Panasonic of North America 9TGWL14A Wireless Network Adapter User Manual Part2

Panasonic Corporation of North America Wireless Network Adapter Part2

User Manual Part2

ContentsOPERATING INSTRUCTIONSPersonal ComputerIntroduction ....................................................14Description of Parts .......................................16First-time Operation .......................................18Turning On / Turning Off ................................22Useful InformationHandling and Maintenance ............................23Installing Software .........................................27Please read these instructions carefully before using this product, and save this manual for future use.Getting StartedUseful InformationTroubleshootingRead Me FirstGetting StartedSafety Precautions .......................................... 2Regulatory Information .................................... 7Read Me FirstModel No. FZ-Y1series
2Read Me FirstSafety PrecautionsTo reduce the risk of injury, loss of life, elec-WULFVKRFN¿UHPDOIXQFWLRQDQGGDPDJHWRequipment or property, always observe the following safety precautions.Explanation of symbol word panelsThe following symbol word panels are used to classify and describe the level of hazard, injury, and property damage caused when the denotation is disregarded and improper use is performed.DANGERDenotes a potential hazard that will result in serious injury or death.WARNINGDenotes a potential hazard that could result in serious injury or death.CAUTIONDenotes a hazard that could result in minor injury.NOTICEDenotes a hazard that could result in prop-erty damage.The following symbols are used to classify and describe the type of instructions to be observed.These symbols are used to alert users WRDVSHFL¿FRSHUDWLQJSURFHGXUHWKDWmust not be performed.This symbol is used to alert users to DVSHFL¿FRSHUDWLQJSURFHGXUHWKDWmust be followed in order to operate the unit safety.DANGERPrecautions on the Battery PackDo Not Throw the Battery Pack into a Fire or Expose It to Excessive HeatGeneration of heat, ignition or rupture may result.Do Not Insert Sharp Objects Into the Battery Pack, Disassemble, or Modify ItElectrolyte leakage, generation of heat, ignition or rupture may result.Do Not Short the Positive (+) and Negative (-) ContactsGeneration of heat, ignition or rupture may result.•Do not place the battery pack to-gether with articles such as neck-laces or hairpins when carrying orstoring.Avoid Extreme Heat (Near the Fire, in Direct Sunlight, for Example)Electrolyte leakage, generation of heat, ignition or rupture may result.Do Not Apply Shocks to the Prod-uct by Dropping It, Applying Strong Pressure to It, etc.Electrolyte leakage, generation of heat, ignition or rupture of the battery may result.•If this product is subjected to astrong impact, damaged or de-formed, stop using it immediately.Do Not Charge the Battery Using Methods Other Than Those Speci-¿HGIf the battery is not charged using one RIWKHVSHFL¿HGPHWKRGVHOHFWURO\WHleakage, generation of heat, ignition or rupture may result.When the Battery Pack Has Deterio-rated, Replace It With a New OneContinued use of a damaged battery pack may result in heat generation, ignition or battery rupture.
3Read Me FirstDANGERPrecautions on the Battery PackDo Not Use with Any Other ProductThe battery pack is rechargeable and ZDVLQWHQGHGIRUWKHVSHFL¿HGSURGXFWIf it is used with a product other than the one for which it was designed, electrolyte leakage, generation of heat, ignition or rupture may result.Do Not Use This Product with a Bat-tery Pack Other Than the One Speci-¿HG8VHRQO\WKHVSHFL¿HGEDWWHU\SDFN(Ä page 18) with your product. Use of battery packs other than those manufactured and supplied by Pana-sonic may present a safety hazard (generation of heat, ignition or rupture).WARNINGIf a Malfunction or Trouble Occurs, Immediately Stop UseIf a Malfunction Occurs, Immediately Unplug the AC Plug and the Battery Pack•This product is damaged•Foreign object inside this product•Smoke emitted•Unusual smell emitted•Unusually hotContinuing to use this product while any of the above conditions are pres-HQWPD\UHVXOWLQ¿UHRUHOHFWULFVKRFN•If a malfunction or trouble occurs,immediately turn the power off andunplug the AC plug, and then re-move the battery pack. Then con-WDFW\RXUWHFKQLFDOVXSSRUWRI¿FHIRUrepair.Do Not Touch This Product in a Thunderstorm If Connected with the AC Cable or Any Other CablesElectric shock may result.Do Not Connect the AC Adaptor to a Power Source Other Than a Stan-dard Household AC Outlet2WKHUZLVHD¿UHGXHWRRYHUKHDWLQJmay result. Connecting to a DC/AC converter (inverter) may damage the AC adaptor. On an airplane, only con-nect the AC adaptor/charger to an AC RXWOHWVSHFL¿FDOO\DSSURYHGIRUVXFKuse.Do Not Pull or Insert the AC Plug If Your Hands Are WetElectric shock may result.Clean Dust and Other Debris of the AC Plug RegularlyIf dust or other debris accumulates on the plug, humidity, etc. may cause a defect in the insulation, which may UHVXOWLQD¿UH•Pull the plug, and wipe it with a drycloth.Pull the plug if the computer is notbeing used for a long period of time.Insert the AC Plug CompletelyIf the plug is not inserted completely, ¿UHGXHWRRYHUKHDWLQJRUHOHFWULFVKRFNmay result.•Do not use a damaged plug or looseAC outlet.Close the Connector Cover Tightly When Using This Product WhereIs a Lot of Water, Moisture, Steam, Dust, Oily Vapors, etc.The entry of foreign matter may cause D¿UHRUHOHFWULFVKRFNV•If foreign matter has found its wayinside, immediately turn the poweroff and unplug the AC cord, andthen remove the battery pack. Thencontact your technical support of-¿FHDo Not Disassemble This ProductYou may receive an electric shock, or foreign matter may enter and result in D¿UH
4Read Me FirstSafety PrecautionsWARNINGDo Not Turn the Volume Up to Loud When Using HeadphonesListening at high volumes that over-stimulate the ear for long periods of time may result in loss of hearing.Do Not Use This Product in Close Contact With Your Body for a Long Period of Time•Depending on the direction of thecomputer or the way you hold thecomputer, yourhands and body willbe more exposed to the hot wind.•Using this product with exposingthe skin to the heat source of thisproduct or AC adaptor for a longperiod of time can cause a low-temperature burn.Do Not Do Anything That May Dam-age the AC Cord, the AC Plug, or the AC AdaptorDo not damage or modify the cord, place it near hot tools, bend, twist, or pull it forcefully, place heavy objects on it, or bundle it tightly. Continuing to XVHDGDPDJHGFRUGPD\UHVXOWLQ¿UHshort circuit, or electric shock.Do Not Expose Yourself or Other Persons to the Hot Wind from the Ventilation Hole (Exhaust) For a Long Period of TimeLow-temperature burns may result.Covering the ventilation hole (exhaust) with your hand or other object can cause heat to build up inside, possibly resulting in burns.CAUTIONDo Not Place This Product on Un-stable SurfaceIf balance is lost, this product may fall over or drop, resulting in an injury.Avoid StackingIf balance is lost, this product may fall over or drop, resulting in an injury.Do Not Leave This Product in High Temperature Environment for a Long Period of TimeLeaving this product where it will be ex-posed to extremely high temperatures VXFKDVQHDU¿UHRULQGLUHFWVXQOLJKWmay deform the cabinet and/or cause trouble in the internal parts. Continued use in such a resulting condition may lead to short-circuiting or insulation defects, etc. which may in turn lead to D¿UHRUHOHFWULFVKRFNVDo Not Block the Ventilation Hole (Exhaust/Intake)Using this product wrapped in cloth or on top of bedding or a blanket can block the ventilation hole and cause heat to build up inside, possibly result-LQJLQD¿UHHold the Plug When Unplugging the AC PlugPulling on the cord may damage the FRUGUHVXOWLQJLQD¿UHRUHOHFWULFshock.Do Not Move This Product While the AC Plug Is ConnectedThe AC cord may be damaged, result-LQJLQ¿UHRUHOHFWULFVKRFN•If the AC cord is damaged, unplugthe AC plug immediately.8VH2QO\WKH6SHFL¿HG$&$GDSWRUWith This ProductUsing an AC adaptor other than the one supplied (supplied with the unit or one sold separately as an accessory) PD\UHVXOWLQD¿UHDo Not Subject the AC Adaptor to Any Strong ImpactUsing the AC adaptor after a strong im-pact such as being dropped may result LQHOHFWULFVKRFNVKRUWFLUFXLWRU¿UHTake a Break of 10-15 Minutes Every HourUsing this product for long periods of time may have detrimental health ef-fects on the eyes or hands.
