Palm 820 PDA With Bluetooth User Manual User Guide for the Tungsten T5 Handheld

Palm Inc PDA With Bluetooth User Guide for the Tungsten T5 Handheld


User Manual 2

Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 279CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email Messages• The name of the outgoing mail (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, or SMTP) server• Your account’s security feature (if it has one), such as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), Authenticated Post Office Protocol (APOP), or Extended Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (ESMTP)• Your email address and passwordGo to your email provider’s website or contact their customer support to obtain this information.Using a corporate email accountIf you want to access email on your handheld using your corporate email account, you create this account on your handheld in exactly the same way as any other account, with one exception: for a corporate email account, you may need to set up a virtual private network (VPN).If your company has a Bluetooth network located behind the corporate firewall, or if you are using an 802.11b (also called Wi-Fi) SDIO card (go to to check on the availability of these cards) in your handheld and your company has an 802.11b network located behind the corporate firewall, you may not need to set up a VPN to access your corporate email account. See the following section for details.Before you set up a corporate email account, check with your company’s system administrator to get the following information:Username and password This might be your Windows username and password, your Lotus Notes ID username and password, or something else. The VersaMail application provides strong 128-bit AES encryption for your password.Protocol Many corporate mail servers use the IMAP protocol for retrieving mail. In rare cases, your company server may use the POP protocol. Some corporate mail servers do not use either protocol. If so, you cannot send and receive email wirelessly from your handheld. You can synchronize email on your handheld with email in Microsoft Outlook or Lotus Notes on your computer.»Key TermFirewall A system set up to protect against unauthorized access into a private network.NOTE
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 280CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesIncoming and outgoing mail server settings Check with your company’s system administrator to obtain these settings.With a corporate email account, you may be able to access the following types of mail servers, among others:• Microsoft Exchange•IBM Lotus Domino• Sun iPlanetVPNsIf you want to access email on your handheld using your corporate email account, you may need to set up a virtual private network (VPN) on your handheld. A VPN enables you to log in to your corporate mail server through the company’s firewall (security layer). Without a VPN, you cannot pass through the firewall to gain access to the mail server.You need to set up a VPN to access corporate email in either of the following situations:• Your company’s wireless local area network (LAN) is located outside the firewall.• Your company’s wireless LAN is located inside the firewall, but you are trying to access the network from outside the firewall (for example, from a public location or at home).Check with your company’s system administrator to see if a VPN is required to access the corporate network.The auto get mail with notification feature in the VersaMail application may not work with a VPN connection. Also, you cannot use scheduled sending retry of email with accounts that use a VPN connection.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 281CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesCreating an accountThe steps for creating an account are different depending on how you plan to send and receive email:Wireless only If you plan only to send and receive email wirelessly from your handheld, set up the account on your handheld by following the procedures below.Synchronize only (Windows only) If you plan only to synchronize email on your handheld with email on your computer, and never to send and receive email wirelessly from your handheld, do not set up the account on your handheld. Instead, follow the steps for setting synchronization options on your computer later in this chapter. When you are finished, synchronize to transfer the account settings to your handheld.Both wireless and synchronize (Windows only) If you plan both to send and receive email wirelessly and to synchronize email on your handheld with email on your computer, you must set up the account on your handheld and follow the steps for setting synchronization options on your computer. If you do not set up the account in both places, synchronizing email does not work. If you plan to synchronize your new handheld with an existing username from another handheld, you must do so before you enter your email account information in the VersaMail application. If you enter the email account information first and then synchronize your handheld to an existing username, the email account information you entered is overwritten.IMPORTANT[!]
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 282CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesSetting basic account options01Go to Favorites and select VersaMail  . 2Open the Account Setup screen:a. Open the menus.b. Select Accounts, and then select Account Setup.c. Select New.Continued
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 283CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email Messages3Enter the basic account information:a. In the Account Name field, entera descriptive name.b. Select the Mail Service pick list,and then select your emailprovider. Select Other if yourprovider is not listed.c. If you chose Other, select the Protocol pick list, and then select POP or IMAP.  Do not check the Synchronize Only Account box. If you plan only to synchronize email on your handheld with email on your computer, do not set up the account on your handheld. Instead, follow the steps for setting synchronization options on your computer later in this chapter.d. Select Next.Continued»Key TermProtocol Settings your email provider uses to receive email messages. Most providers use the Post Office Protocol (POP); a few use the Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP).TipIf your email provider appears on the Mail Service pick list, you don’t need to select a protocol. The correct protocol is automatically displayed.IMPORTANT[!]
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 284CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email Messages4Enter the account username and password:a. Enter the username you use to access your email. b. Select the Password box, enter your email account password, and then select OK. c. Select Next.5If you chose a common email provider from the Mail Services pick list on the Account Setup screen, this screen is already filled in. If not, enter the names of the incoming and outgoing mail servers:a. Enter your email address.b. Enter the names of your mail servers.c. Select Next.ContinuedTipYour username is usually the part of your email address appearing before the @ symbol, not your entire email address. Check with your ISP if you are not sure what username to enter.Did You Know?Your incoming mail server is also called your POP or IMAP server; your outgoing mail server is also called your SMTP server.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 285CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email Messages6Do one of the following:Finish setup Select Done to finish setup and go to the Inbox of the account you set up, where you can begin getting and sending email. Set additional mail optionsSelect Next to set advanced mail options.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 286CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesSetting advanced mail options01Set mail retrieval server options for a POP or IMAP account:a. Select any of the following:Get unread mail (IMAP account only) Select Get unread mail ONLY to download only unread mail to your handheld. If you don’t choose this option and you select Get & Send, all of your messages on your provider’s mail server are downloaded to your Inbox, including messages you have already read.Delete messages on server To delete messages on your provider’s mail server when they are deleted in the VersaMail application, check the Delete messages on the server when they are deleted in VersaMail box.Leave mail on server (POP account only) To get email on your handheld but leave it on the server so you can view it later on your computer, check the Leave mail on server box.ContinuedDid You Know?The POP protocol does not support retrieval of unread mail only from the server. If you have a POP email account, the VersaMail application downloads all messages from the server regardless of whether you have read them (for example, on your desktop or on the web), and regardless of whether this box is checked.TipIf you choose to leave mail on the server and, for example, read messages from your Yahoo! account on your handheld, the messages are still visible the next time you check your Inbox on accountsPOP accounts
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 287CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesCont’d.Port Number The port number setting defaults to 110 for POP and to 143 for IMAP servers. You may need to change the port number if you choose to retrieve incoming mail over a secure connection (see the next item). If you are not sure about the correct port number, check with your system administrator.Use Secure Connection To retrieve incoming mail over a secure (Secure Sockets Layer, or SSL) connection, check the Use Secure Connection box. If you check the box, the port number for incoming mail changes to 995. You may need to change the port number; check with your system administrator.Maximum Message Size To limit the maximum size of an incoming email message, enter the size in kilobytes (KB) for Maximum Message Size. The maximum size of an incoming message is 5KB by default, but you can enter any size up to 2048KB (approximately 2 megabytes, or 2MB), including attachments. The maximum message size that you can retrieve is 60KB for the body text and approximately 5MB of total data for any attachments. Because downloading large messages can consume handheld resources, the VersaMail application displays the size of the message and asks if you want to continue downloading any message that exceeds your maximum message size, up to a total size of 2MB.b. Select Next.Continued
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 288CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email Messages2Set outgoing mail options:a. Select any of the following:Display Name Enter the name youwant to appear on your outgoingmessages, such as “Joe Smith.”Reply To Address Enter the emailaddress that you want recipients tosee and reply to on your emailmessages, only if this is different from the email address from which you are sending the message. For example, if you are sending a message from but you want recipients to reply to, enter the reply-to address here. Reply To Address makes it look as though the email came from the address you entered.BCC Check the BCC box to send a blind copy of any email message you send to another email address. The blind copy email address is not seen by the other recipients of the message. For example, if you want a copy of all messages you send from your handheld to be sent to your corporate email account, enter that email address.b. Select Next.Continued
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 289CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email Messages3Add a signature:a. Check the Attach Signature to messages box, and then enter the text of the signature.b. Select Next.ContinuedTipUse a signature to add your name and phone number to all outgoing messages.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 290CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesTesting your new accountAfter you finish setting up a new email account, the Inbox of the account you just created is displayed. You can test whether the email account is set up and working properly by getting messages.4Set additional outgoing mail options:a. Select any of the following:Port Number The default is 25, the port number most SMTP servers use. If you are not sure about the correct port number, check with your system administrator.Use Secure Connection To send outgoing mail over a secure (Secure Sockets Layer, or SSL) connection, check the Use Secure Connection box.Authentication Check the box if the outgoing server (SMTP) requires ESMTP authentication. Check with your system administrator before selecting this option. If you select this option, username and password fields appear. These fields are already filled in based on the account information you entered. In most cases, the information displayed is correct; however, occasionally your authentication username and/or password is different from your account username or password. b. Select Done.DoneTipIf you need to enter new authentication information, enter your username, tap the Password box, enter a password, and then select OK. Check with your email service provider for authentication username and password information.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 291CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesIf you set up a synchronize-only email account, you need to configure this account on your computer. You can’t synchronize email on your handheld with email on your computer unless you configure the account on your computer. Managing email accountsAfter you create an account, you can edit or delete it, or customize the account by adding ESMTP authentication, selecting a specific service to connect to your network, and more.Editing an email account01Select the account you want to edit:a. Open the menus.b. Select Accounts, and then select Account Setup.c. Select the name of the account to edit, and then select Edit.2The same series of screens appears for editing an account as for creating an account. Go through the screens by selecting Next, and change the entries you want to edit on the appropriate screens.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 292CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesDeleting an email accountWhen you delete an account in the VersaMail application, the account is removed from your handheld. The account still exists on the server. For example, deleting your Yahoo! account from the VersaMail application deletes the account only from your handheld. Your email account still exists at You can delete all but one of your email accounts; you must have at least one account.01Select the account you want to delete:a. Open the menus.b. Select Accounts, and then select Account Setup.c. Select the name of the account to delete, and then select Delete.2Delete the account:a. Select Yes in the Delete Account dialog box to delete the account and all associated email messages.b. Select OK.DoneTipSynchronize your handheld with your computer to free up the memory associated with an account after you delete it.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 293CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesSelecting a different service for an email accountWhen you set up a phone connection on your handheld, you pair each connection with a network service. You also select one of these services to be the default for all network activity on your handheld, including sending and receiving email.For any given email account, however, you can switch to a different service for that account only. For example, the default service you have selected for your handheld may be called Bluetooth and may use your handheld’s built-in Bluetooth functionality to make a connection to your corporate mail server. However, for your Earthlink account, you may want to switch to the service called IR, which uses your handheld’s IR port to make a connection to your email service provider through your mobile phone.When you exit the VersaMail application, the service disconnects (unless you are using the default service for your handheld). When you reopen the application, the email account you selected (Earthlink in this example) continues to connect using the new connection (IR in this example) until you either select a new service or uncheck the Always connect using box. If you uncheck the Always connect using box, the email account (Earthlink) connects using the default handheld service (Bluetooth in this example).The Always connect using box changes the connection service for the selected email account only. You must follow the procedure for each email account whose connection you want to switch from the default connection on your handheld.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 294CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email Messages01Open the Account Details dialog box:a. From the Inbox of the account you want to switch, select Get Mail.b. Select Details.2Select the new service:a. Check the Always connect using box. A pick list of available services appears. The currently used connection is displayed by default.b. Select the connection you want to switch to from the Service pick list.c. Select OK, and then select OK again. DoneTipIf there is an existing service connection, it is disconnected and the new connection is initiated. The VersaMail application sends and checks for any new email using the new connection.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 295CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesAdding ESMTP to an accountSome services require ESMTP authentication to validate your username and password on an SMTP server. If you aren’t sure if your ISP or web email provider supports ESMTP, check with your email provider.01Select the account to which you want to add ESMTP:a. In your Inbox or on another folder screen, open the menus.b. Select Options, and then select Mail Servers.c. Select the Account pick list, and then select Edit Accounts.d. Select the name of the account you want to change, and then select OK.Continued
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 296CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email Messages2Add ESMTP:a. On the Mail Servers screen(see step 1), select Details.b. Select the Options pick list, andthen select Advanced Outgoing.c. Check the box. Check with your systemadministrator before selecting this option. If you select this option, username and password fields appear. These fields are already filled in based on the account information you entered. In most cases, the information displayed is correct; however, occasionally your authentication username and/or password is different from your account username or password.d. Select OK.DoneTipIf you need to enter new authentication information, enter your username, tap the Password box, enter a password, and then select OK. Check with your email service provider for authentication username and password information.NOTE
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 297CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesGetting and reading emailYou can choose to see only the subjects of your email (which includes message size, sender, and subject), so that you can decide if you want to download the entire message. Or you can choose to get the entire message for all of your incoming email. If you choose to get the entire message, the body text of the message is downloaded up to the maximum message size you select. Switching among email accountsTo view the email in an account, you must switch to that account and then get the email. 01Go to Favorites and select VersaMail  . 2Select the account for which you want to get email:a. In your Inbox or on another folder screen, open the menus.b. Select Accounts, and then select the name of the account you want.3Select the folders pick list, and then select Inbox if the Inbox is not displayed.DoneDid You Know?You can set up your handheld to automatically check for and download new email messages.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 298CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesGetting email messages01Go to Favorites and select VersaMail  . 2Choose whether to get message subjects only or full messages:a. Open the menus.b. Select Accounts, and then select the account you want.c. Select Get Mail or Get & Send.d. In the Get Mail Options dialog box, select Subjects Only to download subjects only, or select Messages to download entire messages.ContinuedTipIf you have set up the account to synchronize email on your handheld with email on your computer only, you must synchronize your handheld with your computer to download messages to your handheld.Did You Know?You can deactivate the Get Mail Options dialog box by using VersaMail Preferences.TipIf you select Messages, the first 5KB of each message is downloaded. You can change the maximum size for downloaded messages in VersaMail Preferences.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 299CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email Messages3[ & ] OPTIONAL Select advancedoptions for getting email:a. Select Details, and then selectany of the following:•Get only unread mail(IMAP accounts only)• Get mail from last X days(number of days you specify;default is 7)•Download Attachments • Set Max (maximum) Message Size (default is 5KB)•Set the default connection type for this account. b. Select OK to return to the Get Mail Options dialog box.4Select OK.5[ & ] OPTIONAL If you are retrieving mail using a VPN connection, you may be asked to enter the username and password you use to log in to the VPN.6Select OK.A list of your messages appears in the Inbox.TipFor IMAP accounts, you have the option of synchronizing IMAP folders from the Get Mail Options dialog box. With wireless IMAP folder synchronization, you can synchronize email messages between a folder in an email account on your handheld and a folder with the same name on your email provider’s mail server.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 300CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesAuto get mail with notificationYou can set up the VersaMail application to automatically get new email messages and download them to your handheld with the auto get feature.If auto get downloads any new messages, your handheld lets you know with a blinking light or a beep. And a list with the number of new messages retrieved appears on the Reminders screen.The auto get feature downloads only the first 3KB of each message. You can select the More button on the message screen to download the entire message.Auto get recognizes any filter criteria you set up for downloading messages. Messages that don’t meet these filter criteria are not downloaded during an auto get. You need to turn off all filters and manually retrieve these messages. In order for auto get mail to work, your handheld must be able to make periodic connections to the Internet through your Bluetooth wireless technology-enabled mobile phone or a Bluetooth access point. If your handheld is not within range of a Bluetooth device that allows it to connect to the Internet, auto get mail does not take place.Scheduling auto get mailYou can set up different schedules for each of your email accounts, but you can set up only one schedule for each account. For example, if you set up a schedule to get mail on weekdays for your Yahoo! account, you can’t set up a separate schedule for weekends for that account.The auto get feature may not work with your specific VPN connection. It doesn’t work for SSL connections, nor does it work if your security preferences include encrypting databases on your handheld.NOTEDid You Know?If more than one scheduled auto get happens at the same time (for example, for two separate email accounts), auto get retrieves messages in the following order:1. Any past-due auto get (for example, a retry of an earlier failed auto get).2. Current retrievals according to the order of email accounts (#1, #2, and so on).
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 301CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email Messages01Select Auto Get Mail for a given account:a. From the Inbox or on another folder screen, open the menus.b. Select Options, and then select Auto Get Mail.c. Check the Get mail automatically box.2Set schedule options:Interval Select the Every pick list and select the time interval, from 15 minutes to 12 hours. Note that if you set a more frequent interval, you may need to recharge your handheld’s battery more often.Start/End Time Tap the Start and End Time boxes, and then select the hour, the minute, and AM or PM to enter the time for the first and last auto get mail to take place. Select OK.Days Select the days you want the schedule to be active. You can choose any number of days, but you can set up only one schedule for each email account.3Select OK.Continued.TipYou should perform a manual get mail after setting up a scheduled auto get. Then only new messages are retrieved during auto get.Or if you have configured an email account to synchronize messages on your handheld with messages on your computer, you can synchronize after setting up a scheduled auto get to make sure that only new messages will be retrieved.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 302CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesAuto get notificationsThe auto get mail feature provides three types of alerts during and after it gets messages:Status messages Depending on the connection type, a series of status messages may appear during the auto get connection and mail retrieval process.Notifications You can choose to have your handheld alert you with a beep or alert sound, or with a blinking light, when a new message arrives in your account. Reminders screen If auto get discovers and downloads new messages for an email account, a notification appears on the Reminders screen, telling you the account name and the number of new messages. If auto get is scheduled for more than one account, a separate notification appears for each account. 4[ & ] OPTIONAL Select Get Mail.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 303CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesSetting notification optionsYou can choose a sound—such as a bird, a phone, or an alarm—to let you know when new email arrives.01Turn on notification:a. In the Inbox or on another folder screen, open the menus.b. Select Options, and then select Notification.c. Check the Notify me of new mail box.2Select notification options:a. Select the Notify Sound pick list,and then select a sound. Thehandheld plays a briefdemo of the sound. b. To receive notifications ofsuccessful auto get mail and automatic send retries only, uncheck the Notify me of Auto Get and Send failures box. Leave the box checked if you want to receive notifications of both successful and failed auto get mail and automatic send retries.c. Select OK.DoneDid You Know?Any custom sound you install on your handheld appears on the Notify Sound pick list.TipYou can follow these steps to change the notification sound at any time.TipYou can also adjust the volume of the notification sound.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 304CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesViewing and using the Reminders screenThe Reminders screen on your handheld shows info about new email messages. It also shows alerts from other applications, such as Calendar appointments.To view the Reminders screen, tap the blinking asterisk   when it appears in the upper-left corner of any screen.If you set up a scheduled auto get mail and you receive new email messages, they are downloaded into the Inbox. If you are working with email messages in the Inbox, the Reminders screen doesn’t display a reminder for new messages, because they are already displayed in the Inbox. A broken envelope icon   appears next to a notification when an auto get mail fails.You can do any of the following:• Check the box to clear a reminder from the list.• Select the reminder (either the mail icon or the text description) to go to the Inbox of that account or to read a detailed error message. • Select Done to close the Reminders screen and return to whatever you were doing on your handheld before the Reminders screen appeared. • Select Clear All to delete all reminders on the Reminders screen. When a notification appears on the Reminders screen, select the notification to go to the Inbox of that account, or launch the VersaMail application and go to that account. Once you view a message in the Inbox, the message is removed from the Reminders screen, even if you don’t open it. Auto get then starts at the next scheduled interval, with the Reminders screen counter reset to 1. If you don’t go to the Inbox of the selected account and another scheduled email retrieval finds new messages, the Reminders screen adds the number of new messages to the notification for that account. For example, if scheduled auto get #1 finds two new messages and, before you view
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 305CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email Messagesthe Inbox, scheduled auto get #2 takes place and finds three more new messages, the Reminders screen notification indicates five new messages for that account.If auto get discovers new messages but then fails for any reason, the Reminders screen shows the account name and an error message. You can select the error message or open the VersaMail application for that account for more detailed information on the failed auto get.You can choose to disable notifications for auto get mail failures. Auto get mail retriesIf the interval for a scheduled auto get is set at “Every 1 hour” or less frequently, and an auto get fails for any reason, the VersaMail application tries to retrieve email every 30 minutes until either the next scheduled auto get occurs or the end time for scheduled email retrieval is reached. If the interval is set for more frequently than “Every 1 hour,” the VersaMail application waits until the next scheduled auto get.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 306CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesResource issues with auto get mailThe auto get mail feature can cause the following resource constraints:Decreased battery life If you set the auto get interval for more often than once per hour, your handheld’s battery charge may drain more quickly, and you may need to recharge the battery more frequently.Increased monthly charges Some wireless providers, such as Cingular or T-Mobile, charge a fee for data transactions. If you use one of these providers, using the auto get feature can substantially add to your monthly charges. This is especially true for POP accounts, because POP messages take longer to download than IMAP messages.If you primarily retrieve messages over your company’s network (Bluetooth or 802.11b network), monthly charges should not be an issue.If you are concerned about resource issues, set your interval for email auto get to retrieve messages no more frequently than once per hour.Inbox icons in the VersaMail applicationThe icons to the left of a message in the Inbox tell you the message’s status.Only the subject header information is downloaded.Part or all of the message text is downloaded.Part or all of the message text and attachment information is downloaded.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 307CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesReading email messagesTo read email, select the email message in the Inbox or the folder where the message is located.If you chose to get messages by subjects only, select the More button   to view the body of the email message, plus any attachments, up to the maximum message size you select. If the downloaded message exceeds your maximum message size, only a partial message is displayed. Select the More button to view the entire message. If you choose to get entire messages, the body of the message is displayed. However, if the downloaded message exceeds your maximum message size, only part of the message is displayed. Select the More button to view the entire message.TipIf you use the 5-way navigator to select and open a message, press Center after reading the message to close it and return to the folder where you started.TipHighlight a message and press Right on the 5-way to open a menu of message commands such as forward, reply, and delete.Select to readSelect More to view the entire message
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 308CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesSelecting whether to receive messages as HTML or plain textBy default, the VersaMail application is set to receive mail in HTML format. This means that any email messages sent as HTML are displayed on your handheld with basic HTML formatting intact, including the following:•Bold•Italics• Underlining• Colored words• Bullet lists• Numbered lists• Line breaksFor certain types of graphics (for example, JPEG or GIF files), the graphic may be displayed as a URL in the body of the email message. In some cases, you can select the URL to open the graphic.Messages sent as plain text are displayed as plain text only, and any text stripped of its HTML formatting is displayed as plain text as well. You can set the application to receive all messages as plain text only, regardless of the format in which they were sent. If you choose this option, only the text of any messages sent in HTML format is displayed.  The VersaMail application sends all messages as plain text only, with all HTML tags stripped, even if you are forwarding or replying to a message that was originally received as HTML.NOTE
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 309CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email Messages01Open VersaMail Preferences:a. Open the menus.b. Select Options, and then select Preferences.2Select message format:a. Select the Receive Format pick list, and then select HTML or Plain Text. The default is HTML. b. Select OK.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 310CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesCustomizing the font of messages you are readingYou can change the font, size, or style of incoming messages to make them easier to read. 01Open the Select Font dialog box:a. On the message screen, open the menus.b. Select Options, and then select Font.2Customize the font:a. Select each pick list (Font, Size, Style) and select the option you want. b. Select OK.DoneDid You Know?The font settings you choose apply to all incoming messages, not just the current one.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 311CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesSending an email message01Go to Favorites and select VersaMail  . 2Open a new message:a. Open the menus.b. Select Accounts, select the account you want, and then select New.ContinuedTipIf you set up the account to synchronize email on your handheld with email on your computer only, you must synchronize so that messages you compose on your handheld can be sent out through your computer’s email application.Did You Know?You can set up your handheld to automatically try resending any messages that are not sent correctly the first time.Did You Know?When you put addresses in the copies (cc:) field, they are visible to all other recipients. Addresses in the blind copies (bcc:) field are hidden from all other recipients.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 312CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email Messages3Address and compose your message:a. Enter the recipient’s email address by entering it directly, entering it from Contacts, or using Smart Addressing.b. In the Subject field, enter the subject of your email. c. In the area below the Subject line,enter the text of your email.4[ & ] OPTIONAL Attach one or more files to send with your message.5Select one of the following options to send your message:Send Sends the email immediately.Outbox Stores email so you can compose email offline and then send it all during one connection with the server. To send your email, select Get & Send.Drafts Saves your message so you can work on it at another time. DoneTipSubjects longer than one line are shown on a single line with an ellipsis symbol to the right of the subject line. Select the subject to see the full subject.Did You Know?Open the Edit menu to access the editing features available for a message you are composing. TipIf you open another application while you’re working on a message, the message is automatically saved as a draft.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 313CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesEntering an address directly in the To field01On the New Message screen, tap or navigate to the To field. 2Enter an address using one of the following methods:Single address in To field Enter the address, and then select Done.Multiple addresses in To fieldEnter a semicolon (;) and then a space between recipient names. Single address on Recipient List Tap To a nd e nter  the  address on the Recipient List screen, and then select Done. Use the shortcut buttons at the bottom of the screen for quick address entry.Multiple addresses on Recipient List Enter a semicolon (;) and then a space between recipient names.DoneTipYou can’t see the whole list of addresses in a field if the list is longer than two lines. To see the whole list, tap the word To, cc, or bcc.TipIt’s OK to enter commas instead of semicolons between addresses, because they’re changed to semicolons. But you can’t use other punctuation or no punctuation between addresses.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 314CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesEntering an address using ContactsYou can enter a recipient’s address by using the Lookup screen to select the address. The names and addresses on the Lookup screen come from Contacts. 01Open the Lookup screen:a. On the New Message screen, select the word To. b. On the Recipient List screen, select Lookup.2Enter the address:a. On the Address Lookup screen, select the address you want, and then select Add.b. Select Lookup and repeat step a for each address you want to add.DoneDid You Know?Addresses longer than one line are shown on a single line with an ellipsis symbol to the right of the address line. To view or edit the address, tap the To field to display the full address.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 315CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesEntering an address using Smart AddressingSmart Addressing completes a recognized email address. Smart Addressing automatically fills in fields when the recipient’s name and email address are in your Contacts list.01On the New Message screen, tap in the To field. 2Start entering the person’s name, such as Joe Smith.Once the name is recognized from your Contacts list, the name and email address are automatically completed on the recipient list. For example, if you have a Joe Smith and a Joan Smith in Contacts (and no other names starting with J), once you type “Joe,” the entry “Joe Smith” is completed with the correct email address.3Select the name when it appears.DoneTipSmart Addressing is turned on by default. To turn off Smart Addressing, open the Options menu, select Preferences, and then check the Advanced tab. Deselect the Enable Smart Addressing box.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 316CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesAttaching a personal signatureYou can attach a personal signature, with info like your company’s address and fax and telephone numbers, to the bottom of all messages you send.01Open the VersaMail Preferences:a. From the Inbox or on another folder screen, open the menus.b. Select Options, and then select Preferences.2Add a signature:a. Select Signature. b. Check the Attach Signature box.c. Enter your signature information, and then select OK.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 317CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesSend retryIf a send attempt fails for any reason after you select Send (for example, your handheld is out of range, or the application cannot connect to the mail server), you can choose to have the application move the message to the Outbox and keep trying to send the message every 30 minutes, a maximum of three times.If you put a message in the Outbox, you must select Send to send the message on the first try. The VersaMail application attempts automatic send retry only after the first send attempt fails. Keep in mind the following regarding automatic send retry:• Automatic send retry occurs only if you select Send to send the message manually. It doesn’t work if you select Get & Send.• To select automatic send retry, select Yes in the dialog box notifying you that manual send has failed.• If automatic send retry succeeds, the message is moved to the Sent folder.• If automatic send retry fails after the third try, you have to send the message manually.Send retry notificationsIf automatic send retry fails after the third try, a notification appears on the Reminders screen. Send retry notification features include the following:• A broken envelope icon   shows that automatic send retry has failed. A separate notification appears for each email account. • You can choose to disable notifications for send retry failures.• The Reminders screen shows only the most recent notification for an email account, no matter how many automatic send retries have been attempted for that account.Did You Know?Send retry doesn’t work for VPN or SSL connections, or for accounts for which your ISP requires you to log in to the mail server before sending mail. It also doesn’t work if you have configured the security preferences on your handheld to encrypt databases on the handheld.TipSelect the notification to view a detailed error message. Viewing the error message deletes the notification from the Reminders screen.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 318CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesModifying messages in the OutboxA message in the Outbox waiting for the next automatic send retry can be edited, moved, or deleted. However, if you edit the message, you must manually send the message. If the manual send fails, you can choose to store the message in the Outbox to wait for the next automatic send retry. During automatic send retry, any message that the VersaMail application is trying to send is in a locked state. You cannot edit, move, or delete these messages. If you try to modify a message in the locked state, an error message appears.If a send retry fails after the third try, the message is stored in the Outbox in the error state. You can send the message again manually, or edit, move, or delete the message. However, if you edit the message, you will need to manually send the message. If the manual send fails, you can choose to store the message in the Outbox to wait for the next automatic send retry.Outbox icons in the VersaMail applicationsThe icons to the left of a message in the Outbox show the message’s status.Message is waiting either to be manually sent or to be sent during the next send retry. You can edit, move, or delete a message in this state.Send retry is currently in process; you cannot edit, move, or delete a message in this state.Third automatic send retry has failed. You must manually send a message in this state by selecting Get & Send.0TipIf you perform a soft reset or synchronize during send retry, the retry cancels. You must manually send any messages in the Outbox.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 319CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesWorking with email foldersBy default, the VersaMail application displays the messages in a given account’s Inbox folder. You can easily view the messages in a different folder. You can also customize the appearance of the message list in your email folders, move messages between folders, and create and edit folders.Viewing another folder01In the Inbox or on another folder screen, select the folders pick list in the upper-right corner of the screen.2Select the folder you want to view.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 320CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesCustomizing the appearance of the message listYou can change display options on the message list, as well as the size of columns in the list.  Changing column size is available for one-line message view only.01In the Inbox or on another folder screen, select Display Options.2Customize any of the following:Sort by Select the Sort by pick list, and then select the column name. Default is Date.Sort order Select Descend or Ascend. Default is Descend.One- or two-line column viewSelect the Show pick list, and then select one-line or two-line view. Default is two-line.Columns shown Check the box under the Show pick list for each column you want to show. The column options change depending on whether you choose a one-line or a two-line view. Defaults are Sender, Date, and Subject.Font Tap the Font field. Select each pick list in the Select Font dialog box (Font, Size, Style) and select the option you want. Default is Palm 9 Plain.Read and unread message color Select the Read and Unread pick lists, and then select the color you want for each type of message. Default for both is black.ContinuedTipThe customization options you choose apply to all email folders, not just the one you are in.NOTE
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 321CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email Messages3Select OK.4If you selected one-line summary view in step 2, change the size of columns in the message list:a. Tap the column divider.b. Drag the column divider to change the width of the column.DoneColumn divider
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 322CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesMoving messages between foldersYou can move one or more email messages between folders. 01In the Inbox or on another folder screen, select the folder pick list in the upper-right corner and select the folder containing the message(s) you want to move.ContinuedTipYou can use the 5-way to move a single message. Select the message you want to move, press Right to open the Message menu, and then select Move To. Then select the folder you want on the destination list.TipTo select a group of adjacent messages, drag the stylus to the left of the message icons. TipYou can also open the Message menu and select Move To.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 323CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email Messages2Move a single message:a. Tap the envelope icon to the left of the message you want to move, and then select Move To from the list.b. On the folders list, select the destination folder you want.3Move multiple messages:a. Tap to the left of the icon for each message you want to move. A checkmark appears next to each selected message.b. Tap a message icon next to a selected message, and then select Move To on the list.c. On the folders list, select the destination folder you want.Continued
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 324CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesCreating and editing mail foldersThe VersaMail application has certain preset folders, such as Inbox, Outbox, Drafts, and Trash. You can create new folders so that you can store email messages by subject, person, or project.04Select OK.Done1In the Inbox or on another folder screen, select the folder pick list in the upper-right corner, and then select Edit Folders.Continued
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 325CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email Messages2Select any of the following:a. To create a new folder, select New, and then enter the new folder name. b. To rename a folder, select the folder name from the list on the screen, select Rename, and then enter the new folder name. c. To delete a folder, select the folder name from the list on the screen, and then select Delete.  For IMAP accounts only, check the box if you want the change (create, rename, delete) to take place on the server as well as on your handheld.3Select OK.DoneNOTE
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 326CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesWorking with email messagesWhen you receive an email message, you can reply to it or forward it to someone else. You can also open web addresses (URLs) within messages.Forwarding an email message01On a folder screen, select the folder pick list in the upper-right corner, and then select the folder that contains the message you want to forward.2Select the message to forward:a. Select the email message to open it.b. Select Forward (Fwd).3Address and send the message.DoneDid You Know?You can forward email messages from any folder other than the Outbox folder.Did You Know?Forwarded messages are always sent as text only, even if you received the original message in HTML format.Select Forward
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 327CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesReplying to an email messageYou can reply to an email message as you are reading it, or you can start the reply when you are viewing messages in the message list.001Create the reply:a. Select the message you want to reply to.b. Select Reply.2Select reply options and send your reply:a. In the Reply Options dialog box,select options for replying to thesender only or to all emailrecipients; for includingoriginal message text with yourreply; and for inserting a “>” character at the beginning of each line in the original message included with your reply. b. Select OK.c. Enter a reply.d. Select Send to send the reply now, Outbox to send it later, or Drafts to work on it later. DoneDid You Know?Replies are always sent as text only, even if you received the original message in HTML format.TipFrom the message screen, you can also select Reply from the Options menu.TipTo reply to a message from the message list, tap the envelope icon next to the message you want, and then select Reply on the list. Or open the Options menu and select Reply.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 328CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesWorking with URLsYou can tap a URL in a received message to view the web page or file associated with the URL. Tapping the URL opens your handheld’s web browser to view the page or file. You can also tap an embedded email address to open a new message screen with the address in the To field.Depending on whether the received message is displayed in HTML or plain text format, URLs and email addresses appear in slightly different forms, as follows:HTML URLs and email addresses appear as blue underlined text.Plain text Most URLs begin with “http://” or “www.” Simply tap to view these types of URLs. To view a page or file associated with a URL that does not begin with “http://” or “www.,” select the URL, copy it, and paste it into the address bar in the web browser.Deleting a messageYou can delete email messages from any folder. For example, you can delete old messages in the Inbox or messages that you were working on in the Drafts folder. When you delete a message, it is placed in the Tr a s h  folder.01In the Inbox or another folder screen, select the folders pick list, and then select the folder that contains the message you want to delete.2Tap the bullet next to the icon of each message that you want to delete. To select adjacent messages, drag the stylus so it hits the bullet to the left of each message. Lift the stylus and drag again to select more adjacent messages.ContinuedDid You Know?Email addresses appear in the form “” (or other three-letter extension such as .net, .org, and so on).
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 329CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesDeleting old messages03Delete the message or messages:a. Open the menus.b. Select Delete from the Message menu.c. Select Also delete message(s) on server, if you want to delete the messages from the server now. If you delete a message on the server, you cannot retrieve it and view it again later.d. Select OK.Done1Open the Delete Old Messages dialog box:a. Open the menus.b. Select Delete Old from the Message menu.ContinuedIMPORTANT[!]TipTo delete messages on the server when you empty the trash on your handheld, select the Delete Msgs on Server setting in the VersaMail Preferences. Many email providers have size restrictions for mail storage. If your mailbox on the server becomes full, messages are returned to the senders.TipYou can also tap the message icon next to a selected email message and then select Delete.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 330CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email Messages2Choose settings for deleting old messages:a. Select the Folder pick list, and then select the folder that contains the messages you want to delete.b. Select the Older than pick list, and then select One Week, One Month, or Choose Date. If you select Choose Date, select a date from the calendar.3Delete messages:a. Select Delete.b. Select Also delete message(s) on server if you want to delete the messages from the server now. If you delete a message on the server, you cannot retrieve it and view it again later.c. Select OK.DoneTipMessages you delete from a folder move to the Trash folder and remain there until you empty the trash.IMPORTANT[!]
