Keypad Medical Area 2 Fail to Open Area 2 Fail to Close Test Timer Bus Fail Guarded RAM Fail Low Battery AC Fail EZM Tamper Sensor Watch Telco Fault Digital Dialer Test RESERVED Service Message Program Change RF Receiver Trouble Transmitter Tamper Transmitter Trouble Keypad Fail EZM Fail Quickloader Device Control System Shutdown Quickloader Keypad Reset General System Alarm Area 1 General System Alarm Area 2 General System Alarm Relay Group 1 Relay Group 2 Area 1 Entry Delay Area 2 Entry Delay NOTE: Keypad Tamper must be enabled in UL installations using jumper option on keypad. Continued X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems Page 51 WI818G 10/05 STEP 5: RELAY EVENT CONDITION OPTIONS: Each relay event can be assigned an alarm type; and an activation condition; also, select a timeout type for each. 5A. Select Alarm Type and Timeout Type from Table 5A (below); enter in corresponding address location (left digit). NOTE: Select Timeout from Step 3. 5B. Select Activation from from Table 5B (below); enter in corresponding address location (right digit). TABLE 5A RELAY EVENT ALARM TYPE OPTIONS LEFT DATA ALARM TIMEOUT ENTRIES TYPE TYPE blank (•) Burglary Minutes 1 Fire Minutes 4 Day Zone Minutes 8 Burglary Seconds 9 Fire Seconds C Day Zone Seconds TABLE 5B RELAY EVENT ACTIVATION CONDITIONS RIGHT DATA ENTRIES OPTIONS 1 Alarm 2 Restore 3 Trouble 4 Trouble Restore 5 Follows Open Zone 6 Follows Shorted Zone Number of Relay Board Modules ADDRESS 3777 LEFT RIGHT blank (•) [Default = blank (•) blank (•)] L DATA Relay Board Module(s) RIGHT blank (•) 1 2 3 NAPCO Security Systems None 1 2 3 RELAY BOARD MODULES: Up to 3 External Relay Board Modules (RM3008) may be programmed. 1. Select the number of relay modules from the table shown. 2. Enter in corresponding right digit address location shown (left digit is not used). X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions EXTERNAL RELAY CONTROL NUMBER OF REL AY BOARD MOD ULES (ADDRESS 3777) Page 52 WI818G 10/05 SYST EM RES ET OPT ION S (A DDR ESS 40 9 1-40 93 ) Clear Dealer Program (Erases Dealer Program) 4091 XX This erases the dealer program. Use this feature to start a customized default program. GEM-RP1CAe2/GEM-K1CA Keypad DIRECT ADDRESS PROGRAM MODE--USER PROGRAM MODE GEM-RP2ASe2 Keypad 4091XX Access address 4091, then press the J or U button. Data entry is not allowed. NOTE: Enter Easy Menu Driven Program Mode to program system again. Cold Start (Erases Entire Program) 4093 XX This erases the entire program (codes, schedules, foreign language configuration, etc), leaving the panel as it came right out of the box. GEM-RP1CAe2/GEM-K1CA Keypad GEM-RP2ASe2 Keypad 4093XX Access address 4093, then press the J or U button. Data entry is not allowed. NOTE: Some features (schedules, language configuration) can only be re-programmed with the Downloading Software. USER PROGRAM MODE PRELIMINARY INFORMATION The User Program Mode is covered in detail in the operating instructions for the keypad in use. Only Keypad #1 may be used for programming, however this keypad may be located in either area. The Program Mode cannot be accessed while the communicator is transmitting except during the first three minutes after powerup. After entering codes or data, press the save U button. Data will not be stored into memory unless this button is pressed. If the keypad is in the Program Mode and no activity is detected for longer than 4 minutes, a steady tone will sound. NOTE: For ease of programming, it is recommended that a GEM K1CA (or GEM-RP1CAe2) be used as Keypad #1. A new GEMK1CA and a new GEM-RP1CAe2 are automatically configured as Keypad #1. See Keypad Configuration Mode. Press the C button to silence the sounder and exit the User Program Mode. If a GEM-RP2ASe2/GEM-K2AS keypad is used, configure address jumpers as Keypad #1 (See WI1184). X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems Page 53 WI818G 10/05 ACCESSING USER PROGRAM MODE 1. Press EEEEEE R New Panel (Default User Code = 123) Existing Panel (Any Code with User Program Option Enabled) 2. Press Q Until “ACTIVATE PROGRAM Y/N” appears on LCD screen. 3. Press P To Enter User Program Mode 4. Press C To Exit User Program Mode when finished User Code Enter user code U01 123 GEMINI Enter user code U01 123 - - To Program User Codes GEM-K1CA Keypad (Direct Entry) Up to 48 User Codes may be programmed. NOTE: In this mode, only the code is programmable; the accompanying Area Options must be programmed in the Dealer Program Mode. By default, User 1 is enabled in Area 1 and 2; Users 2-8 are enabled in Area 1, Users 9-16 are enabled in Area 2; Users 17-48 are not enabled in any areas (see page 10). NOT USED 1. Set Cursor Position using the R button. 2. Enter 2-digit User Number (0148) directly using number buttons (0-9). 3. Enter Code (1-6 digits) directly using number buttons (0-9). ED ARM 4. Press the U button to save T ST A US U NEXT/YES P R 1 2 3 B 4 5 6 C 7 8 9 0 G PRIOR/NO Q AREA C O M P UT E R I ZE D S E C U R I T Y S Y S T E M each code. NOTE: Press G 0 button to clear character at cursor. Use the R button to place the cursor To continue press P or Q button. over the User Number. Programming User Codes with GEM-K1CA Keypad Enter a User Number (01–48) using the number buttons. The cursor will then advance to the User Code and read the existing code, if any. Enter the new User Code using the number buttons (0-9). If an old code is displayed, program over it. To erase the digit at the cursor, press G 0 button. Press the U button to save the code in memory. Repeat this procedure for each user. To proceed to Zone-Description programming, press the NEXT button or the PRIOR but- ton. L NAPCO Security Systems X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions USER PROGRAM MODE USER CODES Page 54 WI818G 10/05 ZONE DESCRIPTIONS (GEM-RP1CAE2 / GEM-K1CA KEYPADS) Enter an identifying description for each zone. Characters are selected by pressing keypad buttons multiple times, "Cell Phone" style. Buttons 1 through 9 plus 0 and G are used, as per the following table: 01(Direct Entry) USER PROGRAM MODE PRESS: CHARACTERS DISPLAYED IN SEQUENCE HOLD G CHARACTERS DISPLAYED IN SEQUENCE AND PRESS: [1] ABC1 [1] abc1 [2] DEF2 [2] def2 [3] GHI3 [3] ghi3 [4] JKL4 [4] jkl4 [5] MNO5 [5] mno5 [6] PQR6 [6] pqr6 [7] STU7 [7] stu7 [8] VWX8 [8] vwx8 [9] YZ90 [9] yz90 [0] (SPACE) - . ( ) , / : ? # [0] (International Characters) Press [A] to move cursor right. Press [B] to move cursor left. Notes: 1. After releasing the number button for 1 second, the character will be accepted and the cursor advanced to the right. 2. After releasing the number button, if a new number button is pressed before the 1 second window expires, the current character will be accepted and the cursor automatically advanced to the right. The first of the 4 characters of this new number button will be displayed. 