5Read Me FirstCAUTION<Only for mode with LAN port>Do Not Connect a Telephone Line, or a Network Cable Other Than the 2QH6SHFL¿HGLQWRWKH/$13RUWIf the LAN port is connected to a net-work such as the ones listed below, a ¿UHRUHOHFWULFVKRFNPD\UHVXOW•Networks other than 1000BASE-T,100BASE-TX or 10BASE-T•Phone lines (IP phone (Internet Pro-tocol Telephone), Telephone lines,internal phone lines (on-premiseswitches), digital public phones,etc.)Do Not Expose the Skin to This Product When Using the Product In a Hot or Cold Environment.Burns, low-temperature burns or frost-bite may result.•When it is necessary to expose theskin to this product such as to scanD¿QJHUSULQWSHUIRUPWKHRSHUDWLRQin the shortest time possible.NOTICEz  Do not place the computer near a televi-sion or radio receiver.z  Keep the computer away from magnets. 'DWDVWRUHGRQWKHÀDVKPHPRU\PD\EHlost.z  This computer is not intended for the dis-play of images for use in medical diagno-sis.z  This computer is not intended for a use with connection of medical equipment for the purpose of medical diagnosis.z  Panasonic shall not be liable for loss of data or other incidental or consequential damages resulting from the use of this product.z  Do not touch the terminals on the battery pack. The battery pack may no longer function properly if the contacts are dirty or damaged.z  Do not expose the battery pack to water, or allow it to become wet.z  If the battery pack will not be used for a long period of time (a month or more), charge or discharge (use) the battery pack until the remaining battery level becomes 30% to 40% and store it in a cool, dry place.z  This computer prevents overcharging of the battery by recharging only when the remaining power is less than approx. 95% of capacity.z  The battery pack is not charged when the FRPSXWHULV¿UVWSXUFKDVHG%HVXUHWRFKDUJHLWEHIRUHXVLQJLWIRUWKH¿UVWWLPHWhen the AC adaptor is connected to the computer, charging begins automatically.z 6KRXOGWKHEDWWHU\OHDNDQGWKHÀXLGJHWinto your eyes, do not rub your eyes. Im-PHGLDWHO\ÀXVK\RXUH\HVZLWKFOHDUZDWHUand see a doctor for medical treatment as soon as possible.NOTE z The battery pack may become warm dur-ing recharging or normal use. This is com-pletely normal.z  Recharging will not commence if internal
6Read Me FirstSafety Precautionstemperature of the battery pack is outside of the allowable temperature range (0 °C to 50 °C {32 °F to 122 °F}). (ÄReferenceManual “Battery Power”) Once the allow-DEOHUDQJHUHTXLUHPHQWLVVDWLV¿HGFKDUJ-ing begins automatically. Note that the recharging time varies based on the usage conditions. (Recharging takes longer than usual when the temperature is 10 °C {50 °F}or below.)z  If the temperature is low, the operating time is shortened. Only use the computer within the allowable temperature range.z  This computer has a high temperature mode function that prevents the degra-dation of the battery in high temperature environments. (ÄReference Manual“Battery Power”) A level corresponding to a 100% charge for high temperature mode is approximately equivalent to an 80% charge level for normal temperature mode.z  The battery pack is a consumable item. If the amount of time the computer can be run by using a particular battery pack becomes dramatically shorter and re-peated recharging does not restore its performance, the battery pack should be replaced with a new one.z  When transporting a spare battery inside a package, briefcase, etc., it is recommend-ed that it be placed in a plastic bag so that its contacts are protected.z  Always power off the computer when it is not in use. Leaving the computer on when the AC adaptor is not connected will ex-haust the remaining battery capacity.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED FOR USE AS, OR AS PART OF, NUCLEAR EQUIPMENT/SYSTEMS, AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL EQUIPMENT/SYSTEMS, AIR-CRAFT COCKPIT EQUIPMENT/SYSTEMS*1,MEDICAL DEVICES OR ACCESSORIES*2,LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEMS OR OTHER EQUIPMENTS/DEVICES/SYSTEMS THAT ARE INVOLVED WITH ENSURING HUMAN LIFE OR SAFETY. PANASONIC WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LIABILITY RE-SULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS PROD-UCT ARISING OUT OF THE FOREGOING USES.*1 AIRCRAFT COCKPIT EQUIPMENT/SYSTEMS include Class2 Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) Sys-tems and Class1 EFB Systems when used dur-LQJFULWLFDOSKDVHVRIÀLJKWHJGXULQJWDNHRIIand landing) and/or mounted on to the aircraft. Class1 EFB Systems and 2 EFB Systems are GH¿QHGE\)$$$&$GYLVRU\&LUFXODU$RU-$$-$$7*/7HPSRUDU\*XLGDQFH/HDÀHWVNo.36.*2$VGH¿QHGE\WKH(XURSHDQ0HGLFDO'HYLFHDirective (MDD) 93/42/EEC.3DQDVRQLFFDQQRWJXDUDQWHHDQ\VSHFL¿FD-tions, technologies, reliability, safety (e.g. Flammability/Smoke/Toxicity/Radio Fre-quency Emission, etc) requirements related to aviation standards that exceed the speci-¿FDWLRQVRIRXU&276&RPPHUFLDO2II7KHShelf) products.
