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Wa areho ouse Managem ment Systtem Us ser Guide for Progr P ressio on nued efforts s of Exact to o ensure tha at the inform mation in this document is Despitte the contin as com mplete and up-to-date as possible,, Exact cann not warrant the correctness and/orr completeness and d/or specific c applicabilitty of the published and/or requested informattion s document. Exact shalll not be liab ble for any d direct, indire ect, incidenttal, special o or in this consequential dam mages, lost profits or fo or business interruption n arising out of the use e of ocument. Th he extractio on and use of o informatio on from thiss document remains at all this do times completely within the user's u own risk. r ocument ma ay be reprod duced, publi shed and/or transmitte ed in any form or No part of this do y way, electrronically, in print, in ph hotocopy, on n microfilm or by any o other means s, in any withou ut the prior written consent of the Exact Softw ware North A America LLC C. act Software e North Ame erica LLC, 20 010. All righ hts reserved d. All tradem marks mentioned © Exa herein n belong to their t respec ctive owners s. 2 Contents Chaptter 1: Conv ventions ........................................................................................ 7 Chaptter 2: WMS S Overview ................................................................................... 8 WM MS Device Manager M ............................................. ....................................................... 8 WM MS Pick and Ship Verifica ation Module e ................ ....................................................... 8 WM MS EDI ASN Data Collec ction Module e ................. ....................................................... 9 WM MS Receiving g and Inventtory Data Co ollection and d Labeling M Module ........................... 9 WM MS Shop Floo or Data Collection and Labeling L Mod dule ................................................ 9 WM MS Productio on Order Pro ocessing Datta Collection n and Labeling Module ................. 10 0 WM MS Conveyorr Interface Module M ............................ ..................................................... 10 0 Chaptter 3: Setup p and Proce ess Flow ................................................................... 11 1 WM MS System Setup S ................................................. ..................................................... 11 1 WM MS System Setup S Flow Chart C .............................. ..................................................... 11 1 WM MS Shipping Setup and Process P Flow w ................ ..................................................... 11 1 WMS W Shipping g Setup................................................................................................................ 11 1 WM MS Shipping Setup Flow Chart ............................ ..................................................... 13 3 WMS W Shipmen nt Processing g using Paperr Pick Tickets ........................................................... 15 5 WMS W Shipmen nt Processing g using Pick Management M ............................................................. 16 6 WM MS Shipmentt Processing g Flow Chartt .................. ..................................................... 18 8 WM MS P/O Rece eiving Setup and Proces ss Flow ....... ..................................................... 21 1 WMS W P/O Rec ceiving Setup ...................................................................................................... 21 1 WMS W P/O Rec ceiving Processing .............................................................................................. 21 1 WM MS I/M Trans sactions Setu up and Proc cessing Flow w .................................................... 21 1 WMS W I/M Tran nsactions Setu up ................................................................................................... 21 1 WMS W I/M Tran nsactions Processing Flow w ................................................................................. 21 1 WM MS SFC Tran nsactions Se etup and Pro ocessing Flo ow ................................................. 22 2 WMS W SFC Tra ansactions Se etup ................................................................................................. 22 2 WMS W SFC Tra ansactions Prrocessing Flow w............................................................................... 22 2 WM MS POP Tran nsactions Se etup and Pro ocessing Flo ow ................................................. 22 2 WMS W POP Tra ansactions Se etup ................................................................................................ 22 2 WMS W POP Tra ansactions Prrocessing Flow .............................................................................. 22 2 WM MS Conveyorr Interface Setup S and Prrocessing Flo ow ................................................ 22 2 WMS W Conveyo or Interface Setup S ............................................................................................... 23 3 WMS W Conveyo or Interface Processing P Flo ow ............................................................................. 23 3 Chaptter 4: WMS S Setup – System S ....................................................................... 25 5 Sec curity File Ma aintenance ....................................... ..................................................... 25 5 General G Tab .............................................................................................................................. 