Packet Power EG4 Wireless Ethernet Gateway User Manual Eg4 Manual
Packet Power Wireless Ethernet Gateway Eg4 Manual
Pack ket Pow wer™ Wirreless Ethern net Gatteway V Version n4 User’s Man nual Version 1..1 Pack ket Power,, LLC 2716 6 Summer S St. NE Minneapolis, MN 5 55413 877-560-87 770 1-8 Email: inffo@packetpo www.p packetpowe NOTES Read all instructions carefully prior to installation. No field-serviceable parts. Do not attempt to disassemble the product as potentially severe electrical shock may result. Installation and maintenance must be performed by qualified personnel. Follow basic safety precautions to reduce the risk of electrical shock and damage to equipment. Store in a clean, dry location. Clean with a dry cloth. Intended for indoor use only, do not install in a wet location. Adhere to all local electrical codes and guidelines. REG GULATORY INFORMATIO ON P5C P5C PACKETPOWER.COM SEE MANUAL FCC ID: WCGP5C IC: 8751A P5C This product has been certified to meet the following requ uirements: MADE INUSA Class s B Device Statement / FCC Regu ulations: Sectio on 15.105(a) of th he FCC Rules: This equipment has been tested and found to comply w with the limits for a Class B digital devic ce, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to o provide reasona able protection against harmful interfe erence when the equipment is operated in a comme ercial environmentt. This equipmentt generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed an nd used in accorda ance with the insttruction manual, m may cause harmfu ul interference to rradio comm munications. Sectio on 15.19 of the FC CC Rules: This de evice complies witth part 15 of the F FCC Rules. Opera ation is subject to the following two condiitions: (1) This dev vice may not caus se harmful interferrence, and (2) thiss device must acccept any interferen nce received, inclu uding interfe erence that may cause undesired operation. Pursu uant to Part 15.21 of the FCC Rules s, any changes orr modifications to this product not e expressly approve ed by Packet Powe er LLC might cause harm mful interference and void the FCC authorization to op perate this producct. Pursu uant to part 2.1091c of the FCC rule es device is categ gorically excluded from routine RF E Exposure regulatiions. PACKETPOWER.COM SEE MANUAL Indus stry Canada (IC) Compliance Statement FCC ID: WCGP5C IC: 8751A P5C This device complies with w Industry Cana ada license-exempt RSS standard( s). Operation is subject to the follow wing two condition ns: (1) Th his device may no ot cause interferen nce, and (2) this device must accep pt any interference e, including interfe erence that may ccause undes sired operation off the device. Unde er Industry Canada a regulations, this s radio transmitter may only operate e using an antenn na of a type and m maximum (or lesse er) gain approved for the transmitter by Indu ustry Canada. To reduce potential radio interference e to other users, th he antenna type a and its ga ain should be so chosen that the eq quivalent isotropica ally radiated powe er (e.i.r.p.) is not m more than that necessary for succe essful comm munication. MADE INUSA Per section RSS-102, 2.5 of Industry Ca anada regulations, this device is ca tegorically exclud ded from Routine E Evaluation Limits.. Indus strie Canada (IC)) Déclaration de conformité Le prrésent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Ca anada applicabless aux appareils rad dio exempts de liccence. L'exploitatiion est au utorisée aux deux x conditions suivan ntes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas prod duire de brouillage e, et (2) l'utilisateu ur de l'appareil do oit accep pter tout brouillage e radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est sus ceptible d'en com mpromettre le foncctionnement. Confo ormément à la rég glementation d'Ind dustrie Canada, le e présent émetteu ur radio peut foncttionner avec une a antenne d'un type e et nada. Dans le butt de réduire les rissques de brouillag d'un gain maximal (ou inférieur) approuv vé pour l'émetteurr par Industrie Can ge radioé électrique à l'inten ntion des autres utilisateurs, il faut choisir le type d'a ntenne et son gaiin de sorte que la puissance ipoos sotrope rayonnée équivalente (p.i.r.e.) ne dépasse pa as l'intensité néce essaire à l'établisssement d'une com mmunication satisffaisante. Packet Power™ Wireless DC Monitoring System Manual Contents Contents ................................................................................................................................... 2 System Overview...................................................................................................................... 3 Device Setup ........................................................................................................................ 4 System Components ............................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. Wireless Current Monitors ................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. Menu and Navigation ............................................................................................................ 5 Setting and IP Address ......................................................................................................... 5 Gateway Placement and Mounting Bracket ................................................................. 6 Device Placement ............................................................................................................. 6 Gateway Placement.......................................................................................................... 