Amadeus Quick Reference Guide
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Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 The information in this guide includes functional updates up to 6 July 2012. YOUR USE OF THIS DOCUMENTATION IS SUBJECT TO THESE TERMS Use of this documentation You are authorized to view, copy, or print the documentation for your personal use only. None of the Amadeus data included in the documentation may be sold, transferred, redistributed, retransmitted, published or commercially exploited in any way without the express advance written permission of Amadeus. This documentation is provided on an “AS IS” basis and Amadeus does not warrant any maintenance or support in using this documentation. Data ownership This documentation is protected by Intellectual Property rights and is the exclusive property of Amadeus. No licence over these Intellectual Property rights is herein being granted. You acknowledge that the documentation is the valuable intellectual property of Amadeus and that if you use, modify or distribute the documentation for unauthorized purposes, you will be liable to Amadeus for any damages it may suffer. The examples in this document are for illustrative purposes only. The naming of particular airlines, hotels, car rental agencies, or other companies in these examples does not constitute an endorsement, express or implied, of Amadeus by these companies or of these companies by Amadeus. Product offers, prices, terms and other information provided herein are subject to change without notice. You should determine the appropriateness of any product for your intended purpose and needs. Amadeus makes no warranty of any kind including but not limited to the implied warranty of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s. All Rights Reserved. Edition 9.2 Job Number 3366 FE N/A Published by: Amadeus Global Learning Services (Distribution & IT) e-mail: July 2012 Contents Introduction 1 Amadeus Information Pages 3 Signing In and Signing Out 7 Calculating, Encoding and Decoding 9 Amadeus Interface Record 11 Timatic 13 Amadeus Air 15 PNR 29 Amadeus Customer Profiles 61 Amadeus Cars 81 Amadeus Hotels 97 Amadeus Rail 115 Amadeus Insurance 121 Amadeus Fares and Pricing 125 Amadeus Ticketing 153 Amadeus Central Ticketing Platform 191 Amadeus Electronic Ticketing 211 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 3 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Amadeus Ticketless Access 219 Amadeus Invoice 221 Amadeus Itinerary 225 Amadeus Fax 233 Amadeus Email 237 Amadeus Queues 243 Amadeus Security 255 Amadeus Service Fee Manager 265 Amadeus Offers 269 Index 271 4 Edition 9.2 Introduction Welcome to the 2012 version of the Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide. This edition replaces all previous editions. Scope and Purpose of this Document The Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide is intended for travel and airline office agents who use the Amadeus central system. It provides a comprehensive list of the entries and options available through the cryptic interface to the Amadeus central system. Spaces used in the entries shown in this guide are for illustration purposes only. Some entries described in this document are not available to all agents, or all markets, or all airlines. Entries not supported in all markets are indicated as market-specific. Entries not supported by all airlines are indicated as airlinespecific. This version of the document does not include entries that are for airline agent use only. Using this Document This document is divided into the main functional areas. These are listed in the table of contents at the front of the document. There is also a detailed index at the back of the document to help you quickly find information. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 1 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Finding Help in Amadeus For Amadeus Online Help on any subject that you find in the Quick Reference Guide, enter HE followed by the relevant transaction code, always shown in bold. You can also enter HELP for other ways to find information. Note: A Searchable, online version of this document is also available from the Amadeus eSupport Centre home page. Here is the link to the Amadeus e-Support Centre: 2 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Information Pages Category list GO Online Help subject list GO/HEL Car page list GO/HEL/CAR Main topic list GG AIS Index GG A Airlines in Amadeus GG PCA Airlines in Amadeus: access levels GG PCALACC Airlines in Amadeus: function levels GG PCALFUN Amadeus functions supported by a specific airline GG PCA LH Airlines supporting Electronic Ticketing GG PCALETT Airlines “on request” GG PCA, GPREQ Airlines recently removed from availability displays GG PCA, GPCNL Airlines with rate desk pricing GG PCA, GPRDP List of airlines having their own Information Pages GG AIR AIS Information provided by a specific airline GG AIR LH Airline’s city information GG AIR LH JNB Air alliances index GG ALLIANCE Display a page in your language GG AIRAFBAGS;FR Amadeus training schedule GG TRAINING Information about Amadeus Car Reservation GG CAR Information about a specific car company GG CAR ZE Information about car company’s facilities at airport GG CARZI LHR Information about Amadeus Hotel Reservation GG HTL Information about a specific hotel chain GG HTL SI Information about Amadeus Rail Reservation GG RAIL Information about Amadeus Ferry Reservation GG FERRY Product announcements in Amadeus GG NEWS Weather forecast for a specific city GG WEA NCE Information about a specific airport GG APT NCE Information about a specific country GG COU IE Information from a specific Amadeus ACO GG AMA GB Information about Amadeus input and output codes GG CODE © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 3 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Office Briefing Pages Display your office briefing page GD Display another office‘s briefing page GD/NCE1A0900 Edit your office briefing page GMD Displaying the Amadeus Information Pages Update Summary Panel Updated today and yesterday GN Updated during the last xx days (up to 59 days) GNxx Updated during a specific date range GN 15AUG-30AUG Printing, Scrolling, and Searching in Information Pages and Online Help Print an Amadeus Information Pages page GL Print a line GL5 Print a range of lines GL7-19 Print the first 10 lines GL/10 Search for text on an Amadeus Information Pages page GSL/fares/ Move to a page within the same subject, by keyword GP COR Redisplay the last Amadeus Information Pages screen MPGG Move to a line within the page MS22 Move down, move up, move top, move bottom M or MD, MU, MT, MB Return and move down MDGG Return and move up MUGG Return and move to the bottom of the page MBGG Return and move to the top of the page MTGG Display current page in another language GP;SP 4 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Information Pages Updating Amadeus Information Pages These entries are dependent on security. Edit an Amadeus Information Pages page GMP Edit a language version of a page GMP;FR Modify keywords for a page GMI Create a page GAI Delete a page GDI Delete a language version of a page GDI;FR Insert a number of blank lines in a screen I08 Delete a number of blank lines in a screen D12 Copy and add lines within a page GCC 1-3.106 Copy and replace lines within a page GCO 1-3.106 Move and add lines within a page GMM 1-3.106 Move and replace lines within a page GMO 1-3.106 Copy and add lines from one page to another GCO 1-3.106 SUB/PGE 12 Copy and replace lines from one page to another GCO/CAT/SUB/PGE 1-3.CAT/ SUB/PGE 12 Display first occurrence of a text string in a page GSL/TRAINING MANUAL/ Display all lines in a page that contain a text string GAL/CAR VOUCHER/ Display instant marketing messages GG AIM Globally find and replace text G@C/OLDTEXT/NEWTEXT/** Explanation of how to edit Amadeus Information Pages HE AIS EDIT Amadeus Online Help Pages Main subject index HE Help on help HE HE Help on a specific transaction HE NM Help on a specific topic HE PNR NAME Step-by-step instructions for common tasks HE STEPS Help on the last transaction entered HE/ List of updates to online help HE UPDATES Move to the table of contents for the current subject GP IND Redisplay the last help screen MP HE © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 5 Signing In and Signing Out Basic sign-in entry to the first available work area JI 2345XY/GS Sign in to work area A JI A2345XY/GS Sign in to multiple work areas JI A/B/C/D2345XY/GS Sign in to all work areas JI*2345XY/GS Sign in to another work area JXB Redisplay the sign-in message JB Display the status of work areas JD Move to a specific work area JMB Move to a work area by agent sign JMXY Suspend a work area temporarily JS Sign out of the current active work area JO Sign out of multiple work areas, with the same agent JOB/C/D Sign out of all work areas JO* Remote sign-out (with password) JUR 1234XY/AMADEUS1 Remote sign-out of shared agent sign (with password) JUR 1234XY/AMADEUS1/ T-0908C4CD Remote office jump JUM/0-AMS1A2100/ T-09ABC123/1234AB/SU Remote office sign-in JUI/O-NCE1A0900 Remote office sign-out JUO Recall last entry RE Recall entry before last RE2 AGENT PREFERENCES Depending on the security settings for your office, you may be able to set and change some system attributes such as your preferred insurance provider, whether you want to see distances in miles or kilometers, and in which language you want to see information. See Preferences Attributes on page 259 for a list of attributes and the possible values. Display agent preferences JGD Update agent preferences JGU/LNG-SP/RAI-2V Reset preferences to office defaults JGR/ALL © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 7 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 PRACTICE TRAINING Practice Training is a reproduction of the distribution system. All Amadeus cryptic transactions can be used in this environment. Sign in to Practice Training JJ 2345XY/GS Sign out of Practice Training JO When signed in to Practice Training in the Amadeus Selling Platform, do not make bookings in market-specific applications such as Tour and Rail providers, as these applications are not part of the Practice Training environment. 8 Edition 9.2 Calculating, Encoding and Decoding CALCULATING Add DF 50 ; 40 Divide DF 40 / 20 Subtract DF 20 - 10 Multiply DF 20 * 30 Divide, then divide again DF40/4/2 Add then multiply DF(8;3)*4 Decimal to hexadecimal DKDH103 Tax base and totals DF386P10 ENCODING AND DECODING Find code for a location DAN CHICAGO Decode a nationality code DC NOR Code from part of name DAN CIN* Decode a country DC GB Show associated locations DAN PARIS/S Decode the EMU DC EMU Encode a country, find a nationality code DC FRANCE Decode a state DNS USFL Encode a state DNS FLORIDA Decode an airline code DNA LF Encode an airline DNA DELTA Decode an airline number DNA 057 Encode an aircraft DNE AIRBUS List the boarding points for DB LON a city Encode a hotel DNH RAMADA Decode an aircraft type DNE M54 Encode a car company DNC AVIS Decode a hotel chain DNH RA Encode a hotel rate DNN AMERI Decode a car company DNC ZI Encode tour or rail provider DNP AMTRAK Decode a hotel rate DNN AMX Decode car equipment CE PHN Decode tour or rail provider DNP 2V List connect points DXCCDANC List the states or provinces DNS US for a country DNS CA Find location for a code DAC CHI List of provider's special car equipment All associated locations DAC CHI/ALL © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved CE/CO-ZI 9 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 CONVERTING Converting Between Metric And Imperial Miles to kilometers DKMK50 Kilometers to miles DKKM80 Celsius to Fahrenheit DKCF32 Fahrenheit to Celsius DKFC90 Pounds to kilograms DKPK 20 Kilograms to pounds DKKP 9 Converting Currency See Currency Conversion on page 125. DATES, DAYS, AND TIMES Display current system day/date/time DD Day for a specific date DD19JUL05 Date a number of days earlier DD15MAR/-35 Date a number of days later DD12APR/21 Dates earlier and later DD15MAR/-23/14 Days between dates DD3MAR/15APR Days between dates in different years DD3MAR08/12FEB09 Current time in a city DDPAR Compare times in different cities DDPAR1800/NYC Elapsed journey time DDFRA2125/SYD0535+2 Elapsed journey time allowing for US time zones DDP0640/E2229 CHECK DIGIT (OP)ATB Tickets (OP)ATB tickets: all coupons except flight coupons DG 057 2190154701/7 (OP)ATB tickets:: specific flight coupons DG 3 057 2190154701/7 (OP)ATB tickets: all unused flight coupons DG 1 057 2190154701/7 (OP)TAT tickets: all coupons except flight coupons DG 1234567890/7 (OP)TAT tickets: specific flight coupons DG 1 1234567890/7 10 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Interface Record WORKING WITH THE APPLICATIONS QUEUE Display status of the applications queue BB Start transmission BASTART Stop transmission BSSTOP Display a list of Amadeus Interface Records BD Display a list of Amadeus Interface Records starting with sequence number BD0819927023 Display a list of Amadeus Interface Records created on a specific date (transmitted and untransmitted) BD07AUG Display a list of Amadeus Interface Records created on a specific date (transmitted only) BL07AUG Display a counter of Amadeus Interface Records on the applications queue (untransmitted only) BC Display incomplete Amadeus Interface Records BDTK Display an Amadeus Interface Record from a list BI1234567890 Display number of PNR record locators on queue BCP TRANSMITTING AMADEUS INTERFACE RECORDS Transmit Amadeus Interface Records by date BA07AUG Transmit Amadeus Interface Records by IATA number BA00498936 Transmit Amadeus Interface Records by office ID BAPARAX2100 Retransmit Amadeus Interface Records by date BR07AUG Retransmit Amadeus Interface Records by sequence BR100000014 number Retransmit a range of Amadeus Interface Records by BR100000014-100000019 sequence numbers Retransmit Amadeus Interface Record to a shadow or mirror destination BR/L12 VOIDING AND RESTORING Void an Amadeus Interface Record by sequence number © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved BV1234567890 11 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 BO1234567890 Restore a manually voided Amadeus Interface Record MANUALLY CREATING AN AMADEUS INTERFACE RECORD Create an accounting Amadeus Interface Record manually TTP/BTK Create an IMR manually BT Create an IMR for specific passengers and Amadeus BT/P2/S3-4 Interface Record segments Create an IMR for specific auxiliary segments BT/A5-6/S0 Create an IMR for MCO elements BT/L3-5 Create an IMR and send to a shadow location BT/H5 SHADOW AND MIRROR DESTINATIONS Generate an Amadeus Interface Record to a shadow destination on demand TTP/H1 Generate a mirror Amadeus Interface Record/IMR with the FK element FKMIAUS2M01/LAXUS2CTS/LONUF2100 Retransmit an Amadeus Interface Record to the primary and shadow destinations BR1302165310/H1 Retransmit an Amadeus Interface Record to the shadow destination only BR1302165310/I1 Retransmit an Amadeus Interface Record to the primary and mirror destinations BR1302165310/M1 Retransmit an Amadeus Interface Record to the mirror destination BR1302165310/R1 Retransmit an Amadeus Interface Record to the shadow or mirror destinations (from the PNR) BR/L12 12 Edition 9.2 Timatic Amadeus Online Help on Timatic HETI Timatic Help on Timatic TIHELP Index for rules, terms and definitions TIRULES Index for news items TINEWS Mask for visa information TIFV or TI/VISA Mask for health information TIFH or TI/HEALTH Mask for visa and health information TIFA or TI/ALL Visa information referencing the PNR TIRV/NAUS/S4-6 Health information referencing the PNR TIRH/S4-6 Health and Visa information referencing the PNR TIRA/NAMIA/S4-6 Display country names and country codes TIRCC Display the city list for a specific country TIRCC/IT Display country group codes and country group names TIRGL Display member countries from group codes (example European Economic Area) TIRGL/EEA Australian Visas (ETAS) Application TIETAR Inquiry TIETAQ History Inquiry TIETAH Check-in Inquiry TIETAC Display ETAS help TIETAS Printing a Timatic Response First page WRAP581A06BF/TIRA/NAUS/EMLON/DEDEL Next page WRAP581A06BF/TIPN Scrolling in Timatic Next screen MD Last page MB Previous screen MU Top of the page MT © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 13 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Timatic Database Full Text You can search for information using the Timatic full text database. You specify the country and section you are interested in (mandatory), and you can also specify a subsection (optional). Entry Format TIDFT/ 3-letter city or airport code or 2-letter country code /Section (see below) /Subsection (optional, see below) Sections Subsections that can be used with each section (described below) CS Customs IM PE EX BC NO CY Currency IM EX NO GE Geographical HE Health PA Passport WA PT VA RE CR ML AI MI NO PV Passport and visa WA PT VA RE CR ML AI MI NO SR Stateless persons and refugees TX Airport tax VI Visa WA VS TW SE CR ML IS AI MI CO Subsections (optional) WA Warning SE Merchant Seaman PT Passport Exemptions IS Issue VA Validity CO Compulsory Currency Exchange RE Admission or Transit Restrictions RP Re-entry Permit AI Additional Information EP Exit Permit MI Minors IM Imports NO Notes PE Pets VS Visa Exemptions (except TWOV) EX Exports TW Transit without visa (TWOV) BC Baggage Clearance Example Entries Customs policy on pets in USA TIDFT/NYC/CS/PE French geography TIDFT/FR/GE Passport validity for UK TIDFT/ABZ/PA/VA Currency export restrictions from Russian Federation TIDFT/LED/CY/EX 14 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Air AVAILABILITY AND SCHEDULES Availability Display Codes Neutral Availability AN Availability by arrival time AA Availability by departure time AD Availability by elapsed time AE Schedule Display Codes Neutral Schedule SN Schedule by arrival time SA Schedule by departure time SD Schedule by elapsed time SE Unless otherwise specified, these codes can be used with any of the entries and options listed for Availability and Schedules. Since the AN code has been used in all the examples, simply replace it with AA, AD, AE, SN, SA, SD, or SE to request the corresponding display. Also note that all basic entries can be used in combination with any of the display options. Basic Entries: One-Way Routing One-way routing, specified date, city pair, time AN11JULHOULAX1430 Local time if today is 11JUL, or 0000 in the future AN11JULHOULAX Current day departure, specified time ANMIAATL1130 Current day departure, local time ANMIAATL Departure city is the same as the office profile AN11JULNYC1130 Current location and current day departure, local time ANATL Seven-day search AN/11JULMADNYC1430 Day of the week ANTU/MIAATL Carrier-preferred display ANCO11JULMADNYC1430 Alliance display: Star Alliance (*A) AN*A15APRAMSBKK One World Alliance (*O) AN*O15JANLONNYC Sky Team Alliance (*S) AN*S15SEPPARMEX © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 15 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Back to Amadeus display AN1A11JULMADCPH1430 Basic Entries: Round Trip Round-trip routing, specified dates and times AN11JULMADCPH8A*23AUG2P Round trip, returning on the same day AN11JULMADCPH* Departure on current day, local time ANMADSCL*11JUL1200 Carrier-preferred display ANCO11JULHOULAS*15JUL2P Seven-day search AN/11JULMADBKK*29JUL7A Basic Entries: Dual City Pair Dual city pair display, specified dates AN9JULFRAMAD*23JULBCNDUS Second pair a number of days later AN11JULMADCPH*+4STOBCN Same day availability AN9JULMADFRA*DUSBCN Carrier-preferred display ANTG5OCTBKKJKT*9OCTHKGSIN Open-jaw availability AN12OCTFRAMAD*BCN Search previous and next days AN15JULSINBKK/S+2 Seven-day search AN/8FEBANCNOU*//3MARPPTANC Display Options Airline preference (maximum six) AN11JULMADCPH13/ASK,IB Airline preference for at least one segment AN11JULDUBMEX/AEI,YY Availability for a specific flight number AN11JULATHROM/AAZ717 Include non-participating airlines (schedules only) SN30SEPLHRJFK/AYY Operating flights only AN15JANLONSYD/A+BA Exclude specific airlines (up to three) AN11JULMADCPH/A-SK,IB All airlines in an alliance: Star Alliance (*A) One World Alliance (*O) Sky Team Alliance (*S) AN15JANLONNYC/A*A Number of seats (maximum nine) AN11JULSINFRA/B3 Specified cabin type (maximum two) AN11JULSINSYD/KF,C AN11JULSINSYD/KY AN11JULSINSYD/KW AN11JULSINSYD/KM Specified classes (maximum three) AN11JULLHRBOM/CF Specified classes on at least one segment AN15SEPJFKAMS/CF,Y,+ 16 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Air Specified classes on all segments AN15SEPJFKAMS/CF-Y Group classes AN12JUNLONSIN/ABA/RGRP Frequent flyer redemption classes AN01NOVLONMAN/ABA/RRED Time window AN12JUNLHRFRA1000/W2,3 Connecting city, minimum connecting time AN11JULMADTYO14/XBKK Connecting city, specified connecting time AN11JULMADTYO15/XBKK150 Connecting cities (up to two) AN11JULLONTYO14/XBKKHKG Connecting cities, specified connecting time AN11JULLONTYO14/XBKK150HKG120 Exclude a connecting city (up to two) AN11JULLONTYO14/X-BKK Non-stop flights only AN11JULLAXNYC/FN Direct flights only AN11JULLAXNYC/FD Connections only AN29APRLAXNYC/FC Online connections only AN29APRBRENYC/O Specific connections (maximum three) AN15JULPARSYD/XLON,FRA,BKK Specific connections, all connect points (maximum five) AN15JULPARSYD/XLONBKKSIN Flights with meals only AN29APRNCEMRS/FM Charter flights only AN29APRYOWFLL/DC Scheduled flights only AN29APRYOWFLL/DS Both scheduled and charter flights AN29APRYOWFLL/DM Combination of flight options AN11JULLAXNYC/FN,D,M Time in 12-hour clock format AN29APRJKTPER/T12 Time in 24-hour clock format AN29APRJKTPER/T24 European Union zone neutral display AN29APRSYDTYO/ZEU United States zone neutral display AN29APRSYDTYO/ZUS Expand horizontal display (79 characters) AN29APROSLCPH/H-ON Reduce horizontal display (64 characters) AN29APRATHCDG/H-OFF Expand vertical display (12 flights) AN29APRCDGLIS/V-ON Reduce vertical display (six flights) AN29APRCDGLIS/V-OFF Availability with discount (product availability) AN28APRMPLCAS/RCH Scrolling Entries: One-Way Display Move to the previous screen MU Move to the next screen M or MD Move to the original screen MO Redisplay a cleared screen MP Move to the previous day MY Move to the next day MN © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 17 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Scrolling Entries: Round Trip and Dual City Pair Move down, first city pair MDF Move down, second city pair MDS Move up, first city pair MUF Move up, second city pair MUS Previous day, first city pair MYF Previous day, second city pair MYS Next day, first city pair MNF Next day, second city pair MNS Return to Neutral Display or Seven-Day Search Last screen displayed MPAN Original screen displayed MOAN Previous screen MUAN Next screen MDAN Change Entries To change from an availability display AC SC To change from a schedule display All the change entry examples below use the AC code: simply replace AC with SC to request the corresponding display. Change Entries: One-Way Routing Airline preference (maximum, three) AC/ALH,IB City pair ACBCNFRA City of origin ACBCN City of destination AC//FRA Continuation from current destination AC/NLAX Number of seats AC/B4 Class of service (maximum, three) AC/CF Cancel, show all classes AC/C Flights with meals AC/FM Connecting city, minimum connect time AC/XLON90 Connecting cities, minimum connect time AC/XBCN20LON90 Departure time AC1845 Departure date AC18MAY Departure five days earlier AC-5 Departure three days later AC3 Change to carrier-preferred display ACAF/ Change to Alliance display: Star Alliance (*A) AC*A/ Change to Alliance display: One World Alliance (*O) AC*O/ Change to Alliance display: Sky Team Alliance (*S) AC*S/ Change to Amadeus display AC1A/ 18 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Air Return to last Direct Access display 1YY/ Direct Access for a specified airline by referencing display line ACL2 Direct Access by referencing display line and connecting flight line ACL2/3-4 Direct Access to a specified airline and class by display line ACL2Y Direct Access for airline/class by display and connecting flight lines ACL2/3Y Return routing, date and time specified ACR24JUL2130 Return routing on the day of arrival after 1800 hours ACR Return routing on the day of arrival, time specified ACR1345 Return seven-day search from the day of arrival AC/R Change to a fare display (common fares) ACFQ Change to a fare display for the airline on line one ACFQ1 Change to a fare display, specific airline ACFQ/ALH Change to a fare display, specific class of service ACFQ/CY Change to a fare display for specific airline and class of service ACFQ/ALH/CF Change Entries: Round Trip and Dual City Pair Departure times, both city pairs AC0800*1700 Date of travel, both city pairs AC15NOV*20DEC Class of service, both city pairs AC/CC*/CF Cancel, show all classes, both city pairs AC/C*/C Departure date three days earlier, first city pair AC-3* Board point, first city pair ACCPH* Connection point and connecting time, first city pair AC/XBRU50* Display return flights, first city pair ACR19NOV0800* Change to single city pair display, using first city pair ACF Departure date three days later, second city pair AC*3 Destination city, second city pair AC*//FRA Origin and destination cities, for second city pair AC*MRSPAR Change to single city pair display using second city pair ACS © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 19 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Change Display Type Availability by arrival time ACAA Availability by departure time ACAD Availability by elapsed time ACAE Availability by neutral order ACAN Schedule by arrival time ACSA Schedule by departure time ACSD Schedule by elapsed time ACSE Schedule by neutral order ACSN Timetable by arrival time ACTA Timetable by departure time ACTD Timetable by elapsed time ACTE Timetable by neutral order ACTN TIMETABLE Timetable Display Codes Neutral Timetable TN By departure time TD By arrival time TA By elapsed time TE These codes can be used with any of the entries and options. Simply replace TN with TA, TD, or TE to request the corresponding display. Basic Entries One-way routing, specified date, city pair, time TN11JULCPTCAI0830 Departures from 0000 for a date in the future TN11JULCPTCAI Current day, specified time TNCPTCAI0830 Departure city is the same as the office profile TN11JULRIO0830 Current day, local time TNMIARIO Departure city is the same as the office profile, current day TNRIO Carrier-preferred display TNAF11JULCDGFRA Alliance display: Star Alliance (*A) TN*A15APRAMSBKK One World Alliance (*O) TN*O15APRAMSBKK Sky Team Alliance (*S) TN*S15APRAMSBKK Back to Amadeus display TN1A15APRAMSBKK0900 20 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Air Display Options Flights operating on a specific day of the week TN29AUGHOUMEX1430/WE Airline preference (maximum three) TN29AUGFRAROM/ALH,AZ Include airlines not participating in Amadeus TN11JULLTNNCE/AYY Scrolling Entries Move to the previous screen MU Move to the next screen MD Move to the original screen MO Redisplay a cleared screen MP Move to the next week MN Move to the previous week MY Last neutral display viewed MPTN Previous neutral display MUTN Original neutral display MOTN Next neutral display MDTN Change Entries City pair TCMUCNCE Only origin city TCMUC Only destination city TC//FRA Departure time TC1845 Date period for a specific date TC15JUN Return routing for same city pair, specify date, time, day TCR16JUL1430/MO Return routing for same city pair and period as arrival, specified time TCR1430 Return routing: same city pair and period, arrival after 1800 (6 pm) TCR Day of operation TC/TU Change to carrier-preferred display TCAF/ Change to Alliance display: Star Alliance (*A) TC*A/ One World Alliance (*O) TC*O/ Sky Team Alliance (*S) TC*S/ Change to Amadeus display TC1A/ Timetable by arrival time TCTA Timetable by departure time TCTD Timetable by elapsed time TCTE Timetable by neutral order TCTN Availability by arrival time TCAA Availability by departure time TCTD Availability by elapsed time TCTE © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 21 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Availability by neutral order TCTN Schedule by arrival time TCSA Schedule by departure time TCTD Schedule by elapsed time TCTE Schedule by neutral order TCTN DIRECT ACCESS These entries are for availability displays in Direct Access. Except for 1XXSCAD (change to availability from schedule display), they also apply to schedule displays in Direct Access; simply replace 1XXAD with 1XXSD, for example. In all cases, replace XX with the two-letter airline code. To find out if an airline supports Direct Access, enter GGPCA followed by the airline code. Some Direct Access entries are not supported by all airlines. To view online help for a Direct Access airline, enter HEDIRXX, where XX is the airline code. Availability Basic entry, current day 1XXADMIALIM Current day, time specified 1XXADMIALIM0900 Date specified 1XXAD8FEBMEXRIO Date and time specified 1XXAD8FEBMEXRIO0900 Number of seats (maximum nine) 1XXAD8FEBMEXRIO/B3 Class of service 1XXAD8FEBPENSIN/CY Class of service and number of seats 1XXAD8FEBPENSIN/CY/B3 Specific flight 1XXAD24JULDFWFRA/AXX2510 Specific flight and class of service 1XXAD26JUNMELSYD/AXX100/CF Specific flight request for other airline 1XXADXX2345Y8FEBWAWATH Connect point, today 1XXADATLDUS/XFRA Departure date and minimum connect time 1XXAD8FEBMIAHAM/XFRA90 Departure date and time, connect point 1XXAD3FEBHOUMUC0700/XFRA Date, time, connect point and class 1XXAD1FEBMELMNL0700/XSIN/CY Date, time, connect point and time, class 1XXAD8FEBBJSHKG0700/XSHA90/CY Change Entries Change to schedule display 1XXACSD Change to availability display 1XXSCAD Change to fare display 1XXACFQD Departure date 1XXAC24FEB Departure date and time 1XXAC24FEB1400 22 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Air Departure a number of days later 1XXAC5 Departure a number of days earlier 1XXAC-3 Departure time 1XXAC1400 Class of service 1XXAC/CM Connect point 1XXAC/XHKG Connect point and minimum connect time 1XXAC/XHKG120 City of origin 1XXACDEN Destination city 1XXAC//SYD Origin and destination cities 1XXACDENSYD Return flights, same date and time 1XXACR Return flights, time specified 1XXACR1400 Return flights, connection point 1XXACR/XATL Return flights, change of class 1XXACR/CY Return flights, date specified 1XXACR28FEB Return flights, date and time specified 1XXACR28FEB1400 Scrolling Entries Move down 1XXMD Move up 1XXMU Next day 1XXMN Previous day 1XXMY Last dir access flights display 1YY/ Fare Display Basic entry, all fares 1XXFQDHNLLAX Date specified 1XXFQDHNLLAX8FEB Airline specified 1XXFQDHNLLAX/ACO Fare type specified 1XXFQDOSAMNL8FEB/EXCN One-way fares 1XXFQDOSAMNL8FEB/O Round-trip fares 1XXFQDOSAMNL8FEB/R Currency 1XXFQDATLSIN8FEB/EUR Fares in NUCs 1XXFQDATLSIN8FEB/NUC Airline and global direction specified 1XXFQDATLSIN8FEB/XX/AT All fare options combined 1XXFQDATLSIN8FEB/XX/NUC/EXCN/R/AT Flight Information Basic entry, current day 1XXDO2345 Date specified 1XXDO2345/8FEB © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 23 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 By departure or arrival city 1XXDO2345SFO By departure and arrival city 1XXDO2345NYCSFO Airline code, date specified 1XXDOXX2345/8FEB Airline code, arrival or destination city 1XXDOXX2345/8FEBSFO Seat Maps In all cases, replace XX with the appropriate two-letter airline code. Specific class 1XXSM231/Y/8FEBDUBATL Class and number of passengers 1XXSM231/Y/8FEBDUBATL/B4 PNR Retrieval In all cases, replace XX with the appropriate two-letter airline code. Using the airline’s record locator 1XXRTRQB623 Using name 1XXRT100-MILLER Using date and name 1XXRT100/15JUL-MILLER Using origin, name and date 1XXRT100/15JULATL-MILLER Using origin and destination, name and date 1XXRT830A/15JULATLDCA-MILLER Other airline 1XXRTAF801/15JULMIAJFK-MILLER Waitlist display 1XXRTWL801/15JULMIAJFK-MILLER Time specified 1XXRT830A/15JULATLDCA-MILLER Display advance seat request 1XX/*B Display history 1XXRH From name list 1XXRT10 Display waitlist segments 1XXRTW FLIGHT INFORMATION Search and Display From an availability or schedule display (line two) DO2 From an availability display, third flight from line one DO1,3 From a Direct Access display DO21 From a PNR element DO3 By airline flight number, current day (short entry) DOAF2418 By airline flight number (long entry) DOAF2418/28NOV/NCECDG By airline flight number, 12-hour clock format DOAY831/16JUN/T12 By arrival time DOAF1430/A/12DECMADCDG 24 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Air By departure time DOAF1430/D/12DECMADCDG Flight information history, if available DHRG916/10SEP MCT Minimum connection time for a specific airport DMFRA Minimum connection time for a specific airport, specific date DMFRA/15DEC Multiple airport city DMLON Multiple airport city, specific date DMLON/15DEC Inter-airport connections DMLGW-LHR Specific inbound airline DMBA/LHR Online DMCO/IAH/CO Interline DMCO/IAH/DL Interline and inter-airport DMAF/CDG-ORY/LH Display a mask for two specific flights DMS From PNR flight segments DM2/4 From availability, dual city pair DM2*12 Specified arrival terminal DMCDG2A Specified departure terminal DMCDG-2B Specified arrival and departure terminals DMCDG2A-2B Specified airlines and terminals DMAF/CDG2A-2B/SQ Specified airlines, airports, and terminals DMAF/CDG2A-ORYW/AF Specified terminals at different airports DMORYW-CDG2B Check MCT and segment continuity in a PNR DMI For a specific segment only DMI9 For a range of segments DMI7/9 Display Connect Points Display neutral connect points for today's date by DRTPARSFO travel agency Display neutral connect points for today's date by DRT1APARSFO airline office Display neutral connect points for specific date by travel agency DRT19JULPARSFO Display neutral connect points for specific date by airline office DRT1A19JULPARSFO Specific airline, all legs DRTPARSFO/AAF Specific airline, any leg DRTPARSFO/AAF,YY © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 25 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Several airlines DRTPARSFO/AAF,DL Specific alliance DRTPARSFO/A*S Excluding specific airline DRTPARSFO/A-AF Specific alliance excluding specific airline DRTPARSFO/A*S/A-AF Specific connect point DRTPARSFO/XNYC Any connect point DRTPARSFO/XNYC,LAX,CHI All connect points DRTPARSFO/XLONNYCLAX Excluding connect points DRTPARSFO/X-LON,NYC,LAX Excluding connection (through all connect points) DRTPARSFO/X-LONNYCLAX Including number of connect points DRTPARSFO/N3 Including up to number of connect points DRTPARSFO/N3+ Carrier-preferred connect points DRTBA19JULPARSFO Alliance-preferred connect points DRT*A19JULPARSFO NEGOTIATED SPACE This functionality is only available to you if your office has the security agreements in place to use negotiated space for specific airlines. Requesting Negotiated Space Availability Negotiated Space display AT30JUNFRALAX Amadeus Availability including Negotiated Space AN30JUNFRALAX Negotiated Space by event name AV18MAYJAPANCULTURETRIP Negotiated Space information from availability LOTI3 Displaying Negotiated Space Display current Negotiated Space handling table LOFDIB Change to Function 1 display method for a specific airline, at office level LOFSAF/O/1 Change Negotiated Space display method for specific airline, at agent sign level LOFSIB/S/1 Display Negotiated Space handling defaults LOPDAF Display Negotiated Space handling exceptions, for a specific office LOPDIB/LOCNMIAIF2100 Display Negotiated Space handling exceptions, for a specific agent LOPDAF/LOCNMIAIF2100 /SINE0001AA Display Negotiated Space blocks for a specific flight, all dates LOTDIB/FLTNIB450 26 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Air Display Negotiated Space blocks for a specific flight when the display is too long LOTDIB/FLTNIB450/ITEM37 Display Negotiated Space blocks for a specific flight and date LOTDIB/FLTNIB450/DATE30JUN Display Negotiated Space blocks for a specific flight and effective date LOTDIB/FLTNIB450/EFFD30JUL Display suspended Negotiated Space blocks, specific flight LOTDCC/FLTNCC1234-SUSP Display suspended Negotiated Space blocks, specific date LOTDCC/DATE12AUG-SUSP Display suspended Negotiated Space blocks, specific flight and date LOTDCC/FLTNCC1234 /DATE12AUG-SUSP Display inactive Negotiated Space blocks LOTD6X/FLTN6X710 /DATE30AUG08-INAC View bookings made against a specific Negotiated Space block LOTB1 Display the history of a specific Negotiated Space LOTH1 Display the full history of a specific Negotiated Space LOTH1-ALL Display flights on which your company owns space LOTLAF/MAY-CC2 Display general Negotiated Space statistics, specific date LORELH/DATE01DEC08 Display general Negotiated Space statistics, date range LORELH/DATE01DEC08-31DEC08 Display general Negotiated Space statistics, several dates (up to 6) LORELH/DATE02MAY08,15MAY08 Display Negotiated Space creation statistics LORNIB Display Negotiated Space sales statistics LORSLH Creating Negotiated Space These entries are not available to all users. Display a list of Negotiated Space update entries LOT Create Negotiated Space, single date LOTAIB Create Negotiated Space, multiple dates LOTMAF © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 27 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Change Negotiated Space: number of seats sales start date sales end date seat reduction date percentage amount of reduction multiple parameters LOTC1/ALOT30 LOTC1/COMM120 LOTC1/EXPY100 LOTC1/REDU10 LOTC1/AMNT50 LOTC1/ALOT30/COMM10/EXPY30 Update number of seats only LOTS1/ALOT30 Change Negotiated Space: Tour reference Authorization code Airline reference Tour name LOTU1/TREF0868969677800 LOTU1/AUTH362538 LOTU1/ALIDJ7G2G LOTU2/TOURBIGAPPLETOURS__ Delete Negotiated Space LOTX1 Suspend Negotiated Space, single date LOTQCC/FLTNCC1234/DATE18MAY-ON Suspend Negotiated Space, date range LOTQCC/FLTNCC1234/EFFD01DEC08/DIS C01JAN09/DAYS67/-ON Reinstate a suspended Negotiated Space block, single date LOTQCC/FLTNCC1234/DATE18MAY-OFF Reinstate a suspended Negotiated Space block, date range LOTQCC/FLTNCC1234/EFFD01DEC08/DIS C01JAN09/DAYS67/-OFF 28 Edition 9.2 PNR PNR NAME ELEMENT Create Name Element Add a name element NM1SMITH/JOHN MR Multiple passengers with the same surname NM3LEE/SAM MR/JOAN MRS/TOM MR Multiple passengers with different surnames NM2SCHWARZ/MANFRED MR/SABINE MISS1BLACK/ANDREW MR Passenger with ATPCO passenger type code NM1JONES/TOM(YTH) Multiple passengers with passenger types NM2COX/BOB MR/GUS(YTH) One passenger with infant NM1LEAVEY/KIM(INF/MICHAEL/18MAY08) One passenger with infant, different surname NM1BROWN/SIOBHAN(INFTROY/HANNAH/10 SEP08) One passenger with infant, no name NM1BROWN/SIOBHAN(INF//10SEP08) Add an infant with seat NM1WATSON/JANE(INS) Add a child passenger NM1SIMPSON/MAGGIE(CHD/01JAN06) Passenger with an ID code NM1CASEY/BILL(ID123456) Child with an ID code NM1GERBER/TERRY(CHD)(ID234567) Passenger with ID code and with infant NM1ERICSON/ANITA(ID3214)(INF/HANS/ 08) ID code for date of birth NM1SMITH/JOHN MR(IDDOB15JAN1960) ID code for stretcher passenger NM1SMITH/JOHN MR(IDSTCR) Extra seat for comfort NM2ADAMS/ARTHUR MR(IDEXST)/EXST Extra seat for cabin baggage - airline requires only one ticket NM2ADAMS/ARTHUR MR(IDCBBG)/CBBG Cabin baggage - airline requires two tickets NM2ADAMS/ARTHUR MR/CBBG One bookable staff passenger NM1SMITH/JOHN MR(BKB) One standby staff passenger NM1SMITH/JOHN MR(SBY) © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 29 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Modify Name Element Update a family name and a given name NU1/1SMITH/JOHN MR Update a given name only NU1/JAMES Update multiple family names, given names NU1-3/5/4COX/DAN/ROSA/JIM/BETTY and passenger type (CHD/03JUL06) Update a family name for a passenger with cabin baggage NU1-2/2SMITH/ARTHUR MR(IDCBBG)/ CBBG Change a family name and a given name 1/1SMITH/JOHN MR Change a given name only 1/JAMES Change or add an ID code 3/(ID123456) Change or add a passenger-type and ID code 3/(CHD/03JUL06) Delete an ID code or passenger type 3/ Add infant after e-ticket issuance 2/(ADT)(INFMILLER/TIM/21OCT10) PNR FLIGHT SEGMENTS Segment Sell - From Availability Sell one seat on line 2 in C class SS1C2 Sell two seats on line 1, in C class for first flight, remaining flights in B class SS2CB1 Sell seats from dual availability display, same class SS1Y2*11 Sell seats from dual availability display, different class SS1Y3*C12 Selected passengers SS3L2/P1,4-6 Unaccompanied minors SS3L2/UM5,6,9 Stretcher SS2C3/ST Interline passenger with a reservation SS2C3/ID Waitlist SS1D3/PE Reconfirm segment booked in Amadeus 3/RR 30 Edition 9.2 PNR Segment Sell - Long Entry Sell one seat SSEI154C12JULDUBLHR1 When flight number contains numbers and a letter SSAF950A/M12DECCDGBRU3 Departure date is today SSBA352C/LHRNCE1 Selected passengers SSAF2402C10JULNCEORY3/P1,4-5 Unaccompanied minors SSBA343L10JULNCELHRUM2/5,6 Stretcher SSBA343L10JULNCELHRST2 Interline passenger with a reservation SSAF2402C10JULNCEORYID1 Waitlist SSAZ321D1FEBCPHEWRPE1 Reconfirm segment booked outside Amadeus SSDL071C12JUNCPHJFKRR1 Cancel a segment booked outside Amadeus SSAC111C19DECYULYVRIX1 Sell to non-participating airline SSXX57A/J16JUNLHRJBNNN2 /05001500 Ghost, Service and Passive Segments Create passive segment SS1G2/PK/ABC123 Create service segment SS1G2/HK/ABC123 Create ghost segment SS1G2/GK/ABC123 Change ghost to passive or service segment 4/PK Change segment status and modify flight times 2/PK13001500 Create passive segment from dual city pair display SS1L5/PK/ABCDE*12/PK/ABCDE Add airline record locator to passive segment 3/*ABC123 Change airline record locator 3/*DEF456 Delete airline record locator 3/* Information Segment Create flight segment for information SIKL171C28JUNAMSCPHHK2/08501120 Arrival unknown SIARNK Arrival unknown, with date and passenger association SIARNK16MAY/P2 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 31 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Open Segment Create open segment specifying only airline, class, departure and arrival cities, for one passenger SOBAC25NOVLHRJFK/P2 Two airline codes SOSKBA/C20SEPSTOLHR Display Flight and Itinerary Details Display flight details for the whole PNR RTSVC Display flight details for a single flight segment RTSVC4 Display itinerary details (air, access rail and express rail segments) RTSVI in the PNR, tabular format Display itinerary details for one segment, tabular format Display planned flight information for a segment (airline-specific) RTSVI6 DO4 AUXILIARY SEGMENTS Create air-taxi segment AUIBNN1SCQVGO21JUL/TEXT Car auxiliary segment (airlinespecific) CU LH NN1 FRA 12SEP-14SEP ECAR/TEXT/P1 Car booked outside of Amadeus CU 1A HK1 BWN 14AUG-18AUG ECAR/CF-210/P1 Hotel auxiliary segment HU RG NN1 REC 12SEP-14SEP/TEXT Hotel auxiliary segment for long connections HU AF NN1 PAR 10JUL-11JUL/SI-STPC TEXT Hotel booked outside of Amadeus HU 1A HK1 MOW 14AUG-18AUG/ROOM BOOKED AT PLAZA HOTEL Tour auxiliary segment TU RG NN1 REC 12SEP-14SEP/TEXT Memo auxiliary segment RU 1A HK1 BWN 12SEP/FREEFLOW TEXT Customized auxiliary segment RU 1A HK1 MAD 12SEP*LIMOUSINE/NEED LIMO WITH FRENCH SPEAKING DRIVER Manual auxiliary segment for services that are not associated to an air segment IU BA HK1 LOUS JFK MIA/15APR-VIP IBM/P2 Auxiliary form of payment RIU CHECK/P2 Cancel auxiliary segment XE4 Delete auxiliary segment DL4 32 Edition 9.2 PNR PNR CONTACT ELEMENT Add business phone number AP FRA 6969876543-B Add home phone number, associated to one passenger AP DUB 76666-H/P3 Add agency phone number, associated to multiple passengers AP PAR 81229823-A/P1,3-5 Modify contact information 3/DALLAS 2233456-B Modify passenger association 7/P2 Add agency information from the office profile AP Agency number APA-LON(0208)8778787 Business number APB-FRA69686869 Home number APH-FRA69686869 E-mail address APE-MBAUER@YKT.COM Fax number APF-GB1715869652 Information number API-FRA69686869 Mobile number APM-FRA69686869 Exclude AP from teletype to airline when office profile indicator APO is set to Y APX-NCE0492940005-B Include AP in teletype to airline when office profile indicator APO is set to N APS-NCE0492940005-B PNR TICKETING ARRANGEMENT See Ticketing Arrangement on page 153. PNR RECEIVED FROM Add a received-from element RF MRS HENDERSON Change the queuing office to another office RF JOHN SMITH/MUC1A0702 Change the queuing office to current office RF JOHN SMITH/Q Specify the agent sign/queue category RF JOHN SMITH/-0001AB Specify the queuing office and agent sign RF JOHN SMITH/CPHSK0002-0001AB © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 33 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 PNR SERVICE ELEMENTS OSI Create an OSI element OS QF VIP COMPANY CEO/P2 Create an OSI for specified passengers OS KL TEXT/P1,3-6 Change the message text 6/LH TEXT Add or change the passenger association 6/P1-3 Change the text and the passenger association 3/AF TEXT/P4 Delete passenger association 6/P Send ticket number in OSI OS 2S TKNO 579-12345678901 /P1 OSI for adult collecting unaccompanied minor on arrival OS DL ARR CTCH JOE SMITH SFO 415 555 1234 SSR Create an SSR for all segments, all passengers SR LSML Create an SSR for explosion at EOT or manual explosion SR* LSML Explode SSRs manually before the end of the EX transaction Create SSR for a specified airline, all passengers SR VGMLLH Specified airline, selected passengers SR VGMLIB/P1-3 Specified segments, all passengers SR VGML/S10-11 Specified segments and passengers SR VGML/S10-11/P1-4 Create more than one SSR per passenger SR BIKENN2/P1 Create SSR for a group PNR SR GRPFYY-VEGETARIAN MEAL Create an SSR for an unaccompanied minor SR UMNR - UM05 Create an SSR for an infant, entry option 1 SR INFT-JONES/TOM 02FEB06/P2 Create an SSR for an infant, entry option 2 SR INFTLH-JONES/TOM 02FEB06/P2 Create an SSR for an infant, entry option 3 SR INFT- OCCUPYING SEAT/P2 Create an SSR for cabin baggage SR CBBG-CELLO/P1 Create an SSR for an extra seat SR EXST-PERSONAL COMFORT/P1 Create an SSR with freeflow text SR OTHS-FREEFLOW TEXT/P2 Modifying freeflow text 11/-PASSENGER TRAVELING ALONE Create an SSR for emergency contact name and number SR PCTC USHK/EDWARD LEWIS/US8000325234.FREEFLOW TEXT 34 Edition 9.2 PNR Create an SSR for APIS passport information SR DOCS BA HK1-P-GBR-012345678GBR-30JUN73-M-14APR09-JOHNSONSIMON-PAUL-H/P1/S3 Create an SSR for APIS primary travel document with partial information only SR DOCS BA HK1-----30JUN73-M-SMITH-DAVE/P1 Create an SSR for APIS visa/secondary travel SR DOCO BA HK1-MANCHESTER GBR-V17317323-LONDON GBR-18JUN04document USA/P1/S3 Create an SSR for APIS address information SR DOCA BA HK1-D-USA-301 PARK AVENUE-NEW YORK-NY-10022/P1/S3 Create an SSR to secure payment for a ticketless booking SR EPAY X3 NN1CC/AX371449635311004/EXP08 05JODIE PARKER Create an SSR for a cruise passenger SR CRUZ DLHK /FREEFLOW TEXT/S1/P2 Create an SSR for form of ID (FOID) for one passenger SR FOID BA HK1-DL12345678/P1 Create an SSR FOID for all passengers SR FOID IB -DL12345678 Create an SSR FOID for multiple passengers SR FOID IB HK3-DL12345678/P1-2,4 Create an SSR FOID using a credit card stored in the FP element SR FOID LH HK2-CC-L3 Create an SSR FOID using an FF number stored in the FP element SR FOID AF HK1-FF-L7/P1 Create an SSR for weapons, firearms or ammunition carried as checked baggage SR WEAP NN1 - AIR RIFLE/P1/S3 Create a manual SSR to accrue mileage for a SR FQTV KL-KL FREEFLOW TEXT/P1 frequent flyer Create a manual SSR to redeem miles for a frequent flyer SR FQTR BA NN1-BA1234563/FREEFLOW TEXT/P2 Create an SSR to obtain a class upgrade SR FQTU LH-LH FREEFLOW TEXT/P1 Create an SSR to be recognized as a SR FQTS BA-BA FREEFLOW TEXT/P3 frequent traveler on one airline, while accruing miles on another © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 35 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 PNR REMARKS Confidential Remarks Add remark for all passengers RC REMARK TEXT Single passenger and segment RC REMARK TEXT/P1/S4 Multiple passengers RC REMARK TEXT/P2,4 For other offices to read RC MUC1A0702,MUC1A0703/REMARK TEXT For other offices to read, giving write access to one of the offices RC PARAF0100-W/PARAF0200/REMARK TEXT For other offices, giving write access to RC PARAF0100-W/PARAF0200-W/REMARK TEXT all offices Extend access to any office that has an Amadeus Extended Ownership agreement with a designated office RCF-PARAF0100,F-PARAF0200/REMARK TEXT All Air France AF0 offices in Paris RC PARAF0*** REMARK TEXT All Lufthansa LH0100 offices worldwide RC ***LH0100 REMARK TEXT All Lufthansa LH0 offices RC ***LH0*** REMARK TEXT Corporate Remarks Add corporate remark for all passengers RX REMARK TEXT Single passenger RX REMARK TEXT/P1 General Remarks Add general remark for all passengers RM REMARK TEXT Single passenger RM REMARK TEXT/P1 Range of passengers RM REMARK TEXT/P1-5 Multiple segments RM REMARK TEXT/S4,6 Create remark in a category RMX/TEXT Multiple categories remark RMC,H/TEXT Remark for quality control RQ REMARK TEXT Remark for Amadeus Interface Record (A.I.R.) RM* REMARK TEXT/P1 Remark for A.I.R. with account number RM*ACC12345/S3/P1 Modify the remark text (where 5 is the element number) 5/NEW REMARK TEXT 36 Edition 9.2 PNR PNR QUEUE OPTION Create option to queue PNR to own office, today OP/TEXT Queue PNR to own office on a specified date OP12AUG/TEXT Queue PNR to own office on several dates OP7JUL,8JUL,14JUL/TEXT Queue PNR to a specific office on a specified date OP MADIB2176/8JUL/TEXT Queue PNR to a specified office and queue, on a specified date OP CPHSK4711/7JUL/20C2/TEXT Queue PNR to a specified office on several dates OP STOSK1914/7JUL,8JUL/TEXT Queue PNR to multiple offices on several dates OP CPHSK0914/3JUL/TEXT;OPSTOSK0914/9JUL /TEXT Queue PNR for specified passengers OPOSLSK1914/12JUL/TEXT/P1-4 Create a confidential option to automatically cancel all itinerary elements for your airline OPX-31JUL/CANCEL IF DEPOSIT NOT RECEIVED Create a confidential option, and allow OPX-20MAR/CANCEL IF NOT PAID,PARAF0123 additional office to view it Create a confidential option to automatically queue the PNR to a specified office OPQ-MAN7X0123/12FEB/3C1/CHECK DEPOSIT RECEIVED Create a confidential option to auto queue the PNR, and allow additional office to view it OPQ-MAN7X0123/12FEB/3C1/CHECK DEPOSIT RECEIVED,LONQF0123 Modify a queuing date (where 8 is the element number) 8/12JUL Modify the receiving office ID 8/CPHSK1914 Modify the queue and category 8/20C2 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 37 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 MAILING AND BILLING ADDRESSES Mailing Address Add mailing address for all passengers AM NAME, ADDRESS,CITY Associate mailing address to one passenger AM NAME, ADDRESS,CITY/P3 To multiple passengers AM NAME, ADDRESS,CITY/P1,2 To a range of passengers AM NAME, ADDRESS,CITY/P2-4 Specify home mailing address AM/H NAME, ADDRESS,CITY Delivery mailing address AM/D NAME, ADDRESS,CITY Miscellaneous mailing address AM/M NAME, ADDRESS,CITY Modify an address text 6/NAME, ADDRESS,CITY Create mailing address in structured format AM //CY-COMPANY/NA-NAME/A1-LINE 1 /ZPZIP CODE/CI-CITY/CO-COUNTRY/P1 Specify delivery address in structured format AM/D//NA-MRS SMITH/A1-4 LONG STREET /ZP-NW1/CI-LONDON Modify or add option in structured format 4/CI-NEW CITY/CO-NEW COUNTRY Billing Address Add billing address for all passengers AB NAME, ADDRESS, CITY Associate billing address to one passenger AB NAME, ADDRESS,CITY/P2 To multiple passengers AB NAME, ADDRESS,CITY/P3,6 To a range of passengers AB NAME, ADDRESS,CITY/P4-6 Modify the text 6/NAME,ADDRESS,CITY Create billing address in structured format AB //CY-COMPANY/NA-NAME/A1-LINE 1/ZPZIP CODE/CI-CITY/CO-COUNTRY/P1 Modify or add option in structured format 4/CI-NEW CITY/CO-NEW COUNTRY 38 Edition 9.2 PNR FREQUENT FLYER Display frequent flyer agreements for all airlines VFFD Display frequent flyer agreements for a specific airline VFFD IB Display a frequent flyer name from the airline's database FFD LH-192010101020813 Create a name element and an SSR element for mileage accrual FFA AF-MIA0002A Create a name and SSR element for all airlines having a frequent flyer agreement FFA AF-12345678,AF,CO,DL Segment associate an SSR FQTV 5/S3-4 Expand a passenger's name FFA AF-MIA0002A/IERRE MR Create a frequent flyer SSR element only FFN BW-123456789/P1 Create a frequent flyer SSR to redeem accrued miles FFR IB-331234(HK)CARDHOLDER JENKINS.A MR/P2 Upgrade a passenger by redeeming miles FFU IB-331234(HK)JENKINS.A MR/S5/P2 Manually create an SSR element for a frequent flyer: see SSR on page 34. SEAT REQUESTS AND MAPS Seatmap Display seatmap for a single segment itinerary SM For a specified segment SM 4 For flight, class, current date SM LH330/Y/FRAJFK For flight, class, date SM IB123/C/14AUGMADCDG For flight, all classes, date SM SK862//28SEPSTOLHR Vertical seat map for flight, class, date SM BA123/C/14AUGMADCDG/V Horizontal seat map for flight, class, date SM BA123/C/14AUGMADCDG/H For an availability or schedule flight line, all classes SM/1 For an availability or schedule flight line, specified class SM/1/Y For the second flight in flight line 4, specified class SM/4/2/Y Display seatmap, hide legend SM RG75/Y/15AUGGIGLHR/NL Display seatmap, show legend SM RG75/Y/15AUGGIGLHR/L Advance Seating Request Request seat with area preference (window / bulkhead), for specific passenger © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved ST/WB/P3 39 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Request seat for specific passenger and segment ST/12C/P2/S5 Cancel individual seating elements XE10 Cancel all seating elements SX Cancel all seating elements for specific segments SX/S2,3 Delete seating elements DL8-11 Modify the advice code for segment 5 5/HK Request seat within specific range, option 1 ST/12ABCD/S5 Request seat within specific range, option 2 ST/12A-D/S5 Request seat within specific range, option 3 ST/12A/12B/12C/12D/S5 Request specific seat, for passenger and segment ST/RQST/18B/P2/S5 Seat wish, all passengers, on all or first five segments ST/NSSA PNR FK ELEMENT Add an FK element to define one destination office for Amadeus Interface Records FK MIAUS2M01 Add an FK element to define multiple destination offices for FK MIAUS2M01/LAXUS2CT5 Amadeus Interface Records PNR KEYWORDS ELEMENT Create an SK element SK PARK QF HK2-SYD.CAR WASH/P1 PNR ACCOUNTING ELEMENT See Accounting Information Element on page 224. 