Panasonic of North America 96NKX-TG7741 Bluetooth User Manual Operating Instructions English

Panasonic Corporation of North America Bluetooth Operating Instructions English


user manual p44-88

(page 30). When a call is received from acaller assigned to a group, the ringer tone youselected for that group rings instead of thecalled line’s ringer tone (page 19, 35, 37) aftercaller information is displayed. If you select“Current ringer” (default), the unit usesthe called line’s ringer tone when calls fromthis group are received.1MN a MMENUN2MbN: “Group” a MSELECTN3MbN: Select the desired group. aMSELECTN4MbN: Select the desired ringer tone. aMSAVEN5MOFFNCaller listImportant:ROnly 1 person can access the caller list at atime.RMake sure the unit’s date and time settingis correct (page 17).Viewing the caller list and callingbackn Using a cellular line1MFN CID2Press MN to search from the most recentcall, or M N to search from the oldest call.3To call back, press MSELECTN.To exit, press MOFFN.4MCELLNRThe unit starts dialing when:– only 1 cellular phone is registered.– a specific line is set to make cellularcalls (page 20).5MbN: Select the desired cellular phone. aMSELECTNn Using the landline1MFN CID2Press MCN to search from the most recentcall, or MDN to search from the oldest call.3To call back, press M N.To exit, press MOFFN.Note:RIf the entry has already been viewed oranswered, “ ” is displayed, even if it wasviewed or answered using another unit.RIn step 2, if   is displayed, not all of theinformation is shown. To see the remaininginformation, press MEN. To return to theprevious screen, press MFN.R or   indicates the caller informationwas received from the cellular line.Editing a caller’s phone numberbefore calling backYou can edit a phone number in the caller listby removing its area code and/or the longdistance code “1”.1MFN CID2MbN: Select the desired entry.3Press MSELECTN, then press MEDITNrepeatedly until the phone number isshown in the desired format.ABCLocal phone numberExample: 321-5555Area code – Local phone numberExample: 555-321-55551 – Area code – Local phone numberExample: 1-555-321-55554Using a cellular line:To make a cellular call, continue fromstep 4, “Viewing the caller list and callingback”, page 44.Using the landline:M NCaller ID number auto edit featureOnce you call back an edited number, the unitwhich was used to call back remembers thearea code and format of the edited number.The next time someone calls from the samearea code, caller information is customized bythe unit as follows:44 For assistance, please visit ID ServiceTG7731_41_(en-en)_1109_ver.020.p44   44 2011/11/09   19:25:59
– When the call is being received, the CallerID number is displayed in the same formatas the edited number.– After the call has ended, the caller’s phonenumber is displayed in the same format asthe edited number, when reviewed from thecaller list.For example, you can use this feature to setthe unit to ignore the area code of callers inyour area, so that you can call these localnumbers using caller information withoutdialing the area code.To activate this feature, you must edit an entryin the caller list, then call that number. Afterthat, phone numbers from that caller’s areacode are edited automatically.This feature can be set for each handset(page 38). The default setting is “On”.Note:RPhone numbers from the 4 most recentlyedited area codes are automatically edited.Erasing selected callerinformation1MFN CID2MbN: Select the desired entry.3MERASEN a MbN: “Yes”4MSELECTN a MOFFNErasing all caller information1MFN CID2MERASEN a MbN: “Yes”3MSELECTN a MOFFNStoring caller information to thephonebook1MN CID2MbN: Select the desired entry.RTo edit the number, press MSELECTN,then press MEDITN repeatedly until thephone number is shown in the desiredformat.3MSAVEN4MbN: “Phonebook” a MSELECTN5Continue from step 3, “Editing entries”,page 31.For assistance, please visit 45Caller ID ServiceTG7731_41_(en-en)_1109_ver.020.p45   45 2011/11/09   19:25:59
Copying phonebook from acellular phone (phonebooktransfer)You can copy phonebook entries from theregistered cellular phones or other cellularphones (not registered) to the unit’s sharedphonebook. A cellular phone must beBluetooth wireless technology compatible.Important:RIf a copied entry has 2 or more phonenumbers, each phone number (6 max.) isstored as a separate entry with the samename.RIf a phonebook entry includes additionaldata such as a picture, that entry may fail tocopy to the base unit.1Handset:MMENUN#6182Handset:To copy from registered cellularphones:MbN: Select the desired cellular phone. aMSELECTNRCopied items are stored to the group(“Cell 1” or “Cell 2”) which thecellular phone is registered to.To copy from other cellular phones(not registered):MbN: “Other cell” a MSELECTN aMbN: Select the group you want to copy to.a MSELECTN3When “Transfer phonebook fromcell.” is displayed:Go to step 4.When “Select mode” menu isdisplayed:MbN: Select “Auto” or “Manual”. aMSELECTN“Auto”: Download all entries from thecellular phone automatically. Go to step 5.“Manual”: Copy entries you selected.R“Select mode” menu is displayedonly when the cellular phone supportsPBAP (Phone Book Access Profile) forBluetooth connection.4Cellular phone:Follow the instructions of your cellularphone to copy phonebook entries.RFor other cellular phones (notregistered), you need to search for andselect the base unit. The base unit PIN(default: “0000”) may be required.RThe entries being copied are displayedon the handset.5Handset:Wait until “Completed” is displayed.RYou can continue copying other entriesif necessary.6Handset: MOFFNNote:RSome copied entries may have characterswhich do not exist in the character table(page 30). These characters can bedisplayed but cannot be entered whenediting an entry.RThe unit does not support some characters.If a copied entry includes those characters,they are replaced with other availablecharacters or “H”.RIf you receive a call while copyingphonebook entries, the copying procedurestops. Try again after finishing the call.46 For assistance, please visit Bluetooth DevicesTG7731_41_(en-en)_1109_ver.020.p46   46 2011/11/09   19:25:59
Using a Bluetooth wirelessheadset (optional) forlandline callsBy registering a Bluetooth headset to the baseunit, you can have a hands-free conversationwirelessly for landline calls.Important:R1 headset can be registered to the baseunit. However, only one Bluetooth device(cellular phone or headset) can beconnected to the base unit at a time.RFor best performance, we recommendusing a Bluetooth headset within 1 m (3.3feet) of the base unit. A headset cancommunicate with the base unit within arange of approximately 10 m (33 feet).Registering a headset to the baseunitImportant:RMake sure that the Bluetooth headset is notconnected to any other Bluetooth device.1Your headset:Set your headset to registration mode.RRefer to the headset operatinginstructions.2Handset:MMENUN#6213Enter your headset PIN.RTypically, default PIN is “0000”. Referto the headset operating instructions.4Press MOKN, then wait until a long beepsounds.5MOFFNRWhen the HEADSET indicator on thebase unit lights green, you are ready touse the headset.Connecting/disconnecting a headsetIf you cannot connect the headset and baseunit using the headset, you can connect usingthe unit.To use your headset with another Bluetoothdevice such as a cellular phone, you mayneed to disconnect it from the base unit.Important:RMake sure that the headset is turned on.Base unit*1*1 KX-TG7741 series: page 3To connect:Press MHEADSETN.To disconnect:Press and hold MHEADSETN until a long beepsounds.Handset1To connect/disconnect:MMENUN#622RA long beep sounds.2MOFFNDeregistering a headsetYou can cancel a registration of the headsetthat is stored to the base unit. See“Deregistering Bluetooth devices”, page 21.Operating a Bluetooth wirelessheadset using a landlineImportant:RRefer to your headset operating instructionsfor headset operations.Answering landline calls with yourheadsetTo answer a landline call, turn on yourheadset referring to your headset operatinginstructions.When you finish talking, turn off your headsetreferring to your headset operatinginstructions.Note:RIf you cannot hang up the call using yourheadset;– press MnN (STOP) on the base unit.(KX-TG7731 series: page 3)For assistance, please visit 47Using Bluetooth DevicesTG7731_41_(en-en)_1109_ver.020.p47   47 2011/11/09   19:25:59
– press MSP-PHONEN on the base unit 2times. (KX-TG7741 series: page 3)Switching between the base unit andyour headsetYou can switch between the base unit andyour headset:– during a landline call with the base unitspeakerphone. (KX-TG7741 series: page 3)– during an intercom call between the baseunit and handset. (KX-TG7741 series:page 3)– while listening to messages recorded onthe base unit answering system.*1nKX-TG7741 series: page 3To switch to your headset:Press MHEADSETN on the base unit.To switch to the base unit:Press MSP-PHONEN on the base unit.*1 KX-TG7731 series: page 3RYou can only switch from the base unitto your headset. Turn on the headsetreferring to your headset operatinginstructions.Call sharing between your headsetand the handsetImportant:RTo activate this feature, you should set callsharing mode to on beforehand (page 38).nWhile the handset is on a landline call:To join the conversation with yourheadset, turn on the headset referring toyour headset operating instructions.nWhile your headset is on a landline call:To join the conversation with the handset,press MN.Adjusting your headset receivervolumeBase unitPress MjN or MkN repeatedly while using yourheadset.48 For assistance, please visit Bluetooth DevicesTG7731_41_(en-en)_1109_ver.020.p48   48 2011/11/09   19:25:59