6 Communications ................................................................................................................... 7 MODULE IDENTIFICATION ............................................................................................. 8 Technical Specifications ........................................................................................................... 9 Copyright 2016 © Packet Power, LLC. Packet Power™ Wireless DC Monitoring System Manual System Overview The Ethernet Gateway version 4 is the central Gateway by which all Packet Power monitoring nodes (environmental and power) communicate. This guide is intended to provide a high level overview of how to commission a Gateway module. Refer to the support section of for additional support. Gateway Types: There are various Gateway models. These include the standard Gateway designed to communicate exclusively with the Packet Power EMX portal, Modbus TCP/IP output versions (enterprise and solo), and SMNP output versions (solo and enterprise). All Gateway versions can communicate with the EMX portal simultaneously (i.e. a Modbus version can provide ModBus TCP/IP output as well as communicate with the EMX portal simultaneously). Gateway Models Part Number SNMP Modbus TCP/IP GW03-0000 No No GW03-00SS GW03-00SE Yes Yes No No GW03-00MS No Yes GW03-00ME No Yes Usage Use with Packet Power EMX software (local or cloud) SNMP Solo: single-gateway deployments of 300 monitoring units or less SNMP Enterprise: multi-gateway sites. Modbus Solo: single-gateway deployments of 300 monitoring units or less All models can concurrently send data to EMX (local or cloud) if desired. All models support Virtual IP addresses and can concurrently send data to EMX (local or cloud) if desired. Gateway Facts: One Gateway can support up to 150 nodes (node count will affect polling time). The network is self-configuring and will auto recognize new nodes added. Multiple Gateways can be used within a network for capacity or redundancy and will automatically load balance the nodes. Updates: The Gateway firmware is capable of being remotely updated over the network. Consult the support section of the website for additional details. Security: The Packet Power network is designed to be the most secure monitoring system available with many inherent security features exclusive to the architecture that limit any possibility of penetration through the wireless nodes onto the host network. Additionally the Gateway can be equipped with 128 bit encryption. Contact Packet Power for additional details. Copyright 2016 © Packet Power, LLC. Packe et Power™ W Wireless DC M Monitoring Sysstem Manual Dev vice Setu up Conne ect the Gateway to a rou uter (using a standard ne etwork cable e) with netwo ork access u using the Ethernet port on o the back of the Gatew way. Conne ect the powe er supply pro ovided or any 5 VDC sou urce to the D DC input of tthe Gatewayy. The Gateway can be powered d using PoE (Power ove er Ethernet) u using a splittter and 5VD DC PoE source. Once energized th he Gateway will indicate e it’s firmware re version, th hen device ID D number (a also found on the top la abel of the Gateway) followed the IP P address (m may be blankk if operating DHCP P mode); notte that the IP P address may take up to o two minute es to displayy. 192.168.1 12 Copyright 2016 © Packet Power,, LLC. Packe et Power™ W Wireless DC M Monitoring Sysstem Manual Gate eway Intterface Men nu and Navigatio on cess the me enu for the Gateway, pre ess and To acc hold th he selector button / joysttick on the frront of the device e for three se econds. To navigate the e menu, move the joystick in a corresp ponding direc ction and t enter a se election. push to Settting and IP Addrress To con nfigure the IP address of th he Gateway, enter the setu up menu by pressing and h holding the e button to ad “selecttion button” fo or three secon nds. Use sho ort clicks of the dvance throug gh the menu until the [-> Set IP] option appears. Click and hold [-> Set IP]. T The LCD will show DHCP:On -orDHCP:Off. Click an nd hold the bu utton to toggle e between DH HCP on and o off. To set a sstatic IP addrress click an nd hold DHCP P:Off. The dis splay will then n show CP: O Off <- . Click a and hold the b button and the IP addres ss will appearr. Use short cllicks to scroll through speccific digits of tthe IP address. Click and hold the buttton to change the underlin ned number of o the IP addre ess. Once the e correct IP a address is enttered you ca an exit the IP address cons sole by advancing to the en nd of the scre een and holdin ng the selecto or button when the bac ck arrow charracter <- is hig ghlighted. Map file for detaills. See Menu To pro operly config gure the IP address, the Gateway, N Netmask and d DNS serve er address m must also be b entered. To T change th hese parame eters use the e same men nu navigation n style as ot to have described above. After the DNS Server address is sset you will n need to reboo ment your ch hanges. Do this by press sing HOLD w when “Rebo oot” is displayyed. “Bootin ng” implem will sh how on the display while the unit reb boots and im plements yo our changes. To lea ave the configuration me enu without having chang ges take efffect, click and HOLD the “Exit”. You ca an find addittional inform mation, includ ding details o on the SNMP MIB and M Modbus register map, at a www.pack Copyright 2016 © Packet Power,, LLC. Packe et Power™ W Wireless DC M Monitoring Sysstem Manual Gate eway Pla acemen nt and Mounting g Bracke et The Gateway mou unting brack ket is designe ed to allow o optimal placem ment of Gate eway and En nvironmenta al Monitor mo