40 Edition 9.2 PNR MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES AND DOCUMENTS MCO - Miscellaneous Fees Create an automated MCO element - with all mandatory data IMCME/IBPAR27FEB/EUR38/P1 Associate MCO element to a specific passenger type IMCM A/LHFRA22JUN/EUR20/INF/P1 Add an MCO element IMCM/IB27FEB/P1 Add an MCO element, specifying the city where the IMCM/AFPAR27FEB/EUR250/P1 service is provided, and currency and total cost of the service Add an MCO element with a reason for issuance code (codes can be market and airline specific) IMCMC/AFPAR27FEB/EUR250/P1 Add an MCO element, overwriting the description of IMCMC/IBMAD27FEB/EUR250/*DEPO type of service SIT/P1 Add an MCO element with accounting text IMCMG/AFPAR27FEB/EUR250/**ACCOUNTING TEXT/P1 Add an MCO element, overwriting the description of IMCMC/IBMAD27FEB/EUR250/*DEPO the type of service, and adding accounting text SIT/**-ACCOUNTING TEXT/P1 Modify the type of service description 12/*NEW SERVICE DESCRIPTION Modify the accounting text 12/**-NEW ACCOUNTING TEXT Delete an MCO element and the associated TSM XE12 Display list of 'reason for issuance' codes when an MCO is present in the PNR TMI/I? Excess Baggage Charge Create an automated XSB element IMCXP/LHFRA27FEB/EUR380/P1 Associate XSB element to a specific passenger type IMCXP/LHFRA22JUN/EUR200/INF/P1 Create automated XSB and overwrite type of service description IMCXG/AFPAR14DEC/EUR200 /*GOLF EQPT/P1 Create automated XSB with accounting text IMCXC/CONYC27FEB/EUR50/**ACCOUNTING TEXT/P1 Create automated XSB with pricing routing IMCXB/AYHEL27FEB/PR-HELSYD/P1 Create automated XSB with excess weight or bulk information IMCXB/AYHEL27FEB/KG-25/P1 Create automated XSB with pricing airline IMCXB/AYHEL27FEB/PA-AY/P1 Create automated XSB with global indicator IMCXB/AYHEL27FEB/GI-FE/P1 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 41 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Add XSB element - minimum entry to create a TSM IMCX/27FEB/P1 Modify the type of service description 12/*NEW TEXT Modify the accounting text 12/**-NEW TEXT Delete the XSB element XE8 MULTIPLE PNR ELEMENT ENTRY Enter multiple PNR elements NM 1KELLY/JOE MR;AP LON 0712723422; TK OK;RF PASSENGER; SS EI374C23FEBSNNLHR1;ER Enter multiple PNR elements with several family names NM 2STRONG/MR/MRS 2SMITH/MR/MRS 1WHITE/MR; AP NCE 92993351;TK TL16MAY;RF PSGR Enter multiple PNR elements with several NM 2STING/MR/MRS;NM family names (repeating the transaction code) 2JONES/MR/MRS; NM 1WHITE/MR;AP NCE 93224413;TK TL16MAY;RF PSGR ENDING A PNR TRANSACTION End the transaction ET End the transaction and redisplay the PNR ER File the PNR after splitting a party EF End the transaction and change advice codes ETK End the transaction, change advice codes and redisplay ERK Place the PNR on a queue, category, and date range QE8C1D3 Keep the PNR on the queue and exit queue mode QES Remove PNR from the queue, exit queue mode, redisplay PNR QFR Remove the PNR from the queue and exit queue mode QF IGNORING A PNR ENTRY Ignore IG Ignore and redisplay IR 42 Edition 9.2 PNR RETRIEVING A PNR Retrieving a PNR Retrieve by record locator RT Q6RBB3 By name RT/HANUSSEN/J By partial name RT/HANU By name or partial name, active segments only RT/HANUSSEN*A By date, name RT/12AUG-SMITH By record locator and name RT-Q6RBB3-JOHNSON By record locator, name, and ticket number RT-A1XB4Q-JOHNSON-057-1234567890 By flight, departure date, name RT KL153/12AUG-JOHNSON By flight, date, name and city pair RT KL153/12AUGAMSMAN-BAKER By flight departure time RTD-BA1530/01JULLHRJFK-WALL From an availability display line RT/4-SMITH/A MR From a branch office, or another office when security allows RT/LONCT2A99-SMITH From another office, using wildcards RT/LONAX2***-PETERS/WILLIAM From an office with the same corporate ID RT/***AX2***-PETERS/WILLIAM Using a ticket number contained in an FA or an RT TKT/016-1234567890 SSR element of the PNR Prime PNRs on a specific flight (not on a commercial duplicate of the flight) RT BA1485/9MAY-MCINTOSH*P Operating PNRs on a specific flight (only commercial duplicates of the flight) RT BA1485/9MAY-MCINTOSH*C By customer or product number stored in an FD element of the PNR RTM/AF-123456789 By frequent flyer number or bonus number RTM/KL-386427991 By MCO element and name RT/MCO-JOHNSON By XSB element and name RT/XSB-JOHNSON Amadeus Central Ticketing users only By a car pick-up date, for the current date RTCCR-JOHNSON By a car pick-up date RTCCR/12MAR-JOHNSON By a hotel (or car, tour, cruise, insurance) segment, for the current date RTHHL-JOHNSON By a hotel segment, for the specified date RTHHL/12MAR-JOHNSON By hotel chain in/out dates RTHTL HI/01APR-04APR-LEAVY By hotel property and rate codes LH/HLLON211/24FEB/PRO-WKD-SRS © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 43 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 By account number entered as an RM*ACC element RTY/AN1234 By a customer profile record locator RTU/QW23RE From a displayed customer profile RTU Retrieve a PNR from an e-ticket record RT*E By insurance provider and partial name RT/INSAXA-J By insurance confirmation number and name RT/INS/1234321-JOHNSON By third-party record locator (in another system) RTOA/1G-APRNSZ By marketing airline record locator RTOA/NW-NNN222 Retrieve group PNR and display all names RTW-Q6RBB3 Retrieve from a PNR list RT 2 Redisplay the PNR list RT 0 Display all queues PNR is placed on RTQ Retrieving PNR-related Data Display other (airline) record locator RL Resend record locator to third party RLS Display the customer profile record locator RLP Display the AXR for the current PNR RTAXR Displaying a Partial PNR Display PNR elements for one passenger only RT/P1 Display PNR air segments only RTA Display air segments only, showing married segment indicators RTAM Invoice and itinerary remarks only RTB Car segments only RTC Extended ownership agreements only RTE Fare elements only RTF General facts only (SR, OS, SK) RTG Hotel segments only RTH Itinerary only RTI Phone, address and credit card check elements only (AB, AM, AQ, AP) RTJ Ticketing elements only RTK MCO and XSB elements only RTM Names only RTN 44 Edition 9.2 PNR Names only (as originally entered in the PNR) RTNR Option elements only (including OP, OPQ, OPX) RTO Segments and segment owner only RTOS Passenger info only (all except name, itinerary and option) RTP General, confidential and corporate remarks only RTR Remarks per category RTRH,RX Remarks including specific text RTR/TEXT Corporate remarks only RTRRX Keyword elements only RTS Tour segments only RTT Active ticket numbers only (FA and FH) RTTN Active and historical ticket numbers only RTTN/H Individual names in a group PNR with full PNR data RTW Auxiliary segments only (air taxi, car, hotel, tour, memo) RTX Amadeus Interface Record remark with account number RTY/AN1234 Rail segments RTZ Display multiple options RTN,A,G Insurance element details ID CHANGING AND REBOOKING ELEMENTS Changing Elements Change the remark text 5/NEW REMARK TEXT Change the passenger association, one element 5/P2,3 Change the text and the passenger association 5/NEW REMARK TEXT/P2,3 Change the passenger association, several elements 5,10-14/P1 Cancel the passenger association 4/P Cancel the segment association 4/S Change the time limit in the TK element 8/10JUL Change the number of seats in an air segment 4/2 Segment Statuses Reconfirm air segment 5/RR Change an individual segment status to holding confirmed 2/HK Change the segment status to notify acceptance of waitlisting 2/HL © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 45 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 End the transaction, change the segments with KL and KK status to HK and move the segments with NO, UN, and UC status to history ETK End the transaction, redisplay the PNR, change the segments with KL and KK status to HK and move the segments with NO, UN, and UC status to history ERK Cancel segment containing negative response advice code DL/2 Rearranging Segments or Elements Rearrange itinerary or auxiliary segments in a specified order RS 2,5-8 Rearrange non-itinerary elements RS 5,9,6-8 Insert a new PNR element at a specific location RS 5,SR VGML/P2 Rearrange a customer profile element RS 7,9,11-14 Rebooking Segments Rebook one segment, change the class SB Y 6 Rebook all segments, change the class SB F Rebook one segment, change the date SB 12APR 7 Rebook all segments, change the date SB 15AUG All segments, change the date and the class SB Y 16SEP One segment, change the flight number SB BA194*3 Multiple segments, change the flight number SB BA193*3/BA194*4 One segment, change the class and date SB M 28NOV7 Multiple segments, change the class and date SB F 9/03DEC10 One segment, change the class and flight number SB AA101*C4 Multiple segments, change the class and flight number SB AA100*6/C4 One segment, change the date and flight number SB AA101*21APR4 Multiple segments, change the date and flight number SB AA100*6/30OCT5 One segment, change class, date, and flight number SB AA101*Y21APR4 Multiple segments, change class, date, and flight number SB AA100*6/C4/30OCT5 Change flight number from Availability SB 4*5 Change flight number and class from Availability SB 4*C5 Change flight number from dual city Availability SB 1*2/11*3 46 Edition 9.2 PNR CANCELING AND DELETING ELEMENTS Canceling Elements Cancel a single element XE 4 Cancel multiple elements of the same type XE 5,7-11 Cancel sub-element of an MCO element XE 4.1 Cancel whole itinerary XI Cancel seating elements for a single segment SX/S3 Cancel all seating elements SX Cancel the itinerary for all PNRs linked by the AXR ERX or ETX Deleting Elements Delete a single element DL4 Delete multiple elements DL4,5,7-11 COPYING A PNR Copy the PNR RRN Copy the PNR and change the number of passengers RRN/6 Copy the PNR and move the date to seven days later RRN/DP7 Copy the PNR and move the date to three days before RRN/DM3 Copy the PNR and change the class to Y RRN/CY Copy the PNR for a range of passengers only RRN/P2-5 Copy the PNR for specified passengers only RRN/P2,4,6 Copy the PNR, excluding a passenger RRN/PX3 Copy the PNR with specific segments only RRN/S2,4 Copy the PNR with a range of segments only RRN/S3-5 Copy the PNR, excluding segments RRN/SX6 Copy the PNR, changing the date for a specific segment RRN/S4D3JUN Copy the PNR, changing the date range for a specific car or hotel segment RRN/S6D1AUG-4AUG Copy the PNR, changing the class for a specific segment RRN/S4CV Copy the PNR, changing the hotel or car option for a specific segment RRN/S7,DP-CASH Copy the PNR for specified passengers only, changing the dates for specified segments, excluding other segments RRN/P1,2/S4D1NOV/ S7D18NOV/SX5,6 Copy the PNR and create an AXR record RRA © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 47 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Copy the PNR for six passengers, and create an AXR record RRA/6 Enter the airline record locator for copied passive segment 3/*ABC123 Copying Itinerary Elements Only Copy itinerary elements only RRI Copy itinerary elements only, changing the number of passengers RRI/5 Copy itinerary elements only, moving the date forward RRI/DP13 Copy itinerary elements only, moving the date backward RRI/DM7 Copy itinerary elements only, changing the class RRI/CL Copy specific segments RRI/S3,5 Copy itinerary elements only, changing the date for a specific segment RRI/S4D13SEP Copy itinerary elements only, changing the class for a specific segment RRI/S5CY Copy itinerary elements only, changing the hotel or car option for a specific segment RRI/S7,DPCASH Copying Passenger Data Only Copy the passenger data only RRP Copy the passenger data only, for specific passengers RRP/P2,4 SPLITTING A PNR Split one name from a non-group PNR SP 7 Split multiple names SP 3,4,5-7 Split unassigned names from a group PNR SP 0.10 Split unassigned names and individual name elements SP 0.15,2-4,6 Split group PNR containing partially confirmed space SP 0.2,1,2,3.2,4.2 Split a PNR and retain auxiliary segments in the parent PNR SP 2,10.0 Split a PNR and transfer some auxiliary services to the associate PNR SP 2,3,4-6,12.5 Split a PNR and retain elements with no action/status code in SP 2,3,4-6,10.0 the parent PNR Split a PNR and move elements with no action/status code to SP 2,3,4-6,10.1 the associate PNR End the transaction and file the associate PNR EF Retrieve an AXR for the displayed PNR or group PNR RTAXR Retrieve an AXR by passenger or group name RTAXR/DEMPSEY/A 48 Edition 9.2 PNR Retrieve an AXR by record locator RTAXR ER32AA Retrieve a PNR from an AXR RT1 PRINTING A PNR Print the entire displayed PNR on the default printer WRA/RT Print a PNR by record locator WRA/RT1C2D3A Print the entire PNR on a specific LNIATA printer WRA P67547306/RT1C2D3A Print entire PNR queue-to-queue to a national system print mnemonic WRA N547306/RT Print the entire PNR at another Amadeus office WRA OMADRW2743/RT1C2D3A Print the entire PNR on a TTY printer, by record locator WRA TMADRRAF/RT1C2D3A Print the entire PNR history WRA/RH Print a queue message WRA/QU Print a purged PNR (PDR) WRA/RPP Print the first screen of the displayed PNR WRS/RT Print the first screen of a PNR, by record locator WRS/RT1C2D3A Print the first screen of a PNR on a specific LNIATA printer, by record locator WRS P67547306/RT1C2D3A Print the first screen of a PNR at another Amadeus office WRS OMADRW2743/RT1C2D3A Print first screen of a PNR, queue-to-queue to a national system print mnemonic WRS N547306/RT Print the first screen of a PNR on a TTY printer, by record WRS TMADRRAF/RT1C2D3A locator Printing a Purged PNR Purged PNRs are also known as Past Date Records (PDRs) Print a PDR to the printer cross-referenced to your office ID RPPP Print a PDR to the printer cross-referenced to your terminal WRA/RPP Prints first 999 lines of the face of the PDR if only one PDR retrieved, otherwise prints the list of PDRs Print the PDR history to the printer cross-referenced to your terminal WRA/RPP/RH Print the TST information to the printer cross-referenced to your terminal WRA/RPP/TST Print the TSM information to the printer cross-referenced to your terminal WRA/RPP/TSM Print the PTA data to the printer cross-referenced to your terminal WRA/RPP/PTA © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 49 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 LISTING PNRS List PNRs by Flight List PNRs for a specific date LP/2X933/18AUG List PNRs with a specified off-point LP/6X031/20DEC/***SYD By leg flown (instead of segment) LP/6X123/20JUN/L By leg for a specific segment LP/6X123/01JAN/L(LHRSYD) List PNRs for multi-dated flights LP/2X18/28MAR By a search option code (*S) LP/*S/6X123/25SEP By a combination of options LP/IE/2X026/12SEP List PNRs with connecting flights only LP/+TE/6X7311/23MAY List PNRs for specified options only LPC/IE/7X008/1DEC Negative search of PNRs LPN/P/6X033/30MAY Print passenger lists LP/2X026/19AUG-P Queue passenger lists LP/2X026/19AUG-Q Display counters by group LP/PG/6X031/30MAY/T Retrieve a PNR from the passenger list LP4 Redisplay the passenger from the PNR LP0 Move to previous multi list MPLM List PNRs by Flight - Options List PNRs with an AXR tag B By class, for classes M or G C(M,G) By class, for classes M and G C(M-G) List PNRs with an AP phone element *D List PNRs with outbound connections E List PNRs with outbound connections on a specific carrier E(7X) List PNRs with outbound connections with connecting time of up to 3 hours *E(3) List PNRs with a fare element F List PNRs with Frequent Flyer, priority code 1 *F(1) List PNRs with Frequent Flyer, gold tier description +F(GOLD) List group PNRs G List group PNRs, group names only G(C) List group PNRs, including individual name elements G(N) List PNRs booked within the last 12 hours H(12) 50 Edition 9.2 PNR List PNRs with inbound connections arriving 24 hours before departure time I List PNRs with inbound connections on a specific flight I(7X123) List PNRs with inbound connections, connecting time of up to 4 hours *I(4) List PNRs with a specific passenger type code (PTC) J(CHD) List PNRs owned by an office ID *J(HELA22915) List confirmed PNRs K List PNRs with keyword elements *K List of last five passengers booked L(5) By passenger surname N(JOHNSON) By surname starting with a specific letter N(S) List PNRs with OS elements *O List PNRs with specific OS elements *O(CHD) List PNRs with assigned seats P List of unconfirmed passengers (status HN, TN) Q List PNRs with an auxiliary (AUX) segment R List PNRs with an option (OP) element S List PNRs with SR elements (except seats) *S List PNRs with specified SR elements *S(WCHR) List ticketed PNRs T List PNRs without ticketing data V List PNRs with waitlist status W List unticketed PNRs (without TKOK element) Y List PNRs by Office List all PNRs owned by your office LPO/ALL List PNRs in your own office using options LPO/A(AF,BA)B(CPH) List PNRs owned by another office LPO/NCE1A0999/A(AF,BA) List PNRs owned by other offices, using wildcards LPO/PARAF041*/A(AF,BA)B(CPH) Display by auxiliary segment LPO/N(CCREP.1SEPLHR) List PNRs and print list to default printer LPO/B(CDG)D(1JAN)-P List PNRs and print list to specific printer LPO/B(CDG)D(1JAN)-PSA0216 List PNRs and queue list to default queue LPO/B(CDG)D(1JAN)-Q (Q0C1), Example 1 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 51 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 List PNRs and queue list to default queue LPO/NCE1A0900/B(CDG)D(1JAN)-Q (Q0C1), Example 2 List PNRs and queue list to specific queue and category LPO/B(CDG)D(1JAN)-Q29C2 List PNRs and queue list to default queue LPO/NCE1A0900/B(CDG)D(1JAN)-QO of searched office List PNRs and queue list to specific queue of searched office LPO/NCE1A0900/B(CDG)D(1JAN)-QO29C2 Display the passenger list status table LPS/PS Display the search results LPS/D3 Display the search results and filter by name LPS/D3/TAN/B Retrieve a PNR from the passenger list LPS23 Redisplay the passenger list from the top LPS0 Redisplay the passenger list from the last LPSL PNR Print the list from the status table LPS/D3-P Print the list, on a specific printer LPS/D3-PSB1234 Print the list, filtered by name LPS/D3/T-P LPS/D3-Q Queue list from status table, on default queue Queue list from status table, on a specific LPS/D3-Q1C3 queue/category LPS/D3/T-Q1C3 Queue list from status table, filter by name Delete specific search request from the status table LPX/3-5,7 Delete all search requests from the table LPX/ALL List PNRs by Office - Options By airline code A(IB,AF,LH) By board point B(ZRH) By board point within a country *B(US) By class of service C(Y,K,*N) By travel date or date range D(1JAN,5JAN-10JAN) By non-active air segment status code E(UC) By flight number F(AF123,789) List group PNRs G(GROUPNAME) 52 Edition 9.2 PNR By ID in a mandatory name field I(INF,ID123456) By creation date or date range K(15MAY) List PNRs modified after a given date, or within a specified date range L(2NOV) By auxiliary segment N(HHLHI.12JUNLON) By off point O(DUB) By off point within a country *O(GB) By city pair, for non-stop or direct flight P(MIAHOU) By OP element containing a date Q(1JAN,5JAN-10JAN) By auxiliary segment status code U(*N,HK) By passenger account number R(4567,ZYX987) By creating agent sign S(1234AA) List ticketed PNRs with ticketing data (TKOK) T(FA) List PNRs without ticketing data (FA, FHA, FHE, SSR TKNA, TKNE, TKNM) V(FA) By air segment status code W(*K,HL) By city pair for non-stop, direct or connecting flights X(GIGMIL) List unticketed PNRs (without TKOK element) Y(TL24MAY) By frequent flyer number Z(IB-123456) RECALLING A PURGED PNR Purged PNRs are also known as Past Date Records (PDRs) Recalling Off-line, Basic Option (Complimentary) Recall in deferred mode (basic option) by flight date segment RPD/AF7708/16JUL08 Recall by hotel segment RPD/HHLHI/12DEC08-JONES Recall by car segment RPD/CCRZE/12DEC08-JONES/PETER*T Recall by cruise segment RPD/CRUCCL/26DEC08/BLAX/OACAROLF/PAUL*T Recall by tour segment RPD/TTOTSFUN/26DEC08/BMIA-ROLF/PAUL*T Recall by rail segment RPD/TRN2V/26DEC08/BWAS/OCHIROLF/PAUL*T Recall by surface segment RPD/SURSK/26DEC08/BBMA-ROLF/PAUL*T Recall by air taxi segment RPD/ATXIB/26DEC08/BSCQ/OVGOROLF/PAUL*T RPD/INSGFAFR/1SEP08-SMITH/PETER*T Recall by insurance segment © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 53 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Recall by MCO, SVC or XSB segment RPD/MCOBA/12DEC08/BROM-JONES/PETER*T Recall by PNR record locator RPD/RLC-A1B2C3/03JUL08*T Recall by PTA record RPD/PTA-0060077000072*T Recalling Off-line, Premium Option (Chargeable) Recall in deferred mode (premium option) by airline code and date range RPD LH/02JUL08 Recall by office ID and date RPD-AMSAF0100/06JUL08 Recall by frequent flyer number RPD/FFN-AF233418776 Recall by customer profile record locator RPD/CUS-C2BGC3 Recall by memo segment RPD/MIS/12DEC08 Recalling Interactively (Premium Option, Chargeable) Recall interactively (online mode, premium option) by flight segment RPP/AF7708/16DEC08 Recall by hotel segment RPP/HHLHI/16DEC08 Recall by car segment RPP/CCRZE/16DEC08 Recall by cruise segment RPP/CRUCCL/16DEC08 Recall by tour segment RPP/TTOTSFUN/16DEC08 Recall by rail segment RPP/TRN2V/16DEC08 Recall by surface segment RPP/SURSK/16DEC08 Recall by air taxi segment RPP/ATXIB/16DEC08 Recall by insurance segment RPP/INSGFAFR/16DEC08 Recall by MCO/SVC/XSB segment RPP/MCOBA/16DEC08 Recall by PNR record locator RPP/RLC-A1B2C3/16DEC08*T Recall by PTA record RPP/PTA-0060077000072*T Recall by ticket number RPP/TKT-0060077000072*T Recall by frequent flyer number and flight date RPP/FFN-KL233418776/04NOV08 Recall by customer profile record locator RPP/CUS-C2BGC3/LH183/16DEC08 Recall by travel insurance confirmation number RPP/INS-AXAFR/351876351*T Displaying a Purged PNR Display requests from the office request list RLD Display requests submitted interactively RLD/R 54 Edition 9.2 PNR Display requests submitted in deferred mode RLD/D Display only requests with online status RLD/O Display only processed requests RLD/S Display only pending requests RLD/G Display only cancelled requests RLD/C Display only in process requests RLD/I Display only requests that have been redisplayed to terminal RLD/RT Display only requests that have been re-queued RLD/RQ Display only requests that have been reprinted RLD/RP Display a PDR or a PDR list from the office request list RLD T3 Retrieve a PDR from a PDR list RLD 4 Queue line 4 of the request list RLD Q4 Print line 1 of the request list RLD P1 Cancel pending request from the request list RLX/5 Clear requests from the request list RLC/15-20 Partially display a PDR (active TST data only) RPP/TST Display a single item from a partially displayed PDR RPP/TST1 Queue a PDR from a terminal RPPQ Print a PDR to the printer cross-referenced to your office ID RPPP Print a PDR to the printer cross-referenced to your terminal WRA/RPP Print a partial PDR (active TSM data) to the printer crossreferenced to your terminal WRA/RPP/TSM Print a PDR from a queue WRA/QU Recalling PNRs Purged Before April 2004 By flight number, date, name, and record locator REP/AF9876/23SEP03-MILLER*QVHA16 By flight, date and name REP/AF9876/23SEP03-MILLER By car segment REP/CARZE/12NOV03-JARVIS By MCO number REP/12345678901234 Display the PDR list REPD Place the PDR back on queue REPQ 3 View individual PDR, using record locator REPDP*AZ2WTH Requeue an individual PDR REPDQ*AZ2WTH Print a PDR WRA/REPDP*AZ2WTH © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 55 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 CLAIMING A PNR Claim a PNR by record locator RO CO123ABC Claim a PNR by flight number, date and name RO AA15/2APRORDORY-BROWN Retrieve another system’s PNR from a similar name list RO 3 Return to the similar name list RO 0 Claim responsibility for the PNR and end the transaction ET Claim responsibility for the PNR and redisplay ER Reset the 'PNR Pending Claim' tag R* PNR SECURITY Create an individual PNR security element for a single office, with read and write access ES/GPARWL2123-B Create a security element with read only access ES/GPARWL2123-R Create a security element with no access ES/GPARWL2123-N Create a security element for two offices, one with read access, and one with read and write access ES/GPARWL2123-R, PARWL2124-B Create a security element for an IATA number (read access) ES/I12341234-R Create a security element for a pseudo office (both read and write access) ES/P7654321-B Create a security element for all WL2 offices in Paris (read access) ES/GPARWL2***-R Create a security element for all WL2 offices (no access) ES/G***WL2***-N Modify a security element ES/G***1A0***-B Delete a security element ESX Display security agreements for the current PNR ESD Display security agreements for global core office IDs ESD Display security agreements for IATA numbers ESD/I Display security agreements for pseudo offices ESD/P Display security elements for the current PNR RTE Retrieve security element history for the current PNR RHE 56 Edition 9.2 PNR TRANSFERRING OWNERSHIP (RESPONSIBILITY) Transfer ownership of PNR and its AXR-linked PNRs to a specified office RP/MUCLH0429 Transfer ownership of current PNR without its AXR-linked PNRs RPS/MUCLH0429 Transfer ownership of a PNR and change the ticketing office RP/MUCLH0429/TK Transfer ownership of a PNR and change the queuing office RP/MUCLH0429/Q Transfer ownership of a PNR and change the option element ID RP/MUCLH0429/OP Transfer ownership of a PNR and change both ticketing and queuing office RP/MUCLH0429/TKOP Transfer ownership of a PNR and change TK, Q and OP RP/MUCLH0429/ALL PNR HISTORY Display entire PNR history without queue history RH Entire PNR history with queue history RH/ALL Long PNR history, starting at line 49 RH049 Display partial PNR history, for air segments only RH A Display partial PNR history, for multiple options RH A,C,J Invoice and itinerary remarks RH B Car segments RH C Extended ownership agreements RH E Fare elements RH F Historical fare record RH FR General facts (SR, SK, OS) RH G Hotel segments RH H Itinerary segments RH I Phone, address and credit card check elements (AB, AM, AQ, AP) RH J Ticketing elements RH K MCO and XSB elements RH M Name elements RH N Option elements RH O Passenger information (except name, itinerary and option) RH P Queue history RH Q General, confidential and corporate remark elements RH R Category C remarks RH RC Segment 3 history RH S3 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 57 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Tour segments RH T Auxiliary segments (air taxi, car, hotel, tour, memo) RH X Accounting remarks (RM*, AI, FZ) RH Y Rail segments RH Z Airline record locator history RL H GROUP PNRS Group Name Enter a group name NG 25 RIVIERA TOURS Modify a group name before end of transaction 0/NEW GROUP NAME Display individual names RTN Retrieve PNR and display individual names RTW-AF061/12AUGHAPPYVALLEYTOURS Display names as they were originally entered in the PNR RTNR Create temporary (unnamed) elements NP 6 Create multiple temporary (unnamed) elements NP 5,7,9 Cancel all temporary (unnamed) elements NP 0 Remove a name and maintain group space 4G Remove individual names and maintain group size 2-3/5G Cancel unassigned names and reduce group space XE 0.5 Cancel individual names and reduce group space XE 2-4 Transmit group PNR with all individual names to all carriers NT Transmit individual names in a group PNR to specified airlines NT SR,AZ Transmit individual names in a group PNR to a specific address NT BRUKPSN Transmit individual names in a group PNR to specific airlines and addresses NT AF,SN,MADKRIB Increase the space booked for a group by 7 passengers INP 7 Airline-specific Group Segment Sell Sell from availability SS 12 D 1/SG Direct sell SS BA343 L 11JUN NCELHR SG20 58 Edition 9.2 PNR Waitlist from availability SS 12 D 3/PG Waitlist direct sell SS SK911 D 1FEB CPHEWR PG12 Group sell for 9 or fewer passengers, from availability (Market-specific) SS 12 D 1/GI Group sell for 9 or fewer passengers, direct sell (Marketspecific) SS UA1061 Q 23FEB ORDMSY GI7 Group waitlist for 9 or fewer passengers, from availability (Market-specific) SS 12 D 3/GW Group waitlist for 9 or fewer passengers, direct sell (Market-specific) SS UA1061 Q 23FEB ORDMSY GW7 Group Seat Request Group request for non-smoking seats STG Group request for smoking seats on certain segments only STG/S/S3 Group request, multiple seat range less than total number STG/R20/27ABCDE/34 A-35K/S4 Request a number of non-smoking and smoking seats, less than STG/10N5S/S3 total number in group Group Fare Add a group fare SR GRPF YY-GV10 Miscellaneous for Groups Retrieve a PNR by record locator RT A12BD3 Retrieve a PNR by record locator, and display individual names RTW-A12BD3 Retrieve a PNR by flight, date and group name, and RTW-AF061/12AUG-ARMOR TOURS display individual names Retrieve a PNR from an AXR RT 1 RT ABC123 RT/GROUP NAME Create an SSR to advise the airline of the complete SR GRPS AF TCP 11 party size This is created automatically in the case of nonhomogeneous PNRs © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 59 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 NON-COMMERCIAL PNRS Non-commercial PNRs are used only by agents of airlines whose inventory is hosted in Amadeus Altéa Inventory. Create a non-commercial PNR NZ 2 STRETCHER/JONESMR Book a segment - long entry SS AX123 C 6JUL DUBROM NZ2 Book a segment from an availability display SS 2 C 1/NZ Request a seat for a segment STZ/15A/S1 Request a seat for a leg of a journey STZ/DUBCDG/15A/S1 End transaction ET Reduce number in party XE 0.2 Change the name 0/NEW NAME Split the PNR SP 0.2 60 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Customer Profiles ENTERING AND EXITING PROFILE MODE Access profile mode PM Temporarily exit profile mode PMP Exit profile mode PME ENDING TRANSACTION OR IGNORING A PROFILE You must be in profile mode to make these entries. End transaction and file the profile PE End transaction, file, and redisplay the profile PER End transaction, file, and exit profile mode PEE Ignore the updates and file the profile PI Ignore the updates and redisplay the profile PIR Ignore the updates and exit profile mode PIE MANAGEMENT PROFILES You must be in profile mode to make these entries. Display the management profile PDO Display the management profile, different office ID PDO/NCE1A0900 Modify the transfer indicator 6/*S Display management profile history PHO Display management profile history, different office ID PHO/NCE1A0900 Display history directly from the management profile PH End transaction and file the management profile PE End transaction and redisplay the management profile PER Ignore and file the management profile PI Ignore and redisplay the management profile PIR © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 61 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 CREATING A PROFILE You must be in profile mode to make these entries. Create a company profile PCN/BMW CORP Create a traveler profile NM1LEWIS/ARTHUR MR Associate a traveler to a company profile PCN/BMW CORP Transfer all associated traveler profiles from one company profile to another PA/TRITON DEV/TRITON GROUP Create an agency profile PYN/AMERICAN EXPRESS PNR TRANSFERABLE ELEMENTS Phone number - business AP MUC 569 296-B Phone number - home AP MUC 490 190-H Fax number AP MUC 569 311-F Fax number, changing the default transfer indicator AP MUC 569 311-F*S Fax number with corporate activity indicator AP MUC 539 311-F*TA-C Ticketing element TK OK Remark - general RM DLVR TO TVL DEPT Remark - confidential RC HOME PHONE UNLISTED Remark - accounting RM*ACC 18968 Remark - accounting, specific airlines RM*ACC 18968 *AL-AF,LH Remark - quality control RQ XYZ CORP OSI - generic OS YY VIP XYZ CORP OSI - specific airline OS LH VIP XYZ CORP SSR SR VGML SSR explosion SR* VGML Fare discount FD ZZ01JAN80 Fare endorsements or restrictions FE RESTRICTIONS APPLY A.I.R. destination FK PARAX2134 Fare commission FM 8.00 Fare original issue FO IATA 123456 Form of payment FP CHECK/-PERSONAL Miscellaneous information FS PAID BY UNIVERSITY Tour number FT IT8LH1TOUR99 Validating carrier FV LH Fare price override FY BULK 62 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Customer Profiles Miscellaneous remarks (with no TST) FZ TKT PAID BY IBM Structured address format AM //CY-COMPANY/NA-NAME /A1-LINE 1/ZP-ZIP CODE /CI-CITY/CO-COUNTRY Address: mailing billing delivery home AM AB AM AM Advance seat request ST/N/A Frequent flyer number FFNAF-1990901462 Itinerary remarks: transfer from the office profile freeflow text RIM/M1,3-5 RIR NO VISA REQUIRED Account number Cost center IATA company number AIANDEC00129 AICCDV123 AIIC038FR Extended ownership security ESPARWL21**-B Queue option OPNCE1A0900 /ISSUE TICKET STRUCTURED ADDRESS STRUCTURED ADDRESS /D STRUCTURED ADDRESS /H STRUCTURED ADDRESS PNR Transferable Elements - Itinerary Section Standard flight segment (undated) SSRG8810M/GRUMIA1 Open segment SOYWYJFKSEA Informational segment (undated) SIPA345Y PNR Transferable Elements - Follow-up and Priority Section Follow-up entry PFO/VERIFY EXPIRY DATE VISA CARD/04FEB12 Display a follow-up list PLF Display from a follow-up list PD2 Go back to the list PDL Create a priority field PPR/CHK SEATING PREFERENCE © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 63 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 PNR Transferable Elements - General Information Section Create an index field PIN/ARC001 Create country information PCO/DE Country of birth PCB/DE Country of citizenship PCZ/CH,FR Language spoken PLS/ES,EN Date of birth PBD/01JUL49 PNR Transferable Elements - Documents Section Passport information PAS/CO-DE/NR-DP341782/IS-12AUG2005/EX-12AUG2015 Visa information PIV/CO-IN/NR-RZ589383773/IS-01JUL2009 /EX-01DEC2009 Driving license information PCE/CO-FR/NR-GTR28374765/IS-15JAN1987 Identity card information PID/CO-ES/NR-Y575647464/IS-01JAN2004 /EX-31DEC2014 TRAVEL MANAGEMENT SECTION Airport defaults PAD/HA-NCE/AA-ORY Document delivery PDD/DM-XM/TF-2 DAYS BEFORE DEPARTURE Pre-paid ticket authorization PTA/Y Policy override authorization POA/Y Visa issuance authorization PIA/N Phone reservation authorization PHA/Y Travel request requirement PRR/N Trip approval requirement PAR/Y ETKT airlines requirement PET/Y Service level agreement PSL/1 Department contact name PCD/SALES Agent contact name PCA/ISABELLE LOGEAIS Number of travelers allowed (company profile only) PNT/10 64 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Customer Profiles TRAVEL POLICIES Travel Policies - Trip and Traveler Categories You must be in profile mode to make these entries. Create a trip category (company profile only) PTP/TRN/TRAINING Create a traveler category (company profile only) PTV/DIR/DIRECTOR Store the traveler category in an associated traveler profile PTV/DIR Travel Policies - Air Preferred airlines PPA/A-CO,BA,AF Preferred airline with priority PPA/A-CO/P-1 Preferred airlines with privilege indicator (company or agency profile only) PPA/A-CO,BA,AF/PI-L Preferred airline and transport class PPA/A-CO/K-Y Preferred airline and booking class PPA/A-CO/C-B For a specific origin or destination PPA/A-CO,BA/OR-LON/DN-US For a specific trip category PPA/A-CO,BA/K-Y/TP-TRN For a specific traveler category PPA/A-CO,BA/K-F/TV-DIR Transport class preference PPK/K-C Transport class for domestic flights PPK/DOM-Y Transport class according to elapsed time PPK/EFT-8/LT-KY/GT-KC Preferred airports PPT/LHR,ORY Excluded airlines PXA/A-TW,AA Excluded city pairs PXA/OR-PAR/DN-BRU Excluded transport class PXK/F Embargoed transit points PXT/JFK,CU Add availability information line PPI/S-A/DN-TYO/AI-PAX PREFERS NONSTOP FLIGHTS Travel Policies - Car You must be in profile mode to make these entries. Preferred car companies PPC/CO-ZI,ZE,EP,AL,ZT Preferred car company with priority PPC/CO-ZE/P-1 Preferred car companies with privilege indicator (company or agency profile only) PPC/CO-ZI,ZE,EP,AL,ZT/PI-L For a specific destination PPC/CO-ZD/DN-NAMER © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 65 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Preferred vehicle type PPC/CO-ZE,ZI/VT-ICAR For a specific trip category PPC/CO-ZE,ZI,AL/TP-TRN For a specific traveler category PPC/CO-ZE,ZI,AL/TV-DIR Smoking car preferred PSC/Y Non-smoking car preferred PSC/N Excluded car companies PXC/CO-AL,SX Billing number PCI/CO-ZI/BN-C12EF343 Rate code PCI/CO-ZI/RC-S Corporate discount number (company profile only) PCI/CO-ZI/CD-123456MG Customer number (traveler profile only) PCI/CO-ZI/ID-12345678 Frequent traveler airline code PCI/CO-ZI/FT-BA Guarantee form of payment PCI/G-VOUCHER Supplementary information PCI/SI-FORD ONLY Special request PCI/SQ-TEL Promotional code PCI/PC-H2963QA Add availability information line PPI/S-C /AI- PAX PREFERS BMW Travel Policies - Hotel You must be in profile mode to make these entries. Preferred hotel chains PPH/CO-MC,IC,HI Preferred hotel chain with priority PPH/CO-HI/P-1 Preferred hotel chains with privilege indicator (company or agency profile only) PPH/CO-MC,IC,HI/PI-L For a specific destination PPH/CO-HE,HI,IC/DN-NAMER For a specific hotel name PPH/CO-RT/HN-MERCURE For a specific city name PPH/CO-HE,HI,IC/CT-SAN JOSE For a specific city area PPH/CO-HE,HI,IC/DN-PAR/AR-S Preferred room type PPH/CO-HE,HI/RT-A*Q Preferred bed type PPH/CO-HE,HI/BT-Q-K Preferred rate limit PPH/CO-HE,HI/QU-200 Preferred facilities PPH/CO-HE,HI/FF-FAX-SWI For a specific trip category PPH/CO-HE,HI/TP-TRN For a specific traveler category PPH/CO-HE,HI/TV-MGR Non-smoking room preferred PSH/N Smoking room preferred PSH/Y 66 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Customer Profiles Excluded hotel chains PXH/CO-SW,MC Deposit advice PHI/CO-HE/DP-CHECK Billing number (company profile only) PHI/CO-HE/BN-847676 Special rate code PHI/SR-COR Customer number (traveler profile only) PHI/CO-HE/ID-123456MG Frequent traveler airline code PHI/CO-HE/FT-BA Guarantee form of payment PHI/G-CHECK Supplementary information PHI/SI-2ND FLOOR Enter availability information line PPI/S-H /AI-PAX PREFERS HOTEL WITH SHUTTLE Travel Policies - Fares You must be in profile mode to make these entries. Fare preference, PPF/R-ID90N2/FC-EUR Example 1 Fare preference, PPF/NEGO-Y/C-127/XP-NAP,NPE Example 2 Fare availability information, Example 1 PPI/S-F/AI-SUPER COMMISSION WITH AF UNTIL 2SEP09 Fare availability information, Example 2 PPI/DN-HOU/S-F/AI-SUPER COMMISSION WITH CO UNTIL 07APR HOTEL BIASING ENTRIES You must be in profile mode to make these entries. Add city/airport codes to the city/airport list PLB/CY-LON,PAR,AMS,LAX Display the city/airport list PLB Display the city/airport list starting from a specific letter PLB/M Display the hotel biasing list for a city/airport PHB/LON Display the hotel biasing list from the city/airport list PHB/3 Add a property from the hotel biasing list display PHB/CO-HI/ID-601 Add a property from the profile display or city/airport PHB/CY-LON/CO-HI/ID-601 list display © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 67 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Add a property with trip purpose, traveler category, and priority number PHB/CO-HI/ID-601/TP-BIZ/TVDIR/P-3 PRESTORED ENTRIES Store an entry PPS/CSZI.VT-ECMN/RC-BR Store an entry, corporate activity PPS/CSZI.VI-ECMN/RC-BR*TA-C Transfer an entry to the system PO6 CREATING AND UPDATING PROFILES Creating a Profile from a Profile Traveler profile from the displayed traveler profile PCP*T/-WATSON/AL Traveler profile from the displayed traveler profile, for a PCP*T/NCE1A0900/-WATSON/AL branch office Traveler profile associated to a company from the displayed traveler profile associated to a company PCP*T/BMW CORP-WATSON/AL Agency profile for another office from your agency profile PCP*Y/NCE1A0900/BMW GLOBAL Create an agency profile from the agency profile of another office PCP*Y/AMADEUS TRAVEL Company profile from the displayed company profile PCP*C/BMW GLOBAL Company profile from the displayed company profile, for a branch office PCP*C/NCE1A0900/BMW GLOBAL Updating a Profile from a Profile Traveler profile from the displayed profile PUP*T/-WATSON/AL MR Traveler profile from the displayed profile, for a branch office PUP*T/NCE1A0900/-WATSON/AL Traveler profile associated to a company from the displayed traveler profile associated to a company PUP*T/BMW CORP-WATSON/AL Agency profile for another office from your agency profile PUP*Y/NCE1A0900/BMW GLOBAL Agency profile from the agency profile of another office PUP*Y/AMADEUS TRAVEL Company profile from the displayed profile PUP*C/BMW GLOBAL Company profile from the displayed profile, for a branch PUP*C/NCE1A0900/BMW GLOBAL office 68 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Customer Profiles Creating a Profile from a PNR Profile for passenger 1 PC/-1 Profile for passenger 1, transferring some PNR elements only PC/-1,4,9-12 Profile for passenger 1, excluding some PNR elements PC/-1,X5,7-10 Company profile PC/XYZ CORP Company profile, transferring some PNR elements only PC/XYZ CORP,4,9-12 Company profile, excluding some PNR elements PC/XYZ CORP,X5,7-10 Profile associated to a company for passenger one PC/XYZ CORP-1 Profile associated to a company, from a similar name list PC3 Profile associated to a company, transferring some PNR elements only PC/XYZ CORP-1,4,9-12 Profile associated to a company, excluding some PNR elements PC/XYZ CORP-1,X5,7-10 Updating a Profile from a PNR Traveler profile for passenger name element 1 PU/-1 Traveler profile for passenger 1, for a branch office PU/NCE1A0900/-1 Company profile PU/BMW CORP Company profile, for a branch office PU/NCE1A0900/BMW CORP Traveler profile associated to a company PU/BMW CORP-1 Traveler profile associated to a company, for a branch office PU/NCE1A0900/BMW CORP-1 Associated traveler profile from a similar name list PU3 Traveler profile, transferring PNR elements 4, and 9 to 12 PU/-1,4,9-12 Company profile, transferring PNR elements 4, and 9 to 12 PU/BMW CORP,4,9-12 Traveler profile associated to a company, PNR elements 4, PU/BMW CORP-1,4,9-12 and 9 to 12 Traveler profile, all PNR elements except 5, and 7 to 10 PU/-1,X5,7-10 Company profile, all PNR elements except 5, and 7 to 10 PU/BMW CORP,X5,7-10 Traveler profile associated to a company, all PNR elements PU/BMW CORP-1,X5,7-10 except 5, and 7 to 10 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 69 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 PROFILE NOTES Access profile notes PN Display by qualifiers PD,NOT/H Exit profile notes PNE Redisplay current screen PND Insert a single line I Insert five lines I5 Delete a single line D Delete four lines D4 Delete a block of lines DD Move a single line M Move three lines M3 Move a block of lines MM Copy a single line C Copy six lines C6 Copy a block of lines CC