Answering system forlandlineThe answering system can answer and recordcalls for you when you are unavailable toanswer the phone.You can also set the unit to play a greetingmessage but not to record caller messages byselecting “Greeting only” as the recordingtime setting (page 53).Important:ROnly 1 person can access the answeringsystem (listen to messages, record agreeting message, etc.) at a time.RWhen callers leave messages, the unitrecords the day and time of each message.Make sure the date and time have been setcorrectly (page 17).RWhen the cellular line only mode is set(page 20), the answering system cannot beused and any messages are not received.Memory capacity (including yourgreeting message)The total recording capacity is about 18minutes. A maximum of 64 messages can berecorded.Note:RWhen message memory becomes full:–“Messages full” is shown on thehandset display.– The ANSWER ON/OFF indicator on thebase unit flashes rapidly if the answeringsystem is turned on.– The message counter on the base unitflashes if the answering system is turnedon.– If you use the pre-recorded greetingmessage, the unit automatically switchesto another pre-recorded greetingmessage asking callers to call againlater.– If you recorded your own greetingmessage, the same message is stillannounced to callers even though theirmessages are not recorded.Turning the answeringsystem on/offBase unitPress MANSWER ON/OFFN to turn on/off theanswering system.Handset1To turn on:MMENUN#327To turn off:MMENUN#3282MOFFNNote for base unit and handset:RWhen the answering system is turned on:– The ANSWER ON/OFF indicator on thebase unit lights up.– The message counter on the base unitdisplays the total number of messages(old and new).Call screeningWhile a caller is leaving a message, you canlisten to the call through the unit’s speaker.HandsetTo adjust the speaker volume, press MjN orMkN repeatedly. You can answer the call bypressing MN. Call screening can be set foreach handset. The default setting is “On”.1MMENUN#3102MbN: Select the desired setting. aMSAVEN a MOFFNBase unit*1*1 KX-TG7741 series: page 3To adjust the speaker volume, press MjN orMkN repeatedly. You can answer the call bypressing MSP-PHONEN.To turn off while screening a call, press MkNrepeatedly until the sounds goes off.RIf you adjust the speaker volume whilelistening to messages or having aconversation, the speaker volume for callscreening is turned on again.For assistance, please visit 49Answering System for LandlineTG7731_41_(en-en)_1109_ver.020.p49   49 2011/11/09   19:25:59
Greeting messageWhen the unit answers a call, a greetingmessage is played to callers.You can use either:– your own greeting message– a pre-recorded greeting messageRecording your greeting message1MMENUN#3022MbN: “Yes” a MSELECTN3After a beep sounds, hold the handsetabout 20 cm (8 inches) away and speakclearly into the microphone (2 minutesmax.).4Press MSTOPN to stop recording.5MOFFNUsing a pre-recorded greetingmessageThe unit provides 2 pre-recorded greetingmessages:– If you erase or do not record your owngreeting message, the unit plays apre-recorded greeting asking callers toleave a message.– If the message recording time (page 53)is set to “Greeting only”, callers’messages are not recorded and the unitplays a different pre-recorded greetingmessage asking callers to call again.Resetting to a pre-recorded greetingmessageIf you want to use a pre-recorded greetingmessage once you record your own greetingmessage, you need to erase your owngreeting message.1MMENUN#3042MYESN a MOFFNPlaying back the greetingmessage1MMENUN#3032To exit, press MOFFN.Listening to messagesusing the base unitWhen new messages have been recorded,M N on the base unit flashes.Press M N (PLAY).RIf new messages have been recorded, thebase unit plays back new messages.RIf there are no new messages, the baseunit plays back all messages.Operating the answering systemduring playbackKey OperationMjN or MkNAdjust the speaker volumeM N Repeat message*1M N Skip messageMnN (STOP) Stop playbackMERASENErase currently playingmessage*1 If pressed within the first 5 seconds of amessage, the previous message isplayed.Erasing all messagesPress MERASEN 2 times while the unit is not inuse.Listening to messagesusing the handsetWhen new messages have been recorded:–“New message” is displayed.50 For assistance, please visit System for LandlineTG7731_41_(en-en)_1109_ver.020.p50   50 2011/11/09   19:26:00
– The message indicator on the handsetflashes slowly if the message alert featureis turned on (page 53).1To listen to new messages:MMENUN#323To listen to all messages:MMENUN#3242When finished, press MOFFN.Note:RTo switch to the receiver, press MN.Operating the answering systemMMENUN a MbN: “Answering device” aMSELECTNKey OperationMjN or MkNAdjust the receiver/speakervolume(during playback)1 or MFNRepeat message(during playback)*12 or MENSkip message(during playback)3Enter the “Settings” menu4Play new messages5Play all messages6Play greeting message76 Record greeting message8Turn answering system onMPAUSENPause message*29 orMSTOPNStop recordingStop playback0Turn answering system off*4*3 Erase currently playingmessage*5 Erase all messages*6 Reset to a pre-recordedgreeting message*1 If pressed within the first 5 seconds of amessage, the previous message isplayed.*2 To resume playback:MbN: “Playback” a MSELECTN*3 You can also erase as follows:MERASEN a MbN: “Yes” a MSELECTNCalling back (Caller IDsubscribers only)If caller information is received for the call, youcan call the caller back while listening to amessage.1Press MPAUSEN during playback.2MbN: “Call back” a MSELECTNEditing the number before calling back1Press MPAUSEN during playback.2MbN: “Edit & Call” a MSELECTN3Press MEDITN repeatedly until the phonenumber is shown in the desired format(page 44). a MNRTo call back using a cellular line,continue from step 2, “Making cellularcalls”, page 22.Erasing all messages1MMENUN#3252MbN: “Yes” a MSELECTN a MOFFNRemote operationUsing a touch-tone phone, you can call yourphone number from outside and access theunit to listen to messages or changeanswering system settings. The unit’s voiceguidance prompts you to press certain dialkeys to perform different operations.Remote access codeA 3-digit remote access code must be enteredwhen operating the answering systemremotely. This code prevents unauthorizedparties from listening to your messagesremotely. The default setting is “111”.For assistance, please visit 51Answering System for LandlineTG7731_41_(en-en)_1109_ver.020.p51   51 2011/11/09   19:26:00
Important:RTo prevent unauthorized access to thisproduct, we recommend that you regularlychange the remote code.1MMENUN#3062Enter the desired 3-digit remote accesscode.3MSAVEN a MOFFNDeactivating remote operationPress * in step 2 on “Remote access code”,page 51.RThe entered remote access code is deleted.Using the answering systemremotely1Dial your landline phone number from atouch-tone phone.2After the greeting message starts, enteryour remote access code.3Follow the voice guidance prompts asnecessary or control the unit usingremote commands (page 52).4When finished, hang up.Voice guidancenWhen the English voice guidance isselectedDuring remote operation, the unit’s voiceguidance starts and prompts you to press1 to perform a specific operation, orpress 2 to listen to more availableoperations.nWhen the Spanish voice guidance isselectedTo start the voice guidance, press 9. Thevoice guidance announces the availableremote commands (page 52).Note:RIf you do not press any dial keys within 10seconds after a voice guidance prompt, theunit disconnects your call.Remote commandsYou can press dial keys to access certainanswering system functions without waiting forthe voice guidance to prompt you.Key Operation1Repeat message(during playback)*12Skip message(during playback)4Play new messages5Play all messages9Stop playback*2Start voice guidance*30Turn answering system off*4 Erase currently playing message*5 Erase all messages*# End remote operation(or hang up)*1 If pressed within the first 5 seconds of amessage, the previous message isplayed.*2 For English voice guidance only*3 For Spanish voice guidance onlyTurning on the answering systemremotelyIf the answering system is off, you can turn iton remotely.1Dial your phone number from atouch-tone phone.2Let the phone ring 15 times.RA long beep is heard.3Enter your remote access code within 10seconds after the long beep.RThe greeting message is played back.RYou can either hang up, or enter yourremote access code again and beginremote operation (page 51).52 For assistance, please visit System for LandlineTG7731_41_(en-en)_1109_ver.020.p52   52 2011/11/09   19:26:00