7Read Me FirstInformation to the User / Informations destinées aux utilisateurs<Only for model with wireless LAN/Bluetooth>This product and your HealthThis product, like other radio devices, emits radio frequency electromagnetic energy. The level of energy emitted by this product how-ever is far much less than the electromagnetic energy emitted by wireless devices like for example mobile phones.Because this product operates within the guidelines found in radio frequency safety standards and recommendations, we be-lieve this product is safe for use by consum-ers. These standards and recommendations UHÀHFWWKHFRQVHQVXVRIWKHVFLHQWL¿FFRP-munity and result from deliberations of panels and committees of scientists who continually review and interpret the extensive research literature.In some situations or environments, the use of this product may be restricted by the propri-etor of the building or responsible represen-tatives of the organization. These situations PD\IRUH[DPSOHLQFOXGHz  Using this product on board of airplanes, orz  In any other environment where the risk of interference to other devices or services is SHUFHLYHGRULGHQWL¿HGDVKDUPIXOIf you are uncertain of the policy that applies RQWKHXVHRIZLUHOHVVGHYLFHVLQDVSHFL¿FRU-ganization or environment (e.g. airports), you are encouraged to ask for authorization to use this product prior to turning on the product.Regulatory InformationWe are not responsible for any radio or tele-vision interference caused by unauthorized PRGL¿FDWLRQRIWKLVSURGXFW7KHFRUUHFWLRQof interference caused by such unauthorized PRGL¿FDWLRQZLOOEHWKHUHVSRQVLELOLW\RIWKHuser. We and its authorized resellers or dis-tributors are not liable for damage or violation of government regulations that may arise from failing to comply with these guidelines. 26-M-1<Uniquement pour les modèles avec réseau ORFDOVDQV¿OHWRX%OXHWRRWK!Ce produit et votre santéCe produit, comme tout autre appareil radio, émet del’énergie radioélectrique. Toutefois, la quantité d’énergie émise par ce produit est beaucoup moins importante que l’énergie radioélec-WULTXHpPLVHSDUGHVDSSDUHLOVVDQV¿OWHOVque les téléphones portables. L’utilisation de ce produit ne comporte aucun risque pour le consommateur du fait que cet appareil opère dans les limites des directives concernant les normes et les recommendations de sécu-rité sur les fréquences radio. Ces normes et UHFRPPDQGDWLRQVUHÀqWHQWOHFRQVHQVXVGHODFRPPXQDXWpVFLHQWL¿TXHHWUpVXOWHQWGHdélibérations de jurys et comités de scienti-¿TXHVTXLH[DPLQHQWHWLQWHUSUqWHQWFRQWLQXHO-lement les nouveautés de la vaste littérature sur les recherches effectuées. Dans certaines situations ou environnements, l’utilisation de ce produit peut être restreinte par le proprié-taire du bâtiment ou par les représentants responsables de l’organisation. Ces situations SHXYHQWrWUHOHVVXLYDQWHVSDUH[HPSOHz  A bord d’un avion, ouz  Dans tout autre environnement où les risques d’interférence sur d’autres appa-reils ou services sont perçus ou identi-¿DEOHVFRPPHGDQJHUHX[Si vous n’êtes pas sûr de la réglementation applicable àO¶XWLOLVDWLRQG¶DSSDUHLOVVDQV¿OGDQVXQHRUJD-QL]DWLRQRXXQHQYLURQQHPHQWVSpFL¿TXHSDUexemple dans un aéroport) nous vous invitons à demander l’autorisationd’utiliser ce produit avant sa mise en marche.Informations concernant la réglementationNous déclinons toute responsabilité pour toute interférence radio ou télévision causée SDUGHVPRGL¿FDWLRQVQRQDXWRULVpHVDSSRU-tées à ce produit. La correctionG¶LQWHUIpUHQFHVFDXVpHVSDUGHWHOOHVPRGL¿-cations non autorisées sera la seule respon-sabilité de son utilisateur. Nousmêmes, les UHYHQGHXUVRI¿FLHOVHWOHVGLVWULEXWHXUVQHsommes pas responsable de tout dégât ou de toute violation des règlements de l’État pou-vant découler du non-respect de ces direc-tives. 26-F-1Regulatory Information
8Read Me FirstRegulatory InformationLithium Battery / Pile au lithiumLithium Battery!This computer contains a lithium battery to enable the date, time, and other data to be stored. The battery should only be exchanged by authorized service personnel.Warning!A risk of explosion from incorrect installation or misapplication may possibly occur. 15-E-1Pile au lithium!Le micro-ordinateur renferme une pile au lithium qui permet de sauvegarder certaines données, notamment la date et l’heure. La pile ne doit être remplacée que par un techni-FLHQTXDOL¿pDanger ! Risque d’explosion en cas de non respect de cette mise en garde! 15-F-1Information for Users on Collection and Disposal of Old Equip-ment and used BatteriesThese symbols are only valid in the European Union.If you wish to discard this product, please contact your local authori-ties or dealer and ask for the correct method of disposal. 53-M-1Safety Precautions<Only for model with wireless WAN>The following safety precautions must be observed during all phases of the operation, usage, ser-vice or repair of any Personal Computer or Handheld Computer incorporating wireless WAN mo-dem. Manufacturers of the cellular terminal are advised to convey the following safety information to users and operating personnel and to incorporate these guidelines into all manuals supplied with the product. Failure to comply with these precautions violates safety standards of design, manufacture and intended use of the product. Panasonic assumes no liability for customer failure to comply with these precautions.When in a hospital or other health care facility, observe the restrictions on the use of mobiles. Switch Personal Computer or Handheld Computer incorporating wireless WAN modem off, if instructed to do so by the guidelines posted in sensitive areas. Medical equipment may be sensitive to RF energy. The operation of cardiac pacemakers, other implanted medical equipment and hearing aids can be affected by interference from Personal Computer or Handheld Computer incorporating wireless WAN modem placed close to the device. If in doubt about po-tential danger, contact the physician or the manufacturer of the device to verify that the equipment is properly shielded. Pacemaker patients are advised to keep their Personal Computer or Handheld Computer incorporating wireless WAN modem away from the pacemaker, while it is on.Switch off Personal Computer or Handheld Computer incorporating wireless WAN mo-dem before boarding an aircraft. Make sure it cannot be switched on inadvertently. The operation of wireless appliances in an aircraft is forbidden to prevent interference with communications systems. Failure to observe these instructions may lead to the suspen-sion or denial of cellular services to the offender, legal action, or both. For details on usage of this unit in aircrafts please consult and follow instruction pro-vided by the airline.
9Read Me FirstDo not operate Personal Computer or Handheld Computer incorporating wireless WAN PRGHPLQWKHSUHVHQFHRIÀDPPDEOHJDVHVRUIXPHV6ZLWFKRIIWKHFHOOXODUWHUPLQDOwhen you are near petrol stations, fuel depots, chemical plants or where blasting op-erations are in progress. Operation of any electrical equipment in potentially explosive atmospheres can constitute a safety hazard.Your Personal Computer or Handheld Computer incorporating wireless WAN modem re-ceives and transmits radio frequency energy while switched on. Remember that interfer-ence can occur if it is used close to TV sets, radios, computers or inadequately shielded equipment. Follow any special regulations and always switch off Personal Computer or Handheld Computer incorporating wireless WAN modem wherever forbidden, or when you suspect that it may cause interference or danger.5RDGVDIHW\FRPHV¿UVW'RQRWXVHD3HUVRQDO&RPSXWHURU+DQGKHOG&RPSXWHULQ-corporating wireless WAN modem while driving a vehicle. Do not place the computer with wireless WAN modem in an area where it could cause personal injury to the driver or passengers. It is recommended to stow the unit in the boot or secure stowage area while driving. Do not place the computer with wireless WAN modem in an area over an air bag or in the vicinity where an air bag may deploy.  $LUEDJVLQÀDWHZLWKJUHDWIRUFHDQGLIWKHFRPSXWHUZLWKZLUHOHVV:$1PRGHPLVSODFHGin the air bag deployment area may be propelled with great force and cause serious injury to occupants of the vehicle.IMPORTANT! Personal Computer or Handheld Computer incorporating wireless WAN modem operate using radio signals and cellular networks cannot be guaranteed to connect in all condi-tions. Therefore, you should never rely solely upon any wireless device for essential communications, for example emergency calls.Remember, in order to make or receive calls, Personal Computer or Handheld Comput-er incorporating wireless WAN modem must be switched on and in a service area with adequate cellular signal strength.Some networks do not allow for emergency calls if certain network services or phone IHDWXUHVDUHLQXVHHJORFNIXQFWLRQV¿[HGGLDOLQJHWF<RXPD\QHHGWRGHDFWLYDWHthose features before you can make an emergency call.Some networks require that a valid SIM card be properly inserted in Personal Computer or Handheld Computer incorporating wireless WAN modem.CAUTION:Risk of Explosion if Battery is replaced by an Incorrect Type. Dispose of Used Batteries According to the Instructions.58-E-1ATTENTION:Il y a risque d’explosion si la batterie est remplacée par une batterie de type incorrect.Mettre au rebut les batteries usagées conformément aux instructions.58-F-1Camera Light<For model with rear camera>CAUTION- The light from the LED is strong and can injure human eyes. Do not look directly at the LEDs  with naked eyes.57-E-1
