ORION ELECTRIC M2G1A VCR/DVD TV Interface Device User Manual Part 2

ORION ELECTRIC CO., LTD. VCR/DVD TV Interface Device Part 2


User Manual Part 2

Tape playback51ZERO RETURN function / Video index search system8:47AMMON00 : 04 :38 SPHI-FI8:47AMMON00 : 00 : 00 SPHI-FICH 001INDEXor       is displayed+3INDEX NO. (up to 9)1Press DISPLAY.The counter display shows the tape run-ning time during playback or recording.2Press COUNTER RESET at the desiredtape position. The counter display will bereset to the “00:00:00” position (e.g. the be-ginning of recording).3Press STOP when playback or recording is finished.Press ZERO RETURN.The tape will be rewound or fast forwarded and automatically stopat the “00:00:00” position.Switching the display between clock and counterPress CLOCK/COUNTER. The clockand tape counter alternate with eachother in the display.Video index search systemThis function enables you to locate the beginning of any record-ing made on the VCR.Recording an INDEX MARKThe Index search function automatically recordsan INDEX mark on the tape whenever a record-ing is initiated.Index searchPress INDEX      or      during stop or playmode.For Succeeding programs: Press INDEX       .For Preceding programs: Press INDEX      .(Additional press increases the INDEX NO.up to 9.)When the INDEX       or      is pressed, theunit starts searching the INDEX NO. selectedand finds the portion, then playback startsautomatically.To stop the Index Search, press STOP.ZERO RETURN functionThis function makes tape rewind-ing stop at the counter “00:00:00”position automatically.NOTES for Counter Display:• If you rewind the tape beyond“00:00:00”, a minus sign (“–”) willbe displayed in front of the time.• When you load a tape, the counterwill reset to “00:00:00”.• The counter does not function onnonrecorded (blank) sections ofthe tape. When you rewind, fastforward or play tapes throughblank sections, the counter stops.NOTES for Video index searchsystem:• When you record an INDEX markat the very beginning of the tape,the mark may not be found.• During INDEX search, the tapemay stop and begin to play at aslightly different location.• INDEX may not function properlywith old or worn out video tapes.• INDEX marks may not be found ifit is extremely close to the pointwhere the search began.• In recording, if you stop recordingtemporarily, the INDEX mark is notrecorded on the tape. 2G10101A P47-P54 2/10/05, 9:22 AM51
Recording52Read this before recording on discTypes of discYou can use DVD-RAM, DVD-RW and DVD-R discs to record video.DVD-RAM/-RW (VR mode)• This mode involves mutiple editing functions.• Various editing options using a created Playlist.DVD-RW (Video mode)/-R• Simple editing (renaming titles).For more information on recording format, see “Recording for-mat” (page 10).Recording modesThere are 4 modes for recording on disc. Recording time and qualityvary according to mode.• Recording time above is based on a 4.7GB disc.Since DVD recording is performed using VBR (Variable Bit Rate), re-cording time varies according to the recorded content.To know the correct recording time, stop recording and check the me-dia information. (See page 35.)Disc remaining timeVR mode• Recording is possible as long as there is available space on thedisc. (Finalized discs can be recorded by cancelling the finalization,see “UNDO FINALIZE” on page 28.)• Erasing unnecessary title frees up available space on the disc. (Titlescan be erased from finalized discs by first undoing the finalization.See “UNDO FINALIZE” on page 28.)Video mode• Up until the disc is finalized, recording is possible as long as there isavailable space on the disc. (Once the disc has been finalized, addi-tional recording and erasing are not possible.)• The remaining time cannot be increased, nor can recorded title beoverwritten.• Titles cannot be erased nor can recorded titles be overwritten.This section explains things you mustknow to record onto a disc. Read itbefore attempting to record.NOTES:Recording time can change for thefollowing reasons.• When image quality is poor as dur-ing poor TV reception.• When recording on a disc that hasbeen edited before.