Duplicate a single line “ Duplicate a block of lines ““ DISPLAYING A PROFILE Traveler profile PDN/-BRAUN Traveler profile, exact match only PDN/-BRAUN/ Traveler profile, different office ID PDN/PARAF0100/-LACROIX Agency profile PDY Agency profile, different office PDY/PARAF0100 Company profile PDN/BMW Company profile, exact match only PDN/BMW/ Company profile, different office ID PDN/PARAF0100/BMW Organizational profile, by search key PDZK/HAV2 Organizational profile, from displayed company or agency profile PDZ Organizational profile, from a list of profiles PDZ3 Organizational profile, by record locator PDZR/F8K72X Organizational profile, by member company PDZC//IBM 70 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Customer Profiles Organizational profile, by member agency PDZY//HAVAS Traveler profile associated to the displayed company profile PDT/-LARSON Merge traveler profile associated to the displayed company profile PDM/-LARSON Company profile only, from a merged display PDC Traveller profile only, from a merged display PDT Redisplay the merged display PDM By index number PDI/BMW003 By specific office PDI/PARAF0100/AC0345 By corporate code PDI/AX3/AC0345 By record locator: traveler profile PDRT/D4ZNJD By record locator: company profile PDRC/XYZ789 By frequent flyer number PDF/LH-J5690248 By specific office PDF/PARAF0100/LH-J5690248 By corporate code PDF/AX3/LH-J5690248 Traveler associated with a company PDN/BMW-GRAF Traveler associated with a company, exact match only PDN/BMW-GRAF/ Traveler associated with a company, different office ID PDN/MUCDF2390/BMW-GRAF Similar traveler list PDN/-GR Similar company list PDN/AMA Display from a similar list PD2 Redisplay a similar list PDL Display from a similar list, specific data section PD2,AIR Traveler profile from a PNR passenger number PD/2 Company profile within a corporation PDA/TELECOM Company profile within a corporation: by city PDA/PAR/TELECOM Company profile within a corporation: by corporate code PDA/AX2/TELECOM Company profile within a corporation: by country and corporate code PDA/FR/AX2/TELECOM Company profile within a corporation: by city and corporate code PDA/PAR/AX2/TELECOM Company profile within a corporation: by more than one corporate code PDA/AX2.HS2/TELECOM Traveler profile within a corporation PDA/-FOSTER Traveler profile within a corporation: by city PDA/PAR/-FOSTER Traveler profile within a corporation: by corporate code PDA/AX2/-FOSTER © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 71 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Traveler profile within a corporation: by country and corporate code PDA/FR/AX2/-FOSTER Traveler profile within a corporation: by city and corporate code PDA/PAR/AX2/-FOSTER Traveler profile within a corporation: by more than one corporate code PDA/AX2.HS2/-FOSTER Traveler profile within a corporation: associated to a company within a corporation PDA/TELECOM-FOSTER Displaying Profile Data Sections Traveler profile: specific data section multiple data sections automatic transfer elements only selectable transfer elements only by index number, specific data section by index number, multiple data sections by record locator, specific data section by record locator, multiple data sections PDN/-LEWIS,PNR PDN/-LEWIS,AIR,HOT,CAR PDN/-LEWIS,PNR/A PDN/-LEWIS,PNR/S PDI/AC0345,DOC PDI/AC0345,DOC,PNR,NOT PDR/DEX5TY,GEN PDR/DEX5TY,GEN,PNR Company profile: specific data section multiple data sections PDN/BMW,PNR PDN/BMW,GEN,PNR Specific data section from: similar name list displayed profile PD3,FOL PD,TEX Redisplay: company profile traveler profile PDC PDT Displaying a Merged Profile From a merged profile, display a traveler profile only PDT From a merged profile, display a company profile only PDC From a booking merged profile, display company level 1 profile PDC1 From a booking merged profile, display agency level 2 profile PDA2 Redisplay a merged profile PDM Merged profile by traveler name PDMN/-SMITH/LEE Merged profile, different office ID PDMN/PARAF0100/-SMITH/LEE Merged profile, specified company name PDMN/XYZ CORP-SMITH/LEE Request a specific data section PDMN/-SMITH,GEN Merged profile by index PDMI/WBFL15 72 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Customer Profiles Merged profile by index number, specific office PDMI/PARAF0100/WBFL15 Merged profile by index number, corporate code PDMI/AX3/WBFL15 Merged profile by record locator PDMR/D3XKD1 Merged profile by frequent flyer number PDMF/LH-905642 Merged profile by frequent flyer number, specific office PDMF/PARAF0100/LH-905642 Merged profile by frequent flyer number, corporate code PDMF/AX3/LH-905642 Guest merged profile, specified guest company name and traveler name PDGN/GUESTCO-SMITH Guest merged profile, specified traveler name only PDGN/-SMITH Booking Merged Display For a company PDBN/ABC TOURS For a traveler PDBN/-SMITH For a profile in another office PDBN/NCE1A0943/ABC TOURS From a similar name list PDB1 Search for a company created at a particular office location (country or city code), and display a booking merged display PDBA/PAR/ABC TOURS Search for a traveler associated to a company, and display a booking merged display PDBA/ABC TOURS/SMITH Display a booking merged display when the agency profile is part of an organization profile PDBY/NCE1A0943 Display a booking merged display for a traveler whose frequent flyer number is specified in the entry PDBF/AF-3251623 Display a booking merged display for a traveler or company whose index is specified in the entry PDBI/1234 Display a booking merged display by record locator for a traveler profile PDBR/T-94LT69 Display a booking merged display by record locator for a company profile PDBR/C-PM75M9 Display a booking merged display by record locator for an agency profile PDBR/A-3W2P9E Display the traveler part of the booking merged display (non-merged display) PDT Display the company part of the booking merged display (non-merged display) PDC Display the company level 2 part of the booking merged PDC2 display (non-merged display) © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 73 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Display the agency part of the booking merged display (non-merged display) PDA Display the agency level 2 part of the booking merged display (non-merged display) PDA2 Display the traveler and company parts of the booking merged display (company merged display) PDM Return to the original booking merged display PDB MODIFYING A PROFILE Cancel an individual element XE4 Cancel multiple individual elements XE3,6,9 Cancel a range of elements XE4-8 Change an element 6/ Change a follow-up date 9//01JUN10 Change a transfer indicator 2/*A CREATING A PNR FROM A PROFILE Create a PNR from a profile and transfer all mandatory and automatic PNR elements PT Only elements 1, 2, and 5 PT1,2,5 All mandatory and automatic elements except 2 and 4 PTX2,4 All mandatory, automatic, and selectable elements PT* All mandatory, automatic elements, and selectable elements 6 and 7 PT*6,7 All elements except 2, and 4 to 6 PT*X2,4-6 Frequent flyer element for an associated airline only PT6AAO All elements and the frequent flyer element for an associated airline PT*6AAO All frequent flyer numbers to the current PNR PF Transfer element 4 and append a date and office ID PT4*15NOV/NCE1A0900* Transfer elements 3 and 4 and append a segment/passenger association to element 3 and a date to element 4 PT3/S2/P1-3//4*15NOV* Transfer flight segments 2 and 3, appending dates, and PT2*28JAN*//3*29JAN*//5 element 5 74 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Customer Profiles TRANSFERRING FROM A PROFILE TO A PNR All automatic PNR elements PTO Element 2 and associate to all passengers in the PNR PTO2 Elements 2 and 7 PTO2//7 Elements 2 though 4 PTO2-4 Element 4, appending a date and an office ID PTO4*15NOV/NCE1A0900* Associate elements to passenger 1 PTO2-3/P1 Associate elements to passengers 2 and 4 PTO2-3/P2,4 Associate different elements to different passengers PTO5/P1//7/P2 All automatic and selectable elements PTO* BLIND TRANSFER TO A PNR For all of these entries, you can specify “all elements” by adding an asterisk (*) to the end of the entry. For example: Create a PNR from a company name: PBN/BMW Create a PNR from a company name, all elements: PBN/BMW* From a company name PBN/BMW From a company name, exact name match PBN/BMW/ From a company name, all PNR elements PBN/BMW* From a company name, specific PNR elements PBN/BMW,2,4-6/P1 From a company name, different office ID PBN/MUC1A0700/BMW From an associated traveler name PBN/BMW-SMITH/ J From an associated traveler name, different office ID PBN/MUC1A0900/BMW-COX/ J From a traveler profile PBN/-JONES/M MR From a traveler profile, exact name match PBN/-JONES/M MR/ From a traveler profile, all PNR elements PBN/-JONES/M MR* From a traveler profile, specific PNR elements PBN/-JONES/M MR,2,4-6/P1 From a traveler profile, different office ID PBN/MUC1A0700/-SMITH/ J From an index reference PBI/ABC123 From an index reference, all PNR elements PBI/ABC123* From an index reference, different office ID PBI/MUC1A0900/ABC123 From an index reference, corporate identifier PBI/LH0/ABC123 From a company record locator PBRC/FGD6TY From a traveler record locator PBRT/FGD6TY © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 75 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 From a traveler record locator, all PNR elements PBRT/FGD6TY* Merge by traveler name PBMN/-BRADLEY/M MR Merge by index reference PBMI/ABC123 Merge by record locator PBMR/QTY6TR Merge by frequent flyer number PBMF/LH-6983737 From a frequent flyer number PBF/LH-6983737 From a frequent flyer number, different office PBF/MUC1A0900/LH-6983737 From a frequent flyer number, corporate identifier PBF/LH0/LH-6983737 From a profile list PB3 From a profile list, specific PNR elements PB3,2-4 From a booking merged display by profile name PBZN/IBM From a booking merged display by profile name and corporate ID PBZA/HS2,L12/IBM From a booking merged display by agency name PBZY/ABC TRAVEL From a booking merged display by frequent flyer number PBZF/LH-6780340 From a booking merged display by index reference PBZI/ABC123 From a booking merged display by record locator PBZR/HGY7JU From a booking merged display by credit card number PBZC/-CCDC30125647382919 From a booking merged display via a profile list or a profile display PBZ/3 PROFILE LIST GENERATION Company profiles PLC Company profiles for another office PLC/NCE1A0900 Traveler profiles PLT Traveler profiles for another office PLT/NCE1A0900 Travelers associated to a company profile PLT//BMW Travelers associated to a company profile, exact name match PLT//BMW/ Travelers associated to a company profile for another office PLT/NCE1A0900/BMW Follow-up list PLF Follow-up list for another office PLF/NCE1A0900 Deactivated profile list PLX List of organization profiles PLZ Display organization profile from a list PDZ3 76 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Customer Profiles GLOBAL SEARCH Search for all profiles PGA///AP;92;0492 Search for all company profiles PGC///AP;92;0492 Search for all traveler profiles PGT///AP;92;0492 Search for all traveler profiles associated to a specified company PGN//BMW CORP/FP;CASH;CHECK Add global search keyword to a profile PGL/TENNIS Search for all profiles containing a specified keyword PGA//TENNIS/RM;TENNIS;TENNIS Display global status search list PLG Display a profile from the list PD4 Redisplay the selected profile list PDL Move a profile in a list from “For Update” to “Not for Update” PGS2 Move a profile in a list from “Not for Update” to PGU2 “For Update” Approve a list from a selected profiles’ list PGE Approve individual lists PGE4,6,9 Approve a range of lists PGE4-8 Approve combination PGE2,4-7 Delete a request from the list PGX4 Delete individual requests PGX4,6,9 Delete a range of requests PGX4-8 Delete a combination PGX2,4-7 PROFILE HISTORY From a retrieved profile PH For a traveler profile from a merged display PHT For a company profile from a merged display PHC From a profile list PH2 Redisplay a profile PD © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 77 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 DEACTIVATING AND REACTIVATING A PROFILE You must be in profile mode to make these entries. Deactivating a Profile Deactivate a profile when it is displayed on the screen PX Blind deactivate an agency profile PXY Blind deactivate a company profile PXN/XYZ CORP Blind deactivate a company profile, exact match only PXN/XYZ CORP/ Blind deactivate a traveler profile PXN/-LEWIS Blind deactivate a traveler profile associated to a company PXN/XYZ CORP-LEWIS Blind deactivate a profile by index reference PXI/ABC123 Blind deactivate a traveler profile by record locator PXRT/AH6TYF Blind deactivate a company profile by record locator PXRC/AH6TYF Blind deactivate a profile by frequent flyer number PXF/LH-639487 Blind deactivate a profile from a similar name list PX2 Reactivating a Profile Display the deactivated profile list PLX Display a profile from the deactivated profile list PD3 Reactivate a displayed profile PR Reactivate a profile directly from the list PR6 PRINTING A PROFILE Displayed profile WRA/PD Traveler profile WRA/PDN/-LEWIS Company profile WRA/PDN/BMW CORP Traveler profile associated with a company WRA/PDN/BMW-LEWIS Profile by index reference WRA/PDI/ABC123 Profile by record locator WRA/PBR/GH6TYU Profile by frequent flyer number WRA/PDF/LH-453839 Profile from a similar name list WRA/PD2 Traveler profile from a merged display WRA/PDT Company profile from a merged display WRA/PDC 78 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Customer Profiles Traveler profile history WRA/PHN/-LEWIS Company profile history WRA/PHN/BMW CORP Traveler profile associated to a company history WRA/PHN/BMW CORP-LEWIS Profile history by index reference WRA/PHI/ABC123 Profile history by record locator WRA/PHR/CT5FGW Profile history by frequent flyer number WRA/PHF/ABC123 Merged profile by traveler name WRA/PDMN/-LEWIS Merged profile by company name WRA/PDMN/BMW CORP Merged traveler profile associated to a company WRA/PDMN/BMW CORP-LEWIS Merged profile by traveler index WRA/PDMI/ABC123 Merged profile by record locator WRA/PDMR/GH7TYU Merged profile by frequent flyer number WRA/PDMF/LH-475091 List of company profiles WRA/PLC List of traveler profiles WRA/PLT List of traveler profiles associated with a company WRA/PLT//BMW Follow-up list WRA/PLF Deactivated profile list WRA/PLX Global search status list WRA/PLG AMADEUS TRAVEL PREFERENCES MANAGER Policy and Preference Display Display applicable policies and preferences PPD Air Requests Availability For a specific trip purpose AN12MARCHILON/TC AN12MARCHILON/TC-BIZ Schedule SN12MARCHILON/TC Change from neutral availability AC/TC Air options (such as /A, /X, /C, ...) are not allowed with the /TC option. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 79 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Car Requests Availability: Multi-company Single-company From multi-company display From a location list Reference to a flight segment CALHR12MAR-4/ARR-2000-0800/TC CAxxLHR12MAR-4/ARR-2000-0800/TC CA2/TC CAS3/TC CAS3/TC or CAxxS3/TC Change from neutral availability CA/TC Sell: From an availability display From a car terms display From a location list Reference to a flight segment Direct sell CS1/TC CS1/TC CSAB12MAR-4/VT-ECMN/TC CSxxS3/VT-ECMN/TC CSxxLON12MAR-4/ARR-0900/VT-ECMN/TC The following car options are not allowed with the /TC option: CD, CO, FT, ID, RC, VT, VTA, BN, DP, G, SI, SQ. Hotel Requests Availability: Multiple-property Single-property From a hotel list From an availability multi-property display From an HF, HR, or HP display Reference to a flight segment HALON12MAR-4/TC HAxxLON6012MAR-4/TC HAAB12MAR-4/TC HA2/TC HA/TC HAS3/TC Change from neutral availability HA/TC Sell: From an HA multi-property display From an availability single-property display Two rooms Direct sell HS11A/TC HS1A/TC HS11A/NR-2/TC HSHLLON60112MAR-4/TC The following hotel options are not allowed with the /TC option: AR, BT, CT, CO, FC, HN, ID, QU, RT, FF, SR, BN, DP, G, FT, ID, SI. 80 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Cars INFORMATION ABOUT CAR COMPANIES List of car companies GGCAR Company-specific information GGCARXX Company-specific information for specific city GGCARXXMAD GGCARXXMAD.250 Car dimensions for ferry, where X is the first letter of the car GPX maker's name. CAR AVAILABILITY Multiple companies by airport CAZRH15MAR/ARR-1000-1200 Car company specified CAXXZRH15MAR/ARR-9A-6P Reference from location list CAAB30SEP/ARR-9A-6P Pick-up and drop-off: drop-off as a date CAFRA26JUN-2JUL/ARR-9A-6P Drop-off as a number of rental days CAFRA26JUN-17/ARR-9A-6P Flight segment reference CAS2 Segment reference, specific company CAXXS2 Drop-off as a date CAS2-15MAR/RT-1800 Drop-off as a number of rental days CAS2-5/RT-1800 Promotional code CAHA.../PC-HOLIDAY Default rental of one day (/RT- needed if there is no follow-on segment, or a different RT is desired) CAS2/RT-1800 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 81 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Options See also Extra Options for Modifying CA Display on page 83. Drop-off location (if different from pick-up location): IATA airport code Amadeus location code Line reference to current car location list Car company location code (only for locations not stored in Amadeus). The asterisk is mandatory. /DO-MUC /DO-PARC05 /DO-AB /DO-NCE325* Foreign currency (/FC-) using: Country code Currency code /FC-US /FC-USD Mileage: Show only rates with unlimited mileage Show only rates with mileage charges /MI-U /MI-M Rate category and plan (/RC-) /RC-ID- Frequent traveler number /FT-AF12345678 Drop-off date /DD-3AUG Pick-up and drop-off dates /DT-31JUL-3 Drop-off information /DO-PAR02 Fully inclusive rate /FIR-Y Location /LO-PARC01 Non-airport drop-off location /PUP-061235* Vehicle type (/VT- and /VTA-): Specific class of vehicle Specific type of vehicle Specific class and vehicle type, all companies /VT-S /VT-IDMN or /VT-**A* /VTA-C-IDMN You can specify up to five vehicle types and/or classes, separated by dashes. All vehicle types Corporate ID and booking source: Specify the customer's corporate ID number Specify the customer's ID number Specify the booking source /VTA-E-C-LCMN /CD-ZI789221S /CO-xx /ID-123245421HG /BS-12345678 CD, CO, FT, ID, LO, RC, VT entries cannot be used in conjunction with Travel Choice. 82 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Cars Extra Options for Modifying CA Display To modify an existing CA display, enter CA/ then the option and option data. For example, to change the display currency to US dollars, enter: CA/FC-USD. The following options are also available for modifying existing displays: Single to multi-company (YY for 'all companies’) CA/CO-YY Multiple to single company using: Line reference Company codes (up to five codes, separated by dashes) CA3 CA/CO-XX Rental period and location: Drop-off as a date Drop-off as a number of days Drop-off date Pick-up location CA/DT-11JUN-16JUN CA/DT-11JUN-5 CA/DD-16JUL CA/LO-GVA Direct Access In the following examples XX is the car company code (ZD Budget, and ZI Avis only). For help, see each car company’s AIS pages (GG CAR xx). Direct entry 1XXCAXXFRA2JUN-4/ARR-1045/RT-1100/DOFRA*1600/ VT-ECMN/RC-BEST Referencing a flight segment 1XXCAXXS2-7/DO-FRA*1600/VT-ECMN/RC-EG Scrolling You can move to a CA display from another display type, and scroll through the CA display - enter the scroll command followed by CA. Example: MDCA Display cleared screen MP Move down, Move up MD, MU Move top, Move bottom MT, MB Move to previous Car Availability display MPCA Move to previous Car Location List display MPCL Move to previous Multi-company display MPCM Move next day, Move yesterday MN, MY © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 83 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 CAR CODES Access Level Codes Amadeus Complete Access Plus + Amadeus Complete Access / Amadeus Standard Access [space] Availability Status Codes Available to sell A On request R Distance M = miles, and K = kilometers No free miles or kilometers 000M 000K Number of free miles or kilometers 500M 500K Number of free miles or kilometers exceeds 999 999M 999K Unlimited free miles or kilometers UNL Car Type Codes (ACRISS Standard Codes) The codes consist of four letters (for example ECMN) where: E = vehicle class, C = car type, M = manual/automatic, and N = air conditioning yes/no. For specifying car types, you use the /VT(vehicle type) option. Vehicle class Car type 84 C compact I intermediate P premium D compact elite J intermediate elite R standard elite E economy L luxury S standard F full size M mini U premium elite G full size elite N mini elite W luxury elite H economy elite O oversize X special B 2-door car K truck S sports car C car (2- or 4-door) L limousine V van (6 or more passengers) D 4-door car M monospace W wagon E coupe N roadster X special F 4-wheel drive P pick-up Y 2 wheel vehicle G crossover Q pick-up extended Z cab special offer car H motor home R recreational Edition 9.2 Amadeus Cars Transmission Airconditioning Passenger Van SUV Crossover J all terrain T convertible / cabriolet A automatic B automatic 4WD D automatic AWD M manual N manual 4WD C manual AWD R unspecified with E electric with M multi fuel / power with N unspecified without C electric without F multi fuel / power without D diesel with L LPG / compressed gas with V petrol with Q diesel without S LPG / compressed gas without Z petrol without H hybrid with A hydrogen with U ethanol with I hybrid without B hydrogen without X ethanol without IV 6+ seats RV elite 8+ seats PV 15+ seats JV elite 6+ seats elite 15+ seats FV 10+ seats LV SV 8+ seats GV elite 10+ WV elite luxury no seat requirement EF 2-4 seats JF elite 5+ seats PF 7+ seats HF elite 2-4 seats SF 5-6 seats UF elite 7+ seats CF 4-5 seats RF elite 5-6 seats LF luxury no seat requirements DF elite 4-5 seats FF 6+ seats WF elite luxury no seat requirement IF 5+ seats GF elite 6+ seats PG 7+ seats EG 2-4 seats JG elite 5+ seats UG elite 7+ seats HG elite 2-4 seats SG 5-6 seats LG luxury no seat requirement CG 4-5 seats RG elite 5-6 seats WG elite luxury no seat requirement DG elite 4-5 seats FG 6+ seats IG GG elite 6+ seats 5+ seats For information about the car makes and models corresponding to vehicle type, enter CPOXXXYZ/VEH, where XX is the car company code and XYZ is the airport/city code. You will also find information about insurance coverage and tax. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 85 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Rate Categories and Plans When specifying a rate category and plan using the /RC- option, you must enter the rate category, followed by the requested rate plan and a dash at the end. For example: /RC-BWIf you do not add the dash at the end, Amadeus assumes that you are giving a car company’s rate code. For information on the rate codes for a specific car company, enter: GG CAR XX RATE (where XX is the car company code). This information is not available for all car companies. You can request a rate category without a rate plan (example /RC-B-), but not a rate plan only. By default, Amadeus shows Standard rates only. Use the RC/BEST entry to show the best available rate. Categories Plans Association member A Daily one to four days’ rental period D Business B Monthly rate 30 days or more M Consortium/group U Weekend rate one to four days, where E drop-off is by 12.00 Monday Convention V Weekly rental period five or more days W Corporate (customer ID needed) C Travel industry I Inclusive rate (includes coverage) L Credentials required special ID R Government affiliated customer G Package rate with other travel products K Standard rate S Displaying Car Codes The following transactions are used to display car codes and groups. Display all vehicle codes CG Display only category (1st digit) CG/1 or CG/CAT Display only type (2nd digit) CG/2 or CG/TYP Display only SUV coding CG/2-F or CG/TYP-F Display only passenger van coding CG/2-V or CG/TYP-V Display only crossover coding CG/2-G or CG/TYP-G Display only transmission drive (3rd digit) CG/3 or CG/TRA Display only fuel/AC (4th digit) CG/4 or CG/AIR Display all pseudo codes CG/PS or CG/PSEUDO Check and decode vehicle code CG-ECMN Check and decode pseudo code CG-AVAN 86 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Cars CAR LOCATION LIST Basic Entries By city or airport code CLFRA Specific company (where XX is the company code) CLXXFRA Specific area only CLFRA-C Single company by country CLXXGB-C Single company by country that has states CLXXUSFL-C Requests by country for multiple companies for a specific area CLBRU/CO-ZE-ZI By access type CLPAR/CO-S Area Identifiers You can limit a car location display to a specific area of a city, by adding a dash followed by one of the following area identifiers: Airport A North of city N Resort location R Airport terminal T East of city E Railway station X Off-terminal O West of city W Port or ferry P City centre C South of city S Hotel H Direct Access Displays Specific city (where XX is car company code: ZD, and ZI Avis only) 1XXCLXXLHR Scrolling Display a cleared screen MP Move bottom MB Move down MD Move top MT Move up MU Move to previous CL display MPCL You can move to a CL display from another display type, and scroll the CL display. Enter the scroll command followed by CL. Example: MDCL © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 87 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 CAR LOCATION POLICY Amadeus Car Reservation allows you to obtain location policy information regarding location details, tax, policy, surcharge and vehicle type, without having to refer to a car rate availability display. To do this, use the transaction code CPO. Show all car policy information for company XX at Nice CPOXXNCE Show car location policy for a non-airport location CPOXXLON61 Show tax and surcharge for company XX at Heathrow CPOXXLHR/TAX/SUR Show insurance coverage fee for company XX in Miami CPOXXMIA/COV Show insurance coverage fee, tax and vehicle information for CPOXXMIA/C/T/V company XX in Miami Show the price of insurance cover with company XX at Paris Charles de Gaulle airport for an economy 2-door manual car with air conditioning. CPOEPCDG/COV/VT-EBMR You cannot use * in the VT- option. CPO/COV-TPI-CDW-PAEC Show only insurance cover for the following classes of insurance cover: Third Party Insurance, Collision Damage Waiver, Personal Accidents and Effects Cover. Policy Indicators Coverage C Vehicle V Tax T Surcharge S 88 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Cars CAR SELL Direct sell entry CSXXLIN8MAY-10MAY/ARR0900/VT-ECMN/RC-BEST Reference to a car availability display CS1 Reference to a car terms display CS1 Reference to a car rate features display (CA+ only) CS1 Reference to a location list CSAB13OCT-2/VTECMN/RC-BEST/ARR-9A-6P Reference to a flight segment (XX is the car company code) CSXXS3/VT-ECAR/RC-S- Reference to multiple flight segments CSXXS3/VT-ECMN/RC-S;S4;S5 /ARR- is not needed because Amadeus knows the arrival time from the flight details. Override Complete Access sell with standard access booking, reference to Complete Access display 11ACS1 Upgrade Standard Access booking to Complete Access CN4 The link must be re-established, and you must make the entry before end of transaction. Car Sell Options You can re-enter the last value you entered for an option by replacing the data by a dash (-). For example, to re-enter the last special information you added using the /SI- option, enter: /SI-- Agency account information /**-FREEFLOW TEXT Booking agent /BA-ABC TRAVEL Billing number, to replace agency billing address with: IATA/TID number; or company profile record locator; or car company reference number /BN-1234567 Billing reference (1-24 characters) /BR-FREEFLOW TEXT Booking source: agency control number, IATA or TID number, if another office is to be identified as the booking source (five to eight characters) /BS-12345678 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 89 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Corporate ID /CD-332211 Collection /COL-35 AVE DE PARIS, NICE/CD-123456 Delivery /DEL-18 BAY STREET, DUBLIN/CD-9657812 Not all car companies support the /DEL- and /COL- options. The /CD- is mandatory with both /DEL- and /COL-. It is also possible to update /DEL- and /COL- in an existing car segment. Estimated distance the car will be driven (1-6 digits) /DI-1500 Frequent traveler number (1-28 characters) /FT-1234567891234 Guarantee (1-42 characters) /G-CHECK-EUR500 Customer ID or profile number, if the client has one with the rental company (1-20 characters) /ID-1234ABCD Inclusive tour code (1-20 characters) /IT-IT1AY3MOD Passenger association /P2 Mandatory if the PNR contains more than one passenger name. You must enter this option after any other options in the entry. Rate code, rate category /plan /RC-RW- Rate Override Overrides the rate shown in the availability screen. /RO-GBP75.00 Supplementary information (freeflow, 3-25 characters) /SI-PREFERS A RED CAR Special equipment request /SQ-SKR-SKV Voucher value /VV-EUR51.25 Tracking Used to enter data needed by car company for validating the sell entry (freeflow, 1-25 characters) /TK-AUTH-000123456 Options for Direct Sell and Segment Reference Sell Only The car sell options below are not available for sell entries referencing an availability display, as the display already supplies the relevant data. Return time /RT-1800 Pick-up location not stored in Amadeus /PUP-NCE325* In this example, NCE325 is the car company’s own location code, and * is a mandatory asterisk indicating a non-Amadeus location Vehicle type 90 /VT-LCAR Edition 9.2 Amadeus Cars Options for Passive Segments Only Confirmation number CF-1333344 Rate quote /RQ-77EUR Car merge: Retrieve booking Merge 1XXRT/CF-1333344 1XXCM Retrieve Direct Access Booking Retrieve (where XX is company code: AL, ZD, or ZI only) 1XXRT/CF-E324567 Cancel and Delete Segment Cancel segment XE4 Delete inactive segment DL4 Equipment Codes Use the /SQ- option to specify equipment codes (1-3, separated by dashes). For a full list of equipment codes in Amadeus, enter CEA. To see which options a company supports, enter CE/CO-xx (where xx is company code). Anti-lock braking ABS Front-wheel drive FRT Mobile phone PHN Air conditioning AIR Hatchback HCH Power windows PWS Anti-theft device ATD Left-hand drive HCL Radio RAD Bicycle rack BYC Right-hand drive HCR Rear seat belt RSB Car alarm CAL Integrated child seat ICS Seat belt extensions SBE Camcorder CAM Laser disc player LDP Six-passenger car SIX CB radio CBR Left foot accelerator LFA Ski rack SKR Cruise control CCL Lead-free fuel LFF Ski-equipped vehicle SKV Computerized driving direct CDD Luggage rack LUG Snow chains SNO Central locking CLS Non-smoker car NSK Winter tires STR Baby seat CSB Navigational system plus phone NVP Sun roof SUR Infant seat CSI Navigational system NVS Cassette player TAP © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 91 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Child seat CST Passenger side airbag PAB Telephone TEL Driver side airbag DAB Power steering PAS Trailer TRH Diesel DSL No. of passengers PAX Tilt steering wheel TSW FM radio FMR Power door locks PDL Television TVI Modify/Delete Option Data To modify any option data, enter the segment number with the option and the new data. For example, to change the corporate ID number for segment 3 to 332211, enter: 3/CD-332211. To delete option data, enter the segment number, then the option but no data. For example: 3/CDNote: To change the pickup location you cannot use /PUP. You must cancel the segment and rebook. For Supplementary Information, you have three Modify options: Overwrite old supplementary information 4/SI-PREFERS A RED CAR Add additional information (prefix text with an asterisk) 4/SI-*WANTS SUNROOF Override the booked rate with your own rate 2/RO-USD45.00 Some Modify options cancel the old segment and book a new one. Resell Car Segment Using Segment Number For a list of rate codes specific to a car company, enter: GG CAR XX (where XX is the company code). This is not available for all companies. Rental details: Pick-up and drop-off dates Drop-off date Location of rental Return time Vehicle type 4/DT-12JUN-16JUN 4/DD-16JUN 4/LO-LGW 4/RT-1700 4/VT-LCAR Rate: Category/plan Best rate Rate code specific to a car company 4/RC-ID4/RC-BEST 4/RC-3W 92 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Cars CAR TERMS Basic Entries Reference display line CT3 Reference PNR segment (standard access booking only) CTS3 Specific Categories of Information 1-3 category codes identified by its key or key letter separated by dashes. for example: CT2/TAX/SUR/VEH or CT2/T/S/V Surcharge information CT3/SUR Deposit information CT3/DEP Tax information CT3/TAX Rate code information CT3/RCD Coverage Information CT3/COV Location information CT3/LOC Vehicle type CT3/VEH Pick-up information CT3/PUP Advance payment CT3/ADP Policy information CT3/POL Advance booking CT3/ADV One way information CT3/ONW Guarantee information CT3/GUA Remarks CT3/RMK Rate Information CT3/RAT Scrolling Display a cleared screen MP Move bottom MB Move down MD Move top MT Move up MU You can move to a CT display from another display type, and scroll the CT display - enter the scroll command followed by CT. Example: MDCT CAR RATE FEATURES This display is an enhanced Car Terms display that is available only for Complete Access Plus companies, and for rates that have been returned from the car company when rate availability has been requested. Basic Entries From a rate availability display CR2 Reference PNR segment CRS3 CR5/S/T/COV This is only possible if the PNR segment referenced is a previously booked car segment that has been created from a Complete Access Plus availability display. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 93 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Specific Categories of Information Surcharge information CR2/SUR or S Deposit information CR2/DEP or D Tax information CR2/TAX or T Rate code information CR2/RCD or E Coverage Information CR2/COV or C Location information CR2/LOC or L Vehicle type CR2/VEH or V Pick-up information CR2/PUP or U Advance payment CR2/ADP or P Policy information CR2/POL or Y Advance booking CR2/ADV or B One way information CR2/ONW or O Guarantee information CR2/GUA or G Remarks CR2/RMK or K Rate Information CR2/RAT or R Coupon information CR2/CPN or N Special equipment CR2/SEQ or Q Delivery and collection CR2/DCI or I Scrolling Display a cleared screen MP Move down MD Move up MU Move bottom MB Move top MT You can move to a CR display from another display type, and scroll through the CR display. Enter the scroll command followed by CR. Example: MDCR CAR VOUCHER Mandatory Options The following options are mandatory: For non-IATA booking CVD/S3/VV-BN If not VV-FC (Voucher Value Full Credit) CVD/S3/VV-FP Display Voucher Voucher for segment number 3 CVD/S3 Segment three, passenger one CVD/S3/P1 Accounting information CVD/S3/**-ACCOUNT DETAILS Guarantee / form of payment CVD/S3/G-CHECK Billing number: 'A' followed by six-character company profile record locator CVD/S3/BN-ABB22C3 Billing number: 'A' followed by eight-digit IATA or TID number CVD/S3/BN-A12345678 94 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Cars Billing number: 'C' followed by 1-25 character car company reference CVD/S3/BN-C12EF343GH23 The 'A' and 'C' prefix is mandatory to show whether the number is an Amadeus reference (A) or a car company reference (C). Billing reference (freeflow 1-25 characters) CVD/S3/BR-AB1234 Form of payment: credit card CVD/FP-CCAX37144965311004 Form of payment: check or cheque CVD/FP-CHECK or CVD/FP-CHEQUE Form of payment: check (or cheque) with value CVD/FP-CHECK-EUR66.46 Form of payment: cash CVD/FP-CASH Form of payment: cash with value CVD/FP-CASH-EUR66.46 Voucher value: amount CVD/S3/VV-EUR51.25 Voucher value: full credit CVD/S3/VV-FC Voucher value: nil value CVD/S3/VV-NV Voucher value: group days apply (special rate) CVD/S3/VV-GDA Print Voucher The entries to print a voucher are identical to those for displaying a voucher, except that you change CVD (Car Voucher Display) to CVP (Car Voucher Print). For printing vouchers, you have these additional options: Send print request to printer ID 2 CVP2/S3 Reprint voucher for passenger two CVP/S3/P2 Billing reference (freeflow 1-25 characters) CVP/S3/BR-AB1234 Form of payment: credit card CVP/FP-CCAX37144965311004 Form of payment: check or cheque CVP/FP-CHECK or CVD/FP-CHEQUE Form of payment: check (or cheque) with value CVP/FP-CHECK-EUR66.46 Form of payment: cash CVP/FP-CASH Form of payment: cash with value CVP/FP-CASH-EUR66.46 Voucher value: amount CVP/S3/VV-EUR51.25 Voucher value: full credit CVP/S3/VV-FC Voucher value: nil value CVP/S3/VV-NV Voucher value: group days apply (special rate) CVP/S3/VV-GDA E-vouchers You can choose to issue an electronic voucher (e-voucher) when a passenger does not require a paper document. This option is only available in certain markets and for certain car providers. Issue an e-voucher for a segment © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved CVD/S3/ET 95 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Reissue an e-voucher for a segment CVD/S3/ET/P1 Billing number options for issuing e-voucher CVD/S3/ET/BN-A12345678 Specify voucher value CVD/S3/ET/VV-FC Car Billing Number Display The car billing number display allows you to display all numbers associated to your agency's booking source for a specific car rental company. Retrieve billing numbers for a specific car company CBNZD To get more details of the account, add the record locator or the IATA number. CBNZDC23323343 CAR AUXILIARY SEGMENT Request an airline participating in the PNR to book a car CU LH NN1 FRA 14AUG-18AUG ECAR/PROVIDE BB SEAT/P1 Create auxiliary car segment for a confirmed booking CU 1A HK1 BWN 14AUG-18AUG ECAR/CF210/P1 CAR EASY SHOPPER Leisure multi-availability display: direct entry from flight segment from single-display CAMUC28JUN-2JUL/ARR-1200-1800/L CAS2/L CA/CO-YY/L or CA/CO-C1-C2/L Leisure single-availability display direct entry from flight segment from multi-display from car location list CAHAMUC28JUN-4/ARR-1200-1800/L CAHAS2/L CA1/L CAAB28JUN/ARR-1200/L Sell leisure from availability display CS1/P3 Modify booking 5/SI-NON SMOKING VEHICLE... Remove option 5/SI- Cancel leisure booking XE5 View cancellation fee RTSVCC5/CFX View car rate features CR1 RTSVCC1 96 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Hotels INFORMATION ABOUT HOTEL CHAINS List of hotel chains GGHTLALL Chain-specific information GGHTLXX Chain-specific contact information GGHTLCTCX XX represents sub-chain or master-chain codes. This means you can now search for hotels in a specific group. Do not use master-chain codes for single-property displays. For more information about master-chain codes refer to the Amadeus Online Help by entering: HE HOT HOTEL CODES Amadeus Predefined Rate Codes To decode rate codes, you can use the DNN entry. For information, see: HE DNN To display and store your preferred rate codes, use the JGD/P and JGU/HSR entries. Enter: HE JGD or HE JGU Convention CON Package PKG Travel Industry TVL Corporate COR Promotional PRO Tour TUR Family FAM Standard RAC RAC Weekend WKD Government GOV Senior Citizen SRS Military MIL Stopover STP Rate Code Inclusion and Restriction Indicators These codes appear on single-property Hotel Availability displays only. Rate change during stay * P.M. hold time (Values 1-9 allowed) 6 Guarantee required G Deposit required D Access Level Codes These codes appear on Hotel Availability displays between the hotel chain code and the hotel name. Dynamic Access ! Complete Access Plus + Complete Access / Standard Access [space] © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 97 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Availability Status Codes Available to sell A Closed for sale (HA) C On request R Closed for sale (HI) . (Period) Closed to arrival X Room Type Codes Room with bath A,B,C,D Non-smoking room N Room with shower only E,F,G,H Executive floors P Room without facilities I,J,K Suites S,T,U Number of Beds Codes Number of beds 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Number of beds may vary in room * (asterisk) Bed Type Codes Double D Pull-out P Single S King K Queen Q Twin T Water bed W Hotel Facilities Codes You can use these codes to search for hotels with the facilities you want, using the /FF- option followed by 1-3 codes, separated by dashes. Accessible baths ABA Currency exchange EXC Adapted telephones PHB Accessible wash basins ABN Executive floor EXE Phone-dir dial PHO Adapted bathrooms ABR Fax facilities in room FAX Pillow alarms available PIL Fire detectors FID Adapted room doors RDO Accessible bathing ABS controls Room entry from exterior AEX Fire extinguishers FIE Restaurants RES Staff first aider AID Fire safety FIR Room service ROO Room entry from interior AIN Gift shop GIF Restricted room access RRA Air conditioning AIR Golf GOL Bedroom wheel chair access RWC 98 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Hotels Accessible light switch ALI Guarded car park GPK Safe deposit box SAF Audio-visual equipment AVD Group rates available GRP Sauna SAU Accessible elevators AVE Hair dryer HAD Sightseeing SIG Accessible toilets AWC Hairdresser HAI Ski in/out SKI Baby-sitting BAB Disabled facilities HAN Smoke detectors SMO Bar BAR Health club HEA Special needs menus SNM Beach near hotel BEA Hearing induction loops HER Snow skiing SNO Braille/large print menu BME Hotspots HOT Solarium SOL Braille/large print literature BLI Handrails in bathrooms HRB Spa SPA Beauty parlor BTY Ice machines ICE Sprinklers SPR Business centre BUS Internet - free high IHF speed Video surveillance SUR Car rental CAR Internet - high speed IHS Swimming pool SWI Casino CAS Jacuzzi JAC Teleconferencing TEC Children welcome CHD Laundry service LAU Television TEL Children not allowed CHN Lounge LOU Tennis TEN Coffee shop COF Massage MAS TV subtitles closed TVS captions Convention centre CON Meeting rooms MEE Valet parking VAL Disco DIS Minibar MIN Water sports WAT Service dogs allowed DOG Movie channels MOV Wheelchair access WCE Disabled parking DPA NON DTS NPO Wireless connect in room Wide entrance WCR Disability trained staff Non-smoking rooms No pornographic tv/films Disabled emergency plan EDI Parking PAR Wide corridors WID © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved WEN 99 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Elevator ELE PC hookup in room PCH Women’s guest rooms WOM Emergency cords/buttons EME Pets accepted PET Wide restaurant entrance WRS Pharmacy PHA Emergency lighting EML HOTEL LOCATION LIST For a list of options, see Hotel Display Options. Multi-company by city or airport code HLZRH Multi-company by area code HLZRH-A Include hotels in all associated cities and airports HLZRH-ALL Single-company display by city HLSXOSL From availability, inventory, rate, or features display HL From an existing segment (air, car or hotel) HLS2 By company and country HLBWCH Display hotel list by territory, province or state code HLHIUSNY From Points of Reference list HLL4 Scrolling Move previous MP Move up MU Move down MD Move top MT You can move to an HL display from another display type, and scroll the HL display - enter the scroll command followed by HL. Example: MDHL Area Identifiers 1-3 identifiers per entry, separated by dashes. Example: HAPAR-N-E North of city centre N Airport A East of city centre E Downtown (City centre) D West of city centre W Resort R South of city centre S 100 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Hotels Transportation Identifiers Up to 2 identifiers per entry, separated by dashes. Example: HAPAR-F-L Boat B Coach C Express train E Free transport F Helicopter H Limousine L Plane P Rental car R Taxi T Underground U Walking distance W HOTEL AVAILABILITY For all hotels in the specified city (MAD) for today, one-night stay. HAMAD For all hotels in the specified city and date range. HAMAD10SEP-15SEP For all hotels within a specific hotel chain (SI) for the specified HASIMAD10SEP-15SEP city (MAD) and date range. For a specific hotel (TIE) within a specified hotel chain (UI) for HAUIZRHTIE25MAY-30MAY the specified city (ZRH) and date range. For all hotels within a specific hotel chain (BW) within the specified city (ATH) for today, one night stay. HABWATH For a specific hotel (AMB) within a specified hotel chain (UI) in the specified city (ZRH) for today, one night stay. HAUIZRHAMB Refer to an existing flight, car, or hotel segment HAS5 Refer to segment, specific hotel chain HAXXS5 Display availability for the hotel on the specified line of the HL HAAB25MAY-27MAY display (AB) for the given date range. Display availability for the hotel on the specified line of the HL HAAB25MAY-2 display (AB) for the arrival date and number of nights For a single-property display from an HF, HR, or HP display HA Scrolling Redisplay the last cleared screen MP Move down, Move up MD, MU Single-property display for property on line n of multi-property HAn display Return to the last multi-property display MPHM Return to the last cleared screen and move up / move top MUHA, MTHA Return to the last single-property display MPHA © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 101 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 HOTEL RATE CHANGE For a list of options, see Hotel Display Options on page 109. For specified chain (MC) and property (LONDTG) for today, one night stay. HRMCLONDTG For specified chain (MC) and property (LONDTG) with date range. HRMCLONDTG25MAY-30MAY From a specific line number (n) on a multi-property HA display. HR2 From single-property HA display (complete/standard access) HR Display rates using the 11A prefix on a single-property HA display (CA and CA+). 11AHR From a specific line number (AB) on an HL display for a specific date range. HRAB25MAY-30MAY From an HF display for a specified date range. HR/DT-25MAY-30MAY For an existing PNR hotel segment HRS5 Scrolling Move previous MP Move up MU Move down MD Move top MT You can move to an HR display from another display type, and scroll the HR display - enter the scroll command followed by HR. Example: MDHR HOTEL FEATURES Display features for a specific line number (2) on a multiproperty HA display HF2 Display features from an HI, HR, or single-property HA display HF Display features for a specific hotel chain (BW) and hotel identifier (BCN054). HFBWBCN054 Display features for a specific line number (AB) on an HL display HFAB Display features for a specified hotel PNR segment (S5) HFS5 Display features for specified category codes or keywords (max. 3 codes/keywords). Use HF to revert to all categories HF2-L-DEP-F HF 102 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Hotels Codes / Keywords Location L - LOC Min/Max stay S - STA Frequent stay Q - FRE Category A - CAT Facilities F - FAC Transportation T - TRA Extra charges E - EXT Room R - ROO Safety features Y - SFY Policy P - POL Dining facilities N - DIN Other O - OTH Guarantee G - GNT Meeting facilities M - MEE - - Deposit D - DEP Commission C - COM - - Scrolling Move previous MP Move up MU Move down MD Move top MT You can move to an HF display from another display type, and scroll the HF display - enter the scroll command followed by HF. Example: MDHF HOTEL PRICING & FEATURES Available with Complete Access Plus Only. Entries For a list of options, see Hotel Display Options on page 109. List prices and features from a single or multiple property HA display. For Amadeus access levels /CO-P and /CO-C. HP2 List prices and features from a single or multiple property HA display for the specified categories only. For Amadeus access levels /CO-P and /CO-C. HP2-L-DEP-P Revert from specified categories to all categories HP From a Complete Access Plus hotel segment HPS2 Categories Booking requirements -B or -BOO Other / miscellaneous -O or -OTH Cancellation policies -C or -CXL Rate information -R or -RAT All known taxes and estimated total amount -T or -TTX Room and rate description -D or -DES Rate inclusions/extras -I or -INC © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 103 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 HOTEL TERMS List terms for the hotel on the specified line number (1A) of the Hotel Rate Change (HR) display. HT1A List terms for the hotel on the specified line number (1) of the Hotel Inventory (HI) display. HT1 List terms for hotel specified in the Hotel PNR segment (S3) HTS3 List terms for selected categories, for the hotel on the specified line number of the Hotel Rate Change (HR) display. Max. 3 categories allowed. HT1A-D-I-S List terms for selected categories, for the hotel on the specified line number of the Hotel Inventory (HI) display. Max. 3 categories allowed. HT1-C-S-I Categories Description -D Cancellation policy -C Rate inclusions/extras -I Booking requirements -B Sell rules -S HOTEL INVENTORY The hotel inventory (HI) display gives a 40-day snapshot of room availability by rate at a single hotel - for hotels using standard access and hotel complete access only. One-night stay, for today, specified property HISRCPHRIC From a multi-property availability display HI2 From a single-property availability display HI From a hotel list display HIAB25MAY-30MAY By PNR hotel segment HIS5 Scrolling Redisplay the last cleared screen MP Return to the last cleared screen MPHI Return to the last cleared screen and move down MDHI Return to the last cleared screen and move up MUHI Return to the last cleared screen and move top MTHI 104 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Hotels HOTEL SELL From a hotel pricing and features display HS1 From a hotel inventory display (Standard and Complete HS2 Access only) From a single-property availability display only HS3 From a rate-change display HS1A Direct entry sell HSHIFRA19815MAR-20MAY From a hotel location list display (like direct entry, but using property line reference instead of property code) HSAB5JAN-10JAN/RT-A1D/SRXXX Long sell a single-occupancy room, at any rate other than the default public rate. HSXXPAR1235JAN-10JAN/RTA1D/SR-XXX Complete Access and Complete Access Plus override using the 11A prefix. 