10Read Me FirstRegulatory InformationFederal Communications Commission Radio Frequency Interference Statement1RWH7KLVHTXLSPHQWKDVEHHQWHVWHGDQGfound to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful in-terference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio com-munications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television re-ception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encour-aged to try to correct the interference by one RUPRUHRIWKHIROORZLQJPHDVXUHVz  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.z  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.z  Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.z  Consult the Panasonic Service Center or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.WarningTo assure continued compliance, use only shielded interface cables when connecting to a computer or peripheral. Also, any changes RUPRGL¿FDWLRQVQRWH[SUHVVO\DSSURYHGE\the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate this equip-ment.)&&5)([SRVXUH:DUQLQJz  This equipment is provided with PC Card slot that could be used with wireless trans-PLWWHUVZKLFKZLOOEHVSHFL¿FDOO\UHFRP-mended when they become available.Other third-party wireless transmitters have not been RF exposure evaluated for use with this computer and may not com-ply with FCC RF exposure requirements.<Only for model with wireless LAN/wireless WAN/Bluetooth>z  This equipment complies with FCC radia-tion exposure limits set forth for an uncon-trolled environment.z  This equipment may not be co-located or operated with any other antenna or trans-mitter.z  This device meets the government’s re-quirements for exposure to radio waves. This device is designed and manufactured not to exceed the emission limits for expo-sure to radio frequency (RF) energy set by the Federal Communications Commission of the U.S. Government.z  The exposure standard for wireless device employs a unit of measurement known as WKH6SHFL¿F$EVRUSWLRQ5DWHRU6$57KHSAR limit set by the FCC is1.6 W/kg.* Tests for SAR are conducted using stan-dard operating positions accepted by the FCC with the device transmitting at its KLJKHVWFHUWL¿HGSRZHUOHYHOLQDOOWHVWHGfrequency bands. Although the SAR is determined at the KLJKHVWFHUWL¿HGSRZHUOHYHOWKHDFWXDOSAR level of the device while operating can be well below the maximum value. This is because the device is designed to operate at multiple power levels so as to use only the poser required to reach the network. In general, the closer you are to a wireless base station antenna, the lower the power output.<Only for model with wireless LAN>This product is restricted to indoor use due to its operation in the 5.15 to 5.25 GHz fre-quency range. FCC requires this product to be used indoors for the frequency range 5.15 to 5.25 GHz to reduce the potential for harm-ful interference to co-channel Mobile Satellite systems. High power radars are allocated as primary users of the 5.25 to 5.35 GHzand 5.65 to 5.85 GHz bands. These radar stations can cause interference with and/or damage this product. 25-M-W-1This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following WZRFRQGLWLRQV(1) This device may not cause harmful inter-ference, and(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.5HVSRQVLEOH3DUW\3DQDVRQLF&RUSRUDWLRQRINorth AmericaOne Panasonic WaySecaucus, NJ 07094 7HO1R/$3723(1-800-527-8675)6-M-1For U.S.A.Two Riverfront Plaza Newark, NJ 07102
11Read Me FirstFCC RF Exposure Warning:z  This equipment is provided with external antenna connector(s) for connection to optional Car Mounter or Port Replicator for mobile external mounted antenna(s). External antenna(s) must be professionally installed and cannot exceed recommended maximum antenna gain as described in individual provided supplement instructions for wireless transmitters. The Car Mounter is provided with Radiall/Larsen WLAN whip antenna, type NMO5E2400BKTNC with 5dBi antenna gain. The maximum allow-able antenna gain for the external WWAN base whip antenna for the cellular band is 4 dBi, PCS band is 3 dBi, LTE Band 4 is 3 dBi, LTE Band 17 is 9 dBi and 10 dBi for LTE Band 13. Also, user must maintain minimum 20 cm spacing between external antenna(s) and all person’s body (excluding extremities of hands, wrist and feet) during wireless modes of operation.32-M-186$2QO\'LVSRVDOPD\EHUHJXODWHGLQ\RXUcommunity due to environmental consider-ations. For disposal or recycling information, SOHDVHYLVLW3DQDVRQLFZHEVLWHKWWSZZZ or call 1-888-769-0149 65-M-2<For USA-California Only>This product contains a CR Coin Cell Lithium Battery which contains Perchlorate Material - special handling may apply.See lithium ion battery that is recyclable powers the product you have pur-chased.Please call 1-800-8-BAT-TERY for information on how to recycle this bat-tery.L’appareil que vous vous êtes procuré est alimen-té par une batterie au lithium-ion.Pour des renseigne-ments sur le recyclage de la batterie, veuillez composer le 1-800-8-BATTERY.48-M-1
12Read Me FirstRegulatory InformationFor CanadaCanadian ICES-003CAN ICES-3(B)/NMB-3(B) 7-M-2<Only for model with wireless LAN/Bluetooth>Industry CanadaThis product complies with RSS210 Industry Canada.Operation is subject to the following two con-ditions;(1) this device may not cause interference, and(2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause un-desired operation of the device.<Ne s’applique qu’aux modèles avec techno-ORJLH%OXHWRRWK/$1VDQV¿O!Industrie CanadaCet équipement est conforme à la norme CNR-210d’Industrie Canada. Son fonctionnement est VRXPLVDX[GHX[FRQGLWLRQVVXLYDQWHV(1) ce dispositif ne peut produire de brouillage, et(2) ce dispositif doit accepter le brouillage, y compris le brouillage pouvant entraîner le fonctionnement non désiré de l’appareil.30-Ca-1-1<Only for model with wireless LAN>This product (local network devices) for the band 5150-5250 MHz is only indoor usage to reduce potential for harmful interference to co-channel Mobile Satellite systems.High power radars are allocated as primary users (meaning they have priority) of 5250-5350 MHz and 5650-5850 MHz and these radars could cause interference and/or dam-age to LELAN devices.<Ne s’applique qu’aux modèles avec techno-ORJLH/$1VDQV¿O!Cet appareil (pour réseaux locaux radioé-lectriques) dans les bandes de fréquences 5150-5250 MHz est réservé à une utilization jO¶LQWpULHXUD¿QGHUpGXLUHOHULVTXHG¶LQWHU-férence avec les systèmes satellites mobiles bicanaux.Les radars forte puissance sont désignés comme étant les premiers utilisateurs (c’est-à-dire qu’ils ont la priorité) des bandes de fré-quences 5250-5350 MHz et 5650-5850 MHz.Ces stations radars peuvent provoquer des interférences et/ou des dommages à ce péri-phérique. 30-Ca-2-1<Only for model with wireless LAN/wireless WAN/Bluetooth>z  This computer complies with Industry Canada radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.z  This PC with WLAN and/or Bluetooth transmitters installed, has been approved for portable operation and does not require any minimum spacing be provided be-tween antennas and all person’s body.<Ne s’applique qu’aux modèles avec techno-ORJLH%OXHWRRWK/$1VDQV¿O:$1VDQV¿O!z  Cet équipement est conforme aux limites d’exposition aux rayonnements d’Industrie Canada établies pour un environnement non contrôlé.z  Ce PC avec émetteurs WLAN et/ou Blue-WRRWKDpWpDSSURXYpjGHV¿QVG¶RSpUDWLRQmobile; aucun espace minimum entre les antennes et le corps de l’utilisateur n’est requis.This device has been designed to operate with the Radiall/Larsen whip antenna, typeNMO5E2400BKTNC WLAN antenna having a maximum gain of 5dB. A WLAN Antenna having a higher gain is strictly prohibited per regulations of Industry Canada. The Required antenna impedance is 50 ohms.To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (EIRP) is not more than that required for successful communication.Cet appareil est conçu pour opérer avec l’antenne-fouet Radiall/Larsen, type WLAN NMO5E2400BKTNC, ayant un gain maximum de 5 dB. Les règlements d’Industrie Canada interdisent l’utilisation d’une antenne WLAN dont le gain serait supérieur à cette limite. L’antenne doit avoir une impédance de 50 ohms.$¿QGHUpGXLUHOHULVTXHG¶LQWHUIpUHQFHUD-dioélectrique aux autres utilisateurs des bandes de fréquences, le type d’antenne et son gain doivent être tels que la puissance isotrope rayonnée équivalente (PIRE) n’est pas plus élevée que le niveau requis pour as-surer la communication. 25-Ca-1-1