Answering system settingsNumber of rings before the unitanswers a callYou can change the number of times thephone rings “Ring count” before the unitanswers calls. You can select 2 to 7 rings, or“Toll saver”.The default setting is “4 rings”.“Toll saver”: The unit’s answering systemanswers at the end of the 2nd ring when newmessages have been recorded, or at the endof the 5th ring when there are no newmessages. If you call your phone from outsideto listen to new messages (page 51), youknow that there are no new messages whenthe phone rings for the 3rd time. You can thenhang up without being charged for the call.1MMENUN#2112MbN: Select the desired setting. aMSAVEN a MOFFNFor voice mail service subscribersIf you subscribe to a flat-rate service packagethat includes Caller ID, call waiting, voice mail,and unlimited local/regional/long distancecalls, please note the following:RTo use the voice mail service provided byyour service provider/telephone companyrather than the unit’s answering system,turn off the answering system (page 49).RTo use this unit’s answering system ratherthan the voice mail service provided byyour service provider/telephone company,please contact your service provider/telephone company to deactivate yourvoice mail service.If your service provider/telephone companycannot do this:– Set this unit’s “Ring count” setting sothat this unit’s answering systemanswers calls before the voice mailservice of your service provider/telephone company does. It is necessaryto check the number of rings required toactivate the voice mail service providedby your service provider/telephonecompany before changing this setting.– Change the number of rings of the voicemail service so that the answeringsystem can answer the call first. To doso, contact your service provider/telephone company.Caller’s recording timeYou can change the maximum messagerecording time allowed for each caller. Thedefault setting is “3 min”.1MMENUN#3052MbN: Select the desired setting. aMSAVEN a MOFFNSelecting “Greeting only”You can select “Greeting only” which setsthe unit to announce a greeting message tocallers but not record messages.Select “Greeting only” in step 2 on“Caller’s recording time”, page 53.Note:RWhen you select “Greeting only”:– If you do not record your own message,the unit will play the pre-recordedgreeting-only message asking callers tocall again later.– If you use your own message, record thegreeting-only message asking callers tocall again later (page 50).Message alertYou can select whether or not the messageindicator on the handset flashes slowly whennew messages are recorded. The defaultsetting is “On”.Important:RIf you stored the voice mail access number(page 55), the message indicator alsoflashes for newly recorded voice mailmessages from the landline (page 56).1MMENUN#3402MbN: Select the desired setting. aMSAVEN a MOFFNFor assistance, please visit 53Answering System for LandlineTG7731_41_(en-en)_1109_ver.020.p53   53 2011/11/09   19:26:00
Note:RWhile message alert is on, batteryoperating time is shortened (page 12).54 For assistance, please visit System for LandlineTG7731_41_(en-en)_1109_ver.020.p54   54 2011/11/09   19:26:00
Voice mail service forlandlineVoice mail is an automatic answering serviceoffered by your service provider/telephonecompany. After you subscribe to this service,your service provider/telephone company’svoice mail system answers calls for you whenyou are unavailable to answer the phone orwhen your line is busy. Messages arerecorded by your service provider/telephonecompany, not your telephone. Please contactyour service provider/telephone company fordetails of this service.Important:RTo use the voice mail service provided byyour service provider/telephone companyrather than the unit’s answering system,turn off the answering system (page 49).For details, see page 53.RYou need to store the voice mail accessnumber to activate the message alertfeature (page 53) for voice mail service.Storing the voice mail (VM)access numberIn order to listen to your voice mail messages,you must dial your service provider/telephonecompany’s voice mail access number. Onceyou have stored your voice mail accessnumber, you can dial it automatically(page 56).1MMENUN#3312Enter your access number (24 digitsmax.). a MSAVEN a MOFFNNote:RWhen storing your voice mail accessnumber and your mailbox password, pressMPAUSEN to add pauses (page 22)between the access number and thepassword as necessary. Contact yourservice provider/telephone company for therequired pause time.Example:1-222-333-4444VM access numberPauses PasswordPPPP 8888To erase the voice mail accessnumber1MMENUN#3312Press and hold MCLEARN until all digitsare erased. a MSAVEN a MOFFNVoice mail (VM) tone detectionHandset / Base unit*1*1 KX-TG7741 series: page 3Your service provider/telephone companysends special signals (sometimes called“voice mail tones” or “stutter tones”) to the unitto let you know you have new voice mailmessages. If you hear a series of dial tonesfollowed by a continuous dial tone after youpress MN on the handset or pressMSP-PHONEN on the base unit, you have newvoice mail messages. Soon after you hang upa call or after the phone stops ringing, yourunit checks the phone line to see if new voicemail messages have been recorded.Turn this feature off when:– You do not subscribe to voice mail service.– Your service provider/telephone companydoes not send voice mail tones.– Your phone is connected to a PBX.If you are not sure which setting is required,contact your service provider/telephonecompany.Turning VM tone detection on/offThe default setting is “On”.1MMENUN#3322MbN: Select the desired setting. aMSAVEN a MOFFNFor assistance, please visit 55Voice Mail Service for LandlineTG7731_41_(en-en)_1109_ver.020.p55   55 2011/11/09   19:26:00
Listening to voice mail messagesThe unit lets you know that you have newvoice mail messages in the following ways:–“New Voice Mail” is displayed on thehandset if message indication service isavailable.– The message indicator on the handsetflashes slowly if the message alert featureis turned on (“Message alert”, page 53).Handset1MMENUN#330RThe speakerphone turns on.2Follow the pre-recorded instructions.3When finished, press MOFFN.Note:RIf the handset still indicate there are newmessages even after you have listened toall new messages, turn it off by pressingand holding # until the handset beeps.Base unit*1*1 KX-TG7741 series: page 3To listen to voice mail messages, you have todial your voice mail access number manually.56 For assistance, please visit Mail Service for LandlineTG7731_41_(en-en)_1109_ver.020.p56   56 2011/11/09   19:26:00
IntercomIntercom calls can be made:– between handsets– between a handset and the base unit*1*1 KX-TG7741 series: page 3Note:RWhen paging unit(s), the paged unit(s)beeps for 1 minute.RIf you receive an outside call while talkingon the intercom, you hear 2 tones.– To answer the call with the handset,press MOFFN, then press MN.– To answer the call with the base unit,press MSP-PHONEN 2 times.*1*1 KX-TG7741 series: page 3Making an intercom callHandset1MMENUN a MINTN2MbN: Select the desired unit. a MSELECTNRTo stop paging, press MOFFN.3When you finish talking, press MOFFN.Base unit*1*1 KX-TG7741 series: page 31Press MINTERCOMN.RTo page a specific handset, enter thehandset number.RTo page all handsets, press 0 or waitfor a few seconds.RTo stop paging, press MINTERCOMN.2When you finish talking, pressMINTERCOMN.Answering an intercom callHandset1Press MN to answer the page.2When you finish talking, press MOFFN.Base unit*1*1 KX-TG7741 series: page 31Press MINTERCOMN to answer the page.2When you finish talking, pressMINTERCOMN.Handset locatorYou can locate a misplaced handset bypaging it.1Base unit:Press MLOCATORN.RAll registered handsets beep for 1minute.2To stop paging:Base unit:Press MLOCATORN.Handset:n KX-TG7731 series: page 3Press MOFFN.n KX-TG7741 series: page 3Press MN, then press MOFFN.For assistance, please visit 57Intercom/LocatorTG7731_41_(en-en)_1109_ver.020.p57   57 2011/11/09   19:26:00
Transferring calls,conference callsOutside calls can be transferred or aconference call with an outside party can bemade:– between 2 handsets– between a handset and the base unit*1*1 KX-TG7741 series: page 3Handset1During an outside call, press MINTN to putthe call on hold.2MbN: Select the desired unit. a MSELECTN3Wait for the paged party to answer.RIf the paged party does not answer,press MN to return to the outside call.4To complete the transfer:Press MOFFN.RThe outside call is being routed to thedestination unit.To establish a conference call:MMENUN a MbN: “Conference” aMSELECTNRTo leave the conference, press MOFFN.The other 2 parties can continue theconversation.RTo put the outside call on hold:MMENUN a MbN: “Hold” aMSELECTNTo resume the conference: MMENUNa MbN: “Conference” a MSELECTNBase unit*1*1 KX-TG7741 series: page 31During an outside call, pressMINTERCOMN.RTo page a specific handset, enter thehandset number.RTo page all handsets, press 0 or waitfor a few seconds.2Wait for the paged party to answer.RIf paged party does not answer, pressMINTERCOMN to return to the outsidecall.3To complete the transfer:Press MSP-PHONEN.RThe outside call is being routed to thehandset.To establish a conference call:Press MCONFN.RTo leave the conference, pressMSP-PHONEN. The other 2 parties cancontinue the conversation.RTo put the outside call on hold, pressMHOLDN. To resume the conference,press MCONFN.Answering a transferred callHandsetPress M N to answer the page.Base unit*1*1 KX-TG7741 series: page 3Press MSP-PHONEN to answer the page.58 For assistance, please visit   58 2011/11/09   19:26:00
Wall mountingNote:RMake sure that the wall and the fixingmethod are strong enough to support theweight of the unit.Base unit1Thread the AC adaptor cord andtelephone line cord through the hole inthe wall mounting adaptor in the directionof the arrow.2Tuck the telephone line cord inside thewall mounting adaptor (A). Connect theAC adaptor cord and telephone line cord(B).ABHookAC adaptor cord3Insert the hooks on the wall mountingadaptor into holes   and   on the baseunit.21214Adjust the adaptor to hold the base unit,then push it in the direction of the arrowuntil it clicks into place.For assistance, please visit 59Useful InformationTG7731_41_(en-en)_1109_ver.020.p59   59 2011/11/09   19:26:00
5Mount the unit on a wall then slide downto secure in place.AC adaptor cord83 mm (31/4 inches)or102 mm (4 inches)12Wall phone plate83 mm(3 1/4 inches) 102 mm(4 inches)21To remove the wall mounting adaptorWhile pushing down the release levers (A),remove the adaptor (B).AABChargerDrive the screws (not supplied) into the wall.25.4 mm(1 inch)ScrewsHooks60 For assistance, please visit InformationTG7731_41_(en-en)_1109_ver.020.p60   60 2011/11/09   19:26:00