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 331CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesEmptying the trashWhen you delete a message, it moves to the Trash folder. Deleted email accumulates in the Trash folder and takes up space on your handheld. To increase memory, you should empty the trash regularly. 01Open the Empty Trash dialog box:a. Open the menus.b. Select Empty Trash from the Message menu. If Auto-Empty Mail from Trash is selected in VersaMail Preferences, a message asks if you want to delete the trash. 2[ & ] OPTIONAL Select Details to see how many messages are in the trash and whether the messages are set to be deleted on the server.3Select one of the following options for emptying the trash:To delete messages from your handheld as well as from the server Select Both. Select Yes if you want to update the server now. To delete the message from only your handheld now Select Handheld. DoneTipYou can set a preference to automatically empty the trash.Did You Know?Many email providers, such as Yahoo!, have size restrictions for mail storage. If your mailbox on the server becomes full, messages are returned to the senders. NOTE
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 332CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesSetting the trash to be emptied automatically01Open the VersaMail Preferences:a. Open the menus.b. Select Options, and then select Preferences.2Select the settings for automaticallyemptying the trash:a. Select the Advanced tab.b. Check the Auto Empty box if it is not selected.c. Select the pick list, and then select one of the following:• Email messages are automatically emptied from the trash immediately when they are deleted from a folder.• Messages are automatically emptied from the trash after the time interval you specify: one day, three days, one week, or one month.d. Select OK.DoneDid You Know?By default, Auto-Empty Mail from Trash is selected, and the time interval is set at Older Than 1 Week.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 333CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesMarking messages as read or unreadWhen you select a message to read it, it is automatically marked as read. You can also manually mark messages as read or unread. 01Select the message or messages to mark:a. In the Inbox or on another folders screen, select the folders pick list, and then select the folder containing the message you want to mark.b. Tap the icon next to the message you want to mark. To mark multiple messages, tap the bullets next to the messages you want to mark.2Do one of the following to mark the message or messages:Single message Select Mark Read or Mark Unread on the list.Multiple messages Open the menus, select Message, and then select Mark Read or Mark Unread.ContinuedDid You Know?In one-line view, read messages appear in plain text in the message list; unread messages appear in bold text.Did You Know?POP mail servers do not support the read or unread message feature. For POP accounts, messages that you mark appear in plain or bold text on your handheld, but the difference is not recognized on the server.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 334CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email Messages3For IMAP accounts only, select oneof the following:To mark the messages as read orunread on your handheld onlySelect Handheld.To mark the messages on both yourhandheld and the server and have the messages marked on the server immediately Select Both, and then select OK on the confirmation screen.To mark the messages on both the handheld and the server and have the messages marked on the server the next time you synchronize or connect to the server Select Both, and then select Cancel on the confirmation screen. If you set up an IMAP account as synchronize only, this screen does not appear.DoneTipSelecting Both and then OK also processes any other pending actions on the server, such as deleting messages not yet deleted.NOTE
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 335CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesWorking with attachmentsYou can easily download, view, and send attachments with email messages.Downloading an attachment to your handheldEmail may contain attached files, such as Microsoft Word or text files, that you want to view or install on your handheld. When you receive a message that has an attachment, the VersaMail application scans your handheld to see if you have an application that can open the attachment. If so, you can open the attachment with the application.Here are the kinds of attached files you can work with:vCard (VCF) This is contact information. Open these files in the Contacts application on your handheld.vCal/iCal (VCS or ICS) This is usually a calendar appointment or a task. Open these files in the Calendar or Tasks application on your handheld.Te x t  ( T X T ) This is usually a memo or another plain text file. Open these files in the Memos application on your handheld.HTML (HTML or HTM) This is usually a web page or a formatted text file. Open these files in the web browser on your handheld. Your handheld displays HTML attachments with full formatting intact. Microsoft Word (DOC), Excel (XLS), and PowerPoint (PPT) files  Open these files in the Documents application on your handheld.Graphics files (JPG, BMP, TIF, GIF) Open these files in the palmOne™ Media application on your handheld.Other application files For other types of application files, your handheld may contain a viewer that allows other applications to pass it a file for viewing. If your handheld contains such a viewer, you can open the attachment; if not, you can’t view the attachment.TipYou can also save downloaded files to an expansion card.TipThe maximum message size you can download is 60KB for the body text and approximately 5MB total, including attachments. If an attachment is too large, it cannot be downloaded to the handheld. You can download a maximum of 10 attachments for any received messages, regardless of message size.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 336CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesPRC (PRC) This is a Palm OS® application that you can install and run on your handheld. PDB (PDB) This is a file that works with specific Palm OS applications. ZIP (ZIP) These are compressed files that contain other types of files, for example, text files or Word documents. You can download and uncompress (“unzip”) a Zip file and then view the contents on your handheld.Working with a downloaded attachmentIn the message list, a paper clip on a message’s envelope icon indicates that the message has an attachment that has been downloaded. You can view, edit, or install an attached file, depending on the file type.01In the Inbox, select the message with the attachment. 2[ & ] OPTIONAL If you choose to get messages by subject only, select More for each downloaded message to view the body of the email message plus any attachments, up to the maximum message size.ContinuedPaper clipTipBecause downloading large messages can consume handheld resources, the VersaMail application displays the size and asks if you want to continue downloading any message that exceeds your maximum message size, up to a total size of 5MB.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 337CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email Messages3Tap the red paper clip icon in the upper-right corner. If the attachment is not downloaded, a paper clip icon doesn’t appear even though the message was sent with an attachment. You must download the attachment for the paper clip icon to appear.ContinuedPaper clip icon
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 338CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email Messages4Select Save to save the attachment to your handheld’s internal drive or to an expansion card, or do one of the following, depending on the attachment file type:Viewable file: text, Word document, task, HTML, graphic, and so on Select the name of the attachment you want to view, and then select View. If there are multiple viewers registered on your handheld for the attachment file type, either use the default viewer shown, or select a viewer from the list. For example, if you have two photo viewing applications on your handheld and you select a photo attachment on the list, the Viewer pick list appears containing the names of the photo viewing applications. Select the pick list, and then select the application you want to use to view the photo attachment.If there is only one viewer registered for the attachment file type, the viewer is shown without a list.Palm OS application or database file (PRC or PDB) Select the name of the attachment you want, and then select Install. The file is installed automatically.Compressed Zip file Select the name of the attachment you want, and then select Unzip. The file uncompresses, and the files it contains are listed. Select the name of the file you want to view or install, and then select View or Install.ContinuedDid You Know?You can save any type of attached file, regardless of file type.TipAfter viewing an attachment, you can save it to the internal drive or to an expansion card.Viewer pick listButton displays View, Install, or Unzip, depending on the attachment file type
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 339CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesDownloading large attachmentsDownloading and viewing a message with a single attachment that exceeds your maximum message size, or a message with multiple attachments whose total size exceeds your maximum message size, requires some extra steps.05When you finish with the attachment, do one of the following:Done button appears on screen Select Done. This returns you to the Attachments dialog box, where you can select another attachment.No Done button appears Go to Favorites and select VersaMail   to return to the Inbox of the account you were in.Done1To download a single attachmentthat exceeds the maximummessage size:a. On the message screen, selectMore.b. Select Yes to continue downloading the entire message with attachment.c. When downloading is complete, the red paper clip icon appears and More is no longer displayed. Save, view, or install the attachment.ContinuedTipWhen you see both a red paper clip icon and the More button in the Message screen, that means that some attachments to this message were downloaded, but others remain to be downloaded.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 340CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesAttaching filesYou can attach files on your handheld (in program memory or on the internal drive) to email messages you send. For example, you can attach photos or videos; Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files; and entries from Contacts, Calendar, Memos, and Tasks. You can also attach files from an expansion card inserted in your handheld’s expansion slot.The maximum size message you can send is 60KB for the body text and approximately 5MB of total data for any attachments. The maximum number of attachments for any email message is ten, regardless of the attachments’ total size.You can attach a file to forwarded messages and replies as well as messages you create.2To download multiple attachments whose total size exceeds the maximum message size:a. On the message screen, tap the red paper clip icon.b. Select one of the following:To view any downloaded attachments without downloading additional attachments Select No. Save, view, or install the downloaded attachments.To continue downloading all attachments Select Yes. When downloading is complete, the Attachments dialog box appears, showing all downloaded attachments. Save, view, or install the downloaded attachments.DoneTipIf you open a message from the Drafts folder, you must first select Edit before you can add an attachment.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 341CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email Messages The procedure for attaching photos and videos is slightly different from the procedure for attaching other types of files.01Open the Attachments screen:a. On the message screen, open the menus.b. Select Options, and then select Attachment.ContinuedNOTEDid You Know?You can attach any file type from your handheld’s internal drive or an expansion card.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 342CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email Messages2Attach the file:a. Select the Type pick list, and then select the file type. The VersaMail application displays all file types on your handheld that you can attach to an email message. Or select to browse files on your handheld’s internal drive or on an expansion card.b. Select the file that you want to attach, and then select Add or Attach. The selected file appears in the Attachments box. For some file types—for example, addresses or memos—the files to attach appear in the box at the top of the Attachments screen. For others—for example, Excel or Word files—a new screen appears from which you can select the file to attach.c. Repeat steps a and b for each attachment you want to add, and then select Done.DoneDid You Know?If you select Files on Card, the VersaMail application displays all file types on the card. You can select a particular file type, or select All Files to view all files on the card. TipTo remove an attachment from an email message, select the attached file in the Attachments box, and then select Delete.NOTE
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 343CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesAttaching photos and videos001Open the Attachments screen:a. On the message screen, open the menus.b. Select Options, and then select Attachment.2Attach the photo or video:a. Select the Type pick list, and then select Photo/Video. b. On the Select Media screen, select the Album pick list to go to the album containing the photo or video you want, and then check the box to the left of the photo or video. Or browse to locate the photo or video on your handheld’s internal drive, and then check the box to the left of the photo or video. c. Select Done.DoneTipTo attach a photo or video from an expansion card, select the card name from the Album pick list.TipTo select adjacent items, drag the stylus across each item.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 344CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesSynchronizing email on your handheld with email on your computerWINDOWS ONLYTo manage your email on your computer as well as on your handheld, you can synchronize an email account on the handheld with an email application on the desktop. You can use many popular email applications, called clients, such as Microsoft Outlook, Eudora, Lotus Notes, Outlook Express, or any other email clients that use MAPI. When you synchronize an account, messages from your computer are downloaded to your handheld only. Messages from your handheld are not transferred to your computer during synchronization. You must have a Windows computer to synchronize email on your handheld with email on your computer. On a Windows computer, the VersaMail conduit is installed automatically when you install Palm®Desktop software.To synchronize email for a given account, do the following:• If you plan both to send and receive email wirelessly from your handheld and to synchronize email on your handheld with email on your computer, you must set up the email account on your handheld with the correct settings. If you plan only to synchronize email on your handheld with email on your computer, you do not need to set up the account on your handheld.• Enable synchronization on your computer.• Select the synchronization options for the email account.Setting up an account on your handheldIf you plan both to send and receive email wirelessly from your handheld and to synchronize email on your handheld with email on your computer, you must set up the email account on your handheld. If so, note the following on the Account Setup screen for each email application or connection type:TipIf you are synchronizing an account with Microsoft Outlook on your computer, you must also set Outlook as your default email program.TipIf you intend both to synchronize email on your handheld with email on your computer and to send and receive email messages wirelessly from your handheld for a given account, leave the Synchronize Only Account box unchecked on the Account Setup screen.IMPORTANT[!]
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 345CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesMicrosoft Exchange account Select IMAP in the Protocol pick list.Lotus Notes If you want to synchronize to a local mail file instead of a server mail file, select POP in the Protocol pick list. If you are synchronizing your corporate email and your corporate mail server does not use IMAP, select POP. If neither of the above is true, select IMAP.DIrect connection to Internet (POP) mail server Select the correct protocol in the Protocol pick list. Most email providers use the POP protocol, although some, notably AOL, CompuServe, and .Mac, use the IMAP protocol.Direct connection to IMAP mail server Select IMAP in the Protocol pick list. Enabling synchronization on your computer01Open the VersaMail conduit configuration screen:a. Click the HotSync Manager icon   on the taskbar in the lower-right corner of your computer screen.b. Select Custom.c. Select VersaMail from the list, and then click Change.Continued
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 346CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email Messages2Select Synchronize Active Accounts.3[ & ] OPTIONAL If you want to include active email accounts every time you synchronize, check the box Set Selection As Default. Otherwise, active accounts are included only the next time you synchronize.Your computer is now set up to synchronize email. Use the next procedure to set options for each email account you want to synchronize.Did You Know?An active account is an account you’ve set up for synchronization.TipCheck the box Enable Informational Logging if you want the HotSync log to record information, such as errors encountered, about the conduit during synchronization.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 347CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesSetting synchronization options for your email account If you have already set up an account on your handheld and have synchronized your handheld with your computer, many of the synchronization options are already filled in.01Open the synchronization options screen:a. On the VersaMail Configuration For User screen, click the plus sign to the left of the account you want to configure.b. Under the account name, click Mail Client Sync Setup.ContinuedTipRead the Setup Notes box for helpful setup information or error messages.TipYou can set advanced synchronization options such as how many days’ worth of messages to synchronize, downloading attachments, and synchronizing email folders.NOTE
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 348CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email Messages2Select synchronization options:a. Check the box to include this account when you synchronize. You must check this box; otherwise, the account cannot be synchronized.b. Select your mail client synchronization options.3Click Save   on the toolbar to save the settings for this account.DoneIMPORTANT[!]
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 349CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesSetting mail client synchronization optionsSelect the mail client to use for synchronization based on the type of account, mail client, or connection you use. Use the following criteria to determine which client to select. The mail client you select in the pick list may not be the one you use on your computer. For example, depending on your account, you might use Microsoft Outlook as the mail client on your computer, but need to select Microsoft Exchange or Direct IMAP from the list.Microsoft Exchange account on your handheld with Microsoft Outlook on your computer If you plan only to synchronize email on your handheld with email on your computer, select Microsoft Exchange in the Mail Client pick list. Otherwise, select Direct IMAP.If the Mail Profile field displays only one profile, do nothing. If the field displays a pick list, click the list and select your Exchange server profile.Tap the Mail Password box and enter your Outlook password. This might be your Windows login password or a different password.Any account other than a Microsoft Exchange account on your handheld with Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express on your computer If you plan only to synchronize email on your handheld with email on your computer, select Microsoft Outlook or Microsoft Outlook Express in the Mail Client pick list, depending on your mail client. If you plan both to synchronize email and to send and receive email wirelessly from your handheld, select Microsoft Outlook or Microsoft Outlook Express if your email account uses the POP protocol. If your email account uses the IMAP protocol, select Direct IMAP.Any account with Lotus Notes If your account uses the POP protocol, select Lotus Notes in the Mail Client pick list. If your account uses the IMAP protocol, select Direct IMAP.In the next two fields, enter your Lotus Notes ID and password. Click Browse if you need to locate your Notes ID.TipIf you select Direct IMAP for Lotus Notes synchronization, you must be connected to the Internet during synchronization; otherwise, it will fail. If you will not be connected to the Internet during synchronization, select POP from the Protocol pick list and select Lotus Notes from the Mail Client pick list to synchronize with the local copy of Lotus Notes on your computer.TipIf you are synchronizing with an account with Microsoft Outlook on your computer, you must also set Outlook as your default email program.NOTE
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 350CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesIf you want to synchronize to a local mail file instead of a server mail file, check the Synchronize to local (replicated) mail file box. You must do all of the following to synchronize to a local mail file:• Replicate the server mail file to the desktop.• Make sure the replicated mail file is in the Notes data directory.• If you have performed a custom Notes installation and have replicated the server mail file to another directory on your desktop, make sure that it is the path found in the notes.ini file.Any account with Eudora on your computer If you are using Eudora as your email application, you must set up MAPI in Eudora. Select Options from the Eudora Tool menu, and then do one of the following:• If Eudora is the only email application that you use, select Always as the MAPI setting.• If you use more than one email application, select When Eudora is running as the MAPI setting.Make sure that your username and password are set up correctly within Eudora. This information is needed to log in to Eudora to retrieve and synchronize your email.Eudora must be running for you to synchronize. The VersaMail application synchronizes with your Dominant Personality in Eudora 5.1 or later.Internet-based account on your handheld with your Internet mail server In the Mail Client pick list, select Direct POP to server.Any account with your IMAP mail server In the Mail Client pick list, select Direct IMAP to server.Other email applications Select Microsoft Exchange 5.0 or later as a choice for the Mail Client option if your email application is compatible with extended MAPI. If your email application is compatible with SMAPI, select Microsoft Outlook Express as a choice for the Mail Client option. TipThe conduit does not support SSL for accounts set up as DIrect POP or Direct IMAP.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 351CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesSetting Microsoft Outlook as your default email programTo synchronize Microsoft Outlook 97/98/2000/XP with a VersaMail email account, you must set Microsoft Outlook as the default email handler. You must check your username and password.01On your computer, open the Internet Options screen:a. Click Start, navigate to Settings, and click Control Panel.b. In the Control Panel, click Internet Options. For Windows XP, click Network and Internet Connections, and then click Internet Options. 2Set the default email program:a. Click the Programs tab.b. Select Microsoft Outlook as the default email program.c. Click OK.DoneTipMake sure your username and password are set up correctly within Outlook.NOTE
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 352CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesSetting advanced email synchronization optionsFor each email account you set up on your handheld, you can set options for synchronizing email on your handheld with email on your computer. You can also synchronize email folders on your handheld with folders on your computer.01On your computer, open the VersaMail configuration screen:a. Click the HotSync Manager icon   on the taskbar in the lower-right corner of your computer screen.b. Select Custom.c. Select VersaMail from the list, and then click Change.2Enter the advanced synchronization options:a. On the VersaMail Configuration For User screen, click the plus sign to the left of the account you want.b. Under the account name, click Advanced Sync Options.c. Enter the synchronization options you want:Continued
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 353CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesCont’d.Maximum message size (KB) Enter the maximum message size that can be synchronized from your computer to your handheld—from 1 to 5000KB (5MB). The smaller the maximum size, the faster the synchronization, but any messages over that size are cut. On the other hand, choosing a larger size means that more messages can be completely synchronized without being cut, but synchronization takes longer.Continued
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 354CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesCont’d.Days To Synchronize Mail Set how many days’ worth of email should be synchronized. Select 0 to synchronize all email in the Inbox during the next synchronization. Select another number if you want to synchronize email for today and some days before today. For example, if you enter 2, email is synchronized for today and yesterday; if you enter 3, email is synchronized for today, yesterday, and the day before; and so on. If you select 0, you may get very long synchronization times. If you select a low number such as 1 or 2, not all of your messages may be synchronized. The default is 7 days.Synchronize unread mail only Select whether to synchronize all email between your computer and your handheld, or unread email only. By default, the box is unchecked, meaning that all email is synchronized.Download attachments Select whether to download attachments during synchronization. By default, the box is checked; if you uncheck it, only the body text of any message containing an attachment is downloaded to your handheld during synchronization.Send email from Outbox Check the box to synchronize messages in your handheld's Outbox with messages on your computer during the next synchronization. If the box is unchecked, your Outbox is not included when you synchronize messages.Synchronize incoming email Check the box to synchronize messages in your handheld's Inbox with messages on your computer during the next synchronization. The box is checked by default; if unchecked, your Inbox is not included when you synchronize messages.ContinuedDid You Know? You can synchronize your Outbox, Sent, Trash, and any other folders you create.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 355CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email Messages3[ & ] OPTIONAL You can synchronize email folders. This means that any changes you make to a folder on your handheld—for example, creating a new folder or moving messages between folders—are automatically updated in the mail client on your computer, and vice versa.a. Click Folder Synchronization Options.b. Click the name of the folder you want.c. Click the Synchronize column to the right of the folder name.d. Click the arrow to open the drop-down list, and then click Yes.e. Click OK.4Click Save   on the toolbar to save the settings for this account.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 356CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesAccount information screensTwo screens in the VersaMail conduit provide summary information on your accounts:Account Overview The Account Overview screen indicates whether the account is active; whether the account has been synchronized and, if so, the last synchronization date; the mail client for this account; and whether the mail client and/or the incoming mail server has been changed since the last synchronization.To view the Account Overview screen, click the selected account name.Handheld Settings Overview The Handheld Settings Overview screen lists the server protocol, display name, email address, incoming and outgoing mail server addresses, and whether APOP or ESMTP authentication is required.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 357CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesTo view the Handheld Settings Overview screen, under the selected account name, click Handheld Settings.VersaMail conduit shortcutsYou can use the icons on the toolbar to perform certain tasks quickly, such as saving account configuration settings.Save account settings Saves any changes you make to an account.Add a new account You are prompted to enter the account name and protocol.Delete an account You are prompted to select the account to delete from a drop-down list.Quick account reference Lists all accounts and shows whether they are active and the date they were last synchronized.Help Displays the Help window with complete online help.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 358CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesExcluding one or more accounts during synchronizationBy default, HotSync® Manager is set to synchronize all accounts you configure in the conduit each time you synchronize. You can choose to exclude a specific account from synchronization, or to exclude all email accounts.To exclude a specific account Uncheck the box Select this check box to synchronize this email account when you perform a HotSync operation on the VersaMail configuration screen. To exclude all email accounts from synchronization Click the HotSync Manager icon   in the taskbar in the lower-right corner of your computer screen, select Custom, select VersaMail, and then click Change. Select Do Nothing.Synchronizing an accountAfter you set basic and advanced synchronization options and exclude any accounts, if desired, you can synchronize your handheld with your computer.Synchronizing multiple accountsYou can include more than one account when synchronizing. The maximum number of accounts you can synchronize is as follows:• 1 Simple MAPI account (for example, an account set up using Outlook Express or Eudora)• 1 Extended MAPI account (for example, an account set up using Outlook)• 1 Lotus Notes account• 5 combined direct POP or direct IMAP accountsIf you try to synchronize more than the limit for a particular type of account, an alert prompts you to deactivate any accounts over the allowed number.TipSelect Set Selection As Default to apply the options you selected each subsequent time you synchronize. Otherwise, the settings apply only the next time you synchronize.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 359CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesUsing SSL with the conduitWhen you set up an email account, you can choose to use a secure connection (Secure Sockets Layer, or SSL) for sending and receiving email messages. The VersaMail conduit supports SSL when synchronizing with an email account only if that account uses Outlook, Outlook Express, or Eudora.The conduit does not support SSL for accounts set up as direct POP or direct IMAP or for Microsoft Exchange or Lotus Notes accounts.Advanced VersaMail application featuresYou can choose from among the following features to customize and optimize your experience using the VersaMail application:• Setting preferences for getting, sending, and deleting email• Updating a contact directly from an email message• Creating and using filters to determine the types of email messages that get downloaded to your handheld• Managing settings for incoming and outgoing mail• Adding APOP to an account• Setting advanced account preferences• Changing email header details• Backing up mail databases• Synchronizing IMAP mail folders wirelessly• Working with root folders• Using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 360CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesSetting preferences for getting, sending, and deleting email01Open the VersaMail Preferences:a. In the Inbox or on another folder screen, open the menus.b. Select Options, and then select Preferences.2Select preferences:Get Select whether to get message subjects only or entire messages.Ask Every Time Displays a dialog box for choosing subjects only or entire messages each time you retrieve email. If it is unchecked, messages are retrieved according to the option you select in the Get pick list.Confirm Deletions Displays a confirmation dialog before deleting email.Delete Msgs on Server If this is checked, messages that you delete on your handheld are automatically deleted on the server. If it is unchecked, you are asked each time you delete messages on your handheld whether you want to also delete them on the server. ContinuedTipBecause mailboxes on the server usually have size restrictions, it is a good idea to delete messages on the server regularly.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 361CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesCont’d.Download Attachments Causes files attached to email to be automatically downloaded to your handheld. Attachments that exceed the maximum message size cannot be downloaded. Receive Format Lets you retrieve messages in HTML or plain text format. If you choose HTML, any messages sent to you in HTML format are displayed with basic HTML formatting intact. Other messages are displayed as plain text. If you choose Plain Text, all messages are displayed as plain text, regardless of the format in which they were sent. Default setting is HTML.Signature Enables you to attach a default signature to all your outgoing messages.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 362CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesAdding or updating a contact directly from a messageYou can add an email address in Contacts directly from the body of a received email message.01Open the Add Contact dialog box:a. Open the message you want.b. On the message screen, open the menus.c. Select Options, and then select Add to Contacts.2[ & ] OPTIONAL If a Display Name exists for this Contacts record, the dialog box displays the name in the Last name and First name fields.If the Last name and First name fields are blank, enter the first and last name associated with the “From” email address.3Select OK to add the email address to Contacts, and then select OK in the confirmation dialog box.DoneTipYou can also update an existing Contacts record with a new email address, or create a second Contacts record for a name that has an existing record. The procedure is the same as for adding a new Contacts record. If you select Add to Contacts from the body of an email message and a record already exists for the recipient name, you are prompted to either update the email address for the recipient or create a new record for the recipient.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 363CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesCreating and using filtersFilters provide efficient ways to manage email retrieval and storage. When you select Get Mail or Get & Send, filters determine which email messages are downloaded to your handheld and in which folder the downloaded messages are stored.  If you create a filter, only messages that meet the filter criteria are downloaded to your handheld. You don’t see any other messages that have been sent to you, even in your Inbox. To avoid this, you must set up two filters. For example, suppose you create a filter to have all messages with “onlinebroker” in the From field moved to your Finance folder. You must then create a second filter, specifying that all mail NOT containing “onlinebroker” in the From field should be moved to the Inbox (or other folder you designate). If you don’t create this second filter, only messages containing “onlinebroker” in the From field are downloaded to your handheld.01Go to Favorites and select VersaMail  . 2Open the Filters dialog box:a. In the Inbox or on another folder screen, open the menus.b. Select Options, and then select Filters.c. Select New.ContinuedIMPORTANT[!]TipCreate a filter, for example, so that whenever you receive email about sales meetings, it goes immediately into a folder you create called Sales. Or create a filter so that stock quotes sent to you by your online brokerage service go to a folder you create called Finance.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 364CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email Messages3Enter the filter information:a. Enter a short description of thefilter in the Name field.b. Enter filter criteria:To  p i c k  l i s t Select the messageheader field with the informationcontained in the edit line: To,From, Subject, cc, Size.For example, you might select From to download only messages from a particular sender. Contains pick list Select a filter action: Contains, Starts with, Does NOT Contain. Edit line Enter the text that must be found in the header field. For example, if you want to sort email with the subject Sales, enter “Sales.” If you enter more than one criteria, separate each with a comma—for example, Sales, New York.Then get mail and move to pick list Select the folder or mailbox into which you want your filtered email to go. You can also create a new folder for storing the incoming email. Select Edit Folders, and then create a new folder or delete or rename existing ones. c. Select OK. The filter appears in the Filters list.DoneDid You Know?Filters you create on your handheld also apply when you synchronize email on your handheld with email on your computer.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 365CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesTurning filters on and offA filter that is turned on applies to all subsequent downloads of email until you deselect it. More than one filter can be in effect at once. Before you download email, be sure to turn on the filters you want and turn off those you don’t want.01Open the Filters dialog box:a. In the Inbox or on another folder screen, open the menus.b. Select Options, and then select Filters. The Filters dialog box appears with the filters you created.ContinuedTipFilters that are turned on execute in the order in which they appear on the Filters list. Move filters up and down the list to ensure that they execute in the correct order by selecting the pick list to the left of the filter name.TipIf you don’t want a filter to apply to any downloads at all, be sure to uncheck the filter under both Connected and Synchronize.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 366CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email Messages2Turn filters on or off:a. Select the pick list in the upper-left corner and select one of the following:Connected Applies a filter to messages downloaded to your handheld over a network connection.Synchronize Applies a filter tomessages downloaded to your handheld when you synchronize.b. Check or uncheck the filter boxes to select the filters you do and don’t want to use for subsequent email transactions.c. Select OK.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 367CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesEditing or deleting a filter01Select the folder to edit or delete:a. In the Inbox or on another folder screen, open the menus.b. Select Options, and then select Filters.c. Select the name of the filter.2Do one of the following:Edit Revise your entry in the Name field, your selections in the pick lists, and/or the text in the edit line. Select OK.Delete Select Delete, select Yes to confirm the deletion, and then select OK.3Select OK.DoneTipEdit a filter to change either its name or any of its criteria.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 368CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesManaging settings for incoming and outgoing mailYou can configure advanced mail settings such as server information, incoming and outgoing mail server options, and more, for each email account.01Select the account whose settings you want to manage:a. In the Inbox or on another folder screen, open the menus.b. Select Options, and then select Mail Servers.c. Select the Account pick list, and then select Edit Accounts.d. Select the name of the account whose settings you want to manage, and then select OK.Continued
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 369CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email Messages2On the Mail Servers screen, doany of the following:Protocol Select the Protocol pick list, and then select POP or IMAP. Username Enter a new username.Password Tap the Password box, and enter a new password in the Password Entry dialog box. Service for this account Check the Always connect using box, select the Service pick list, and then select the connection type you want.ContinuedTipYour username is typically the first part of your email address, which appears before the @ symbol.Did You Know?The VersaMail application provides strong 128-bit AES encryption for your password.TipSelect a service for this account only if you want it to be different from the default service you use to connect to a network for your handheld.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 370CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email Messages3Manage address and server settings:a. On the Mail Servers screen, select Details.b. Select the Options pick list, and then select Address/Servers.c. Do any of the following:Email address Enter the email address of the account you are accessing, such as mail server Enter the name of your incoming (POP) mail server, such as mail server Enter the name of your outgoing (SMTP) mail server, such as Select OK.Continued
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 371CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email Messages4Manage incoming mail server settings:a. On the Mail Servers screen, select Details.b. Select the Options pick list, and then select Incoming Mail.c. Do any of the following:Get unread mail ONLY For IMAP accounts, retrieves unread email only. To get all email and not just unread email, deselect Get unread mail ONLY. Maximum Message Size Enter the maximum message size that you can receive. Leave mail on server (POP only) Leaves email that you receive on the handheld on the server also.d. Select OK.Continued.Did You Know?The POP protocol does not support retrieval of unread mail only from the server. If you have a POP email account, the VersaMail application downloads all messages from the server regardless of whether you have read them (for example, on your desktop or on the web), and regardless of whether this box is checked.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 372CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email Messages5Manage advanced incoming mail server settings:a. On the Mail Servers screen, select Details.b. Select the Options pick list, and then select Advanced Incoming.c. Do any of the following:Port Number Usually 110 for POP and 143 for IMAP servers. If you are not sure about the correct port number, check with your mail server administrator. Use Secure Connection To retrieve incoming mail over a secure (Secure Sockets Layer, or SSL) connection, check the Use Secure Connection box.Use APOP (POP only) Encrypts your username and password when they travel over the network. Some services require APOP to work properly, while others do not work properly if APOP is used. If you aren’t sure if your ISP or web email provider supports APOP, check with your email provider. Root Folders (IMAP only)  Defines the root folder on your IMAP server. ContinuedTipAdvanced incoming mail options are different depending on the connection type you selected and the server protocol: POP or IMAP.TipThe Deleted Mail and Sent Mail fields are case sensitive, and the folder name should be spelled exactly as it is on the server.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 373CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesCont’d.Deleted Mail (IMAP only)  Stores deleted email in the folder you specify on the server. Sent Mail (IMAP only)  Shows the name of your Sent Mail folder on the server. d. Select OK.6Manage outgoing mail server (SMTP) settings:a. On the Mail Servers screen, select Details.b. Select the Options pick list, and then select Outgoing Mail.ContinuedTipIf you are using the VersaMail conduit and have an IMAP account, you must configure the outgoing mail settings to send mail.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 374CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesCont’d.c. Do any of the following:Display Name Enter the name you want to appear on your outgoing messages, such as “Joe Smith.”Reply To Address Enter the email address that you want recipients to see and reply to on your email messages, only if it is different from the email address from which you are sending the message. For example, if you are sending a message from but you want recipients to reply to, enter the reply-to address here. Reply To Address makes it look as if the email came from the address you entered.BCC Check the BCC box to send a blind copy of any email message you send to another email address. The blind copy email address is not seen by the other recipients of the message. For example, if you want a copy of all messages you send from your handheld to be sent to your desktop email account, enter that email address.d. Select OK.Continued
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 375CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email Messages7Manage advanced outgoing mail server (SMTP) settings:a. On the Mail Servers screen, select Details.b. Select the Options pick list, and then select Advanced Outgoing.c. Do any of the following:Port Number The default is 25, the port number most SMTP servers use. If you are not sure about the correct port number, check with your mail server administrator.Use Secure Connection To send outgoing mail over a secure (Secure Sockets Layer, or SSL) connection, check the Use Secure Connection box.ContinuedTipIf you need to enter new authentication information, enter your username, tap the Password box, enter a password, and then select OK. Check with your email service provider for authentication username and password information.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 376CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesCont’d.My server requires authentication (ESMTP) Check this box if the outgoing server (SMTP) requires ESMTP authentication. Check with your system administrator before selecting this option. If you select this option, username and password fields appear. These fields are already filled in based on the account information you entered previously. In most cases, the information displayed is correct; however, occasionally your authentication username and/or password is different from your account username or password. d. Select OK twice.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 377CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesAdding APOP to an accountTo encrypt your username and password when they travel over the network, some services require APOP to work properly, while others do not work properly if APOP is used. APOP works only with accounts that use the POP protocol.01Select the account to which you want to add APOP:a. In the Inbox or on another folder screen, open the menus.b. Select Options, and then select Mail Servers.c. Select the Account pick list, and then select Edit Accounts.d. Select the name of the account, and then select OK.2Add APOP:a. On the Mail Servers screen, select Details.b. Select the Options pick list, and then select Advanced Incoming.c. Check the Use APOP box, and then select OK.3Select OK.DoneTipIf you aren’t sure if your ISP or web email provider supports APOP, check with your email provider.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 378CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesSetting advanced account preferences01Open the Advanced Preferences screen:a. In the Inbox or on another folder screen, open the menus.b. Select Options, and then select Preferences.c. Select the Advanced tab.2Select any of the followingpreferences:Enable Smart AddressingDisplays a list of addresses that match the letters you enter in the To field. You can select the address you want from the list.Auto-Empty Mail from TrashDetermines how often email messages in the trash are automatically deleted. Timeout Sets the number of seconds to try to connect before timing out. To change, tap the Timeout field and enter a new value.ContinuedTipAny advanced preferences you set are account-specific; they apply only to the account you are currently in.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 379CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesCont’d.Auto-Disconnect Automatically disconnects your remote connections after each command. Each command you perform initiates a new call to your ISP. This setting is not recommended if you plan to perform multiple email transactions in a short amount of time. Disconnect on Exit Disconnects from the network only after you leave the VersaMail application. This feature is an alternative to Auto-Disconnect. This option keeps your connection active while you perform multiple transactions in the VersaMail application, but automatically disconnects when you move on to a different application on your handheld. If this option is not selected, you must manually disconnect from your ISP. Modem Wait Displays the number of seconds that the modem uses to initialize itself. If you have a modem, select and enter a number of seconds for the wait. The typical setting for a wireless modem is 3, and the typical setting for most normal modems is 0.DoneTipThe default Timeout setting is 45 seconds. It can be any number greater than 0 seconds; however, if you set the number too low, your connection attempt may time out before you make a connection with the email service provider.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 380CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesChanging email header detailsWhen viewing a message in any folder, you can change the view of the message header. The email header options are as follows:• Short header: Shows sender’s name or address (From field) and subject line (Subj field).• Full header: Shows the following:• Sender’s name or email address (From field)• Subject line (Subj field)• Date message was composed, sent, or received (Date field)• Size of message including any attachments (Size field)• Recipient’s name or email address (To field)Tap icon to switch to full headerTap icon to switch to short header
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 381CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesYou can also switch between a short header and a full header for a message you are composing. Short header shows the To and Subject fields only; full header shows the To, cc:, bcc:, and Subject fields.To switch between short and full headers on either a folder screen or a message screen, tap the header icon in the upper-right corner of the screen.Backing up mail databasesIf you want to make sure you have a backup copy of all your email, you can back up all the email databases from the handheld. This is useful if you download messages directly from a mail server to your handheld. The backup copy is stored in the Backup folder on your computer.Tap to switch to full headerTap to switch to short header
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 382CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesBy default, your handheld is set to back up mail databases.01Open the System Preferences screen:a. In the Inbox or on another folder screen, open the menus.b. Select Options, and then select Preferences.c. Select the System tab.2Check the Backup ALL Databases box, and then select OK.DoneTipIn most cases your email is on your server, so you do not need to back up your email database from your handheld.TipUncheck the Backup ALL Databases box to make synchronizing go faster.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 383CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesSynchronizing IMAP mail folders wirelesslyIf you create an IMAP folder in an account on your handheld that matches a folder on the mail server, you can wirelessly synchronize email messages that you move into or out of the IMAP folder, or delete in the folder. When you synchronize a folder, any email messages in the selected folder on the mail server are downloaded to the same folder on your handheld. Any messages moved out of the selected folder on your handheld or deleted on your handheld are moved or deleted in the folder on the mail server.Prerequisites for wireless IMAP folder synchronizationDepending on how you have set up IMAP folders on your handheld and/or the mail server, you may have to do some steps before you can wirelessly synchronize email messages between your handheld and the server, as follows:• If you need to create a folder on both your handheld and the server, create the folder on your handheld and check the Also create on server box.• If there is a folder on the mail server but you need to create it on your handheld, you do not need to check the Also create on server box.You can turn folder synchronization on or off during a Get Mail operation, and set synchronization options from a menu.Did You Know?You can synchronize folders whose names are up to 16 characters in length. You can synchronize up to 11 custom folders you create, in addition to the default folders Inbox, Outbox, Drafts, Sent, and Trash.TipIf you have a folder on your handheld that matches a folder on the mail server, you do not need to do anything before synchronizing wirelessly.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 384CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesTurning IMAP folder synchronization on or off 0Synchronizing handheld/mail server IMAP folders from the Options menu01From within an IMAP email account, select Get Mail.2Check or uncheck the Sync IMAP Folders box, and then select OK.Done1Open the Sync IMAP Folders screen:a. In the Inbox or on another folder screen of an IMAP account, open the menus.b. Select Options, and then select Sync IMAP Folders.2Select the folder or folders you want to synchronize from the pick list.DoneDid You Know?After you select the folders to synchronize, a connection is made to your email service provider to update the server with changes from your handheld, and to have your handheld updated with changes from the server.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 385CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesWorking with root foldersFor IMAP accounts, if you want to synchronize email messages on your handheld with messages on the mail server folder, you need to enter the root folder for the account on your handheld. Depending on your email provider, the root folder could be a single folder, or it could be a subfolder of the Inbox. If this is the case, you need to enter “inbox.<foldername>” as the root folder. Check with your email provider to find out the root folder for your IMAP account.Using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a protocol designed to ensure that information you send or receive over a network or the Internet is secure and authentic. The VersaMail application uses SSL to help guarantee the secure transmission of email messages that you send or receive. When you set up an account in the VersaMail application, you are given the option of selecting SSL for incoming and outgoing mail.  For most email providers that support SSL, you must select SSL for both incoming and outgoing mail. If you select just one or the other, your messages cannot be sent or received successfully.Keep the following in mind regarding SSL:• If you set up an account that uses an SSL connection on Outlook, Outlook Express, or Eudora, then SSL is supported in the VersaMail conduit when you synchronize with that account as well.• You cannot use auto get mail with notification or scheduled sending retry of email with accounts that use an SSL connection. IMPORTANT[!]
