Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) CHMS User Guide Cycle3 E
User Manual: Pdf
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Page Count: 154 [warning: Documents this large are best viewed by clicking the View PDF Link!]
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Important notes related to this document
- 3. Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) background and objectives
- 4. Survey approval
- 5. Survey content
- 6. Sample design
- 6.1 Target population
- 6.2 Sample size and allocation
- 6.3 Sampling frames and sampling strategy
- 6.3.1 Sampling of collection sites
- 6.3.2 Dwelling sampling
- 6.3.3 Respondent sampling
- 6.3.4 Activity monitor subsample
- 6.3.5 Blood and urine subsamples
- Fasted subsampling
- Red blood cell fatty acids subsample
- Urine fluoride subsample
- Blood volatile organic compounds (VOCs) subsample
- Blood acrylamide subsample
- Blood methyl mercury subsample
- Urine environmental contaminants subsample
- Urine NNK metabolites subsample
- 6.3.6 Tap water household subsamples
- 7. Data collection
- 7.1 Preparation for collection
- 7.2 Collection
- 7.3 Minimizing non-response
- 7.4 Physical measures protocols
- 7.5 Laboratory measures protocols (blood and urine)
- 8. Data processing
- 9. Weighting
- 9.1 Selection weights for collection sites
- 9.2 Selection weights for dwellings
- 9.3 Removal of out-of-scope units
- 9.4 Household non-response
- 9.5 Creation of the person weight
- 9.6 Non-response at the questionnaire level
- 9.7 Non-response at the MEC level
- 9.8 Winsorization
- 9.9 Calibration
- 9.10 Bootstrap weights
- 9.11 Weighting for selected subsamples
- 10.1 Response rates
- 10.2 Errors in surveys
- 10.3 Quality assurance and control
- 10.3.1 Training of household interviewers and Mobile Examination Centre (MEC) staff
- 10.3.2 Household component
- Monitoring – Household interview
- 10.3.3 Mobile examination centre (MEC) component
- Equipment selection
- Protocols and procedures
- Mobile examination centre (MEC) environment
- Adherence to pre-testing guidelines
- Equipment monitoring
- Data entry verification
- MEC – data collection monitoring
- Spirometry data review
- Data validation
- Activity monitor data review
- Replicate testing
- Anthropometry replicate testing
- Laboratory replicate testing
- Mobile examination centre (MEC) laboratory
- Proficiency testing
- Processing and storage of blood and urine samples
- Shipping
- Field blanks
- Tap water blanks
- Hearing data review
- 10.3.4 Head office
- Red blood cell folate data
- 11. File Usage
- 11.1 Description of data files
- 11.1.1 Household full sample file
- 11.1.2 Clinic full sample file
- 11.1.3 Postal code file
- 11.1.4 Climate and air quality file
- 11.1.5 Activity monitor subsample file
- 11.1.6 Non-environmental lab full sample file
- 11.1.7 Fasted subsample file
- 11.1.8 Red blood cell fatty acids subsample file
- 11.1.9 Hearing full sample file
- 11.1.10 Fluoride household level subsample file (in tap water)
- 11.1.11 Volatile organic compounds household level subsample file (in tap water)
- 11.1.12 Fluoride person level subsample file (in urine and tap water)
- 11.1.13 Volatile organic compounds person level subsample file (in blood and tap water)
- 11.1.14 Environmental lab blood and urine full sample file
- 11.1.15 Acrylamide (environmental blood subsample) file
- 11.1.16 Methyl mercury (environmental blood subsample) file
- 11.1.17 NNK metabolites (environmental urine subsample) file
- 11.1.18 Environmental urine (main subsample) file
- 11.2 Key variables for linking data files
- 11.3 Key variables and definitions
- 11.4 Use of age and sex variables
- 11.5 Use of weight variables
- 11.6 Variable naming convention
- 11.7 Access to data files
- 11.1 Description of data files
- 12. Guidelines for tabulation, analysis and release
- 12.1 Guidelines for tabulation
- 12.2 Guidelines for statistical analysis
- 12.3 Guidelines for releasing data
- 13. References and end notes
- Appendix 1 - Acronyms and Abbreviations
- Appendix 2 - List of other Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) documents available
- Appendix 3 - List of Collection Sites for Cycle 3
- Appendix 4 - Pre-testing Guidelines
- Appendix 5 - Exclusion Criteria
- Appendix 6 - Medication Classification Systems
- Appendix 7 - Response Rates
- Appendix 7A - CHMS Cycle 3 Full Sample Response Rates by age group and sex
- Appendix 7B - CHMS Cycle 3 Activity Monitor Response Rates by age group and sex
- Appendix 7C - CHMS Cycle 3 Blood Draw and Urine Response Rates by age group and sex
- Appendix 7D - CHMS Cycle 3 Fasted Subsample Response Rates by age group and sex
- Appendix 7E - CHMS Cycle 3 Red Blood Cell Fatty Acids Subsample Response Rates by age group and sex
- Appendix 7F - CHMS Cycle 3 Tap water fluoride subsample household response rates by household size
- Appendix 7G - CHMS Cycle 3 Urine fluoride subsample person response rates by age group and sex
- Appendix 7H - CHMS Cycle 3 Tap water VOCs subsample household response rates by household size
- Appendix 7I - CHMS Cycle 3 Blood VOCs subsample person response rates by age group and sex
- Appendix 7J - CHMS Cycle 3 Acrylamide Subsample Response Rates by age group and sex
- Appendix 7K - CHMS Cycle 3 Methyl Mercury Subsample Response Rates by age group and sex
- Appendix 7L - CHMS Cycle 3 Urine environmental contaminants Subsample Response Rates by age group and sex
- Appendix 7M - CHMS Cycle 3 Urine NNK metabolites subsample response rates by age group and sex
- Appendix 8 - Activity Monitor Research
- Appendix 9 – Changes to Wave 1 Variables
- Appendix 10 – Changes to Wave 2 Variables