Error messagesDisplay message Cause/solutionBase no powerorNo link. Re-connect baseAC adaptor.RThe handset has lost communication with the baseunit. Move closer to the base unit and try again.RUnplug the base unit’s AC adaptor to reset the unit.Reconnect the adaptor and try again.RThe handset’s registration may have been canceled.Re-register the handset (page 42).Busy RNo cellular phone is registered to the base unit.Register a cellular phone (page 18).RThe called unit is in use.ROther units are in use and the system is busy. Tryagain later.RThe handset you are using is too far from the baseunit. Move closer and try again.Call phone company foryour access #RYou have not stored the voice mail access number.Store the number (page 55).Check tel line RThe supplied telephone line cord has not beenconnected yet or not connected properly. Check theconnections (page 11).RIf you do not connect the telephone line cord and useonly cellular lines, set the cellular line only mode(page 20).Error!! RRecording was too short. Try again.RSomeone is using a cellular line or headset. Tryagain later.RThe phonebook copy is incomplete (page 46). Thecellular phone is disconnected from the base unit.Make sure that other Bluetooth devices are notconnected to the cellular phone, and try again.Failed RAlthough the unit tried to connect to the cellularphone or headset, the connection has been failed.– Someone is using a cellular line or headset. Tryagain later.– Make sure that the cellular phone or headset isnot connected to other Bluetooth devices.Invalid RThere is no handset registered to the base unitmatching the handset number you entered.RThe handset is not registered to the base unit.Register the handset (page 42).Requires subscription toCaller ID.RYou must subscribe to a Caller ID service. Once youreceive caller information after subscribing to a CallerID service, this message will not be displayed.For assistance, please visit 61Useful InformationTG7731_41_(en-en)_1109_ver.020.p61   61 2011/11/09   19:26:00
Display message Cause/solutionUse rechargeable battery. RA wrong type of battery such as Alkaline orManganese was inserted. Use only the rechargeableNi-MH batteries noted on page 5, 8.TroubleshootingIf you still have difficulties after following the instructions in this section, disconnect the base unit’sAC adaptor, then reconnect the base unit’s AC adaptor. Remove the batteries from the handset,and then insert the batteries into the handset again.General useProblem Cause/solutionThe handset does not turn oneven after installing chargedbatteries.RPlace the handset on the base unit or charger to turn onthe handset.The unit does not work. RMake sure the batteries are installed correctly (page 11).RFully charge the batteries (page 12).RCheck the connections (page 11).RUnplug the base unit’s AC adaptor to reset the unit.Reconnect the adaptor and try again.RThe handset has not been registered to the base unit.Register the handset (page 42).I cannot register a cellularphone to the base unit.RDepending on the compatibility of the cellular phone, youmay not be able to register it to the base unit. Confirm thatyour cellular phone supports the hands-free profile (HFP)specification.RConfirm that the Bluetooth feature of your cellular phoneis turned on. You may need to turn this feature ondepending on your cellular phone.RThe Bluetooth technology on your cellular phone may notbe functioning normally. Turn off and on your cellularphone.RIf your cellular phone is already connected to anotherBluetooth device such as a Bluetooth headset, turn it offor disconnect it from your cellular phone.RSome cellular phones may require you to enter the baseunit PIN to register. Confirm that you entered the correctPIN.62 For assistance, please visit InformationTG7731_41_(en-en)_1109_ver.020.p62   62 2011/11/09   19:26:00
Problem Cause/solutionI cannot connect a cellularphone to the base unit.RConfirm that your cellular phone is turned on.RConfirm that your cellular phone is within base unit range(page 15).RDepending on the state of the wireless environment, suchas the presence of any electrical interference, there maybe a delay even if the auto connection feature is turnedon. You can connect to the base unit manually (page 20).RThe cellular phone has not been registered to the baseunit. Register the cellular phone (page 18).I cannot hear a dial tone. RMake sure the base unit’s AC adaptor is connectedproperly (page 11).RMake sure that the CELL 1 or CELL 2 indicator lightsgreen (page 16).RMake sure the telephone line cord is connected properly(page 11).RDisconnect the base unit from the telephone line andconnect the line to a known working telephone. If theworking telephone operates properly, contact our servicepersonnel to have the unit repaired. If the workingtelephone does not operate properly, contact your serviceprovider/telephone company.The indicator on the handsetflashes slowly.RNew messages have been recorded. Listen to the newmessages (page 50).RNew voice mail messages have been recorded. Listen tothe new voice mail messages (page 56).The receiver volume ischanged to level 4 (default),even though I set it to level 5(maximum level).RThe receiver volume returns to level 4 after you hang up.Press MjN or MkN to adjust the volume every time or asneeded.Programmable settingsProblem Cause/solutionThe display is in a language Icannot read.RChange the display language (page 17).I cannot register a handset to abase unit.RThe maximum number of handsets (6) is alreadyregistered to the base unit. Cancel unused handsetregistrations from the base unit (page 42).Battery rechargeProblem Cause/solutionThe handset beeps and/or flashes.RBattery charge is low. Fully charge the batteries (page 12).For assistance, please visit 63Useful InformationTG7731_41_(en-en)_1109_ver.020.p63   63 2011/11/09   19:26:00
Problem Cause/solutionI fully charged the batteries, but– still flashes,– is displayed, or– the operating time seems tobe shorter.RClean the battery ends ( ,  ) and the charge contactswith a dry cloth and charge again.RIt is time to replace the batteries (page 11).Making/answering calls, intercomProblem Cause/solution is displayed. RThe handset is too far from the base unit. Move closer.RThe base unit’s AC adaptor is not properly connected.Reconnect AC adaptor to the base unit.RThe handset is not registered to the base unit. Register it(page 42).Noise is heard, sound cuts inand out.RYou are using the handset or base unit in an area withhigh electrical interference. Re-position the base unit anduse the handset away from sources of interference.RMove closer to the base unit.RIf you use a DSL/ADSL service, we recommendconnecting a DSL/ADSL filter between the base unit andthe telephone line jack. Contact your DSL/ADSL providerfor details.The handset or base unit doesnot ring.RThe ringer volume is turned off. Adjust the ringer volume(page 35, 37).RWhen one handset is selected to ring for cellular calls,other units do not ring. To change the selection, seepage 19.RSilent mode is turned on for the handset. Turn it off(page 40).I cannot make local calls withthe handset or base unit usinga cellular line.RYou need to add your area code when making cellularcalls. Store your area code in order to automatically add itto the beginning of the 7-digit phone number whenmaking cellular calls (page 21).I cannot make or answercellular calls with the handsetor base unit.RDepending on the cellular phone’s compatibility, you maynot be able to make or answer cellular calls even if thecellular phone is connected to the base unit.RMake sure that the CELL 1 or CELL 2 indicator lightsgreen and the cellular phone is connected to the base unit(page 20).RIf someone is talking on a cellular call or using theheadset, you cannot use the cellular feature. There canbe only one active Bluetooth connection at a time.RThe cellular phone is being used separately from yoursystem.64 For assistance, please visit InformationTG7731_41_(en-en)_1109_ver.020.p64   64 2011/11/09   19:26:00
Problem Cause/solutionI can make and answer cellularcalls but cannot hear a sound.RThe Bluetooth technology on your cellular phone may notbe functioning normally. Turn off and on your cellularphone.RDisconnect and reconnect the base unit AC adaptor andtry again.I cannot switch cellular callsfrom the unit to the cellularphone.RYour cellular phone may not support this feature. Refer tothe operating instructions of your cellular phone.I cannot make a call using thelandline.RThe dialing mode may be set incorrectly. Change thesetting (page 17).RThe cellular line only mode is turned on. Turn it off(page 20).I cannot make long distancecalls.RMake sure that you have long distance service.Caller ID/Talking Caller IDProblem Cause/solutionCaller information is notdisplayed.RYou must subscribe to Caller ID service. Contact yourservice provider/telephone company for details.RIf your unit is connected to any additional telephoneequipment such as a Caller ID box or cordless telephoneline jack, plug the unit directly into the wall jack.RIf you use a DSL/ADSL service, we recommendconnecting a DSL/ADSL filter between the base unit andthe telephone line jack. Contact your DSL/ADSL providerfor details.RThe name display service for landline calls may not beavailable in some areas. Contact your service provider/telephone company for details.ROther telephone equipment may be interfering with thisunit. Disconnect the other equipment and try again.Caller information is displayedor announced late.RDepending on your service provider/telephone company,the unit may display or announce the caller’s informationat the 2nd ring or later.RMove closer to the base unit.For assistance, please visit 65Useful InformationTG7731_41_(en-en)_1109_ver.020.p65   65 2011/11/09   19:26:00