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 386CHAPTER 15 Sending and Receiving Email MessagesRelated topicsClick a link below to learn about these related topics:Moving AroundUsing the Graffiti® 2 command stroke in email messagesEntering Info Cutting, copying, and pasting text from an email messageManaging Info Downloading email messages from your computer to your handheldConnecting Setting up a phone connection for sending and receiving email wirelesslyCustomizing Setting preferences for connecting to a networkCommon QuestionsAnswers to frequently asked questions about the VersaMail applicationMy HandheldMake your handheld uniquely yours. For great tips, software, accessories, and more, visit you’re having problems with the VersaMail application or with anything else on your handheld, go to
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 387CHAPTER 16Sending and Receiving Text MessagesIf you need to get a short message to a friend or coworker fast, send a text message from your handheld via your mobile phone (GSM phone required; sold separately) to their mobile phone. Messaging is a popular way for people to stay connected using the text messaging features of their mobile phone.Benefits• Enjoy quick communication• Use text messaging to chat with friendsIn this chapterCreating and sending a text messageReceiving and viewing a text messageEditing a draft text messageSetting advanced messaging featuresRelated Topics
CHAPTER 16 Sending and Receiving Text MessagesTungsten™ T5 Handheld 388Creating and sending a text message Many SMS service providers charge per text message or part of a text message. Each message or part is 160 characters. If you create a text message under 161 characters, you are charged for one message. If you create a message that is 161 to 320 characters, you may be charged for two messages, and so forth. A counter appears at the top of the page to indicate the number of characters. Even though a message has more than 160 characters, the message appears as one message to the person receiving the message. 01Go to Applications and select SMS  . 2Select New.Before You Begin[!]Before you can send and receive text messages, you must set up a phone connection on your handheld to send and receive information wirelessly.»Key TermSMS Abbreviation for Short Message Service. More commonly known as text messages, SMS messages can be received by most mobile phones.IMPORTANT[!]Unread messageRead message
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 389CHAPTER 16 Sending and Receiving Text Messages3Enter the recipient’s address using one of the following methods:Select To Select the recipient’s name on the Mobile Number Lookup list, and then select Add. Enter directly Enter the recipient’s mobile phone number on the To line.4In the area below the To line, enter the text of your message. 5[ & ] OPTIONAL You can store your message in your Draft category and work on it later:a. Open the menus.b. Select Draft on the Message menu.ContinuedTipIf you are concerned about the length of your messages, you can have a warning appear when multipart messages exceed the specified number of parts. Open the Options menu and select Preferences. Select Details and then select the number of parts from the Warn over pick list.Did You Know?You can create a signature that you use to sign your messages by opening the Options menu and selecting Preferences. Enter a signature on the lines. You can add your signature to your message by opening the Options menu and selecting Add Signature.Number of characters
CHAPTER 16 Sending and Receiving Text MessagesTungsten™ T5 Handheld 3906Send your message:Select Send Sends the current message now. Selecting Send does not send any of the other messages in your Outbox.Select Outbox Sends your message to the Outbox to be sent later.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 391CHAPTER 16 Sending and Receiving Text MessagesReceiving and viewing a text message01Go to Applications and select SMS  . 2Select Send & Check.3Select the message to open and read it.ContinuedTipIf you want to check your messages but you don’t want to send the messages stored in your Outbox, open the Messages menu and select Check. TipYou can also send all the messages in your Outbox by opening the Messages menu and selecting Send. Did You Know?You can set an alert that lets you know a new message has arrived. Open the Preferences menu and check the Alert sound box. Select the Alarm pick list to choose a sound.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 392CHAPTER 16 Sending and Receiving Text Messages4Store, delete, or reply to the message:Select Done The message is kept in the Inbox.Select Reply A new message is created with the sender’s phone number in the To line. Any selected text is copied into the new message.Select Delete The message is sent to the Trash category.Archive the message You can store your message in the Archive category:a. Open the menus. b. Select Archive on the Message menu.DoneDid You Know?You can change how your messages are listed. You can sort the messages in order of one of the following: Alphabetic, Date, Phone Number, and Status. You can also choose to display the date the message was received. Open the Options menu and select Preferences. Select from the Sort by pick list and select Show date.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 393CHAPTER 16 Sending and Receiving Text MessagesEditing a draft text message01Go to Applications and select SMS  . 2Edit the message:a. Select Draft from the categories pick list.b. Select the message you want to edit. c. In the message view, select Edit and edit your message.3Send or store the draft message:Select Send Sends the current message now. Selecting Send does not send any of the other messages in your Outbox.Select Outbox Sends your message to the Outbox to be sent later.Select Cancel Opens a dialog box that asks if you want to save the message in the Draft category. Select Yes to keep your changes and return the message to the Draft category. Select No to discard your changes and return the message to the Draft category.DoneDid You Know?You can store your message in your Draft folder and work on it later by opening the Message menu and selecting Draft.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 394CHAPTER 16 Sending and Receiving Text MessagesSetting advanced messaging features01Go to Applications and select SMS  . 2Go to the Preferences menu:a. Open the menus. b. Select Preferences on the Option menu.Select3[ & ] OPTIONAL Set the following parameters:Confirm Deleted Message Indicates whether a confirmation message appears each time you delete a message or you select the Empty Trash option from the Message menu. To display confirmation messages, select this check box.Delete After Transfer Indicates whether data messages are deleted after you accept the data in the appropriate application. To keep data messages after you transfer them to the application, uncheck this box.Continued
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 395CHAPTER 16 Sending and Receiving Text Messages4[ & ] OPTIONAL Select Details and set the following parameters:Leave Messages on Phone Indicates whether messages are deleted from your phone after you download them to your handheld. To keep messages on your phone after you transfer them to your handheld, select this box.Return Receipt Determines whether you receive receipt confirmation notices. To receive receipt confirmation notices, select Requested.Expires Indicates how long unsent messages remain in your Outbox. Select from the following options: 4 Hours, 1 Day, 1 Week, 2 Weeks, 1 Month, and Max. Time.Message Center Indicates whether your handheld obtains your mobile phone service provider’s Message Center number directly from the phone, or whether you need to enter the number manually. If your phone is already configured to use SMS, you do not need to change this setting. 5Select OK twice.DoneDid You Know?Outgoing SMS message settings may depend on the service offered by your SMS carrier.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 396CHAPTER 16 Sending and Receiving Text MessagesRelated TopicsClick the link below to learn about these related topics:Moving Around• Opening applications• Using menusCategories Organizing messages by arranging them into categories and sorting themPrivacy Keeping messages private by turning on security optionsSharing • Exchanging messages with other palmOne™ handheld users by beaming them• Sending messages to other Bluetooth® devices by using Bluetooth wireless technology on your handheldConnecting Setting up a phone connection using the Bluetooth technology on your handheld to send and receive messages wirelesslyMy HandheldMake your handheld uniquely yours. For great tips, software, accessories, and more, visit you’re having problems with SMS or with anything else on your handheld, go to
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 397CHAPTER 17Browsing the WebYou use the web for so many things: checking email, finding driving directions, getting news, buying gifts. Now you can take the web with you almost anywhere you go. Use your handheld to make an Internet connection through your mobile phone, and the web browser opens the entire web to you.Benefits of the web browser• Carry the web with you• View web pages in handheld-friendly format• Store pages for offline viewingIn this chapterAccessing a web pageQuickly jumping to a pageChanging how you view a pageBookmarking your favorite pagesDisconnecting from and connecting to the InternetDownloading files and pagesCommunicating with other usersReturning to a web page you recently visitedChanging your Home and start pagesSetting advanced browser optionsRelated topics
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 398CHAPTER 17 Browsing the WebAccessing a web pageYou can open web pages, navigate the pages, and do the same things you can do with a desktop browser.Accessing a web page using the action bar1Go to Favorites and select Web  .2Go to the web page you want to view:a. Select Go to Web Page .b. Enter the address of the web page you want to visit. Use the buttons in the Go to Web Page dialog box for quick entry of characters commonly used in web addresses. If web browser recognizes the address that you are entering due to a previous entry, it automatically completes the address.c. Select OK.DoneBefore You Begin[!]To browse the web, you must set up a connection to the Internet from your handheld.If you are accessing a VPN network, you need to install VPN software and set up VPN access. You can turn on VPN from the web browser by opening the Options menu and selecting Turn VPN On. »Key TermURL Stands for uniform resource locator, the technical name for a web address. For example, the URL for palmOne is
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 399CHAPTER 17 Browsing the WebAccessing a web page using the address field01Go to Favorites and select Web  .2Go to the web page you want to view:a. Enter the address of the web page in the address field.b. Select Go.DoneTipYou can also hide the address field to show more of the web page. Open the Options menu and select Preferences. Uncheck the Show Address Bar box.Address field
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 400CHAPTER 17 Browsing the WebUsing a password to access a web pageSome websites require you to use a password to gain access to information. 01Go to Favorites and select Web  .2Go to the web page where you must enter the password.3Enter your password to access the web page:a. Enter your sign-in name in the appropriate field. b. Tap in the password box, enter your password, and then select OK.c. Select the button that lets you view the page (Sign In, Enter, Go, and so on).DoneTipSome websites allow you to check a box to have your sign-in name automatically entered each time you visit a particular web page.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 401CHAPTER 17 Browsing the WebFinding information on a web page01Go to Favorites and select Web  .2Open the Find field:a. Go to the web page you want to search.b. Open the menus. c. Select Page, and then select Find Text on Page.3Search the web page:a. Type the text you want to find.b. Select Find.DoneDid You Know?Find locates any text, whether it is letters or numbers. Find is not case-sensitive. TipBecause of the limited space on the handheld screen, sometimes the current web address (URL) is not fully visible. Use the Page Properties dialog box to view the full URL. Open the Page menu, select Page, and then select Page Info.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 402CHAPTER 17 Browsing the WebQuickly jumping to a pageThe action bar icons allow you to quickly move from page to page.Following a linkMany web pages contain underlined links, which are text or pictures that, when clicked, take you to another web page or to another part of the same page. Returning to your home page or a page you recently visitedNo matter where you navigate on the Internet, you can always return to your home page quickly or return to a page you have recently visited.Select the link to go to another web pageSelect the Home icon to go to your home pageSelect the back and forward arrows to go to previous pages
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 403CHAPTER 17 Browsing the WebChanging how you view a pageYou can change how you view web pages by selecting different display views and dragging the screen to view different parts.01Go to Favorites and select Web  .2Go to the web page you want to search.3Select the Display View icon   in the action bar.4Select from one of the following views:Optimized Displays a modified version of the web page so that it is optimized for handheld viewing.Wide Page Displays the web page as it would appear in a desktop computer web browser.ContinuedTipYou can change your font size for easier viewing.Did You Know?In the Optimized mode, use the navigator to browse the web page. Press Left or Right to jump to previous or next link. When a link is highlighted, press Select to go to the link. Press Up and Down to scroll through the web page.Display View icon
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 404CHAPTER 17 Browsing the Web5[ & ] OPTIONAL If the web page is larger than your screen, you can tap and drag the stylus to move the web page in any direction to view different parts of the web page.To activate the Tap and Drag scrolling, you must set the Tap and Drag setting in the General Preferences tab under the Options menu. This feature is disabled when you turn on Writing Area Preferences and use the full screen for Graffiti 2 writing.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 405CHAPTER 17 Browsing the WebBookmarking your favorite pagesBookmarking your favorite web pages allows you to quickly return to those pages.Adding a bookmark01Go to Favorites and select Web  .2Go to the web page that you want to bookmark.3Open the Bookmark Page dialog box:a. Open the menus. b. Select Add Bookmark on the Page menu.4[ & ] OPTIONAL Change the bookmark name, description, or URL. Continued»Key TermBookmark A pointer to a web page. The actual page is not stored, only the URL. Also called a Favorite in some browsers.TipYou can set your bookmark list as your start page.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 406CHAPTER 17 Browsing the WebViewing a bookmarked or saved pageBookmarks and saved pages both appear in the Bookmarks View. Saved pages are indicated by a small triangle in the upper-right corner of the bookmark.05Select OK.Done1Go to Favorites and select Web  .2Select the Bookmark icon  .3Select the name of the bookmarked or saved page you want to visit.On the bottom right of the screen are five icons representing the first five bookmark pages. Select the bookmark page icon to display the page. You can also press the arrow to go to the next page.DoneTipYou can also view your list of bookmarks by selecting View Bookmarks from the Page menu.Did You Know?A saved page is displayed like a bookmarked page, except that at the top of the page appears the text “Page saved on date - size k.” Bookmark page arrowBookmark page icons
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 407CHAPTER 17 Browsing the WebEditing information about a bookmark or saved pageYou can edit or delete any bookmark or saved page that does not have a lock icon next to it.01Go to Favorites and select Web  .2Select the Bookmark icon  .3Go to the Edit Bookmarks List dialog box:a. Select the Bookmark icon  .b. Open the menus. c. Select Edit Bookmarks in the Bookmarks menu.4Edit the bookmark information:a. Select the name of the bookmarked or saved page that you want to edit.b. Change the bookmark or saved page name, description, or address (URL) by selecting the appropriate option.5Select OK.DoneTipYou can clean up your bookmark list by deleting old bookmarks or saved pages you no longer use. Select the bookmark, select Edit, and then select Delete.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 408CHAPTER 17 Browsing the WebArranging the bookmark listThe web browser includes ten pages so that you can arrange bookmarks and saved pages in a logical fashion. For example, you can store travel links on one page, stock links on another, and business links on a third page.01Go to Favorites and select Web  .2Go to the Edit Bookmarks List dialog box:a. Select the Bookmark icon  .b. Open the menus. c. Select Edit Bookmarks in the Bookmarks menu.Continued
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 409CHAPTER 17 Browsing the Web3Arrange the bookmarks:a. Use the stylus to drag and drop bookmarks into different slots on the current page to organize them. b. Move a bookmark to a different page by dragging and dropping it onto the Page icon. Page icons represent the ten pages of with ten slots each for bookmarks. 4Select Save.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 410CHAPTER 17 Browsing the WebDisconnecting from and connecting to the InternetWhile you’re working with stored information in the web browser, such as saved pages, stored versions of pages, and so forth, you can disconnect from the Internet to reduce usage charges. You can connect to the Internet again when you need access.Disconnecting from the Internet01Go to Favorites and select Web  .2Disconnect from the Internet:a. Open the menus. b. Select Disconnect in the Page menu.DoneDid You Know?Generally, if you are using GPRS service, you are charged only for the data sent. If you are using a GSM service, you are charged for the time you are connected. TipIf you are in another application, you can tap a URL, and a web browser connects to the Internet and displays the page. The web browser can also open when you select an HTML file that you receive as an email attachment.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 411CHAPTER 17 Browsing the WebConnecting to the Internet01Go to Favorites and select Web  .2Connect to the Internet:a. Open the menus. b. Select Connect in the Page menu. Alternately, you can enter a URL on the address line and select Go. DoneTipIf the connection is not established, do one of the following:Select Cancel to stop the connection process. Select Change Network to select a different service to connect to.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 412CHAPTER 17 Browsing the WebDownloading files and pagesYou can download files or save files for viewing when you are not connected to the Internet.Downloading a file01Go to Favorites and select Web  .2Go to the web page you want to view.3Select the link of the file you want to download.4Select a download option:Application name Downloads the file to an application. For example, if you are downloading a Word document, the file downloads into Documents To Go. Card If you have an expansion card installed, the file downloads onto the card. If you don’t have an expansion card installed, the file is downloaded into the default folder for that file type on the handheld’s internal drive. If that file type does not have a default folder, it downloads into a folder called Blazer Downloads.5Select Save, and then select OK.DoneTipIf you decide that the download process is taking too long, you can stop it. To stop a web page from downloading, select the Stop icon in the action bar. To stop a file from downloading, select Cancel in the Download dialog box.Did You Know?The maximum file size you can download through web browser is 2MB.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 413CHAPTER 17 Browsing the WebSaving a web pageIf you want to save a web page (such as a travel itinerary or Internet order receipt) indefinitely, you can create a saved page. The copy is stored on the handheld until you delete it.1Go to Favorites and select Web  .2Go to the web page you want to save.3Go to the Save Page dialog box:a. Open the menus. b. Select Page, and then select Save Page.4Save the web page:a. Change the page name or category if you want.b. Select Save.DoneDid You Know?Saved pages are listed with the bookmarks in the Bookmark List. The saved pages have an orange corner.Did You Know?The web browser also functions as a viewer, enabling you to quickly view certain files while working in other applications. For example, if you read an email message that has a file attached in HTML format, select the file and the web browser opens so that you can view the file. TipSaving a web page on your handheld allows you to view a web page without being online.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 414CHAPTER 17 Browsing the WebViewing a saved fileYou can use the web browser to view web pages or image files that are on the handheld’s internal drive or an expansion card. The types of file that can be viewed include HTML, HTM, GIF, and JPG.01Press the Files button  .2Select a file or folder to open it.A web browser icon appears to the left of the file name in the Files list if it is a file that is automatically opened in web browser.DoneTipSuppose you have an HTML file on your desktop computer that you want to carry with you. Download the file onto handheld’s internal drive or expansion card and use the web browser to view the page on your handheld.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 415CHAPTER 17 Browsing the WebCommunicating with other usersYou can communicate with others by means of email or beaming.Sending email by means of an Internet email accountYou can use your Internet email account to send an email message and attachments.01Go to Favorites and select Web  .2Log in to your Internet email account:a. Go to the web page that allows you to log in to your email account.b. Enter your username and password.3Compose your email message.4Send or save the email message.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 416CHAPTER 17 Browsing the WebReturning to a web page you recently visitedUsing the Back and Forward icons to browse through the pages you recently visited, one page at a time, can be tedious. Instead, open the History list to go to a page you recently visited. You can go back to a page you remember visiting but did not bookmark. Use the History list to jump directly to that page. Items in the History list are sorted chronologically. 0R1Go to Favorites and select Web  .2Open the History dialog box:a. Open the menus. b. Select Page, and then select History.3Select the web page you recently visited.DoneTipYou can delete all pages saved in the History list by selecting Clear. Pages you’ve recently visited are still available in the cache, and you can visit those pages by using the Back and Forward icons.TipCreate a bookmark to save the location, or create a saved page to save the content of a web page indefinitely.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 417CHAPTER 17 Browsing the WebChanging your Home and start pagesYou can change the page that your Home Page icon   goes to, or change the page that the web browser starts with when it is first opened.Changing your Home pageYou can choose a Home page from any web address.0C1Go to Favorites and select Web  .2Open the Preferences Page dialog box:a. Open the menus. b. Select Options, and then select Preferences.c. Select the Page tab.Continued
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 418CHAPTER 17 Browsing the Web3Select the Home Page box.4Enter the URL you want as your Home page by doing one of the following:• To make the page currently displayed your Home page, select Current URL.• To select one of the last five home pages you used as your Home page, select the Previously Viewed pick list and select a URL.• Enter a URL on the Address line.5Select OK twice.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 419CHAPTER 17 Browsing the WebChanging your start pageYou can select the start page you want your handheld to open to when you first open web browser. 01Go to Favorites and select Web  .2Open the Preferences Page dialog box:a. Open the menus. b. Select Options, and then select Preferences.c. Select the Page tab.3Select the Start with pick list, and select the page you want to start with when you first open the web browser:Home Page The page you have set as your Home page.Last Page Viewed The last page you viewed before exiting the web browser.Bookmarks The Bookmarks dialog box opens. The web browser does not connect to the Internet.4Select OK.Done0
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 420CHAPTER 17 Browsing the WebSetting advanced browser optionsYou can change options on your handheld to improve the speed, ease of use, and security of your browsing experience.Changing how images are downloadedImages in web pages can be very large. You can set an option to make web pages download faster by removing images altogether. 01Go to Favorites and select Web  .2Open the General Preferences dialog box:a. Open the menus. b. Select Options, and then select Preferences.c. Select General.3Check or uncheck the Disable Images box to disable or enable images. 4Select OK.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 421CHAPTER 17 Browsing the WebSetting whether to automatically complete web addresses and form fieldsYour handheld can store information, such as web addresses and form fields. If autofill is enabled, when you enter the first few letters of a URL you’ve entered before in the URL Entry field, your handheld completes the URL for you. Also, when you are filling out forms and applications, your handheld can complete the information for you.01Go to Favorites and select Web  .2Open the General Preferences dialog box:a. Open the menus. b. Select Options, and then select Preferences.c. Select General.3Check or uncheck the Disable Auto Complete box to enable or disable autofill. 4Select OK.DoneTipFilling out an order form or application on the web usually requires entering several pieces of information: your name, address, phone number, and so on. When you enable autofill, your handheld stores the information you entered in these fields. The next time you use that order form and type the first few letters in a field, your handheld remembers the last item you entered in that field that started with those letters, and fills in the field.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 422CHAPTER 17 Browsing the WebAllowing websites to remember personal informationBy default, your handheld saves the cookies it receives. If you want more privacy, you can tell your handheld not to accept cookies. 01Go to Favorites and select Web  .2Open the General Preferences dialog box:a. Open the menus. b. Select Options, and then select Preferences.c. Select General.3Check or uncheck the Disable cookies box.4Select OK.Done»Key TermCookie Some websites store information in a small text file, called a cookie, that is saved on your handheld. A cookie usually stores information about you and your preferences for that website. A site can use this information to customize the pages you see the next time you visit. Allowing a website to create a cookie does not give the site access to the rest of your handheld. A cookie stores only the information you provide while visiting the website.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 423CHAPTER 17 Browsing the WebSetting preferences for storing web pagesYour handheld stores web pages automatically in cache. 1Go to Favorites and select Web  . 2Open the Advanced Preferences dialog box:a. Open the menus. b. Select Options, and then select Preferences.c. Select Advanced.Continued»Key TermCache The cache in your handheld is a block of memory that stores web pages so you can view them again without accessing the Internet. Cached web pages are saved, thereby saving the content you’ve viewed even when you exit the web browser.TipRemember that your handheld has a limited amount of memory. Choose a cache size that lets you store at least a few pages but still leaves room on your handheld for other data and applications. A value of at least 1MB is recommended.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 424CHAPTER 17 Browsing the Web3Change the size and content of the cache by using the following options:Set memory limit for storing pages Sets the amount of memory used for your cache. Pages are cached so they load faster the next time you view them.Cookies  Indicates how much memory is being used by cookies. Clear Cache Clears the cache immediately and frees the memory.Clear cache on exit Check the box to clear the cache each time you exit web browser. Uncheck the box to keep the cache from session to session.4Select OK.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 425CHAPTER 17 Browsing the WebSetting preferences for using a proxy serverYour handheld comes with the proxy server turned off. You can turn the proxy server on and configure a proxy server. 01Go to Favorites and select Web  . 2Open the Advanced Preferences dialog box:a. Open the menus. b. Select Options, and then select Preferences.c. Select Advanced.Continued»Key TermProxy Server A server that provides access to files from other servers by retrieving them either from its local cache or from the remote server.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 426CHAPTER 17 Browsing the Web3Set your proxy server preferences:a. Select Set Proxy.b. Check or uncheck the Use proxy server box to use or not use a proxy server.c. If you want to use a proxy server, select the Use Proxy box and enter the appropriate server address and port number.d. Select OK.4Select OK.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 427CHAPTER 17 Browsing the WebSetting whether to accept JavaScriptYou can choose to bypass JavaScript elements on the web pages you view. JavaScript is often used on web pages for interactive content.01Go to Favorites and select Web  .2Open the General Preferences dialog box:a. Open the menus. b. Select Options, and then select Preferences.c. Select General.3Check or uncheck the Disable JavaScript box to enable or disable JavaScript. 4Select OK.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 428CHAPTER 17 Browsing the WebRelated topicsClick a link below to learn about these related topics:Moving Around• Opening applications• Using menusCategories Organizing messages by arranging them into categories and sorting themConnecting Setting up a phone connection using the Bluetooth wireless technology on your handheldVersaMail Sending email messages using a link from a web page.My HandheldMake your handheld uniquely yours. For great tips, software, accessories, and more, visit you’re having problems with the web browser or with anything else on your handheld, go to
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 429CHAPTER 18Dialing Phone Numbers from Your HandheldYou have been using Quick Connect in Contacts to set up client meetings and you now you are feeling hungry. You can quickly dial the local pizza parlor, even if their number is not in your Contacts list. Tap out the number on the Dialer keypad, select Dial, and your mobile phone begins dialing. Your call history stays on your handheld for easy access later.Benefits of Dialer• An easy-to-use keypad on your handheld screen for dialing numbers that are not in Contacts• Keep your call history on your handheld• Quickly dial numbers using speed dialIn this chapterDialing a numberUsing speed dialRelated topics
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 430CHAPTER 18 Dialing Phone Numbers from Your HandheldDialing a numberTapping in a number on your handheld is sometimes easier than using your mobile phone.Entering a number01Go to Applications and select Dialer  .2Tap the telephone number on the keypad.3Select Dial.DoneBefore You Begin[!]Before you can dial a number, you must set up a phone connection on your handheld.Select and hold the 0 key to add a + (plus) to the number sequenceDigits appear in the numeric displayEnter phone number and select DialSelect Clear to delete last digit from numeric display. Select and hold to clear entire numeric display
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 431CHAPTER 18 Dialing Phone Numbers from Your HandheldRedialing the most recently used number01Go to Applications and select Dialer  .2Dial the most recently used number:a. Select Dial to display the most recently used number.b. Select Dial again to dial the number.DoneSelect DialThe most recently dialed number is displayed
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 432CHAPTER 18 Dialing Phone Numbers from Your HandheldDialing a number from the Call History List01Go to Applications and select Dialer  .2Dial the number from the list:a. Select History.b. Select an entry from the History list.c. Select Dial.DoneDid You Know?Dialer keeps a list of 11 of the most recently dialed numbers. Did You Know?If the number is a speed dial entry, the name from the speed dial entry appears in the Call History list.Select entry to enter number on Dialer screen
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 433CHAPTER 18 Dialing Phone Numbers from Your HandheldUsing speed dialSpeed dial allows you to store ten of your most commonly used numbers and to dial one with a single tap.Adding a speed dial entry01Go to Applications and select Dialer  .2Add a speed dial entry:a. Select Speed.b. Select an empty speed-dial button. c. Enter a name and telephone number.d. Select OK.DoneSelect empty speed-dial button
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 434CHAPTER 18 Dialing Phone Numbers from Your HandheldDialing a number using speed dial01Go to Applications and select Dialer  .2Dial the number:a. Select Speed.b. Select one of the named speed-dial buttons.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 435CHAPTER 18 Dialing Phone Numbers from Your HandheldEditing a speed-dial entry01Go to Applications and select Dialer  . 2Edit an entry:a. Select Speed.b. Select Edit.c. Select an entry.d. Edit the entry.e. Select OK, and then select Done.DoneTipYou can go directly to the Edit Entry dialog box by tapping and holding a speed dial button.Select Edit
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 436CHAPTER 18 Dialing Phone Numbers from Your HandheldRelated topicsClick a link below to learn about these related topics:Moving AroundOpening applicationsConnecting Connecting your handheld to a mobile phoneContacts Using Quick Connect and Tap-to-Connect in Contacts to dial phone numbersMy HandheldMake your handheld uniquely yours. For great tips, software, accessories, and more, visit you’re having problems with Dialer or with anything else on your handheld, go to
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 437CHAPTER 19Sharing InformationYou have to get this memo to your boss—now. Or the photo of the grandkids in their Halloween costumes to your mom. After you’ve used your handheld to create or capture that important business and personal information, it’s time to share it with others.Your handheld comes equipped with a variety of options for sharing information, so that you can choose the quickest, most convenient way of sending your info.Benefits of sharing• Keep others up-to-date with meaningful business and personal information• Choose the most convenient sharing method from a variety of options• Create an informal backup copy of important infoIn this chapterUsing the Send commandBeamingOther ways of sharing informationRelated topics
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 438CHAPTER 19 Sharing InformationUsing the Send commandYou can send information from within an application, such as a photo or video, a contact, or an appointment, to other Palm OS® handheld users. You can also send a category of information or even an entire application.You can use the Send command in many applications to send information wirelessly using one of the following methods:• Using the built-in Bluetooth® wireless technology on your handheld• As an attachment to an e-mail message• As part of a text messageSending information from within an application using Bluetooth technologyYou can use your handheld’s built-in Bluetooth technology to send information directly to another device that includes Bluetooth technology. You must be within range of the receiving device to send information using Bluetooth technology. The maximum range is approximately 25–30 feet (8–10 meters); however, the shorter the range, the more quickly and accurately you can send information.Before You Begin[!]You must complete all the prerequisites for the messaging application.To use your handheld’s built-in Bluetooth wireless technology, you must set up a phone connection. To use it with your handheld’s IR port, run Phone Link Updater, and then use the Phone Link application to set up a phone connection.Did You Know?You can also easily send information from the desktop component of many applications. For example, you can send photos from the palmOne Media desktop application. See the online desktop help for information.TipIf you are unable to send information to another device, try moving closer to the receiving device.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 439CHAPTER 19 Sharing Information01Select the information you want to send:a. Open an application.b. Select the entry you want.2Select a sending method:a. Open the menus.b. Select the Send menu itemin the leftmost menu.c. Select Bluetooth, and then select OK.3Select the receiving device on the Discovery Results screen, and then select OK. The information is sent to the receiving device.DoneDid You Know?In most applications, the leftmost menu is named Record.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 440CHAPTER 19 Sharing InformationSending a category01Select the category you want to send:a. Open an application.b. From the list view, select the pick list in the upper-right corner and select the category you want. This takes you to the list view within the selected category.2Send the category:a. Open the menus.b. Select the Send Category menu item in the leftmost menu.c. Select Bluetooth, and then select OK.3Select the receiving device on the Discovery Results screen, and then select OK. The information is sent to the receiving device.DoneTipCreate a category of Calendar events such as your child’s soccer schedule, and then send the entire category to your spouse’s handheld.TipWhen you send a category, the individual entries within the category (contacts, memos, photos, and so on) appear as unfiled items on the receiving device.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 441CHAPTER 19 Sharing InformationSending an application01Select the application you want to send:a. Go to Applications.b. Open the menus.c. Select Send on the App menu.d. Select the application you want to send. You cannot send an application that has a lock icon next to the application size.2Send the application:a. Select Send.b. Select Bluetooth, and then select OK.3Select the receiving device on the Discovery Results screen, and then select OK. The information is sent to the receiving device.DoneTipTap the Send From pick list to send an application from an expansion card inserted into the expansion slot.NOTE
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 442CHAPTER 19 Sharing InformationUsing the Send command with the VersaMail® applicationYou can send information as an attachment to an email message using the Send command. Follow the procedures for sending information, a category, or an application. Select VersaMail® in the Send With dialog box. The VersaMail application opens, displaying a blank message with the information you want to send as an attachment. Address the message, enter a subject line, and then select Send or Get & Send.Using the Send command with SMS You cannot send a category or an application with SMS.You can send information as part of a text message using the Send command. Follow the procedure for sending information. Select SMS in the Send With dialog box. The SMS application opens, displaying a new text message with the information you want to send as the body of the message. Address the message, and then select Send. NOTE
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 443CHAPTER 19 Sharing InformationBeamingUsing the IR port on your handheld, you can beam information from within an application, such as a photo or video, a contact, an appointment, or a task, to other Palm Powered devices. You can also beam a category of information or even an entire application.The receiving handheld must be turned on. Depending on the receiving handheld model, not all information may be sent correctly.Beaming information from within an application01Select the information you want to beam:a. Open an application.b. Select the entry you want.ContinuedTipFor best results when beaming, the handhelds should be between 4 and 39 inches (10 centimeters and one meter) apart, and there should be a clear path between them. TipBeaming works best for smaller items. If you have larger items, you can use Bluetooth wireless technology. Expansion cards are convenient for sharing very large items.NOTE
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 444CHAPTER 19 Sharing Information2Beam the information:a. Open the menus.b. Select the Beam menu item in the leftmost menu.c. When the Beam dialog box appears, point your handheld’s IR port directly at the IR port of the other handheld.3Wait for the Beam dialog box to indicate that beaming is complete.DoneTipThe leftmost menu in most applications is named Record.TipIn Contacts, you can create a contact with your own information and select it as your business card by opening the Record Menu and selecting Business Card. Beam your business card to other handhelds by holding down the Contacts application button until the Beam dialog box appears.IR port
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 445CHAPTER 19 Sharing InformationBeaming a category01Select the category you want to beam:a. Open an application.b. From the list view, select the pick list in the upper-right corner and select the category you want. This takes you to the list view within the selected category.2Beam the category:a. Open the menus.b. Select the Beam Category menu item in the leftmost menu.c. When the Beam dialog box appears, point your handheld’s IR port directly at the IR port of the other handheld.3Wait for the Beam dialog box to indicate that beaming is complete.DoneTipCreate a category of Calendar events such as your meeting schedule, and then beam the entire category to your business partner’s handheld.TipWhen you receive a beamed item, you can file the item in a category using the Receive dialog box.IR port
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 446CHAPTER 19 Sharing InformationBeaming an application01Select the application you want to beam:a. Go to Applications.b. Open the menus.c. Select Beam in the App menu.d. Select the application you want to beam. You cannot beam an application that has a lock icon next to the application size.ContinuedTipSelect the Beam From pick list to beam an application from an expansion card inserted into the expansion slot.NOTE
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 447CHAPTER 19 Sharing Information2Beam the application:a. Select Beam.b. When the Beam dialog box appears, point your handheld’s IR port directly at the IR port of the other handheld.3Wait for the Beam dialog box to indicate that beaming is complete.DoneIR port
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 448CHAPTER 19 Sharing InformationOther ways of sharing informationHere are some other ways of sharing information:• Copy information or an application onto an expansion card inserted into the expansion slot, and view the information by inserting the card into the slot on another Palm Powered device.• Copy information such as a photo or video from your handheld to your computer, or from your computer to your handheld, by synchronizing or using File Transfer (Windows) or Drive Mode (Mac).