11AHSHIFRA19815MAR-5/NR2/RT-2A1D /SR-WKD Voucher print from displayed PNR HVP/S3 Combined hotel voucher and invoice and itinerary print HVP/S2/IBP or HVP/S2/IEP © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 105 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Hotel Sell Options For information about the sell options supported by specific hotel chains, enter HEHTLXX, where XX is the code of the hotel chain. Internal agency accounting information /**-TEXT Amount override for negotiated rate /AO-EUR131.40 From a single-property display: Include flight details from PNR segment in hotel information Manual entry of flight details in hotel information From a single-property display Exclude flight details hotel information Remove flight details from an existing hotel segment HS1/ARR-S2 HS1/ARR-AF7715-NCELON-3-0930 HS1/ARR6/ARR- Booking code (Complete Access Plus or Dynamic Access only) /BC-1234567890 Booking via /BGV-PHONE MR SMITH Booking source IATA number (for passive segments) /BS-12345678 Corporate discount /CD-543210 Confirmation number /CF-012345 Infant bed, cot, or cradle (Enter zero for no charge) /CR-EUR10.00-1 /CR-EUR0.-1 Deposit advice to hotel when using an advanced deposit /DP-ADVDEP Deposit advice to hotel when using a credit card /DPCCAX371449635311004EXP 0512 /DD-7NOV Change check-in date Change check-out date /DT-1NOV-6, or /DT-1NOV-7NOV Extra person rate: - For currencies with a decimal point - For currencies with no decimal place. /EX-EUR12.78-1 /EX-JPY2800-1 Frequent traveler /FT-11A22B33C Guarantee of payment - From a booking source: - From booking source taken from agency AAA: - From a company (name and address): - From a corporate account: - From a normal credit card: /G-BS12345678 /G-BS /G-CO IBM 1 NEW ST /G-CD123456 /G-CCDC30125647382919 EXP1012 Holding information /HLD-6PM Customer ID for hotel chain (max. 20 characters) /ID-336677 106 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Hotels Number of rooms (Standard Access only) /NR-3 Associate specified passenger for hotel sell on a PNR /P3 Rollaway bed: for an adult Rollaway bed: for a child /RA-USD20.00-1 /RC-USD10.00-1 Rate quote /RQ-EUR255 Room rate override /RRO-USD50.00 Room occupancy and room type /RT-2A1D Room occupancy and room type, more than one room /RT-2A1D-3 Room override /RO-S1K Saving amount - new entry HS1A/SAV-USD50.00 HS1A/SAV-20 PCT Saving amount - updating an existing entry 2/SAV-EUR304.89 3/SAV-30 PCT Supplementary information (Free flow text - max 120 characters) /SI-ROOM WITH SEA VIEW Special Rate other than RAC (long sell entry only) /SR-XXX American plan - rate per person for three meals a day where /AP-USD80-n (n) is the number of people that need the plan. /AP-JPY7500-n Modified American plan - rate per person for two meals a day where (n) is the number of people that need the plan. /MA-USD60-n /MA-JPY3500-n Family American plan - rate per person for three meals a day where (n) is the number of people in the family /FA-USD75.00-n /FA-JPY4500-n Family Modified American plan - rate per person for two meals a day. where (n) is the number of people in the family /FM-USD50.00-n /FM-JPY4500-n Manually added voucher options: Billing number /BN- Manually added voucher options: Voucher values: Full credit As per agreement Specific amount Confirmation /VV/VV-FC /VV-APA /VV-GBP100.00 /VV-CONFIRMATION © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 107 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Modify/Delete Option Data by Segment Number To modify option data, give the segment number, then the option and the new data. Modify deposit for segment 3 from check to cash 3/DP-CHECK Overwrite existing supplementary information 3/SI-ROOM WITH SEA VIEW Add text to an existing supplementary information 3/SI-*AND NON SMOKING To delete segment data enter the segment number and one or more of the option identifiers without any updated text. Multiple option identifiers are allowed. 5/ID-/G- Delete option data for specified segment and the given identifiers (ID- and G-). You cannot delete data for the following identifiers: /AO-, /RG-, /BS-, /RO-, /CF-, /RQ-, /DD-, /RT-, /DT-, /SR-, /NR-. Resell Segment by Segment Number Modify check-in date for one night stay 2/DT-9MAY Modify check-in and check-out days 2/DT-1MAY-15MAY Modify check-in date and number of nights 2/DT-1MAY-15 Modify check-out date 2/DD-15JUN Modify check-out as number of nights 2/DD-9 Modify the room type and/or rate ID 2/RT-A1T/SR-PRO Room occupancy, room type, and/or rate ID 2/RT-2A1D/SR-WKD Special rate to standard rate 2/RT-A1T You cannot use /SR- to change a rate to RAC; you must use /RT- to re-specify the room type Modify passenger association for the specified segment (Standard Access only) 5/P2 Add Passive Segment (Booking Made Outside Amadeus) To add the passive segment, make a Standard Access sell entry which includes the /CF- option with the confirmation number. If you do not enter the /CF information, a new booking will be generated Remember to use the 11a prefix for Complete Access, and Complete Access Plus chains, and also /SR- identifier for special rate codes.. Room type and rate quote from Amadeus HR display 11AHSXXPAR123 10SEP-5/CF345670ABC/RT-2B2T/RQ-EUR76.22 Room type and rate quote from Amadeus HA display HS2A/CF-345670ABC/RQ-EUR76.22 Room type, special rate and rate quote from Amadeus HR display 11AHSXXHMT969 15JUN-3/CF06151963/RT-2ROH/SR-PRO/RQ-USD96.0 108 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Hotels Reference sell from the hotel rate from Amadeus HR display. 11AHS1B/CF-345670ABC/RQ-EUR76.22 Reference sell from the hotel rate (HR) display, adding a special rate code. 11AHS1B/CF-345670ABC/RQEUR76.22/SR-ABC Room type and rate override from Amadeus HSUIROM34510SEP-15SEP/CF-345670 ABC/RT-2B2T/AO-EUR78.00 Room override and rate quote, not booked in Amadeus HSUIROM34510SEP-15SEP/CF-345670 ABC/RQ-EUR78.00/RO-S1K Room override and rate override, not booked in Amadeus 11AHSXXPAR123 10SEP-5/CF-345670/ROS1K/AO-EUR76.22 Room override and rate quote, not booked in Amadeus 11AHSXXPAR123 10SEP-5/CF-345670ABC /RO-1B1T/RQ-EUR76.22 Auxiliary PNR segment, HK status, hotel booked outside Amadeus HU1AHK1 SFO 1SEP-3SEP/SAVOY HOTEL/CF-123456 HOTEL DISPLAY OPTIONS For online help for Hotel options, and information on which option is available with which type of hotel display, see: HE HOTEL OPTIONS Search Options Address (1 to 10 characters) HALPL/AD-PENNY LANE Area: list hotels for specified areas of a city list specific areas of a city for a specified hotel chain to change area of initial search (e.g. HAXXMIA-S-E) include all associated cities/airports in search include all associated cities/airport in specific areas reset to default of target city only, all areas HLPAR-S-W, HLPAR/AR-S-W HAXXMIA-S-E HA/AR-S-W HLPAR-ALL HLPAR/AR-ALL-R HLPAR/AR-* or HA/AR-* Combine -ALL with other search options to avoid long lists Points of Reference (POR): list hotels near POR for the specified city list hotels near POR in the specified state or country show hotel availability near a POR show hotel availability near a landmark list hotels within specified distance from the POR list all PORs for the specified city and POR category list all categories for PORs HLPAR/RP-ATT-CATHEDRALE HL*GB/RP-SPO-QUEENS CLUB HALON/RP-SHO-HARRODS HA*FR/LOC-EIFFEL TOWER HLNCE/DI-8K DRP*/LON-SHO DRP-CAT For full information refer to HE POR and HE DRP © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 109 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Category - List hotels in the specified category. (L-Luxury; F-First class; S-Standard; T-Tourist) Reset to all categories Postal/zip code: search for hotels with the specified code with specific characters anywhere in the post code starting with specific characters reset to any postal/zip code remove postal code restriction and retain display HL/HC-L HL/HC-* HAPAR/ZP-75011 HAPAR/ZP-75 HAPAR/ZP-75* HAPAR/ZP-* HA/ZP-* Properties in a non-IATA city for geocoded and non-geocoded countries from multi-availability displays only: combine the /CT and /AD options to provide more specific results: HLNCE/CT-VENCE HL*US/CT-SAN MATEO Transportation type (HL/HA/HR displays only) HAPAR/TR-F-L HA*FR/CT-PARIS/AD-ELYSEE See Transportation Identifiers on page 101. Lowest rates HANCE12DEC/LOW Specific chains - list hotels for specified hotel chains Reset to all chains (YY is the all chains indicator) HL/CO-XX-ZZ HL/CO-YY Company access level- list hotels by access level: Amadeus Dynamic and Hotel Complete Access Plus Amadeus Dynamic, Hotel Complete and Hotel Complete Access Plus Standard Access only Amadeus Dynamic Access only Display hotel list by city and access level Display hotel availability by city and access level /CO-P /CO-C /CO-S /CO-D HLPAR/CO-P HAPAR/CO-C Company code (C1 to C60) list hotel availability for a city and company code HAPAR/CO-C29 Facilities (max. 3 facility codes) restrict display to hotels with the specified facilities remove facilities search restriction HAPAR/FF-SWI-JAC-CAS HL/FF-* See Hotel Facilities Codes on page 98. F.E.M.A list hotels that meet the FEMA fire regulations. reset to both F.E.M.A. and non-F.E.M.A. properties 110 HANYC/SF-Y HA/SF-* Edition 9.2 Amadeus Hotels Hotel name - for HL/HA/HR displays only full name of hotel minimum of three letters chain code, city and hotel name list hotels in specified city beginning with target letter HASFO/HN-HILTON HAFRA/HN-STA HAXXPAR/HN-CONCORDE HAPAR/HN-*C Phone number: list hotels with this string of digits list hotels starting with specific digits reset to any phone number HAPAR/PH-4412443240 HAPAR/PH-0142* HA/PH-* Modify Options For online help for Hotel options, and information on which option works with which display type, see: HE HOT OPT Availability status override - HA displays only: list available rooms only within the specified city list available rooms only (from single property display) list available and on-request rooms only within target city list all rooms within target city (include closed for sale, closed to arrival) HAPAR/ST-A HA3/ST-A HAPAR/ST-* HAPAR/ST-ALL Note: The /ST option does not apply to hotels using Hotel Complete Access Plus. Bed type - (HA /HR/HI displays - SA/CA only). list hotel availability for the specified city and bed type list hotel availability by line # and bed type (HA display) HAPAR/BT-K HA2/BT-K Note: /BT applies to Hotel Standard, Hotel Complete Access chains only) See also Room Type Codes on page 98. Check-in and check-out (as separate entries) check-in on specified date check out on specified date HA/DT-1AUG HA/DD-2AUG Change check-in change check-in to next day (MN) or previous day (MY) MN, MY Check -in and check out simultaneously: check-in and check-out on specified dates check-in on specified date and check-out after the number of days specified HA/DT-31JUL-2AUG HA/DT-31JUL-2 Change check-out: (e.g. for HAPAR30JUL-2AUG) HA/DD-9AUG © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 111 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Currency conversion (HA/HR/HP displays only): using 2 or 3-letter ISO country code using an asterisk (*) to display local currency HR2/FC-JP, HA/FC-JPY HR2/FC-* Note: The @ symbol preceding the currency code indicates that the currency displayed has been converted. and is not the loaded currency. Segment location override: list availability for an alternative location to that specified in the referenced hotel PNR segment Occupancy level and room type (HA and HR displays only): double occupancy revert to default of single occupancy specific room type occupancy level and room type HAS5/LO-AMS HA/RT-2, HA2/RT-2 HA/RT-1 HA/RT-A1K HA/RT-2A1K Note: Refer to HE HOTEL OPTIONS, GPOP2 for room occupancy greater than two. Rate limit/range (plus/minus 10%. (HA and HR displays only) Rates less than 110 Euro Rates higher than 90 US dollars Rates between 90 and 165 Euro Rates between 72 and 132 GB pounds Rate xxx less than 165 US dollars Special rates (HA/HR/HI displays only): single rate code more than one rate code, excluding RAC more than one rate code, including RAC When special rates are not available Store eight preferred rate codes in your agent security profile HAPAR/QU-100 HAMIA/QU-H100 HAPAR/QU-100-150 HALON/QU-80-120/FCGBP HAPAR/SR-XXX/FCUSD/QU-150 HAPAR/SR-GOV-XXX HAFRA4JUL/SR-HPL /SR-AMX-COR-IBM /SR-TQ3-RAC JGU/HSR-GOV-COR-TQ3 Supplementary Sell Options For Hotel Availability, Rate Change, and Inventory displays only. Booking source IATA number /BS-12345678 Customer ID for hotel chain /ID-336677 Deposit requirements /DP-ADVDEP Guarantee of payment /G-CCDC30125647382919EXP1012 Supplementary information /SI-ROOM WITH SEA VIEW 112 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Hotels BIASED DISPLAYS Entries To add a property to the preference table HZ*/BI-XXNCEAPT-1A05 To delete a property from the preference table HZ*/BI-XXNCEAPT-1A00 To view the preference table by city HZ*/BI-NCE To view the preference table by property HZ*/BI-XXNCEAPT To view biased displays: hotel list HLNCE To view biased displays: hotel availability HANCE © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 113 Amadeus Rail For general information about Amadeus Rail Providers, enter GGRAIL. Find Amadeus code for a provider DNASNCF Find provider name for an Amadeus code DNP2V DNA9B Set preferred rail provider JGU/RAI-2V Reset rail provider to default JGR/RAI If you set your preferred provider, your subsequent rail entries can take the format R/(Entry). If you do not set a preference, or if you want to use a different rail provider, you must use the format R/2V/(Entry). AVAILABILITY AND SCHEDULE DISPLAY Availability by departure time R/AD 20JULWASNYP5P Neutral availability R/AN 20JULWASNYP5P Change to return display R/ACR25JUL5P Class of service R/AD 20JULWASNYP5P/CP Display fares from an availability display R/ACFQ Scrolling A semi-colon (;), hash (#), or question mark (?) at the bottom right-hand corner of a display means there is more information which you must scroll down to see. Scroll down R/MD Scroll up R/MU Move to previous availability display R/MPAD SEGMENT SELL FROM AVAILABILITY Sell seat (short sell) SS1F21 Sell seat (long sell) SS9B4026Y23JULGOTSTO NN2/02400655/P1 Sell open segment SO9B4026Y23JULGOTSTO /P1 Sell accommodation SS1DS21/P1-2 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 115 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Sell multiple segments in different classes SS4YE4Y22 Multiple segments, different number of passengers SS1DS2Y22 Sell multiple segments with one or more class codes SS4DS1YE1YF22 FARES Display fare R/FQDWASCHI14APR Display fare rules by line number R/FQN2 Display fare rules by fare basis code R//FQ*DRC1 Display accommodation charge R//FQ*AC Display by trip dates, totaled for passenger types R//FQ*24MAY/29MAYCHIWAS/2F2H Shortcut from fare display to availability R/FCAD Fare Display Codes OW One way ZN Zonal RT Round Trip MR Multi-ride Fare Basis 1st character Indicates coach class to book 2nd character Indicates fare type 3rd character Indicates combinable with other fare basis containing same 3rd character 4th character Variable Passenger Type Codes F Adult E Senior Citizen (62+) M Military Adult H Child W Disabled Adult M C Military Child (2-15) U Unaccompanied Child V Disabled Child Q Travel Agent - AD75 coupon required to ticket 116 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Rail PRICING OPTIONS If your PNR contains all adult passengers, the system will automatically price at the lowest applicable fare for the inventory class you sell. Passenger type discount OS2V TP 2F 2H Fare basis specified OS2VTP2F2H-DZ01 Rate desk pricing OS2V TP-RDPR AAA discount pricing OS2V AAA321-45607892 View pricing FXX/SP2V TICKETING Automated ticketing, when PNR contains air TTP/SP2V segments, so that provider is informed Automated ticketing (as above) but to issue one ticket per passenger TTP/SP2V/P1-3 Manual ticketing FH (preprinted ticket number) ADDITIONAL ENTRIES Claim Amadeus PNR R/RK1AZNUHKV List of special services you can request (phone only) R//G/TVL/SSR Train status information by train number and date R//TS30/24MAY On-board service info by train number and date R//*SVC30/24MAY AMADEUS ACCESRAIL (9B) Amadeus AccesRail does not use Rail Mode. It uses the standard Amadeus Air transactions, as the examples below illustrate. For full information enter HE ACCESRAIL in the distribution system. BritRail services are now sold using the AccesRail code. Availability and Schedule Display AccesRail and Air services AN2JULGOTSTO Only AccesRail segments AN15NOVXEVORB/A9B Up to a maximum of three providers AN2JULGOTSTO/A9B,SK,BU Access 3-month display of AccesRail fares from November 1 FQDARNORB/A9B/DNOV © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 117 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Service Information DO9B2071 For service 9B2071 for the current day Miscellaneous British Rail Passes (See HE BRITRAILPASS) AN10AUGXZRXZP/A9B Access fare notes FQN1 AMADEUS RAIL AIRPORT EXPRESS (9G) Display neutral availability of Amadeus Rail Export Express R/AN22OCTHELXEV services from Helsinki to Stockholm on October 22 Display availability of airport express services AN25MARCDGQQP Book airport express services SS1CF3 Book using a long sell entry SS9G0087F25MARLHRQQP1 Specify email address as services remark SSR OTHS-DSMITH AT AMADEUS.COM Resend a pdf to a valid email address SSR OTHS-RESEND/P2 Rail Coach Map Display availability or schedule display SMC/1 Display class of service SMC/1/Y Display smoking preference SMC/1//SM Display class and smoking SMC/1/Y/SM Display PNR SMC4 Display PNR class of service SMC4/Y Display PNR smoking preference SMC4//NS Display PNR class and smoking SMC4/Y/SM Display direct entry SMC-9F9061/25APRXPGQQW Display direct entry class of service SMC-9F9061/25APRXPGQQW/Y Display direct entry smoking preference SMC-9F9061/25APRXPGQQW//NS Display direct entry class and smoking SMC-9F9061/25APRXPGQQW/Y/SM Rail Seat Map 118 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Rail Display from Availability or Schedule Display Display specific coach SMT/1/2 Display class of service SMT/1-Y Display coach map SMT-9F/2 Display PNR SMT5 Display from Direct Entry Display specific coach SMT-9F9061/25APRXPGQQW/2 Display class of service SMT-9F9061/25APRXPGQQW-Y Rail Seat Request Seat request with no preference STT Seat Request with Preferences Request zone preference STT/N/S6, 9 Request area preference STT/W Request two area preference STT/WF Request zone and area preferences STT/SF Request seat configuration STT/-T2 Request two seat configurations STT/-T2,FP Request zone and seat configurations STT/N/-E1 Request zone, area and seat configurations STT/NWF/-T2, FP Specific Seat Requests Request one seat/one passenger STT/C023S017 Request several seats STT/C023S017, C023S019/S5 Request range of seats STT/C023S017-021 Request seats in different coaches STT/C023S017, C024S017 Request 'NEAR TO' seats STT/-NTC023S017/ Include seat reservation in ITRs RIZ XPGQQW COACH C023 SEAT S014-S015 TYPE DUO Cancel seat reservation XE5 Delete seat reservation DL5 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 119 Amadeus Insurance The Amadeus Insurance product is available in certain markets only. DISPLAYING INFORMATION Display a list of insurance providers IL Display a list of products for your preferred provider II Display a list of products for a specific provider IIAAI Display a list of products from a list of providers II2 Display features for your preferred product IF Display features for a specific provider and product IFAAI/ACC Display features from a list of providers IF3 PNR ELEMENT Preference Settings Set your preferred provider JGU/IPV-AAI Set your preferred product JGU/IPD-ACC Informative Pricing for a PNR Informative pricing for your preferred product IS/10FEB-15FEB/FQ Informative pricing from a list of products IS1/10FEB-15FEB/FQ Informative pricing for a specific product ISAAI/ACC/10FEB-15FEB/FQ Informative pricing for a specific product with extension ISAAI/MUL+FM/10FEB15FEB/FQ 7/HK Confirm the booking after informative pricing Selling Insurance for a PNR Sell your preferred product IS/10FEB-15FEB Sell from a list of products IS2/10FEB-15FEB Sell a specific product ISAAI/ACC/10FEB-15FEB Sell a specific product with extension ISAAI/MUL+FM/10FEB-15FEB © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 121 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Long sell from a PNR ISAAI/ACC/12JUL-19JUL/TV-EUR300/TTFLT/NM-SMITH/JOHN MR Sell an Annual Travel Policy ISAIG/TC+ANN/20MAR-Y/TV-1600 Sell an Annual Travel Policy by duration ISAIG/TC+ANN/19JUN-364/TV-1600 Sell Annual Travel Policy by period ISAIG/TC+ANN/19JUN-18JUN09/TV-1600 Sell in Euros IS/10FEB-15FEB/FC-EUR Sell for a specific passenger IS/10FEB-15FEB/P1 Sell for specific segments IS/10FEB-15FEB/S3-4 Add an option 3/BD-19JUN1970 Modify an option after informative pricing 3/TV-1600/HK Cancel an insurance element XE3 Insurance Sell Options Passenger ID: for a specific passenger passport driving license national identity locally defined number /PI-PP/987654321/P1 /PI-DL/564327896/P1 /PI-NI/547230147/P1 /PI-ID/124785963/P1 Credit card /CC-AX371449635311004 Supplementary information /SI-FREEFLOW TEXT Supplementary information for passenger 1 /SI-FREEFLOW TEXT/P1 Date of birth /BD-19JUN1970/P1 Trip value /TV-250 Trip value for passenger 1 /TV-499/P1 Subscriber address /AM-//A1-19 SUN STREET/ZP6000/CI-NICE/CO-FRANCE Phone number /AP-00112233445566 Emergency phone number /AE-0123456789 Email address /APE-MY.EMAIL@ADDRESS.COM Tour operator code /TO-VCOM Trip type /TT-CRU Geographic zone /ZN-FR,DE Coverage amount /CV-2500 Personal coverage /CP-4620 Medical coverage /CM-2369 Extra reference /XR-11223344 Nanny name /NN-NANNY NAME 122 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Insurance Beneficiary name /NB-BENEFICIARY NAME Beneficiary name for passenger 1 /NB-BENEFICIARY NAME/P1 Commission percentage /FM-20 Fare discount /FD-F Fare discount for passenger 1 /FD-F/P1 Substitute name /NS-SUBSTITUTE NAME Tariff code /TF-TARIF1 Extra amount /XP-123 Rate code /RC-333 Voucher number /VN-1234567 CERTIFICATES AND VOUCHERS Printing Certificates and Vouchers Most markets issue Amadeus Insurance certificates. However, the following entries also generate vouchers, depending on your market. Print a certificate IVP Print a certificate for specific insurance elements IVP/S4,6-8 Print a duplicate certificate IVP/COPY Print a certificate in a specified language IVP/LPSP Print to a specific printer (certificate only) IVP-SA1234 or IVP-2 Print to a specific printer (voucher only) IVP12345678 Print to a satellite printer (voucher only) IVP/ST12345678 Print a certificate with the agent ID IVP/A1234 Displaying Certificates The following entries are only valid for markets that issue certificates. Display certificate IVD Display a certificate for a specific element IVD/S2 Display a certificate in a specific language IVD/LPSP © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 123 Amadeus Fares and Pricing CURRENCY CONVERSION Convert a specific amount of a currency, using the default currency of your terminal FQC100EUR Convert a specific amount, using a country code FQC100SEK/*GB Convert a specific amount, using a city code FQC100SEK/*LON Convert a specific amount, using a currency code FQC120GBP/EUR Convert, using a designated BSR of 1.35 FQC250GBP/EUR1.35 Convert, using today’s BBR FQC120GBP/EUR/B Convert, using today’s ICH rate FQC120GBP/EUR/C Convert at today’s BSR, BBR, and ICH rates FQC120GBP/EUR/A Convert from a designated currency to a NUC FQC1000EUR/NUC Convert from a NUC to a designated currency FQC37.87NUC/EUR Convert currencies up to 12 months in the past FQCGBP/NOK/15FEB11 Convert currencies up to 12 months in the past, using a country code FQC100GBP/*NO/15SEP11 Convert currencies up to 12 months in the past, using a city FQC100GBP/*OSL/15SEP11 code LIST OF BANKERS RATES Display a list of BSRs for a currency, using a currency code FQBNOK Display a list of BSRs for a currency, using a country code FQB*NO Display a list of BSRs for a currency, using a city code FQB*OSL Display a list of BSRs for a past date FQBNOK/15SEP11 Display a list of BBRs for a currency FQBNOK/B IATA RATES OF EXCHANGE For the currency of your terminal FQA For a specific currency FQAUSD For the euro FQAEUR For a city FQA*NYC © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 125 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 For a country FQA*US or FQAUNITED STATES For a specific currency and a past date FQAUSD/24JAN09 CALCULATING MILEAGE Calculate mileage between cities FQMZRHLONFRASYD Specific date FQMZRHLONFRA/10FEB11 Global routing, via the eastern hemisphere FQMZRHLONFRA/VEHSYD Surface travel between two adjacent cities FQMLONDUS--CGNZRH Exclude city pair (display purposes only) FQMLONNYC **MSPCHI Display surcharge levels FQM*LONLAX Display surcharge band for a mileage amount FQM*/9126 Display surcharge band for a currency amount FQM*JPY25000 Display surcharge band for a mileage and currency amount FQM*/9126*JPY25000 Display surcharge band for a city pair, currency, and global routing FQM*HKG/VEHLON*HKD2700 Display the TPM and MPM for all existing global routes between a city pair FQOFRASYD With a specific date FQOFRASYD/24JUN Calculate mileage from a PNR FRM/S4-6 Calculate mileage from a fare display FRM1 CHARGES Excess Baggage Charges Today’s charges for 10.5 kilos for a city pair FQXZRHSIN/10.5 Today’s charges for a specific airline FQXZRHSIN/10.5/SK Charges for a specific date and airline FQXZRHSIN/26MAR/10.5/SK Passenger Facility Charges Display PFC information for specified airports FQZPFC ATL/EWR/DEN/MIA Display a collection method for specified airlines FQZCOL AA/DL Display carrier-absorbed PFCs for an airport FQZCAP MIA 126 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Fares and Pricing FARE DISPLAY Origin city different from your location, today FQDFRAMNL Origin city and your location (same), today FQDMNL Options Specific airline only FQDFRAMNL/A-LH Specific airline and common fares FQDFRAMNL/ALH Multiple airlines (maximum of three) FQDFRAMNL/ALH,PR,KL Common fares only FQDFRAMNL/AYY 3-month display, starting in April FQDFRAMNL/DAPR Specific date FQDFRAMNL/D11APR Exact outbound travel date FQDFRAMNL/A-LH/D26NOV* Range of travel start dates From a specific date to seven days ahead From a specific date to three months ahead FQDFRAMNL/D21JUL**14AUG FQDFRAMNL/D21JAN**7D FQDBCNMNL/AIB/D21JAN**3M Exact outbound and inbound travel date FQDPARLON/AAF/D2NOV*15DEC Exact outbound and inbound travel date, with today’s date as the outbound travel date FQDPARLON/AAF/D*15DEC Fares from today’s date to a specific date FQDFRAMNL/D**3MAR Past month FQDFRAMNL/DFEB11 Specific past date FQDFRAMNL/ALH/D23JAN11 Different travel and ticketing dates FQDPARFRA/D5JUN11/AAF/R,06APR11 Different travel and ticketing dates with date range FQDHELNBO/D15AUG11**/R,10MAY11 Booking code FQDFRAMNL/CY Front cabin position (First) FQDFRAMNL/KF Front cabin position (Business) FQDFRAMNL/KC Rear cabin position (Economy) FQDFRAMNL/KY Rear cabin (Economy, Premium Class) FQDFRAMNL/KW Rear cabin (Economy, excluding Premium Class) FQDFRAMNL/KM Shopper display - lowest to highest for all Amadeus Participating Airlines FQDFRAMNL/S Fares shown in lowest to highest order for a specific airline FQDFRAMNL/ALH/IX One-way fares FQDFRAMNL/IO © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 127 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Round-trip fares FQDFRAMNL/IR Fares in NUC FQDFRAMNL/R,NUC Half round trip fares in NUC FQDFRAMNL/IH Fares filed in a foreign currency FQDMEXACA/AAM/R,FS-MXN Asean Extension fares filed in a foreign currency FQDBKKHKG/R,-EXT,FS-AUD All date restrictions FQDFRAMNL/IDD Add tax (if not included by default) FQDFRAMNL/R,AT Withhold tax (if included by default) FQDFRAMNL/R,WT Fare request types, APEX, PEX, and MILITARY (maximum 3 codes) FQDFRAMNL/ALH/R,-APX-PEX-MIL Expanded parameters, fares with no penalty FQDNYCLON/ABA/R,*NPE Expanded parameters, fares with a percentage FQDNYCPAR/AAF/R,*PE25P penalty Expanded parameters, fares with an amount penalty FQDNYCPAR/AAF/R,*PE100A Global routing via the trans-Siberian route FQDFRAMNL/ALH/VTS Round-the-World (RTW) fares FQDLONLON/AQF/VRW Circle Trip (CT) fares FQDSYDSYD/AQF/VCT Unifares FQDNYCMAD/R,U Unifares for a corporate contract FQDNYCMAD/R,U364477 Unifares by corporate name FQDNYCMAD/R,UU*IBM Unifares for a specific airline FQDNYCSFO/AUS/R,U Category 35 fares for a specific airline (you must be a selling updater to make this entry) FQDLONVIE/AKL/R,RU-H135 Negotiated Fares for a corporate contract FQDNYCMAD/R,C364477 Follow-up Entries for Fare Display Fares in NUCs from a local currency display FQDN Fares in a local currency from a NUC display FQDL Fares in NUCs or local currency from a euro display FQDL Fares in euros from a NUC or local currency display FQDE Display a fare in another currency FRC7/GBP Request fares in the opposite direction FQDR Change the fare display, new option is airline FQDC/AAF Tax breakdown for the fare on line 3 FQK3 Booking code information for the fare on line 3 FQS3 128 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Fares and Pricing FARE NOTES Basic entry to display a rule for the fare on line 3 FQN3 Select from multiple fare components FQN1-1 Display a category for multiple fare components FQN1*SO Display a specific category, by code FQN3*AP Display a specific category, by keyword FQN3*ADVANCE Display a category one part at a time FQN3*SR/P1 Display several categories FQN3*AP,SU,PE Display paragraph 2 in the rule for the fare on line 2 FQN2*2 or FQN2//2 Display several paragraphs FQN2*2,4,6 or FQN2//1,4-6 Display a range of paragraphs FQN2*4-6 Display by a fare rule number (only for fares filed through SITA) FQNV235 Rule number, for a specific date (only for fares filed through SITA) FQNV235/01SEP Rule number, in a different language (only for fares filed through SITA) FQN/ES/V235 Display the penalty category for the fare on line 2 FQN2*PE or FQN2//AP Display all date-related categories FQN1*DT or FQN1-1*DT List applicable paragraphs or categories FQN10*LIST or FQNA200*LI or FQNA200//LI Display past date fare note (from past date fare display) FQDLONNYC/01SEP10 or FQN5 Tax information for a country FQNTAX/US Tax information for a particular tax code FQNTAX/XA Tax information for a tax code in a particular country FQNTAX/AU/QR Passenger Service Charges for a country FQNPSC/DK Mileage Exceptions index FQNMILE Display the method for collecting YQ tax for the carrier FQNSUR/YQBA Display the method for collecting YR tax for the carrier FQNSUR/YRAF Display the fare notes for the fare on line 2 in a different language (RESO100 format only) FQN/FR/2 Display the notes for a specific rule number in a different language FQN/ES/A200 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 129 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 WRA/F Print a fare note INFORMATIONAL NOTES Informational notes from an airline-specific display FQNLH/0448 YY informational notes FQNYY/0995 Display by rule number FQNA200 ROUTING INFORMATION Display routing information only for the fare on line 1 FQN1*RG Display routing information with other notes FQN1*RT Display fare routing for the fare on line 2 FQR2 Display fare routing for multiple fare components FQR2-1 Display specific fare routing version from a list FQR2/1 INFORMATIVE PRICING Display a list of fares FQPLONSINLON Display a list of fares and the mask FQPLONSINLON/P Display a mask FQPLONSINLON/S Display the booking code for the fare on line 3 FQS3 View the ticket image for the fare on line 3 FQQ3 Calculate total of fares on lines 9, 7, and 11 FQU9//7//11 Calculate total fares for three passengers on line 9, 1 passenger on line 7, and 2 passengers on line 11 FQU9/X3//7//11/X2 Options for Informative Pricing Dates do not need to have leading zeros. For example /D07JUL and /D7JUL are both correct. Different airlines, each segment FQPLON/ABASINJKT/ASQBKK Same airline for all segments FQPNCE/AAFMIAPARNCE or FQPNCEMIAPARNCE/OAF Travel dates FQPLON/D04SEPSIN/D18OCTLON 130 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Fares and Pricing Past travel and validation date (maximum 6 FQPMUC/D01APRPARMAD/R,07JUN11 months for US/Canada and 12 months for the rest of the world) Fare break point at the next city FQPLON/BPARHEL Inhibit fare break point at the next city FQPLON/NPARHEL Turnaround point at the next city FQPLONKHI/TMNLLON Global routing via the eastern hemisphere FQPLON/VEHSINLON Global routing Round-the-World (RTW) FQPLON/ABA/VRWCHIHNLSYDBKKLON Lowest fare without displaying a list of fares FQPMIALON/L Passenger discount FQPMADPARMAD/RCH Cumulative discounts FQPFRANYC/RMIL-INF Multiple discounts (maximum 6 codes) FQPMADPAR/RCH*ZZ*IN Passenger type code FQPLAX/AYXNYC/RMIL Price passenger type code only FQPNYC/ACOLAX/RMIL,*PTC Booking codes FQPLON/CFSIN/CYLON Return as a mirror of outbound segments FQPLONSIN/M Expanded parameters, fares with no maximum stay FQPPARSYDPAR/R,*NMX Expanded parameters, multiple restrictions FQPNYC/AAAMIABOS/R,*NPE-NAP Point-of-sale override FQPMADPARMAD/R,LON Ticketing city override FQPMADPARMAD/R,.FRA Point-of-sale and ticketing city override FQPMADPARMAD/R,LON.FRA Currency of sale override FQPLONSIN/R,FC-USD Currency of fare selection override FQPBOMDEL/OS2/R,DEL,FS-INR IATA rules source override FQPPARABJPAR/R,IATA Price in a foreign currency FQPLONSIN/R,FC-USD Stopover after CPH only FQPMADGVACPH-FRAZRHMAD Surface sector FQPREKLON--FRAREF Stopover and surface sector FQPLONFRA---MUCDUSLON Transfer at all points before the hyphen (FRA and MUC) FQPLONFRAMUCGVA- Equipment type FQPNCE/AYO/ES58MCM Tax exemption, all taxes FQPMADPARMAD/R,ET Add taxes FQPBOG/ACOMIA-EWR-BOG/R,AC-US Withhold taxes FQPPAR/AAFFRA-LON-PAR/R,WC-DE Withhold surcharges FQPNYC/AAA RIO /R,WQ Withhold all taxes FQPLONNCELON /R,WT © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 131 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Unifares FQPNCE/ABALHRNCE/R,U Unifares for a corporate contract FQPNCE/ABALHRNCE/R,U364477 Negotiated fares for a corporate contract FQPNCE/ABALHRNCE/R,C364477 ITINERARY PRICING Price a new or retrieved PNR, create a TST FXP Retrieve and price a PNR, create a TST RTAANNAA,FXP Price a PNR without creating a TST FXX Select the fare on line 3 for all passengers, create a TST FXT3 Select the fare on line 4 for passenger 1 FXT4/P1 Select the fare on line 4 for passengers 2 and 3 FXT4/P2,3 Select different fares for selected passengers FXT1/P1,3//5/P2 View the ticket image for the fare on line 3 FQQ3 View the fare calculation for the fare on line 3 FQH3 Options for Itinerary Pricing Force pricing by fare basis (without pricing override) FXX/A-JRT Force pricing by fare basis (with pricing override) FXX/L-JRT Force pricing by fare basis (with pricing override) for Round-the-World (RTW) fare, whole itinerary FXP/S2RW/L-YRTWSKY1 Force pricing by fare basis (with pricing override) for Round-the-World (RTW) fare, selected segments FXP/S2RW/S3,7-9/L-YRTWSKY1 Fare break point at destination city of segment 4 FXP/B4 More than one break point FXP/B4/B6 Prohibit break point at destination city of segment 4 FXP/N4 Turnaround point at destination city of segment 3 FXP/BT-3 Global routing via the polar route, segment 5 FXP/S5PO Global routing Round-the-World (RTW), whole itinerary 132 FXP/S2RW Edition 9.2 Amadeus Fares and Pricing Global routing Round-the-World (RTW), selected segments FXP/S2,RW,3-7,10 Open segments after segment 5 in the PNR FXP/S5SKCHELOSL,LHCOSLFRA Open segments as a reverse of outbound segments FXP/OPEN Price passenger 1 FXP/P1 Price passengers 1, 2, and 5 FXP/P1,2,5 Price passengers 1 through 3 FXP/P1-3 Price only infants FXP/INF Price only non-infants FXP/PAX Same discount for all passengers FXP/RDG Multiple discounts FXP/RCH*ZZ*CD Passenger discount for passenger 1 FXP/P1/RDG Cumulative discounts for passenger 3 FXP/P3/R DL-IN Passenger discount for passengers 1 and 3 FXP/P1,3/RDG Different discounts for specified passengers FXP/P1/RCH//P2/RZZ//P3/RCD Passenger type codes (maximum 6 codes) FXP/RMIL*CD*CH Price passenger type code, military only FXP/RMIL,*PTC Expanded parameters, fares with no restrictions FXP/R,*NR Expanded parameters, multiple restrictions FXP/R,*NPE-NAP Expanded parameters, penalty with percentage FXP/R,*PE25P Expanded parameters, penalty with amount FXP/R,*PE100A Point-of-sale override FXP/R,LON Ticketing city override FXP/R,.FRA Point-of-sale and ticketing city override FXP/R,LON.FRA Currency of sale override FXP/R,FC-USD Currency of fare selection override FXP/R,DEL,FS-INR IATA rules source override FXP/R,IATA Pricing in a foreign currency FXP/R,FC-USD Price segment 4 FXP/S4 Price segments 4 and 5 FXP/S4,5 Price segments 4 to 6 FXP/S4-6 Transfer override at destination city of segment 4 FXP/S4X Validating carrier FXP/R,VC-CO © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 133 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Tax exemption, all taxes FXP/R,ET Tax exemption, all FR taxes FXP/R,ET-FR Tax exemption, SE type of FR tax FXP/R,ET-FRSE Add taxes (max. 4) FXP/R,AC-US-GB Withhold taxes (max. 4) FXP/R,WC-DE-FR Tax information for a country FQNTAX/US Unifares FXP/R,U Unifares for a corporate contract FXP/R,U123001 Unifares for up to 6 corporate codes or names FXP/R, U*000001-000002-*IBM Negotiated fares FXP/R,NEGO Negotiated fares for a corporate contract FXP/R,C123001 Exclude ticketing fee FXP/NF Zap off, percentage FXP/ZO-10P Zap off, amount FXP/ZO-50A Zap off, amount from several segments FXP/ZO-50A.4,6 Zap add, percentage FXP/R,U*ZAPADD/ZO-10P Zap add, amount FXP/R,U*ZAPADD/ZO-50A Zap add, target corporate private fares FXP/R,U039540-*ZAPADD/ZO-80P Zap add, add a ticket designator FXP/R,U*ZAPPADD/XO-25A*25ADD Zap add, for an infant FXP/RIN,U*ZAPADD/ZO-50P Zap add, for a child FXP/RCH,U*ZAPADD/ZO-10P Combined options FXP/S4X,5TS/OPEN/P1,2/RMIL,LON.MUC //P3/RMBT//P4/RZZ 134 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Fares and Pricing AMADEUS BEST PRICER Automatically rebook a new or retrieved PNR at the lowest fare, creating a TST FXB Automatically rebook a new or retrieved PNR at the lowest fare, without creating a TST FXR Display available lower fares without rebooking FXA Retrieve and price a PNR RTWQH4LG,FXA Select a fare and rebook segments, creating a TST FXU2 Select a fare and rebook segments, without creating a TST FXZ2 Display the lowest possible applicable fare and find out if there is seat availability (no rebooking) FXL View the ticket image for the fare on line 2 FQQ2 Options for Amadeus Best Pricer Display a list of lower available fares for the current itinerary FXA/LI Display the lowest fare plus other lower fares possible FXA/LO for the current itinerary (but not necessarily available) Display only the lowest available fare for the current itinerary FXA/LA Specify the cabin class FXA/KC Search for any economy class fare FXA/K,Y Search for fares in economy/coach sub-cabin class only FXA/KW Search for fares in First and if none are available extend the search to business class cabin FXA/KF,C Search for fares in economy/coach sub-cabin class. If FXA/KW,+ none are available extend the search to all other cabin classes Search for fares in economy/coach sub-cabin class. If FXA/KW,M none are available extend the search to all other economy class codes Search for fares in any economy class cabin FXA/KWM Fare break point at the destination city of segment 4 FXB/B4 More than one fare break point FXB/B4/B6 Prohibit break point at destination city of segment 4 FXP/N4 Turnaround point at the destination city of segment 4 FXB/BT-4 Global routing via the polar route, segment 5 FXB/S5PO © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 135 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Global routing Round-the-World (RTW), whole itinerary FXA/S2RW Global routing Round-the-World (RTW), selected segments FXA/S2,RW,3-7,10 Passenger discount for all passengers FXA/RZZ Passenger type code FXA/RMIL Price passenger type code, military only FXA/RMIL,*PTC Expanded parameters, fares with no penalty FXB/R,*NPE Expanded parameters, multiple restrictions FXB/R,XP-NPE Expanded parameters, penalty with percentage FXB/R,*PE25P Expanded parameters, penalty with amount FXB/R,*PE100A Ticketing city override FXB/R,.FRA Point-of-sale and ticketing city override FXB/R,LON.FRA Currency of sale override FXB/R,FC-USD Currency of fare selection override FXB/R,DEL,FS-INR IATA rules source override FXB/R,IATA Price segment 4 FXB/S4 Price segments 4 and 6 FXB/S4,6 Price segments 3 through 5 FXB/S3-5 Stopover override at destination city of segment 4 FXB/S4X Transfer override at destination city of segment 4 FXB/S4S Tax exemption, all taxes FXB/R,ET Exclude ticketing fee FXB/NF Validating carrier FXB/R,VC-AA AMADEUS VALUE PRICER Basic entry (PNR) FXC One adult passenger, current location, current day departure, local time (no PNR) FXCPAR One-way routing, specified number of passengers and date (no PNR) FXC2JFK/D10MAYMAD Round-trip routing, specified number of passengers and dates (no PNR) FXC4MIA/D15MAYLAX/D20MAYMIA Surface sector (no PNR) FXC4NCE/D2DECMIA-NYC/D8DECNCE Select a recommendation FXS2 136 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Fares and Pricing Display flight details DO2,5 Book a recommendation FXZ2 Book the selected recommendation FXZ Book a recommendation, and store a TST FXU1 Book the selected recommendation, and store a TST FXU Display fare notes (in Value Pricer, FQ entries can only be used after FXZ or FXU) FQN3 Display a ticket image FQQ2 Display a booking code FQS1 Move to the recommendation display MPFXC Move to the previously selected recommendation MPFXS Options for Amadeus Value Pricer (no PNR) Include specific airlines (max. 3) FXCNCE/D10DEC/AAF,BA,COMIA Specific airline and specific airline combined with other airlines for connections FXCJFK/D23FEB/ATW,YYMIA Exclude specific airlines (max. 3) FXCNCE/D10DEC/A-AF,BA,COMIA First cabin FXCMIA/D15JANPAR//KF Business cabin FXCDEN/D5FEBLON//KC Economy cabin FXCYMQ/D23SEPAMS//KY Specified cabin for at least one segment FXCNCE/D23JULNYC//KF,+ Include a connecting point (max. 2) FXCNCE/D21MAR/XPAR,JFKMIA Exclude a connecting point (max. 2) FXCNCE/D21MAR/X-PAR,JFKMIA Non-stop flights only FXCLON/D28APR/FNMIA Direct flights only FXCNYC/D21JUN/FDCHI Connecting flights only FXCLON/D1MARNYC/D16MARMIA//FC Arrival time FXCNCE/D10DEC/TA1000MIA Departure time FXCSYD/D25JUN/TD1300BKK Time window FXCNCE/D12AUG/TD1000/W2MIA One passenger type code FXCNYC/D11APRLON/RYTH (or //RYTH) Multiple passenger type codes FXC3NYC/D2MARLON/PAX/3/RYTH/INF/1 Withhold Q surcharges FXCNYC/D2JULSFO/R,WQ Taxes, withhold all FXCNYC/D2JULSFO/R,WT Taxes, withhold specific FXCNCE/D6AUGPAR/R,WT-FRSE Taxes, add FXCNCE/D6AUGPAR/R,AT-FRSE18A Taxes, exempt all FXCSAN/D2JULCHI/R,ET © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 137 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Taxes, exempt specific FXCPAR/D4MARMRS/R,ET-FRSE Ticketing date FXCDFW/D14SEPSAN/R,20AUG06 Selling city override FXCDEN/D12OCTSFO/R,LON Ticketing city override FXCATL/D8NOVNYC/R,.MIA Price only the PTC requested FXCPAR/AAFLON/RYTH,*PTC Exclude fares with penalty information FXCDEN/D3SEPSAN/R,*NPE Include fares with penalty information FXCDEN/D3SEPSAN/R,*PE Include refundable fares FXCLAX/D6JULATL/R,*RF Include non-refundable fares FXCLAX/D6JULATL/R,*NRF Exclude fares with advance purchase information FXCHOU/D14JUNCHI/R,*NAP Exclude fares with restrictions FXCDTT/D3OCTNYC/R,*NR Specify corporate codes or corporate names (max. 6) FXC/VIE/D10DEC LON/D20DECVIE //R,U000001-000002-*IBM Price to beat FXCNYC/D22APRBOS/PB140 Convert fares to another currency FXCPAR/D3OCTNYC/R,FC-USD Select fares filed in another currency FXCLIM/D3OCTMIA/R,FS-EUR Options for Amadeus Value Pricer (with PNR) Include specific airlines (max. 3) FXC//AAF,BA, CO Specific airline and specific airline combined with other airlines for connections FXC//ATW,YY Exclude specific airlines (max. 3) FXC//A-AF First cabin FXC//KF Business cabin FXC//KC Economy cabin FXC//KY Specified cabin for at least one segment FXC//KF,+ Use a city code as a connecting point FXC//X Use an airport code as a connecting point FXC//XA Use origin and destination airport codes FXC//O Non-stop flights only FXC//FN Direct flights only FXC//FD Connecting flights only FXC//FC Arrival time FXC/S2/TA2100 Departure time FXC/S3/TD1100/S4TD1600 Time window FXC/S2/TD1400/W3 One passenger type code FXC/RCH (or //RCH) 138 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Fares and Pricing Multiple passenger type codes FXC/P1-2,4/PAX/RYTH//P3/RC05 Withhold Q surcharges FXC/R,WQ Taxes, withhold all FXC/R,WT Taxes, withhold specific FXC/R,WT-FRSE Taxes, add FXC/R,AT-FRSE18A Taxes, exempt all FXC/R,ET Taxes, exempt specific FXC/R,ET-FRSE Ticketing date FXC/R,20AUG08 Selling city override FXC/R,LON Ticketing city override FXC/R,.MIA Price only the PTC requested FXC/RYTH,*PTC Exclude fares with penalty information FXC/R,*NPE Include fares with penalty information FXC/R,*PE Include refundable fares FXC/R,*RF Include non-refundable fares FXC/R,*NRF Exclude fares with advance purchase information FXC/R,*NAP Exclude fares with restrictions FXC/R,*NR Price to beat FXC/PB140 Convert fares to another currency FXC/R,FC-USD Select fares filed in another currency FXC/R,FS-EUR Earlier date FXC/D-3 Later date FXC/D3 Segment selection FXC/S2,3/AAF/S4/ACO AMADEUS MASTER PRICER EXPERT Search for travel recommendations FXDJFKMIA Display the recommendations in group 2 FXS2 Redisplay the groups of recommendations MPFXD Flight Options Number of seats FXD4JFKMIA Date FXDJFK/D15JUNMIA © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 139 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Time of departure FXDJFK/D15JUN/TD0900MIA Time of arrival FXDJFK/D15JUN/TA1100MIA Airline (segment) (where DL is the two-character airline code) FXDJFK/D15JUN/ADLMIA/D25JUNJFK Airline (itinerary) (where DL is the two-character airline code) FXDJFK/D15JUNMIA/D25JUNJFK//ADL Multiple segments (up to six) FXDJFK/D15JUNMIA/D25JUNATL/D27JUN JFK Surface segment FXDJFK/D15JUNMIA--ATL/D25JUNMIA Flight category (segment) FXDJFK/D15JUN/FNMIA/D25JUNJFK Flight category (itinerary) FXDJFK/D15JUNMIA/D25JUNJFK//FN Connecting point FXDNYC/D15JUN/XATLSFO Exclude connecting point FXDNYC/D15JUN/X-ATLSFO Override default time window FXDJFK/D15JUN/TD0900/W3MIA No default time window FXDJFK/D15JUN/TD0900/WNMIA Mandatory cabin (itinerary) FXDJFK/D15JUNMIA//KC Recommended cabin (itinerary) FXDJFK/D15JUNMIA//KC,+ Major cabin (itinerary) FXDJFK/D15JUNMIA//KC,* General Pricing Options (Whole Itinerary) Currency conversion FXDLON/D15JUNMIA//R,FC-USD Withhold taxes FXDJFK/D15JUNMIA//R,WT Withhold Q surcharges FXDJFK/D15JUNMIA//R,WQ Withhold taxes and Q surcharges FXDJFK/D15JUNMIA//R,WT,WQ Expanded parameters FXDJFK/D15JUNMIA//R,*NPE Override selling city FXDJFK/D15JUNMIA//R,LON Override ticketing city FXDJFK/D15JUNMIA//R,.LON Override selling and ticketing city FXDJFK/D15JUNMIA//R,PAR.LON Public fares only FXDJFK/D15JUNMIA//R,P Unifares only FXDJFK/D15JUNMIA//R,U Corporate Unifares FXDJFK/D15JUNMIA//R,U123456 Corporate and non-corporate Unifares FXDJFK/D15JUNMIA//R,UU123456 Unifares and public fares FXDJFK/D15JUNMIA//R,UP Public fares and corporate Unifares FXDJFK/D15JUNMIA//R,P,U123456 Public fares, non-corporate Unifares and Unifares FXDJFK/D15JUNMIA//R,UP,U123456 140 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Fares and Pricing Pricing Options for Airline Ticketing Fees (Whole Itinerary) Form of payment FXDJFK/D15JUNMIA//R,FC371449 Add airline ticketing fee FXDJFK/D15JUNMIA//R,FA-OBFCA*100 Exempt airline ticketing fees (specific fee) FXDJFK/D15JUNMIA//R,FX-OBFCA Exempt airline ticketing fees (all fees) FXDJFK/D15JUNMIA//R,FX Other Pricing Options (Whole Itinerary) Paper ticket FXDJFK/D15JUNMIA//PT E-ticket FXDJFK/D15JUNMIA//ET Either paper or e-ticket FXDJFK/D15JUNMIA//EP Price to beat FXDJFK/D15JUNMIA//PB300 Ticketability check FXDJFK/D15JUNMIA//VY Validating carrier with BSP/ARC check (where AA is the two-character code of the validating carrier) FXDJFK/D15JUNMIA//R,V-AA Validating carrier without BSP/ARC check (where AA is the two-character code of the validating carrier) FXDJFK/D15JUNMIA//R,T-AA Exclude validating carrier (where AA is the two-character code of the validating carrier) FXDJFK/D15JUNMIA//R,W-AA Passenger type code FXD2JFK/D15JUNMIA/RYTH Homogeneous recommendations only FXD2PAR/D15SEPNCE//PAX/1/RMIL/1 /RYTH//NS Price scheme (Service Fee Manager) FXDJFK/D15JUNMIA//PS-1234 AMADEUS AIRLINE ANCILLARY SERVICES Pricing Amadeus Airline Ancillary Services Price all Airline Ancillary Services that have not been priced yet for all passengers in the PNR, informative pricing, without creating a TSM-P (Transitional Stored Miscellaneous document of the type P) FXH Price all Airline Ancillary Services that have not been priced yet FXG for all passengers in the PNR, confirmed pricing, creating a TSMP (Transitional Stored Miscellaneous document of the type P) © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 141 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Options for Pricing Amadeus Airline Ancillary Services Price all (priced and not yet priced) Airline Ancillary Services for all passengers in the PNR FXH/ALL For a specific passenger FXG/P3 For multiple passengers FXG/P1,3-5 By chargeable SSR element or SVC segment line number FXH/L7 For multiple chargeable SSR element or SVC segment line numbers By flight segment number (not for SVC segments) FXH/L7-8,10 For multiple flight segment numbers (not for SVC segments) FXG/S3-4,6 By chargeable special service request (SSR) or SVC code FXH/C-VGML For a chargeable seat by service code FXG/C-SIT By overriding the currency of sale FXG/R,FC-USD With the Service Commercial Description FXG/SCD With the Service Pricing Description FXG/SPD By forcing the passenger type code FXG/RMIL,*PTC By overriding the passenger type code FXG/RCHD By overriding the point of sale FXG/R,LON By overriding the journey turnaround point (not for SVC segments) FXG/BT-3 With the No-Journey-Turnaround-Point override option (not for SVC segments) FXG/NT By overriding the pricing date FXG/R,15NOV10 Price and show only issuable recommendations FXH/IR With a specific ticket designator FXG/T-A2B2 With an account code FXG/AC-1224466889 With an Amadeus corporate code FXG/AC-123456 With the infant name in the TSM-P FXG/INF With the validating carrier (Where AY is the two-character code of the validating carrier Finnair) FXG/VC-AY By combining pricing options FXH/S3/P1 By using different pricing options for multiple passengers FXG/R,FC-EUR/P45//P1/RCH//P2-3/RZZ 142 FXG/S3 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Fares and Pricing Displaying a Catalogue of Airline Ancillary Services Display a catalogue of eligible chargeable Airline Ancillary Services for all the passengers in the PNR and for the entire itinerary FXK Options for Displaying a Catalogue of Airline Ancillary Services For a specific passenger FXK/P3 For multiple passengers FXK/P1,3-5 For a specific air segment FXK/S3 For multiple air segments FXK/S3-4,6 For a specific group of services FXK/G-BG For a specific sub-group of services FXK/G-BG/SG-XS By overriding the currency of sale FXK/R,FC-USD With the Service Commercial Description FXK/SCD With the Service Pricing Description FXK/SPD By forcing the passenger type code FXK/RMIL,*PTC By overriding the passenger type code FXK/RCHD By overriding the point of sale FXK/R,LON By overriding the journey turnaround point FXK/BT-3 With the No-Journey-Turnaround-Point override option FXK/NT By overriding the pricing date FXK/R,15NOV10 By showing only issuable recommendations FXK/IR By pricing with a specific ticket designator FXK/T-A2B2 By pricing with an account code FXK/AC-1224466889 By pricing with an Amadeus corporate code FXK/AC-123456 By combining pricing options FXK/S3/P1 By using different pricing options for multiple passengers FXK/R,FC-EUR/P45//P1/RCH//P2-3/RZZ AIRLINE TICKETING FEES (OB FEES) Pricing Airline Ticketing Fees (OB Fees) Check with the airlines directly, if Airline Ticketing Fees apply in your market. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 143 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Airline Ticketing Fees, also called OB Fees, are integrated in the displays with the following transactions: Fare Display FQD Tax breakdown display after a fare display FQK Fare note (rules) display FQN Display fares in another currency FRC Informative pricing FQP Calculate fare combinations after informative pricing FQU Display a ticket image FQQ Display the fare calculation FQH Itinerary pricing with TST creation FXP Itinerary pricing without TST creation FXX Select a fare from a list of fares after itinerary pricing and store the TST FXT Amadeus Best Pricer, display list of lower fares FXA Amadeus Best Pricer, rebook with TST creation FXB Amadeus Best Pricer, rebook without TST creation FXR Select a fare and rebook after Amadeus Best Pricer (display list of lower fares), with TST creation FXU Select a fare and rebook after Amadeus Best Pricer (display list of lower fares), without TST creation FXZ Amadeus Best Pricer, display lowest possible fare and indicate seat availability FXL Display a TST (cryptic mode only) TQT Display the daily report TJD 144 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Fares and Pricing Display the cash report TJC Display the item sales period report TJI Display the summary sales period report TJS Display the query report TJQ Display the transaction report TJT Issue an e-ticket itinerary receipt ITR Options for Pricing Airline Ticketing Fees (OB Fees) Price Airline Ticketing Fees and add a form of payment with an amount FXP/R,FC301234*200 Price Airline Ticketing Fees and add multiple forms FXP/R,FC301234*200-FC361234*100of payment FC341234 Price Airline Ticketing Fees and add a specific OB Fee (ticketing fee of the type T) FXP/R,FA-OBT01 Price Airline Ticketing Fees and add a specific OB Fee (form-of-payment fee with an amount) FXP/R,FA-OBFCA*100 Price Airline Ticketing Fees and add multiple OB Fees (up to three) FXP/R,FA-OBT01-OBFC1*100-OBFC3 Price Airline Ticketing Fees and add all automated FXP/R,FA OB Fees Price Airline Ticketing Fees and exempt a specific OB Fee FXP/R,FX-OBT01 Price Airline Ticketing Fees and exempt multiple OB Fees (up to three) FXP/R,FX-OBFCA-OBT01-OBT02 Exempt all Airline Ticketing Fees (manual and automated) FXP/R,FX Exempt all Airline Ticketing Fees with the exception of a specific OB Fee FXP/R,FX,FA-OBFCA Exempt all Airline Ticketing Fees with the exception of multiple OB Fees (up to two) FXP/R,FX,FA-OBT01-OBFC1 Airline Ticketing Fees (OB Fees) Standalone Calculation Check with the airlines directly, if Airline Ticketing Fees apply in your market. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 145 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Recalculate Airline Ticketing Fees with the standalone calculation TTX entry for all the TSTs in the PNR Recalculate Airline Ticketing Fees with the standalone calculation TTX/T1 entry for a specific TST Recalculate Airline Ticketing Fees with the standalone calculation TTX/T1-3 entry for a range of TSTs Recalculate Airline Ticketing Fees with the standalone calculation TTX/T1,4,6 entry for multiple TSTs Recalculate Airline Ticketing Fees with the standalone calculation TTX/T1,5,6-7 entry for multiple TSTs and a range of TSTs Options for Airline Ticketing Fees (OB Fees) Standalone Calculation Recalculate Airline Ticketing Fees with the TTX/T2/FA-OBR01 standalone calculation entry for a specific TST and add a new OB Fee Recalculate Airline Ticketing Fees for a specific TST with the standalone calculation entry and add multiple new OB Fees (up to three) TTX/T2/FA-OBR01-OBR02-OBR03 Recalculate Airline Ticketing Fees for a specific TST with the standalone calculation entry and exempt all OB Fees TTX/T1/FX Recalculate Airline Ticketing Fees for a specific TST with the standalone calculation entry and exempt a specific OB Fee TTX/T3/FX-OBT01 Recalculate Airline Ticketing Fees for a specific TST with the standalone calculation entry and exempt multiple OB Fees (up to three) TTX/T3/FX-OBT01-OBT02-OBT03 Recalculate Airline Ticketing Fees for a specific TST with the standalone calculation entry and exempt all Ticketing OB Fees TTX/T1/FX-OBTXX Recalculate Airline Ticketing Fees for a specific TST with the standalone calculation entry and add and exempt specific OB Fees (up to three each) TTX/T2/FA-OBR01-OBR02-OBR03,FXOBT01 Recalculate Airline Ticketing Fees for a specific TST with the standalone calculation entry, add a specific Ticketing OB Fee and exempt all other Ticketing OB Fees TTX/T2/FA-OBT01,FX-OBTXX Recalculate Airline Ticketing Fees for a specific TST with the standalone calculation entry, add specific OB Fees and exempt all Ticketing OB Fees TTX/T2/FA-OBR01-OBR02,FX-OBTXX 146 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Fares and Pricing Recalculate Airline Ticketing Fees for a specific TTX/T3/FX,FA-OBT01 TST with the standalone calculation entry and exempt all OB Fees with the exception of a specific OB Fee Recalculate Airline Ticketing Fees for a specific TST with the standalone calculation entry and exempt all OB Fees with the exception of multiple OB Fees (up to two) TTX/T3/FX,FA-OBR01-OBT01 AMADEUS TICKET CHANGER Pricing This functionality is market-specific. Amadeus Ticket Changer Informative Pricing FXF Amadeus Ticket Changer Confirmed Pricing FXQ Amadeus Ticket Changer Best Pricer Informative Pricing FXE Amadeus Ticket Changer Best Pricer Confirmed Pricing FXO Check whether a fare rule qualifies for Amadeus Ticket Changer FQNxx*VC Replace xx with the line number in an FQD display of the fare rule you want to display. Pricing Options Unless otherwise specified, the following options are valid for all Amadeus Ticket Changer repricing entries: FXF, FXQ FXE, FXO. Passenger selection FXF/P1 FA/FH element line number FXQ/T6 Ticket number FXF/TKT057-1234567890/P1 Passenger type (non-infant) FXF/PAX/P1 Passenger type (infant) FXF/INF/P1 Segment selection FXQ/S1,3 Unifares FXF/R,U Unifares and public fares FXE/R,UP Corporate unifares FXE/R,U123456 Corporate unifares and public fares FXE/R,U123456,P Unifares, corporate unifares and public fares FXF/R,UU123456,P Passenger type code FXQ/RYTH Discount code FXQ/RZS Force a passenger type code FXQ/RLBR,*PTC © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 147 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Ticket type (ET for e-ticket, PT for paper ticket) FXF/ET Point-of-sale override FXO/R,LON Ticketing city override FXF/R,.FRA Point-of-sale and ticketing city override FXQ/R,PAR.FRA Past date FXF/R,16JUN10 Cabin Class (Amadeus Ticket Changer Best Pricer only) FXE/KYC Preferred cabin class (Amadeus Ticket Changer Best Pricer only) FXE/KYC,+ Preferred alternative cabin class (Amadeus Ticket Changer Best Pricer only) FXO/KY,C,F No Split PNR option (Amadeus Ticket Changer Best Pricer only) FXE/NS Involuntary Reissue This functionality is available to airline agents only. It can only be used for e-tickets. Amadeus Ticket Changer Involuntary reissue FXI of e-ticket (all remaining coupons with the status A, O or U) Segment selection FXI/S3 Multiple segment selection FXI/S3-4 Reissue by FA/FH element line number FXI/T8 Reissue by FA/FH element line number, selected coupons only FXI/T8F1-2 Reissue by FA/FH element, selected coupons and segments FXI/T8F1-3/S2-4 Reissue with e-ticket number FXI/TKT074-1234567890 Reissue with e-ticket number, selected coupons only FXI/TKT074-1234567890F1-2 Reissue with e-ticket number, selected coupons and segments FXI/TKT074-1234567890F1-2/S2-3 Reissue with e-ticket number, all remaining coupons, passenger association FXI/TKT074-1234567890/P1 Reissue with e-ticket number, selected coupons and segments, passenger association FXI/TKT074-1234567890F1-2/S2-3/P3 148 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Fares and Pricing TICKET TYPE OPTION The following ticket type options can be used in any pricing entry. Request an e-ticket only FQPLONSYDLON/ET Request a paper ticket only FQPNYCPEKLON/PT Request both an e-ticket and a paper ticket FQPCDGKULCDG/EP ENCODING/DECODING CORPORATE CONTRACTS Decode a contract number FQE000001 Encode a company name FQEAMADEUS Display a list of corporate contracts available FRD for today Display the details of a contract from the list FRD/N1 HISTORICAL FARE RECORDS Only available for certain markets. Create a historical fare record after pricing FR Fare record and freeflow text FR/COMMENT UP TO 60 CHARS Freeflow text only FR/-COMMENT UP TO 60 CHARS Retrieve historical fare records RH FR Retrieve an item number RH FR/3 Retrieve by an agent sign RH FR/001AA Retrieve by a date RH FR/12JUN Print a fare record WRA/RH FR FARE DISCOUNT ELEMENT For other fare elements, see Commission on page 154. Agent discount code FD AD50/P1 FD element with a PTC FD MIL/P1 Create an FD element FD ZZ/P2 FD element with date of birth FD IN02MAR11/P3 Add a fare discount element for a TSM-P by TSM number TMI/M1/FD-ZZ © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 149 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Add a fare discount element for a TSM-P by SSR element or SVC segment line number TMI/L4/FD-ZZ Add a fare discount element for a TSM-P by passenger number TMI/P1/FD-ZZ Add a fare discount element for all TSM-Ps in the PNR TMI/ALL/FD-ZZ Delete a fare discount element for a TSM-P by TMI/M1/FDTSM number Delete a fare discount element for a TSM-P by TMI/L4/FDSSR element or SVC segment line number Delete a fare discount element for a TSM-P by TMI/P1/FDpassenger number TMI/ALL/FD- Delete a fare discount element for all TSM-Ps in the PNR FARE CODES Expanded Parameters These options apply only to fares that use automated rules. This is currently the Americas, trans-Atlantic, trans-Pacific, Pacific, and Asia. No penalty information (example) NPE (FQDNYCLON/ABA/R,*NPE) No day or time information NDA No maximum stay information NMX No minimum stay information NMN No advance purchase information NAP Penalty information PE No restriction NR No minimum and no maximum fare NMM Non-refundable fares NRF Refundable fares RF Fare Request Type Codes The examples shown here are the most commonly used ones. For further examples and a complete list, please refer to HE FARE REQ. APEX (example) APX (FQDLONPAR/R,-APX) Companion, normal, and excursion CNX Excursion, adult and child, APEX, and PEX EXC 150 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Fares and Pricing Normal child, dependent child CH Group GRP Individual inclusive tour for adult IT Frequent traveler FT Inclusive tour fare GIT Infant IN US military and government fares MIL Normal and excursion for adult NLX Normal and special fares NSP PEX fares PEX PEX and APEX fares PXA Special fares SPL Companion YC Senior citizen YS Youth ZZ Student and youth ZS Student and youth standby SYB Youth standby YB Family plan YP © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 151 Amadeus Ticketing PNR ELEMENTS Ticketing Arrangement Tickets have been issued, no queue placement TKOK Ticketing time limit, your office ID TKTL15SEP Ticketing time limit, specific hour TKTL30JUN/1800 Ticketing time limit, different office ID TKTL15SEP/PARAF0245 Ticketing time limit, non-Amadeus office TKTL/1800/ROMAZ Tickets with a domestic itinerary TKDO17SEP/HELSK0200 Tickets with an international itinerary TKIN16JUL/PARAF0245 Tickets to be mailed TKMA12JUL/PARAF0245 Tickets to be revalidated TKBTR13SEP/PARAF0435 Tickets to be issued at an airport ticket office TKAT14SEP/LONAF0100 Tickets to be issued at a satellite office TKST19FEB Tickets to be issued using a self-service ticketing device TKSS TK element with freeflow text TKTL13APR/NCEAF0100/FREEFLOW TEXT Cancel the itinerary if not ticketed by a specified date, no queue placement TKXL06NOV/PARAF0345 Passenger- and segment-associated TKOK/P1/S3-4 Passenger-associated TKTL15SEP/P2 Alternative queue placement, queue 8 category 20 TKTL15JUL/C20 Alternative queue placement, queue 3 category 0 TKTL15JUL/Q3 Alternative queue placement, queue 3 category 5 TKTL15JUL/Q3C5 Print functions for burst document printing, ticket only TKTL/TTP Print functions for burst document printing, ticket and invoice TKTL/TTP/INV Modify a ticketing arrangement element (line number 9) 9/12JUN/MADIB0789 Cancel a ticketing arrangement element XE8 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 153 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Commission Commission, percentage FM9 Commission percentage with decimals FM7.50 Commission, fixed amount FM50.00A Commission subject to VAT, percentage FM9V amount FM50.00AV New and old commission FM8/XO/9 New commission, old commission, and cancellation penalty commission (US only) FM334.25A/XO/287.36A/XP/50.00A Net remit commission (market-specific) FM9N Commission, manual capping FM9/C50.00 Manual capping, old commission and penalty commission (US only) FM5/C50.00/XO/49.25A/XP/25.00A Commission, Dynamic Discount Fares (DDF) FM*D*8.00 Commission for a specific Miscellaneous Document element (line number 4) FM9/L4 or 4/FM9 Modify a commission element (line number 13) 13/20 Cancel a commission element XE13 Modify a commission element for a Miscellaneous Document (element number 3, sub-element number 1) 3.1/10 Cancel a commission element for a Miscellaneous Document XE3.1 Add Commission for a TSM-P by TSM number TMI/M1/FM-10A Add Commission for a TSM-P by SSR element or SVC segment line number TMI/L4/FM-10A Add Commission for a TSM-P by passenger number TMI/P1/FM-10A Add Commission for all TSM-Ps in the PNR TMI/ALL/FM-10A Delete Commission for a TSM-P by TSM number TMI/M1/FM- Delete Commission for a TSM-P by SSR element or SVC segment line number TMI/L4/FM- 154 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Ticketing Delete Commission for a TSM-P by passenger number TMI/P1/FM- Delete Commission for all TSM-Ps in the PNR TMI/ALL/FM- Endorsement Restrictions Endorsement/restriction FENON REFUNDABLE Endorsement/restriction for a specific Miscellaneous Document element FENON REFUNDABLE/L4 Add Endorsement Restrictions for a TSM-P by TSM number TMI/M1/FE-NON REFUNDABLE Add Endorsement Restrictions for a TSM-P by SSR element or SVC segment line number TMI/L4/FE-NON REFUNDABLE Add Endorsement Restrictions for a TSM-P by passenger number TMI/P1/FE-NON REFUNDABLE Add Endorsement Restrictions for all TSM-Ps in the PNR TMI/ALL/FE-NON REFUNDABLE Delete Endorsement Restrictions for a TSM-P by TSM number TMI/M1/FE- Delete Endorsement Restrictions for a TSM-P by SSR element or SVC segment line number TMI/L4/FE- Delete Endorsement Restrictions for a TSM-P by passenger number TMI/P1/FE- Delete Endorsement Restrictions for all TSM-Ps in the PNR TMI/ALL/FE- Miscellaneous Ticketing Information Miscellaneous Ticketing information with a TST split FSTKT PAID BY AMADEUS Miscellaneous Ticketing information without a TST split FZTKT PAID BY AMADEUS/P1 Add Miscellaneous Ticketing information TMI/M1/FZ1-TICKET PAID BY IBM for a TSM-P by TSM number Add second Miscellaneous Ticketing information element for a TSM-P by TSM number © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved TMI/M1/FZ2-MARKETING ACCOUNT 1234567 155 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Add Miscellaneous Ticketing information TMI/L4/FZ1-TICKET PAID BY IBM for a TSM-P by SSR element or SVC segment line number Add second Miscellaneous Ticketing information element for a TSM-P by SSR element or SVC segment line number TMI/L4/FZ2-MARKETING ACCOUNT 1234567 Add Miscellaneous Ticketing information TMI/P1/FZ1-TICKET PAID BY IBM element for a TSM-P by passenger number Add second Miscellaneous Ticketing TMI/P1/FZ2-MARKETING ACCOUNT 1234567 information element for a TSM-P by passenger number Add Miscellaneous Ticketing information TMI/ALL/FZ1-TICKET PAID BY IBM for all TSM-Ps in the PNR Add second Miscellaneous Ticketing information element for all TSM-Ps in the PNR TMI/ALL/FZ2-MARKETING ACCOUNT 234567 Delete Miscellaneous Ticketing information element 1 for a TSM-P by TSM number TMI/M1/FZ1- Delete Miscellaneous Ticketing information element 2 for a TSM-P by TSM number TMI/M1/FZ2- Delete Miscellaneous Ticketing information element 1 for a TSM-P by SSR element or SVC segment line number TMI/L4/FZ1- Delete Miscellaneous Ticketing information element 2 for a TSM-P by SSR element or SVC segment line number TMI/L4/FZ2- Delete Miscellaneous Ticketing information element 1 for a TSM-P by passenger number TMI/P1/FZ1- Delete Miscellaneous Ticketing information element 2 for a TSM-P by passenger number TMI/P1/FZ2- Delete Miscellaneous Ticketing information element 1 for all TSM-Ps in the PNR TMI/ALL/FZ1- 156 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Ticketing Delete Miscellaneous Ticketing information element 2 for all TSM-Ps in the PNR TMI/ALL/FZ2- Manual Ticket Number Manually enter a manual ticket number (conjunction ticket) with free-flow text, passenger and segment association FHM057-1234567890-91//FREEFLOW TEXT/S2/P1 Manually enter an automated ticket number FHA057-1234567890//FREEFLOW TEXT/S2/P2 Manually enter an electronic ticket number FHE057-1234567890//FREEFLOW TEXT/S2-3/P3 Manually enter an electronic ticket number with coupon numbers FHE057-1234567890/C1-3// FREEFLOW TEXT/S2-4/P1 Manually enter an EMD document number with mandatory SSR element association FHD057-1234567890/E6-7 Manually enter an EMD document number with mandatory SVC segment association FHD057-1234567890/S2 Enter a manual miscellaneous document number for which an EMD does not exist with mandatory SSR element association, and with passenger association FHP057-1234567890/E6-7/P1 Enter a manual miscellaneous document number for which an EMD does not exist with mandatory SVC segment association, and with passenger association FHP057-1234567890/S2/P1 Manually send the ticket number with an OSI element to an airline that does not support automatic ticket number transmission (airline-specific example) OS H3 TKNO 458-1234567890/S2/P1 Manually send the ticket number (conjunction ticket) with an SSR element to an airline that does not support automatic ticket number transmission (airline-specific example) SR OTHS EQ-TKNO 269-123456789092/S2-4/P1 Original/Issued-In-Exchange-For Original document and document in exchange are the same - without coupon numbers © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved FO125-2499001304LON12SEP09/91496715 157 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Original document and document in exchange are the same - including coupon numbers FO125-2499001304E1LON12SEP09 /91496715 Original document and document in exchange are the same - conjunction ticket including coupon numbers FO125-2499001304E1-05LON12SEP09 /91496715 With one original issue and one document in exchange, incl. coupon number and check digit, segment and passenger association With one original issue and one document in exchange, incl. coupon number and check digit, the value of the document amount in exchange, segment and passenger association FO006-34077770002FRA01JUL09/ 23205980/006-37088880003E2MIA02AUG09 /23205980/S3-4/P1 FO006-34077770002FRA01JUL09/ 23205980/006-37088880003E2MIA02AUG09 /23205980/USD500.00/S3-4/P1 With one original issue and two different FO001-3702678596MIL01JUL09/ documents in exchange, incl. coupon 98576453/001-3702645454C34/001numbers 3702557766E3 Original issue element, including the base fare, tax value, and penalty amount of the document taken in exchange (US only) FO001-1234567890E1MIA13JAN10* B100.00/X20.00/C35.00 With the infant passenger type identifier including coupon numbers FOINF125-2499001304E1LON12SEP09 /91496715 Generate the original issue element FO* automatically, if there is only one FA/FH element in the PNR (electronic documents only) Generate the original issue element automatically by FA/FH element line number (electronic documents only) FO*L6 Add the original issue for a TSM-P by TSM number TMI/M1/FO-125-1234567890E1LON21OCT09 /23205980 Add the original issue for a TSM-P by SSR element or SVC segment line number TMI/L4/FO-125-1234567890E1LON21OCT09 /23205980 Add the original issue for a TSM-P by passenger number TMI/P1/FO-125-1234567890E1LON21OCT09 /23205980 Delete the original issue for a TSM-P by TMI/M1/FOTSM number Delete the original issue for a TSM-P by TMI/L4/FOSSR element or SVC segment line number 158 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Ticketing Delete the original issue for a TSM-P by TMI/P1/FOpassenger number Delete the original issue for all TSM-Ps in the PNR TMI/ALL/FO- Tour Code Tour code number FTIT5LH1TOUR08 Add a tour code for a TSM-P by TSM number TMI/M1/FT-IT4LH1TOUR05 Add a tour code for a TSM-P by SSR element or SVC segment line number TMI/L4/FT-IT4LH1TOUR05 Add a tour code for a TSM-P by passenger number TMI/P1/FT-IT4LH1TOUR05 Add a tour code for all TSM-Ps in the PNR TMI/ALL/FT-IT4LH1TOUR05 Delete a tour code for a TSM-P by TSM TMI/M1/FTnumber Delete a tour code for a TSM-P by SSR element or SVC segment line number TMI/L4/FT- Delete a tour code for a TSM-P by passenger number TMI/P1/FT- Delete the tour code for all TSM-Ps in the PNR TMI/ALL/FT- Validating Carrier Manually add the validating carrier FVAF element to a PNR (where AF is the twocharacter validating carrier code) AMADEUS INFORMATION PAGES Introduction to IATA validating airline selection rules GGBSP General GSA information GGGSA List of airlines for which Amadeus checks the interline ticketing agreement Interline ticketing agreements for a specific airline (XX to be replaced by the two-character airline code) GGITA Airline-specific information pages (XX to be replaced by the two-character airline code) GGAIRXX © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved GGAIR XX INTERLINE 159 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Information on airline-specific e-ticketing policies (XX to be replaced by the two-character airline code) HEETTXX SETTLEMENT/REPORTING PLAN, INTERLINE AGREEMENT, GSA, AND ELECTRONIC TICKETING CARRIER TABLES Display settlement/reporting plan table TGBD Display settlement/reporting plan table for a specific country TGBD-FR Display settlement/reporting plan status for a specific airline TGBD-FR/LH Display GSA table for a specific country TGGSD-FR Display interline agreement table TGAD Display interline agreement table for a specific airline TGAD-IB Display interline agreements between two airlines TGAD-LH/SQ Display interline agreement exceptions between two airlines TGAD-JU/NW* Display electronic ticket carrier table TGETD Display electronic ticket carrier table for a specific country (XX to be replaced by the two-character country code) TGETD-XX CREDIT CARD CHECK Get an approval code for a PNR before TTP DEFP Get an approval code for a PNR before TTM DEFM Get an approval code for a PNR before TTP/ TTM DEFP/M Get an approval code without a PNR DECCAX371449635311004/0611/GBP400.00/AF Get an approval code with extended payment DECCAX371449635311004/E/0611/GBP400.00/AF Get an approval code for a non-air DECCAX371449635311004/0611/GBP400.00/ZZ product 160 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Ticketing Get an approval code and verify the address (for credit cards issued in the US and CA only) DECCCA5499830000000015/0711/USD1200.00/BA* 89 25TH AVENUE NY-85282 Create an AQ element referring to AQ* the AB element in a PNR (for credit cards issued in the US and CA only) Create an AQ element manually (for credit cards issued in the US and CA only) AQ89 25TH AVENUE NEW YORK - 85282/P1 Verify FP and AQ elements (for credit cards issued in the US and CA only) TTV Verify specific FP and AQ element TTV/E7 (for credit cards issued in the US and CA only) FORM OF PAYMENT These entries are IATA standard forms of payment; for detailed information on airline- or marketspecific forms of payment see the help page HE FP in the Amadeus distribution system. Cash FPCASH Check FPCHECK Including currency and amount FPCHECK/GBP450.00 Credit card FPCCCA5499830000000015/1211 Credit card including amount and manual approval code FPCCCA5499830000000015/1211/USD250.00 /N123 Two forms of payment FPCASH+CCCA5499830000000015/1211 /EUR550.00 Old form of payment FPO/CASH Two old forms of payment FPO/CASH+CC Old form of payment, miscellaneous FPO/MS One old (cash) and one new (cash) FPO/CASH+/CASH Two old and two new FPO/CASH+CC+/CHECK+CCAX371449631311004 /0511/JPY365240 Form of payment for a specific miscellaneous document (Miscellaneous Charges Order or Service Fee/Charge, for example) FPCASH/L4 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved or 4/FPCASH 161 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Add a form of payment for a TSM-P by TSM number TMI/M1/FP-CCVI4012122222222226/1211 Add two forms of payment for a TSM-P by TSM number TMI/M1/FP-CASH+CCVI4012122222222226 /1211 Add a form of payment for a TSM-P by SSR element or SVC segment line number TMI/L4/FP-CASH Add an old form of payment for a TSM-P by SSR element or SVC segment line number (no additional collection) TMI/L7/FP-O/CASH Add an old and a new form of payment for a TSM-P by SSR element or SVC segment line number (additional collection) TMI/L7/FP-O/CASH+/CASH Add a form of payment for a TSM-P by passenger number TMI/P1/FP-CASH Add a form of payment for all TSM-Ps in the PNR TMI/ALL/FP-CASH Delete the form-of-payment information for a TSM-P by TSM number TMI/M1/FP- Delete the form-of-payment information for a TSM-P by SSR element or SVC segment line number TMI/L4/FP- Delete the form-of-payment information for a TSM-P by passenger number TMI/P1/FP- Delete the form-of-payment TMI/ALL/FPinformation for all TSM-Ps in the PNR TEMPORARY TICKETING Access temporary ticketing mode TY Issue ticket and exit temporary ticketing mode TTP/IG Open segment with status code SOIBC13JANBCNMAD/SA Segment sell, long sell, with full flight details SSSQ872F15DECSINTPEHK1/08351305 Segment sell, short sell, with status code SS1C1/HK Exit temporary mode IG 162 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Ticketing ISSUING TICKETS Issue a ticket for all TSTs stored in a PNR TTP Issue a ticket and redisplay the PNR TTP/RT Pre-issue validation TTP/TKT Issue tickets for all passengers except infants TTP/PAX Issue tickets for infant passengers TTP/INF Issue a ticket for selected passengers TTP/P1-3,5 Issue a ticket for selected segments TTP/S1,4-6 Issue a ticket for a specific passenger type (infant associated with passenger 2) TTP/INF/P2 Issue selected TSTs TTP/T1-3,5 Issue a ticket and specify validating airline TTP/VAF Issue a ticket including a mirror-image open return TTP/OPEN Issue a ticket for selected segments and a mirror-image open return TTP/S2,3/OPEN Issue the entire itinerary, including a specified open segment after segment 3 TTP/S3LHCFRAPAR Issue a ticket for segments 2 and 3 with two open segments TTP/S2,3,AFYMIACDG,AF YCDGNCE Reprice the TST and issue a ticket TTP/R Reprice the TST including a discount code and issue a ticket TTP/RCH Issue a ticket and specify an involuntary reroute indicator (Airline Agents Only) TTP/IVI Price with specific validating carrier and issue ticket TTP/R,VC-AA Issue a ticket and withhold all taxes TTP/R,WT Issue a ticket and withhold all surcharges TTP/R,WQ Issue ticket and override e-ticket issuance TTP/PT Issue ticket and override paper ticket issuance TTP/ET Override the past date TST and issue a ticket TTP/O Issue a ticket and override the ticketing date TTP/OD19JAN11 Issue a ticket and override the booking date TTP/R,DO-OBD Issue a ticket and override the electronic ticket-only fare condition (not allowed in BSP markets) TTP/OPT Issue a ticket and override the paper ticket-only fare condition TTP/OET Issue a ticket and override the validating carrier TTP/V*TG Remove the PNR change flag and issue a ticket TTP/F Add an agent code and issue a ticket TTP/A22AB © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 163 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Override the time preference and issue a ticket TTP/TO12 or TTP/TO24 Issue a ticket and an invoice TTP/INV Issue a ticket and an itinerary TTP/IBP Issue a ticket and a mini-itinerary TTP/IMP Issue a ticket and an itinerary receipt TTP/ITR Issue a ticket and print specific accounting coupons on (OP)ATB stock (You can specify multiple coupons. The specified coupons are printed in addition to the coupons that are defined in the DCP field of your office profile.) TTP/C-UI Issue an e-ticket and print specific accounting coupons on a TTP/C-UI broadcast printer (You can specify multiple coupons. Only the specified coupons are printed regardless of the coupons that are defined in the BCP field of your office profile.) (Amadeus Central Ticketing travel agents in BSP markets only) Update the form of payment and issue the ticket TTP/FPCASH Override the net fare amount in the remittance area and issue TTP/NF500.00/T2 the ticket (not available in all markets) Issue a ticket from a specific stock range by specifying the stock range reference (Amadeus Central Ticketing) TTP/XED1 Issue a ticket on a specific printer by specifying the six-digit printer identification TTPSA0023 Issue tickets from queue 8 with a specific category identifier TTP/TL Send a ticket to a remote ticketing location (Amadeus Central Ticketing, US only) TTP/STMILIG2100 Send a ticket to a remote ticketing location by specifying the DPR name (Amadeus Central Ticketing, US only) TTP/STBMW11 Issue exchanged ticket (US only) TTP/EXCH Issue tickets and leave Temporary Ticketing Mode TTP/IG Issue (OP)TAT ticket and boarding pass TTP/BP Send an Amadeus Interface Record to the back office (no ticket is issued) TTP/BTK REPRINTING ACCOUNTING COUPONS - ATB COUPON REGENERATION Reprint accounting coupons for tickets and TTR/SN0000012345 Automated MCOs/Automated Excess Baggage Tickets (XSBs) by sequence number 164 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Ticketing Reprint accounting coupons for tickets only, by TTR/T/SN0000012345 sequence number Reprint accounting coupons for Automated MCOs/Automated Excess Baggage Tickets (XSBs) only, by sequence number TTR/M/SN0000012345 Reprint accounting coupons on a specific printer by sequence number (SA0306 = 6-digit printer identification) TTRSA0306/SN0000012345 Reprint specific accounting coupons by sequence number (You can specify multiple coupons. The specified coupons are printed in addition to the coupons defined in the DCP, DMP and DXP fields in your office profile.) TTR/SN0000012345/C-UI Reprint accounting coupons on a specific stock TTR/SN0000012345/XE1 reference by sequence number Reprint accounting coupons using a specific Distribution Profile Record (DPR) name by sequence number (Satellite Printing) TTR/SN0000012345/ST21 Reprint accounting coupons for a specific passenger by sequence number TTR/SN0000012345/P1 Reprint accounting coupons for a range of passengers by sequence number TTR/SN0000012345/P1-3 Reprint accounting coupons for multiple passengers by sequence number TTR/SN0000012345/P1,4 Reprint accounting coupons for a range and multiple passengers by sequence number TTR/SN0000012345/P1-2,5 Reprint specific accounting coupons on a specific printer (SA0306 = 6-digit printer identification) and stock reference for specific passengers by sequence number TTRSA0306/SN0000012345/XE1/C-UI/ P1-3 Reprint accounting coupons from a retrieved PNR by specifying the FB or MCO/XSB element line number TTR/L3 Reprint accounting coupons from a retrieved PNR, for tickets only, by specifying the PNR FB element line number TTR/T/L7 Reprint accounting coupons from a retrieved TTR/M/L7 PNR, for MCOs/Automated Excess Baggage Tickets (XSBs) only, by specifying the PNR FB element line number © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 165 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Reprint accounting coupons from a retrieved PNR by FB or MCO/XSB element line number on a specific printer (SA0306 = 6-digit printer identification) TTRSA0306/L8 Reprint specific accounting coupons from a TTR/L8/C-UI retrieved PNR by FB or MCO/XSB element line number (You can specify multiple coupons. The specified coupons are printed in addition to the coupons defined in the DCP, DMP and DXP fields in your office profile.) Reprint accounting coupons from a retrieved PNR by FB or MCO/XSB element line number on a specific stock reference TTR/L6/XE1 Reprint accounting coupons from a retrieved PNR by FB or MCO/XSB element line number using a specific Distribution Profile Record (DPR) name (Satellite Printing) TTR/L6/ST21 Reprint accounting coupons from a retrieved PNR by FB or MCO/XSB element line number for a specific passenger TTR/L6/P1 Reprint specific accounting coupons from a retrieved PNR on a specific printer (SA0306 = 6-digit printer identification) for a specific passenger by FB or MCO/XSB element line number TTR/SA0306/L6/C-UI/P1 Display passenger number, name, and document number by sequence number TTZM0600001133 REPRINTING ACCOUNTING COUPONS ON BLANK PAPER The entries described here apply to travel agents using the Amadeus Central Ticketing Platform and printing e-tickets and Amadeus Virtual MCOs (VMCOs) on blank paper in A4-format on a broadcast printer. For all other agents, see 'Reprinting Accounting Coupons - ATB Coupon Regeneration'. Reprint accounting coupons for all e-tickets and Amadeus Virtual MCOs (VMCOs) from a retrieved PNR TTR Reprint accounting coupons for all e-tickets from a retrieved PNR TTR/T Reprint accounting coupons for all VMCOs from a retrieved PNR TTR/M 166 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Ticketing Reprint e-ticket/VMCO accounting coupons for TTR/P1 a specific passenger from a retrieved PNR Reprint e-ticket/VMCO accounting coupons for TTR/P1,3 multiple passengers from a retrieved PNR Reprint e-ticket/VMCO accounting coupons for TTR/P1-5 a range of passengers from a retrieved PNR Reprint e-ticket/VMCO accounting coupons for TTR/P1-2,4 a range and multiple passengers from a retrieved PNR Reprint e-ticket accounting coupons by FA/FH TTR/L7 element line number or VMCO accounting coupons by VMCO element line number from a retrieved PNR Reprint e-ticket accounting coupons for multiple FA/FH elements or VMCO accounting coupons for multiple VMCO element line numbers from a retrieved PNR TTR/L7,9,12 Reprint e-ticket accounting coupons for a TTR/L7-12 range of FA/FH elements or VMCO accounting coupons for a range of VMCO element line numbers from a retrieved PNR Reprint e-ticket accounting coupons for TTR/L7-8,12 multiple FA/FH elements and a range or VMCO accounting coupons for multiple VMCO element line numbers and a range from a retrieved PNR Reprint VMCO accounting coupons by VMCO FA/FH sub-element number from a retrieved PNR TTR/L5.3 Reprint VMCO accounting coupons for multiple TTR/L5.3,6.3,8.3 VMCO FA/FH sub-element numbers from a retrieved PNR Reprint e-ticket accounting coupons by document number TTR/T/125-1234567890 Reprint VMCO accounting coupons by document number TTR/M/125-1234567890 Reprint specific e-ticket/VMCO accounting TTR/C-UIF coupons from a retrieved PNR with the coupon selection override option (You can specify multiple coupons. Only the specified coupons are printed, regardless of the coupons that are defined in the BCP and BMP field of your office profile.) © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 167 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Reprint specific e-ticket accounting coupons with the coupon selection override option by document number (You can specify multiple coupons. Only the specified coupons are printed, regardless of the coupons that are defined in the BCP field of your office profile.) TTR/T/125-1234567890/C-UIF Reprint e-ticket/VMCO accounting coupons from a retrieved PNR on a specific printer (SA0205 = 6-digit printer identification) TTRSA0205 Reprint e-ticket accounting coupons on a specific printer (SA0205 = 6-digit printer identification) by document number TTRSA0205/T/125-1234567890 Reprint e-ticket/VMCO accounting coupons from a retrieved PNR and resend VMCO passenger receipts to the specified email address TTR/EML-PAT.SMITH@AOL.COM Reprint e-ticket/VMCO accounting coupons from a retrieved PNR and resend VMCO passenger receipts to the specified email address that is associated to passenger 1 TTR/EML-PAT.SMITH@AOL.COM/P1 Reprint e-ticket/VMCO accounting coupons from a retrieved PNR and resend VMCO passenger receipts to the email address specified in the APE elements of the PNR TTR/EMLA Reprint e-ticket/VMCO accounting coupons from a retrieved PNR and resend VMCO passenger receipts to all email addresses specified in the APE elements of the PNR that are associated to passenger 1 TTR/EMLA/P1 Reprint specific VMCO accounting coupons from a retrieved PNR for passenger 2 on a specific printer (SA0205 = 6-digit printer identification) and resend the VMCO passenger receipts to all email addresses specified in the APE elements that are associated to passenger 2 TTRSA0205/M/EMLA/C-RI/P2 ISSUING MISCELLANEOUS PAPER DOCUMENTS The following entries are only applicable to certain users in certain markets. SVC stands for Service Fee/Charge (including Travel Agent Service Fees TASF) and MCO for Automated paper MCO. SSR elements and SVC segments stand for chargeable special service and seat requests for Amadeus Airline Ancillary Services. 