Problem Cause/solutionCaller information is notannounced.RThe handset or base unit’s ringer volume is turned off.Adjust it (page 23, 28, 35, 37).RWhen one handset is selected to ring for cellular calls,other units do not announce caller information. To changethe selection, see page 19.RThe Talking Caller ID feature is turned off. Turn it on(page 37).RThe ring as cell mode is set to “On (without TalkingCID)”. To change the mode, see page 19.RThe number of rings for the answering system is set to “2rings” or “Toll saver”. Select a different setting(page 53).RYour unit does not announce caller information if– the base unit or 2 or more handsets are on a call.– a headset is in use.The caller list/incoming phonenumbers are not editedautomatically.RThe Caller ID number auto edit feature is turned off. Turnit on and try again (page 38).RYou need to call back the edited number to activate CallerID number auto edit.I cannot dial the phone numberedited in the caller list.RThe phone number you dialed might have been editedincorrectly (for example, the long distance “1” or the areacode is missing). Edit the phone number with anotherpattern (page 44).Time on the unit has shifted. RIncorrect time information from incoming Caller IDchanges the time. Set the time adjustment to“Manual” (off) (page 36).The 2nd caller’s information isnot displayed during an outsidecall.RIn order to use Caller ID, call waiting, or Call WaitingCaller ID (CWID), you must first contact your serviceprovider/telephone company and subscribe to the desiredservice.After subscribing, you may need to contact your serviceprovider/telephone company again to activate this specificservice, even if you already subscribed to both Caller IDand Call Waiting with Caller ID services (CWID).66 For assistance, please visit InformationTG7731_41_(en-en)_1109_ver.020.p66   66 2011/11/09   19:26:00
Using Bluetooth devicesProblem Cause/solutionI cannot copy phonebookentries from a cellular phone.RConfirm that the cellular phone supports Bluetoothwireless technology.RConfirm that the cellular phone supports the Phone BookAccess Profile (PBAP) or Object Push Profile (OPP)specification.RIf the cellular phone is already connected to anotherBluetooth device such as a Bluetooth headset, turn it offor disconnect it from the cellular phone.RSomeone is using a cellular line or headset. Try againlater.RTurn the cellular phone off, then turn it on and try again.RIf an entry is already stored in the unit’s sharedphonebook, the entry cannot be copied even by selectinganother group.I cannot have a conversationusing the headset.RYour Bluetooth headset is not registered. Register it(page 47).RTurn your headset off, then turn it on and try again.Noise is heard during a call onthe headset.RA Bluetooth headset can communicate with the base unitwithin a range of approximately 10 m (33 feet). Theconnection may be subject to interference fromobstructions such as walls or electronic devices. Movecloser to the base unit.I cannot connect my headset tothe base unit.RConfirm that your headset is turned on.RIf your headset is already connected to another Bluetoothdevice such as your cellular phone, disconnect theheadset from your cellular phone, then perform theconnecting procedure from the base unit.RIf someone is using a cellular line, you cannot connect theheadset. There can be only one active Bluetoothconnection at a time.RThe headset has not been registered to the base unit.Register the headset (page 47).Some headset enhancedfeatures are not available.RThe base unit does not support enhanced features suchas Last number redial or Call reject.An error tone is heard when Itry to program the Bluetoothfeature.RThe bluetooth feature cannot be accessed immediatelyafter connecting the AC adaptor to the base unit. Wait afew seconds and try again.RThe headset has not connected to the base unit yet, eventhough you performed the connecting procedure setting.Wait a few seconds and try again.For assistance, please visit 67Useful InformationTG7731_41_(en-en)_1109_ver.020.p67   67 2011/11/09   19:26:01
Answering systemProblem Cause/solutionThe unit does not record newmessages.RThe answering system is turned off. Turn it on (page 49).RThe answering system does not answer or record callsfrom cellular lines.RThe message memory is full. Erase unnecessarymessages (page 50).RThe recording time is set to “Greeting only”. Changethe setting (page 53).RIf you subscribe to a voice mail service, messages arerecorded by your service provider/telephone company,not your telephone. Change the unit’s number of ringssetting or contact your service provider/telephonecompany (page 53).RThe answering system will not answer incoming callswhile:– the base unit or 2 or more handsets are on a cellularcall or an intercom call.– a headset is in use.Caller information is recorded in the caller list.I cannot operate the answeringsystem remotely.RThe remote access code is not set. Set the remoteaccess code (page 51).RYou are entering the wrong remote access code. If youhave forgotten your remote access code, enter theremote access code setting to check your current code(page 51).RThe answering system is turned off. Turn it on (page 52).RYou cannot operate the answering system when calling acellular phone registered to the base unit.Bluetooth PINProblem Cause/solutionI cannot remember the PIN. RChange the PIN using the following method.1MMENUN#6192*70003Enter the new 4-digit PIN. a MOKN4Enter the new 4-digit PIN again. a MSAVEN a MOFFN68 For assistance, please visit InformationTG7731_41_(en-en)_1109_ver.020.p68   68 2011/11/09   19:26:01
Liquid damageProblem Cause/solutionLiquid or other form of moisturehas entered the handset/baseunit.RDisconnect the AC adaptor and telephone line cord fromthe base unit. Remove the batteries from the handset andleave to dry for at least 3 days. After the handset/baseunit are completely dry, reconnect the AC adaptor andtelephone line cord. Insert the batteries and charge fullybefore use. If the unit does not work properly, contact anauthorized service center.Caution:RTo avoid permanent damage, do not use a microwave oven to speed up the drying process.For assistance, please visit 69Useful InformationTG7731_41_(en-en)_1109_ver.020.p69   69 2011/11/09   19:26:01
FCC and other informationThis equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC rules and the requirements adopted by the ACTA. On the bottom of this equipment is a label that contains, among other information, a product identifier in the format US:ACJ----------.If requested, this number must be provided to the telephone company.L Registration No.............(found on the bottom of the unit)L Ringer Equivalence No. (REN).......0.1BA plug and jack used to connect this equipment to the premises wiring and telephone network must comply with the applicable FCC Part 68 rules and requirements adopted by the ACTA. A compliant telephone cord and modular plug is provided with the product. It is designed to be connected to a compatible modular jack that is also compliant.The REN is used to determine the number of devices that may be connected to a telephone line. Excessive RENs on a telephone line may result in the devices not ringing in response to an incoming call. In most but not all areas, the sum of RENs should not exceed five (5.0). To be certain of the number of devices that may be connected to a line, as determined by the total RENs, contact the local telephone company. For products approved after July 23, 2001, the REN for the product is part of the product identifier that has the format US:AAAEQ##TXXXX. The digits represented by ## are the REN without a decimal point (e.g., 03 is a REN of 0.3).If this equipment causes harm to the telephone network, the telephone company will notify you in advance that temporary discontinuance of service may be required. But if advance notice isn't practical, the telephone company will notify the customer as soon as possible. Also, you will beadvised of your right to file a complaint with the FCC if you believe it is necessary.The telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operations or procedures that could affect the operation of the equipment. If this happens the telephone company will provide advance notice in order for you to make necessary modifications to maintain uninterrupted service.If trouble is experienced with this equipment, for repair or warranty information, please contact a Factory Service Center or other Authorized Servicer. If the equipment is causing harm to the telephone network, the telephone company may request that you disconnect the equipment until the problem is resolved.Connection to party line service is subject to state tariffs. Contact the state public utility commission, public service commission or corporation commission for information.If your home has specially wired alarm equipment connected to the telephone line, ensure the installation of this equipment does not disable your alarm equipment. If you have questions about what will disable alarm equipment, consult your telephone company or a qualified installer.This equipment is hearing aid compatible as defined by the FCC in 47 CFR Section 68.316.When you hold the phone to your ear, noise might be heard in your Hearing Aid. Some Hearing Aids are not adequately shielded from external RF (radio frequency) energy. If  noise occurs, use an optional headset accessory or the speakerphone option (if applicable) when using this phone. Consult with your audiologist or Hearing Aid70 For assistance, please visit InformationTG7731_41_(en-en)_1109_ver.020.p70   70 2011/11/09   19:26:01
