ORION ELECTRIC M2D3A DVD-RW/VCR TV Interface Device User Manual hyoushi

ORION ELECTRIC CO., LTD. DVD-RW/VCR TV Interface Device hyoushi


Users Manual 2

44Recording a TV programPreparation:•Turn ON the TV and set it to the video input mode.•Load a recordable DVD or video tape into the unit.•Press DVD/VCR to select the appropriate mode.1Press REC MODE/SPEED and set the re-cording mode.The recording mode will appear on the TVmonitor and change every time RECMODE/SPEED is pressed.Video recording modes: SP/SLPDVD recording modes: XP/SP/LP/SLPSP is the normal recording mode for video tapes. SLP offers 3times the recording time as SP. For more information on DVD re-cording modes, see page 42.2Set the TV/CATV option to the appropriate position (page78).3Press the numeric keys or CH  /  to select the channel to berecorded.1-9 Press 0 twice and then 1-9 as required.Example: To select 2, Press “002”.10-12 Press 0 first and then the remaining 2 digits in orderfrom left to right.Example: Press 012 for “12”.13-99 Press 2 digits in order.Example: Press 22 for “22”.100-125 Press the 3 digits in order.Example: Press 110 for “110”.VHF/UHF/CATV CHANNELS4Press REC/OTR.When recording starts, “  ” appears onthe screen for about 4 seconds.NOTES:•When record on a DVD, it takessome time from when you pressREC/OTR until recording actuallystarts. (With a DVD-RW it takesabout 2 seconds, while with aDVD-R it takes about 10 seconds.)Press REC/OTR a little before yourpreferred starting point.With a video tape, recording startsalmost at the same time you pressREC/OTR.•If the erase prevention tab of videotapes is removed, the tape willeject when REC/OTR is pressedfor recording.You can record programs you watchon TV onto video tapes or DVDs.TVVHF2-13UHF14-69CATVVHF2-13STD/HRC/IRC14-36 (A) (W)37-59 (AA) (WW)60-85 (AAA) (ZZZ)86-94 (86) (94)95-99 (A-5) (A-1)100-125 (100)(125)01 (5A)TV - VHF/UHF channelsCATV - CABLE TV channels00 : 00 : 00  SPCH  110CH  110INDEXVRDVD4005_P37-P50 03.8.21, 1:19 AM44
45Recording a TV programTo stop recordingPress STOP to stop recording.“  ” will appear on the screen for about 4seconds.To stop recording temporarilyPress PAUSE/STILL to avoid recordingunwanted material.“ ” will appear on screen for about 4 sec-onds.Press again to resume recording.NOTES:•The pause function will be released after 5 minutes to prevent dam-age to the tape or the VCR. The VCR will change to the STOP mode.•You can select a recording channel in the recording pause mode.Recording one program while watching anotherWhile the unit is recording, press TV/VCR to select the TV position.The “VCR” will go off and recording will continue.Select the TV channel you want to watch by using the TV channelselector.NOTE:Some CATV hookups do not permit viewing one channel while record-ing another. See pages 18, 19.Auto Rewind featureThis VCR will automatically rewindthe tape when the tape has ended(except during OTR and TIMERREC). It will also eject the tape.VRDVD4005_P37-P50 03.8.21, 1:19 AM45
46One-touch Timer Recording (OTR)The One-touch Timer Recordingfeature provides a simple and con-venient way to make a timed re-cording.00 : 00 : 00  SPCH  110Preparation:•Turn ON the TV and set to the video input mode.•Load a recordable DVD or video tape into the unit.•Press DVD/VCR to select the appropriate mode.Example: One-touch Timer Recording for 30 minutes.1Press REC MODE/SPEED to select therecording mode.For the recording mode, see the step 1 onpage 44.2Set the TV/CATV option to theappropriate position (See page78).3Press numeric keys or CH  /  to selectthe channel to be recorded.4Press REC/OTR. Press the button again to stop recording after 30minutes. Each additional press of REC/OTR will increase record-ing time as shown in the chart below, up to a maximum of 6 hours.The OTR and recording time will appear on the screen for about 4seconds.To cancel OTRPress STOP or turn off the power.“  ” will appear on screen for about 4 sec-onds.TV      - VHF/UHF channelsCATV - CABLE TV channelsPressoncetwice3 times4 times5 timesNORMAL REC0:301:001:302:003:004:005:006:00NORMAL RECRecording time Press 6 times 7 times 8 times 9 times10 timesRecording timeNOTE:If you wish to watch the DVD play-back during the OTR, press DVD/VCR to change to DVD mode andperform the DVD playback (see page35).VRDVD4005_P37-P50 03.8.21, 1:19 AM46
47Timer recordingThe timer recording system allowsyou to select the date, time andchannel and record the desired pro-grams. Up to 8 timer programswithin a month can be stored in thisunistaSetting timer recordingPreparation:•Turn ON the TV and set to the video input mode.•Load a recordable DVD or video tape.•Press DVD/VCR to select the appropriate mode.•Confirm that the clock is indicating the correct time.Example: Set the recording mode to LP; the TV program is on channel6 starting at 8:00 PM and stopping at 9:30 PM on a date of 20th.1Press SETUP.The SETUP MENU screen appears.NOTES:•If a tape is unavailable or no discspace is available, the timer indica-tor (   ) flashes. Replace it with anavailable one.•If no disc is loaded in the recorderfor 30 minutes or more, all the set-tings for timer recording will beerased. In such a case, adjust theclock and select the timer recordingagain.•When 8 programs have already se-lected for timer recording, “NEW”doesn’t appear on the TIMER RECSET screen.2Press   or   to select “TIMER REC SET” and press ENTER.The TIMER REC SET screen will appear.3Press   or   to select “NEW” and press ENTER.The program screen will appear.ENTER/SELECTCLEAR/CANCELRETURN BACK ENDSELECTSETUPCANCELENTERTIMER REC SETREC RECTO MORECHENDSTARTDATETYPENEWSETUP MENUTIMER REC SETSYSTEM SETUPAV SETUPREC SETUPCH SETUPOTHERSETUP MENUENTER/SELECTRETURN BACK ENDSELECTSETUPENTERTIMER REC SETREC RECTO MORETYPEDATESTARTENDCHREC TOREC MODEEVERY SUN000DVDXPOK11,08,03(--)02:1703:17SETUP MENUONCEEVERY SUNEVERY MONEVERY TUEEVERY WEDEVERY THUEVERY FRIMON-FRIVRDVD4005_P37-P50 03.8.21, 1:20 AM47
48Timer recordingNOTES:•If you select timer recording on aspecified date only one time, select“ONCE” in the “TYPE” for record-ing. You can record same days ofevery week or from Monday to Fri-day using the item “TYPE”. Theitems you can select are as follows:ONCE: Recording on the selected“DATE”EVERY SUN: Recording every Sun.EVERY MON: Recording everyMon.EVERY TUE: Recording every Tue.EVERY WED: Recording everyWed.EVERY THU: Recording every Thu.EVERY FRI: Recording every Fri.EVERY SAT: Recording every Sat.MON-FRI: Recording from Mon. toFri.MON-SAT: Recording from Mon. toSat.SUN-SAT: Recording everyday fromMon to Sat.•The starting and stopping times forthe recording are displayed on the12-hour (am/pm) clock. Twelveo’clock midnight is displayed as “AM12:00”, whereas twelve o’clock noonis displayed as “PM12:00”.•The initial setting of “REC TO” and“REC MODE” can be changed us-ing “REC SETUP” (See page 77)4Press   or   to select “TYPE” and press ENTER.Press   or   to select “ONCE” from the list and press ENTER.5Press   or   to select “DATE” and press ENTER.Press   or   to select the date to be recorded from the list andpress ENTER.6Press   or   to select “START” and press ENTER.Set the time when the recording is started.•To switch over the selection item (hour or minute), press or  , then press ENTER.•  Press   or   to adjust the time.•  After setting the time, press ENTER.7Press   or   to select “END” and press ENTER.Set the stopping time in the same manner for setting the startingtime of timer recording.8Press   or   to select “CH” and press ENTER.•  Press   or   to select the channel to be recorded.•  You can select the external input (L1 or L2) by pressing   or  .9Press   or   to select “REC TO” and press ENTER.Select the media (DVD or VCR) to be recorded from the list andpress ENTER.10   Press   or   to select “REC MODE” and press ENTER.The recording modes for the media selected in “REC TO” itemare listed up.Select the recording mode and press ENTER.For the recording modes in VCR, see page 38, and for the re-cording modes in DVD, see page 42.ENTER/SELECTRETURN BACK ENDSELECTSETUPENTERTIMER REC SETREC RECTO MORETYPEDATESTARTENDCHREC TOREC MODEONCE000DVDXPOK20,08,03(--)20:1703:17SETUP MENUENTER/SELECTRETURN BACK ENDSELECTSETUPENTERTIMER REC SETREC RECTO MORETYPEDATESTARTENDCHREC TOREC MODEEVERY SUN000DVDXPOK11,08,03(--)02:1703:17SETUP MENUONCEEVERY SUNEVERY MONEVERY TUEEVERY WEDEVERY THUEVERY FRIMON-FRIVRDVD4005_P37-P50 03.8.21, 1:20 AM48
