Packet Power EG4 Wireless Ethernet Gateway User Manual Eg4 Manual

Packet Power Wireless Ethernet Gateway Eg4 Manual


 Wirreless  PackEthernUseVPack2716Minne1-8Email: infwww.p  ket Pownet Gatr’s Man  ersion 1.     ket Power,6 Summer Sapolis, MN 5877-560-87fo@packetpopacketpowe   wer™ teway Vnual .1  , LLC St. NE 55413 770 Version n 4
                               NOTES  Read all instructions carefully prior to installation.   No field-serviceable parts. Do not attempt to disassemble the product as potentially severe electrical shock may result. Installation and maintenance must be performed by qualified personnel. Follow basic safety precautions to reduce the risk of electrical shock and damage to equipment.  Store in a clean, dry location. Clean with a dry cloth. Intended for indoor use only, do not install in a wet location. Adhere to all local electrical codes and guidelines.
P5C   PACKETPOWER. COMSEE   MANUAL  FCC ID: WCGP5C I MADE INUSA PACKETPOWER. COMSEE   MANUAL  FCC ID: WCGP5C I MADE INUSA  REG  This p   Class Sectiodevicinterfefrequcomm Sectiocondiinterfe PursuLLC m Pursu Indus This d (1) ThundesUndegain aits gacomm Per s Indus Le prest auaccepConfod'un gradioéipoossatisf  P5C M C: 8751A  P5C M C: 8751A  P5C GULATORY I product has been s B Device Stateon 15.105(a) of thce, pursuant to paerence when the ency energy and,munications.   on 15.19 of the FCitions: (1) This deverence that may cuant to Part 15.21might cause harmuant to part 2.109stry Canada (IC) device complies whis device may nosired operation ofer Industry Canadaapproved for the tain should be so cmunication. section RSS-102, strie Canada (IC)résent appareil esutorisée aux deuxpter tout brouillageormément à la réggain maximal (ou électrique à l'intensotrope rayonnée faisante. INFORMATIO  certified to meet ment / FCC Reguhe FCC Rules: Thrt 15 of the FCC Requipment is ope if not installed anCC Rules: This device may not causcause undesired o of the FCC Rulesmful interference a1c of the FCC ruleCompliance Stawith Industry Canaot cause interferenf the device.  a regulations, thistransmitter by Induhosen that the eq2.5 of Industry Ca) Déclaration de ct conforme aux Cx conditions suivane radioélectrique sglementation d'Indinférieur) approuvntion des autres uéquivalente (p.i.r.ON the following requulations:  is equipment has Rules.  These limirated in a commend used in accordaevice complies witse harmful interferoperation. s, any changes ornd void the FCC aes device is categtement ada license-exemnce, and (2) this ds radio transmitter ustry Canada. To quivalent isotropicaanada regulationsconformité NR d'Industrie Cantes : (1) l'apparesubi, même si le bdustrie Canada, levé pour l'émetteurutilisateurs, il faut ce.) ne dépasse pa uirements: been tested and ts are designed toercial environmentance with the instth part 15 of the Frence, and (2) thisr modifications to authorization to opgorically excluded pt RSS standard(device must accepmay only operatereduce potential ally radiated powe, this device is caanada applicablesil ne doit pas prodbrouillage est suse présent émetteur par Industrie Canchoisir le type d'aas l'intensité nécefound to comply wo provide reasonat.  This equipmenttruction manual, mFCC Rules. Operas device must accthis product not eperate this produc from routine RF Es). Operation is spt any interferencee using an antennradio interferenceer (e.i.r.p.) is not mtegorically excluds aux appareils radduire de brouillageceptible d'en comur radio peut fonctnada. Dans le butntenne et son gaiessaire à l'établisswith the limits for aable protection agt generates, usesmay cause harmfuation is subject to cept any interferenexpressly approvect.  Exposure regulatiubject to the followe, including interfena of a type and me to other users, thmore than that neded from Routine Edio exempts de lice, et (2) l'utilisateumpromettre le fonctionner avec une at de réduire les risin de sorte que la sement d'une coma Class B digital ainst harmful , and can radiate ul interference to rthe following twonce received, inclued by Packet Poweions.  wing two conditionerence that may cmaximum (or lessehe antenna type acessary for succeEvaluation Limits.cence. L'exploitatiur de l'appareil doctionnement.  antenne d'un typesques de brouillagpuissance mmunication   radio radio uding er ns:  cause er) and essful .   ion oit e et ge
                                                              Packet Power™ Wireless DC Monitoring System Manual Copyright 2016 © Packet Power, LLC.      2Contents Contents ................................................................................................................................... 2System Overview ...................................................................................................................... 3Device Setup ........................................................................................................................ 4System Components ............................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.Wireless Current Monitors ................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.Menu and Navigation ............................................................................................................ 