3. To erase an existing entry, use [A] or [B] to move the cursor below the character to be changed. Enter a new character to overwrite the old. 4. To generate lowercase characters, the [G] button must be pressed and held down while pressing the number button. If the [G] button is released during the 1 second window, the current character will change to uppercase. Press U to save. To proceed to the next description, place the cursor under the Zone Number (e.g. “1”) and press the number that corresponds to the zone. Repeat this procedure until all zones have been programmed. After programming the user codes, press the NEXT button to proceed. Enter Date ( / / ) NEXT button to proceed. (Direct Entry) Enter Time ( : (Direct Entry) Enter Date (Press the (R) button to set cursor.) Enter the current date in the format MM/DD/YY, where MM = the month (01–12); DD=the day (01–31); and YY=the year. Press U to save. Press ) Enter Time (Press the (R) button to set cursor.) Enter the current time in the format HH:MMA/P, where HH=hours (01–12); MM=minutes (00–59). Select Am or Pm by pressing any number button, then press U once again to save. NOTE: To enter the date and time, GEM-RP1CAe2/GEM-K1CA keypad (version 6 or greater) must be used and “Enable Keypad Time/Date Display” (Address 3874) must be enabled. X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems Page 55 WI818G 10/05 GEMINI KEYPAD CONFIGURATION MODE # SYSTEM ARMED # OF OF ZONES IN AREA 1 ENTER 01/01/97 12:00AM ENTER # # ZONES ZONES XXXX D ARME US STAT A123 B 456 NEXT/YES D E PRIOR/NO F AREA C7 8 9 0 G COMPUTERIZED SECURITY SYSTEM R This section will focus on configuring the GEM-RP1CAe2/GEM-K1CA Keypads. If there is more than one keypad in the system, only Keypad No. 1 may be used for programming. KEYPAD INSTALLATION Two types of keypads may be used with the GEM-P3200: the GEM-RP1CAe2/GEM-K1CA. Each must be assigned an address number (1–7) and each requires its own configuration procedure (see CONFIGURING THE KEYPADS, which follows, and DIRECT ADDRESS KEYPAD AREA OPTIONS). At least 1 keypad must be used; only 1 is required for a single-area Commercial Burglary installation. GEM-RP1CAe2/GEM-K1CA - is a 2-line combination fire/burglary/access keypad capable of supporting 4 EZM zones and a PGM output. The GEM-RP1CAe2 or GEM-K1CA is recommended for use as Keypad #1. See "Important Note" on page 2 for more information regarding the various buttons on the GEM-RP1CAe2/GEM-K1CA keypads. CONFIGURING THE KEYPADS A total of up to 7 keypads may be connected to the panel. Configuring the GEM-RP1CAe2/GEM-K1CA Keypad Each GEM-RP1CAe2/GEM-K1CA keypad must be configured for (a) keypad tactile beep; (b) entry sounder; (c) keypad address; (d) compatibility number; (e) EZM address; and (f) zone response. To enter the Keypad Configuration Mode: 1. Move jumper JP1 (located in the center of the control panel board) from Pins 1-2 (top two) to Pins 2-3 (bottom two). NOTE: See Wiring Diagram on page 68. 2. After about 15 seconds, the display will read “XX OUT OF SYSTEM”, where XX indicates the keypad address. 3. Press 11123 R and proceed as follows. (Repeat the following procedure for all keypads). NORMAL KEYPAD CONFIGURE Keypad Tactile Beep Keypad Beep ON Upon entering the Keypad Configuration Mode, “KEYPAD BEEP ON” will be displayed, indicating that the tactile beep, which sounds when any button is pressed, is on. To turn off the tactile beep, press the U button (the U button will toggle the tactile beep on and off). Press R to continue or press C to exit. Entry Sounder Entry Sounder ON To turn off the keypad entry sounder during entry time, press U (the U button will toggle the entry sounder on and off). Press R to continue or press C to exit. Keypad Address Keypad Address 01 If more than one keypad is installed, each must be assigned a unique keypad address (that is, no two keypads may be numbered alike): Keypads must be numbered consecutively (missing numbers are not permitted) Only Keypad No. 1 may be used for programming. To assign the keypad number, proceed as follows: 1. Enter the assigned keypad number 01–07, then press U to save. A valid number will be acknowledged by a short beep; an invalid number will be rejected by a long beep. 2. Press R to continue or press C to exit. L NAPCO Security Systems X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions Page 56 WI818G 10/05 New Compat # Compatibility Number 0000 A 4-digit Compatibility Number, if programmed, will restrict this keypad to work on a panel programmed with a matching number. 1. Enter a 4-digit number 2. Press U to save. Press the R button to continue or press the C button to exit. EZM Address EZM Address The keypad's internal EZM (Expansion Zone Module) may be utilized to provide four additional wired zones. Whether used alone or in conjunction with optional GEM-EZM series modules or other keypad EZMs, it must be assigned a unique address (or Group number, see Keypad Programming Workbook) similar to its keypad address. If no other EZMs are to be used, designate the keypad as Group “01” at the “EZM ADDRESS 00” display. In multiple-EZM systems, enter an assigned group number “01” through “06”. (Each EZM must have a unique assigned group number, starting with “01” and proceeding consecutively.) Press the R button to continue or press the C button to exit. 01 Zone Response Zone Response 00 The normal loop response of each keypad expansion zone is 750mS, however the response time of any zone can be reduced to 50mS as follows. 1. Of the following, circle the number(s) in parentheses associated with the zone(s) to be changed: Zone 1=(1); Zone 2=(2); Zone 3=(4); Zone 4=(8) 2. Add up the circled numbers. 3. At the keypad, enter the sum as a two-digit number “01” through “15” on the display, then press U. Example. Change Zones 2, 3 and 4 to 50mS response. 1. Circle numbers for Zones 2, 3 and 4: (2), (4) and (8). 2. Add up the circled numbers: 2 + 4 + 8 = 14. 3. Enter “14” at the keypad, then press the U button. Press the R button to continue or press the C button to exit. Program Control Message # ? Program Control Message A code-keypad association can be programmed such that when the code is entered at a specific keypad, a PGM Lug will be activated for 7 seconds, and a selected message will be displayed on this keypad. Six different program control messages can be selected (0-6) as displayed in the following table: Program Control Message 0 (No Message) 1 **Enter Now** 2 Door Control 3 Gate Control 4 Light Control 5 Control #1 6 Control #2 1. Enter a message number 2. Press U to save. 3. Press the R button to continue (the display will loop back through selections, for changes) or press the C button to exit the Keypad Configuration Mode (display will read “01 OUT OF SYSTEM”). 4. Replace Jumper JP1 across Pins 1–2 (top two). X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems Page 57 WI818G 10/05 ALPHABETICAL INDEX ABORT DELAY ADDRESS 2406, 19 ABORT DELAY ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 AC FAIL REPORT DELAY ADDRESS 2408, 19 ACCESS CONTROL (PANEL) ON AUX. OUTPUT ADDRESS 2418, 34 ACCESS CONTROL OPTIONS, 10 ACCESSING DEALER PROGRAM MODE, 5 ACCESSING USER PROGRAM MODE, 53 ACM DOOR #1 AREA (HEX) (ADDRESS 2425-2431), 40 ACM DOOR AREA OPTIONS (ADDRESS 2784-2787), 39 ACM GLOBAL FLAGS (ADDRESS 2780), 38 ACM SCHEDULED FREE ACCESS (ADDRESS 4072-4075), 39 ACM SYSTEM OPTIONS (ADDRESS 2423), 41 ACM TIMEOUTS (ADDRESS 2782-2783), 38 ACM ZONE OPTIONS (ADDRESS 2740-2769), 38 ACTIVATE DOWNLOAD FUNCTION, 4 ADDING WIRELESS CAPABILITY, 46 ADDRESS MODE DISPLAYS, 15 ALARM ON DAY ZONE ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 ALARM/TROUBLE REPORTING CODES (ADDRESS 3880-3881), 35 ALARM/TROUBLE REPORTING CODES ADDRESS 0859-0862, 24 AMBUSH CODE ADDRESS 0495, 20 ANSWER ON RING NUMBER ADDRESS 4089, 22 AREA ARMING OPTIONS (ADDRESS 2650-2651), 44 AREA ASSIGNMENT & KEYPAD TYPE, 37 AREA OUTPUT CONTROL OPTIONS (ADDRESS 2700-2739), 45 AREA SYSTEM EVENT/TROUBLE, 29 AREA SYSTEM TROUBLE REPORTING OPTIONS (ADDRESS 11201137), 29 AUTHORITY LEVEL, 10 AUTO BELL TEST ON ARMING ADDRESS 2418, 34 AUTO BYPASS RE-ENTRY ZONES, 7 AUTO DISARM REARM DELAY ADDRESS 4083, 20 AUTO DOWNLOAD ID NO. ADDRESS 1023, 22 AUTO RESET AFTER BURG. OUTPUT TIMEOUT ADDRESS 2418, 34 AUTO RESET ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 AUTO-BYPASS RE-ENTRY ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 AUTO-BYPASS ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 AUTOMATIC INTERIOR BYPASS/EASY EXIT ADDRESS 2421, 35 AUX OUTPUT ACTIVATED ON ALARM ZONES, 7 AUX. OUTPUT ACCESS CONTROL TIMEOUT ADDRESS 2402, 19 AUX. OUTPUT TIMEOUT ADDRESS 2401, 20 AUXILIARY RELAY, 28, 29 AUXILIARY RELAY ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 BACKUP REPORT ON TELCO 2 ADDRESS 1027, 25 BINARY (BIT) FORMAT, 15 BIT FORMAT, 15 BURG KEYPAD TYPE, 37 BURG. ALARM OUTPUT TIMEOUT ADDRESS 2403, 20 BURG. ALARM OUTPUT ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 BURGLARY ALARM OUTPUT, 28 BURGLARY OUTPUT, 29 CALLBACK METHOD, 4 CALLBACK TELEPHONE NO. SELECT ADDRESS 1022, 22 CALLBACK TELEPHONE NUMBER 1 AND 2, 22 CANCEL A CODE, 11 CANCEL NEXT TEST TIMER ON ANY REPORT