25 5 Shipping S Tab ............................................................................................................................. 26 6 Purchase P Orde er Tab ................................................................................................................. 27 7 In nventory Tab ............................................................................................................................ 27 7 Shop S Floor Ta ab ......................................................................................................................... 28 8 POP P Tab ................................................................................................................................... 29 9 Con ntrol File Maintenance ......................................... ..................................................... 30 0 Shipping S Tab ............................................................................................................................. 30 0 Shipping S 2 Tab b.......................................................................................................................... 34 4 EPN E Tab ................................................................................................................................... 37 7 Receiving R Tab b ........................................................................................................................... 39 9 In nventory Tab ............................................................................................................................ 42 2 Shop S Floor Ta ab ......................................................................................................................... 44 4 POP P Tab ................................................................................................................................... 46 6 3 R/F R System Ta ab ........................................................................................................................ 48 8 Printer P Tab ................................................................................................................................ 48 8 Conveyor C Tab ........................................................................................................................... 49 9 Other O Tab .................................................................................................................................. 52 2 Auto oPack Package Code and Bulk Weiight Setup .. ..................................................... 53 3 ASN A Package Code Cross--Reference Maintenance M ............................................................... 53 3 ASN A Bulk Weight Cross-Re eference Main ntenance ................................................................... 55 5 Chaptter 5: WMS S Setup – Shipping S ..................................................................... 58 8 Cus stomer Overrride File Maintenance ...................... ..................................................... 58 8 Shipping S Labe el Preferences s ..................................................................................................... 58 8 Lab bel Setup.............................................................. ..................................................... 61 1 Configuring C WMS W to Use BarTender ........................................................................................ 61 1 Printing P Shipping Labels without BarTen nder ........................................................................... 63 3 External E Labell File Mainten nance .............................................................................................. 64 4 BOL L Type File Maintenance M e .................................... ..................................................... 67 7 Ship p Via Reportts File Mainttenance ......................... ..................................................... 68 8 EPN N Reject Rea ason Code File F Mainten nance .......... ..................................................... 70 0 Item m Master File e Maintenan nce ................................. ..................................................... 70 0 External E Serial Number Field .................................................................................................... 70 0 Bill B of Lading Type T Field ........................................................................................................... 71 1 Inve entory Item Location L File e Maintenance .............. ..................................................... 72 2 Alte ernate Addre ess File Main ntenance ........................ ..................................................... 72 2 Ord der Entry Hea ader File En ntry ................................. ..................................................... 72 2 Chaptter 6: WMS S Setup – P/O P Receivin ng ............................................................ 73 3 Ven ndor Override File Maintenance .......................... ..................................................... 73 3 Vendor V Bar Co ode Setup............................................................................................................ 73 3 Scan S Sheet Se etup ..................................................................................................................... 73 3 Product P Label Setup ................................................................................................................. 