Nokia Bell G240WE GPON ONU User Manual Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide
Nokia Shanghai Bell Co. Ltd. GPON ONU Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide
Users Manual
Nokia — Proprietary and confidential
Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Nokia WiFi Gateway 3
G-240W-E WiFi Gateway
Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide
Issue: 01
Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide
Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide
3FE-47464-AAAA-TCZZA Issue: 01
Nokia is a registered trademark of Nokia Corporation. Other products and company
names mentioned herein may be trademarks or tradenames of their respective
The information presented is subject to change without notice. No responsibility is
assumed for inaccuracies contained herein.
© 2018 Nokia.
Contains proprietary/trade secret information which is the property of Nokia and must
not be made available to, or copied or used by anyone outside Nokia without its
written authorization. Not to be used or disclosed except in accordance with
applicable agreements.
Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide Preface
Issue: 01 3FE-47464-AAAA-TCZZA 3
This preface provides general information about the documentation set for Gateway
3 equipment.
1.1 Scope
This documentation set provides information about safety, features and functionality,
ordering, hardware installation and maintenance, and software installation
procedures for the current release.
1.2 Audience
This documentation set is intended for planners, administrators, operators, and
maintenance personnel involved in installing, upgrading, or maintaining The devices.
1.3 Required knowledge
The reader must be familiar with general telecommunications principles.
1.4 Acronyms and initialisms
The expansions and optional descriptions of most acronyms and initialisms appear
in the glossary (3FE-47157-AAAA-TCZZA).
1.5 Assistance and ordering phone numbers
Nokia provides global technical support through regional call centers. Phone
numbers for the regional call centers are available at the following URL: If this link does not work, copy and paste it directly
into your web browser.
For ordering information, contact your Nokia sales representative.
Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide
3FE-47464-AAAA-TCZZA Issue: 01
1.6 Nokia quality processes
Nokia’s quality practices are in compliance with TL 9000 requirements. These
requirements are documented in the Fixed Networks Quality Manual
3FQ-30146-6000-QRZZA. The quality practices adequately ensure that technical
requirements and customer end-point requirements are met. The customer or its
representatives may be allowed to perform on-site quality surveillance audits, as
agreed upon during contract negotiations
1.7 Safety information
For safety information, see the appropriate safety guidelines chapter.
1.8 Documents
Documents are available using ALED or OLCS.
Procedure 1 To download a ZIP file package of the customer documentation
1Navigate to and enter your user name and password. If you
are a new user and require access to this service, please contact your Nokia sales
2From the Technical Content for drop-down menu, choose the product.
3Click on Downloads: Electronic Delivery.
4Choose Documentation from the drop-down menu and click Next.
5Select the image from the drop-down menu and click Next.
6Follow the on-screen directions to download the file.
Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide Preface
Issue: 01 3FE-47464-AAAA-TCZZA 5
Procedure 2 To access individual documents
Individual PDFs of customer documents are also accessible through the Nokia Customer Support
1Navigate to and enter your user name and password. If you
are a new user and require access to this service, please contact your Nokia sales
2From the Technical Content for drop-down menu, choose the product.
3Click on Manuals and Guides to display a list of customer documents by title and part
number. You can filter this list using the Release drop-down menu.
4Click on the PDF to open or save the file.
1.9 Special information
The following are examples of how special information is presented in this document.
Danger — Danger indicates that the described activity or
situation may result in serious personal injury or death; for
example, high voltage or electric shock hazards.
Warning — Warning indicates that the described activity or
situation may, or will, cause equipment damage or serious
performance problems.
Caution — Caution indicates that the described activity or
situation may, or will, cause service interruption.
Note — A note provides information that is, or may be, of
special interest.
Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide
3FE-47464-AAAA-TCZZA Issue: 01
1.9.1 Procedures with options or substeps
When there are options in a procedure, they are identified by letters. When there are
required substeps in a procedure, they are identified by roman numerals.
Procedure 3 Example of options in a procedure
At step 1, you can choose option a or b. At step 2, you must do what the step indicates.
1This step offers two options. You must choose one of the following:
aThis is one option.
bThis is another option.
2You must perform this step.
Procedure 4 Example of required substeps in a procedure
At step 1, you must perform a series of substeps within a step. At step 2, you must do what the
step indicates.
1This step has a series of substeps that you must perform to complete the step. You must
perform the following substeps:
iThis is the first substep.
ii This is the second substep.
iii This is the third substep.
2 You must perform this step.
Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide Preface
Issue: 01 3FE-47464-AAAA-TCZZA 7
1.10 Multiple PDF document search
You can use Adobe Reader Release 6.0 and later to search multiple PDF files for a
common term. Adobe Reader displays the results in a single display panel. The
results are grouped by PDF file, and you can expand the entry for each file.
Procedure 5 To search multiple PDF files for a common term
1Open Adobe Acrobat Reader.
2Choose Edit→Search from the Acrobat Reader main menu. The Search PDF panel appears.
3Enter the search criteria.
4Click on the All PDF Documents In radio button.
5Select the folder in which to search using the drop-down menu.
6Click on the Search button.
Acrobat Reader displays the search results. You can expand the entries for each document
by clicking on the + symbol.
Note — The PDF files in which you search must be in the same
Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide
3FE-47464-AAAA-TCZZA Issue: 01
Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide
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Table of contents
1 Preface.............................................................................................3
1.1 Scope ..........................................................................................................3
1.2 Audience......................................................................................................3
1.3 Required knowledge....................................................................................3
1.4 Acronyms and initialisms.............................................................................3
1.5 Assistance and ordering phone numbers....................................................3
1.6 Nokia quality processes...............................................................................4
1.7 Safety information........................................................................................4
1.8 Documents ..................................................................................................4
1.9 Special information......................................................................................5
1.9.1 Procedures with options or substeps...........................................................6
1.10 Multiple PDF document search ...................................................................7
2 ANSI CPE safety guidelines.........................................................17
2.1 Safety instructions .....................................................................................17
2.1.1 Safety instruction boxes in customer documentation ................................17
2.1.2 Safety-related labels..................................................................................18
2.2 Safety standards compliance ....................................................................19
2.2.1 EMC, EMI, and ESD standards compliance..............................................19
2.2.2 Energy-related products standby and off modes compliance....................20
2.2.3 FCC statement ..........................................................................................20
2.2.4 FCC Radiation Exposure Statement .........................................................21
2.2.5 Resistibility requirements compliance .......................................................21
2.3 Electrical safety guidelines ........................................................................21
2.3.1 Power supplies ..........................................................................................22
2.3.2 Cabling ......................................................................................................22
3 ETSI CPE safety guidelines .........................................................23
3.1 Safety instructions .....................................................................................23
3.1.1 Safety instruction boxes ............................................................................23
3.1.2 Safety-related labels..................................................................................24
3.2 Safety standards compliance ....................................................................24
3.2.1 EMC, EMI, and ESD compliance...............................................................25
3.2.2 Equipment safety standard compliance.....................................................25
3.2.3 Environmental standard compliance .........................................................26
3.2.4 Resistibility requirements compliance .......................................................26
3.2.5 Acoustic noise emission standard compliance..........................................27
3.3 Electrical safety guidelines ........................................................................27
3.3.1 Power supplies ..........................................................................................27
3.3.2 Cabling ......................................................................................................27
4 ETSI environmental and CRoHS guidelines...............................29
4.1 Environmental labels .................................................................................29
4.1.1 Overview....................................................................................................29
4.1.2 Environmental related labels .....................................................................29 Products below Maximum Concentration Value (MCV) label....................29
Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide
3FE-47464-AAAA-TCZZA Issue: 01 Products containing hazardous substances above Maximum
Concentration Value (MCV) label..............................................................30
4.2 Hazardous Substances Table (HST).........................................................31
4.3 Other environmental requirements............................................................32
4.3.1 CPE environmental requirements..............................................................32
4.3.2 Transportation ...........................................................................................32
4.3.3 EU RoHS...................................................................................................32
4.3.4 End-of-life collection and treatment...........................................................33
5 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) unit data sheet .......................................35
5.1 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) part numbers and identification...........................35
5.2 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) general description..............................................36
5.2.1 TR-069 object support for WiFi parameters ..............................................39
5.2.2 Independent TR69 session with SaaS ......................................................39
5.2.3 TR69 authentication using TLS and CA certificates..................................39
5.3 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) software and installation feature support ............40
5.4 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) interfaces and interface capacity ........................40
5.4.1 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) connections and components .............................40
5.5 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) LEDs ...................................................................42
5.6 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) detailed specifications.........................................42
5.7 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) functional blocks .................................................43
5.8 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) responsible party.................................................44
5.9 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) special considerations.........................................44
5.9.1 WiFi service...............................................................................................45 WiFi standards and certifications...............................................................45 WiFi GUI features......................................................................................45
5.9.2 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) considerations and limitations.............................45
6 Install a Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) ...................................................47
6.1 Purpose .....................................................................................................47
6.2 General......................................................................................................47
6.3 Prerequisites..............................................................................................47
6.4 Recommended tools..................................................................................47
6.5 Safety information......................................................................................48
6.6 Procedure..................................................................................................49
7 Replace a Gateway 3 (G-240W-E)................................................53
7.1 Purpose .....................................................................................................53
7.2 General......................................................................................................53
7.3 Prerequisites..............................................................................................53
7.4 Recommended tools..................................................................................53
7.5 Safety information......................................................................................54
7.6 Procedure..................................................................................................55
8 Configure a Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) ............................................59
8.1 GUI configuration.......................................................................................59
8.1.1 Login..........................................................................................................59
8.1.2 Device and connection status....................................................................60
8.1.3 Network configuration................................................................................71
8.1.4 Security configuration................................................................................91
8.1.5 Application configuration .........................................................................102
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List of figures
2 ANSI CPE safety guidelines.........................................................17
Figure 1 Sample safety label ...................................................................................19
3 ETSI CPE safety guidelines .........................................................23
Figure 2 Sample safety label ...................................................................................26
4 ETSI environmental and CRoHS guidelines...............................29
Figure 3 Products below MCV value label...............................................................30
Figure 4 Products above MCV value label ..............................................................31
Figure 5 Recycling/take back/disposal of product symbol.......................................33
5 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) unit data sheet .......................................35
Figure 6 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E).............................................................................37
Figure 7 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) physical connections...........................................41
Figure 8 Single-residence WiFi CPE with Gigabit Ethernet.....................................44
6 Install a Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) ...................................................47
Figure 9 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) cylinder removal..................................................50
Figure 10 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) connections.........................................................51
7 Replace a Gateway 3 (G-240W-E)................................................53
Figure 11 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) connections.........................................................55
Figure 12 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) cylinder removal..................................................56
8 Configure a Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) ............................................59
Figure 13 Web login window......................................................................................60
Figure 14 Device Information window........................................................................61
Figure 15 LAN status window....................................................................................63
Figure 16 WAN Status window..................................................................................65
Figure 17 WAN Status IPv6 window..........................................................................67
Figure 18 Home Networking information window ......................................................69
Figure 19 LAN ports statistics window.......................................................................71
Figure 20 LAN settings window .................................................................................72
Figure 21 LAN IPv6 network window.........................................................................74
Figure 22 WAN window .............................................................................................76
Figure 23 WAN DHCP window..................................................................................78
Figure 24 Wireless 2.4GHz network window.............................................................79