498 : 00 11 : 009 : 00 10 : 00Program 1Prog.1Deleted PartsNon Recorded Portion PartsProg.2 Prog.3Program 2Program 3Recording Control SettingsTimer recordingNOTES:•Recording starts 5 seconds beforethe preset starting time.•The total recording time for one timeis max. 23 hours and 59 minutes.•You cannot use the timer recordingfor the both DVD and VCR at thesame time.•When the start time for timer record-ing comes in using the function ofREC/OTR explained in “Recordinga TV program” and “One touchTimer Recording (OTR)”, the record-ing with REC/OTR is forcedly can-celled and the timer recording starts.•You can playback the DVD duringthe VCR timer recording, whereasyou can playback the VCR duringthe DVD timer recording.11   Select “OK” and press ENTER.The timer program is determined and the TIMER REC SETscreen appears again.12  When you enter the other program for the timer recording, re-peat the steps 3 to 11.13   Press SETUP.The TIMER REC SET screen disappears and the display willreturn to the normal screen.14   Press TIMER REC. The timer indication ( ) will appear on thedisplay and the unit stands by for recording.•If the program is DVD recording only, the unit will change toVCR mode automatically. (The DVD mode cannot be selected.)•If the program is VCR recording only, the unit will change toDVD mode automatically. (The VCR mode cannot be selected.)•If the programs are DVD and VCR recording, the unit will turnoff. If you want to use the unit, press TIMER REC again todeactivate the timer.Checking or changing the timer recordingWhen you want to check the selected timer recording, follow the steps 1& 2 of “Setting timer recording” and display the TIMER REC SET screen.To change the timer recording, select the program to be changed andpress ENTER. The changing method is the same as that for the re-cording a program for the first time.Canceling the timer recordingDisplay the TIMER REC SET screen.Select the program you want to cancel and press CLEAR/CANCEL,then the selected program will be erased from the timer recording list.In case Timer programs-overlapDo not overlap timer programs as portions of the conflicting programswill be lost. The first recording time has priority over the next recordingtime as shown in the diagram below.ENTER/SELECTRETURN BACK ENDSELECTSETUPENTERTIMER REC SETREC RECTO MORETYPEDATESTARTENDCHREC TOREC MODEONCE06DVDLPOK20,08,03(--)20:0021:30SETUP MENUVRDVD4005_P37-P50 03.8.21, 1:20 AM49
50Stereo recording and playbackThe VHS Hi-Fi audio system per-mits high fidelity recording of MTSSTEREO TV broadcasts.STEREOOUTPUTSELECTIONSTEREOL chR chMONOSOUND HEARD ON BOTHSPEAKERSSTEREOLEFT CHANNEL AUDIORIGHT CHANNEL AUDIOMONONOTES:•When playing back a tape that isnot recorded in Hi-Fi stereo mode,the audio will automatically bemonaural.•When listening to a VHS Hi-Fivideo tape or MTS broadcastthrough the RF OUT (UHF/VHF)jack (Audio/Video cord not con-nected), the sound will be monau-ral.When a MTS STEREO broadcast is re-ceived, the word “STEREO” will appear onthe screen and the program can be viewedor recorded in stereo.The Hi-Fi STEREO recording procedure isthe same as for normal recordings.NOTE:When using a CATV system, stereo TV programs may be transmittedover a mono cable channel. In this case the word “STEREO” will notappear and the sound will be in mono.Output selectionWhen viewing an MTS STEREO TV program, or playing a prerecordedVHS Hi-Fi STEREO videotape, press AUDIO SELECT to select howthe audio will be heard through the speakers. Normally set to the Hi-FiSTEREO position, this button can be set to the MONO position if thestereo broadcast or videotape audio is of poor quality. The “R” and “L”positions allow the audio from the Right or Left Hi-Fi channel to beheard over both TV speakers. This button has no effect when viewinga MONO videotape or TV program. Each time when you press thebutton, OUTPUT SELECTION display appears on the screen for sev-eral seconds. Refer to the chart below.VRDVD4005_P37-P50 03.8.21, 1:20 AM50
51Editing the discThis section explains how to edit therecorded DVD. Editing the discmeans editing the title menu. How-ever, the items that you can edit varywith the recording formats. In VRmode, you can edit various titlemenus, whereas in video mode, youcan edit only a few items.Title menuWhen you record a video first time on the DVD (in VR mode) wherenothing is recorded, the recorded content is automatically set to Title1.Then, the second recorded content is set to Title2, and so on. There-fore, the title is numbered according to the recording order. The titlenumber will be created max. **.The title menu lists up these title numbers.The title menu can be used when you play back the disc, display themenu you want to watch and play it back (see page 24), or when youcheck the contents recorded on the disc.Original titleThe titles explained above are called original title, which will be addedevery recording and can be edited later. You can do various editingoperations i.e., you can name the titles, or add and erase the chaptermarks. In addition, you can erase the unnecessary titles to increasethe disc space.Play list titleYou can create the play list based on the original title.You can combine the titles or erase the unnecessary scenes.The play list is created in regardless of the original titles and the listwon’t affect the original title. If you erase the play list, the original titlesremain. It is recommended to create and edit the play list to preventthe important titles from being erased accidentally.If you create the play list, both the original title and play list will bedisplayed on the title menu.Editable itemsThe items that can be edited are different between original title andplay list. For the disc in video mode, only the program name can beedited and the play list cannot be created.The items can be edited in each are as follows:NOTES:• This unit cannot record or edit thedisc which was recorded or editedusing the other DVD recorder andhas chapter marks of *** or more.• You cannot edit or record the discon which disc protection is set. Insuch a case, be sure to cancel thedisc protection (see page 74) be-fore starting the operation.• When a scene was erased, theselected position for erasing maybe a little different from the actualerased position.• The disc which was fully recordedusing the other DVD recorder maynot be edited by this unit.If you finalize the disc in video mode, the title list will be created andyou cannot use the title menu.Editing items VR mode Video modeOriginalPlaybackAdding chapter markCombining chaptersErasing scenesErasing titlesRenaming title programCreating play listCombining titlesOriginal Play listOOOOOOOXOXXOOOXOOXXXXXXXVRDVD4005_P51-P68 03.8.20, 11:25 PM51
52Creating and editing a play listYou can create and edit the playlist based on the original title.NOTE:The play list can be created only inthe DVD-RW (VR). The DVD-RW(Video) and the DVD-R cannot cre-ate a play list.Preparation:•  Turn ON the TV and set to the video input mode.•  Load the recorded DVD-RW (VR).Creating a play list1Press TITLE MENU.The title menu will appear.2Press   or   to select the original title which will be used as thebase of a play list.3Press  .The original title editing menu will appear.4Press   or   to select “NEW PLAYLIST”.5Press ENTER.The editing menu closes and the created play list appears at thebottom of the original title.ENTER/SELECTRETURNENTER BACKSETENDSELECTTITLEMENUDISC NAME:Title 1Title 2Title 308/11/2003 06:52AM -- XPTitle 1REC DATE :08/11/2003TIME :08:61AMLENGTH :00:30:17CHANNEL :06REC MODE :EPTITLE MENUSETSELECTDISC NAME:Title 1Title 2Title 308/11/2003 06:52AM -- XPTitle 1REC DATE :08/11/2003TIME :  08:61AMLENGTH :  00:01:17TITLE MENUPLAYADD CHAPTER MARKCOMBINE CHAPTERSEDIT PROGRAMDELETE PROGRAM RENAME PROGRAMNEW PLAYLISTNEW PLAYLISTDISC NAME:Title 1Title 2Title 308/11/2003 06:52AM -- XPTitle 1 PLTitle 1REC DATE :08/11/2003TIME :06:42AMLLENGTH :00:30:17CHANNEL :06REC MODE :EPTITLE MENUCreated play listVRDVD4005_P51-P68 03.8.20, 11:25 PM52
53Creating and editing a play listNOTES:• The number of the characterswhich can be used for the programname is max. **.• For using the keyboard screen,see “Renaming the disc name”(page 64).• If the program name adopted in theother DVD recorder has a charac-ter which cannot be displayed inthis unit, “*******” appears.Renaming the title menu1Press TITLE MENU to display the title menu.2Select the play list where you want to rename the program name.•  Press   or   to select the play list.•  Press   to display the editing menu of the play list.•  Press   or   to select “RENAME PROG”.3Press ENTER.The keyboard screen will appear.4Use the keyboard screen to enter the program name.5Press DISPLAY/CALL.The entered title is selected and then the display will return to thetitle menu.ENTER/SELECTRETURNENTER BACKSETENDSELECTTITLEMENUDISC NAME:Title 1Title 2Title 308/11/2003 06:52AM -- XPTitle 1 PLTitle 1 PLREC DATE :08/11/2003TIME :03:12AMLLENGTH :00:30:17CHANNEL :06REC MODE :EPTITLE MENUPLAYEDIT PROGRAMDELETE PROGRAMRENAME PROGRAMTITLE COMBINERENAME PROGRAMENTER/SELECTRETURNENTER BACKSETENDSELECTTITLEMENUDISC NAME:Title 1Title 2Title 308/11/2003 06:52AM -- XPTitle 1 PLFamilyREC DATE :08/11/2003TIME :03:12AMLLENGTH :00:30:17CHANNEL :06REC MODE :EPTITLE MENUFamily1( .< > #2abc3d e fClearBackReturnExitstopCaps0space bar4g h i5jkl6m n o7qp r s8t u v9w x y zDisplayOKDisplayOKNumbersSignsLettersVRDVD4005_P51-P68 03.8.20, 11:48 PM53
54Creating and editing a play listNOTES:• You can erase the scenes up to **times for one title.• The first and last * seconds of achapter mark cannot be selectedas part erasing (start or end)points.• The scene lasting less than * sec-onds cannot be erased.Erasing scenes (Edit program)You can erase an unnecessary scene from the created play list.When you erase the scene from the play list, the scene is not erasedfrom the original title.1Press TITLE MENU to display the title menu.2Select the play list where a scene you want to erase is included.•  Press   or   to select the play list.•  Press   to display the editing menu of the play list.•  Press   or   to select “EDIT PROGRAM”.3Press ENTER.The EDIT PROGRAM screen appears.ENTER/SELECTRETURNENTER BACKSETENDSELECTTITLEMENUDISC NAME:Title 1Title 2Title 308/11/2003 06:52AM -- XPTitle 1 PLFamilyREC DATE :08/11/2003TIME :03:12AMLLENGTH :00:30:17CHANNEL :06REC MODE :EPTITLE MENUPLAYEDIT PROGRAMDELETE PROGRAMRENAME PROGRAMTITLE COMBINEEDIT PROGRAM4Press ENTER to play back the play list on the EDIT PROGRAMscreen.•  Use each operation button (F.FWD, REW, INDEX +, INDEX -,PLAY, PAUSES/STEILL) for the playback to search the startingpoint of the scene you want to erase.SELECTENTER/SELECTRETURNENTER BACK ENDTITLEMENUEDIT PROGRAMNAME FamilyCHAPTER 1/3LENGTH 00/00:30:17 00:00:0000:00:00 00:00:00PreviewPressSELECTto start5Select “SET START” at the start point of the scene that you wantto erase and press ENTER. (To select the start point easily, searchthe start point while “SET START” is selected)The still image at the start point appears at the left small screen.EDIT PROGRAMNAME FamilyCHAPTER 1/3LENGTH 00/00:30:17 00:10:20SET STARTSET ENDFinishVRDVD4005_P51-P68 03.8.20, 11:25 PM54