• When the video is followed with re-cordings of still images or just au-dio.NOTE:Should a power failure occur orshould the AC cord plug be discon-nected while recording, editing, ini-tializing, finalizing or any other func-tion, the program being recorded willbe lost or the disc may not be play-able. Manufacturer can not guaran-tee against loss of program or discshould this occur. To start recordingagain, re-format the disc or use anew disc and follow the instructionon recording.RecordingmodeXPSPLPSLPRecording timeApprox. 60 minApprox. 120 minApprox. 240 minApprox. 360 minQualityCan record high quality images.Can record normal quality images.Quality deteriorates slightly, butrecording time is longer.Recording time is prioritized overquality.NOTE:Because of characteristics peculiarto digital video compression technol-ogy, scenes with fast motion mayappear as a matrix of larger blocks. 2G10101A P47-P54 2/10/05, 9:22 AM52
Recording53Read this before recording on discImages that cannot be recordedSome DVD-Video and broadcasts contain copy-restriction signals toprotect copyrights. There are 3 types of copy-restriction signals: “CopyFree”, “Copy Never” and “Copy Once”.“Copy Free” (unrestricted recording)Land-based TV broadcasts and images you record yourself with a videocamera allow unrestricted recording. There are no restrictions on re-cording.“Copy Never” (recording prohibited)• Images that contain the recording prohibited signal cannot be re-corded.• If the recording prohibited signal appears halfway through an imageyou are recording, recording is paused at that instant. When the re-cording prohibited signal ends, recording resumes.• This unit incorporates a built-in copy guard. It cannot record soft-ware or broadcasted programs that contain copy restriction signalsdesigned to protect copyright, etc.“Copy Once” (one-time recordable)Programs (images) that contain the one-time recordable signal can berecorded only in the VR mode using a DVD-RW disc that supportsCPRM Ver. 1.1 and Ver 1.2. 2G10101A P47-P54 2/10/05, 9:22 AM53
Recording54Recording a TV programPreparation:• Turn ON the TV and set it to the video input mode.• Load a recordable DVD or video tape into the unit.• Press DVD or VCR to select the appropriate mode.1Press REC MODE/SPEED to select the re-cording mode.The recording mode will appear on the TVmonitor and change every time RECMODE/SPEED is pressed.Video recording modes: SP/SLPDVD recording modes: XP/SP/LP/SLPSP is the normal recording mode for video tapes. SLP offers 3times the recording time as SP. For more information on DVD re-cording modes, see page 52.2Set the TV/CABLE option to the appropriate position (page 32).3Press the numeric keys or CH /  to select the channel to berecorded.1-9 Press 0 twice and then 1-9 as required.Example: To select 2, Press “002”.10-12 Press 0 first and then the remaining 2 digits in orderfrom left to right.Example: Press 012 for “12”.13-99 Press 2 digits in order.Example: Press 22 for “22”.100-125 Press the 3 digits in order.Example: Press 110 for “110”.VHF/UHF/CABLE CHANNELS4Press REC/OTR.“ ” appears on the screen for about 4seconds and recording will start.NOTES:• When recording onto a DVD, ittakes some time from when youpress REC/OTR until recordingactually starts.Press REC/OTR a little before yourpreferred starting point.With a video tape, recording startsalmost at the same time you pressREC/OTR.• If the erase prevention tab of videotapes is removed, the tape willeject when REC/OTR is pressedfor recording.You can record programs youwatch on TV onto video tapes orDVDs.TVVHF2-13UHF14-69CABLEVHF2-13STD/HRC/IRC14-36 (A) (W)37-59 (AA) (WW)60-85 (AAA) (ZZZ)86-94 (86) (94)95-99 (A-5) (A-1)100-125 (100)(125)01 (5A)TV - VHF/UHF channelsCABLE - CABLE TV channels00 : 00 : 00 SPSPDVD modeVCR modeCH 110CH 110VCR modeDVD mode 2G10101A P47-P54 2/10/05, 9:22 AM54
Recording55Recording a TV programTo stop recordingPress STOP to stop recording.“ ” will appear on the screen for about 4seconds.NOTE:When recording onto a DVD, even if STOP is pressed during record-ing, recording does not stop instantly. Recording may continue for aslong as 5 seconds maximum in the VR mode or 30 seconds maximumin the Video mode.To stop recording temporarilyPress PAUSE/STILL to avoid recordingunwanted material.“” will appear on screen for about 4 sec-onds.Press again to resume recording.NOTES:• In video recording, the pause function will be released after 5 min-utes to prevent damage the video tape. The unit will change to theSTOP mode.