74 4 Ven ndor Bar Cod de File Main ntenance ......................... ..................................................... 75 5 Ven ndor Item Ov verride File Maintenance M e ................. ..................................................... 76 6 Chaptter 7: WMS S Processin ng – Shippin ng ............................................................ 78 8 Pick k Manageme ent (EPN Processing) ...................... ..................................................... 78 8 Processing P a Pick-to-Pack P EPN ............................................................................................... 79 9 Processing P a Pick-to-Stage P e and Stage Pack P EPN .................................................................. 85 5 Resolving R Rec commendation Errors .......................................................................................... 98 8 .......................................................... 101 Reviewing R Rejjected Recom mmendations ...................... . 1 Reviewing R Neg gative Releas ses ................................................................................................ 102 2 Trad ditional Pape er Pick Ticke ets ................................. ................................................... 103 3 Printing P a Pick k Ticket .............................................................................................................. 103 3 Releasing R Ord ders to WMS using u Post Pick Ticket Pro ocessing............................................. 104 4 Clos sing WMS Orders O when n the Progres ssion Order has been Closed ....................... 105 5 Labels for an Order .................... 106 Rep printing Existting or Printiing Additiona al Shipping L 6 Re-printing R a Series S of Exis sting Shipping g Labels .................................................................. 107 7 Re-printing R Ind dividual Shipp ping Labels ................................................................................... 108 8 Printing P Additio onal Shipping g Labels ........................................................................................ 109 9 Generating G a Completely C New Set of Lab bels for an Orrder ................................................... 110 0 Log gging In to WMS W .................................................. ................................................... 111 1 Pac cking Orders s in Pack Verify Mode ....................... ................................................... 112 2 Packing P the Order ................................................................................................................... 112 2 Exiting E the Ord der ..................................................................................................................... 116 6 Completing C the e Order ............................................................................................................. 117 7 Pac cking Cartons for a Pick and Pack Environment ................................................... 119 9 4 Pac cking Pallets s ........................................................ ................................................... 123 3 Pac cking a Shipm ment ................................................. ................................................... 126 6 Usin ng WMS Ord der Billing ......................................... ................................................... 131 1 Order O Completion Mode is Upon WMS Billing B ...................................................................... 132 2 Order O Completion Mode is Upon Shipme ent Completio on ...................................................... 136 6 Imp porting Billing g Selection Information using u Bar Co ode for Distrribution .................... 138 8 Dele eting an Ord der from WM MS .................................. ................................................... 140 0 Rec calculating th he Totals forr an Order in n WMS .......................................................... 141 1 Gen nerating an Advanced A Ship Notice Using U WMS S Shipment In nformation................. 142 2 Chaptter 8: WMS S Processin ng – P/O Re eceiving .... ............................................. 147 7 Rele easing Purchase Orders s to WMS us sing Post P/O O Print Proccessing ..................... 147 7 Processing a Receipt Again nst a Purcha ase Order ... ................................................... 148 8 Ove erriding Prod duct Labels When W Prompting .......... ................................................... 151 1 Verifying What Is Open on a Purchase Order ........ ................................................... 154 4 Chaptter 9: WMS S Processin ng – I/M Tra ansactions . ............................................. 157 7 Processing an Inventory I Iss sue ................................. ................................................... 157 7 Processing an Inventory I Re eceipt ............................. ................................................... 158 8 Processing an Inventory I Transfer ............................ ................................................... 159 9 Processing a Physical or Cy ycle Count ..................... ................................................... 161 1 Directed D Coun nt Processing ..................................................................................................... 161 1 Non-Directed N Count C Proces ssing ............................................................................................. 164 4 View wing a Bin Stock S Inquiry y on RF Devices ............ ................................................... 