55Creating and editing a play listNOTE:It is no problem to omit the proce-dures for confirming the scene oradjusting sot and end points.6Select “SET END” at the end point of the scene you want to eraseand press ENTER.The still image at the end point appears at the right small screen.SELECTENTER/SELECTRETURNENTER BACK ENDTITLEMENUEDIT PROGRAMNAME FamilyCHAPTER 2/3LENGTH 00/00:30:17 00:11:4200:08:28 00:30:17PreviewAdjust startSET ENDFinishSELECTENTER/SELECTRETURNENTER BACK ENDTITLEMENUEDIT PROGRAMNAME FamilyCHAPTER 2/3LENGTH 00/00:30:17 00:15:5800:08:28 00:15:58PreviewAdjust startSET ENDFinish7Check the erased scenes.•  Select “Preview” and press ENTER. Then the video where thescenes between the start and end points are erased is playedback.•  Each operation button (F.FWD, REW, INDEX +, INDEX -, PLAY,PAUSES/STEILL) for playback also can be used.8Adjust the start and end points.•  To adjust the start point, select “Adjust start” and press ENTER.You can change the start point every one second by pressing or  .•  To adjust the end point, select “Adjust end” and press ENTER.You can change the end point in the same way as the start point.9If you determine the scene to be erased, select “Finish” and pressENTER.VRDVD4005_P51-P68 03.8.20, 11:25 PM55
56Creating and editing a play listCombining the titleYou can create a play list by combining the several original titles.To combine the titles, it is necessary to create a play list at first. Bycombining the original titles in the play list, a play list where severaltitles are combined is created.1Press TITLE MENU to display the title menu.2Select the play list where you want to combine the titles.•  Press   or   to select the play list.•  Press   to display the editing menu of the play list.•  Press   or   to select “TITLE COMBINE”.ENTER/SELECTRETURNENTER BACKSETENDSELECTTITLEMENUDISC NAME:Title 1Title 2Title 308/11/2003 06:52AM -- XPTitle 1 PLFamilyREC DATE :08/11/2003TIME :03:29AMLENGTH :00:01:50CHANNEL :XPREC MODE :--TITLE MENUPLAYEDIT PROGRAMDELETE PROGRAMRENAME PROGRAMTITLE COMBINETITLE COMBINE3Select the original titles that you want to combine from the titlemenu.ENTER/SELECTRETURNENTER BACKSETENDSELECTTITLEMENUDISC NAME:Title 1Title 2Title 308/11/2003 06:52AM -- XPFamilyTitle 2REC DATE :08/11/2003TIME :06:44AMLENGTH :00:06:40CHANNEL :--REC MODE :EPTITLE MENU4Press ENTER.Following the play list, the original titles are combined.ENTER/SELECTRETURNENTER BACKSETENDSELECTTITLEMENUDISC NAME:Title 1Title 2Title 308/11/2003 06:52AM -- XPTitle 1 PLFamilyREC DATE :08/11/2003TIME :03:29AMLENGTH :00:36:40CHANNEL :06REC MODE :EPTITLE MENUThe several titles were combined so that the total recording time isdisplayed.VRDVD4005_P51-P68 03.8.20, 11:25 PM56
57Creating and editing a play listErasing a play listYou can erase the created play list. Even if you erase the play list, theoriginal title will not be erased.1Press TITLE MENU to display the title menu.2Select the play list that you want to erase.•  Press   or   to select the play list.•  Press   to display the editing menu of the play list.•  Press   or   to select select “DELETE PROGRAM”.ENTER/SELECTRETURNENTER BACKSETENDSELECTTITLEMENUDISC NAME:Title 1Title 2Title 308/11/2003 06:52AM -- XPTitle 1 PLTitle 1 PLREC DATE :08/11/2003TIME :03:29AMLENGTH :00:08:31CHANNEL :XPREC MODE :--TITLE MENUPLAYEDIT PROGRAMDELETE PROGRAMRENAME PROGRAMTITLE COMBINEDELETE PROGRAM3Press ENTER.The following confirmation message will appear.YesCancelNoQuestionAre you sure you want to delete    this title? if playlists exlst,         they will be deleted4Selecting “YES” and press ENTER, then the play list will be erased.•  Selecting “NO”, and then erasing the play list will be cancelled.ENTER/SELECTRETURNENTER BACKSETENDSELECTTITLEMENUDISC NAME:Title 1Title 2Title 308/11/2003 06:52AM -- XP08/11/2003 06:52AM -- XPREC DATE :08/11/2003TIME :06:52AMLENGTH :00:03:07CHANNEL :XPREC MODE :--TITLE MENUVRDVD4005_P51-P68 03.8.20, 11:25 PM57
58Editing originalThe original titles can be editedonly in the DVD-RW (VR).NOTES:• Set an interval of 5 seconds be-tween the existing chapter markand the chapter mark to be added.• You can automatically add a chap-ter mark in recording. For more in-formation, see page 77.Adding a chapter markYou can add a chapter mark to the original title. You can add up to 999chapter marks to one title.1Press TITLE MENU to display the title menu.2Select the original title where a chapter mark is added.•  Press   or   to select the original title.•  Press   to display the editing menu of the original.•  Press   or   to select “ADD CHAPTER MARK”.ENTER/SELECTRETURNENTER BACKSETENDSELECTTITLEMENUDISC NAME:Title 1Title 308/11/2003 06:52AM -- XPTitle 1 PLTitle 2 PLTitle 2REC DATE :08/11/2003TIME :08:44AM:      :40PLAYCOMBINE CHAPTERSEDIT PROGRAMDELETE PROGRAMRENAME PROGRAMNEW PLAYLISTADD CHAPTER MARKTITLE MENU3Press ENTER.The ADD CHAPTER MARK screen will appear.ENTER/SELECTRETURNENTER BACK ENDTITLEMENUADD CHAPTER MARKNAME Title 2CHAPTER 1/4LENGTH 00/00:45:104Search a scene where you want to play back the title and add thechapter mark.•  Search the scene by using each operation button (F.FWD, REW,INDEX +, INDEX -, PLAY, PAUSES/STEILL, ONE TOUCH RE-PEAT, CM SKIP) for the playback.ENTER/SELECTRETURNENTER BACK ENDTITLEMENUADD CHAPTER MARKNAME Title 2CHAPTER 1/4LENGTH 03/00:45:107%VRDVD4005_P51-P68 03.8.20, 11:25 PM58
59Recording a TV program5When the scene you want to add a chapter mark, press ENTER.The playback is temporally stopped and the position of the addedchapter mark appears yellow.ADD CHAPTER MARKNAME Title 2CHAPTER 2/4LENGTH 08/00:45:1017%The added chapter mark6If you continue to add a chapter mark, carry out the steps 4 & 5.7Adding chapter marks is finished.•  To display the title menu, press RETURN.•  To return to the normal screen, press TITLE MENU.Combining chaptersBy erasing the added chapter marks, the chapters can be combined.1Press TITLE MENU to display the title menu.2Select the original titles where you want to combine the chapters.•  Press   or   to select the original title.•  Press   to display the original editing menu.•  Press   or   to select “COMBINE CHAPTERS”.ENTER/SELECT RETURNENTER BACKSETENDSELECTTITLEMENUDISC NAME:Title 2Title 308/11/2003 06:52AM -- XPTitle 1 PLTitle 2 PLTitle 1REC DATE :08/11/2003TIME :   08:44AM:           :60TITLE MENUPLAYADD CHAPTER MARKEDIT PROGRAMDELETE PROGRAMRENAME PROGRAMNEW PLAYLISTCOMBINE CHAPTERS3Press ENTER.The COMBINE CHAPTERS screen will appear. At the beginning,the top still image in the chapter 1 is displayed.VRDVD4005_P51-P68 03.8.20, 11:25 PM59
60Editing original4Press INDEX + or INDEX - to select the chapter marks to be erased.5Press ENTER.The chapter marks are erased and 2 chapters are combined into 1chapter.6To continue erasing the chapter marks, carry out the steps 4 & 5.7The chapter combination will be completed.•  To display the title menu, press RETURN.•  To return to the normal screen, press TITLE MENU.Renaming program nameYou can erase an unnecessary scene from the original program.Erase the scene after checking the program items. You cannot repro-duce the erased scene.1Press TITLE MENU to display the title menu.2Select the original program that you want to rename.•  Press   or   to select the original program.•  Press   to display the original editing menu.•  Press   or   to select “RENAME PROGRAM”.ENTER/SELECTRETURNENTER BACK ENDTITLEMENUCOMBINE CHAPTERSNAME Title 1CHAPTER 2/3LENGTH 08/00:01:506:41ENTER/SELECTRETURNENTER BACKSETENDSELECTTITLEMENUDISC NAME:Title 1Title 2Title 308/11/2003 06:52AM -- XPTitle 1 PLTitle 2 PLTitle 1REC DATE :08/11/2003TIME :  08:61AMLENGTH :  00:01:60TITLE MENUPLAYADD CHAPTER MARKCOMBINE CHAPTERSEDIT PROGRAMDELETE PROGRAMRENAME TITLENEW PLAYLISTRENAME PROGRAM3Press ENTER.The keyboard screen appears.The entering method of the program name is the same as for theplay list. See the steps 4 & 5 of “Renaming the program name” in“Editing a play list” and enter the program name.VRDVD4005_P51-P68 03.8.20, 11:25 PM60
61Editing originalErasing a scene (Edit program)You can erase an unnecessary scene from the original title.Erase the scene after checking the title items. You cannot reproducethe erased scene.1Press TITLE MENU to display the title menu.2Select the original program that you want to rename.•  Press   or   to select the original program.•  Press   to display the original editing menu.•  Press   or   to select “EDIT PROGRAM”.ENTER/SELECTRETURNENTER BACKSETENDSELECTTITLEMENUDISC NAME:Title 1Title 2Title 308/11/2003 06:52AM -- XPTitle 1 PLTitle 2 PLTitle 1REC DATE :08/11/2003TIME :08:61AMLENGTH :00:01:17TITLE MENUPLAYADD CHAPTER MARKCOMBINE CHAPTERSEDIT PROGRAMDELETE PROGRAM RENAME PROGRAM NEW PLAYLISTEDIT PROGRAM3By pressing ENTER, the following message screen will appear.YesCancelNoQuestionAre you sure you want to delete    this title? if playlists exlst,         they will be deleted4Select “YES” and press ENTER, then the EDIT PROGRAM screenwill appear.•  By selecting “NO”, the title menu appears.5The method for erasing a scene is the same as for the play list.See the steps 4 to 10 of “Erasing a scene (Edit program)” in “Edit-ing a play list”.VRDVD4005_P51-P68 03.8.20, 11:26 PM61