168 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Ticketing Issue all MCO/SVC/SSR elements or SVC segments for all passengers TTM Issue all MCO/SVC/SSR elements or SVC segments for a specific passenger TTM/P1 Issue a specific MCO/SVC element for all passengers TTM/L4 Issue a specific TSM-P by TSM number TTM/M1 Issue all MCO elements for a specific passenger type (INF = infants) TTM/INF Issue all MCO elements for a specific passenger type (PAX = noninfant passenger types) TTM/PAX Issue all MCO/SVC/SSR elements or SVC segments for all passengers and redisplay the PNR TTM/RT Issue all MCO/SSR elements or SVC segments for all passengers on a specific stock range TTM/XED1 Issue all MCO/SVC/SSR elements or SVC segments for all passengers on a specific printer (SA0203 = six-digit printer identification) TTMSA0203 Issue all MCO elements for all passengers and include a specific accounting coupon (You can specify one coupon. The specified coupon is printed in addition to the coupons that are defined in the DMP field of your office profile.) TTM/C-U Issue all MCO/SSR elements or SVC segments for all passengers and include the self-sale indicator TTM/SST Issue all MCO elements for all passengers with supplementary name lists TTM/TMN Send an Amadeus Interface Record for a specific MCO element to the Back Office System TTM/BTK/L5 Send an Amadeus Interface Record for a specific TSM-P to the Back Office System TTM/BTK/M1 Issue tickets and MCO/SVC/SSR elements or SVC segments for all passengers TTP/TTM Issue tickets and MCO/SSR elements or SVC segments for all passengers on a specific stock range TTP/TTM/XED1 Issue tickets for a specific air segment and MCO/SVC element for all passengers TTP/TTM/L6/S4 Issue tickets for a specific air segment and TSM-P TTP/TTM/M1/S3 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 169 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Issue tickets and all MCO elements, including a specific accounting TTP/TTM/C-F coupon, for all passengers (You can specify one coupon. The specified coupon is printed in addition to the coupons that are defined in the DCP and DMP field of your office profile.) Issue tickets, MCO/SVC elements or SVC segments, and invoice for all passengers TTP/TTM/INV Issue a specific MCO/SVC element and invoice for a specific passenger TTM/INV/L6/P1 ISSUING AMADEUS VIRTUAL MCOS The following entries are only applicable to certain Amadeus Central Ticketing markets. Issue all Amadeus Virtual MCO elements for all passengers TTM Issue all Amadeus Virtual MCO elements for a specific passenger TTM/P1 Issue a specific Amadeus Virtual MCO element TTM/L4 Issue all Amadeus Virtual MCO elements for a specific passenger type (INF = Infants) TTM/INF Issue all Amadeus Virtual MCO elements for a specific passenger type (PAX = Non-infant passenger types) TTM/PAX Issue all Amadeus Virtual MCO elements for all passengers and redisplay the PNR TTM/RT Issue all Amadeus Virtual MCO elements on a specific printer (SA0205 = 6-digit printer identification) TTMSA0205 Send an Amadeus Interface Record (A.I.R.) to the Back Office System TTM/BTK Issue all Amadeus Virtual MCO elements for all passengers with supplementary name lists TTM/TMN Issue all Amadeus Virtual MCO elements for all passengers and print specific coupons on a broadcast printer (You can specify multiple coupons. Only the coupons specified are printed, regardless of the coupons that are defined in the BMP field of your office profile.) TTM/C-UIR Issue all Amadeus Virtual MCO elements for a specific passenger, print specific coupons on a broadcast printer (You can specify multiple coupons. Only the coupons specified are printed, regardless of the coupons that are defined in the BMP field of your office profile.) and redisplay the PNR TTMSA0205/C-UIR/P2/RT 170 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Ticketing Issue all Amadeus Virtual MCO elements for all passengers and send all passenger receipts to the email address stored in the APE elements of the PNR TTM/EMLA Issue all Amadeus Virtual MCO elements for a specific TTM/EMLA/P1 passenger and send the passenger receipt to all email addresses stored in the APE elements of the PNR that are associated with this passenger Issue all Amadeus Virtual MCO elements for all passengers and send the passenger receipts to all the email addresses included in the nickname (of the email address) TTM/EMLN-NICKNAME Issue all Amadeus Virtual MCO elements for all passengers and send the passenger receipts to the specified email address TTM/EMLSIMPSON@AMADEUS.COM Issue tickets and issue Amadeus Virtual MCOs for all passengers TTP/TTM Issue tickets and issue Amadeus Virtual MCOs for a specific passenger TTP/TTM/P1 Issue tickets and issue a specific Amadeus Virtual MCO element for all passengers TTP/TTM/L4 Issue tickets and issue a specific Amadeus Virtual MCO TTP/TTM/L4/EMLA element for all passengers and send all passenger receipts to the email address stored in the non-passengerassociated APE elements of the PNR ISSUING ELECTRONIC MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENTS (EMD) Note: A TSM-P is a Transitional Stored Miscellaneous (TSM) document of the type P (Pricing Quotation Record). Issue the EMDs for all SSR elements/SVC segments for all passengers TTM Issue a specific TSM-P by TSM number TTM/M1 Issue the EMDs for all SSR elements/SVC segments for a specific passenger TTM/P1 Issue the EMDs for all SSR elements/SVC segments for a specific passenger type (INF = Infants) TTM/INF Issue the EMD for a specific SSR element/SVC segment by PNR TTM/L8 line number Issue the EMDs for all SSR elements/SVC segments on a specific printer (SA0205 = Printer Identification) © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved TTMSA0205 171 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Issue the EMDs for all SSR elements/SVC segments with the Present Credit Card indicator (airline agents only) TTM/PCC Do an EMD prevalidation for all the EMDs in the PNR TTM/TKT Issue the EMDs for all SSR elements/SVC segments and print a specific accounting coupon (You can specify one coupon. Only the specified coupon is printed.) TTM/C-F Issue the EMDs for all SSR elements/SVC segments and redisplay the PNR TTM/RT Issue the EMDs for all SSR elements/SVC segments and inhibit the Credit Card Charge Form coupons print TTM/ICP Issue the EMDs for all SSR elements/SVC segments and send the passenger receipts to the specified email address TTM/EPR-EML-PAT .SMITH@AOL.COM Issue the EMDs for all SSR elements/SVC segments for a specific passenger and send the passenger receipts to the email addresses specified in the APE elements that are associated to this passenger in the PNR TTM/EPR-EMLA/P1 Issue tickets and the EMDs for all SSR elements/SVC segments and passengers in the PNR TTP/TTM Issue tickets and the EMDs for specific TSM-Ps and TSTs TTP/TTM/M1-2,4 /T1-2,4 Issue tickets and the EMDs for all SSR elements/SVC segments for a specific passenger TTP/TTM/P2 Force the issuance of a paper MCO TTM/PT Force the issuance of a paper MCO for a specific TSM-P by TSM TTM/PT/M1 number Force the issuance of an Amadeus Virtual MCO from a TSM-P TTM/VT Force the issuance of an Amadeus Virtual MCO from a TSM-P by TSM number TTM/VT/M1 Force the issuance of an EMD TTM/ED Force the issuance of an EMD for a specific TSM-P by TSM number TTM/M1/ED Reissue/exchange an EMD with involuntary rerouting indicator (airline agents only) TTM/IVI Reissue/exchange an EMD and override the non-exchangeable indicators (airline control desk agents only) TTM/OVNE 172 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Ticketing REPRINTING EMD ACCOUNTING COUPONS Reprint EMD accounting coupons from a EMR retrieved PNR for all passengers and EMDs in the PNR Reprint EMD accounting coupons from a EMR/P1 retrieved PNR for the EMDs of a specific passenger Reprint EMD accounting coupons from a EMR/P1,3 retrieved PNR for the EMDs of multiple passengers Reprint EMD accounting coupons from a EMR/P1-2 retrieved PNR for the EMDs of a range of passengers Reprint EMD accounting coupons from a EMR/P1-2,4 retrieved PNR for the EMDs of a range and multiple passengers Reprint EMD accounting coupons from a EMR/L7 retrieved PNR for an EMD in a specific FA/FHD element line number Reprint EMD accounting coupons from a EMR/L7,9,12 retrieved PNR for EMDs in multiple FA/FHD element line numbers Reprint EMD accounting coupons from a EMR/L7-8 retrieved PNR for EMDs in a range of FA/FHD element line numbers Reprint EMD accounting coupons from a EMR/L7-8,12 retrieved PNR for EMDs in a range and multiple FA/FHD element line numbers Reprint EMD accounting coupons by EMD document number EMR/EMD125-1234567890 Reprint specific EMD accounting coupon EMR/C-F from a retrieved PNR (You can specify one coupon. Only the coupon specified is printed.) Reprint specific EMD accounting coupon EMR/EMD125-1234567890/C-F by EMD document number (You can specify one coupon. Only the coupon specified is printed.) Reprint EMD accounting coupons from a EMR/RT retrieved PNR and redisplay the PNR © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 173 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Reprint EMD accounting coupons from a EMRSA0205 retrieved PNR on a specific printer (SA0205 = six-digit printer identification) Reprint EMD accounting coupons on a specific printer (SA0205 = six-digit printer identification) by EMD document number EMRSA0205/EMD125-1234567890 Reprint EMD accounting coupons from a EMR/EPR-EML-PAT.SMITH@AOL.COM retrieved PNR and send the passenger receipts to the specified email address Reprint EMD accounting coupons from a EMR/EPR-EMLA/P1 retrieved PNR for a specific passenger and send the passenger receipts to the email addresses specified in the APE elements that are associated to this passenger in the PNR Send the passenger receipts from a retrieved PNR to the email address specified and do not print the EMD accounting coupons EMR/EPR-EML-PAT.SMITH@AOL.COM/NOPRT Send the passenger receipts from a retrieved PNR to the email addresses specified in the APE elements of the PNR and do not print the EMD accounting coupons EMR/EPR-EMLA/NOPRT Reprint EMD accounting coupons from a EMRSA0205/L8/RT retrieved PNR on a specific printer (SA0205 = six-digit printer identification) for a specific EMD by FA/FHD element line number and redisplay the PNR Reprint a specific EMD accounting EMRSA0205/EMD125-1234567890/C-F coupon (you can specify one coupon. Only the coupon specified is printed.) on a specific printer (SA0205 = six-digit printer identification) by EMD document number ADVANCE BOARDING PASSES The following entries are only applicable to Amadeus Central Ticketing users in the US, issuing (OP)ATB tickets. Issue an ATB ticket and a boarding pass 174 TTP Edition 9.2 Amadeus Ticketing Issue an ATB ticket and a boarding pass for selected passengers and segments TTP/P1-2/S3-4 Issue an ATB ticket only TTP/TKA Issue a specific ATB coupon TTP/C-U Issue an ATB boarding pass only BPA Issue an ATB boarding pass only for selected passengers and segments BPA/P1-2/S2,4-6 Issue a duplicate ATB boarding pass only BPDA Issue an ATB boarding pass only for an infant BPA/INF Issue an ATB boarding pass only at a satellite site BPA/STIBM4 The following entries are only applicable in markets issuing (OP)TAT tickets and having a separate boarding-pass printer. Issue a boarding pass BP Infant BPI Duplicate a boarding pass BPD Select passengers BP/P1,3-5 Specific segments BP/S5,7 Alternate printer BPAB1234 On specific queue, category and date range BP/Q3C1D2 Issue a ticket and a boarding pass at the same time TTP/BP Check the status NIB PAA0013 Restart the printer NIB PAA0013 START Stop the printer NIB PAA0013 STOP TRANSITIONAL STORED TICKET (TST) Creating a Manual TST Create a TST Shell TTC Create TST shells for all passengers except infants TTC/PAX Create a TST shell for all infant passengers TTC/INF Create a TST shell for a selected passenger only TTC/P1 Create a TST shell for multiple selected passengers only TTC/P1,3-4 Create an individual TST shell for each passenger TTC/D Create an individual TST shell for each non-infant passenger type TTC/D/PAX Create a TST shell for a selected segment TTC/S2 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 175 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Create a TST shell for multiple selected segments TTC/S2,5 Create a TST shell with a mirror-image open return TTC/OPEN Create an individual TST shell for selected segments and a mirror-image open return TTC/D/S3-4/OPEN Create a TST shell with a specified open segment TTC/S3,AFYCDGMAD Adding and Splitting a TST Add passenger 2 to the only existing TST TTA/P2 Add an infant passenger to the specified TST TTA/P3/INF/T2 Split passenger 2 from the only existing TST TTS/P2 Split passenger 3 and 5 from the specified TST TTS/P3,5/T3 Displaying the TST Display a TST list TQT Display a TST in panel mode TQTP Display a TST in cryptic mode TQTC Display a TST by number TQT/T1 Display a TST for a specific passenger TQT/P1 Display a TST for a specific passenger and passenger type TQT/PAX/P1 Display a TST for selected segments TQT/S3-5 Display a commission from the Amadeus commission table TQT/FM Display commission information from the Amadeus commission table for a specific amount TQT/FM9 Displaying the Amadeus Ticket Changer Reissue Panel For offices using Amadeus Ticket Changer. Display the Amadeus Ticket Changer Reissue Panel, if only one exists TQR Display the Amadeus Ticket Changer Reissue Panel by TST number TQR/T2 Displaying Airline Ticketing Fees Display an Airline Ticketing Fees list for a specific TST TQO/T1 Display the Pricing Context for a specific TST TQC/T1 176 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Ticketing Confidential TST Make all TSTs confidential TTD Make a specific TST confidential TTD/T1 Remove the confidential flag from all TSTs TTD/X Remove the confidential flag from a specific TST TTD/X/T1 Inserting a Fare Calculation in the TST You can also use the TTK entry to insert a fare calculation in the TST. Add a fare calculation to a TST TTI/CNCE AF PAR292.00EUR292.00END Create an outline for a fare calculation TTI/CBUILD Delete the fare calculation from a TST TTI/C Automatic calculation, the same fare in each fare break point TTI/L1-3/Z200.00 Automatic calculation, a different fare in each fare break point TTI/L1/Z1150.00/L2-3/Z50.00 Automatic calculation, with the currency TTI/L1/Z150.00/L2-3/Z50.00USD Automatic calculation, with the ROE TTI/L1/Z150.00/L23/Z50.00ROE1.527220 Automatic calculation, with a free stopover TTI/L1/ZSO/L2-3/Z50.00 Automatic calculation, with a stopover surcharge TTI/L1/ZS10.00/L2-3/Z50.00 Automatic calculation, with a Q surcharge TTI/CMUC LH LON Q10.00 720.22NUC730.22END ROE0.802525 Automatic calculation, with a transfer TTI/L1,2X,3/Z250.00 Automatic calculation, with passenger facility surcharges (PFC) TTI/L1,2/ZS0/L3/Z150.00/ZXF JFK3ATL3 Adding PFCs, old and new TTI/ZXF JFK3ATL3 PD XF LAX3ABQ2 Adding data to the end of an existing fare calculation line (US only) TTI/C+XFMIA4.50JFK3 Inserting Other Information in the TST You can also use the TTK entry to insert information in the TST. Selecting a specific TST from a PNR TTI/T1/DNYCNYC Select specific TSTs from a PNR TTI/T3-4/DNYCNYC Delete TST data TTI/D Origin and destination TTI/DMIALON International sales indicator TTI/SSITI © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 177 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Ticket type indicator TTI/T-P Stopover indicator TTI/L3-5 Connection indicator TTI/L2X Fare basis, all segments TTI/BYPX3M Ticket designator TTI/BYPX3MCD10 Not valid before and after, all segments TTI/V5AUG15SEP Not valid after, all segments TTI/VXX20NOV Not valid before, all segments TTI/V20NOV Baggage allowance TTI/A30K Base fare field TTI/FUSD600.00 No base fare TTI/UNOFARE Charter TTI/FCHARTER Equivalent currency TTI/FCAD700.00/EUSD600.00 Tax field TTI/FUSD400.00/XUSD6.00US No tax TTI/FSEK6000/XEXEMPTSE Passenger facility charges (PFC) TTI/ZXFMIA4.50ATL3 Refundable tax field TTI/QUSD22.00US Refundable PFC TTI/HEWR3 Bankers rate 1 TTI/K13.3968 Bankers rate 2 TTI/K2EUR6.93624 Total fare field TTI/FEUR500.00/XEUR7.50FR/TEUR507.50 Payment restriction TTI/NNONREF APEX Mileage amount for mileage redemption tickets (airline agents only) TTI/M10500 Net fare field. (This entry is marketspecific). TTI/NF-EUR875.00 First issue base fare, no taxes TTI/FUSD498.75 First issue base fare, taxes, total TTI/FGBP400.00/XGBP4.70DE/TGBP404.70 First issue base fare, equivalent fare, and TTI/FEUR1550.00/EUSD1813.00/XUSD5.50 taxes (the system automatically DE/XUSD7.50FR calculates the total) Reissue base fare, old tax, no additional collection (ADC). (Reissue procedure is different in the US) TTI/RSEK14910/OSEK166YA/TEUR0 Reissue base fare, old tax, new tax, additional collection. (Reissue procedure is different in the US) TTI/RGBP400.00/OGBP3.10NL/XGBP4.00DE /TGBP244.00 178 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Ticketing Set a TST into reissue mode TTI/EXCH Add/change base fare only TTK/FEUR500.00 Add/change no base fare TTK/UNOFARE Delete base fare, equivalent fare, taxes and total fare TTK/F Add/change equivalent fare only TTK/EUSD850.00 Delete equivalent fare only TTK/E Add new tax only TTK/XEUR3.92FRSE Add old tax only TTK/OEUR2.50DESE Add tax exempt only TTK/XEXEMPTDE Update tax exempt only TTK/X2-XEXEMPTDE Delete all new taxes TTK/X Delete all old taxes TTK/O Delete specific tax only TTK/X2 Change tax identifier from new to old for a specific tax TTK/X3-O Change tax identifier from old to new for a specific tax TTK/X4-X Change tax code, amount and identifier TTK/X3-OUSD12.51USAP Add/change total amount only TTK/TUSD1270.50 Update fare field and non-fare field elements in one entry TTK/FEUR650.00/BY/A30K Updating Airline Ticketing Fees Add an Airline Ticketing Fee to a TST TTO/ST05/CNEWFEE/F100.00/X4.00FR/T1 Modify an Airline Ticketing Fee in a TST TTO/ST02//F50.00/X2.50DE/T1 Delete an Airline Ticketing Fee from a TST TTO/ST04/T1 Updating the TST Itinerary Replace TST segments with specified PNR segments TTU/T1/S2,3 Displaying the TST History For all TSTs TTH For a specific TST TTH/T2 History A for a specific TST TTH/T2A © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 179 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Removing the PNR Change Flag from the TST Remove the flag from the only existing TST TTF From a specified TST TTF/T1 From all TSTs TTF/ALL Remove the flag and issue a ticket TTP/F Deleting a TST Delete the only existing TST TTE Delete a TST by a TST number TTE/T1 Delete selected TSTs by TST number TTE/T1,3 Delete all TSTs TTE/ALL Delete all infant TSTs TTE/INF Delete TSTs for all passengers except infants TTE/PAX Delete a TST for selected passengers TTE/P1,3,4 Delete TST 1 and passenger 1 from TST 2 TTE/T1/T2/P1 TRANSITIONAL STORED MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENTS (TSM) The following entries are only applicable to users in certain markets. Manually Creating a TSM-P A TSM-P is a Transitional Stored Miscellaneous (TSM) document of the type P (Pricing Quotation Record). Note that you can also automatically create a TSM-P by using the Amadeus Airline Ancillary Services confirmed pricing entry FXG. Note that travel agents must always add the validating airline option /Vxx to their TMC entry (where xx stands for the two-character code of the validating airline). Manually create the TSM-Ps for all the SSR elements and SVC TMC segments for all non-infant passenger types in the PNR Manually create the TSM-Ps for all the SSR elements and SVC TMC/INF segments for all the infant passenger types Manually create the TSM-P for a specific SSR element or SVC segment by PNR line number TMC/L8 Manually create the TSM-Ps for multiple SSR elements or SVC TMC/L8-10,12 segments by PNR line number Manually create the TSM-P for a specific SSR element or SVC segment for an infant passenger type TMC/L8/INF Manually create the TSM-Ps for all SSR elements and SVC segments for a specific passenger TMC/P1 180 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Ticketing Manually create the TSM-Ps for all SSR elements and SVC segments for multiple passengers TMC/P1-2,4 Manually create the TSM-Ps for all the SSR elements and SVC TMC/VAF segments for all non-infant passenger types in the PNR with a validating airline code (where AF is the two-character airline code for Air France) (Entering the validating airline code when manually creating a TSM-P is mandatory for travel agents) Manually create the TSM-Ps for specific SSR elements and SVC segments with a validating airline code (where AF is the two-character airline code for Air France) TMC/L8-10,12/VAF Manually create the TSM-Ps for all the SSR elements and SVC TMC/P1-2,4/VAF segments for multiple passengers with a validating airline code (where AF is the two-character airline code for Air France) Displaying the TSM Display a TSM TQM Display in cryptic mode TQTC Display in panel mode (not available for all TSM types) TQTP Display a specific TSM by the Miscellaneous Document TQM/L6 element (MCO/SVC/Amadeus Virtual MCO) line number (This entry does not appy to TSM-Ps.) Display a specific TSM by TSM index number TQM/M2 Display a specific TSM by passenger association TQM/P1 Display a specific TSM by passenger type (INF = TQM/INF Infants) (This entry applies to MCOs and TSM-Ps only.) Display a specific TSM for an infant associated to a specific passenger (This entry applies to MCOs and TSM-Ps only.) TQM/P2/INF Display a specific TSM by passenger type (PAX = noninfant passenger types) (This entry applies to MCOs and TSM-Ps only.) TQM/PAX © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 181 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Inserting Information in the MCO TSM Present to TMI/DIBERIA Present at (where MAD is the three-letter TMI/AMAD airport code for Madrid) Validating carrier code (where IB is the two-character airline code for Iberia) TMI/VIB List of reason-for-issuance codes TMI/I? Reason for issuance TMI/IL Type of service TMI/GHOTEL ACCOMODATION Additional information/remarks TMI/HIBERIA PLUS MEMBER Issued in connection with TMI/B0751234567890 Bankers rate 1 TMI/K16.5669 Bankers rate 2 TMI/K25.7888 Transitional currency TMI/UEUR International indicator TMI/YI Add a supplementary name TMI/Q-ORTEGA LUIS MR Add supplementary names TMI/QP2-4 Change a supplementary name TMI/Q2-PUIG CANDELA MRS TMI/Q2-P3 Change supplementary names TMI/Q6-9P7-10 Delete a supplementary name TMI/Q3 Delete supplementary names TMI/Q2-4 Delete all supplementary names TMI/Q Base fare amount TMI/F50.00 Base fare amount, reissue, additional collection TMI/REUR150.00/WEUR150.00 Base fare amount with equivalent amount TMI/FCAD70.00/EUSD60.00 Base fare amount with new tax TMI/FUSD40.00/XUSD6.00US Base fare amount, reissue, with equivalent currencies and no additional collection TMI/RNOK3500/EGBPEUR/WEUR0 Base fare amount, reissue, with old and new taxes, and an additional collection TMI/REUR1094.00/EGBP/OEUR2.40DE/XGBP 3.92FR/WGBP83.92 Net fare amount (market-specific) TMI/NF-EUR1580.00 Total amount TMI/FUSD60.00/WUSD60.00 Total amount with tax TMI/FGBP52.00/XGBP8.20GB/WGBP60.20 182 or TMI/QP2 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Ticketing Total amount with equivalent amount and tax TMI/FNOK6175/EEUR797.00/XEUR16.52NO /WEUR813.52 Total amount with old tax, reissue, no additional collection TMI/RHKD600/OHKD20HK/WHKD0 Total amount with old and new tax, reissue, equivalent currency, additional collection TMI/REUR550.00/EGBP/OEUR3.50FR/XGBP 4.45DE/WGBP54.45 Total amount with tax and other charges TMI/FEUR650.00/XEUR5.50DE/CEUR50.00 /WEUR705.50 Total amount with tax, other charges and TMI/FEUR877.00/XEUR2.71DQ/CEUR60.00 service charge /SEUR25.00/WEUR964.71 Delete all fare field elements TMI/F Update multiple TSM fields TMI/DHILTON/APAR/GHOTEL ACCOMODATION Update a TSM field for a specific MCO by MCO element line number TMI/L3/ALAX Update a TSM field for a specific MCO by passenger number TMI/P2/AMIA Update a TSM field for a specific MCO by MCO TSM number TMI/M2/ACHI Delete a TSM field TMI/A Delete a TSM field for a specific MCO by TMI/L3/A MCO element line number TMI/H/V/B Delete multiple TSM fields Delete multiple TSM fields by MCO TSM TMI/M2/V/H number Delete multiple TSM fields by passenger TMI/P2/V/H number Inserting Information in a TSM-P A TSM-P is a Transitional Stored Miscellaneous (TSM) document of the type P (Pricing Quotation Record). Present to Present at (where MIA is the three-letter airport code for Miami) TMI/DBRITISH AIRWAYS International indicator TMI/YI Document remarks TMI/HTHE LOUNGE IS LOCATED IN TERMINAL 3 Coupon remarks TMI/CR-CAT IN CRATE Not valid before TMI/NB-21OCT10 TMI/AMIA © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 183 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Not valid after TMI/NA-24OCT10 Issued in connection with TMI/IC-TKT1251234567890E1 Excess baggage (kilos) TMI/KG-10.5 Excess baggage (pieces) TMI/PC-5 Rate per unit TMI/ER-EUR150.00 Non-refundable coupon indicator (Y = Yes, N = No) (airline control desk agents only) TMI/NR-Y Non-exchangeable coupon indicator (Y = Yes, N = No) (airline control desk agents only) TMI/NX-N Consumed-at-issuance coupon indicator (Y = Yes, N = No) (airline control desk agents only) TMI/CA-N Non-interlineable coupon TMI/NI-Y indicator (Y = Yes, N = No) (airline control desk agents only) Coupon value TMI/CV-250.75 Fee owner TMI/FW-BA Add reason for waiving (airline agents only) TMI/RW-UPPER TIER PASSENGER Bankers rate 1 TMI/K16.5669 Fare amount with currency, first issue TMI/FEUR50.00 Fare amount with currency, reissue, and additional collection TMI/RUSD75.00/WUSD50.00 Fare amount with currency, inclusive tour, first issue TMI/I-EUR850.00 184 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Ticketing Fare amount with currency, inclusive tour, reissue, and additional collection TMI/Y-EUR387.00/WEUR50.00 Fare amount with currency and equivalent amount TMI/FCAD70.00/EUSD60.00 Fare amount with currency and exchange value Fare amount with currency, reissue, and refundable value TMI/FEUR250.00/NEUR250.00 Fare amount with currency and new tax TMI/FUSD500.00/XUSD12.40US Fare amount with currency and new tax with tax nature code TMI/FEUR80.00/XEUR3.92DESE Delete all new taxes TMI/FEUR100.50/X Fare amount with currency, reissue, equivalent currency, old tax and additional collection TMI/REUR740.00/EGBP/OEUR3.45GB/WGBP150.00 Delete all old taxes TMI/FEUR500.85/O TMI/REUR250.00/RV-EUR50.00 Fare amount with TMI/REUR1094.00/EGBP/OEUR2.40DE/XGBP3.92FR/WGBP currency, reissue, 83.92 equivalent currency, old and new taxes, additional collection Fare amount with currency and total amount TMI/FUSD60.00/WUSD60.00 Fare amount with currency, new tax and total amount TMI/FGBP152.00/XGBP8.20GB/WGBP160.20 Fare amount with TMI/FNOK6175/EEUR797.00/XEUR16.52NO/WEUR813.52 currency, equivalent amount, new tax and total amount Fare amount with TMI/RHKD600/OHKD20HK/WHKD0 currency, reissue, old tax and additional collection © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 185 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Fare amount with currency, reissue, equivalent currency, old and new tax, and additional collection TMI/REUR550.00/EGBP/OEUR3.50FR/XGBP4.45DE /WGBP54.45 Net fare amount (market-specific) TMI/NF-EUR250.00 Fare calculation TMI/FC-FRA LH LIS44.01LH FRA44.01NUC88.02END ROE0.692944 TMI/EXCH/M1 Set the TSM-P into reissue mode by specifying the TSM number Set the TSM-P into TMI/EXCH/M1/L8 reissue mode by specifying the TSM number and generate the FO element automatically Update multiple TSM-P fields TMI/HCAT IN CRATE/YI Update a TSM-P field for a specific TSM by TSM number TMI/M3/HCAT IN CRATE Update a TSM-P field for a specific TSM by passenger number TMI/P2/HCAT IN CRATE Update a TSM-P field in all TSM-Ps TMI/ALL/HCAT IN CRATE Update a TSM-P field for TMI/INF/HCAT IN CRATE a specific passenger type (INF = Infants) Update a TSM-P field for a specific coupon in a TSM-P TMI/L6/CR-CAT IN CRATE Update multiple fields for a specific coupon in a TSM-P TMI/L6/CR-CAT IN CRATE/CV-75 Update a TSM-P field for all coupons in a specific TSM-P TMI/M1/CR-CAT IN CRATE Update multiple fields for all coupons in a specific TSM-P TMI/M1/CR-CAT IN CRATE/CV-75 186 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Ticketing Update a TSM-P field for TMI/ALL/CR-CAT IN CRATE all coupons in all TSM-Ps Delete a TSM-P field TMI/H Delete a TSM-P field for TMI/L6/CVa specific TSM-P coupon Delete multiple TSM-P fields for a specific TSM-P coupon TMI/L6/D/H/CV- Delete all TSM-P fare field elements TMI/F Delete multiple TSM-P fields TMI/H/A/NA- Delete multiple TSM-P fields by TSM number TMI/M2-3/H/A Delete multiple TSM-P fields by passenger number TMI/P1-2,4/H/CV- Delete a TSM-P field for all TSM-Ps TMI/ALL/H Delete and update TMI/M2-3,5/FEUR200.00/N TSM-P fields in one entry Modifying Information in the Service Fees TSM for TASF Travel Agent Service Fees (TASF) are available in BSP markets only. Modify the TASF amount TMI/F50 Modify reason-for-issuance code TMI/IC Remove reason-for-issuance code TMI/I Change type-of-service fee description/default reason-forissuance description TMI/GFREEFLOW TEXT Remove type-of-service fee description/default reason-forissuance description TMI/G Add information/remarks TMI/HFREEFLOW TEXT Remove information/remarks TMI/H Add ticket number to TASF TSM TMI/B954-0000005742 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 187 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Displaying the TSM History Display the TSM history, if only one TSM exists in TMH the PNR Display the history of a specific TSM by TSM number TMH/M2 Display the history by the Miscellaneous Document element line number (This entry does not appy to TSM-Ps.) TMH/L3 Removing the PNR Change Flag from a TSM-P Note that you can only remove the PNR Change Flag from a TSM of the type P (TSM-P). Remove the flag from the only existing TSM-P TMF From a specific TSM-P TMF/M1 From multiple TSM-Ps TMF/M1-2,5 From all TSM-Ps TMF/ALL Deleting a TSM-P Note that you can only delete a Transitional Stored Miscellaneous (TSM) document of the type P (Pricing Quotation Record), not any other TSM type. Delete the only existing TSM-P TMX Delete a specific TSM-P by TSM number TMX/M1 Delete multiple TSM-Ps by TSM number TMX/M1-2,4 Delete the TSM-Ps for a specific passenger TMX/P1 Delete the TSM-Ps for multiple passengers TMX/P1-2,4 Delete the TSM-Ps for all infant passenger types TMX/INF Delete the TSM-Ps for all infant passenger types associated to specific passengers TMX/P1-2/INF Delete all TSM-Ps in the PNR TMX/ALL AMADEUS BYPASS TICKETING (ATS) All Amadeus Bypass Ticketing entries must be made in upper-case letters, with the exception of scrolling entries, which must be made using lower-case letters. Entering and Exiting Bypass Mode Enter Amadeus bypass mode 1AF// Exit Amadeus bypass mode 1// Single bypass entry 1AF//ATV02 188 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Ticketing Stock Control Replace number 12345678 with your agency IATA number. Display (OP)TAT stock A96I12345678 Display (OP)ATB2 stock A99I12345678 Display a list of non-issued (OP)TAT tickets A96L12345678 Display a list of non-issued (OP)ATB2 tickets A99L12345678 Create initial (OP)TAT stock A96C12345678 Create initial (OP)ATB2 stock A99C12345678 Modify (OP)TAT stock A96M12345678 Modify (OP)ATB2 stock A99M12345678 Add new (OP)TAT stock (delete continuing) A96Z12345678 Add new (OP)ATB2 stock (delete continuing) A99Z12345678 Managing the Ticket Images The countries to which the entry applies are listed within brackets. Display a list of non-issued ticket images (CZ/SK) ADO Cancel a ticket image from the ADO list (CZ/SK) ADA Display a list of non-issued ticket images (PT, BE/LU) ATFW Cancel a ticket image from the ATFW list (PT, BE/LU) Type an X in the CMD column Change the print order of the ticket images in the ATFW list (PT, BE/LU) Type a P in the CMD column List issued ticket images not yet included in a cash report (BE/LU, PT, AU, NL, NZ) ATFI List issued ticket images included in a cash report (BE/LU, PT, AU, NL, NZ) ATFH Display extended ticket data from an ATF display (BE/LU, PT, AU, NL, NZ) Type a D in the CMD column ATF Search Options Date of first ticketed air segment (does not apply to ATFW) ATFH/D 20JAN08 Passenger name ATFI/P SMITH Record locator ATFI/L ETJ8XN Date of the original issue (does not apply to ATFW) ATFH/I 10FEB08 Validating airline ATFH/C AF © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 189 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Ticket number, last eight digits (does not apply to ATFW) ATFH/T 12345675 Ticket delivery office (remote ticketing only, does not apply to ATFW) ATFI/O 12345675 Satellite ticket printing office ATFI/S 12345678 F Cancel an already issued ticket (UK, IT, CZ/SK) ADA 3028009876 4 UK 12345678/001 Cancel an already issued ticket (BE/LU, PT, AU, NL, NZ, HK) Type an X in the CMD column of the ATFH or the ATFI display Print Recovery Entries These entries apply to the following markets only: AU, HK, NL, NZ, CH Issue a test ticket ATV01 Display list of ticket images on the print recovery queue ATV02 Cancel the first ticket image on the print recovery queue ATV04 Cancel all ticket images on the print recovery queue ATV04/ALL Restart the print recovery queue including the last two digits of the next ticket to be printed ATV05//12 Redirect all ticket images to another printer ATV06/23456/76543 Cancelling Unusable Tickets Cancel one unusable ticket A811234567890 Cancel five unusable tickets A811234567890/005 Creating and Displaying Cash Reports Create a cash report ADBA Display the cash report summary ADBL Display the cash report summary, starting at a specific date (January 20 2009) ADBL 200109 Scrolling Entries These entries must be made using lower-case letters. Move up a Move down b Exit a cash report z 190 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Central Ticketing Platform Printer List Display printers associated to your terminal and office TTQLIST Document Bank For a list of all existing stock type identifiers, enter HE DOC in the distribution system. Register ticket stock, example 1 TSM/E1/1212123001C5-1000 Register ticket stock, example 2 TSM/E1/1212123001C5-1212124000 Register invoice stock, example 1 TSM/IN1/0000000001-2000000000 Register invoice stock, example 2 TSM/IN1/1212123001-1212124000 Register stock and assign an attribute, example 1 TSM/E1/1212123001C5-500/P-EB7026 Register stock and assign an attribute, example 2 TSM/E1/1212123001C5-1212123500 /P-EB7026 Assign an attribute TSM/E1/A-50 Register stock and assign multiple attributes, example 1 TSM/E1/1212123001C5-500/A-50/B-1 /P-EB7026/S-0001AA Register stock and assign multiple attributes, example 2 TSM/E1/1212123001C5-1212123500 /A-50/B-1/P-EB7026/S-3143RM Assign multiple attributes TSM/E1/A-50/B-1/S-0001AA Display the document bank TSD Display the document bank of a remote location TSD/STNCE1A0900 Display a stock reference TSD/E1 Display all stock for a specific stock type TSD/E Register unallocated stock, example 1 TSM/E/1212120401C2-200 Register unallocated stock, example 2 TSM/E/1212120401C2-1212120600 Allocate stock from unallocated stock TSM/E1/1 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 191 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Allocate new stock, delete previous allocated stock, example 1 TSM/E1/1212122001C1-1000/X Allocate new stock, delete previous allocated stock, example 2 TSM/E1/1212122001C1-1212123000/X Allocate new stock, void previous allocated TSM/E1/1212122001C1-1000/V stock, example 1 Allocate new stock, void previous allocated TSM/E1/1212122001C1-1212123000/V stock, example 1 Allocate new stock, update attributes, void previous stock, example 1 TSM/E1/1212122001C1-500/P-AB4321 /A-50/B-2/V Allocate new stock, update attributes, void previous stock, example 2 TSM/E1/1212122001C1-1212122500 /P-AB4321/A-50/B-2/V Allocate stock from unallocated stock, unallocate previous stock TSM/E1/2/U Adjust allocated stock backwards TSN/E1/423 Adjust next number to print, delete unused documents TSN/E1/203/X Adjust next number to print, void unused documents TSN/E1/203/V Remove a stock reference of allocated stock TSX/E1/X Remove an unallocated stock range TSX/E/2 Remove a stock reference, unallocate the stock range TSX/E1/U Remove a stock reference, void the stock range TSX/E1/V Delete all stock ranges for a stock type (no TSX/E/ALL stock currently allocated) Delete all allocated and unallocated stock ranges for a stock type TSX/E/ALL/X Sales Reports Summary sales period report TJS Item sales period report (BSP) TJI Weekly ARC report (ARC) TJI Daily report TJD Query report TJQ 192 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Central Ticketing Platform Cross-reference report TJX Consolidated sales report list This entry is market-specific. TJL Transaction report, from the query report TJT/I-3218 Transaction report from the query report, for another office TJT/I-2247/SOF-BKKLT2105 Transaction report, by ticket number TJT/TK-4510000035 History report (specific Amadeus Central Ticketing users only) TJH Cash report (specific Amadeus Central Ticketing airline agents only) TJC Form of payment report (specific Amadeus Central Ticketing airline agents only) TJF Net remit report TJN Sales Report Options All agents in another office TJD/SOF-NYCUS2100 All offices sharing the same IATA (agency) number TJI/SAN Specific agent sign in your office TJQ/SAS-0801CM All agents in your office TJS/SOF Specific agent sign in a remote office TJI/SAS-O8O1CM /P-NYCUS2100 Alternative currency TJD/C-USD Report for a specific date TJD/D-13DEC Display a closed sales report by period (TJI and TJS only) TJI/H-2 Display a closed sales report by report number (TJI and TJS only) TJI/HNU-596 Report for all agents in your office for a specific date (TJI in the US only) TJI/SOF/D-27OCT Report for all documents issued using an incentive ticketing method (TJQ only) TJQ/N Report for all documents issued on specific pre-printed airline stock TJD/T-LH Report for a specific date range (option applies for TJQ and TJN only) TJQ/D-12MAY15MAY © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 193 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Document or sequence number (option applies for TJQ and TJN only) TJQ/F-1234567890 Group of transaction types (option applies for TJQ and TJN only) TJQ/QTX-SALE Transaction type (option applies for TJQ and TJN only) TJQ/QTC-TKTT Transaction type and date (option applies for TJQ and TJN only) TJQ/QTC-TKTT/D-15MAY Domestic (DOM) or international (INT) sales indicator (option applies for TJQ and TJN only) TJQ/QSI-DOM Form of payment (option applies for TJQ and TJN only) TJQ/QFP-CC Credit card company (option applies for TJQ and TJN only) TJQ/QCC-VI Validating airline, neutral stock (option applies for TJN, TJQ and TJI only) TJQ/QVP-BA Report of voided documents, for the current sales period (option applies for TJQ and TJN only) TJQ/V Report of voided documents, for a specific date range (option applies for TJQ and TJN only) TJQ/V-15DEC30DEC Report of voided documents, for a specific date (option applies for TJQ and TJN only) TJQ/V-19FEB19FEB Report in reverse order (option applies for TJQ and TJN only) TJQ/R Report for a specific client code (option applies for TJQ and TJN only) TJQ/QCL-128530 Cross-reference report, invoice numbers and their associated ticket numbers TJX/XIT Cross-reference report, ticket numbers and their associated stock control numbers TJX/XTS Cross-reference report, stock control numbers and their associated ticket numbers TJX/XST Cross-reference report, find the stock control number for a specific ticket TJX/XTS-1234567890 Cross-reference report, find the ticket number for a specific stock control number TJX/XST-1234567890 Cross-reference report, find the invoice number for a specific ticket number TJX/XTI-1234567890 194 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Central Ticketing Platform Cross-reference report, find the ticket number for a specific invoice number TJX/XIT-1234567890 Cross-reference report in reverse order TJX/R Closing a Sales Report TRCS Close a sales report Printing Sales Reports Print a displayed sales report TJP Print a sales report on a printer other than the default printer TJP/PRT-AB1234 Print a sales report (query report) without displaying it WRA/TJQ Printing/Reprinting Accounting Coupons from the Query Report The following entries are available to certain Amadeus Central Ticketing markets only. Print or reprint accounting coupons for a specific item from the query report TRCP/I-728 Print or reprint accounting coupons for multiple items from the query report TRCP/I-788,810,815 Print or reprint accounting coupons for a range of items from the query report TRCP/I-701-750 Print or reprint accounting coupons for a range and multiple items from the query report TRCP/I-720-730,788,790 Print or reprint accounting coupons for multiple ranges (up to four) from the query report TRCP/I-320-325,410-415,560-565,735740 Print or reprint accounting coupons for multiple ranges and items (up to four) from the query report TRCP/I-320-325,328,410-415,501 Print or reprint accounting coupons by issue date (documents must still be available in the corresponding query report) TRCP/D-10JUN Print or reprint accounting coupons for a range and multiple items from the query report on a specific broadcast printer (BD0456 = six-digit printer identification) TRCP/I-720-750,790,810/PRT-BD0456 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 195 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Print or reprint accounting coupons on a specific broadcast printer by issue date (BD0456 = six-digit printer identification) TRCP/D-10JUN/PRT-BD0456 Print or reprint specific accounting coupons for an item from the query report (You can specify multiple coupons. Only the specified coupons are printed.) TRCP/I-728/C-UI Print or reprint specific accounting TRCP/D-10JUN/C-UI coupons by issue date (You can specify multiple coupons. Only the specified coupons are printed.) Print or reprint specific accounting coupons for a range and multiple items from the query report on a specific broadcast printer (BD0456 = six-digit printer identification, only the specified coupons are printed) TRCP/I-720-750,790,810/PRT-BD0456/ C-UI Print or reprint specific accounting coupons by issue date on a specific broadcast printer (BD0456 = six-digit printer identification, only the specified coupons are printed) TRCP/PRT-BD0456/D-10JAN/C-UI Print Queue Display print queue A1 PQD/A1 Display the print queue for a remote office PQD/A1/STMIALT0105 Open print queue PQO/A1 Close print queue PQC/A1 Rearrange the print queue, move item 7 to position 2 PQR/A1/7/2 Delete items 2 to 7 from print queue F2 PQX/F2/2-7 Delete all items from print queue A2 PQX/A2/ALL Transfer all items from print queue A2 to A1 PQT/A2/A1 Print a specific item on the print queue next PQN/A2/6 You can also use the PQO, PQC, PQR, PQN, PQT and PQX entries for remote offices. Printer Status As a host office you can use all TZ entries for a satellite office by adding the /ST option to the end of your entry. 196 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Central Ticketing Platform Display status of the ticket delivery mechanism (TDM) TZD Stop the ticket delivery TZSTOP Start the ticket delivery TZSTART Purge item from the TDM TZPURGE Purge item from the TDM - nothing printed TZPURGE/XREF-NONE Purge item from the TDM - for a specific printer address, nothing printed TZPURGE/SA2520/XREF-NONE Purge item from the TDM - last physically printed stock control number TZPURGE/XREF-1234567890 Purge item from the TDM - for a specific printer address, last physically printed stock control number TZPURGE/SA2520/XREF1234567890 Reprint item in the TDM TZREPRINT Reprint item in the TDM - nothing printed TZREPRINT/XREF-NONE Reprint item in the TDM - for a specific printer address, nothing printed TZREPRINT/SA2520/XREF-NONE Reprint item in the TDM - last physically printed stock control number TZREPRINT/XREF-1234567890 Reprint item in the TDM - for a specific printer address, last physically printed stock control number TZREPRINT/SA2520/XREF1234567890 Recover item from the TDM TZRECOVER/4 Recover item from the TDM for a specific printer address TZRECOVER/SA2520/4 Display the ticket delivery mechanism for a satellite office TZD/STTYOJL2200 Registering Documents Manually Register a manual ticket sale from a PNR, if there is only one FH element in the PNR TRMD/TKTM Register a manual ticket sale from a PNR, for a specific FH element line number TRMD/TKTM/L8 Register a manual ticket sale from a PNR and send an AIR to back office TRMD/TKTM/ZA Register a manual ticket sale from a PNR and override back office interface TRMD/TKTM/ZX Register an MCO/Amadeus Virtual MCO from a PNR, if there is only one FH element in the PNR TRMD/MCOM Register an MCO/Amadeus Virtual MCO from a PNR, for TRMD/MCOM/L8 a specific FH element line number © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 197 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Manually register an Electronic Miscellaneous Document (EMD) for excess baggage, for a specific FHP element line number TRMD/XSBM/L7 Manually register an Electronic TRMD/MCOM/L7 Miscellaneous Document (EMD) for all other EMD types, for a specific FHP element line number Register a manual ticket sale at a satellite office (US only) TRMD/TKTM/STNYCE42345 Register a full refund from the PNR TRMD/RFND Register a full refund from the PNR for a specific FH element line number Register a full refund from the PNR (US only) TRMD/RFND/L8 Register a full refund from the PNR for a specific FH element line number (US only) TRMD/RENM/L8 TRMD/RENM Registering Documents with the Proforma Method For more information on how to fill in a proforma mask, enter HEPROFORMAMASK in the distribution system. Display a list of proforma documents available to your office TVL Display a proforma mask by proforma code TV/MCOD Display a proforma mask by proforma number TV/7 Cancelling/Reinstating Documents Cancel a sale, exchange or refund from a PNR with only one FA/FH element TRDC Cancel a sale, exchange or refund from a PNR by FA/FH element line number TRDC/L8 Cancel a sale, exchange or refund item from the query report TRDC/3 Cancel multiple items from the query report (up to four items for electronic documents to avoid timeout issues) TRDC/1,3,6 Cancel a range of items from the query report (up to four items for electronic documents to avoid timeout issues) TRDC/1-3 Cancel multiple items and a range from the query report (up to four items for electronic documents to avoid timeout issues) TRDC/1,3-4 198 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Central Ticketing Platform Cancel a sale, exchange or refund by document number TRDC/TK-1234567890 Cancel a sale, exchange or refund from the PNR without updating the e-ticket/EMD coupon status (market-specific) TRDC/SR Cancel a sale, exchange or refund from the PNR by FA/FH element line number without updating the e-ticket/EMD coupon status (market-specific) TRDC/L6/SR Cancel a sale, exchange or refund from the query report without updating the e-ticket/EMD coupon status (market-specific) TRDC/2587/SR Cancel a sale, exchange or refund by document number without updating the e-ticket/EMD coupon status (market-specific) TRDC/TK-1234567890/SR Reinstate a canceled sale from a PNR with only TRDR one FA/FH element (market-specific. Not available for electronic tickets and EMDs.) Reinstate a canceled sale from a PNR by FA/FH element line number (market-specific. Not available for electronic tickets and EMDs.) TRDR/L8 Reinstate a canceled sale from the query report TRDR/4 (market-specific. Not available for electronic tickets and EMDs.) Reinstate multiple canceled sales from the query report (market-specific. Not available for electronic tickets and EMDs.) TRDR/1,3,6 or TRDR/1-3 or TRDR/1,3-6 Reinstate a canceled sale by document number TRDR/TK-1234567890 (market-specific. Not available for electronic tickets and EMDs.) © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 199 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Sale Type Codes Canceled sale (canceled same day as issue) CANX Canceled sale with reversal (canceled after day of issue) CANR System voids, electronic ticket rejection CANN Canceled proforma document CANP Automated associated Electronic Miscellaneous Document (EMD-A) sale EMDA Automated standalone Electronic Miscellaneous Document (EMD-S) sale EMDS Manual paper MCO and manual EMD sale MCOM Automated MCO sale/Amadeus Virtual MCO sale MD50 Manual PTA document PTAM Automated ticket sale (OP)TAT TKTA Automated ticket sale (OP)ATB TKTB Manual ticket sale (OP)TAT TKTM Electronic ticket sale TKTT Tour order document TORM Travel Agent Service Fees TASF Manual Excess Baggage Ticket and manual EMD Sale for excess baggage XSBM Refund Type Codes Manual refund (US only) RENM Manual and automated refund RFND Canceled Refund (manual and automated) RFNX Not Reported Refund RFN0 Adjustment Type Codes Agency credit memo Travel agents automated deduction (US only) ACMA Agency debit memo ADMA Commission recall statement RCMS 200 TAAD Edition 9.2 Amadeus Central Ticketing Platform Inventory Type Codes CANX Canceled non-issued (OP)TAT ticket Canceled sale with reversal (canceled after the document has CANR been reported to the BSP/ARC) Canceled system generated logical ticket number (ATB) CANN Printed stock control number (in the case of refunded or exchanged flight coupons of an electronic ticket) PSCN Canceled non-issued (OP)ATB stock control coupon VSCN Regenerated stock control number (in the case of reprinted ATB audit, agent or passenger coupons) RSCN Boarding pass BPAS AMADEUS AUTOMATED REFUNDS Processing a Full Refund By document number TRF125-1234567890/FULL From a PNR TRF/L6/FULL From the query report TRF/I-121/FULL With a cancellation penalty by amount TRF125-1234567890/FULL/CP100.00A With a cancellation penalty in percentage TRF125-1234567890/FULL/CP10 With a cancellation penalty by commission TRF125-1234567890/FULL/CP50/CM8 Initiating a full refund for an EMD (to process the refund, you enter TRFP) TRF125-1234567890/EMD Initiating a Partial Refund and Displaying the Refund Record By document number TRF125-1234567890 By EMD number TRF125-1234567890/EMD (This entry can also be used to initiate a full refund) From a PNR TRF/L6 From the query report TRF/I-121 Initiating a Tax-only Refund By document number TRF125-1234567890/TAX From a PNR TRF/L6/TAX From the query report TRF/I-121/TAX © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 201 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Initiating an Involuntary Refund By document number (airline agents only) TRF125-1234567890/INVOL From a PNR (airline agents only) TRF/L6/INVOL From the query report (airline agents only) TRF/I-121/INVOL Initiating a Zero Refund By document number (airline agents only) TRF220-1234567890/ZERO From a PNR (airline agents only) TRF/L6/ZERO From the query report (airline agents only) TRF/I-121/ZERO Initiating a Cover Refund By document number (airline agents only) TRF220-1234567890/COVER By EMD number TRF220-1234567890/COVER From a PNR (airline agents only) TRF/L6/COVER From the query report (airline agents only) TRF/I-121/COVER From the multiple document numbers list (airline agents only) TRF/I-02/COVER Processing a Not-reported Refund By document number (e-tickets only) TRF220-1234567890/NOREP From a PNR (e-tickets only) TRF/L6/NOREP From the query report (e-tickets only) TRF/I-121/NOREP General Refund Entries Redisplay the refund record TRF Display the refundable tax record TRFT Display the refundable Airline Ticketing Fees record (airline agents only) TRFOB Process and print or reprint a refund TRFP Process and print a refund on a specific printer TRFPJA2580 Process and print a refund for a specific stock range reference TRFP/XE1 Ignore a refund record TRFIG Display a processed refund record from a multiple document numbers list TRF/I-2 202 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Central Ticketing Platform Cancelling a Refund Cancel a refund from the PNR TRDC By FA/FH element line number TRDC/L3 From the query report TRDC/3 For multiple items from the query report TRDC/1,3,6 For a range of items from the query report TRDC/1-3 Multiple items and a range from the query report TRDC/1,3-4 By document number TRDC/TK-1234567890 Cancel a refund from the PNR without updating the e-ticket/EMD coupon status (market-specific) TRDC/SR Cancel a refund from the PNR by FA/FH element line number without updating the e-ticket/EMD coupon status (market-specific) TRDC/L6/SR Cancel a refund from the query report without updating the TRDC/2587/SR e-ticket/EMD coupon status (market-specific) Cancel a refund by document number without updating the e-ticket/EMD coupon status (market-specific) TRDC/TK-1234567890/SR Updating the Refund Record for a Partial Refund Refund number TRFU/R12512345678903 Passenger name TRFU/NMWATSON KEVIN MR Date of issue TRFU/I25JAN09 Add document numbers TRFU/DA2 Delete document numbers TRFU/DX2 Check digit Add TKT/DOC coupons (not updateable for e-tickets) TRFU/D1DG2 Delete TKT/DOC coupons (not updateable for e-tickets) TRFU/DX1C34/DX2C12 Document type TRFU/TKTY Itinerary TRFU/SD Fare paid TRFU/F1000.00 Fare used TRFU/U500.00 Commission percentage TRFU/FM9 Commission percentage on a net fare TRFU/FM9N Commission amount TRFU/FM100.00A Cancellation penalty in percentage TRFU/CP50 Cancellation penalty by amount TRFU/CP50.00A © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved TRFU/D1C34/D2C12 203 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Cancellation penalty commission in percentage TRFU/CM9 Cancellation penalty commission: amount TRFU/CM100.00A Miscellaneous fee TRFU/MF25.00 Add specific tax TRFU/TA10.00GB Add US Flight Segment Tax TRFU/TA10.00ZPMIA2 Add Passenger Facility Charge tax TRFU/TA10.00XFJFK4.5 Update existing tax TRFU/TU4-10.00 Delete specific tax TRFU/TX9 Delete range of taxes TRFU/TX1-12 Add Airline Ticketing Fee (airline agents only) TRFU/OBA10.00OBFCA Add Airline Ticketing Fee and taxes (airline agents only) TRFU/OBA10.00OBFCA12.00 VA8.00GB TRFU/OBX3 Delete multiple Airline Ticketing Fees (airline agents only) TRFU/OBX3-5 Delete Airline Ticketing Fee (airline agents only) Tour code TRFU/TCIT8LH2TOUR11 Net fare (market-specific) TRFU/NF1000.00 Form of payment (up to three): cash (1) TRFU/FP1CASH Form of payment (up to three): credit card (2) TRFU/FP2CCVI400012345678 9010/1211 Form of payment amount for FOP number 1 TRFU/FPA11000.00 Original issue TRFU/FO1251234567890LHR 17JAN1023205980 Remarks Airline authority (airline code for refund authorization) TRFU/RMFREEFLOW TEXT Equivalent currency refund TRFU/CURUSD1.45 Indicate a currency code TRFU/CURGBP TRFU/AA10C504Q59QBXE9 AMADEUS TICKET CHANGER REFUND These entries apply to offices using Amadeus Automated Refunds and Amadeus Ticket Changer. Initiating an ATC Refund and Displaying the Refund Record By e-ticket number 204 TRF125-1234567890/ATC Edition 9.2 Amadeus Central Ticketing Platform By paper ticket number (single ticket) TRF125-1234567890*90C34/ATC By paper ticket number (conjunction ticket) TRF125-1234567890*90C34-91C1234/ATC From the PNR for an e-ticket by FA/FH element line number TRF/L6/ATC From the PNR for a paper ticket (single ticket) by FA/FH element line