168 8 Chaptter 10: WMS Processiing – Produ uction Orde ers ......................................... 171 1 Ente ering Produc ction for a Production Order ............ ................................................... 171 1 Chaptter 11: WMS Processiing – Shop Floor Tran sactions ............................... 174 4 Issu uing Material to a Shop Order O ............................. ................................................... 174 4 Ente ering Activity y for a Shop p Order ........................... ................................................... 176 6 Chaptter 12: WMS Inquiry ................................................................................. 179 9 Chaptter 13: WMS File Main ntenance................................................................. 181 1 WM MS Purge Utiility .................................................... ................................................... 181 1 Man nually Purgin ng WMS File es ................................... ................................................... 181 1 Purging the EDI Barcode Holding Interfface File ..... ................................................... 182 2 Appen ndix A: WM MS & EDI Distribution Center C Setu up ......................................... 183 3 Cus stomer Overrride File ............................................ ................................................... 183 3 A/R R Alternate Address A File ...................................... ................................................... 183 3 EDII Ship-To Crross Referen nce File .......................... ................................................... 184 4 Appen ndix B: EDII File Usage e ............................................................................. 187 7 EDII Setup File.......................................................... ................................................... 187 7 EDII Trading Pa artner Cross Reference ..................... ................................................... 187 7 EDII Item Cross Reference ....................................... ................................................... 187 7 EDII Ship To Cro oss Referen nce ................................. ................................................... 187 7 EDII Ship Via Crross Referen nce ................................ ................................................... 188 8 EDII Misc Charg ge Code ............................................ ................................................... 188 8 ASN N Bulk Weight File .............................................. ................................................... 188 8 ASN N Package Code C File .......................................... ................................................... 188 8 5 Appen ndix C: WM MS Program m and Comm mand Line Options ................................ 190 0 WM MS Attached Workstation n and RF Se erver Program m ................................................ 190 0 WM MS Inquiry ............................................................ ................................................... 190 0 WM MS Post Pick k Ticket Proc cessing Prog gram .............................................................. 190 0 WM MS External Label L Tools ...................................... ................................................... 191 1 WM MS Control File F Maintena ance ............................... ................................................... 191 1 WM MS Security File F Mainten nance .............................. ................................................... 191 1 WM MS Customer Override File F Maintena ance ........... ................................................... 191 1 WM MS Bill of Lad ding Type Fiile Maintenance ............ ................................................... 192 2 WM MS Ship Via Reports File e Maintenanc ce ............... ................................................... 192 2 .................. ................................................... 192 WM MS Package Code File Maintenance M 2 WM MS Bulk Weig ght File Main ntenance ....................... ................................................... 192 2 VIC CS Preproces ss Program ...................................... ................................................... 192 2 File e Utilities (Initialize, Impo ort, Export) ..................... ................................................... 193 3 PO Vendor Ove erride ................................................ ................................................... 193 3 PO Vendor Barr Code Defin nition ............................... ................................................... 193 3 ................................................... 194 Pos st Purchase Order Print Processing ................... . 4 PO Vendor Item m Override File F Maintena ance ........... ................................................... 194 4 WM MS Purge Utiility .................................................... ................................................... 194 4 ................................................... 194 WM MS Workstatiion Configurration Utility ................... . 4 Appen ndix D: Troubleshootin ng Guide................................................................. 195 5 Sys stem Diagnostic Tool ........................................... ................................................... 195 5 WM MS EDI / ASN N Diagnostic c Report ......................... ................................................... 