Nokia Solutions and Networks FZCWM2A1 Wi-Fi AP Module 802.11 ac User Manual M2A AC210m front

Nokia Solutions and Networks, OY Wi-Fi AP Module 802.11 ac M2A AC210m front

User Manual rev.pdf

Interface DefinitionAC210MWi-Fi AP Module DatasheetIntroductionThe AC210M is a high-performance 2x2 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wi-Fi AP module. It supports simultaneous operation of 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz frequency bands. The module provides two MMCX RF connectors for combined 2.4G and 5G radio and one 60-pin board-to-board connector for connection to the host system.    The module communicates with the host system through an 82-pin connector (the Wi-Fi modules populate 60-pin only). The connector on the module is Molex 171810-1115.The connector definition follows Nokia RF and WiFi Card Interface Pinout.xlsx  rev 11.Signal DefinitionRFPinWiFiPinStdUseWiFi Card Usage RF Card Usage I/O Voltage ACCouplingPull-up/downMBDir1 - Gnd not present GND2 - DP not present SYNCINB0_MB_RF_DN lvds_1.8v - - O3 - DP not present SYNCINB0_MB_RF_DP lvds_1.8v - - O4 - Gnd not present GND5 - DP not present SERDOUT1_RF_MB_DN cml_1.8v mb, 0.1uF - I6 - DP not present SERDOUT1_RF_MB_DP cml_1.8v mb, 0.1uF - I7 - Gnd not present GND8 - DP not present SERDIN0_MB_RF_DN cml_1.8v rf, 0.1uF - O9 - DP not present SERDIN0_MB_RF_DP cml_1.8v rf, 0.1uF - O10 - Gnd not present GND11 - Extra not present GP_INTERRUPT cmos_[VDD_IF] - mb, 4.7K, gnd I12 1 Gnd GND GND13 2 DP Reserved SYNCOUTB0_RF_MB_DPlvds_1.8v - - I14 3 DP Reserved SYNCOUTB0_RF_MB_DNlvds_1.8v - - I15 4 Gnd GND GND16 5 DP SGMII_1_WIFI_MB_DP SERDOUT2_RF_MB_DPsgmii_1.2v/cml_1.8vmb, 0.1uF - I17 6 DP SGMII_1_WIFI_MB_DN SERDOUT2_RF_MB_DNsgmii_1.2v/cml_1.8vmb, 0.1uF - I18 7 Gnd GND GND19 8 DP SGMII_0_WIFI_MB_DP SERDOUT3_RF_MB_DPsgmii_1.2v/cml_1.8vmb, 0.1uF - I20 9 DP SGMII_0_WIFI_MB_DN SERDOUT3_RF_MB_DNsgmii_1.2v/cml_1.8vmb, 0.1uF - I21 10 Gnd GND GND22 11 DP Reserved RX_MYK_ENABLE cmos_[VDD_IF] - rf, 4.7K, gnd O23 12 DP Reserved RX_LNA_ENABLE_MAINcmos_[VDD_IF] - rf, 4.7K, gnd O24 13 Gnd Reserved RX_LNA_ENABLE_DIV cmos_[VDD_IF] - rf, 4.7K, gnd O25 14 Extra Reserved TX_MYK_ENABLE cmos_[VDD_IF] - rf, 4.7K, gnd O26 15 Extra Reserved TX_KEY_MAIN cmos_[VDD_IF] - rf, 4.7K, gnd O27 16 Extra Reserved TX_KEY_DIV cmos_[VDD_IF] - rf, 4.7K, gnd O28 17 Gnd Reserved TR_SWITCH_MAIN cmos_[VDD_IF] - rf, 4.7K, gnd O29 18 DP Reserved TR_SWITCH_DIV cmos_[VDD_IF] - rf, 4.7K, gnd O30 19 DP I2C_9550_SCL (for test)Reserved n/c on mb - - n/a31 20 GndI2C_9550_SDA (for test)GNDn/c on mb wifi slot- - n/a32 21 DP TRSTn GPIO4 (TRSTn) n/c on mb - - n/a33 22 DP TDO GPIO5 (TDO) n/c on mb - - n/a34 23 Gnd TDI GPIO6 (TDI) n/c on mb - - n/a35 24 DP TMS GPIO7 (TMS) n/c on mb - - n/a36 25 DP TCK GPIO8 (TCK) n/c on mb - - n/a37 26 Gnd Reserved TEST n/c on mb - rf, 1K, gnd n/a38 27 DP 5V_SENSE 5V_SENSE ana_5.1v - - I39 28 DP VCC_5.1V VCC_5.1V40 29 Gnd VCC_5.1V VCC_5.1V41 30 Extra VCC_5.1V VCC_5.1V58 36 DPSGMII_1_MB_WIFI_DPSERDIN2_MB_RF_DPsgmii_1.2v/cml_1.8vrf/wifi, 0.1uF- O59 37 DPSGMII_1_MB_WIFI_DNSERDIN2_MB_RF_DNsgmii_1.2v/cml_1.8vrf/wifi, 0.1uF- O60 38 Gnd GND GND61 39 DP