Figure 25 Wireless 5GHz network window................................................................81
Figure 26 Wireless Schedule window........................................................................83
Figure 27 IP Routing window.....................................................................................84
Figure 28 DNS network window ................................................................................86
Figure 29 TR-069 network window............................................................................87
Figure 30 QoS Config window (L2)............................................................................89
Figure 31 QoS Config window (L3) ...........................................................................90
Figure 32 Firewall window .........................................................................................92
Figure 33 MAC filter window......................................................................................94
Figure 34 IP filter window ..........................................................................................96
Figure 35 URL Filter window .....................................................................................97
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Figure 36 Parental Control window............................................................................98
Figure 37 DMZ and ALG window.............................................................................100
Figure 38 Access Control window ...........................................................................101
Figure 39 Port forwarding window ...........................................................................103
Figure 40 Port Triggering window............................................................................104
Figure 41 DDNS window .........................................................................................106
Figure 42 NTP window ............................................................................................107
Figure 43 UPnP and DLNA window.........................................................................108
Figure 44 Password window....................................................................................109
Figure 45 Device Management window...................................................................110
Figure 46 Backup and Restore window...................................................................111
Figure 47 Firmware Upgrade window......................................................................112
Figure 48 Reboot Device window............................................................................113
Figure 49 Factory Default window ...........................................................................114
Figure 50 Diagnostics window.................................................................................115
Figure 51 Log window..............................................................................................116
Figure 52 RG Troubleshooting Counters window....................................................118
Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide
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List of tables
2 ANSI CPE safety guidelines.........................................................17
Table 1 Safety labels..............................................................................................18
3 ETSI CPE safety guidelines .........................................................23
Table 2 Safety labels..............................................................................................24
Table 3 Safety labels..............................................................................................25
5 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) unit data sheet .......................................35
Table 4 Identification of Gateway 3 (G-240W-E)....................................................35
Table 5 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) power supply ordering information......................36
Table 6 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) function details....................................................38
Table 7 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) interface connection capacity..............................40
Table 8 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) physical connection.............................................41
Table 9 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) LED indications...................................................42
Table 10 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) physical specifications ........................................42
Table 11 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) power consumption specifications ......................43
Table 12 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) environmental specifications...............................43
Table 13 Responsible party contact information ......................................................44
Table 14 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) considerations and limitations.............................45
8 Configure a Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) ............................................59
Table 15 Device Information parameters .................................................................61
Table 16 LAN status parameters..............................................................................64
Table 17 WAN Status parameters............................................................................65
Table 18 WAN status IPv6 parameters ....................................................................67
Table 19 Home Networking parameters...................................................................69
Table 20 LAN parameters ........................................................................................72
Table 21 LAN IPv6 network parameters...................................................................74
Table 22 WAN parameters.......................................................................................76
Table 23 WAN DHCP parameters............................................................................78
Table 24 Wireless 2.4GHz network parameters.......................................................80
Table 25 Wireless 5GHz network parameters..........................................................82
Table 26 IP Routing parameters...............................................................................85
Table 27 DNS network parameters ..........................................................................86
Table 28 TR-069 network parameters......................................................................87
Table 29 QoS Config parameters.............................................................................90
Table 30 Firewall parameters...................................................................................92
Table 31 MAC filter parameters................................................................................94
Table 32 IP filter parameters ....................................................................................96
Table 33 URL Filter parameters ...............................................................................97
Table 34 Parental control parameters ......................................................................98
Table 35 DMZ and ALG parameters ......................................................................100
Table 36 Access control parameters......................................................................102
Table 37 Port forwarding parameters.....................................................................103
Table 38 Port triggering parameters.......................................................................104
Table 39 DDNS parameters ...................................................................................106
Table 40 Password parameters..............................................................................110
Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide ANSI CPE safety guidelines
Issue: 01 3FE-47464-AAAA-TCZZA 17
2 ANSI CPE safety guidelines
This chapter provides information about the mandatory regulations that govern the
installation and operation of devices in the North American or ANSI market.
2.1 Safety instructions
This section describes the safety instructions that are provided in the CPE customer
documentation and on the equipment.
2.1.1 Safety instruction boxes in customer
The safety instruction boxes are provided in the CPE customer documentation.
Observe the instructions to meet safety requirements.
The following is an example of the Danger box.
The Danger box indicates that the described activity or situation may pose a threat
to personal safety. It calls attention to a situation or procedure which, if not correctly
performed or adhered to, may result in death or serious physical harm.
Do not proceed beyond a Danger box until the indicated conditions are fully
understood and met.
The following is an example of the Warning box.
The Warning box indicates that the described activity or situation may, or will, cause
equipment damage, loss of data, or serious performance problems. It identifies a
possible equipment-damaging situation or provides essential information to avoid the
degradation of system operations or data.
Do not proceed beyond a warning until the indicated conditions are fully understood
and met.
Danger — Possibility of personal injury.
Warning 1 — Possibility of equipment damage.
Warning 2 — Possibility of data loss.
ANSI CPE safety guidelines
Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide
3FE-47464-AAAA-TCZZA Issue: 01
The following is an example of the Caution box.
The Caution box indicates that the described activity or situation may, or will, cause
service interruption.
Do not proceed beyond a caution until the indicated conditions are fully understood
and met.
The following is an example of the Note box.
The Note box provides information that assists the personnel working with devices.
It does not provide safety-related instructions.
2.1.2 Safety-related labels
The customer premises equipment is labeled with specific safety compliance
information and instructions that are related to a variant of the CPE. Observe the
instructions on the safety labels.
Table 1 provides examples of the text in the various CPE safety labels.
Table 1 Safety labels
Figure 1 shows a sample safety label located on the bottom of the Gateway 3
Caution 1 — Possibility of service interruption.
Caution 2 — Service interruption.
Note — Information of special interest.
Label text Description
ETL compliance Communication service equipment US listed.
ESD warning Caution: This assembly contains electrostatic sensitive device.
FCC standards compliance Tested to comply with FCC standards for home or office use.
CE marking There are various CE symbols for CE compliance.
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Figure 1 Sample safety label
2.2 Safety standards compliance
This section describes the CPE compliance with North American safety standards.
2.2.1 EMC, EMI, and ESD standards compliance
The customer premises equipment complies with the following requirements:
•Federal Communications Commission (FCC) CFR 47, Part 15, Subpart B, Class
A requirements for equipment
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential
installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy
and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful
interference to radio communications.
Warning — Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly
approved by the party responsible for compliance could void
the user's authority to operate the equipment.
ANSI CPE safety guidelines
Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide
3FE-47464-AAAA-TCZZA Issue: 01
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television
reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is
encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following
•Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
•Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
•Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is needed.
•Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
2.2.2 Energy-related products standby and off modes
Hereby, Nokia declares that the Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) devices are in compliance
with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive
2009/125/EC together with Commission Regulation (EC) No 1275/2008 and
Commission Regulation (EC) No 801/2013.
The Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) devices qualify as high network availability (HiNA)
equipment. Since the main purpose of Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) devices is to provide
network functionality with HiNA 7 days/24 hours, the modes Off/Standby, Power
Management, and Networked Standby are inappropriate.
For information about the type and number of network ports, see “Gateway 3
(G-240W-E) interfaces and interface capacity” in chapter 5.
For information about power consumption, see “Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) detailed
specifications” in chapter 5.
2.2.3 FCC statement
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential
installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy
and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful
interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that
interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause
harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by
turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
•Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
•Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
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Issue: 01 3FE-47464-AAAA-TCZZA 21
•Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected.
•Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
2.2.4 FCC Radiation Exposure Statement
This device complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled
environment and it also complies with Part 15 of the FCC RF Rules. This equipment
must be installed and operated in accordance with provided instructions and the
antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation
distance of at least 20 cm from all persons and must not be co-located or operating
in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. End-users and installers must
be provided with antenna installation instructions and consider removing the
no-collocation statement.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions:
1 this device may not cause harmful interference, and
2 this device must accept any interference received, including interference that
may cause undesired operation.
2.2.5 Resistibility requirements compliance
The customer premises equipment complies with the requirements of ITU
Recommendation K.21 for resistibility of telecommunication equipment installed in
customer premises to overvoltage and overcurrents.
2.3 Electrical safety guidelines
This section provides the electrical safety guidelines for the customer premises
Caution — Any changes or modifications not expressly
approved by the party responsible for compliance could void
the user's authority to operate the equipment.
ANSI CPE safety guidelines
Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide
3FE-47464-AAAA-TCZZA Issue: 01
Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) devices are compliant with the following standards
2.3.1 Power supplies
The use of any non-Nokia approved power supplies or power adapters is not
supported or endorsed by Nokia. Such use will void any warranty or support contract
with Nokia. Such use greatly increases the danger of damage to equipment or
2.3.2 Cabling
The following are the guidelines regarding cables used for the customer premises
•Use only cables approved by the relevant national electrical code.
Note — The devices comply with the U.S. National Electrical
Code. However, local electrical authorities have jurisdiction
when there are differences between the local and U.S.
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3 ETSI CPE safety guidelines
This chapter provides information about the mandatory regulations that govern the
installation and operation of devices.
3.1 Safety instructions
This section describes the safety instructions that are provided in the CPE customer
documentation and on the equipment.
3.1.1 Safety instruction boxes
The safety instruction boxes are provided in the CPE customer documentation.
Observe the instructions to meet safety requirements.
The following is an example of the Danger box.
The Danger box indicates that the described activity or situation may pose a threat
to personal safety. It calls attention to a situation or procedure which, if not correctly
performed or adhered to, may result in death or serious physical harm.
Do not proceed beyond a Danger box until the indicated conditions are fully
understood and met.
The following is an example of the Warning box.
The Warning box indicates that the described activity or situation may, or will, cause
equipment damage, loss of data, or serious performance problems. It identifies a
possible equipment-damaging situation or provides essential information to avoid the
degradation of system operations or data.
Do not proceed beyond a warning until the indicated conditions are fully understood
and met.
Danger — Possibility of personal injury.
Warning 1 — Possibility of equipment damage.
Warning 2 — Possibility of data loss.
ETSI CPE safety guidelines
Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide
3FE-47464-AAAA-TCZZA Issue: 01
The following is an example of the Caution box.
The Caution box indicates that the described activity or situation may, or will, cause
service interruption.
Do not proceed beyond a caution until the indicated conditions are fully understood
and met.
The following is an example of the Note box.
The Note box provides information that assists the personnel working with devices.
It does not provide safety-related instructions.
3.1.2 Safety-related labels
The customer premises equipment is labeled with the specific safety instructions and
compliance information that is related to a variant of the CPE. Observe the
instructions on the safety labels.
Table 2 provides sample safety labels on the customer premises equipment.
Table 2 Safety labels
3.2 Safety standards compliance
This section describes the CPE compliance with the European safety standards.
Caution 1 — Possibility of service interruption.
Caution 2 — Service interruption.
Note — Information of special interest.
Label text Description
CE marking Indicates compliance to the European Council Directives including
EN60950-1 safety
ESD warning Caution: This assembly contains an electrostatic sensitive device.
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3.2.1 EMC, EMI, and ESD compliance
The customer premises equipment complies with the following EMC, EMI, and ESD
•EN 300-386 V1.6.1: Electromagnetic Compatibility and Radio Spectrum Matters
(ERM): Telecommunications Network Equipment; Electromagnetic Compatibility
(EMC) requirements; Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) requirements
•EN 301489-1: Electromagnetic Compatibility and Radio Spectrum Matters (ERM):
Telecommunications Network Equipment; Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
Standard for Radio Equipment and Servcies; part 1: Common Technical
•EN 301489-17: Electromagnetic Compatibility and Radio Spectrum Matters
(ERM); Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Standard for Radio Equipment; Part
17: Specific Conditions for Broadband Data Transmission Systems.