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 449CHAPTER 19 Sharing InformationRelated topicsClick a link below to learn about these related topics:Synchronizing Sharing information by synchronizing your handheld with your computerExpansion Sharing information by saving it to an expansion card that can be viewed from another handheldConnecting Setting up a connection with a phone to share information wirelesslyVersaMail Sending information as an attachment to an email messageSMS Sending information as part of a text messageCommon QuestionsAnswers to frequently asked questions about sharing informationMy HandheldMake your handheld uniquely yours. For great tips, software, accessories, and more, visit you’re having problems with sharing information or with anything else on your handheld, go to
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 450CHAPTER 20Managing Your ExpensesTired of trying to re-create your business trip when you return? Expense makes it easy to keep track of what you paid for that dinner in New York with your new sales group.You can track costs for meals, lodging, transportation, entertainment, and more, and save all of the information in one convenient place. You can even transfer the information to a spreadsheet on your computer. Benefits of Expense• Monitor your business and personal expenses• Easily retrieve expense information• Create expense reports fasterIn this chapterAdding an expenseChoosing currency optionsDeleting expensesCustomizing the expense listWorking with Expense on your computerRelated topics
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 451CHAPTER 20 Managing Your ExpensesAdding an expense01Go to Applications and select Expense  .2Enter the expense:a. Select New.b. Enter the amount of the expense.c. Select the Expense type pick list and select a type.You must select an Expense type if you want to save the item.ContinuedDid You Know?Expense is not just for business. Use it to help plan your budget by figuring out how much you spend each month on things like entertainment and dining out.TipAdd an expense simply by writing the first letter of the expense type. For example, entering D opens a dinner item with today’s date.To enable this feature on your handheld, open the Options menu and select Preferences. Check the automatic fill box.TipChange the date of an expense by selecting the date of the item.NOTEExpense type pick list
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 452CHAPTER 20 Managing Your Expenses3Enter the details of the expense:a. Select Details.b. Select each field where you want to enter information, and enter it.Category Select a category to sort your expenses.Ty p e Enter the expense type.Payment Select how you paid for the expense.Currency Select the currency used to pay the expense. You can preset this symbol.Vendor and City Enter the vendor and city associated with the expense. For example, a business lunch might be at Rosie’s Cafe in San Francisco.Attendees Enter the people associated with the expense.c. Select OK.That’s it. Your handheld automatically saves the expense. Make sure you have a current backup. Synchronize often.TipAdd extra information to your expense items. Select the item and select Details. Then select Note and enter the information.TipSelect Lookup in the Attendees list to pull names from Contacts.Did You Know?After you synchronize, you can send your expense information to a spreadsheet on your computer.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 453CHAPTER 20 Managing Your ExpensesChoosing currency optionsExpense is even easier to use when you customize the currency list. You can choose what currencies appear in the pick list, and what symbol automatically appears in new expenses, and you can even create your own currency symbol.Customizing the currency pick listPlace the currency symbols that you use most often in the currency pick list.01Go to Applications and select Expense  .2Open the Receipt Details dialog box:a. Select an expense item.b. Select Details.3Select the currency symbol(s) that you want to see in the pick list:a. Select the Currency pick list, and then select Edit currencies.ContinuedTipIf you travel a lot, update the currency pick list, so that you can quickly get to the symbols you need.Did You Know?Use separate categories for related expenses. For example, create a London category for a trip to London. After you file your expense report for the London trip, you can easily delete the related expenses with the Purge command.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 454CHAPTER 20 Managing Your ExpensesPresetting the currency symbolChoose which currency symbols appear when you add a new expense.0SCont’d.b. Select one of the Currency pick lists and select the name of the country whose currency symbol you want to display.c. Select OK, and then select OK again.The expense list now displays the currencies you selected.1Go to Applications and select Expense  .2Open Expense Preferences dialog box:a. Open the menus.b. Select Options, and then select Preferences.ContinuedCurrency pick listDoneTipIf you’re entering several expenses that all use the same currency, change the preset currency to that symbol to save time.When you’re finished with those expenses, change it again to the next one you’ll use.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 455CHAPTER 20 Managing Your ExpensesCreating a currency symbolIf the currency you want to use is not in the pick list of countries, you can create your own symbol. 03Choose the default currency:a. Select the Default Currency pick list.b. Select the symbol you want to appear when you add new expenses. c. Select OK.0Done1Go to Applications and select Expense  .2Open the Custom Currencies dialog box:a. Open the menus.b. Select Options, and then select Custom Currencies.Continued
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 456CHAPTER 20 Managing Your Expenses3Create the custom symbol:a. Select a Country box.b. Enter the name of the country and the symbol that you want.c. Select OK, and then select OK again.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 457CHAPTER 20 Managing Your ExpensesDeleting expensesDelete individual expenses, or an entire category of expenses at once.Deleting an individual expense01Go to Applications and select Expense  .2Select the expense you want to delete.3Delete the item:a. Open the menus.b. Select Delete Item in the Record menu.4[ & ] OPTIONAL Check the box to save an archive copy of the expense on your computer.5Select OK.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 458CHAPTER 20 Managing Your ExpensesDeleting an entire category of expenses01Go to Applications and select Expense  .2Open the Purge Categories dialog box:a. Open the menus.b. Select Purge on the Record menu.3Delete the category and all of its items:a. Select the category you want to delete.b. Select Purge.c. Select Done.DoneTipTo combine expenses from different categories, rename one category to match the other category’s name.Did You Know?There is another way to delete a category. Select the Category pick list and select Edit Categories. Select the Delete command to delete the selected category and move all of its entries to the Unfiled category.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 459CHAPTER 20 Managing Your ExpensesCustomizing the expense listYou can change the appearance of the expense list.01Go to Applications and select Expense  .2Select Show.3Select the pick lists to change any of the following items, and then select OK:Sort by Sort expenses by date or type.Distance Show distance in miles or kilometers.Show currency Show or hide the currency symbol in the expense list.DoneDid You Know?Customizing the expense list makes it easy to see how much you spent on each type of expense. For example, to see how much you spent on taxis, sort your expenses by type so that all your taxi expenses appear together in the list.Use categories to further refine your list.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 460CHAPTER 20 Managing Your ExpensesWorking with Expense on your computerWINDOWS ONLYUse Expense on your computer to view and manage the expenses you create on your handheld. Check out the online Help in Palm®Desktop software to learn how to use Expense on your computer. The online Help includes info about the following topics:• Add, edit, and delete expense items• Organize your expenses by date, type, amount, notes, or category• View expense items as a list, large icons, or small icons• Convert a list of expenses to a single currency• Print expense reports• Transfer expense information to other applications, such as Microsoft Excel, using the Send or Export command in Palm Desktop softwareTo open Expense on your computer, double-click the Palm Desktop icon on the Windows desktop, and then click Expense on the launch bar.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 461CHAPTER 20 Managing Your ExpensesRelated topicsClick a link below to learn about these related topics:Moving Around • Opening applications• Using menusEntering Information• Adding contacts to the attendees list with Lookup• Entering information with Graffiti®2 characters and ShortCutsCalculator Performing basic math calculations associated with your expensesCategories • Creating and editing categories• Organizing expenses by type and sorting themCustomizing Setting number formatsMy HandheldMake your handheld uniquely yours. For great tips, software, accessories, and more, visit you’re having problems with Expense or anything else on your handheld, go to
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 462CHAPTER 21Performing CalculationsWhether you’re figuring the tip on a restaurant bill, or balancing your checkbook, it’s always nice to have a calculator on hand. And because it’s part of your handheld, there’s no need to carry a separate calculator.Benefits of Calculator• Always have a calculator with you• Store calculations for later useIn this chapterCalculator buttonsViewing recent calculationsRelated topics
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 463CHAPTER 21 Performing CalculationsCalculator buttons0Clear any value in the Calculator memory.Recall the stored value from the memory and enter it into the current calculation.Place the current number into memory. The current number is added to the total that is already in the memory. Tapping this button does not affect the current calculation; it just places the value in memory.Clear the last number you entered.Clear the entire calculation so that you can start over.Enter a number, and then select this button to change it to a percentage.Enter a number, and then select this button to calculate the square root of the number.Enter a number, and then select this button to make it negative.TipUse the memory buttons to store and recall a number you enter in multiple calculations.TipIf you make a mistake entering a number in the middle of a calculation, use the CE button to re-enter the number without starting the calculation over.TipOpen the Options menu and select Advanced Mode to display a scientific calculator.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 464CHAPTER 21 Performing CalculationsViewing recent calculationsView recent calculations to confirm that you entered everything correctly.01Go to Applications and select Calculator  .2Open the History dialog box:a. Open the menus.b. Select Edit, and then select Show History.c. Select OK.DoneDid You Know?Viewing recent calculations is helpful when double-checking the math in your checkbook register.Did You Know?Calculator History also has these functions:Clear  Select to clear the calculator’s history.Copy Select to copy the history of calculations. Then paste them into another application by opening the Edit menu and selecting Paste in the other application.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 465CHAPTER 21 Performing CalculationsAccessing different calculatorsDo you need a scientific or financial calculator? Your calculator has a variety of modes that can help you calculate formulas in a number of different areas.01Go to Applications and select Calculator  .2Access the advanced mode calculators:a. Open the menus.b. Select Options, and then select Advanced Mode. You can now use the scientific calculator.c. If you want to use other calculators, such as finance, logic, statistics, or area, open the menus, select Options, and then select a mode from the list.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 466CHAPTER 21 Performing CalculationsRelated topicsClick the links below to learn about these related topics:Moving Around • Opening applications• Using menusEntering InformationEntering numbers with Graffiti® 2 charactersMy HandheldMake your handheld uniquely yours. For great tips, software, accessories, and more, visit you’re having problems with Calculator or anything else on your handheld, go to
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 467CHAPTER 22Keeping Your Information PrivateYou probably wouldn’t leave your door unlocked at night, so why should it be any different with your handheld? When you think about the amount of personal and private information stored there, you’ll definitely want to protect it.Benefits of privacy• Protect information if your handheld is misplaced• Hide private information• Unlock your handheld using only one handIn this chapterChoosing a security levelMarking information as privateSetting the level of privacyUsing a passwordLocking your handheldUsing Quick UnlockEncrypting your informationLimiting the number of password attemptsRelated topics
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 468CHAPTER 22 Keeping Your Information PrivateChoosing a security levelThere are a variety of security levels available for your handheld. Choose the level that provides the best mix of security and convenience.Activating no security features All entries are accessible to anyone who has your handheld. This includes entries that are marked private, but are not masked or hidden.Masking private entries without creating a password Masked entries are displayed when selected. This provides some degree of privacy for private entries, but anyone can view the info by simply selecting it.Hiding private entries and creating a password Private entries are displayed when the password is entered. This is the basic level of security.Encrypting entries (requires assigning a password) Entries are scrambled whenever your handheld locks, and are only displayed when the password is entered. Choose to encrypt all information, or just private entries. This feature provides better security than hiding private entries and assigning a password.Limiting the number of password attempts Selected information is deleted after a specified number of incorrect password attempts. Use this feature along with encryption for the highest level of security.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 469CHAPTER 22 Keeping Your Information PrivateMarking information as privateMarking an entry as private is the first step in protecting your info. 01Open an application.2Create a new entry, or select the entry that you want to make private.3Mark it as private:a. For existing Contacts, select Edit.b. Select Details.c. Check the Private box.d. Select OK.e. In Contacts and Memos, select Done.DonePrivate box
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 470CHAPTER 22 Keeping Your Information PrivateSetting the level of privacyAdd further protection to your private entries by setting the privacy level (hidden/masked).Hiding or masking private entries01Open Security:a. Go to Applications. b. Select Prefs  .c. Select Security.2Select the display option for private entries:a. Select the Private Records pick list.b. Select one of these options, and then select Done.Show Display private entries.Mask Block entries with a gray bar; you can see the bar onscreen, but you can’t see the entries’ content.Hide Make private entries invisible.Continued
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 471CHAPTER 22 Keeping Your Information PrivateViewing an entry that is maskedTo open a masked entry, select the entry. If you have a password, enter it in the Show Private Records dialog box, and then select OK. When you close a masked entry, it remains masked.Using a passwordFurther protect your hidden or masked entries by creating a password, which is needed to display the contents of hidden/masked entries.Cont’d.DoneMasked entryTipUse a password to protect confidential work or personal information. If your handheld is lost or stolen, this information will be safe.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 472CHAPTER 22 Keeping Your Information PrivateCreating a password01Open Security:a. Go to Applications. b. Select Prefs  .c. Select Security.2Create a password:a. Select the Password box.b. Enter a password with Graffiti® 2 writing, the numeric keypad, or the onscreen keyboard.c. Select OK.ContinuedTipThe best passwords consist of a mix of letters, characters, and numbers. Longer passwords are better than short ones. Any password you create is case-sensitive.Password box
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 473CHAPTER 22 Keeping Your Information PrivateChanging a passwordYou can change your password at any time. You must enter the current password before you can change it.03Confirm the password and enter a hint:a. Enter the password again, and then select OK.b. Enter a hint to help you remember the password if you forget it, and then select Done.4Select Done.Done1Open Security:a. Go to Applications. b. Select Prefs  .c. Select Security.ContinuedTipIn Palm®Desktop software, you can require password entry for private info to display. Open the Tools menu and select Options, and then select Security.Password box
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 474CHAPTER 22 Keeping Your Information Private2Enter your current password:a. Select the Password box.b. Enter the current password, and then select OK.3Change your password:a. Select OK.b. Enter a new password, and then select OK.4Confirm the password and enter a hint:a. Enter the password again, and then select OK.b. Enter a hint to help you remember the password if you forget it, and then select Done.Continued
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 475CHAPTER 22 Keeping Your Information PrivateDeleting a passwordYou can delete your password at any time. You must enter the current password before you can delete it.05Select Done.Done1Enter your password:a. Select the Password box.b. Enter the current password, and then select OK.2Delete your password:a. Select Unassign.b. Select Done.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 476CHAPTER 22 Keeping Your Information PrivateDeleting a forgotten passwordIf you forget your password, your handheld displays the password hint (if you entered one) to help you remember the password. If you still can’t remember the password, you can delete it from your handheld. Deleting a forgotten password also deletes all entries marked as private.Be sure to synchronize your handheld before and after this procedure, so you can restore any private entries that were deleted along with the password.01Open Security:a. Go to Applications. b. Select Prefs  .c. Select Security.2Open the Incorrect Password dialog box:a. Select the Password box.b. Tap any number on the keypad, and then select OK.ContinuedIMPORTANT[!]Password box
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 477CHAPTER 22 Keeping Your Information PrivateLocking your handheldProtect the entire contents of your handheld, whether marked private or not, by using your password to lock your handheld. You can set your handheld to lock automatically, or you can lock it manually.If you lock your handheld, you must enter the exact password to unlock it. If you forget the password, your handheld will show you the hint you entered to help you remember the password. If you still cannot remember the password, you must do a hard reset to resume using your handheld. A hard reset deletes all of the information on your handheld, including your password. Applications, files, and folders on your handheld's internal drive are also deleted. You 3Delete the forgotten password:a. Select Lost Password.b. Select Delete Password.4Synchronize your handheld with your computer to restore any private entries that were deleted.5[ & ] OPTIONAL Create a new password.DoneBefore You Begin[!]To use the locking feature, you must first create a password for your handheld.TipTo start your handheld when it is locked, turn it on. Enter your password, and then select Done.IMPORTANT[!]
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 478CHAPTER 22 Keeping Your Information Privatecan restore the information by synchronizing your handheld with your computer. Items on your internal drive are not restored during synchronization. Use File Transfer to replace those items.Locking your handheld automatically01Open Security:a. Go to Applications. b. Select Prefs  .c. Select Security.2Open the Lock Handheld dialog box:a. Select the Auto Lock box.b. If necessary, enter your password, and then select OK.ContinuedAuto Lock box
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 479CHAPTER 22 Keeping Your Information Private3Select one of these lock options:Never Always leave your handheld unlocked.When power is offAutomatically lock your handheld whenever you turn it off.At a preset time Set a time when your handheld will automatically lock.After a preset delay Set a period of inactivity after which your handheld will automatically lock.4Select OK, and then select Done.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 480CHAPTER 22 Keeping Your Information PrivateLocking your handheld manually01Open Security:a. Go to Applications. b. Select Prefs  .c. Select Security.2Select Lock.3Select Lock Device.DoneLock
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 481CHAPTER 22 Keeping Your Information PrivateUsing Quick UnlockYou can unlock your handheld by creating a special combination sequence with the 5-way navigator—similar to the combination you use to open a padlock. Use this sequence in place of your password to quickly unlock your handheld. Quick Unlock works only with your first three attempts to unlock your handheld. After three attempts, you must use your password to unlock your handheld. Creating a Quick Unlock combination01Open Security:a. Go to Applications. b. Select Prefs  .c. Select Security.2Open the Quick Unlock dialog box:a. Select the Quick Unlock box.b. If necessary, enter your password, and then select OK.ContinuedBefore You Begin[!]To use Quick Unlock, you must first create a password for your handheld.TipYou can change a Quick Unlock combination at any time. Follow the same steps you used to create the combination.Quick Unlock box
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 482CHAPTER 22 Keeping Your Information Private3Create a Quick Unlock combination sequence:a. Use the 5-way or tap the onscreen navigator to create a combination.For example, you might choose Left-Right-Left as a combination.b. Select OK.4Select Done.When your handheld is locked, you can now unlock it by using the Quick Unlock combination, or by entering your password.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 483CHAPTER 22 Keeping Your Information PrivateDeleting your Quick Unlock combination01Open Security:a. Go to Applications. b. Select Prefs  .c. Select Security.2Open the Quick Unlock dialog box:a. Select the Quick Unlock box.b. If necessary, enter your password, and then select OK.3Delete the Quick Unlock combination:a. Select Unassign.b. Select Done.DoneQuick Unlock box
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 484CHAPTER 22 Keeping Your Information PrivateEncrypting your informationYou can encrypt selected information whenever your handheld locks. This means that your information is scrambled so that it cannot be read. When you unlock your handheld and enter your password or Quick Unlock combination, the encrypted information is unscrambled.The more information you select for encryption, the longer your handheld takes to scramble (and unscramble) the information. Also, applications that use large files, such as palmOne™ Media, take a long time to encrypt. In these cases, consider the trade-off between security and convenience.01Open Security:a. Go to Applications. b. Select Prefs  .c. Select Security.ContinuedBefore You Begin[!]To use encryption, you must first create a password for your handheld.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 485CHAPTER 22 Keeping Your Information Private2Open the Encrypt Data dialog box:a. Select Options.b. Check the Encrypt data when locked box.c. Select Choose Applications.3Select the applications you want to encrypt, and then select OK.Continued
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 486CHAPTER 22 Keeping Your Information PrivateLimiting the number of password attemptsYou can set the number of incorrect password attempts that are allowed before selected information is deleted from your handheld. This feature, called intrusion protection, protects sensitive information from an intruder who uses an automated means to try every possible combination until the password is found. Use intrusion protection if you keep highly confidential information on your handheld.  If you limit the number of password attempts, be sure to use Keylock to prevent accidental password attempts while your handheld is in a purse or pocket.4[ & ] OPTIONAL To encrypt only the private entries in the applications you selected, check the Encrypt private records only box.5Select OK, and then select Done.DoneTipSynchronize your handheld with your computer frequently to prevent loss of information if intrusion protection is triggered.Did You Know?Incorrect Quick Unlock attempts are not included in the intrusion protection counter.IMPORTANT[!]
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 487CHAPTER 22 Keeping Your Information Private01Open Security:a. Go to Applications. b. Select Prefs  .c. Select Security.2Set the number of password attempts:a. Select Options.b. If necessary, enter your password, and then select OK.c. Select the Intrusion Protection box.d. Enter the number of password attempts that are allowed before selected information on your handheld is deleted.ContinuedIntrusion Protection box
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 488CHAPTER 22 Keeping Your Information Private3Select the information that is deleted after the set number of failed attempts:a. Select the Delete pick list and select one of these options:No Data No information is deleted after the set number of failed attempts.Private Records All entries marked private are deleted after the set number of failed attempts.All Data All information you entered and all applications you installed on your handheld are deleted after the set number of failed attempts.b. Select OK.4Select OK two more times, and then select Done.DoneTipThe number of password attempts must be between 5 and 99.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 489CHAPTER 22 Keeping Your Information PrivateRelated topicsClick a link below to learn about these related topics:Moving Around • Opening applications• Using menusManaging Info Creating a backup of your informationCustomizing Entering your owner information in case your handheld is lost or stolenMaintaining Doing a hard resetCommon QuestionsAnswers to frequently asked questions about privacyMy HandheldMake your handheld uniquely yours. For great tips, software, accessories, and more, visit you’re having problems with private entries or anything else on your handheld, go to
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 490CHAPTER 23Using Categories to Organize InformationIf you’re like most people, you use your handheld to manage your work life and your personal life. Yet these two areas contain so many details: your children’s after-school activities, your conference schedule, your shopping list for the week, and entertainment.Categories help you organize different aspects of your life, no matter how you choose to group them.Benefits of categories• Better organize your information• Easily retrieve the information you needIn this chapterAdding a categoryRenaming a categoryDeleting a categoryPlacing information into a categoryViewing information by categoryRelated topics
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 491CHAPTER 23 Using Categories to Organize InformationAdding a categoryYou can add categories in many applications: Contacts, Expense, Memos, Note Pad, Tasks, and palmOne™ Media. (In palmOne Media, categories are called albums.) Place individual entries into these categories to easily get to a group of related items.In addition to putting individual entries into a category, you can also put entire applications into categories. For instance, you may find it convenient to put Expense and Calculator into a category called Money.01• To add a category for individual entries in one of the applications above, open that application.• To add a category for applications, go to Applications.2Add a new category:a. Select the pick list in the upper-right corner, and then select Edit Categories.b. Select New and enter the name of the new category.c. Select OK, and then select OK again.DoneDid You Know?You can have up to 15 categories in an application.TipColors make it easy to find the info you need in Calendar.TipAdd a category in Contacts that contains all of your medical numbers for quick access.Other useful categories in Contacts are Emergency, for fire, ambulance, and police; Children, for your children’s school and friends; and Entertainment, for restaurants or theaters that you visit often.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 492CHAPTER 23 Using Categories to Organize InformationRenaming a category01• To rename a category within an application, open that application.• To rename a category for applications, go to Applications.2Rename the category:a. Select the pick list in the upper-right corner, and then select Edit Categories.b. Select the name of the category you want to change, and then select Rename.c. Enter a new category name, and then select OK.d. Select OK again.DoneTipIf you want to combine items in different categories, rename one category to the other category name.Did You Know?Some categories, like All and Unfiled, come with your handheld and cannot be changed.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 493CHAPTER 23 Using Categories to Organize InformationDeleting a categoryIf you delete a category, the items in that category will move to the Unfiled category.01• To delete a category within an application, open that application.• To delete a category for applications, go to Applications.2Delete the category:a. In Calendar, select an event, and then select Details.b. Open the list of categories:Calendar Select the Category pick list.All other applications Select the pick list in the upper-right corner, and then select Edit Categories.c. Select the name of the category you want to delete, and then select Delete.d. Select OK.DoneTipIn Expense, you can delete a category, including its contents, with the Purge command.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 494CHAPTER 23 Using Categories to Organize InformationPlacing information into a categoryYou can place individual entries into categories within an application. For example, you may want to place some of your contacts into a category called Medical.You may also find it convenient to view applications in groups. You may want all of your games in one category, or all of your multimedia applications in another. Then you can go right to the group of applications you need.An entry or application cannot be placed in more than one category. Placing an entry into a category01Open an application that contains a category option. In Calendar, go to Day View.2Open an entry.3In Note Pad only: skip to step 5.4Open the Details dialog box:Contacts Select Edit, and then select Details.All other applications Select Details.ContinuedTipYou can also enter new information into a category by opening the application, and then selecting the category from the upper-right corner. Select New and enter the information. NOTE
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 495CHAPTER 23 Using Categories to Organize Information5Place the entry into a category:a. Select a category from the Category pick list.b. If necessary, select OK.c. If necessary, select Done.DoneTipTo place an entry into a different category, simply select a different category from the Category pick list. Category
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 496CHAPTER 23 Using Categories to Organize InformationPlacing an application into a category01Go to Applications.2Open the Category dialog box:a. Open the menus.b. Select Category in the App menu.3Place the application into a category:a. Select the pick list next to the application you want to place into a category.b. Select a category, and then select Done.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 497CHAPTER 23 Using Categories to Organize InformationViewing information by category01• To view entries by category, open an application that contains categories.• To view applications by category, go to Applications.2Display the category you want to view:Calendar Select Show Category List, and then select the category you want to view from the pick list.All other applications Select the category you want to view from the pick list in the upper-right corner.DoneTipIn Applications view, scroll through the categories by pressing Right or Left on the 5-way navigator. To view all of the applications on your handheld, select the All category.TipScroll through the categories in Contacts by repeatedly pressing the Contacts button.Pick list
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 498CHAPTER 23 Using Categories to Organize InformationRelated topicsClick a link below to learn about these related topics:Moving Around • Opening applications• Using menusCalendar Color-coding your events in CalendarMedia Organizing photos or videos into albumsSharing Beaming a category to another Palm Powered deviceMy HandheldMake your handheld uniquely yours. For great tips, software, accessories, and more, visit you’re having problems with categories or anything else on your handheld, go to
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 499CHAPTER 24Managing Clock SettingsForget your watch? Or just forget to reset it when you landed in Toronto? Neither matters, as long as you have your handheld. Not only can you rely on it for the correct time, but you can even set an alarm so you don’t miss that early flight back home.Benefits of World Clock• Always have the correct time, no matter where you are• No need to carry a separate alarm clockIn this chapterChecking the current date and timeSetting the primary locationChoosing secondary locations for other time zonesModifying the locations listSetting the alarm clockChanging the clock displayRelated topics
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 500CHAPTER 24 Managing Clock SettingsChecking the current date and timeThere are two ways to easily check the date and time:When your handheld is on:•Go to Applications and select World Clock  .• When your handheld is off, press Center on the 5-way navigator. Your handheld turns on, displays the time, and then turns off after a few seconds.Center
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 501CHAPTER 24 Managing Clock SettingsSetting the primary locationIn World Clock, you can set the location, date, and time for a primary location. The settings for this primary location are used by all of the applications on your handheld.0.1Go to Applications and select World Clock  .2Select the primary location:a. Select the primary location pick list.b. Select the location you want to be the primary location.If you need more choices, modify the locations list.Done»Key TermPrimary locationTypically a city in the time zone in which you live.Primary location pick list
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 502CHAPTER 24 Managing Clock SettingsSetting the date and time for the primary locationYou can set the date and time in Preferences, as you did during the initial setup of your handheld, or in World Clock. When you change the date and time in one application, it is automatically changed in the other.01Go to Applications and select World Clock  .2Select Set Date & Time.3Set the date:a. Select the Date box.b. Select the arrows to select the current year.c. Select the current month.d. Select the current date.ContinuedDid You Know?When the Daylight Savings settings are active, the time changes according to the rule for the primary location. For example, in North America, the time changes at 2:00 a.m.; in Europe, it changes at 1:00 a.m.YearMonthDay
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 503CHAPTER 24 Managing Clock Settings4Set the time:a. Select the Set Time box.b. Select the hour and minute boxes, and then select the arrows to change them.c. Select AM or PM, and then select OK.5Select Done.DoneHourMinute
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 504CHAPTER 24 Managing Clock SettingsChoosing secondary locations for other time zonesSet World Clock to display the date and time for two other locations.01Go to Applications and select World Clock  .2Select the pick list next to one of the secondary locations.3Select the location you want to use as the new secondary location.If you need more choices, modify the locations list.DoneTipIf you have friends, family, or colleagues in another time zone, select a city in their zone as your secondary location. When you need to contact them, you can easily check to see what time it is where they are.Pick list
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 505CHAPTER 24 Managing Clock SettingsModifying the locations listYou can edit the locations list so that the locations you use most often are easy to find.Adding new locations01Go to Applications and select World Clock  .2Open the Edit List dialog box: a. Select a Location pick list.b. Select Edit List.3Add the new location:a. Select Add.b. Scroll through the list to select a location that is in the same time zone as the city you want to add.c. Select OK.ContinuedTipIf you know what you’re looking for in a long pick list, use Graffiti® 2 writing to find it faster. Enter the first letter of the word, and then locate your item.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 506CHAPTER 24 Managing Clock Settings4[ & ] OPTIONAL Select each setting you want to change.Name Enter the name of the location.Time Zone  Select the time zone for the location.Daylight Saving Time boxCheck for your handheld to automatically adjust the date and time for Daylight Saving Time in this location.Start and End dates Select the boxes to change the start and end dates of Daylight Saving Time, if necessary.5Select OK, and then select Done.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 507CHAPTER 24 Managing Clock SettingsDeleting a location01Go to Applications and select World Clock  .2Select the location you want to delete: a. Select a Location pick list.b. Select Edit List.c. Select a location, and then select Remove.3Select OK, and then select Done.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 508CHAPTER 24 Managing Clock SettingsSetting the alarm clock01Go to Applications and select World Clock  .2Set the alarm:a. Select the Alarm box.b. Select the time columns to set the hour and minute, and then select OK.Alarms set in World Clock use the time set for the primary location.ContinuedDid You Know?Use World Clock to set an alarm within the next 24 hours. Set alarms outside of this timeframe in Calendar.Did You Know?Remember to put your handheld on local time. If you travel from San Francisco to London, make London your primary location so that all your alarms ring on time, instead of eight hours late.TipSet an alarm while you’re working to remind you when to leave to get to your appointment on time.NOTEAlarm box
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 509CHAPTER 24 Managing Clock SettingsResponding to the alarm clockWhen the World Clock alarm sounds, select one of these three options:OK Cancel the reminder message and return to the current screen.Snooze  Close the alarm reminder message and return to the current screen. The message appears again in five minutes. In the meantime, an indicator blinks in the upper-left corner of the screen to remind you of the upcoming alarm.Go To  Cancel the reminder message and open World Clock.3[ & ] OPTIONAL Select the alarm sound and volume:a. Open the menus.b. Select Options, and then select Alarm Preferences.c. Select the pick lists to select the alarm sound and volume.This volume setting does not affect the other sounds on your handheld, including the alarms you set in Calendar. You can change the volume of these other sounds in Preferences.d. Select OK.DoneTipTo turn off an alarm before it sounds, select the Alarm box, and then select Alarm Off.NOTE
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 510CHAPTER 24 Managing Clock SettingsChanging the clock display01Go to Applications and select World Clock  .2Open the Display Options dialog box:a. Open the menus.b. Select Options, and then select Display Options.3Select any of the following options, and then select OK:Show Multiple Locations Display the secondary locations. Deselect it to display only the primary location.Show Date Display the date in World Clock.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 511CHAPTER 24 Managing Clock SettingsRelated topicsClick a link below to learn about these related topics:Moving Around • Opening applications• Using menusCalendar Setting an alarm outside of the next 24 hoursCustomizing Changing the volume of other system soundsMy HandheldMake your handheld uniquely yours. For great tips, software, accessories, and more, visit you’re having problems with World Clock or anything else on your handheld, go to
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 512CHAPTER 25Customizing Your HandheldAlthough customizing your handheld is optional, it’s like changing the preset radio stations in your car. Since you’re probably not driving around with the dealer’s preset radio stations, why not personalize your handheld, too? You can easily customize the sound levels, fonts, and screen colors on your handheld by using preferences and menus. And preference settings can help extend the life of your handheld’s battery.Benefits of customizing• Access applications quickly• Conserve power• Enjoy your handheld more• Make your screen easy to readIn this chapterCustomizing your Favorites ViewCustomizing the Application ViewMaking the screen easier to readAssigning a button to your frequently used applicationsSetting the date and timeCustomizing the way you enter informationSelecting sound settingsEntering your owner informationConserving battery powerConnecting your handheld to other devicesCustomizing network settingsSetting up VPNRelated topics
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 513CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your HandheldCustomizing your Favorites ViewYou can personalize your Favorites View by changing the background image to your favorite photo. You can also change the entries to those you use most often.Changing the background photo in Favorites ViewUse your favorite photo as the background in Favorites View.01Go to Favorites.2Open the Display Options dialog box:a. Open the menus. b. Select Options, and then select Display Options.3Select a photo for the background:a. Check the Background box.b. Select the picture box.c. Select a picture. d. Select Done.Continued
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 514CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your HandheldChanging entries in Favorites Change the entries in Favorites View to include the applications, files, folders, or web links you use most often. 04Adjust the fade setting so that the text is easy to read against the photo, and select OK.Done1Go to Favorites.2Open the Edit Favorites dialog box:a. Using the 5-way, select the favorite you want to change. b. Select Menu   on the status bar.c. Select Edit Favorites.ContinuedDid You Know?You can quickly change multiple favorites on a page by selecting Menu on the status bar, and then selecting Edit Favorite Pages. Select the page you want, and then select each favorite you want to change to open the Edit Favorites dialog box.TipYou can also tap and hold on the favorite you want to change.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 515CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your Handheld3Change the favorite:a. Select the favorite type from the Type pick list: application, file/folder, or web link.b. Select the application from the Original pick list, select to browse to the file or folder, or select to enter the web address you want.c. Enter a name for your new favorite and select OK.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 516CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your HandheldCustomizing the Application ViewUse your favorite photo as the background in the Application View. You can also display your application icons in list format with small icons so that you can see more applications without scrolling.01Go to Applications.2Open the Display Options dialog box:a. Open the menus. b. Select Options, and then select Display Options.3Select the View By pick list and select List or Icon as the display format.4If you want the last category you viewed to reappear the next time you visit the Application screen, check the Remember Last Category box.Continued
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 517CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your Handheld5Select a photo for the background:a. Check the Background box.b. Select the picture box.c. Select a picture. d. Select Done.e. Adjust the fade setting so that the text is easy to read against the photo.f. Select OK.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 518CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your HandheldMaking the screen easier to readIn many applications, you can change the font style to make text easier to read. There are four font styles available.In certain lighting conditions, you may also need to adjust the brightness to read the information on the screen.Changing the screen fontsSmall font Large fontSmall bold fontLarge bold font
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 519CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your Handheld01Open an application.2Open the Select Font dialog box:a. Open the menus.b. Select Options, and then select Font.3Select the font style you want to use, and then select OK.DoneSmallSmall bold Large boldLarge
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 520CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your HandheldAdjusting the brightness01Tap System Info   on the status bar.2Drag the slider to adjust the brightness level, and then tap outside the dialog box.DoneBrightness slider
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 521CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your HandheldChanging screen colorsChoose a new set of text and background colors for all your applications. 01Open Color Theme Preferences:a. Go to Applications.b. Select Prefs  .c. Select Color Theme.2Select a theme, and then select Done.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 522CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your HandheldChanging handedness orientation of the screenThe Handedness preferences enable you to select right-hand or left-hand orientation when you rotate the screen into landscape mode. 01Open Handedness Preferences:a. Go to Applications.b. Select Prefs  .c. Select Handedness.2Select your orientation.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 523CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your HandheldAssigning a button to your frequently used applicationsTired of going to Applications View to open an application you use frequently? Use the Buttons Preferences screen to reassign the applications associated with the buttons on the front of your handheld and the HotSync® button. For example, if you use Memos often, you can assign Memos to a button so that you don’t have to scroll through Applications View whenever you want to use that application.01Open Buttons Preferences:a. Go to Applications.b. Select Prefs  .c. Select Buttons.2Select the pick list next to the button you want to reassign, and select the application that you want to assign to that button.ContinuedTipTo restore all the buttons to the original palmOne settings, select Default.Did You Know?You can assign input area icons to different applications also. Tap and hold the input area icon and select an application from the dialog box.Pick list
