Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) CHMS User Guide Cycle3 E
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Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 July 2015 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................................ 8 2. IMPORTANT NOTES RELATED TO THIS DOCUMENT ..................................................................................................9 2.1 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................................................................ 9 2.2 REFERENCES AND END NOTES ............................................................................................................................................. 9 2.3 SURVEY DOCUMENTATION ................................................................................................................................................. 9 2.4 UPDATES TO CHMS DOCUMENTATION .............................................................................................................................. 10 2.4.1 User guide ........................................................................................................................................................... 10 3. CANADIAN HEALTH MEASURES SURVEY (CHMS) BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES ................................................. 20 3.1 CHMS BACKGROUND ..................................................................................................................................................... 20 3.2 CHMS OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................................................................................ 20 4. SURVEY APPROVAL ................................................................................................................................................. 21 4.1 AUTHORITY .................................................................................................................................................................. 21 4.2 ETHICAL PROTOCOLS AND PRIVACY STANDARDS.................................................................................................................... 21 5. SURVEY CONTENT ................................................................................................................................................... 22 6. SAMPLE DESIGN ..................................................................................................................................................... 23 6.1 TARGET POPULATION...................................................................................................................................................... 23 6.2 SAMPLE SIZE AND ALLOCATION ......................................................................................................................................... 23 6.3 SAMPLING FRAMES AND SAMPLING STRATEGY ..................................................................................................................... 23 6.3.1 Sampling of collection sites ................................................................................................................................. 23 6.3.2 Dwelling sampling ............................................................................................................................................... 24 6.3.3 Respondent sampling .......................................................................................................................................... 26 6.3.4 Activity monitor subsample ...................................................................................................................................... 26 6.3.5 Blood and urine subsamples ..................................................................................................................................... 27 Fasted subsampling .............................................................................................................................. 27 Red blood cell fatty acids subsample .................................................................................................... 27 Urine fluoride subsample ...................................................................................................................... 27 Blood volatile organic compounds (VOCs) subsample .......................................................................... 27 Blood acrylamide subsample ................................................................................................................. 28 Blood methyl mercury subsample ......................................................................................................... 28 Urine environmental contaminants subsample .................................................................................... 28 Urine NNK metabolites subsample ........................................................................................................ 28 6.3.6 Tap water household subsamples ............................................................................................................................ 28 7. DATA COLLECTION .................................................................................................................................................. 30 7.1 PREPARATION FOR COLLECTION ........................................................................................................................................ 30 7.1.1 The Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) team ........................................................................................ 30 Field team ............................................................................................................................................. 30 Mobile examination centre (MEC) team .............................................................................................. 30 Head office staff .................................................................................................................................... 30 7.1.2 The mobile examination centre (MEC) ................................................................................................................ 31 7.1.3 Informatics environment ..................................................................................................................................... 31 7.1.4 Questionnaire design .......................................................................................................................................... 32 Household questionnaire...................................................................................................................... 32 Clinic questionnaire .............................................................................................................................. 32 Tap Water Questions ............................................................................................................................ 33 Hearing Questions ................................................................................................................................ 33 Sun Exposure Questions ....................................................................................................................... 33 Indoor Air Questions ............................................................................................................................. 33 1 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Fish and Shellfish Consumption ............................................................................................................ 33 7.2 COLLECTION ................................................................................................................................................................. 33 7.2.1 Collection – Household interview ........................................................................................................................ 34 7.2.2 Collection – MEC.................................................................................................................................................. 34 7.3 MINIMIZING NON-RESPONSE ........................................................................................................................................... 35 7.3.1 Minimizing non-response – Household interview ............................................................................................... 35 Introductory material ........................................................................................................................... 35 Initiating contact ................................................................................................................................... 36 Refusal procedures ............................................................................................................................... 36 Language barriers ................................................................................................................................. 36 Youth respondents................................................................................................................................ 36 Proxy interviews ................................................................................................................................... 37 7.3.2 Minimizing non-response – MEC ......................................................................................................................... 37 Non-response follow-up ....................................................................................................................... 37 Flexible MEC hours ............................................................................................................................... 37 Refusal procedures ............................................................................................................................... 38 Language barriers ................................................................................................................................. 38 Youth respondents................................................................................................................................ 38 7.4 PHYSICAL MEASURES PROTOCOLS ...................................................................................................................................... 38 7.4.1 Anthropometry .................................................................................................................................................... 38 Standing height ..................................................................................................................................... 39 Sitting height ......................................................................................................................................... 39 Weight .................................................................................................................................................. 39 Waist circumference ............................................................................................................................. 39 Hip circumference ................................................................................................................................. 39 7.4.2 Skin pigmentation .............................................................................................................................................. 39 7.4.3 Heart rate and blood pressure ............................................................................................................................ 40 7.4.4 Lung health.......................................................................................................................................................... 40 Spirometry ........................................................................................................................................... 40 Fractional Exhaled Nitric Oxide (FENO) ................................................................................................. 40 7.4.5 Grip strength ....................................................................................................................................................... 40 7.4.6 Hearing ................................................................................................................................................................ 40 Otoscopy ............................................................................................................................................... 40 Tympanometry ..................................................................................................................................... 41 Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions ............................................................................................ 41 Audiometry ............................................................................................................................................ 41 7.4.7 Activity monitor ................................................................................................................................................... 41 7.4.8 Tap water ............................................................................................................................................................ 41 7.4.9 Indoor air sampler ............................................................................................................................................... 41 7.5 LABORATORY MEASURES PROTOCOLS (BLOOD AND URINE) ..................................................................................................... 42 7.5.1 Sample collection ................................................................................................................................................ 42 Blood collection .................................................................................................................................... 42 Urine collection ..................................................................................................................................... 42 7.5.2 Analysis of CBC performed at the mobile examination centre (MEC) ................................................................. 42 7.5.3 Processing and storage of the blood and urine samples ..................................................................................... 42 7.5.4 Shipment of the blood and urine samples ........................................................................................................... 43 8. DATA PROCESSING ................................................................................................................................................. 44 8.1 VERIFICATION ............................................................................................................................................................... 44 8.2 MARK-ALL-THAT-APPLY QUESTIONS .................................................................................................................................. 44 8.3 CODING ....................................................................................................................................................................... 45 8.4 EDITING ....................................................................................................................................................................... 46 8.5 CREATION OF DERIVED VARIABLES ..................................................................................................................................... 47 8.6 ANALYTICAL RANGE ........................................................................................................................................................ 47 2 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 9. WEIGHTING.................................................................................................................................................................. 48 9.1 SELECTION WEIGHTS FOR COLLECTION SITES ........................................................................................................................ 48 9.2 SELECTION WEIGHTS FOR DWELLINGS................................................................................................................................. 48 9.3 REMOVAL OF OUT-OF-SCOPE UNITS ................................................................................................................................... 49 9.4 HOUSEHOLD NON-RESPONSE ........................................................................................................................................... 49 9.5 CREATION OF THE PERSON WEIGHT.................................................................................................................................... 49 9.6 NON-RESPONSE AT THE QUESTIONNAIRE LEVEL .................................................................................................................... 49 9.7 NON-RESPONSE AT THE MEC LEVEL .................................................................................................................................. 50 9.8 WINSORIZATION ............................................................................................................................................................ 51 9.9 CALIBRATION ................................................................................................................................................................ 51 9.10 BOOTSTRAP WEIGHTS ........................................................................................................................................... 51 9.11 WEIGHTING FOR SELECTED SUBSAMPLES........................................................................................................................... 52 9.11.1 Weighting for activity monitor data ....................................................................................................................... 52 9.11.2 Weighting for blood and urine data ...................................................................................................................... 52 Weighting for the fasted subsample .......................................................................................................... 52 Weighting for the red blood cell fatty acids subsample ........................................................................ 53 Weighting for the urine fluoride subsample .......................................................................................... 54 Weighting for the blood volatile organic compounds (VOCs) subsample ............................................. 55 9.11.3 Weighting for the tap water subsamples ............................................................................................................... 60 Weighting for the tap water fluoride subsample (household-level weights) ........................................ 60 Weighting for the tap water VOCs subsample (household-level weights) ............................................ 60 10. DATA QUALITY........................................................................................................................................................ 62 10.1 RESPONSE RATES.................................................................................................................................................. 62 10.1.1 Household and MEC response rates ............................................................................................................... 62 10.1.2 Activity monitor response rates ...................................................................................................................... 65 10.1.3 Blood draw and urine response rates ............................................................................................................. 66 10.1.4 Response rates for blood and urine subsamples ............................................................................................ 67 Fasted subsample response rates.......................................................................................................... 67 Red blood cell fatty acids subsample response rates ............................................................................ 69 10.1.5 Fluoride subsamples response rates ............................................................................................................... 74 Tap water fluoride subsample household response rates..................................................................... 74 Urine fluoride subsample person response rates .................................................................................. 74 10.1.6 VOCs subsamples response rates ................................................................................................................... 76 Tap water VOCs subsample household response rates ......................................................................... 76 Blood VOCs subsample person response rates ..................................................................................... 77 10.2 ERRORS IN SURVEYS .............................................................................................................................................. 79 10.2.1 Non-sampling errors ....................................................................................................................................... 79 10.2.2 Sampling errors .............................................................................................................................................. 80 10.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE AND CONTROL......................................................................................................................... 81 10.3.1 Training of household interviewers and Mobile Examination Centre (MEC) staff .......................................... 81 Initial training......................................................................................................................................... 81 Dress rehearsal ...................................................................................................................................... 82 Ongoing training – Dry run day .............................................................................................................. 83 Annual retraining ................................................................................................................................... 83 10.3.2 Household component.................................................................................................................................... 83 Monitoring – Household interview ................................................................................................................. 83 Household questionnaire response rates .............................................................................................. 83 Validation of questionnaire responses .................................................................................................. 83 10.3.3 Mobile examination centre (MEC) component .............................................................................................. 84 Equipment selection .............................................................................................................................. 84 Protocols and procedures ...................................................................................................................... 84 Mobile examination centre (MEC) environment ................................................................................... 85 Adherence to pre-testing guidelines ..................................................................................................... 85 3 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Equipment monitoring........................................................................................................................... 85 Data entry verification ........................................................................................................................... 85 MEC – data collection monitoring ......................................................................................................... 85 Spirometry data review ......................................................................................................................... 86 Data validation ....................................................................................................................................... 86 Activity monitor data review ................................................................................................................. 87 Replicate testing .................................................................................................................................... 87 Anthropometry replicate testing ........................................................................................................... 87 Laboratory replicate testing .................................................................................................................. 87 Mobile examination centre (MEC) laboratory ....................................................................................... 87 Proficiency testing ................................................................................................................................. 88 Processing and storage of blood and urine samples ............................................................................. 88 Shipping ................................................................................................................................................. 88 Field blanks ............................................................................................................................................ 88 Tap water blanks.................................................................................................................................... 89 Hearing data review............................................................................................................................... 89 10.3.4 Head office ..................................................................................................................................................... 90 Correcting for bias ................................................................................................................................. 90 Red blood cell folate data ............................................................................................................................... 90 11. FILE USAGE ............................................................................................................................................................. 91 11.1 DESCRIPTION OF DATA FILES ................................................................................................................................... 91 11.1.1 Household full sample file .............................................................................................................................. 94 11.1.2 Clinic full sample file ....................................................................................................................................... 94 11.1.3 Postal code file ............................................................................................................................................... 95 11.1.4 Climate and air quality file ............................................................................................................................. 95 11.1.5 Activity monitor subsample file ............................................................................................................................. 96 11.1.6 Non-environmental lab full sample file.................................................................................................................. 96 11.1.7 Fasted subsample file ............................................................................................................................................ 96 11.1.8 Red blood cell fatty acids subsample file ................................................................................................................ 96 11.1.9 Hearing full sample file ........................................................................................................................................... 96 11.1.10 Fluoride household level subsample file (in tap water) ........................................................................................ 97 11.1.11 Volatile organic compounds household level subsample file (in tap water) ........................................................ 97 11.1.12 Fluoride person level subsample file (in urine and tap water) .............................................................................. 97 11.1.13 Volatile organic compounds person level subsample file (in blood and tap water).................................... 97 11.1.14 Environmental lab blood and urine full sample file ..................................................................................... 97 11.1.15 Acrylamide (environmental blood subsample) file ...................................................................................... 97 11.1.16 Methyl mercury (environmental blood subsample) file .............................................................................. 98 11.1.17 NNK metabolites (environmental urine subsample) file ............................................................................. 98 11.1.18 Environmental urine (main subsample) file ................................................................................................. 98 11.2 KEY VARIABLES FOR LINKING DATA FILES .................................................................................................................... 98 11.3 KEY VARIABLES AND DEFINITIONS............................................................................................................................. 98 USE OF AGE AND SEX VARIABLES ............................................................................................................................ 100 11.4 11.5 USE OF WEIGHT VARIABLES .................................................................................................................................. 100 11.6 VARIABLE NAMING CONVENTION ........................................................................................................................... 100 11.6.1 Position 4: Place Holder or Variable Type ..................................................................................................... 101 11.6.2 Positions 5-8: Question reference ................................................................................................................. 101 11.7 ACCESS TO DATA FILES ......................................................................................................................................... 102 12. GUIDELINES FOR TABULATION, ANALYSIS AND RELEASE ...................................................................................... 103 12.1 GUIDELINES FOR TABULATION ...................................................................................................................................... 103 12.1.1 Tabulation of categorical and quantitative estimates ......................................................................................... 103 Categorical estimates .......................................................................................................................... 103 Quantitative estimates ........................................................................................................................ 104 4 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 12.1.2 Imputation of household income .......................................................................................................................... 105 12.1.3 Other missing data and lab results outside the analytical range ......................................................................... 106 12.2 GUIDELINES FOR STATISTICAL ANALYSIS .......................................................................................................................... 107 12.2.1 Precise variances or coefficients of variation ....................................................................................................... 107 12.2.2 Some recommendations for doing analysis with data from cycle 3 of the CHMS ................................................ 107 12.2.3 Data comparability over time ............................................................................................................................... 108 Normative scales ................................................................................................................................. 108 Activity monitor data for 3 to 5 year olds ............................................................................................ 108 Vitamin B12 data ................................................................................................................................. 108 Vitamin D data ..................................................................................................................................... 109 Ferritin data ......................................................................................................................................... 109 Red blood cell folate data .................................................................................................................... 109 Limits of detection ............................................................................................................................... 109 Significant digits ................................................................................................................................... 109 12.2.4 Combining multiple cycles of CHMS data ............................................................................................................. 110 12.2.5 Software packages available ................................................................................................................................ 110 12.3 GUIDELINES FOR RELEASING DATA ................................................................................................................................. 111 12.3.1 Sample size and coefficient of variation ............................................................................................................... 111 12.3.2 Rounding guidelines ............................................................................................................................................. 111 13. REFERENCES AND END NOTES .............................................................................................................................. 113 APPENDIX 1 - ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................................... 116 APPENDIX 2 - LIST OF OTHER CANADIAN HEALTH MEASURES SURVEY (CHMS) DOCUMENTS AVAILABLE ...................... 117 APPENDIX 3 - LIST OF COLLECTION SITES FOR CYCLE 3 ................................................................................................... 119 APPENDIX 4 - PRE-TESTING GUIDELINES ........................................................................................................................ 120 APPENDIX 5 - EXCLUSION CRITERIA ............................................................................................................................... 122 APPENDIX 6 - MEDICATION CLASSIFICATION SYSTEMS .................................................................................................. 125 APPENDIX 7 - RESPONSE RATES ..................................................................................................................................... 126 APPENDIX 7A - CHMS CYCLE 3 FULL SAMPLE RESPONSE RATES BY AGE GROUP AND SEX ................................................................ 126 APPENDIX 7B - CHMS CYCLE 3 ACTIVITY MONITOR RESPONSE RATES BY AGE GROUP AND SEX ........................................................ 128 APPENDIX 7C - CHMS CYCLE 3 BLOOD DRAW AND URINE RESPONSE RATES BY AGE GROUP AND SEX ............................................... 129 APPENDIX 7D - CHMS CYCLE 3 FASTED SUBSAMPLE RESPONSE RATES BY AGE GROUP AND SEX ....................................................... 131 APPENDIX 7E - CHMS CYCLE 3 RED BLOOD CELL FATTY ACIDS SUBSAMPLE RESPONSE RATES BY AGE GROUP AND SEX......................... 133 APPENDIX 7F - CHMS CYCLE 3 TAP WATER FLUORIDE SUBSAMPLE HOUSEHOLD RESPONSE RATES BY HOUSEHOLD SIZE.......................... 135 APPENDIX 7G - CHMS CYCLE 3 URINE FLUORIDE SUBSAMPLE PERSON RESPONSE RATES BY AGE GROUP AND SEX ................................. 136 APPENDIX 7H - CHMS CYCLE 3 TAP WATER VOCS SUBSAMPLE HOUSEHOLD RESPONSE RATES BY HOUSEHOLD SIZE ............................. 138 APPENDIX 7I - CHMS CYCLE 3 BLOOD VOCS SUBSAMPLE PERSON RESPONSE RATES BY AGE GROUP AND SEX ...................................... 139 APPENDIX 7J - CHMS CYCLE 3 ACRYLAMIDE SUBSAMPLE RESPONSE RATES BY AGE GROUP AND SEX ................................................. 141 APPENDIX 7K - CHMS CYCLE 3 METHYL MERCURY SUBSAMPLE RESPONSE RATES BY AGE GROUP AND SEX ........................................ 143 APPENDIX 7L - CHMS CYCLE 3 URINE ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINANTS SUBSAMPLE RESPONSE RATES BY AGE GROUP AND SEX ........... 145 APPENDIX 7M - CHMS CYCLE 3 URINE NNK METABOLITES SUBSAMPLE RESPONSE RATES BY AGE GROUP AND SEX .............................. 147 APPENDIX 8 - ACTIVITY MONITOR RESEARCH ................................................................................................................ 149 APPENDIX 9 – CHANGES TO WAVE 1 VARIABLES............................................................................................................ 150 CHANGES TO THE HOUSEHOLD FULL SAMPLE FILE ..................................................................................................................... 150 Aboriginal status ............................................................................................................................................................. 150 Education ......................................................................................................................................................................... 150 CHANGES TO THE CLINIC FULL SAMPLE FILE.............................................................................................................................. 150 Fasting status .................................................................................................................................................................. 150 APPENDIX 10 – CHANGES TO WAVE 2 VARIABLES .......................................................................................................... 152 5 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 CHANGES TO THE ACTIVITY MONITOR FULL SAMPLE FILE............................................................................................................. 152 CHANGES TO THE ACTIVITY MONITOR SUBSAMPLE FILE .............................................................................................................. 153 CHANGES TO THE ACTIVITY MONITOR SUBSAMPLE WEIGHT FILE ................................................................................................... 153 CHANGES TO THE ACTIVITY MONITOR DERIVED VARIABLE DOCUMENTATION................................................................................... 153 6 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 7 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 1. Introduction The Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) is a comprehensive, direct health measures survey, developed to address important data gaps and limitations in existing health information. It is conducted by Statistics Canada in partnership with Health Canada (HC) and the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC). The results will provide comprehensive health information to advance health surveillance and research in Canada. This document will help users work with and understand data from cycle 3 of the CHMS, which was obtained through the collection of directly measured indicators of health and wellness from January 2012 to December 2013 on a representative sample of 5,785 Canadians aged 3 to 79 years. The survey consisted of an in-home general health interview followed by a visit to a mobile examination centre (MEC), sometimes referred to as a mobile clinic. Reference laboratories and the MEC laboratory analyzed biological specimens for indicators of general health, chronic disease, infectious disease, nutritional status and environmental biomarkers. Indoor air samples were also taken from the home to measure for a number of airborne substances. Tap water samples were taken from randomly-selected households for the purpose of detecting the presence of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and fluoride. This document also provides data users with information on the complexity of the data and any limitations that could have an impact on their use. It explains the methods and concepts used to collect the data at the household and the MEC. Subsequent sections of the document contain information about data processing and the creation of derived variables1. Content regarding sampling and weighting methodology, and guidelines for the creation of tabulations have also been included to assist the data user. Quality assurance and quality control information is provided to describe characteristics of the data which might limit their usefulness or interpretation. The document concludes with a series of appendices which provide supporting information that will be helpful to users of the CHMS data files. 8 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 2. Important notes related to this document 2.1 Acronyms and abbreviations Throughout this document, acronyms and abbreviations for terms associated with the Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) are spelled out the first time they appear in a chapter, with the acronym/abbreviation put in brackets immediately afterwards. The next time that term appears in the chapter, only the acronym/abbreviation is used. A full list of these acronyms and abbreviations can be found in Appendix 1. 2.2 References and end notes Background information such as references for research articles, definitions and procedural information is cited frequently throughout this document so that the user can find additional information related to the text. When this occurs, a small superscript number is put at the end of the text and users can consult the corresponding number in Chapter 13 – References and end notes, for additional information. 2.3 Survey documentation Extensive documentation on the CHMS is available to all data users and the general public on the Statistics Canada website. A description of the CHMS, basic methodological information, links to the household and mobile examination centre (MEC) questionnaires and the CHMS bibliography can be accessed through the following link: dm=8&dis=2 In addition, Appendix 2 provides a list of documents that are available upon request. References to the documents in this list are made throughout the User Guide in order to help users identify which documents are related to a particular topic. Chapters of significant importance in this User Guide are Chapter 11- File usage, which outlines when each data file and its corresponding documentation are released as well as describes how to work with the data files, and Chapter 12 – Guidelines for tabulation, analysis and release. Users wanting to obtain copies of the documents in the list or to obtain further information about the survey can contact Statistics Canada’s Statistical Information Service (toll-free 1-800-263-1136; 514283-8300;; teletypewriter (TTY) 1-800-363-7629). 9 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 2.4 Updates to CHMS documentation 2.4.1 User guide There are expected to be five different versions of the User Guide, corresponding to the five main data release dates. Version 1, was released on October 29th, 2014, version 2 was initially released on December 16th, 2014, and an update version was released on January 29th, 2015, version 3 was released on April 15th, 2015, the current version, version 4 was released on July 15th, 2015, and the final version, Version 5 is scheduled to be released on September 16th, 2015. In order to keep track of content changes amongst the different versions, a summary of the type of information changed and location where the change was made will be provided in a table below. Version 5 is expected to be the final version of the cycle 3 User Guide. If this is not the case, more information will be provided here as it becomes available. Type of Change Section# Changed content in section Added section 2.4.1 – User guide Added section 6.3.4 – Activity monitor subsamples 6.3.5 – Blood and urine subsamples – Fasted subsampling – Red blood cell fatty acids subsample – Urine fluoride subsample – Blood volatile organic compounds (VOCs) subsample – Blood acrylamide subsample – Blood methyl mercury subsample – Urine environmental contaminants subsample – Urine NNK Added section Added section Added section Added section Added section Added section Added section Added section Added section Content Description Version# (where change first appears) 2.4.2 – Data files Updated information in order to reflect the fact that the current version of the User Guide is Version 4. Describes updates made to CHMS data files and refers to more detailed information in Appendix 9. Provides information on the activity monitor subsamples. Provides general information on blood and urine subsamples. Provides information on the fasted subsample. Provides information on the red blood cell fatty acids subsample. 4 Provides information on the urine fluoride subsample. Provides information on the blood volatile organic (VOCs) subsample. 3 Provides information on the blood acrylamide subsample Provides information on the blood methyl mercury subsample 4 Provides information on the urine environmental contaminants subsample 4 Provides information on the urine 4 10 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Added section Changed content in section Changed content in section Removed content in section Removed content in section metabolites subsample 6.3.6 – Tap water household subsamples 7.4.5 – Grip strength 7.4.6 – Hearing - Otoscopy – Audiometry Added content 7.4.7 – Activity monitor Applied corrections to content in section Changed content in section Added content 7.4.8 – Tap water Added section 9.11.1 – Weighting for activity monitor data 9.11.2 – Weighting for blood and urine data – Weighting for the fasted subsample – Weighting for the red blood cell fatty acids subsample – Weighting for the urine fluoride subsample – Weighting for the blood volatile organic compounds Added section Added section Added section Added section Added section – Blood collection 8.6 – Analytical range NNK metabolites subsample Provides information on the tap water household subsamples. Removed information regarding screen-outs as this information is provided in Appendix 5. Added information pertaining to hearing testing eligibility. 