13Read Me FirstFor IndiaFor the purpose of recycling to facilitate effective utilization of resources, please return this product to a nearby authorized collection center, registered dismantler or recycler, or Panasonic service center when disposing of this product.Please see the Panasonic website for further information on collection centers, etc.KWWSZZZSDQDVRQLFFRLQZSVSRUWDOKRPH 68-M-1<Only for model with wireless LAN/wireless WAN/Bluetooth>* This computer complies with IndustryCanada radiation exposure limits set forthfor an uncontrolled environment.* This PC with WLAN and/or Bluetoothtransmitters installed, has been approvedfor portable operation and does not requireany minimum spacing be provided betweenantennas and all person’s body.<Ne s’applique qu’aux modèles avec tech-QRORJLH%OXHWRRWK/$1VDQV¿O:$1VDQV¿O!* Cet équipement est conforme aux limitesd’exposition aux rayonnements d’IndustrieCanada établies pour un environnement noncontrôlé.* Ce PC avec émetteurs WLAN et/ou%OXHWRRWKDpWpDSSURXYpjGHV¿QV d’opération mobile; aucun espace minimum   entre les antennes et le corps de l’utilisateur   n’est requis..This device has been designed to operate with the WWAN antenna having a maxi-mum gain of 4 dBi for Cellular band, 3 dBi for the PCS band and 5.5 dBi for LTE Band 4. WWAN Antenna having a higher gain isstrictly prohibited per regulations of Industry Canada. The Required antenna impedance is 50 ohms.To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (EIRP) is not more than that required for successful communication.<Utilisation au Canada>Cet appareil est conçu pour opérer avec une DQWHQQH::$1UpVHDXpWHQGXVDQV¿OGRQWOHJDLQPD[LPXPHVW¿[pj>;@SRXUODEDQGHcellulaire et à 4 dBi pour la bande cellulaire, 3 dBi pour la bande PCS et 5.5 dBi pour la bande LTE Band 4. Les règlements d’Industrie Canada interdisent l’utilisation d’une antenne WWAN dont le gain serait supérieur à cette limite. L’antenne doit avoir une impédance de 50 ohms.$¿QGHUpGXLUHOHULVTXHG¶LQWHUIpUHQFHUD-dioélectrique aux autres utilisateurs des bandes de fréquences, le type d’antenne et son gain doivent être tels que la puissance isotrope rayonnée équivalente (PIRE) n’est pas plus élevée que le niveau requis pour as-surer la communication. 32-Ca-1-1)2586(:,7+02'(/12&)$$&328587,/,6(5$9(&02'Ê/(&)$$&20-Ca-1Bluetooth>>
14Getting StartedThank you for purchasing this Panasonic product. For optimum performance and safety, please read these instructions carefully.In these instructions, the names are referred as follows. indicates Windows® 8 Operating System. indicates Windows® 7 Operating System.  Terms and illustrations in these instructionsCAUTION  &RQGLWLRQVWKDWPD\UHVXOWLQPLQRURUPRGHUDWHLQMXU\NOTE  8VHIXODQGKHOSIXOLQIRUPDWLRQEnter 3UHVV>(QWHU@NH\Alt+Del 3UHVVDQGKROG>$OW@NH\DQGWKHQSUHVV>'HO@NH\Î 3DJHLQWKHVH2SHUDWLQJ,QVWUXFWLRQVRULQWKH5HIHUHQFH0DQXDO 5HIHUHQFHWRWKHRQVFUHHQPDQXDOVDisplay “Charm”  Flick from right side to inside of the screen.7RXFK>&KDUP@ 7KLVLOOXVWUDWLRQPHDQVWRWRXFK (Settings) in the Charm menu.6WDUW>$OO3URJUDPV@ 7RXFK6WDUWDQGWKHQWRXFK>$OO3URJUDPV@z 6RPHLOOXVWUDWLRQVDUHVLPSOL¿HGWRKHOS\RXUXQGHUVWDQGLQJDQGPD\ORRNGLIIHUHQWIURPWKHactual unit.z  If you do not log on as an administrator, you cannot use some functions or cannot display some screens.z  Refer for the latest information about optional products to the catalogs, etc.z  In these instructions, the names and terms are referred as follows.y “Windows® 8 Pro 64-bit” as “Windows” or “Windows 8”y “Windows® 7 Professional 32-bit Service Pack 1” and “Windows® 7 Professional 64-bit Ser-vice Pack 1” as “Windows” or “Windows 7”y DVD MULTI drive as “DVD drive”z6FUHHQPHVVDJHVDUHH[SODLQHGLQ>(QJOLVK8QLWHG6WDWHV@(Depending on the language preference, some screen messages in these instructions are dif-IHUHQWIURPWKHDFWXDOVFUHHQPHVVDJHV)RUH[DPSOH>)OLJKWPRGH@PD\EHGLVSOD\HGLQVWHDGRI>$LUSODQHPRGH@LQVRPHODQJXDJHSUHIHUHQFH  Disclaimer &RPSXWHUVSHFL¿FDWLRQVDQGPDQXDOVDUHVXEMHFWWRFKDQJHZLWKRXWQRWLFH3DQDVRQLF&RUSRUD-tion assumes no liability for damage incurred directly or indirectly from errors, omissions or dis-crepancies between the computer and the manuals.  TrademarksMicrosoft®, Windows®, and the Windows logo are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation of the United States and/or other countries.Intel, Core, Centrino and PROSet are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Intel Corpo-ration.microSDXC Logo is a trademark of SD-3C, LLC.Introduction
15Getting StartedAdobe, the Adobe logo and Adobe Reader are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.Bluetooth® is a registered trademark owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc., U.S.A. and licensed to Pana-sonic Corporation.+'0,WKH+'0,/RJRDQG+LJK'H¿QLWLRQ0XOWLPHGLD,QWHUIDFHDUHWUDGHPDUNVRUUHJLVWHUHGtrademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC in the United States and other countries.Names of products, brands, etc., appearing in this manual are trademarks or registered trade-marks of their respective own companies.  On-screen ManualFor further information about the computer, you can refer to the on-screen manual.zReference ManualThe Reference Manual contains the practical information to help you fully enjoy the comput-er’s performance.zImportant TipsThe Important Tips will provide you with the battery information so that you can use the battery pack in the optimum condition to obtain longer operation time.To access the on-screen manuals, follow the steps below.2QWKH6WDUWVFUHHQWRXFKWKH>0DQXDO6HOHFWRU@WLOHDQGVHOHFWWKHRQVFUHHQPDQXDO'RXEOHWRXFK>0DQXDO6HOHFWRU@RQWKHGHVNWRSVFUHHQDQGVHOHFWWKHRQVFUHHQPDQXDO
20Getting StartedFirst-time Operation5  Setup Windows.Follow the on-screen instructions.z The computer restarts several times. Do not touch the screen or tablet buttons, and wait until the drive indicator  has turned off.z After the computer is turned on, the screen remains black or unchanged for a while, but this is not a malfunction. Wait for a moment until the Windows setup screen appears.z Setup of Windows will take approximately   5 min-utes /   20 minutes.*RWRWKHQH[WVWHSFRQ¿UPLQJHDFKPHVVDJHRQWKHGLVSOD\z Follow the steps below.AWhen “Enable sensors” is displayed, touch>(QDEOHWKLVVHQVRU@B:KHQWKH>8VHU$FFRXQW&RQWURO@VFUHHQLVGLVSOD\HGtouch><HV@C$WWKH>'LVSOD\5RWDWLRQ7RRO@FRQ¿UPDWLRQVFUHHQWouch><HV@The computer restarts automatically, and the setting is en-abled.z “Join a wireless network” screen may not ap-pear.You can set the Wireless Network after the setup of Windows is complete.  CAUTION z You can change the user name, password, image and security setting after setup of Windows.z Remember your password. If you forget the password, you can-not use Windows. Creating a password reset disk beforehand is recommended.z 'RQRWXVHWKHIROORZLQJZRUGVIRUXVHUQDPH&21351AUX, CLOCK$, NUL, COM1 to COM9, LPT1 to LPT9, @, &, space. In particular, if you create a user name (account name) that includes the “@” mark, a password will be requested at the log-on screen, even if no password has been set. If you try to log on without entering a password, “The user name or pass-word is incorrect.” may be displayed and you will not be able to  sign in /   log on to Windows (Îpage 35).6  Create the recovery disc.A recovery disc allows you to install OS and restore its factory default condition, in case, for example, the recovery partition RIWKHÀDVKPHPRU\LVGDPDJHG:HUHFRPPHQGFUHDWLQJDrecovery disc before you begin using the computer. Refer to ÎReference Manual “Recovery Disc Creation Util-ity” about creating the disc.