manufacturer about the availability of Hearing Aids which provide adequate shielding to RF energy commonly emitted by digital devices.WHEN PROGRAMMING EMERGENCY NUMBERS AND(OR) MAKING TEST CALLS TO EMERGENCY NUMBERS:1) Remain on the line and briefly explain to the dispatcher the reason for the call.2) Perform such activities in the off-peak hours, such as early morning or late evenings.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Privacy of communications may not be ensured when using this phone.CAUTION:Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate this device.NOTE:This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined byturning the equipment off and on, the user isencouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:– Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.– Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.– Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.– Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Some cordless telephones operate at frequencies that may cause interference to nearby TVs and VCRs. To minimize or prevent such interference, the base of the cordless telephone should not be placed near or on top of a TV or VCR. If  interference is experienced, move the cordless telephone further away from the TV or VCR. This will often reduce or eliminate interference.FCC RF Exposure Warning:L This product complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. L To comply with FCC RF exposure requirements, the base unit must be installed and operated 20 cm (8 inches) or more between the product and all person’s body (excluding extremities of hands, wrist and feet). L This product may not be collocated or operated in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.L The handset may be carried and operated with only the specific provided belt-clip. Other non-tested belt-clips or similar body-worn accessories may not comply and must be avoided.NoticeL FCC ID can be found inside the battery     compartment or on the bottom of the units.For assistance, please visit 71Useful InformationTG7731_41_(en-en)_1109_ver.020.p71   71 2011/11/09   19:26:01
Compliance with TIA-1083 standard: Telephone handsets identified with this logo have reduced noise and interference when used with T-Coil equipped hearing aids and cochlear implants.TCompatible withHearing Aid T-CoilTIA-108372 For assistance, please visit InformationTG7731_41_(en-en)_1109_ver.020.p72   72 2011/11/09   19:26:01
Guía Rápida EspañolaInstalaciónCARGUE APROXIMADAMENTE DURANTE 7 HORASAuricularCargadorUnidad baseL UTILICE SOLO baterías de Ni-MH tamaño AAA (R03).L NO utilice baterías Alcalinas, de Manganeso o de Ni-Cd.L Compruebe que las polaridades son las correctas (S, T).LUse solo el adaptador de corriente Panasonic PNLV226 incluido. A la toma de corrienteCorrecto IncorrectoL Use solo el adaptador de corriente Panasonic PNLV226 incluido.*Requiere un filtro DSL/ADSL (no incluido) si tiene este tipo de servicio.A la toma de teléfono de línea única (RJ11C)“Clic”Filtro DSL/ADSL*Gancho“Clic”Oprima firmemente el contacto. A la toma de corrienteSOLO baterías Ni-MH recargables Confirme que aparezca “Cargando”.Para obtener ayuda, visite (solo en ingls) 73Guía Rápida Española TG7731_41_(en-en)_1109_ver.020.p73   73 2011/11/09   19:26:01
Sugerencias de operaciónTeclas de funciónEl auricular incluye 3 teclas de función. Al oprimir una tecla de función, puede seleccionar la función que aparece directamente encima de ella en la pantalla.{C}, {MENU}, {CEL.} y otras funciones adicionales se asignan a las teclas de función. Preste atención a la pantalla para ver qué funciones están asignadas a las teclas de función durante la operación del auricular.Tecla de volumenOprima {+} o {-} repetidamente para ajustar el volumen del receptor o del altavoz mientras habla.Tecla navegadora{^}, {V}, {<}, o {>}: Navegue por diversas listas y elementos.{<} CID (identificador de llamadas): Vea la lista de personas que llamaron.{>} REDIAL (Remarcación): Vea la lista de remarcación.Cambio de idiomas (predeterminado: “English”) (Auricular)Cuando instale las baterías por primera vez, es posible que aparezca “Date and time Press SELECT”.Oprima {OFF} para salir.Idioma de la pantalla{MENU} (11) s {r}: “Español” s {GUARDA} s {OFF}Idioma de la guía de voz{MENU} (112 s {r}: Fecha y hora (Auricular)1{MENU} (1)12Introduzca el día, mes y año actuales. s {OK}3Introduzca la hora y minuto actuales (formato de reloj de 24 horas).4{GUARDA} s {OFF}Cómo grabar el mensaje de saludo del contestador de llamadas para la línea terrestre (Auricular)Si utiliza un mensaje de saludo pregrabado, no es necesario que grabe su propio mensaje de saludo.1{MENU} (3)2 s {r}: “Sí” s {SELEC.}2Después de que suene un pitido, sostenga el auricular a una distancia aproximada de 20 cm (8 pulgadas) y hable con claridad en el micrófono (máx. de 2 minutos).3Oprima {ALTO} para dejar de grabar. s {OFF}CEL.FLASH/CALL WAITSP-PHONECIDREDIALVOL.{V}{^}{<}{>}“Español” s {GUARDA} s {OFF}74 Para obtener ayuda, visite (solo en ingls) Guía Rápida EspañolaTG7731_41_(en-en)_1109_ver.020.p74   74 2011/11/09   19:26:01
Enlace a celularPuede usar la unidad para hacer o contestar llamadas usando una línea de teléfono celular. Sus teléfonos celulares deben tener tecnología inalámbrica Bluetooth® compatible con este producto. Para obtener más detalles, visite nuestro sitio web: su teléfono celular cerca de la unidad base. Si su teléfono celular está demasiado cerca de la unidad base durante la llamada celular, es posible que escuche ruido. Para un mejor funcionamiento, le recomendamos que coloque su teléfono celular de 0.6 m a 3 m (2 pies a 10 pies) de la unidad base.Cómo registrar un teléfono celular con Bluetooth1Auricular:Para CELL 1: {MENU} (6241Para CELL 2: {MENU} (6242LDespués de que el indicador de CELL 1 o CELL 2 comience a parpadear en rojo en la unidad base, el resto del procedimiento debe completarse en menos de 5 minutos.2Su teléfono celular:Mientras el indicador de CELL 1 o CELL 2 está parpadeando en rojo, siga las instrucciones de su teléfono celular para entrar al modo de registro.LDependiendo de su teléfono celular, es posible que le pida que introduzca el NIP de la unidad base (predeterminado: “0000”).3Auricular:Espere a que se emita un pitido largo.LEs posible que tarde más de 10 segundos en completar el registro.LCuando el indicador de CELL 1 o CELL 2 se ilumina en verde, esto significa que el teléfono celular está conectado a la unidad base. Ya está listo para hacer llamadas regulares de celular.4Para seleccionar qué unidad recibe llamadas para la línea celular (predeterminado: “Todo”):{OK} s {r}: Seleccione el auricular deseado o  . s {GUARDA}LSi no se requiere, vaya al paso 5.5{OFF}Nota:LAsegúrese de que su teléfono celular está configurado para conectar este producto automáticamente. Consulte las instrucciones de operación de su teléfono celular.Marcas registradasLLa marca denominativa y los logotipos de Bluetooth® son propiedad de Bluetooth SIG, Inc. y cualquier uso de dichas marcas por parte de Panasonic Corporation se hace bajo licencia. Todas las demás marcas comerciales que se identifican en el presente pertenecen a sus respectivos propietarios.Línea celulardel teléfono celularProveedor de servicio“Todo”Para obtener ayuda, visite (solo en ingls) 75Guía Rápida Española TG7731_41_(en-en)_1109_ver.020.p75   75 2011/11/09   19:26:01
Unidad base: Indicadores CELL 1/CELL 2Estado SignificadoVerde (encendido) Un teléfono celular está conectado. Listo para hacer o recibir llamadas celulares.Verde (parpadea) La línea del celular se está usando.Las entradas del directorio telefónico se están copiando desde un teléfono celular.Verde (parpadea rápidamente)Se está recibiendo una llamada de celular.Ámbar (encendido) No hay un teléfono celular conectado a la unidad base.Ámbar (parpadea rápidamente)La unidad base está buscando el teléfono celular registrado.Rojo (parpadea) Una llamada de celular se pone en espera.Luz apagada No hay un teléfono celular registrado en la unidad base.Auricular: enlace a elementos de la pantalla del celulartSe está usando una línea de celular.LCuando parpadea: La llamada de celular se pone en espera.LCuando parpadea rápidamente: Se está recibiendo una llamada de celular.Un teléfono celular está conectado.*1 Listo para hacer o recibir llamadas celulares.LCuando está apagado: No hay un teléfono celular conectado a la unidad base.*1 La línea o líneas celulares correspondientes se indican enseguida del elemento.uvEstá recibiendo una llamada de celular en esa línea.Cómo conectar o desconectar el teléfono celularConexión automática al teléfono celularLa unidad se conecta al teléfono celular a intervalos regulares si se pierde la conexión. Consulte las instrucciones de operación para cambiar el intervalo (predeterminado: “1 min”).LCuando está usando una línea celular o un audífono con Bluetooth, la unidad base pierde la conexión de otros dispositivos con Bluetooth (teléfono celular o audífono). Para restablecer la conexión a los teléfonos celulares automáticamente, deje encendida la conexión automática.Cómo conectar o desconectar manualmente el teléfono celularCuando haga o conteste llamadas con su teléfono celular, le recomendamos que lo desconecte de la unidad base; de lo contrario, es posible que no escuche el audio que reciba en su teléfono celular. También puede reconectar manualmente el teléfono celular a la unidad base sin esperar a que la función de conexión automática reanude la conexión.1Para conectarlo o desconectarlo:Para CELL 1: {MENU} (6251 (suena un pitido largo.)Para CELL 2: {MENU} (6252 (suena un pitido largo.)2{OFF}Enlace a celular]1276 Para obtener ayuda, visite (solo en ingls) Guía Rápida EspañolaTG7731_41_(en-en)_1109_ver.020.p76   76 2011/11/09   19:26:01