• When recording onto a video tape, you can select a recording chan-nel in the recording pause mode. (You cannot change a recordingchannel in the DVD recording pause mode.)Recording one program while watching anotherWhile the unit is recording, press TV/VIDEO to select the TV position.The “TV” will go on and recording will continue.Select the TV channel you want to watch by using the TV channelselector.NOTE:Some CABLE hookups do not permit viewing one channel while re-cording another. See pages 18, 19.Auto Rewind featureThis VCR will automatically rewindthe tape when the tape has ended(except during OTR and TIMERREC). It will also eject the tape.VCR modeDVD modeNOTES:• If the disc space become full, therecording is stopped and “Disc isfull” will appear on the screen.•In the event of a power failure duringDVD recording including OTR andTIMER REC, the program can notbe recorded on the disc.When the power resumes, after theVCR/DVD is turned on, the setchecks the disc to repair the errorwhich is caused by a power failure. This checking process mayrequire a few minutes to about 1hour ac cording to disc condition.In this process “SYSTEM ERRORPLEASE WAIT DISC CHECKING”will appear on the screen. 2G10101A P55-P61 2/10/05, 9:22 AM55
Recording56One-touch Timer Recording (OTR)The One-touch Timer Recordingfeature provides a simple and con-venient way to make a timed re-cording.00 : 00 : 00 SPSPDVD modeVCR modeCH 110CH 110OTR 0 : 30OTR 0 : 30VCR modeDVD modePreparation:• Turn ON the TV and set to the video input mode.• Load a recordable DVD or video tape into the unit.• Press DVD or VCR to select the appropriate mode.Example: One-touch Timer Recording for 30 minutes.1Press REC MODE/SPEED to select therecording mode.For the recording mode, see the step 1 onpage 54.2Set the TV/CABLE option to theappropriate position (See page32).3Press numeric keys or CH /  to selectthe channel to be recorded.4Press REC/OTR. Each additional press of REC/OTR will increaserecording time as shown in the chart below, up to a maximum of 6hours. The OTR and recording time will appear on the screen forabout 4 seconds.To cancel OTRPress STOP or turn off the power.“ ” will appear on screen for about 4 sec-onds.TV - VHF/UHF channelsCABLE - CABLE TV channelsNOTE:If you wish to watch the DVD play-back during the VCR OTR, pressDVD to change to DVD mode andperform the DVD playback. You canalso playback the VCR during DVDOTR.Pressoncetwice3 times4 times5 times6 timesNORMAL RECOTR - : - -OTR 0:30OTR 1:00OTR 1:30OTR 2:00OTR 3:00OTR 4:00OTR 5:00OTR 6:00NORMAL RECRecording time Press 7 times 8 times 9 times10 times11 timesRecording time 2G10101A P55-P61 2/10/05, 9:22 AM56
Recording57Timer recordingThe timer recording system allowsyou to select the date, time andchannel and record the desired pro-grams. Up to 12 timer programswithin a month can be stored in thisunit.Setting timer recordingPreparation:• Turn ON the TV and set to the video input mode.• Load a recordable DVD or video tape.• Press DVD or VCR to select the appropriate mode.• Confirm that the clock is indicating the correct time.Example: Set the recording mode to LP; the TV program is on channel12 starting at 8:00 PM and stopping at 9:30 PM on a date of 20th.1Press SETUP.The SETUP MENU screen appears.NOTE:If a recordable tape is not insertedor no disc space is available, thetimer record indicator “ ” flashes.Replace the tape or disc to allow re-cording.2Press  or   to select “TIMER REC SET” and press ENTER.The TIMER REC SET screen will appear.ENTERRETURN BACK ENDSELECTSETUPENTERTIMER REC SETREC RECTO MODECHENDSTARTTYPE/DATENEWSETUP MENUTIMER REC SETSYSTEM SETUPAV SETUPREC SETUPCH SETUPOTHERSETUP MENUENTERRETURN BACK ENDSELECTSETUPENTERTIMER REC SETREC RECTO MODETYPEDATE (MM/DD)STARTENDCHREC TOREC MODEONCE01DVDSPOK11/19(WE)03:17PM04:17PMSETUP MENU3Press  or   to select “NEW” and press ENTER.The program screen will appear. 2G10101A P55-P61 2/10/05, 9:22 AM57