22Getting StartedTurning OnPress and hold the power switch  (Î page 16) until the power indicator   (Î page 16) lights.NOTE z  Do not press the power switch repeatedly.z The computer will forcibly be turned off if you press and hold the power switch for four sec-onds or longer.z  Once you turn off the computer, wait for ten seconds or more before you turn on the computer again.z  Do not perform the following operation until the drive indicator  turns off.y Connecting or disconnecting the AC adaptory Pressing the power switchy Touching the tablet buttons, screen or external mouse/keyboardTurning OffA  Shut down the computer.1. Display “Charm” and touch  .2. Touch>3RZHU@>6KXW GRZQ@Touch 6WDUW>6KXWGRZQ@NOTE zTo turn off the computer, proceed as follows.A Display “Charm” and touch   - >&KDQJH3&VHWWLQJV@>*HQHUDO@B  Touch>5HVWDUWQRZ@XQGHU³$GYDQFHGVWDUWXS´C  Touch>7XUQRII\RXU3&@Precaution against Starting Up/Shutting Downz Do not do the followingy Connecting or disconnecting the AC adaptory Pressing the power switchy Touching the screen or external mouse/keyboardNOTE z To conserve power, the following power saving methods are set at the time of purchase.y TKHVFUHHQDXWRPDWLFDOO\WXUQVRIIDIWHU10 minutes (when AC adaptor is connected) of inactivity  5 minutes (when operating on battery power) of inactivityy The computer automatically enters sleep*1DIWHU 30 minutes /   20 minutes (when AC adaptor is connected) of inac-tivity15 minutes (when operating on battery power) of inactivity*1 Refer to  Reference Manual “Sleep and Hibernation Functions” about resuming from sleep.Turning On / Turning Off
23Useful InformationOperation environmentz 3ODFHWKHFRPSXWHURQDÀDWVWDEOHVXUIDFHQRWVXEMHFWWRVKRFNYLEUDWLRQDQGGDQJHURIdropping. Do not place the computer upright or turn it over. If the computer is exposed to an extremely strong impact, it may become damaged.z  Operating environment 7HPSHUDWXUH2SHUDWLRQ°C to 50 °C {14 °F to 122 °F} (IEC60068-2-1, 2)*1  6WRUDJH°C to 60 °C {-4 °F to 140 °F} +XPLGLW\ 2SHUDWLRQ% to 80% RH (No condensation)  6WRUDJH% to 90% RH (No condensation)Even within the above temperature/humidity ranges, operation for a long time in extreme en-vironments, smoking nearby, or operation in places where oil is used or where there is a lot of dust will result in the product deterioration and will shorten the product life.*1 Do not expose the skin to this product when using the product in a hot or cold environment. (Îpage 5) If the computer is wet in temperatures of 0 °C {32 °F} or below, freeze damage may occur. Make sure to dry off the computer in such temperatures.z  Do not place the computer in the following areas, otherwise the computer may be damaged.y Near electronic equipment. Image distortion or noise may occur.y In extremely high or low temperature.z  As the computer can become hot during operation, keep it away from items that are sensitive to heat.Handling cautions7KLVFRPSXWHULVGHVLJQHGWRPLQLPL]HVKRFNWRSDUWVVXFKDVWKH/&'DQGWKHÀDVKPHPRU\drive, but no warranty is provided against any trouble caused by shock. Be extremely careful when handling the computer.z :KHQFDUU\LQJWKHFRPSXWHUy Turn off the computer.y Remove all external devices, cables, Smart Cards and other protruding objects.y Do not drop or hit the computer against solid objects.y Do not grip the display part.z  When you board an airplane, take the computer with you and never put it in your checked lug-gage. When using the computer on airplane, follow the airline’s instructions.z  When carrying a spare battery, put it in a plastic bag to protect its terminals.z  Avoid any harmful substances such as oil from getting into the touch pad. The pointer may not work correctly.z  Be careful not to get injured by dropping or getting hit when carrying the computer.z  Use only the included digitizer pen to touch the screen. Do not place any object on its surface and do not press down strongly with sharp-pointed or hard objects that may leave marks (e.g., nails, pencils and ball point pens).zDo not use the screen when dust or dirt (e.g., oil) is on the screen. Otherwise foreign particles on the screen/digitizer pen can scratch the screen surface or obstruct the digitizer pen operation.z  Use the digitizer pen only for touching the screen. Using it for any other purpose may damage the digitizer pen and result in scratches on the screen.z  The digitizer uses electromagnetic induction and may not work properly near strong electrical ¿HOGRUPDJQHWLF¿HOGVXFKDVy Near AM radio base station or relay station antennasy1HDU&57GLVSOD\VWKDWJHQHUDWHVWURQJHOHFWURPDJQHWLF¿HOGQRLVHMove the digitizer away from such locations so it will work properly.z  The pointer cannot follow the digitizer pen movement if you move the digitizer pen too quickly.Handling and Maintenance
24Useful InformationHandling and Maintenance  When the battery indicator does not light on The battery indicator may not light on even if the AC adaptor and the battery pack are correctly connected to the computer, due to the following reasons.z  The AC adaptor’s protection function may be working. In this case, pull out the AC cord and wait for more than 1 minute before reconnecting the AC cord.  When using peripheral devicesFollow these instructions and the Reference Manual to avoid any damage to the devices. Care-fully read the instruction manuals of the peripheral devices.z 8VHWKHSHULSKHUDOGHYLFHVFRQIRUPLQJWRWKHFRPSXWHU¶VVSHFL¿FDWLRQVz  Connect to the connectors in the correct direction.z  If it is hard to insert, do not try forcibly but check the connector’s shape, direction, alignment of pins, etc.z  If screws are included, fasten them securely.z  Remove the cables when you carry the computer. Do not pull the cables forcibly.Preventing your computer from unauthorized use via wireless LAN/Bluetooth/Wireless WAN<Only for model with wireless LAN/Bluetooth/Wireless WAN>zBefore using wireless LAN/Bluetooth/Wireless WAN, make the appropriate security settings such as data encryption.  Battery Recalibrationz  The battery recalibration may take a long time due to the large battery capacity. This is not a malfunction.<When performing “Battery Recalibration” after shutting down Windows>y)XOOFKDUJH$SSUR[LPDWHO\KRXUVy&RPSOHWHGLVFKDUJH$SSUR[LPDWHO\KRXUVWhen performing “Battery Recalibration” without shutting down Windows, it may take more time to charge / discharge.  SensorsThis computer is equipped with four sensors (acceleration sensor, gyro sensor, magnetic sensor, ambient light sensor), and you can use these sensors with any software that is compatible.As the accuracy of each sensor output is dependent on the operating environment and other con-ditions, the results should only be used as a reference.The acceleration sensor, gyro sensor, and magnetic sensor are located at the bottom left of the LCD. The detection results of each sensor may vary depending on how you are holding the com-puter, the application software you are using, and other factors.zAutomatic brightness adjustmentThe computer is equipped with an automatic brightness adjustment function that adjusts the GLVSOD\VFUHHQEDVHGRQWKHDPELHQWOLJKWVHQVRU<RXFDQFRQ¿JXUHWKHDXWRPDWLFDGMXVWPHQWfunction as follows.ADisplay “Charm” and touch  >&KDQJH3&6HWWLQJV@>*HQHUDO@>6FUHHQ@>$GMXVWP\VFUHHQEULJKWQHVVDXWRPDWLFDOO\@A  Touch 6WDUW>&RQWURO3DQHO@>+DUGZDUHDQG6RXQG@>3RZHU2SWLRQ@B 7RXFK>&KDQJHSODQVHWWLQJV@IRUWKHSRZHUSODQFXUUHQWO\XVHG