3 3 3 Removed information regarding screen-outs as this information is provided in 7.4.6. Removed the reference to audiometry being used to monitor changes in an individual’s hearing over time as this function of audiometry is not applicable to the CHMS. Added information to indicate that activity monitors not only provide information on levels of physical activity but on sedentary behaviours as well. Corrected information regarding the objective of the measure and the laboratory used to analyse the data. 3 Updated the list of volume of blood collected from respondents based on their age. Provided more details in the description of the analytical range Describes how data was weighted for activity monitor data. 2 Introduces weighting for blood and urine data. 2 Describes how data was weighted for the fasted subsample. 2 Describes how data was weighted for the red blood cell fatty acids subsample. Describes how data was weighted for the urine fluoride subsample. 2 Describes how data was weighted for the blood volatile organic compounds (VOCs) subsample. 3 11 3 2 3 4 2 3 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Added section Added section Added section Added section Added section Added section Added section Applied corrections to content in section Added section Added section Added section Added section (VOCs) subsample – Weighting for the acrylamide subsample – Weighting for the methyl mercury subsample – Weighting for the urine environmental contaminants subsample – Weighting for the NNK metabolites subsample – Weighting for the tap water fluoride subsample (household-level weights) – Weighting for the tap water VOCs subsample (household-level weights) Describes how data was weighted for the acrylamide subsample. 4 Describes how data was weighted for the methyl mercury subsample. 4 Describes how data was weighted for the urine environmental contaminants subsample. 4 Describes how data was weighted for the NNK metabolites subsample. 4 Describes how data was weighted for the tap water fluoride subsample (household-level weights). 3 Describes how data was weighted for the tap water VOCs subsample (household-level weights) 3 10.1.2 – Activity Provides a description of how activity monitor response rates monitor response rates were calculated and refers to a table of the rates in Appendix 7B. 10.1.2 – Activity Adjusted the number of respondents monitor response rates with the appropriate number of days of valid entries to be included in the AM subsample file to reflect the corrections made to the wave 2 release. Provides a description of how blood 10.1.3 – Blood draw draw and urine response rates were and urine response calculated and refers to a table of the rates rates in Appendix 7C. 10.1.4 – Response Introduces response rates for blood rates for blood and and urine subsamples. urine subsamples Provides a description of how fasted – Fasted subsample response rates were subsample response calculated and refers to a table of the rates rates in Appendix 7D. Provides a description of how red blood – Red blood 12 2 2 (Revised) 2 2 2 2 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Added section Added section Added section Added section Added section Added section Added section Added section Added section Added section Added section cell fatty acids subsample response rates were calculated and refers to a table of the rates in Appendix 7E. Provides a description of how acrylamide subsample response rates were calculated and refers to a table of the rates in Appendix 7J. – Methyl Provides a decription of how methyl mercury subsample mercury subsample response rates response rates were calculated and refers to a table of the rates in 7K. - Urine Provides a description of how urine environmental environmental contaminants contaminants subsample response rates are subsample response calculated and refers to a table of the rates rates in Appendix 7L. – NNK Provides a description of how NNK metabolites subsample metabolites subsample response rates response rates are calculated and refers to a table of the rates in Appendix 7M. – Tap water Provides a description of how tap fluoride subsample water fluoride subsample household household response response rates were calculated and rate refers to a table of the rates in Appendix 7F. – Urine Provides a description of how urine fluoride subsample fluoride subsample person response person response rate rates were calculated and refers to a table of the rates in Appendix 7G. – Tap water Provides a description of how tap VOCs subsample water VOCs subsample household household response response rates were calculated and rates refers to a table of the rates in Appendix 7H. – Tap water Provides a description of how tap VOCs subsample water VOCs subsample person person response rates response rates were calculated and refers to a table of the rates in Appendix 7I. – Activity Describes the activity monitor data monitor data review review process. – Replicate Describes the anthropometry replicate testing; – testing procedures. Anthropometry replicate testing – Replicate Describes the laboratory replicate testing; – testing procedures. Laboratory replicate testing cell fatty acids subsample response rates – Acrylamide subsample response rates 13 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Added section Added section Added section Added section Added section Added section Added section Added section Added section Added section Applied corrections to content in section Changed content in section Changed content in section Added section – Mobile examination centre (MEC) laboratory Describes the procedures put into place in order to quickly detect errors related to the MEC laboratory CBC analysis. – Describes the quality control Proficiency testing requirements/procedures for all CHMS reference laboratories. – Processing Describes the processing and storage and storage of blood procedures followed for blood and and urine samples urine samples collected at the MEC. – Shipping Comments on the biological sample shipping procedures followed at the MEC. – Field Describes the field blank testing blanks performed at the MEC to ensure that urine and blood samples were not being contaminated by the MEC laboratory environment and processes. – Tap water Introduces tap water blank testing. blanks – Tap Describes the tap water travel blank water travel blanks testing performed to ensure that shipping and storage conditions were not a source of contamination for the tap water VOC bottles. – Tap Describes the tap water blind blank water blind blanks testing performed to ensure that shipping and storage conditions were not a source of contamination for the tap water VOC bottles. – Hearing Describes the hearing data review data review process. – Red blood Describes the limitations of the red cell folate data blood cell folate data. 11.1 – Description of Updated the information to reflect a data files name change to one of the files – NNAL and glucuronides (environmental urine subsample) to NNK metabolites (environmental urine subsample). 11.1.1 – Household Updated the information to include the full sample file release of revised data files and to reflect new release dates. 11.1.2 – Clinic full Updated the information to include the sample file release of revised data files and to reflect new release dates 2 11.1.5 – Activity monitor subsample 2 Provides the exact number of records in file (4,271) and information on 14 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 4 3 3 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Added section Added section file 11.1.6 – Nonenvironmental lab full sample file 11.1.7 – Fasted subsample file Added section 11.1.8 – Red blood cell fatty acids subsample file Added section 11.1.9 – Hearing full sample file Added section 11.1.10 – Fluoride household level subsample file (in tap water) 11.1.11 – Volatile organic compounds household level subsample file (in tap water) 11.1.12 – Fluoride person level subsample file (in urine and tap water) 11.1.13 – Volatile organic compounds person level subsample file (in blood and tap water) – Activity monitor data for 3 to 5 year olds Added section Added section Added section Added section Added section – Vitamin B12 data Added section – Vitamin D data Added section – Ferritin data Added section – Red blood cell folate data variable naming. Provides the exact number of records in file (5,785) and information on the number and type of lab measures. Provides the exact number of records in file (2,571) and information on the respondent characteristics and variables specific to this subsample. Provides the exact number of records in file (1,984) and information on the respondent characteristics and variables specific to this subsample. Provides the exact number of records in file (5,785) and information on the respondent characteristics and variables specific to this subsample. Provides the exact number of records in file (2,188) and information on the respondent characteristics and variables specific to this subsample. Provides the exact number of records in file (2,650) and information on the respondent characteristics and variables specific to this subsample. 2 2 2 3 3 3 Provides the exact number of records in file (2,671) and information on the respondent characteristics and variables specific to this subsample. Provides the exact number of records in file (2,527) and information on the respondent characteristics and variables specific to this subsample. 3 Comments on comparability of activity monitor data for 3 to 5 year olds between cycles 2 and 3 of the CHMS. Comments on comparability of vitamin B12 data between cycle 3 and previous cycles of the CHMS. Comments on comparability of vitamin D data between cycle 3 and previous cycles of the CHMS. Comments on comparability of ferritin data between cycle 3 and previous cycles of the CHMS. Comments on comparability of red blood cell folate data between cycle 3 2 15 3 2 2 2 2 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Added section Added content Added content Added content – Limits of detection – Significant digits 12.3.2 – Rounding guidelines 13 – References and end notes Appendix 5 – Exclusion criteria Applied corrections to content in appendix Added appendix Appendix 7B – CHMS Cycle 3 Activity Monitor Response Rates by age group and sex Applied Appendix 7B – corrections to CHMS Cycle 3 content in Activity Monitor appendix Response Rates by age group and sex Added appendix Appendix 7C – CHMS Cycle 3 Blood Draw and Urine Response Rates by age group and sex Applied Appendix 7C – corrections to CHMS Cycle 3 Blood content in Draw and Urine appendix Response Rates by age group and sex Added appendix Appendix 7D – CHMS Cycle 3 Fasted Subsample Response Rates by age group and sex Applied Appendix 7D – corrections to CHMS Cycle 3 Fasted content in Subsample Response appendix Rates by age group and sex Added appendix Appendix 7E – CHMS Cycle 3 Red Blood Cell Fatty Acids Subsample and previous cycles of the CHMS. Comments on the differences in the limits of detection between cycles. Added details regarding rounding and displaying results in significant digits. Added details regarding the calculation of estimates for environmental lab data (except indoor air) Added references related to environmental lab data Applied corrections to the screen-outs for blood pressure, activity monitor and hearing. 2 4 4 4 3 CHMS cycle 3 activity monitor (AM) response rates by age group and sex. 2 Adjusted the response rates to reflect the corrections made to the wave 2 release. 2 (Revised) CHMS cycle 3 blood draw and urine response rates by age group and sex. 2 Corrected response rates. 2 (Revised) CHMS cycle 3 fasted subsample response rates by age group and sex. 2 Corrected response rates. 2 (Revised) CHMS cycle 3 red blood cell fatty acids subsample response rates by age group and sex. 2 16 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Response Rates by age group and sex Added appendix Appendix 7F – CHMS Cycle 3 Tap Water Fluoride Subsample Household Response Rates by household size Added appendix Appendix 7G – CHMS Cycle 3 Urine Fluoride Subsample Person Response Rates by age group and sex Added appendix Appendix 7H – CHMS Cycle 3 Tap Water VOCs Subsample Household Response Rates by household size Added appendix Appendix 7I – CHMS Cycle 3 Blood VOCs Subsample Person Response Rates by age group and sex Added appendix Appendix 7J – CHMS Cycle 3 Acrylamide subsample response rates by age group and sex Added appendix Appendix 7K – CHMS Cycle 3 Methyl Mercury subsample Response Rates by age group and sex Added appendix Appendix 7L – CHMS Cycle 3 Urine Environmental Contaminants subsample response rates by age group and sex Added appendix Appendix 7M – CHMS Cycle 3 Urine NNK metabolites subsample response rates by age group and CHMS cycle 3 tap water fluoride subsample Household response rates by household size. 3 CHMS cycle 3 urine fluoride subsample person response rates by age group and sex. 3 CHMS cycle 3 tap water VOCs subsample household response rates by household size. 3 CHMS cycle 3 blood VOCs subsample person response rates by age group and sex. 3 CHMS Cycle 3 acrylamide subsample response rates by age group and sex 4 CHMS Cycle 3 methyl mercury ssubsample response rates by age group and sex. 4 CMHS Cycle 3 urine environmental contaminants subsample response rates by age group and sex 4 CHMS Cycle 3 urine NNK metabolites subsample response rates by age group and sex 4 17 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Added content sex Appendix 8 – Activity Monitor Research Added appendix Appendix 9 – Changes to wave 1 variables Added appendix Appendix 10 – Changes to wave 2 variables Updated information to reflect most recent research regarding physical activity data collection in preschool aged children and how this has led to the collection of activity monitor data in 15 second epochs rather than 60 second epochs for 3 to 5 year olds in cycle 3. Lists the changes that were made to the variables on the household and clinic full sample files between the cycle 3 wave 1 release (Oct 29, 2014) and the wave 2 release (Dec 16, 2014) Lists the changes that were made to the variables on the activity monitor full sample and activity monitor subsample files between the cycle 3 wave 2 release (Dec 16, 2014) and the corrected wave 2 release (Jan 29, 2015). 18 4 2 2 (Revised) Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 2.4.2 Data files Some errors were discovered in the wave 1 household full sample file as well as the clinic full sample file released on October 29th, 2014. These errors were corrected in the updated files released on December 16th, 2014. Documentation of the changes made to the wave 1 variables to address the errors can be found in Appendix 9. Some errors were discovered in the wave 2 activity monitor full sample file as well as the activity monitor subsample file released on December 16th, 2014. These errors were corrected in the updated files released on January 29th, 2015. Documentation of the changes made to the wave 2 variables to address the errors can be found in Appendix 10. Only the most recent household and clinic full sample files and their corresponding data dictionaries should be used. 19 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 3. Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) background and objectives 3.1 CHMS background Policy makers, researchers and health professionals from many fields have expressed a need for an ongoing national and comprehensive source of accurate health measures to assist them in addressing the health needs of all Canadians. In 2003, Health Canada (HC) and the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) supported Statistics Canada in obtaining funding for a direct measures health survey to address longstanding limitations within Canada’s health information system. This support was announced in the 2003 Budget as part of an extension of the Health Information Roadmap Initiative and permanent funding was secured in the 2008 Budget. Collection for cycle 1 of the survey took place from March 2007 to February 2009, with dissemination of the main results occurring from January 2010 until April 2011.Collection for cycle 2 of the survey took place from August 2009 to November 2011, with dissemination of the main results occurring from September 2012 until April 2013. Cycle 3 collection occurred from January 2012 until December 2013. The main changes between the cycles 2 and 3 are summarized in Chapter 5. The information collected will create national baseline data on the extent of such major health concerns as obesity, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, exposure to infectious diseases, and exposure to environmental contaminants. In addition, the survey will provide indications about illness and the extent to which many diseases may be undiagnosed among Canadians. Data from the CHMS will enable us to determine relationships between health status and risk factors, and to explore emerging public health issues. 3.2 CHMS objectives The main objectives of the CHMS are to: • • • • • explore emerging public health issues and new measurement technologies establish national baseline data on major health concerns determine relationships among risk factors, protection practices and health status assess the validity of self- and proxy-reported information assemble a nationally representative sample for storage in a biobank 20 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 4. Survey approval 4.1 Authority The 2008 Budget provided on-going funding for the Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) to be conducted by Statistics Canada in partnership with Health Canada (HC) and the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC). The survey falls under the authority of the federal Statistics Act. Statistics Canada may only collect health information for statistical research purposes and may not use or disclose individual participant information for any other purpose without the written consent of participants. 4.2 Ethical protocols and privacy standards The CHMS was conducted in cooperation with provincial and municipal officials, with the support of health professional associations, and with the highest regard to Canadians’ health and safety. All processes of the CHMS were reviewed and approved by the HC and PHAC Research Ethics Board to ensure that internationally recognized ethical standards for human research were met and maintained. In addition, protocols were developed through extensive consultation with recognized experts and were performed by accredited health professionals in conformance with universal precautions. Several meetings were also held with the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada and with provincial privacy commissioners regarding CHMS protocols to ensure that participants’ privacy rights were protected. A full Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) was completed for the CHMS and reviewed through the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada—the authority that continues to provide oversight to the CHMS as well as a complaint route and redress mechanism for CHMS participants. This assessment is updated regularly to reflect any changes in the CHMS. Participation in this survey was voluntary. The voluntary nature of the survey was stated in the introductory letter, brochure, video, Information and Consent Booklet, and on the Statistics Canada website (\chms). The documents also emphasized the safety and standards used in all tests. CHMS staff answered any questions respondents had regarding the risks of participating in the tests and the use of their data in an interactive consent process throughout the household health interview and the visit to the mobile examination centre. 21 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 5. Survey content Consultation on proposed content, data requirements and operational considerations has been on-going with many groups, individuals and agencies such as Health Canada (HC), the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), and several internal and external expert advisory groups and committees. Cycle 3 was made up of a household interview and a visit to a mobile examination centre (MEC). The household interview included general demographic information and an in-depth health questionnaire. The MEC visit included not only physical measure tests but also the collection of blood and urine samples from respondents. Some samples were analyzed in a laboratory at the MEC, such as the complete blood count (CBC), which includes platelets, red blood cell count and white blood cell count. The remaining samples were analyzed at seven external reference laboratories. Respondents were also asked to wear an activity monitor and to place an indoor air sampler in their home for the seven days following their visit to the MEC. The CHMS aims to keep content fairly consistent between a pair of cycles to allow for more opportunities to combine the data, providing a larger sample size to work with and more precise estimates for small prevalence. As such, the content for cycles 1 and 2 is quite similar and the content for cycles 3 and 4 is quite similar. More significant changes were made to the survey content between cycles 2 and 3 in order to obtain data on some new measures of public health interest. The main changes between cycle 2 and 3 were the withdrawal of several physical fitness tests (sit and reach, partial curl-ups and mCAFT), the addition of tap water sampling at the household interview and the addition of questionnaires on sun exposure, noise exposure and hearing ability as well as physical measure skin pigmentation, fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FENO) and hearing tests at the mobile examination center. Tap water samples were collected to test for the presence of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and fluoride. Skin pigmentation was measured using a colormeter and results will be used to evaluate the relationship between skin pigmentation, sun exposure and vitamin D status. Respondents were asked to blow into a FENO sensor to measure the concentration of exhaled nitric oxide which is a direct measure of airway inflammation, a factor in the causal pathway of asthma and other possible lung diseases. They were also asked to participate in a series of hearing tests (audiometry, otoacoustic emissions, otoscopy and tympanometry) to evaluate hearing acuity. Other changes to the survey between the two cycles included the removal of the weight change, housing characteristics, health utility index, physical activities and maternal breastfeeding questions, the addition of the international physical activity and time spent outdoors questions as well as the removal of skinfold and neck circumference measurements. There were also a large number of new and changed laboratory measures, particularly in relation to cardiovascular health markers and environmental exposures. A content summary document for cycles 1 to 8 of the CHMS is available upon request. 22 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 6. Sample design 6.1 Target population The CHMS covers the population 3 to 79 years of age living in the ten provinces. Excluded from the survey's coverage are: persons living in the three territories; persons living on reserves and other Aboriginal settlements in the provinces; full-time members of the Canadian Forces; the institutionalized population and residents of certain remote regions. Altogether these exclusions represent approximately 4% of the target population. 6.2 Sample size and allocation To produce reliable estimates at the national level by age group and sex, it was determined that this survey must be carried out on a sample of at least 5,700 persons over a two-year period to allow estimates for the following 11 groups: ages 3 to 5 (both sexes combined), ages 6 to 11 (males and females), 12 to 19 (males and females), 20 to 39 (males and females), 40 to 59 (males and females) and 60 to 79 (males and females). 6.3 Sampling frames and sampling strategy To meet the requirements of the CHMS, a multistage sampling strategy was used. An overview of the sampling strategy is provided below; for further information about the sampling strategy refer to Labrecque and Quigley (2014)2. 6.3.1 Sampling of collection sites The sample of dwellings is selected within collection sites in such a way that respondents are able to travel to the MEC within a reasonable period of time. A collection site is a geographic area with a population of at least 10,000 and a maximum respondent travel distance of 50 kilometres in urban areas and 75 kilometres in rural areas. Areas not meeting these criteria were excluded. Using Census geography, 360 collection sites were created. The geographic units used to define the sites were also grouped with respect to provincial boundaries, census metropolitan-area boundaries, health regions and population density criteria. Although only national estimates were required, the collection sites were stratified into five regions to ensure that the allocation of the sample was spread across the country. The regions identified, based on Statistics Canada’s standard regional boundaries, were British Columbia, the Prairies (Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan), Ontario, Quebec and the Atlantic provinces (Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick). A large number of collection sites (with few respondents) would be the recommended sampling strategy because it would help to optimize the precision of the estimates. However, the logistical and cost constraints associated with the use of a MEC restricted the number of collection sites to 16. The number of sites selected by region is provided in Table 6.1. 23 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Table 6.1 Selection of collection sites for the CHMS, by region – Cycle 3 Region Atlantic Quebec Ontario Prairies British Columbia Total Estimated target population, ages 3 to 79, 2011 Census 2,162,905 7,305,955 11,917,605 5,439,415 4,079,435 30,905,315 Number of sites in region 56 75 90 92 47 360 Number of sites allocated 2 4 6 2 2 16 Within each region, the collection sites were sorted according to whether they belonged to a census metropolitan area (CMA), and then by the size of the population before the selection took place. A CMA is an area consisting of one or more adjacent municipalities centering on a large urban area (known as an urban core). The urban core must have a population of at least 100,000 to form a CMA. In the Atlantic and Prairies regions, the sites were first sorted by province, then CMA and finally size of the population. The collection sites were then sampled systematically with a probability of selection proportional to the size of their population. While not every province would have a collection site, the CHMS sites were chosen to represent the Canadian population, east to west, with larger and smaller population densities. Data collection at the 16 sites was carried out sequentially over two years. The sites were ordered to take into account seasonality and the temporal effect, subject to operational and logistical constraints. The temporal effect was corrected by distributing uniformly the number of sites per region between the first and the second year. The specific collection sites by city/municipality are listed in Appendix 3. Note that as each cycle of the CHMS was designed to produce national estimates only, it is not recommended to do analysis at lower geographic levels for a single survey cycle as it could result in either extreme sampling variability or unstable estimates of the sampling variability. 6.3.2 Dwelling sampling Several options were examined to determine how best to obtain the required number of participants by age group. The option chosen used the 2011 Census as a sampling frame. The household composition of dwellings as of May 2011 was available and could be used to develop a design to meet the sample requirements for each age group. Prior to selecting the sample, the household composition from the Census was updated with more recent information from administrative files. To reduce under-coverage, new dwellings constructed since the 2011 Census or dwellings that were missed were added to the frame from the Address Register, a list of dwelling addresses across Canada compiled by Statistics Canada. 24 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Within each collection site, dwellings with known household composition at the time of sample selection were stratified by the occupants’ age at the time of the survey. Age was determined based on the starting date of data collection at each site. Six age-group strata3 were created, corresponding to the six CHMS age groups (3 to 5, 6 to 11, 12 to 19, 20 to 39, 40 to 59 and 60 to 79 years) as follows: • • • • • • • 3 to 5 stratum dwellings where at least one 3-to-5-year-old is present, else, 6 to 11 stratum: dwellings where at least one 6-to-11-year-old is present, else, 12 to 19 stratum: dwellings where at least one 12-to-19-year-old is present, else, 60 to 79 stratum: dwellings where at least one 60-to-79-year-old is present, else, 20 to 39 stratum: dwellings where at least one 20-to-39-year-old is present, else, 40 to 59 stratum: dwellings where at least one 40-to-59-year-old is present, else, “Other” stratum: dwellings not included in the above-mentioned strata, such as vacant dwellings at the time of sampling or dwellings with people outside the CHMS age ranges based on household composition at the time of sampling. Each stratum had a high probability of having dwellings inhabited by persons in the desired age groups, whether they were the same occupants or were replaced by a similar household. Within each site, a simple random sample of dwellings was selected in each stratum. The sample size was allocated in each stratum so that, combined with the strategy for sampling participants in the survey, an equal number of respondents by age group would be obtained. Each selected dwelling was contacted to draw up a current list of the members of the household, and this list was then used to select survey respondents. Table 6.2 shows the distribution of the number of dwellings selected per site. In all, 8,815 dwellings were selected, with an average of 550 dwellings per site. Table 6.2 CHMS cycle 3 — Number of dwellings selected per site Number of dwellings 525 520 525 590 563 597 610 520 500 580 530 575 465 585 560 570 8,815 Site 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 TOTAL 25 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 6.3.3 Respondent sampling Different selection probabilities by age group and sex were used to ensure that the sampling targets at the MEC were attained. This was a modification from cycle 2, when only the age group was used in assigning person-level selection factors to eligible members of the dwelling. The sampling factors shown in Table 6.3 were used for the first site in cycle 3. Changes were made to these sampling factors throughout the cycle to modify the number of people selected by age group and sex. It was necessary to update the factors to react to how collection was going for each group. The dwellings selected were contacted to obtain a list of current household members. In each dwelling, one or two people were selected, depending on the household composition. Two people were selected from households with children aged 3 to 11: one child randomly selected from those aged 3 to 11 and a second person aged 12 to 79. If no 3 to 11 year olds were living in the household, only one person was selected from the household members aged 12 to 79. The sampling factors for the selection of people aged 12 to 79 were designed to avoid large person-sampling weights. Since some age groups have a weight that is up to 7.5 times higher than that of other age groups, it is possible that a selected person would have a very high sampling weight when there are many household members in a dwelling. Therefore when a specified minimum number of people aged 12 to 79 are living in a household, the weight for each person is reset to 1. In such cases, each household member has an equal chance of being selected. A careful balance of the parameters required for the respondent sampling strategy was obtained through studies and simulations. Table 6.3 CHMS cycle 3 – Selection weight multiplicative factors for the person-level sampling strategy, by sex and age group Age group Sex Male Female 3 to 5 4.00 4.00 6 to 11 1.60 1.60 12 to 19 5.70 6.00 20 to 39 40 to 59 60 to 79 1.30 0.90 4.75 0.80 0.85 4.25 6.3.4 Activity monitor subsample Separate subsample data and weight files were created for the activity monitor data. This is not a true subsample as respondents were not selected to participate in the measurements. All respondents were given an activity monitor to wear for 7 days. The activity monitor data is released as a subsample file as analysis could only be performed on the records1 where there was a minimum of 4 valid days of data entries (3 valid days for youths 3 to 5 years old). Due to the high volume of non-response meeting this criterion, a separate weight was created for the valid observations (see Section 9.11.1). Creating a weight for the subsample corrects for potential bias due to differences between respondents who had valid data and those that did not. 26 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 6.3.5 Blood and urine subsamples Subsamples of the survey respondents are selected for different laboratory tests on the blood and urine specimens collected. As some blood lipid tests require that the respondents fast, approximately half of the respondents are asked to fast prior to their MEC appointment and are usually scheduled to attend the MEC in the morning. Some environmental chemicals are also measured on subsamples of survey respondents due to the high cost of performing these tests on the entire sample. All of the blood and urine subsamples were selected independently; that is, without consideration of who was selected for the other subsamples. This means that a specific respondent can be selected for any number of subsamples. The CHMS content summary document indicates which tests have been done on each subsample. Fasted subsampling Each sampled dwelling was randomly flagged to indicate whether a respondent should fast prior to the MEC appointment. It required that respondents fast for at least 10 hours, whereas shorter eating restrictions were imposed on those with non-fasted appointments. Pregnant women, people with diabetes, youth less than 6 years old and other special cases were not asked to fast, even if the dwelling was flagged to be fasted. This random allocation reduced the potential for bias, which could occur if respondents were given the option to fast. During collection, the sampling rates were adjusted to obtain approximately half of the sample where respondents were selected to fast and were actually fasted prior to the MEC appointment. Red blood cell fatty acids subsample Respondents aged 20 to 79 attending the MEC were randomly selected to be included or excluded from the fatty acids subsample. The targeted subsample size was 2,000 respondents; 333 respondents by sex for the following age groups: 20 to 39, 40 to 59 and 60 to 79. Urine fluoride subsample Respondents aged 3 to 79 attending the MEC were randomly selected to be included or excluded from the urine fluoride subsample. The selection of each respondent was done based on age, sex and the number of persons selected from the household to participate in the CHMS. A MEC respondent could be selected for the subsample only if tap water was collected at his dwelling to measure fluoride in tap water (see section 6.3.6). The targeted subsample sizes were 500 respondents for 3 to 5 year olds, 250 respondents by sex from each of the following age groups: 6 to 11 and 12 to 19 and a total of 1,000 respondents equally distributed by sex and age groups for the following age groups (20 to 39, 40 to 59 and 60 to 79). The goal was to have a total subsample of 2,500 respondents. Blood volatile organic compounds (VOCs) subsample Respondents aged 12 to 79 attending the MEC were randomly selected to be included or excluded from the blood VOCs subsample. The selection of each respondent was done based on age, sex and the number of persons selected from the household to participate in the CHMS. A MEC respondent could be selected for the subsample only if tap water was collected at his dwelling to measure VOCs in tap water (see section 6.3.6). The targeted subsample sizes were 375 respondents by sex for the 12 to 19 age group and a total of 1,750 respondents by sex for the other age groups (20 to 39, 40 to 59 and 60 to 79). The goal was to have a total subsample of 2,500 respondents. 27 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Blood acrylamide subsample Respondents aged 3 to 79 attending the MEC were randomly selected to be included or excluded from the acrylamide subsample. The targeted subsample sizes were 250 respondents by sex for the following age groups: 3 to 5, 6 to 11, 12 to 19 as well as 500 respondents by sex for the 20 to 79 years old, for a total of 2,500 respondents. Blood methyl mercury subsample Respondents aged 20 to 79 attending the MEC were randomly selected to be included or excluded from the methyl mercury subsample. The targeted subsample size was 1,000 respondents; 500 respondents by sex for the age group 20 to 79. Urine environmental contaminants subsample Respondents aged 3 to 79 attending the MEC were randomly selected to be included or excluded from the urine environmental contaminants subsample. The targeted subsample sizes were 250 respondents by sex for the following age groups: 3 to 5, 6 to 11, 12 to 19 as well as 500 respondents by sex for the 20 to 79 years old, for a total of 2,500 respondents. Urine NNK metabolites subsample Respondents aged 12 to 79 attending the MEC were randomly selected to be included or excluded from the urine NNAL (4-(methylnitrosoamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanol) subsample. The selection of each respondent was done based on age, sex and smoker type (smoker, non-smoker exposed to smoke and nonsmoker non-exposed to smoke). The targeted subsample sizes were 500 respondents by sex for the nonsmokers exposed to smoke, for a total of 1,000 respondents, 250 respondents by sex for the non-smokers exposed to smoke, for a total of 500 respondents and all smokers were selected for the subsample. The goal was to have a total of 2,500 respondents for the subsample. Since the number of non-smokers exposed to smoke was much smaller than expected, all the non-smokers exposed to smoke were included in the subsample. 6.3.6 Tap water household subsamples Two subsamples of respondent households were selected for tap water collection to measure the fluoride and/or the VOCs in tap water. Each of those subsamples are related to the corresponding person-level subsample for urine fluoride or blood VOCs in the sense that a respondent could only be selected for the urine fluoride subsample, or blood VOCs subsample if tap water was collected at the dwelling to measure fluoride, or VOCs, in tap water. The selection of each household, for each subsample, was done based on the number of persons selected from the household to participate in the CHMS. All households with a member in the 3 to 5 age group participating in the survey were selected to have the level of fluoride measured in their tap water. A little over half of the households with a member in the 6 to 11 age group participating in the survey were selected to have the level of fluoride measured in their tap water. For the other CHMS respondent households having only one person selected to participate in the CHMS, the probability of selection was set in order to reach the targeted number of respondents for the urine fluoride subsample (see section 28 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 A little over 60% of the households with two persons selected to participate in the CHMS, were selected to have the level of VOCs measured in their tap water. For the other CHMS respondent households having only one person selected for the CHMS, the probability of selection was set in order to reach the targeted number of respondents for the blood VOCs subsample (see section 29 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 7. Data collection 7.1 Preparation for collection 7.1.1 The Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) team The CHMS team is a diverse, well-trained, experienced group of individuals. The group can be subdivided into three sub-teams: field team, mobile examination centre (MEC) team, and head office staff. Each of these three sub-teams was responsible for specific portions of the survey. Field team The CHMS field team was comprised of Statistics Canada household interviewers and an interviewer manager. The household interviewers were primarily responsible for contacting selected households, conducting the household interview, explaining the MEC portion of the survey to respondents and attempting to secure their participation at the MEC. The CHMS interviewers were supervised by an interviewer manager who was responsible for conducting data quality assurance activities for the household component, overseeing the non-response follow-up and monitoring the household collection rates. Mobile examination centre (MEC) team The CHMS MEC team consisted of health professionals responsible for various components of the physical measures testing and a site manager who oversaw the day-to-day operation of the MEC. The health measures specialists were responsible for performing the majority of physical measures tests on respondents (e.g., blood pressure, anthropometry, fitness testing, spirometry). The laboratory technologists/phlebotomists conducted the specimen collection (blood and urine), performed the complete blood count (CBC) analysis and processed the biological samples for storage and shipment to the reference labs. In addition to the health professionals, the MEC team also consisted of administrative staff who worked at the reception desk and the appointment booking desk, as well as a site logistics officer who took care of the maintenance of the trailers. Head office staff The CHMS staff at head office processed data, monitored data collection response rates and data quality, provided human resource support and conducted periodic site visits to ensure staff were following correct protocols. In addition, head office staff prepared and mailed the respondent’s report of selected laboratory tests, and provided information about the survey to respondents, the public and the media. Finally, a medical advisor followed-up with respondents about critical or sensitive results. 30 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 7.1.2 The mobile examination centre (MEC) Two sets of trailers were acquired in order to conduct the physical measures and laboratory components of the CHMS. Each MEC was comprised of two trailers, the administrative trailer and the clinic trailer. The trailers had several different rooms including a reception area, restrooms, an administrative office, a fitness testing area, a hearing testing area, a screening area, an anthropometry area, a phlebotomy area and a laboratory. Using MECs provided several benefits over a fixed examination centre site (e.g., an examination centre set up in an office building or hospital). They provided a standardized collection environment (equipment set up, room size, etc.) that was designed to meet Statistics Canada security and confidentiality policies as well as the flexibility of locating the MEC near the selected respondents’ homes. 7.1.3 Informatics environment Computer assisted interviewing (CAI) was used to capture the responses for the household, physical measure and laboratory components of the CHMS. CAI allowed for custom interviews for every respondent based on their individual characteristics and survey responses. This included: • • • Questions that were not applicable to the respondent were skipped automatically. Edits to check for inconsistent answers or out-of-range responses were applied automatically and on-screen prompts were shown when an invalid entry was recorded. Immediate feedback was given to the respondent and the interviewer was able to correct any inconsistencies. Question text, including reference periods and pronouns, was customised automatically based on factors such as the age and sex of the respondent, the date of the interview and answers to previous questions. In order to perform computerized data capture within the MEC, a unique data capture architecture had to be developed as there was a requirement for multiple users in different MEC rooms to access a single respondent’s case file. This required the development of a complex, fully customized data capture application that used components of the computer assisted telephone interview (CATI) environment. To reduce data entry errors, increase efficiency of data collection and reduce the need for double entry and data entry verification, the CHMS MEC data capture system was developed to accept direct input from other electronic testing equipment. This included communication (both one and two-way) between the application and the measurement devices (e.g., automated blood pressure cuff, weight scale). In cases where the direct input was not functioning and manual entry was required, the data were entered twice. In order to support the electronic capture of physical measures data and to support the operational and administrative needs, the MEC was equipped with its own computer server. After each session at the MEC, encrypted data were transmitted from the trailer server via a dedicated out-going phone line to Statistics Canada headquarters. Encryption software was used to ensure the confidentiality of the data during transmissions between the MEC and headquarters. 