62Editing originalNOTE:By erasing the original program, thesame program will also be erasedfrom the play list.Erasing the original programYou can erase the original program.Erase the original program after checking its items. The erased pro-gram cannot be reproduced.When you erase the programs, you can increase the disc space.1Press TITLE MENU to display the title menu.2Select the original title you want to erase.•  Press   or   to select the program.•  Press   to display the original editing menu.•  Press   or   to select “DELETE PROGRAM”.3The following message screen appears by pressing ENTER.ENTER/SELECTRETURNENTER BACKSETENDSELECTTITLEMENUDISC NAME:Title 1Title 2Title 308/11/2003 06:52AM -- XPTitle 1 PLTitle 2 PLTitle 3REC DATE :08/11/2003TIME :08:61AMLENGTH :00:01:17TITLE MENUPLAYADD CHAPTER MARKCOMBINE CHAPTERSEDIT PROGRAMDELETE TITLE RENAME PROGRAMNEW PLAYLISTDELETE PROGRAM4Select “YES” and press ENTER, then the program will be erased.•  Erasing the title will be cancelled by selecting “NO”.YesCancelNoQuestionAre you sure you want to delete    this title? if playlists exlst,         they will be deletedVRDVD4005_P51-P68 03.8.20, 11:26 PM62
63Renaming a disc nameYou can rename a disc name fromthe title menu. In addition, to ini-tialize a disc, the disc name canbe entered.Preparation:• Turn ON the TV and set to the video input mode.• Load the recorded disc.Renaming a disc name1By pressing TITLE MENU, display the title menu.2•  Press   or   to select “DISC NAME”.•  Press   to display the editing menu.•  Press   or   to select “RENAME DISC”.NOTES:•The number of the characters whichcan be used for the disc name ismax. **.•For using the keyboard screen, see“Using the keyboard screen” (page64).•If the disc name adopted in the otherDVD recorder has a character whichcannot be displayed in this unit,“*******” appears.Title 1Title 2Title 308/11/2003 06:52AM -- XPTitle 1 PLTitle 2 PLDISC NAME PLAYLENGTH :CHANNEL :REC MODE :RENAME DISCTITLE MENUENTER/SELECTRETURNENTER BACKSETENDSELECTTITLEMENU3Press ENTER.The keyboard screen will appear.4Use the keyboard screen to enter the program name.Drama_FamilyNumbersSignsLetters1( -< > #2a b c3d e fClearBackReturnExitstopCaps0space bar4g h i5j k l6m n o7qp r s8t u v9w x y zDisplayOKDisplayOK5Press DISPLAY/CALL.The entered program name is determined to display the title menu.Title 1Title 2Title 308/11/2003 06:52AM -- XPTitle 1 PLTitle 2 PLDISC NAME:Drama_Family REC DATE :TIME :LENGTH :CHANNEL :REC MODE :TITLE MENUENTER/SELECTRETURNENTER BACKSETENDSELECTTITLEMENUVRDVD4005_P51-P68 03.8.20, 11:26 PM63
64Renaming a disc nameUsing the keyboard screenThis section explains the function of the keyboardscreen and how to input characters. The disc name antthe program name can be renamed using the keyboardscreen.Keyboard screen typesThe keyboard screen has three types of “Letters”, “Num-bers” and Signs”. The type can be switched over bypressing REW or F.FWD.Letters: This is mainly used for inputting alphabeti-cal letters.For the keyboard screen of Letters, see theprevious page.Numbers: This is used for inputting numbers.Live ShowNumbersSignsLetters1< > 2 3ClearBackReturnExit4 5 67 809DisplayDoneDisplayDoneSigns: This is used for inputting symbols.Live ShowNumbersSignsLetters1) !< > ,2? @ #3& % ^ClearBackReturnExit0space bar4. * _5· + =6[]:7¨; \ ‘8< > $9:·) :·( :·{ :·}DisplayDoneDisplayDoneInputting charactersThere are two methods for inputting characters.Character input 11Press  ,  ,   or   to select the character tobe input.2Press ENTER.The selected character will be input.Character input 2Example: Explain here the procedure when you input“F” and “J”.1Press the numerical keys where a character youwant to input is assigned.3de f2Press the numerical keys continuously and selectthe character to be input.To input F, press 3 twice.3de fNOTE:When the interval between the pressing numerical keysis 2 seconds or more in selecting the input character,the then selected character will automatically be input.3Stop the key operation when you select the char-acter to be input.The selected character will automatically be input.FNOTE:After input one character, another character will not beinput automatically until another character is selected.4Press the numerical keys where the following char-acter is assigned.5jk l5When the character to be input is selected, stopthe key operation.The selected character is automatically input.FJVRDVD4005_P51-P68 03.8.20, 11:26 PM64
65Renaming a disc nameErasing a characterYou can erase the input character.Erasing method 11Press  ,  ,   or   and select “Back”.2Press ENTER.The last input character will be erased.3To erase the characters continuously, press ENTER.The input characters will be erased from the last tothe top one by one.Erasing method 21Press CLEAR.The last input character is erased.2To erase the characters continuously, pressCLEAR.The input characters will be erased from the last tothe top one by one.Erasing method 3Use the cursor to select the character and erase it.1Press INDEX - or INDEX + to move the cursor af-ter the character you want to erase.2Press CLEAR.Erase the character before the cursor position.Selecting between uppercase and lowercaselettersYou can select the alphabets between uppercase andlowercase letters, which can be input on the keyboardscreen of Letters.1Press STOP.Select “•” or “Caps” and press ENTER.Live Show1( -< > #2abc3d e fClearBackReturnExitstopCaps0space bar4g h i5jkl6m n o7qp r s8t u v9w x y zDisplayOKDisplayOKNumbersSignsLettersUPPERLOWERAUTO CAPS2Select one among the following items in the listand press ENTER.Auto Caps: Determines uppercase and lowercase au-tomatically.Upper: Inputs all with uppercase letters.Lower: Inputs all with lowercase letters.Determining a nameTo determine the entered disc name and program name,press DISPLAY/CALL.Or select “Ok” and press ENTER.The keyboard screen disappears and the display willreturn to the title menu.The entered disc name and program are displayed inthe title menu.Canceling character inputWhen you want to cancel the input and changed char-acters, press RETURN.Or select “Exit” and press ENTER.The input and changed characters are cancelled andthe title menu will appear.VRDVD4005_P51-P68 03.8.20, 11:26 PM65
66Dubbing a tape onto a discYou can record video or audio ona video tape onto a disc.NOTES:Dubbing cannot be carried out when• the copy guard supporting tape isused.• disc protection is set.• disc has no recording space.Dubbing stops when• the video tape is played back tothe end and stops.• recording space becomes full.Copyright• The videos recorded from the TVprograms or movies can be usedonly for your personal enjoymentwithout permission of the copyrightholder.Preparation:• Turn ON the TV and set to the video input mode.• Load a source video tape and a disc for recording.• Set the erase-protection tab of the source video tape to prevent thedata from accidentally being erased.• Confirm the disc space before operation.1Press DVD/VCR to set this unit to DVD mode.The DVD mode lamp comes on.2Press REC MODE and select the recording mode.• When REC MODE is pressed each time, “SP”, “LP”, “SLP” or“XP” is selected in this order.• The recording mode is indicated on both the TV screen and thedisplay window.• For the details of the recording mode, see page 42.3Press DVD/VCR and set the unit to VCR mode.NOTE:Confirm that the VCR mode lamp stays on.4Press DUBBING.• By pressing DUBBING, the DVD mode is selected.• The VCR is waiting for playback and the DVD is waiting for re-cording. Then the following message will appear.5Select “YES” and press ENTER.Dubbing starts.• To stop dubbing, select “NO” andpress ENTER.6In recording, VCR playback, DVD recording and “dub” (dubbing)appear on the display window.Video playback Dub DVD recordingTO CONFIRM DUBBING VCR -> DVDYES NO7To stop dubbing, press STOP.VRDVD4005_P51-P68 03.8.20, 11:26 PM66
67Dubbing a disc onto a tapeYou can record video or audio ona disc onto a video tape. When thedisc with a copy guard functionis used, a disordered image is re-corded on the video tape.NOTES:Dubbing cannot be carried out when• the copy guard supporting tape isused.Dubbing stops when• the disc is played back to the endand stops• no recording space in vide tapebecomes remained.Copyright• The videos recorded from the TVprograms or movies can be usedonly for your personal enjoymentwithout permission of the copyrightholder.Preparation:• Turn ON the TV and set to the video input mode.• Load a source disc and a video tape for recording.• Confirm the remaining tape for recording before operation.1Press DVD/VCR to set this unit to VCR mode.The VCR mode lamp comes on.2Press REC MODE/SPEED and select the recording mode.• When REC MODE is pressed each time, “SP” or “SLP” is se-lected.• The recording mode is indicated on both the TV screen and thedisplay window.• For the details of the recording mode, see page 38.3Press DVD/VCR and set the unit to DVD mode.NOTE:Confirm that the DVD mode lamp stays on.4Press DUBBING.• The DVD is waiting for playback and the VCR is waiting for re-cording. Then the following message appears.5Select “YES” and press ENTER.Dubbing starts.• To stop dubbing, select “NO” andpress ENTER.6In recording, DVD playback, VCR recording and “dub” (dubbing)appear on the display window.Video recording Dub DVD playbackTO CONFIRM DUBBING DVD->VCRYES NO7To stop dubbing, press STOP.When DVD is played back, “  ” mark is displayed by the auto re-sume function. By pressing STOP once more or removing the discfrom the unit, the auto resume condition is cancelled.Dubbing only the special programs or the play listWhen you want to dub only the special programs or the play list recorded on the disc, play back the program or theplay list you want to dub using the title menu, and immediately press one of DUBBING, STOP or PAUSE/STILL.When you press DUBBING, proceed the steps 5 and after above, and when you press STOP or PAUSE/STILL,proceed the steps 4 and after above. However, a few seconds at the first part of the video may not be recorded.When playback of the program or the play list selected is completed, the dubbing stops.VRDVD4005_P51-P68 03.8.20, 11:26 PM67