•Radio Equipment Directive (RED) 2014/53/EU (applicable from 13 June 2016)
•EN 55032 (2015): Electromagnetic compatibility of multimedia equipment -
Emission Requirements
•EN 55024 (2010): Information Technology Equipment, Immunity Characteristics,
limits and methods of measurement
•Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) directive 2014/30/EU
•European Council Directive 2004/108/EC
•Low Voltage (LVD) directive 2014/35/EC
3.2.2 Equipment safety standard compliance
The customer premises equipment is labeled with specific safety compliance
information and instructions that are related to a variant of the CPE. Observe the
instructions on the safety labels.
Table 3 provides examples of the text in the various CPE safety labels.
Table 3 Safety labels
Figure 2 shows a sample safety label located on the bottom of the Gateway 3
Label text Description
TUV compliance Type 3R enclosure - Rainproof.
ESD warning Caution: This assembly contains electrostatic sensitive device.
CDRH compliance Complies with 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11.
CE marking There are various CE symbols for CE compliance.
ETSI CPE safety guidelines
Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide
3FE-47464-AAAA-TCZZA Issue: 01
Figure 2 Sample safety label
The customer premises equipment complies with the requirements of EN 60950-1,
Safety of Information Technology Equipment for use in a restricted location.
•ETS 300 019-2-1 Storage Class T1.2
•ETS 300 019-2-2 Transport Class T2.3
•ETS 300 019-2-3 Stationary Class T3.2
3.2.3 Environmental standard compliance
The customer premises equipment complies with the EN 300 019 European
environmental standards.
3.2.4 Resistibility requirements compliance
The customer premises equipment complies with the requirements of ITU
Recommendation K.21 for resistibility of telecommunication equipment installed in
customer premises to over voltage and overcurrents.
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3.2.5 Acoustic noise emission standard compliance
The customer premises equipment complies with EN 300 753 acoustic noise
emission limit and test methods.
3.3 Electrical safety guidelines
This section provides the electrical safety guidelines for the customer premises
3.3.1 Power supplies
The use of any non-Nokia approved power supplies or power adapters is not
supported or endorsed by Nokia. Such use will void any warranty or support contract
with Nokia. Such use greatly increases the danger of damage to equipment or
3.3.2 Cabling
The following are the guidelines regarding cables used for the customer premises
•All cables must be approved by the relevant national electrical code.
Note 1 — The devices comply with the U.S. National Electrical
Code. However, local electrical authorities have jurisdiction
when there are differences between the local and U.S.
Note 2 — The devices comply with BS EN 61140.
ETSI CPE safety guidelines
Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide
3FE-47464-AAAA-TCZZA Issue: 01
Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide ETSI environmental and CRoHS guidelines
Issue: 01 3FE-47464-AAAA-TCZZA 29
4 ETSI environmental and CRoHS
This chapter provides information about the ETSI environmental China Restriction of
Hazardous Substances (CRoHS) regulations that govern the installation and
operation of devices. This chapter also includes environmental operation parameters
of general interest.
4.1 Environmental labels
This section describes the environmental instructions that are provided with the
customer documentation, equipment, and location where the equipment resides.
4.1.1 Overview
CRoHS is applicable to Electronic Information Products (EIP) manufactured or sold
and imported in the territory of the mainland of the People’s Republic of China. EIP
refers to products and their accessories manufactured by using electronic
information technology, including electronic communications products and such
subcomponents as batteries and cables.
4.1.2 Environmental related labels
Environmental labels are located on appropriate equipment. The following are
sample labels. Products below Maximum Concentration Value
(MCV) label
Figure 3 shows the label that indicates a product is below the maximum
concentration value, as defined by standard SJ/T11363-2006 (Requirements for
Concentration Limits for Certain Hazardous Substances in Electronic Information
Products). Products with this label are recyclable. The label may be found in this
documentation or on the product.
ETSI environmental and CRoHS guidelines
Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide
3FE-47464-AAAA-TCZZA Issue: 01
Figure 3 Products below MCV value label Products containing hazardous substances above
Maximum Concentration Value (MCV) label
Figure 4 shows the label that indicates a product is above the maximum
concentration value, as defined by standard SJ/T11363-2006 (Requirements for
Concentration Limits for Certain Hazardous Substances in Electronic Information
Products). The number contained inside the label indicates the Environment-Friendly
User Period (EFUP) value. The label may be found in this documentation or on the
Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide ETSI environmental and CRoHS guidelines
Issue: 01 3FE-47464-AAAA-TCZZA 31
Figure 4 Products above MCV value label
Together with major international telecommunications equipment companies, Nokia
has determined it is appropriate to use an EFUP of 50 years for network
infrastructure equipment and an EFUP of 20 years for handsets and accessories.
These values are based on manufacturers' extensive practical experience of the
design, manufacturing, maintenance, usage conditions, operating environments,
and physical condition of infrastructure and handsets after years of service. The
values reflect minimum values and refer to products operated according to the
intended use conditions. See “Hazardous Substances Table (HST)” for more
4.2 Hazardous Substances Table (HST)
This section describes the compliance of the OLT and CPE to the CRoHS standard
when the product and subassemblies contain hazardous substances beyond the
MCV value. This information is found in this user documentation where part numbers
for the product and subassemblies are listed. It may be referenced in other OLT and
CPE documentation.
In accordance with the People’s Republic of China Electronic Industry Standard
Marking for the Control of Pollution Caused by Electronic Information Products
(SJ/T11364-2006), customers may access the Nokia Hazardous Substance Table,
in Chinese, from the following location:
ETSI environmental and CRoHS guidelines
Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide
3FE-47464-AAAA-TCZZA Issue: 01
4.3 Other environmental requirements
Observe the following environmental requirements when handling the P-OLT or CPE
4.3.1 CPE environmental requirements
See the CPE technical specification documentation for more information about
temperature ranges.
4.3.2 Transportation
According to EN 300-019-1-2 - Class 2.3, transportation of the equipment must be in
packed, public transportation with no rain on packing allowed.
4.3.3 EU RoHS
European Union (EU) Directive 2011/65/EU, “Restriction of the use of certain
Hazardous Substances” (RoHS), restricts the use of lead, mercury, cadmium,
hexavalent chromium, and certain flame retardants in electrical and electronic
equipment. Nokia products shipped to the EU comply with the EU RoHS Directive.
Nokia has implemented a material/substance content management process. The
process is described in: Nokia process for ensuring RoHS Compliance
(1AA002660031ASZZA). This ensures compliance with the European Union
Directive 2011/65/EU on the Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances
in Electrical and Electronic Equipment.
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4.3.4 End-of-life collection and treatment
Electronic products bearing or referencing the symbol shown in Figure 5, when put
on the market within the European Union (EU), shall be collected and treated at the
end of their useful life, in compliance with applicable EU and local legislation. They
shall not be disposed of as part of unsorted municipal waste. Due to materials that
may be contained in the product, such as heavy metals or batteries, the environment
and human health may be negatively impacted as a result of inappropriate disposal.
Figure 5 Recycling/take back/disposal of product symbol
About mark is used in compliance to European Union WEEE Directive (2012/19/EU).
There can be different requirements for collection and treatment in different member
states of the European Union.
In compliance with legal requirements and contractual agreements, where
applicable, Nokia will offer to provide for the collection and treatment of Nokia
products bearing the logo shown in Figure 5 at the end of their useful life, or products
displaced by Nokia equipment offers. For information regarding take-back of
equipment by Nokia, or for more information regarding the requirements for
recycling/disposal of product, contact your Nokia account manager or Nokia take
back support at
Note — In the European Union, a solid bar under the symbol for
a crossed-out wheeled bin indicates that the product was put on
the market after 13 August 2005.
ETSI environmental and CRoHS guidelines
Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide
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Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) unit data sheet
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5 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) unit data
5.1 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) part numbers and identification
5.2 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) general description
5.3 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) software and installation feature support
5.4 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) interfaces and interface capacity
5.5 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) LEDs
5.6 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) detailed specifications
5.7 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) functional blocks
5.8 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) responsible party
5.9 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) special considerations
5.1 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) part numbers and
Table 4 provides part numbers and identification information for the Gateway 3
Table 4 Identification of Gateway 3 (G-240W-E)
Ordering part
number Provisioning
number Description CLEC CPR ECI/
3FE 47358 AA 3FE 47464 AA Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 (G-240W-E), GPON residential
gateway ONT with 2 POTS ports, 4 GE UNI, 5G Wi-Fi,
and 3x3 2.4G Wi-Fi. Includes two USB 2.0 Type A ports
and a 12V US 2-pin plug, wall-mounted power supply
variant with a barrel-type DC connector.
BVMHX00ARA N70GRC 472780
3FE 47358 BA 3FE 47464 BA Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 (G-240W-E), GPON residential
gateway ONT with 2 POTS ports, 4 GE UNI, 5G Wi-Fi,
and 3x3 2.4G Wi-Fi. Includes two USB 2.0 Type A ports
and a 12V EU 2-pin plug, wall-mounted power supply
variant with a barrel-type DC connector.
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Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) unit data sheet
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3FE-47464-AAAA-TCZZA Issue: 01
Table 5 provides power supply ordering information for the Gateway 3 (G-240W-E).
The UPS connector is a reserved interface. The UPS adapter is specified by Nokia.
The maximum overload rating should not exceed 8A, 100W.
Table 5 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) power supply ordering information
5.2 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) general description
WiFi is abundantly deployed in home networks. Users crave a seamless experience
at home including effortlessly connecting their wireless devices to the network.
Traditional WiFi networks require unique SSIDs for each of the access points or
tedious set-up of WiFi extenders, which complicate the user experience. The Nokia
WiFi network simplifies the user experience by providing a seamless mesh network
with easy device onboarding and automated network optimization.
The overall Nokia WiFi solution is composed of one or more Nokia WiFi gateways,
the WiFi Care Portal for the customer care team of the operator, and a mobile
application for end-user self care.
3FE 47358 CA 3FE 47464 BA Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 (G-240W-E), GPON residential
gateway ONT with 2 POTS ports, 4 GE UNI, 5G Wi-Fi,
and 3x3 2.4G Wi-Fi. Includes two USB 2.0 Type A ports
and a 12V UK 3-pin plug, wall-mounted power supply
variant with a barrel-type DC connector.
Ordering part
number Provisioning
number Description CLEC CPR ECI/
(2 of 2)
Gateway 3
ordering part
Manufacturer Applicable power supply
model Power information Compliance
detail Notes
3FE 47358 AA Fu hua UES36WA-120300SPAB 12V 3A 36W AC/DC power
adapter ANSI
municipality US,
2-pin US input
Ruide RD1203000-C55-20MG 12V 2A 36W AC/DC power
adapter ANSI
municipality US,
2-pin US input
3FE 47358 BA Fu hua UES36WA-120300SPAV 12V 3A 36W DC power
adapter Europe, CE
certified 2-pin EU input
Ruide RD1203000-C55-20OG 12V 2A 36W DC power
adapter Europe, CE
certified 2-pin EU input
3FE 47358 CA Fu hua UES36WA-120300SPAU 12V 3A 36W AC/DC power
adapter UK, CE certified 3-pin UK input
Ruide RD1203000-C55-20YG 12V 2A 36W AC/DC power
adapter UK, CE certified 3-pin UK input
Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) unit data sheet
Issue: 01 3FE-47464-AAAA-TCZZA 37
The Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) can be deployed as either an Ethernet residential
gateway or a WiFi gateway in the Nokia WiFi solution. The residential gateway is the
central point of the mesh network providing access to the broadband network
(Internet) while the gateway aids with extending the WiFi coverage to every corner
of the home, providing seamless roaming to wireless connected devices.
The Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) has built-in concurrent dual-band WiFi 802.11b/g/n and
802.11ac networking with triple-play capability. Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) devices can
be configured using the Nokia WiFi Mobile App, which can be downloaded on both
iOS and Android devices.
Figure 6 shows the Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) gateway.
Figure 6 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E)
The Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) provides the following functions and benefits:
•Automatically decide on wireless router mode and gateway mode in a mesh
•Dual-band concurrent IEEE 802.11b/g/n 3x3 2.4 GHz and 802.11ac 4x4 5 GHz
•Four 10/100/1000Base-T interface with RJ-45 connectors
•Two POTS ports with R-J11 connectors
•Two USB 2.0 Type A ports
•Nokia intelligent mesh
•Embedded edge analytics optimize network performance in real time
•Real-time wireless spectrum analysis
•Supports DFS
•GPON uplink
Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) unit data sheet
Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide
3FE-47464-AAAA-TCZZA Issue: 01
•PHY rate up to 450 Mb/s for 2.4 GHz and 2170 Mb/s for 5 GHz (with 1024 QAM
capable clients)
•Self-healing, self-optimizing network
•Mesh topology and intelligent mesh routing
•Seamless roaming (IEEE 802.11k, 802.11v, 802.11r/legacy)
•Band steering, channel optimization
•Embedded range boost technology helps to significantly extend absolute range
•Real-time wireless spectrum scan and analysis
•High quality of service (QoS) video over Wi-Fi
•Ease of setup and user intuitive information
Table 6 lists additional function details.
Table 6 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) function details
Function Detail
Installation Desk mounted
interfaces •Supports 3x3 802.11b/g/n 2.4 GHz wireless LAN (WLAN) interface
•Supports 4x4 802.11ac 5 GHz WLAN interface with multi-user multiple input, multiple
output (MU-MIMO)
•Maximum effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP) on 2.4 GHz up to 500 mW and 5 GHz
up to 1 W
•64-bit and 128-bit Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) support
•Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) support including Pre-Shared Key (WPA-PSK) and WPA2
•Media access control (MAC) filters
Router mode •IPv4 and IPv6
•Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) and IP over Ethernet (IPoE)
•Network Address Translation (NAT), demilitarized zone (DMZ) and firewall
•Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) and domain name system (DNS) proxy
•Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) v2/v3 proxy/Multicast Listener Discovery
(MLD) proxy
•Supports TR-069
•Supports virtual private network (VPN) pass- through for Point-to-Point Tunneling
protocol (PPTP), Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) and IPSec
•Port forwarding and DMZ/dynamic domain name system (DDNS)
•Flexible video delivery options over Ethernet or wireless
Gateway mode •Supports IPv4, IPv6
•Supports TR-069/TR-111
•Supports VPN pass-through for PPTP, L2TP and IPSec
•IGMP v2/v3 snooping and MLD proxy
•Flexible video delivery options over Ethernet or wireless
LED •Top LED for simple and intuitive status indication
•Safety and electromagnetic interference (EMI)
•Protection of over voltage/current
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5.2.1 TR-069 object support for WiFi parameters
The Gateway 3 supports the status retrieval and configuration of the following WiFi
parameters via TR-069:
•password for WPA and WEP
•Tx power (transmission rate in dBm)
These are the same TR-069 object parameters that are supported in the GUI. For
more information, see Tables 24 and 25 in the chapter “Configure a Gateway 3
5.2.2 Independent TR69 session with SaaS
The prime communication between the Nokia cloud management solution and the
Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) is TR-069.
To keep the Nokia Home WiFi management independent from the ACS of the carrier,
The device can establish an independent TR-069 session with the SaaS.
The SaaS WiFi Care URL and credentials can be programmed from the ACS solution
of the carrier, or they can be incorporated in the device pre-configuration.
5.2.3 TR69 authentication using TLS and CA certificates
Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) devices support encrypted remote TR-069 management
using TLS, as well as ACS authentication using SHA-256 pre-installed certificates.
If the ACS URL is set to the https://... format, by default, the connection will use TLS
without authentication mode. The Gateway 3 can also authenticate the ACS using a
pre-installed CA certificate.
compliance •UL 62368-1
•FCC Part 15
Function Detail
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Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) unit data sheet
Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide
3FE-47464-AAAA-TCZZA Issue: 01
5.3 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) software and
installation feature support
For information on installing or replacing the Gateway 3 (G-240W-E), see:
•Install a Gateway 3 (G-240W-E)
•Replace a Gateway 3 (G-240W-E)
5.4 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) interfaces and
interface capacity
Table 7 describes the supported interfaces and interface capacity for Gateway 3
(G-240W-E) devices.
Table 7 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) interface connection capacity
5.4.1 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) connections and
Figure 7 shows the physical connections for Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) devices.
Type and
model Maximum capacity
POTS 10/ 100
BASE-T 10/ 100/1000
1000 BASE-T RF video
(CATV) MoCA VDSL2 E1/T1 Local
craft GPON
Gateway 3 2 — 4 — — — — — 1
Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) unit data sheet
Issue: 01 3FE-47464-AAAA-TCZZA 41
Figure 7 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) physical connections
Table 8 describes the physical connections for Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) devices.
Table 8 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) physical connection
Connection Description
GPON LED This LED is used to show the start of the GPON uplink.
VOIP LED This LED is used to show the start of VOIP services.
On/Off button This button powers the unit on or off.
WPS ON/Off button This button is used to power the WiFi Protected Setup (WPS) of new WiFi devices
on or off.
USB 1 and USB 2 This connection is provided through two USB 2.0 interfaces.
TEL1 and TEL2 This connection is provided through two RJ-11 POTS ports.
LAN 1 to LAN 4 This connection is provided through Ethernet RJ-45 connectors. Up to four
10/100/1000 Base-T Ethernet interfaces are supported. The Ethernet ports can
support both data and in-band video services on all four interfaces.
UPS This connection is a reserved interface provided through a UPS cable.
Reset button Pressing the Reset button for less than 10 seconds reboots the device; pressing
the Reset button for 10 seconds resets the device to the factory defaults.
Power input This connection is provided through the power connector. A power cable fitted with
a barrel connector is used to make the connection.
Power input
Bottom cover
Wi-Fi security button
On/off button
USB ports (2)
POTS ports (2) RJ-11
Ethernet ports (4) RJ-45
UPS connector
Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) unit data sheet
Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide
3FE-47464-AAAA-TCZZA Issue: 01
5.5 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) LEDs
The circular top of the Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) functions as a multi-color LED
indicator. The LED color and pulse rate acts as a signal to the home user, which
indicates the state of the Gateway 3 and the quality of its backhaul link.
Table 9 provides LED descriptions for the Gateway 3 (G-240W-E).
Table 9 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) LED indications
5.6 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) detailed specifications
Table 10 lists the physical specifications for the Gateway 3 (G-240W-E).
Table 10 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) physical specifications
Table 11 lists the power consumption specifications for the Gateway 3 (G-240W-E).
LED color LED behavior Router mode Bridge mode LED behavior description
Off Off ✓✓ Power off.
Blue-Green Solid ✓Good backhaul connection to the Internet.
Solid ✓Good backhaul connection. A link to the next node is
Yellow Solid ✓Backhaul connection is successful but not optimal. A
link to the next node is below standard.
Slow pulsing ✓✓ Configuration mode. The unit is waiting to be
Red Solid ✓No connection to the Internet.
Solid ✓Backhaul connection is not successful. A link to the
next node is not operational.
Fast pulsing ✓✓ Factory reset
White Slow pulsing ✓✓ WPS enabled
3 quick pulses ✓✓ WPS successful
Solid ✓✓ Powering on
Description Specification
Diameter 94 mm (3.7 in.)
Height 200 mm (78.7 in.)
Weight [within ± 0.5 lb (0.23 kg)] 857g (1.89 lb)
Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) unit data sheet
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Table 11 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) power consumption specifications
Table 12 lists the environmental specifications for Gateway 3 (G-240W-E).
Table 12 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) environmental specifications
5.7 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) functional blocks
Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) devices are single-residence units that support Wireless
(WiFi) service. WiFi service on these devices is compliant with the IEEE 802.11
standard. In addition to the WiFi service, these devices transmit Ethernet packets to
two RJ-45 Ethernet ports.
Figure 8 shows the functional blocks for the Gateway 3 (G-240W-E).
Maximum power
(Not to exceed) Condition Minimum
power Condition
32 W 4 10/100/1000 Base-T Ethernet,
WiFi operational 8 W interfaces/services not provisioned
method Temperature range and humidity Altitude
On desk or shelf Operating: -5°C to 45°C (23°F to 113°F)
ambient temperature
5% to 95% relative humidity, non-condensing
Contact your Nokia technical support
representative for more information
Storage: -20°C to 85°C (-4°F to 185°F)
Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) unit data sheet
Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide
3FE-47464-AAAA-TCZZA Issue: 01
Figure 8 Single-residence WiFi CPE with Gigabit Ethernet
5.8 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) responsible party
Table 13 lists the party in the US responsible for the Gateway 3.
Table 13 Responsible party contact information
5.9 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) special considerations
This section describes the special considerations for Gateway 3 (G-240W-E)
Flash DDR3 1x3
RJ45 RJ45RJ-11
RJ45 RJ45 40
External Antenna
Legal Company name Nokia USA Inc.
Address 2301 SUGAR BUSH RD. STE 300, RALEIGH,NC 27612
Phone, Fax +(866) 582-3688
Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) unit data sheet
Issue: 01 3FE-47464-AAAA-TCZZA 45
5.9.1 WiFi service
Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) devices feature WiFi service as well as data services. WiFi
is a wireless networking technology that uses radio waves to provide wireless HSI
and network connections. This device complies with the IEEE 802.11 standards,
which the WiFi Alliance defines as the basis for WiFi technology. WiFi standards and certifications
The WiFi service on Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) devices supports the following IEEE
standards and WiFi Alliance certifications:
•compliant with IEEE 802.11 standards
•certified for IEEE 802.11b/g/n/ac standards
•WPA support including WPA-PSK
•certified for WPA2-Personal and WPA2-Enterprise WiFi GUI features
Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) devices have HTML-based WiFi configuration GUIs.
In addition to the traditional web-based GUI, the home user can download and use
a mobile app for managing the Gateway 3.
5.9.2 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) considerations and
Table 14 lists the considerations and limitations for Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) devices.
Table 14 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) considerations and limitations
Considerations and limitations
There are no special considerations or limitations at this time.
Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) unit data sheet
Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide
3FE-47464-AAAA-TCZZA Issue: 01
Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide Install a Gateway 3 (G-240W-E)
Issue: 01 3FE-47464-AAAA-TCZZA 47
6 Install a Gateway 3 (G-240W-E)
6.1 Purpose
6.2 General
6.3 Prerequisites
6.4 Recommended tools
6.5 Safety information
6.6 Procedure
6.1 Purpose
This chapter provides the steps to install a Gateway 3 (G-240W-E).