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 524CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your Handheld3Assign the full-screen pen stroke:a. Select More.b. Select the pick list and select the action you want to assign to the full-screen pen stroke.c. Select OK.4Assign the HotSync button:a. Select HotSync.b. Select the pick list and select the application you want to assign to the button.c. Select OK.5Select Done.Done»Key TermFull-screen pen stroke A stroke that is drawn from the bottom of the input area to the top of the screen. You can use this stroke as a quick way to do a selected task, such as opening the Graffiti® 2 help screen.Pick list
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 525CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your HandheldSetting the date and timeYou can set the date, time, and location for all the applications on your handheld that require this information. You can also select the format in which the date, time, and numbers appear.Selecting a locationYou can set the current date and time based on your location. When you travel to a new time zone, change the Location setting to quickly reset the date and time. Your appointments stay at the time you entered them—no adjustments for time zones. So always enter your schedule based on the time zone you will be in on the day of the event.0.1Open Date & Time Preferences:a. Go to Applications.b. Select Prefs  .c. Select Date & Time.ContinuedDid You Know?The location you select also appears as the primary location in World Clock.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 526CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your Handheld2Select the location:a. Select the Location pick list, and select a city in your time zone. If you found a city in the list, go to step 3. No nearby city? Select Edit List, and do steps b through e.b. Select Add.c. Select a city in your time zone, and then select OK.d. Select OK again, and then select Done.e. Select the Location pick list, and select the city you just added.3Select Done.DoneTip You can rename the location to the city where you live. Select the Name field, and then modify the location name.Name field
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 527CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your HandheldResetting the date and timeIn most cases you won’t need to reset the date and time. However, you may need to do this if you do a hard reset on your handheld.01Open Date & Time Preferences:a. Go to Applications.b. Select Prefs  .c. Select Date & Time.2Select the location.Continued
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 528CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your Handheld3Set the date:a. Select the Set Date box.b. Select the arrows to select the current year.c. Select the current month.d. Select the current date.4Set the time:a. Select the Set Time box.b. Select the hour and minute boxes, and then select the arrows to change them.c. Select AM or PM, and then select OK.If you’re using a 24-hour clock format, you won’t see the AM and PM options.5Select Done.DoneYear arrowsNOTE
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 529CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your HandheldSelecting formats for dates, times, and numbersWould you rather see the time displayed in a 24-hour format, or dates that begin with the month or year? Use the Formats Preferences screen to change these settings and to apply them to all the applications on your handheld. You can quickly choose the preset formats based on geographic regions where you might use your handheld. For example, in the United Kingdom, time often is expressed using a 24-hour clock. In the United States, time is expressed using a 12-hour clock with an AM or PM suffix. You can use the original preset formats or change them based on your personal preferences.01Open Formats Preferences:a. Go to Applications.b. Select Prefs  .c. Select Formats.Continued
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 530CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your Handheld2Select a country:a. Select the Preset to box to open the Set Country dialog box.b. Select a country.c. Select OK.3[ & ] OPTIONAL Customize any of the following preset formats:Time Controls whether the time is displayed in 12-hour or 24-hour format and which symbol separates the numbers.Date Controls the sequence in which the day, month, and year appear and which symbol separates the segments.Week starts Controls whether applications treat Sunday or Monday as the first day of the week.Numbers Controls the decimal and thousands separator symbols.4Select Done.DoneTipThe country setting changes only the way the date and time look. It doesn’t change your handheld’s time to that country’s time. To do that, go to Date & Time Preferences or to World Clock.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 531CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your HandheldCustomizing the way you enter informationYour handheld lets you choose how you enter information. You can choose the input area or the writing area, choose Graffiti 2 strokes, and create shortcuts to make entering information faster.Customizing the input areaYou can configure your input area your preference for keyboards or for Graffiti 2 writing. You can also choose to see your strokes as you write.01Open Input Preferences:a. Go to Applications.b. Select Prefs  .c. Select Input.2Select the type of input area you want:•Keyboard•Wide•ClassicContinuedDid You Know?You can change the input area anytime by selecting the status bar or input area icons.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 532CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your HandheldChoosing the full-screen writing areaYou can write Graffiti 2 characters in the input area, or you can turn on Writing Area Preferences and use the full screen for Graffiti 2 writing; you do not have to write in the input area.03[ & ] OPTIONAL Uncheck the Show Graffiti Strokes box if you don’t want to have the Graffiti strokes shown as you write a character in the input area.Done1Open Writing Area Preferences:a. Go to Applications.b. Select Prefs  .c. Select Writing Area.ContinuedTipYou can turn on or turn off the full-screen writing area by tapping the Full-screen writing icon on the status bar.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 533CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your HandheldUsing the full-screen writing area02Select one of the following, and then select Done:On  Turns on the full-screen writing area. When you select this option, a box appears for you to choose if you want to see your strokes as you write.Off Turns off the full-screen writing area. When you select this option you must use the input area for Graffiti 2 writing.Done1Turn on the full-screen writing area by tapping Full-screen writing   on the status bar. When full-screen writing is on, the icon is highlighted. When full-screen writing is off, the icon is dimmed.2Open the entry where you want to enter information:a. Open an application.b. Select a record or select New.ContinuedTipRight after you write a character, your handheld interprets a quick tap on the screen as a period character. If you want to tap a button, either wait a few seconds or tap the Full-screen writing icon on the status bar.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 534CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your Handheld3Position the cursor where you want the characters to appear, and do any of the following:• Write lowercase Graffiti 2 letters anywhere on the left side of the screen.• Write numbers anywhere on the right side of the screen. • Write uppercase letters in the middle of the screen.• Write the Punctuation Shift stroke   before writing symbols and other special characters.• Use buttons and other controls that appear on the screen by tapping and holding the button or control until it activates.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 535CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your HandheldCustomizing Graffiti 2 strokesThere is more than one way to write certain Graffiti 2 characters. Use the Graffiti 2 Preferences screen to select an alternate stroke shape for these characters. 01Open Graffiti 2 Preferences:a. Go to Applications.b. Select Prefs  .c. Select Graffiti 2.2Select alternate strokes:a. Tap a character to view its alternate stroke.b. Check the box to use the alternate stroke, and then select Done.3Repeat step 2 for each stroke you want to reassign, and then select Done.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 536CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your HandheldSetting up ShortCutsAre you looking for a quicker way to enter information on your handheld? Use ShortCuts to define abbreviations for any words, letters, or numbers that you enter often. You can use your ShortCuts anywhere you enter info with Graffiti 2 writing. 01Open ShortCuts Preferences:a. Go to Applications.b. Select Prefs  .c. Select ShortCuts.ContinuedTipYou may want to add a space character after the last word in your ShortCut text. This way, a space automatically follows the ShortCut text.TipTo learn how to use ShortCuts while entering information, see Writing Graffiti 2 ShortCuts.Did You Know?Your ShortCuts are backed up on your computer when you synchronize.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 537CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your Handheld2Create a ShortCut:a. Select New.b. On the ShortCut Name line, enter the abbreviation.c. On the ShortCut Text line(s), enter the text you want to insert when you write the abbreviation.d. Select OK, and then select Done.DoneTipThe ShortCut Text can be 45 characters long. That’s long enough for a name whose spelling you always forget or a complex email address.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 538CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your HandheldChanging ShortCutsAfter you create a ShortCut, you can modify it at any time.01Open ShortCuts Preferences:a. Go to Applications.b. Select Prefs  .c. Select Shortcuts.2Edit the ShortCut:a. Select the ShortCut you want to change.b. Select Edit.c. Make your changes.d. Select OK, and then select Done.DoneTipTo delete a ShortCut, open ShortCuts Preferences and select the ShortCut. Select Delete, select Yes, and then select Done.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 539CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your HandheldCorrecting problems with tappingIs your screen not responding to taps? Are you getting unexpected results when you tap? For example, when you tap the number keyboard icon, does the Find dialog box open instead? If this happens, it’s time to align the screen. 01Open Touchscreen Preferences:a. Go to Applications.b. Select Prefs  .c. Select Touchscreen.2Tap the targets on the screen as precisely as possible, and then select Done.You need to tap at least three targets—maybe more if you don’t tap carefully.Done»Key TermTouchscreen Another name for your handheld’s screen and the internal circuitry that enables it to respond appropriately to taps. TipIf your screen is not responding to taps, use the 5-way navigator to open Touchscreen Preferences.»Key TermCalibration The process of aligning your handheld’s touch-sensitive screen so that when you tap an element on the screen, your handheld detects exactly what you want it to do.NOTE
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 540CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your HandheldSelecting sound settingsAre sounds too soft or too loud? Set the volume levels for the system, game, and alarm tones, or turn sounds off altogether with the Silent profile. 001Open Sounds & Alerts Preferences:a. Go to Applications.b. Select Prefs  .c. Select Sounds & Alerts.2Select Custom, Silent, or All Off.3If you selected Silent or All Off in step 2, select Done.If you selected Custom in step 2, select the System Sound, Game Sound, Alarm Sound, and Alarm LED pick lists and select the volume level for each sound; then select Done. DoneTipYou can choose different types of sounds for Calendar, Tasks, and World Clock. Go to the application, open the Options menu, and then select Preferences.Did You Know?When you connect headphones to your handheld, the external speaker is automatically silenced, the Sounds & Alerts settings are maintained, and all volume levels are automatically adjusted for use with headphones.Profile boxes
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 541CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your HandheldEntering your owner informationIt’s a good idea to enter information that could help someone contact you if you ever lose your handheld (if there’s enough battery power to turn it on). By default, the Owner Preferences screen contains the information you entered when you installed the CD and set up your handheld, but you can update or add to this information. Owner information does not include your username or passwords.01Open Owner Preferences:a. Go to Applications.b. Select Prefs  .c. Select Owner.2Modify or enter the text, and then select Done.DoneTipIn addition to entering owner information, you can assign a name to your handheld for Bluetooth® communication.Did You Know?If you use Security Preferences to turn off and lock your handheld with a password, your owner info appears when you select the Owner button the next time you turn on your handheld.TipIf you assigned a password in Security Preferences, you must select Unlock and enter your password to change your owner info.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 542CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your HandheldConserving battery powerYou can save battery power by preventing your handheld from turning on accidentally and by adjusting the Power Preferences settings.Preventing your handheld from turning on by accidentDoes your handheld turn itself on accidentally in your briefcase, pocket, or purse? You can lock the buttons on the front of your handheld to prevent this from happening and to prevent the battery from draining.01Open Keylock Preferences:a. Go to Applications.b. Select Prefs  .c. Select Keylock.ContinuedTipWhen Keylock is on, your handheld does not respond when you press the application buttons. To use your handheld again, press the power button, and then select Deactivate Keylock.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 543CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your HandheldSelecting power-saving settingsThe Power Preferences screen enables you to set power consumption options. 02Select one of these settings, and then select Done.Never Keylock always remains off.Automatic Keylock turns on automatically when you turn off your handheld or when your handheld goes to sleep.Manual Keylock turns on when you press and hold the power button until the system sound confirms that Keylock is on.Done1Open Power Preferences:a. Go to Applications.b. Select Prefs  .c. Select Power.Continued
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 544CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your Handheld2Select the pick lists to change any of the following settings, and then select Done.Auto-off after Select how quickly your handheld automatically turns off after a period of inactivity: 30 seconds, 1 minute, 2 minutes, or 3 minutes.On while charging Select whether your handheld stays on continuously when it is connected to the AC charger. When this option is off, you can still turn on your handheld to view your info while your handheld charges, but it turns off automatically after a period of inactivity.Beam Receive Select whether you can receive beamed information on your handheld. Turn this setting on to receive beamed info, or turn it off to prevent receiving beamed info.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 545CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your HandheldConnecting your handheld to other devicesConnection Preferences let you connect your handheld to other devices. You can use preset connection settings, modify the preset settings, or create your own connection settings from scratch. The list of preset connections varies depending on the applications you’ve added to your handheld. For example, you can create a connection between the IR port of your handheld and a modem so that you can dial in to your ISP or corporate network. The modem can be attached to or within a mobile phone or other device containing an IR port. (Some infrared phones can act as modems. To set up a phone connection, you must have a GSM or GPRS mobile phone enabled with data services and a driver for your phone. Check for available phone drivers or contact the phone manufacturer.)Changing the preset connection settingsThe following steps show you how to adjust the communication speed in the preset IR to a PC/Handheld connection setting. You can similarly edit other connections or settings. 01Open Connection Preferences:a. Go to Applications.b. Select Prefs  .c. Select Connection.ContinuedTipYou can use your handheld’s built-in Bluetooth wireless technology to connect to other devices without using Connection Preferences.»Key TermISP Acronym for Internet service provider. This is the service you use to connect to the Internet, such as AOL, CompuServe, or Earthlink.Did You Know?You cannot rename or delete the preset connection settings.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 546CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your Handheld2Open the Edit Connection dialog box:a. Select the IR to PC/handheld connection.b. Select Edit.3Change the speed setting:a. Select Details.b. Select the Speed pick list and select the appropriate speed.c. Select OK.d. Select OK again, and then select Done.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 547CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your HandheldCreating your own connection settingsIf none of the preset connection settings are close to what you need, or if you’re already using all the connections as they are, you can create a new connection.01From the Connection Preferences screen, select New.ContinuedTipTo delete a connection that you created, select it on the Connection Preferences screen, and then select Delete.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 548CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your Handheld2Enter the basic settings:Name Enter a name for your connection settings. This name will appear on the Connection Preferences screen so that you can select your connection later.Connect to Select the type of device you want to connect to: PC, Modem, or Local Area Network.Via Select the method you want to use to connect to the device you selected: Bluetooth—the Bluetooth® radio on your handheld; Cradle/Cable—the USB sync cable that came with your handheld; Infrared—the IR port on your handheld.The Dialing and Volume settings won’t appear unless you select Modem as the Connect to setting.Dialing Select whether your modem uses TouchTone™ or Rotary dialing.Volume Select the volume level for your modem’s speaker: Off, Low, Medium, or High.ContinuedTipYou can also customize Bluetooth connection settings.NOTE
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 549CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your Handheld3Enter the details settings:a. Select Details.b. Select the Speed pick list and select the appropriate speed.c. Select the Flow Ctl pick list and select whether the connection uses flow control:Automatic Your handheld determines when to use flow control.On Flow control is always on.Off Flow control is always off.d. For a modem connection, enter the initialization string. e. Select OK.4Select OK, and then select Done.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 550CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your HandheldConnecting your handheld to a mobile phonePhone Preferences let you configure your handheld to exchange messages and dial phone numbers when your handheld is connected to a GSM mobile phone (sold separately). The GSM mobile phone account must also include data services.01Open Phone Preferences:a. Go to Applications.b. Select Prefs  .c. Select Phone.2Select the connection:a. Select the Connection pick list and select your mobile phone from the list.b. Select Test to make sure the settings work with your phone.c. Select Done.DoneTipIf your phone doesn’t appear on the list, you need to install the phone settings for your phone onto your handheld.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 551CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your HandheldCustomizing network settingsYour handheld includes software that lets you connect your handheld to your Internet service provider (ISP) or to a dial-in (remote access) server using a mobile phone. After you configure your network settings, you can establish a connection either by using the menus from the Network Preferences screen or by using a third-party application. Setting up a service profileService profiles store the network settings for your ISP or dial-in server. You can create, save, and reuse service profiles. You can create additional service profiles from scratch or by duplicating an existing profile and editing the information.01Open Network Preferences:a. Go to Applications.b. Select Prefs  .c. Select Network.ContinuedBefore You Begin[!]You need the following:• A mobile phone with a Bluetooth radio or an IR port (sold separately)• A wireless service provider account that includes high-speed data services or that supports dial-up connections (additional fees may apply)• An ISP account or a corporate remote access account (additional fees may apply)• Connection Preferences settings for your mobile phone enabled with IR or Bluetooth wireless technology
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 552CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your Handheld2Enter the basic settings:Service Select the Service pick list and select your ISP or your dial-in server type from the list. If your ISP or server type isn’t on the list, select New and enter a name for the service profile.User Name Enter your username. This is the part of your email address that’s before the @ sign and it’s the name that you use when you log in to your ISP or your dial-in server. This field can contain multiple lines of text, but only two lines appear onscreen.Password Enter the password you use to log in to your ISP or dial-in server, and then select OK. The word “Assigned” appears in this box and you don’t need to enter a password when you log in.Connection Select the Connection pick list and select the method you want to use to connect to your ISP or to a dial-in server. See Connecting your handheld to other devices for info on creating and configuring connection settings.3If you’re using a phone or modem connection, enter the phone settings:a. Select the Phone box.ContinuedTipInstead of creating a new profile, you can copy an existing profile and change the settings. Select the profile you want to copy, and then open the Service menu and select Duplicate. Did You Know?Most dial-in servers do not accept spaces in the username.TipIf you’re concerned about security, don’t enter a password. Just leave the word “Prompt” in the Password box and your handheld will ask you to enter a password each time you log in.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 553CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your HandheldCont’d. b. Enter any of the following settings, and then select OK:Phone # Enter the phone number for your ISP or dial-in server.Dial prefix Check the Dial prefix box, and then enter the number that you dial before the telephone number to access an outside line. For example, many offices require that you first dial 9 to dial a number outside the building.Disable call waiting If your phone has Call Waiting, check the Disable call waiting box, and then enter the code to disable Call Waiting. Call Waiting can cause your session to end if you receive a call while you are connected. Contact your local phone company for the code that is appropriate for you. Use calling card If you want to use your calling card when dialing your ISP or dial-in server, check the Use calling box to select it. Enter your calling card number on the Use calling card line.Because MCI works differently, enter the MCI calling card number in the Phone # field and the phone number in the Use calling card field.4Select Done.DoneTipIt’s a good idea to add at least three commas before your calling card number to allow for the cue delay. Each comma delays transmission of your calling card number for two seconds.IMPORTANT[!]
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 554CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your HandheldConnecting to your serviceAfter you set up your Connection and Network Preferences, establishing a connection to your ISP or your company’s network (dial-in server) is easy.01Open Network Preferences:a. Go to Applications.b. Select Prefs  .c. Select Network.2Make the connection:a. Make sure the service profile you want to use appears in the Service field. If not, select it.b. Select Connect.3End the connection when you’ve finished using it:a. Select Disconnect.b. Select Done.DoneTipTo see expanded Service Connection Progress messages, press Down on the 5-way. To see more information, open the Options menu and select View Log.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 555CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your HandheldAdding details to a service profileIf you’re using one of the predefined service profiles, you probably need to enter only your username, password, and telephone number. If you’re creating a new service profile, you may need to use the Details dialog box to add more information to your service profile.01Open Network Preferences:a. Go to Applications.b. Select Prefs  .c. Select Network.2Open the Details dialog box:a. Select the Service pick list and select the service you want to add details to.b. Select Details.Continued
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 556CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your Handheld3Adjust any of the following settings:Ask your ISP or system administrator if you need information on any of these settings.Connection type Select the pick list and choose the communication protocol for this service: PPP, SLIP, or CSLIP. Most email application, use the PPP or SLIP protocols.Idle timeout Select the pick list and select how long your handheld waits before dropping the connection with your ISP or dial-in server when you switch out of an application that requires a connection: 1 Minute, 2 Minutes, 3 Minutes, or Never.Query DNS Check the Query DNS box if you’re not sure whether you need to enter DNS addresses. Many systems do not require that you enter DNS addresses. If you do need DNS addresses, uncheck the DNS box, tap the space to the left of each period in the Primary and Secondary DNS fields, and then enter the appropriate sections of each address.IP Address Check the IP Address box to use a temporary IP address. Uncheck the IP Address box to enter a permanently assigned address.4Select OK, and then select Done.Done»Key TermDNS Domain name system. The Internet uses this system to translate the names of host computers into IP addresses. A DNS number identifies the server that handles the translation.Each IP address has four numbers (from 0 to 255) that are separated by periods.»Key TermIP Internet protocol. Everyone who logs in to the Internet needs a unique identifier (an IP address). Some networks dynamically assign a temporary IP address upon login while others assign a permanent IP address.NOTE
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 557CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your HandheldDeleting a service profile01Open Network Preferences:a. Go to Applications.b. Select Prefs  .c. Select Network.2Delete the service you want to delete:a. Select the Service pick list and select the service you want to delete.b. Open the menus.c. Select Delete in the Service menu.d. Select OK, and then select Done.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 558CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your HandheldCreating login scriptsA login script is a series of commands that automates logging in to a network server—for example, your corporate network or your ISP. A login script is associated with a specific service profile created in Network Preferences.A login script is something that you are likely to receive from your system administrator if you log in to the corporate servers from your handheld using a phone/modem or network connection. The script is generally prepared by the system administrator and distributed to users who need it. It automates the events that must take place to establish a connection between your handheld and the corporate servers.You can create login scripts by selecting commands from the Command pick list in the Login Script dialog box. Some commands, such as Send, require you to supply additional information. If the command requires additional info, a field appears to the right of the command where you can enter the info. 01Open Network Preferences:a. Go to Applications.b. Select Prefs  .c. Select Network.ContinuedTipWindows You can also create login scripts with a text editor on your desktop computer. Create a file with the extension PNC, and then install the file on your handheld using palmOne™ Quick Install.Did You Know?Your login scripts can also use non-ASCII and literal characters.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 559CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your Handheld2Open the Login Script dialog box:a. Select the Service pick list and select the service you want to add a script to.b. Select Details.c. Select Script.3Select the End pick list and select one of the following commands from the list:Wait For Tells your handheld to wait for specific characters from the server before executing the next command.Wait For Prompt Detects a challenge-response prompt coming from the server, and then displays the dynamically generated challenge value. You then enter the challenge value into your token card, which in turn generates a response value for you to enter on your handheld. This is a two-part command that is separated by a vertical bar (|) on the input line.Continued
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 560CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your HandheldCont’d.Send Transmits specific characters to the server that you’re connecting to.Send CR Transmits a carriage return or line feed (LF) character to the server.Send User ID Transmits the User Name field from Network Preferences.Send Password Transmits the Password field from Network Preferences. If you didn’t enter a password, this command prompts you to enter one. The Password command is usually followed by a Send CR command.Delay Tells your handheld to wait a specific number of seconds before going to the next command in the login script.Get IP Reads an IP address and uses it as the IP address for your handheld. This command is used with SLIP connections.Prompt Opens a dialog box and prompts you to enter certain text (for example, a password or a security code).End Identifies the last line in the login script.Continued
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 561CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your Handheld4Complete the script:a. Repeat step 3 until the login script is complete.b. Select OK, and then select OK again.c. Select Done.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 562CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your HandheldAdding plug-in applicationsYou can create plug-in applications containing script commands that extend the functionality of the built-in script commands. A plug-in application is a standard PRC application that you install on your handheld just like any other application. After you install the plug-in application, you can use the new script commands in a login script.For example, you might use a plug-in application in the following situations:• You need the login script to properly respond to different connection scenarios defined by the authentication server. • You want to perform conditional tests and branching as part of the login process. Plug-in applications have the following characteristics:• Written in C language • Compiled into a device executable• Called properly from a login script• Able to return control to a login script after it terminates• Created using a development environment that supports Palm OS® software, such as Metrowerks CodeWarrior tools.TipFor more info on creating plug-in applications, contact Developer Support at PalmSource.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 563CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your HandheldSetting up VPNIf you want to use your handheld to access your corporate email account or other files on your corporate server, you may need to set up a virtual private network (VPN) on your handheld. A VPN enables you to log in to your corporate server through the company’s firewall (security layer). Without a VPN, you cannot pass through the firewall to gain access to the server. You need to set up a VPN to access a corporate server in either of the following situations:• Your company’s wireless local area network (LAN) is located outside the firewall.• Your company’s wireless LAN is located inside the firewall, but you are trying to access the network from outside the firewall (for example, from a public location or at home).Check with your company’s system administrator to see if a VPN is required to access the corporate network. If you need a VPN, you must purchase and install a third-party VPN client to use this feature.Setting up a VPN account on your handheld01Open VPN Preferences:a. Go to Applications.b. Select Prefs  .c. Select VPN.ContinuedBefore You Begin[!]You must purchase and install a compatible VPN client onto your handheld. You also need the VPN settings from your corporate system administrator.Did You Know?Once you have installed and set up VPN, you can connect or disconnect VPN from within the web browser.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 564CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your Handheld2Set up a VPN account on your handheld:a. Select the Add Account box.b. Follow the instructions to enter the settings provided by your corporate system administrator.c. Select Done.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 565CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your HandheldEstablishing a VPN connection01Open VPN Preferences:a. Go to Applications.b. Select Prefs  .c. Select VPN.2Establish a VPN connection:a. Select a VPN account from the VPN Account pick list.b. Select Connect VPN.c. If prompted, enter your VPN username and password.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 566CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your HandheldEnding a VPN connection01Open VPN Preferences:a. Go to Applications.b. Select Prefs  .c. Select VPN.2Select Disconnect VPN.Done
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 567CHAPTER 25 Customizing Your HandheldRelated topicsClick a link below to learn about these related topics:Basics Locating the input area and other controls on your handheldMoving Around• Opening applications• Using menusEntering Information• Using Graffiti 2 writing to enter information• Using ShortCuts to quickly enter text phrasesBluetooth Customizing Bluetooth communication settingsPrivacy Keeping information private by locking your handheld with a passwordCategories Creating categories so you can organize your applications and informationWorld Clock Viewing the date and time in other citiesMy HandheldMake your handheld uniquely yours. For great tips, software, accessories, and more, visit you’re having problems with customization or with anything else on your handheld, go to
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 568CHAPTER 26Expanding Your HandheldA Chinese proverb says, “Life just gives you time and space; it's up to you to fill it.” But doesn’t it always seem that no matter how much space you have, you still need more? Expansion cards (sold separately) provide a compact and limitless answer to the storage dilemma. When one card becomes full, simply use another card.  Benefits of expansion cards• Back up info• Add more games and other software• Add accessories• Store, carry, and exchange infoIn this chapterWhat type of expansion cards can I use?How can expansion cards help me?Removing an expansion cardInserting an expansion cardOpening an application on an expansion cardOpening files on an expansion cardViewing card informationRenaming a cardCopying applications to an expansion cardRemoving all information from a cardRelated topics
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 569CHAPTER 26 Expanding Your HandheldWhat type of expansion cards can I use?Your handheld is compatible with SDIO, SD, and MultiMediaCard expansion cards. SDIO expansion cards let you add accessories to your handheld. SD and MultiMediaCard expansion cards let you store information and applications. How can expansion cards help me?Listen to music. Store and share songs using expansion cards. Transfer songs between your expansion card and the Music folder on your internal drive. Use the included RealPlayer software to listen to music on your handheld. View and store more photos. If your digital camera (sold separately) uses compatible expansion cards, you can quickly view your photos by simply inserting the card into the expansion slot on your handheld. Using palmOne™ Media with your expansion cards gives you more options to store and share your photos. And if your camera doesn’t use compatible expansion cards, don’t worry; you can still view your photos. Add games and other software. Purchase popular games, dictionaries, travel guides, and more. To check out the variety of expansion cards available for your handheld, visit and click the Accessories link.Add accessories. Attach SDIO accessories, such as a presentation module, to your handheld.Store all your info. Never worry about running out of space on your handheld. Purchase as many expansion cards as you need to store your music, photos, videos, and other information. Expansion cards come in a variety of capacities, and they’re very small, easy to store, and affordably priced.»Key TermSDIO An acronym for Secure Digital input/output.TipLooking for a handy way to carry your expansion cards? You can purchase a variety of carrying cases. Visit and click the Accessories link.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 570CHAPTER 26 Expanding Your HandheldRemoving an expansion card Your handheld comes with a dummy card inserted into the expansion card slot. You must remove this card before you can put a real card into the slot.01Push lightly against the card with your thumb until you hear the confirmation tone. 2Slide the card out of the expansion slot.DoneNOTETipTo prevent damaging the card and the info on it, always wait for your handheld to finish writing to the expansion card before you remove the card from the slot.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 571CHAPTER 26 Expanding Your HandheldInserting an expansion card01Insert the card into the expansion slot with the label side facing the front of the handheld.2Push the card in with your thumb until you feel the card “click” in place and hear the confirmation tone.No confirmation tone? Check the Sounds & Alerts Preferences to make sure the System Sound setting is turned on.DoneNOTE
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 572CHAPTER 26 Expanding Your HandheldOpening an application on an expansion cardWhen you insert an expansion card into the expansion slot, your handheld adds the expansion card to the category list in the upper-right corner of Applications View. You can easily switch between applications installed on your handheld and on the expansion card.Some applications may not run correctly when you install them on an expansion card. Try installing these applications on your handheld instead. If you still have problems, contact the developer.01Insert the expansion card.2Go to Applications and select the expansion card from the category pick list. 3Select an application icon to open that application.DoneDid You Know?You can install applications and other files to an expansion card during synchronization.TipWhen the highlight on Applications View is not active, you can press and hold the Select button to open the category pick list.NOTECategory pick list
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 573CHAPTER 26 Expanding Your HandheldOpening files on an expansion cardYou can open files on an expansion card when you insert the card into the expansion slot.01Open the application associated with the files you want to open.2Insert the expansion card.3Select the entry you want to view.DoneTipUse palmOne File Tr a n s f e r  (Windows only) to install applications and transfer folders and files from your Windows computer to an expansion card.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 574CHAPTER 26 Expanding Your HandheldViewing card informationIt’s easy to forget which files you put on a particular expansion card. Use the Card Info application to view the card name and type, available storage space, and a summary of its contents.Go to Applications and select Card Info  . TipReading and writing info on an expansion card uses more battery power than doing the same task on your handheld. If you have enough space on your handheld, consider copying the info to your handheld.TipIf your handheld’s battery is very low, access to the expansion card may be disabled. If this occurs, recharge your handheld as soon as possible.Did You Know?You can view and access files or folders on an expansion card using the Files application on your handheld, and manage your files on a card using File Transfer or Drive Mode. Card nameSummary of contentsSpace available
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 575CHAPTER 26 Expanding Your HandheldRenaming a cardThe expansion card name appears in the category pick list and in other lists that let you choose where to store your info. When you buy a new card, give it a name that helps you remember what’s on the card. You can rename the card later if you decide to store different info on the card.01Go to Applications and select Card Info  .2Open the Rename Card dialog box:a. Open the menus. b. Select Rename Card on the Card menu.3Enter the new name for the card, and then select Rename.DoneTipYou can also use the Files application to rename your card.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 576CHAPTER 26 Expanding Your HandheldCopying applications to an expansion card01Insert the expansion card, and then go to Applications.2Open the Copy dialog box:a. Open the menus. b. Select Copy on the App menu.3Select the application to copy:A lock appears next to applications that are copy-protected. You cannot copy or beam these applications.a. Select the Copy From pick list and select Handheld.b. Select the application you want to copy.c. Select Copy.d. Select Done.DoneTipIf you use a card reader to view your card on a computer, the file names may differ from the names you see on your handheld.Did You Know?Some applications, such as Media, let you copy or move info between your handheld and an expansion card. See the information on each application for details.NOTE
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 577CHAPTER 26 Expanding Your HandheldRemoving all information from a cardFormatting a card removes all of its info and prepares it to accept new applications and files.We do not recommend formatting backup cards. Formatting removes the backup application and turns the card into a blank memory card. 01Insert an expansion card.2Go to Applications and select Card Info  .3Format the card:a. Open the menus.b. Select Format Card on the Card menu.c. When asked if you want to format the card, select OK.DoneIMPORTANT[!]
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 578CHAPTER 26 Expanding Your HandheldRelated topicsClick a link below to learn about these related topics:Sharing • Exchanging applications and information with other Palm Powered devices by exchanging cards or beaming items between handhelds• Sending applications and information to other Bluetooth® devices by using Bluetooth wireless technology on your handheldManaging InfoAdding applications from your computer to an expansion card, and installing other files such as photos, videos, or musicMy HandheldMake your handheld uniquely yours. For great tips, software, accessories, and more, visit you’re having problems with expansion cards or with anything else on your handheld, go to
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 579CHAPTER 27Maintaining Your HandheldYour handheld is designed to be rugged and reliable and to provide you with years of trouble-free service. Taking care of your handheld helps keep it working properly and ensures that it’s available when you need it.Handheld do’s and don’tsTo protect your handheld from damage and ensure reliable performance, follow these guidelines.Handheld do’s• Use the carrying case that came with your handheld. It provides protection if your handheld is accidentally dropped.• Use only the stylus to tap the screen—no pens, pencils, paper clips, or other sharp objects.• Use only the supplied AC charger to charge your handheld.•Keep the battery charged.• Keep the screen free of dust (or anything else that could make it dirty).• For general cleaning, use a soft, damp cloth. If the screen becomes dirty, use a soft cloth moistened with a diluted window-cleaning solution.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 580CHAPTER 27 Maintaining Your Handheld• Use only 3.5 mm stereo headphones in your handheld’s headphone jack.• Be sure to get rid of any static electricity buildup before you connect your handheld to any cable or accessory.Handheld don’ts• Do not drop, bang, or otherwise cause a strong impact to your handheld.• Do not carry your handheld in your back pocket; you might sit on it by mistake.• Do not let your handheld get wet; don’t even leave it in a damp location.• Do not expose your handheld to very hot or cold temperatures, including placing it near a heater, leaving it in a car, or setting it by a window in direct sunlight.Resetting your handheldOn rare occasions your handheld may not respond when you press a button or tap the screen. In this case, you need to reset your handheld.Doing a soft resetA soft reset tells your handheld to stop what it’s doing and start over again. None of your information will be lost. After a soft reset, a screen appears that lets you reset the date and time, if needed.To do a soft reset, unscrew the top of the stylus to access the reset tool (or find a similar object without a sharp tip) and gently press the reset button inside the hole on the back panel of your handheld.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 581CHAPTER 27 Maintaining Your HandheldIf your handheld does not respond after a soft reset, you need to do a hard reset.Reset button
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 582CHAPTER 27 Maintaining Your HandheldDoing a hard resetOnly do a hard reset if a soft reset doesn’t solve your problem, or if you want to clear all of your information from your handheld. A hard reset deletes all records and entries stored on your handheld, including the username that identifies the handheld. This is another reason why it's important to synchronize often, so you have an up-to-date backup available. Before you do a hard reset, be sure to synchronize. Applications, files, and folders moved to your handheld's internal drive with File Transfer are not automatically backed up during synchronization. Use File Transfer to copy or move the updated files and folders to your computer, or to back up the contents of your handheld's entire internal drive to your computer.01Press and hold the power button.2While holding the power button, use the tip of the stylus (or a similar object without a sharp tip) to gently press and release the reset button inside the hole on the back of your handheld.3Wait for the Palm Powered™ logo to appear, and then release the power button.4When you see the message that warns you about erasing all of the info on your handheld, do one of the following:• Press Up on the 5-way navigator to finish the reset and show the touchscreen.• Press any other button to do a soft reset.DoneIMPORTANT[!]