31 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 7.1.4 Questionnaire design Household questionnaire The household questionnaire content was developed with input from stakeholders (Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada) and from external experts who participated as members of various advisory committees. Much of the cycle 3 household questionnaire was identical to the cycle 2 questionnaire. Prior to finalizing the questions, one-on-one qualitative test interviews were conducted to look at specific questionnaire content, particularly the content new to cycle 3. As a result of this testing, improvements were made to questionnaire wording and instructions and to the flow of questions. Some of the main modifications to the household questionnaire between cycle 2 and 3 of the survey included the following: • • • • • • • Addition of questions on time spent outdoors for 3 to 14 year olds. This information is used to help assess the physical activity of children, in conjunction with the activity monitor data. Replacement of the cycle 2 physical activities questionnaire module with the international physical activities module, a more widely used and standardized set of questions. Cycling out of questions due to changes in physical measure and lab content. This includes the health utility index and maternal breastfeeding questions. Cycling out of questions deemed to be of lower priority related to weight change. Increase in age range for strengths and difficulties and human papilloma virus questions in order to obtain more comprehensive data (from 6-17 to 4-17 for strengths and difficulties and from 9-39 to 9-59 for human papilloma virus) Cycling in questions due to new physical measure or lab content. This includes new questions for chronic conditions, food frequency and water consumption. Replacement of selected questions or sets of questions to conform with Statistics Canada Harmonized Content. This includes socio-demographic topics such as immigration, aboriginal persons, population group and language as well as education, income and labour force. Clinic questionnaire Development of the clinic questionnaire (sometimes referred to as the clinic questionnaire) proceeded in much the same way as that of the household questionnaire. Content was determined through a comprehensive consultation process and multiple iterations of the collection application were generated. Each iteration was assessed on flow within the MEC for the respondent and the staff, and the quantity and quality of data collected. The clinic questionnaire consisted of several modules new to cycle 3: tap water, hearing (ability and noise exposure) and sun exposure. Several modules were repeated from cycle 2: indoor air, fish and shellfish consumption, medication use as a follow-up to similar questions asked at the household interview, and screening of respondents for eligibility in physical measures tests (see Appendix 5). 32 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Grooming product questions were dropped from the survey. Tap Water Questions The tap water questions are associated to behaviours and habits which can affect the respondent’s exposure to certain VOCs (volatile organic compounds) as well as their exposure to fluoride. This information can later be linked to the analysis of tap water samples which are collected at the respondent’s household. Hearing Questions The hearing ability and noise exposure questions are asked to evaluate the respondent’s current perception of their hearing ability and to assess the respondent’s exposure to potentially harmful levels of noise. This information can later be linked to the results from the quantitative hearing evaluation. Sun Exposure Questions The sun exposure questions are used to quantify the respondent’s recent exposure to sunlight as well as evaluate which parts of the body receive the most sun exposure. These questions can be used in conjunction with the skin pigmentation measures and blood samples to evaluate a possible relationship between skin pigmentation, sun exposure and levels of blood vitamin D. Indoor Air Questions The indoor air block was administered verbally to all respondents who took an indoor air sampler (one per household). Respondents were asked questions about their home environment and housing characteristics (e.g., presence of garage, parking facilities etc.) and certain behaviours and habits which would help determine a possible link to indoor volatile compound (VOC) levels. Their answers will help researchers to better understand the results from the indoor air sampler. Fish and Shellfish Consumption The fish and shellfish component gathered information on the respondent’s consumption of fish and shellfish within the previous month and was used to help better understand the respondent’s blood and urine test results. The fish questions in the component allow for in-depth analysis of sources regarding possible exposure to biomarkers such as mercury, cadmium, vitamin D and vitamin B12. 7.2 Collection Cycle 3 data collection took place between January 5, 2012 and December 17, 2013 and included 16 collection sites spread across Canada from Halifax, Nova Scotia to Victoria-Saanich, British Columbia (see Appendix 3). While one set of trailers was being used for collection, the second set would be moved to the next location and began the rigorous set of procedures required to prepare for collection. 33 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 7.2.1 Collection – Household interview One to two weeks prior to the start of household interviews at each collection site, introductory material was mailed to the dwellings selected for the survey informing them that they would be contacted to participate in the survey. Interviewers called or drove to each dwelling to book an interview. Once contact was made with the household, the interviewer introduced the survey by outlining the basic steps of the survey and informing the person that participation was voluntary and that any information provided would be kept confidential under the authority of the Statistics Act. Based on the demographic information collected, one or two persons in the household were selected to participate in the survey. A selection algorithm was used to try and reach an equal distribution of people among the different age groups. If two persons were selected in a household, one person was always 3 to 11 years old and the other 12 to 79 years old. Prior to commencing the interview, the respondent was informed about the survey and was shown a brief four minute introductory video. For respondents between the ages of 3 and 11, an adult/guardian was present during the interview to answer questions with assistance from the child. All respondents aged 12 to 79 years who were able to answer questions on their own were asked to do so. In some cases, the interviewer then collected tap water samples from the home (see Section 7.4.8 Tap water for more details). At the end of the interview the interviewer provided the respondent with an information package, explaining the MEC portion of the survey, information about the tests performed at the MEC and general information about the survey. The interviewer briefly reviewed the material in the information package and answered any questions. At that time, the interviewer informed the respondents that he/she had been assigned to a fasting or non-fasting appointment at the MEC. The fasting appointments required respondents 6 to 79 years of age to fast for 12 hours in preparation for specific laboratory tests. See Appendix 4 for a list of the pre-testing guidelines provided to respondents during the household interview. At the end of the household interview, if possible, the interviewer sets up an appointment at the MEC for the respondent. In some cases, the respondent or parent of the respondent sets up an appointment on their own at a later time. At the end of each day, the interviewers transmitted all completed cases back to Statistics Canada using encryption software to ensure the confidentiality of the data during the transmission. 7.2.2 Collection – MEC Upon arrival at the MEC, the respondent’s information was logged into the database at the reception desk. The MEC staff verified that the respondent’s name, sex, date of birth and official language (collected during the household interview) were correct. Adherence to the pre-testing guidelines was verified and documented within the application. 34 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Prior to beginning the physical measures tests, the respondent had to provide their consent to participate in the MEC portion of the survey. Parents or guardians gave consent on behalf of children aged 3 to 13 while each child provided their assent to participate. After the consent module, the respondent (or parent/guardian of younger respondents) was asked some screening questions. Parents or guardians completed the screening questions on behalf of children aged 3 to 13. Depending on the fasting status, the age of the respondent and the responses to the screening questions, some respondents were excluded from certain measures or laboratory tests (see Appendix 5 – Exclusion Criteria). Respondents then performed all measures or provided biospecimens for laboratory tests for which they were eligible. For the activity monitor and indoor air measures, respondents were provided instructions to follow when they returned home. Every respondent could, at any time, refuse to participate in a measure or test. The order of the measures and blood tests was set in such a way that the effects of a certain measure (e.g., increased blood pressure from spirometry) did not affect the results of another measure (e.g., resting blood pressure). After the blood and urine samples were collected from survey respondents, they were processed, analyzed for the CBC and temporarily stored in fridges and freezers within the MEC laboratory. An initial DNA extraction step was carried out at the MEC prior to shipping. Stored samples were sent weekly to reference laboratories in Ottawa, Quebec City, Burlington, Edmonton, Toronto and Winnipeg for additional analyses related to general health, nutrition, chronic disease, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and environmental exposure as well as infectious diseases and for storage in the CHMS biobank in Winnipeg. Prior to leaving the MEC, the respondent received a report of their measurements, and a letter for their health care provider if it was required (e.g., extremely high or low blood pressure). A few months after the visit to the MEC, a report of laboratory tests containing most of the respondent’s blood and urine test results, hearing results, spirometry results and results for their household’s tap water was sent to them. Respondents 14 years of age or older received their laboratory, hearing and spirometry reports, while parents of respondents 3 to 13 years old received their child’s reports. Although no home visits took place during cycle 3, they were available upon respondent request. 7.3 Minimizing non-response 7.3.1 Minimizing non-response – Household interview To ensure the best possible response rate at the household, many practices were used to minimize nonresponse. Introductory material Before the start of each collection period, introductory materials were sent to the selected households, explaining the different steps of the survey and emphasizing the importance of the survey by providing examples of how CHMS data would be used. 35 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Initiating contact Interviewers were instructed to make all reasonable attempts to obtain interviews. When the timing of the interviewer's visit was inconvenient, an appointment was made to come back at a more convenient time. If no one was home on first visit, a notice that a CHMS interviewer had stopped by their home was left at the door. Numerous personal visits were made at different times on different days until potential respondents were home and available to do the interview. If interviewers were unable to make contact with anyone at the household, they tried phoning to arrange for a personal visit. In some cases a phone number was not available for the case and the interviewers had to research to find a name and number, using directory listings, neighbours, superintendents, and management/rental offices. Refusal procedures The interviewer tried to convince the respondent of the importance and potential benefits of participating in the survey. If the individual refused to participate in the survey, a refusal letter was sent and they were then contacted a second time by either another interviewer or the senior interviewer who, again, stressed the importance of the survey and the household's participation in it. Language barriers Some of the introductory materials (the introductory letter and the CHMS brochure) were available in English, French, and Mandarin. Respondents were interviewed in the official language of their choice (English or French). To remove language as a barrier to conducting interviews, where possible, the CHMS team recruited interviewers with some competencies in a language other than the two official languages. When necessary, cases were transferred to an interviewer or external interpreter with the appropriate language competency so that questions/instructions could be translated for the respondent. If, no one with a certain language competency could be found, it was also acceptable for a household member who was willing and able to translate for the respondent to do so. Note that this was not considered a proxy interview. The household member was simply translating the questions and the respondent’s answers directly to the interviewer, not answering for the respondent. Youth respondents Interviewers were obliged to obtain verbal permission from parents/guardians to interview youths between the ages of 12 and 17 who were selected for the survey. Several measures were taken to alleviate potential parental concerns and to ensure a completed interview. Interviewers provided the parent or guardian with a copy of the Information and Consent Booklet which contained a section dedicated to parents and guardians. This document explained the purpose of collecting information from youth, listed the subjects to be covered in the survey and explained the need to respect a youth's right to privacy and confidentiality. When interviewing respondents 12 to 17 years of age, interviewers ensured that the parent was in the home but that the interview took place outside of parents/siblings earshot, unless permission was obtained from the youth for a parent to be present. If the selected youth could not be interviewed in a private setting, the interviewer read the questions out loud with a parent or guardian in the room. The youth then answered the questions directly onto the computer. If privacy and confidentiality could not be respected, the case was coded as a refusal with a permanent note indicating that privacy/confidentiality could not be respected. 36 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 If parents asked to know more about the type of questions asked in the survey, interviewers first directed them to the topics listed in the Information and Consent Booklet. If they asked to see the actual questions, interviewers showed them the content section of the Interviewer's Manual. For those parents who requested a copy of the questions, a copy was available through the Data Collection Manager, as well as at Statistics Canada’s head office in Ottawa. Proxy interviews In the CHMS, parents/guardians answered questions about their children aged 3 to 11. This included all household modules that were applicable to children. Children assisted in responding to some questions for which the parents may not have known the answers (e.g., participation in activity during school hours). In cases where the selected respondent 12 years of age or over was, for reasons of physical or mental limitations, incapable of completing an interview at the household, another knowledgeable member of the household supplied information about the selected respondent. While these proxy respondents were able to provide accurate answers to most of the survey questions, the more sensitive or personal questions were beyond their scope of knowledge. This resulted in some questions from the proxy interview being unanswered. Every effort was taken to keep proxy interviews to a minimum. The variable “PROXY” on the data set indicates whether or not a household interview was completed by proxy. In cycle 3, 28% of the interviews were proxy, compared to 27% in cycle 2.Of the proxy interviews, 98.7% of the respondents were under 12 years of age and 1.3% were 12 years of age or older. 7.3.2 Minimizing non-response – MEC Approximately 78.8% of respondents who completed a household interview in cycle 3 agreed to go to the MEC. Some of the main practices used to obtain this high level of participation are described below. Non-response follow-up MEC staff was responsible for following up with any respondents who did not book an appointment at the end of their household interview and did not call the MEC booking desk to set up an appointment within a few days after their household interview. The staff members followed similar refusal procedures as household interviewers. Flexible MEC hours Strategies specific to the MEC included the creation of MEC opening hours and appointment times that provided maximum flexibility to the respondent. The MEC staff tried to accommodate as many respondents as possible at each site. 37 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Refusal procedures To minimize the non-response to the CHMS clinic component, the MEC staff was instructed to make all reasonable attempts to convince respondents who participated in the household interview to attend the MEC. The appointment booking desk staff, who had received specific training in handling refusal conversions, followed-up with respondents who refused to participates in the MEC portion of the survey. If they were unsuccessful in booking an appointment, the MEC site manager or senior HMS would call one final time to attempt to book an appointment. Respondents who could not be contacted (e.g., no answer at the home phone number) were sent a “No Contact Letter” asking them to phone the MEC to book an appointment. Language barriers Mobile examination centre (MEC) staff handled language barriers in the same way as household interviewers. CHMS staff, external interpreters or family members with knowledge of the third language were used to help the respondent understand instructions and forms in order to complete the visit at the MEC. Youth respondents As with the household interview, parents/guardians answered all questions about their children aged 3 to 11. Since the age of consent for the MEC portion of the CHMS was 14 years of age, parents/guardians also answered these questions for their 12 and 13 year old youths, though the youths usually assisted. Youths aged 14 and over were responsible for signing their own consent form and answering all questions although parents/guardians were in some cases present during their visit at the MEC and able to assist on difficult questions. To maximize efficiency at the MEC, the selected child or youth usually did the physical measure tests with one CHMS staff member while their selected parent was doing tests with another CHMS staff member. In cases where the selected respondent 14 years of age or over was, for reasons of physical or mental limitations, incapable of answering questions and completing the consent form at the MEC, the parent/guardian assisted. 7.4 Physical measures protocols Major changes to the MEC visit for cycle 3 include the withdrawal of several physical fitness tests (sit and reach, partial curl-ups and mCAFT) and the addition of skin pigmentation, fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FENO) and hearing test measures. All physical measures protocols were done at the MEC except for the activity monitor which was worn by respondents once they returned home, the indoor air sampler which respondents deployed in their home and the tap water samples which were taken at the respondent’s home by the interviewer, A brief description of the physical measures protocols can be found below, with information on exclusion criteria provided in Appendix 5. 7.4.1 Anthropometry The anthropometry component consisted of five main physical measure tests: standing and sitting height, weight as well as waist and hip circumference. All tests were done on eligible respondents aged 3 to 79 38 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 years old. Respondents having one or more acute or chronic conditions which could affect the results of an anthropometry test result were excluded from participating in that particular test. Standing height Standing height is an assessment of the maximum vertical size of the respondent. This measure was taken on all the respondents who were able to stand unassisted. Standing height was measured with a fixed stadiometer with a vertical backboard and a moveable headboard using a procedure based on the Canadian Physical Activity, Fitness and Lifestyle Approach (CPAFLA) 3rd Edition.5 A self-reported height was captured for respondents who were not eligible because of an acute or chronic condition (e.g., in a wheelchair) or who refused to have their height measured. Sitting height Sitting height is an assessment of maximum vertical size when the respondent is sitting. It was measured on respondents who were able to sit unassisted. Sitting height was measured with a fixed stadiometer with a vertical backboard and a moveable headboard. The respondent’s sitting height was measured, following the International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK) protocol. 6 Weight The respondent’s weight was taken on a Mettler Toledo digital scale, following the CPAFLA protocol.5 Waist circumference Waist circumference provides an indication of abdominal fat distribution and is an important indicator of the health risks associated with obesity. Waist measurements were taken on respondents using the National Institute of Health (NIH) protocol.7 Hip circumference Hip circumference is the maximal circumference measured at the hips or buttocks region (whichever is larger). It is used to calculate the waist-to-hip ratio (waist circumference divided by hip circumference) and is a simple method of determining body fat pattern. The protocol for hip circumference was based on the Canadian Standardized Test of Fitness (3rd Edition).8 7.4.2 Skin pigmentation The skin pigmentation measure assesses several characteristics of an individual’s skin colour. This can be used to evaluate the relationship between skin pigmentation (as an absolute, independent variable), sun exposure and vitamin D status. The measurements were done on eligible respondents aged 3 to 79 years old. 39 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 7.4.3 Heart rate and blood pressure The respondent’s resting heart rate and blood pressure (BP) were measured following a new protocol created by the CHMS using information from the report “Hypertension Surveillance in Canada: Minimum Standards for Assessing Blood Pressure in Surveys”.9 This report was published by an expert committee consisting of members of the Canadian Hypertension Society, the Canadian Coalition for High Blood Pressure Prevention and Control and the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada. Heart rate and blood pressure measurements were taken on all eligible respondents aged 6 to 79 years old using an oscillometric blood pressure measurement device. A series of blood pressure and heart rate measurements were taken at one minutes intervals following a five minute rest period. The last five measurements were used to determine the average resting heart rate and blood pressure. A 2nd series of measurement was only performed when required. 7.4.4 Lung health Spirometry Spirometry was used to assess respondents’ lung function. The measurement was taken on all eligible respondents aged 6 to 79 years old, following the 1994 Update of the Standardization of Spirometry article, published by the American Thoracic Society.10 Reasons for being excluded from doing this test include heart attacks, chest or abdominal surgeries within the last 3 months, eye surgery within the last 6 weeks, tuberculosis, use of certain medications and pregnancy >27 weeks. Fractional Exhaled Nitric Oxide (FENO) FENO was used to assess the levels of inflammation in the upper airways. This measure was administered to all respondent’s aged 6 to 79 years old. Respondents who possessed a stoma were excluded from the test. 7.4.5 Grip strength The grip strength component provides information on the muscular strength of all eligible respondents aged 6 to 79 years old. Grip strength is heavily linked to general health and independence. 7.4.6 Hearing The hearing component consisted of four physical measure tests: Otoscopy, Tymponometry, Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions (DPOAE) and Audiometry. Otoscopy, tympanometry and DPOAE were done on eligible respondents aged 3 to 79 years old. Audiometry was done on eligible respondents 6 to 79 years of age. Exclusions for hearing tests are listed in Appendix 5. Otoscopy An otoscopic examination is the visual, non-diagnostic examination of the outer ear (including the pinna and ear canal) using an otoscope. The purpose of the otoscopic examination is to identify any gross abnormalities such as: impacted/excessive ear wax or pus and/or the presence of blood, a foreign object or a growth or tumor in the ear canal. 40 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Tympanometry Tympanometry is a test designated to evaluate the mobility of the ear drum, located in the middle ear. Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions The distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAE) test is carried out to obtain an objective evaluation of cochlear (inner ear) function. This test measures outer hair cell movement within the cochlea in response to the simultaneous delivery of two pure tone frequencies in the respondent’s ear. Audiometry The purpose of performing audiometry (also called audiometric evaluation) is to determine whether hearing loss is present. 7.4.7 Activity monitor An Actical physical activity monitor was given to all eligible respondents aged 3 to 79, along with an adjustable belt, an XPRESSPOST envelope, and an information sheet. Respondents were asked to wear an activity monitor for 7 days following their visit to the MEC. Activity monitors provide key information on the wearer’s level of physical activity, including intensity, timing (day and time), frequency and duration as well as information on sedentary behaviour (excluding sleep). Respondents in wheelchairs were excluded from this measure. 7.4.8 Tap water A subsample of respondent households was chosen for tap water collection. The interviewer ran the kitchen tap for five minutes before taking the cold water samples – one sample was taken using a tube to test for fluoride and the other taken using a glass bottle to test for selected volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The objective of tap water collection is to determine the prevalence and characterize the distribution of exposures to certain VOCs and fluoride found in tap water. Interviewers sent the tubes once a week via courier to the Laboratoire de santé publique du Québec (LSPQ) in Sainte-Anne-deBellevue, Quebec for fluoride analysis and the bottles twice a week to the Health Canada – Water lab in Ottawa for VOC analysis. 7.4.9 Indoor air sampler Indoor air samplers are small cylindrical devices that were placed in each household in order to establish national baselines for indoor air concentrations of several volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These samplers were distributed to respondents in order to measure a number of airborne substances, including benzene, methane and ethanol within their homes for seven days following the MEC visit. After the seven day collection period was over, respondents sent their samplers directly to Cassen laboratory in Toronto for VOC analysis. A pre-addressed envelope was provided to all respondents. 41 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 7.5 Laboratory measures protocols (blood and urine) A brief description of the laboratory measures protocols used for the CHMS can be found below. Additional supporting documentation is available upon request. 7.5.1 Sample collection Blood and urine samples were collected from all eligible respondents at the MEC in order to obtain nationally representative information on a variety of biomarkers (nutrition, chronic and infectious diseases, environmental exposure, etc.). Blood collection The blood was collected by a phlebotomist using a standardized venipuncture technique. The amount of blood taken from respondents depended on their age: • • • • • 3 to 5 years: 25.0 ml 6 to 11 years: 38.0 ml 12 to 13 years: 64.0 ml 14 to 19 years: 82.0 ml 20 to 79 years: 94.0 ml A deviation from the order of blood collection tubes typically done in a clinical setting was made to accommodate the priority of the test(s) being measured. Urine collection Respondents were asked to provide urine to conduct all the tests for which they were eligible. 7.5.2 Analysis of CBC performed at the mobile examination centre (MEC) The CBC was analyzed in the MEC laboratory by a technologist and performed for all respondents from whom a sample was collected. Results from any unsuitable samples (e.g., severe lipemia or clot in tube) were not reported. 7.5.3 Processing and storage of the blood and urine samples It was important to process the specimens as soon as possible because the quality and integrity of the blood and urine specimens would deteriorate over time. Blood was centrifuged at 20°C for 15 minutes at 3000 to 3400 revolutions per minute to separate plasma and serum and to allow for the aliquoting into smaller tubes. The urine was also aliquoted into smaller tubes. These tubes were placed in shipping trays and stored in the MEC laboratory in either the refrigerator or the freezer depending on the test. All specimens were stored as soon as processing was complete to ensure the quality of the samples’ integrity. A four hour ceiling from the point of collection was placed on the time for blood samples to be processed and stored. For most samples, however, processing and storage was achieved within two hours from the time of collection. 42 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 7.5.4 Shipment of the blood and urine samples The shipping of the blood and urine aliquots was done once a week to the reference laboratory on preassigned shipping days. All packages were sent to one of the seven blood and urine reference labs: 1. Health Canada-Nutrition in Ottawa for biomarkers related to chronic disease, general health (chemistry panel) and nutrition, 2. Health Canada-Environment in Ottawa for blood Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) 3. Institut National de Santé Publique du Québec (INSPQ) in Quebec City for environmental biomarkers plus urine creatinine (environmental adjustments and kidney health), 4. , National Microbiology Laboratories NML in Winnipeg for infectious disease related analyses and the CHMS biobank, 5. ALS-Global in Edmonton for parabens and organophosphate insecticides, 6. ALSEnvironment in Burlington for organohalogens, and 7. Ontario Region Health Canada in Toronto for acrylamide. Shipments were packaged according to the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and Transport of Dangerous Goods regulations for biological specimens. All shipments were sent by overnight delivery using a courier company certified to handle dangerous goods and were scheduled to arrive at the reference laboratory only on weekdays. A specimen tracking system was also used in order to allow staff to determine the status of every tube shipped to the reference laboratory. In addition, the temperature of refrigerated shipments was monitored using pre-programmed devices that took the temperature every 30 minutes during shipping. This provided assurance that the samples received by the reference labs were maintained at an adequate temperature to preserve the sample integrity during shipping. There were some occurrences where shipments were delayed and the condition of the samples required assessment. If it was determined that the shipment conditions had been inadequate, the affected results were removed to ensure that only the highest quality of data was reported to the CHMS by the reference laboratories. 43 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 8. Data processing 8.1 Verification One of the unique features of the Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) is that three different sets of data are collected for the same respondent: household interview data, physical measures data, and laboratory results data. Each set of data has to be processed on its own, yet they cannot be completely separated from each other because at various points during processing the three sets of data have to be used together. The processing of the household interview data was performed in a manner similar to that of other health surveys at Statistics Canada. The data are validated first at the record level and then at the individual variable level, followed by detailed top-down editing. During data collection, processing takes place on a daily basis. The household interview responses have to be processed quickly in order for the data to be available at the mobile examination centre (MEC) in time for the respondent’s visit to the MEC. Similarly, the processing of the physical measures data begins with the data being validated first at the record level and then at the individual variable level, followed by detailed top-down editing. Also, because the laboratory tests are determined based on responses received at the MEC, the MEC data are used to generate a file containing a list of the tests for which laboratory results are expected to be received. This laboratory “control” file is used in processing the laboratory results data. The processing of the laboratory data involves significant file manipulation due to the fact that several different file types are received from the MEC and the various reference laboratories. As with the household and the physical measures data, the laboratory data are validated at the record level and at the individual variable level, and several new variables are then derived. The laboratory data are processed as quickly as possible so that any critical results that have been identified at the reference laboratories and the MEC are immediately available for reporting to respondents. 8.2 Mark-all-that-apply questions During the initial phase of data processing, mark-all-that-apply questions are expanded, with each response category in the original question becoming a series of separate questions with a yes or no response. In the example below, the respondent selected both 2 and 3 as answers to the original question. The answers to the new questions are based on answers from the original question. Original question: CCC_Q96 What type of hepatitis do you have? INTERVIEWER: Read categories to respondent. Mark all that apply. 1 Hepatitis A 22 Hepatitis B 3 Hepatitis C 3 44 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Final questions / responses: CCC_96A What type of hepatitis do you have? - Hepatitis A 1 Yes 2 No Don’t Know, Refused CCC_96B What type of hepatitis do you have? - Hepatitis B 1 2 Yes No Don’t Know, Refused CCC_96C What type of hepatitis do you have? - Hepatitis C 1 Yes 2 No Don’t Know, Refused 8.3 Coding As in previous cycles, pre-coded answer categories were supplied for all suitable variables, and the interviewers and health measures specialists (HMS) were trained to assign a respondent’s answer to the appropriate category. In the event that a respondent’s answer could not be easily assigned to an existing category, several questions also allowed the interviewer to enter a long-answer text in the “Otherspecify” category. All such questions were closely examined at head office during processing. For some household questions, the long answers were coded into one of the existing listed categories. If this was not possible, the response was coded as ‘Other’. For the MEC responses, long answers were reviewed and some responses were coded to existing categories. For the remaining ‘Other-specify’ answers at both the household and the MEC, some new categories were created when there was a sufficient number of responses. The remaining responses were coded as ‘Other’. For all questions, the “Other-specify” responses will be taken into account when refining the answer categories for future cycles. Statistics Canada is not permitted to release drug names. As a result, this information, while collected, is not available on the data files. Instead, coded variables representing information about these responses are placed on the data file. Codes representing specific drug names were put on the medication file (see Appendix 6 for information on the medical classification systems used). 45 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 As in previous cycles, certain data were collected as long answers and had codes assigned. This included medication and other health product names and dosages, and job description information. For medications, databases of standard descriptions were available in the computer-assisted interviewing (CAI) applications, and a code could be assigned at the time of collection based on a search of the appropriate database. Any description without a code was extracted during processing and coded manually. Over the course of the full survey, there were 530 medications and other health products that were manually assigned a Drug Identification Number (DIN), Natural Health Product Number (NPHN), Homeopathic Medicine Number (DIN-IM) or Exemption Number (EN). For the assignment of industry and occupation codes, 3,187 records with data in the job description fields were extracted and sent for coding. The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2012 and National Occupational Classification – Statistics (NOC) 2011 codes were used. In addition, to maintain consistency with the coding systems used for cycles 1 and 2, the job description responses were also coded using the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2002 and the National Occupational Classification Statistics (NOC-S) 2001. More information about the classification systems for job descriptions can be found at: and 8.4 Editing Most editing of the data was performed at the time of the interview by the CAI application. It was not possible for interviewers/HMS to enter out-of-range values and flow errors were controlled through programmed skip patterns. For example, CAI ensured that questions that did not apply to the respondent were not asked. Edits requiring corrective action were incorporated in the CAI application to deal with inconsistent responses. In addition, warnings not requiring corrective action were also included to identify unusual (i.e., improbable rather than impossible) values as a means of catching potential errors and allowing correction at source. At head-office, the data underwent a series of processing steps that resulted in some of the data being adjusted. As a final validation step, the CAI edits were re-applied to the processed data. As a result, the final data were complete and contained reserve codes for responses of “less than limit of detection”, “not applicable”, “don’t know”, “refusal” and “not stated”. Table 8.1 Reserve code of responses Reserve Code label Reserve code Less than limit of detection Not Applicable Don’t Know Refusal Not Stated 9.5, 99.5 etc. 6, 96, 99.6 etc. 7, 97, 99.7 etc. 8, 98, 99.8 etc. 9, 99, 99.9 etc. Information on imputation of household income and the treatment of other missing data can be found in Sections 12.1.2 and 12.1.3. 46 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 8.5 Creation of derived variables Derived variables (DV) are created to facilitate data analysis and to minimize the risk of errors. The three most common types of DVs are created by: collapsing data from one variable into groups; combining the data from one or more survey questions for a single respondent; or combining data from more than one respondent. DVs generally have a "D" (derived) or "G" (grouped) in the fourth character of the variable name. Three other types of DVs can be found on the CHMS data file: converting responses given in various time units (days, weeks, months or a year) into one type of unit such as yearly; calculation of body mass index (BMI); and the creation of the Health Utility Index which is based on responses from a series of questions. Specifications were received providing details on how to create each derived variable. Cycle 3 of the CHMS has over 500 DVs. Many of these DVs were created within the capture application in order to be able to provide initial results to the respondents at the end of their visit to the MEC, while others were created after the completion of data processing. All derived variables underwent a validation process after creation in order to ensure that the output provided the requested data. Modifications to the specifications were necessary if, during validation by subject matter experts, the output from the derived variables was determined to be flawed. Complete documentation for all derived variables is available upon request. 8.6 Analytical range Laboratory data are obtained from the analysis of blood, urine, air and tap water samples. The preanalytical conditions (e.g., sample volume, specimen processing procedures, etc.) and methods used by laboratories determine the analytical range within which an analyte can reliably be measured. The low end of the analytical range is identified as the limit of detection (LOD). The LOD is defined as the lowest concentration at which the analyte’s analytical response is measured to be greater than the noise. The LOD for the environmental measures were evaluated using the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s methodology32 or a similar method. The upper limit of the analytical range is determined by the highest standard concentration that produces a linear analytical response. Another value that is of interest is the limit of quantification (LOQ). The LOQ is the minimal concentration that can be quantified to a pre-defined level of reliability for a specific method. Laboratories are unable to determine the concentration of the analyte outside the analytical range. When laboratory results for analytes measured in blood, urine, air and tap water fall below or above the analytical range, the laboratory does not report a value and therefore the data are assigned a reserve code ending in 5 for results less than LOD (e.g.; 99.5) or ending in 7 for results above the upper analytical range (e.g.; 99.7). A full listing of the analytical ranges including LOD and LOQ values can be found in the analytical ranges document (available upon request). 47 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 9. Weighting In order for estimates produced from survey data to be representative of the population covered and not merely of the sample itself, users must incorporate weighting factors (survey weights) into their calculations. A survey weight is assigned to each person included on the final dataset, that is, in the sample of persons who responded to the entire survey. This weight corresponds to the number of people represented by the respondent in the population as a whole. The survey weight is calculated as the inverse of the probability that the respondent was selected for the survey. As described in Chapter 6 (Sample design), the Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) is a multi-stage sample that uses two sampling frames for selecting its sample; an area frame of geographic units (clusters) for constructing and selecting collection sites, and a list frame of the dwellings within each site. The probability of selection for the survey is determined by multiplying the probability of selection at each stage. In accordance with the weighting strategy, the selection weights for collection sites are multiplied by the selection weights for dwellings (households) and adjusted for non-response. Following the conversion of household weights into person weights, the latter are adjusted for non-response at the interview stage and the mobile examination centre (MEC) stage, and with several other adjustments, this weight becomes the final survey weight. The steps of the weighting process are outlined in Sections 9.1 to 9.9. 9.1 Selection weights for collection sites The first step is to calculate the selection weight for each collection site. For each site, this weight is calculated as follows within each region12: Selection weight of a collection site within a given region13 = Sum of persons in all sites contained within the region (Number of persons in the site) x (Number of the sites selected within the region) There is no adjustment for non-response at the level of the collection sites, since all sites participated in the survey. 9.2 Selection weights for dwellings For each collection site selected, a list of all dwellings was obtained from the sample frame which is based on the 2011 Census and updated with other administrative files. These dwellings were stratified into seven groups corresponding to the six age group strata and one other stratum, using household composition as specified in the Section 6.3.2 (Dwelling sampling). The sample of dwellings was allocated among these strata. For a given dwelling, the selection weight is equal to the inverse of the probability of selection of the dwelling within the stratum to which it belongs. Count of all dwellings in the strata Count of all dwellings in the sample from the strata This weight is then multiplied by the collection site selection weight. 48 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 9.3 Removal of out-of-scope units Among all the dwellings sampled, a proportion is identified during collection as being outside the scope of the survey. Examples of out-of-scope cases for the CHMS are: demolished dwellings, dwellings under construction, vacant, seasonal or secondary dwellings, institutions, and dwellings in which all household members are under 3 or over 79 years of age or are full-time members of the Canadian Forces. These dwellings are simply removed from the sample, leaving only dwellings in the scope of the survey. The dwellings that remain in the sample retain the same weight as at the previous stage. 9.4 Household non-response During collection, a proportion of the households sampled inevitably resulted in a non-response. This usually occurs when the household refuses to participate in the survey, provides unusable data or cannot be reached to conduct the interview. The weight of non-respondent households is redistributed to respondents within homogeneous response groups (HRGs). In order to create these HRGs, the score method based on logistic regression is used.14 First a logistic regression model is created to estimate the response probability, and then these probabilities are used to divide the sample into groups with similar response properties. The logistic regression models are created from the limited amount of information available for all households. This includes data from the frame such as the strata, and geographic location, and paradata about the data collection such as the number of attempts to contact the household and the elapsed time between the first and last contact. An adjustment factor was then calculated within each HRG as follows: Sum of weights for all dwellings (households) Sum of weights for all respondent households The weight of respondent households is multiplied by this adjustment factor to produce the adjusted household weight. Non-respondent households are eliminated from the weighting process starting at this point. 