6.2 General
The steps listed in this chapter describe mounting and cabling for a Gateway 3
6.3 Prerequisites
You need the following items before beginning the installation:
•all required cables
6.4 Recommended tools
You need the following tools for the installation:
•RJ-45 Ethernet cable
•paper clip
Install a Gateway 3 (G-240W-E)
Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide
3FE-47464-AAAA-TCZZA Issue: 01
6.5 Safety information
Read the following safety information before installing the unit.
Danger 1 — Hazardous electrical voltages and currents can
cause serious physical harm or death. Always use insulated
tools and follow proper safety precautions when connecting or
disconnecting power circuits.
Danger 2 — Make sure all sources of power are turned off and
have no live voltages present on feed lines or terminals. Use a
voltmeter to measure for voltage before proceeding.
Danger 3 — Always contact the local utility company before
connecting the enclosure to the utilities.
Caution 1 — Keep indoor devices out of direct sunlight.
Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can damage the unit.
Caution 2 — Keep 20 cm away from the Gateway 3
(G-240W-E) when configuring functions on the local web or
Note 1 — Observe the local and national laws and regulations
that may be applicable to this installation.
Note 2 — Observe the following:
•The device should be installed in accordance with the
applicable requirements of the NEC or CEC. Local
authorities and practices take precedent when there is
conflict between the local standard and the NEC or CEC.
•The device must be installed by qualified service personnel.
•Indoor units must be installed with cables that are suitably
rated and listed for indoor use.
•See the detailed specifications in the Gateway 3
(G-240W-E) unit data sheet for the temperature ranges for
these devices.
Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide Install a Gateway 3 (G-240W-E)
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6.6 Procedure
Use this procedure to install a Gateway 3 (G-240W-E).
1Place the unit on a flat surface, such as a desk or shelf.
2Connect the fiber optic cable with the SC/APC adapter into the SC/APC connector.
Note — The Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) cannot be stacked with another or
with other equipment. The installation requirements are:
•allow a minimum 100 mm clearance above the top cover
•allow a minimum 50 mm clearance from the side vents
•do not place any heat source directly above the top cover or below the
bottom cover
Danger — Fiber cables transmit invisible laser light. To avoid eye
damage or blindness, never look directly into fibers, connectors, or
Warning — Be careful to maintain a bend radius of no less than 1.5 in.
(3.8 cm) when connecting the fiber optic cable. Too small of a bend radius
in the cable can result in damage to the optic fiber.
Install a Gateway 3 (G-240W-E)
Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide
3FE-47464-AAAA-TCZZA Issue: 01
iRemove the fiber optic connection cover (white cylinder), as shown in Figure 9.
Figure 9 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) cylinder removal
ii Detach the bottom cover.
iii Plug the fiber optic cable with the SC/APC adapter into the fiber optic connector, as
shown in Figure 9.
iv Wind the fiber optic cable through the fiber track at the base of the cylinder until the
desired length of the cable is reached.
vPress the fiber optic cable into the slot.
vi Replace the bottom cover.
vii Replace the fiber optic connection cover (white cylinder).
3Review the connection locations, as shown in Figure 10.
Note — Fiber cable preparation varies depending on the type and size
of the inside or outside plant fiber cable being spliced to the SC/APC fiber
optic pigtail cable.
Fiber raceway
Bottom cover
Fiber optic cable
and connector
Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide Install a Gateway 3 (G-240W-E)
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Figure 10 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) connections
4Connect the Ethernet cables to the RJ-45 ports; see Figure 10 for the location of the RJ-45
5Connect the power cable to the power connector.
6Power up the unit by using the On/Off power switch.
7Verify the LEDs and voltage status.
8Activate and test the services.
Note — Observe the following:
•Units must be powered by a Listed or CE approved and marked
limited power source power supply with a minimum output rate of
12 V dc, 3 A. The polarity of the power adapter plug must match the
Gateway 3.
Power input
Bottom cover
Wi-Fi security button
On/off button
USB ports (2)
POTS ports (2) RJ-11
Ethernet ports (4) RJ-45
UPS connector
Install a Gateway 3 (G-240W-E)
Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide
3FE-47464-AAAA-TCZZA Issue: 01
9If necessary, reset the Gateway 3 (G-240W-E).
iLocate the Reset button as shown in Figure 10.
ii Insert the end of a straightened paper clip or other narrow object into the hole in the
Reset button to reset the device.
10 STOP. This procedure is complete.
Note — Resetting the device will return all settings to factory default
values; any configuration customization will be lost.
Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide Replace a Gateway 3 (G-240W-E)
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7 Replace a Gateway 3 (G-240W-E)
7.1 Purpose
7.2 General
7.3 Prerequisites
7.4 Recommended tools
7.5 Safety information
7.6 Procedure
7.1 Purpose
This chapter provides the steps to replace a Gateway 3 (G-240W-E).
7.2 General
The steps listed in this chapter describe mounting and cabling for a Gateway 3
7.3 Prerequisites
You need the following items before beginning the installation:
•all required cables
7.4 Recommended tools
You need the following tools for replacing the Gateway 3 (G-240W-E):
•RJ-45 cable
•paper clip
Replace a Gateway 3 (G-240W-E)
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7.5 Safety information
Read the following safety information before replacing the unit.
Danger 1 — Hazardous electrical voltages and currents can
cause serious physical harm or death. Always use insulated
tools and follow proper safety precautions when connecting or
disconnecting power circuits.
Danger 2 — Make sure all sources of power are turned off and
have no live voltages present on feed lines or terminals. Use a
voltmeter to measure for voltage before proceeding.
Danger 3 — Always contact the local utility company before
connecting the enclosure to the utilities.
Caution 1 — Keep indoor devices out of direct sunlight.
Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can damage the unit.
Caution 2 — Keep 20 cm away from the Gateway 3
(G-240W-E) when configuring functions on the local web or
Note 1 — Observe the local and national laws and regulations
that may be applicable to this installation.
Note 2 — Observe the following:
•The device should be installed in accordance with the
applicable requirements of the NEC or CEC. Local
authorities and practices take precedent when there is
conflict between the local standard and the NEC or CEC.
•The device must be installed by qualified service personnel.
•Indoor units must be installed with cables that are suitably
rated and listed for indoor use.
•See the detailed specifications in the Gateway 3
(G-240W-E) unit data sheet for the temperature ranges for
these devices.
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7.6 Procedure
Use this procedure to replace a Gateway 3 (G-240W-E).
1Power down the unit by using the on/off power switch. See Figure 11 for the connections on
the Gateway 3 (G-240W-E).
Figure 11 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) connections
2Disconnect the WAN, Ethernet, and power cables from the Gateway 3 (G-240W-E); see
Figure 11 for the connector locations on the Gateway 3 (G-240W-E).
3If necessary, disconnect the fiber optic cable. Go to step 5.
4Replace the Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) with the new device. The device can be placed on any
flat surface, such as a desk or shelf.
Power input
Bottom cover
Wi-Fi security button
On/off button
USB ports (2)
POTS ports (2) RJ-11
Ethernet ports (4) RJ-45
UPS connector
Replace a Gateway 3 (G-240W-E)
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5Connect the fiber optic cable with the SC/APC adapter into the SC/APC connector.
iRemove the fiber optic connection cover (white cylinder), as shown in Figure 12.
Figure 12 Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) cylinder removal
ii Detach the bottom cover.
iii Plug the fiber optic cable with the SC/APC adapter into the fiber optic connector, as
shown in Figure 12.
Danger — Fiber cables transmit invisible laser light. To avoid eye
damage or blindness, never look directly into fibers, connectors, or
Warning — Be careful to maintain a bend radius of no less than 1.5 in.
(3.8 cm) when connecting the fiber optic cable. Too small of a bend radius
in the cable can result in damage to the optic fiber.
Note — Fiber cable preparation varies depending on the type and size
of the inside or outside plant fiber cable being spliced to the SC/APC fiber
optic pigtail cable.
Fiber raceway
Bottom cover
Fiber optic cable
and connector
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iv Wind the fiber optic cable through the fiber track at the base of the cylinder until the
desired length of the cable is reached.
vPress the fiber optic cable into the slot.
vi Replace the bottom cover.
vii Replace the fiber optic connection cover (white cylinder).
6Connect the Ethernet cables directly to the RJ-45 ports; see Figure 11 for the location of the
RJ-45 ports.
7Connect the power cable to the power connector.
8Power up the unit by using the On/Off power button.
9Verify the LEDs and voltage status.
10 Activate and test the services.
11 If necessary, reset the Gateway 3 (G-240W-E).
iLocate the Reset button on a Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) as shown in Figure 11.
ii Insert the end of a straightened paper clip or other narrow object into the hole in the
Reset button to reset the device.
12 STOP. This procedure is complete.
Note — Observe the following:
•Units must be powered by a Listed or CE approved and marked
limited power source with a minimum output rate of 12 V dc, 3 A. The
polarity of the power adapter plug must match the Gateway 3.
Note — Resetting the device will return all settings to factory default
values; any configuration customization will be lost.
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8 Configure a Gateway 3 (G-240W-E)
8.1 GUI configuration
8.1 GUI configuration
Use the procedures below to use the web-based GUI for the Gateway 3 (G-240W-E).
The Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) is used as an Ethernet gateway to connect devices in
the home to the Internet. The GUI provides a variety of features for the home network
including routing and firewall capability. By using the GUI, users can configure the
right network connectivity for all equipment in their home, including personal
computers, set-top boxes, mobile phones, and other consumer electronics devices,
to the Internet.
8.1.1 Login
Use the procedure below to login to the web-based GUI for the Gateway 3
Procedure 6 Login to web-based GUI
1Open a web browser and enter the IP address of the Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) in the address
The login window appears.
The default gateway IP address is You can connect to this IP address
using your web browser after connecting your PC to one of Ethernet ports of the Gateway 3
(G-240W-E). The static IP address of your PC must be in the same 192.168.18.x subnet as
the Gateway 3 (G-240W-E).
2Enter your username and password in the Log in window, as shown in Figure 13.
The default user name is admin. The default password is a random number, which is included
in the product kit.
Caution — Keep 20 cm away from the Gateway 3 (G-240W-E)
when configuring functions on the local web or app.
Configure a Gateway 3 (G-240W-E)
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Figure 13 Web login window
3Click Login. The Device Information screen appears.
4STOP. This procedure is complete.
8.1.2 Device and connection status
The Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) supports the retrieval of a variety of device and
connection information, including:
•device information
•LAN status
•WAN status
•WAN status IPv6
•home networking information
Caution — If you forget the current username and password, press the
reset button for 10s and the default values for the username and
password will be recovered at startup.
Pressing the Reset button for less than 10 seconds reboots the device;
pressing the Reset button for 10 seconds resets the device to the factory
Note — To help protect the security of your Internet connection, the
application displays a pop-up reminder to change both the WiFi password
and the Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) password.
To increase password security, use a minimum of 10 characters,
consisting of a mix of numbers and upper and lowercase letters.
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Procedure 7 Device information retrieval
1Select Status > Device Information from the top-level menu in the Ethernet Gateway window,
as shown in Figure 14.
Figure 14 Device Information window
Table 15 describes the fields in the Device Information window.
Table 15 Device Information parameters
Field Description
Device Name Name on the Gateway 3 (G-240W-E)
Vendor Name of the vendor
Serial Number Serial number of the Gateway 3 (G-240W-E)
Hardware version Hardware version of the Gateway 3 (G-240W-E)
Boot version Boot version of the Gateway 3 (G-240W-E)
Software version Software version of the Gateway 3 (G-240W-E)
Chipset Chipset of the Gateway 3 (G-240W-E)
Device Running Time Amount of time the device has run since last reset in hours, minutes,
and seconds
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2Click Refresh to update the displayed information.