68Dubbing video or audio by connecting other equipmentYou can connect the other VCR or comcorder to dub video or audio.Typical connection: When using this unit as a recording deviceYou can connect to the audio/video input jack (L1) at the rear side ofthis unit. In addition, each S video input jack at the front and rear sidesand an S video output jack is at the rear side of the unit so that theycan be used for recording on the disc.To Audio (R) INRecording VCRPlayback VCRTo Audio (L) INTo Video INTo Audio (R) OUTTo Audio (L) OUTTo Video OUTAUDIO/VIDEO Cord (supplied)To Audio (R) INAUDIO/VIDEO Cord (not supplied)Recording VCRPlayback CamcorderTo Audio (L) INTo Video INTo AV JackNOTES:• When this unit is used as a play-back device, a mark or a charac-ter displayed on the screen is alsodubbed as an image. When thescreen display is set to OFF, see“Selecting the screen display” onpage 74.• The videos recorded from the TVprograms or movies can be usedonly for your personal enjoymentwithout permission of the copyrightholder.• The copy guard supporting tapecannot be used for dubbing.When a video is recorded using this unitPreparation:•  Turn ON the TV and set the unit to the video input mode.•  Load a video tape where the erase-protection tab is not activated ora disc with enough recording space.•  To record onto a video tape, set the unit to VCR mode, whereas torecord onto a disc, set it to DVD mode.1Press INPUT SELECT and set the channel to L2 (or L1).Confirm that L2 (or L1) appears on the display window.2Press REC MODE/SPEED and select the recording mode.VCR: SP or SLP (See page 38)DVD: SP, LP, SLP or XP (See page 42)3Press REC/OTR on the recording VCR, then press PAUSE/STILL.4Press the PLAY button on the playback VCR or CAMCORDER,then press the PAUSE/STILL button.5Release the recording pause and the playback still simultaneouslyto begin the duplicating process.6To stop dubbing, press STOP.VRDVD4005_P51-P68 03.8.20, 11:26 PM68
69SETUP MENUThe SETUP MENU consists of several menus whereyou can make various settings concerning lan-guage, audio functions, and images. In addition, thismenu includes a clock, channel and other thingsthat require setting just after purchase.For details of each menu, see the correspondingsection in this chapter.Using the SETUP MENUThe following example shows the basic setting proce-dure of the SETUP MENU. The remote control keysthat can be operated in the SETUP MENU mode is dis-played at the bottom of the screen.1Press SETUP while the DVD or video tape isstopped.The SETUP MENU screen will appear.2Press   or   to choose the menu you want toselect and press ENTER.The submenu screen of the selected menu will ap-pear.3Press   or   to choose the submenu you want toselect and press ENTER.The setting screen of the selected submenu willappear.4Press   or   to choose the item you want to se-lect and press ENTER.Selectable items will be listed.5Press   or   to choose the desired item and pressENTER.This completes the setting procedure.•To return to the previous screen, press RETURN.•To close the SETUP MENU, press SETUP.NOTE:For items that require different operations from the ba-sic setting procedure, the setting procedure is describedin each individual section.TIMER REC SETSYSTEM SETUPAV SETUPREC SETUPCH SETUPOTHERSETUP MENUENTER/SELECTRETURN SETUPENTER BACK ENDSELECTTIMER REC SETSYSTEM SETUPAV SETUPREC SETUPCH SETUPOTHERLANGUAGEPARENTALCLOCKDISC SETUPOTHERSETUP MENUENTER/SELECTRETURN SETUPENTER BACK ENDSELECTTIMER REC SETSYSTEM SETUPAV SETUPREC SETUPCH SETUPOTHERLANGUAGEOSD LANGUAGEDVD MENUAUDIOSUBTITLESETUP MENUENTER/SELECTRETURN SETUPENTER BACK ENDINPUT A NUMBBERSELECT09ENGLISHENGLISHENGLISHENGLISHSETTIMER REC SETSYSTEM SETUPAV SETUPREC SETUPCH SETUPOTHERLANGUAGEOSD LANGUAGEDVD MENUAUDIOSUBTITLESETUP MENUENTER/SELECTRETURN SETUPENTER BACK ENDINPUT A NUMBBERSELECT09ENGLISHFRANCAISESPANOLOTHERAUTOMATICOFFENGLISHENGLISHENGLISHENGLISHSETVRDVD4005_P69-P86 03.8.20, 11:27 PM69
70Setting the languageYou can choose the language of the menu screen,DVD menu, DVD audio and subtitles.Preparation:•  Turn ON the TV and set it to the video input mode.•  Select “LANGUAGE” from “SYSTEM SETUP”. Forthe procedure, see steps 1 to 3 in “Using the SETUPMENU”.Selectable languages:ENGLISH, FRANCAIS, ESPANOLThe language you have selected will play if it is re-corded on the disc.ORIGINALThe unit will select the first priority language of eachdisc.OTHERIf you want to select another language, enter the lan-guage code (see the Language code list on page ***).NOTE:If the selected language is not recorded on the disc,the first-priority language is selected.SubtitleWhen several subtitles languages are recorded on DVD,you can select the language to be used for the sub-titles. The selected language remains effective after thepower is turned off or the disc is replaced.Select “SUBTITLE” and select the menu language fromthe list below.Selectable languages:ENGLISH, FRANCAIS, ESPANOLThe subtitle is displayed with the selected languageif it is recorded on the disc.OTHERIf you want to select another language, enter the lan-guage code (see the Language code list on page ***).AUTO•  The unit will automatically select the same lan-guage in the AUDIO setting.•  When the unit selects the same language as theAUDIO setting, the subtitles will not appear dur-ing playback.•  When you do not use the same language as theAUDIO setting, the subtitles will appear duringplayback.OFFSubtitles do not appear.NOTE:If the selected language is not recorded on the disc,the first-priority language is selected.OSD languageYou can set the language for on screen display.Select “OSD LANGUAGE” and select the language fromthe list below.Selectable languages:ENGLISH, FRANCAIS, ESPANOLDVD menuWhen several menu languages are recorded on a DVD,you can select the language to be used for the DVDmenu.Select “DVD MENU” and select the language from thelist below.Selectable languages:ENGLISH, FRANCAIS, ESPANOLThe selected language is the first priority menu lan-guage.OTHEROther languages can be selected (see the Languagecode list on page ***).AudioWhen several audio languages are recorded on a DVD,you can select the audio language to be played back.The selected language remains effective after the poweris turned off or the disc is replaced.Select “AUDIO” and select the audio language from thelist below.TIMER REC SETSYSTEM SETUPAV SETUPREC SETUPCH SETUPOTHERLANGUAGEOSD LANGUAGEDVD MENUAUDIOSUBTITLESETUP MENUENTER/SELECTRETURN SETUPENTER BACK ENDINPUT A NUMBBERSELECT09ENGLISHENGLISHENGLISHENGLISHSETVRDVD4005_P69-P86 03.8.20, 11:27 PM70
71Selecting and cancelling of parental controlSome discs are specified as not suitable for chil-dren. This unit can prevent playback of such discs.Preparation:•  Turn ON the TV and set it to the video input mode.•  Select “PARENTAL” from “SYSTEM SETUP”. For theprocedure, see steps 1 to 3 in “Using the SETUPMENU”.NOTE:•  The selected level will apply to operations executedafter this.•  The unit cannot restrict playback of some discs.•  Some discs may not be encoded with specific ratinglevel information though its disc jacket says “adult”.Parental control will not work with those discs.•  Do not forget the password. If you forget the pass-word, contact customer service.Temporarily canceling parental controlParental control can temporarily be cancelled with someDVDs.1Playback a DVD. (See page 23.)2If the DVD disc has been designed to temporarilycancel the rating level, the screen that follows the“READING” screen will change. If you select “YES”with the ENTER, the message “Your disc exceedsparental control level 1.”(e.g.) will then appear.3If you wish to cancel the set rating level tempo-rarily, select “Parental Control Level” with   or  ,then press ENTER. If the password has been se-lected, the password input screen will appear.Alternatively, if the password has not been set, play-back will commence. If you don’t know (or have for-gotten) the password, select “Cancel Picture”.The setting screen will disappear. Press OPEN/CLOSE to remove the disc.4Use the numeric keys to input the password.• To interrupt the input process, press RETURN.5Press ENTER.6Playback will commence if the entered passwordwas correct.NOTE:This temporary cancellation of the rating level will re-main active until the disc is ejected.When the disc is ejected, the original rating level will beset again automatically.Selecting parental controlSelect PARENTAL and select the parental control levelfrom the list below.Level Off: Parental control is turned off.Level 1: DVD expressly for children can beplayed back.Level 2 to 7: DVD for general/children can beplayed back.(DVDs with mature con-tent are prohibited.)Level 8: All DVD software can be played back.Select from level 1 to level 8.On a scale of 1- 8, “1” is the most restrictive.To lock the selected parental control level1To lock the selected parental control level, press and choose “PASSWORD”.2Use the numeric keys to input the 4-digit pass-word.•  If you input a wrong number, press CANCEL.•  Be sure to remember this number!3Press ENTER.To cancel the locked parental control level1Select “PASSWORD” shown in step 1 of the abovesection and use the numeric keys to input thepassword.2Press ENTER.The locked mark “ ” will change to an unlockedmark “ ”.Then, you can change the parental control level.TIMER REC SETSYSTEM SETUPAV SETUPREC SETUPCH SETUPOTHERPARENTALPASSWORDPARENTALSETUP MENUENTER/SELECTRETURN SETUPENTER BACK ENDDELETE8-  -  -  -INPUT A NUMBBER09CLLAR/CANCEL----change to1234Your disc exceedsthe parental control level 1.Parental Control LevelCancel Picture/Enter/ReturnVRDVD4005_P69-P86 03.8.20, 11:28 PM71