Recording58Timer recording4Press  or   to select “TYPE” and press ENTER.Press  or   to select “ONCE” from the list and press ENTER.5Press  or   to select “DATE” and press ENTER.Press  or to select the date to be recorded from the list andpress ENTER.6Press  or   to select “START” and press ENTER.Set the time when the recording is started.• To switch over the selection item (hour or minute), press or , then press ENTER.• Press  or   to adjust the time.• After setting the time, press ENTER.7Press  or   to select “END” and press ENTER.Set the stopping time in the same manner for setting the startingtime of timer recording.8Press  or   to select “CH” and press ENTER.• Press  or   to select the channel to be recorded.• You can select the external input (L1 or L2) by pressing   or  .9Press  or   to select “REC TO” and press ENTER.Select the media (DVD or VCR) to be recorded from the list andpress ENTER.10   Press   or   to select “REC MODE” and press ENTER.The recording modes for the media selected in “REC TO” itemare listed up.Select the recording mode and press ENTER.For the recording modes in VCR, see page 48, and for the re-cording modes in DVD, see page 52.ENTERRETURN BACK ENDSELECTSETUPENTERTIMER REC SETREC RECTO MODETYPEDATE (MM/DD)STARTENDCHREC TOREC MODEONCE01DVDSPOK11/20(TH)08:17PM04:17PMSETUP MENUSELECTENTERRETURN BACK ENDSELECTSETUPENTERTIMER REC SETREC RECTO MODETYPEDATE (MM/DD)STARTENDCHREC TOREC MODEONCE000DVDSPOK11,08,03(--)02:1703:17SETUP MENUONCEEVERY SUNEVERY MONEVERY TUEEVERY WEDEVERY THUEVERY FRIEVERY SATMON-FRINOTES:•If you select timer recording on aspecified date only one time, select“ONCE” in the “TYPE” for record-ing. You can record same days ofevery week or from Monday to Fri-day using the item “TYPE”. Theitems you can select are as follows:ONCE: Recording on the selected“DATE”EVERY SUN: Recording every Sun.EVERY MON: Recording everyMon.EVERYTUE: Recording every Tue.EVERY WED: Recording everyWed.EVERYTHU: Recording every Thu.EVERY FRI: Recording every Fri.EVERY SAT: Recording every Sat.MON-FRI: Recording from Mon. toFri.MON-SAT: Recording from Mon. toSat.EVERYDAY: Recording everyday.•The starting and stopping times forthe recording are displayed on the12-hour (am/pm) clock. Twelveo’clock midnight is displayed as“12:00AM ”, whereas twelve o’clocknoon is displayed as “12:00PM”.•The initial setting of “REC TO” and“REC MODE” can be changed us-ing “Setting the recording”. (Seepage 31.) 2G10101A P55-P61 2/10/05, 9:23 AM58
Recording598:00 11 : 009:00 10 : 00Program 1Prog.1Deleted PartsNon Recorded Portion PartsProg.2 Prog.3Program 2Program 3RecordingControl SettingsTimer recordingNOTES:•Recording starts a few seconds be-fore the preset starting time.•You cannot use the timer recordingfor the both DVD and VCR at thesame time.•You can playback the DVD duringthe VCR timer recording, and youcan playback the VCR during theDVD timer recording.11   Select “OK” and press ENTER.The timer program is determined and the TIMER REC SETscreen appears again.12  When you enter the other program for the timer recording, re-peat the steps 3 to 11.13   Press SETUP.The TIMER REC SET screen disappears and the display willreturn to the normal screen.14   Press TIMER REC. The timer indicator “  ” will appear on thedisplay and the unit stands by for recording.• If the program is DVD recording only, the unit will change toVCR mode automatically. (The DVD mode cannot be selected.)• If the program is VCR recording only, the unit will change toDVD mode automatically. (The VCR mode cannot be selected.)• If the programs are DVD and VCR recording, the unit will turnoff. If you want to use the unit, press TIMER REC again todeactivate the timer.Checking or changing the timer recordingWhen you want to check the selected timer recording, follow the steps 1and 2 of “Setting timer recording” and display the TIMER REC SET screen.To change the timer recording, select the program to be changed andpress ENTER. The changing method is the same as that for the re-cording a program for the first time.Cancelling the timer recordingDisplay the TIMER REC SET screen.Select the program you want to cancel and press CANCEL, then theselected program will be erased from the timer recording list.In case Timer programs-overlapDo not overlap timer programs as portions of the conflicting programswill be lost. The first recording time has priority over the next recordingtime as shown in the diagram below.In this case, the next recording time is delayed a maximum of about1 minute.ENTERRETURN BACK ENDSELECTSETUPENTERTIMER REC SETREC RECTO MODETYPEDATE (MM/DD)STARTENDCHREC TOREC MODEONCE12DVDLPOK11/20(TH)08:00PM09:30PMSETUP MENU 2G10101A P55-P61 2/10/05, 9:23 AM59