5Setting and IP Address ......................................................................................................... 5 Gateway Placement and Mounting Bracket ................................................................. 6Device Placement ............................................................................................................. 6Gateway Placement .......................................................................................................... 6Communications ................................................................................................................... 7MODULE IDENTIFICATION ............................................................................................. 8Technical Specifications ........................................................................................................... 9
                                                              Packet Power™ Wireless DC Monitoring System Manual Copyright 2016 © Packet Power, LLC.      3System Overview    The Ethernet Gateway version 4 is the central Gateway by which all Packet Power monitoring nodes (environmental and power) communicate. This guide is intended to provide a high level overview of how to commission a Gateway module. Refer to the support section of for additional support.  Gateway Types: There are various Gateway models. These include the standard Gateway designed to communicate exclusively with the Packet Power EMX portal, Modbus TCP/IP output versions (enterprise and solo), and SMNP output versions (solo and enterprise). All Gateway versions can communicate with the EMX portal simultaneously (i.e. a Modbus version can provide ModBus TCP/IP output as well as communicate with the EMX portal simultaneously).  Gateway Models  Part Number  SNMP  Modbus TCP/IP  Usage GW03-0000 No  No Use with Packet Power EMX software (local or cloud) GW03-00SS Yes  No SNMP Solo: single-gateway deployments of 300 monitoring units or less GW03-00SE Yes  No  SNMP Enterprise: multi-gateway sites. GW03-00MS No  Yes Modbus Solo: single-gateway deployments of 300 monitoring units or less GW03-00ME No  Yes All models can concurrently send data to EMX (local or cloud) if desired. AllmodelssupportVirtualIPaddressesandcan concurrentlysenddatatoEMX(localorcloud)ifdesired.    Gateway Facts: One Gateway can support up to 150 nodes (node count will affect polling time). The network is self-configuring and will auto recognize new nodes added. Multiple Gateways can be used within a network for capacity or redundancy and will automatically load balance the nodes.  Updates: The Gateway firmware is capable of being remotely updated over the network. Consult the support section of the website for additional details.  Security: The Packet Power network is designed to be the most secure monitoring system available with many inherent security features exclusive to the architecture that limit any possibility of penetration through the wireless nodes onto the host network. Additionally the Gateway can be equipped with 128 bit encryption. Contact Packet Power for additional details.
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                                                              Packet Power™ Wireless DC Monitoring System Manual Copyright 2016 © Packet Power, LLC.      9Technical Specifications   COMMUNICATIONS Operating frequency  From 860, 930MHz and 2.4 GHz (specific frequency used varies by region) Wireless protocol  Proprietary frequency hopping, self-configuring, load-balancing mesh network Wired network protocol (Gateway) TCP/IP (one IP address needed per Gateway) with SNMP and Modbus  TCP/IP options Firmware updates  Wireless Typical transmission range 10 to 50 meters indoors from any one device to any other Antenna  Fully enclosed, fixed configuration Monitoring Unit to Gateway Ratio From 100 to 300 monitoring units per gateway depending on desired data collection rate and Gateway model Gateways per site  Unlimited Multi-site support  Yes Encryption Optional 128-bit Compatible devices  All Packet Power modules may be combined in the network  OPERATING ENVIRONMENT Operating temperature 0° to +40° C (+32° to +104°F) Operating humidity  10% to 90% non-condensing Environmental rating  Indoor use / NEMA 1 Mounting  Typical: on top of server cabinet, under a cable raceway, under a raised floor  DISPLAY LCD  LCD display for status and configuration details LED  Indicates general device status  SIZE AND WEIGHT Ethernet Gateway  76mm x 94mm x 31mm; Weight: 65g (3 oz)
                                                              Packet Power™ Wireless DC Monitoring System Manual Copyright 2016 © Packet Power, LLC.      10  POWER SUPPLY  External Power Supply 100- 240VA/C input voltage, 50-60Hz (5 VDC output) (72mm x 43mm x 29mm) Safety Standards  EN60950 UL60950 IEC60950 Plug Types  NEMA 5-15, CEE-7 Schuko, AS/NZS 3112 2000, BS 1363A, C14, BS 546A Power Consumption  3W Power Over Ethernet  Available. Requires an external PoE splitter  CERTIFICATIONS     Certifications  FCC, Industry Canada, CE; consult Packet Power for additional certifications

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