number TRF/L6*90C34/ATC From the PNR for a paper ticket (conjunction ticket) by FA/FH element line number TRF/L6*90C34-91C1234/ATC From the query report TRF/I-121/ATC Options for Initiating an ATC Refund and Displaying the Refund Record By e-ticket number for an e-ticket issued on TRF125-1234567890/T-BA/ATC specific airline stock (where BA is the two-character airline code of the ticket stock provider, British Airways) By paper ticket number (single ticket) for a paper ticket issued on specific airline stock TRF125-1234567890*90C34/T-BA/ATC By paper ticket number (conjunction ticket) for a paper ticket issued on specific airline stock TRF125-1234567890*90C34-91C1234 /T-BA/ATC From the PNR by FA/FH element line number for an e-ticket issued on specific airline stock TRF/L6/T-BA/ATC From the PNR by FA/FH element line number for a paper ticket (single ticket) issued on specific airline stock TRF/L6*90C34/T-BA/ATC From the PNR by FA/FH element line number for a paper ticket (conjunction ticket) issued on specific airline stock TRF/L6*90C34-91C1234/T-BA/ATC From the query report issued on specific airline stock TRF/I-121/T-BA/ATC © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 205 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Processing an ATC Refund Without Displaying the Refund Record By e-ticket number TRF125-1234567890/ATC/FULL By paper ticket number (single ticket) TRF125-1234567890*90C34/ATC/FULL By paper ticket number (conjunction ticket) TRF125-1234567890*90C34-91C1234/ATC /FULL From the PNR for an e-ticket by FA/FH element line number TRF/L6/ATC/FULL From the PNR for a paper ticket (single ticket) by FA/FH element line number TRF/L6*90C34/ATC/FULL From the PNR for a paper ticket (conjunction ticket) by FA/FH element line number TRF/L6*90C34-91C1234/ATC/FULL From the query report TRF/I-121/ATC/FULL Options for Processing an ATC Refund Without Displaying the Refund Record By e-ticket number for an e-ticket issued on TRF125-1234567890/T-BA/ATC/FULL specific airline stock (where BA is the two-character airline code of the ticket stock provider, British Airways) By paper ticket number (single ticket) for a paper ticket issued on specific airline stock TRF125-1234567890*90C34/T-BA/ATC /FULL By paper ticket number (conjunction ticket) for a paper ticket issued on specific airline stock TRF125-1234567890*90C34-91C1234 /T-BA/ATC/FULL From the PNR by FA/FH element line number for an e-ticket issued on specific airline stock TRF/L6/T-BA/ATC/FULL From the PNR by FA/FH element line number for a paper ticket (single ticket) issued on specific airline stock TRF/L6*90C34/T-BA/ATC/FULL From the PNR by FA/FH element line number for a paper ticket (conjunction ticket) issued on specific airline stock TRF/L6*90C34-91C1234/T-BA/ATC/FULL From the query report issued on specific airline stock TRF/I-121/T-BA/ATC/FULL 206 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Central Ticketing Platform General Refund Entries Redisplay the refund record TRF Display the refundable tax record TRFT Display the refundable Airline Ticketing Fees record (airline agents only) TRFOB Process and print or reprint a refund TRFP Process and print a refund on a specific printer TRFPJA2580 Process and print a refund for a specific stock range reference TRFP/XE1 Ignore a refund record TRFIG Display a processed refund record from a multiple document numbers list TRF/I-2 Cancelling a Refund Cancel a refund from the PNR TRDC By FA/FH element line number TRDC/L3 From the query report TRDC/3 For multiple items from the query report TRDC/1,3,6 For a range of items from the query report TRDC/1-3 Multiple items and a range from the query report TRDC/1,3-4 By document number TRDC/TK-1234567890 Cancel a refund from the PNR without updating the e-ticket/EMD coupon status (market-specific) TRDC/SR Cancel a refund from the PNR by FA/FH element line number without updating the e-ticket/EMD coupon status (market-specific) TRDC/L6/SR Cancel a refund from the query report without updating the TRDC/2587/SR e-ticket/EMD coupon status (market-specific) Cancel a refund by document number without updating the e-ticket/EMD coupon status (market-specific) TRDC/TK-1234567890/SR Updating the Refund Record for a Partial Refund Refund number TRFU/R12512345678903 Passenger name TRFU/NMWATSON KEVIN MR Date of issue TRFU/I25JAN09 Add document numbers TRFU/DA2 Delete document numbers TRFU/DX2 Check digit TRFU/D1DG2 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 207 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Add TKT/DOC coupons (not updateable for e-tickets) TRFU/D1C34/D2C12 Delete TKT/DOC coupons (not updateable for e-tickets) TRFU/DX1C34/DX2C12 Document type TRFU/TKTY Itinerary TRFU/SD Fare paid TRFU/F1000.00 Fare used TRFU/U500.00 Commission percentage TRFU/FM9 Commission percentage on a net fare TRFU/FM9N Commission amount TRFU/FM100.00A Cancellation penalty in percentage TRFU/CP50 Cancellation penalty by amount TRFU/CP50.00A Cancellation penalty commission in percentage TRFU/CM9 Cancellation penalty commission: amount TRFU/CM100.00A Miscellaneous fee TRFU/MF25.00 Add specific tax TRFU/TA10.00GB Add US Flight Segment Tax TRFU/TA10.00ZPMIA2 Add Passenger Facility Charge tax TRFU/TA10.00XFJFK4.5 Update existing tax TRFU/TU4-10.00 Delete specific tax TRFU/TX9 Delete range of taxes Add Airline Ticketing Fee (airline agents only) TRFU/TX1-12 Add Airline Ticketing Fee and taxes (airline agents only) TRFU/OBA10.00OBFCA12.00 VA8.00GB Delete Airline Ticketing Fee (airline agents only) TRFU/OBX3 TRFU/OBA10.00OBFCA Delete multiple Airline Ticketing Fees (airline agents only) TRFU/OBX3-5 Tour code Net fare (market-specific) TRFU/TCIT8LH2TOUR11 Form of payment (up to three): cash (1) TRFU/FP1CASH Form of payment (up to three): credit card (2) TRFU/FP2CCVI400012345678 9010/1211 TRFU/FPA11000.00 Form of payment amount for FOP number 1 TRFU/NF1000.00 Original issue TRFU/FO1251234567890LHR 17JAN1023205980 Remarks Airline authority (airline code for refund authorization) TRFU/RMFREEFLOW TEXT Equivalent currency refund TRFU/CURUSD1.45 Indicate a currency code TRFU/CURGBP 208 TRFU/AA10C504Q59QBXE9 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Central Ticketing Platform AMADEUS REMOTE TICKETING Note: Remote ticketing (STP, STDO, SEL and EUSTP) for air travel is no longer allowed in BSP markets. Sending a Document Print Request to a Remote Site Ticket issuance using the Amadeus Office ID (not in the US) TTP/STMILIG2100 Ticket issuance using the distribution profile TTP/STIBM5 record ID MCO issuance by Amadeus office ID TTM/STMILIG2100 MCO issuance by DPR ID TTM/STIBM5 Invoice print INV/IBM5 Itinerary print IBP/IBM5 Duplicate invoice IBP/D/IBM5 Duplicate itinerary IEP/D/IBM5 Ticket, invoice and duplicate invoice TTP/IBP/D/IBM5 Boarding pass BPA/IBM5 Ticket and invoice TTP/INV/IBM5 Ticket, Miscellaneous Document and invoice TTP/TTM/INV/IBM5 Creating the Document Bank for a Remote Site Register ticket stock numbers for a remote site TSM/E1/1234567890C51234568300/STNYCUS2101 Register invoice stock numbers for a remote TSM/IN1/1234567890site 1234569000/STNYCUS2101 Register ticket stock numbers with attributes for a remote site © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved TSM/E1/1234567890C5-12345678300 /P-EB7026/B-2/STNYCUS2101 209 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 The Distribution Profile Record (DPR) Create a DPR with split-coupon distribution DSCA/IBM5/NYCUS2101S-E1-CR /NYCUS2102H-E3-UIF Create a DPR with all coupons to the same DSCA/IBM5/NYCUS2101S-E1-* location Create a DPR with (OP)ATB ticket, invoice, DSCA/IBM5/NYCUS2101B-TKT-E1-* no specific printer, no split coupons /NYCUS2101B-INV Create a DPR with (OP)ATB ticket, invoice, DSCA/IBM5/NYCUS2103S-TKT-E1no specific printer, split coupons CR/NYCUS2101H-TKT-E1-UIF /NYCUS2102H-INV Display all DPRs for your office DSCD Display a specific DPR DSCD/IBM5 Delete a specific DPR DSCX/IBM5 Delete all DPRs for your office DSCX Sales Reports at Remote Sites The entries below give sales reports for all agents. Sales report for host and all satellite and TDO offices TJS/SOF Sales report for host and all satellite and TDO offices, specific date TJI/SOF/D-21OCT Sales report for all satellite offices TJD/SOF/P Sales report for all TDO offices (not for TJS) TJQ/SOF/O Sales report for specific satellite office TJX/SOF/P-BKKLT2105 Sales report for specific branch or remote office TJN/SOF-BKKLT2105 Transaction report (from the query report) for TJT/I-224/SOF-BKKLT2105 specific branch or remote office Consolidated report list for specific branch or TJL/SOF-BKKLT2105 remote office (market-specific) 210 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Electronic Ticketing Issuing Electronic Tickets For more information on how to issue Electronic Miscellaneous Documents, see 'Issuing Electronic Miscellaneous Documents (EMD)'. For more TTP entry options, see 'Issuing Tickets'. Override the system default and issue a paper ticket (airline agents and US market only) TTP/PT Override the system default and issue an electronic ticket TTP/ET Issue an electronic ticket for a specific TST TTP/T2/ET Issue an electronic ticket for specific segments TTP/S3-4/ET Override the TST fare condition to issue a paper ticket (airline agents and US market only) TTP/OPT Override the TST fare condition to issue an e-ticket TTP/OET Revalidate an electronic ticket (short entry) This entry is airline-specific. TTP/ETRV Revalidate an electronic ticket (long entry) This entry is airline-specific. TTP/ETRV/L10/S3-4/E3-4 Issue a paper ticket from an active ET record (airline agents and US market only) TWP Issue a paper ticket from an active ET record, using a specific stock range (airline agents and US market only) TWP/XE1 Displaying Electronic Ticket Records From a retrieved PNR TWD From a retrieved PNR by FA/FHE element line number TWD/L10 Without a retrieved PNR by e-ticket number TWD/TKT005-1234567890 Without a retrieved PNR by phone number, travel date, and passenger name (The two-character airline code /Vxx is optional for airline agents.) TWD/VDL/ORG999888777/20AUGBUCKMAN/ROBERT Without a retrieved PNR by frequent traveler number (numerics only) and travel date (The two-character airline code /Vxx is optional for airline agents.) TWD/VDL/FTI12345678/20AUG © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 211 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Without a retrieved PNR by form of payment, travel date, and passenger name (The two-character airline code /Vxx is optional for airline agents.) TWD/VDL/FOPCCVI4012122222222226 /20AUG-BUCKMAN/ROBERT Without a retrieved PNR by flight number, trip, and passenger name information (The two-character airline code /Vxx is optional for airline agents.) TWD/VCO/FLT477/20AUGMIALAXBUCKMAN/ROBERT Without a retrieved PNR by form of identification TWD/VLA/FOID-FF12345678 (FOID) (validating airline must be an Amadeus Electronic Ticket Server user) From a list of ET records TWD/3 Redisplay an ET record TWDRT Redisplay the list of ET records TWDRL Redisplay a PNR from an ET Record RT*E Display an old ET record from a new ET record TWD/O* Display the tax details panel TWD/TAX Displaying Electronic Ticket Record History Display the history from an active ET record TWH Amending the Electronic Ticket Record Status The following entries are airline specific and apply to electronic tickets only. Amend an ET record status from the ET record display TWX/REVERT Amend an ET record status from the query report TWX/REVERT/I-035 Voiding Electronic Tickets with the TWX Entry The TWX entry is not applicable for EMDs. For more information on how to cancel electronic tickets and EMD sales, exchanges or refunds with the TRDC entry, see 'Cancelling/Reinstating Documents'. Void an e-ticket with the TWX entry TWX Void an e-ticket in the query report, after system timeout TWX/N Refunding Electronic Tickets Manually These entries are not applicable for EMDs. For more information on how to refund EMDs and etickets automatically, see 'Amadeus Automated Refunds'. 212 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Electronic Ticketing Manually refund an e-ticket (full refund) TWREF/FULL Manually refund an e-ticket (partial refund) Reprint an ET-REA (market-specific) TWREF TWR/REA E-Ticket Management Entries for Airline Offices Force back airport control from the TWA/FCS/E1-2/S-O/Z-CHECK AVAILABILITY OF airline's DCS in preparation for COUPONS servicing an ET Force the status of an e-ticket coupon (Amadeus ETS-hosted carriers) TWA/FCS/E1-2/S-O/Z-FREE FLOW TEXT Update the status of coupon 2 to exchanged (E) TWA/FCS/E2/S-E/Z-SYSTEM ERROR Update the status of coupon 1 to flown (F) (replace YY by the twocharacter airline code) TWA/FCS/E1/S-F/CCYY/FN4550 /DF01JAN10/CSY/RTSYDHKG /Z-PAX UPLIFTED PRIOR TO TKT Update the status of coupon 2 to refunded (R) TWA/FCS/E2/S-R/Z-SYSTEM ERROR Update the status of coupon 1 to suspended (S) TWA/FCS/E1/S-S/Z-PENDING INVESTIGATION Update coupon 1 status to open (O) (entry valid only when the current status is suspended.) TWA/FCS/E1/S-O/Z-PAX CLEARED TO TRAVEL Get airport control for a single coupon TWA/GAC/E2 Get airport control for multiple coupons TWA/GAC/E1-2 Get airport control for a single coupon with involuntary indicator TWA/GAC/E3/IVI Redirect airport control for a single TWA/RDC/E2/RYY coupon (replace YY by the twocharacter airline code) Redirect airport control for multiple TWA/RDC/E1-2/RYY coupons (replace YY by the two-character airline code) Redirect airport control for a single TWA/RDC/E3/RYY/IVI coupon with involuntary indicator (replace YY by the two-character airline code) © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 213 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Test e-ticket eligibility without specifying a passenger type code (Specific Amadeus ETS-hosted carriers only) TWA/CHECK Test e-ticket eligibility by specifying a passenger type code (INF = Infant) (Specific Amadeus ETS-hosted carriers only) TWA/CHECK/P-INF E-Ticket Management Entries for Airline Control Desks Force an update to the status of an e-ticket coupon (see also 'e-Ticket Management Entries for Airline Offices') TWC/FCS/E2-4,6/S-O/Z-FREE FLOW TEXT Force coupon transmission TWC/FCT/E2/Z-FREE FLOW TEXT Lock all e-tickets for a specific flight TWC/ELL/VBA/BA352/19JUN/LHR/NCE Unlock all e-tickets for a specific flight TWC/ELU/VBA/BA354/20JUL/NCE/LHR Lock the currently displayed e-ticket TWC/ELL Unlock the currently displayed e-ticket TWC/ELU Lock an agency by Amadeus office ID TWC/AGL/VBA/NCEAX2106 Lock an agency by IATA number TWC/AGL/VBA/23205980 Unlock an agency by Amadeus office ID TWC/AGU/VBA/NCEAX2106 Unlock an agency by IATA number TWC/AGU/VBA/23205980 Add an office as Control Desk to the Amadeus Electronic Ticketing Server TWC/ACD/VBA/NCEBA0985 Remove an office as Control Desk from the Electronic Ticketing Server TWC/RCD/VBA/98765432 Add an e-ticket boarding point TWC/ABP/VBA/MDI/BLHR/DII Remove an e-ticket boarding point TWC/RBP/VBA/MDI/BLHR/DII Display an eligible boarding point TWC/DBP/VBA/MDI/BLHR/DII Add an e-ticket routing TWC/ART/VBA/MDI/BLHR/ONCE/S19JUN10/E-24DEC11 Remove an e-ticket routing (with immediate effect) TWC/RRT/VBA/MDI/BLHR/ONCE Displaying Electronic Miscellaneous Document (EMD) Records From a retrieved PNR EWD From a retrieved PNR by FA/FHD element line number EWD/L10 214 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Electronic Ticketing Without a retrieved PNR by EMD document number EWD/EMD125-1234567890 Without a retrieved PNR by passenger name and travel date (airline agents only) EWD/PAX-MILLER/THOMAS/21APR10 Without a retrieved PNR by passenger name, travel date, reason-for-issuance code and reason-for-issuance sub code (airline agents only) EWD/PAX/RC/SC99L-MILLER/THOMAS /21APR10 Without a retrieved PNR by frequent traveler number (numerics only) (The two-character airline code /Vxx is optional for airline agents.) EWD/VAY/FTIAY-11223344556677 Without a retrieved PNR by phone number (airline agents only) EWD/PHONE-0492929087 Without a retrieved PNR by email address (airline agents only) EWD/EMAIL-TOM.MILLER@AMADEUS. COM Without a retrieved PNR by credit card form of payment and passenger name (The two-character airline code /Vxx is optional for airline agents. Entering the passenger's name is optional for airline agents, if the airline is hosted on the Amadeus ETS server.) EWD/VBA/FOPCCVI4012122222222226 -MILLER/THOMAS Without a retrieved PNR by form of identification EWD/VAA/FOID-FF22334455667788 (FOID) From a list of EMD records EWD/2 Redisplay an EMD record EWDRT Redisplay the list of EMD records EWDRL Redisplay a PNR from an EMD Record RT Display an old EMD record from a new EMD record EWD/O* Displaying Electronic Miscellaneous Document (EMD) Record History From an active EMD record EWH Without an active EMD record EWH/EMD125-1234567890 Extended EMD record history from an active EMD record (airline agents only) EWH/XT Extended EMD record history without an active EMD record (airline agents only) EWH/EMD125-1234567890/XT © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 215 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 EMD Management Entries for Airline Offices Force the status of an EMD EWA/FCS/E1/S-O/Z-FREE FLOW TEXT coupon from airport control (A) to open for use (O), single coupon Force the status of an EMD coupon from airport control (A) to open for use (O), multiple coupons EWA/FCS/E1-2/S-O/Z-FREE FLOW TEXT Force back airport control from the airline's DCS in preparation for servicing an EMD EWA/FCS/E1/S-O/Z-CHECK AVAILABILITY OF COUPONS Update the status of coupon 2 to exchanged (E) EWA/FCS/E2/S-E/Z-SYSTEM ERROR Update the status of coupon 1 to flown (F) with carrier code, flight number, date of flight and routing option (The /CC, /FN, /DF and /RT options are airline-specific and can only be used by agents of airlines that allow these options.) EWA/FCS/E1/S-F/CCBA/FN4550 /DF01MAR10/RTSYDHKG /Z-PAX UPLIFTED PRIOR TO TKT Update the status of coupon 2 to refunded (R) EWA/FCS/E2/S-R/Z-SYSTEM ERROR Update the status of coupon 1 to suspended (S) EWA/FCS/E1/S-S/Z-PENDING INVESTIGATION Update coupon 1 status to open (O) (entry valid only when the current status is suspended) EWA/FCS/E1/S-O/Z-PAX CLEARED TO TRAVEL Get airport control for a single EWA/GAC/E2 coupon Get airport control for multiple EWA/GAC/E1-2,4 coupons Get airport control for a single EWA/GAC/E3/IVI coupon with involuntary indicator Associate an EMD with an eticket EWA/ASC/E1-2/TKT125-1234567890/E1-2 Disassociate an EMD from an EWA/DSC/E1-2/TKT125-1234567890/E1-2 e-ticket 216 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Electronic Ticketing EMD Management Entries for Airline Control Desks Airline Control Desk agents can make all the airline office management entries. For more information, see 'EMD Management Entries for Airline Offices'. Additional entries for control desk agents are listed here. Lock an agency by Amadeus TWC/AGL/VBA/NCEAX210 office ID 6 Unlock an agency by IATA number TWC/AGU/VBA/87654321 Set the non-exchangeable indicator for an EMD in the TSM-P (Y = Yes, N = No) TMI/NX-Y Set the non-interlineable indicator for an EMD in the TSM-P (Y = Yes, N = No) TMI/NI-N Set the non-refundable indicator for an EMD in the TSM-P (Y = Yes, N = No) TMI/NR-Y Set the consumed-atissuance indicator for an EMD in the TSM-P (Y = Yes, N = No) TMI/CA-N Override the non-refundable indicator when initiating a refund by document number TRF125-1234567890/EMD/O Override the non-refundable indicator when initiating a refund by FA/FHD element line number TRF/L6/O Override the non-refundable indicator when initiating a refund from the query report TRF/I-121/O Reissue/exchange an EMD and override the nonexchangeable indicators TTM/OVNE Unused E-Ticket Tracking Report (UETTR) These entries are applicable to specific markets and users only. Request an unused e-ticket tracking report (UETTR) for your office I-SB/TR By Amadeus office ID I-SB/TR/O-MIA1S2DT1 By Amadeus office ID with a wild card I-SB/TR/O-MIA4B2*** © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 217 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 By passenger name I-SB/TR/N-JOHNS By Amadeus record locator I-SB/TR/R-Y573BL By last date of travel I-SB/TR/D-15JUL10 By a range of last travel dates I-SB/TR/D-15JUL10-25JUL10 By passenger name and last date of travel I-SB/TR/N-COLLINS-DON/D-15JUL10 By query date I-SB/TR/Q-04SEP10 By airline code I-SB/TR/V-DL By ticket number I-SB/TR/T-0017005832805 By account number I-SB/TR/A-1234ABC891 By excluding refused e-ticket items from the report I-SB/TR/U Manually delete unused e-ticket numbers from the UETTR I-SB/TR/X-0576004436187 Reinstate manually deleted unused e-ticket numbers to the UETTR I-SB/TR/I-2204005442683 Request an UETTR of all manually deleted unused e-ticket numbers for your office or all your airline offices I-SB/TR/H Request an UETTR of all manually deleted unused e-ticket numbers for a specific office I-SB/TR/H/O-MIA1SDT1 EMD Guide Use the embedded guide to find out which airlines and markets are using the EMD through the Amadeus distribution channel. You can also check services available per airline, as well as detailed information about these services. Airlines using EMD per country EGVD/CFR Countries per airline EGCD/V6x Services offered by an airline EGSD/V6x/RFIC-b/BM-SSR Detailed information on services EGSD/L3 218 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Ticketless Access These entries are for travel agencies that have been authorized by a low-cost airline in Amadeus Ticketless Access to sell its flights using the Amadeus distribution system. Requesting Availability and Schedule Request an Amadeus availability display AN30NOVBOSATL Change to a Ticketless Access airline display ACW2/B2 Request an Amadeus schedule display SN30NOVBOSATL Change to a Ticketless Access airline display SCW2/B2 Request a Ticketless Access airline availability display AWFL30NOVBOSATL/B2 Creating Mandatory PNR Elements Enter passenger names NM2SMITH/JOHN MR/JANE MRS Enter phone contact APNYC69686869-H Enter e-mail address APE-JSMITH@MAIL.COM Enter structured address AB//NA-MR JACK JONES/A112 LONG STREET/ZPBS7890/CI-NEWTOWN/COUNITED STATES/P1 Enter ticketing arrangement TKOK Enter received from RFPSGR Enter form of payment FPCCVI4000123456789010/08 12 Selling and Pricing Display the fare note FLC3/Y Sell seats SS2Y3 Add a chargeable SSR SRSPDB U2 / P1 Price the itinerary FXP Finalizing and Displaying PNRs End transaction and redisplay the PNR ER Verify booking status RTLC © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 219 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Display the airline's record locator RL Retrieve the PNR from Queue 1 Category 7 QS1C7 Retrieve the PNR by Amadeus record locator RT2OUWH6 220 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Invoice To register for this product, contact your local ACO. Printing Invoices Display an individual basic invoice INVD Display an individual extended invoice INED Display a single basic invoice for all passengers INVDJ Display a single extended invoice for all passengers INEDJ Print an individual basic invoice for each passenger INV Print an individual extended invoice for each passenger INE Print a single basic invoice for all passengers INVJ Print a single extended invoice for all passengers INEJ Print selected passengers INV/P1, 3-5 Print a single invoice for all passengers in TST 3 INVJ/T3 Print invoice for specific segments and passengers INV/S2, 4/P1-3 Print non-air segments only INV/A* Print air segments only INV/S* Print TSTs INV/T1-2 Print an invoice in a specific language INV/LP FR Print a copy INV/COPY 1234567890 Overwrite a credit card number with ‘CREDIT CARD’ INV/CREDIT Redisplay the PNR after printing INV/RT Enter a manual invoice number INV/MI 1234567890 Override a time preference INV/TO12 Print an invoice with hotel terms INE/HT Print an invoice for all adults and children INV/PAX Print an invoice for infants only INV/INF Print an invoice for an adult passenger only INV/PAX/P1 Alternate date INV/OD23MAR05 Print an invoice for MCO element on line 4 INV/L4 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 221 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Print an invoice for all MCO elements INV/L* Print passengers INV/P1 Print passenger, segment and MCO INV/P1/S2/L3 Print TST INV/T1/L3 Print all air segments and MCO elements INV/S*/L* Print all auxiliary segments and MCO elements INV/A*/L* Inhibit Amadeus Interface Record transmission INV/ZX Override the Amadeus Interface Record transmission setting, when your office is set to No INV/ZA Print an invoice with fare price override INV/FYBULK/EBULK/XBULK/TBULK Print an invoice with fare price override, specified amount INV/FY100.00/X10.00/T110.00 Print an invoice, and ignore FY element INV/NFY Print an invoice with no fare INV/NO FARE Print an invoice with no fare, overriding base fare and tax INV/NOFARE*YUSD1500.00*XF17.00 Print an invoice without VAT INV/VAT Override default VAT (not the US) INV/VAT 18.25 Override GST (CA only) INV/GST Duplicate an invoice on a specific printer INV/D SA1234 Print an invoice specifying the printer address INV-SA1234 Print an invoice in a remote location INV-NYCUS2101 Duplicate an invoice in a remote location INV/D NYCUS2101 Print an invoice on a specific printer and duplicate INV-SA1234/D NYCUS2101 the invoice in a remote location Print an invoice together with the tickets TTP/INV Print an invoice together with the tickets, and duplicate the invoice on a specific printer TTP/INV/D SA1234 Stop the invoice print queue (Amadeus Central Ticketing users only) NI INV SA0136 STOP Start the invoice print queue (Amadeus Central Ticketing users only) NI INV SA0136 START Fax Invoices Send an invoice to the Amadeus Fax queue INV-FAX Fax an invoice with the country code and the fax number INV-FAX-FR492947200 Fax an invoice with an APF element in the PNR INV-FAXA Fax an invoice with a nickname INV-FAXN-JOHN 222 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Invoice Email Invoices Send an invoice to the Amadeus Email queue INV-EML Email an invoice to a specified address INV-EML-MRYAN@AOL.COM Email an invoice with an APE element in the PNR INV-EMLA Email an invoice with a nickname INV-EMLN-MARY Combine ticket print with the invoice fax option TTP/INV-FAX-FR492947200 Combine ticket print with the invoice email option TTP/INV-EMLN-MARY Email an invoice combined with TKT print TTP/INV-EML-MRYAN@YKT.COM Add PNR Remark Add adjustment amount RIA USD230.00-F FREEFLOW/P3 Add service fee RIS EUR25.00-FREEFLOW TEXT Add refund RIS EUR-25.00-FREEFLOW TEXT Override total (plus) RIT EUR340.00 Override total (minus) RIT EUR-340.00 Add auxiliary form of payment RIU CHECK/P3 Add invoice remark RIF FREEFLOW TEXT Add combined invoice and itinerary remark RII FREEFLOW TEXT Add Office Profile Remark Add agency billing information RIB/P1 Add due date information RID/P2 Add due date and agency billing RIC/M15-17 Add invoice remark RIP/M1, 3-5,1/S3-4/P1 Add combined invoice and itinerary remarks RIO/M1, 3-5,1/S3-4/P2 Add print and select remarks INV/M1-3 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 223 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Accounting Information Element Enter an account number AIANDEC00129 Enter a cost center AICCDV123 Enter a cost center with segment association AICCDV123/S4 Enter an account number with passenger association AIANDEC00129/P2 Enter a client reference AICRDECD12459745 Enter an IATA company number AIICDEC038FR Print GST details AIGDSMITH*ABN98765432101* Enter a Combination AIANDEC001029/CCDV123/ICDEC038FR Displaying Issued Invoice Numbers See Document Bank on page 191. Billing and Mailing Addresses See Billing Address on page 38. 224 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Itinerary Display one basic itinerary for all passengers IBD Display one extended itinerary for all passengers IED Print a separate basic itinerary for each passenger IBP Print a separate extended itinerary for each passenger IEP Print basic itinerary for all passengers in same PNR IBPJ Print extended itinerary for all passengers in same PNR IEPJ Print selected passengers IEP/P1-2 Print selected segments IEP/S3-4 Include hotel reservation terms IEP/HT Specify language IEP/LP FR Set time display mode IEP/TO 12 or IEP/TO 24 Indicate a printer IEP-SA1234 Print itinerary in remote site IEP-NYCUS2101 Print duplicate itinerary IEP/D SA1234 Print duplicate itinerary in remote site IEP/D NYCUS2100 Indicate printer, and duplicate in remote site IEP-SA1234/D NYCUS2100 Print ticket and itinerary TTP/IEP Print ticket, itinerary, and duplicate itinerary TTP/IEP/D SA1234 Fax a queue IEP-FAX Fax a country code and number IEP-FAX-FR49296846 Fax an itinerary with APF element in PNR IEP-FAXA Fax a nickname IEP-FAXN-JOHN Fax an itinerary combined with a ticket print TTP/IEP-FAX-FR49296846 Email a queue IEP-EML Email an address IEP-EML-MBAUER@YKT.COM Email an itinerary with an APE element in a PNR IEP-EMLA Email a nickname IEP-EMLN-MARY Email an itinerary combined with a ticket print TTP/IEP-EML-MBAUER@YKT.COM © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 225 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Print an itinerary for specific segments and passengers IBP/S2,4/P1-3 Print an itinerary in a specific language IBP/LP FR Include customized remark number 1 IBP/M 1 Time preference IBP/TO 12 Print an itinerary with hotel terms IEP/HT Print an itinerary specifying the printer address IBP-SA1234 Print an itinerary specifying the printer number IBP-3 Print an itinerary in a remote location IBP-NYCUS2101 Print a duplicate itinerary at a specified printer address IBP/D SA1234 Print a duplicate itinerary in a remote location IBP/D NYCUS2100 Print an itinerary together with tickets TTP/IBP Print an itinerary together with tickets, and duplicate the itinerary on a specific printer TTP/IBP/D SA1234 Send an itinerary to the Amadeus Fax queue IBP-FAX Fax an itinerary with the country code and the fax number IBP-FAX-FR492947200 Fax an itinerary with an APF element in the PNR IBP-FAXA Fax an itinerary with a nickname IBP-FAXN-JOHN Send an itinerary to the Amadeus Email queue IBP-EML E-mail an itinerary to a specified address IBP-EML-MRYAN@AOL.COM E-mail an itinerary with an APE element in the PNR IBP-EMLA E-mail an itinerary with a nickname IBP-EMLN-MARY Combine ticket print with the itinerary fax option TTP/IBP-FAX-FR492947200 Combine ticket print with the itinerary e-mail option TTP/IBP-EMLN-MARY Stop or Start the itinerary print queue (Amadeus Central Ticketing users only) NI ITN SA0136 STOP or START 226 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Itinerary WALLET ITINERARY Display a wallet itinerary IWD Select passengers IWD/P2 Select segments IWD/S2,4-6/P1 Select alternate language IWD/LP GE Print the ticket and the wallet itinerary TTP/IWP Print wallet itinerary only IWP Select multiple passengers IWP/P1, 3-5 Select multiple segments IWP/S3, 6-8 Alternate language IWP/LP GE Indicate a printer IWP-SA1234 or IWP-33 Select an alternate printer IWP-CNX01 Print to a remote office IWP-NYCUS2101 Print a distribution profile IWP-ST12AB Duplicate a wallet itinerary IWP/D SA1234 or IWP/D 3 Duplicate in a remote office IWP/D NYCUS2101 Print a wallet itinerary at a local printer and duplicate at a remote office IWP-SA1234/D NYCUS2101 ATB MINI-ITINERARIES Print an ATB mini-itinerary IMP Print an ATB mini-itinerary and ticket TTP/IMP Print an ATB mini-itinerary for specific passengers IMP/P1-3,5 Print an ATB mini-itinerary for specific TSTs IMP/T3-4 Print an ATB mini-itinerary for specific segments IMP/S3,6-8 Print an ATB mini-itinerary for an alternate date IMP/OD22MAR05 (US only) Print an ATB mini-itinerary in a specific language © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved IMP/LP FR 227 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 REMARKS PNR Remarks for Invoice and Itinerary Combined invoice and itinerary remark RII FREEFLOW TEXT/P1/S3 Combine an invoice and itinerary remark RII FREEFLOW TEXT Add an office profile itinerary remark RIM/M2,5 Combine an office profile invoice and itinerary remark RIO/M2,5 Positive invoice adjustment remark for air segments RIA USD230.00-F FREEFLOW TEXT Negative invoice adjustment remark for non-air RIA USD-20.00-M FREEFLOW TEXT segments (miscellaneous) Positive adjustment remark for non-air segments (hotel) RIA USD200.00-H Positive adjustment remark for non-air segments (car) RIA USD200.00-C Adjustment remark for a passenger RIA USD20.00-M FREEFLOW TEXT/P3 Service fee RIS USD25.00-FREEFLOW TEXT Refund RIS USD-25.00-FREEFLOW TEXT Positive override of invoice total amount RIT USD340.00 Negative override of invoice total amount RIT USD-340.00 Form of payment for auxiliary segments RIU CHECK/P3 Invoice remark RIF FREEFLOW TEXT/P1/S3 Add an itinerary remark RIR FREEFLOW TEXT/P1/S3 Mini-Office Profile Remarks for Invoice and Itinerary Include all combined invoice and itinerary remarks RIO Include specific combined invoice and itinerary remarks RIO/M1, 3-5,1/S3-4/P2 Include all itinerary remarks RIM Include specific itinerary remarks RIM/M1, 3-5,1/S4-5/P4 Include all invoice remarks RIP Include specific invoice remarks RIP/M1, 3-5,1/S3-4/P1 Include an agency billing information remark RIB/P1 Include a due date information remark RID/P2 228 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Itinerary Include billing and due date information remarks, and all invoice remarks RIC Include billing and due date information remarks, and specific invoice remarks RIC/M15-17 PNR Remarks for ATB Mini-Itinerary, Filler Strip and ITR ATB mini-itinerary remark RIZ FREEFLOW TEXT/P1 Filler strip remark RIZ FREEFLOW TEXT/P1 E-ticket itinerary receipt (ITR) remark RIZ FREEFLOW TEXT/P1 Updating Remarks Add or change message lines 6/M1-3,5 Delete message lines 6/M Change a freeflow remark on line number 6 6/NO VISA REQUIRED OFFICE PROFILE Display your own office profile PV Display the office profile for another office PV/NYCUS2100 Display the office profile by IATA number PV/12345678 Display the office profile by AMID number PV/069189 Display the invoice and itinerary messages section PV/M Update the due date invoice message, line 2 PVU/D02-FREEFLOW TEXT Update the billing address invoice message, line 1 PVU/BI1-FREEFLOW TEXT Update the automatic invoice/itinerary message, line 1 PVU/V01-FREEFLOW TEXT Update the customized invoice/itinerary message, line 3 PVU/C03-FREEFLOW TEXT Display the general section PV/G Update the freeflow text, line 1 PVU/F01-FREEFLOW TEXT Delete an office profile remark line PVU/F01- © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 229 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 E-TICKET ITINERARY RECEIPTS (ITRS) This functionality is market/airline specific and is therefore not available to all agents. Print an individual ITR for each passenger ITR Print an ITR for specific passengers ITR/P1,3-5 Print an ITR specifying FB element (line number 10) ITR/L10 Print an ITR for an E-ticket number ITR/TKT 005-1234567890 Print an ITR in a specific language ITR/LP FR Print an ITR specifying the printer address ITR-SA1234 Print an ITR in a remote location ITR-NYCUS2101 Print an ITR together with the tickets TTP/ITR Combine TTP and ITR print options TTP/ITR-SA1234/LPFR/P4 Fax an ITR with the country code and the fax number ITR-FAX-FR492947200 Fax an ITR with an APF element in PNR ITR-FAXA Fax an ITR with a nickname ITR-FAXN-JOHN E-mail an ITR to a specified address ITR-EML-MRYAN@AOL.COM E-mail an ITR with an APE element in the PNR ITR-EMLA E-mail an ITR with a nickname ITR-EMLN-MARY Combine ticket print with the TKT fax option TTP/ITR-FAX-FR492947200 Combine ticket print with the ITR e-mail option TTP/ITR-EML-MBAUER@YKT.COM Display ITR ITRD Combine ticket and invoice print with the ITR e- TTP/INV/ITR-EMLA mail option Print a copy of a previously issued ITR ITR/COPY Print a copy of a previously issued ITR with a specified ticket number ITR/COPY/TKT 005-1234567890 TICKET AND INVOICE REPORTS This functionality is available to all system users, providing the office receives A.I.R. records. Display a daily ticket and invoice report BJI Display a daily ticket and invoice report for a specific date BJI/D-16NOV Display a daily ticket and invoice report for another office BJI/O-MIA1S2203 Display an extended daily ticket and invoice report BJI/ALL Display a daily ticket report BJT Display a daily ticket report for a specific date BJT/D-16NOV 230 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Itinerary Print the entire report WRA/BJI Print the report for a specific day WRA/BJI/D-16NOV © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 231 Amadeus Fax To register for this product, contact your local ACO. Creating and Sending Faxes (ENTER) indicates that you must press Enter to move to the next line. Send a freeflow text fax message WMP (ENTER) FAX FR492947200; (ENTER) FREEFLOW TEXT (ENTER) LLLL/SEND Create a fax message, append an invoice WMP (ENTER) FAX FR492947200; (ENTER) or itinerary, and send FREEFLOW TEXT (ENTER) LLLL/SEND/APPEND-1 Send a freeflow text fax message using a nickname WMP (ENTER) FAXN JOHN; (ENTER) FREEFLOW TEXT (ENTER) LLLL/SEND Send a message to multiple numbers WMP (ENTER) FAX FR492947200, (ENTER) TLXN JACK, (ENTER)FAX UK1711234567; (ENTER) FREEFLOW TEXT (ENTER) LLLL/SEND Request a delivery notification WMP (ENTER) FAX FR492947200; (ENTER) /NTF (ENTER) FREEFLOW TEXT (ENTER) LLLL/SEND Include alternate numbers WMP (ENTER) FAX UK1711234567 (ENTER) /ALT (ENTER) FAX UK1711234566; (ENTER) FREEFLOW TEXT (ENTER) LLLL/SEND WMP (ENTER) FAX FR492947200; (ENTER) /ATTN MR GREENE (ENTER) FREEFLOW TEXT (ENTER) LLLL/SEND Send to an individual Fax Amadeus display WM/FWD/FAX FR492947200/AN08JANPARNCE Store Amadeus display in Amadeus Fax queue WM/GET/AN08JANPARNCE Display a pending message WM/MSG-P Resume the creation of a stored message WM/RESUME Cancel a stored message WM/CANCEL Send a stored message WM/SEND Save a stored message in the Amadeus Fax queue WM/SAVE © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 233 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Load a saved message from the Amadeus Fax queue WM/LOAD-2 Retrieve a saved message from the Amadeus Fax queue WM/FIND/2 Delete a saved message from the Amadeus Fax queue WM/DELETE/2 Creating and Managing Nicknames The entries below are used to manage the agent nickname list. To manage the office nickname list, replace NIC with NICO. Define a nickname WM/ADD/NIC/FAX/JOHN/FR492947200 Define a nickname at office level WM/ADD/NICO/FAX/MKT/FR492947171 Display a nickname list WM/DIS/NIC Display a nickname list for an office WM/DIS/NICO Delete a nickname WM/DEL/NIC/FAX/JOHN Define a nickname with several numbers WM/ADD/NIC/FAX/MARKETING/FAX FR493637588, (ENTER)FAX FR493637589, (ENTER)FAX FR493637590, (ENTER) Update an element within an office nickname WM/CHA/NICO/FAX/MKT/4/FAX FR492947171 Add an element to a nickname WM/ADD/NIC/FAX/JACK/ FAX FR492947172 Update an element within a nickname WM/CHA/NIC/FAX/JACK/4/ FAX FR492947172 Add an element to an office nickname WM/ADD/NICO/FAX/MKT/FR492947171 Delete an element from a nickname WM/DEL/NIC/FAX/JACK/ FAX FR492947172 Delete an element from an office nickname WM/DEL/NICO/FAX/MKT/FR492947171 Delete a nickname from an office list WM/DEL/NICO/FAX/MKT Managing the Amadeus Fax Queue Display an agent queue index WM/MSG Display an agent queue index for a different agent WM/MSG/12345A12 Display an office queue index WM/MSG/O Display an agent message WM/MSG-2 Display an office message WM/MSG-2/O Display the next agent message from a queue WMN Display the next office message from a queue WMNO Redisplay the last agent message from a queue WML 234 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Fax Redisplay the last office message from a queue WMLO Delete an agent message WM/DEL/MSG-2 Delete an office message WM/DEL/MSG-2/O Delete a range of agent messages WM/DEL/MSG-01-15 Delete a range of office messages WM/DEL/MSG-01-15/O Delete all agent messages WM/DEL/MSG-ALL Delete all office messages WM/DEL/MSG-ALL/O Display the message count WM/ELN Register a terminal ID WM/ Display another office station code WM/MUC1A0701 Store an Amadeus display in the inbound message queue WM/GET/GLOBAL CORE ENTRY View an agent outbound message queue (LOG) WM/LOG View an agent pending message in the LOG WM/PND-1 View an agent message from a specific LOG WM/LOG-1/MSG-1 Print an agent message WM/PRT/MSG-4 Print an office message WM/PRT/MSG-4/O Set the sorting order of the agent queue index WM/ORD/TOP or WM/ORD/BOT Set the sorting order of the office queue index WM/ORDO/TOP or WM/ORDO/BOT Display statistics at the agent sign or terminal level WM/HST Display statistics at the office level WM/HST/O Fax Header Options The entries below are used to manage agent message headers. To manage office message headers, replace HDR with HDRO (this does not apply to the /ON and /OFF options). Create a message header including freeflow text WM/ADD/HDR/FAX/GREETING/THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING HAPPY HOLIDAYS TRAVEL Create an office message WM/ADD/HDRO/MSG TYPE/HEADER NAME/HEADER TEXT header Include a logo in the header WM/ADD/HDR/FAX/WELCOME LETTER//LOGO LOGO NAME Display a list of headers WM/DIS/HDR Delete a header WM/DEL/HDR/FAX/GREETING Delete an office header WM/DEL/HDRO/FAX/HEADER NAME Activate a header WM/HDR/ACT/FAX/GREETING © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 235 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Deactivate a header WM/HDR/INA/FAX/GREETING Activate an office header WM/HDRO/ACT/FAX/HEADER NAME Deactivate an office header WM/HDRO/INA/FAX/HEADER NAME Turn the header function on WM/HDR/ON Turn the header function off WM/HDR/OFF 236 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Email Creating and Sending Emails If your terminal does not support the @ symbol, enter the letters 'AT' instead. For example: MRYAN AT AOL.COM. For terminals that do not support the _ (underscore) symbol, enter the letter 'U' instead. For example: JOHN U SMITH@AMADEUS.NET. A space before and after the 'AT' and the 'U' is mandatory. (ENTER) indicates that you must press Enter to move to the next line. Send an e-mail message with freeflow text WMP (ENTER) EML MRYAN@AOL.COM; (ENTER) FREEFLOW TEXT (ENTER) ON MANY LINES (ENTER) LLLL/SEND Send an e-mail message to multiple email addresses. WMP (ENTER) EML MRYAN@AOL.COM; (ENTER) EML JSMITH@MAIL.COM; (ENTER) EML FPETERS@AOL.COM; (ENTER) FREEFLOW TEXT (ENTER) LLLL/SEND Send an e-mail message with freeflow text specifying the title. WMP (ENTER) EML MRYAN@AOL.COM; (ENTER) /TITLE YOUR TITLE HERE (ENTER) FREEFLOW TEXT (ENTER) LLLL/SEND Replace default email title. WMP (ENTER) EML AMADEUS@AMADEUS.NET# (ENTER) /TITLE HAVE A NICE TRIP (ENTER) (FREEFLOW TEXT) (ENTER) LLLL/SEND Create an e-mail message, append an invoice or itinerary, and send. WMP (ENTER) EML MRYAN@AOL.COM; (ENTER) FREEFLOW TEXT (ENTER) LLLL/SEND/APPEND-1 Send an e-mail message with freeflow text using a nickname WMP (ENTER) EMLN MARY; (ENTER) FREEFLOW TEXT (ENTER) LLLL/SEND Send e-mail messages between Amadeus Email users WMP (ENTER) AMD 00009268 (ENTER) TEXT DESTINED FOR (ENTER) AMADEUS EMAIL USER (ENTER) NO 00009268 (ENTER) FREEFLOW TEXT (ENTER) LLLL/SEND Send an e-mail message and save a copy in the Amadeus Email queue WMP (ENTER) EML MRYAN@AOL.COM; (ENTER) FREEFLOW TEXT (ENTER) LLLL/SEND/CPY Create an e-mail message and store temporarily. WMP (ENTER) EML MRYAN@AOL.COM; (ENTER) FREEFLOW TEXT (ENTER) LLLL Register a terminal ID WM/ Display the pending message WM/MSG-P © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 237 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Resume the creation of a stored message WM/RESUME Cancel a stored message WM/CANCEL Send a stored message WM/SEND Save a stored message in the Amadeus Email queue WM/SAVE Load a saved message from the Amadeus Email queue WM/LOAD-2 Retrieve a saved message from the Amadeus Email queue WM/FIND/2 Delete a saved message from the Amadeus Email queue WM/DELETE/2 Send an e-mail with an Amadeus display. WM/FWD/EML TOM@AOL.COM/AN08JANPARNCE Save an Amadeus display in the Amadeus Email queue WM/GET/AN08JANPARNCE Creating and Managing Nicknames These entries are used to manage the agent nickname list. To manage the office nickname list, replace NIC with NICO. Define a nickname WM/ADD/NIC/EML/MARY/MRYAN@AOL.COM Define a nickname at office level WM/ADD/NICO/EML/MKT/MRYAN@AOL.COM Define nickname with several addresses WM/ADD/NIC/EML/MARKETING/EML MRYAN@AOL.COM, (ENTER)EML JSMITH@MAIL.COM, (ENTER)EML FPETERS@AOL.COM, (ENTER) Display a nickname list WM/DIS/NIC Display a nickname list for an office WM/DIS/NICO Delete a nickname WM/DEL/NIC/EML/MARY Add an element to a nickname WM/ADD/NIC/EML/JACK/AMADEUS@AMADEUS.COM Add an element to an office nickname WM/ADD/NICO/EML/MKT/AMADEUS1@AMADEUS.NET Update an element within a nickname WM/CHA/NIC/EML/JACK/4/EML AMADEUS@AMADEUS.COM Update an element within an office nickname WM/CHA/NICO/EML/MKT/4/EML AMADEUS1@AMADEUS.NET Delete an element from a nickname WM/DEL/NIC/EML/JACK/1 Delete an element from an office nickname 238 WM/DEL/NICO/EML/MKT/2 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Email Delete a nickname from an office list WM/DEL/NICO/EML/MKT Managing the Amadeus Email Queue Display an agent queue index WM/MSG Display an agent queue index for a different agent WM/MSG/12345A12 Display an office queue index WM/MSG/O Display an agent message WM/MSG-2 Display an office message WM/MSG-2/O Display the next agent message from a queue WMN Display the next office message from a queue WMNO Redisplay the last agent message from a queue WML Redisplay the last office message from a queue WMLO Delete an agent message WM/DEL/MSG-2 Delete an office message WM/DEL/MSG-2/O Delete a range of agent messages WM/DEL/MSG-01-15 Delete a range of office messages WM/DEL/MSG-01-15/O Delete all agent messages WM/DEL/MSG-ALL Delete all office messages WM/DEL/MSG-ALL/O Display the office station code WM/ELN Display another office station code WM/MUC1A0701 View an agent outbound message queue (LOG) WM/LOG View an agent pending message in the LOG WM/PND-1 View an agent message from a specific LOG WM/LOG-1/MSG-1 Print an agent message WM/PRT/MSG-4 Print an office message WM/PRT/MSG-4/O Set the sorting order of the agent queue index WM/ORD/TOP or WM/ORD/BOT Set the sorting order of the office queue index WM/ORDO/TOP or WM/ORDO/BOT © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 239 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Display statistics at the agent sign or terminal level WM/HST Display statistics at the office level WM/HST/O Store an Amadeus display in the inbound message queue WM/GET/GLOBAL CORE ENTRY E-mail Header Options These entries are used to manage agent message headers. To manage office message headers, replace HDR with HDRO (this does not apply to the /ON and /OFF options). Create a message header including freeflow text WM/ADD/HDR/EML/GREETING/THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING HAPPY HOLIDAYS TRAVEL Create a message header for an office WM/ADD/HDRO/EML/GREETING/THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING HAPPY HOLIDAYS TRAVEL Create a message header including an e-mail title WM/ADD/HDR/EML/MYTITLE/ (ENTER)/TITLE YOUR TRAVEL PLAN Create a message header including both freeflow text and an e-mail title WM/ADD/HDR/EML/GRTNG02//TITLE YOUR TRAVEL PLAN (ENTER)THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING HAPPY HOLIDAYS TRAVEL Display a list of headers WM/DIS/HDR Display a list of office headers WM/DIS/HDRO Delete an agent header WM/DEL/HDR/EML/HEADER NAME Delete an office header WM/DEL/HDRO/EML/HEADER NAME Activate a header WM/HDR/ACT/EML/HEADER NAME Activate an office header WM/HDRO/ACT/EML/HEADER NAME Deactivate a header WM/HDR/INA/EML/HEADER NAME Deactivate an office header WM/HDRO/INA/EML/HEADER NAME Turn the header function on WM/HDR/ON Turn the header function off WM/HDR/OFF Using a Reply-To Address These entries are used to manage the agent reply-to address. To manage the office reply-to address, replace RPY with RPYO. Create a reply-to address WM/ADD/RPY/AGENTNAME@AMADEUS.COM Create an office reply-to address WM/ADD/RPYO/AMADEUS1@AMADEUS.COM Display the current reply-to address WM/DIS/RPY Display an office reply-to address WM/DIS/RPYO Delete a reply-to address WM/DEL/RPY 240 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Email Delete an office reply-to address © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved WM/DEL/RPYO 241 Amadeus Queues Starting and Working Queues Start Queues (default category) QS87 Start a queue, specified by nickname QS.TKT Start a queue, specified by corporate nickname QS.WL2/MAILTKT