Practice Management Software Matrix
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1st Providers Choice - Rehab Management EMR BMS Practice Solutions Clinicient Ingenium Business Solutions Inc Contact Info Chandler, Ariz (480) 782-1116 Upland, Calif (800) 478-2778 Portland, Ore (877) 312-6494 North Miami, Fla (786) 513-1663, ext 415 IMS RevFlow Clinicient Insight ClinicSource Therapy Practice Management Software Billing? X X X X Dashboard capabilities? X X X X Documentation? X X X X Management reports? X X X X Patient evaluations? X X X X Patient/physician/insurer letters? X X X Outcomes reporting? X X X X Scheduling? X X X X Voice recognition? X X X X ICD-10ready,homeexerciseprogramintegration,Medicaretherapy cap and manual medical review tracking, PQRS reporting, and functional limitation reporting. Functional Reporting Other? (Please explain.) Does your product have the following features? What is the name of your practice-management software? Fullycertifiedtherapy,EMR,and practice-managementsoftware designed to work on iPads, Androids,orWindowsoperating systems.Automatemanagement of PQRS, functional reporting, therapy caps, plans of care, and documentation. Windows 2007 or later Mac and PC All Windows XP, Windows 8 64 bit, Mac OS X, iPad iOS6, Android, and others 1) Private practices that have a single location X X X X 2) Private practices that havemultiplelocations X X X X 3) Hospitals/rehab facilities X X X re there any web-accessible A features? Yes Yes Yes, the system is completely web-based. ClinicSourceis100%web-based. All features are web-accessible. Does the product offer cloud computing? Yes Yes Yes Yes What service support options are available? Supportandupdatesincludedin monthly support fee. 24 hour/7 days a week support Weofferfreesupportandupgrades with the system. Telephone,e-mail,onlinemanuals, video tutorials, and live training via WebEx. Is this product HIPAA compliant? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes, we offer free support and upgrades with the system. Yes Varies on provider needs. Pleasecontactasalesrepresentative at Softwareisfreewithourbillingservice,oronapertherapistmonthly subscriptionforpracticeswhowant to do their own billing. Starting at Base One for $79/mo, Base 5 $169/mo and Base 10 $259/moandincrementsof$24/ mo for each additional user. Included in purchase. Pleasecontactasalesrepresentative at Setup fees can begin at $495 and applyaccordingtowhichproduct customers select, and whether theyrequirecustomizationsand/or specialized training. The setup fee is $250, but it is waived with a 1-year hosting agreement. RevFlow technology aims to providepracticeownersaflexible, intuitivewaytoproduceelectronic paperworkthatfacilitatesquality patient outcomes for physical therapy and outpatient rehab reimbursement.Therapists are able to configure the system to suittheirdocumentationstylevia exam templates, assessments, goals,andinterventionlibraries. Thecompanyreportspracticesthat useClinicientgenerallyexperience a 10% to 15% increase in revenue by filling therapist’s schedules, makingsuretherapistsarepaidthe maximum amount for every visit anddecreasingthecosttocollect significantly.Clinicientisdesigned to allow therapist productivity to jump significantly through daily timesavingswithdocumentingand communicatingwithreferringphysicians, and significantly reduced audit risk. The software is also builttoallowadministrativestaffto quicklyidentifyandmanageissues thattypicallycausereworkforstaff, double entry, or delay payments. The software is built to increase productivity via a reduction in paperwork and higher level of organization. Specifically, this is accomplishedviautilizinganEMR’s therapyreporttemplates,integrated scheduling and billing, and the presence of all patient records in one secure, easily accessible system. Which operating systems are supported? Is your product used in? PRACTICE-MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE MATRIX Name of Company Are upgrades/updates included? What is the pricing structure? Is there a setup fee? If so, what is it? How does this software improve the efficiency with which a practice operates? 