odules away from metallic c surfaces and a optimize e signal stren ngth. It can be sec cured to mou unting structtures using bolts, screwss or adhes sive tabs pro ovided. Devic ce Placemen nt Never insid de of a meta al structure (exterior of th he rack) Ideally with h-in 30-100 feet of anoth her Packet P Power device e (gateway o or monitoring module) 2-4” (5-10 cm) away frrom a large metallic surfface or moun nted on a no on-metallic platform (u use the mounting bracke et for optima l placement Higher is better; alway ys try and loc cate the mon nitoring node e at the high hest point tha at allows an unobstructed d path to another monito oring node o or gateway Gatew way Placement Gateway module(s) sh hould be loca ated 10-30 m meters from one or more e monitoring nodes (ide eally line of site). Locate the e gateway att a height ab bove monitorring nodes w when possiblle Use the sa ame guidelin nes noted in device place ement (do n not locate insside metallicc cabinets or directly on metal surfaces) Use the Ga ateway mou unting bracke et for optima al placementt and signal strength Redundant Gateways are advised d for any critiical environm ment One Gatew way can sup pport up to 300 Packet P Power monito oring device es; additiona al Gateways will improve e polling spe eeds Copyright 2016 © Packet Power,, LLC. Packe et Power™ W Wireless DC M Monitoring Sysstem Manual Com mmunica ations Inform mation gathered by the Wireless DC Monitors is transmitted via a Packe et Power radio netwo ork operating g at 2.4 GHz. The network operates in a mesh to opology. Ea ach device in n the netwo ork must be within range of at least one o other de evice (either another monitoring node or the Ga ateway) in th he network. The effectiv ve range of tthe radio in tthe Wirelesss DC Monitors varies s depending on several factors, inclu uding the envvironment in n which the p product is ussed. Typica ally, each de evice has an effective range of 10 to o 30 meters. The Wirele ess DC Mon nitors will no ot transmit efffectively if itt is installed in an enclossure that enttirely blocks radio signalls such as a fully enclo osed metallic c enclosures s. Every site where a Wireless DC D Monitor is s deployed m must have in nstalled at le east one compa atible Packe et Power Gatteway and associated so oftware to co ollect data a and prepare it for transm mission to ap pproved mon nitoring and analysis app plications. It is not nece essary for alll Wirele ess DC Monitors to comm municate dirrectly with th he Gateway.. As long ass each monittor can co ommunicate with at leas st one other monitor in a sequential rrelay mode, and one mo onitor in the network can n also comm municate with h the Gatewa ay, information from all monitors will reach the Gatewa ay. The ra ate at which power moniitoring inform mation is gatthered from a cable depends primarrily of gatewayss. As an exa on the e ratio of the number of monitors to the t number o ample, at a ratio of 100 0 monitors pe er Gateway, a Gateway should read d from each cable everyy 5 to 15 seconds. The sys stem will auttomatically re eallocate ne etwork trafficc across Gate eways when new Gateways or devices are e added. Ide eally one Ga ateway shall be used for a maximum m of every 150 Wireles ss DC Monito ors reporting g to the Gate eway. Figure re 21: Packet Power Commun nications Archittecture Copyright 2016 © Packet Power,, LLC. Packe et Power™ W Wireless DC M Monitoring Sysstem Manual MODU ULE IDENTIFICATION Each monitor is as ssigned a sp pecific identification code e in the form m of a 16 dig git alpha num meric code which can be e seen on th he front of the module ass well as a Q QR code whiich can be re ead to sav ve the module identificatiion. Figure 22: GUID D Identification o on a module. Copyright 2016 © Packet Power,, LLC. Packet Power™ Wireless DC Monitoring System Manual Technical Specifications COMMUNICATIONS Operating frequency Wireless protocol Wired network protocol (Gateway) Firmware updates Typical transmission range Antenna Monitoring Unit to Gateway Ratio Gateways per site Multi-site support Encryption Compatible devices From 860, 930MHz and 2.4 GHz (specific frequency used varies by region) Proprietary frequency hopping, self-configuring, load-balancing mesh network TCP/IP (one IP address needed per Gateway) with SNMP and Modbus TCP/IP options Wireless 10 to 50 meters indoors from any one device to any other Fully enclosed, fixed configuration From 100 to 300 monitoring units per gateway depending on desired data collection rate and Gateway model Unlimited Yes Optional 128-bit All Packet Power modules may be combined in the network OPERATING ENVIRONMENT Operating 0° to +40° C (+32° to +104°F) temperature Operating humidity 10% to 90% non-condensing Environmental rating Indoor use / NEMA 1 Mounting Typical: on top of server cabinet, under a cable raceway, under a raised floor DISPLAY LCD LED LCD display for status and configuration details Indicates general device status SIZE AND WEIGHT Ethernet Gateway 76mm x 94mm x 31mm; Weight: 65g (3 oz) Copyright 2016 © Packet Power, LLC. Packet Power™ Wireless DC Monitoring System Manual POWER SUPPLY External Power Supply Safety Standards Plug Types Power Consumption Power Over Ethernet CERTIFICATIONS Certifications 100- 240VA/C input voltage, 50-60Hz (5 VDC output) (72mm x 43mm x 29mm) EN60950 UL60950 IEC60950 NEMA 5-15, CEE-7 Schuko, AS/NZS 3112 2000, BS 1363A, C14, BS 546A 3W Available. Requires an external PoE splitter FCC, Industry Canada, CE; consult Packet Power for additional certifications Copyright 2016 © Packet Power, LLC. 10
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