195 5 Pos st Pick Ticke et Process Trrace Tool ....................... ................................................... 195 5 Troubleshooting g FAQ ............................................... ................................................... 195 5 Appen ndix E: Exte ernal Labell Field List ............................................................... 201 1 Appen ndix F: WM MS INI Settin ngs ......................................................................... 205 5 Appen ndix G: Bill of Lading Settings S .................................................................. 210 0 Sup pplied Reporrts ..................................................... ................................................... 210 0 Inte erface to use er created reports .............................. ................................................... 210 0 Crystal C Reportts ....................................................................................................................... 210 0 Visual V Basic ............................................................................................................................ 210 0 Appen ndix H: Fun nction Key Usage U ..................................................................... 212 2 6 Chapter 1: Conven ntions This manual m assumes that th he user is already familiiar with the operations of the Progre ession Serie es O/E, P/O, I/M and ED DI modules. Please refe er to the Pro ogression us ser manua als and online Help for any questio ons regardin ng these mo odules. The Prrogression menu m system m is very fle exible. While e the packin ng station and RF clientt portions of WMS are designe ed as stand-alone progrrams, the se etup and ma aintenance stem ons are executed from the Progres ssion menu. This manual assumes that the sys functio admin nistrator has s placed these WMS fun nctions in th he recomme ended locatio on within th he Progre ession menu u system. As this is com mpletely use er configurable within P Progression, this may not n be accurrate on a giv ven system.. If a specifiic function d does not app pear to be available, contactt the system m administra ator responssible for Pro ogression me enu security y. 7 Chapter 2: WMS Ov verview w The Ex xact Softwa are Warehou use Managem ment System m (WMS) provides a se eries of additio onal module es to Exact Software’s S Macola M Prog gression Serries. These m modules are e design ned to greattly enhance a company’s ability to track produ ucts through h the entire wareh house. anager WMS Device Ma The WMS W Device Manager Mo odule handles many on ne-time set up activities s and is required for all Warehouse e Manageme ent System applicationss. The Devicce Manager maintains security and conttrol fields, and provides s for the adv vanced utilitties of the sy ystem. ger Module also provide es a system m layer to W WMS that ena ables The Device Manag munications with w Radio Frequency F handheld h un nits. This mo odule is used in conjunc ction comm with the other mo odules to alllow workers s the freedo m of the en ntire wareho ouse. Althou ugh a warehou use, this is particularly p beneficial fo or warehous ses that use e useful in almost any multi-bin supportt. S Verific cation Module WMS Pick and Ship The WMS W Pick and Ship Veriffication mod dule provide es an easy to use online e method off identiffying the ind dividual item ms being packed in eacch carton. In ncorrect ship pments are virtually eliminate ed by having g workers scan the barr codes that are on each h item as it is x. packed into a box u to cross s-reference multiple ba ar codes to tthe same ite em. For WMS allows the user ple, a single e unit of an item might be represen nted by a UPC code, wh hile a case o of six examp units of o the same e item may be b represen nted by a UC CC-14 code.. WMS keeps track k of the conttents of each h carton and d validates that the item is on the b over or o under shipped. Custo omer specifiic shipping llabels are order and is not being generated automatically. m inclu udes building g and trackiing pallets; consolidatin ng multiple orders into one This module shipm ment; creatin ng multiple shipments s from f one ord der; automa atically printing bills of lading g; and additiional Crysta al Reports su uch as pack king lists and d manifests. The WMS W Pick and Ship Veriffication mod dule also no w incorpora ates the WM MS reporting g functio ons. It prov vides the abiility to automatically prrint reports during the s shipment completion process. When ac ctivated, WM MS will execcute up to fiive Crystal R Reports or V Visual s at the time e the shipment is comp pleted. The W WMS Pick and Ship Basic applications cation modu ule ships witth three stan ndard bill off lading repo orts: a Crys stal Report Verific design ned to work with the standard Prog gression bill of lading fo orm; a comb bination Vis sual Basic and Crystal Report that will print a VICS comp pliant bill off lading; and d the Wal-M Mart 8 V standa ard. Users fa amiliar with Crystal Rep ports can create their o own variation on the VICS m Crystal Re eports to ge enerate pack king slips, m manifests, e etc., or custo om Crystal custom Reporrts may be purchased p frrom an auth horized WMS S reseller. D Collec ction Module WMS EDI ASN Data The WMS W EDI ASN Data Colle ection Modu ule providess advanced p processing o options thatt are freque ently require ed to genera ate EDI Adv vanced Ship ping Notice (856) docu uments. Som me of the features adde ed include: pallet p processing, adva nced shipment handling to allow y orders into o a single sh hipment; sp