30 • IMS for Therapy is designed to automateallroutinefunctionsin a therapy office in the areas of scheduling,documentation,and billing,dramaticallyincreasingthe practiceefficiencywithfullyintegratedTherapySoftwareProgram. Patients can enter themselves intothepractice’ssoftwarewith the company’sTherapy Patient Portal. In addition to patient information,thepatientanswers aseriesofquestionscompleting the subjective part of the note for users. PQRS, therapy caps, functionalreporting,andplansof careareeasilymanagedwithIMS for Therapy. January 2015 MWTherapy by MerlinWave Inc Net Health Planetrehab Practice Perfect EMR + Management Software PTOS/Patterson Medical Raintree Systems Inc Wellesley, Mass (800) 627-1261 Pittsburgh (615) 523-7534 Lafayette, La (800) 982-5447 Buffalo, NY (855) 508-4409 Warrenville, Ill (800) 824-4305 Temecula, Calif (951) 252-9400 MWTherapy ReDoc Planetrehab Practice Perfect EMR + Management Software PTOS Therapy Rehab Plus and Pediatric Therapy X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X MWTherapy is 100% Cloudbased. No servers to deal with and no software to install. ICD-10 ready. Integration with FOTO Windows,Mac,iPad/Android, andAndroid/iPhone/Windows Phone Vista SP2, Windows 7 & 8 Windows, Mac All versions of Windows Windows Windows X X X X X X X X X X X X X X All features are 100% WebBased.Workanywhere,anytime. Scheduling, documentation, billing Yes, the Web version allows complete Web access. Yes,schedulinganddocumentation. Yes Yes Yes X X X X X Electronic claims and remittanceadvices,integratedcredit card processing, PQRS, and functionallimitationreporting. X X Yes, documentation /EMR is web-based. Yes Yes Yes, documentation /EMR Yes One level of support that includesallsoftwareupdates and upgrades. Support included in all configurations. Clinical advisor hotline with licensed PT’s, OT’s, and SLP on staff to answer questions, ReDoc University training website Freefulltelephone,email,and faxtechnicalsupport.Freeupdates/upgrades.Freetraining. All support included ServiceClubmembershipincludesunlimitedphone,email, chat support, free training webinars,accesstoextensive FAQ library, and all software updates. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes with Service Club Yes Monthly cost based on clinic size and modules needed. Affordableforpracticeslargeand smallwithconfigurationoptions to suit all needs and budgets. Based on per user fee Percentage of paid claims. Noup-frontcosts,nolong-term contracts, $165 per month coversalltraining,support,and upgrades. Dependsonnumberofusers, locations, and feature set chosen. Per concurrent user or per clinic. Optionsavailablefornosetup fee or a small one-time setup. Yes, there is a nominal fee, but it is dependent on the customer’sneedsandsoftware configuration. Yes. $500 for theWeb version, $1,500 for the server version. No OnlyforDocumentation/EMR program-$400 Based on number of users. Thecompany’scomprehensive buteasy-to-usepracticemanagement software combines scheduling, documentation, billing, reporting, and collections for single or multi-clinic operations.Planetrehabisbuilt to reduce expenses, increase productivity, and improve patient care by eliminating costlyin-housebillingandcollectionsandeliminatessoftware purchasesandmaintenance. Practice Perfect can be used tomonitoraccountsreceivable, keeptrackofbrokenpayment promises,automateschedule waiting lists, and remind patientsabouttheirupcoming appointments. The software can also help alert therapists to patients who have stopped attendingfortreatment,collect outcome statistics for referral sources, evaluate clinician productivityandperformance, ensure completion of daily notes, and the entry of daily charges.Thesoftwarealsoaims to help prevent PQRS & functionallimitationreportingfrom falling between the cracks. PTOS is designed as a fully integratedpractice-management solution,includingbilling,EMR/ documentation,scheduling, electronicclaims,anddetailed management reporting. It is built to save time (only need to enter data once), improve users’ability to analyze their business(throughintegrated reports), and save money (fewererrors,speedofclaims processing and collections). The software is engineered to streamline the clinic workflow;fromregistration, authorization tracking to sendingchanges.Itisbuiltto beseamlessandautomated. MWTherapyisWeb-basedsoftwarethattargetsaffordability, as well as flexible scheduling, customizableEMRwithcompliance alerts and supporting PQRSandFunctionalLimitation Reporting,built-inbilling,and reporting.MWTherapyissecure andHIPAAcompliant.Userscan workonWindowsPC,Mac,and iPad—anywhere,anytime.With an easy-to-use and intuitive design,thesoftwareisintended to ease electronic transitions. Customizable,affordable,and scalable for any size practice. No software or servers to buy or install. January 2015 ReDoc is a rehabilitation software solution built to fit therapists’uniqueclinicaland business needs. From basic schedulinganddocumentation, toall-inclusivebillingsolutions with in-depth analytics and seamlessbillingandEHRinterfacecapabilities,thissolutionis designedtoprovidetherapists with the important tools and functions they need. • 31 TheraBill TheraOffice by Hands on