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 583CHAPTER 27 Maintaining Your HandheldRestoring your information after a hard resetIf you synchronized before doing a hard reset, you can now put that information back on your handheld. However, you may need to re-enter some of your personal settings, as well as your color-coded categories in Calendar.WINDOWS ONLY01Open the Custom menu in the HotSync® application:a. Click the HotSync Manager   icon in the taskbar in the lower-right corner of the screen.b. Click Custom.2Select the correct username from the list at the top of the box.Continued
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 584CHAPTER 27 Maintaining Your Handheld3Set the transfer options:a. Select an application in the Conduit list, and then click Change.b. Select Desktop overwrites handheld.This change applies only to the next synchronization.c. Click OK.4Repeat step 3 for the other applications in the list that you want to restore, and then click Done.5Synchronize your handheld with your computer.DoneNOTE
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 585CHAPTER 27 Maintaining Your HandheldRelated topicsClick a link below to learn about these related topics:Managing Info Creating a backup of your informationCustomizing Customizing your handheld again after doing a hard resetMy HandheldMake your handheld uniquely yours. For great tips, software, accessories, and more, visit you’re having problems with resets or with anything else on your handheld, go to
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 586CHAPTER 28Common QuestionsAlthough we can’t anticipate all the questions you might have, this chapter provides answers to some of the most commonly asked questions.SetupNothing happens when I insert the CD.WINDOWS ONLY1. Click Start on your computer, and then select Run.2. Click Browse and navigate to your CD-ROM drive.3. Select Autorun, click Open, and then click OK.I cannot install Palm®Desktop software.WINDOWS ONLY• Disable any virus-scanning software on your computer.• Close any open applications.• Make sure your computer has at least 170MB of disk space available.• Delete all temporary files.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 587CHAPTER 28 Common Questions• Run ScanDisk (or another disk verification tool) on your computer.• Install the latest Windows software updates to your computer.• If you are upgrading from an older Palm Powered device, remove any previous version(s) of Palm®Desktop software by clicking Start, navigating to Settings, and clicking Control Panel. Click Add or Remove Programs.• Uninstall and then reinstall the current version of Palm Desktop software.MAC ONLY• Disable any virus-scanning software on your computer.• Quit any open applications.• Make sure your computer has at least 190MB of disk space available.• Install the latest Mac software updates to your computer.• If you are upgrading from an older Palm Powered device, remove any previous version(s) of Palm Desktop software.• Uninstall and then reinstall the current version of Palm Desktop software.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 588CHAPTER 28 Common QuestionsHandheld Do not open your handheld; there are no serviceable parts inside. Opening your handheld voids the warranty and is not recommended under any circumstances.I want to see how much battery life I have left.A battery icon   appears at the top of Favorites and Applications views. Check the icon periodically to see if your handheld needs to be recharged. If the battery becomes low, a message appears on the screen prompting you to recharge the battery.I’m not sure when I need to recharge my handheld.We recommend that you recharge your handheld for at least half an hour every day. Ideally, connect your handheld to a power source every night and recharge it while you sleep. My battery is drained.The memory on your handheld is designed to store your information even if the battery becomes drained completely. When you recharge your handheld, all of your existing information, both in program memory and on the internal drive, should appear.My battery drains too quickly.You can conserve battery life by doing any of the following:• Reduce the brightness of the display.• Reduce the Auto-off after interval.• Use Keylock Preferences to prevent your handheld from being turned on accidentally.• Minimize use of the expansion card slot.•Turn the Bluetooth® feature off when you’re not using it, or turn the discoverable setting to off.IMPORTANT[!]
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 589CHAPTER 28 Common QuestionsWhen I connect my handheld to the AC charger, it does not charge.• Confirm that your handheld is firmly connected to the AC charger.• Confirm that your AC charger is plugged into an AC outlet that has power.A lightning bolt over the battery icon indicates that your handheld is charging. If your battery is completely drained, you’ll need to charge it for a few minutes before you can turn it on and see the battery icon.My handheld is not responding.On rare occasions your handheld may not respond when you press a button or tap the screen. If this happens, first check that Keylock is not turned on.If Keylock is off and your handheld is still not responding, you need to reset your handheld. A soft reset tells your handheld to stop and start over again. This does not affect any of the information or applications on your handheld. If you had a network connection that was cut off, your handheld may not respond for up to 30 seconds. Wait 30 seconds before performing a soft reset.If your handheld does not respond after a soft reset, you need to perform a hard reset.If your handheld still does not respond after a reset, check your third-party applications for incompatible applications.I don’t see anything on my handheld’s screen.• Press an application button to ensure that your handheld is turned on.• If your handheld was exposed to cold, make sure it is at room temperature.• Charge your handheld.•Perform a soft reset. If your handheld still doesn’t turn on, perform a hard reset.TipAfter a soft reset, the Preferences screen appears with the Date & Time option highlighted so you can reset the date and time if necessary. NOTE
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 590CHAPTER 28 Common QuestionsI get a warning message telling me my handheld memory is full.The storage volume refers to your handheld’s program memory. If you get a message that your program memory is full, try the following:• If you have installed additional applications on your handheld, remove them to recover memory.•Purge items from Calendar and Tasks. This deletes Tasks items and past Calendar events from the memory of your handheld. •Delete unused memos, photos, and other items, or save them to an expansion card.• Move infrequently used applications to the Applications folder on the internal drive. Note that some applications must be installed in program memory in order to run correctly.My handheld keeps turning itself off.Your handheld is designed to turn itself off after a period of inactivity. This period can be set at 30 seconds or at one, two, or three minutes. Check the Auto-off after setting on the Power Preferences screen.My handheld is not making any sounds.Check the System, Alarm, and Game Sound settings.The current date and time are incorrect.The current date and time are tied to the Location setting. If you change the date and time without changing the Location setting, the current date and time may appear incorrect.TipWhen you purge or delete items, you are given the option to save an archive copy on your computer the next time you synchronize.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 591CHAPTER 28 Common QuestionsMy application is responding slowly.WINDOWS ONLYIf you are transferring files using File Transfer and you are working with a large application on your handheld such as a game, the application may perform slowly. Wait until the file transfer is finished to use the application.Moving aroundI can’t find the icon I want in Applications View.• Select the category pick list in the upper-right corner of Applications View and select All. You may need to scroll down a bit, but you should now see an icon for each of the applications on your handheld.• The application you want may be installed on your handheld’s internal drive. To view these applications, select the category pick list in the upper-right corner of Applications View and select Internal Drive.• Some of the applications that come with your handheld are not preinstalled. You need to install these extra applications from the CD.• If you have an expansion card inserted in the expansion slot on your handheld, the application you want may be installed on the card instead of on your handheld. To view the applications installed on the card, select the pick list in the upper-right corner of Applications View and select the expansion card’s name from the list.Entering informationMy handheld doesn’t respond to taps correctly.If your handheld is not responding to taps correctly, you need to align the screen.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 592CHAPTER 28 Common QuestionsWhen I tap Menu on the status bar, nothing happens.• Tap the upper-left corner of the screen to try and open the menus.•Align the screen and try tapping Menu again.• If nothing happens, you may be in an application or screen that does not use menus. Switch to a different application and try tapping Menu. If it works in the second application, then the first does not use menus.• If tapping Menu does not work in the second application, try aligning the screen again.I can’t get my handheld to recognize my handwriting.For your handheld to recognize handwriting input with the stylus, you need to use Graffiti® 2 writing. Use the Graffiti 2 help to learn how to write characters. Your handheld recognizes strokes entered with the stylus other than Graffiti 2 strokes in the Note Pad application only.• Make the Graffiti 2 character strokes in the Graffiti 2 input area, not on the display part of the screen. If you want to write on the display part of the screen, turn full-screen writing on.• Write Graffiti 2 strokes for lowercase letters in the left side, strokes for capital letters in the middle, and strokes for numbers in the right side of the Graffiti 2 writing area. • Make sure that Graffiti 2 is not in shift mode.• Make sure that Graffiti 2 is not in Punctuation Shift mode.NOTE
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 593CHAPTER 28 Common QuestionsThe info I entered does not appear in an application.• Check the Categories pick list in the upper-right corner of Applications View. Select All to display all the records for the application.• Did you set private records to be hidden? Check Security Preferences to see that Private Records is set to Show private records.• Open the Options menu and select Preferences. Make sure Show Completed Tasks is selected.I don’t know how to save the info I entered in an application.Each time you complete an entry such as a contact, memo, or note, your handheld automatically saves the information you entered. You don’t have to do anything special to save your info. To protect your info and create a backup of your info, synchronize the information in your handheld’s program memory with your computer and back up the contents of your handheld’s internal drive to your computer often.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 594CHAPTER 28 Common QuestionsSynchronizingI can’t synchronize my handheld with my computer. You must install the software installation CD before you can synchronize.• Make sure the USB sync cable is connected securely. • Make sure the date on your computer matches the date on your handheld. •Read the HotSync log for the user account for which you are synchronizing. WINDOWS ONLYClick the HotSync Manager   icon in the Windows taskbar in the lower-right corner of your screen. Make sure Local USB has a checkmark next to it. If not, click it. If you don’t see the HotSync Manager icon, click Start in the Windows taskbar, and then select Programs. Go to the palmOne program group and select HotSync Manager. MAC ONLY• Make sure HotSync Manager is enabled: Open the Palm folder and double-click the HotSync Manager icon. On the HotSync Controls tab, be sure Enabled is selected. If it is not, click it. • Disconnect the USB sync cable from your computer, and then reconnect the cable and restart your computer.TipNeed more help with synchronizing your handheld? Open Palm Desktop software, go to the Help menu, and select HotSync Online Troubleshooting Guide.NOTENOTE
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 595CHAPTER 28 Common QuestionsWhen I synchronize, nothing happens on Palm Desktop software, and my handheld times out.•Perform a soft reset.• Make sure that HotSync Manager is running on your computer.• Make a copy of the folder containing your information. This folder is named with either your full username or a shortened version of the name. Uninstall and then reinstall Palm Desktop software.• Turn on your handheld, and go to Applications. Select HotSync  , and then select Local.I want to change from synchronizing with Palm Desktop software and synchronizing with Outlook.WINDOWS ONLYDuring CD installation, you chose a desktop software application to synchronize with your handheld. You may have chosen Palm Desktop software at that time. But if Microsoft Outlook already contains all of your contacts, appointments, tasks, and notes, you can change your synchronization method so that your handheld synchronizes with Outlook instead. You can also change from Outlook to Palm Desktop software. If you choose to synchronize with Outlook, info from Contacts, Calendar, Tasks, and Memos is synchronized with Outlook. You can also set up the VersaMail® application to synchronize with Outlook. Other info, such as photos and notes, is synchronized with Palm Desktop software.1.  Insert the CD into your computer.2.Select Change your synchronization method.3.Follow the onscreen instructions for the desktop software you want to use.NOTEBefore You Begin[!]You must have completed CD installation and chosen Palm Desktop software as your desktop application for synchronization in order to switch to Outlook. Note that you can choose Outlook as your synchronization software for Contacts, Calendar, Tasks, and Memos during CD installation.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 596CHAPTER 28 Common QuestionsI can’t synchronize my handheld with Microsoft Outlook.WINDOWS ONLY If you choose to synchronize your handheld with Outlook, information from Contacts, Calendar, Tasks, and Memos is synchronized with Outlook. Other information, such as photos, videos, voice memos, and notes, is synchronized with Palm Desktop software.• Click the HotSync Manager icon   and select Custom. Check the following:• Make sure that you have the correct username selected from the drop-down list.• Make sure that the applications you want are set to synchronize the files. If not, select each application, click Change, and then choose Synchronize the files.• Make sure that the correct application name is selected. For example, the older version of Calendar was called Date Book. If you have upgraded from an older handheld, make sure that Calendar is set to Synchronize the files, and Date Book is set to Do Nothing.• If you synchronize your handheld with more than one computer, click Settings and select Enable synchronization to multiple PCs for each application you want to synchronize. This helps avoid duplicating the same information on a single computer. Check the Set as default box to use this setting each time you synchronize. Otherwise, it applies during the next synchronization only.• Be sure that the application you want is installed. Reinstall the HotSync Manager and make sure that the application is selected.• Reinstall Palm Desktop software and select the option to synchronize with Microsoft Outlook.I can’t synchronize wirelessly using my handheld’s Bluetooth® technology.• Make sure that the HotSync Manager is running on your desktop computer. The HotSync Manager icon   must appear in the taskbar in the lower-right corner of your screen.• Click the HotSync Manager icon   and verify that there is a checkmark next to Local.NOTENOTE
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 597CHAPTER 28 Common Questions• Your handheld may not be able to recognize the virtual serial port on your Windows computer. Try validating the virtual serial port you’re using, or create a different virtual port and change the HotSync Manager settings to use the new virtual port. To change the virtual serial port, click the HotSync Manager icon  . Select Setup, and then select the Local tab. Select a port from the Serial port pick list.When you synchronize wirelessly, your handheld attempts to connect to a Bluetooth virtual serial port on your computer. First it looks for a Bluetooth serial HotSync port. If it cannot find that port, it then looks for a generic Bluetooth serial port. However, some generic Bluetooth serial ports do not support synchronization. Refer to the documentation that came with your computer operating system for instructions on creating/changing the virtual port for serial communication.If the virtual serial port you want to use is used by other applications, exit those applications before setting up your computer for wireless synchronization.Some of my applications do not synchronize.If you have synchronized successfully but you can’t find the information from your handheld on your computer, check to see that you have the correct username selected for viewing information. If you upgraded from a previous handheld, go to, select your country, select the Tungsten™ T5 handheld from the main page, and click the Upgrade link.WINDOWS ONLYClick the HotSync Manager icon   in the lower-right corner of your screen, and then select Custom. Check that the application is set to synchronize the files. If it is not, select the application, click Change, and then choose Synchronize the files. Check the Set as default box to use this setting each time you synchronize. Otherwise, it applies during the next synchronization only.MAC ONLYDouble-click the HotSync Manager icon   in the Palm folder. From the HotSync menu, select Conduit Settings. Select your username from the User pop-up menu, and be sure that the application is set to synchronize. NOTE
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 598CHAPTER 28 Common QuestionsI can’t open the HotSync Manager.On a Windows computer, uninstall Palm Desktop software from your computer, and then reinstall the software from the software installation CD.On a Mac computer, just reinstall Palm Desktop software.When I synchronize, I receive the 8009 error message: An application has failed to respond to a HotSync notification.WINDOWS ONLYThe 8009 error indicates that the Windows registry is corrupt. You need to rebuild the HotSync Manager registry entries. For information on rebuilding the registry entries, go to and search the palmOne Knowledge Library for “error 8009.”My files didn’t install during synchronization.• If files do not install after you synchronize, the file type was not recognized. On your handheld, open the application associated with those files. Then synchronize again. If the files remain in the palmOne™ Quick Install list on your computer (Windows only), they are not associated with an application on your handheld and cannot be installed by synchronizing. You can install the files using File Transfer (Windows) or Drive Mode (Mac).• If you are trying to install files to an expansion card, make sure that a card is inserted into your handheld’s expansion slot before you synchronize.I can’t add more files to the palmOne Quick Install list.Make sure the dialog box that confirms where the files will be installed is closed. You cannot add more files to the list when the confirmation dialog box is open.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 599CHAPTER 28 Common QuestionsWhen I add a zipped file (ZIP) to Quick Install, some of the files don’t appear in the Quick Install list.Unzip the file with a file compression utility, such as WinZip, and then add the unzipped files to Quick Install.I receive an authentication error when I try to synchronize wirelessly through a LAN access point.Make sure you entered the correct username and password for the selected network service profile in the Network Preferences screen.When I try to synchronize wirelessly through a LAN access point, it connects, but nothing happens.• Make sure that Network is selected in the HotSync Manager menu on your computer.• Contact your system administrator to make sure your network computer is properly set up.I want to synchronize my computer with more than one handheld.If the computer running Palm Desktop software synchronizes with more than one handheld, each handheld should have a unique name. Synchronizing more than one handheld with the same username causes unpredictable results and, potentially, loss of your personal information. Assign a username to your handheld the first time you synchronize.If you are synchronizing with Outlook, make sure the right profile is selected for the applications you want to synchronize in HotSync Manager. From the Palm Desktop home screen, click the HotSync Manager, and then select Custom.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 600CHAPTER 28 Common QuestionsFile Transfer/Drive ModeI can’t move or copy files using palmOne™ File Transfer.WINDOWS ONLY• Make sure your handheld is connected securely to the USB sync cable, and that the cable is connected to a USB port on the back of your computer.• Make sure no other applications—such as HotSync Manager or RealPlayer—are using the USB sync cable. To check, press the Home button  . If Favorites opens, then no other applications are using the sync cable. If Favorites does not open, then another application may be using the cable.• Try to synchronize. If synchronizing doesn’t work, palmOne™ File Transfer doesn’t work, either.• If File Transfer was working but stops, disconnect and reconnect your handheld. If this does not solve the problem, perform a soft reset.I can’t see a file I moved from my computer to my handheld.Your handheld stores information in two locations: program memory and the internal flash drive. When you view files on your handheld using File Transfer on your computer or Files on your handheld, only files on the internal drive are displayed.If you used palmOne Quick Install to move a file to your handheld, depending on the file type, the file may be located in your handheld’s program memory. If this is the case, you can’t view the file using File Transfer or Files, but you can access it by using the appropriate application. If you want to be able to see the file in the File Transfer window or the Files screen, copy it to your handheld’s internal drive using File Transfer.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 601CHAPTER 28 Common QuestionsI made updates to a file on my handheld, but when I synchronize, the changes don’t show up in the file on my computer.If you use File Transfer to send a file to your handheld, any updates you make to the file on your handheld are not included when you synchronize. Use File Transfer to copy the updated file back to your computer.File transfer is taking place slowly.If you are working with large files or using large applications such as games on your handheld, file transfer may go more slowly. Quit all handheld applications to speed file transfer.When I try to delete a file using File Transfer, a message appears saying the file is busy.If you are working with a file on your handheld—for example, editing a document or listening to a music file—you cannot delete the file using File Transfer. Close the file on your handheld and then delete it.I can’t write a memo or enter a contact when my handheld is in Drive Mode.When your handheld is in Drive Mode, it works just like any external drive such as a CD drive. You cannot enter or work with information directly on your handheld while it is in Drive Mode. To work with information directly on your handheld, turn Drive Mode off.When your handheld is in Drive Mode and is connected to a computer, you can open files from your handheld’s internal drive on the computer using Windows Explorer or My Computer (on a Windows computer) or Finder (on a Mac computer), and work with them there.Your handheld still displays alerts, such as for appointments or new email messages, when in Drive Mode.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 602CHAPTER 28 Common QuestionsMy handheld and/or the expansion card is not showing up as a drive in Windows Explorer or My Computer when I have the handheld in Drive Mode.WINDOWS ONLYWhen you turn on Drive Mode, connect your handheld to your computer, and then open My Computer or Windows Explorer, the window you open shows two new drives. These drives are assigned the next available drive letters, for example, E:, F:, and so on. If no letters are available because you have multiple external devices connected to your computer (such as a card reader or a camera), or because you are using mapped network drives, the window does not display your handheld or the expansion card as a drive. To display them, remove some of the external devices connected to your computer, or remove some of the mapped network drives.CalendarI selected the Today button, but it does not show the correct date.Make sure the Set Date box on the Date & Time Preferences screen displays the current date.I created an event, but it doesn’t appear in Week View.• If scroll arrows appear on the right of your screen, scroll down to see if the event appears farther down the screen.• If you have two or more events with the same start time, the events appear as multiple bars starting at the same time in Week View. To see the overlapping events, select the individual bars, or select Day View. For more information, see Finding events that overlap.• If you marked the event as private, check Security Preferences to see that Private Records is set to Show private records.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 603CHAPTER 28 Common QuestionsTime zones don’t appear on my Palm Desktop software.Palm Desktop software does not recognize time zones. Only Outlook recognizes times zones. I set the global time zone preference, but only some of my events are responding to my time zone change.Only new events created after the preference is set are affected. The events you created earlier without time zones do not have the time zone set. You can edit the earlier events to include a time zone.I created my event with a time zone, but only that event is responding to my time zone change.When you create an event with a time zone setting, only that event is affected. To have all events automatically include a time zone setting, set the New events include time zones preference. MemosI’m having problems listing memos the way I want to see them.If you cannot manually arrange the order of memos on the list screen, open the Options menu and select Preferences. Make sure that Sort by is set to Manual.If you choose to view your memos alphabetically on Palm Desktop software and then synchronize, the memos on your handheld still appear in the order defined in the Preferences setting. In other words, the sort settings you use with Palm Desktop software are not transferred to your handheld.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 604CHAPTER 28 Common QuestionsNote PadI’m having problems listing notes the way I want to see them.If you cannot manually arrange the order of notes on the list screen, select Preferences from the Options menu and make sure that Sort by is set to Manual.If you choose to view your notes alphabetically on Palm Desktop software and then synchronize, the notes on your handheld still appear in the order defined in the Preferences setting. In other words, the sort settings you use with Palm Desktop software are not transferred to your handheld.MediaI can’t find the Media icon in Applications.Select the pick list in the upper-right corner of Applications View and select Multimedia. You should now see an icon for the Media application.In Favorites View, the entry associated with the Media application is called Photos & Videos. You can edit the Favorites list to change this to Media, as well as to create or change any other favorite file, folder, web link, or application.RealPlayerI would like better-quality sound during playback.You can save music files in either MP3 or RMJ format. RMJ is a proprietary format used by the RealPlayer desktop. In either case, saving at a lower bit rate creates a smaller file size, but also gives a lower playback quality. Increase the bit rate to improve playback sound quality, but remember that this increases file size.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 605CHAPTER 28 Common QuestionsMy music file stutters during playback.WINDOWS ONLYIf you are transferring files using File Transfer and you are listening to music files on your handheld, the music playback may stutter. Wait until the file transfer is finished to listen to the music file.When I save songs from a CD, I do not see the song title or artist name.When capturing songs from a CD, you must have an active Internet connection to obtain song title and artist information. This information is supplied from the GraceNote server on the web.TasksThe info I entered does not appear in an application.• Open the Options menu and select Preferences. If Show Completed Tasks is selected, deselect it to display the missing tasks.• If you marked the task as private, check Security Preferences to see that Private Records is set to Show private records.Connecting wirelesslyMy passkey is rejected when I attempt to form a trusted pair with my mobile phone.Some mobile phones require that you enter the passkey within a specific time frame. Make sure you have a passkey in mind and that you enter it immediately when prompted.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 606CHAPTER 28 Common QuestionsIf your passkey is rejected, your phone may have a preassigned passkey; see the documentation included with your phone for information. The documentation might refer to a Bluetooth connection as a Bluetooth pair, Bluetooth link, or bonded pair.My handheld cannot connect to my mobile phone.Use the following steps to test the connection:1. Tap Bluetooth   on the status bar to open the Bluetooth settings screen. You can select the indicator even if it is dimmed.2. Make sure On is selected.3. Select the Service pick list and select the service that you want to use to connect to your phone.4. Select Connect.If the connection is successful, open the application that requires the connection and complete the desired task.If the connection is not successful, try the following steps:• Make sure that your phone is equipped with Bluetooth technology, that Bluetooth is enabled, and that the power is on.• You may need to set up a connection with your phone. See the documentation included with your phone for assistance with completing the connection setup process.My phone connection drops before I finish using it.You need to increase the Idle timeout setting on the Network Preferences Details screen.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 607CHAPTER 28 Common QuestionsI get an error message when I try to dial a phone number using my handheld.• Make sure that the proper phone driver is installed on your handheld. • You may need to set up a connection with your phone. See the documentation included with your phone for assistance with completing the connection setup process.•Check the Phone Preferences screen and make sure the correct phone connection is selected. The VersaMail® applicationI am having problems accessing my account.Occasionally you may experience problems using an email account after you set it up. If you followed the account setup procedure and are experiencing problems using the account, verify that the account complies with your email provider’s requirements by following these steps:• Verify both your password and your username for your email account.• If you are connecting using a mobile phone through the built-in Bluetooth technology on your handheld, a cable, or the IR port on your handheld, verify that you have either a data-enabled GSM or a high-speed GPRS account with your wireless service provider. • Some wireless service providers require you to be on their network to use your email account. If this is the case, be sure to use your provider’s network as the connection type for the account.• Some wireless service providers have other requirements specific to their service. For example, Yahoo! requires you to pay for a POP account in order to download email messages from your Yahoo! account to your handheld. Check with your service provider to see if any provider-specific requirements exist.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 608CHAPTER 28 Common Questions• Service provider settings frequently change. If your email account was working but you are currently experiencing problems, check with your service provider to see if any of the account settings have changed.I am having problems sending and receiving email.• Short periods of time when email is unavailable are common due to server problems or poor wireless coverage. If you have problems sending or receiving mail for an extended period of time, check with your ISP or email service provider to verify that the service is working properly. • Make sure your ISP or email provider allows you to send and receive email on a wireless handheld. Several providers, like Hotmail, do not offer this option at all. My auto get mail is not working.• If auto get is occurring and you turn your handheld off or the connection to your email service provider is disconnected, the auto get fails.• If you are attempting an auto get over a network, you must be in range of a network access point for the auto get to work.• The auto get feature may not work with your specific VPN connection. It doesn’t work for SSL connections, or if you have set up the security preferences on your handheld to encrypt databases on the handheld.• Your handheld must be able to make periodic connections to the Internet through your Bluetooth mobile phone or a Bluetooth access point. If your handheld is not within range of a Bluetooth device that allows it to connect to the Internet, auto get mail does not take place.I can receive email fine, but am having problems sending email.If you are able to receive email messages but cannot send them, try these steps, in turn:• Make sure your ISP or email provider allows you to access email on a wireless handheld. Several providers do not offer this option at all; other providers require an upgrade to access email on a wireless handheld.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 609CHAPTER 28 Common Questions•Turn on ESMTP. Many services require authenticated access to use their SMTP servers, or ESMTP. •Enter the name of a different outgoing mail server for sending mail. Many ISPs, such as cable companies, require that you have an Internet connection to their network to send email through their servers. In this case, you can almost always receive email from these accounts, but if you want to send email, you must send it through another server.I can’t download any messages.If the program memory on your handheld fills up, you cannot download any more messages to your handheld. Delete some messages to free up program memory, and try downloading again.I am unable to synchronize messages.Make sure you have chosen the same settings for the account on both your handheld and your computer. For example, if the account is set up on your handheld to use the POP protocol, check the HotSync Manager on your computer to make sure that POP is selected as the protocol for that account.My vCard or vCal email attachment isn’t forwarding correctly.WINDOWS ONLYPalm Desktop software provides several features that work with email client software on a Windows computer. For these features to work correctly, the email client software must be properly set up. Follow these steps to check the settings:1. Click Start on your computer, and then select Settings.2. Select Control Panel.3. Select Internet Options, and then click the Programs tab.4. Make sure that the email field is set to the correct email client software.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 610CHAPTER 28 Common Questions5. Click OK.6. Start the email client software and make sure it is configured as the default MAPI client. Consult the documentation for your desktop email application for more information.PrivacyI’ve made records private, but I can’t remember my password to display them.First, use the password hint to try to remember the password. If this doesn’t help or if you do not have a password hint, you can use Security Preferences to delete the password, but your handheld deletes all entries marked as private. However, if you synchronize before you delete the password, the synchronization process backs up all entries, whether or not they are marked private. Then you can follow these steps to restore your private entries:1. In Security Preferences, tap in the password box and enter a guess at the password.2. In the dialog box that appears, select Lost Password.3. Select Delete Password to remove the password and delete all private records.4. Synchronize your handheld with your computer again.I forgot the password, and my handheld is locked.First, use the password hint to try to remember the password. If this doesn’t help or if you do not have a password hint, you must perform a hard reset to continue using your handheld. Performing a hard reset deletes all of the information on your handheld. To protect your info and create a backup of your info, synchronize the information in your handheld’s program memory with your computer and back up the contents of your handheld’s internal drive to your computer often.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 611CHAPTER 28 Common QuestionsSharingI can’t beam information to another handheld or other device.Depending on the receiving handheld model, not all information may be sent correctly.• If you are beaming to another Palm Powered device, confirm that your handheld and the other handheld are 4 to 39 inches (approximately ten centimeters to one meter) apart and that the path between the two handhelds is clear of obstacles. Beaming distances to other devices with an IR port may be different.• Move your handheld closer to the receiving device.• Make sure the receiving device has beam receive enabled.•Perform a soft reset on both your handheld and the receiving device.• Avoid beaming in bright sunlight or fluorescent light. These produce infrared noise that can make beaming go slower or, in some cases, prevent it from working at all.When someone beams information to my handheld, it doesn‘t receive the info.• If you are receiving info from another Palm Powered device, confirm that your handheld and the other handheld are 4 to 39 inches (approximately ten centimeters to one meter) apart and that the path between the two handhelds is clear of obstacles. Beaming distances to other devices with an IR port may be different.• Move your handheld closer to the sending device.• Make sure your handheld has beam receive enabled.•Perform a soft reset on both your handheld and the receiving device.NOTE
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 612CHAPTER 28 Common QuestionsWhen someone beams information to my handheld, I get a message telling me it is out of memory.• Your handheld requires at least twice the amount of memory available as the info you are receiving. For example, if you are receiving a 30KB application, you must have at least 60KB free.•Purge old Calendar events and delete unused or unnecessary applications.I cannot send information to another Bluetooth device.• Make sure that Bluetooth communication is enabled on both your handheld and the other device.• Make sure that the receiving device has a compatible Bluetooth application installed.• The receiving device must be within range of your handheld, approximately 25 to 30 feet (8 to 10 meters).Other Bluetooth devices cannot find my handheld.• Tap Bluetooth   on the status bar to open the Bluetooth settings screen and make sure that Bluetooth is turned on. • Select Prefs and make sure the Discoverable setting is set to Yes. Problems with incompatible applicationspalmOne, Inc. works with developers of third-party add-on applications to ensure the compatibility of these applications with your handheld. Some third-party applications, however, may not have been upgraded to be compatible with your handheld. Possible symptoms of incompatible applications include: • Fatal errors needing resets
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 613CHAPTER 28 Common Questions• Nonresponsive handheld requiring a reset• Slow performance• Abnormal screen display or uneven sound quality• Problems using Bluetooth technology or other features• Problems opening an application• Problems synchronizingYou can determine whether an incompatible application is causing problems by deleting the application and then operating your handheld. After you have deleted the application, try to replicate the operation that created the error. If removing the application solves your problem, contact the application developer for a solution. Also, go to to provide feedback to palmOne on the application.Finding a third-party application that is causing a problemIf you have multiple third-party applications installed on your handheld or have upgraded from an earlier model of a Palm Powered device, perform the following procedure to remove all third-party applications from your handheld. Once you have removed all of the third-party applications, you can install one application at a time to determine which application is causing the problem.The following procedures erase all information from your handheld. Before removing the applications, synchronize the information in your handheld’s program memory with your computer and back up the contents of your handheld’s internal drive to your computer.1. On a Windows computer, open the palmOne folder on your computer, and then open the user folder for your handheld. User folder names are often abbreviated as last name, first initial. On a Mac computer, locate the folder Home/Documents/Palm/Users/<handheld name>/Backups.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 614CHAPTER 28 Common Questions2. Select and drag the Backup folder to the desktop. Make sure you see the Backup folder on the desktop.3. On a Windows computer, close the palmOne folder. 4. Perform a hard reset. Synchronize your handheld with your computer to restore info to your handheld’s program memory, and use File Transfer (Windows) or Drive Mode (Mac) to restore info to your handheld’s internal drive.5. Operate your handheld and try to replicate problem operations.6. Do one of the following:• If your handheld still has problems, review this Common Questions section for solutions to the problem. Fix the problem before reinstalling the third-party applications.• If your handheld no longer has problems, install the third-party applications one application at a time using the following procedure:a. Open the Backup folder you moved to the desktop in step 2. b. Double-click a PRC file. On a Windows computer, the palmOne Quick Install window opens with the PRC file listed. On a Mac computer, the HotSync Manager window opens with the PRC file listed. Alternatively, on a Mac computer, you can drag the PRC file to the Send To Handheld droplet instead of double-clicking it.c. Click Done.d. Synchronize your handheld with your computer.e. Operate your handheld and try to replicate problem operations.NOTE
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 615CHAPTER 28 Common Questionsf. Do one of the following:• If installing the application re-creates your problem, remove the application and contact the application developer for a solution. Continue to reinstall your applications one application at a time to make sure another application is not creating a problem.• If installing the application does not cause a problem, go to step a and reinstall another application.g. Go to to provide feedback to palmOne on the application. Some applications use more than one PRC file. You should continue to check each PRC file even if you identify one associated with an application that is causing a problem on your handheld, since that application may use other PRC files.NOTE
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 616CHAPTER 29Getting HelpThis guide is meant to tell you everything you need to know to set up, customize, and use your handheld. However, you may occasionally run into an issue that is not addressed in this guide. Here are some resources to help you if that happens.Self-help resourcesIf you run into a problem with your handheld, be sure to check these resources first:•Answers to common questions about your handheld and its features• The Palm® Desktop online Help• The Palm Desktop Software for the Macintosh User’s Guide located in the Documentation folder on your installation CD• The palmOne™ Knowledge Library, accessible at• The most recent palmOne Tungsten™ T5 handheld HelpNotes on your regional website
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 617CHAPTER 29 Getting HelpTechnical supportIf, after reviewing the self-help resources, you cannot solve your problem, go to or send an email to your regional Technical Support office. Before requesting technical support, please experiment a bit to reproduce and isolate the problem. When you do contact Technical Support, please provide the following information:• The name and version of the desktop operating system you are using• The actual error message or state you are experiencing• The steps you take to reproduce the problem• The version of handheld software you are using and available memoryTo find version and memory information, follow these steps:1. Go to Applications.2. Open the menus.3. Select Info from the App menu.4. Select Version for version info, and Size for memory info.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 618Product Regulatory InformationFCC StatementThis device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.The use of shielded I/O cables is required when connecting this equipment to any and all optional peripheral or host devices. Failure to do so may violate FCC rules.Changes or modifications not covered in this manual must be approved in writing by the manufacturer’s Regulatory Engineering Department. Changes or modifications made without written approval may void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.Caution – Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation.To comply with FCC RF exposure compliance requirements, this device must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.IMPORTANT[!]