9.5 Creation of the person weight Since the final sampling unit for the CHMS is the person, the adjusted household weight up to this point must be converted into a person weight. This is obtained by multiplying the adjusted household weight by the inverse of the probability of selection of the person selected in the household. It should be kept in mind that the probability of a person being selected changes depending on the number of persons in the household and their ages (see Section 6.3.3, Respondent sampling for more details). 9.6 Non-response at the questionnaire level The CHMS has a three-stage collection process. First, the interviewer obtains the complete list of persons living in the household, then he or she interviews the person(s) selected in the household, and finally, the selected person or persons report to the CHMS MEC. 49 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 In some cases, interviewers succeed in completing only the first step, either because they cannot contact the person(s) selected, or because the person or persons selected refuse to be interviewed. Such cases are defined as non-responses at the questionnaire level, and an adjustment factor must be applied to the weights of respondent persons to compensate for this non-response. Just as for non-response at the dwelling (household) level, the adjustment is applied within classes defined by the score method using response probabilities from a logistic regression model. The model is based on the characteristics available for all respondents and non-respondents, which includes all the characteristics collected when the members of the household are listed, such as the number of persons in the household, in addition to geographic information and paradata. An adjustment factor is calculated within each class, as follows: Sum of weights for all selected persons Sum of weights for all selected persons responding to the questionnaire Thus, the weight of respondent persons is multiplied by this adjustment factor. Persons not responding to the questionnaires are removed from weighting starting at this point. 9.7 Non-response at the MEC level Respondents to the questionnaire are then invited to go to the CHMS MEC for physical measurements. In some cases, people refuse to participate or do not keep their appointment at the MEC. Such cases are defined as non-responses at the MEC level, and to compensate for this non-response, an adjustment factor must be applied to the weights of the MEC participants. Just as for non-response at the dwelling (household) and questionnaire levels, the adjustment is applied within classes defined by their probability of attending the MEC. This probability is obtained from a logistic model using the characteristics available for respondents and non-respondents. All the characteristics collected on the questionnaire during the interview (such as income class, whether or not the respondent is employed, general health status, and frequency of smoking), in addition to geographic information and paradata, were made available to create the non-response models. An adjustment factor is calculated within each class as follows: Sum of weights for all persons responding to the questionnaire Sum of weights for all persons participating at the MEC The weights of the persons participating at the MEC were accordingly multiplied by this adjustment factor. Persons who did not report to the MEC are removed from the weighting process starting at this point. 50 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 9.8 Winsorization Note that following a series of adjustments applied to the weights, it is possible that some units will have weights that stand out from the other weights to the point of being aberrant. Some respondents may actually represent an abnormally high proportion in their group and therefore strongly influence both the estimates and the variance. To avoid this situation, a respondent weight that contributes aberrantly to the age-sex group is adjusted downward using a method known as “winsorization.” In this process, respondent weights that are considered to be outliers are replaced by the highest non-outlier weight for that age and sex group. All of the weights are then adjusted to redistribute the surplus weight (the part of the weight that is higher than the highest non-outlier weight). This is done by multiplying the non-outlier weights by an adjustment factor to create the winsor adjusted weights. The adjustment factor is calculated as: Sum of original final weights Sum of non − outlier weights 9.9 Calibration The last step required to obtain the final CHMS weight is calibration. This procedure is applied to ensure that the sum of the final weights corresponds to the estimates of populations defined at the scale of the five Canadian geographic regions12, for each of the 12 age-sex groups of interest, the six age groups 3 to 5, 6 to 11, 12 to 19, 20 to 39, 40 to 59 and 60 to 79 for each sex. An additional criterion was used to calibrate the 20 to 39 age group to compensate for the fact that persons in this age group living with kids have a greater chance of being selected than those living without kids. In households where there was at least one person aged 3 to 11, a second person aged 12 to 79 was selected for the survey. The second person selected was usually a parent aged 20 to 39. To compensate for any potential bias caused by the selection method the 20 to 39 age group was split into those living with and without children aged 3 to 11. The population estimates are based on the most recent census counts, as well as on counts of births, deaths, immigration and emigration since then. The calibration was carried out using the mean of the monthly estimates (covering the survey period) for each cross-tabulation of standard regional boundaries and age-sex groups. The population estimate for the 20 to 39 age group in each region was split into those living with and without kids aged 3 to 11 based on the estimated ratio of 20 to 39 year olds living with and without kids from the sampling frame for cycles 1, 2 and 3. After calibration, the weight adjustment was obtained. The resulting weight is the final CHMS weight found in the data file bearing the variable name WGT_FULL. 9.10 Bootstrap weights The CHMS uses a complex sampling design to select the sample and there are no simple formulas that can be used to calculate the variance of the survey estimates. Instead, a re-sampling approach known as the bootstrap method is used to approximate the sample variance. The bootstrap method involves creating subsamples of the full sample by randomly selecting « n-1 » collection sites with replacement among the « n » collection sites in each region.15 An adjusted weight is then calculated for each respondent in the selected subsample. This is repeated 500 times to create the bootstrap weights. To calculate the variance of a point estimate (such as the mean), the estimate for each of the 500 replicates is calculated using the bootstrap weight. The variability among the 500 estimates gives the variance estimate. The bootstrap weights are provided on the final CHMS weight file with the names BSW1-BSW500. Refer to Section 11.5 on the use of the weight variable and Section 12.2.5 on available software for more information. 51 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 9.11 Weighting for selected subsamples 9.11.1 Weighting for activity monitor data A separate weight was created for the analysis of the activity monitor data, even though all respondents were asked to wear the activity monitor for one week following the MEC appointment. For this reason the activity monitor data is not a true subsample. Analysis could only be performed for respondents who had at least 4 days of valid data (3 days of valid data for youths 3 to 5 year old) on the activity monitor. To compensate for any bias due to a difference in the respondents who had the required number of valid days of data and those that did not, a separate weight was created for the activity monitor data. The weighting steps described in Sections 9.1 to 9.7 were carried out and then an additional adjustment was made to account for respondents who did not have the required number of valid days of data. Cases where there were not at least 4 valid days of data (3 days of valid data for youths 3 to 5 year old) were treated as non-respondents to the activity monitor. The weights of the persons with the required number of valid days were multiplied by an adjustment factor to account for non-response. Similar to the nonresponse adjustment at the collection site, household and MEC levels, the adjustment is applied within homogeneous response classes. The classes are created based on the probability of response from a logistic model using the characteristics available for all respondents and non-respondents. All of the characteristics collected during the interview and at the MEC, in addition to geographic information and paradata, were available to create the non-response models. The “score” method is then used to define the classes. The adjustment factor within each class is calculated as follows: Sum of weights for all persons participating at the MEC Sum of weights for all persons with the required number of days of valid entries The weights of the persons who have the required number of days of valid entries were multiplied by this adjustment factor. Persons who did not have the required number of days of valid entry were removed from the weighting process. The final three steps, winsorization, calibration, and bootstrap weights (see Sections 9.8 to 9.10) were then applied to the respondents. After calibration, the weight adjustment was obtained. The resulting activity monitor subsample weight is called WGT_ACMO and the corresponding bootstrap weights are labelled as BSW1-BSW500.. They are available on the activity monitor subsample weight file. 9.11.2 Weighting for blood and urine data Subsamples were selected during the sample collection. For each of the subsamples, a sample weight was created that accounts for this extra step in the sample selection process. As the selection for each subsample was done independently, a separate weight is calculated for each of these subsamples. Weighting for the fasted subsample The fasted subsample was selected when the sample of dwellings were selected, and thus occurred prior to completion of the household questionnaire. To create the fasted subsample weights, the steps described in Sections 9.1 to 9.4 remain the same and then at the person weight creation step (see Section 9.5) the subsample flags that were assigned to the dwellings were attributed to the selected person(s). Before adjusting for non-response at the questionnaire level (see Section 9.6), the person weight of those selected for the fasted subsample was adjusted to incorporate the subsample sampling weight. An adjustment factor was derived by collection site and stratum as follows: 52 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Sum of weights of selected persons Sum of weights of persons selected for the fasted subsample The weights of the persons selected for the subsample were accordingly multiplied by this adjustment factor. Persons who were not selected for the fasted subsample were removed from the weighting process. An additional step was required to adjust for persons who were selected for the subsample but who did not fast or did not provide blood. Such cases were defined as non-respondents to the fasted subsample and to compensate for this non-response an adjustment factor was applied to the weights of the persons with a valid measure. Just as for non-response at the collection site, dwelling (household) and MEC levels, the adjustment is applied within homogeneous response classes. The classes are defined using the score method with logistic regression based on the characteristics available for all respondents and nonrespondents. All the characteristics collected on the questionnaire during the interview and measures taken at the MEC, in addition to geographic information and paradata, were available for creating the homogeneous response classes. An adjustment factor was calculated within each class as follows for the fasted subsample: Sum of weights for all persons selected to fast and participating at the MEC Sum of weights for all persons selected who were fasted and had a valid measure The weight of the persons who were selected for the subsample who had a valid measure was accordingly multiplied by this adjustment factor. Persons who did not have a valid measure were removed from the weighting process. The final three steps, winsorization, calibration, and generating bootstrap weights (see sections 9.8 to 9.10) were then applied to the fasted subsample. After calibration, the weight adjustment was obtained. The resulting fasted subsample weight is called WGT_FAST and the corresponding bootstrap weights are labelled BSW1-BSW500. They are available on the fasted subsample weight file. Weighting for the red blood cell fatty acids subsample Respondents were selected for the fatty acids subsample when they attended the MEC appointment, so the non-response adjustments that are applied to the full sample weights remain the same for the roster, household questionnaire and MEC levels (steps 9.1 to 9.7). Three additional adjustments were applied to the weights from step 9.7 to adjust for respondents not selected for the subsample and to account for nonresponse to the subsample. First, the weight of the respondents not selected for the subsample was redistributed to the weights of the selected respondents using the following adjustment factor within each combination of site, age group and sex: Sum of weights for all persons participating at the MEC Sum of weights of persons participating at the MEC and selected for the subsample The weights of the persons selected for the subsample were then accordingly multiplied by this adjustment factor. Persons who were not selected for the subsample were removed from the weighting process. The next two adjustments were applied on weights to account for non-response to the subsample, which 53 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 occurred when a respondent did not provide blood or a valid measure could not be obtained on at least one of the laboratory tests. Among the fatty acids non-respondents, it was noticed that for 27 cases in site 10, the blood was not analyzed for fatty acids because the integrity of a shipment sent to the laboratory was suspect (length of time to arrive to the laboratory / temperature of blood sample). Because the non-availability of results was not a non-response behaviour that could be explained through modelling but a collection error, their weights were redistributed to all other selected person in the sub-sample using the adjustment factor: SOWSS SOWSS − sum of weight of these 27 non − respondents in site 10 where SOWSS = (sum of weight of persons selected for the subsample). All other non-respondents are adjusted through modelling. The adjustment is applied within homogeneous non-response classes, similar to the other non-response adjustments at the collection site, household and MEC levels. The classes are defined using the score method with logistic regression based on the characteristics available for all respondents and non-respondents after excluding the 27 site 10 cases. All the characteristics collected on the questionnaire during the interview and measures taken at the MEC, in addition to geographic information and paradata, were available for creating the homogeneous response classes. An adjustment factor was calculated within each class as follows for the fatty acids subsample: Sum of weight of persons selected for the subsample Sum of weights of person selected for the subsample and had a valid measure This adjustment factor is multiplied by the weight of all the respondents selected for the subsample who had a valid measure. Persons who did not have a valid measure were removed from the weighting process. The weights are then winsorized and calibrated and the bootstrap weights are generated following the steps described in Sections 9.8 to 9.10. The resulting fatty acids subsample weight is called WGT_FTA and the corresponding bootstrap weights are labelled BSW1-BSW500. They are available on the fatty acids subsample weight file. Weighting for the urine fluoride subsample In order to create the urine fluoride subsample weights, the steps described in Sections 9.1 to 9.4 are followed. Once those are completed, two adjustments to the household weights are applied to take into account the fact that a respondent could only be selected for the urine fluoride subsample if tap water was collected at the dwelling. First, the weights of the households selected for the tap water fluoride subsample were adjusted to incorporate the subsample sampling weight. An adjustment factor was derived by collection site, by the age of the persons selected in the household and by the number of respondents selected for the CHMS from the household as follows: 𝑆𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑡 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑𝑠 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝐶𝐻𝑀𝑆 𝑆𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑𝑠 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 54 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Secondly, an adjustment was made to the household weights to account for tap water fluoride nonresponse. The adjustment is applied within homogeneous non-response classes, similar to the other nonresponse adjustments. The classes are defined using the score method with logistic regression based on the characteristics available for all respondents and non-respondents. All characteristics collected during the interview in addition to geographic information and paradata were available for creating homogeneous response classes. An adjustment factor for tap water fluoride non-response was calculated within each class as follows: 𝑆𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑𝑠 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑆𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 Household weights were converted to person weights (see section 9.5) and the person weights were adjusted for questionnaire and MEC non-response (see sections 9.6 and 9.7). Weights for respondents selected for the urine fluoride subsample were adjusted to incorporate the subsample sampling weight. An adjustment factor was derived by collection site, number of persons selected to participate from the household and age and sex as follows: 𝑆𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑀𝐸𝐶 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝐶𝐻𝑀𝑆 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑎𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑑𝑤𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑆𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 The weights were then adjusted for non-response to the fluoride measure in urine. The adjustment is applied within homogeneous non-response classes, similar to the other non-response adjustments. The classes are defined using the score method with logistic regression based on the characteristics available for all respondents and non-respondents. All characteristics collected during the interview and measures taken at the clnic in addition to geographic information and paradata were available for creating homogeneous response classes. An adjustment factor for urine the urine fluoride subsample was calculated within each class as follows: 𝑆𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑆𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑑 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑑𝑒 The weights are then winsorized and calibrated and the bootstrap weights are generated following the steps described in sections 9.8 to 9.10. The resulting urine fluoride subsample weight is called WGT_FLP and the corresponding bootstrap weights are labelled BSW1-BSW500. They are available on the urine fluoride subsample weight file. Weighting for the blood volatile organic compounds (VOCs) subsample In order to create the blood VOCs subsample weights, the steps described in Sections 9.1 to 9.4 are followed. Once those are completed, two adjustments to the household weights are applied to take into account the fact that a respondent could only be selected for the blood VOCs subsample if tap water was collected at the dwelling. First, the weights of the households selected for the tap water VOCs subsample were adjusted to incorporate the subsample sampling weight. An adjustment factor was derived by collection site, by the age of the persons selected in the household and by the number of respondents selected for the CHMS from the household as follows: 𝑆𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑡 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑𝑠 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝐶𝐻𝑀𝑆 𝑆𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑𝑠 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑉𝑂𝐶𝑠 𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 55 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Secondly, an adjustment was made to the household weights for tap water VOCs non-response. The adjustment is applied within homogeneous non-response classes, similar to the other non-response adjustments. The classes are defined using the score method with logistic regression based on the characteristics available for all respondents and non-respondents. All characteristics collected during the interview in addition to geographic information and paradata were available for creating the homogeneous response classes. An adjustment factor for tap water VOCs non-response was calculated within each class as follows: 𝑆𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑𝑠 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑉𝑂𝐶𝑠 𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑆𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑉𝑂𝐶𝑠 𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 Household weights were converted to person weights (see section 9.5) and the person weights were adjusted for questionnaire and MEC non-response (see sections 9.6 and 9.7). Weights for respondents selected for the blood VOCs subsample were adjusted to incorporate the subsample sampling weight. An adjustment factor was derived by collection site, number of respondents selected to participate from the household and age and sex as follows: 𝑆𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑀𝐸𝐶 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝐶𝐻𝑀𝑆 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑎𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑑𝑤𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑆𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑉𝑂𝐶𝑠 𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 The weights were then adjusted for non-response to the VOC measures in blood. The adjustment is applied within homogeneous non-response classes, similar to the other non-response adjustments. The classes are defined using the score method with logistic regression based on the characteristics available for all respondents and non-respondents. All characteristics collected during the interview and measures taken at the clinic, in addition to geographic information and paradata, were available for creating the homogeneous response classes. An adjustment factor for blood VOCs subsample was calculated within each class as follows: 𝑆𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑉𝑂𝐶𝑠 𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑆𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑑 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑓 blood VOCs The weights are then winsorized and calibrated and the bootstrap weights are generated following the steps described in sections 9.8 to 9.10. The resulting VOCs subsample weight is called WGT_VOCP and the corresponding bootstrap weights are labelled BSW1-BSW500. They are available on the blood VOCs subsample weight file. Weighting for the acrylamidee subsample Respondents were selected for the acrylamide subsample when they attended the MEC, therefore the non-response adjustments applied to the full sample weights remain the same at the roster, household questionnaire and MEC levels (steps 9.1 to 9.7). Two additional adjustments were applied to the weights following step 9.7 to adjust for respondents not selected for the subsample and to account for nonresponse in those selected. To adjust for those not selected for the subsample, the weight of each respondent not selected was redistributed to the weights of the selected respondents using the following adjustment factor within each combination of site, age group and sex: Sum of weights for all persons participating at the MEC Sum of weights of persons participating at the MEC and selected for the subsample 56 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Note: age groups 20 to 39, 40 to 59 and 60 to 79 were grouped together to compensate for 20 to 39 year old males not being sampled in site 15. The weight of each respondent selected for the subsample was then multiplied by this adjustment factor. Respondents not selected for the subsample were removed from the weighting process. A second adjustment was applied to the weights of the respondents selected for the subsample to account for non-response, which occurred when a respondent did not provide blood or a valid measure could not be obtained for at least one of the laboratory tests.The adjustment is applied within homogeneous nonresponse classes, similar to the other non-response adjustments at the collection site, household and MEC levels. The classes are defined using the score method with logistic regression based on the characteristics available for all respondents and non-respondents. Characteristics collected during the household interview and at the MEC, in addition to geographic information and paradata were available to create the homogeneous response classes. An adjustment factor for the acrylamide subsample was calculated within each class as follows: Sum of weight of persons selected for the subsample Sum of weights of person selected for the subsample and had a valid measure The weight of each respondent selected for the subsample and having a valid result for this measure was multiplied by this adjustment factor. Respondents that did not have a valid measure were removed from the weighting process. The weights are then winsorized and calibrated and the bootstrap weights are generated following the steps described in Sections 9.8 to 9.10. The resulting acrylamide subsample weight is called WGT_ACRY and the corresponding bootstrap weights are labelled BSW1-BSW500. They are available on the acrylamide subsample weight file. The calibration of the weights is done differently for this subsample. To be coherent with the first weight adjustment (see note above), age groups 20 to 39, 40 to 59 and 60 to 79 were grouped together to improve variance estimation efficiency. Calibration for the 20 to 79 age group is done by sex but there are no supplementary adjustments for 20 to 39 year olds living with or without kids. Weighting for the methyl mercury subsample Respondents were selected for the methyl mercury subsample when they attended the MEC, therefore the non-response adjustments applied to the full sample weights remain the same at the roster, household questionnaire and MEC levels (steps 9.1 to 9.7). Two additional adjustments were applied to the weights following step 9.7 to adjust for respondents not selected for the subsample and to account for nonresponse in those selected. To adjust for those not selected for the subsample, the weight of each respondent not selected was redistributed to the weights of the selected respondents using the following adjustment factor within each combination of site, age group and sex: Sum of weights for all persons participating at the MEC Sum of weights of persons participating at the MEC and selected for the subsample The weight of each respondent selected for the subsample was then multiplied by this adjustment factor. 57 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Respondents not selected for the subsample were removed from the weighting process. A second adjustment was applied on the weights of the respondents selected for the subsample to account for non-response, which occurred when a respondent did not provide blood or a valid measure could not be obtained for at least one of the laboratory tests. The adjustment is usually applied within homogeneous non-response classes similar to the other non-response adjustments at the collection site, household and MEC levels in which the classes are defined using the score method with logistic regression based on the characteristics available for all respondents and non-respondents. However, there was so little nonresponse in the methyl mercury subsample (12 non-respondents), no characteristics obtained from the household interview, measures at the clinic or geographic information and paradata could help produce a satisfactory non-response model. Therefore the weights of non-respondents were redistributed to the weights of the subsample respondents using the following adjustment factor calculated for each age group and sex level: Sum of weight of persons selected for the subsample Sum of weights of person selected for the subsample and had a valid measure The weight of each respondent selected for the subsample and having a valid result for this measurewas multiplied by this adjustment factor. Respondents that did not have a valid measure were removed from the weighting process. The weights are then winsorized and calibrated and the bootstrap weights are generated following the steps described in Sections 9.8 to 9.10. The resulting methyl mercury subsample weight is called WGT_MEHG and the corresponding bootstrap weights are labelled BSW1-BSW500. They are available on the methyl mercury subsample weight file. Weighting for the urine environmental contaminants subsample Respondents were selected for the urine environmental contaminants subsample when they attended the MEC, therefore the non-response adjustments to the full sample weights remain the same for the roster, household questionnaire and MEC levels (steps 9.1 to 9.7). Two additional adjustments were applied to the weights from step 9.7 to adjust for respondents not selected for the subsample and to account for nonresponse in those selected. To adjust for those not selected for the subsample, the weight of each respondents not selected was redistributed to the weights of the selected respondents using the following adjustment factor within each combination of site, age group and sex: Sum of weights for all persons participating at the MEC Sum of weights of persons participating at the MEC and selected for the subsample Note: age groups 20 to 39, 40 to 59 and 60 to 79 year old were grouped together to compensate for 20 to 39 year old males not being sampled in site 15. The weight of each respondent selected for the subsample was then multiplied by this adjustment factor. Respondents not selected for the subsample were removed from the weighting process. A second adjustment was applied on the weights of the respondents selected for the subsample to account for non-response, which occurred when a respondent did not provide urine or a valid measure could not be obtained on at least one of the laboratory tests. 58 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 The adjustment is applied within homogeneous non-response classes, similar to the other non-response adjustments at the collection site, household and MEC levels. The classes are defined using the score method with logistic regression based on the characteristics available for all respondents and nonrespondents. Characteristics collected during the household interview and at the MEC, in addition to geographic information and paradata were available to create the homogeneous response classes. An adjustment factor for the urine environmental contaminants subsample was calculated within each class as follows for the urine environmental contaminants subsample: Sum of weight of persons selected for the subsample Sum of weights of person selected for the subsample and had a valid measure The weight of each respondent selected for the subsample and having a valid result for this measure was multiplied by this adjustment factor. Respondents that did not have a valid measure were removed from the weighting process. The weights are then winsorized and calibrated and the bootstrap weights are generated following the steps described in Sections 9.8 to 9.10. The resulting urine environmental contaminants subsample weight is called WGT_EU and the corresponding bootstrap weights are labelled BSW_1-BSW500. Thay are available on the urine environmental contaminants subsample weight file. The calibration of the weights is done differently for this subsample. To be coherent with the first weight adjustment (see note above), age groups 20 to 39, 40 to 59 and 60 to 79 were grouped together to improve the variance estimation efficiency. Calibration for the 20 to 79 age group is done by sex but there is not supplementary adjustments for 20 to 39 years old living with or without kids. Weighting for the NNK metabolites subsample in order to create the urine NNK metabolites subsample weights, the steps described in Sections 9.1 to 9.7 are followed. The weights of the respondents selected for the urine NNK metabolites subsample were adjusted to incorporate the subsample sampling weight. An adjustment factor was derived by collection site, age, sex and smoker type as follows: 𝑆𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑀𝐸𝐶 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝐶𝐻𝑀𝑆 𝑆𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝑁𝑁𝐴𝐿 𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 The weights were then adjusted for non-response for the NNK metabolites measures in urine. The adjustment is applied within homogeneous non-response classes, similar to the other non-response adjustments. The classes are defined using the score method with logistic regression based on the characteristics available for all respondents and non-respondents. All characteristics collected during the interview and measures taken at the clinic, in addition to geographic information and paradata, were available for creating the homogeneous response classes. An adjustment factor was calculated within each class as follows: 𝑆𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝑁𝑁𝐾 𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑆𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑑 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑓 urine NNK The weights are then winsorized and calibrated and the bootstrap weights are generated following the steps described in sections 9.8 to 9.10. The resulting NNK metabolites subsample weight is called WGT_NNAL and the corresponding bootstrap weights are labelled BSW1-BSW500. They are available on the urine NNK metabolites subsample weight file. 59 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 9.11.3 Weighting for the tap water subsamples Weighting for the tap water fluoride subsample (household-level weights) In order to create the household-level weights for the tap water fluoride subsample, the steps described in Sections 9.1 to 9.4 are followed. However, the person design weights (i.e. the inverse of the probability of selecting the chosen respondent from the household) are not considered for the household weights. The weights of the households selected for the tap water fluoride subsample were adjusted to incorporate the subsample sampling weight. An adjustment factor was derived by collection site, by age of the persons selected in the household and the number of respondents selected for the CHMS as follows: 𝑆𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑡 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑𝑠 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝐶𝐻𝑀𝑆 𝑆𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑𝑠 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑡𝑎𝑝 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 The household-level weights were adjusted for tap water fluoride subsample non-response (tap water collection and valid lab data for the tap water fluoride) as well as questionnaire and MEC non-response. At least one respondent selected from a given household must provide consent to the request to share data asked at the clinic in order for that household to be included in the subsample. As is the case for the person-level weights and the urine fluoride subsample weights (see section, non-response adjustments are again done using the score method with logistic regression. However, in regards to the household-level tap water fluoride subsample weights, the models consider whether or not at least one person responded for the household rather than looking at each individual person if two people were selected from the same household. In order to do this, one person was chosen to represent the household for the non-response models in households where two people were selected because whether or not a person chooses to respond to each level of the survey is in part dependent on the characteristics of the individual selected. The variables used in the non-response model at each level are a combination of the household level and person level characteristics available for all respondents and non-respondents. The calibration of the final weights is done at the household level so that the weighted estimate reflects all dwellings in Canada that are not an institution. After the calibration, the sum of the final household weights corresponds to the estimates of the number of dwellings in each of the five Canadian geographic regions12 for households of size 1, 2 and 3 or more persons. The household counts are based on the most recent census counts available, with updates to account for births, deaths, immigration and emigration. The values used for calibration were the mean of the monthly estimates (covering the survey period) for each cross-tabulation of household size and geographic region minus an estimate of the number of households with only persons aged over 79 or that are institutions as they are not part of the CHMS target population. The proportion of households where all occupants are over the age of 79 was estimated from the dwelling sampling frame of CHMS cycles 1, 2 and 3. The final tap water fluoride household weights were obtained after calibration. The weights are labelled as WGT_FLH and the bootstrap weights, for variance estimation, were created as described in Section 9.10 and are labelled BSW1-BSW500. Weighting for the tap water VOCs subsample (household-level weights) In order to create the household-level weights for the tap water fluoride subsample, the steps described in Sections 9.1 to 9.4 are followed. However, the person design weights (i.e. the inverse of the probability of selecting the chosen respondent from the household) are not considered for the household weights. The weights of the households selected for the tap water VOCs subsample were adjusted to incorporate the subsample sampling weight. An adjustment factor was derived by collection site, by age of the 60 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 persons selected in the household and the number of respondents selected for the CHMS from the household as follows: 𝑆𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑡 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑𝑠 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝐶𝐻𝑀𝑆 𝑆𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑𝑠 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑡𝑎𝑝 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑉𝑂𝐶𝑠 𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 The household-level weights were adjusted for the tap water VOCs subsample non-response (tap water collection and valid lab data for the tap water VOCs) as well as questionnaire and MEC non-response. At least one respondent selected from a given household must provide consent to the request to share data asked at the clinic in order for that household to be included in the subsample. As it is the case for the person-level weights, or the blood VOCs subsample weights (see section, the non-response adjustments are again done using the score method with logistic regression. However, in regards to the blood VOCs subsample weights, the models consider whether or not at least one person responded for the household rather than looking at each individual person if two people were selected from the same household. In order to do this, one person was chosen to represent the household for the non-response models in households where two people were selected because whether or not a person chooses to respond to each level of the survey is in part dependent on the characteristics of the individual selected. The variables used in the non-response model at each level are a combination of the household level and person level characteristics available for all respondents and non-respondents. The calibration of the final weights is done at the household level so that the weighted estimate reflects all dwellings in Canada that are not an institution. After the calibration, the sum of the final household weights corresponds to the estimates of the number of dwellings in each of the five Canadian geographic regions12 for households of size 1, 2 and 3 or more persons. The household counts are based on the most recent census counts available, with updates to account for births, deaths, immigration and emigration. The values used for calibration were the mean of the monthly estimates (covering the survey period) for each cross-tabulation of household size and geographic region minus an estimate of the number of households with only persons aged over 79 or that are institutions as they are not part of the CHMS target population. The proportion of households where all occupants are over the age of 79 was estimated from the dwelling sampling frame of CHMS cycles 1, 2 and 3. The final tap water COVs household weights were obtained after calibration. The weights are labelled as WGT_VOCH and the bootstrap weights, for variance estimation, were created as described in Section 9.10 and are labelled BSW1-BSW500. 61 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 10. Data quality 10.1 Response rates One of the most important ways to ensure that the survey data collected are truly representative of the Canadian population is to maximize participation of selected respondents in all parts of the survey. Response rates are very useful data quality indicators that help to measure success in achieving this goal. The following section describes how response rates are derived for the full sample and subsamples. 