Modo exclusivo para la línea celular (si no utiliza la línea terrestre)Si no utiliza la línea terrestre, configure el modo exclusivo para la línea celular para usar esta unidad en forma más conveniente.1{MENU} (1572Para encenderlo: {r}: “Encendido” s {SELEC.} s {r}: “Sí” s {SELEC.}Para apagarlo: {r}: “Apagado” s {SELEC.}Operaciones básicasCómo hacer y contestar llamadas (Auricular)Para hacer llamadas de celular1Marque el número telefónico. s {CEL.}LCuando el modo exclusivo para la línea celular está configurado, también puede oprimir {C}/{s} en lugar de {CEL.}.LCuando solo hay 1 teléfono celular registrado, la unidad comienza a marcar.2Cuando hay 2 teléfonos celulares registrados:{r}: Seleccione el teléfono celular deseado. s {SELEC.}Para hacer llamadas por la línea terrestreMarque el número telefónico. s {C}/{s}Para contestar llamadas{C}/{s}Para colgar{OFF}Para ajustar el volumen del receptor o del altavozOprima {+} o {-} repetidamente mientras habla.Cómo hacer una llamada usando la lista de remarcación1{>} REDIAL s {r}: Seleccione el número telefónico deseado.2Para hacer una llamada celular:Cuando solo hay 1 teléfono celular registrado: {CEL.}oCuando hay 2 teléfonos celulares registrados:{CEL.} s {r}: Seleccione el teléfono celular deseado. s {SELEC.}Para hacer una llamada terrestre: {C}Cómo hacer y contestar llamadas (Unidad base: Serie KX-TG7741)Para hacer llamadas de celular{CELL 1}/{CELL 2} s Marque el número telefónico.LCuando el modo exclusivo para la línea celular está configurado, también puede oprimir {SP-PHONE} en lugar de {CELL 1}/{CELL 2}.Para hacer llamadas por la línea terrestre{SP-PHONE} s Marque el número telefónico.Para contestar llamadas{SP-PHONE}Para colgar{SP-PHONE}Para ajustar el volumen del altavozOprima {+} o {-} repetidamente mientras habla.Enlace a celularPara obtener ayuda, visite (solo en ingls) 77Guía Rápida Española TG7731_41_(en-en)_1109_ver.020.p77   77 2011/11/09   19:26:01
Cómo hacer y contestar llamadas (Unidad base: Serie KX-TG7741)Remarcación del último número marcado1Para hacer una llamada celular: {CELL 1}/{CELL 2}Para hacer una llamada terrestre: {SP-PHONE}2{REDIAL}Para ajustar el volumen del timbre (Auricular)Para ajustar el volumen del timbre del auricular (línea de celular)1Para CELL 1: {MENU} (6281 Para CELL 2: {MENU} (62822{r}: Seleccione el volumen deseado. s {GUARDA} s {OFF}Para ajustar el volumen del timbre del auricular (línea terrestre)1{MENU} (16)2{r}: Seleccione el volumen deseado. s {GUARDA} s {OFF}Para ajustar el volumen del timbre de la unidad base (línea celular)1Para CELL 1: {MENU} (*6281Para CELL 2: {MENU} (*62822{r}: Seleccione el volumen deseado. s {GUARDA} s {OFF}Para ajustar el volumen del timbre de la unidad base (línea terrestre)1{MENU} (*16)2{r}: Seleccione el volumen deseado. s {GUARDA} s {OFF}Directorio telefónico compartido (Auricular)Para añadir entradas1{C} s {AÑAD.}2Introduzca el nombre de la persona (máx. 16 caracteres). s {OK}3Introduzca el número telefónico de la persona (máx. 24 dígitos). s {OK} 4{r}: Seleccione el grupo deseado. s {SELEC.} 2 veces s {OFF}Para hacer llamadas1{C} s {r}: Seleccione la entrada deseada.2Para hacer una llamada celular:Cuando solo hay 1 teléfono celular registrado: {CEL.}oCuando hay 2 teléfonos celulares registrados:{CEL.} s {r}: Seleccione el teléfono celular deseado. s {SELEC.}Para hacer una llamada terrestre:{C}Contestador de llamadas de la línea terrestre (Unidad base)Contestador encendido/apagado Oprima {ANSWER ON/OFF} para encender y apagar el contestador de llamadas.Para escuchar mensajes{6} (PLAY)Contestador de llamadas de la línea terrestre (Auricular)Para escuchar mensajesPara escuchar mensajes nuevos:{MENU} (323Para escuchar todos los mensajes:{MENU} (324Operaciones básicas78 Para obtener ayuda, visite (solo en ingls) Guía Rápida EspañolaTG7731_41_(en-en)_1109_ver.020.p78   78 2011/11/09   19:26:01
Cómo usar dispositivos BluetoothCopiado de entradas del directorio telefónico desde un teléfono celular con Bluetooth (transferencia del directorio telefónico)Puede copiar entradas del directorio telefónico desde los teléfonos celulares registrados o desde otros teléfonos celulares (no registrados) al directorio telefónico compartido de la unidad.1Auricular: {MENU} (6182Auricular:Para copiar desde teléfonos celulares registrados:  {r}: Seleccione el teléfono celular deseado. s {SELEC.}L Los elementos copiados se almacenan en el grupo (“Cel. 1” o  ) en el que está registrado el teléfono celular.Para copiar desde otros teléfonos celulares (no registrados):{r}: “Otro celular” s {SELEC.} s {r}: Seleccione el grupo al que desea copiar. s {SELEC.}3Cuando aparezca “Transf. datos del directorio del celular” : Vaya al paso 4.Cuando aparezca el menú “Selec. modo”: {r}: Seleccione “Auto” o “Manual”. s {SELEC.}“Auto”: Descargue todas las entradas del teléfono celular automáticamente. Vaya al paso 5.“Manual”: Copie las entradas que seleccionó.LEl menú “Selec. modo” aparece solo cuando el teléfono celular soporta PBAP (Perfil de Acceso a Directorio Telefónico) para la conexión Bluetooth.4Teléfono celular:Siga las instrucciones de su teléfono celular para copiar las entradas del directorio telefónico. LPara otros teléfonos celulares (no registrados), necesita buscar y seleccionar la unidad base. Es posible que requiera el NIP de la unidad base (predeterminado: “0000”).LLas entradas que se están copiando aparecen en el auricular. 5Auricular: Espere a que aparezca “Completo”. s {OFF}“Cel. 2”Para obtener ayuda, visite (solo en ingls) 79Guía Rápida Española TG7731_41_(en-en)_1109_ver.020.p79   79 2011/11/09   19:26:01
Cómo usar un audífono Bluetooth (opcional) para llamadas por la línea terrestreAl registrar un audífono Bluetooth en la unidad base, podrá tener conversaciones inalámbricas a manos libres para llamadas por la línea terrestre.LLa conexión del audífono con Bluetooth no está disponible mientras alguien se encuentra usando la línea celular.Cómo registrar un audífono en la unidad base1Su audífono:Configure su audífono en modo de registro.LConsulte las instrucciones de operación de su audífono.2Auricular:{MENU} (6213Introduzca el NIP de su audífono.LPor lo general, el NIP predeterminado es “0000”. Consulte las instrucciones de operación del audífono.4Oprima {OK}, y después espere a que se emita un pitido largo. s {OFF}LCuando el indicador HEADSET de la unidad base se ilumina en verde, usted está listo para usar el audífono.Cómo operar un audífono inalámbrico con Bluetooth usando una línea terrestreConsulte las instrucciones de operación de su audífono para ver cómo funciona.NCómo contestar llamadas de la línea terrestre con su audífonoPara contestar una llamada de línea terrestre, encienda su audífono. Para ello, consulte las instrucciones de operación de su audífono.Cuando termine de hablar, apague su audífono. Para ello, consulte las instrucciones de operación de su audífono.LSi no puede colgar la llamada usando su audífono;oprima {} (STOP) en la unidad base. (serie KX-TG7731)oprima {SP-PHONE} en la unidad base 2 veces. (serie KX-TG7741)NCómo cambiar entre la unidad base y su audífonoPuede cambiar entre la unidad base y su audífono:durante una llamada por una línea terrestre con el altavoz de la unidad base. (serie KX-TG7741)durante una llamada de intercomunicador entre la unidad base y el auricular. (serie KX-TG7741)mientras escucha los mensajes grabados en el contestador de llamadas de la unidad base.*1Serie KX-TG7741Para cambiar a su audífono:Oprima {HEADSET} en la unidad base.Para cambiar a la unidad base:Oprima {SP-PHONE} en la unidad base.*1 Serie KX-TG7731LSolo puede cambiar entre la unidad base y su audífono. Encienda el audífono. Para ello, consulte las instrucciones de operación de su audífono.Cómo usar dispositivos BluetoothRegistroRegistre usando el auricular.80 Para obtener ayuda, visite (solo en ingls) Guía Rápida EspañolaTG7731_41_(en-en)_1109_ver.020.p80   80 2011/11/09   19:26:01
Preguntas frecuentesPregunta Causa y solución¿Por qué aparece _?LEl auricular está demasiado lejos de la unidad base. Acérquelo.LEl adaptador para corriente de la unidad base no está conectado correctamente. Conecte de nuevo el adaptador para corriente a la unidad base.LEl auricular no está registrado en la unidad base. Regístrelo.1Auricular: {MENU} (13)2Unidad base: Oprima y mantenga oprimido {LOCATOR} durante aproximadamente 5 segundos hasta que suene el tono de registro.3Auricular: Oprima {OK}, y después espere hasta que suene un pitido largo. ¿Por qué no es posible registrar un teléfono celular a la unidad base?LDependiendo de la compatibilidad del teléfono celular, es posible que no pueda registrarlo en la unidad base. Para obtener más información, visite que la función de Bluetooth de su teléfono celular esté encendida. Es posible que necesite encender esta función dependiendo de su teléfono celular.¿Por qué no es posible escuchar el tono de marcación? (línea de celular)LAsegúrese de que la luz indicadora de CELL 1 o CELL 2 se ilumine en verde y de que el teléfono celular esté conectado a la unidad base.LEl teléfono celular no se ha registrado en la unidad base. Regístrelo.¿Cómo se incrementa el nivel de volumen del auricular?LOprima la tecla de volumen {+} repetidamente mientras habla.¿Por qué hay ruido o se corta la conversación?LTrate de reubicar la unidad base de forma que se minimice la distancia al auricular.LSi ocurre el mismo problema aunque el auricular se encuentre enseguida de la unidad base, llame a soporte al cliente de Panasonic al 1-800-211-PANA (1-800-211-7262).¿Es posible añadir otro auricular accesorio a mi unidad base?LSí, puede añadir hasta 6 auriculares (incluyendo los que se venden con su unidad base) a una sola unidad base.LPara adquirir auriculares accesorios adicionales (KX-TGA470), visite o llame al 1-800-332-5368. Los usuarios TTY (usuarios con impedimentos auditivos o del habla) pueden llamar al 1-866-605-1277.¿Es posible mantener cargando las baterías todo el tiempo?LPuede dejar el auricular en la unidad base o el cargador en cualquier momento. Esto no daña las baterías.¿Cómo se contestan las llamadas en espera (segunda llamada)?LOprima {CALL WAIT} cuando escuche el tono de llamada en espera.Para obtener más información acerca del registro, visite (solo en inglés)Para obtener ayuda, visite (solo en ingls) 81Guía Rápida Española TG7731_41_(en-en)_1109_ver.020.p81   81 2011/11/09   19:26:01