3STOP. This procedure is complete.
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Procedure 8 LAN status retrieval
1Select Status > LAN Status from the top-level menu in the Ethernet Gateway window, as
shown in Figure 15.
Figure 15 LAN status window
Table 16 describes the fields in the LAN status window.
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Table 16 LAN status parameters
2Click Refresh to update the displayed information.
3STOP. This procedure is complete.
Field Description
Wireless Information
Wireless Status Indicates whether the wireless is on or off
Wireless Channel Wireless channel number
SSID Name Name of each SSID
Wireless Encryption Status Encryption type used on the wireless connection
Wireless Rx Packets Number of packets received on the wireless connection
Wireless Tx Packets Number of packets transmitted on the wireless connection
Wireless Rx Bytes Number of bytes received on the wireless connection
Wireless Tx Bytes Number of bytes transmitted on the wireless connection
Power Transmission (mW) Power of the wireless transmission, in mW
Ethernet Information
Ethernet Status Indicates whether the Ethernet connection is on or off
Ethernet IP Address IP address of the Ethernet connection
Ethernet Subnet Mask Subnet Mask of the Ethernet connection
Ethernet MAC Address MAC address of the Ethernet connection
Ethernet Rx Packets Number of packets received on the Ethernet connection
Ethernet Tx Packets Number of packets transmitted on the Ethernet connection
Ethernet Rx Bytes Number of bytes received on the Ethernet connection
Ethernet Tx Bytes Number of bytes transmitted on the Ethernet connection
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Procedure 9 WAN status retrieval
1Select Status > WAN Status from the top-level menu in the Ethernet Gateway window, as
shown in Figure 16.
Figure 16 WAN Status window
Table 17 describes the fields in the WAN Status window.
Table 17 WAN Status parameters
Field Description
WAN connection list Drop-down menu listing all WAN connections. The connection shown is the
connection for which WAN status will be shown.
Connection Mode Connection mode of the WAN connection
Enable/Disable Select this checkbox to enable the WAN connection
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2Click Refresh to update the displayed information.
3STOP. This procedure is complete.
WAN Link Status Whether the WAN link is up or down
PPPoE Concentrator Read-only field identifying the PPPoE Concentrator
BRAS Connection Status Read-only field indicating the status of the broadband remote access server
IPv4 Address IPv4 address
Netmask Netmask
Gateway IPv4 gateway address
Primary DNS Primary Domain Name Server
Second DNS Secondary Domain Name Server
Ethernet Link Status Whether the PON link is up or down
Tx Packets Number of packets transmitted on the WAN connection
Rx Packets Number of packets received on the WAN connection
Tx Dropped Number of packets dropped on the transmit WAN connection
Rx Dropped Number of packets dropped on the receive WAN connection
Err Packets Number of errored packets on the WAN connection
Field Description
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Procedure 10 WAN status IPv6 retrieval
1Select Status > WAN Status IPv6 from the top-level menu in the Ethernet Gateway window,
as shown in Figure 17.
Figure 17 WAN Status IPv6 window
Table 18 describes the fields in the WAN status IPv6 window.
Table 18 WAN status IPv6 parameters
Field Description
WAN connection list Drop-down menu listing all WAN connections. The connection selected is the
connection for which WAN status will be shown.
Enable/Disable Select this check box to enable the WAN connection
WAN Link Status Whether the WAN link is up or down
IPv6 Address IPv6 address that identifies the device and its location
IPv6 Prefix IPv6 prefix
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2Click Refresh to update the displayed information.
3STOP. This procedure is complete.
IPv6 Gateway IPv6 gateway address
Primary DNS Primary Domain Name Server address
Second DNS Secondary Domain Name Server address
Ethernet Link Status Whether the link is up or down
Tx Packets Number of packets transmitted on the WAN connection
Rx Packets Number of packets received on the WAN connection
Tx Dropped Number of packets dropped on the transmit WAN connection
Rx Dropped Number of packets dropped on the receive WAN connection
Err Packets Number of errored packets on the WAN connection
Field Description
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Procedure 11 Home networking information retrieval
1Select Status > Home Networking from the top-level menu in the Ethernet Gateway window,
as shown in Figure 18.
Figure 18 Home Networking information window
Table 19 describes the fields in the Home Networking window.
Table 19 Home Networking parameters
Field Description
Local Interface
Ethernet Table displays the number of Ethernet connections and their settings
Wireless Table displays the number of wireless connections and their settings
Wireless Settings
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2Click Delete to delete a particular local device connection.
3Click Refresh to update the displayed information.
4STOP. This procedure is complete.
Procedure 12 Statistics retrieval
1Select Status > Statistics from the top-level menu in the Ethernet Gateway window.
Statistics are available for LAN ports, WAN ports, and WLAN ports.
Figure 19 shows the statistics for the LAN ports.
Network Name Name of the wireless network access point
Access Point Hexadecimal address of the wireless access point
Local Devices
Table entry Each entry indicates the status (active or inactive), connection type, device name, IP
address, hardware address, and IP address allocation, lease remaining, and last active
time of each connected local device.
Field Description
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Figure 19 LAN ports statistics window
2Click Refresh to update the displayed information.
3STOP. This procedure is complete.
8.1.3 Network configuration
The Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) also supports network configuration, including:
•Wireless 2.4GHz
•Wireless 5GHz
•Wireless Schedule
•IP routing
Configure a Gateway 3 (G-240W-E)
Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide
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•QoS Configuration
Procedure 13 LAN configuration
1Select Network > LAN from the top-level menu in the Ethernet Gateway window, as shown
in Figure 20.
Figure 20 LAN settings window
Table 20 describes the fields in the LAN window.
Table 20 LAN parameters
Field Description
IPv4 Address IP Address of the
Subnet Mask Subnet mask of the
DHCP enable Select this check box to enable DHCP
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2Configure the LAN.
3Click Save.
4Bind a MAC address to the LAN by entering the MAC and IP addresses in the Static DHCP
Entry fields and then clicking Add. Repeat for all MAC addresses to be bound.
5STOP. This procedure is complete.
DHCP Start IP Address Starting DHCP IP address
DHCP End IP Address Ending DHCP IP address
DHCP Lease Time DHCP lease time (in min)
Primary DNS Primary domain name server address
Secondary DNS Secondary domain name server address
Static DHCP MAC Address Hexadecimal MAC address to associate to the LAN
Static DHCP IP Address IP address to associate to the bound MAC address
Field Description
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Procedure 14 LAN IPv6 networking configuration
1Select Network > LAN_IPv6 from the top-level menu in the Ethernet Gateway window, as
shown in Figure 21.
Figure 21 LAN IPv6 network window
Table 21 describes the fields in the LAN IPv6 network window.
Table 21 LAN IPv6 network parameters
Field Description
DNS Server Choose a DNS server from the drop-down menu.
Prefix Config Choose a prefix config option from the drop-down menu, either WANConnection
(prefix will be obtained from the WAN) or Static (enables you to enter the prefix).
Prefix This field appears if you selected the “Static” option for the “prefix config” field.
Type a connection.
Interface This field appears if you selected the Wan Connection option for the “prefix
config” field. Choose a WAN connection interface from the drop-down menu.
DHCP Start IP Address Enter the starting DHCP IP address.
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2Choose a DNS server, Prefix Config, and Interface.
3Enter the DHCP configuration information.
4Enter the maximum and minimum intervals for RA messages.
5Click Save/Apply.
6STOP. This procedure is complete.
DHCP End IP Address Enter the ending DHCP IP address.
Whether the address info
through DCHP Select this check box to enable address information retrieval through DHCP.
Whether other info obtained
through DHCP Select this check box to enable retrieval of other information through DHCP.
Maximum interval for
periodic RA messages Enter the maximum interval (in seconds) for periodic Router Advertisement
messages. The interval range is from 4 to 1800.
Minimum interval for periodic
RA messages Enter the minimum interval (in seconds) for periodic Router Advertisement
messages. The interval range is from 4 to 1800.
Field Description
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Procedure 15 WAN networking configuration
1Select Network > WAN from the top-level menu in the Ethernet Gateway window, as shown
in Figure 22.
Figure 22 WAN window
Table 22 describes the fields in the WAN window.
Table 22 WAN parameters
Field Description
WAN Connection List Choose a WAN connection from the drop-down menu to set the connection
Connection Type Select a connection type: IPoE or PPPoE
IP Mode Choose an IP mode from the drop-down menu: IPv4 or IPv6
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2Configure a specific WAN connection.
3Click Save.
4STOP. This procedure is complete.
Enable/Disable Select this checkbox to enable the WAN connection
NAT Select this checkbox to enable NAT
Service Select the checkboxes to enable service types for this connection
Enable VLAN Select this checkbox to enable VLAN
WAN IP Mode Choose an IP mode from the drop-down menu
Connection Trigger Choose the trigger type from the drop-down menu
Username Enter the Username provided by your ISP
Password Enter the Password provided by your ISP
Keep Alive Time Enter the keep alive time (5 to 60 seconds)
Keep Alive Retry Enter the number of keep alive time retries (1 to 10 times)
Echo Value The echo value: the keep alive time value multiplied by the number of retries
Manual DNS Enter a DNS
Field Description
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Procedure 16 WAN DHCP configuration
1Select Network > WAN DHCP from the top-level menu in the Ethernet Gateway window, as
shown in Figure 23.
Figure 23 WAN DHCP window
Table 23 describes the fields in the WAN DHCP window.
Table 23 WAN DHCP parameters
2Configure a WAN DHCP option.
Field Description
WAN Connection List Choose a WAN connection from the drop-down menu
DHCP Option 50 persistent Select this checkbox to enable DHCP Option 50
Enable DHCP Option 60 Select this checkbox to enable DHCP Option 60 (vendor class identifier)
Enable DHCP Option 61 Select this checkbox to enable DHCP Option 61 (client identifier)
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3Click Save.
4STOP. This procedure is complete.
Procedure 17 Wireless 2.4G networking configuration
1Select Network > Wireless 2.4GHz from the top-level menu in the Ethernet Gateway window,
as shown in Figure 24.
Figure 24 Wireless 2.4GHz network window
Configure a Gateway 3 (G-240W-E)
Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide
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Table 24 describes the fields in the Wireless 2.4GHz network window.
Table 24 Wireless 2.4GHz network parameters
2Configure the WiFi connection.
Field Description
Enable Select this check box to enable WiFi
Mode Choose a WiFi mode from the drop-down menu:
•auto (b/g/n)
Bandwidth Choose 20 MHz or 40 MHz from the drop-down menu.
Channel Choose a channel from the drop-down menu or choose Auto to have the channel
automatically assigned
Transmitting Power Choose the percentage transmitting power from the drop-down menu
WMM Select this check box to enable or disable wireless multi media
Total MAX Users Enter the total number of MAX users
SSID Select Choose the SSID from the drop-down menu
SSID Name Enter the SSID name
Enable SSID Enable or disable SSID from this drop-down menu
SSID Broadcast Enable or disable SSID broadcast from this drop-down menu
MAX Users Enter the number of MAX users
Encryption Mode Choose an encryption mode from the drop-down menu:
•WPA/WPA2 Personal
•WPA/WPA2 Enterprise
WPA Version Choose a WPA version from the drop-down menu:
WPA Encryption
Mode Choose a WPA encryption mode from the drop-down menu:
WPA Key Enter the WPA key
Enable WPS Enable or disable WPS from this drop-down menu
WPS Mode Select a WPS mode from the drop-down menu: PBC (Push Button Connect) or PIN
(Personal Identification Number)
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3If you have enabled and configured WPS, click WPS connect.