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 619Canada - Industry Canada (IC)This device complies with RSS 210 of Industry Canada.Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of this device.L'utilisation de ce dispositif est autorisée seulement aux conditions suivantes : (1) il ne doit pas produire de brouillage et (2) l' utilisateur du dispositif doit étre prêt à accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique reçu, même si ce brouillage est susceptible de compromettre le fonctionnement du dispositif.The term “IC” before the equipment certification number only signifies that the Industry Canada technical specifications were met.Caution – Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation.The installer of this radio equipment must ensure that the antenna is located or pointed such that it does not emit RF field in excess of Health Canada limits for the general population; consult Safety Code 6, obtainable from Health Canada’s website, Compliance StatementThis product was tested by palmOne, Inc. and found to comply with all the requirements of the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC, RTTE directive 99/5/EC, and Low Voltage Directive, as amended.Declaration of ConformitypalmOne, Inc., Declares the Product:Handheld PDA with Bluetooth® capabilityZire™ Product FamilyTested to Comply With FCC StandardsFOR HOME OR OFFICE USEResponsible Party:palmOne, Inc. 400 N. McCarthy Blvd. Milpitas, California 95035United States of America(408) 503-7500
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 620Model Name/Number: Tungsten T5Manufacturer’s Name: palmOneManufacturer’s Address: 400 N. McCarthy Blvd.Milpitas, 95035-5112Conforms with the following specifications:• EN 55024: 1998 (Emissions & Immunity)• EN55022:1998, CISPR 22 1997, Class B Radiated and Conducted Emissions• IEC 61000-4-2, A1 1998-01, ESD Immunity, 4kV Contact, and 8kV Air Discharge• IEC 61000-4-3: 1995 RF Immunity, 80-1000MHz, 3V/M, 1kHz, 80% A.M.• ENV 50204:1996, RF Immunity, 895-905MHz, 3V/m, 200Hz, 50% AM• IEC 61000-4-4: 1995 EFT Immunity, 1kV on AC port, 5/50nSec, 5kHs Rep. Freq.• IEC 61000-4-5: 1995 Surge Immunity, 1.2/50uSec, 2kV(peak), Common Mode, 1kV(peak) Differential Mode• EN61000-4-6:1996, Conducted Immunity, 150kHz-80MHz, 3V RMS, 1kHz, 80% AM• IEC 61000-4-11: 1994, 100% Voltage Dip 0.5 period, 30% Dip 25 periods and >100% Dip 250 periodsAuthorized palmOne Representative: David WooSenior Compliance EngineerDate: November 3, 2004Battery WarningDo not mutilate, puncture, or dispose of batteries in fire. The batteries can burst or explode, releasing hazardous chemicals. Discard used batteries according to the manufacturer’s instructions and in accordance with your local regulations.Warning – Explosion Hazard• Substitution of components may impair suitability for Class I, Division 2;• When in hazardous location, turn off power before replacing or wiring modules, and,• Do not disconnect equipment unless power has been switched off or the area is known to be non-hazardous.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 621Varning Eksplosionsfara vid felaktigt batteribyte. Använd samma batterityp eller en ekvivalent typ som rekommenderas av apparattillverkaren. Kassera använt batteri enligt fabrikantens instruktion.Advarsel! Lithiumbatteri—Eksplosionsfare ved fejlagtig håndtering. Udskiftning må kun ske med batteri af samme fabrikat og type. Levér det brugte batteri tilbage tilleverandøren.Varoitus Paristo voi räjähtää, jos se on virheellisesti asennettu. Vaihda paristo ainoastaan valmistajan suosittelemaan tyyppiin. Hävitä käytetty paristo valmistajan ohjeiden mukaisesti.Advarsel Eksplosjonsfare ved feilaktig skifte av batteri. Benytt samme batteritype eller en tilsvarende type anbefait av apparatfabrikanten. Brukte batterier kasseres i henhold til fabrikantens instruksjoner.Waarschuwing! Bij dit produkt zijn batterijen geleverd. Wanneer deze leeg zijn, moet u ze niet weggooien maar inleveren als KCA.UwagaStatic Electricity, ESD, and your palmOne™ handheldElectrostatic discharge (ESD) can cause damage to electronic devices if discharged into the device, so you should take steps to avoid such an occurrence.Description of ESDStatic electricity is an electrical charge caused by the buildup of excess electrons on the surface of a material. To most people, static electricity and ESD are nothing more than annoyances. For example, after walking over a carpet while scuffing your feet, building up electrons on your body, you may get a shock -- the discharge event -- when you touch a metal doorknob. This little shock discharges the built-up static electricity.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 622ESD-susceptible equipmentEven a small amount of ESD can harm circuitry, so when working with electronic devices, take measures to help protect your electronic devices, including your palmOne™ handheld, from ESD harm. While palmOne has built protections against ESD into its products, ESD unfortunately exists and, unless neutralized, could build up to levels that could harm your equipment. Any electronic device that contains an external entry point for plugging in anything from cables to docking stations is susceptible to entry of ESD. Devices that you carry with you, such as your handheld, build up ESD in a unique way because the static electricity that may have built up on your body is automatically passed to the device. Then, when the device is connected to another device such as a docking station, a discharge event can occur. Precautions against ESDMake sure to discharge any built-up static electricity from yourself and your electronic devices before touching an electronic device or connecting one device to another. The recommendation from palmOne is that you take this precaution before connecting your handheld to your computer, placing the handheld in a cradle, or connecting it to any other device. You can do this in many ways, including the following: • Ground yourself when you’re holding your mobile device by simultaneously touching a metal surface that is at earth ground.• For example, if your computer has a metal case and is plugged into a standard three-prong grounded outlet, touching the case should discharge the ESD on your body.• Increase the relative humidity of your environment.• Install ESD-specific prevention items, such as grounding mats.Conditions that enhance ESD occurrencesConditions that can contribute to the buildup of static electricity in the environment include the following:• Low relative humidity.• Material type (The type of material gathering the charge. For example, synthetics are more prone to static buildup than natural fibers like cotton.)• The rapidity with which you touch, connect or disconnect electronic devices.While you should always take appropriate precautions to discharge static electricity, if you are in an environment where you notice ESD events you may want to take extra precautions to protect your electronic equipment against ESD.
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 623INDEXSYMBOLS! (exclamation points) in Tasks list 234* (asterisk) characters 118. (period) character 533NUMERICS12-hour clock See clock12-hour formats 53024-hour clock 528, 52924-hour formats 529, 5305-way navigator 19, 25, 41–45scrolling application categories 35Aabbreviations 536, 537AC charger 21accelerating scrolling 43accented characters 60Accept cookies check box 422accessingadditional software 17, 30applications 591corporate networks 280e-mail 278, 304e-mail accounts 255, 260, 263email accounts 26features 46files 75, 425hidden or masked entries 471home page 402information 41, 468internal flash drive 75network accounts 260program memory 75web sites 255, 263, 397accessories 17, 21, 177, 396, 569, 580Account Details dialog box 294Account Overview screen 356Account Setup screen 282, 291, 292, 344accounts (e-mail)accessing from Internet 415changing 291, 295, 368connection types and 278creating 286, 344defining as synchronize-only 291deleting 292displaying summary information for 356excluding from synchronization 358managing 291scheduling auto get for 300, 305selecting 293, 297setting up secure connections for 359synchronizing multiple 358synchronizing with client 349, 351testing 290upgrading 277Accounts command 291, 292, 298action bar (Web Pro) 398, 402actions (pen stroke) 524activating buttons and controls 534Add Contact dialog box 362add-on applications 113, 612addingadditional software 110, 569applications 1, 562, 578appointments 138bookmarks 405, 416categories 491company-specific information 11connections 547, 548contacts 68, 118, 121, 126, 362e-mail accounts 281, 286, 344e-mail messages 308, 312, 415expansion cards 569expense records 451, 453, 454files to handheld 74–115filters 363login scripts 558memos 237, 238, 239multi-day events 145new locations 505notes 245owner information 541passwords 268, 471, 472, 477personal calendars 138personal signatures to e-mail 289, 316playlists 213–214reminders 120, 244repeating events 142, 143repeating tasks 225, 227service profiles 551, 552, 555ShortCut strokes 537songs to playlists 217To Do lists 222, 223, 225trusted pairs 271unscheduled events 141untimed events 140, 145user profiles 12Addit software 27additional references and resources xxi, xxiiaddress field (Web Pro) 399Address Lookup screen 314
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 624addresses 20, 119, 362, 556See also contactsaddressinge-mail 122, 313, 314, 315, 378, 537text messages 389adjustingalarm volume 509, 540brightness 518, 588modem volume 548speaker volume 540Adobe Acrobat Reader xx, 30agenda lists 137See also Calendar applicationAgenda Viewcustomizing Tasks lists and 233described 159opening 159setting display options for 166, 168Agenda View icon 159Alarm check box 153, 224alarm clock 153, 224, 499, 508See also alarms; clockAlarm icon 161Alarm Preferences command 509Alarm Preset settings 171Alarm Sound pick list 248, 540alarm tones 153, 171, 234, 248, 509alarmsSee also remindersadjusting volume 509, 540attaching to notes 248changing 154entering preferences for 170, 171, 224icon on status bar 22responding to world clock 509selecting sounds for 153, 234, 248, 509setting 153, 224, 249, 508specifying duration of 171turning off 509albumsarranging photos in 193, 195creating 191moving photos to other 194removing photos 199scrolling through 190selecting 192alerts 5, 302icon on status bar 22See also alarmsaligning screen 539All category 492Allow wakeup command 274alphabet (Graffiti 2 writing) 56alphabetic keyboard 24alternate stroke shapes 535Always connect check box 293anniversaries 140, 142annual events 142annual tasks 226, 228APOP setting 377application buttonsnot responding 542reassigning 523restoring defaults for 523application controls 25, 33application groups 494, 497application icons 516, 591See also application buttonsapplication screens 25application title 46applicationsSee also specific built-in applicationaccessing 591adding contact information to 126, 136adding plug-in 562assigning to buttons 523beaming 446–447beaming information in 443categorizing 491, 496categorizing information in 491, 494changing locations list for 505checking version numbers for 111, 113copying 95, 97, 448, 576deleting 113, 577displaying all 497displaying by category 497displaying categories in 497displaying information about 17, 112displaying list of 516downloading 95, 97, 335exchanging 31, 578finding information in 48importing information from external 107incompatible 612installation prerequisites for 111installing 28, 77, 572marking private entries in 469moving around in 33not finding 26, 591opening 34, 80, 523, 572organizing 49, 491related topics for 49removing categories in 493removing connections for 547
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 625renaming categories 492setting preferences for 521, 525setting primary location for 501setting secondary locations for 504soft resets and 589specifying connections for 545switching between 10, 41, 572, 595synchronizing 84, 88, 597transferring information from 79transferring to expansion cards 96transferring to handheld 28, 29, 77, 78uninstalling 590updating information for 88updating third-party 8upgrading 111Applications Viewicon on status bar 22moving around 42opening applications in 35using 35using the 5-way 42Applications viewdisplaying icons on 591appointmentsSee also Calendar application; eventsadding to calendar 138adjusting for location 525color-coding 149combining tasks with 137displaying 162, 163, 164entering from Outlook 10, 595removing from calendar 156saving 139scheduling 138–139setting alarms for 508setting duration of 139setting timeframes for 170sharing 20viewing duration of 168viewing unscheduled time slots for 168archive folders 109archived items 109, 156, 232ASF media files 179assigned passwords 552assigningactions to pen stroke 524passwords 468, 473, 477, 552usernames to handheld 11asterisk (*) characters 118Attach Signature check box 289, 316attachmentsadding 340, 341downloading 335, 336, 339reading 340, 413sending events as 136, 173sending files as 340, 342sending memos as 243, 449sending multimedia files as 202sending notes as 253sending photos and videos as 343sending tasks as 236Attachments screen 341Audible Player software 29audio applications 20, 203audio files 204–207authentication 271, 290, 295, 296, 376Authentication option 290authentication servers 295, 562Auto Empty check box 332auto get mail featureconstraints 280, 306failing 304retrying 305scheduling 300, 301setting notification options for 302Auto Lock Handheld option 478Auto-Disconnect option 379Auto-Empty Mail from Trash option 378auto-off after interval 588auto-off delay 544, 590autofill option 421automatically locking handhelds 477, 478available storage space 574Bback panel controls 21backgroundsadding photos as 168, 513, 517customizing 168, 513, 517selecting color of 246, 521backing up information 28internal flash drive 100backing up mail databases 381Backup ALL Databases check box 382backup cards 577Backup folder 381basics 6, 7, 586batterycautions for 620charging 4, 544, 579, 589checking 274, 588conserving power for 5, 257, 542, 588extending life of 512, 588overview 5
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 626recharging 4, 5, 544, 588battery gauge 588BCC option 288, 374Beam Category command 445Beam command 444, 446Beam Contact command 440Beam dialog box 444, 445, 447Beam From pick list 446Beam icon 47beaming 20, 415, 443–447, 544, 611, 612Birthday icon 161birthdays 120, 138blank screen 589Blazer application See web browserblinking asterisk 304blinking cursor 66blocking information 470Bluetooth applicationcreating trusted paris 271features 255, 256icon on status bar 22opening 257, 258, 265, 267, 269, 271, 273, 274setting connection information 257setting options for 274setting up desktop connections 267setting up mobile connections 258–262setting up network connections 269status bar icon 263Bluetooth devicesassigning names to 273, 274, 541built-in software for 27connecting to 21, 255, 548discovering 256, 271, 273entering passkeys for 272related topics for 275sending applications to 578sending events to 173sending memos to 243sending notes to 253sending photos and videos to 200, 202sending tasks to 236setting up 257, 273sharing information with 31synchronizing with 17turning off 588verifying status of 263waking up handhelds from 274Bluetooth HotSync option 265Bluetooth icon 26Bluetooth indicator 263Bluetooth LAN Access Points 255Bluetooth Manager 258Bluetooth setting 548Bluetooth settings screen 263Bluetooth™ technology 254, 255BMP files 179, 335bold fonts 519bonding trusted pairs 272Bookmark icon 406, 407Bookmark Page dialog box 405bookmarksadding 405, 416changing 407, 408displaying list of 406Bookmarks dialog box 419Bookmarks option 419bottom arrow controls 25brightness 518, 588broken envelope icon 304browsing options 420, 421, 422, 427browsing the web 26, 263, 398, 416budgets 451built-in applications 26, 113Business Card command 444business cards 124, 444business expenses 452See also Expense applicationbuttonsactivating 45, 534assigning to applications 523calculator 463locking 542not responding 533, 542, 580, 589opening applications from 41quick 19reassigning application 523restoring defaults for 523selecting dialog box 44tapping command 25Buttons Preferences screen 523Ccables 580cache 273, 423, 424cache size 423, 424cached web pages 423Calculator application 27benefits of 462buttons described 463categorizing with Expense 491copying and pasting from 464displaying calculation history 464re-entering numbers 463related topics for 466
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 627troubleshooting 466Calculator icon 27calculators 27, 462calendaradding appointments to 138changing events on 154, 163changing repeat intervals for 154color-coding appointments 139, 149customizing 166, 167, 530displaying appointments for 159, 162, 163, 164displaying conflicting events in 168finding overlapping events on 166opening 172removing appointments from 156reserving dates 140scrolling through 163, 164selecting dates on 138, 223setting repeat intervals for 143, 144, 145Calendar applicationapplying color-coding options 150, 152benefits of 137categorizing information in 494checking schedules in 159, 161, 163, 164choosing display options 166defining repeating events 142, 143deleting categories 493deleting events 156, 158displaying categories in 497entering birthdays for 120entering event locations from 146getting help with 172importing information for 107opening 26, 138related topics for 173rescheduling events 154, 163running on PCs 172saving information for 139, 156, 158scheduling events 138, 140, 145setting alarms 153, 171setting alarms from 508, 509setting display options 167–171transferring information to 68troubleshooting 173, 602Calendar icon 26Calendar Preferences dialog box 153, 170calendar views 161, 163, 164, 165calibration 539Call History List 432Call Waiting 553calling card numbers 553camera 569cancelled actions 45cancelled appointments 156cancelled tasks 231capitalization 54, 62, 238Card Info application 27, 574Card Info icon 27card readers 576carrying cases 569categoriesadding 491beaming 445benefits of 490changing 154color-coding 150deleting 493displaying 497, 516placing information in different 495related topics for 498renaming 492scrolling through 497selecting 445categorizingapplications 491, 496contacts 128, 136, 491, 494events 139, 173, 445expenses 452, 458, 459information 490, 494memos 243notes 245, 253tasks 223, 229, 234Category command 496Category dialog box 496category lists 152, 168, 495, 572category marker 160, 168Category pick list 493, 495cautions 580, 588CDs 208CE Compliance Statement 619cellular carriers 262challenge-response prompts 559Change Repeat dialog box 143, 227Change your synchronization option 10, 595changingalarms 154bookmarks 405, 407, 408cache size 424calendar events 154, 163category names 492date and time settings 502e-mail accounts 291, 295, 368e-mail filters 367e-mail messages 318
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 628fonts 310, 320Graffiti 2 ShortCut strokes 538home pages 417, 419information 70locations 505, 506owner information 541passwords 369, 473pen widths 245playlists 216preset connections 545preset formats 529privacy settings 154repeating events 155screen colors 521screen fonts 518–519server profiles 552speed-dial entries 435text colors 168time zones 506untimed events 141URLs 405, 407World Clock 510character entry 62, 66, 118See also data entrycharacter searches 48charging battery 4, 544, 579, 589chat rooms xxiicheck boxes 25checking for e-mail 297checking space on handheld 111checking the battery 274, 588Choose Date command 223Choose File dialog box 416choosingalarm sounds 509alternate stroke shapes 535background colors 246, 521clock display options 510command buttons 25communications protocol 556connections 552currency options 453, 454, 455home pages 417, 419information 70Internet Service Providers (ISPs) 552items in lists 25, 43menu commands 45, 46, 47music 212, 214options in dialog boxes 44security levels 468synchronization settings 83choosing information 19city preferences 526cleaning your handheld 579clear button (Calculator) 463Clear cache on exit option 424Clear Cache option 424clear entry button (Calculator) 463Clear Note command 245clearingcalculators 463History lists 416Note Pad screens 245clock 153, 508, 525, 527See also World ClockColor Theme Preferences screen 514, 521color-coding 139, 149, 152colorsapplying to annotations 196applying to e-mail 320applying to events 139, 149, 152applying to notes 246changing screen 521changing text 168setting background 246, 521column widths 321comma-delimited files 107command buttons 25command equivalents (Graffiti 2) 61command letters 47Command mode 47command shortcuts 47command strokes 47Command toolbar 47commands 45, 46, 47See also menuscommunication speed 545, 546, 549communications protocols 279, 369, 556compact discs 208company phone lists and memos 11, 17completed tasks 230, 231, 232, 234components (handheld) 2Compress Day View check box 168compressed files 336computersconnecting to 8, 255, 267copying information to 448customizing connections for 548Drive Mode and 103–106File Transfer and 99–102managing schedules from 172overwriting information on 90, 92preinstalled software for 28removing Palm Desktop software 114setting up mobile connections for 268
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 629setting usernames and passwords 268synchronization options for 85, 87synchronizing with 79, 83, 265, 599troubleshooting File Transfer problems 600troubleshooting synchronization problems 594updating information from 90, 92conduit configuration screen 345Conduit Settings command 14conduit shortcuts 357conduits 88, 356, 359conference calls 146conferences 145Confirm note delete check box 251confirmation messages 251confirmation tones 571conflicting events 168conformity declaration 619Connect to setting 548connectingheadphones to handheld 20headsets to handheld 540to AC charger 21to Bluetooth devices 21, 255, 257, 548to dial-in servers 552to mobile phones 258, 264to networks 551, 554to other devices 254, 255, 545to personal computers 8, 255, 267to power adapter 544, 588to power sources 589to the Internet 255, 411, 552Connection pick list 552Connection Preferences screen 545, 547Connection Setup screen 259connection types 255, 278connectionsSee also connectingadding login scripts for 558adding trusted 268, 270authentication servers and 562automatically stopping remote 379closing Internet 410closing network 554creating 547, 548deleting 547dropping 556losing 589omitting passkeys for 258pairing with network services 293precautions for 580, 622preset setting for 545–550restricting 256retrying Internet 411selecting 552setting flow control for 549setting timeout intervals for 378setting up mobile 258–262setting up network 261, 269, 554setting up secure 359, 375, 385setting up wireless 254, 265synchronizing from 83conserving power 5, 257, 542, 588Contact Details dialog box 128Contact Edit screen 121, 123contacting ISP providers 262contactsSee also Contacts applicationadding 68, 118, 121, 126, 362archiving 127categorizing 128, 136, 491, 494copying information for 119, 121, 125customizing details for 128deleting 127displaying information for 123, 128duplicating information for 121, 125entering from Outlook 10, 595entering in memos 238entering notes for 121keeping private 128, 136, 469locating 126managing 117saving 120, 127selecting 43transferring from other applications 136Contacts applicationadding contact information 118–120addressing e-mail from 314archiving information in 127, 231beaming from 444benefits of 117categorizing information in 491, 494creating business cards 124customizing fields in 123displaying additional fields for 121duplicating information 125importing information for 107, 136marking entries as private 469opening 26, 118related topics for 136saving information in 120, 127searching from 126selecting field types for 122setting display options for 129
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 630transferring information from 68troubleshooting 136viewing online help for 135Contacts icon 26Contacts list 128continuous events See repeating eventscontrolsactivating 534application 25, 33handheld 19locating 49navigator 41cookies 422Copy command 71, 576Copy dialog box 576Copy icon 47copy-protected applications 576copyingapplications 95, 97, 448, 576calculations 464contacts 119, 121, 125information 71photos 198, 200, 448service profiles 552videos 200, 448copying and pasting 71corporate e-mail accounts 277, 279, 280country information 530CPUsconnecting to 8, 255, 267copying information to 448customizing connections for 548Drive Mode and 103–106File Transfer and 99–102managing schedules from 172overwriting information on 90, 92preinstalled software for 28removing Palm Desktop software 114synchronization options for 85, 87synchronizing with 79, 83, 265, 599troubleshooting File Transfer problems 600troubleshooting synchronization problems 594updating information from 90, 92Cradle/Cable setting 548creatingappointments 138bookmarks 405, 416business cards 124categories 491company-specific information 11connections 547, 548contacts 68, 118, 121, 126, 362e-mail accounts 281, 286, 344e-mail messages 308, 312, 415expense records 451, 453, 454filters 363login scripts 558memos 237, 238, 239MP3 files 208multi-day events 145new locations 505notes 245owner information 541passwords 268, 471, 472, 477personal calendars 138personal signatures 289, 316photo albums 191playlists 213–214plug-in applications 562reminders 120, 244repeating events 142, 143repeating tasks 225, 227service profiles 551, 552, 555ShortCut strokes 537song lists 209To Do lists 222, 223, 225trusted pairs 258, 271unscheduled events 141untimed events 140, 145user profiles 12CSV files 107currency 452, 453, 455Currency pick list 453currency symbols 453, 454, 455, 459current date and timechecking 500entering 64, 525, 528Current URL option 418cursor 66, 70Custom Currencies dialog box 455customer support xxii, 17, 177, 396, 617customizingbackgrounds 168, 513, 517calendar 166, 167contact information 123, 128currency symbols 455data entry 531expense lists 459fonts 310Graffiti 2 writing 535handheld 27handhelds 11, 17, 512network settings 551–562
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 631preset formats 530synchronization settings 85–93Tasks list 233Cut command 72Cut icon 47cutting text 71cycling through calendar views 159Ddaily events 138, 142daily schedules 161, 162, 166daily tasks 226, 228data 114See also informationdata entrycaution for 20defined 66input area for 19methods for 50, 51, 531data services 258, 410databases 107, 381Date & Time Preferences screen 525, 527date formats 529, 530datesSee also calendarassigning to appointments 138, 142assigning to repeating tasks 227, 228changing 154, 451, 502checking 500displaying current 504displaying due 234displaying in World Clock 510entering current 64, 525, 528flagging series of 145incorrect 590recording completion 234reserving in calendar 140resetting 525, 527scheduling reminders for 120selecting on calendar 138, 223setting alarms for specific 153, 225, 249setting due 223, 224setting location-specific 502, 525setting repeat intervals for 143, 144, 145, 154setting sequence 530sorting by 250viewing scheduled 159, 162, 163, 164viewing specific 163Day Viewdisplaying overlapping events in 166scheduling events for 138, 140selecting 138, 161setting display options for 152, 166, 168setting timeframes for 170Day View icon 138Daylight Savings settings 502, 506Days To Synchronize Mail option 354DBA files 107Deactivate Keylock button 542deadlines 140decimal separators 530Default Currency pick list 455default settingsoverwriting 90, 92restoring 523selecting 86Default View pick list 167Delay command 560delays 479, 544Delete command 114Delete Contact dialog box 127Delete dialog box 114Delete Event command 156Delete Event dialog box 156Delete From pick list 114Delete icon 47Delete Item command 457Delete Memo command 241Delete Memo dialog box 241Delete messages on server option 286Delete Note command 251Delete Old Messages dialog box 329Delete Task command 231Delete Task dialog box 231deletingapplications 113, 577appointments 156bookmarks 407categories 493connections 545, 547contacts 127desktop software 7e-mail 286, 328, 329, 331e-mail accounts 292e-mail filters 367events 156–158expense records 457, 458files from handheld 109Graffiti 2 ShortCut strokes 538information 72, 109, 477, 577, 590locations 507mail folders 325memos 241notes 251
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 632passwords 476photos 192, 199playlists 218private entries 476service profiles 557songs 217tasks 231–232description fields 138, 139deselecting options 25Desktop overwrites handheld option 90, 92desktop softwareSee also Palm Desktop softwaredownloading 17overwriting information in 90, 92removing old 7updating handheld from 90, 92desktop software, installing 28Details dialog box 494, 549, 555device name cache 273Device name field 257device names 273, 274, 541Device pick list 112devices 20, 255, 256, 545See also Bluetooth devicesDial prefix check box 553dial-in connections 545dial-in servers 551, 552, 554dial-up accounts 262, 264dial-up connections 548, 551Dialer applicationbenefits of 429dialing from 430, 431related topics for 436troubleshooting 436Dialer icon 430Dialer keypad 430dialing from handheld 429, 430, 431, 432, 434dialing in to networks 545dialing preferences 548Dialing setting (connections) 548dialog boxes 25, 44See also specificdictionaries 569digital cameras 569digitizer (defined) 539Disable device name cache command 273disabling options 25Disconnect command (Web Pro) 410Disconnect on Exit option 379disconnecting from Internet 410disconnecting HotSync cable 594Discoverable setting 256, 257, 271discovering Bluetooth devices 256, 271, 273Discovery icon 267, 271Discovery Results screen 256, 271disk space requirements 3Display Name option 288, 374Display Options command 167, 513, 516Display Options dialog boxcalendar 167clock 510e-mail 320Home screen 513, 516display preferences 516, 518, 520, 521display See screenDisplay View icon 403displayingapplication groups 494application icons 591, 604application information 17, 112applications 497appointments 159, 162, 163, 164bookmarks 406calculators 27Category pick list 168, 169Command toolbar 47contact information 123, 128current date and time 500, 504e-mail attachments 340, 413events 152, 169, 170expansion card information 27expense reports 27expenses 459Graffiti 2 alternate strokes 535hidden or masked entries 471HotSync log 84images 179, 414information 19, 25, 497items in lists 43, 45memos 239notes 250PDF files 30personal calendars 137photos 179, 569pick lists 25schedules 159, 161, 163, 164slide shows 186song lists 211space information 112tasks 159, 168, 229, 233, 234unread messages 159, 168URLs 401web pages 403, 412, 414World Clock 27, 510
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 633DNS (defined) 556DNS addresses 556Do not allow wakeup command 274do’s and don’ts 579DOC files 335documentation xx, 29Documents application 26creating files 175editing files 175opening files 176viewing files 175Documents To Go desktop application 175domain name system.(DNS) 556down arrow controls 25Download attachments option 299, 354Download dialog box 412download options 338downloadingadditional software 17applications 95, 97, 335attachments 335, 336, 339e-mail 286, 297, 298, 381files 335, 412images 335large messages 336, 339multiple attachments 340Palm Desktop software 3photos 119web pages 412drafts 312drained batteries 588drawing freehand 196, 244drawing tools 196Drive Modedefined 27using 103working on handheld 601drivers 545drop-down lists See listsdue dates 223, 224, 228, 234dummy expansion card 570Duplicate Contact command 125duplicating contact information 121, 125duration 139Ee-mailSee also e-mail accountsaccessing 255, 260, 263, 278, 304adding addresses to contacts 362adding attachments to 340, 341adding signatures 289, 316addressing 122, 313, 314, 315, 378, 537attaching events to 136, 173attaching memos to 243, 449attaching notes to 253attaching photos to 202attaching tasks to 236automatically checking for 297automatically emptying trash 378changing fonts 310, 320changing header information for 380changing Inbox folders for 319changing maximum size 298changing messages 318composing 308, 312, 415connecting to Internet from 410creating folders for 324deleting 286, 328, 329, 331downloading 286, 297, 298, 381downloading attachments 335, 336, 339emptying Trash folder for 331, 332, 378filtering 300, 363, 365, 367forwarding 326logging in to accounts for 415manually marking 333moving messages 322reading 307reading files attached to 340, 413receiving 263, 297, 298related topics for 386replying to 327sending 263, 308, 311, 312, 415setting display options 320setting maximum size 287, 353setting notification options for 303, 317setting preferences for 360setting retry intervals for 317setting up 278, 281–285, 344, 552specifying default programs for 351switching to different service for 293, 294synchronizing 344, 345, 347, 349, 352tapping URLs in 328viewing status of 306viewing unread messages for 159, 168wireless connections for 386e-mail accountsaccessing from Internet 415changing 291, 295, 368connection types and 278creating 286, 344defining as synchronize-only 291deleting 292
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 634displaying summary information for 356excluding from synchronization 358managing 291scheduling auto get for 300, 305selecting 293, 297setting up secure connections for 359synchronizing multiple 358synchronizing with client 349, 351testing 290upgrading 277e-mail applications 344, 350, 556e-mail folders 319e-mail providers 278, 283, 284See also ISPseBooks 30Edit Accounts option 368Edit Categories command 229Edit Categories dialog box 150, 151, 491, 492, 493Edit Connection dialog box 546Edit currencies command 453Edit List dialog box 505, 507Edit menu 71, 72Edit Playlist dialog box 213editing 70, 239, 245, 250See also changingelectrical discharge 580electrostatic discharge 621–622emailaccessing 26Email address option 370emergency information 491empty screen 589Empty Trash dialog box 331emptying Trash folder 331, 332, 378Enable Background Playback check box 212Enable device name cache command 273Enable Smart Addressing option 378enabling buttons and controls 534encryption 279, 377End command 560enteringcurrent date and time 64, 525, 528information 19, 50, 51, 67–79, 531owner information 541passkeys 260, 272passwords 262, 284, 552, 555phone numbers 430, 432, 434, 555URLs 398entry box 25, 66eraser 245eReader 30error messages 598errors xxiESD (electrostatic discharge) 621–622ESMTP authentication 290, 295, 376Essential Software folder 111Eudora accounts 350Euro, in onscreen keyboard 67Event Details dialog box 154eventsSee also appointmentsadjusting for location 525archiving 156, 157, 158beaming 445categorizing 139, 173, 445changing descriptions 154changing untimed 141color-coding 139, 149, 152conflicting 168contact information and 120creating multi-day 145creating untimed 140, 145defined 138defining repeating 142, 143deleting 156–158displaying 152, 169, 170entering notes for 146, 147extending beyond midnight 145finding overlapping 166marking as private 139, 173rescheduling 154–155, 163scheduling 138, 140, 170setting alarms for 153, 171sharing 173types of 138viewing free time for 168viewing specific time for 169Excel files 26, 276creating and viewing 175transferring to handheld 78exchangingapplications 31, 578event records 173expansion cards 578files 255, 276from outside sources 17information 20, 68, 79, 107memos 243messages 396notes from Note Pad 253task records 236exclamation points (!) in Tasks list 234expansion card slot 20, 588
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 635expansion cardsadding applications to 28, 29, 578battery life and 588beaming from 446benefits of 569copying applications to 448, 576deleting information on 577displaying information about 27, 574dummy card 570formatting 577getting applications on 112inserting 20, 571limitations 574moving applications to 96opening applications on 572opening files on 573overview 568preventing damage to 570related topics for 578removing 570removing applications on 113renaming 575saving multimedia files on 179transferring audio files to 204–206, 208–211types of 569viewing information on 414Expense application 27archiving information in 457benefits of 450categorizing information in 491categorizing with Calculator 491changing information 451choosing currency options 453deleting categories 493deleting information in 457–458entering expenses in 451–452getting help with 460opening 451, 460related topics for 461saving information in 452transferring information to 68troubleshooting 461Expense icon 27Expense Preferences dialog box 451, 454expense recordsSee also Expense applicationcategorizing 452, 458, 459deleting 457, 458entering information in 451, 454organizing related expenses in 453viewing information in 459expense reports 27, 453, 458, 459Expense type pick list 451extending battery 512, 588external data sources 17external devices 20, 255, 545external speaker 540Ffade setting 168, 514, 517FAQs 586Favorites Viewchanging entries 514defined 26icon on status bar 22moving around 42using the 5-way 42FCC Statement 618fields 25, 121, 122, 123file names 576File Transfer applicationbacking up internal drive 100defined 29overview 76troubleshooting 600using 99viewing internal flash drive 600file types 179, 204filesaccessing 425attaching to e-mail 202, 340, 342displaying contents 413displaying on expansion cards 574downloading 335, 412installation prerequisites for 111installing on handheld 95installing on Windows computers 93locating 96opening on expansion cards 573opening text 335removing 109, 577restoring archived 109saving 412sharing 255transferring to handheld 29, 107, 276, 412troubleshooting uninstalled 598Files applicationdefined 26opening 36using 36viewing internal flash drive 600filing events 139filtering e-mail 300, 363, 365, 367
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 636Filters dialog box 363, 365finances 450, 491See also Expense applicationFind dialog box 48Find icon 48Find icon on status bar 22Find More button 48Find on Page command 401findingcontacts 126files 96information 48overlapping events 166firewalls 280flash drive on handheld 75flow control (connections) 549Flow Ctl pick list 549Folder Synchronization Options setting 355folders 322, 324, 355, 595Font command 519font styles 519fonts 310, 320, 403, 518–519forgetting passwords 476form fields (web pages) 421Format Card command 577formatse-mail messages 308information-specific 529multimedia file types 179Formats Preferences screen 529formatting expansion cards 577forwarding e-mail 326freehand drawing 196, 244freeing up space 109, 113, 158, 590frequently asked questions 586front panel controls 19frozen screen 580, 589Full header option 380full-screen pen stroke 524Full-screen Writingdescription 52status bar button 53full-screen writing 245, 533icon on status bar 22GGame Sound pick list 540games 494, 540, 569General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) 261gestures (Graffiti 2 writing) 61Get IP command 560Get Mail Options dialog box 298Get unread e-mail only option 299Get unread mail option 286getting started xx, xxi, 6, 29Getting Started Guide 29GIF files 335, 414Go To Date dialog box 138, 140Go to Web Page dialog box 398Go to Web Page icon 398going online 255GPRS data services 258, 410GPRS mobile phones 261, 269, 545Graffiti 2Full-screen Writing 52input areas 51Graffiti 2 command strokes 47Graffiti 2 Preferences screen 535Graffiti 2 writingchanging strokes for 538choosing input area for 532copying and pasting with 71creating tasks with 223deleting information with 72deleting ShortCuts 538entering commands with 61entering information with 51, 54–63entering ShortCut strokes 64–65, 536getting help with 60guidelines for 55overview 51setting alternate stroke shapes for 535setting preferences for 532–538troubleshooting problems with 592GSM mobile phones 545Hhandheldconnecting to AC charger 21customizing 27preinstalled applications for 26resetting 21viewing applications on 19viewing information on 19Handheld Settings Overview screen 357Handheld view (Web Pro) 403handheldsaccessing features 46adding additional software 110, 569adding applications to 1, 562, 578adding owner information 541adding user information 7, 11backing up e-mail databases from 381beaming to. See beamingbenefits of 18