10.1.1 Household and MEC response rates In all, 8,120 dwellings were selected within the scope of the Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS).16 Of these dwellings, 6,017 agreed to provide information on the composition of the household, for a household response rate of 74.1%. From these respondent households, 8,302 persons were selected (one or two persons per household) to participate in the survey, of whom 7,339 responded to the questionnaire, for a response rate of 88.4%. Of these persons, 5,785 then reported to the CHMS mobile examination centre (MEC) for physical measurements, for a response rate of 78.8%. At the Canadian level, a combined response rate of 51.7% was observed for cycle 3 of the CHMS. It is important to note that the combined response rate is not obtained by multiplying the response rates at the person and household levels (or questionnaire level and the MEC level), since two persons were selected in some households. Appendix 7A shows the combined response rates and the relevant information for calculating them for the given age groups and gender. Below is a description of how the different components of the equation must be used to calculate combined response rates correctly. Response rate at the household level HR = R = S # of respondent households # of households within the scope of the survey Response rate at the person level among households where one person was selected (questionnaire) PQ1= Q1 = PS1 # of respondents to the questionnaire among households where one person was selected # of persons selected among households where one person was selected 62 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Response rate at the person level among households where two persons were selected (questionnaire) PQ2 = Q2 = PS2 # of respondents to the questionnaire among households where two persons were selected # of persons selected among households where two persons were selected Response rate at the person level among households where one person was selected (MEC) PC1 = C1 = Q1 # of participants at the MEC among households where one person was selected # of respondents to the questionnaire among households where one person was selected Response rate at the person level among households where two persons were selected (MEC) PC2 = C2 = Q2 # of participants at the MEC among households where two persons were selected # of respondents to the questionnaire among households where two persons were selected Ratio for households where one person was selected RR1 = R1 = R # of respondent households among those where one person was selected # of respondent households Ratio for households where two persons were selected RR2 = R2 = R # of respondent households among those where two persons were selected # of respondent households Note: The “# of respondent households” (R) is the sum of “# of respondent households among those where one person was selected” (R1) and the “# of respondent households among those where two persons were selected” (R2). Once all the above components have been calculated, a user can calculate the combined response rate (COMBRR) using the following formula: COMBRR = HR * [ (RR1 * PQ1 * PC1) + (RR2 * PQ2 * PC2) ] The household response rate (HR) is determined by the total number of respondent households (6,017) and the households in scope of the survey (8,120). The households in scope cannot be calculated separately for each age group and sex. For this reason, the household response rate is not included in Appendix 7A. 63 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 HR = HR = R = S 6,017 8,120 # of respondent households # of households within the scope of the survey = 0.741 = 74.1% Below you will find an example of calculating the combined response rate for Canada using the information provided in Appendix 7A. PPQ1 = Q1 PS1 = 3,287 3,732 = 0.881 PPC1 = C1 Q1 = 2,612 3,287 = 0.795 PPQ2 = Q2 PS2 = 4,052 4,570 = 0.887 PPC2 = C2 Q2 = 3,173 4,052 = 0.783 = 3,732 + 2,285 = 6,017 R = R1 + R2 PRR1 = R1 R = 3,732 6,017 = 0.620 PRR2 = R2 R = 2,285 6,017 = 0.380 COMBRR= 0.741 * [ (0.620 * 0.881 * 0.795) + (0.380 * 0.887 * 0.783) ] = 0.517 = 51.7% 64 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 10.1.2 Activity monitor response rates Of the 5,785 participants who reported to the CHMS mobile examination centre (MEC) for physical measurements, 5,632 participants were offered an activity monitor. Of these persons, 4,264 returned the activity monitor with at least four days of valid entries for 6-79 year olds or at least 3 days of valid entries for 3-5 year olds. The combined response rate (COMBRR) for the activity monitor was 38.8%. It is important to note that the combined response rate is not obtained by multiplying the response rates by the person and household scales, since two persons were selected in some households. Appendix 7B shows the combined response rates and the relevant information for calculating them for the given age groups by gender. Below is a description of how the different components of the equation must be manipulated to calculate combined response rates correctly. Two additional response rates are required to derive the activity monitor combined response rates: Response rate at the person level among households where one person was selected (activity monitor) AM1= V1 = OF1 # of persons who returned the activity monitor with the required number of days of valid entries among MEC participants where one person was selected # of participants at the MEC who were offered an activity monitor among households where one person was selected Response rate at the person level among households where two persons were selected (activity monitor) AM2 = V2 = OF2 # of persons who returned the activity monitor with the required number of days of valid entries among MEC participants where two persons were selected # of participants at the MEC who were offered an activity monitor among households where two persons were selected Activity monitor combined response rate (AMCBRR) AMCBRR = HR * [ (RR1 * PQ1 * PC1 * AM1 ) + ( RR2 * PQ2 * PC2 * AM2 ) ] where HR, RR1, PQ1, PC1, RR2, PQ2 and PC2 are described in Section 10.1.1. Below is an example of calculating the activity monitor combined response rate for Canada using the information provided in Appendices 7A and 7B and the calculations in Section 10.1.1. AM1 = V1 OF1 = 1,870 2,544 = 0.735 AM2 = V2 OF2 = 2,394 3,088 65 = 0.775 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 AMCBRR= 0.741 * [ (0.620 * 0.881 * 0.795 * 0.735) + ( 0.380 * 0.887 * 0.783 * 0.775) ] = 0.388 = 38.8% 10.1.3 Blood draw and urine response rates Although the file with the laboratory data includes all MEC participants, some laboratory analysis could not be performed because the respondents did not or could not provide blood or urine. Of the 5,785 participants who reported to the CHMS MEC for physical measurements, 5,609 participants provided blood and 5,711 provided urine. The combined response rate for blood draw was 50.4% whereas the combined response rate for urine was 51.1%. It is important to note that the combined response rate is not obtained by multiplying the response rates at the person and household levels, since two persons were selected in some households. Appendix 7C shows the combined response rates and the relevant information for calculating them for the given age groups by gender. Below is a description of how the different components of the equation must be manipulated to calculate combined response rates correctly. Four additional response rates are required to derive the blood draw and the urine combined response rates: Response rate at the person level among households where one person was selected (blood draw) BC1 = B1 = C1 # of persons who provided blood among households where one person was selected # of participants at the MEC among households where one person was selected Response rate at the person level among households where two persons were selected (blood draw) BC2 = B2 = C2 # of persons who provided blood among households where two persons were selected # of participants at the MEC among households where two persons were selected Response rate at the person level among households where one person was selected (urine) UC1 = U1 = C1 # of persons who provided urine among households where one person was selected # of participants at the MEC among households where one person was selected 66 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Response rate at the person level among households where two persons were selected (urine) UC2 = U2 = C2 # of persons who provided urine among households where two persons were selected # of participants at the MEC among households where two persons were selected Blood draw combined response rate (BCOMBRR) BCOMBRR = HR * [ (RR1 * PQ1 * PC1 * BC1 ) + ( RR2 * PQ2 * PC2 * BC2 )] Urine combined response rate (UCOMBRR) UCOMBRR = HR * [ (RR1 * PQ1 * PC1 * UC1 ) + ( RR2 * PQ2 * PC2 * UC2) ] where HR, RR1, PQ1, PC1, RR2, PQ2 and PC2 are described in Section 10.1.1. 10.1.4 Response rates for blood and urine subsamples As described in Section 6.3.5, subsamples of the survey respondents were selected. A combined response rate for each of the subsamples can be obtained by modifying the response rate calculations shown in Section 10.1.1. The fasting subsample response rate is calculated differently to account for the difference in selection for the subsamples. Dwellings are selected for the fasted subsample prior to the questionnaire, whereas individual respondents are selected at the MEC for most of the other subsamples. Fasted subsample response rates From the 6,017 respondent households, 3,425 were selected for the fasted subsample. In these households, 4,271 persons 6 to 79 years of age were selected (one or two persons per household) to participate in the fasted subsample, of whom 3,773 responded to the questionnaire, for a response rate of 88.3%. Of these persons, 2,981 then reported to the CHMS MEC for physical measurements, for a response rate of 79.0%. Of these persons, 2,571 were actually fasted and had a valid measure on at least one of the laboratory tests. At the Canadian scale, a combined response rate of 45.2% was observed, using the formula given below. It is important to note that the combined response rate is not obtained by multiplying the response rates at the person and household level, since two persons were selected in some households. Appendix 7D shows the fasted subsample combined response rates and the relevant information for calculating them for the given age groups by gender. Response rate to the questionnaire at the person level among households where one person was selected for the fasted subsample SSQ1= SQ1 = SPS1 # of respondents to the questionnaire among households where one person was selected for the subsample # of persons selected for the subsample among households where one person was selected for the subsample 67 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Response rate to the questionnaire at the person level among households where two persons were selected for the fasted subsample SSQ2 = SQ2 = SPS2 # of respondents to the questionnaire among households where two persons were selected for the subsample # of persons selected for the subsample among households where two persons were selected for the subsample Response rate to the MEC at the person level among households where one person was selected for the fasted subsample SSC1 = SC1 = SQ1 # of participants at the MEC among households where one person was selected for the subsample # of respondents to the questionnaire among households where one person was selected for the subsample Response rate to the MEC at the person level among households where two persons were selected for the fasted subsample SSC2 = SC2 = SQ2 # of participants at the MEC among households where two persons were selected for the subsample # of respondents to the questionnaire among households where two persons were selected for the subsample Response rate to the fasted subsample at the person level among households where one person was selected for the subsample SSF1 = SF1 = SC1 # of respondents with a valid measure for the subsample among households where one person was selected for the subsample # of participants at the MEC among households where one person was selected for the subsample Response rate to the fasted subsample at the person level among households where two persons were selected for the subsample # of respondents with a valid measure for the subsample among SSF2 = SF2 = households where two persons were selected for the subsample SC2 # of participants at the clinic among households where two persons were selected for the subsample Fasted subsample combined response rate FSCOMBRR = HR* [(RR1*SSQ1*SSC1*SSF1) + (RR2*SSQ2* SSC2* SSF2 )] where HR, RR1 and RR2 are described in Section 10.1.1. 68 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Red blood cell fatty acids subsample response rates Of the 5,785 participants who reported to the CHMS mobile examination centre (MEC) for physical measurements, 2,042 people 20 to 79 years of age were selected for the red blood cell fatty acids subsample. Of these persons 1,984 had valid laboratory results. The combined response rate for the red blood cell fatty acids subsample was 49.2%. . It is important to note that the combined response rate is usually not obtained by multiplying the response rates at the person and household level as two persons were selected in some households. However, since only one person per household was selected for the red blood cell fatty acids subsample, the combined response rate could also be obtained by multiplying the response rates. The formulas presented in this section could therefore be simplified but are presented as though there was the possibility of more than one respondent being selected per household in order to maintain consistency with other subsamples. Appendix 7E shows the combined response rates and the relevant information for calculating them for the given age groups by gender. Below is a description of how the different components of the equation must be manipulated to calculate combined response rates correctly. Two additional response rates are required to derive the red blood cell fatty acids combined response rates: Response rate at the person level among households where one person was selected (red blood cell fatty acids subsample) FA1= # of persons who had a valid laboratory measure for the fatty acids FAR1 = subsample among MEC participants where one person was selected FAS1 # of participants at the MEC who were selected for the fatty acids subsample among households where one person was selected Response rate at the person level among households where two persons were selected (red blood cell fatty acids subsample) FA2 = FAR2 = FAS2 # of persons who had a valid laboratory measure for the fatty acids subsample among MEC participants where two persons were selected # of participants at the MEC who were selected for the fatty acids subsample among households where two persons were selected Red blood cell fatty acids combined response rate FACBRR = HR * [ (RR1 * PQ1 * PC1 * FA1 ) + ( RR2 * PQ2 * PC2 * FA2 )] where HR, RR1, PQ1, PC1, RR2, PQ2 and PC2 are described in Section 10.1.1. Acrylamide subsample response rates Of the 5,785 participants who reported to the CHMS mobile examination centre (MEC) for physical measurements, 2,644 people 3 to 79 years of age were selected for the acrylamide subsample. Of these persons 2,492 had valid laboratory results. The combined response rate for the acrylamide subsample was 49.6%. It is important to note that the combined response rate is not obtained by multiplying the response rates at the person and household level, since two persons were selected in some households. Appendix 69 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 7J shows the combined response rates and the relevant information for calculating them for the given age groups by gender. Below is a description of how the different components of the equation must be manipulated to calculate combined response rates correctly. Two additional response rates are required to derive the acrylamide response rates: Response rate at the person level among households where one person was selected for the acrylamide subsample AC1= # of persons who had a valid laboratory measure for the acrylamide ACR1 = subsample among MEC participants where one person was selected ACS1 # of participants at the MEC who were selected for the acrylamide subsample among households where one person was selected Response rate at the person level among households where two persons were selected for the acrylamide subsample AC2 = ACR2 = ACS2 # of persons who had a valid laboratory measure for the acrylamide subsample among MEC participants where two persons were selected # of participants at the MEC who were selected for the acrylamide subsample among households where two persons were selected Acrylamide subsample combined response rate ACCBRR = HR * [ (RR1 * PQ1 * PC1 * AC1 ) + ( RR2 * PQ2 * PC2 * AC2 )] where HR, RR1, PQ1, PC1, RR2, PQ2 and PC2 are described in Section 10.1.1. Methyl mercury subsample response rates Of the 5,785 participants who reported to the CHMS mobile examination centre (MEC) for physical measurements, 1,044 people 20 to 79 year old were selected for the methyl mercury subsample. Of these persons 1,032 had valid laboratory results. The combined response rate for the methyl mercury subsample was 50.1%. It is important to note that the combined response rate is usually not obtained by multiplying the response rates at the person and household level, since two persons were selected in some households. However, since only one person per household was selected for the methyl mercury subsample, the combined response rate could also be obtained by multiplying the response rates. The formulas presented in this section could therefore be simplified but are presented as though there was the possibility of more than one respondent being selected per household in order to maintain consistency with other subsamples. Appendix 7K shows the combined response rates and the relevant information for calculating them for the given age groups by gender. Below is a description of how the different components of the equation must be manipulated to calculate combined response rates correctly. Two additional response rates are required to derive the methyl mercury response rates: 70 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Response rate at the person level among households where one person was selected for the methyl mercury subsample MM1= MMR1 = MMS1 # of persons who had a valid laboratory measure for the methyl mercury subsample among MEC participants where one person was selected # of participants at the MEC who were selected for the methyl mercury subsample among households where one person was selected Response rate at the person level among households where two persons were selected for the methyl mercury subsample MM2 = MMR2 = MMS2 # of persons who had a valid laboratory measure for the methyl mercury subsample among MEC participants where two persons were selected # of participants at the MEC who were selected for the methyl mercury subsample among households where two persons were selected Methyl mercury subsample combined response rate MMCBRR = HR * [ (RR1 * PQ1 * PC1 * MM1 ) + ( RR2 * PQ2 * PC2 * MM2 )] where HR, RR1, PQ1, PC1, RR2, PQ2 and PC2 are described in Section 10.1.1. Urine environmental contaminants subsample response rates Of the 5,785 participants who reported to the CHMS mobile examination centre (MEC) for physical measurements, 2,599 people 3 to 79 year old were selected for the urine environmental contaminants subsample. Of these persons 2,538 had valid laboratory results. The combined response rate for the urine environmental contaminants subsample was 50.7%. It is important to note that the combined response rate is not obtained by multiplying the response rates at the person and household level, since two persons were selected in some households. Appendix 7L shows the combined response rates and the relevant information for calculating them for the given age groups by gender. Below is a description of how the different components of the equation must be manipulated to calculate combined response rates correctly. Two additional response rates are required to derive the urine environmental contaminants response rates: Response rate at the person level among households where one person was selected for the urine environmental contaminants subsample SSU1= SU1 = SC1 # of persons who had a valid laboratory measure for the urine environmental contaminants subsample among MEC participants where one person was selected # of participants at the MEC who were selected for the urine environmental contaminants subsample among households where one person was selected 71 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Response rate at the person level among households where two persons were selected for the urine environmental contaminants subsample SSU2 = SU2 = SC2 # of persons who had a valid laboratory measure for the urine environmental contaminants subsample among MEC participants where two persons were selected # of participants at the MEC who were selected for the urine environmental contaminants subsample among households where two persons were selected Urine environmental contaminants subsample combined response rate EUCBRR = HR * [ (RR1 * PQ1 * PC1 * SSU1 ) + ( RR2 * PQ2 * PC2 * SSU2 )] where HR, RR1, PQ1, PC1, RR2, PQ2 and PC2 are described in Section 10.1.1. NNK metabolites subsample response rates Of the 5,785 participants who reported to the CHMS mobile examination centre (MEC) for physical measurements, 2,282 people 12 to 79 year old were selected for the urine NNK metabolites subsample and 2,220 of them provided urine and had valid NNK metabolites measures. At the Canadian scale, a combined response rate of 50.3% was observed, using the formula given below. It is important to note that the combined response rate is usually not obtained by multiplying the response rates at the person and household level, since two persons were selected in some households. However, since only one person per household was selected for the urine NNK metabolites subsample, the combined response rate could also be obtained by multiplying the response rates. The formulas presented in this section could therefore be simplified but are presented as though there was a possibility of more than one respondent being selected per household in order to maintain consistency with other subsamples. Appendix 7M shows the urine NNK metabolites subsample combined response rates and the relevant information for calculating them for the given age groups by gender. Response rate for the urine NNK metabolites measures among households where one person was selected for the CHMS Number of persons with valid data UC1NNK = U1NNK = among households where one person was selected PS1NNK Number of persons selected for the subsample among households where one person was selected Response rate for the urine NNK metabolites measures among households where two persons were selected for the CHMS Number of persons with valid data UC2NNK = U2NNK = among households where two persons were selected PS2NNK Number of persons selected for the subsample among households where two persons were selected 72 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 The following response rates are not shown in the Appendix 7M but they will be used in the combined response rate calculation for the urine NNK metabolites subsample. Response rate to the questionnaire for the persons aged 12 to 79 among households where one person was selected for the CHMS Number of questionnaire respondents aged 12 to 79 PQ1NNK = among households where one person was selected Number of persons aged 12 to 79 among households where one person was selected Response rate to the questionnaire for the persons aged 12 to 79 among households where two persons were selected for the CHMS Number of questionnaire respondents aged 12 to 79 PQ2NNK = among households where two persons were selected Number of persons aged 12 to 79 among households where two persons were selected Response rate to the MEC for the persons aged 12 to 79 among households where one person was selected for the CHMS Number of MEC respondents aged 12 to 79 PC1NNK = C1NNK = among households where one person was selected PQ1NNK Number of questionnaire respondents aged 12 to 79 among households where one person was selected Response rate to the MEC for the persons aged 12 to 79 among households where two persons were selected for the CHMS Number of MEC respondents aged 12 to 79 PC2NNK = C2NNK = among households where two persons were selected PQ2NNK Number of questionnaire respondents aged 12 to 79 among households where two persons were selected To combine the response rate, the ratio of households where one person was selected for the CHMS and the ratio of households where two persons were selected for the CHMS are calculated: Ratio of households where one person was selected for the CHMS RR1NNK = Number of respondent household HQ1NNK = among households where one person was selected HQNNK Number of respondent households where HQNNK = HQ1NNK + HQ2NNK Ratio of households where two persons were selected for the CHMS Number of respondent household 73 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 RR2NNK = HQ2NNK = among households where two persons were selected HQNNK Number of respondent households where HQNNK = HQ1NNK + HQ2NNK Urine NNK subsample combined response rate NNKPCRR = HR * [ ( RR1NNK * PQ1NNK * PC1NNK * UC1NNK ) + (RR2NNK * PQ2NNK * PC2NNK * UC2NNK ) ]The CHMS household response rate (HR) is described in Section 10.1.1. 10.1.5 Fluoride subsamples response rates Tap water fluoride subsample household response rates Of the 6,017 respondent households, 2,831 were selected for the tap water fluoride subsample. Of these, 2,576 provided tap water and 2,188 had valid tap water fluoride laboratory results for a household response rate of 57.3%. Appendix 7F shows the tap water fluoride subsample household response rates and the relevant information for calculating them with the formulas given below. Tap water collection household response rate for the fluoride subsample FLW = RSFLW = Number of households with tap water collected at the dwelling RSFL Number of households selected for the subsample Note: Because of a problem with data processing in cycle 3, some of the information required to calculate the tap water collection response rate is missing. The tap water collection response indicator is only available for households where at least one respondent completed the questionnaire rather than it being available for all respondent households as originally planned. Tap water fluoride lab measure response rate FLWV = RSFLWV = Number of households with valid data for tap water fluoride RSFLW Number of households with tap water collected at the dwelling Tap water fluoride subsample household combined response rate FLHRR = HR * FLW * FLWV, where the CHMS household response rate (HR) is described in Section 10.1.1. Urine fluoride subsample person response rates Of the 2,676 respondent households that provided water for the tap water fluoride subsample, 2,728 were selected for the urine fluoride subsample and 2,671 of them provided urine and had a valid fluoride measure. At the Canadian scale, a combined response rate of 55.6% was observed. This was calculated using the formula below. It is important to note that the combined response rate is not obtained by multiplying the response rates at the person and household level, since two persons were selected in some 74 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 households. Appendix 7G shows the urine fluoride subsample combined response rates and the relevant information for calculating them for the given age groups by gender. Response rate for the urine fluoride measure among households where one person was selected for the CHMS UC1FL = U1FL = PS1FL Number of persons with valid data among households where one person was selected Number of persons selected for the subsample among households where one person was selected Response rate for the urine fluoride measure among households where two persons were selected for the CHMS UC2FL = U2FL = PS2FL Number of persons with valid data among households where two persons were selected Number of persons selected for the subsample among households where two persons were selected The following response rates are not shown in the Appendix 7G but they will be used in the combined response rate calculation later: Response rate to the questionnaire for the persons with tap water collected at the dwelling for fluoride, among households where one person was selected for the CHMS PQ1FL = Number of questionnaire respondents with tap water collected at the dwelling among households where one person was selected Number of persons with tap water collected at the dwelling among households where one person was selected Response rate to the questionnaire for the persons with tap water collected at the dwelling for fluoride, among households where two persons were selected for the CHMS PQ2FL = Number of questionnaire respondents with tap water collected at the dwelling among households where two persons were selected Number of persons with tap water collected at the dwelling among households where two persons were selected Response rate to the MEC for the persons with tap water collected at the dwelling for fluoride, among households where one person was selected for the CHMS Number of MEC respondents with tap water collected at the dwelling PC1FL = C1FLW = among households where one person was selected PQ1FLW Number of questionnaire respondents with tap water collected at the dwelling among households where one person was selected Response rate to the MEC for the persons with tap water collected at the dwelling for fluoride, among households where two persons were selected for the CHMS Number of MEC respondents with tap water collected at the dwelling 75 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 PC2FL = C2FLW = among households where two persons were selected PQ2FLW Number of questionnaire respondents with tap water collected at the dwelling among households where two persons were selected To combine the response rate, the ratio of households with tap water collected at the dwelling where one person was selected for the CHMS and the ratio of households with tap water collected at the dwelling where two persons were selected for the CHMS need to be calculated: Ratio of households with tap water collected where one person was selected for the CHMS RR1FL = HQ1FLW = HQFLW Number of households with tap water collected at the dwelling among households where one person was selected Number of households with tap water collected at the dwelling where HQFLW = HQ1FLW + HQ2FLW Ratio of households with tap water collected where two persons were selected for the CHMS RR2FL = HQ2FLW = HQFLW Number of households with tap water collected at the dwelling among households where two persons were selected Number of households with tap water collected at the dwelling where HQFLW = HQ1FLW + HQ2FLW Urine fluoride subsample combined response rate FLPCBRR = HR * FLW * [ ( RR1FL * PQ1FL * PC1FL * UC1FL ) + ( RR2FL * PQ2FL * PC2FL * UC2FL ) ] The CHMS household response rate (HR) is described in Section 10.1.1. The tap water collection response rate (FLW) is described in Section Note: Because of a problem with data processing in cycle 3, some of the information required to calculate the tap water collection response rate is missing. The tap water collection response indicator is only available for households where at least one respondent completed the questionnaire rather than it being available for all the respondent households. Therefore, the tap water collection response rate and the questionnaire response rate for respondents with tap water collected at the dwelling could not be calculated separately. The questionnaire response rate is included in FLW described above and the PQ1FL and PQ2FL response rates are exceptionally equal to 1 in cycle 3 therefore they are not presented in Appendix 7G in cycle 3. 10.1.6 VOCs subsamples response rates Tap water VOCs subsample household response rates Of the 6,017 CHMS respondent households, 3,578 were selected for the tap water VOCs subsample. Of these, 3,351 provided tap water, and among those 2,650 households had valid tap water VOCs laboratory results for a household response rate of 54.9%. Appendix 7H shows the tap water VOCs subsample household response rates and the relevant information for calculating them with the formulas given below. 76 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Tap water collection response rate for the VOCs subsample VOCW = RSVOCW = Number of households with tap water collected at the dwelling RSVOC Number of households selected for the subsample Note: Because of a problem with data processing in cycle 3, some of the information required to calculate the tap water collection response rate is missing. The tap water collection response indicator is only available for households where at least one respondent completed the questionnaire rather than it being available for all respondent households as originally planned. Tap water VOCs lab measure response rate VOCWV = RSVOCWV = Number of households with valid data for tap water VOCs RSVOCW Number of households with tap water collected at the dwelling Tap water VOCs subsample household combined response rate VOCHRR = HR * VOCW * VOCWV where the CHMS household response rate (HR) is described in Section 10.1.1. Blood VOCs subsample person response rates Of the 3,351 respondent households who provided water for the tap water VOCs subsample, 2,667 were selected for the blood VOCs subsample and 2,527 of these provided blood and had valid VOCs measures. At the Canadian scale, a combined response rate of 53.9% was observed. This was calculated using the formula below. It is important to note that the combined response rate is usually not obtained by multiplying the response rates at the person and household level, if two persons were selected in some households. However, since only one person was selected per household for the blood VOCs subsample, the combined response rate could also be obtained by multiplying the response rates. Hence, the formulas presented in this section could be simplified but they are presented this way to maintain consistency with other subsamples. Appendix 7I shows the blood VOCs subsample combined response rates and the relevant information for calculating them for the given age groups by gender. Response rate for the blood VOCs measure among households where one person was selected for the CHMS Number of persons with valid data BC1VOC = B1VOC = among households where one person was selected PS1VOC Number of persons selected for the subsample among households where one person was selected Response rate for the blood VOCs measure among households where two persons were selected for the CHMS Number of persons with valid data BC2VOC = B2VOC = among households where two persons were selected PS2VOC Number of persons selected for the subsample 77 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 among households where two persons were selected The following response rates are not shown in the Appendix 7I but they will be used in the combined response rate calculation for the blood VOCs subsample. Response rate to the questionnaire for the persons with tap water collected at the dwelling for VOCs, among households where one person was selected for the CHMS PQ1VOC = Number of questionnaire respondents with tap water collected at the dwelling among households where one person was selected Number of persons with tap water collected at the dwelling among households where one person was selected Response rate to the questionnaire for the persons with tap water collected at the dwelling for VOCs, among households where two persons were selected for the CHMS PQ2VOC = Number of questionnaire respondents with tap water collected at the dwelling among households where two persons were selected Number of persons with tap water collected at the dwelling among households where two persons were selected Response rate to the MEC for the persons with tap water collected at the dwelling for VOCs, among households where one person was selected for the CHMS Number of MEC respondents with tap water collected at the dwelling PC1VOC = C1VOCW = among households where one person was selected PQ1VOCW Number of questionnaire respondents with tap water collected at the dwelling among households where one person was selected Response rate to the MEC for the persons with tap water collected at the dwelling for VOCs, among households where two persons were selected for the CHMS Number of MEC respondents with tap water collected at the dwelling PC2VOC = C2VOCW = among households where two persons were selected PQ2VOCW Number of questionnaire respondents with tap water collected at the dwelling among households where two persons were selected To combine the response rate, the ratio of households with tap water collected at the dwelling where one person was selected for the CHMS and the ratio of households with tap water collected at the dwelling where two persons were selected for the CHMS are calculated: Ratio of households with tap water collected where one person was selected for the CHMS Number of households with tap water collected at the dwelling RR1VOC = HQ1VOCW = among households where one person was selected HQVOCW Number of households with tap water collected at the dwelling where HQVOCW = HQ1VOCW + HQ2VOCW Ratio of households with tap water collected where two persons were selected for the CHMS 78 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Number of households with tap water collected at the dwelling RR2VOC = HQ2VOCW = among households where two persons were selected HQVOCW Number of households with tap water collected at the dwelling where HQVOCW = HQ1VOCW + HQ2VOCW Blood VOCs subsample combined response rate VOCPCRR = HR * VOCW * [ ( RR1VOC * PQ1VOC * PC1VOC * BC1VOC ) + ( RR2VOC * PQ2VOC * PC2VOC *BC2VOC ) ] The CHMS household response rate (HR) is described in Section 10.1.1. The tap water collection response rate (VOCW) is described in Section Because of a problem with data processing in cycle 3, some of the information required to calculate the tap water collection response rate is missing. The tap water collection response indicator is only available for households where at least one respondent completed the questionnaire rather than it being available for all the respondent households. Therefore, the tap water collection response rate and the questionnaire response rate for respondents with tap water collected at the dwelling could not be calculated separately. The questionnaire response rate is included in VOCW described above and the PQ1VOC and PQ2VOC response rates are exceptionally equal to 1 in cycle 3 therefore they are not presented in the Appendix 7I in cycle 3. 10.2 Errors in surveys A survey yields estimates based on the information collected from a sample of persons. Somewhat different estimates may have been obtained if a complete census had been conducted using the same questionnaire, the same interviewers, the same measurement experts, the same supervisors, the same processing methods, etc. as used for the survey. The difference between the estimates based on the sample and those resulting from a complete enumeration conducted under similar conditions, is called the sampling error of the estimates. In addition, errors that are not related to sampling may be made at almost any stage of a survey. Interviewers may have misunderstood the instructions, respondents may have made errors when completing the questionnaire, responses may have been incorrectly captured, measurements may have been made incorrectly, and errors may have crept in when the data were processed and totalled. These are all examples of non-sampling errors. 10.2.1 Non-sampling errors Over a great number of observations, random errors will have little effect on the estimates drawn from the survey. However, errors that occur systematically will contribute to biases in the estimates from the survey. Much time and effort was devoted to reducing non-sampling errors in the survey. Quality assurance measures were applied at each stage of the data collection and processing cycle to control the quality of the data. Further details on the quality assurance procedures for each stage of the survey are provided in Section 10.3 - Quality assurance and control. The effect of non-response on survey results is a major source of non-sampling error in surveys. The scope of non-response varies from partial non-response (where the respondent does not respond to one or 79 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 more questions) to total non-response. In cycle 3 of the CHMS, there is little partial non-response, since once the questionnaire began, respondents tended to complete it. There was total non-response when the person selected to participate in the survey refused to do so or could not be contacted by the interviewer. Cases of total non-response were taken into account during weighting by correcting the weights of persons who responded to the survey in order to compensate for those who did not respond. See Chapter 9 for more information on how the survey weights were adjusted to account for non-response. 10.2.2 Sampling errors Since the estimates from a sample survey inevitably include sampling errors, good statistical methods require researchers to provide users with some indication of the scope of this error. Measuring the possible scope of sampling errors is based on the standard error of the estimates drawn from the survey results. For a survey with a complex design, such as the CHMS, the standard error is calculated from the bootstrap replicates (see Section, 9.10 on the creation of the bootstrap weights and Chapter 12 on guidelines for tabulation, analysis and release for more information). To get a better indication of the size of the standard error, it is often more useful to express the standard error in terms of the estimate being measured. The resulting measure, called the coefficient of variation (CV), is obtained by dividing the standard error of the estimate by the estimate itself, and it is expressed as a percentage of the estimate. For example, assume that a person estimates that 20% of Canadians aged 12 to 79 smoke regularly and this estimate has a standard error of 0.005. The CV of this estimate is then calculated as follows: (0.005 / 0.20) x 100% = 2.5% Statistics Canada often uses the CV results for data analysis, and it strongly advises users producing estimates based on the data files from cycle 3 of the CHMS to do the same. Table 10.1 provides the Statistics Canada guidelines for releasing estimates based on their CV. 80 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Table 10.1 Sampling variability guidelines Type of Estimate Acceptable Marginal Unacceptable CV (in %) 0.0 ≤ CV ≤ 16.6 16.6 < CV ≤ 33.3 CV > 33.3 Guidelines Estimates can be considered for general unrestricted release. Requires no special notation. Estimates can be considered for general unrestricted release but should be accompanied by a warning cautioning subsequent users of the high sampling variability associated with the estimates. Such estimates should be identified by the letter E (or in some other similar fashion). Statistics Canada recommends not to release estimates of unacceptable quality. However, if the user chooses to do so then estimates should be flagged with the letter F (or in some other fashion) and the following warning should accompany the estimates: “The user is advised that . . . (specify the data) . . . do not meet Statistics Canada’s quality standards for this statistical program. Conclusions based on these data will be unreliable and most likely invalid. These data and any consequent findings should not be published. If the user chooses to publish these data or findings, then this disclaimer must be published with the data.” 10.3 Quality assurance and control There are many problems that can introduce errors in a direct measures survey. These errors can significantly affect the integrity of survey results. To ensure the success of the CHMS in meeting its objectives, quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) measures were implemented in all processes including those described below and previously in Chapter 7 (Data Collection). QA anticipates problems and therefore consists of those activities that take place before data collection or in improving and refining data collection. QC responds to observed problems and thus consists of those activities that take place during and after data collection. The goal of QA and QC is to ensure the reliability and validity of the data and to reduce systematic bias to the lowest possible level. 10.3.1 Training of household interviewers and Mobile Examination Centre (MEC) staff Initial training Training of all staff emphasized the goals and objectives of the survey, survey methodology, and quality control guidelines. Training also included questionnaire/application content and functionality, standardization of survey procedures, data transmission, refusal conversion techniques, and administrative procedures. 81 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Training involved both classroom training and mandatory reading of procedures and training manuals. The core of the position specific training involved hands-on practice with instructors. Experts from various fields related to the survey measures (e.g., blood pressure) and biospecimen collection/processing protocols provided seminar sessions to the appropriate staff and participated in aspects of the hands-on training. Household interviewers: Three days of training were provided to household interviewers prior to collection. Household interviewers took part in mock interviews to familiarize themselves with new household questionnaire content, to simulate difficult situations and to practice potential non-response situations. They also discussed techniques for dealing with sensitive questions. Retraining was conducted with household interviewers whenever clarification was needed on the household questionnaire or collection procedures. MEC staff: Three weeks of training was provided to MEC staff prior to collection. The administrative staff received specific training on refusal conversion techniques and telephone skills. The health measures specialists were provided additional training on calibration and maintenance of equipment, health and occupational safety guidelines (including both respondent and staff safety), emergency procedures and media awareness. They also received specific training on Canadian Physical Activity, Fitness and Lifestyle Approach (CPAFLA)5 protocols, blood pressure and heart rate measurement, skin pigmentation, FENO, spirometry, hearing and on how to accommodate respondents with disabilities. The laboratory technologists received supplementary training on blood and urine collection, processing, storage, and running of laboratory tests, as well as re-enforcement training on laboratory protocols. The site logistics officer received specific training on how to set up the trailers for the beginning of collection at each site and how to prepare the trailers for their move to the next collection site once collection was finished. As well, the site logistics officers received training on information technology maintenance and troubleshooting. Dress rehearsal Before the start of the actual survey, a five day dress rehearsal was done in Montreal using Statistics Canada, Health Canada and Public Health Agency of Canada employees and their relatives who volunteered as well as members of the general public through a recruitment agency. The purpose of the dress rehearsal was to allow both the household interview staff and the MEC staff to practice their skills before beginning collection. The MEC staff had the opportunity to set-up, run, and prepare the MEC trailers for transportation to another location in the same format as was to be done during the actual survey. This included booking volunteers into the MEC using the same schedule that the staff was going to use when operating at a site. The dress rehearsal also allowed the MEC staff the opportunity to refine the flow through the MEC and work on other processes that needed testing (e.g., shipping). The dress rehearsal allowed for verification of the accuracy of the documentation (e.g., procedures manuals), as well as, the household interview and MEC staff’s understanding of the procedures, processes, and the flows. It also allowed for training/re-training issues to be identified prior to going into the field. 82 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Ongoing training – Dry run day Prior to the start of collection at each site, one day was set aside for community volunteers to participate in a visit to the MEC. These days were referred to as dry runs. The purpose of the dry runs was to ensure that all the equipment was functioning correctly and to test the precision of the analytical laboratory tests. It also provided the MEC staff with the opportunity to practice their skills before the beginning of the collection sites, as well as perform on-going training. Annual retraining Half way through cycle 3, the household interviewers took part in a debriefing and retraining session. During this session, items that were discussed included changes to the collection application and a refresher on selected sets of questions. A ten day annual retraining at head office was attended by MEC staff during the middle of cycle 3. These sessions were similar to the initial training and were performed in collaboration with experts in different fields related to the survey but focused on elements that specifically needed retraining. 10.3.2 Household component Monitoring – Household interview A rotating schedule of observations ensured that each interviewer was observed two or three times per year. Additional observations were conducted for new interviewers. Formal debriefing sessions were held in two of the sixteen sites where factors affecting data quality were discussed. In addition to monitoring the work of the interviewers, staff from head office performed interview observations to monitor the functionality of the household interviewing system, the respondents’ understanding of the household survey content and the usefulness of the communications tools. Observers provided feedback on these items to the content development and respondent relations teams at head office, and problems were addressed as required. Household questionnaire response rates Monitoring of the household collection response rates were conducted throughout the cycle by staff at head office preparing collection progress reports. Staff monitored the reasons for non-response by age and sex, the number of contact attempts, the distribution of contact attempts by time of day, the refusal rates and refusal conversions attempts, and the distribution of the fasting/non-fasting flag to ensure that the target number of respondents per age and sex group would be achieved. Validation of questionnaire responses At the end of each site, notes and remarks made by interviewers within a respondent’s case file were reviewed and adjustments to the data were made when required. Feedback from this review was provided to the household interviewers as required. In addition, the frequency of answer categories within a question was determined for “other-specify”, “don’t know”, and “refusal”. Questions with a high rate of 83 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 non-response were monitored according to expected rates from other Statistics Canada health surveys and investigated if the rate was higher than expected. Validation of questionnaire responses was also performed on questions that are included in other Statistics Canada health surveys with similar content, in particular, the Canadian Community Health Survey – Annual Component. 