SGMII_0_MB_WIFI_DPSERDIN3_MB_RF_DPsgmii_1.2v/cml_1.8vrf/wifi, 0.1uF- O62 40 DP SGMII_0_MB_WIFI_DNSERDIN3_MB_RF_DNsgmii_1.2v/cml_1.8vrf/wifi, 0.1uF- O63 41 Gnd GND GND64 42 DP I2C_SCL I2C_SCL cmos_3.3v -mb 1K; rf/wifi 10K, 3.3vI/O65 43 DP I2C_SDA I2C_SDA cmos_3.3v -mb 1K; rf/wifi 10K, 3.3vI/O66 44 Gnd GND GND67 45 Extra Reserved SPI_SCLK cmos_[VDD_IF] - rf, 4.7k, gnd O68 46 Extra UART_WIFI_MB SPI_MISO cmos_[VDD_IF] - mb, 4.7k, VDD_IF I69 47 Extra UART_MB_WIFI SPI_MOSI cmos_[VDD_IF] - rf, 4.7k, VDD_IF O70 48 Gnd Reserved SPI_CS_n cmos_[VDD_IF] - rf, 4.7k, VDD_IF O71 49 DP I2C_WP I2C_WP cmos_3.3v - rf, 4.7k, 3.3v O72 50 DP RESET_n RESET_n cmos_[VDD_IF] - rf/wifi, 4.7K, VDD_IFO73 51 Gnd GND GND74 52 DP LED_WLAN_0 GPIO0 cmos_[VDD_IF] - mb, 10K, VDD_IF I, I/O75 53 DP LED_WLAN_1 GPIO1 cmos_[VDD_IF] - mb, 10K, VDD_IF I, I/O76 54 Gnd LED_WLAN_2 GPIO2 cmos_[VDD_IF] - mb, 10K, VDD_IF I, I/O77 55 DP LED_WLAN_3 GPIO3 cmos_[VDD_IF] - mb, 10K, VDD_IFI, I/O78 56 DP VDD_IF VDD_IF  (1.8v from MB, 2.5v from FPGA Dev Card)79 57 Gnd VCC_5.1V VCC_5.1V80 58 DP VCC_5.1V VCC_5.1V81 59 DP VCC_5.1V VCC_5.1V82 60 Gnd VCC_5.1V VCC_5.1VSignal  Type  Description  Parameters SGMII_0_MB_WIFI_DN SGMII_0_MB_WIFI_DP  I  SGMII Differential Input The signal is AC coupled. Proper biasing is provided on the module receiver.  Vih  Input Single Voltage High  -/-/1480 (mV, min/typ/max) Vil  Input Single Voltage Low  520/-/- (mV, min/typ/max) Vidth  Input Differential Threshold  -50/-/50 (mV, min/typ/max) Vio  Internal Offset Voltage  800/900/1000 (mV,min/typ/max) Rin  Receiver Differential Input Impedance 100ohm  SGMII_0_WIFI_MB_DN SGMII_0_WIFI_MB_DP O  SGMII Differential Output  Voh  High Level Output Voltage  -/1050/1195 (mV, min/typ/max) Vol  Low Level Output Voltage  200/750/-(mV, min/typ/max) VoD  Output Differential Voltage  300mV VoS  Output Offset Voltage  500/900/1070(mV, min/typ/max)  SGMII_1_MB_WIFI_DN SGMII_1_MB_WIFI_DP SGMII_1_WIFI_MB_DN SGMII_1_WIFI_MB_DP NC  Reserved  The signals are not connected on the module. WIFI_PRESENCE_n  O  Board Present Indication On module the signal is pulled to GND with a 0 ohm resistor. RESET_n  I  Reset  External reset to the module. It is internally pulled down GND by 10k ohm resistor. This reset signal is connected to module CPU through GPIO.. The signal must be driven by 1.8V logic.     IIC_SDA  IO  I2C Data   Vih  Input Voltage High  2/-/3.5 (V, min/typ/max) Vil  Input Voltage Low  -0.5/-/0.8 (V, min/typ/max) Voh  High Level Output Voltage  2.2/-/3.3 (V, min/typ/max) Vol  Low Level Output Voltage  -0.2/-/0.6 (V, min/typ/max)  IIC_SCL  I  I2C Clock LED_WLAN_0  OC  2.4G LED  Open collector driven, sink maxim 20mA current when LED lit LED_WLAN_1  OC  5G LED  Open collector driven, sink maxim 20mA current when LED lit LED_WLAN_2  OC  LED_Reserved  (Reserved) Open collector driven, sink maxim 20mA current when LED lit LED_WLAN_3  OC  LED_Reserved  (Reserved) Open collector driven, sink maxim 20mA current when LED lit VCC_5.1V  POWER 5V Power Input  5.1V+/-0.15V.    0~3A 5V_SENSE  POWER 5V Power Sense  The 5V sense is directly wired on the Wi-Fi module from VCC_5.1V   UART_WIFI_MB  O  UART signal from MB to Module The signal must be driven by 1.8V logic UART_MB_WIFI  I  UART signal from  The signal must be driven by 1.8V logic I2C_WP  I  I2C write protect signal  On module this signal is connected to EEPROM write protection, driving high to enable EEPROM write protection.   