4Click Save.
5STOP. This procedure is complete.
Procedure 18 Wireless 5G networking configuration
1Select Network > Wireless 5GHz from the top-level menu in the Ethernet Gateway window,
as shown in Figure 25.
Figure 25 Wireless 5GHz network window
Configure a Gateway 3 (G-240W-E)
Nokia WiFi Gateway 3 Product Guide
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Table 25 describes the fields in the Wireless 5GHz network window.
Table 25 Wireless 5GHz network parameters
(1) When Encryption Mode is set to “WPA/WPA2 Enterprise”, the following options are no longer available: WPA
version, WPA encryption mode, WPA key, Enable WPS, WPS mode.
(2) When Encryption Mode is set to “WPA/WPA2 Enterprise”, the following options become available: Primary
RADIUS server, port and password; Secondary RADIUS server, port, and password; RADIUS accounting port.
Field Description
Enable Select this check box to enable WiFi
Bandwidth Choose from:
•20 MHz
•40 MHz
•80 MHz
Channel Choose a channel from the drop-down menu or choose Auto to have the channel
automatically assigned
Transmitting Power Choose a percentage for the transmitting power from the drop-down menu:
•Low (20%)
•Medium (40%)
•High (60%)
•Maximum (100%)
WMM Select this check box to enable or disable wireless multi media
Enable MU-MIMO Choose Enable or disable MU-MIMO from this drop-down menu
The default is Enable, which enables users and wireless terminals to communicate with
each other.
MU-MIMO may decrease WiFi performance for clients who do not support it, in which
case Nokia recommends that you choose Disable.
Total MAX Users Enter the total number of MAX users
DFS re-entry Select this check box to enable or disable DFS re-entry
SSID Select Choose the SSID from the drop-down menu
SSID Name Change the name of the selected SSID
Enable SSID Choose Enable or disable SSID from this drop-down menu
SSID Broadcast Choose Enable or disable SSID broadcast from this drop-down menu
MAX Users Enter the number of MAX users
Encryption Mode Choose an encryption mode from the drop-down menu:
•WPA/WPA2 Personal
•WPA/WPA2 Enterprise (1)(2)
WPA Key Enter the WPA key
Enable WPS Choose Enable or disable WPS from this drop-down menu
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2Configure the Wireless connection.
3If you have enabled and configured WPS, click WPS connect.
4Click Save.
5STOP. This procedure is complete.
Procedure 19 Wireless scheduling
1Select Network > Wireless Schedule from the top-level menu in the Ethernet Gateway
window, as shown in Figure 26.
Figure 26 Wireless Schedule window
2Select the Schedule Function check box to turn the wireless signal off for the configured
3Click the plus sign (+) to add a scheduling rule.
A separate panel appears for configuring wireless schedule rules.
Configure a Gateway 3 (G-240W-E)
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4Enter a start time and end time for the period in which you want the wireless signal off.
5Choose Everyday or Individual Days from the drop-down menu.
6If you chose Individual Days, select the check boxes for the desired days.
The Recurrence Pattern shows the rules created to date.
7If desired, click the plus sign (+) to add more rules.
8Click Save Changes.
9STOP. This procedure is complete.
Procedure 20 IP Routing
1Select Network > IP Routing from the top-level menu in the Ethernet Gateway window, as
shown in Figure 27.
Figure 27 IP Routing window
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Table 27 describes the fields in the IP Routing window.
Table 26 IP Routing parameters
2Enter the routing information.
3Click Add.
4STOP. This procedure is complete.
Field Description
Enable Routing Select this checkbox to enable static routing
Destination IP Address Enter the destination IP address
Destination Netmask Enter the destination network mask
Gateway Enter the gateway address
IPv4 Interface Choose a WAN connection previously created in the WAN network window
from the drop-down menu
Forwarding Policy Choose a forwarding policy from the drop-down menu
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Procedure 21 DNS configuration
1Select Network > DNS from the top-level menu in the Ethernet Gateway window, as shown
in Figure 28.
Figure 28 DNS network window
Table 27 describes the fields in the DNS network window.
Table 27 DNS network parameters
2Enter the domain name and IP address and click Add.
Field Description
DNS Proxy Select this check box to enable DNS proxy
Domain Name Domain name
IPv4 Address Domain IP address
Origin Domain Origin domain name
New Domain New domain name
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3If required, associate an origin domain with a new domain, click Add.
4STOP. This procedure is complete.
Procedure 22 TR-069 configuration
1Select Network > TR-069 from the top-level menu in the Ethernet Gateway window, as
shown in Figure 29.
Figure 29 TR-069 network window
Table 28 describes the fields in the TR-069 network window.
Table 28 TR-069 network parameters
Field Description
Periodic Inform Enable Select this check box to enable periodic inform updates
Periodic Inform Interval(s) Time between periodic inform updates, in seconds
URL URL of the auto-configuration server
Username Username used to log in to the Gateway 3 (G-240W-E)
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2Configure TR-069 by entering the required information.
3Click Save.
4STOP. This procedure is complete.
Procedure 23 QoS configuration
1Select Network > QoS Config from the top-level menu in the Ethernet Gateway window.
Figure 30 shows the window for configuring QoS L2 (Layer 2 packet sizes).
Password Password used to log in to the Gateway 3 (G-240W-E)
Connect Request Username Username used to log in to the auto-configuration server
Connect Request Password Password used to log in to the auto-configuration server
Field Description
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Figure 31 QoS Config window (L3)
Table 29 describes the fields in the QoS Config window.
Table 29 QoS Config parameters
Field Description
Type Choose a QoS service layer type from the drop-down menu, either L2 or L3.
Source MAC Enter the source MAC.
Select the Exclude check box to exclude the source MAC
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2Choose a QoS type from the drop-down menu: L2 or L3.
3Configure a QoS policy.
4Click Add to add a QoS policy.
5STOP. This procedure is complete.
8.1.4 Security configuration
The Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) also supports security configuration, including:
•MAC Filter
•IP Filter
•URL Filter
•Parental Control
•DMZ and ALG
•Access Control
Interface Choose an interface from the drop-down menu
DSCP Remark Enter the value for the DSCP mark (range: 0-63); valid only for L3 Criteria
802.1p Mark Enter the value for the 802.1p (range: 0-7)
Forwarding Policy Enter the number for the forwarding policy (range: 1-7)
Additional fields for L3
Protocol Choose a protocol from the drop-down menu, or select the Exclude check box
Application Choose an application from the drop-down menu
Source IP and
Source IP Mask Enter the values for the source IP and IP mask, or select the Exclude check box
Destination IP and
Destination IP Mask Enter the values for the destination IP and IP mask, or select the Exclude check box
Source Port and
Source Port Max Enter the values for the source port and port max (highest port number) or select the
Exclude check box
Destination Port and
Destination Port Max Enter the values for the destination port and port max (highest port number), or select
the Exclude check box
Field Description
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Procedure 24 Firewall configuration
1Select Security > Firewall from the top-level menu in the Ethernet Gateway window, as
shown in Figure 32.
Figure 32 Firewall window
Firewall security applies only to services provided by the Gateway 3 (G-240W-E). Internet
access from the LAN side is not affected by this firewall.
Three security levels are available: Off, Low, and High.
At the Off level, no firewall security is in effect,
At the Low level, pre-routing is supported: port forwarding, DMZ, host application, and host
drop. Also supported are application services: DDNS, DHCP, DNS, H248, IGMP, NTP client,
SSH, Telnet, TFTP, TR-069, and VoIP. The following types of ICMP messages are permitted:
echo request and reply, destination unreachable, and TTL exceeded. Other types of ICMP
messages are blocked. DNS proxy is supported from LAN to WAN but not from WAN to LAN.
At the High level, pre-routing and application services are not supported. UDP Port 8000 can
be used to access the services, for example FTP can use 8021 and Telnet can use 8023.
Regular UDP cannot be used. RG access is permitted via the LAN side but not via the WAN
Table 30 describes the fields in the firewall window.
Table 30 Firewall parameters
Field Description
Security level Choose the security level from the drop-down menu: Off, Low, or High
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2Configure the firewall.
3Click Save.
4STOP. This procedure is complete.
Attack Protection
(Protection against
DoS or DDoS attacks)
Choose enable or disable attack protect from the drop-down menu
The default is disable
Field Description
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Procedure 25 MAC filter configuration
1Select Security > MAC Filter from the top-level menu in the Ethernet Gateway window, as
shown in Figure 33.
Figure 33 MAC filter window
Table 31 describes the fields in the MAC filter window.
Table 31 MAC filter parameters
Field Description
Ethernet Interface
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2Configure a MAC filter for the Ethernet interface.
3Click Save.
4If desired, select a MAC address and click the Delete column to delete a MAC address.
5Click Refresh to update the information.
6Configure a MAC filter for WiFi SSID (WLAN MAC filter).
7Click Save.
8STOP. This procedure is complete.
MAC Filter Mode Choose the MAC filter mode from this drop-down menu: Blocked or Allowed
LAN Port Select the check boxes for the LAN ports
MAC Address Choose a MAC address from the drop-down menu or enter the address in the text field
MAC Filter Mode Choose the MAC filter mode from this drop-down menu: Blocked or Allowed
SSID Select Choose an SSID option from the drop-down menu
Enable Select this check box to enable MAC filtering for WiFi SSID
MAC Address Choose a MAC address from the drop-down menu or enter the address in the text field
Field Description
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Procedure 26 IP filter configuration
1Select Security > IP filter from the top-level menu in the Ethernet Gateway window, as shown
in Figure 34.
Figure 34 IP filter window
Table 32 describes the fields in the IP filter window.
Table 32 IP filter parameters
2Configure the IP filter.
Field Description
Enable IP Filter Select this check box to enable an IP filter
Mode Choose an IP filter mode from the drop-down menu:
•Drop for upstream
•Drop for downstream
Internal Client Choose an internal client from the drop-down menu:
•Customer setting - uses the IP address input below
•IP - uses the connecting devices' IP to the
Local IP Address Local IP address
Source Subnet Mask Source subnet mask
Remote IP Address Remote IP address
Destination Subnet Mask Destination subnet mask
Protocol Choose an application protocol or all from the drop-down menu
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3Click Add.
4STOP. This procedure is complete.
Procedure 27 URL filter configuration
1Select Security > URL Filter from the top-level menu in the Ethernet Gateway window, as
shown in Figure 35.
Figure 35 URL Filter window
Table 33 describes the fields in the URL Filter window.
Table 33 URL Filter parameters
Note — You cannot use URL filtering for HTTPS. The URL is encrypted
when using HTTPS.
Field Description
Enable URL filter Select the check box to enable the URL filter
URL filter type Select the radio button for Block or Allow the URL
URL Address Enter the URL address
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2Configure the URL Filter.
3Click Add Filter.
4STOP. This procedure is complete.
Procedure 28 Parental control
1Select Security > Parent Control from the top-level menu in the Ethernet Gateway window,
as shown in Figure 36.
Figure 36 Parental Control window
Table 34 describes the fields in the Parental Control window.