Recording60Chase PlaybackStill playback:Press PAUSE.• To resume chase playback, press PLAY.Fast forward/Review playback:Press SEARCH 8/9. Every press SEARCH, it switches thespeed of the search.• To resume chase playback, press PLAY.• If the playback position catches up to within 10 seconds,chase playback resumes.Locating a chapter:Press SKIP 6/7 to locate a chapter that you want to watch.• If you press SKIP 7 while playing back the newest chapter,it starts playing back from 10 seconds before the recordingposition.Locating a specific scene:Press PLAY MODE enables you to do a Time Search or aChapter Search. (See page 37.)You can begin playback from thebeginning of a program currentlybeing recorded. You will find thisfunction of great advantage onlong programs, as you do not haveto wait for the end of recording tobegin playback.Notes:• Chase playback is unable whenrecording a DVD-RW/R disc andvideo tape.• Chase playback is unable whenrecording in XP mode.• Slow, Instant skip, Instant replay,A-B repeat, and Frame advancedoes not work during chase play-back.• Chase playback does not workuntil 15 seconds of recording haveelapsed (LP mode: 20 seconds,SLP mode: 30 seconds).• If you press DISPLAY duringchase playback, the informationscreen is displayed (see page 35).1While recording a TV program on the DVD-RAM disc, press PLAYto start chase playback.The TV program as it is being recorded will played back.2Locate a scene you want through the following operations if nec-essary.3Press STOP to end chase playback.If you press STOP again, the recording stops. 2G10101A P55-P61 2/10/05, 9:23 AM60
Recording61Stereo recording and playbackThe VHS Hi-Fi audio system per-mits high fidelity recording of MTSSTEREO TV broadcasts.STEREOOUTPUTSELECTIONSTEREOL chR chMONOSOUND HEARD ON BOTHSPEAKERSSTEREOLEFT CHANNEL AUDIORIGHT CHANNEL AUDIOMONONOTES:• When playing back a video tapeor disc that is not recorded in Hi-Fistereo mode, the audio will auto-matically be monaural.• When listening to a Hi-Fi videotape, disc or MTS broadcastthrough the RF OUT (UHF/VHF)jack (Audio/Video cord not con-nected), the sound will be monau-ral.When a MTS STEREO broadcast is re-ceived, the word “STEREO” will appear onthe screen and the program can be viewedor recorded in stereo.The Hi-Fi STEREO recording procedure isthe same as for normal recordings.NOTE:When using a Cable TV system, stereo TV programs may be transmit-ted over a mono cable channel. In this case the word “STEREO” willnot appear and the sound will be in mono.Output selectionWhen viewing an MTS STEREO TV program, or playing a prerecordedHi-Fi STEREO on video tape, press AUDIO SELECT to select how theaudio will be heard through the speakers. Normally set to the Hi-FiSTEREO position, this button can be set to the MONO position if thestereo audio is of poor quality. The “R” and “L” positions allow the au-dio from the Right or Left Hi-Fi channel to be heard over both TV speak-ers. This button has no effect when viewing a monaural audio  pro-gram. Each time when you press the button, output selection displayappears on the screen for several seconds. Refer to the chart below.Output selection for DVDYou can switch between the left or right channel and stereo onlywhen playing a disc on which a bilingual broadcast was recorded inthe DVD-RW VR mode. It is not possible to switch between channelsotherwise as only the channel selected in the setting of SAP (SecondAudio Program; ON or OFF) is recorded in the DVD-RW video modeor DVD-R (see page 31).NOTE:When a stereo or monaural broadcast is recorded, either stereo ormonaural, respectively, is played back and it is not possible to switchbetween channels. 2G10101A P55-P61 2/10/05, 9:23 AM61
Editing the disc62Editing the discThis section explains how to editthe recorded contents on DVD-RWs. However, the items that youcan edit vary with the recordingformats. In VR mode, you can editvarious title menus, whereas inVideo mode, you can edit only afew items.Title menuWhen the content is recorded, a title name that includes the date, time,channel number and other information is created automatically.The title menu can be used when you playback after confirming thecontents (see page 34), or when you check the contents recorded onthe disc.Original titleThe titles explained above are called original titles; these will be addedwith every recording. In VR mode you can do various editing opera-tions i.e., you can rename the titles, or add the chapter marks. In addi-tion, you can erase the unnecessary titles to increase the disc space.PlaylistYou can create a playlist based on the original titles.You can combine or erase undesired scenes.If you create a playlist it will become the primary list used by the disc.If you create a playlist to customize your viewing preferences, andchoose to delete it, the original titles will not be affected.  