Start a specific queue category QS87C1 Start a specific queue category and date range QS87C1D1 Start a specific queue category and date range, for a branch office QS/MUCLH1023/87C1D1 Start a specific queue category and display the specified elements for all PNRs in this queue and category QS8C3.RTN,I,K Start a queue, specified by nickname, and display the specified elements for all PNRs in this queue QS.TKT.RTN,A,K Change the PNR elements displayed in the previous QS entry RT.N,I Display all PNR elements after using a previous QS entry to display specific elements RT. Start a specific queue category and display the specified history QS8C3.RHN,I,K elements for all PNRs in this queue and category Change the PNR history elements displayed in the previous QS entry RH.N,I Display all PNR history elements after using a previous QS entry RH. to display specific history elements Ignore PNR IG Redisplay the PNR if the screen is cleared RT Redisplay the message if the screen is cleared QU End transaction on the PNR and display the next PNR ET Browse a specified queue QSB1 Browse a queue specified by its nickname QSB.JANE Browse a specified queue in another office QSB/NCE1A0950/1 Browse a specified queue and category QSB97C25 Browse a queue, specified by its nickname, and the specified category QSB.JANE.C1 Browse a specified queue, category, and date range QSB97C25D1 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 243 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Delaying PNRs and Messages You can only make a QD entry after you have started to process a queue with a QS entry. Delay the PNR or message to the bottom of the queue QD Delay the PNR to a time QD1300 Delay the PNR to a time, with a remark QD1300/UTC Delay the PNR to a date QD20DEC Delay the PNR to a date, with a remark QD20DEC/UTC Delay the PNR to a date and time QD20DEC/1300 Delay the PNR to a date and time, with a remark QD20DEC/1300/LMCB Delay the PNR or message to the bottom of the queue and exit Queues QDF Delay the PNR to a time and exit Queues QDF1400 Delay the PNR to a date, and exit Queues QDF13NOV Delay the PNR to a date and time, and exit Queues QDF13NOV/1400 Removing PNRs and Messages You can only make a QN entry after you have started to process a queue with a QS entry. Remove the current item and display the next one QN Remove the current item and exit Queues (only for message queues) QNF End transaction on the PNR and remove from queue ET Adding Queues Add a special queue QA/NCE1A0900/6C1 Add a queue and a number of categories QA91C1 Add a queue, category, and date range QA91C1D05MAY-12MAY-19MAY Change an existing date range QAD7D10NOV-16NOV-20NOV Add a single queue category QAC87C2-2 Add multiple queue categories QAC87C1-3 Delete a category name of a special queue QAN3C1 Add or change a category name to a dual queue QAR2C2AGENT Delete a category name of a dual queue QAR2C2 Change a dual queue to a special queue QAM7C1 Change a special queue to a dual queue QAM7C1D23MAR-30MAR-07APR Add a queue name QAQ87VOUCHER Delete a queue name QAQ87 Add a category name to a special queue QAN3C1PURGED 244 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Queues Exiting a Queue You can only make a QF or QI entry after you have started to process a queue with a QS entry. End transaction on the PNR, remove from the queue, and exit Queues QF End transaction on the PNR, remove from the queue, exit Queues, and redisplay the PNR QFR Ignore a PNR or message, leaving it at the top of the queue, and exit Queues QI Ignore changes to the PNR or message, exit Queues, and redisplay the PNR outside the Queues application QIR Activating Queue Sortation These entries must be entered in the order that they are listed. Activate a queue category JGU/QCT-21 Add the sign-associated category QAC6C21-21 Name the category (optional) QAR6C21NAME Name the category (special queue) QAN6C21NAME Queue Nicknames Add a nickname QLAJANE/30C1 Add a nickname, different office QLAHDQ/FRAWL2100/5 Add a nickname, corporate list QLA/BA1/NLFARE/LONBA1111/31C1 Delete a nickname QLXJANE Delete a nickname, different office QLX/BA1/NLFARE Display a nickname list QLD Display specific nicknames only QLDTKT Display a corporate nickname list QLD/BA1 Displaying Queue Counts Display the count for the default category of the specified QC87 queue Display the count for a specified queue and category QC87C1 Display the queue count, queue specified by its nickname QC.TODAY Display the queue count, queue specified by its corporate nickname QC.BA1/GBFARE © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 245 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Display the count for a specified category and branch office QC/MUCLH1023/87C1 Display the count for the sign-associated category QCC Display the count for the sign-associated category activity only QCA Display the count for a specified category - activity only QCAC1 Display the count for all categories with active messages QC1CA or PNRs Display the count for all existing categories QC1CE Display the count for all categories with workable items QC1CW Display the count total (with activity category and date range detail) QT Display the count total for a branch office QT/MUCLH1023 Display the count total (summary) QTQ Display the count total (summary) for a branch office QTQ/HOU1A2901 Reset the count QCR Reset category 1 of queue 8 in current office for date range 1 QCR8C1D1 Reset category 1 of queue 8 in current office for date range 1 and recalculate the queue counts QCR8C1D1-R Reset all categories for queue 8 in current office for all date ranges and recalculate the queue counts QCR8-R Recalculate queue counts for the queue planner QCR-U Reset all queues in the specified office QCR/LYSAF0105 Deleting Queues To use the following entries, you must be signed in with an SU duty code. Also note that only empty queues and categories can be deleted, and that you cannot delete categories 0 or 97, even if they are empty. Delete queue two QK2 Delete queue categories one through four QKC87C1-4 Delete queue category four only QKC87C4-4 Delete queue two from a branch office ID QK/MUCLH1023/2 246 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Queues Monitoring Queues - Adding and Canceling QOA is the transaction code to add the queue monitor function. To cancel it, use the same entries but change QOA to QOX. Monitor a specific queue QOA2 Monitor all categories for queue 97 QOA97CA Monitor all categories and date ranges for queue 97 QOA97CADA Monitor a specific category of queue 97 QOA97C1 Monitor a specific queue category and date range QOA97C3D2 Monitor a specific queue category and date range for a specific office ID QOA/NCE1A0900/97C3D2 Monitor a specific queue category and date range for a different office ID QOA/PARAX2101/8CAD2 Monitor a specific queue category and date range for a specific terminal address QOA97C3D2/09020815 Monitoring Queues - Displaying Display all monitored queues QODALL Display a specific monitored queue QOD8C1D1 Cancel Queue Monitor Cancel queue monitor for a specific queue QOX2 Cancel queue monitor for a specific queue all categories QOX97CA Cancel queue monitor for a specific queue all categories and date ranges QOX97CADA Cancel queue monitor for a specific queue, category and date range QOX97C3D2 Cancel queue monitor for a specific queue, category and date range for a specific terminal address QOX97C3D2/09020815 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 247 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Placing PNRs and Messages on Queues The QER, QMR, and QBR entries can be used to retain PNRs or messages on queue and to transfer them. Also note that messages can only be placed on message queues and PNRs can only be placed on PNR queues. Office IDs can be added to all entries. (ENTER) indicates that you must press Enter to move to the next line. Place a PNR or message on a queue, category zero QE87 Place a PNR or message on a queue specified by its nickname QE.JANE Place a PNR or message on a queue specified by its corporate nickname QE.BA1/GBTOD Place a PNR or message on a queue in a specified category QE87C2 Place a PNR or message on a queue, specified by its nickname, and in a specified category QE.URGENT.C3 Place a PNR or message on a queue, category, and date range QE87C2D1 Place a PNR or message on a queue, category, and date range for a specified office QE/MUCLH1023/87C2D1 Place a PNR or message on a queue, category, specific date and time QE87C2/15MAR-1100 Place a PNR or message on a queue and category by record locator QE87C2-GTF6YT Place a PNR or message on a queue and category, and retain on screen QE8-RT Place a message on the message queue QE97 (ENTER) MESSAGE TEXT// Place a message on a queue, by its nickname QE.JANE (ENTER) MESSAGE TEXT// Place a message on a queue for a different office QE/MIA1A0980/97 (ENTER) MESSAGE TEXT// Place a PNR or message on a queue, and retain on the current queue QER8 Place a PNR or message on a queue and category and retain it on the current queue QER8C1 Place a PNR or message on a queue, category, and date range, and retain it on the current queue QER8C1D2 Place a PNR or message on a queue, category, and date QER/FRALH0900/8C122 range, for a different office, and retain it on a current queue Place a PNR or a message on a queue specified by its nickname and retain on the current queue 248 QER.JANE Edition 9.2 Amadeus Queues End transaction on a PNR and retain it on the same queue QES Place a PNR in the default category of two or more queues QM87/2 (maximum ten) Place a PNR in the specified category of two or more queues (maximum ten) QM87C1/2C1 Place a PNR in the specified categories and date ranges of QM87C1D1/2C1D1 two or more queues (maximum ten) Place a PNR in the specified categories and date ranges of QM87C1D1/MAD1A9999/19C1 one queue in your own office and one queue in one or D2/MAD2A9999/5C3D2 more other offices Place PNR on one queue in your own office, and on two queues in another office (maximum five queues in another office) QM7/NCE1A0999/1/22 Place a PNR on other queues but also retain it on the current queue QMR87C1D1/MAD1A9999/19C 1D2/MAD2A9999/5C3D2 Place a message on a queue in two other offices RM MESSAGE (ENTER) QM/MIA1A0980/97/NCE1A09 80/97 Place a PNR to your messenger viewer QME Place a PNR to your messenger viewer and append a space control topic QME/C Place a PNR to queue to another agent in your office QME/NCE6X0980-6434GY Place a PNR to queue to another agent to more than one office QME/NCE6X09806434GY/NCE6X0856-3409HJ Place a PNR to queue according to the flight number for a specific date QME/6X105/15DEC Queuing a text message to another office QME/NCE6X09806434GY/FREEFLOW TEXT// Transfer a specified number of PNRs or messages from one queue, category and date range to another QB87C1D2-1C1D1-25 Transfer a specified number of PNRs or messages from a queue in your own office to a queue in another office QB1C1D2/PERQF0110/1C1D2 Transfer a specified number of PNRs to another queue and QBR2C2D1-7C2D2 retain them on the current queue Deactivate the automatic clearance of queue 8 to queue 12 QVU/Q12/OFF Reactivate the automatic clearance of queue 8 to queue 12 QVU/Q12/ON Display automatic clearance status © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved QVU/Q12/DISP 249 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Broadcasting Messages Send a broadcast message to all branch offices BM/SK0 Send a broadcast message to all branch offices in a specific city BMSTO,CPH/SK0 Send a broadcast message to a specific branch BMSTO/SK0/034 Displaying a List of Queues Containing the Current PNR Display a list of all queues containing the current PNR RTQ Removing the Current PNR From One or More Queues Use the following commands after using RTQ to display the list of queues containing the current PNR. Remove the current PNR from the queue on line 3 QXP3 Remove the current PNR from all queues QXP/ALL Remove a PNR using its record locator from a specific queue QX/ZIACLQ/15CD Remove a PNR using its record locator from all queues in QX/ZIACLS/ALL a specific office Displaying a List of PNRs Using Queue View Display a list of PNRs on queue 15, category 0, date range 1, QV/15C0D1with a ticketing date of March 10, sorted by the date of departure TK(10MAR)/S-(DD) of the first segment. Display a list of PNRs on queue 15, category 0, date range 1, for QV/15C0D1-TK(10MARthe dates indicated, sorted by the date of departure of the first 20MAR,25MAR,12APR)/ segment. S-(DD) Display a list of PNRs on queue 1 in your office QV/1 Display next set of PNRs QVMD Display a list of PNRs on queue 1 in the office FRALH0980 QV/FRALH0980/1 List the PNRs on queue 1 in your office, from line number 250 to QV/1/R(250-500) line number 500 Display the PNRs in category 1 of the nicknamed queue in the current office. QV.JANE.C1 Display the PNRs in category 1 of the nicknamed queue in the nicknamed corporation. QV.CORPID/JANE.C1 250 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Queues Retrieving and Removing PNRs Using Queue View Use the following entries after you have displayed a list of PNRs using Queue View. QV3 Retrieve the item on line 3 of a Queue View list Retrieve the item on line 3 and also remove it from the queue QVD3 Refresh the list view showing the list after the PNR or message has been removed QV0 Remove the PNR on line 1 QVX1 Remove the PNR on both lines 1 and 2 QVX1,2 Remove the PNRs on lines 1 through 4 QVX1-4 Remove the items on the specified lines (maximum number of elements is five) QVX1-10,15-20,25,30 Remove all PNRs from the currently displayed queue QVXALL Retrieving and Moving PNRs and Messages Using Queue View Use the following entries after you have displayed a list of PNRs using Queue View. Move the PNR on line 3 to queue 1, category 1, date range 1 QVM3/1C1D1 Move the PNRs on lines 3 and 6 to queue 1, category 1, date range 1 QVM3,6/1C1D1 Move the PNRs on the specified lines to queue 1, category 1, date range 1, (maximum number of elements is five) QVM3,6,15-20,25,3540/1C1D1 Move the PNRs on line 3 and lines 6 through 8 to queue 1, category 1, date range 1 in specified office QVM3,6-8/NCE1A0950/1C1D1 Move the PNRs on lines 5 through 15 to the queue in your nicknamed office QVM5-15.BOB Move the PNRs on lines 5 through 15 to category 1 of the nicknamed queue in the nicknamed corporation QVM5-15.CORPID/BOB.C1 Printing Queues To print and remove from queue, use QP. To print and retain on queue, change QP to QPR in the following entries. To print with history, use QH (to print and remove) or QHR (to print and retain). Print all PNRs or messages on a queue, category zero QP87 Print all PNRs or messages on a queue and category QP87C1 Print all PNRs or messages on a queue, category, date range QP87C1D1 Print a specified number of PNRs or messages on a queue, category, and date range QP87C1D1/24 Print a specified number of PNRs or messages on a queue, category, and date range, to a printer address QP87C1D1/24-NCE333 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 251 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Print a specified number of PNRs or messages on a queue, category, and date range, to a branch office QP87C1D1/24NCEAF0900 Start the automatic queue print, to the default office printer QP30C1D2 START Stop the automatic queue print, to the default office printer QP30C1D2 STOP Start the automatic queue print, to a specified printer QP30C1D2-NCE33 START Stop the automatic queue print, to a specified printer QP30C1D2-NCE33 STOP Display alternate print queue status QPD Removing All PNRs or Messages from Queues You can add an office identification to these entries. Remove from a specified queue, category zero QR87 Remove from specific queues, category zero QR28/29/87 Remove from a specified queue and category QR87C1 Remove from a specified queue, category, and date range QR87C1D1 Remove from a specified queue, all categories QR87CA Remove from a specified queue, category, date range, in a branch office QR/MUCLH1023/87C1D1 Summary Planner - for Ticketing, Delay, and Option Queues Queue count for time-delayed PNRs QCT Time-delayed PNRs, specified date QCT/25JUN Time-delayed PNRs, specific office identification QCT/NCEAF0100 Time-delayed PNRs, specific office identification and date QCT/NCEAF0100/25JUN Queue count: for date-delayed PNRs for half-month summary for half-month summary, specific queue for half-month summary, specific office QCD QCM QCM/12 QCM/NCEAF0100 Number of PNRs on queue by record locator specified date including the current date QVR QVR/25JUN QVR/ALL 252 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Queues Ticketing Planner - for Ticketing Queues Queue count for time-delayed PNRs QCTT Queue count for time-delayed PNRs, specified date QCTT/25JUN Queue count for date-delayed PNRs QCDT Queue count half-month PNR totals QCMT Queue count half-month PNR totals, specific queue QCMT/12 PNR record locators QVRT PNR record locators, specified date QVRT/25JUN Specific PNR record locator QVRT/AGHY5T All record locators, including the current date QVRT/ALL Copy PNRs and messages from the ticketing queue to a specific queue and category QWMT/25JUN/8C1 Copy all future PNRs from the ticketing queue QWMT/ALL Copy PNRs for a specific date, for a specific queue and category, and remove from ticketing planner QWDT/25JUN/8C1 Copy all future PNRs and remove from ticketing planner QWDT/ALL Delay Planner - for Delay Queues Queue count for time-delayed PNRs QCTD Queue count for time-delayed PNRs, specified date QCTD/25JUN Queue count for date-delayed PNRs QCDD Queue count half-month PNR totals QCMD Queue count half-month PNR totals, specific queue QCMD/12 PNR record locators QVRD PNR record locators, specified date QVRD/25JUN Specific PNR record locator QVRD/AGHY5T All record locators including the current date QVRD/ALL Copy PNRs and messages from the delay queue to a specific queue and category QWMD/25JUN/5C1 Copy all future PNRs from the delay queue QWMD/ALL Copy PNRs for a specific date, for a specific queue and category, and remove from delay planner QWDD/25JUN/8C1 Copy all future PNRs and remove from delay planner QWDD/ALL © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 253 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Option Planner - for Option Queues Queue count for time-delayed PNRs QCTO Queue count for time-delayed PNRs, specified date QCTO/25JUN Queue count for date-delayed PNRs QCDO Queue count half-month PNR totals QCMO Queue count half-month PNR totals, specific queue QCMO/12 PNR record locators QVRO PNR record locators, specified date QVRO/25JUN Specific PNR record locator QVRO/AGHY5T All record locators, including the current date QVRO/ALL Copy PNRs and messages from the option queue to a specific queue and category QWMO/25JUN/8C1 Copy all future PNRs from the option queue QWMO/ALL Copy PNRs for a specific date, for a specific queue and category, and remove from option planner QWDO/25JUN/8C1 Copy all future PNRs and remove from option planner QWDO/ALL 254 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Security LOCAL SECURITY Agent Entries These entries will usually be performed by agents themselves. However, the local security administrator may restrict their usage. See the list of preferences in Preferences Attributes on page 259. Display your preferences JGD Update your preferences JGU/LNG-FR/QCT-22 Reset a preference to the office defaults JGR/LNG Local Security Administrator Entries The local security administrator may perform the entries below, in addition to the agent entries. Display your own profile JGD Display an agent profile in your own office JGD1234AB Display an agent profile in another office JGD1234AB.NCE1A0TRN Display the sign bank for your own office JCD Display the security attributes of the sign bank for your own office JCD/S Display the rights and duties of the sign bank for your own office JCD/R Display the preferences of the sign bank for your own office JCD/P Display the sign bank for another office JCDNCE1A0TRN Display the security attributes of the sign bank for another office JCDNCE1A0TRN/S Create an agent sign and profile: for your own office for another office JGA1234AB/DUTA-SU/QCT-21 JGA1234AB.NCE1A0TRN/DUTA-SU /QCT-21 Copy an agent sign and profile for your own office to create three new signs JGC1234AB-9876ZY/1357AC/2468BD Copy an agent sign and profile, from an agent in your own office to agents in another office JGC1234AB-9876ZY/1357AC /2468BD.NCE1A0TRN Update an agent profile for your own office JGU1234AB/PTI-Y/LNG-FR Update an agent profile for another office JGU1234AB.NCE1A0TRN/PTI-Y/LNG-FR © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 255 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Reset an agent profile in your own office: one attribute all attributes JGR1234AB/LNG JGR1234AB/ALL Reset all agent profiles in your own office: one attribute all attributes JGRALL/LNG JGRALL/ALL Reset an agent profile in another office: one attribute all attributes JGR1234AB.NCE1A0TRN/LNG JGR1234AB.NCE1A0TRN/ALL Reset all agent profiles in another office: one attribute all attributes JGRALL.NCE1A0TRN/LNG JGRALL.NCE1A0TRN/ALL Delete an agent sign in your own office JGX9876ZY Delete an agent sign in another office JGX9876ZY.NCE1A0TRN Display sign history for your own sign JGH Sign history: for a sign in another office for a specific section before a specific date for a specific section before a specific date JGH1234AB.NCE1A0TRN JGH1234AB.NCE1A0TRN/R JGH1234AB.NCE1A0TRN-01JAN04 JGH1234AB.NCE1A0TRN/R-01JAN04 Display the office defaults for your own office JTD Display the office defaults for another office JTDNCE1AOTRN Update the office defaults: for your own office for another office JTU/RMO-Y/R/LNG-SP/B JTUNCE1A0TRN/RMO-Y/R/LNG-SP/B Reset the office defaults for your own office: certain attributes all attributes JTR/RMO/LNG JTR/ALL Reset office defaults for another office: certain attributes all attributes JTRNCE1A0TRN/RMO/LNG JTRNCE1A0TRN/ALL 256 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Security Local Security Attributes The local security attributes are divided into four sections: Security Profile, Rights and Duties, Preferences, and Currency Preferences. Security Profile Attributes Attribute Identifier Possible Values Security level LEV ASA, 2HD, 1HD, or NONE Lower password change limit LOW 1-255 or NONE Upper password change limit UPP 1-255 or NONE Allowed password attempts PAT 1-255 or NONE Password required PWR Y (Yes) Multiple signs allowed MUL Y (Yes) or N (No) Automatic time-out period (minutes) ATO 1-1440, followed by comma (,) followed by SUS (Suspended) or OUT (Signed Out) Automatic deletion period (days) ADP 1-255 Remote sign-out RSO Y (Yes) or N (No) Prohibited primary action code PAC A (Add) O (Override) or X (Remove) followed by dash (-) followed by one or more letters, separated by commas (,), e.g. PACA-X,S Day and time restriction start times and end times (with day of week) RE1 RE2 RE3 (Start time),(end time):(days of week, 1=Monday, 2=Tuesday, and so on). For example: JGU/RE1/0815,1845:23456 JGU/RE2-0845A,0630P:234567 User identification UID 1-10 characters (for Customer Profiles) Profile staff number PSN Last 6 characters of UID attribute User name USN 5-10 characters User phone contact UPC 1-15 characters User department/company UDC 1-15 characters Bypass password in RMO jump BPJ Y (Yes) or N (No) Preferences acceptance testing PFU Y (Yes) or N (No) Agent lock LOC Y (Yes) or N (No) Password lock PLC Y (Yes) or N (No) Password PWD Five to eight characters Unique initials UNI Y (Yes) or N (No) (office level only) © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 257 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Rights and Duties Attributes Attribute Identifier Possible Values Duty code DUT A (add), O (override), or X (remove), followed by dash (-) followed by two-letter duty codes (AS, GS, PD, TR, RC, SU , PR or CE), separated by commas (,) For example: DUTA-SU,GS Local security administrator LSA Y (Yes) or N (No) Password officer POF Y (Yes) or N (No) Remote office RMO Y (Yes) or N (No) Practice training instructor PTI Y (Yes) or N (No) Customer profile reassociation CPA Y (Yes) or N (No) Customer profile modification CPM Y (Yes) or N (No) Customer profile renaming CPN Y (Yes) or N (No) Customer profile deletion CPX Y (Yes) or N (No) Profile responsibility change PRC Y (Yes) or N (No) Profile security matrix name PST One-to ten-character matrix name Keep security matrix KSM Y (Yes) or N (No) Profile management retrieval PMR Y (Yes) or N (No) Extended ownership security EOS Y (Yes) or N (No) Force PNR creation from CP PNC Y (Yes) or N (No) Negotiated space maintenance NEG Y (Yes) or N (No) Ticketing in remote office RMT Y (Yes) or N (No) Broadcast messages BMG Y (Yes) or N (No) Ticket stock maintenance TSM Y (Yes) or N (No) Office profile maintenance PVM Y (Yes) or N (No) Overwrite affiliation number OAN Y (Yes) or N (No) Tour operator level access TLA Y (Yes) or N (No) Call centre country CCY 2-letter country code, or ANY Remote office jump RMJ Y (Yes) or N (No) Force booking rule FBR All agent sign duty codes (for example RC, SU, or GS) or NONE. Force group rule FGR All agent sign duty codes (for example RC, SU, or GS) or NONE. Inhibit traveler profile creation ITC Y (Yes) or N (No) 258 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Security Attribute Identifier Possible Values Seating override (protected seats) NOP Y (Yes) or N (No) Seating override (unsuitable seats) NOS Y (Yes) or N (No) Confirmed seat number NOA Y (Yes) or N (No) Manual PNR view MVI S (Standard) or M (Manual View) Departure control data in PNR DCS Y (Yes) or N (No) Sign-in messages SIM Y (Yes) or N (No) Past date records PDR Y (Yes) or N (No) Credit card display CCD Y (Yes) or N (No) Profile Credit Card Display PCD Y (Yes) or N (No) Concealment Category x Display CD1 CD2 CD3 CD4 CD5 CD6 Y (Yes) or N (No) Group PNR name change GNA Y (Yes) or N (No) Group PNR name cancel GCA Y (Yes) or N (No) Preferences Attributes The Preferences in this section may be displayed, updated, and reset by the agent. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 259 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Attribute Identifier Possible Values Language preference LNG CA (Catalan) CZ Czech DA (Danish) DU (Dutch) EN (English) FR (French) FI (Finnish) GE (German) HU (Hungarian) IT (Italian) NO (Norwegian) PL (Polish) PO (Portuguese) RO (Romanian) SP (Spanish) SW (Swedish) Rail preference RAI Two- or three-letter rail code Ferry preference FRR Two- or three-letter ferry code Queue sortation category QCT Number from 20 to upper queue limit Time preference TCM 12 (12-hour) or 24 (24-hour) Distance unit DIS K (Kilometers) or M (Miles) Preferred TST mode TST P (Panel) or C (Cryptic) Hotel alternate cities AAR Y (Yes) or N (No) Hotel distance search ADI Number, K (kilometers) or M (miles), comma, R (random display) or S (sorted display). Example: 12K,R DAN display non-IATA locations DNI Y (Yes) or N (No) HTL all availability statuses HST Y (Yes) or N (No) Hotel special rates HSR None, or hotel rate codes Exclude flight details from Hotel segment EFI Y (Yes) or N (No) Ticketing default TKD E (Electronic) or P (Paper) Assistance-insurance provider IPV None, or three-letter company code Assistance-insurance product IPD None, or three-letter product code Automatic insurance proposal AIP None, or three-letter company code and country of the agent's office ID Assistance-insurance currency CIS Three-letter currency code or * (default office currency) 260 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Security Attribute Identifier Possible Values Tour operator preference TUR None, or two- to three-letter tour operator codes Header for hardcopy printouts IHW Y (Yes) or N (No) Profile display order PDO P (by PNR element types), A (by travel activities), or T (by transfer indicator) Profile merge display PMG C (with company only), A (with all associated profiles), G (with guest company) or N (no merged display) Profile activity list PAL Y (Yes) or N (No) Hotel travel choice display CSH E (Enriched neutral display) or P (Preferential display) Merge hotel biasing profiles in Travel Choice MBP Y (Yes) or N (No) Car travel choice display CSC E (Enriched neutral display) or P (Preferential display) Air travel choice display CSA E (Enriched neutral display), P (Preferential display), or T (Twin display) FXC travel choice display CSF E (Enriched neutral display) or P (Preferential display) Rail travel choice display CSR E (Enriched neutral display) or P (Preferential display) Cruise line preference CRU 3-character cruise line code Cruise currency CRC 3-letter currency code Default stock reference DSR Stock reference code Broadcast printer reference BPR None - not currently used. Time window for availability TWA Minus sign (-), number of hours before time in your entry, slash (/), plus sign (+), number of hours after time in your entry. Example: -1/+2. True rate range TRR None, RAC, NORAC, or NO Currency Attributes The Currency Preferences in this section are relevant for countries that are part of the European Monetary Union (EMU) and that are not currently using the euro. © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 261 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Attribute Identifier Possible Values Default currency preference CUR L (Local Currency) or E (Euro) Ticketing Fares Currency CTF L (Local Currency) or E (Euro) Hotel currency CHT L (Local Currency) or E (Euro) Cars currency CCA L (Local Currency) or E (Euro) Rail currency CRA L (Local Currency) or E (Euro) Tour currency CTO L (Local Currency) or E (Euro) Ferry currency CFR L (Local Currency) or E (Euro) IDENTIFIERS Terminal Address The terminal address appears at the top-left of the work area status display, after a JD entry. The terminal address 09B00866 is broken down as follows: 09 B0 08 66 Network Id Line number Interchange address Terminal address Office ID The Office ID appears in the top-centre of the work area status display. It is used in many security entries. The office ID NCEAF0100 is broken down as follows: NCE AF 0 100 City or Airport code Corporate code Corporate qualifier code: Office number 0 Airline using Amadeus Altéa Reservation and Amadeus offices 1 Participating airline 2, 3 Travel agency 4 Hotel provider 5 Car provider 6 Tour provider 7 Surface provider 8 Other provider 262 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Security 9 Wholesaler © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 263 Amadeus Service Fee Manager AGENT ENTRIES List price schemes available to your office TFL List price schemes available to your office by price scheme name TFL/NM-ABC List price schemes available to your office by geographical zone TFL/ZN Define price scheme reference (all passengers in a PNR) TFP/1234 Define price scheme reference (specific passengers) TFP/1234/P1-2 Pricing Integrated with Amadeus Service Fee Manager If your office profile is configured, the system automatically includes the ticketing fee in the pricing displays for Amadeus Itinerary Pricing, Amadeus Best Pricer, and Amadeus Value Pricer. To include the ticketing fee in the Amadeus Informative Pricing display you must include the price scheme option in your entry. Choose a price scheme (other than office default price scheme) for Amadeus Value Pricer FXCLHR/D01MARSYD/D01APRLHR /PS-1234 Informative pricing (default price scheme) FQPLHRSYD/PS Informative pricing (specific price scheme) FQPLHRSYD/PS-1234 Price without ticketing fee FXP/NF Manually Update Contextual Fee Parameters Update booking channel TFU/BC-C/T1/P1 Update delivery type TFU/DT-MSGR Activate the Ticketing Fee Activate ticketing fee TFU/T1/P1 Change ticket type TFU/TT-ET/T1/P1 Change validating carrier TFU/VC-BA/T1/P1 Change fare amount type TFU/AT-B/T1/P1 Enter form of payment TFU/FP-CC/T1/P1 Enter credit card type TFU/CT-D/T1/P1 Enter credit card provider TFU/CP-VI/T1/P1 Change several parameters TFU/TT-ET/VC-BA/CT-D/CP-VI/T1/P1 Deactivate ticketing fee TFU/T0/P1 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 265 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Manually Update Ticket Counters Ticket issue counter TFC/TKIS+1/P1 Ticket reissue counter TFC/TKRI+1/P1 Ticket refund counter TFC/TKRF+1/P1 Ticket cancel and void counter TFC/TKVX+1/P1 MCO issue counter TFC/MOIS+1/P1 Manage Transitional Stored Fees (TSFs) Display informative TSF (selected passengers) TFIA/P1-3 Display informative TSF (all passengers in PNR) TFIA Display informative TSF (all passengers in a group PNR) TFI Display informative TSF (single passenger and future date) TFI/P1/D-12SEP09 Display fee parameters for informative TSF TFDA/P1 Validate TSF (one passenger) TFV/P1 Validate TSF (all passengers in PNR) TFVA Adjust amount TFA/5.00/*FREEFLOW TEXT/F1 List validated and deactivated TSFs TFFL Display the sum of all validated TSFs (all passengers) TFFA Display the sum of all validated TSFs (selected passengers) TFFA/P1-3 Display a validated or deactivated TSF TFF/F5 Display fee parameters for a validated TSF TFDA/F5 Deactivate a validated TSF Create service fee element in the PNR (US only) TFX/F5 TFE/F5/P1 PRICE SCHEME ADMINISTRATOR ENTRIES List price schemes by validity status (in production) TFL/BD<=01APR09/ED>=01APR09 List price schemes by validity status (inactive) TFL/BD>01APR09 List price schemes by validity status (archived) TFL/ED<01APR07 Display price scheme algorithms TFS/PS-1234 266 Edition 9.2 Amadeus Service Fee Manager Display Fee Codes Display fee codes TFMF/BF Display booking process fee TFMF/BF/TY-BKG Display ticketing fee TFMF/BF/TY-TKF Display contextual fee TFMF/BF/TY-CTF Display total fee TFMF/BF/TY-TOT Display Input Codes Display input codes TFMF/IN Display booking process fee TFMF/IN/TY-BKG Display ticketing fee TFMF/IN/TY-TKF Display contextual fee TFMF/IN/TY-CTF © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved 267 Amadeus Offers Creating Offers Create air offer OFS/A Create air offer with a mark-up OFS/A/MK-20 Create hotel offer (from a detailed pricing display) OFS/H Create hotel offer (from a rate selection display) OFS/H1 Displaying Offers and Prices Display offers RTOF Display price details for air offer TQQ/O1 Display price record from price record index TQQ/O1/Q1 Display hotel offer details RDP1 Emailing Offer Notices Send all offer notices (to the address in APE element) OFN Send offer notice (to a specific address) Send individual offer notices (to the address in APE element) OFN/O1,3 Verifying and Confirming Offers Verify offer OFV1 Confirm offer OFK1 Cancelling Offers Cancel offer number 1 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved XE1 269 Index A AccesRail, 117 Accounting coupons reprinting for EMDs, 173 reprinting from the query report, 195 reprinting on blank paper on a broadcast printer, 166 reprinting with ATB coupon regeneration, 164 Accounting Information, 224 Add calculator function, 9 Adding data to a fare calculation line, 177 Address billing, 38 mailing, 38 Adjustment type codes, 200 Agent preferences, 7, 259 Agent sign, 255 Air alliances, 3 Airline Ticketing Fees add fee to TST, 179 automatic pricing, 144 delete fee from TST, 179 displaying, 176 displaying the Pricing Context, 176 modify fee in TST, 179 pricing options, 145 refunding, 202 add fee, 204, 208 add fee and taxes, 204, 208 delete fee, 204, 208 delete multiple fees, 204, 208 displaying the refundable Airline Ticketing Fees record, 202, 207 standalone calculation, 146 Airport information pages, 3 AIS See Amadeus Information Pages. Amadeus Airline Ancillary Services automatic pricing, 141 displaying a catalogue of eligible chargeable Ancillary Services, 143 issuing, 169 issuing an EMD, 171 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved updating multi-coupon TSM-P, 183 Amadeus Automated Refunds, 201 cancelling, 202, 207 cancelling a refund, 203, 207 cover refund, 202 full refund, 201 general entries, 202, 207 involuntary refund, 202 not reported refund, 202 partial refund, 201 processing, 201 tax-only refund, 201 updating the refund record, 203, 207 zero refund, 202 Amadeus Best Pricer, 135 Amadeus Bypass Ticketing entering/exiting bypass mode, 188 search options, 189 stock control, 189 Amadeus Cars See Car. Amadeus Central Ticketing printer list, 191 sales reports, 192 Amadeus Customer Profiles, 61 Amadeus Email, 237 sending an invoice, 223 sending an itinerary, 226 sending an ITR, 230 Amadeus Fax, 233 sending an invoice, 222 sending an itinerary, 226 sending an ITR, 230 Amadeus Hotel Reservation See Hotel. Amadeus Information Pages, 3 accessing, 3 for ticketing, 159 searching, 4 updating, 5 Amadeus Insurance Reservation, 121 Amadeus Interface Record, 11 Amadeus Master Pricer Expert, 139, 140, 141 Amadeus Online Help pages, 5 Amadeus Queues, 243 Amadeus Rail Reservation See Rail. Amadeus Remote Ticketing 271 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 distribution profile record (DPR), 210 document bank, 209 issuing documents at a remote site, 209 sales reports, 210 Amadeus Security, 255 Amadeus Service Fee Manager, 265 Amadeus Ticket Changer, 147 reissue panel displaying, 176 Amadeus Ticket Changer Refund, 206 initiating a refund, 204 options, 205 processing a refund without displaying the refund record options, 206 processing a refund without displaying the refund record, 206 Amadeus Ticketless Access, 219 Amadeus Value Pricer, 136, 137, 138 Amadeus Virtual MCO issuing, 170 updating TSM, 180 ARC report, 192 Area identifiers, 87 ARNK, 31 ATB mini-itinerary, 227 ATS See Amadeus Bypass Ticketing. Australian visas, 13 Automatic rebooking, 135 Auxiliary segments, 32 manual, 32 Availability and schedules, 15 airline alliance display, 15, 18, 20, 21 dual city pair, 16 negotiated space, 26 one-way routing, 15 round-trip routing, 16 AXR, 47 AXR (cross-referenced PNR), 48 B Bankers rates, 125 Billing address, 38 Boarding passes, 174 Booking codes, 127 using Amadeus Central Ticketing, 197 Car, 81 area identifiers, 87 auxiliary segment, 96 availability, 81, 83 company information, 81 equipment codes, 91 location list, 87 location policy, 88 rate categories and plans, 86 rate features, 93 sell, 89 terms, 93 type and class codes, 84 voucher, 94, 95 Cash report in Amadeus Central Ticketing, 193 Cash reports in Amadeus Bypass Ticketing, 190 Celsius to fahrenheit conversion, 10 Changing availability displays, 18 Charges, 126 issuing, 169 Check digit, 10 Checking a credit card, 160 Circle Trip (CT) fares, 128 Closing a sales report, 195 Codes, 136 Commission, 154 calculator, 176 Connect points, 25 Consolidated report list, 193 Contact element, 33 Converting a date, day, or time, 10 metric and imperial, 10 Corporate contracts, 149 Creating manual TSM-P, 180 manual TST, 175 Credit card approval, 160 Credit card check, 160 Cross-reference report, 193 Cross-referenced PNRs, 48 See AXR. Currency conversion, 125 Currency preferences, 261 Customer Profiles, 61 C Calculating mileage, 126 Cancelling a sale, exchange or refund, 198 Cancelling a ticket, 189 using Amadeus Bypass Ticketing, 189 272 D Daily report, 192 Decimal to hexadecimal, 9 Decoding and encoding, 9 Edition 9.2 Index Direct access, 22 car availability, 83 fare display, 23 flight information, 23 PNR retrieval, 24 seat maps, 24 Discounts, 131, 136, 149 Divide calculator function, 9 Document bank, 191 Document registration, 197 E Electronic Miscellaneous Documents. See EMD Electronic ticket records displaying, 211 history displaying, 212 Electronic ticketing carrier tables, 160 Electronic tickets, 211 amending ET record status, 212 issuing, 211 refunding, 213 unused e-tickets, 217 voiding with the TWX entry, 212 Email See Amadeus Email. EMD accounting coupons reprinting, 173 fare elements, 155 forcing coupon status, 216 issuing, 171 Manual auxiliary segments, 32 updating TSM-P, 183 EMD management entries for airline control desks, 217 EMD management entries for airline offices, 216 EMD record displaying, 214 history displaying, 215 Encoding and decoding, 9 corporate contracts, 149 Endorsement restrictions, 155 ETAS See Australian visas. E-ticket itinerary receipt (ITR), 230 e-Ticket management entries for airline control desks, 214 e-Ticket management entries for airline offices, 213 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved E-tickets forcing E-ticket status, 213 Euro, 128 Excess baggage charges, 126 Exchange cancelling, 198 Exchange rates, 125 F Fahrenheit to celsius conversion, 10 Fare discount element, 149 Fare display, 127, 128 Direct access, 23 follow-up entries, 128 Fare notes and rules, 129 Fare request type codes, 150 Fax See Amadeus Fax. Ferry information pages, 3 FK element, 40 Flight information, 24 Flight segments display details, 32 group sell, 58 long sell, 31 short sell, 30 Foreign currency fares on display, 128 Form of payment, 161 Form of payment report, 193 Frequent flyer, 39 SSR element, 35 G Ghost segment, 31 Group PNR fare, 59 retrieve, 59 seat request, 59 GSA tables, 160 H HE pages, 5 Historical fare records, 149 History report, 193 Hotel, 97 area identifiers, 100 availability, 101 bed type codes, 98 biased displays, 113 chain information, 97 display options, 109 273 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 Facilities Codes, 98 features, 102 inventory, 104 location list, 100 predefined rate codes, 97 rate change, 102 room type codes, 98 sell, 105 transport identifiers, 101 I Information segment See ARNK. Informative pricing, 130 Insurance, 121 certificates and vouchers, 123 PNR element, 121 provider information, 121 sell, 121 Interline agreement tables, 160 Inventory type codes, 201 Invoice and itinerary remarks, 228 Invoices, 221 Issue in exchange, 157 Issuing Amadeus Airline Ancillary Services, 169 Amadeus Electronic Miscellaneous Documents, 171 Amadeus Virtual MCO, 170 Amadeus Virtual Miscellaneous Charges Orders, 170 boarding pass, 174 electronic tickets to paper tickets, 211 EMDs, 171 miscellaneous charges orders, 169 miscellaneous documents, 169 service fees/charges, 169 tickets, 163 Issuing an EMD Amadeus Airline Ancillary Services, 171 Item sales period report, 192 Itineraries, 225 Itinerary pricing, 132 options, 132 Itinerary receipt (ITR), 230 Itinerary service information, 44 L Local security, 255 Long sell, 31 group, 58 274 M Mailing address, 38 Manual auxiliary segments, 32 Manual document registration proforma method, 198 Manual ticket number element, 157 transmission, 157 MCO excess baggage, 41 issuing, 169 miscellaneous fees, 41 updating TSM, 180 updating TSM, 182 Minimum connecting time (MCT), 25 Miscellaneous Charges Order See MCO. Miscellaneous documents issuing, 169 Miscellaneous ticketing information, 155 Modifying a name element, 30 Multiply calculator function, 9 N Name change, 30 Name element, 29 staff, 29 Negotiated fares, 128 Negotiated space, 26 Net remit report, 193 Neutral availability, 15 Non-commercial PNRs, 60 O Office ID, 262 Office profile, 229 Online Help pages, 5 Open segment, 32 Option planner (queues), 254 Options Amadeus Master Pricer Expert, 139, 140, 141 Amadeus Value Pricer, 138 for Amadeus Best Pricer, 135 for Amadeus Value Pricer, 137 for displaying a catalogue of eligible chargeable Airline Ancillary Services, 143 for informative pricing, 130 for Itinerary Pricing, 132 for pricing Airline Ticketing Fees, 145 for pricing Airline Ticketing Fees (Standalone Calculation), 146 Edition 9.2 Index for pricing Amadeus Airline Ancillary Services, 142 for repricing with Amadeus Ticket Changer, 147 Original issue, 157 electronic tickets, 157 Other service information (OSI), 34 P Passenger facility charges, 126 Passenger type codes, 136 Passive segment, 31 Past Date Record (PDR) displaying, 54 printing, 49 recalling interactively, 54 recalling off-line, 53 recalling PDRs purged before April 2004, 55 PNR automatically rebooking, 135 cabin baggage, 29 claiming, 56 copying, 47 copying itinerary elements only, 48 copying passenger data only, 48 display (partial), 44 ending transaction, 42 excess baggage, 41 extra seat, 29 history, 57 ignoring an entry, 42 information segment, 31 list by flight, 50 list by office, 51 MCO miscellaneous fees, 41 multilist display, 50 name, 29 non-commercial, 60 placing on queues, 248 printing, 49 record locator, 44 remarks, 36 removing from queues, 252 retrieving, 43 retrieving and pricing, 132 retrieving another system's PNR, 56 search by flight, 50 security, 56 splitting, 48 transfer ownership, 57 PNR change flag removing, 180, 188 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved PNR elements canceling, 47 changing, 45 combining, 42 deleting, 47 FK element, 40 insurance, 121 keywords element, 40 multiple entry, 42 queue option, 37 rearranging, 46 rebooking, 45 received from element, 33 service elements, 34 SK element, 40 PNR fare elements, 154, 155, 157, 159 Practice Training, 8 Pricing, 130 Print queue, 196 remote office, 196 Print recovery entries, 197 in Amadeus Bypass Ticketing, 190 Printer status, 197 Printing a PNR, 49 accounting coupons, 195 electronic ticket ITRs, 230 invoices, 221 itineraries, 225 PDR, 49 profiles, 78 queues, 251 Proforma mask displaying, 198 Proforma registration of documents, 198 Purged PNR See Past Date Record. Q Query report, 192 Queue option in PNR, 37 Queue View, 250, 251 Queues, 243 adding, 244 browsing, 243 delay planner, 253 delaying PNRs and Messages, 244 deleting, 246 displaying, 247 displaying counts, 245 exiting from, 245 monitoring, 247 275 Amadeus Cryptic Entries Reference Guide July 2012 nicknames, 245 option planner, 254 placing PNRs and messages on, 248 printing, 251 recalculating queue counts, 246 removing messages from, 252 removing PNRs and messages, 244 removing PNRs from, 252 resetting, 246 sorting, 245 starting and working with, 243 summary planner, 252 ticketing planner, 253 R Rail, 115 AccesRail, 117 availability and schedule display, 115 claiming an Amadeus PNR, 117 coach map, 118 fares, 116 information pages, 3 on-board service, 117 passenger type codes, 116 pricing, 117 provider information, 115 seat map, 119 seat request, 119 special services, 117 ticketing, 117 train status information, 117 Rate desk pricing, 3 Rates of exchange, 125 Record locator, 44 Refund cancelling, 198 Refund type codes, 200 Remarks confidential, 36 corporate, 36 general, 36 invoice and itinerary, 227 Remote office sign-in, 7 Remote ticketing, 164, 209 Reporting plan tables, 160 Reprinting accounting Coupons, 195 Responsibility transfer, 57 Retrieving a PNR, 43 Round-the-World (RTW) fares, 128 Routing information, 130 276 S Sale cancelling, 198 reinstating, 199 type codes, 200 Sales reports, 192 for remote ticketing offices, 210 printing, 195 Schedules, 15 Seat maps, 39 Seat requests, 39, 59 Security, 255 Segment information, 44 Segment sell ghost segment, 31 group, 58 long entry, 31 passive segment, 31 service segment, 31 short entry, 30 Segments auxiliary, 32 information, 31 open, 32 rearranging, 46 rebooking, 46 status, 45 Service fee, 265 Service Fee Manager, 265 Service Fees issuing, 169 updating TSM, 180 Service segment, 31 Settlement plan tables, 160 Shopper display, 127 Short sell, 30 group, 58 Sign bank, 255 Signing in and out, 7 Practice Training, 8 SK element, 40 Splitting a PNR, 48 SSR, 34 Staff passengers, 29 Stock control, 189 Subtract calculator function, 9 Summary sales period report, 192 T Tax base and totals calculator function, 9 Temporary ticketing, 162 Terminal address, 262 Edition 9.2 Index Ticket and Invoice reports, 230 Ticket Delivery Mechanism (TDM), 197 Ticket images Amadeus Bypass Ticketing, 189 Ticket stock in Amadeus Central Ticketing, 191 Ticket type e-ticket and paper, 149 e-ticket only, 149 option, 149 paper only, 149 Ticketing arrangement element, 153 Ticketless access, 219 Timatic, 13 Timetable, 20 Tour code element, 159 Transaction report, 193 type codes, 200 Transitional Stored Miscellaneous (TSM) documents. See TSM Transitional Stored Miscellaneous (TSM) documents of the type P (Pricing Quotation Record). See TSM-P Transitional Stored Ticket (TST) adding passengers, 176 deleting, 180 displaying, 176 history, 179 manually creating, 175 removing confidentiality, 177 removing the PNR change flag, 180 setting confidentiality, 177 splitting passengers, 176 updating, 177 updating fare calculation, 177 Travel Agent Service Fees displaying, 180 history displaying, 188 issuing, 169 modifying, 187 TSM displaying, 181 history, 188 issuing, 169, 170 updating, 182 TSM-P deleting, 188 displaying, 181 fare elements, 149, 154, 155, 157, 158, 159 history, 188 © 2012 Amadeus s.a.s - All rights reserved issuing, 171 manually creating, 180 removing the PNR change flag, 188 updating, 183 TSM-P fare elements, 162 U Unifares, 128 Unused e-ticket tracking report, 217 Updating a name element, 30 V Validating carrier, 159 W Weather forecast, 3 277
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