10.3.3 Mobile examination centre (MEC) component The following section will provide information concerning the quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) procedures that were put in place and are specific to collection of the physical measures and laboratory data during the visit to the MEC. Equipment selection The quality of the equipment used for collection was essential to ensure data accuracy and validity. In selecting the appropriate equipment, a combination of consulting, researching, testing, and evaluation was completed. This was done considering industry standards and in conjunction with partners (Health Canada, Public Health Agency of Canada), experts from other physical measures surveys (e.g., National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) in the United States) and CHMS advisory committees. When determining the MEC laboratory equipment needs, many considerations were taken into account such as the size of the equipment (due to space constraints), the cost of the equipment, the accuracy and precision of the testing equipment, as well as the comparability to other international surveys. The reliability of the instrumentation, including frequency of breakdowns, repairs and maintenance, were also examined. Other items considered when selecting the equipment used for data collection include the infrastructure needs (e.g., use of water, energy consumption, waste disposal), the ease of operation and maintenance, training courses included, the availability and timeliness of service throughout the country, the laboratory biosafety guidelines, and the test throughput. Protocols and procedures To ensure consistency between MEC staff on all measurement techniques, procedure manuals containing detailed protocols for each measure were developed. These protocols were developed in consultation with, and reviewed by experts in each measurement field (when appropriate), ensuring the highest quality and least biased data collection. For standardization purposes, these protocols were covered thoroughly during staff training and scripted within the data capture application. Staff members were required to review these protocols periodically during collection so as to keep themselves up to date. When changes to protocols were made, all staff members were informed and provided with the updated protocols, retraining was provided if necessary. All changes to protocols were documented (date of update, reason for updating, process that was followed). An Equipment Verification, Calibration and Maintenance Manual was developed to ensure that appropriate calibration and maintenance of all testing equipment was performed during collection. The calibration and maintenance was performed to meet or exceed the standards established by the equipment manufacturers. Experts were consulted for the MEC laboratory standard operating procedures (SOP). The SOP includes information on pre-analytical functions (biospecimen treatment time, storage and shipping conditions), 84 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 testing protocols (e.g., complete blood count (CBC)), quality control procedures and equipment use, calibration, and maintenance. All CHMS reference laboratories also followed standard operating procedures that were developed for every test and technique performed in these laboratories. These provided uniform assay protocols that laboratory staff used to ensure similar results and consistent performance. The majority of the reference laboratories are also ISO 19025 certified. Mobile examination centre (MEC) environment All efforts were made to ensure measurements were carried out under controlled and standardized conditions and according to specified procedures. Due to the fact that certain measures and equipment were highly sensitive to changes in room temperature (e.g., spirometry, blood pressure), every effort was made to keep the MEC at a comfortable and constant room temperature (21°C ± 2°C). The environmental conditions of the MEC testing rooms (temperature, humidity and barometric pressure) were recorded at a minimum once per shift, as well as anytime the temperature went outside of the ± 2°C range. In addition, careful monitoring of the conditions within the MEC laboratory were undertaken to ensure that the collection, analysis, storage and shipment of samples were performed under the appropriate conditions. Adherence to pre-testing guidelines At the beginning of the visit to the MEC, adherence to the pre-testing guidelines (see Appendix 4) was verified and documented within the data capture application and adherence rates were assessed at head office. The purpose of these guidelines was to ensure testing standardization by minimizing the potential that external factors would affect the results of certain tests. Pre-testing standardization was done to enhance the quality of the data collected. Equipment monitoring Regular verification, calibration, and maintenance of all the equipment used for data collection during the CHMS was performed to ensure data accuracy and validity. This testing was performed to meet or exceed the standards established by the equipment manufacturers and experts in the field. Data entry verification All paper forms such as the respondent verification sheet and the consent form were manually entered and subsequently verified by a manager to ensure data entry accuracy. MEC – data collection monitoring Senior staff at the MEC, staff from head office, and certain subject matter experts took turns observing data collection at the MEC. A rotating schedule of observations ensured that each MEC staff member was observed two or three times per year. Additional observations were conducted for new MEC staff. Observers provided feedback on these items to the MEC staff and to the content development and quality control teams at head office, and problems were addressed as required. Replicate measurements were done regularly at the MEC on the anthropometry component. This allowed an assessment of the inter- and intra-reliability of measurements performed by the MEC staff. 85 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Spirometry data review All spirometry tests were reviewed by an external reviewer via a custom application that was developed for the CHMS. The application was designed to identify unacceptable efforts based on American Thoracic Society testing17 criteria. The reviewer’s role was to validate the effort acceptability information set by the application, and assign reliability and quality information to assist users with data analysis. All tests were reviewed and assigned a test reliability factor (SPM_RELI; reliable or not reliable) to identify whether the test is recommended for inclusion in analysis. All acceptable trials were reviewed to determine whether the test results for FVC and FEV1 represented a maximal effort by the respondent (quality) and met the reproducibility criteria of 150mL. The FVC quality factor (SPM_QFVC) and FEV1 quality factor (SPM_QV1) indicate whether a reproducible FVC and/or FEV1 were obtained. Table 10.2 Quality factors for FVC and FEV1 spirometry results Quality factor Description A Excellent quality and reproducibility B Good quality and reproducibility C Questionable quality and reproducibility D F Highly questionable reproducibility and quality Unacceptable test results Comments Use in analysis. Use in analysis. Example: A common case is for children and adolescents who do not exhale for the required length of time (3 or 6 seconds). If these respondent‘s trials show a 1 second plateau and the reviewer judges that the curves represent a maximum volume (FVC) then a code B is assigned. Use in analysis with caution. Example: A respondent has only 2 acceptable curves which are not reproducible and the other curves are unacceptable due to early termination and large extrapolated volumes. However, the curves with the large extrapolated volumes do confirm the FVC reproducibility. Example: A respondent with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and a low FEV1/FVC ratio (e.g., <0.45). Because of COPD, the respondent cannot provide a repeatable FVC with even 8 manoeuvres. So, the grade should be at least a C or better as the lack of an acceptable curve due to end of test failures is not a sufficient reason to exclude or grade the subject‘s results with a D or F. Do not use in analysis. Do not use in analysis. Data validation Data validation was performed to ensure that the CHMS data were consistent with similar data sources including other Statistics Canada surveys and international surveys. Data validation was done to compare various physical and laboratory measures, and to compare self-reported data from the household interview to directly measured data from the MEC visit (e.g., height, weight), by site and overall. The physical measures data were also compared against data sources that contained directly measured data, such as the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) and the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) in the United States. 86 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Activity monitor data review A data review process was developed to clean and process the activity monitor data. The review process was broken down into four distinct steps: Step 1 involved the downloading and saving of respondent data to ensure that no malfunctioning monitors were returned to the field, as well as following up with respondents who had not returned the monitor. Step 2 involved stacking all respondent data into a single file, and dropping non-valid/bad data (such as initialization errors, or spurious data); Step 3 involved accepting only those with at least 1 day of viable wear-time (at least 5 hours of data for 3 to 5 year olds and at least 10 hours of data for 6 to 79 year olds), and calculating the activity intensity per minute; finally, Step 4 involved applying reserve codes to missing data and generating the derived variables. See Section and Appendix 8 for more information on the quality of the activity monitor data, and on research being done. Replicate testing Anthropometry replicate testing Two types of anthropometry replicates were done; between the same HMS referred to as intra-tester, or between the HMS and a gold standard tester referred to as inter-tester. Intra-tester replicates are a means of comparing consistency of results amongst the same HMS whereas inter-tester replicates are a means of comparing consistency of results to the gold standard tester. Intra-tester replicate measurements of all the measures of the anthropometry component were completed on 13.9% of respondents that attended the clinic. Inter-tester replicate measurements of all the measures of the anthropometry component were completed at the beginning of the cycle with 20 volunteers and a gold standard tester. Laboratory replicate testing Replicate samples were collected during dry-run days at the beginning of each site for a variety of laboratory tests (such as complete blood count), and a number of biochemistry tests and environmental exposure tests. Approximately 10 (3 for the environment testing) dry-run replicate samples were performed by splitting the blood and urine samples from the participants into two distinct specimen tubes with different identification numbers (IDs). As the corresponding split sample IDs were unknown to the technician/technologist testing the samples, these “blind QC samples” were meant to monitor the precision of the assay. Poor performance was inferred if the coefficient of variation obtained from the replicate samples was greater than the pre-set criteria. All replicate samples were sent to the reference laboratories along with other respondent samples and were analyzed following the same procedures as respondent samples. Data from the dry-run replicate samples were transmitted as usual along with the other respondent results. The lab section at head office analysed them and all results outside of the acceptable limits were followed up on with the testing laboratory. Mobile examination centre (MEC) laboratory Procedures were put into place to allow for quick detection of errors related to the MEC laboratory CBC analysis. These procedures included internal and external QC monitoring, and allowed the CHMS to ensure accurate results and data quality for laboratory measures completed on-site. Aside from incorporating reference material and calibrations at every shift, regular comparisons were made with QC results obtained by peer users of the same hematology analyzer employed by the CHMS. In addition, the laboratory participated in the analysis of external comparisons from the College of American Pathologists (CAP) according to their respective schedules. The results of these blind QC samples provided an evaluation of the testing accuracy. 87 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Specific gravity was measured on a portable device following a normalized procedure. Reference material was used on every shift to ensure the precision and the validity of the results. Proficiency testing All CHMS reference laboratories were responsible for having their own (QC) programs in place and to participate in interlaboratory/proficiency testing when available. However, the CHMS also sent reference QC materials as a form of proficiency testing for the reference laboratories. The CHMS used commercial and custom control samples with known concentrations for all tests included in the CHMS for which reference QC samples were available. The use of these materials allowed the CHMS to monitor the accuracy and precision of the analytical testing being performed at the reference laboratories. The CHMS mobile examination centre (MEC) laboratory sent these control samples to the reference laboratories on a weekly basis during each collection site along with the regular shipments. The test samples were aliquotted into the same type of shipping tubes used for respondent samples and were labelled with unique sample identification numbers so as to blind the laboratories to the process. Testing results were sent back to the CHMS head office and were compared to the known reference ranges. The test results were assessed by head office laboratory staff and feedback was provided to the reference laboratories for review and remedial action, if necessary. Processing and storage of blood and urine samples All blood specimens collected at the MEC were centrifuged in the MEC’s laboratory within three hours (two hours for vitamin C) of collection to preserve the quality and integrity of the specimens. The specimens were stored at the appropriate temperature (e.g., 2-6°C fridge or -30°C freezer) and the fridge and freezer temperatures were monitored via readings during each staff’s shift and by an alarm system at all times. Urine samples were refrigerated immediately upon collection and were subsequently processed and stored at the appropriate temperature as soon as possible. Shipping As described in the Laboratory Measures Protocols (see Section 7.6), shipment temperature monitoring ensured that only results from samples whose integrity remained intact were maintained. Field blanks In order to ensure that urine and blood samples were not being contaminated by the MEC laboratory environment and processes, at the beginning of every site the MEC lab sent field blanks, in triplicate, to the laboratory testing the respondent samples. A blank solution free of any environmental contaminants was used to mimic the same processes carried out with respondent samples for collection and processing of certain environmental measures on blood and urine. Deionized water was used as the blank solution for the baseline testing of urine and blood environmental measures with the exception of mercury for which a nitric acid and gold solution was used. The field blank results were compared to an acceptable upper limit that was set at three times the limit of detection of each analyte or to an acceptable upper limit that was not more than 10% of the 95th percentile of the population. Results above these limits were reviewed by head office staff and deviations were investigated. In consultation with the analytical lab and other experts, corrective action was taken if necessary. 88 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Tap water blanks In order to ensure that shipping and storage conditions were not a source of contamination for the tap water VOC bottles, Health Canada prepared travel blanks and blind blanks. Tap water travel blanks Water VOC bottles were filled with spring water in the Health Canada lab, shipped to the interviewers, then refrigerated with bottles used for collection and shipped back to Health Canada for analysis within a 7 to 10 day period (one was returned with every tap water VOC shipment to Health Canada). Tap water blind blanks Health Canada prepared 8 water VOC bottles with distilled organic-free water before every site. These were shipped to the interviewers, then refrigerated with bottles used for collection and shipped back with the regular shipment to Health Canada periodically for analysis. Hearing data review All tympanometry, DPOAE and audiometry tests were reviewed by an external reviewer via a custom application that was developed for the CHMS. The reviewer’s role was to assign test result acceptability to assist users with data analysis. All tests were reviewed and assigned a test acceptability factor to identify whether the tests are recommended for inclusion in analysis. The reviewer had access to the respondent’s age and gender as well as his/her responses to a number of pertinent screening questions (whether the respondent had had ear surgery within the 3 months leading up to the clinic visit; whether the respondent had an acute infection /pain; whether the respondent had a hearing aid; whether the respondent had ever experienced tinnitus; whether the respondent had listened to loud music on the day of the clinic visit; whether the respondent had been exposed to loud noise without hearing protection within 24 hours of the clinic visit; whether the respondent had ever been diagnosed with a hearing problem) and observations from the otoscopy test (visual, non-diagnostic examination of the outer ear) in order to provide additional information to assist the reviewer in evaluating the overall results. Table 10.3 Test acceptability factors for hearing results Acceptability factor TYM_QC OAE_QCR OAE_QCL AUD_QCR AUD_QCL Description Tympanometry test acceptable or not acceptable DPOAE test on the right ear acceptable or not acceptable DPOAE test on the left ear acceptable or not acceptable Audiometry test on the right ear acceptable or not acceptable Audiometry test on the left ear acceptable or not acceptable 89 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 10.3.4 Head office Correcting for bias The CHMS experienced several levels of non-response. First, the selected dwelling may refuse to provide the household composition or refuse to provide tap water. Second, the person(s) selected amongst the household members may refuse to answer the questionnaire. Third, the person may refuse to participate in the MEC component. The person may refuse to provide blood and/or urine for the laboratory tests for current or future analysis. Finally, the participants may refuse to use or not return the activity monitor and/or the indoor air sampler provided at the MEC. At each level of non-response, characteristics available for respondents and non-respondents are used in a logistic regression model to identify variables which explain most non-response. The variables which were highly correlated with response or non-response and which were used in the logistic regression models included collection site, age group, sex, household size, education, income, travel distance to the MEC, and the number of days and weeks to contact the dwelling and complete the household questionnaire. Based on the results of each regression, homogeneous response groups are created. The non-response adjustments are applied within these groups to adjust the survey weights (see Chapter 9 Weighting). Using the survey weights to create estimates will minimize non-response bias due to differences in the survey variables between respondents and non-respondents. Several studies were done on the cycle 1 data to test for bias in the respondents to the MEC, because it was believed that less healthy people were less likely to go to the MEC, and for bias caused by the oversampling of respondents aged 20 to 39 who were living with children aged 6 to 11.19 The results showed that MEC respondents, with the adjustment for MEC non-response, are similar to the household questionnaire respondents. Although the cycle 1 data did not show a significant bias due to the 2-person selection strategy which favoured the selection of a 20 to 39 year old living with a child aged 6 to 11, it was anticipated that a greater bias would be observed in cycle 2 with the addition of the 3 to 5 age group. To compensate for any potential bias, the survey weights and bootstrap weights for cycles 2 and 3 were created using a post-stratification by age group and sex, with an additional adjustment for 20 to 39 year olds living with and without children aged 3 to 11. Information on the treatment of other missing data such as partial non-response and lab results with values outside the analytical range can be found in Sections 12.1.2 and 12.1.3. Red blood cell folate data The CHMS measured folate in red blood cells (RBC folate) rather than serum folate in order to obtain an indicator of long-term folate status in the body, not influenced by recent dietary intake; however, RBC folate measurements are subject to high intra-individual biological variation and significant analytical imprecision. Furthermore, RBC folate measurements require the preparation of a hemolysate which, for field-based epidemiological studies like the CHMS, can be operationally difficult to perform on site. Thus, whole blood samples were sent frozen to the analytical laboratory once a week for testing, potentially introducing additional inaccuracies and imprecision to the data. 90 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 11. File Usage 11.1 Description of data files The Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) dissemination files only contain data from respondents who attended the mobile examination centre (MEC) and agreed to share their responses with Health Canada (HC) and the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC). For cycle 3 of the CHMS, after the completion of processing, and with the removal of non-share records1, 5,785 records remain on the full sample data files. There will be 23 data files released for CHMS cycle 3, with the releases occurring in seven waves. See Section 12.2.4 for information on combining data from multiple cycles of the survey. Wave Data File Name* Files Released • Household full sample file Contains household questionnaire data, except for medication data. • Clinic full sample file Contains clinic questionnaire and physical measures data, except for medication, activity monitor and indoor air data. 1 • Postal code file Contains postal code information for each respondent in the survey (special restrictions are in place for the use of this file). • Climate and air quality file Ancillary data on climate and air quality for each MEC site across Canada (data comes from national and provincial weather organizations such as Environment Canada). 91 Corresponding Date of Bootstrap Release Weights File* hhd_full wgt_full clc_full wgt_full Oct 29, 2014 pc ** caq ** Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Wave 2 Data File Name* Files Released Corresponding Date of Bootstrap Release Weights File* • Activity monitor full sample file am_full wgt_full • Non-environmental lab data full sample file nel_full wgt_full • Activity monitor subsample file am_sub wgt_am • Fasted subsample file fast_sub wgt_fast • Red blood cell fatty acids subsample file fta_sub wgt_fta hhd_full wgt_full clc_full wgt_full • Household full sample file (revised) Contains household questionnaire data, except for medication data. • Clinic full sample file (revised) Contains clinic questionnaire and physical measures data, except for medication, activity monitor and indoor air data. • Activity monitor full sample file (revised) am_full wgt_full 2 • (Revised) • Activity monitor subsample file (revised) am_sub wgt_am Activity monitor subsample weight file (revised) wgt_am ** • Medication full sample file (except for derived variables – date to be determined) med_full wgt_full • Hearing full sample file hrc_full wgt_full • Fluoride household level subsample file (in tap water) flh_sub wgt_flh • Volatile organic compounds household level subsample file (in tap water) voch_sub wgt_voch • Fluoride person level subsample file (in urine and tap water) flp_sub wgt_flp • Volatile organic compounds person level subsample file (in blood and tap water) vocp_sub wgt_vocp 3 4 92 Dec 16, 2014 Jan 29, 2015 Feb 18, 2015 Apr 15, 2015 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Wave 5 6 7 Data File Name* Files Released Corresponding Date of Bootstrap Release Weights File* wgt_full • Environmental lab blood and urine full sample file el_full • Acrylamide (environmental blood subsample) file acry_sub wgt_acry • Methyl mercury (environmental blood subsample) file mehg_sub wgt_mehg • NNK metabolites (environmental urine subsample) file nnk_sub wgt_nnk • Environmental urine (main subsample) file eu_sub wgt_eu • Indoor air subsample file – household level iash wgt_iash • Indoor air subsample file – person level iasp wgt_iasp • Environmental pooled serum data file (details to be worked out – likely separate data user documentation) TBD TBD Jul 15, 2015 Sept 16, 2015 approx. Fall 2016 *All files are available in .txt and .sas7bdat formats. ** The postal code and climate and air quality files are always used in conjunction with another file and its corresponding bootstrap weights file. In many cases, it will be the full sample bootstrap weights file (wgt_full.txt) that is used with these files. Most of the data files listed in the table above contain a weight variable. The bootstrap weight files contain more detailed information (i.e. 500 bootstrap weight variables for variance calculation purposes). More information on bootstrap weights and weighting can be found in Chapter 9. The survey includes respondents 3 to 79 years of age; however, some of the measures or tests were only done for one sex, on fasting respondents, or on a random subgroup of ages. Refer to the CHMS Content summary (available upon request) for more information. For information regarding the actual questions asked of the respondents, users can consult the household and clinic questionnaires at the following link: 52 93 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 11.1.1 Household full sample file This data file contains the responses collected during the household interview, except for the medication derived variables which will be released in the fall of 2015. The file also contains derived variables (DVs) created by the collection applications and other DVs created after data processing. A household/MEC DV document is available that contains information on how these DVs are created/calculated. Each of the 5,785 records represents one respondent who went to the MEC, participated in at least some of the measures, and then agreed to share their household and MEC results with HC and PHAC. The data contained in this file covers household questionnaire content on the following topics: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Alcohol use Anthropometry Chronic conditions Environmental exposure Family medical history General health Infection markers Lung health Musculoskeletal fitness Nutrition Physical activity Pregnancy/Birth Sexual health Sleep Smoking Socio-demographic characteristics 11.1.2 Clinic full sample file This data file contains the responses collected during the MEC visit (questionnaire responses and physical measures results), except for indoor air sampler data and derived variables for medication. Indoor air sampler data will be released on September 16, 2015 (wave 6) and derived variables for medication data in the fall of 2015. The file also contains derived variables (DVs) created by the collection applications and other DVs created after data processing. A household/MEC DV document is available that contains information on how these DVs are created/calculated. Each of the 5,785 records represents one respondent who went to the MEC and participated in at least some of the measures and then agreed to share their household and MEC results with HC and PHAC. 94 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 The data contained in this file covers clinic questionnaire and/or physical measures content on the following topics: • • • • • • • • • • Anthropometry Cardiovascular health and fitness Environmental exposure (questions only related to indoor air – measured data for these variables will be available September 16, 2015) Hearing and noise exposure Lung health Musculoskeletal fitness Nutrition (Fish and shellfish consumption) Physical activity Skin pigmentation Sun exposure 11.1.3 Postal code file This file contains the six character postal code (DHH_DPC) for all 5,785 persons who participated in the survey, along with their CLINICID (see Section 11.2). The file is only available in Statistics Canada Research Data Centers (RDCs). Users will need to link the postal code file to another data file, such as the full sample household or full sample clinic data file, as well as to the corresponding bootstrap weights file in order to produce estimates for the total population (see Section 11.4). Researchers must specifically state the need for the file in their RDC application (as it is separate from other CHMS data files) and must clearly explain what analysis will be done using postal codes. Users need to be aware of the restrictions on the use of this file. The file can only be used for deriving variables that are to be created and analyzed at the national level. It cannot be used to try to produce small area estimates, as the survey is designed only for national level estimates. The file must be used at the person level with the appropriate weights. It cannot be used to compare members of the same household or for producing household estimates since household weights are not available. As with all other data, the postal codes of respondents may not be removed from the RDCs; however, a public document is available for each cycle of the survey that lists all CHMS collection sites along with the forward sortation area (first three characters of the postal codes) that are covered off geographically by each site. 11.1.4 Climate and air quality file Two lung function tests are included as part of the cycle 3 CHMS MEC visit: spirometry and fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FENO). As lung function can be affected by the atmosphere, adjustments based on the weather and air quality at the time of the test may be required in order to analyze the data. To address these needs, a file listing the hourly climate and air quality data for the collection period at each of the 16 MEC collection sites has been created. The data have been obtained from Environment Canada’s National Climate Data and Information Archive ( and from the National Air Pollution Surveillance Network (, a federal/provincial collaborative network through which provincial NAPS partners collect their data and send them to Environment Canada. 95 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 The following indicators are on the “climate and air quality file”: Air quality: Ozone, nitrogen dioxide, particulate matter (2.5 microns) Climate: Temperature, barometric pressure, precipitation, relative humidity, humidex, wind speed, wind direction and wind chill This file may be linked to the clinic full sample file by using the variables SITE, V2_YEAR, V2_MONTH, V2_DAY, and V2_HOUR, which are present on both files. Upon merging the two files, the climate and air quality information measured on the hour the respondent visited the MEC will be appended to the clinic full sample file, meaning that there will be climate and air quality information available for all 5,785 respondents. Additional supporting documentation is available upon request. 11.1.5 Activity monitor subsample file This file contains data for the 4,271 respondents who wore their activity monitor for at least 10 hours per day (5 hours for 3 to 5 year olds) for 4 or more days. The file also contains a weight specific to this subpopulation. The vast majority of variables in this file are also located in the master file. The variables are denoted by the prefix “AMM” on the master file and “AMS” on the subsample file. See Section and Appendix 8 for more information on using this file. 11.1.6 Non-environmental lab full sample file All 5,785 respondents from the clinic and household files are contained in this file. The file contains 51 different lab measures which include complete blood count, chemistry panel, biomarkers related to nutrition, diabetes, cardiovascular and thyroid health, as well as reproduction hormones and hepatitis levels. A complete list can be found by referring to the non-environmental lab file data dictionary. 11.1.7 Fasted subsample file This file contains data for a subset of 2,571 of the 5,785 CHMS respondents, namely the selected respondents who had fasted for a minimum of 10 hours. The file contains data for seven variables: insulin, low density lipoproteins (LDL), triglycerides, glucose, apoliproproteins A1 and B, and vitamin C. The file also contains a weight specific to this sub-population. 11.1.8 Red blood cell fatty acids subsample file Respondents aged 20 to 79 eligible for blood draw were randomly selected to have their sample analysed for red blood cell fatty acids. The subsample file has 1,984 respondents and 39 variables representing polyunsaturated, cis-monounsaturated, saturated, and trans-fatty acids, along with a record identifier and a subsample weight. 11.1.9 Hearing full sample file All 5,785 respondents from the clinic and household files are contained in this file. The file contains 100 variables representing the results of the four hearing tests: Otoscopy, Tymponometry, DPOAE and Audiometry as well as the test acceptability factors for the hearing results and the record identifier. A complete list of the variables can be found by referring to the hearing full sample file data dictionary. 96 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 11.1.10 Fluoride household level subsample file (in tap water) The file contains data for a subset of 2,188 of the 2,831 respondent households selected for the tap water fluoride collection, namely the respondent households that had valid tap water fluoride laboratory results. The file contains 3 variables representing fluoride measured in water, a record identifier and a subsample weight. 11.1.11 Volatile organic compounds household level subsample file (in tap water) The file contains data for a subset of 2,650 of the 3,578 respondent households selected for the tap water VOCs collection, namely the respondent households that had valid tap water VOCs laboratory results. The file contains 13 variables representing the results of common fuel pollutants (BTEX) and trihalomethanes, a record identifier and a subsample weight. A complete list of the variables can be found by referring to the volatile organic compounds household level subsample file (in tap water) data dictionary. 11.1.12 Fluoride person level subsample file (in urine and tap water) The file contains data for a subset of 2,671 of the 2,728 selected for the urine fluoride subsample. These respondents provided urine and had a valid fluoride measure. The file contains data for four variables: fluoride measured in urine, fluoride adjusted for urine creatinine, fluoride adjusted for specific gravity and fluoride measured in water. The file also contains a record identifier and a weight specific to this subpopulation. 11.1.13 Volatile organic compounds person level subsample file (in blood and tap water) The file contains data for a subset of 2,527 of the 2,667 selected for the blood VOCs subsample. These respondents provided blood and had valid VOCs measures. The file contains 27 variables representing the results of common fuel pollutants (BTEX), trihalomethanes, styrene, tetrachloroethylene, trichloroethylene, alkanes, chlorinated hydrocarbons, furans and dioxins. The file also contains a record identifier and a weight specific to this subpopulation. A complete list of the variables can be found by referring to the volatile organic compounds person level subsample file (in blood and tap water) data dictionary. 11.1.14 Environmental lab blood and urine full sample file The file contains data for all 5,785 respondents aged 3 to 79. There are 24 variables on the file, including some tobacco-related variables (7), metals and trace elements (4), other environmental variables (2) and derived variables that adjusted the results for urine creatinine (10) or specific gravity (1). A complete list of the variables can be found by referring to the environmental lab blood and urine full sample data dictionary. 11.1.15 Acrylamide (environmental blood subsample) file The file contains data for a subset of 2,492 of the 2,644 selected for the acrylamide blood subsample. These respondents provided blood and had valid acrylamide measures. The file contains 2 variables: acrylamide hemoglobin adduct and glycidamide hemoglobin adduct. The file also contains a record identifier and a weight specific to this subpopulation. 97 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 11.1.16 Methyl mercury (environmental blood subsample) file The file contains data for a subset of 1,032 of the 1,044 selected for the methyl mercury blood subsample. These respondents provided blood and had valid methyl mercury measures. The file contains the blood methyl mercury results and a record identifier and a weight specific to this subpopulation. 11.1.17 NNK metabolites (environmental urine subsample) file The file contains data for a subset of 2,220 of the 2,282 selected for the NNK metabolites urine subsample. These respondents provided urine and had valid NNK measures. The file contains 4 variables : free NNAL, total NNAL, NNAL free adjusted for urine creatinine and total NNAL adjusted for urine creatinine. The file also contains a record identifier and a weight specific to this subpopulation. 11.1.18 Environmental urine (main subsample) file The file contains data for a subset of 2,538 of the 2,599 selected for the environmental urine main subsample. These respondents provided urine and had valid results. The file contains 54 variables, including polyaromatic hydrocarbons (17), metals and trace elements (6) and benzene metabolites (2), as well as derived variables that contain the results adjusted for urine creatinine (24) and specific gravity (5). No organophosphate insecticides or parabens are on this file as the quality of the data for these variables needs to be examined more thoroughly before they can be released. The file also contains a record identifier and a weight specific to this subpopulation. A complete list of the variables can be found by referring to the environmental urine main subsample file data dictionary. 11.2 Key variables for linking data files As a result of the large number of files disseminated for cycle 3, it will often be necessary to be able to link these files to have access to a larger pool of information. In particular, users may want to link the subsample files and medication file to the household and clinic full sample files in order to obtain contextual questionnaire and physical measures information for their analysis. Users will also need to link the appropriate bootstrap weights file to each data file in order to produce estimates for the total population (see Section 12.1). In order to facilitate the linking of two or more files, a variable that uniquely identifies each respondent on each file is required. For the CHMS, the variable to be used is called CLINICID. With this variable, data users are able to join the data from any subsample file to the household and clinic full sample files for a particular respondent. The only data file that does not use CLINICID as the linking variable is the climate and air quality file (see Section 11.1.4). 11.3 Key variables and definitions Other variables which may be particularly useful for data users are listed below: CLC_AGE CLC_SEX DHH_MS EDUDR04 EDUDR10 PROXY Respondent’s age at the time of the MEC visit Gender of Respondent Marital Status of Respondent Highest level of education - respondent, 4 levels Highest level of education - respondent, 10 levels Proxy or non-proxy interview 98 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 WGT_FULL Weight for the following full sample files: • Household • Clinic • Activity monitor • Non-environmental blood and urine measures • Medication • Hearing • Some environmental contaminants measured in blood and urine WGT_ACMO Weight for the activity monitor subsample file WGT_FAST Weight for the fasted subsample file WGT_FTA Weight for the red blood cell fatty acids subsample file WGT_FLH Weight for the fluoride household level subsample file (in tap water) WGT_VOCH Weight for the volatile organic compounds household level subsample file (in tap water) WGT_FLP Weight for the fluoride person level subsample file (in urine and tap water) WGT_VOCP Weight for the volatile organic comp. person level subsample file (in blood & tap water) WGT_ACRY Weight for the acrylamide (environmental blood) subsample file WGT_MEHG Weight for the methyl mercury (environmental blood) subsample file WGT_NNAL Weight for the NNK metabolites (environmental urine subsample) file WGT_EU Weight for the environmental urine main subsample file WGT_IASH Weight for the indoor air household level subsample file WGT_IASP Weight for the indoor air person level subsample file The naming convention used for the weighting variables listed above is the same as the naming convention for the corresponding bootstrap weight files, with the only differences being the suffix in the file name and the fact that the variable names are uppercase and the file names are lowercase. For example, “.txt” can be removed from the bootstrap file “wgt_full” and then capitalized to obtain the name of the weighting variable on the full sample data files. 99 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 11.4 Use of age and sex variables Age and sex are collected twice during the survey process for the CHMS; first through the household interview, then again during the MEC component. Because the two appointments could be several days apart, it is possible that a respondent’s age could be different on the household and MEC files. Each application uses the age and sex information that was collected as the reference for coverage and skips patterns for sections within that application. For that reason, it is important to use the appropriate age and sex variables for the data being analyzed. Incorrect usage of age and sex variables could lead to errors in analyses, due to respondents whose ages changed between the two appointments. For example, a respondent who is 11 at the time of the household interview and 12 at the time of the MEC visit will be in different age groups depending on the data being analyzed (i.e. 6 to 11 for household analysis and 12 to 19 for MEC analysis). For household variables, DHH_AGE and DHH_SEX should be used; whereas, for MEC variables, CLC_AGE and CLC_SEX should be used. If variables from both components are analyzed, use the age and sex variables for the module containing the most important variables of interest. 11.5 Use of weight variables The CHMS is a sample survey, which means that the respondents “represent” many other Canadians not included in the survey. For example, a 1% sample would mean that each CHMS respondent represented 100 Canadians. In order that the results of the survey are representative of the population, survey weights were created. These survey weights, when applied to the survey results, enable data users to create estimates for the entire population. Each respondent record on each data file has a unique survey weight attached to it (exception climate and air quality data file). In order to produce estimates for a particular characteristic, the data user must sum the weights for each respondent with that characteristic. The total created by that calculation would produce an estimate of that characteristic in the total population. There are various software packages available that will use survey weights to produce estimates (see Section 12.2.5 for more information). Because of the small sample size for cycle 3 of the CHMS, the results should only be used to produce national estimates. Due to the different number of respondents contained within the various files output for cycle 3, each file produced will contain a different weight variable. If subsample files are linked to the household or clinic full sample files then the weight stored on the subsample file should be used for creating the estimates. For information on the use of combined weight files, see Section 12.2.4. 