ADDRESS 1027, 25 CANCELING A CODE, 11 CENTRAL STATION RECEIVER 1 ACCOUNT NUMBER, 9 L NAPCO Security Systems CENTRAL STATION RECEIVER 1 FORMAT, 9 CENTRAL STATION RECEIVER 1 TELEPHONE NUMBER, 8 CHANGES FROM PREVIOUS EDITION, 2 CHANGING OR CANCELING A CODE, 11 CHIME 2 ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 CHIME 2 ZONES IN AREA 1, 7 CHIME ON LUG E4 ADDRESS 2420, 35 CHIME TIME ADDRESS 2407, 19 CHIME ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 CHIME ZONES IN AREA 1, 6 CLEAR DEALER PROGRAM, 14 CLEAR DEALER PROGRAM ADDRESS 4091, 52 CLEAR PROGRAM, 14 CLOSING REPORT ONLY ON COND. CLOSING (AUTO-BYP.) ADDRESS 2417, 34 COLD START, 14 COLD START ADDRESS 4093, 52 COMPATIBILITY NUMBER, 56 CONFIGURING THE KEYPADS, 55 CREATE A NEW CUSTOM DEFAULT PROGRAM, 5 CS AREA & SYSTEM REPORTING OPTIONS (ADDRESS 10241027), 25 CS RECEIVER 1 FORMAT ADDRESS 0525, 21 CS RECEIVER 1 OPTIONS ADDRESS 0526, 21 CS RECEIVER 2 FORMAT ADDRESS 0550, 21 CS RECEIVER 2 OPTIONS ADDRESS 0551, 21 CS RECEIVER 3 FORMAT ADDRESS 0575, 21 CS RECEIVER 3 OPTIONS ADDRESS 0576, 21 CS RECEIVER FORMAT OPTIONS (ADDRESS 0520, 0521, 0525, 0526, 0550, 0551, 0575 & 0576), 21 CS RECEIVER TELEPHONE NUMBER 1-3, 22 CS RECEIVER TELEPHONE NUMBERS (ADDRESS 0527-0546, 0552-0571, 0577-0596), 22 CS REPORTING CODES (ADDRESS 0859-0883), 24 CS REPORTING CODES (ADDRESS 0870-0904), 25 CS SUBSCRIBER ID NUMBERS (ADDRESS 0650-0787), 23 CS SUBSCRIBER ID NUMBERS (ADDRESS 0790-0857), 24 CS SYSTEM REPORT OPTIONS ADDRESS 1027, 25 CS TELCO 1 SUBSCRIBER EVENT ID NUMBERS, 23 CS TELCO 1 SUBSCRIBER OPENING/CLOSING ID NUMBERS, 23 CS TELCO 2 SUBSCRIBER EVENT ID NUMBERS (BACKUP REPORTING), 23 CS TELCO 2 SUBSCRIBER OPENING/CLOSING ID NUMBERS (BACKUP REPORTING), 23 CS TELCO 3 REPORT DELAY ADDRESS 3902, 19 CS TELCO 3 SUBSCRIBER EVENT ID NUMBERS, 24 CS TELCO 3 SUBSCRIBER OPENING/CLOSING ID NUMBERS, 24 CS USER REPORTING CODES (ADDRESS 1030-1074), 27 CS ZONE REPORTING CODES (ADDRESS 0910-0957), 26 CUSTOM DEFAULT PROGRAM, 5 CUSTOMIZING A DEFAULT PROGRAM, 5 DATE, 14, 54 DAY ZONE OPEN ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 DAY ZONE SHORT ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 DEALER CODE, 14 DEALER PROGRAM, 5 DEALER SECURITY CODE ADDRESS 0500-0502, 20 DECIMAL FORMAT, 16 DECIMAL FORMAT DATA ENTRY, 15 X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions Page 58 WI818G 10/05 ALPHABETICAL INDEX (CONT'D) DIALING—ROTARY OR TOUCH-TONE, 25 DIGITAL DIALER RPT ENTER/EXIT TEST MODE ADDRESS 3905, 35 DIRECT ADDRESS OVERVIEW, 15 DIRECT ADDRESS PROGRAM MODE, 15 DISABLE AC FAIL DETECTION ADDRESS 2420, 35 DISABLE ANSWERING-MACHINE DOWNLOAD ADDRESS 2419, 34 DISABLE AREA ENTRY RELAYS ADDRESS 2422, 35 DISABLE AUTO-RESET ON DAY ZONE ADDRESS 2419, 34 DISABLE AUTO-UNBYPASS ON DISARMING ADDRESS 2417, 34 DISABLE AUXOUT CLEAR ON DISARM ADDRESS 2421, 35 DISABLE CALL WAITING ON FIRST ATTEMPT ADDRESS 3905, 35 DISABLE CALLBACK DOWNLOAD ADDRESS 2419, 34 DISABLE CODE REQUIRED FOR EZ BYPASS ADDRESS 2420, 35 DISABLE CODE REQUIRED FOR FUNC. MODE LVL. 1 ADDRESS 2420, 35 DISABLE EXIT/ENTRY URGENCY TONE AT KEYPAD ADDRESS 2422, 35 DISABLE FIRE RESET ADDRESS 2415, 34 DISABLE KEYPAD FUNCTION-MODE DOWNLOAD ADDRESS 2419, 34 DISABLE KEYPAD INSTANT BUTTON ADDRESS 2420, 35 DISABLE SYSTEM TROUBLE AUDIBLE (AT KEYPAD) ADDRESS 2420, 35 DISABLE WAIT FOR HANDSHAKE ADDRESS 1027, 25 DISABLE WAIT FOR SILENCE ADDRESS 1027, 25 DISABLE ZONE FAULT SCROLLING (AUTO STATUS) ADDRESS 2421, 35 DOUBLE SWIPE TIME, 38 DOWNLOAD SECURITY CODE ADDRESS 0645-0647, 22 DOWNLOAD/CALLBACK OPTIONS (ADDRESS 4089, 0600-0619, 0625-0647, 1022 & 1023), 22 DOWNLOADING FROM A COMPUTER, 4 EASY MENU DRIVEN PROGRAM MODE, 5 EASY PROGRAM MENU, 6 EMERGENCY FREE ACCESS (ADDRESS 4080), 41 ENABLE ACCESS LOGGING INTO BURG LOG ADDRESS 2780, 38 ENABLE ACM ACCESS ADDRESS 2423, 41 ENABLE ALL-ZONE-IN-TROUBLE BYPASS ADDRESS 2417, 34 ENABLE AMBUSH IN USER ASSIGNMENT CODE TYPE ADDRESS 3905, 35 ENABLE BELL ON EXIT ERROR ADDRESS 3905, 35 ENABLE BURG OUTPUT CHIRP ON KEYFOB?, 7 ENABLE BURG. OUTPUT ON TELCO FAIL ONLY WHEN ARMED ADDRESS 2422, 35 ENABLE BURG. OUTPUT WARNING ON ENTRY ADDRESS 2418, 34 ENABLE CANCEL REPORT TO TELCO 3 ADDRESS 3874, 35 ENABLE CARD PRESENTATION BEEP AND GREEN LED FLASH ADDRESS 2780, 38 ENABLE CP-01 LIMITS ADDRESS 3905, 35 ENABLE DAY ZONE WATCH ADDRESS 2416, 34 ENABLE EXIT DELAY RESTART (SIA-FAR) ADDRESS 3905, 35 ENABLE EXIT-DELAY RESTART ADDRESS 2419, 34 ENABLE FACILITY CODE ADDRESS 2780, 38 ENABLE GEM-PRINT ADDRESS 3874, 35 ENABLE KEYPAD BLANKING ADDRESS 2423, 41 ENABLE KEYPAD TIME/DATE DISPLAY ADDRESS 3874, 35 ENABLE KEYPAD--REMOTE ACCESS LOGGING (ADDRESS 3184), 44 ENABLE LOCAL ALARM ON FIRST ZONE “AND” TRIP ADDRESS X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions 2419, 34 ENABLE MANAGER’S MODE OUTSIDE OVERVIEW ADDRESS 2418, 34 ENABLE NAPCO PROPRIETARY ACCESS FORMAT ADDRESS 2780, 38 ENABLE NO EOLR ZONES, 7 ENABLE PRINTING OF ACCESS EVENTS ADDRESS 2780, 38 ENABLE REPORT EXIT ERR/RECENT CLOSE ADDRESS 3905, 35 ENABLE SET TIME/DATE MESSAGE ADDRESS 3874, 35 ENABLE SIA CP-01 FEATURES?, 8 ENABLE SMOKE DETECTOR DIRTY TROUBLE ADDRESS 2422, 35 ENABLE TCP/IP COMMUNICATIONS ADDRESS 2423, 41 ENABLE TELCO LINE FAULT TEST?, 7 ENABLE TELEPHONE LINE-FAULT TEST ADDRESS 2420, 35 ENABLE TWO-SWIPE ARMING ADDRESS 2780, 38 ENABLE USERS TO REPORT, 27 ENABLE ZONE NUMBER ON PULSE ALARM ADDRESS 0526, 21 ENABLE ZONE NUMBER ON PULSE ALARM ADDRESS 0551, 21 ENABLE ZONE NUMBER ON PULSE ALARM ADDRESS 0576, 21 ENROLL METHOD, 13 ENTER DATE, 54 ENTER DEALER PROGRAM MODE, 5 ENTER PROXIMITY CARD USERS, 12 ENTER TIME, 54 ENTER USER CODES, 10 ENTER ZONE DESCRIPTIONS, 14 ENTRY DELAY 1 ADDRESS 0001, 19 ENTRY DELAY 2 ADDRESS 0002, 19 ENTRY SOUNDER, 55 ENTRY/EXIT 1 ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 ENTRY/EXIT 2 ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 ERASING DEALER PROGRAM, 14 ERASING DEALER PROGRAM ADDRESS 4091, 52 ERASING ENTIRE PROGRAM, 14 ERASING ENTIRE PROGRAM ADDRESS 4093, 52 EVENT ID CODES, 50 EXIT DEALER PROGRAM MODE, 14 EXIT DELAY ADDRESS 0000, 19 EXIT/ENTRY FOLLOWER ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 EXIT/ENTRY ZONES IN AREA 1, 6 EXIT/ENTRY2 ZONES IN AREA 1, 7 EXPANSION ZONE MODULE, 56 EXTERNAL RELAY BOARD MODULES, 51 EXTERNAL RELAY CONTROL / RELAYS 1-24 (ADDRESS 3778-3801 & 2800-2895), 47 EZM ADDRESS, 56 EZM GROUP OPTIONS (ADDRESS 2555-2576), 43 EZM PGM ARMED TERMINAL CONTROL, 43 50MS LOOP RESPONSE ZONES, 7 50MS LOOP RESPONSE ZONE OPTION, 30 FIRE ALARM VERIFICATION ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 FIRE OUTPUT (LUG E9), 28, 29 FIRE OUTPUT (LUG E9) ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 FIRE OUTPUT TIMEOUT ADDRESS 2405, 20 FIRE ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 FIRE ZONES IN AREA 1, 6 FIRMWARE VERSION, 2 1400HZ HANDSHAKE/KISSOFF ADDRESS 0526, 21 1400HZ HANDSHAKE/KISSOFF ADDRESS 0551, 21 L NAPCO Security Systems Page 59 WI818G 10/05 ALPHABETICAL INDEX (CONT'D) 1400HZ HANDSHAKE/KISSOFF ADDRESS 0576, 21 FUNCTION MODE, 4 GEM-RP1CAE2/GEM-K1CA KEYPAD EASY PROGRAM MENU, 6 GENERAL PROGRAMMING STEPS, 18 GLOBAL SYSTEM EVENT/TROUBLE, 28 GLOBAL SYSTEM TROUBLE REPORTING OPTIONS (ADDRESS 1082-1116), 28 HANDSHAKE FOR LOCAL TELEMETRY ADDRESS 1027, 25 HEXADECIMAL FORMAT, 17 INCLUDE SEL./GRP. BYPASS IN COND. CLOSING STATUS ADDRESS 2417, 34 INTERIOR #1 BYPASS ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 INTERIOR #2 BYPASS ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 INTERIOR (STAY) BYPASS ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 INTERIOR 1 NORMALLY BYPASSED ADDRESS 2419, 34 INTERIOR ZONES IN AREA 1, 6 KEYFOB TRANSMITTERS AS ARM/DISARM & CONTROL DEVICES, 13 KEYFOB TRANSMITTERS AS ZONE INPUT DEVICES, 14 KEYFOB ZONE ASSIGNMENT, 13 KEYPAD ACCESS EVENT, 44 KEYPAD ADDRESS, 55 KEYPAD AREA ASSIGNMENT, 37 KEYPAD CONFIGURATION MODE, 55 KEYPAD EASY PROGRAM MENU, 6 KEYPAD HOME AREA / ACM DOOR #1 AREA (HEX) (ADDRESS 2425-2431), 40 KEYPAD INSTALLATION, 55 KEYPAD OPTIONS, 37 KEYPAD OPTIONS (ADDRESS 2425-2446), 37 KEYPAD REPORTING CODES