Customer servicesCustomer Services Directory (United States and Puerto Rico)Obtain Product Information and Operating Assistance; locate your nearest Dealer or Service Center; purchase Parts and Accessories; or make Customer Service and Literature requests by visiting our Web Site at:, contact us via the web at: may also contact us directly at: 1-800-211-PANA (1-800-211-7262),Monday - Friday 9 am to 9 pm; Saturday - Sunday 10 am to 7 pm, EST.TTY users (hearing or speech impaired users) can call 1-877-833-8855.TTY users (hearing or speech impaired users) can call 1-866-605-1277.Purchase Parts, Accessories and Instruction Books online for all Panasonic Products by visiting our Web Site at:, send your request by E-mail may also contact us directly at:1-800-332-5368 (Phone)  1-800-237-9080 (Fax Only) (Monday - Friday 9 am to 9 pm, EST.)Panasonic Service and Technology Company20421 84th Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032(We Accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover Card, American Express, and Personal Checks.)Accessory Purchases (United States and Puerto Rico)82 For assistance, please visit   82 2011/11/09   19:26:01
Warranty (For United States and Puerto Rico)PANASONIC CORPORATION OF NORTH AMERICA One Panasonic Way, Secaucus, New Jersey 07094Limited Warranty CoverageIf your product does not work properly because of a defect in materials or workmanship, Panasonic Corporation of North America (referred to as “the warrantor”) will, for the length of the period indicated on the chart below, which starts with the date of original purchase (“Limited Warranty period”), at its option either (a) repair your product with new or refurbished parts, or (b) replace it with a new or a refurbished product. The decision to repair or replace will be made by the warrantor.     Parts       Labor     One (1) Year   One (1) YearDuring the “Labor” Limited Warranty period there will be no charge for labor. During the “Parts” Limited Warranty period, there will be no charge for parts. You must mail-in your product prepaid during the Limited Warranty period. This Limited Warranty excludes both parts and labor for batteries, antennas, and cosmetic parts (cabinet). This Limited Warranty only applies to products purchased and serviced in the United States or Puerto Rico. This Limited Warranty is extended only to the original purchaser and only covers products purchased as new.For assistance in the continental United States and Puerto Rico in obtaining repairs please ship the product prepaid to:   PSTC (Panasonic) Exchange Center,   4900 George McVay Drive, Suite B Door #12, McAllen, TX shipping the unit carefully pack in a padded shipping carton, include all accessories, and send it prepaid. Include a letter detailing the complaint, a return address and provide a day time phone number where you can be reached. P.O. Boxes are not acceptable. Keep the tracking number for your records. A copy of valid registered receipt is required under the 1 year parts and labor Limited Warranty.For Limited Warranty service for headsets if a headset is included with this product please follow instructions above.IF REPAIR IS NEEDED DURING THE LIMITED WARRANTY PERIOD THE  PURCHASER WILL BE REQUIRED TO FURNISH A SALES  RECEIPT/PROOF OF PURCHASE INDICATING DATE OF PURCHASE,  AMOUNT PAID AND PLACE OF PURCHASE. CUSTOMER WILL BE  CHARGED FOR THE REPAIR OF ANY UNIT RECEIVED WITHOUT SUCH  PROOF OF PURCHASE.Panasonic Telephone Products Limited WarrantyShip-In ServiceFor assistance, please visit 83AppendixTG7731_41_(en-en)_1109_ver.020.p83   83 2011/11/09   19:26:01
Limited Warranty Limits And ExclusionsThis Limited Warranty ONLY COVERS failures due to defects in materials or workmanship, and DOES NOT COVER normal wear and tear or cosmetic damage. The Limited Warranty ALSO DOES NOT COVER damages which occurred in shipment, or failures which are caused by products not supplied by the warrantor, or failures which result from accidents, misuse, abuse, neglect, bug infestation, mishandling, misapplication, alteration, faulty installation, set-up adjustments, misadjustment of consumer controls, improper maintenance, power line surge, lightning damage, modification, introduction of sand, humidity or liquids, commercial use such as hotel, office, restaurant, or other business or rental use of the product, or service by anyone other than a Factory Service Center or other Authorized Servicer, or damage that is attributable to acts of God.THERE ARE NO EXPRESS WARRANTIES EXCEPT AS LISTED UNDER “LIMITED WARRANTY COVERAGE”. THE WARRANTOR IS NOT LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT, OR ARISING OUT OF ANY BREACH OF THIS LIMITED WARRANTY. (As examples, this excludes damages for lost time, lost calls or messages, cost of having someone remove or re-install an installed unit if applicable, travel to and from the servicer. The items listed are not exclusive, but are for illustration only.) ALL EXPRESS AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING THE WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, ARE LIMITED TO THE PERIOD OF THE LIMITED WARRANTY.Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, or limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the exclusions may not apply to you.This Limited Warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. If a problem with this product develops during or after the Limited Warranty period, you may contact your dealer or Service Center. If the problem is not handled to your satisfaction, then write to the warrantor’s Consumer Affairs Department at the addresses listed for the warrantor.PARTS AND SERVICE, WHICH ARE NOT COVERED BY THIS LIMITED WARRANTY, ARE YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.L Carefully pack your unit, preferably in the original carton.L Attach a letter, detailing the symptom.L Send the unit to PSTC (Panasonic) Exchange Center, prepaid and adequately insured.L Do not send your unit to Panasonic Corporation of North America listed on the back     cover or to executive or regional sales offices. These locations do not repair consumer     products.When you ship the product84 For assistance, please visit   84 2011/11/09   19:26:01
Index#3-way conference:  25, 29AAdditional handset:  42Alarm:  40Answering calls:  23, 27Answering systemCall screening:  49Erasing messages:  50, 51, 52Greeting message:  50Greeting only:  53Listening to messages:  50, 52Number of rings:  53Recording time:  53Remote access code:  51Remote operation:  51Ring count:  53Toll saver:  53Turning on/off:  49, 52Auto talk:  23, 38BBattery:  11, 12Belt clip:  15Bluetooth wireless technologyCellular phone (Link to cell):  18Headset:  47Phonebook transfer:  46Booster (Clarity booster):  24CCall block:  41Call share:  24, 29Call waiting:  24, 28Call Waiting Caller ID:  24Caller ID number auto edit:  38, 44Caller ID service:  43Caller list:  44Caller list edit:  44Cellular calls:  22, 27Cellular phoneDeregistration:  21Registration:  18Chain dial:  32CID (Caller ID):  44Conference calls:  58Control type:  15Customer support:  38DDate and time:  17Dialing mode:  17Direct command code:  33DisplayContrast:  37Language:  17EEco mode:  13Equalizer:  24Error messages:  61FFlash:  24, 28GGroups:  30, 43HHandsetDeregistration:  42Locator:  57Name:  40Registration:  42Hold:  23, 28IIntercom:  57KKey tone:  37LLandline calls:  22, 27Line mode:  38Link to cellArea code:  21Auto connection:  19Cellular line only mode:  20Cellular line selection:  20Connection:  20Ring as cell mode:  19Select unit to ring:  19MMaking calls:  22, 27Missed calls:  43Mute:  24, 28PPause:  22, 27Phonebook:  30PIN:  21Power failure:  12RRedialing:  22, 27Ringer ID:  43Ringer tone:  35, 37, 43Rotary/pulse service:  24SSilent mode:  40SP-PHONE (Speakerphone):  22TTalking Caller ID:  43Temporary tone dialing:  24, 29Time adjustment:  36Transferring calls:  58Troubleshooting:  62TTY:  82VVM (Voice mail):  55Voice guidance language:  17Voice mail:  53, 55VolumeReceiver:  22Ringer (Base unit):  28, 35, 37Ringer (Handset):  23, 35, 37Speaker:  22, 2785IndexTG7731_41_(en-en)_1109_ver.020.p85   85 2011/11/09   19:26:01
WWall mounting:  5986IndexTG7731_41_(en-en)_1109_ver.020.p86   86 2011/11/09   19:26:01
87NotesTG7731_41_(en-en)_1109_ver.020.p87   87 2011/11/09   19:26:01
1 Reconnect AC adaptor to the base unit.2 Check if telephone line cord is connected.3 Use rechargeable Ni-MH batteries.     (Alkaline/Manganese/Ni-Cd batteries CANNOT be used.)4 Read troubleshooting page in the Operating Instructions. If your product is not working properly. . .IMPORTANT!Visit our Web site: LFAQ and troubleshooting hints are available.For your future referenceWe recommend keeping a record of the following information to assist with any repair underwarranty.Serial No. Date of purchase(found on the bottom of the base unit)Name and address of dealerAttach your purchase receipt here.One Panasonic Way, Secaucus, New Jersey 07094© Panasonic System Networks Co., Ltd. 2011Printed in China *TG7731**TG7731* PNQX5106ZA  TT1111MG0  (D)TG7731_41_(en-en)_1109_ver.020.p88   88 2011/11/09   19:26:01

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