Table 34 Parental control parameters
Port Enter the port number; the default is 80
Field Description
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Field Description
Policy Name Enter a name for the parental control policy or choose a policy from the list
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2Select the Access Control check box.
3Click the plus sign (+) to add a policy.
A separate panel appears for configuring the policy name, IP address of the device, and
dates and times for the policy.
4Configure the parental control policy.
5Click Enable to activate the policy.
6STOP. This procedure is complete.
Device The device for which the rule will apply
IP Enter the IPv4 address for the device or choose an IPv4 address from the list
Days of the week Choose Every Day, or Individual Days and select the check boxes for the days of the week
for which the policy applies
From/To Enter the times for the policy to be in effect
Field Description
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Procedure 29 DMZ and ALG configuration
1Select Security > DMZ and ALG from the top-level menu in the Ethernet Gateway window,
as shown in Figure 37.
Figure 37 DMZ and ALG window
Table 35 describes the fields in the DMZ and ALG window.
Table 35 DMZ and ALG parameters
2Configure ALG.
3Click Save ALG.
4Configure DMZ.
Field Description
ALG Config Select the check boxes to enable the protocols to be supported by the ALG: FTP,
DMZ Config
WAN Connection List Choose a WAN connection from the drop-down menu
Enable DMZ Select this check box to enable DMZ on the chosen WAN connection
DMZ IP Address Choose Customer Setting and enter the DMZ IP address or choose the IP address
of a connected device from the drop-down menu
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5Click Save DMZ.
6STOP. This procedure is complete.
Procedure 30 Access control configuration
This procedure describes how to configure the access control level (ACL).
1Select Security > Access Control from the top-level menu in the Ethernet Gateway window,
as shown in Figure 38.
Figure 38 Access Control window
Table 36 describes the fields in the Access Control window.
Note 1 — ACL takes precedence over the firewall policy.
Note 2 — The trusted network object will be shared for all WAN
connections; it is not applied individually to a WAN connection.
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Table 36 Access control parameters
2Select a WAN connection from the drop-down menu.
3Click to enable or disable Trusted Network.
4Select an access control level for each of the six protocols: ICMP, Telnet, SSH, HTTP,
TR-069, HTTPS, and SFTP for both the WAN and the LAN side.
5Click Save.
6Optionally, add one or more subnet trusted networks.
The maximum number of entries is 32.
You can also use the Source IP fields to delete a previously created entry for a subnet trusted
7STOP. This procedure is complete.
8.1.5 Application configuration
The Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) also supports application configuration, including:
•port forwarding
•port triggering
•UPnP and DLNA
Field Description
WAN Choose a connection from the drop-down menu
Trusted Network Enable Click to enable or disable
ICMP, Telnet, SSH, HTTP, TR-069,
HTTPS, SFTP Select an access control level for each protocol:
WAN side: Allow, Deny, or Trusted Network Only
LAN side: Allow or Deny
Source IP Start Enter a start IP address for the new subnet trusted network
Source IP End Enter an end IP address for the new subnet trusted network
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Procedure 31 Port forwarding configuration
1Select Application > Port forwarding from the top-level menu in the Ethernet Gateway
window, as shown in Figure 39.
Figure 39 Port forwarding window
Table 37 describes the fields in the port forwarding window.
Table 37 Port forwarding parameters
Field Description
Application Name Choose an application name from the drop-down menu
WAN Port WAN port range
LAN Port LAN port range
Internal Client Choose a connected device from the drop-down menu and enter the associated
IP address
Protocol Choose the port forwarding protocol from the drop-down menu:
Enable Mapping Select this check box to enable mapping
WAN Connection List Choose a WAN connection from the drop-down menu
Note: only active devices are shown on this menu
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2Configure port forwarding.
3Click Add.
4STOP. This procedure is complete.
Procedure 32 Port triggering
1Select Application > Port Triggering from the top-level menu in the Ethernet Gateway
window, as shown in Figure 40.
Figure 40 Port Triggering window
Table 37 describes the fields in the Port Triggering window.
Table 38 Port triggering parameters
Field Description
Application Name Choose an application name from the drop-down menu
Open Port Enter the open port range
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2Configure port triggering.
3Click Add.
4STOP. This procedure is complete.
Triggering Port Enter the triggering port range
Expire Time Enter the expiration time in seconds
Open Protocol Choose the open port protocol from the drop-down menu:
Trigger Protocol Choose the triggering port protocol from the drop-down menu:
Enable Triggering Select this check box to enable port triggering
WAN Connection List Choose a WAN connection from the drop-down menu
Note: only active devices are shown on this menu
Field Description
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Procedure 33 DDNS configuration
1Select Application > DDNS from the top-level menu in the Ethernet Gateway window, as
shown in Figure 41.
Figure 41 DDNS window
Table 39 describes the fields in the DDNS window.
Table 39 DDNS parameters
2Configure DDNS.
3Click Save.
4STOP. This procedure is complete.
Field Description
WAN Connection List Choose a WAN connection from the drop-down menu
Enable DDNS Select this check box to enable DDNS on the chosen WAN connection
ISP Choose an ISP from the drop-down menu.
Domain Name Enter the domain name for the DDNS server
Username Enter the DDNS username
Password Enter the DDNS password
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Procedure 34 NTP configuration
1Select Application > NTP from the top-level menu in the Ethernet Gateway window, as shown
in Figure 42.
Figure 42 NTP window
2Select the Enable NTP Service check box.
3Click Save.
4STOP. This procedure is complete.
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Procedure 35 UPnP and DLNA configuration
1Select Application > UPnP and DLNA from the top-level menu in the Ethernet Gateway
window, as shown in Figure 43.
Figure 43 UPnP and DLNA window
2Select the Enable UPnP check box to enable UPnP.
3Click Save/Apply.
4STOP. This procedure is complete.
8.1.6 Maintenance
The Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) supports maintenance tasks, including:
•Password change
•Device Management
•Backup and Restore
•Firmware Upgrade
•Device Reboot
•Restore Factory Defaults
•View Logs
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Procedure 36 Password configuration
A password must adhere to the following password rules:
•the password may consist of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digital numbers, and
the following special characters ! # + , - / @ _ : = ]
•the password length must be from 8 to 24 characters
•the first character must be a digital number or a letter
•the password must contain at least two types of characters: numbers, letters, or special
•the same character must not appear more than 8 times in a row
When the password meets the password rules, the application displays the message “Your
password has been changed successfully”.
When the password does not meet the password rules, the application displays a message to
indicate which password rule has not been followed, for example:
•the password is too short
•the password is too long
•the first character cannot be a special character
•there are not enough character classes
1Select Maintenance > Password from the top-level menu in the GPON Home Gateway
window, as shown in Figure 44.
Figure 44 Password window
Table 40 describes the fields in the password window.
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Table 40 Password parameters
2Configure the new password.
3Click Save.
4STOP. This procedure is complete.
Procedure 37 Device management
1Select Maintenance > Device Management from the top-level menu in the Ethernet Gateway
window, as shown in Figure 45.
Figure 45 Device Management window
Table 41 describes the fields in the Device Management window.
Field Description
New Password New password (must adhere to the password rules described above)
Re-enter Password Must match the new password entered above exactly
Prompt Message Password prompt message
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Table 41 Device Management parameters
2Configure an alias for a specific host.
3Click Add.
4STOP. This procedure is complete.
Procedure 38 Backup and Restore
1Select Maintenance > Backup and Restore from the top-level menu in the Ethernet Gateway
window, as shown in Figure 46.
Figure 46 Backup and Restore window
2Click Select File and choose the backup file.
Field Description
Host Name Choose a host from the drop-down menu
Host Alias Enter an alias for the chosen host
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3Click Import Config File to restore the Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) to the saved backup or click
Export Config File to export the current configuration to the backup file.
4STOP. This procedure is complete.
Procedure 39 Upgrade firmware
1Select Maintenance > Firmware Upgrade from the top-level menu in the Ethernet Gateway
window, as shown in Figure 47.
Figure 47 Firmware Upgrade window
2Click Select File and choose the new firmware file.
3Click Upgrade to upgrade the firmware.
4STOP. This procedure is complete.
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Procedure 40 Reboot
1Select Maintenance > Reboot Device from the top-level menu in the Ethernet Gateway
window, as shown in Figure 48.
Figure 48 Reboot Device window
2Click Reboot to reboot the Gateway 3 (G-240W-E).
3STOP. This procedure is complete.
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Procedure 41 Restore factory defaults
1Select Maintenance > Factory Default from the top-level menu in the Ethernet Gateway
window, as shown in Figure 49.
Figure 49 Factory Default window
2Click Factory Default to reset the Gateway 3 (G-240W-E) to its factory default settings.
3STOP. This procedure is complete.
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Procedure 42 Diagnose connections
1Select Maintenance > Diagnostics from the top-level menu in the Ethernet Gateway window,
as shown in Figure 50.
Figure 50 Diagnostics window
2Choose a WAN connection to diagnose from the drop-down menu.
3Enter the IP address or domain name.
4Select the test type: ping, traceroute, or both.
5Enter the number of ping attempts to perform (1 to 1000); the default is 4.
6Enter a ping packet length (64 to 1500); the default is 64.
7Enter the maximum number of trace hops (1 to 255); the default is 30.
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8Click Start Test. Results will be displayed at the bottom of the window.
9Click Cancel to cancel the test.
10 STOP. This procedure is complete.
Procedure 43 View log files
1Select Maintenance > Log from the top-level menu in the Ethernet Gateway window, as
shown in Figure 51.
Figure 51 Log window
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2Choose a write level from the drop-down menu to determine which types of events are
recorded in the log file:
3Choose a reading level from the drop-down menu to determine which types of events to
display from the log file:
4The log file is displayed at the bottom of the window.
5STOP. This procedure is complete.
8.1.7 RG troubleshooting counters
The Troubleshooting Counters feature enables service providers and end users to
monitor the performance of their broadband connection.
Tests are run to retrieve upstream and downstream throughput, latency, and DNS
response time. The Troubleshooting Counters window also displays upstream and
downstream packet loss and Internet status.
Procedure 44 Retrieve Residential Gateway (RG) troubleshooting counters
1Select RG Troubleshooting Counters from the left menu in the Ethernet Gateway window.
The RG Troubleshooting Counters window appears; see Figure 52.
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Figure 52 RG Troubleshooting Counters window
Table 42 describes the fields in the RG Troubleshooting Counters window.
Table 42 RG Troubleshooting Counters parameters
Field Description
WAN Connection List Select a WAN connection from the list
US Throughput This test is used to determine the upstream throughput/speed
Click US Speed Test to specify the time for the upstream test
The default is weekly, performed at idle to a public server
DS Throughput This test is used to determine the downstream throughput/speed
Click DS Speed Test to specify the time for the downstream test
The default is weekly, performed at idle to a public server
US Packet Loss The number of upstream packages lost
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2Configure the test times if desired.
3Click Refresh to update the data.
4STOP. This procedure is complete.
DS Packet Loss The number of downstream packages lost
Internet Status Whether the broadband connections is active (UP) or not (DOWN)
Latency This test is used to determine the lowest round-trip time in milliseconds by pinging
the target server multiple times
Click Latency Test to specify the time for the test
The default is weekly, performed at idle to a public server
DNS Response Time This test is used to determine the lowest round-trip time in milliseconds by sending
a request to the target DNS server
Click DNS Response Test to specify the time for the test
The default is weekly, performed at idle to a public server
Port Mirror Select Source Port, Destination Port, Direction (Up or Down) and Status (Enable or
Field Description
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