plitting an in ndividual ord der into mulltiple grouping of many ments within a billing cyc cle; and the e ability to fe feed informa ation into th he Progression shipm EDI ASN submodule. dition, this module m adds s a powerful tool called AutoPack, which is use ed to generate In add UCC-1 128 compliant shipping labels in a batch mode e and autom matically ass sociate the correc ct item and quantities with w each un nique UCC-1 128 license number. Co ompanies that are co oncerned witth becoming g EDI compliant but do not wish to o scan every y item on ea ach shipm ment use AuttoPack. This s functionalitty is very po opular with companies that use pu ublic wareh houses. Auto oPack requirres items to o be shipped d in standard d quantities s. The WMS W EDI ASN Data Colle ection Modu ule requires the WMS Pick and Ship p Verificatio on module. ntory Data Collection and Labeling Module e WMS Receiving and Inven The WMS W P/O Rec ceiving mod dule provide es the ability y to receive purchase o orders immed diately upon n receipt at the warehouse dock. U Users scan o or type the p purchase orrder and us se bar codes either on the productt or on an au utomatically y printed rec ceiving docum ment to simp plify the enttry of receip pt data. Sup pport for many types off bar codes, including vendor specific, mu ulti-segmentted bar code es, is includ ded. Productt labels may y be oducts that do d not have e bar codes already. generated for pro m also provides the ability to do basic inv ventory tran nsactions im mmediately ffrom This module within n the wareho ouse. Suppo ort is include ed for inven ntory transfe ers, issues, receipts, physic cal and cycle e counts, an nd an item bin b stock inq quiry. WMS Shop Floor Data Colllection and d Labeling Module The WMS W Shop Flloor Data Co ollection and d Labeling m module allow ws you to use an R/F device to entter activity transactions t s for release ed shop orde ers. Supportt is provided d for online picking, material issues and returns, and d material sscrap and re ejections. m requires the Pro ogression Ba ar Code for Manufacturiing module in order to This module proces ss transactio ons. 9 n Order Processing Data D Collec ction and Labeling Mo odule WMS Production The WMS W Producttion Order Processing P Data D Collectiion and Lab beling module allows production to be entered aga ainst a POP order, recorrding the re eceipt of the e finished go ood w prompt for bin, seriial, and lot iinformation for back flu ushed into sttock. WMS will compo onents as ne ecessary. Support is prrovided for b both RF han ndheld devic ces and works stations. This module m requires the Pro ogression Ba ar Code for Production O Order Proce essing modu ule in order to process transactions t s. WMS Conveyor Interface Module WMS Conveyor Support allow ws WMS to interface i with a convey yor managem ment system m in veyor-based d automated d order picking environ ment. This interface alllows WMS to a conv send order o item information to the conv veyor manag gement systtem during stage pick proces ssing. The conveyor c ma anagement system use es this inform mation to co ontrol order packin ng, including g determinin ng when one pallet is fu ull and a ne ew one need ds to be starrted. The co onveyor sys stem can the en send the pallet pack king informa ation back to o WMS, which will au utomatically y process an nd perform a stage pack k operation based on th hat data, printin ng pallet lab bels as required. Note that t while WMS W Convey yor Support allows WMS S to interfacce with a co onveyor manag gement systtem, WMS is not a conv veyor mana agement sysstem itself. Conveyor Suppo ort only allow ws WMS to send data to t and receiv ve data from m a conveyo or managem ment progra am; a separrate conveyo or managem ment system m is still neccessary. 10 Chapter 3: Setup and a Proc cess Flo ow WMS System Se etup You must m complete the WMS S system settup before y you can use any WMS ffunctions. In n additio on, you may y occasionally need to change c a se etting or value to betterr suit how y your compa any uses WM MS. 1. Create WM MS user acco ounts and assign a securrity rights fo or shipping, purchase order, and inventtory management. Defiine these se ettings in the System M Manager mod dule, on the WM MS Maintena ance Securitty File Mainttenance scre een. See Se ecurity File Maintenan nce for more e information. e WMS defau ult settings in WMS Con ntrol File Ma aintenance. The WMS 2. Define the control file e specifies the defaults for shipping g, purchase order receiving, and inventory management, as well as a the printe ers that can n be used by y WMS. See e nce Function n for more iinformation. Control File Maintenan c cross-rreferences. WMS uses tthese entrie es to determ mine 3. Create ASN package code ge type for items and shipments. s S See ASN Package Code e Crossthe packag Reference Maintenanc ce for more information n. ght cross-refferences. Th he bulk weig ght cross-re eferences 4. Create ASN bulk weig ge Code Cro ossestablish a relationship between a package ccode in the ASN Packag Reference file and a case c pack qu uantity for a an item. See e ASN Bulk Weight Cros ssReference Maintenanc ce for more information n. etup Flow Chart C WMS System Se Create e WMS user ac ccounts Assign WMS S user security rights Define WMS defauult settings Cre eate ASN packkage code crosss-references Create ASN N bulk weight cro ossreferencce WMS Shipping Setup S and Process Flow Complete the follo owing setup ps and proce essing stepss to pack an nd ship O/E orders in W WMS. S WMS Shipping Setup You must m complete the WMS S shipping se etup before you can usse perform p packing or shipping in WMS. In addition n, you may occasionally o y need to ch hange a settting or value e to our compan ny uses WMS S. betterr suit how yo 1. Create cus stomer overrride entries s. WMS will use the defa aults specifiied in the customer override file e instead of the defaultss specified iin the WMS control file.. See r Override File Mainte enance Fun more inform mation. Customer nction for m 2. Complete external lab bel file main ntenance. Ex xternal label file mainte enance allow ws ecify the lab bel format to o be used by y WMS and to define th he variable ffields you to spe 11 to be used d when the label l is printed. See Ex xternal Lab bel File Maiintenance ffor more inforrmation. 