11.6 Variable naming convention The CHMS naming convention for cycle 3 of the survey follows the same pattern as that used by previous cycles of the CHMS and many other Statistics Canada surveys. The variable name is constructed in a way that allows the data users to easily identify the originating section of the survey, the type of variable, and the survey question that collected the data. The variable names have also been created in such a way as to identify similar data between different cycles of the CHMS. 100 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Each variable name must adhere to a mandatory requirement which restricts variable names to a maximum of 8 characters for ease of use by analytical software products. As a result, each character of the variable name contains information about the data contained in the variable. Generally speaking: Positions 1 - 3: Section name Position 4: “_” underscore ( _= collected data) or Variable type Positions 5 - 8: Question reference (question number or acronym/short form to represent the concept of the variable) For example: The variable from question 101 of the household Chronic Conditions section, CCC_101: Positions 1 - 3: CCC chronic conditions section Position 4: “_” underscore ( _= collected data) Positions 5 - 7: 101 question number AND SPM_QFVC: Positions 1 - 3: SPM spirometry section of the mobile examination centre questionnaire Position 4: “_” underscore ( _= collected data) Positions 5 - 8: QFVC quality code for the FVC results in spirometry 11.6.1 Position 4: Place Holder or Variable Type _ Collected variable: A variable that appeared directly on the questionnaire or was collected during the direct measures components C Coded variable: A variable coded from one or more collected variables using standardized coding systems (e.g., SIC, NAICS, ATC) D Derived variable (DV): A variable assigned or calculated from one or more collected or coded variables F Flag variable: A variable calculated by the data collection computer application for later use during the interview, or assigned based on one or more collected variables (similar to a DV, e.g. CCCF1). In the case of the income imputation flag (THIFIMP4), derived in head office after imputation. G Grouped variable: Collected, coded, or derived variables collapsed into groups L Limit of detection (LOD) variable for indoor air laboratory data 11.6.2 Positions 5-8: Question reference 101 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 In general, the fifth to seventh positions follow the variable numbering used on the questionnaire. The letter "Q" for questions read to the respondent or “N” for interviewer-completed questions is removed, and all question numbers are presented in a two-digit format. For example, question Q01A in the questionnaire becomes simply 01A, and question Q15 becomes simply 15. In other cases, an acronym or short form is used to represent the concept of the variable and an eighth character is sometimes required. For questions that allow multiple response categories to be selected, the final position in the variable naming sequence is represented by a letter. For this type of question, new variables were created to differentiate between a “yes” or “no” answer for each response category. For example, if multiple responses could be selected for Q2, the new questions would be named Q2A for category 1, Q2B for category 2, Q2C for category 3, etc. If only categories 2 and 3 were selected, then Q2A = No (“2” on the file), Q2B = Yes (“1” on the file), Q2C = Yes (“1” on the file) and Q2D = No (“2 on the file). To help reconcile the variable names found on the household and clinic full sample data files from those on the household and clinic questionnaires, users can consult the questionnaires, data dictionaries, and other documentation available upon request. 11.7 Access to data files Access to CHMS data is provided through the RDCs. These research data centres require researchers to submit a research proposal before access to the data is granted. These projects are accepted based on a set of specific rules. When the project is accepted, the researcher is designated as a "deemed employee" of Statistics Canada for the duration of the research, and given access to the data from designated Statistics Canada sites. For more information, please consult the Statistics Canada webpage: Another means of access to the data files is to provide Statistics Canada with specifications for tabulations. On a fee-for-service basis, these tables are programmed and run against the data files by Statistics Canada employees. This service allows users who do not possess knowledge of tabulation software products or who do not have access to a RDC to get custom results. The results are screened for confidentiality and reliability concerns before release to the client. For more information, contact Health Statistics Division Client Services at 613-951-1746 or by e-mail at Finally, HC and PHAC government employees have access to CHMS data files through a share agreement. At the MEC, respondents provide their consent to “share the information collected during the survey with its partners” who “will keep the information confidential, and use it for statistical purposes only”. Within HC/PHAC, employees who require CHMS information in order to do their work apply for access and are granted approval upon filling out and signing an acknowledgment document and providing a purpose of research. To arrange access, HC employees should contact the Data and Information System team at while PHAC employees should contact the Data Coordination and Access Program at 102 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 12. Guidelines for tabulation, analysis and release This chapter provides guidelines to be applied by data users in tabulating, analyzing, publishing, or otherwise releasing any data derived from the survey files. In addition, two data user presentations24 are available upon request. 12.1 Guidelines for tabulation The sample design used for this survey is not self-weighted. In other words, the sampling weight is not the same for all the persons included in the sample. Even to produce simple estimates, including ordinary statistical tables, the user must employ the appropriate sampling weight. Otherwise, the estimates calculated on the basis of the full sample data files cannot be considered representative of the population observed, and they will not correspond to those of Statistics Canada. For further information on the creation of the survey weights (the sampling weights that have been adjusted for non-response), refer to Chapter 9 of this User Guide. Information on the use of the weight variable is found in Section 11.5 and information on the key variables used for linking data files is found in Section 11.2. Users should also keep in mind that because of the treatment reserved for weights, some software packages do not yield estimates that exactly match those of Statistics Canada. 12.1.1 Tabulation of categorical and quantitative estimates There are two main types of point estimates of population characteristics that can be generated from the data files: categorical estimates and quantitative estimates. A brief explanation of each estimate type is given prior to describing how the survey data can be tabulated. Categorical estimates A categorical estimate is the estimate of the number or percentage of the surveyed population that possess a certain characteristic or fall into some defined category. For example, the proportion of respondents with diabetes and the number of persons with each type of diabetes are both categorical estimates. Examples of categorical questions: Do you have diabetes? (CCC_Q51) 1 Yes 2 No If Yes, were you diagnosed with: (CCC_Q52) 1 … insulin dependent diabetes (Type 1)? 2 … non-insulin dependent diabetes (Type 2)? 3 … gestational diabetes ? 103 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Estimates of the number of people with a certain characteristic can be obtained from the data file by summing the final weights of all records1 possessing the characteristic of interest. A proportion is calculated as 𝑋�⁄𝑌� using the following steps: a) Summing the final weights of records having the characteristic of interest for the numerator (𝑋�) b) Summing the final weights of records having the characteristic of interest for the denominator (𝑌�) c) Dividing the numerator estimate by the denominator estimate For example, to obtain the proportion of respondents 20-79 with Type 2 diabetes, the numerator is obtained by summing the weights (WGT_FULL) for all respondents aged 20 to 79 who answered noninsulin dependent diabetes (Type 2), answer 2 to CCC_Q52. The denominator is the sum of the weights for all 20-79 year old respondents to the survey. Quantitative estimates A quantitative, or continuous, estimate is an estimate of the total or of the mean, median or other measure of central tendency of quantities based on some or all members of the surveyed population. For example, the average age of first diagnosis with type 2 diabetes is a quantitative estimate. Example of a quantitative question: If CCC_Q52 = 1 or 2 then: How old were you when this was first diagnosed? (CCC_Q53) |_|_|_| Age in years For CHMS data, two different estimates of the mean are commonly generated for continuous variables: the arithmetic mean and the geometric mean. The arithmetic mean is the simple average of the data and is best suited for variables that are evenly distributed around the mean. The arithmetic mean is calculated by: a) Multiplying the value of the variable of interest by the final weight and summing this quantity over all records of interest to obtain the numerator (𝑋�) b) Summing the final weights of records having the characteristic of interest for the denominator (𝑌�) c) Dividing the numerator estimate by the denominator estimate. For example, to obtain the average age when respondents were first diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, first compute the numerator (𝑋�) by summing the product between the age given in CCC_Q53 and the survey weight (WGT_FULL) for all respondents who answered 2 to question CCC_Q52 (have Type 2 diabetes). Next, sum the value of WGT_FULL for all respondents who answered 2 to question CCC_Q52 to obtain the denominator (𝑌�). Divide 𝑋� by 𝑌� to obtain the estimate of the average age of first diagnosis with Type 2 diabetes. The geometric mean is also a measure of central tendency; however, it is more robust to the presence of extreme values then the arithmetic mean. Thus, the geometric mean provides a better indication of central tendency for data that is highly skewed, meaning the data is unevenly spread towards higher or lower values. The geometric mean is typically used for environmental chemicals. It is calculated by: a) Computing the natural log transform of the value of the variables of interest and multiply it by the final weight. The numerator (𝑋�) is then created by summing all of these values. b) Summing the final weights of records having the characteristic of interest for the denominator (𝑌�) c) Dividing the numerator estimate by the denominator estimate and then calculating the exponential value. 104 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 To determine if the arithmetic mean or the geometric mean is a more appropriate measure for a given variable it is best to plot the data with a histogram. If the data has a relatively even distribution of high and low values than the arithmetic mean will be a good indicator of central tendency. In this case, the value of the mean and the median will be very similar. If the data show an uneven spread towards high or low values, then a geometric mean would be more appropriate for the data. In this case, the mean and the median would be quite different. 12.1.2 Imputation of household income Largely due to the sensitive nature of reporting income, only 77% of the CHMS respondents reported their total household income (THI_01) in cycle 3. Non-respondents to total household income were asked a series of questions (THI_Q02 to THI_Q04 that are not included in the data dictionary) in order to determine a household income range. In cycle 3, 86% of total household income non-respondents provided a response or partial response for the range; therefore, there is some form of household income information for 96.8% of respondents. In addition to the low response rate, a study conducted in 2009 using data from the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS), suggested that the income non-respondents had different health characteristics than the respondents.25 Because of this difference in health profiles and the low response rate, analyses that are based exclusively on income respondents may be biased. As a result, it was decided to impute the total household income for the CHMS cycle 3 release. To impute the total household income, the modelled household income (an auxiliary variable), is first created. A regression model is used to predict the personal income of each member of all responding CHMS households. Variables used in the model include age group, sex, education level, CHMS collection site, marital status, aboriginal identity, racial or cultural group, period of collection, whether the respondent worked at a job or business in the week preceding the interview, household size and its composition (number of persons in each age group) and whether the dwelling is owned or rented. It is worthwhile to note that no health variables are used in the model in order to prevent the creation of artificial relationships between income and certain health variables. The personal income is then summed for each household to create the modelled household income. This variable is then used to impute the household income using nearest neighbour imputation. The modeled household income defined above is used as a distance measure to determine which pair of respondent-non-respondent records is the “nearest” within imputation classes. The data from the respondent, or donor, is then copied to the non-respondent or recipient. For respondents who provided an income range, a nearest neighbour is selected within the same income range and household size. For respondents who did not provide any income range, the donor record is selected within the same collection site and household size. With the implementation of the imputation process, there is no non-response to total household income (variable THI_01) in cycle 3. An imputation flag THIFIMP4 is included on the file to identify which records have an imputed value for total household income. In addition, the derived income variable THID14 is based on the imputed household income value. It should be noted that total personal income (variable TPI_01) is not imputed. Users should take the appropriate steps when analyzing this variable. 105 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 For users interested in conducting analysis focusing specifically on household income, it is highly recommended to rely on other income data sources rather than using the CHMS. Those interested in analysing household income as it relates to health should use derived income variables such as income quintiles25 rather than the actual income value directly. The imputation process performs well at predicting income quintiles but there is variability in predicting the exact income value. 12.1.3 Other missing data and lab results outside the analytical range Missing data are the result of non-response to some or all questions on the survey. Instances of total nonresponse, where there is no data for a selected respondent, are adjusted for in the calculation of the survey weights. Thus, by using the survey weights to create estimates, the bias that can be introduced by total non-response is reduced. The CHMS data files contain only respondents to the survey; however some variables may be missing for some respondents (partial non-response). There are three main options for analysing a variable with some missing data: a) Keep the records with missing values in the analysis and report the results for the missing category separately. In this case, careful interpretation of the missing category is necessary. b) Remove records with missing values from the analysis. This is valid if the missing values are random and do not represent any non-response bias. To test this assumption, compare the respondents with valid data to the respondents with missing data to look for any differences in some key variables. If there are differences, then it is an indication of non-response bias due to eliminating the missing values from the analysis. c) Impute the missing values to a new value prior to the analysis. Besides income imputation (see Section 12.1.2), the most common form of imputation for CHMS data is the replacement of values of the laboratory variables that are outside the analytical range, usually below the limit of detection (LOD). The values below the LOD are coded as 95, 995, 99.5, etc. on the data file(s) depending on the units of the measure. During analysis, these values are often replaced by the LOD divided by two, but other methods can be used. The analytical range values (LOD and limit of quantification (LOQ) values when available/applicable) for each laboratory variable can be found in the content summary document. In the production of analytical products, if the percentage of values below LOD is greater than 40%, then measures of central tendency, such as the geometric mean, are not calculated. This is because the mean is rendered somewhat meaningless when a large proportion of the records have the same value. In this case, percentiles provide a more useful tool of summarising the data. 106 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 12.2 Guidelines for statistical analysis 12.2.1 Precise variances or coefficients of variation Calculation of a precise variance or coefficient of variation is not an easy matter, since there is no simple mathematical formula that can take into account all aspects of the CHMS sample design and the selection probabilities. It is therefore necessary to turn to other methods to estimate these measures of precision, such as re-sampling methods. Among these, the bootstrap method is the one recommended for analysing CHMS data (see Section 9.10 Bootstrap weights). 500 bootstrap replicates have been created for the analysis of the full sample data and for each of the subsamples. The bootstrap replicates are available on each weight file, labelled as BSW1-BSW500. There are several different software packages available that will use the bootstrap replicates to create an estimate of the variance. This is done by calculating the value of the desired estimate for each of the bootstrap replicates and then measuring the variability between the bootstrap estimates. 12.2.2 Some recommendations for doing analysis with data from cycle 3 of the CHMS The CHMS was designed to provide national baseline prevalence estimates for a variety of health indicators. Due to cost considerations, 16 collection sites from 5 regional strata were chosen; 2 sites from the Atlantic region, 4 sites from the Quebec region, 6 sites from the Ontario region, 2 sites from the Prairies region, and 2 sites from the British Columbia region. Then a sample of individuals of all ages was selected from each chosen site. This design should yield approximately unbiased national prevalence estimates that would have CV’s of approximately 16.5% for a prevalence of 10% for each of the 5 age groups (6-11, 12-19, 20-39, 40-59, and 60-79) by sex and for 3-5 year olds of both sexes combined. While the small number of sampled collection sites can produce national baseline prevalence estimates that meet the above criteria, it has the drawback of leaving at most 11 “degrees of freedom”26 for variance estimation. Limited degrees of freedom have several consequences for analysis and inference27; in particular: • • • • The variability of variance estimates of estimated quantities needs to be taken into account when doing analyses, Estimated covariance matrices of vectors of estimates (such as the vector of estimated coefficients of a model) could be singular or close to singular, thus possibly not invertible28, It may not be possible to calculate some test statistics, The usual asymptotic distributions of many test statistics may not hold when there are only a small number of primary sampling units (PSUs), in this case the collection sites in the sample, even when the total sample size is large. Because of the possible consequences of having a small number of PSUs, a researcher is advised to consider the following recommendations when analyzing CHMS data: • Produce only national estimates since regional estimates will have even fewer than 11 degrees of freedom because fewer PSUs would be involved in variance estimation. This still allows the researcher to do analyses of many subpopulations such as a single age group or one sex, since all ages and both sexes are in the sample from each collection site. With certain caveats, it is possible to produce estimates at the Ontario or Quebec level by combining data from several cycles 29, 107 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 • • • • Avoid fitting models with a large number of coefficients. Limit the number of parameters in a regression model to 10 as one degree of freedom is used to estimate the intercept. A continuous explanatory variable is equivalent to one parameter in the model. The number of parameters used by a categorical variable is the number of categories minus 1. For example, sex has two categories therefore it uses 1 parameter in a regression model. Use analytical methods that are less impacted by the limited degrees of freedom, or are conservative. In particular, when testing a hypothesis involving a vector of quantities, avoid Wald statistics and their modifications since they have been found to be unstable. Better choices would be Satterthwaite-adjusted statistics or conservative Bonferroni tests. As the number of degrees of freedom is at most 11 and may be less for some analyses, consider using a smaller value of alpha to determine if a test is significant. For example, a test could be considered significant if the p-value is less than 0.01 rather than the usual cut-off of 0.05. Since bootstrap weights are used for variance estimation with the CHMS, it will likely be necessary to specify the degree of freedom in the software being used because the default degree of freedom is likely to be incorrect. 12.2.3 Data comparability over time Normative scales To help give some context to the raw data that was collected at the MEC, normative scales were used to create derived variables that assign a category or health rating based on an individual’s raw data results compared to the normative scales (e.g. using the calculated body mass index to assign ratings of underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese). The norms used for cycle 3 data collection were agreed upon at the start of collection, and respondents were informed of how they measured against those norms in the final report delivered to them. In most cases, cycle 1 and 2 norms were used again for cycle 3 in order to maintain as much consistency as possible. As the raw data is also included on the data files, users are free to use norms other than those included on the file. Activity monitor data for 3 to 5 year olds Researchers analyzing activity monitor (accelerometer) data for 3 to 5 year olds are advised to take note of an important methodological difference between cycles 2 and 3. In cycle 2, all activity monitor data was collected in 60 second epochs and this may not be the optimal approach for 3 to 5 year old children. Data are being collected in shorter epochs (15 seconds) in cycle 3 (for 3 to 5 year olds only) to align with current research. See Appendix 8 for more information on research being conducted to examine the impact of epoch length on physical activity derived variables as well as assessing adherence to the new preschool physical activity guidelines using accelerometer data. Reliability and quality factors to be used when analyzing activity monitor data can be found in Section Vitamin B12 data Vitamin B12 data was obtained using an immunoassay on the Centraur XP in cycle 3 and on the Immulite 2000 in previous cycles. In order to aid comparability between previous cycles with cycle 3 data, an equation is currently in development. As the equations have not yet been developed, data comparisons should not be done. 108 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Vitamin D data A change in the vitamin D matrix from plasma (cycles 1 and 2) to serum (cycle 3) is not related to differences in values among cycles. Equations are currently being developed to enable data users to adjust vitamin D values measured by immunoassay to serum values adjusted to the international Vitamin D standardization program. Since CHMS results are not currently standardised, comparison of CHMS data among cycles and with other studies should be done with caution. Ferritin data Ferritin data was obtained using an immunoassay on the Centraur XP in cycle 3 and on the Immulite 2000 in cycle 2. Results from these two different immunoassays can only be compared with caution and after applying a correction factor of 0.96319 to the cycle 2 data (i.e. adjusted cycle 3 ferritin = cycle 2 ferritin * 0.96319). Red blood cell folate data This immunoassay was done on the Centraur XP in cycle 3 and on the Immulite 2000 in previous cycles. Data comparisons should be done with caution. Analytical intervals The analytical intervals, including the limit of detection (LOD) and the upper limit for certain analytical methods changed between cycles. Although the LOD values do not change by a large margin, the differences should be noted when comparing data from different cycles. A full listing of the analytical ranges including LOD and limits of quantification (LOQ) values can be found in the content summary document. Significant digits In cycle 3, all environmental laboratory results (with the exception of indoor air) and some non-environmental laboratory results were received from the testing laboratories in two significant digits, which reflect the level of uncertainty of the testing method. All derived variables from a particular analyte are therefore also rounded to the same number of significant digits (e.g. urine copper and creatinine-adjusted urine copper should have the same number of significant digits). NOTE: Users should be aware that although the data are received in two significant digits (or rounded to two significant digits, in the case of the derived variables), technical limitations do not permit the data to be displayed as such in the data files and data dictionaries. Unfortunately, all results are displayed with the same number of decimal places and therefore, some results have additional trailing zeroes, which implies a greater level of precision. For example, a result reported as “120” might be displayed as “120.00”, or “56” displayed as “56.000”. When combining or comparing results between cycles, it is important to consider that data from cycle 1 was not received in or rounded to the appropriate significant digits. Instructions on converting cycle 1 data to significant digits are available in the combining cycles 1 and 2 instruction document.29 109 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Complete blood count data Analysis up to site 6 was done on the Beckman Coulter HMX and on the Sysmex Poch-i100 following that. The results from these 2 instruments are comparable. 12.2.4 Combining multiple cycles of CHMS data Combining data from two or more cycles of the CHMS can help researchers gain statistical power, enabling them to analyze and publish high quality results for a greater combination of data variables than they would be able to using data from one cycle alone.Researchers combining data should use the official Statistics Canada combined weight files for the specific combination of cycles being combined (i.e. cycles 1 and 2 OR cycles 1 and 3 OR cycles 2 and 3 OR cycles 1, 2 and 3). An instructions document29 is available and should be followed closely to determine the file and variable combinations that can be combined and to be aware of any potential analysis limitations. This document will be updated as different cycle 3 files are released. Using the instructions and correct weights will ensure that the data and methods used in analysing the files are as consistent as possible and that analysis done on data from multiple cycles of the survey is representative of the population. 12.2.5 Software packages available While many analysis procedures found in statistical packages allow weights to be used, the meaning or definition of the weight in these procedures can differ from what is appropriate in a sample survey framework. As a result, the procedure may produce an estimate that is correct but a variance estimate that is almost meaningless. A software package with procedures for the analysis of survey data should be used instead. A suitable software package for analysing CHMS data should allow the use of sampling weights, bootstrap weights to estimate the variance, and specification of the number of degrees of freedom to use for confidence intervals and significant tests. Examples of available software packages are SUDAAN 10.0.1/ 11, SAS 9.2/9.3, STATA 11.2, WESVAR 5.1, and BootVar 3.2. Table 12.2 gives a comparison of the estimates available in each software package. For more detailed comparison and examples of the code for each program refer to Serré (2012).30 The estimates produced by these software packages may yield slightly different estimates due to differences in the formulas for the standard error. 110 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Table 12.2 Comparison of the procedures available in various software packages Software package Test Estimate Point Estimate Means and Standard Error Total Confidence Interval STATA 11.2 WESVAR 5.1 BOOTVAR 3.2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Point Estimate Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Standard Error Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Confidence Interval Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Coefficient of Variation Point Estimate Percentiles SAS 9.2/ 9.3 Yes can calculate Coefficient of Variation Proportions SUDAAN 10.0.1 / 11 can calculate can calculate Yes Yes Yes Yes yes in 9.3 only Yes Yes Yes Standard Error Yes yes in 9.3 No Yes Yes Confidence Interval Yes yes in 9.3 No Yes Yes can calculate can calculate No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Coefficient of Variation Regression coefficients and standard errors Linear Regression Satterthwaite adjusted statistics Logistic Regression coefficients Regression and standard errors 12.3 Guidelines for releasing data 12.3.1 Sample size and coefficient of variation Before releasing or publishing any estimates from the data files, users must first determine the number of sampled respondents having the characteristic of interest to ensure that enough observations are available to calculate a quality estimate. For the calculation of a point estimate, it is recommended to have at least 10 observations in the numerator and 20 in the denominator. For example, to report the number of Canadian females aged 20 to 39 who have high blood pressure there should be at least 10 respondents who have high blood pressure out of at least 20 respondents who are females aged 20 to 39. For the creation of a data table, it is recommended that there are at least 10 observations per cell. As mentioned in Section 10.2.2, an indicator of the scope of the sampling error as measured by the coefficient of variation (CV) should also be produced for each estimate. Table 10.1 gives the Statistics Canada guidelines for releasing estimates based on their CV. Users are strongly advised to adhere to these guidelines. 12.3.2 Rounding guidelines In order to ensure that estimates for publication or other releases derived from the data files correspond to those produced by Statistics Canada, users are urged to adhere to the following guidelines regarding the rounding of such estimates: a) Estimates in the main body of a statistical table are to be rounded to the nearest hundred units using the normal rounding technique. In normal rounding, if the first or only digit to be dropped is 0 to 4, 111 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 the last digit to be retained is not changed. If the first or only digit to be dropped is 5 to 9, the last digit to be retained is raised by one. For example, in normal rounding to the nearest 100, if the last two digits are between 00 and 49, they are changed to 00 and the preceding digit (the hundreds digit) is left unchanged. If the last digits are between 50 and 99 they are changed to 00 and the proceeding digit is increased by 1; b) Marginal sub-totals and totals in statistical tables are to be derived from their corresponding unrounded components and then are to be rounded themselves to the nearest 100 units using normal rounding; c) Averages, proportions, rates and percentages are to be computed from unrounded components (i.e., numerators and/or denominators) and then are to be rounded themselves to one decimal using normal rounding; d) Sums and differences of aggregates (or ratios) are to be derived from their corresponding unrounded components and then are to be rounded themselves to the nearest 100 units (or the nearest one decimal) using normal rounding; e) In instances where, due to technical or other limitations, a rounding technique other than normal rounding is used, resulting in estimates to be published or otherwise released that differ from corresponding estimates published by Statistics Canada, users are urged to note the reason for such differences in the publication or release document(s); f) Under no circumstances are unrounded estimates to be published or otherwise released by users. Unrounded estimates imply greater precision than actually exists. NOTE: In the case of environmental lab data (except indoor air), estimates of average levels (arithmetic or geometric) or percentile distributions should be rounded to two significant digits. 112 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 13. References and end notes 1. The terms “record” and “variable” are used throughout this document. A record corresponds to a line on the file and represents a respondent. A “variable” corresponds to a column on the file and represents either a question, a measure, a weight or a bootstrap weight. 2. Labrecque, F and A. Quigley. 2014. Sampling documentation for cycle 3 of the Canadian Health Measures Survey. Statistics Canada internal document. 3. Strata are defined according to composition of the household in the 2011 Census, updated with administrative information available at the time of sample selection. 4. Placeholder. Footnotes will be renumbered on a later version 5. Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology. 2003. Canadian Physical Activity, Fitness and Lifestyle Approach (CPAFLA,. 3rd edition. Ottawa. 6. Ross, W. D. & M.J. Marfell-Jones. 1991."Kinanthropometry" in Physiological Testing of the HighPerformance Athlete, 2nd edition, Human Kinetics Books. J. D. MacDougall, H. A. Wenger, & H. J. Green, eds. Champaign, Illinois, p. 223-308. 7. National Institutes of Health. The Practical Guide to the Identification, Evaluation and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Adults. Bethesda, Maryland: National Institutes of Health, 2000. 8. Fitness Canada. 1986. Canadian Standard Test of Fitness (CSTF) Operations Manual, 3rd edition. Ottawa. 9. Campbell, Norm R.C., Michel R. Joffre and Donald W. McKay. 2005. "Hypertension Surveillance in Canada: Minimum Standards for Assessing Blood Pressure in Surveys ". Canadian Journal of Public Health. Vol 96, no 3. p. 217-220. 10. Miller, M.R., J. Hankinson, V. Brusasco et al. 2005. “Standardization of spirometry”. European Respiratory Journal. Vol. 26, p. 319-338. 11. Canadian Fitness and Lifestyle Research Institute. 1988. Canada Fitness Survey Longitudinal Study: Reference Booklet. Ottawa. 12. The five regions are: British Columbia, the Prairies (Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan), Ontario, Quebec and the Atlantic provinces (Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick). 13. The number of sites selected in each region is provided in Table 6.1 in Section 6.3.1 (Sampling of collection sites). 14. Haziza, D. and J.-F. Beaumont. 2007. “On the construction of imputation classes in surveys”. International Statistical Review. Vol. 75(1): 25-43. 15. Rao J.N.K, C.F.J Wu and K. Yue. 1992. “Some recent work on resampling methods for complex 113 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 surveys”. Survey Methodology. Statistics Canada catalogue no 12-001). Vol. 18(2): 209-217. 16. Among the dwellings initially selected, some are not within the scope of the survey. These include, for example, vacant or demolished dwellings, non-residential dwellings or dwellings in which all household members are under 3 or over 79 years of age or are full-time members of the Canadian Forces. These dwellings are identified during collection; otherwise they would have been excluded during the selection process. They are not included when calculating response rates. 17. American Thoracic Society. 1995. “Standardization of Spirometry 1994 Update”. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. Vol. 152, p. 1107-1136. 18. MacIsaac, K. 2013. “Assessment of Contamination in the Indoor Air Sampler Field Blanks for Cycle 2 of the Canadian Health Measures Survey”. Statistics Canada internal report. 19. Dion, S.M. and S. Giroux. 2012. “Cycle 1 of the Canadian Health Measures Survey: Bias Study”. Statistics Canada internal report. 20. Héroux, M.-E., N .Clark, K. Van Ryswyk, R. Mallick, N.L. Gilbert, I. Harrison, K. Rispler, D. Wang, A. Anastassopoulos, M. Guay, M. MacNeill, A.J. Wheeler. 2010. “Predictors of indoor air concentrations in smoking and non-smoking residences”. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Vol. 7, no 8:3080-3099. 21. Young, D.S. 2007. Effects of preanalytical variables on clinical laboratory test, 3rd ed. American Association for Clinical Chemistry. 22. Dion, S.M. 2013. “Insulin analysis for Cycle 2 data”. Statistics Canada internal report. 23. During the household interview, respondents were asked to name all prescription, over the counter and herbal remedies they were taking, to a maximum of 15 per category. At the MEC interview, the respondent was then asked if they were still taking the medication(s) they listed during the household interview, as well as the names of any new ones they started taking since the household interview. A maximum of five additional medications could be added into each category (prescription, over the counter and herbal). In the case where respondent indicated more than 5 new medications for a given category, only the first five of those medications were chosen and coded. 24. Presentations include the following: Using data from cycle 2 of the Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS): Part 1 Using data from cycle 2 of the Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS): Part 2 25. Sarafin, C. 2009. “CCHS Health Indicators by Income Quintiles”. Statistics Canada internal document 26. “Degrees of freedom” is being used as a generic term to reflect the amount of information used to estimate variances and covariances. An approximation often used for the value of “degrees of freedom” is # of PSUs - # of strata. For cycle 3 of the CHMS, the 16 collection sites are the PSUs and there are 5 regions (strata) resulting in 11 degrees of freedom (16-5). This is an approximate estimate of the degrees of freedom and provides only the maximum value. 27. In particular confidence intervals and tests of hypotheses. 114 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 28. Invertible covariance matrices are needed to perform Wald tests for tests on vectors of parameters. 29. Statistics Canada. 2014. “Instructions for Combining Multiple Cycles of Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data”. 30. Serré, L. 2012. “Comparison of software programs for analysing the CHMS”. Statistics Canada internal document. 31. Adolph AL, Puyau MR, Vohra FA, et al. 2012 « Validation of uniaxial and triaxial accelerometers for the assessment of physical activity in preschool children”. Journal of Physical Activity and Health. Vol. 9, p. 944-953. 32. United States Environmental Protection Agency. 2015. “Definition and procedure for the determination of the method detection limit - Revision 1.11, Federal Regulation 40 CFR 136 Appendix B”. 115 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Appendix 1 - Acronyms and Abbreviations AHFS ATC BMI BP CAI CATI CBC CCHS CHMS CMA COPD CPAFLA CSEP CV DIN DPOAE DV FENO HC HMS HR HRGs IAS IATA INSPQ ISAK mCAFT MEC NAICS LOD LOQ NHPN NIH NHANES NML NOC-S PAR-Q PHAC PIA PSU QA QC VOC RDC SIC SOP TTY WHO American Hospital Formulary Service Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical body mass index blood pressure Computer assisted interviewing Computer assisted telephone interview complete blood count Canadian Community Health Survey Canadian Health Measures Survey Census Metropolitan Area Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Canadian Physical Activity, Fitness and Lifestyle Approach Canadian Society of Exercise Physiology Coefficient of variation drug Identification Number Distortion product otoacoustic emissions Derived variables Fractional exhaled nitric oxide Health Canada Health measures specialist household response rate homogeneous response groups Indoor air sampler International Air Transport Association Institut national de santé publique du Québec International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry Modified Aerobic Fitness Test Mobile Examination Clinic North American Industry Classification System Limit of detection Limit of quantification Natural Health Product Number National Institute for Health National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey National Microbiology Laboratories National Occupational Classification – Statistics Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire Public Health Agency of Canada Privacy Impact Assessment primary sampling units Quality assurance Quality control volatile organic compound Research Data Centers Standard Industrial Classification Standard operating procedures Teletypewriter (telecommunication device for the hearing impaired) World Health Organization 116 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Appendix 2 - List of other Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) documents available Note: Many of the documents are not yet available for all waves of cycle 3 releases nor are they available for subsequent cycles. This list shows the names of the most recent version of the documents. Summaries of disseminated products Plans for dissemination CHMS Content summary for cycles 1 to 8 • The content summary document is divided into separate tables which list all of the content topics in the survey by age group of respondent. There are tables on the household questionnaire, mobile examination centre (MEC) physical measures, Clinic questionnaire, laboratory blood and urine tests, laboratory indoor air sample tests and laboratory tap water sample tests. The laboratory tables also provide information on analytical ranges and conversion factors. CHMS Data User Guide – Cycle 3 • Table of Contents for CHMS Data User Guide – Cycle 3 will be available soon. CHMS Derived Variables (DVs) documentation – Cycle 3 • There are separate DV documents for the following types of DVs: household and mobile examination centre (MEC), medication, activity monitor, non-environmental laboratory measures, fluoride and volatile organic compounds, and other environmental laboratory measures. CHMS Data Dictionaries – Cycle 3 • There are separate data dictionaries for the following data files: household full sample, mobile examination centre full sample, medication full sample, activity monitor full sample, activity monitor subsample, indoor air subsample – household level, indoor air subsample – person level, fasting blood subsample, red blood cell fatty acids subsample, hearing full sample, fluoride household level subsample – in tap water, VOC household level subsample – in tap water, fluoride person level subsample – in urine and tap water, VOC person level subsample – in blood and tap water, non-environmental lab data full sample, environment lab blood and urine full sample, acrylamide (environmental blood subsample), methyl mercury (environmental blood subsample), NNK metabolites (environmental urine subsample), and environment urine main subsample. 117 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Supporting documentation for the climate and air quality file – Cycle 3 CHMS sampling documentation – Cycle 3 Presentations on using CHMS data – Cycles 1 and 2 Instructions for Combining Multiple Cycles of Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data For more information or to obtain copies of the documents in the list above, please contact Statistics Canada’s Statistical Information Service (toll-free 1-800-263-1136; 514-283-8300; 118 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Appendix 3 - List of Collection Sites for Cycle 3 The CHMS collection sites for cycle 3 are as follows: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • East Montréal, Quebec South-central Laurentians, Quebec Oshawa-Whitby, Ontario North Toronto, Ontario Brampton, Ontario Lethbridge, Alberta Halifax, Nova Scotia Victoria-Saanich, British Columbia Brantford-Brant County, Ontario Southwest Calgary, Alberta Windsor, Ontario Vancouver, British Columbia Southwest Montérégie, Quebec West Montréal, Quebec Kent County, New Brunswick Orillia, Ontario Note: As the CHMS was designed to produce national estimates, it is not recommended to do analysis at lower geographic levels as it could result in either extreme sampling variability or unstable estimates of the sampling variability. Possible exceptions are analyses at the provincial level for Ontario or Quebec when data from more than one cycle are combined (more information on combining data from multiple cycles is available upon request). For more information, please contact Statistics Canada’s Statistical Information Service (1-800-2631136; 514-283-8300; Aussi disponible en français. 119 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Appendix 4 - Pre-testing Guidelines Pre-testing Guidelines for fasting appointments GUIDELINES TO FOLLOW BEFORE YOUR APPOINTMENT During the 2 days prior to your clinic appointment: Do not donate blood (blood tests are permitted). During the 24 hours prior to your clinic appointment: Do not expose yourself to sources of loud noise (e.g., power tools, farm machinery, guns, motorcycle riding at highway speed) without hearing protection. During the 12 hours prior to your clinic appointment: Do not eat or drink anything other than water (no food, candies, gum, cough lozenges, flavoured water, coffee, alcoholic beverages, etc.); During the 2 hours prior to your clinic appointment: Do not exercise; Do not smoke or use other tobacco and nicotine products; Do not urinate, as you will be asked to provide a urine sample upon your arrival. On the day of your clinic appointment: Take your medications as usual; Do not listen to loud music. WHAT TO BRING TO YOUR APPOINTMENT All medications (prescription or over-the-counter), herbal remedies or supplements that you did not mention during the household interview. Clothes appropriate for exercise (e.g., sweat pants, short-sleeved top) and flat indoor footwear. Provincial health insurance card (health card). Name, address and phone number of two contact persons. 120 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Pre-testing Guidelines for non-fasting appointments GUIDELINES TO FOLLOW BEFORE YOUR APPOINTMENT During the 2 days prior to your clinic appointment: Do not donate blood (blood tests are permitted). During the 24 hours prior to your clinic appointment: Do not expose yourself to sources of loud noise without hearing protection (e.g., power tools, farm machinery, guns, motorcycle riding at highway speed). During the 6 hours prior to your clinic appointment Do not drink any alcoholic beverages. During the 2 hours prior to your clinic appointment: Do not consume caffeinated products (e.g., chocolate, coffee, tea, pop or energy drinks); Do not exercise; Do not smoke or use other tobacco and nicotine products; Do not urinate, as you will be asked to provide a urine sample upon your arrival. On the day of your clinic appointment: Take your medications as usual; Do not listen to loud music. WHAT TO BRING TO YOUR APPOINTMENT All medications (prescription or over-the-counter), herbal remedies or supplements that you did not mention during the household interview. Clothes appropriate for exercise (e.g., sweat pants, short-sleeved top) and flat indoor footwear. Provincial health insurance card (health card). Name, address and phone number of two contact persons. 