The signal must be driven by 3.3V logic VDD_IF  I  1.8V voltage  On module this is 1.8V voltage level reference I2C_9550_SCL   (for test) O  I2C clk signal from 9550 On module this is connected to CPU GPIO16 for manufacturing test only I2C_9550_SDA   (for test) I/O  I2C data signal between 9550 and slave units On module this is connected to CPU GPIO 21 for manufacturing test only Reserved  NC  Reserved pins  The reserved pins are NOT connected on the Wi-Fi module GND  GND  GND  GND JTAG  I/O  JTAG debug pins  Connected to CPU EJTAG port for device debug. This interface shall not be daisy chained on MB. This interface must be driven by 2.5V logic
Package information1. PCBA Label 1PCBA Label:2D data Matrix, no printed label. 2. PCBA Label 2Label on PCBA board---Nokia SN Label size :   30 x 7mm Material : heat resisting PETColors: White material, printing in blackFont Arial  size is 3pt  Barcode: code 128BLabel on PCBA board---Certification information Label size :   15 x 5mm Material : heat resisting PETColors: White material, printing in blackFont Arial  size is 3ptPower SupplyPower up ramping Operation Environment Safety and EMCPower consumption Average power consumption of the module under typical operation mode shall be less than 10W. Peak power supplycurrent is less than 3A at 5.1V.Capacitive loadThe module shall not present a capacitive load to the mainboard larger than 1500uFThe module is not designed for hot swapping. The power supply ramping speed is not controlled by the module itself.Operating  temperatureThe module shall support a low operating temperature limit of -40C.  The upper operating temperature limit will be determined by empirically measuring the case temperature of the criticalcomponents and ensuring that none of the individual component limits are violated while the module is operating withinthe Nokia host platform.  Once data is available, this entry shall be updated with the upper operating temperature limit.  The module is expected to withstand heatsink body temperature of 80C when proper heatsinking is in place.Operating humidity5% to 95% non-condensing-40°C to +85°CStorage temperatureSafety This WiFi module design shall not prevent the host product from obtaining NRTL Listing 60950 (US &CA), CB with IEC/EN 60950-1 (Basic safety certificate for worldwide marketing)EMC/EMI GB 9254 -2008(Class B of  Product) , EN55022, CISPR 22:2006 , EN55024,  CISPR 24:2010The noisy circuits such as crystal, CPU, DDR, etc. are well shielded to avoid generating unwanted emission impacting the LTE/3G band receiver.Unwanted Emission HBM 1.5KVESDElevationsEnvironmentSurge86kPa~106kPaShall be RoHS 2011/65/EU compliant (RoHS 6 compliant, no Pb); WEEE 2002/96/EC recyclable materials requirements Telcordia GR-63-COREThe module does not provide onboard surge protection.

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