72Setting the clockThe clock is set to the correct time automatically,but it can also be set manually. The clock can be setfor daylight saving time and time zone.Preparation:•  Turn ON the TV and set it to the video input mode.•  Select “Clock” from “SYSTEM SETUP”. For the pro-cedure, see steps 1 to 3 in “Using the SETUP MENU”.CLOCK SET (manually)You can manually set the present time, date and yearwith the remote control.Ex. :Setting the clock to “10:20” September, 15th, 2003.1Select “CLOCK SET” and press ENTER.2Select the desired items using  or  (hour,minute, date, month and year).3Press   or   to set the value of the selected item.•  For the minutes, press   or   once to set thetime minute by minute, or hold down either ofbuttons for several seconds to set the time in 10-minute intervals.4Repeat steps 2 and 3 to set the present time, dateand year, and press ENTER.This completes clock time setting.AUTO CLOCKYou can automatically set the clock by turning “ON” theAUTO CLOCK function. The default setting is “ON” sothat the clock is automatically set as described in “Autoclock setting” (See page**)When you want to set the AUTO CLOCK function to“OFF”, select “AUTO CLOCK”, press ENTER and se-lect “OFF” from the list.:01 01 / 09 / 0301:01 01 / 09 / 0301 15:20 15 / 09 / 0310NOTE:•  If power is lost or the power plug is disconnected for30 minutes or longer, the built-in clock is reset. In suchcase, set the clock manually or set the AUTO CLOCKfunction to “ON” and set the clock automatically.STANDARD TIME (Time zone)In the rare event that you live within the broadcast rangeof two stations in two different time zones, the DVD/VCR may recognize the wrong station for the Auto Clockset. To correct the situation:Select “STANDARD TIME” and select the time zone fromthe list below.Selectable time zones and correction timesATLANTIC: GMT – 4 hours(GMT: Greenwich Mean Time)EASTERN: GMT – 5 hoursCENTRAL: GMT – 6 hoursMOUNTAIN:GMT – 7 hoursPACIFIC: GMT – 8 hoursALASKA: GMT – 9 hoursHAWAII: GMT – 10 hoursAUTO: AUTO SETNOTES:•  When shipped from the factory, the “TIME ZONE”option is set to “AUTO”.•  After making the auto clock setting, in some casesthe clock may display another time zone. You can cor-rect the clock by selecting your time zone settingabove.•  When the clock is not set or you set the clock manu-ally, the time zone setting is not available.DAYLIGHT SAVING TIMEYou can set the clock to daylight saving time.To select daylight saving time, select “DAYLIGHT SAV-ING TIME” and select “ON”, while to cancel the day-light saving time, select “OFF”.ON: Forward one hourOFF: Back one hourNOTES:•  When you want to set daylight saving time, on thefirst unday in April you set it to “ON”, and on the lastSunday in October you set it to “OFF”.•  When shipped from the factory, the “DAYLIGHT SAV-ING TIME” option is set to “OFF”.•  When the clock is not set, the daylight saving timesetting is not available.•  When there is no daylight saving time in your area,always select “OFF”.TIMER REC SETSYSTEM SETUPAV SETUPREC SETUPCH SETUPOTHERCLOCKCLOCK SETAUTO CLOCKSTANDARD TIMEDAYLIGHT SAVING TIMEONHAWAIION02:24 11/08/03SETUP MENUENTER/SELECTRETURN SETUPENTER BACK ENDSET SELECT09INPUT A NUMBERVRDVD4005_P69-P86 03.8.20, 11:28 PM72
73Disc setup and operationYou can format, protect or finalize the disc.Preparation:•  Turn ON the TV and set it to the video input mode.•  Select “DISC SETUP” from “SYSTEM SETUP”. Forthe procedure, see steps 1 to 3 in “Using the SETUPMENU”.REFORMATYou can format a recorded DVD-RW.Check the content of the disc before format. If you for-mat the disc, the recorded content of the disc will beerased.To format a DVD in the video mode, select “REFOR-MAT AS DVD VIDEO”, and to format it in the VR mode,select “REFORMAT AS DVD VR”.The screen below will appear.•  When you select “Format” and press ENTER, formatwill start.•  When you select “Cancel” and press ENTER, the DISCSETUP screen will appear.•  If you want to name the disc, select “Edit label” andpress ENTER. The disc name input screen will ap-pear.For disc name input, see page**.NOTES:•You cannot format Ver. 1.0 DVD-RW and DVD-R.•You cannot format a protected disc.•You cannot watch video screen images during for-mat.NEW DISC FORMATIf you insert a blank DVD-RW, the disc is automaticallyformat.Select “NEW DISC FORMAT” and select the mode tobe used for automatic format from the list below.VR: format the DVD in the VR mode.Video: format the DVD in the video mode.NOTE:The automatic format is effective only for Ver. 1.1 orlater DVD-RW.FINALIZEWhen you finalize the disc recorded or edited by thisunit, you can playback the disc on other DVD players.When “FINALIZE” is selected, the screen below will ap-pear.NOTES:•The finalization time is between a few minutes andabout an hour. The required time varies according todisc type or the amount of free space on the disc.•You can record or edit a DVD-RW (in VR mode) final-ized by this unit in the usual fashion, but you cannotdo these operations with a DVD-RW (in video mode)or DVD-R.•For a DVD-RW (in VR mode) which was finalized byanother unit, you can record or edit on this unit bycanceling the finalization.•You cannot playback a disk recorded on VR mode ona unit that does not support DVD-RW.•Even if you finalize a disc in the video mode, the disccannot be played back in some DVD players.•You cannot watch video screen images during final-ization.TIMER REC SETSYSTEM SETUPAV SETUPREC SETUPCH SETUPOTHERDISC SETUPREFORMAT DVD VIDEOREFORMAT DVD VRBLANK FORMATFINALIZEPROTECT DISCUNDO FINALIZEPROCEEDVRPROCEEDPROCEEDPROCEEDPROCEEDSETUP MENUENTER/SELECTRETURN SETUPENTER BACK ENDSELECTEdit labe CancelFormatdefault nameFormatLabelVRDVD4005_P69-P86 03.8.20, 11:28 PM73
74Disc setup and operation / other (SYSTEM SETUP)PROTECT DISCYou can protect a disc to prevent the content recordedon it from being erased, edited or re-recorded.Only DVD-RW (in VR mode) can be protected.Select “PROTECT DISC” and select “ON” to protect thedisc.To cancel the disc protection, select “OFF”.NOTES:•  Some discs may require about 2 minutes for the pro-tection process.•  You cannot format a disc where the disc protection is“ON”.UNDO FINALIZEYou can cancel the finalization of a DVD-RW (in videomode) finalized by this unit and a DVD-RW (in VR mode)finalized by another unit.You cannot cancel the finalization for discs other thanabove. You can record or edit on a disc whose finaliza-tion has been cancelled.Select “UNDO FINALIZE”, and the screen below willappear.•  When you choose No and press “ENTER”, the previ-ous screen will appear.•  When you choose Yes and press “ENTER”, the final-ization will be cancelled.NOTES:•  Some discs may require about ** minutes for the can-celing finalization process.•  When the disc’s finalization cannot be cancelled, youcannot choose “UNDO FINALIZE”.You can turn the display window and screen dis-play “ON” or “OFF”.Preparation:•  Turn ON the TV and set it to the video input mode.•  Select “OTHER” from “SYSTEM SETUP”. For the pro-cedure, see steps 1 to 3 in “Using the SETUP MENU”.DIMMER (Turning the display window“ON” or “OFF”)Set the brightness of the display window from the frontpanel of this unit.Select “DIMMER” and select the display window statusfrom the list below.AUTOMATIC: The window appears bright. When nooperation is carried out for a while, thewindow will become dark to reducepower consumption.DIM: The window always appears dark.OFF: The window display is turned OFF.DISPLAY / CALL (Selecting thescreen display)You can turn off the screen display of the clock or counterthat is output to the TV screen by this unit. Select “DIS-PLAY/CALL”, and select “ON” or “OFF”.ON: The screen display can appear.OFF: Nothing but the SETUP MENU and error mes-sages can be displayed.Finalizing19%TIMER REC SETSYSTEM SETUPAV SETUPREC SETUPCH SETUPOTHERLANGUAGEPARENTALCLOCKDISC SETUPOTHERSETUP MENUENTER/SELECTRETURN SETUPENTER BACK ENDSELECTOTHERDIMMERDISPLAY/CALLAUTOMATICONVRDVD4005_P69-P86 03.8.20, 11:28 PM74