ADDRESS 0900-0904, 25 KEYPAD SOUNDER ON ALARM ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 KEYPAD SOUNDER ON ALARM ZONES, 7 KEYPAD SYSTEM CODES (ADDRESS 0490-0495 & 0500-0502), 20 KEYPAD TACTILE BEEP, 55 KEYPAD TYPE & AREA ASSIGNMENT, 37 KEYSWITCH ARMING ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 LEADING DIGITS FOR PAGER FORMAT ADDRESS 0520, 21 LEADING DIGITS FOR PAGER FORMAT ADDRESS 0521, 21 LOCAL DOWNLOAD, 4 LOCAL DOWNLOADING, 4 LOCAL JACK, 4 LOCAL OR CENTRAL STATION REPORTING SYSTEM, 6 LOOP RESPONSE ZONES, 7 LUG E4 ARMED AWAY ONLY ADDRESS 2417, 34 MASTER SECURITY CODE, 5 MAXIMUM TWO-SWIPE ARM TIME ADDRESS 2782, 38 MODEM CODES, 26 NEVER ARM ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 NEW CUSTOM DEFAULT PROGRAM, 5 NO EOL RESISTOR ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 NUMBER OF KEYPADS IN AREA 1, 8 NUMBER OF KEYPADS IN AREA 2, 8 NUMBER OF RELAY BOARD MODULES (ADDRESS 3777), 51 NUMBER OF RF RECEIVERS ADDRESS 3776, 46 NUMBERING KEYPADS, 55 OPENING REPORT ONLY AFTER ALARM REPORT ADDRESS 2417, 34 OPENING/CLOSING REPORTING CODES ADDRESS 0864-0883, 24 L NAPCO Security Systems OUTPUT SILENCED, 45 OUTPUT TIMEOUTS, 20 OUTPUT TURNS OFF UPON DISARM, 45 PAGER FORMAT: MAXIMUM PAGES PER SESSION ADDRESS 3904, 36 PAGER RECALLS ADDRESS 3903, 36 PANEL ACCESS CODE ADDRESS 0490-0492, 20 PCI2000/3000 COMPUTER INTERFACE, 4 PCI-MINI COMPUTER INTERFACE, 4 POWER-UP DELAY ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 PRE-ALARM WARNING ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 PRIORITY AREA ARMING, 44 PRIORITY WITH BYPASS ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 PRIORITY ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 PROGRAM CONTROL MESSAGE, 56 PROGRAMMING CONVENTIONS USED IN THIS MANUAL, 18 PROGRAMMING STEPS, 18 PROGRAMMING TRANSMITTER WIRELESS POINTS, 13 PROXIMITY CARDS, 12 PULSE ALARM OUTPUT TIMEOUT ADDRESS 2404, 20 PULSE BURG OUTPUT CADENCE ADDRESS 2422, 35 PULSE EVENT CODE, 26 PULSED ALARM OUTPUT ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 PULSED BURG. OUTPUT, 28, 29 QUICK METHOD, 13 RECEIVER FORMATS, 21 RELAY BOARD MODULES, 51 RELAY EVENT ACTIVATION CONDITIONS, 51 RELAY EVENT ALARM TYPE OPTIONS, 51 RELAY EVENT CONDITION OPTIONS, 51 REMOTE ACCESS LOGGING (ADDRESS 3184), 44 REMOTE DOWNLOADING, 4 REPORT ALARM TELCO 1, 29 REPORT ALARM TELCO 3, 29 REPORT CANCEL WINDOW ADDRESS 4082, 20 REPORT EVENT TELCO 1, 28 REPORT EVENT TELCO 3, 28 REPORT RESTORE TELCO 1, 28 REPORT RESTORE TELCO 3, 28 REPORT TO TCP/IP RECEIVER OR AES (TELCO 1) ADDRESS 0526, 21 REPORT TO TCP/IP RECEIVER OR AES (TELCO 2) ADDRESS 0551, 21 REPORT TO TCP/IP RECEIVER OR AES (TELCO 3) ADDRESS 0576, 21 RESET DAY ZONE WITH ARM/DISARM ONLY ADDRESS 2419, 34 RESET OUTPUT TIMEOUT ADDRESS 2400, 20 RESET RELAY, 28, 29 RESET RELAY ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 RF RECEIVERS & SUPERVISORY TIMER OPTIONS (ADDRESS 3776 & 3760-3775), 46 RF SUPERVISORY TIMERS, 46 RF TRANSMITTER POINTS, 13 RM3008, 51 ROTARY DIALING BACKUP, 25 RPT ALARM RESTORE TEL 1 ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 RPT ALARM RESTORE TEL 3 ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 RPT ALARM TEL 1 ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 RPT ALARM TEL 3 ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions Page 60 WI818G 10/05 ALPHABETICAL INDEX (CONT'D) RPT TROUBLE RESTORE TEL 1 ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 RPT TROUBLE RESTORE TEL 3 ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 RPT TROUBLE TEL 1 ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 RPT TROUBLE TEL 3 ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 SCHEMATIC, 68 SELECT BELL OUTPUT ON KEYFOB ARMING ADDRESS 2422, 35 SELECTIVE BYPASS ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 SENSOR WATCH DELAY ADDRESS 4088, 19 SENSOR WATCH ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 SENSOR WATCH ZONES, 7 SILENCE OUTPUT, 45 SINGLE DIGIT ONLY ADDRESS 0526, 21 SINGLE DIGIT ONLY ADDRESS 0551, 21 SINGLE DIGIT ONLY ADDRESS 0576, 21 SKIP AUTOMATIC DIAL TONE DETECT ADDRESS 4084, 36 START EXIT DELAY AFTER RINGBACK ADDRESS 2418, 34 STATUS REPORT (AUTO-BYP. ZONES ON CLOS.) ADDRESS 2417, 34 SUM CHECK ADDRESS 0526, 21 SUM CHECK ADDRESS 0551, 21 SUM CHECK ADDRESS 0576, 21 SUPERVISED ALARM OUTPUT ADDRESS 2422, 35 SUPPRESS “BYPASS” ICON WHEN ARMED ADDRESS 2418, 34 SWINGER SHUTDOWN ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 SYSTEM DELAYS & TIMEOUTS (ADDRESS 0000-0002, 2402, 2406, 2414 & 3902), 19 SYSTEM DELAYS & TIMEOUTS (ADDRESS 2400, 2401, 2403-2405, 4082 & 4083), 20 SYSTEM DELAYS & TIMEOUTS (ADDRESS 2407, 2408 & 4088), 19 SYSTEM OPTIONS (ADDRESS 2415-2419), 34 SYSTEM OPTIONS (ADDRESS 2420-2422, 3874, 3905, 3880-3881), 35 SYSTEM OPTIONS (ADDRESS 3882-3901, 3903-3905 & 4084), 36 SYSTEM OPTIONS ADDRESS 2417, 34 SYSTEM OPTIONS ADDRESS 2418, 34 SYSTEM OPTIONS ADDRESS 2419, 34 SYSTEM OPTIONS ADDRESS 2420, 35 SYSTEM OPTIONS ADDRESS 2421, 35 SYSTEM OPTIONS ADDRESS 2422, 35 SYSTEM OPTIONS ADDRESS 3874, 35 SYSTEM OPTIONS ADDRESS 3905, 35 SYSTEM PROGRAMMING OPTIONS, 4 SYSTEM RESET OPTIONS (ADDRESS 4091-4093), 52 SYSTEM RESPONSE ACTIVATED BY AREA EVENT/TROUBLE, 29 SYSTEM RESPONSE ACTIVATED BY GLOBAL EVENT/TROUBLE, 28 TABLE OF CONTENTS, 3 TACTILE BEEP, 55 TCP/IP PANEL/SITE INITIATED FUNCTIONS ADDRESS 2423, 41 TELCO CONNECTION, 4 TELCO FAIL ONLY WHEN ARMED ADDRESS 2420, 35 TELEPHONE DIALING PREFIX (DIGITS 1-20) ADDRESS 3882-3901, 36 TELEPHONE LINE TEST DELAY ADDRESS 2414, 19 TELEPHONE NUMBERS CS RECEIVER, 22 3/1 WITH EXTENDED RESTORES ADDRESS 0526, 21 3/1 WITH EXTENDED RESTORES ADDRESS 0551, 21 3/1 WITH EXTENDED RESTORES ADDRESS 0576, 21 TIME, 14, 54 X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions TOTAL NUMBER OF ZONES IN AREA 1, 6 TOTAL NUMBER OF ZONES IN AREA 2, 6 TOUCH-TONE DIALING ONLY ADDRESS 1027, 25 TOUCH-TONE DIALING W/ROTARY BACKUP ADDRESS 1027, 25 TRANSMIT “402” OPENING/CLOSING CODE ADDRESS 1027, 25 TRANSMITTER WIRELESS POINTS, 13 TROUBLE ON NIGHT OPEN ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 TROUBLE ON OPEN ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 TROUBLE ON SHORT ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 TROUBLE/ALARM REPORTING CODES (ADDRESS 3880-3881), 35 20MS LOOP RESPONSE ZONE OPTION, 30 2300HZ HANDSHAKE/KISSOFF ADDRESS 0551, 21 2300HZ HANDSHAKE/KISSOFF ADDRESS 0576, 21 24-HOUR ZONES IN AREA 1, 6 24-HOUR ZONE ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 2ND CALL ANSWERING MACHINE OVERRIDE ADDRESS 2421, 35 2-WIRE FIRE ZONES IN AREA 1, 6 2-WIRE SMOKE DETECTORS ZONE OPTION, 30 UNLOCK TIME ADDRESS 2783, 38 USER AREA OPTIONS (ADDRESS 2455-2502), 42 USER CLOSING TELCO, 27 USER CODES, 10 USER CODES, 53 USER OPENING TELCO, 27 USER OPTIONS, 10 USER PROGRAM MODE, 52 VERI-PHONE ZONES PRIORITY OVER ALARMS ADDRESS 2421, 35 VERI-PHONE ZONES TRIP AUX. OUTPUT ADDRESS 2421, 35 VERI-PHONE ZONES TRIP FIRE OUTPUT ADDRESS 2421, 35 WIRELESS SMOKE LOW BATTERY RESOUND ADDRESS 2422, 35 WIRELESS SUPERVISORY ADDRESS 3880, 35 WIRELESS TAMPER ADDRESS 3881, 35 WIRELESS TROUBLE TO TELCO 1 ADDRESS 3874, 35 WIRELESS TROUBLE TO TELCO 3 ADDRESS 3874, 35 WIRING DIAGRAM, 68 WIZARD KEYPAD TYPE, 37 ZONE ANDING GROUP 1 ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 ZONE ANDING GROUP 2 ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 ZONE AREA 1 ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 ZONE AREA 2 ZONE OPTION, 30, 31, 32 ZONE DESCRIPTIONS, 54 ZONE INPUT DEVICES, 14 ZONE OPTIONS / ZONES 1-16 (ADDRESS 1200-1386), 30 ZONE OPTIONS / ZONES 1-48 (ADDRESS 1200-1786), 33 ZONE OPTIONS / ZONES 17-32 (ADDRESS 1402-1586), 31 ZONE OPTIONS / ZONES 33-48 (ADDRESS 1602-1786), 32 ZONE RESPONSE, 56 L NAPCO Security Systems Page 61 WI818G 10/05 ADDRESS NUMBER INDEX ADDRESS 0000...................... EXIT DELAY ..........................................................................................................19 ADDRESS 0000-0002 ............ SYSTEM DELAYS & TIMEOUTS ...........................................................................19 ADDRESS 0001...................... ENTRY DELAY 1 ...................................................................................................19 ADDRESS 0002...................... ENTRY DELAY 2 ...................................................................................................19 ADDRESS 0490-0492 ............ PANEL ACCESS CODE.........................................................................................20 ADDRESS 0490-0495 ............ KEYPAD SYSTEM CODES ...................................................................................20 ADDRESS 0495...................... AMBUSH CODE.....................................................................................................20 ADDRESS 0500-0502 ............ DEALER SECURITY CODE...................................................................................20 ADDRESS 0500-0502 ............ KEYPAD SYSTEM CODES ...................................................................................20 ADDRESS 0520...................... CS RECEIVER FORMAT OPTIONS ......................................................................21 ADDRESS 0520...................... LEADING DIGITS FOR PAGER FORMAT .............................................................21 ADDRESS 0521...................... CS RECEIVER FORMAT OPTIONS ......................................................................21 ADDRESS 0521...................... LEADING DIGITS FOR PAGER FORMAT .............................................................21 ADDRESS 0525...................... CS RECEIVER 1 FORMAT ....................................................................................21 ADDRESS 0525...................... CS RECEIVER FORMAT OPTIONS ......................................................................21 ADDRESS 0526...................... CS RECEIVER 1 OPTIONS ...................................................................................21 ADDRESS 0526...................... CS RECEIVER FORMAT OPTIONS ......................................................................21 ADDRESS 0526...................... ENABLE ZONE NUMBER ON PULSE ALARM ......................................................21 ADDRESS 0526...................... 1400HZ HANDSHAKE/KISSOFF ...........................................................................21 ADDRESS 0526...................... REPORT TO TCP/IP RECEIVER OR AES (TELCO 1) ..........................................21 ADDRESS 0526...................... SINGLE DIGIT ONLY .............................................................................................21 ADDRESS 0526...................... SUM CHECK..........................................................................................................21 ADDRESS 0526...................... 3/1 WITH EXTENDED RESTORES .......................................................................21 ADDRESS 0527-0546 ............ CS RECEIVER TELEPHONE NUMBERS ..............................................................22 ADDRESS 0550...................... CS RECEIVER 2 FORMAT ....................................................................................21 ADDRESS 0550...................... CS RECEIVER FORMAT OPTIONS ......................................................................21 ADDRESS 0551...................... CS RECEIVER 2 OPTIONS ...................................................................................21 ADDRESS 0551...................... CS RECEIVER FORMAT OPTIONS ......................................................................21 ADDRESS 0551...................... ENABLE ZONE NUMBER ON PULSE ALARM ......................................................21 ADDRESS 0551...................... 1400HZ HANDSHAKE/KISSOFF ...........................................................................21 ADDRESS 0551...................... REPORT TO TCP/IP RECEIVER OR AES (TELCO 2) ..........................................21 ADDRESS 0551...................... SINGLE DIGIT ONLY .............................................................................................21 ADDRESS 0551...................... SUM CHECK..........................................................................................................21 ADDRESS 0551...................... 3/1 WITH EXTENDED RESTORES .......................................................................21 ADDRESS 0551...................... 2300HZ HANDSHAKE/KISSOFF ...........................................................................21 ADDRESS 0552-0571 ............ CS RECEIVER TELEPHONE NUMBERS ..............................................................22 ADDRESS 0575...................... CS RECEIVER 3 FORMAT ....................................................................................21 ADDRESS 0575...................... CS RECEIVER FORMAT OPTIONS ......................................................................21 ADDRESS 0576...................... CS RECEIVER 3 OPTIONS ...................................................................................21 ADDRESS 0576...................... CS RECEIVER FORMAT OPTIONS ......................................................................21 ADDRESS 0576...................... ENABLE ZONE NUMBER ON PULSE ALARM ......................................................21 ADDRESS 0576...................... 1400HZ HANDSHAKE/KISSOFF ...........................................................................21 ADDRESS 0576...................... REPORT TO TCP/IP RECEIVER OR AES (TELCO 3) ..........................................21 ADDRESS 0576...................... SINGLE DIGIT ONLY .............................................................................................21 ADDRESS 0576...................... SUM CHECK..........................................................................................................21 ADDRESS 0576...................... 3/1 WITH EXTENDED RESTORES .......................................................................21 ADDRESS 0576...................... 2300HZ HANDSHAKE/KISSOFF ...........................................................................21 L NAPCO Security Systems X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions Page 62 WI818G 10/05 ADDRESS NUMBER INDEX (CONT'D) ADDRESS 0577-0596 ............ CS RECEIVER TELEPHONE NUMBERS ..............................................................22 ADDRESS 0600-0619 ............ DOWNLOAD/CALLBACK OPTIONS......................................................................22 ADDRESS 0625-0647 ............ DOWNLOAD/CALLBACK OPTIONS......................................................................22 ADDRESS 0645-0647 ............ DOWNLOAD SECURITY CODE ............................................................................22 ADDRESS 0650-0787 ............ CS SUBSCRIBER ID NUMBERS ...........................................................................23 ADDRESS 0790-0857 ............ CS SUBSCRIBER ID NUMBERS ...........................................................................24 ADDRESS 0859-0862 ............ ALARM/TROUBLE REPORTING CODES .............................................................24 ADDRESS 0859-0883 ............ CS REPORTING CODES ......................................................................................24 ADDRESS 0864-0883 ............ OPENING/CLOSING REPORTING CODES ..........................................................24 ADDRESS 0870-0904 ............ CS REPORTING CODES ......................................................................................25 ADDRESS 0900-0904 ............ KEYPAD REPORTING CODES .............................................................................25 ADDRESS 0910-0957 ............ CS ZONE REPORTING CODES............................................................................26 ADDRESS 1022...................... CALLBACK TELEPHONE NO. SELECT ................................................................22 ADDRESS 1022...................... DOWNLOAD/CALLBACK OPTIONS......................................................................22 ADDRESS 1023...................... AUTO DOWNLOAD ID NO. ...................................................................................22 ADDRESS 1023...................... DOWNLOAD/CALLBACK OPTIONS......................................................................22 ADDRESS 1024-1027 ............ CS AREA & SYSTEM REPORTING OPTIONS .....................................................25 ADDRESS 1027...................... BACKUP REPORT ON TELCO 2...........................................................................25 ADDRESS 1027...................... CANCEL NEXT TEST TIMER ON ANY REPORT ..................................................25 ADDRESS 1027...................... CS SYSTEM REPORT OPTIONS ..........................................................................25 ADDRESS 1027...................... DISABLE WAIT FOR HANDSHAKE.......................................................................25 ADDRESS 1027...................... DISABLE WAIT FOR SILENCE..............................................................................25 ADDRESS 1027...................... HANDSHAKE FOR LOCAL TELEMETRY..............................................................25 ADDRESS 1027...................... TOUCH-TONE DIALING ONLY..............................................................................25 ADDRESS 1027...................... TOUCH-TONE DIALING W/ROTARY BACKUP.....................................................25 ADDRESS 1027...................... TRANSMIT “402” OPENING/CLOSING CODE ......................................................25 ADDRESS 1030-1074 ............ CS USER REPORTING CODES............................................................................27 ADDRESS 1082-1116 ............ GLOBAL SYSTEM TROUBLE REPORTING OPTIONS ........................................28 ADDRESS 1120-1137 ............ AREA SYSTEM TROUBLE REPORTING OPTIONS .............................................29 ADDRESS 1200-1386 ............ ZONE OPTIONS / ZONES 1-16 .............................................................................30 ADDRESS 1200-1786 ............ ZONE OPTIONS / ZONES 1-48 .............................................................................33 ADDRESS 1402-1586 ............ ZONE OPTIONS / ZONES 17-32 ...........................................................................31 ADDRESS 1602-1786 ............ ZONE OPTIONS / ZONES 33-48 ...........................................................................32 ADDRESS 2400...................... RESET OUTPUT TIMEOUT ...................................................................................20 ADDRESS 2400...................... SYSTEM DELAYS & TIMEOUTS ...........................................................................20 ADDRESS 2401...................... AUX. OUTPUT TIMEOUT ......................................................................................20 ADDRESS 2401...................... SYSTEM DELAYS & TIMEOUTS ...........................................................................20 ADDRESS 2402...................... AUX. OUTPUT ACCESS CONTROL TIMEOUT ....................................................19 ADDRESS 2402...................... SYSTEM DELAYS & TIMEOUTS ...........................................................................19 ADDRESS 2403...................... BURG. ALARM OUTPUT TIMEOUT ......................................................................20 ADDRESS 2403-2405 ............ SYSTEM DELAYS & TIMEOUTS ...........................................................................20 ADDRESS 2404...................... PULSE ALARM OUTPUT TIMEOUT......................................................................20 ADDRESS 2405...................... FIRE OUTPUT TIMEOUT ......................................................................................20 ADDRESS 2406...................... ABORT DELAY ......................................................................................................19 ADDRESS 2406...................... SYSTEM DELAYS & TIMEOUTS ...........................................................................19 ADDRESS 2407...................... CHIME TIME ..........................................................................................................19 ADDRESS 2407...................... SYSTEM DELAYS & TIMEOUTS ...........................................................................19 X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems Page 63 WI818G 10/05 ADDRESS NUMBER INDEX (CONT'D) ADDRESS 2408...................... AC FAIL REPORT DELAY .....................................................................................19 ADDRESS 2408...................... SYSTEM DELAYS & TIMEOUTS ...........................................................................19 ADDRESS 2414...................... SYSTEM DELAYS & TIMEOUTS ...........................................................................19 ADDRESS 2414...................... TELEPHONE LINE TEST DELAY ..........................................................................19 ADDRESS 2415...................... DISABLE FIRE RESET ..........................................................................................34 ADDRESS 2415-2419 ............ SYSTEM OPTIONS ...............................................................................................34 ADDRESS 2416...................... ENABLE DAY ZONE WATCH ................................................................................34 ADDRESS 2417...................... CLOSING REPORT ONLY ON COND. CLOSING (AUTO-BYP.)...........................34 ADDRESS 2417...................... DISABLE AUTO-UNBYPASS ON DISARMING .....................................................34 ADDRESS 2417...................... ENABLE ALL-ZONE-IN-TROUBLE BYPASS .........................................................34 ADDRESS 2417...................... INCLUDE SEL./GRP. BYPASS IN COND. CLOSING STATUS .............................34 ADDRESS 2417...................... LUG E4 ARMED AWAY ONLY...............................................................................34 ADDRESS 2417...................... OPENING REPORT ONLY AFTER ALARM REPORT ...........................................34 ADDRESS 2417...................... STATUS REPORT (AUTO-BYP. ZONES ON CLOS.) ............................................34 ADDRESS 2417...................... SYSTEM OPTIONS ...............................................................................................34 ADDRESS 2418...................... ACCESS CONTROL (PANEL) ON AUX. OUTPUT ................................................34 ADDRESS 2418...................... AUTO BELL TEST ON ARMING ............................................................................34 ADDRESS 2418...................... AUTO RESET AFTER BURG. OUTPUT TIMEOUT ...............................................34 ADDRESS 2418...................... ENABLE BURG. OUTPUT WARNING ON ENTRY ................................................34 ADDRESS 2418...................... ENABLE MANAGER’S MODE OUTSIDE OVERVIEW ..........................................34 ADDRESS 2418...................... START EXIT DELAY AFTER RINGBACK ..............................................................34 ADDRESS 2418...................... SUPPRESS “BYPASS” ICON WHEN ARMED .......................................................34 ADDRESS 2418...................... SYSTEM OPTIONS ...............................................................................................34 ADDRESS 2419...................... DISABLE ANSWERING-MACHINE DOWNLOAD ..................................................34 ADDRESS 2419...................... DISABLE AUTO-RESET ON DAY ZONE ...............................................................34 ADDRESS 