3. Create BO OL types. These entries are used by y the WMS P Pick and Ship Verificatio on module to group item ms into specific freight cclassification n. The BOL ttype setup a also u to enter a specific des scription forr a group, w which can be e printed in tthe allows you commodity y description section off the bill of llading. BOL types only need to be created if you are prin nting docum ments when completing shipments.. See BOL T Type File Mainttenance for more inforrmation. 4. Create ship via reportts entries fo or carriers. T The WMS Picck and Ship p Verification n ses these en ntries to dettermine whicch forms to print for ea ach carrier. Ship module us via reports s only need to be define ed if you wa ant to generrate reports s automatica ally when shipments are completed. c See Ship Via Reports F File Maintena ance for mo ore on. informatio 5. Define item ms as externally serializ zed, if nece essary, in Ite em Master. See Item Master File e Maintenan nce for more e informatio on. 6. If printing bills of lading during shipping, spe ecify a BOL Type for ite ems in Item Master. Se ee Item Mas ster File Maintenance fo or more info ormation. 7. Set a spec cific sort seq quence for ittems in Item m Inventory y Location. W WMS uses this when printting autopack labels. Iff not defined d, order enttry or pick sequence will be used inste ead. See Inv ventory Item m Location F File Maintenance for mo ore informattion. 8. If necessary, set up and a complete a field to override the e order com mpletion mod de f individua al ship to ad ddress in the e A/R Altern nate Address. and autopack status for p only needs s to be comp pleted when n these settiings need to o be specifie ed This setup uniquely fo or an individ dual ship to. Otherwise e, skip this ssetup to use e the defaultts already de efined. See Alternate A Ad ddress File M Maintenance e for more iinformation. 9. If necessary, set up a carton or pallet p label o override fielld on the orrder header. This y needs to be b completed d if you will need to spe ecify a label other than n the setup only default forr certain ord ders. Otherw wise, the de fault label a already defin ned will be u used. See Orderr Entry Head der File Entrry for more information n. 12 w Chart WMS Shipping Setup Flow Complete the WMS system settup Use setting gs different from WMS control file defau ults? Yes Create custom mer override entriies Yes Create BO OL types No Complete exte ernal label file mainte enance Any shipme ents need to automatically generate repo orts? No Define ship via a reports for carrie ers Are items externally serialiized? Specify a BOL ttype for items in I//M No Ye es Define items a as externally serialized d in I/M 13 Are you using Au utoPack? Do ittems use a sort sequeence other than orde er entry or pick ssequence? Yes No Set a sort sequence for items in I/M No Any ship to locations using ord der completion mode different d from default? d No Yes Create e and populate an order co ompletion override field on the A/R Alternate dress screen Add Yes Any ship to locations use auttopack status differentt from default? Yes Create a and populate a field for the e autopack status override o on the A/R Alternate dress screen Add Yes Create laabel override fields on O/E orrder header screen; populatee during order entry No Will any O /E orders use a carton or pallet label differentt from default? No Setup comple ete 14 g using Paper Pick Tiickets WMS Shipment Processing Complete the follo owing steps s, in the order listed, to o pack and sship an orde er in WMS. med for each h O/E order that you ne eed to proce ess in WMS.. These steps mustt be perform Some steps, such h as generatting an EDI ASN, mightt not be neccessary if yo our company y does not n use thatt feature. 1. Print the O/E O Pick Tick ket. See Priinting a Pic ck Ticket fo or more info ormation. he O/E orderr to WMS us sing post picck ticket pro ocessing. Th his transfers s the 2. Release th order inforrmation to WMS W so the items can b be packed a and shipped. See Releasing g Orders to o WMS usin ng Post Pic ck Ticket P Processing for more informatio on. W Packin ng and shipping are do ne in WMS, which is ex xecuted 3. Log in to WMS. externally to Progress sion. See Lo ogging In tto WMS forr more inform mation. here are four different le evels of paccking. Depending on yo our 4. Complete packing. Th e t, you mightt complete m more than o one packing step for each shipping environment order. o using pack verify. Items for a specific orrder are pac cked into 5. Pack the order cartons. Each order is s treated as a unique sh hipment. Se ee Packing Orders in or more info ormation. Pack Veriify Mode fo ons. Items are a manually y packed intto cartons fo or each order. Individual 6. Pack carto cartons orr the entire order o can th hen be pack ked onto palllets or shipments. Multtiple orders can n be packed onto the sa ame shipme ent, or an in ndividual ord der can be packed on nto multiple shipments. See Packin ng Cartons s for a Pick k and Pack Environm ment for mo ore information. Note th hat in a stan ndard pack e environmen nt, the AutoPa ack function n can be use ed to autom matically pacck items into o cartons. 