75Turning on the screen displayThis section describes settings about movie play-back.Preparation:•Turn ON the TV and set it to the video input mode.•Select “AV SETUP 1” from “AV SETUP”. For the pro-cedure, see steps 1 to 3 in “Using the SETUP MENU”.TV SCREENYou can select the TV screen size to suit the screenimage.Select “TV SCREEN” and select screen size from thelist below.4:3 Letter BoxSelect this mode when connecting to a conventionalTV. When playing back a wide screen DVD disc, itdisplays a wide picture with black bands at the topand bottom of screen.4:3 Pan ScanIt displays a wide picture across the whole screenwith left and right edges automatically cut off.16:9 WideSelect this mode when connecting to a wide-screenTV.A wide-screen picture is displayed in full size.NOTE:If the DVD disc is not formatted in the pan scan format,it displays a 4:3 aspect ratio.STILL MODEYou can set the type of image displayed on the TVscreen when the playback of the DVD is paused.Select “STILL MODE” and select the image to be dis-played from the list below.AUTOMATICWhen the pause is maintained for a long time, theimage display will turn off. When you cancel the pause,the movie plays back as usual.STILL BY FRAMEAn image is displayed on the screen from when theunit is paused.NOTE:When the pause is maintained for a long time and thesame image has been displayed, the TV screen maybe fatally damaged. It is recommended to use the de-fault setting (AUTOMATIC) as it is for the STILL MODE.NO NOISE BACKGROUNDWhen you select a channel where the broadcast hasfinished or no broadcast is set, the TV screen will auto-matically appear blue.The function above works when you select “NO NOISEBACKGROUND” and select “ON” from the list. If youdon’t want to use this blue background function, select“OFF”.The default setting is “ON”.EXTERNAL VIDEO INPUTThis unit comes with an S-video input terminal and pinplug type (COMPOSITE) terminal as video input termi-nals. If both terminals are used, the priority terminalcan be selected.Select “EXTERNAL VIDEO INPUT” and select the modefrom the following list.AUTOMATICThe S-video input terminal has priority. This is thedefault setting.COMPOSITE VIDEOThe composite video input has priority.TIMER REC SETSYSTEM SETUPAV SETUPREC SETUPCH SETUPOTHERAV SETUP 1TV SCREENSTILL MODENO NOISE BACKGROUNDEXTERNAL VIDEO INPUTSETUP MENUENTER/SELECTRETURN SETUPENTER BACK END4:3 Pan SeanAUTOMATICONAUTOMATICSELECTVRDVD4005_P69-P86 03.8.20, 11:28 PM75
76This section describes image quality settings.Preparation:•  Turn ON the TV and set it to the video input mode.•  Select “AV SETUP 2” in “AV SETUP”. For the proce-dure, see steps 1 to 3 in “Using the SETUP MENU”.BRIGHTNESSYou can control the brightness level of the image.Select “BRIGHTNESS” and select the level from thelist below.MAX:The image becomes brighter.STD: The image is of standard brightness.MIN: The image becomes darker.DNRYou can adjust the digital noise reduction function thatreduces screen noise during playback.Select “DNR” and select the level from the list below.MAX: Uses the max. DNR effect.STD: Uses a DNR effect at the middle level betweenMAX and MIN.MIN: Uses the min. DNR effect.OFF: Default setting. DNR is not used.Adjusting audioThis section describes audio settings.Preparation:•Turn ON the TV and set it to the video input mode.•Select “AUDIO” from “AV SETUP”. For the procedure,see steps 1 to 3 in “Using the SETUP MENU”.DRCDRC (Dynamic Range Control) enables you to controlthe dynamic range so as to achieve a suitable soundfor your equipment.Select “DRC” and select the level from the list below.MAX: Full dynamic range is increased.STD: Full dynamic range is maintained.MIN: Dynamic range is reduced.NOTES:•This function works only during playback of DolbyDigital recorded discs.•The level of Dynamic Range Reduction may differdepending on the DVD.VIRTUAL SURROUND (Spatializer N-2-2TM)Sound that is not recorded in the surround mode willbe changed to artificial surround sound and output.Select “VIRTUAL SURROUND” and select “ON” fromthe list to activate the virtual surround function. To notuse the virtual surround, select “OFF”.The default setting is “OFF”.EXTERNAL AUDIO INPUTThe audio mode for the audio input terminal can beselected between stereo or monaural.Select “EXTERNAL AUDIO INPUT” and select from thelist below.STEREO: The sound is treated as stereo soundL CH: The sound is treated as the monauralsound of the left channel.R CH: The sound is treated as the monauralsound of the right channel.TIMER REC SETSYSTEM SETUPAV SETUPREC SETUPCH SETUPOTHERAUDIODRCVIRTUAL SURROUNDEXTERNAL AUDIO INPUTSAPMAXONSTEREOOFFSETUP MENUENTER/SELECTRETURNENTER BACK ENDSELECTSETUPTIMER REC SETSYSTEM SETUPAV SETUPREC SETUPCH SETUPOTHERAV SETUP 2BRIGHTNESSDNRSETUP MENUENTER/SELECTRETURN SETUPENTER BACK ENDSTDMINSELECTVRDVD4005_P69-P86 03.8.20, 11:28 PM76
77Turning on image quality control / recordingThis section describes image quality settings.Preparation:•Turn ON the TV and set it to the video input mode.•Select “REC SETUP”. For the procedure, see steps1 to 3 in “Using the SETUP MENU”.INITIALIZING REC TOYou can select the medium for recording that is firstdisplayed in the item “REC TO” on the advance timerrecording screen. The initial setting is “DVD”.Select “FORMAT REC TO” and select the medium forrecording from the following list.DVD: DVD is displayed in “REC TO”.VCR: VCR is displayed in “REC TO”.INITIALIZING REC MODEYou can select the recording mode that is first displayedin the item “REC MODE” on the advance timer record-ing screen. The initial setting is “SP”.Select “INITIALIZING REC MODE” and select the re-cording mode from the following list.DVD: XP/SP/LP/SLPVCR: SP/SLPNOTE:For the DVD recording mode, see page **. And for theVCR recording mode, see page **.AUTO CHAPTERYou can automatically make chapter marks on the DVDto be recorded.Select “AUTO CHAPTER” and select the interval be-tween chapter marks from the list below.OFF: The automatic chapter is not used.5 MIN: The interval is set to 5 minutes10 MIN: The interval is set to 10 minutes15 MIN: The interval is set to 15 minutes.30 MIN: The interval is set to 30 minutes.SAP (Second Audio Program)This unit is fitted with an SAP broadcast system thatenables you to switch to a second audio program whileviewing a selected channel.This function applies only when the program is broad-cast in multiple languages through the SAP broadcastsystem.Select “SAP” and select “ON” to use SAP, and to notuse it, select “OFF”.Listening to SAPWhen the unit is turned on or a channel selection ismade, make certain the letters “SAP” appear on thescreen. This means that “Second Audio Program” broad-casting is available.TIMER REC SETSYSTEM SETUPAV SETUPREC SETUPCH SETUPOTHERREC SETUPINITIALIZE REC TOINITIALIZE REC MODEAUTO CHAPTERSETUP MENUENTER/SELECTRETURN SETUPENTER BACK ENDDVDSPOFFSELECTVRDVD4005_P69-P86 03.8.20, 11:28 PM77
78Selecting reception channel / otherThis DVD/VCR is equipped with a channel memoryfeature that allows you to skip channels up or downto the next channel set in memory, hence skip overunwanted channels.Before selecting channels, they must be pro-grammed into the DVD/VCR’s memory. In additionto normal VHF and UHF channels, this DVD/ VCRcan receive up to 113 Cable TV channels. To usethis DVD/VCR with an antenna, set the TV/CATVmenu option to the TV mode. When shipped fromthe factory, this menu option is in the CATV mode.Preparation:•Turn ON the TV and set it to the video input mode.•Select “CH SETUP”. For the procedure, see steps 1to 3 in “Using the SETUP MENU”.TV/CATV SELECTSelect “TV/CATV SELECT” and select “TV” or “CATV”.TV: VHF/UHF channelsCATV: CABLE TV channelsAUTO CH MEMORYThe VCR can receive a maximum of 181 channels bypresetting the channels into memory.When you select “AUTO CH MEMORY” and press EN-TER.The AUTO CH MEMORY function will be activated.The channel display will count up and, when finished,the screen returns to normal.ADD/DELETE (channels)You can add the channels you want or delete the chan-nels you do not want manually.Select “ADD/DELETE” and select “ADD” or “DELETE”for each channel.•Press   or   to select the channel.The numeric keys can also be used for selection.•When you want to delete the selected channel, use +or – to select “DELETE” and press ENTER.•When you want to use the selected channel, use + or– to select “ADD” and press ENTER.You can set the switching interval between playedback images in the slide show mode.Preparation:•Turn ON the TV and set it to the video input mode.•Select “OTHER”. For the procedure, see steps 1 to 3in “Using the SETUP MENU”.JPEG INTERVALYou can select the interval time for JPEG slide show.Select “JPEG INTERVAL” and select the switching in-terval between images from the list below.OFF: The slide show mode is not used.5 SEC: The interval is set to 5 seconds.10 SEC: The interval is set to 10 seconds.15 SEC: The interval is set to 15 seconds.TIMER REC SETSYSTEM SETUPAV SETUPREC SETUPCH SETUPOTHERCH SETUPTV/CATV SELECTAUTO CH MEMORYADD/DELETECATVEXECUTEEXECUTESETUP MENUENTER/SELECTRETURNENTER BACK ENDSELECTSETUPTIMER REC SETSYSTEM SETUPAV SETUPREC SETUPCH SETUPOTHEROTHERJPEG INTERVALSETUP MENUENTER/SELECTRETURN SETUPENTER BACK ENDOFFSELECTVRDVD4005_P69-P86 03.8.20, 11:28 PM78