121 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Appendix 5 - Exclusion Criteria The exclusion criteria for the physical measures were separated into automatic application exclusions and staff decision exclusions. These can be defined as the following: Automatic application exclusion criteria include exclusions that are made automatically by the application based on previously asked questions in order to prevent the respondent from completing certain physical components (e.g., a respondent who is pregnant is automatically screened out of the waist circumference measurement). Staff decision exclusion criteria is based on the staff assessing if the respondent’s condition will negatively impact the data quality of the physical measure or could compromise the safety of the respondent (e.g., the respondent has difficulty breathing at rest; therefore, the staff decision would be to exclude the respondent from the spirometry test). Measure Blood Pressure Exclusion Criteria Automatic application exclusions • Respondent < 6 years of age Standing Height None Sitting Height None Weight Waist Circumference None • Pregnancy Hip Circumference • Pregnancy Staff Decision Test Screen Out • Blood pressure cuff too small or too large to fit either arm • Acute or chronic conditions on both arms (e.g,rashes, gauze dressings, casts, edema, paralysis, tubes, open sores or wounds, withered arms or a-v shunts) • Double mastectomy • Double arm amputee Right Arm Exclusion • Blood pressure cuff too small or too large to fit right arm • Acute or chronic condition on the right arm (e.g., rashes, gauze dressing, cast, edema, paralysis, tubes, open sore or wound, withered arm or a-v shunt) • Right mastectomy • Right arm amputation • Acute or chronic condition preventing respondent from standing upright unassisted (e.g., cast on leg) • Acute or chronic condition hindering respondent from sitting upright unassisted (e.g., full leg cast) • Fibreglass/plaster cast which cannot be removed • Acute or chronic condition (e.g., unable to correctly landmark a wheelchair bound respondent, a colostomy bag which interferes with taking an accurate measurement) • Respondent is wheelchair bound • Acute or chronic condition preventing respondent from standing unassisted 122 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Measure Skin Pigmentation Exclusion Criteria Automatic application exclusions • None Staff Decision • The presence of a cast, brace, bandages/dressings (covering the measurement areas) or arm amputation on both the right and left arms. • Presence of very high blood pressure. Phlebotomy • Chemotherapy within the past 4 weeks • Haemophilia Urine • Wheelchair bound and has a catheter FENO • Respondent < 6 years of age • Acute or chronic conditions on both arms (e.g., rashes, gauze dressings, casts, edema, paralysis, tubes, open sores or wounds, withered arms or missing limbs, damaged, sclerosed or occluded veins, allergies to cleansing reagents, burned or scarred tissue, shunt or IV) • Important language barrier preventing proper instruction for collection • Mental/physical disability preventing providing a sample • Respondent has a stoma (tracheotomy) • Respondent suffers from an acute or chronic condition that prevents him/her from performing the test (e.g. persistent cough) Spirometry • Respondent < 6 years of age • Pregnancy (> 27 weeks) • Heart attack within the last 3 months • Major surgery on chest or abdomen within the last 3 months • Recent eye surgery (≤ 6 weeks) Activity Monitor • None Indoor Air Sampler • Home visit • Second person from a two person household to complete the clinic visit • Respondent < 6 years of age Grip Strength • Acute respiratory condition (e.g., cold, bronchitis, flu, etc.) • Respondent with a stoma • Difficulty breathing at rest • Respondent taking medication for tuberculosis • Important language barrier • Acute condition or chronic condition (e.g., persistent cough) • Any other reason as assessed by the HMS (e.g, cleft pallet) • Respondent is wheelchair bound for the collection period • • None Test Screen Out • Drank alcohol within the last 6 hours (depending upon probing) • Double arm/hand amputee • Acute or chronic condition preventing respondent from gripping dynamometer with both hands (e.g., severe burns, neurological condition) • Any other reason as assessed by the HMS Hand-specific exclusions : • Right/left arm/hand amputee • Acute or chronic condition preventing respondent from gripping dynamometer with one hand (e.g., severe burn, neurological condition) 123 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Measure Hearing Exclusion Criteria Automatic application exclusions • None Staff Decision • Respondent has an ear infection in both ears • Respondent has a completely obstructed ear canal in both ears • Respondent refuses to remove hearing aid from both ears • If the respondent has an acute condition in both ears (e.g. a head injury with ears bandaged, a fresh open wounds on both ears) • If the respondent has a chronic condition in both ears (Congenital atresia or microtia of ear canal or a chronic ear canal infection) 124 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Appendix 6 - Medication Classification Systems • Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification system: The Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification system was developed by the World Health Organization (WHO). It classifies pharmaceutical products according to the organ or system on which they act and their chemical, pharmacological, and therapeutic properties. An ATC code was assigned to each medication using the Drug Identification Number (DIN) and Health Canada’s ATC coding system. When a medication had more than one indication, the ATC code was decided based on the main indication of the medication. The main indication was determined by Health Canada reviewers using the Product Monograph (a factual document on a drug product that describes the properties, claims, indications, and conditions of use of the drug product). In cases where it was still not clear from the Product Monograph which ATC code to assign, Health Canada contacted the ATC group at the WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology in Norway for clarification. A medication was not assigned an ATC code if the DIN was missing or if the DIN did not exist in the Health Canada drug database; for example, with experimental drugs. In these cases the ATC code appears as “not stated” on the file. The classification system is only available in English. For more information on Anatomical Therapeutical Chemical System please refer to: • American Hospital Formulary Service (AHFS) classification system: The American Hospital Formulary Service (AHFS) classification system is published by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists to describe the mode of action of pharmaceutical products, including vitamin and mineral supplements. The classification system is only available in English. For more information on the American Hospital Formulary Service (AHFS) classification system, please refer to: 125 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Appendix 7 - Response Rates Appendix 7A - CHMS Cycle 3 Full Sample Response Rates by age group and sex Households (Hhlds) where one person was selected Sex Age Group 3 to 5 # resp. Hhld s # persons selecte d # respondents to the quest. Hhld quest. response rate Households (Hhlds) where two persons were selected # participants at the MEC (R1) (PS1) (Q1) (PQ1) (C1) 1 1 1 100.0 1 MEC resp. rate # resp. Hhlds (PC1) (R2) 100.0 6 to 11 Both Sexes (PS2) (Q2) HHLD quest. response rate (PQ2) # participant s at the MEC (C2) MEC resp. rate (PC2) 813 813 738 90.8 556 75.3 1464 1464 1324 90.4 1027 77.6 818 818 714 87.3 604 84.6 551 551 496 90.0 413 83.3 20 to 39 665 665 565 85.0 422 74.7 943 943 801 84.9 630 78.7 40 to 59 844 844 751 89.0 594 79.1 715 715 621 86.9 488 78.6 60 to 79 1404 1404 1256 89.5 991 78.9 84 84 72 85.7 59 81.9 3 to 79 3732 3732 3287 88.1 2612 79.5 2285 4570 4052 88.7 3173 78.3 6 to 79 3731 3731 3286 88.1 2611 79.5 2285 3757 3314 88.2 2617 79.0 738 738 671 90.9 521 77.6 12 to 19 423 423 366 86.5 304 83.1 271 271 240 88.6 205 85.4 20 to 39 401 401 334 83.3 251 75.1 425 425 338 79.5 263 77.8 40 to 59 416 416 365 87.7 289 79.2 382 382 318 83.2 253 79.6 60 to 79 661 661 584 88.4 489 83.7 40 40 34 85.0 26 76.5 6 to 79 1901 1901 1649 86.7 1333 80.8 1491 1856 1601 86.3 1268 79.2 726 726 653 89.9 506 77.5 6 to 11 Females # respondents to the quest. 12 to 19 6 to 11 Males # persons selecte d 12 to 19 395 395 348 88.1 300 86.2 280 280 256 91.4 208 81.3 20 to 39 264 264 231 87.5 171 74.0 518 518 463 89.4 367 79.3 40 to 59 428 428 386 90.2 305 79.0 333 333 303 91.0 235 77.6 60 to 79 743 743 672 90.4 502 74.7 44 44 38 86.4 33 86.8 6 to 79 1830 1830 1637 89.5 1278 78.1 1516 1901 1713 90.1 1349 78.8 126 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Appendix 7A - CHMS Cycle 3 Full Sample Response Rates by age group and sex, continued Response rate not adjusted for one or two persons selected Sex Age Group Overall Combined Response Rate * # persons selected # respondents to the questionnaire HHLD questionnaire response rate # participants at the MEC MEC response rate 3 to 5 50.7 814 739 90.8 557 75.4 6 to 11 52.0 1464 1324 90.4 1027 77.6 12 to 19 55.0 1369 1210 88.4 1017 84.0 20 to 39 48.5 1608 1366 85.0 1052 77.0 40 to 59 51.4 1559 1372 88.0 1082 78.9 60 to 79 52.3 1488 1328 89.2 1050 79.1 3 to 79 51.7 8302 7339 88.4 5785 78.8 6 to 79 51.8 7488 6600 88.1 5228 79.2 6 to 11 52.3 738 671 90.9 521 77.6 12 to 19 54.3 694 606 87.3 509 84.0 20 to 39 46.1 826 672 81.4 514 76.5 40 to 59 50.3 798 683 85.6 542 79.4 60 to 79 54.4 701 618 88.2 515 83.3 6 to 79 51.4 3757 3250 86.5 2601 80.0 6 to 11 51.6 726 653 89.9 506 77.5 12 to 19 55.8 675 604 89.5 508 84.1 20 to 39 51.0 782 694 88.7 538 77.5 40 to 59 52.6 761 689 90.5 540 78.4 60 to 79 50.4 787 710 90.2 535 75.4 6 to 79 52.1 3731 3350 89.8 2627 78.4 Both Sexes Males Females * The number of households within the scope of the survey was 8120. This number cannot be broken down by age group or sex because no information is known about the households that did not respond. The overall household response rate is 74.1% (6017 / 8120). This rate is used to calculate all of the combined response rates by age group and sex. 127 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Appendix 7B - CHMS Cycle 3 Activity Monitor Response Rates by age group and sex Households where one person was selected Sex Age Group 3 to 5 # participants at the MEC offered an activity monitor # pers. who returned the monitor with the required # of days of valid entries Activity monitor response rate # participants at the MEC offered an activity monitor # pers. who returned the monitor with the required # of days of valid entries Activity monitor response rate Activity monitor combined response rate (OF1) (V1) (AM1) (OF2) (V2) (AM2) (AMCBRR) 1 1 100.0 544 406 74.6 1000 802 6 to 11 Both Sexes Response rate not adjusted for one or two persons selected Households where two persons were selected # MEC respondents offered an activity monitor # pers. who returned the monitor with the required # of days of valid entries Activity monitor response rate 37.9 545 407 74.7 80.2 41.7 1000 802 80.2 12 to 19 587 350 59.6 407 283 69.5 35.0 994 633 63.7 20 to 39 411 274 66.7 606 459 75.7 35.0 1017 733 72.1 40 to 59 577 474 82.1 472 396 83.9 42.7 1049 870 82.9 60 to 79 968 771 79.6 59 48 81.4 41.7 1027 819 79.7 3 to 79 2544 1870 73.5 3088 2394 77.5 38.8 5632 4264 75.7 6 to 79 2543 1869 73.5 2544 1988 78.1 39.0 5087 3857 75.8 504 403 80.0 41.8 504 403 80.0 6 to 11 12 to 19 297 170 57.2 203 143 70.4 34.0 500 313 62.6 20 to 39 243 161 66.3 254 193 76.0 32.8 497 354 71.2 40 to 59 280 219 78.2 245 215 87.8 41.6 525 434 82.7 60 to 79 479 390 81.4 26 20 76.9 44.2 505 410 81.2 6 to 79 1299 940 72.4 1232 974 79.1 38.7 2531 1914 75.6 496 399 80.4 41.5 496 399 80.4 Males 6 to 11 12 to 19 290 180 62.1 204 140 68.6 36.1 494 320 64.8 20 to 39 168 113 67.3 352 266 75.6 37.2 520 379 72.9 40 to 59 297 255 85.9 227 181 79.7 43.7 524 436 83.2 60 to 79 489 381 77.9 33 28 84.8 39.5 522 409 78.4 6 to 79 1244 929 74.7 1312 1014 77.3 39.5 2556 1943 76.0 Females 128 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Appendix 7C - CHMS Cycle 3 Blood Draw and Urine Response Rates by age group and sex Households where one person was selected at the MEC # persons who provided blood Blood draw response rate # persons who provided urine Urine response rate # participants at the MEC # persons who provided blood Blood draw response rate # persons who provided urine Urine response rate Blood draw combined response rate Urine combined response rate (C1) (B1) (BC1) (U1) (UC1) (C2) (B2) (BC2) (U2) (UC2) (BCOMBRR) (UCOMBRR) 1 1 556 506 91.0 523 94.1 46.2 47.7 1027 958 93.3 1014 98.7 48.5 51.3 # participants Sex Age Group Households where two persons were selected 100. 3 to 5 0 1 100.0 6 to 11 Both Sexes 12 to 19 604 585 96.9 590 97.7 413 400 96.9 409 99.0 53.3 54.1 20 to 39 422 418 99.1 419 99.3 630 623 98.9 629 99.8 48.0 48.3 40 to 59 594 591 99.5 594 100.0 488 483 99.0 488 100.0 51.0 51.4 60 to 79 991 986 99.5 985 99.4 59 58 98.3 59 100.0 52.0 52.0 3 to 79 2612 2581 98.8 2589 99.1 3173 3028 95.4 3122 98.4 50.4 51.1 6 to 79 2611 2580 98.8 2588 99.1 2617 2522 96.4 2599 99.3 50.7 51.3 521 496 95.2 519 99.6 49.8 52.1 6 to 11 Males 12 to 19 304 296 97.4 297 97.7 205 200 97.6 204 99.5 53.0 53.5 20 to 39 251 250 99.6 249 99.2 263 260 98.9 263 100.0 45.8 45.9 40 to 59 289 288 99.7 289 100.0 253 252 99.6 253 100.0 50.1 50.3 60 to 79 489 486 99.4 486 99.4 26 26 100.0 26 100.0 54.1 54.1 6 to 79 1333 1320 99.0 1321 99.1 1268 1234 97.3 1265 99.8 50.5 51.1 506 462 91.3 495 97.8 47.2 50.5 6 to 11 Females 12 to 19 300 289 96.3 293 97.7 208 200 96.2 205 98.6 53.7 54.7 20 to 39 171 168 98.2 170 99.4 367 363 98.9 366 99.7 50.3 50.8 40 to 59 305 303 99.3 305 100.0 235 231 98.3 235 100.0 52.0 52.6 60 to 79 502 500 99.6 499 99.4 33 32 97.0 33 100.0 50.1 50.1 6 to 79 1278 1260 98.6 1267 99.1 1349 1288 95.5 1334 98.9 50.7 51.6 129 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Appendix 7C: CHMS Cycle 3 Blood Draw and Urine Response Rates by age group and sex, continued Response rate not adjusted for one or two persons selected Sex Both Sexes Males Females # participants at the MEC # persons who provided blood Blood draw response rate # persons who provided urine Urine response rate 3 to 5 557 507 91.0 524 94.1 6 to 11 1027 958 93.3 1014 98.7 12 to 19 1017 985 96.9 999 98.2 20 to 39 1052 1041 99.0 1048 99.6 40 to 59 1082 1074 99.3 1082 100.0 60 to 79 1050 1044 99.4 1044 99.4 3 to 79 5785 5609 97.0 5711 98.7 6 to 79 5228 5102 97.6 5187 99.2 6 to 11 521 496 95.2 519 99.6 12 to 19 509 496 97.4 501 98.4 20 to 39 514 510 99.2 512 99.6 40 to 59 542 540 99.6 542 100.0 60 to 79 515 512 99.4 512 99.4 6 to 79 2601 2554 98.2 2586 99.4 6 to 11 506 462 91.3 495 97.8 12 to 19 508 489 96.3 498 98.0 20 to 39 538 531 98.7 536 99.6 40 to 59 540 534 98.9 540 100.0 60 to 79 535 532 99.4 532 99.4 6 to 79 2627 2548 97.0 2601 99.0 Age Group 130 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Appendix 7D - CHMS Cycle 3 Fasted Subsample Response Rates by age group and sex Households where one person was selected to be fasted Sex Age Group Numb. of resp. Hhlds (RR1) # pers. select. for fasted subsample (SPS1) Households where two persons were selected to be fasted # resp. to the quest. HHLD quest. resp. rate # part. at the MEC MEC resp. rate # of fasted resp. Fasted resp. rate Numb. of resp. Hhlds (SQ1) (SSQ1) (SC1) (SSC1) (SF1) (SSF1) (RR2) 6 to 11 Both Sexes HHLD quest. resp. rate (SQ2) (SSQ2) # part. at the MEC MEC resp. rate # of fasted resp. Fasted resp. rate (SSC2) (SF2) (SSF2) Fasted Combined Response Rate (FSCOMB RR) 841 841 764 90.8 592 77.5 447 75.5 39.4 507 507 448 88.4 371 82.8 326 87.9 260 260 233 89.6 197 84.5 161 81.7 47.0 20 to 39 678 678 574 84.7 428 74.6 384 89.7 272 272 232 85.3 185 79.7 162 87.6 42.6 40 to 59 588 588 524 89.1 417 79.6 377 90.4 283 283 249 88.0 198 79.5 170 85.9 46.5 60 to 79 806 806 718 89.1 568 79.1 522 91.9 36 36 31 86.1 25 80.6 22 88.0 47.9 6 to 79 2579 2579 2264 87.8 1784 78.8 1609 90.2 846 1692 1509 89.2 1197 79.3 962 80.4 45.2 434 434 393 90.6 312 79.4 242 77.6 41.3 12 to 19 260 260 229 88.1 188 82.1 168 89.4 128 128 114 89.1 99 86.8 80 80.8 47.4 20 to 39 361 361 297 82.3 216 72.7 207 95.8 116 116 90 77.6 73 81.1 64 87.7 42.1 40 to 59 322 322 278 86.3 222 79.9 201 90.5 151 151 131 86.8 106 80.9 95 89.6 46.4 60 to 79 370 370 325 87.8 272 83.7 253 93.0 22 22 19 86.4 15 78.9 13 86.7 50.3 6 to 79 1313 1313 1129 86.0 898 79.5 829 92.3 632 851 747 87.8 605 81.0 494 81.7 45.6 407 407 371 91.2 280 75.5 205 73.2 37.3 6 to 11 Females # resp. to the quest. 12 to 19 6 to 11 Males # pers. select. for fasted subsample (SPS2) 12 to 19 247 247 219 88.7 183 83.6 158 86.3 132 132 119 90.2 98 82.4 81 82.7 46.7 20 to 39 317 317 277 87.4 212 76.5 177 83.5 156 156 142 91.0 112 78.9 98 87.5 43.1 40 to 59 266 266 246 92.5 195 79.3 176 90.3 132 132 118 89.4 92 78.0 75 81.5 46.7 60 to 79 436 436 393 90.1 296 75.3 269 90.9 14 14 12 85.7 10 83.3 9 90.0 45.8 6 to 79 1266 1266 1135 89.7 886 78.1 780 88.0 627 841 762 90.6 592 77.7 468 79.1 44.2 131 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Appendix 7D - CHMS Cycle 3 Fasted Subsample Response Rates by age group and sex, continued Response rate not adjusted for one or two persons selected Sex Both Sexes Males Females # persons selected for fasted subsample # respondents to the questionnaire 6 to 11 841 764 90.8 592 77.5 447 75.5 12 to 19 767 681 88.8 568 83.4 487 85.7 20 to 39 950 806 84.8 613 76.1 546 89.1 40 to 59 871 773 88.7 615 79.6 547 88.9 60 to 79 842 749 89.0 593 79.2 544 91.7 6 to 79 4271 3773 88.3 2981 79.0 2571 86.2 6 to 11 434 393 90.6 312 79.4 242 77.6 12 to 19 388 343 88.4 287 83.7 248 86.4 20 to 39 477 387 81.1 289 74.7 271 93.8 40 to 59 473 409 86.5 328 80.2 296 90.2 60 to 79 392 344 87.8 287 83.4 266 92.7 6 to 79 2164 1876 86.7 1503 80.1 1323 88.0 6 to 11 407 371 91.2 280 75.5 205 73.2 12 to 19 379 338 89.2 281 83.1 239 85.1 20 to 39 473 419 88.6 324 77.3 275 84.9 40 to 59 398 364 91.5 287 78.8 251 87.5 60 to 79 450 405 90.0 306 75.6 278 90.8 6 to 79 2107 1897 90.0 1478 77.9 1248 84.4 Age Group HHLD questionnaire response rate # participants at the MEC MEC response rate 132 # fasted respondents Fasted response rate Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Appendix 7E - CHMS Cycle 3 Red Blood Cell Fatty Acids Subsample Response Rates by age group and sex Households where one person was selected Sex (C2) # persons selected for the fatty acids subsample (FAS2) #persons selected with valid laboratory results (FAR2) Fatty acids subsampl e response rate (FA2) Fatty acids subsample combined response rate (FACBRR) 96.0 630 412 403 97.8 47.1 373 97.6 488 300 286 95.3 49.7 639 625 97.8 59 37 36 97.3 51.1 2007 1293 1259 97.4 1177 749 725 96.8 49.2 251 160 155 96.9 263 178 175 98.3 45.0 289 174 169 97.1 253 162 155 95.7 48.5 20 to 79 489 1029 321 655 314 638 97.8 97.4 26 542 15 355 15 345 100.0 97.2 53.3 48.7 20 to 39 171 112 106 94.6 367 234 228 97.4 49.2 40 to 59 305 208 204 98.1 235 138 131 94.9 50.8 60 to 79 502 318 311 97.8 33 22 21 95.5 49.2 20 to 79 978 638 621 97.3 635 394 380 96.4 49.8 #persons selected with valid laboratory results (FAR1) Fatty acids subsample response rate (C1) # persons selected for the fatty acids subsample (FAS1) 20 to 39 422 272 261 40 to 59 594 382 60 to 79 991 20 to 79 20 to 39 40 to 59 60 to 79 Age Group Both Sexes Males Households where two persons were selected Females # participant s at the MEC # participants at the MEC (FA1) 133 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Appendix 7E - CHMS Cycle 3 Red Blood Cell Fatty Acids Subsample Response Rates by age group and sex, continued Response rate not adjusted for one or two persons selected Sex Age Group # participants at the MEC # persons selected for the fatty acids subsample # persons selected with valid laboratory results Fatty acids subsample response rate 20 to 39 1052 684 664 97.1 40 to 59 1082 682 659 96.6 60 to 79 1050 676 661 97.8 20 to 79 3184 2042 1984 97.2 20 to 39 514 338 330 97.6 40 to 59 542 336 324 96.4 60 to 79 515 336 329 97.9 20 to 79 1571 1010 983 97.3 20 to 39 538 346 334 96.5 40 to 59 540 346 335 96.8 60 to 79 535 340 332 97.6 20 to 79 1613 1032 1001 97.0 Both Sexes Males Females 134 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Appendix 7F - CHMS Cycle 3 Tap water fluoride subsample household response rates by household size Number of Probability of households with selection for water collected the household at the dwelling subsample (RSFLW) Number of CHMS respondent households Number of households selected for the subsample (R) (RSFL) One person 931 282 30.3 Two persons 1,575 548 Three or more persons 3,511 Total 6,017 Household size Water collection subsample response rate Number of households with valid data and consent to share data Water subsample response rate (with valid data and consent to share data) Subsample combined response rate (FLW) (RSFLWV) (FLWV) (FLHRR) 254 90.1 198 78.0 52.0 34.8 511 93.2 421 82.4 56.9 2,001 57.0 1,911 95.5 1,569 82.1 58.1 2,831 47.1 2,676 94.5 2,188 81.8 57.3 135 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Appendix 7G - CHMS Cycle 3 Urine fluoride subsample person response rates by age group and sex Households where one person was selected for the CHMS Sex Age Group 3 to 5 Both sexes Households where two persons were selected for the CHMS Number of Number Number questionnaire of persons Blood of persons Blood who respondents Number of subsampl Number of Number of who subsampl e e or households respondents Number of provided Number of questionnaire respondents Number of provided Subsample blood at the MEC respondents response households respondents at the MEC respondents blood response with water combined (with with water rate (with with water with water with water (with rate (with selected collected at selected response valid valid collected at collected at valid valid collected at for the the dwelling collected at rate for the data) the dwelling subsample data) data) data) the dwelling the dwelling the dwelling subsample (HQ1FLW) (FLPCBRR (PQ1FLW) (C1FLW) (PS1FL) (U1FL) (UC1FL) (HQ2FLW) (PQ2FLW) (C2FLW) (PS2FL) (U2FL) (UC2FL ) 0 0 0 0 703 703 536 527 493 93.5 50.0 6 to 11 0 0 0 0 708 708 565 554 549 99.1 55.4 12 to 19 493 428 427 414 97.0 307 307 259 137 135 98.5 58.7 20 to 39 120 93 93 91 97.8 588 588 461 280 280 100.0 54.6 40 to 59 238 193 192 192 100.0 408 408 322 168 167 99.4 55.6 60 to 79 405 333 331 331 100.0 53 53 43 19 19 100.0 57.5 3 to 79 1,256 1,047 1,043 1,028 98.6 1,420 2,767 2,186 1,685 1,643 97.5 55.6 6 to 79 1,256 1,047 1,043 1,028 98.6 1,383 2,064 1,650 1,158 1,150 99.3 56.5 6 to 11 0 0 0 0 354 354 284 280 280 100.0 56.2 12 to 19 249 217 217 211 97.2 148 148 128 73 72 98.6 59.5 20 to 39 71 55 55 54 98.2 249 249 194 115 115 100.0 54.3 40 to 59 111 88 88 88 100.0 216 216 173 88 87 98.9 55.5 60 to 79 186 157 156 156 100.0 23 23 17 10 10 100.0 58.3 6 to 79 617 517 516 509 98.6 832 990 796 566 564 99.6 56.9 Males 6 to 11 0 0 0 0 354 354 281 274 269 98.2 54.6 12 to 19 244 211 210 203 96.7 159 159 131 64 63 98.4 57.9 20 to 39 49 38 38 37 97.4 339 339 267 165 165 100.0 54.9 40 to 59 127 105 104 104 100.0 192 192 149 80 80 100.0 55.8 Females 60 to 79 219 176 175 175 100.0 30 30 26 9 9 100.0 56.8 6 to 79 639 530 527 519 98.5 893 1074 854 592 586 99.0 56.0 136 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Appendix 7G - CHMS Cycle 3 Urine fluoride subsample person response rates by age group and sex, continued Response rates not adjusted for one or two persons selected Sex Both sexes Age Group Number of questionnaire respondents with water collected at the dwelling Number of participants at the MEC with water collected at the dwelling Number of respondents selected for the subsample Number of persons selected for the subsample who provided urine (with valid data) Urine fluoride subsample response rate (with valid data) 3 to 5 703 536 527 493 93.5 6 to 11 708 565 554 549 99.1 12 to 19 800 687 564 549 97.3 20 to 39 708 554 373 371 99.5 40 to 59 646 515 360 359 99.7 60 to 79 458 376 350 350 100.0 3 to 79 4,023 3,233 2,728 2,671 97.9 6 to 79 3,320 2,697 2,201 2,178 99.0 6 to 11 354 284 280 280 100.0 12 to 19 397 345 290 283 97.6 20 to 39 320 249 170 169 99.4 40 to 59 327 261 176 175 99.4 60 to 79 209 174 166 166 100.0 6 to 79 1,607 1,313 1,082 1,073 99.2 6 to 11 354 281 274 269 98.2 12 to 19 403 342 274 266 97.1 20 to 39 388 305 203 202 99.5 40 to 59 319 254 184 184 100.0 60 to 79 249 202 184 184 100.0 6 to 79 1,713 1,384 1,119 1,105 98.7 Males Females 137 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Appendix 7H - CHMS Cycle 3 Tap water VOCs subsample household response rates by household size Number of CHMS respondent households Number of households selected for the subsample (R) (RSVOC) One person 931 546 Two persons 1,575 Three or more persons Total Household size Probability of selection for the household subsample Number of Water subsample households with Water collection Number of households response rate (with valid water collected at with valid data and data and consent to subsample the dwelling consent to share data share data) response rate Subsample combined response rate (RSVOCW) (VOCW) (RSVOCWV) (VOCWV) (VOCHRR) 58.6 487 89.2 357 73.3 48.5 881 55.9 816 92.6 642 78.7 54 3,511 2,151 61.3 2,048 95.2 1,651 80.6 56.9 6,017 3,578 59.5 3,351 93.7 2,650 79.1 54.9 138 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Appendix 7I - CHMS Cycle 3 Blood VOCs subsample person response rates by age group and sex Households where one person was selected for the CHMS Sex Both sexes Males Females Age Group Number of questionnaire respondents or households with water collected at the dwelling Number of Number of respondents Number of persons at the MEC respondents who with water provided selected collected at blood (with for the the dwelling subsample valid data) Households where two persons were selected for the CHMS Blood subsample response rate (with valid data) Number of households with water collected at the dwelling Number of Number of Number of questionnaire respondents Number of persons respondents at the MEC respondents who with water with water provided selected collected at collected at blood (with for the the dwelling the dwelling subsample valid data) (HQ1VOCW) (PQ1VOCW) (C1VOCW) (PS1VOC) (B1VOC) (BC1VOC) 12 to 19 671 576 576 534 92.7 310 310 20 to 39 270 208 206 195 94.7 487 40 to 59 410 335 331 322 97.3 60 to 79 740 611 607 579 12 to 79 2,091 1,730 1,720 12 to 19 344 293 20 to 39 167 40 to 59 (HQ2VOCW) (PQ2VOCW) (C2VOCW) Blood subsample response rate (with valid data) Subsample combined response rate (PS2VOC) (B2VOC) (BC2VOC) (VOCPCRR) 260 242 223 92.1 54.7 487 384 377 362 96.0 51.9 374 374 300 296 282 95.3 54.1 95.4 40 40 32 32 30 93.8 54.5 1,630 94.8 1,208 1,211 976 947 897 94.7 53.9 293 274 93.5 156 156 132 122 114 93.4 55.2 132 132 127 96.2 198 198 157 155 149 96.1 52.8 196 158 157 151 96.2 197 197 161 159 153 96.2 54.2 60 to 79 350 299 296 281 94.9 18 18 14 14 14 100.0 56.2 12 to 79 1,057 882 878 833 94.9 567 569 464 450 430 95.6 54.6 12 to 19 327 283 283 260 91.9 154 154 128 120 109 90.8 54.3 20 to 39 103 76 74 68 91.9 289 289 227 222 213 95.9 50.9 40 to 59 214 177 174 171 98.3 177 177 139 137 129 94.2 54.1 60 to 79 390 312 311 298 95.8 22 22 18 18 16 88.9 53.1 12 to 79 1,034 848 842 797 94.7 641 642 512 497 467 94.0 53.2 139 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Annexe 7I - CHMS Cycle 3 Blood VOCs subsample person response rates by age group and sex, continued Response rates not adjusted for one or two persons selected Sex Both sexes Males Females Age Group Number of questionnaire respondents with water collected at the dwelling Number of participants at the MEC with water collected at the dwelling Number of respondents selected for the subsample Number of persons selected for the subsample who provided blood (with valid data) Blood VOCs subsample response rate (with valid data) 12 to 19 981 836 818 757 92.5 20 to 39 757 592 583 557 95.5 40 to 59 784 635 627 604 96.3 60 to 79 780 643 639 609 95.3 12 to 79 3,302 2,706 2,667 2,527 94.8 12 to 19 500 425 415 388 93.5 20 to 39 365 289 287 276 96.2 40 to 59 393 319 316 304 96.2 60 to 79 368 313 310 295 95.2 12 to 79 1,626 1,346 1,328 1,263 95.1 12 to 19 481 411 403 369 91.6 20 to 39 392 303 296 281 94.9 40 to 59 391 316 311 300 96.5 60 to 79 412 330 329 314 95.4 12 to 79 1,676 1,360 1,339 1,264 94.4 140 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Appendix 7J - CHMS Cycle 3 Acrylamide Subsample Response Rates by age group and sex Households where one person was selected Sex Age Group # participants at the MEC (C1) 3 to 5 1 Households where two persons were selected Acrylamid e subsample response rate (AC2) Acrylamide subsample combined response rate (ACCBRR) Acrylamide subsample response rate # participants at the MEC (AC1) 1 1 100.0 556 549 470 85.6 43.4 1,027 547 505 92.3 48.0 12 to 19 604 300 292 97.3 413 224 215 96.0 53.3 20 to 39 422 139 135 97.1 630 218 213 97.7 47.3 40 to 59 488 130 128 98.5 51.1 594 183 183 100.0 60 to 79 991 337 334 99.1 59 16 16 100.0 51.8 3 to 79 2,612 960 945 98.4 3,173 1,684 1,547 91.9 49.6 6 to 79 2,611 959 944 98.4 2,617 1,135 1,077 94.9 50.3 521 266 250 94.0 49.2 12 to 19 304 147 143 97.3 205 115 111 96.5 52.7 20 to 39 251 82 80 97.6 263 86 83 96.5 44.7 40 to 59 289 86 86 100.0 253 66 66 100.0 50.3 60 to 79 489 169 168 99.4 26 6 6 100.0 54.1 6 to 79 1,333 484 477 98.6 1,268 539 516 95.7 50.0 506 281 255 90.7 46.9 6 to 11 Males #persons selected with valid laboratory results (ACR2) #persons selected with valid laboratory results (ACR1) 6 to 11 Both Sexes (C2) # persons selected for the acrylamide subsample (ACS2) # persons selected for the acrylamide subsample (ACS1) 6 to 11 12 to 19 300 153 149 97.4 208 109 104 95.4 53.9 20 to 39 171 57 55 96.5 367 132 130 98.5 49.9 40 to 59 305 97 97 100.0 235 64 62 96.9 51.9 60 to 79 502 168 166 98.8 33 10 10 100.0 49.8 6 to 79 1,278 475 467 98.3 1,349 596 561 94.1 50.3 Females 141 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Appendix 7J - CHMS Cycle 3 Acrylamide Subsample Response Rates by age group and sex, continued Response rate not adjusted for one or two persons selected Sex Age Group # participants at the MEC # persons selected for the acrylamide subsample # persons selected with valid laboratory results Acrylamide subsample response rate 3 to 5 557 550 471 85.6 6 to 11 1,027 547 505 92.3 12 to 19 1,017 524 507 96.8 20 to 39 1,052 357 348 97.5 40 to 59 1,082 313 311 99.4 60 to 79 1,050 353 350 99.2 3 to 79 5,785 2,644 2,492 94.3 6 to 79 5,228 2,094 2,021 96.5 6 to 11 521 266 250 94.0 12 to 19 509 262 254 96.9 20 to 39 514 168 163 97.0 40 to 59 542 152 152 100.0 60 to 79 515 175 174 99.4 6 to 79 2,601 1,023 993 97.1 Both Sexes Males 6 to 11 506 281 255 90.7 12 to 19 508 262 253 96.6 20 to 39 538 189 185 97.9 40 to 59 540 161 159 98.8 60 to 79 535 178 176 98.9 6 to 79 2,627 1,071 1,028 96.0 Females 142 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Appendix 7K - CHMS Cycle 3 Methyl Mercury Subsample Response Rates by age group and sex Households where one person was selected Sex Age Group # participants at the MEC (C1) # persons selected for the methyl mercury subsample (MMS1) #persons selected with valid laboratory results (MMR1) Methyl mercury subsample response rate (MM1) # participants at the MEC (C2) # persons selected for the methyl mercury subsample (MMS2) #persons selected with valid laboratory results (MMR2) Methyl mercury subsample response rate (MM2) Methyl mercury subsample combined response rate (MMCBRR) 20 to 39 422 153 150 98.0 630 211 209 99.1 47.8 40 to 59 594 162 159 98.1 488 155 154 99.4 50.8 60 to 79 991 343 341 99.4 59 20 19 95.0 51.9 20 to 79 2,007 658 650 98.8 1,177 386 382 99.0 50.1 20 to 39 251 92 92 100.0 263 81 79 97.5 45.5 40 to 59 289 86 84 97.7 253 70 70 100.0 49.7 60 to 79 20 to 79 489 1,029 169 347 168 344 99.4 99.1 26 542 9 160 9 158 100.0 98.8 54.1 49.6 20 to 39 171 61 58 95.1 367 130 130 100.0 50.2 40 to 59 305 76 75 98.7 235 85 84 98.8 51.9 60 to 79 502 174 173 99.4 33 11 10 90.9 49.8 20 to 79 978 311 306 98.4 635 226 224 99.1 50.6 Both Sexes Males Households where two persons were selected Females 143 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Appendix 7K - CHMS Cycle 3 Methyl Mercury Subsample Response Rates by age group and sex, continued Response rate not adjusted for one or two persons selected Sex Age Group # participants at the MEC # persons selected for the methyl mercury subsample # persons selected with valid laboratory results Methyl mercury subsample response rate 20 to 39 1,052 364 359 98.6 40 to 59 1,082 317 313 98.7 60 to 79 1,050 363 360 99.2 20 to 79 3,184 1,044 1,032 98.9 20 to 39 514 173 171 98.8 40 to 59 Both Sexes 542 156 154 98.7 60 to 79 515 178 177 99.4 20 to 79 1,571 507 502 99.0 20 to 39 538 191 188 98.4 40 to 59 540 161 159 98.8 60 to 79 535 185 183 98.9 20 to 79 1,613 537 530 98.7 Males Females 144 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Appendix 7L - CHMS Cycle 3 Urine environmental contaminants Subsample Response Rates by age group and sex Households where one person was selected Sex Age Group 3 to 5 Households where two persons were selected Env. cont. subsample response rate (SSU2) Env. cont. subsample combined response rate (EUCBRR) Env. cont. subsample response rate # participants at the MEC (C1) (SSU1) 1 1 1 100.0 556 533 499 93.6 47.5 1,027 517 507 98.1 51.0 12 to 19 604 300 290 96.7 413 223 220 98.7 53.7 20 to 39 422 139 139 100.0 630 216 216 100.0 48.5 40 to 59 488 127 127 100.0 51.4 594 185 185 100.0 60 to 79 991 342 338 98.8 59 16 16 100.0 51.7 3 to 79 2,612 967 953 98.6 3,173 1,632 1,585 97.1 50.7 6 to 79 2,611 966 952 98.6 2,617 1,099 1,086 98.8 51.1 521 253 253 100.0 52.3 12 to 19 304 145 138 95.2 205 116 115 99.1 52.6 20 to 39 251 82 82 100.0 263 85 85 100.0 46.1 40 to 59 289 86 86 100.0 253 67 67 100.0 50.3 60 to 79 489 170 169 99.4 26 6 6 100.0 54.1 6 to 79 1,333 483 475 98.3 1,268 527 526 99.8 50.8 506 264 254 96.2 49.7 6 to 11 Males #persons selected with valid laboratory results (SU2) #persons selected with valid laboratory results (SU1) 6 to 11 Both Sexes (C2) # persons selected for the env. cont. subsample (SC2) # persons selected for the env. cont. subsample (SC1) # participants at the MEC 6 to 11 12 to 19 300 155 152 98.1 208 107 105 98.1 54.7 20 to 39 171 57 57 100.0 367 131 131 100.0 51.0 40 to 59 305 99 99 100.0 235 60 60 100.0 52.6 60 to 79 502 172 169 98.3 33 10 10 100.0 49.5 6 to 79 1,278 483 477 98.8 1,349 572 560 97.9 51.3 Females 145 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Appendix 7L - CHMS Cycle 3 Urine environmental contaminants Subsample Response Rates by age group and sex, continued Response rate not adjusted for one or two persons selected Sex Age Group # participants at the MEC # persons selected for the env. cont. subsample # persons selected with valid laboratory results Env. cont. subsample response rate 3 to 5 557 534 500 93.6 6 to 11 1,027 517 507 98.1 12 to 19 1,017 523 510 97.5 20 to 39 1,052 355 355 100.0 40 to 59 1,082 312 312 100.0 60 to 79 1,050 358 354 98.9 3 to 79 5,785 2,599 2,538 97.7 6 to 79 5,228 2,065 2,038 98.7 6 to 11 521 253 253 100.0 12 to 19 509 261 253 96.9 20 to 39 514 167 167 100.0 40 to 59 542 153 153 100.0 60 to 79 515 176 175 99.4 6 to 79 2,601 1,010 1,001 99.1 Both Sexes Males 6 to 11 506 264 254 96.2 12 to 19 508 262 257 98.1 20 to 39 538 188 188 100.0 40 to 59 540 159 159 100.0 60 to 79 535 182 179 98.4 6 to 79 2,627 1,055 1,037 98.3 Females 146 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Appendix 7M - CHMS Cycle 3 Urine NNK metabolites subsample response rates by age group and sex Households where one person was selected for the CHMS Sex Age Group Number of questionnaire respondents or respondent Number of households respondents at the MEC (HQ1NNK) (PQ1NNK) (C1NNK) Number of respondents selected for the subsample Number of persons who provided urine (with valid data) Urine subsample response rate (with valid data) (PS1NNK) (U1NNK) (UC1NNK) Households where two persons were selected for the CHMS Number of Number of questionnaire Number of persons respondents who respondents or provided respondent Number of selected urine (with households respondents for the at the MEC subsample valid data) (HQ2NNK) (PQ2NNK) (C2NNK) (PS2NNK) (U2NNK) Urine subsample response rate (with valid data) Subsample combined response rate (UC2NNK) (NNKPCRR) 12 to 19 714 604 420 401 95.5 496 413 269 261 97.0 52.9 20 to 39 565 422 277 268 96.8 801 630 377 371 98.4 47.4 40 to 59 751 594 402 391 97.3 621 488 283 279 98.6 50.3 60 to 79 1,256 991 238 234 98.3 72 59 16 15 93.8 51.3 12 to 79 3,286 2,611 1,337 1,294 96.8 1,990 1,590 945 926 98.0 50.3 12 to 19 366 304 207 200 96.6 240 205 135 133 98.5 52.9 20 to 39 334 251 184 178 96.7 338 263 193 192 99.5 45.3 40 to 59 365 289 230 227 98.7 318 253 150 149 99.3 49.8 60 to 79 584 489 135 131 97.0 34 26 7 7 100.0 52.9 12 to 79 1,649 1,333 756 736 97.4 930 747 485 481 99.2 50.0 12 to 19 348 300 213 201 94.4 256 208 134 128 95.5 52.9 20 to 39 231 171 93 90 96.8 463 367 184 179 97.3 49.5 Females 40 to 59 386 305 172 164 95.3 303 235 133 130 97.7 50.7 60 to 79 672 502 103 103 100.0 38 33 9 8 88.9 50.0 12 to 79 1,637 1,278 581 558 96.0 1,060 843 460 445 96.7 50.4 Both sexes Males 147 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Annexe 7M- CHMS Cycle 3 Urine NNK subsample response rates by age group and sex, continued Response rates not adjusted for one or two persons selected Sex Both sexes Males Females Number of questionnaire respondents Number of participants at the MEC Number of respondents selected for the subsample Number of persons selected for the subsample who provided urine (with valid data) Urine NNK subsample response rate (with valid data) 12 to 19 1,210 1,017 689 662 96.1 20 to 39 1,366 1,052 654 639 97.7 40 to 59 1,372 1,082 685 670 97.8 60 to 79 1,328 1,050 254 249 98.0 12 to 79 5,276 4,201 2,282 2,220 97.3 12 to 19 606 509 342 333 97.4 20 to 39 672 514 377 370 98.1 40 to 59 683 542 380 376 98.9 60 to 79 618 515 142 138 97.2 12 to 79 2,579 2,080 1,241 1,217 98.1 12 to 19 604 508 347 329 94.8 20 to 39 694 538 277 269 97.1 40 to 59 689 540 305 294 96.4 60 to 79 710 535 112 111 99.1 12 to 79 2,697 2,121 1,041 1,003 96.3 Age Group 148 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Appendix 8 - Activity Monitor Research In cycle 2 of the CHMS, activity monitor data was collected in 60 second epochs for all respondents. Emerging research has demonstrated that epochs shorter than 60 seconds may more accurately capture the sporadic and intermittent physical activity that is typical in preschool aged children. This led the CHMS to collect activity monitor data in 15 second epochs for 3 to 5 year olds in cycle 3. In a comparative study using two Actical accelerometers (one collecting data in 15-seconds epoch and the other one in 60-seconds epoch) in children aged 3 to 5 (Colley et al. Health Reports 2014), it was shown that counts per minute and counts per 15-seconds epoch were highly correlated leading to correction equations. These equations can be used to compare the results and/or to combine the data from both cycles. However, the study also showed that the correlation was low for step counts collected in different epoch length. Therefore it is not recommended to compare steps per day in cycles 2 and 3 nor to combined the step data. Further research is also needed to understand how to assess the new preschool physical activity guidelines using accelerometer data. The new guidelines state that “preschoolers should accumulate at least 180 minutes of physical activity at any intensity spread throughout the day” (Tremblay, Leblanc et al., 2012). Intensity cut-points have been published for moderate and vigorous physical activity in this age group for the Actical accelerometer; however, more work is needed to understand what the bottom cut-off should be (i.e. the transition between sedentary and light). Another gap is the lack of a daily step count target for this age group. Based on CHMS data from cycle 1, a daily step target of 12,000 steps was published in 2012 for children and youth aged 6 to 19 (Colley, Janssen et al., MSSE 2012). Similar analyses need to be done for 3 to 5 year old children to find an appropriate daily step target. References (Activity Monitor Research) : Colley, R.C., Harvey, A., Grattan, K.P. and Adamo, K.B.. 2014. “Impact of accelerometer epoch length on physical activity and sedentary behaviour outcomes for preschool-aged children”. Health Reports. Vol. 25(1): 3-9. Colley, R.C., I. Janssen and M.S. Tremblay. 2012. “Daily step count target to measures adherence to physical activity guidelines in children”. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercice. Vol. 44(5): 977-982. Kim, Y., M.W. Beets, R.R. Pate and S.N. Blair. 2012. “The effect of reintegrating Actigraph accelerometer counts in preschool children: Comparison using different epoch lengths”. Journal of Sport Science and Medicine. June 30. [Epub ahead of print] Pfeiffer, K.A., K.L. McIver, M. Dowda, J.C.A. Almeida and R.R. Pate. 2006. “Validation and calibration of the Actical accelerometer in preschool children”. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercice. Vol. 38(1):152-157. Tremblay, M.S., A.G. Leblanc, V. Carson, L. Choquette, S. Connor Gorber, C. Dillman et al. 2012. “Canadian physical activity guidelines for the early years (aged 0-4 years)”. Applied Physiology: Nutrition and Metabolism. Vol. 37(2):345-356. 149 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Appendix 9 – Changes to Wave 1 Variables The following changes have been made between the wave 1 and wave 2 household and clinic full sample files. As a result of these changes, the wave 2 files (household and clinic full sample) should be used instead of the wave 1 versions. Changes to the household full sample file Aboriginal status There were cases with a response to question AMB_01 that had not been carried forward onto the master file, resulting in an inaccurate count of respondents self-identifying as Aboriginal. This affected a total of 107 cases. Below is a summary of the changes: 1. Additional responses of AMB_01 = 1, which also subsequently resulted in the following changes: • They now have a response of 1 or 2 at AMB_02A, AMB_02B, and AMB_02C; • Variables PG_01A to PG_01L and PGDCGT are set to “Not applicable. 2. 102 additional responses of AMB_01 = 2. Education An error was identified in the derivation of EDUDR04 which was resulting in 64 respondents mistakenly having a code of “Not stated” at EDUDR04. The code was changed and each of these cases now has an EDUDR04 = 1. With this change, there were also changes to the counts of EDUDH04 – some resulting from the change in the derivation itself and some resulting from some or all of the 64 cases now having valid values (total changes = 131). Note: The derived variables (DV) document has been updated to reflect the change in the derivation. Changes to the clinic full sample file Fasting status It was realized that the fasting status flag (PHID12) was not truly representative of fasting status for any respondent who was not selected for the fasting subsample. This variable has been re-coded so that it now differentiates between: 1. Selected to fast, fasted; 2. Selected to fast, not fasted; 3. Not selected to fast, fasted; 4. Not selected to fast, not fasted. 150 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 The following changes occurred: • 19 cases went from a status 1 to a status 2; • 280 cases went from a status 2 to a status 3; • 2520 cases went from a status 2 to a status 4. With this change, the ATG_11H and ATG_11M variables were verified so that fasting time can be estimated as accurately as possible for all respondents if needed by an analyst. Note: The DV document has been updated to reflect the change in the derivation. 151 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Appendix 10 – Changes to Wave 2 Variables The following changes were applied to the wave 2 activity monitor full sample and subsample files. As a result of these changes, the revised wave 2 files (activity monitor full sample and subsample) should be used instead of the original wave 2 versions. Changes to the activity monitor full sample file The following variables were affected for all 3 to 5 year olds (n = 557) – the data that was available on the original release has been replaced by the appropriate code to represent “Not applicable”: AMMDHR6 AMMDXSA6 AMMDLA6 AMMDMVA6 AMMDTCT6 AMMDACT6 AMMDSST6 152 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 3 Changes to the activity monitor subsample file It was realized that the 6th day of data collected on the activity monitor for 3 to 5 year olds was erroneously included on the data set and in the summary statistics. With the change to a shorter and more frequent epoch length (15 seconds), there was insufficient memory in the activity monitors for the full 7 days. The reason for this is that the number of data points collected increased from 1,440 per day (1 per minute) to 5,760 per day (4 per minute). As a result, only 5 full days of data were successfully collected for this age group. The amount of data on the 6th day varied from person to person, and it was therefore determined that the 6th day of data should be excluded. The requirement for inclusion on the subsample file is at least 3 valid days of data (minimum 5 hours of wear time each day). With the removal of day 6, there were 7 respondents who no longer met that criteria, and were therefore excluded from the subsample file. The total count on that file is now n = 4,264 (previously n = 4,271). The same changes to the variables for 3 to 5 year olds (n = 407 cases affected) in the activity monitor full sample file apply to the subsample file. Similarly, all summary statistics have been re-calculated to exclude day 6, and so the values for the following variables have been updated for all 3 to 4 year olds on the file: AMMDVAL AMMDHR AMMDACT AMMDMVA AMMDLA AMMDXSA AMMDSST AMMDNAP AMMDPDP As well as these variables for 5 year olds: AMMDNAK AMMDPDK AMMDPSK Changes to the activity monitor subsample weight file The change in the number of respondents included in the activity monitor subsample from 4,271 to 4,264 required an adjustment of the weights, and so wgt_am and all bootstrap weights were recalculated for all respondents in the subsample. Changes to the activity monitor derived variable documentation A change was made to the documentation regarding the the physical activity intensity cut-points used for 3 to 5 year olds. A light-to-moderate physical activity cut-point of 288 counts per 15 seconds was used rather than the 2,680 counts per minute used in the previous cycle. This value is based on a paper by Adolph et al., 2012.31 153
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