2419...................... DISABLE CALLBACK DOWNLOAD.......................................................................34 ADDRESS 2419...................... DISABLE KEYPAD FUNCTION-MODE DOWNLOAD ............................................34 ADDRESS 2419...................... ENABLE EXIT-DELAY RESTART ..........................................................................34 ADDRESS 2419...................... ENABLE LOCAL ALARM ON FIRST ZONE “AND” TRIP .......................................34 ADDRESS 2419...................... INTERIOR 1 NORMALLY BYPASSED ..................................................................34 ADDRESS 2419...................... RESET DAY ZONE WITH ARM/DISARM ONLY ....................................................34 ADDRESS 2419...................... SYSTEM OPTIONS ...............................................................................................34 ADDRESS 2420...................... CHIME ON LUG E4................................................................................................35 ADDRESS 2420...................... DISABLE AC FAIL DETECTION ............................................................................35 ADDRESS 2420...................... DISABLE CODE REQUIRED FOR EZ BYPASS ....................................................35 ADDRESS 2420...................... DISABLE CODE REQUIRED FOR FUNC. MODE LVL. 1 ......................................35 ADDRESS 2420...................... DISABLE KEYPAD INSTANT BUTTON .................................................................35 ADDRESS 2420...................... DISABLE SYSTEM TROUBLE AUDIBLE (AT KEYPAD) .......................................35 ADDRESS 2420...................... ENABLE TELEPHONE LINE-FAULT TEST ...........................................................35 ADDRESS 2420...................... SYSTEM OPTIONS ...............................................................................................35 ADDRESS 2420...................... TELCO FAIL ONLY WHEN ARMED ......................................................................35 ADDRESS 2420-2422 ............ SYSTEM OPTIONS ...............................................................................................35 ADDRESS 2421...................... AUTOMATIC INTERIOR BYPASS/EASY EXIT ......................................................35 ADDRESS 2421...................... DISABLE AUXOUT CLEAR ON DISARM ..............................................................35 ADDRESS 2421...................... DISABLE ZONE FAULT SCROLLING (AUTO STATUS) .......................................35 ADDRESS 2421...................... SYSTEM OPTIONS ...............................................................................................35 ADDRESS 2421...................... 2ND CALL ANSWERING MACHINE OVERRIDE ..................................................35 L NAPCO Security Systems X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions Page 64 WI818G 10/05 ADDRESS NUMBER INDEX (CONT'D) ADDRESS 2421...................... VERI-PHONE ZONES PRIORITY OVER ALARMS ...............................................35 ADDRESS 2421...................... VERI-PHONE ZONES TRIP AUX. OUTPUT ..........................................................35 ADDRESS 2421...................... VERI-PHONE ZONES TRIP FIRE OUTPUT ..........................................................35 ADDRESS 2422...................... DISABLE AREA ENTRY RELAYS .........................................................................35 ADDRESS 2422...................... DISABLE EXIT/ENTRY URGENCY TONE AT KEYPAD ........................................35 ADDRESS 2422...................... ENABLE BURG. OUTPUT ON TELCO FAIL ONLY WHEN ARMED .....................35 ADDRESS 2422...................... ENABLE SMOKE DETECTOR DIRTY TROUBLE .................................................35 ADDRESS 2422...................... PULSE BURG OUTPUT CADENCE ......................................................................35 ADDRESS 2422...................... SELECT BELL OUTPUT ON KEYFOB ARMING ...................................................35 ADDRESS 2422...................... SUPERVISED ALARM OUTPUT ...........................................................................35 ADDRESS 2422...................... SYSTEM OPTIONS ...............................................................................................35 ADDRESS 2422...................... WIRELESS SMOKE LOW BATTERY RESOUND ..................................................35 ADDRESS 2423...................... ACM SYSTEM OPTIONS.......................................................................................41 ADDRESS 2423...................... ENABLE ACM ACCESS.........................................................................................41 ADDRESS 2423...................... ENABLE KEYPAD BLANKING ...............................................................................41 ADDRESS 2423...................... ENABLE TCP/IP COMMUNICATIONS...................................................................41 ADDRESS 2423...................... TCP/IP PANEL/SITE INITIATED FUNCTIONS ......................................................41 ADDRESS 2425-2431 ............ ACM DOOR #1 AREA (HEX) .................................................................................40 ADDRESS 2425-2431 ............ KEYPAD HOME AREA / ACM DOOR #1 AREA (HEX) ..........................................40 ADDRESS 2425-2446 ............ KEYPAD OPTIONS................................................................................................37 ADDRESS 2455-2502 ............ USER AREA OPTIONS..........................................................................................42 ADDRESS 2555-2576 ............ EZM GROUP OPTIONS.........................................................................................43 ADDRESS 2650-2651 ............ AREA ARMING OPTIONS .....................................................................................44 ADDRESS 2700-2739 ............ AREA OUTPUT CONTROL OPTIONS...................................................................45 ADDRESS 2740-2769 ............ ACM ZONE OPTIONS ...........................................................................................38 ADDRESS 2780...................... ACM GLOBAL FLAGS ...........................................................................................38 ADDRESS 2780...................... ENABLE ACCESS LOGGING INTO BURG LOG ...................................................38 ADDRESS 2780...................... ENABLE CARD PRESENTATION BEEP AND GREEN LED FLASH.....................38 ADDRESS 2780...................... ENABLE FACILITY CODE .....................................................................................38 ADDRESS 2780...................... ENABLE NAPCO PROPRIETARY ACCESS FORMAT .........................................38 ADDRESS 2780...................... ENABLE PRINTING OF ACCESS EVENTS ..........................................................38 ADDRESS 2780...................... ENABLE TWO-SWIPE ARMING ............................................................................38 ADDRESS 2782...................... MAXIMUM TWO-SWIPE ARM TIME......................................................................38 ADDRESS 2782-2783 ............ ACM TIMEOUTS ....................................................................................................38 ADDRESS 2783...................... UNLOCK TIME .......................................................................................................38 ADDRESS 2784-2787 ............ ACM DOOR AREA OPTIONS ................................................................................39 ADDRESS 2800-2895 ............ EXTERNAL RELAY CONTROL / RELAYS 1-24 ....................................................47 ADDRESS 3184...................... ENABLE KEYPAD--REMOTE ACCESS LOGGING ...............................................44 ADDRESS 3184...................... REMOTE ACCESS LOGGING ...............................................................................44 ADDRESS 3760-3775 ............ RF RECEIVERS & SUPERVISORY TIMER OPTIONS ..........................................46 ADDRESS 3776...................... NUMBER OF RF RECEIVERS...............................................................................46 ADDRESS 3776...................... RF RECEIVERS & SUPERVISORY TIMER OPTIONS ..........................................46 ADDRESS 3777...................... NUMBER OF RELAY BOARD MODULES .............................................................51 ADDRESS 3778-3801 ............ EXTERNAL RELAY CONTROL / RELAYS 1-24 ....................................................47 ADDRESS 3874...................... ENABLE CANCEL REPORT TO TELCO 3 ............................................................35 ADDRESS 3874...................... ENABLE GEM-PRINT ............................................................................................35 ADDRESS 3874...................... ENABLE KEYPAD TIME/DATE DISPLAY ..............................................................35 X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems Page 65 WI818G 10/05 ADDRESS NUMBER INDEX (CONT'D) ADDRESS 3874...................... ENABLE SET TIME/DATE MESSAGE ...................................................................35 ADDRESS 3874...................... SYSTEM OPTIONS ...............................................................................................35 ADDRESS 3874...................... SYSTEM OPTIONS ...............................................................................................35 ADDRESS 3874...................... WIRELESS TROUBLE TO TELCO 1 .....................................................................35 ADDRESS 3874...................... WIRELESS TROUBLE TO TELCO 3 .....................................................................35 ADDRESS 3880...................... WIRELESS SUPERVISORY ..................................................................................35 ADDRESS 3880-3881 ............ ALARM/TROUBLE REPORTING CODES .............................................................35 ADDRESS 3880-3881 ............ SYSTEM OPTIONS ...............................................................................................35 ADDRESS 3880-3881 ............ TROUBLE/ALARM REPORTING CODES .............................................................35 ADDRESS 3881...................... WIRELESS TAMPER .............................................................................................35 ADDRESS 3882-3901 ............ SYSTEM OPTIONS ...............................................................................................36 ADDRESS 3882-3901 ............ TELEPHONE DIALING PREFIX (DIGITS 1-20) .....................................................36 ADDRESS 3902...................... CS TELCO 3 REPORT DELAY ..............................................................................19 ADDRESS 3902...................... SYSTEM DELAYS & TIMEOUTS ...........................................................................19 ADDRESS 3903...................... PAGER RECALLS .................................................................................................36 ADDRESS 3903-3905 ............ SYSTEM OPTIONS ...............................................................................................36 ADDRESS 3904...................... PAGER FORMAT: MAXIMUM PAGES PER SESSION .........................................36 ADDRESS 3905...................... DIGITAL DIALER RPT ENTER/EXIT TEST MODE ................................................35 ADDRESS 3905...................... DISABLE CALL WAITING ON FIRST ATTEMPT ...................................................35 ADDRESS 3905...................... ENABLE AMBUSH IN USER ASSIGNMENT CODE TYPE....................................35 ADDRESS 3905...................... ENABLE BELL ON EXIT ERROR ..........................................................................35 ADDRESS 3905...................... ENABLE CP-01 LIMITS..........................................................................................35 ADDRESS 3905...................... ENABLE EXIT DELAY RESTART (SIA-FAR) .........................................................35 ADDRESS 3905...................... ENABLE REPORT EXIT ERR/RECENT CLOSE ...................................................35 ADDRESS 3905...................... SYSTEM OPTIONS ...............................................................................................35 ADDRESS 3905...................... SYSTEM OPTIONS ...............................................................................................35 ADDRESS 4072-4075 ............ ACM SCHEDULED FREE ACCESS ......................................................................39 ADDRESS 4080...................... EMERGENCY FREE ACCESS ..............................................................................41 ADDRESS 4082...................... REPORT CANCEL WINDOW ................................................................................20 ADDRESS 4082...................... SYSTEM DELAYS & TIMEOUTS ...........................................................................20 ADDRESS 4083...................... AUTO DISARM REARM DELAY ............................................................................20 ADDRESS 4083...................... SYSTEM DELAYS & TIMEOUTS ...........................................................................20 ADDRESS 4084...................... SKIP AUTOMATIC DIAL TONE DETECT ..............................................................36 ADDRESS 4084...................... SYSTEM OPTIONS ...............................................................................................36 ADDRESS 4088...................... SENSOR WATCH DELAY .....................................................................................19 ADDRESS 4088...................... SYSTEM DELAYS & TIMEOUTS ...........................................................................19 ADDRESS 4089...................... ANSWER ON RING NUMBER ...............................................................................22 ADDRESS 4089...................... DOWNLOAD/CALLBACK OPTIONS......................................................................22 ADDRESS 4091...................... CLEAR DEALER PROGRAM .................................................................................52 ADDRESS 4091...................... ERASING DEALER PROGRAM.............................................................................52 ADDRESS 4091-4093 ............ SYSTEM RESET OPTIONS...................................................................................52 ADDRESS 4093...................... COLD START ........................................................................................................52 ADDRESS 4093...................... ERASING ENTIRE PROGRAM ..............................................................................52 L NAPCO Security Systems X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions Page 66 WI818G 10/05 NOTES X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems Page 67 WI818G 10/05 NOTES L NAPCO Security Systems X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions Page 68 WI818G 10/05 GEM-P3200 WIRING DIAGRAM X GEM-P3200 Programming Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems
Source Exif Data:
File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : Yes Create Date : 2005:10:21 10:32:52-04:00 Modify Date : 2005:10:21 10:32:52-04:00 Page Count : 68 Creation Date : 2005:10:21 14:32:52Z Mod Date : 2005:10:21 14:32:52Z Producer : Acrobat Distiller 5.0.5 (Windows) Author : dblock Metadata Date : 2005:10:21 14:32:52Z Creator : dblock Title : GEM-P3200_RP1_WI818G.17_PROG.pubEXIF Metadata provided by