Technology TherAssist Software LLC WebPT Inc Birmingham, Ala (866) 245-8093 Grayslake, Ill (847) 665-3454 Westmont, Ill (866) 562-8413 Highland Park, Ill (800) 596-3646 Phoenix (866) 221-1870 TherapySource TheraBill TheraOffice TherAssist Software WebPT Billing? X X X X X Dashboardcapabilities? X X X Documentation? X X X X X Management reports? X X X X X Patient evaluations? X X X X X Patient/physician/insurer letters? X X X X X Outcomes reporting? X X X X X Scheduling? X X X X X X X X Contact Info Does your product have the following features? What is the name of your practice-managementsoftware? Voice recognition? X Integratedfunctionallimitation reporting; certified PQRS registry;automatedappointment reminders;multimediaMedicare compliancealerts;therapycap managementandspecialtymodules (eg, pedes, pelvic health, ortho, OT and SLP) Functionallimitationreporting on iPad or Windows RT Mobile Device Other? (Please explain.) Windows,MacOSX,Apple iOS,andAndroidthrougha provided Citrix Receiver All operating systems are supported. Windows and iOS Online, all systems are supported.Forlocalinstallations, MSSQLversion7.0orhigher. WebPTsupportsalloperating systems. 1) Private practices that have a single location X X X X X 2) Private practices that havemultiplelocations X X X X X 3) Hospitals/rehab facilities X X X X Which operating systems are supported? Is your product used in? PRACTICE-MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE MATRIX SourceMedical Name of Company re there any web-accessible A features? Yes TheraBill is a Web-based software.Therefore,allfeatures are accessible with an Internet connection. Yes, full software Entire program available for use online. Yes oes the product offer cloud D computing? Yes Yes, TheraBill is cloudbased Yes Yes Yes What service support options are available? Dedicatedaccountmanager and access to a team of professionalClientServices representativesandtrainers. Membersreceiveunlimited phonesupportforthefirst 90 days of use and unlimitedemailsupportthroughout their membership. Full support Annualforlocalinstalls,online customers’supportincluded in monthly cost. Unlimited access toWebPT’s in-housetechnicalsupportas well as 24/7 access to online tutorials as well as an online helpdeskandknowledgebase. Is this product HIPAA compliant? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Areupgrades/updatesincluded? Yes Yes Yes Annuallyforlocalinstallclients uponsupportrenewal;online customers’ upgrades are included with monthly cost. Yes, becauseWebPT is cloudbased,customersbenefitfrom seamless,automatic,andfree upgrades and updates. What is the pricing structure? The software may be purchasedundereitherlicense or subscription. Month-to-month plan pricingchangesasaclinic changes.Noaddedfeesfor user accounts. Subscription with no longterm contracts Licensingisbasedonsimultaneousaccesstothedatabase. Monthlyfeeforonlineusers, purchase for local installs. WebPT is available for a low monthlysubscriptionwithno contracts or obligations. Is there a setup fee? If so, what is it? A one-time setup fee that provides for professional one-on-oneprojectmanagement and training. No Dependsonproductsbeing implemented.Startsat$150. Starting at $1,500 for one-time fee for setting up and testing of EDI to billing clearinghouse of choice. One-time setup cost varies based on clinic size. Offers one integrated suite that runs from a single database. TherAssist is designed to streamline all office data collection and use into one simpleandpowerfuldatabase. Created with the therapist documentation as its first priority,TherAssistprovides user-friendly,highlycustomizable SOAP Notes that allow users to rapidly create notes andcapturepatientobjective data. As a complete EMR, TherAssist’s BillingStation ensuresbillingandaccounts receivable can be handled efficientlyandrapidlywithout any redundancies. WebPTaimstooptimizeclinic operationsthroughbusiness reporting,built-incompliance features, and billing capabilities, thus enabling you to streamlineworkflows,produce consistentandcompliantdocumentation,andmaximizereimbursementsthroughcleaner claims. Includes multimedia home exercise program. ow does this software improve H the efficiency with which a practice operates? 32 • TherapySourceisdesigned toimproveproductivityby streamliningcommunication betweenclinicalandoffice staff, increasing accuracy andcompletenessofdocumentation,andoptimizing reimbursement,allowingfor maximumtimewithpatients and an improved quality of care. TheraBill allows PTs to havetheirbilling,scheduling, EMR, and practice management in one intuitive and integrated package. January 2015
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