25Useful InformationC 7RXFK>&KDQJHDGYDQFHGSRZHUVHWWLQJV@DQGGRXEOHWRXFK>'LVSOD\@D 'RXEOHWRXFK>(QDEOHDGDSWLYHEULJKWQHVV@PDNHQHFHVVDU\VHWWLQJVDQGWRXFK>2.@  Set each item to ON, and the brightness of the screen display will adjust automatically.The ambient light sensor is located at the top of LCD.The ambient light cannot be detected properly if this area is obstructed or dirty.zMagnetic sensorThe magnetic sensor on the computer operates by detecting geomagnetism. Therefore, the magnetic sensor may not function properly and it readings may be inaccurate, especially in the following environments.y Inside or near steel structures such as buildings or bridgesy Inside or near automobiles, or near train power linesy Near metallic furniture or appliancesy When the AC adaptor or other peripheral devices are brought closer to the computery1HDUPDJQHWVVSHDNHUVRURWKHUREMHFWVZLWKVWURQJPDJQHWLF¿HOGVThe magnetic directions indicated by the magnetic sensor may not be accurate immediately DIWHUSXUFKDVHRULQHQYLURQPHQWVZLWKSRRUPDJQHWLF¿HOGVIn such cases, turn on the computer and move it as follows.A  Hold the computer so that its screen side is facing upward and level.B  While keeping the computer level, rotate it 90 degrees or more clockwise.C  Return the computer to position A, and rotate it 90 degrees or more counterclockwise.D  Return the computer to position A.ETilt the computer 90 degrees or more to the left so that the left side of the computer tilts down.FReturn the computer to position A, and tilt it 90 degrees or more to the right so that the right side of the computer tilts down.  CAUTION  Ɣ+ROGWKHFRPSXWHU¿UPO\ZKHQPRYLQJLW6WURQJVKRFNVIURPGURSSLQJWKHFRPSXWHUPD\result in damage.
26Useful InformationHandling and MaintenanceMaintenanceIf drops of water or other stains get on the surface of the LCD panel, wipe them off immediately. Failure to do so may result in staining.To clean the LCD panelUse the soft cloth included with the computer. (For further information, refer to “Suggestions About Cleaning the LCD Surface” ÎReference Manual “Screen Input Operation”.)To clean areas other than the LCD panelWipe with a soft dry cloth such as gauze. When using detergent, dip a soft cloth in water-diluted detergent and wring it thoroughly.   CAUTION z Do not use benzene, thinner, or rubbing alcohol since it may adversely affect the surface caus-ing discoloration, etc. Do not use commercially-available household cleaners and cosmetics, as they may contain components harmful to the surface.z  Do not apply water or detergent directly to the computer, since liquid may enter inside of the computer and cause malfunction or damage.To clean inside of the dust coverApproximately once a month, clean up inside of the dust cover by the following procedure.A Turn off the computer and remove the AC adaptor.B Remove the battery pack.C Remove the screw (A) and dust cover as illustrated below.㪘D Clean up inside of the dust cover.E Set the dust cover, screw and battery pack.
27Useful InformationInstalling software will return the computer to the default condition. When you install the soft-ZDUHWKHÀDVKPHPRU\GDWDZLOOEHHUDVHGBack up important data to other media or an external hard disk before installation.  CAUTION z'RQRWGHOHWHWKH5HFRYHU\3DUWLWLRQRQWKHÀDVKPHPRU\7KHGLVNVSDFHLQWKHSDUWLWLRQLVnot available to store data.To check the Recovery Partition, perform the following methods.A  Open “Computer”. Long touch>&RPSXWHU@WKHQWouch>0DQDJH@  To open “Computer”, proceed as follows on the Start screen.1. On the Start screen,ÀLFNIURPULJKWVLGHWRLQVLGHRIWKHVFUHHQ.2. Touch>$OODSSV@RQWKHWRROEDU3. Touch>&RPSXWHU@XQGHU³:LQGRZV6\VWHP´Touch  (Start) and long touch>&RPSXWHU@WKHQWouch>0DQDJH@ z A standard user needs to enter an administrator password.B7RXFK>'LVN0DQDJHPHQW@  Flash memory RecoveryYou can reinstall the OS that was pre-installed at the time of purchase (Windows 8 or Windows 7).Preparationz  Connect the external keyboard.z  Remove all peripherals.z  Connect the AC adaptor and do not remove it until installation is complete.1  Perform “Remove everything and reinstall Windows”.A Display “Charm” and touch >&KDQJH3&VHWWLQJV@>*HQHUDO@B7RXFK>*HW6WDUWHG@XQGHU³5HPRYHHYHU\WKLQJDQGUHLQVWDOO:LQGRZV´Installation starts according to the instructions on the screen. (It will take approximately 20 minutes.)z  Do not interrupt installation, for example by turning off the computer or performing other operation.Otherwise installation may become unavailable as Windows may not start up or the data may be corrupted.2  When termination screen is displayed, touch [OK] to turn off the com-puter.3  Turn on the computer.z If the password is requested, enter the Supervisor Password.4  Perform the “First-time Operation” (Î page 20).5  Start the Setup Utility and change the settings as necessary.6  Perform Windows Update.7  <Only for model with TPM> Clear TPM.A2QWKH6WDUWVFUHHQÀLFNIURPERWWRPVLGHWRLQVLGHRIWKHVFUHHQDQGWRXFK>$OODSSV@on the toolbar. B7RXFK>5XQ@XQGHU³:LQGRZV6\VWHP´LQSXW>WSPPVF@DQGWRXFK>2.@C7RXFK>&OHDU730@XQGHU³$FWLRQV´RQWKHULJKWRIWKH³7300DQDJHURQ/RFDO&RP-puter” screen.Installing Software
28Useful InformationInstalling SoftwareD7RXFK>5HVWDUW@RIWKH³0DQDJHWKH730VHFXULW\KDUGZDUH´VFUHHQThe computer will restart. E:KHQ³730FRQ¿JXUDWLRQFKDQJHZDVUHTXHVWHGWR´LVGLVSOD\HGSUHVVF12.Windows will start.F:KHQ³730LVUHDG\´DSSHDUVWRXFK>&ORVH@1  Turn on the computer, and press F2 or Del while [Panasonic] boot screen is displayed.The Setup Utility starts up.z ,IWKH>3DQDVRQLF@ERRWVFUHHQLVQRWGLVSOD\HGWXUQRQWKHFRPSXWHUZKLOHKROGLQJGRZQF2 or Del.z  If the password is requested, enter the Supervisor Password.2  Write down all of the contents of the Setup Utility and press F9.$WWKHFRQ¿UPDWLRQPHVVDJHVHOHFW><HV@DQGSUHVVEnter.3  Press F10.$WWKHFRQ¿UPDWLRQPHVVDJHVHOHFW><HV@DQGSUHVVEnter.Computer will restart.4  Press F2 or Del while [Panasonic] boot screen is displayed.The Setup Utility starts up.z  If the password is requested, enter the Supervisor Password.5Select the [Exit] menu, then select [Recovery Partition] and press Enter.6  Touch [Reinstall Windows] and touch [Next].The License Agreement screen appears.7  Touch [YES].The License Agreement screen appears.8  Touch [Yes, I agree to the provisions above and wish to continue!] and touch [Next].9  Select the setting and touch [Next].z >5HLQVWDOO:LQGRZVWRWKHZKROH+DUG'LVNWRIDFWRU\GHIDXOW@Select this option when you want to install Windows to the factory default. After instal-lation, you can create a new partition. For how to create a new partition, refer to “To change the partition structure” (Î page 21).z >5HLQVWDOOWRWKH6\VWHPDQG26SDUWLWLRQV@*16HOHFWWKLVRSWLRQZKHQWKHÀDVKPHPRU\KDVDOUHDG\EHHQGLYLGHGLQWRVHYHUDOSDUWL-tions. For how to create a new partition, refer to “To change the partition structure” (Îpage 21).You can keep the partition structure.*1 This does not appear if Windows cannot be installed to the recovery partition and the area us-able by Windows. $WWKHFRQ¿UPDWLRQPHVVDJHWRXFK><(6@11  Select OS (32bit or 64bit) and touch [OK]. $WWKHFRQ¿UPDWLRQPHVVDJHWRXFK><(6@Installation starts according to the instructions on the screen. (It will take approximately 20 minutes.)z  Do not interrupt installation, for example by turning off the computer or pressing Ctrl + Alt + Del.