It is recom-mended to create and edit the playlist to prevent important titles frombeing erased accidentally.If you create a playlist, both the original title and playlist will be dis-played on the title menu.Editable itemsThe items that can be edited are different between original title andplaylist. For the disc in Video mode, only the title name can be edited.The items can be edited in each are as follows:NOTES:• This unit cannot record or edit adisc which was recorded or editedusing another DVD recorder.• You cannot edit or record the discon which disc protection is set. Insuch a case, be sure to cancel thedisc protection before starting theoperation.• When a scene has been erased,the selected position for erasingmay vary slightly from the actualerased position.Editing items VR mode Video modeOriginalPlaybackAdding chapter markCombining chaptersErasing scenesErasing titlesRenaming titlesCreating playlistCombining titlesOriginal PlaylistYYYYYYYNYNNYYYNYYNNNNYNNIf you finalize the disc in Video mode, the title menu is automaticallychanged. Thumbnail image and recording information will not appearin the title menu affter finalizing. 2G10101A P62-P70 2/10/05, 9:23 AM62
Editing the disc63Preparation:• Turn ON the TV and set to the video input mode.•  Load the recorded DVD-RAM/RW (VR).• Press DVD to select the DVD mode. (The DVD indicator will light.)Creating a playlist1Press TITLE MENU.The title menu will appear.Editing a playlistYou can create and edit the playlistbased on the original title.NOTES:• A playlist can only be created witha DVD-RW or a DVD-RW in VRmode. You cannot create a playlistwith a DVD-RW in Video mode, norwith a DVD-R.• In case the disc includes more than10 titles, you can turn to the nextor the previous page. (See page34.)• You cannot switch to the VCRmode when the title menu is show-ing. Press TITLE MENU to clearthe title menu, then press VCR toswitch to the VCR mode.2Press  or   to select the original title which will be used as thebase of a playlist.3Press .The editing menu of original title will appear.4Press  or   to select “NEW PLAYLIST”.5Press ENTER.The editing menu closes and the created playlist appears at thebottom of the list.ENTERRETURNPLAY BACKSETENDSELECTTITLEMENUDISC NAME:Title 111/25/2005 10:03PM 011 SP11/29/2005 11:30AM 009 SP12/01/2005 06:52PM 006 XP11/23/2005 08:41AM 006 SLP REC DATE :11/23/2005TIME :08:41AMLENGTH :00:30:17CHANNEL :006REC MODE :SLPTITLE MENUENTERRETURNPLAY BACKSETENDSELECTTITLEMENUDISC NAME:Title 111/25/2005 10:03PM 011 SP11/29/2005 11:30AM 009 SP12/01/2005 06:52PM 006 XP11/23/2005 08:41AM 006 SLPPL11/23/2005 08:41AM 006 SLP REC DATE :11/23/2005TIME :08:41AMLENGTH :00:30:17CHANNEL :006REC MODE :SLPTITLE MENUCreated playlistENTERRETURNENTER BACKSETENDSELECTTITLEMENUDISC NAME:Title 111/25/2005 10:03PM 011 SP11/29/2005 11:30AM 009 SP12/01/2005 06:52PM 006 XP11/23/2005 08:41AM 006 SLP REC DATE :11/23/2005TIME : 08:41AMLENGTH : 00:01:17TITLE MENUPLAYADD CHAPTER MARKCOMBINE CHAPTERSEDIT TITLEDELETE TITLERENAME TITLENEW PLAYLISTNEW PLAYLIST 2G10101A P62-P70 2/10/05, 9:23 AM63
Editing the disc64Editing a playlistNOTES:• The title name can be a maximumof 64 characters. Long names willbe shortened in the title menu.•For using the keyboard screen, see“Changing a disc name” (page 75).Changing a title name1Press TITLE MENU to display the title menu.2Select the playlist where you want to change the title name.•  Press   or   to select the playlist.•  Press   to display the editing menu of the playlist.•  Press   or   to select “RENAME TITLE”.3Press ENTER.The keyboard screen will appear.4Use the keyboard screen to enter the title name.5Press DISPLAY to return the title menu.ENTERRETURNENTER BACKSETENDSELECTTITLEMENUDISC NAME:11/23/2005 08:41AM 006 SLP11/25/2005 10:03PM 011 SP11/29/2005 11:30AM 009 SP12/01/2005 06:52PM 006 XP11/23/2005 08:41AM 006SLP PLREC DATE :11/23/2005TIME :08:41AMLENGTH :00:30:17CHANNEL :006REC MODE :SLPTITLE MENUPLAYEDIT TITLEDELETE TITLERENAME TITLETITLE COMBINERENAME TITLEENTERRETURNPLAY BACKSETENDSELECTTITLEMENUDISC NAME:11/23/2005 08:41AM 006 SLP11/25/2005 10:03PM 011 SP11/29/2005 11:30AM 009 SP12/01/2005 06:52PM 006 XPFamilyREC DATE :11/23/2005TIME :08:41AMLENGTH :00:30:17CHANNEL :006REC MODE :SLPTITLE MENUFamily1( .< > #2a b c3d e fCANCELBackRETURNExitSTOPCaps0Space bar4g h i5j k l6m n o7qp r s8t u v9w x y zDISPLAYOKDISPLAYOKNumbersSignsLetters 2G10101A P62-P70 2/10/05, 9:23 AM64