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 637charging battery for 4, 544, 579, 589checking space on 111components of 2connecting to other devices 545connecting to PCs 8connecting to power adapter 544, 588controls described 19customizing 11, 17, 512disconnecting from HotSync cable 594do’s and don’ts 579freeing up space on 109, 113, 158, 590getting additional information about xxiigetting help with 616getting unexpected results 539locking 477–480, 541losing 541maintenance information for 579naming 257not making sounds 590not responding 542, 580, 589opening 588protecting 256, 260recharging battery 4, 5, 544, 588related topics for 17, 31removing items 109replacing information on 90, 92resetting 477, 580, 589restoring information on 583running out of space on 569setting auto-off delay for 544setting idle timeouts for 556setting power preferences for 542–544setting up 1, 6, 7, 17synchronizing 476synchronizing wirelessly 255, 265synchronizing with user profiles 11, 14, 16system requirements for 2timing out 595troubleshooting 539, 586turning itself off 590turning on accidentally 542turning on and off 6, 542upgrading 4, 7viewing applications on 497waking up 274handwriting 592See also Graffiti 2 writinghard resets 477, 582, 583, 589header options (e-mail) 380headphone jack 20, 580headphones 20, 580headsets 540, 580help xxii, 17, 25, 60, 476, 616Help menu 594hidingaddress fields 399currency symbols 459private entries 468, 470high-speed connections 264high-speed data services 551high-speed wireless carrier 255highlighting menu commands 45See also selection highlighthints 25, 476See also helpHistory dialog box 464History list 416Holiday Files folder 172holidays 140, 142, 144Home icon 24home page 402, 417, 419Home Page check box 418Home Page icon 417Home Page option 419Home screendisplaying icons on 604opening applications on 34Home screen See Applications Viewhosts 556HotSync cableconnecting to PCs with 8disconnecting 594synchronizing with 83HotSync icon 27HotSync log 84HotSync ManagerSee also synchronizingnot responding 598restoring information from 583starting 27, 86, 266turning off 86HotSync Manager icon 83, 594HotSync menu 98HotSync Online Troubleshooting Guide 594HotSync technology 83how-to information xxiHTM files 335, 414HTML files 335, 410, 413, 414HTML messages 308, 309, 328hyperlinks 402See also URLs
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 638Iiconsapplication 516, 523Command toolbar 47input area 24missing 591VersaMail application 306, 318, 357ICS files 107, 335idle timeouts 556image files 179, 335, 414imageschanging download preferences for 420downloading 335IMAP mail folders 383, 384, 385IMAP mail servers 345, 350IMAP protocol 279, 283IMAP servers 284, 286, 334importingcontacts 136information 12, 107Inbox 290, 304, 319Inbox icons 306incoming mail options 286, 371, 372Incoming mail server option 370incoming mail servers 278, 284incompatible applications 612incorrect dates and time 590Info command 112Info dialog box 112informationaccessing 41, 468backing up 28beaming 443–447categorizing 490, 494caution for entering 20caution for hard resets and 582changing categories for 495combining in different categories 492copying and pasting 71creating owner 541creating user-specific 7, 11defining abbreviations for 536, 537deleting 72, 109, 477, 577, 590displaying 19, 25, 497duplicating 125editing 70entering 19, 50, 51, 67–79, 531importing 12, 107in program memory 75keeping private 467, 469losing xxi, 45managing 28not finding 593organizing 49, 490password-protecting 471, 472, 473receiving from outside sources 17related topics for 73, 449, 489restoring 476, 478, 583saving 41, 109, 593searching for 48selecting 19, 70setting up multiple handhelds for 7, 11sharing 20, 119, 237, 437, 448, 578synchronizing 79, 594transferring to expansion cards 448updating 79, 88upgrades and 7viewing by category 497infrared port See IR portInfrared setting 548initialization strings (modems) 379, 549input area 19, 24, 532icon on status bar 22inserting expansion cards 20, 571installation CD 2, 7, 28, 110, 586installation prerequisites 111installingadditional software 28, 110applications 28, 572Palm Desktop software 3, 7, 28related topics for 17instant messenger (IM) accounts 122Int’l button 67interactive tutorial 7internal flash drive 75backing up 100difference between program memory and 75viewing contents 75, 600international keyboard 67InternetSee also web sitesaccessing 255, 277browsing 255connecting to 255, 411, 552disconnecting from 410e-mail accounts and 415retrying connections for 411selecting service provider for 264setting up network connections for 262Internet Explorer 2See also web browsersInternet mail servers 350Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) 283
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 639Internet protocol (IP) 556Internet Service Providers (ISPs) 255, 278, 284, 551invalidating warranty 588IP Address check box 556IP addresses 556IR portbeaming from 443, 444, 445creating connections for 545location of 20setting up connections for 548synchronizing from 83IR to a PC/Handheld connection 545, 546ISP accounts 551ISPs 255, 278, 284, 551iTunestransferring songs from CD 208JJ2ME files 30jack (headphone) 20Java Technologies software 30JPG files 179, 335, 414Kkeeping track of expenses 450key exchange 272key terms xxiikeyboardonscreen types 67keyboard icons 24keyboardsconnecting to portable 239entering information with 66, 67opening alternative 67opening onscreen 24Keyguard 20Keylock 542, 543Keylock Preferences screen 542, 588keys (onscreen keyboard) 67LLAN Setup option 269landscape view 23LANs See networkslaptops 255large fonts 519large images 420Last Page Viewed option 419launching See openingLeave mail on server option 286left arrow controls 25letter keyboard icon 24liability iilightning bolt icon 589line selection 70links (documentation) xxilinks (web pages) 402List icon 184list screens 43List view (Media) 180, 184listening to music 20, 203, 204, 569listsSee also song listsclearing History 416creating company phone 11creating To Do 222, 225customizing expense 459customizing Tasks 233displaying applications icons in 516displaying bookmarks in 406displaying pick 25displaying song 211finding items in 505moving between items in 43opening category 152, 168, 572opening History 416ordering memos in 240rearranging items in 240selecting items in 25, 43loading user profiles 15, 16Local Area Networks See networkslocatingcontacts 126controls 49files 96information 48overlapping events 166Location field 146Location pick list 505, 526location settings (World Clock) 501, 504, 506location-specific preferences 525–530locations, deleting 507Lock Handheld dialog box 478lock icons 446, 576lock options 479lockinghandheld buttons 542handhelds 477–480, 541log files 84logging in to e-mail accounts 280, 415logging in to network servers 558Login Script dialog box 558, 559login scripts 558–561
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 640Look Up line (Contacts) 126Lookup screen 314losinghandheld 541information xxi, 45passwords 476, 477Lotus Notes 345, 349low batteries 5, 588lowercase letters 55, 534MMac informationcreating contacts 135creating notes 252creating user profiles 13described xxidisplaying tasks 235displaying videos 179entering information 82handheld system requirements 3installing handheld software 7, 97–99, 111mobile connections 259opening calendars 172synchronizing handheld 87, 91synchronizing with user profiles 16transferring MP3 files to handheld 207troubleshooting problems 587writing memos 242Mac OS X systems 97magnifying glass (Adobe Reader) xxMail Client pick list 350mail databases 381mail folders 322, 324, 355mail servers 280, 284Mail Servers command 295, 368Mail Servers screen 296, 369, 370, 371Mail Service pick list 283Mail Services pick list 284mail. See e-mailmaintenance information 579Make Default check box 93Manual synchronization option 86manually locking handhelds 477, 480marking information as private 469masking private entries 468, 470, 471math calculators 27, 462Maximum Message Size option 287, 353MCI connections 553Mediadesktop application 78Media applicationbacking up information in 28benefits of 178displaying multimedia files 191, 193, 195, 196, 198, 199displaying photos or videos 180opening 180, 184, 186, 188, 189, 201organizing photos and videos 191overview 178, 201related topics for 202troubleshooting 202Media icon 26memory 113, 423, 590memory button (Calculator) 463memory cards 188, 577memory clear button (Calculator) 463memory recall button (Calculator) 463memosSee also notes; Memos applicationadding contact information to 126, 238backing up 28categorizing 243creating 237, 238, 239deleting 241displaying 239editing 239, 240exchanging 243keeping private 243, 469organizing 240, 243saving 238, 241selecting 43sending as attachments 243transferring to PCs 240Memos applicationcategorizing information in 491getting help with 242importing information for 107marking entries as private 469opening 27, 238, 523overview 237related topics for 243reordering memos lists 240selecting memos 239transferring information to 68troubleshooting 243, 603writing memos with 238Memos icon 27Memos list 238, 239, 240menu bar 46Menu icon 592menu shortcuts 47
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 641menus 45, 46icon on status bar 22messagesSee also e-mail; text messagesautomatically resending 311connection types for 255displaying unread 159, 168downloading large 336, 339receiving 255, 388removing confirmation 251sending plain text 308, 309setting alarms for 509Messages option 298Microsoft Exchange accounts 345, 349Microsoft Internet Explorer See Internet ExplorerMicrosoft Outlookapplications that synchronize 79transferring into to handheld 77Microsoft Outlook See OutlookMicrosoft Windows systems See Windows informationMicrosoft Word application 240Microsoft Word documents 335Microsoft Word files 26, 276missing applications 26, 591missing icons 591mobile devices 122, 128mobile phonesaccessing e-mail accounts from 293accessing Internet with 255attaching modems to 545beaming to 278connecting to 255, 258, 264, 550, 606connecting to Internet from 264creating trusted pairs for 258, 605dialing 130, 131, 429high-speed connections and 261key exchanges and 272passkeys and 260, 605requirements for 133, 258Modem Wait option 379modemsconnecting to IR port from 545entering initialization strings for 379, 549setting up connections for 548, 552Money category 491money See currencyMonth View 152, 164, 166, 169Month View icon 164month, setting 502, 528monthly events 142monthly schedules 164monthly tasks 226, 228More button 339moving around dialog boxes 44moving files into internal flash drive 99–106moving photos 193moving the slider 25moving through documentation xxmoving through screens 41moving through web sites 402, 405moving web pages 404MP3 files 204–207transferring to handheld 78MPA files 107Multi-connector 21multi-day events 145multi-line descriptions 138multimedia applications 494multimedia file types 179multimedia files 343multimedia messagessending 255MultiMediaCard expansion cards 569multiple recipients (e-mail) 313musicchanging playlists for 216creating playlists for 213–214creating song lists for 209deleting playlists for 218listening to 20, 203, 204, 569playing 203, 212, 215, 604related topics for 221removing from playlists 217selecting 212, 214stopping 212storing 569viewing details 219Music application 212music application 203music filestransferring to handheld 78Nnames See usernames; contactsnamingconnections 548e-mail accounts 283expansion cards 575handhelds 257, 541mail folders 325photo albums 192playlists 213
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 642user profiles 12, 13navigating through documentation xxnavigating through web sites 402, 405navigational controls 25navigator 19, 25, 41–45navigator controls 41negative numbers 463Network Preferences screen 551, 554, 555, 557, 558network services 293network settings 551–562networksaccessing accounts for 260accessing corporate 280accessing e-mail from 255closing connections for 554connecting to 551, 554corporate e-mail accounts and 279, 280creating login scripts for 558–561customizing connections for 548deleting service profiles for 557dialing in to 545losing connections to 589selecting communications protocol for 556setting IP addresses for 556setting up connections for 261, 269, 554setting up service profiles for 551, 552specifying as trusted device 268, 270synchronizing over 83new lines 238New Profile screen 12, 13next arrow icon 25No-time icon 160Normal view (Web Pro) 403Note PadSee also notesbacking up information in 28categorizing information in 491, 495clearing 245creating notes from 245deleting notes in 251displaying notes in 250getting help with 252, 253opening 27, 245overview 244related topics for 253selecting pens 247setting color preferences 246–247troubleshooting 604Note Pad icon 27notesSee also memos; Note Padattaching alarms to 248attaching to e-mail 253backing up 28categorizing 245, 253creating 245deleting 251editing 245, 250marking as private 245, 253saving 245selecting 43, 250setting background colors for 247sharing 253sorting 250notification options (e-mail) 303, 317Notify Sound pick list 303number formats 461, 529, 530number keyboard 24number keyboard icon 24numbers 57, 66, 463, 534Ooff-line viewing 412, 413Office files 78, 174–176omitting passkeys 258omitting passwords 552on 520Online Troubleshooting Guide 594onscreen keyboards See keyboardsopeningapplications 34, 80, 523, 572calendars 172category lists 152, 168, 572dialog boxes 25, 44files 573Find dialog box 48handheld 588handheld menus 46History lists 416HotSync Manager 27, 266image files 335masked entries 471Note Pad 27, 245onscreen keyboards 24, 67photo albums 192RealOne Mobile Player 220RealPlayer 26Reminders screen 304text files 335text messages 391web pages 416, 420operating systems 2optional information xxi
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 643options 25, 85order forms 421organizingapplications 49, 491information 49, 490orientation of screen 23Outbox 312, 317, 318Outbox icons 318outgoing mail options 288, 290, 373, 375Outgoing mail server option 370outgoing mail servers 279, 284Outlookmarking completed tasks and 230setting as default mail program 351synchronizing with 10, 89, 115, 595, 596Overdue task icon 160overdue tasks 159, 168, 229, 234overlapping events 166owner information 541Owner Preferences screen 541Ppager 122paging through documentation xxPalm Desktop Installer icon 7Palm Desktop softwarecompleting repeated tasks and 230creating user profiles from 12, 13described 2, 28downloading 3entering information in 80, 82importing information to 107, 109installing 3, 7, 28opening applications in 80, 82requiring password entry for 473restoring archived items to 109synchronizing with 10, 595system requirements for 2transferring info to handheld 77troubleshooting 586uninstalling 114upgrading handhelds and 7Palm Dialer software. See Dialer applicationPalm OS applications 33Palm OS handheldsadding user information to multiple 11beaming to 173, 578exchanging memos with 243exchanging messages with 396exchanging photos and videos with 202sharing information with 31sharing notes with 253sharing tasks with 236upgrading from 4palmOne Quick Install icon 95palmOne Quick Install software 93, 598palmOne Quick Install window 96palmOne technical support 17paper clip icon 336, 337, 339parts (handheld) 2passkeys 260, 268, 270, 272, 605Password check box 284passwordschanging 369, 473creating 472, 477deleting 476e-mail accounts and 279encrypting 377entering 262, 284, 552, 555forgetting 476locking handhelds with 477, 541losing 477network connections and 270omitting 552opening web pages and 400overview 471passkeys and 260requiring 473security options for 468setting 268troubleshooting 610validating 295Paste command 71Paste icon 47pasting information 71, 464patches 113PC Setup dialog box 265, 267, 269PC Setup option 267PCs See personal computersPDAs 18PDF files 30pen 246Pen selector 245pen widths 245percentage button (Calculator) 463performance 579period (.) character 533peripheral devices. See external devicespersonal computersconnecting to 8, 255, 267copying information to 448customizing connections for 548managing schedules from 172overwriting information on 90, 92preinstalled software for 28
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 644removing Palm Desktop software 114setting usernames and passwords 268synchronization options for 85, 87synchronizing with 79, 83, 265, 599troubleshooting File Transfer 600troubleshooting synchronization problems 594updating information from 90, 92personal digital assistants (PDAs) 18personal information 422, 471personalizing contact information 123personalizing handheld 1, 17See also customizingphone connections 258–262phone drivers 545Phone Link Updater application 258Phone Lookup 68, 126phone numbersadding speed dial entries for 433entering 430, 432, 434, 555getting from contacts 68, 122, 126organizing emergency 491redialing 431sharing 20temporary storage for 244phone settings 552Phone Setup dialog box 258Phone Setup option 258phones 272, 545, 548See also conference calls; mobile phonesphoto albumsarranging photos in 193, 195creating 191moving photos to other 194removing photos 199scrolling through 190selecting 192Photo Details screen 190photosadding notes to 190adding to albums 192adding to contacts 119adjusting fade setting for 514, 517attaching to e-mail 343copying 198, 200, 448deleting 192, 199e-mailing 202finding 182moving 193previewing 180saving 179selecting 43selecting as backgrounds 168, 513, 517setting slide show delay option 186sharing 94, 200sorting 195storing 569transferring to handheld 78viewing 569viewing details of 189, 190Photos application. See Media applicationPhotos icon 604pick lists 25Picture box 119PIM applications, transferring info to handheld 77plain text messages 308, 309, 328playing back video clips 182playing music 203, 204, 212, 215, 604playlists 209, 211deleting songs on 217editing 216naming 213removing 218reordering music on 217See also musicselecting music from 212, 215troubleshooting 605plug-in applications 562POP protocol 283POP servers 279, 284, 286, 333, 345Port Number option 287, 290portable keyboards 239portrait view 23ports 20Post Office Protocol (POP) 283See also POP serverspower adapter 579, 589power button 20power consumption options 543power preferences 542–544Power Preferences screen 543power-saving settings 543, 544PowerPoint filescreating and viewing 175transferring to handheld 78PRC applications 562precautions 580, 588, 622predefined service profiles 555preferences 177, 396, 512, 567See also customizingPreferences command 170Preferences screen 27Prefs icon 27
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 645preinstalled applications 26, 113prerequisites xxiipreset connections 545, 547preset delays 479preset formats 529previous arrow icon 25Previous View icon (Adobe Reader) xxPreviously Viewed pick list 418primary location 501, 502, 507, 510printingexpense reports 27online documentation xxprioritizing tasks 223, 234privacy FAGs 610privacy levels 470privacy settingsapplications 49calendar 154, 173contacts 136information 468memos 243notes 253tasks 236voice memos 396web pages 422Private check box 469profiles 11–16program memory 75synchronization and 76viewing contents 600programs See software; applicationsPrompt command 560prompts 559protecting handheld 256, 579protecting information 467, 469, 477protocol (defined) 283Protocol pick list 283proxy servers 425, 426punctuation marks 55, 58Punctuation Shift indicator 62Punctuation Shift stroke 62, 534Purge Categories dialog box 458Purge command 158, 232, 458Purge dialog box 158, 232purging items 590Qquarterly tasks 227Query DNS check box 556questions and answers 586quick buttonslocation of 19opening applications from 26Quick Install icon 95Quick Install software 28, 93, 598Quick Install window 96Quick Look Up icon 126Quick Look Up line 126Quick Tour 6, 27Rradio 21, 29range (peripheral connections) 256Read pick list 320readinge-mail 307text messages 391, 393Real Music Store 209RealOne Mobile Playeradding song lists 213benefits of 203deleting playlists 218displaying song details 220editing playlists 216getting help with 213, 220, 221opening 220playing songs from 215setting period of inactivity for 212troubleshooting 604turning off 212RealPlayercompatible formats for 204converting songs on CDs 208getting help with 205, 210installing 29opening 26transferring MP3 files 204transferring songs from CD 208RealPlayer icon 26reassigning application buttons 523reboots See resetting handheldReceipt Details dialog box 453Receive Format pick list 309receiving e-mail 263, 297, 298receiving messages 255, 388recently visited web pages 402recharging battery 4, 5, 544, 588recipes 241Recipient List screen 313, 314Record menu 444record screens 44recordsdeleting expense 457entering information in 119getting number of 113
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 646hard resets and 582moving between 44setting privacy levels for 470sorting 136, 243, 459specifying as first 118recovering memory 590recurring events 138redialing phone numbers 431related items, categorizing 491related topics xxiRemember Last Category check box 516reminderscanceling 509creating 244scheduling 120, 138setting alarms as 508specifying notes as 248Reminders screen 304, 317remote access accounts 551remote connections 379remote devices 273remote servers 425, 551removingapplications 113, 577appointments 156bookmarks 407categories 493confirmation messages 251connections 545, 547contacts 127desktop software 7e-mail 286, 328, 329, 331e-mail accounts 292e-mail filters 367events 156–158expansion cards 570expense records 457, 458files from handheld 109Graffiti 2 ShortCut strokes 538information 72, 109, 477, 577, 590locations 507mail folders 325memos 241notes 251Palm Desktop software 114passwords 476photos 192, 199playlists 218private entries 476repeating tasks 231selection highlight 43service profiles 557songs 217tasks 231–232Rename Card dialog box 575Rename Custom Fields dialog box 123renamingcategories 492expansion cards 575mail folders 325preset connections 545web pages 413Repeat icon 161repeat intervalscalendar 142, 145tasks 226, 228repeating eventschanging 155deleting 156, 157displaying 169scheduling 142, 143repeating tasks 225, 227, 230, 231Reply Options dialog box 327Reply To Address option 288, 374replying toe-mail 327required steps xxirescheduling events 154–155, 163resending messages 311reserving dates 140reset button 21, 580, 582resettingapplication buttons 523clock 502, 527Graffiti 2 ShortCut strokes 538handheld 477, 580, 589local preferences 525, 527passwords 473preset connections 545preset formats 529screen fonts 519server profiles 552resetting handheld 21resizingtext 239restarting handheld. See resetsrestoringarchived items 109defaults 523information 476, 478, 583restricting handheld connections 256restrictions 580, 588retryingauto get mail setting 305e-mail delivery 317
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 647Internet connections 411right arrow controls 25rotary dialing 548rotating the screen 23icon on status bar 22running out of memory 113running out of space 569SSave Page dialog box 413savingappointments 139battery power 542contacts 120, 127files 412information 41, 109, 593memos 238, 241notes 245photos 179synchronization settings 93tasks 223, 231, 232web cookies 422web pages 413, 423scheduled sending retry (e-mail) 280schedules 137, 159, 168, 525See also appointments; calendarschedulingappointments 138–139auto get mail 300, 301, 305backup and synchronization 8, 79events 138, 140, 145, 170reminders 120, 138repeating tasks 225, 227untimed events 141scheduling conflicts 137screenadding photos as backgrounds 168, 513, 517adjusting brightness 518, 588aligning 539blank 589caring for 579caution for 20changing colors of 521changing fonts for 518–519clearing 245frozen 580, 589landscape and portrait views 23maintaining 579moving through 19, 41navigational controls for 25not responding 542, 580, 589overview 24scrolling through 25setting input area for 532tapping elements on 24, 534, 539, 579viewing information on 19writing area on 56, 60screen rotation 23icon on status bar 22scripts 562scroll bar 25scrolling 42, 45accelerating 43from screen-to-screen 25list screens 43menus 45record screens 44to dates 138SD memory cards 569SDIO accessories 569SDIO cards 279, 569searching for information 48, 126searching web pages 401secondary locations 504, 507, 510secure connections 287, 290, 359, 375, 385Secure Digital input/output (SDIO) 569Secure Socket Layer 287, 290, 359, 385security 552security levels 468security options 468applications 49calendar 173contacts 136handheld 260memos 243notes 253tasks 236voice memos 396Security Preferences dialog boxchanging passwords 473creating passwords 472locking handhelds 541masking private entries 470Select a Color Theme dialog box 514, 521, 522, 531Select button (navigator) 43, 45Select Colors dialog box 246Select Font dialog box 310, 320, 519Select Media screen 343Select User dialog box 8, 83selectingalarm sounds 509alternate stroke shapes 535background colors 246, 521
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 648clock display options 510command buttons 25communications protocol 556connections 552currency options 453, 454, 455home pages 417, 419information 70Internet Service Providers (ISPs) 552items in lists 25, 43menu commands 45, 46, 47music 212, 214options in dialog boxes 44security levels 468synchronization settings 83selecting information 19selection highlight 42, 43self-help resources 616Send command 560Send CR command 560Send e-mail from Outbox option 354Send Password command 560send retry failures 317, 318Send to Handheld dialog box 97, 207Send To Handheld droplet 29, 97Send To palmOne Quick Install command 95Send User ID command 560sendinge-mail 263, 308, 311, 312, 415multimedia messages 255text messages 255, 387, 388servers 425service (defined) 264Service Connection Progress messages 554Service pick list 264, 552, 555service profilesdeleting 557selecting 554setting up 551, 552, 555service templates 551services 264, 545, 559Set Alarm dialog box 224, 249Set as default check box 91Set Country dialog box 530Set Date & Time button 502Set Date dialog box 502, 528Set the default connection type option 299Set Time dialog box 139, 503, 528setting alarms 153, 224, 249, 508setting cache size 423, 424setting up e-mail accounts 278setting up handhelds 1, 6, 7, 17setting up wireless connections 254settings See preferencessetup 586Setup Devices option 258, 265, 267, 269sharingfiles 255information 20, 119, 237, 437, 448, 578photos 94, 200videos 200sharing FAQs 611Short header option 380Short Message Service (SMS) 388short messages 387ShortCut strokes (Graffiti 2 writing)backing up 536changing 538deleting 538described 64–65setting up 536ShortCut Text line 537shortcuts xxii, 25, 47, 71, 524ShortCuts Preferences screen 536, 538Show History command 464Show Multiple Locations setting 510Show Private Records dialog box 471Show videos in Slide Show option 186side panel controls 20sidebars (documentation) xxiisignatures 289, 316Silent profile 540Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. See SMTP serverssketching 244Slide Show Delay pick list 186slide shows 180, 186, 193slider 25small fonts 519, 520small icons 516Smart Addressing feature 315, 378SMS applicationadditional information for 396benefits of 387installing 27opening 388sending text messages 388SMS messages 388SMS messaging 27SMTP servers 284, 295Snooze setting 509soft resets 580, 589softwareSee also specific applicationaccessing additional 17, 30
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 649adding additional 110, 569included on handheld 26installing 7, 28, 110third-party applications and 8Solitaire 30Song Details dialog box 220song lists 209, 211deleting 218editing 216naming 213removing items on 217reordering music on 217selecting items 212, 215troubleshooting 605songs 203, 569See also musicSort by date option 195Sort by name option 195Sort by option 320Sort by pick list 250Sort by type option 195Sort manually option 195Sort order option 320sortingcontacts 136expenses 459memos 243notes 250photos 195videos 195sound filesSee also audio files; music filessoundsSee also music; voice memoschanging alarm 248setting alarm 153, 171, 234, 509setting preferences for 540Sounds & Alerts screen 540space characters 536, 552space information (handheld) 112speaker 21, 540special characters 55, 62, 63, 534specifications 620speed (communications) 545, 546, 549Speed Dial screen 433, 435Speed pick list 546, 549speed-dial buttons 433spreadsheets 26, 107, 276, 452creating and viewing 175transferring to handheld 78square root button (Calculator) 463SSL connections 287, 290, 359, 385start pages. See Home pageStart with pick list 419startingHotSync Manager 86, 266locked handhelds 477Outlook applications 89starting HotSync Manager 27static electricity 580, 621–622status bar icon descriptions 22stereo headphones 20stoppingdownloading operations 412information searches 48Internet connections 411playback 212storage 568, 569storingdevice names 273web pages 423stylus 6, 20, 54, 196, 579Subject fields 312subject lines (e-mail) 297, 312Subjects Only option 298summary view (e-mail) 321supported file types 179, 204switching between applications 10, 41, 572, 595symbols 62, 63, 66, 118, 534Sync IMAP Folders screen 384synchronization optionsapplications 88e-mail 347, 349, 352handheld 10, 83, 85–93, 595synchronization software 88, 114synchronize (defined) 8Synchronize Active Accounts option 346Synchronize incoming e-mail option 354Synchronize to local check box 350Synchronize unread mail only option 354synchronizingapplications 84, 88, 597caution for 114e-mail 344, 345, 347, 349, 352handhelds 476IMAP mail folders 383, 384, 385info not updating 601information 79, 594installing applications and 93, 95multiple e-mail accounts 358over networks 83overview 76related topics for 17third-party applications and 8
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 650troubleshooting problems 84, 594–599upgrades and 4usernames 281wirelessly 255, 265with IR port 83with Microsoft Outlook 10, 89, 115, 595, 596with user profiles 11, 14, 16system information, icon on status bar 22System Preferences screen 382system requirements 2System Sound pick list 540TTAB files 107tab-delimited files 107tappingapplication titles 46arrow icons 25check boxes 25command buttons 25entry boxes 25menu items 46problems with 580, 589, 591screen elements 24, 534, 539, 579URLs 410Task Preferences dialog box 224, 233tasksSee also Tasks applicationadding contact information to 126adding notes to 223adding to Tasks list 233archiving 231, 232assigning due dates to 223, 224, 228attaching to e-mail 236categorizing 223, 229, 234changing date due 234combining with appointments 137completing 230creating 223deleting 231–232displaying 159, 168, 229, 233, 234entering from Outlook 10, 595managing 222marking as private 223organizing 229prioritizing 223, 234reordering 234saving 223, 231, 232scheduling repeating 225, 227setting alarms for 224, 234setting repeat intervals for 226, 228sharing 236viewing due dates for 234viewing overdue 234Tasks applicationadding tasks 223, 225, 227additional information for 236categorizing information in 491getting help with 235importing information for 107marking completed tasks 230opening 27, 223overview 222saving information for 232saving information in 223securing contents 236setting display options for 229setting preferences for 233–234transferring information to 68troubleshooting 236, 605Tasks icon 27Tasks list 159, 229, 231, 233TDA files 107technical assistance xxii, 17, 177, 396, 617Technical Support office 617technical terms xxiitelephone numbers See phone numberstesting e-mail accounts 290textadjusting fade setting for 514, 517changing color of 168, 521changing screen fonts for 518copying and pasting 71entering 51, 66entering abbreviations for 536, 537formatting e-mail 308resizing 239searching for 48selecting 48, 70viewing against photos 168text files 107, 335text messagesmanaging 27opening 391sending 255, 387, 388viewing 391, 392, 393, 395third-party applications 8, 589, 612, 613thousands separator 530Thumbnail icon 182Thumbnail view (Media) 180, 182thumbnails (photos) 168, 513, 517TIF files 335TIFF files 179
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 651timeblocking out periods of 142, 145changing 502checking 500displaying current 504displaying free 168displaying specific periods of 168entering current 64entering display options for 170incorrect 590resetting 154, 525, 527scheduling periods of 139setting current 528setting for alarms 153, 225, 249, 508setting location-specific 27, 502, 525unscheduled events and 141time bars 168time formats 529, 530time zones 504, 506, 525, 526timed events 169timeout intervals 378Timeout option 378tips xxii, 17, 25Tips icon 25To Do lists 222, 225See also taskstoolbars 47top arrow controls 25top panel controls 20touch screen See screenTouchscreen Preferences screen 539TouchTone dialing 548tracking expenses 27, 450transfer options 584transferringapplications 28, 29, 96files 29, 107, 276, 412from outside sources 17information 20, 68, 79, 107wirelessly 255Trash folder 331, 332, 378travel expenses 459travel guides 569troubleshooting 8, 84, 539, 586trusted connections 268, 270Trusted Devices option 271trusted pair (defined) 258trusted pairs 255, 256, 258, 271TSV files 107turning handheld on and off 542, 544turning off alarms 509turning off HotSync Manager 86turning sounds off 540Tutorial 30tutorial 7TXT files 107Uunderlined links 402underlined words (in documentation) xxiUndo icon 47Unfiled category 492unfreezing handheld 580, 582uniform resource locators. See URLsuninstallingapplications 590Palm Desktop software 114unread e-mail messages 159, 168, 333Unread pick list 320unrecognized devices 256unscheduled events 141unscheduled time slots 168untimed events 120, 140, 141, 145, 169up arrow controls 25updatinginformation 88owner information 541third-party applications 8updating information 79upgrades 4, 7, 111, 277uppercase letters 54, 55, 534URLsaccessing web pages with 398, 401changing 405, 407connecting to Internet from 410, 411e-mail and 328setting auto-completion option for 421specifying Home page 418tapping from other applications 410USB connectors 21USB port 8USB sync cable 21, 84Use APOP check box 377Use calling card check box 553Use proxy server check box 426Use Secure Connection option 287, 290user profiles 11–16user-specific information 11User’s Guide xx, xxi, 616usernamesassigning to handhelds 11dial-up accounts and 262e-mail accounts and 277, 279e-mail addresses and 552
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 652encrypting 377finding in e-mail addresses 284hard resets and 582network connections and 270searching for 126service profiles and 555setting 268synchronizing 281upgrades and 7validating 295Users folder 114Vvacations 145validating usernames and passwords 295VCF files 107, 335VCS files 107, 335VersaMail application 26accessing e-mail with 278adding attachments 341, 343addressing e-mail 313backing up mail databases 382changing default folders 319changing display options 320changing e-mail accounts 291, 368creating mail folders 324–325creating personal signatures 316deleting accounts 292deleting e-mail 328, 329disconnecting from network services 293, 294displaying account information 356downloading attachments 335, 336, 339emptying Trash folder 331, 332filtering messages with 363, 365, 367forwarding messages 326getting e-mail 300, 301icons for 306, 318, 357marking message status 333moving messages 322, 323opening 277, 282related topics for 386replying to e-mail 327secure connections and 385sending e-mail 308, 311, 314setting mail formats for 308setting message preferences 309, 370, 371, 373, 377, 378setting notification options 303, 317setting preferences for 359, 360setting up authentication servers 295setting up e-mail accounts 282–290, 351switching e-mail accounts 297synchronizing e-mail 345, 347, 349, 352troubleshooting 386upgrading e-mail accounts for 277, 282version numbers 111, 113videosadding notes to 190attaching to e-mail 343copying 200, 448deleting 199finding 182playing 182previewing 180sharing 200sorting 195transferring to handheld 78viewing details of 190View Bookmarks command 406View By pick list 516View Log command 84viewer 413viewingapplication groups 494application icons 591, 604application information 17, 112applications 497appointments 159, 162, 163, 164bookmarks 406calculators 27Category pick list 168, 169Command toolbar 47contact information 123, 128current date and time 500, 504e-mail attachments 340, 413events 152, 169, 170expansion card information 27expense reports 27expenses 459files on internal flash drive 75Graffiti 2 alternate strokes 535hidden or masked entries 471HotSync log 84images 179, 414information 19, 25, 497items in lists 43, 45memos 239notes 250PDF files 30personal calendars 137photos 179, 569pick lists 25schedules 159, 161, 163, 164slide shows 186
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 653song lists 211space information 112tasks 159, 168, 229, 233, 234unread messages 159, 168URLs 401web pages 403, 412, 414World Clock 27, 510views (Calendar) 161, 163, 164, 165views (multimedia files) 180virtual private networks 30, 279, 280virus-scanning software 586volumeadjusting alarm 509, 540adjusting modem 548disabling speaker 540Volume setting (connections) 548VPNdisconnecting 566entering settings 563, 565VPN Link 30VPNs 279, 280WWait For command 559Wait For Prompt command 559waking up handhelds 274warnings 590, 620warranty 588web addresses 398, 421See also URLsWeb browser applicationsaving web pages 413setting browser options 420web browsers 420web pagesaccessing 398, 399, 400bookmarking favorites 405, 416caching 423changing bookmarks for 405, 407, 408clearing cache for 424displaying 414downloading 412finding information on 401hiding address fields for 399loading from e-mail 328loading last viewed 419moving 404moving through 402opening 416, 420removing from History list 416renaming saved 413returning to recently visited 402saving 413, 423setting autofill option for 421setting display options for 403specifying as Home 417storing 423viewing off-line 412, 413viewing recently visited 416viewing URLs for 401Web Pro applicationaccessing web pages 398, 399action bar icons for 402as viewer 413displaying bookmarked pages 406, 407displaying saved pages 414opening 410setting browser options 420, 421, 422, 423, 425, 427setting storage preferences 423, 425setting up proxy servers 426troubleshooting 428web services 545web sitesaccessing 255, 263, 397as additional resources xxii, 17browsing 263, 398, 416navigating 402, 405palmOne technical support 17related topics for 428saving personal information for 422setting browsing options for 420, 421, 422, 427websitesbrowsing 26week days 530Week View 163, 166, 170Week View icon 163weekly events 142weekly schedules 163, 166weekly tasks 226, 228Windows applications 80Windows informationaccessing e-mail 278creating contacts 135creating login scripts 558creating notes 252creating user profiles 12described xxidisplaying photos 201displaying tasks 235displaying videos 179, 201entering expense reports 460handheld system requirements 2
Tungsten™ T5 Handheld 654importing 107installing handheld software 7, 28, 93–96, 110opening calendars 172restoring information 583synchronization options for 10, 85, 89, 595synchronizing with user profiles 14troubleshooting problems 586writing memos 242Windows Media Player 29wireless carriers 255, 277wireless connections 254, 255, 265, 388wireless e-mail accounts 277, 278wireless features 263wireless service providers 551wireless synchronization 83, 255, 265, 383Word documents 335Word files 26, 276creating and viewing 175transferring to handheld 78word searches 48word selection 70World Clockbenefits of 499changing display for 510selecting primary location for 525setting alarms with 153, 508World Clock icon 27, 500World Clock, displaying 27World Wide Web See web pages; web sitesWriting areaGraffiti 2 input areas 52writing area 24, 56, 60Writing Area Preferences screen 532writing in your own handwriting 244writing tool 20, 579writing with Graffiti 2 characters 51, 64, 534YYear View 165year, selecting 502, 528yearly events 142yearly tasks 226, 228ZZIP files 336, 599

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