29Useful InformationOtherwise installation may become unavailable as Windows may not start up or the data may be corrupted.13  When Ending process screen is displayed, touch [OK] to turn off the computer.14  Turn on the computer.z  If the password is requested, enter the Supervisor Password.15  Perform the “First-time Operation” (Î page 20).16  Start the Setup Utility and change the settings as necessary.17  Perform Windows Update. Using Recovery DiscUse the Recovery Disc in the following conditions.y  You have forgotten the administrator password.y ,QVWDOODWLRQLVQRWFRPSOHWH7KHUHFRYHU\SDUWLWLRQLQWKHÀDVKPHPRU\PD\EHEURNHQy <Only for Windows 7 downgrade model> To change OS from Windows 7 to Windows 8, or vice versa.NOTE z To change OS from 32 bit to 64 bit, or vice versa, install OS using the recovery SDUWLWLRQLQWKHÀDVKPHPRU\Preparationz 3UHSDUHWKHIROORZLQJLWHPV• Recovery Disc (ÎReference Manual  “Recovery Disc Creation Utility”)• USB DVD drive (optional) (refer to recent catalogs and other sources for information about the products available)z  Remove all peripherals (except for the USB DVD drive).z  Connect the AC adaptor and do not remove it until installation is complete.NOTE z You can use the following buttons instead of the keyboard. )NH\'HIDXOWVHWWLQJĻNH\ĹNH\(QWHUNH\7DENH\1  Connect the DVD drive to the USB port.2  Start the Setup Utility.A Display “Charm” and touch >&KDQJH3&VHWWLQJV@>*HQHUDO@B7RXFK>5HVWDUWQRZ@XQGHU³$GYDQFHGVWDUWXS´C7RXFK>7URXEOHVKRRW@>$GYDQFHGRSWLRQV@>8(),)LUPZDUH6HWWLQJV@>5HVWDUW@7XUQRQWKHFRPSXWHUDQGWRXFKWRSOHIWRIWKHVFUHHQZKLOH>3DQDVRQLF@ERRWVFUHHQLVdisplayed.z ,IWKH>3DQDVRQLF@ERRWVFUHHQLVQRWGLVSOD\HGWXUQRQWKHFRPSXWHUZKLOHWRXFKLQJWRSleft of the screen.
30Useful InformationInstalling Softwarez  If the password is requested, enter the Supervisor Password.3  Write down all of the contents of the Setup Utility and touch [Exit] and double-touch [Load Default Values].$WWKHFRQ¿UPDWLRQPHVVDJHWRXFK><HV@4  Check the [UEFI Boot] setting of the Setup Utility. >8(),%RRW@VKRXOGEHVHWWRDVIROORZV:KHQWKHUHFRYHU\GLVFIRU:LQGRZVLVXVHG>(QDEOHG@:KHQWKHUHFRYHU\GLVFIRU:LQGRZVLVXVHG>'LVDEOHG@5  Set the Recovery Disc into the DVD drive.6  Touch [Exit] and double-touch [Save Values and Reboot].$WWKHFRQ¿UPDWLRQPHVVDJHWRXFK><HV@Computer will restart.7  Touch top left of the screen while [Panasonic] boot screen is dis-played.The Setup Utility starts up.z  If the password is requested, enter the Supervisor Password.8  Touch [Exit], then double-touch your DVD drive in [Boot Override].9  Double-touch [Yes].The computer will restart.10  Touch [Reinstall Windows] and touch [Next].11  $WWKHFRQ¿UPDWLRQPHVVDJHWRXFK><(6@12  At the License Agreement screen, Touch [Yes, I agree to the provi-sions above and wish to continue!] and touch [Next].13  When the recovery disc for Windows 8 is used, touch [Next].When the recovery disc for Windows 7 is used, select the setting and touch [Next].z>5HLQVWDOO:LQGRZVWRWKHZKROH+DUG'LVNWRIDFWRU\GHIDXOW@Select this option when you want to install Windows to the factory default. After instal-lation, you can create a new partition. For how to create a new partition, refer to “To change the partition structure” (Îpage 21).z >5HLQVWDOOWRWKH6\VWHPDQG26SDUWLWLRQV@*2Select this option when the Àash memory has already been divided into several parti-tions. For how to create a new partition, refer to “To change the partition structure” (Îpage 21). You can keep the partition structure.*2 This does not appear if Windows cannot be installed to the recovery partition and the area us-able by Windows. $WWKHFRQ¿UPDWLRQPHVVDJHWRXFK><(6@Installation starts according to the instructions on the screen. (It will take approximately 30 - 45 minutes.)z Do not interrupt installation, for example by turning off the computer.Otherwise installation may become unavailable as Windows may not start up or the data may be corrupted.15  When Ending process screen is displayed, remove the Recovery Disc and DVD Drive.
31Useful Information16  Touch [OK].The computer will restart. Touch [OK] to turn off the computer.17  Turn on the computer.z  If the password is requested, enter the Supervisor Password.18  Perform the “First-time Operation” (Î page 20).19  Start the Setup Utility and change the settings as necessary.20  Perform Windows Update.21  <Only for model with TPM> Clear TPM (Î page 27).
Panasonic System Communications Company of North AmericaTwo Riverfront Plaza,Newark NJ 07102Panasonic Australia Pty. LimitedACN 001 592 187 ABN 83 001 592 1871 Innovation Road, Macquarie Park NSW 2113:HE6LWHKWWSSDQDVRQLFQHWPanasonic Canada Inc.5770 Ambler Drive, Mississauga,Ontario L4W 2T3© Panasonic Corporation 2013Printed in TaiwanTA0113-2053DFQW5716XATTwo Riverfront Plaza Newark, NJ 07102     @@0813-0 DFQW5829ZA

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