Editing the disc65Editing a playlistErasing a scene (Edit title)You can erase an unnecessary scene from the created playlist.When you erase the scene from the playlist, the scene is not erasedfrom the original title.1Press TITLE MENU to display the title menu.2Select the playlist where a scene you want to erase is included.•  Press   or   to select the playlist.•  Press   to display the editing menu of the playlist.•  Press   or   to select “EDIT TITLE”.3Press ENTER.The EDIT TITLE screen appears.ENTERRETURNENTER BACKSETENDSELECTTITLEMENUDISC NAME:11/23/2005 08:41AM 006 SLP11/25/2005 10:03PM 011 SP11/29/2005 11:30AM 009 SP12/01/2005 06:52PM 006 XPFamilyREC DATE :11/23/2005TIME :08:41AMLENGTH :00:30:17CHANNEL :006REC MODE :SLPTITLE MENUPLAYEDIT PROGRAMDELETE TITLERENAME TITLETITLE COMBINEEDIT TITLE4Press ENTER to playback the playlist on the EDIT TITLE screen.•  Use each operation button (F.FWD,REW,SKIP +,SKIP -,PLAY,PAUSE/STILL, SLOW,INSTANT SKIP) for the playback tosearch the starting point of the scene you want to erase.ENTERRETURNENTER BACK ENDTITLEMENUEDIT TITLENAME FamilyCHAPTER1/3LENGTH00:00:00/00:30:1700:00:0000:00:00 00:00:00PreviewPressSELECTto startSELECTENTERRETURNENTER BACK ENDTITLEMENUEDIT TITLE00:08:2800:00:00 00:00:00PreviewSET STARTSET ENDFinishNAME FamilyCHAPTER1/3LENGTH00:08:28/00:30:17 2G10101A P62-P70 2/10/05, 9:23 AM65
Editing the disc66Editing a playlistNOTE:It is no problem to omit the proce-dures for confirming the scene oradjusting start and end points.6Press  or   to select “SET END” at the end point of the sceneyou want to erase and press ENTER.The still image at the end point appears at the right small screen.5Press  or   to select “SET START” at the start point of thescene that you want to erase and press ENTER. (To set the startpoint easily, search the start point while “SET START” is selected)The still image at the start point appears at the left small screen.SELECTENTERRETURNENTER BACK ENDTITLEMENUEDIT TITLE00:11:4200:10:20 00:11:42PreviewAdjust startSET ENDFinishNAME FamilyCHAPTER2/3LENGTH00:11:42/00:30:177Check the erased scenes.•  Select “Preview” and press ENTER. Then the video where thescenes between the start and end points are erased is playedback.•  Each operation button (F.FWD,REW,SKIP +,SKIP -,PLAY,PAUSE/STILL) for playback also can be used.8Adjust the start and end points.• To adjust the start point, select “Adjust start” and press ENTER.You can change the start point every one frame by pressingor .• To adjust the end point, select “Adjust end” and press ENTER.You can change the end point in the same way as the start point.9If you determine the scene to be erased, press   or   to select“Finish” and press ENTER.• A chapter mark is automatically added at the location of theerased scene.SELECTENTERRETURNENTER BACK ENDTITLEMENUEDIT TITLENAME FamilyCHAPTER2/3LENGTH00:15:58/00:30:1700:15:5800:10:20 00:15:58PreviewAdjust startAdjust endFinish 2G10101A P62-P70 2/10/05, 9:23 AM66
Editing the disc67Editing a playlist Combining the titleYou can create a playlist by combining the several original titles or playlists.To combine the titles, it is necessary to create a playlist at first. Bycombining the titles in the playlist, a playlist where several titles arecombined is created.1Press TITLE MENU to display the title menu.2Select the playlist where you want to combine the titles.•  Press   or   to select the playlist.•  Press   to display the editing menu of the playlist.•  Press   or   to select “TITLE COMBINE”.ENTERRETURNENTER BACKSETENDSELECTTITLEMENUDISC NAME:11/23/2005 08:41AM 006 SLP11/25/2005 10:03PM 011 SP11/29/2005 11:30AM 009 SP12/01/2005 06:52PM 006 XPTitle 1 PLFamilyREC DATE :11/23/2005TIME :08:41AMLENGTH :00:30:17CHANNEL :006REC MODE :SLPTITLE MENUPLAYEDIT TITLEDELETE TITLERENAME TITLETITLE COMBINETITLE COMBINE3Press ENTER.Select the title that you want to combine from the title menu.ENTERRETURNENTER BACK ENDSELECTTITLEMENUDISC NAME:11/23/2005 08:41AM 006 SLP11/25/2005 10:03PM 011 SP11/29/2005 11:30AM 009 SP12/01/2005 06:52PM 006 XPFamilyREC DATE :11/25/2005TIME :10:03PMLENGTH :00:20:00CHANNEL :011REC MODE :SPTITLE MENU4Press ENTER.Following the playlist, the selected title is combined.The several titles were combined so that the total recording time isdisplayed.ENTERRETURNPLAY BACKSETENDSELECTTITLEMENUDISC NAME:11/23/2005 08:41AM 006 SLP11/25/2005 10:03PM 011 SP11/29/2005 11:30AM 009 SP12/01/2005 06:52PM 006 XPTitle 1 PLFamilyREC DATE :11/23/2005TIME :08:41AMLENGTH :00:50:17CHANNEL :006REC MODE :SLPTITLE MENU 2G10101A P62-P70 2/10/05, 9:23 AM67