79Glossaryauto chapterFeature that automatically makes chapter marks ona DVD disk during recording.auto clockFeature that automatically sets the internal clock.blue backgroundFeature that automatically changes unpleasant noiseimages to a blue screen when a channel without abroadcast or a channel on which the broadcast hasended has been selected.CATVAcronym for Community Antenna TelevisionchapterA section within a title is called a “chapter”.CM SkipWhen pressed during playback, playback jumps 30sec ahead and resumes.copy guardCopyright protection signal. Software and broadcaststhat contain this signal cannot be recorded.DNRAcronym for Digital Noise Reduction. Technology thatreduces screen noise and flickering to produce clearimages.DVD menuMenu recorded on a DVD video that enables the userto select subtitle language, dubbing, etc.finalizeOperation that enables disks recorded or edited withthis player to be played back on other DVD players.Interlaced scanningTechnology that alternately displays odd-numberedscanning lines and even-numbered scanning lines.Also called “525I”, “I” meaning “interlace”.letter boxFeature that displays black bands above and belowthe playback images during playback of a disk re-corded in wide (16:9) format on a 4:3 TV connectedto this player.pan scanFeature that cuts the left and right edges of playbackimages to a 4:3 size during playback of a disk re-corded in wide (16:9) format on a 4:3 TV connectedto this player.parental controlSome discs control viewing according to the age ofthe viewer. A control level can be set for those typesof disks.General parental control settingsLevel 1: Adult disks and general disks (R-rateddisks included) cannot be played back.Level 2 to 3: Adult disks and R-rated disks cannotbe played back.Level 4 to 7: Adult disks cannot be played back.(Level 4 to 7 disks contain content chil-dren age 15 and younger may not see.)Level 8: All disks can be played back without re-striction.play listUser-created list of titles based on each program.Progressive scanningTechnology that simultaneously displays odd-num-bered scanning lines and even-numbered scanninglines from top to bottom. Also called “525P”, “P” mean-ing “progressive”.SETUP MENUMenu that contains settings for various features ofthis DVD player, such as recording and playback.Timer-triggered recording is also set from the SETUPMENU.slideshowTechnique for flipping through and viewing many im-ages (JPEG files).subtitle languageLanguage used for subtitles of movies, etc. A DVDcan record subtitles in up to 32 languages. Viewerscan watch in a language of their choosing.titleA program recorded on a disk is called a “title”.title menuMenu that lists titles and tracks recorded on the disk.It is used for playback and disk editing.top menuMenu on a DVD video for selecting chapters for play-back, subtitle language, etc. Some DVD videos callthis top menu “Title”.trackA song on a music CD is called a “track”.virtual surroundTechnology that converts audio that is not recordedin surround sound into audio that assimilates surroundsound.VRDVD4005_P69-P86 03.8.20, 11:28 PM79
80DiscsA-B Repeat PlaybackPlayback that repeats between two set points, A andB.One touch repeatIf ONE TOUCH REPEAT is pressed during playback,playback returns to a point 10 sec earlier and re-sumes.region numberThere is software that enables DVD playback in dif-fering countries. The number of that kind of disk iscalled the “region number”.edit programFeature that deletes unnecessary scenes of a titlerecorded on a disk.BROWSER screenScreen that appears when TITLE MENU is pressedduring MP3, WMA or JPEG playback.TRACK DATA screenScreen that appears when TITLE MENU is pressedduring playback of a music CD.VRDVD4005_P69-P86 03.8.20, 11:28 PM80
81Enter the appropriate code number for the initial settings “DVD MENU”, “AUDIO” and/or “SUBTITLE” (see page 73).Abkhazian 1112 Fiji 1620 Lingala 2224 Singhalese   2919Afar 1111 Finnish 1619 Lithuanian 2230 Slovak   2921Afrikaans 1116 French 1628 Macedonian 2321 Slovenian   2922Albanian 2927 Frisian 1635 Malagasy 2317 Somali   2925Amharic 1123 Galician 1722 Malay 2329 Spanish   1529Arabic 1128 Georgian 2111 Malayalam 2322 Sundanese   2931Armenian 1835 German 1415 Maltese 2330 Swahili   2933Assamese 1129 Greek 1522 Maori 2319 Swedish   2932Aymara 1135 Greenlandic 2122 Marathi 2328 Tagalog   3022Azerbaijani 1136 Guarani 1724 Moldavian 2325 Tajik   3017Bashkir 1211 Gujarati 1731 Mongolian 2324 Tamil   3011Basque 1531 Hausa 1811 Nauru 2411 Tatar   3030Bengali; Bangla 1224 Hebrew 1933 Nepali 2415 Telugu   3015Bhutani 1436 Hindi 1819 Norwegian 2425 Thai   3018Bihari 1218 Hungarian 1831 Oriya 2528 Tibetan   1225Breton 1228 Icelandic 1929 Panjabi 2611 Tigrinya   3019Bulgarian 1217 Indonesian 1924 Pashto, Pushto 2629 Tonga   3025Burmese 2335 Interlingua 1911 Persian 1611 Turkish   3028Byelorussian 1215 Irish 1711 Polish 2622 Turkmen   3021Cambodian 2123 Italian 1930 Portuguese 2630 Twi   3033Catalan 1311 Japanese 2011 Quechua 2731 Ukrainian   3121Chinese 3618 Javanese 2033 Rhaeto-Romance2823 Urdu   3128Corsican 1325 Kannada 2124 Romanian 2825 Uzbek   3136Croatian 1828 Kashmiri 2129 Russian 2831 Vietnamese   3219Czech 1329 Kazakh 2121 Samoan 2923 Volapük   3225Danish 1411 Kirghiz 2135 Sanskrit 2911 Welsh   1335Dutch 2422 Korean 2125 Scots Gaelic 1714 Wolof   3325English 1524 Kurdish 2131 Serbian 2928 Xhosa   3418Esperanto 1525 Laothian 2225 Serbo-Croatian 2918 Yiddish   2019Estonian 1530 Latin 2211 Shona 2924 Yoruba   3525Faroese 1625 Latvian, Lettish 2232 Sindhi 2914 Zulu   3631Language Name Code Language Name Code Language Name Code Language Name CodeLanguage code listVRDVD4005_P69-P86 03.8.20, 11:28 PM81
82VRDVD4005_P69-P86 03.8.20, 11:28 PM82
83SYMPTOMS POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS•Make sure the power cord is plugged in.•Try another AC outlet.•Power is off, check fuse or circuit breaker.•Unplug unit, then plug it back in.•Select the DVD or VCR mode before operating.•Antenna connection is not correct or antenna cable is discon-nected.•The video channel is not in the correct position or the TV is notset to the video channel 3 or 4.•Check the unit is connected correctly.•The video input selector of the TV is not set to VIDEO. Set toVIDEO (or equivalent).•Channel is set to the external mode.•Check the unit is connected correctly.•Check the input selector of the amplifier is set properly.•The unit is in the Special playback mode.•Aim at the remote control at the remote sensor.•Operate within Approx. 5 Meters or reduce the light in the room.•Clear the path of the beam.•The batteries are weak. Replace the batteries.•Check the batteries are inserted correctly.•Check all CATV connections.•Station or CATV system problems, try another station.DVD/VCR does not operate.No picture.No sound.The remote control does not func-tion.No CATV receptionProblems and troubleshootingUse the following check list for troubleshooting when you have problems with your unit. Consult your local dealer orservice outlet if problems persist.Be sure all connections are properly made when using with other units.DVD/VCRPAGE5––518,3412~151812~17––12~17–24,361114,15DVD•Select proper language in the menu options.•No disc is inserted.•The disc may be dirty. Clean up the disc.•The unit cannot play DVD-ROMs, etc.•Some discs may not do some of the functions.Display is not shown in your lan-guage.Playback doesn’t start.Stopping playback, search, slow-motion play, repeat play, or programplay, etc. cannot be performed.VCR•The erase prevention tab of the video cassette is broken off.•The unit is in the external input mode.•The time is not set correctly.•The recording start/end time is not set correctly.•TIMER REC has not been pressed (  is not lit).•Tracking adjustment beyond range of automatic tracking circuit.Try Manual tracking adjustment.•Video heads are dirty.•The tape is worn or damaged.TV recording does not work.Timer recording does not work.Noise bars on screen.22,261929292455–34353333–VRDVD4005_P69-P86 03.8.20, 11:28 PM83
84Problems and troubleshooting / Video head cleaningVideo head cleaningVideo head cloggingThe video heads are the means by which the DVD/VCR readsthe picture from the tape during playback. In the unlikely eventthat the heads become dirty enough to be clogged, no picturewill be played back. This can easily be determined if, duringplayback of a known good tape, there is good sound, but nopicture (picture is extremely snowy). If this is the case, have theDVD/VCR checked by qualified service personnel.NOTES: •DO NOT ATTEMPT TO CLEAN THE VIDEO HEADS OR SERVICE THE UNIT BY REMOVING THEREAR COVER.•Video heads may eventually wear out and should be replaced when they fail to produce clear pictures.•To help prevent video head clogging, use only good quality VHS tapes. Discard worn out tapes.SYMPTOMS POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS PAGENo picture, or the screen is blurredor divided into two parts.No 4:3 (16:9) pictureNo on-screen displayNo surround soundThe unit or remote operation key isnot functioning.Playback does not start when thetitle is selected.Audio soundtrack and/or subtitlelanguage is not changed when youplay back a DVD.No subtitleAngle cannot be changed. appears on the screen.•The S-VIDEO/COMPONENT selecter is not set correctly.•The progressive scanning mode is active through the unit isconnected to a TV via the VIDEO OUT jack.•The setup does not match your TV.•Select Display On.•The setup does not match your stereo system.•Turn off the unit and unplug the AC power cord for several min-utes, then replug it.•Check the Parental setup.•Multilingual language is not recorded on the DVD disc.•Some discs have no subtitles.•Subtitles are cleared. Press SUB TITLE.•Multi-angles are not recorded on the DVD disc.•The function is prohibited with the unit or the disc.1652495017–4447,4842,4743–Snowy PictureGood PictureVRDVD4005_P69-P86 03.8.20, 11:28 PM84
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