Editing the disc68Editing a playlistErasing a playlistYou can erase the created playlist. Even if you erase the playlist, theoriginal title will not be erased.1Press TITLE MENU to display the title menu.2Select the playlist that you want to erase.•  Press   or   to select the playlist.•  Press   to display the editing menu of the playlist.•  Press   or   to select “DELETE TITLE”.ENTERRETURNENTER BACKSETENDSELECTTITLEMENUDISC NAME:11/23/2005 08:41AM 006 SLP11/25/2005 10:03PM 011 SP11/29/2005 11:30AM 009 SP12/01/2005 06:52PM 006 XPFamilyREC DATE :11/23/2005TIME :08:41AMLENGTH :00:30:17CHANNEL :006REC MODE :SLPTITLE MENUPLAYEDIT TITLEDELETE PROGRAMRENAME TITLETITLE COMBINEDELETE TITLE3Press ENTER.The selected playlist will be erased.ENTERRETURNPLAY BACKSETENDSELECTTITLEMENUDISC NAME:11/23/2005 08:41AM 006 SLP11/25/2005 10:03PM 011 SP11/29/2005 11:30AM 009 SP12/01/2005 06:52PM 006 XPREC DATE :12/01/2005TIME :06:52PMLENGTH :00:30:07CHANNEL :006REC MODE :XPTITLE MENU 2G10101A P62-P70 2/10/05, 9:23 AM68
Editing the disc69Editing an original titleIn VR mode, you can edit variousitems, whereas in Video mode,you can edit the title names only.NOTES:• You can automatically add a chap-ter mark in recording. For more in-formation, see page 31.• In case the disc includes more than10 titles, you can turn to the nextor the previous page. (See page34.)Preparation:• Turn ON the TV and set to the video input mode.•  Load the recorded disc.•  Press DVD to select the DVD mode. (The DVD indicator will light.)Adding a chapter markYou can add a chapter mark to the original title. You can add up to 999chapter marks to one disc.1Press TITLE MENU to display the title menu.2Select the original title where a chapter mark is added.•  Press   or   to select the original title.•  Press   to display the editing menu of the original title.•  Press   or   to select “ADD CHAPTER MARK”.ENTERRETURNENTER BACKSETENDSELECTTITLEMENUDISC NAME:11/23/2005 08:41AM 006 SLP11/25/2005 10:03PM 011 SP11/29/2005 11:30AM 009 SP12/01/2005 06:52PM 006 XPFamilyREC DATE :11/23/2005TIME :08:41AMLENGTH :00:30:17CHANNEL :06REC MODE :EPPLAYCOMBINE CHAPTERSEDIT TITLEDELETE TITLERENAME TITLENEW PLAYLISTADD CHAPTER MARKTITLE MENU3Press ENTER.The ADD CHAPTER MARK screen will appear.ENTERRETURNENTER BACK ENDTITLEMENUADD CHAPTER MARKNAME11/25/2003 08:41 AMCHAPTER1/3LENGTH00:00:00/00:30:174Press PLAY to search a scene where you want to add the chapter mark.•  Search the scene by using each operation button (F.FWD,REW,SKIP +,SKIP -,PAUSE/STILL,SLOW,INSTANT SKIP) for theplayback.ENTERRETURNENTER BACK ENDTITLEMENUADD CHAPTER MARKNAME11/25/2003 08:41 AMCHAPTER1/3LENGTH00:02:03/00:30:177% 2G10101A P62-P70 2/10/05, 9:23 AM69
Editing the disc70Editing an original title5When the scene you want to add a chapter mark, press ENTER.The playback is paused and the position of the added chaptermark appears green.ADD CHAPTER MARK17%NAME11/25/2003 08:41 AMCHAPTER2/4LENGTH00:03:08/00:30:17The added chapter mark6If you want to continue to add chapter mark, repeat step 5.7Adding chapter marks is finished.• To display the title menu, press RETURN.• To return to the normal screen, press TITLE MENU.Combining chaptersBy erasing the added chapter marks, the chapters can be combined.1Press TITLE MENU to display the title menu.2Select the original titles where you want to combine the chapters.•  Press   or   to select the original title.•  Press   to display the editing menu of original title.•  Press   or   to select “COMBINE CHAPTERS”.ENTERRETURNENTER BACKSETENDSELECTTITLEMENUDISC NAME:11/23/2005 08:41AM 006 SLP11/25/2005 10:03PM 011 SP11/29/2005 11:30AM 009 SP12/01/2005 06:52PM 006 XPFamilyREC DATE :11/23/2005TIME :08:41AMLENGTH :00:30:17CHANNEL :06REC MODE :EPPLAYCOMBINE CHAPTERSEDIT TITLEDELETE TITLERENAME TITLENEW PLAYLISTADD CHAPTER MARKTITLE MENU3Press ENTER.The COMBINE CHAPTERS screen will appear. At the beginning,the top still image in the chapter 2 is displayed.NOTE:Chapter marks that have been addedautomatically in the erasing of ascene procedure (page 72) cannotbe erased. 2G10101A P62-P70 2/10/05, 9:23 AM70

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