7. Pack pallets. If you pa alletize shipments, use the pack pa allets function to pack ders onto pa allets. Palletss can then b be packed o onto shipme ents. cartons, ittems, or ord See Packiing Pallets for more in nformation. 8. Pack shipm ments. Afterr completing g any other packing phases, pack c cartons, palllets, or orders onto o shipme ents that can then be ccompleted. S See Packing a Shipme ent for more information. 9. Process WMS W order biilling. This step s createss a file that ccan be used d by the Progressio on Barcode for f Distributtion module to select orrders for billing. It’s als so necessary for the order to be pro operly closed d in WMS. S See Using W WMS Orderr Billing forr more inforrmation. 0. Import billing informa ation into Prrogression. Q Quick ship p polling in the Progressio on 10 or Distribution module uses u the bil ling informa ation file cre eated by WM MS to Barcode fo select orde ers for billin ng in the item ms and qua antities shipp ped. See Im mporting Billing Se election Infformation using Bar Code for D Distribution n for more informatio on. 15 1. Create the e EDI Advan nced Ship No otice (856). Use the Pro ogression EDI module tto 11 create the e ASN, if nec cessary for this t custom er. See Gen nerating an n Advanced d Ship Notiice for more e informatio on. 12 2. Complete O/E order processing p and a invoicing g. See Progression Help p for more on. informatio 13 3. If the orde er was not completely c shipped s and d the backorrdered quan ntities will no ot ship later, close the order o in WMS S. Any unsh hipped quan ntities for ite ems will be o zero, allow wing backord ders from O O/E to be pro ocessed into o WMS using reduced to post pick ticket t processing. See Closing C Ord ders when the Progression Ord der Has Been n Closed forr more inforrmation. ment WMS Shipment Processing g using Pic ck Managem Complete the follo owing steps s, in the order listed, to o pack and sship an orde er in WMS using m t. The steps s must be pe erformed fo or each O/E order that y you need to o pick management proces ss in WMS. Some steps s, such as ge enerating an e necessary if n EDI ASN, may not be your company c do oes not use that t feature e. 1. Create EPN Ns for the O/E O orders. ck: Cartons or pallets are a immedia ately labeled d for shippin ng and are rready 2. Pick to pac to be combined with other o carton ns or palletss being shipped togethe er. As the a be place ed on the pa allet, they arre scanned and associa ated with the e products are shipping pallet. p The pallet p can latter be assocciated with a shipment simply by scanning the t pallets la abel. See Processing a Pick-to-P Pack EPN ffor more informatio on. age/stage pa ack: Pick to stage/stage e pack: Indicates what products are to 3. Pick to sta be picked and where to take them m for stagin ng. A pick-to o-stage EPN N is always associated d with a stag ge pack EPN N, which dire ects the pacckers about how to break out produc cts that hav ve been brou ught to a sta aging area a as the resullt of a pick-ttostage EPN. This can be b done on either e an RF F device or a at a packing g station and d y order basis. See Proc cessing a P Pickpresents the pack outt process in an order by nformation. to-Stage and Stage Pack EPN for more in o the EPN. 4. Pick the orrder based on s Affter completting any oth her packing phases, pac ck cartons, 5. Pack the shipment. pallets, or orders onto o shipments s that can th hen be comp pleted. See Packing a Shipmentt for more in nformation. W order biilling. This step s createss a file that ccan be used d by the 6. Process WMS Progressio on Barcode for f Distributtion module to select orrders for billing. It’s als so necessary for the order to be pro operly closed d in WMS. S See Using W WMS Orderr Billing forr more inforrmation. ation into Prrogression. Q Quick ship p polling in the Progressio on 7. Import billing informa or Distribution module uses u the bil ling informa ation file cre eated by WM MS to Barcode fo 16 select orde ers for billin ng in the item ms and qua antities shipp ped. See Im mporting Billing Se election Infformation using Bar Code for D Distribution n for more informatio on. e EDI Advan nced Ship No otice (856). Use the Pro ogression EDI module tto 8. Create the create the e ASN, if nec cessary for this t custom er. Generating an Ad dvanced Sh hip Notice forr more inforrmation. p and a invoicing g. See Progression Help p for more 9. Complete O/E order processing on. informatio 10 0. If the orde er was not completely c shipped s and d the backorrdered quan ntities will no ot ship later, close the order o in WMS S. Any unsh hipped quan ntities for ite ems will be o zero, allow wing backord ders from O O/E to be pro ocessed into o WMS using reduced to post pick ticket t processing. See Closing C Ord ders when the Progression Ord der Has Been n Closed forr more inforrmation. 17 g Flow Cha art WMS Shipment Processing Are you using pick ement? manage NO N YES S Print the t O/E pick tick ket Create EPN Run Post Pick Ticke et ssing to release the Proces order o to WMS Log in to o WMS Are you using WMS S EDI E ASN Data Collection module? YES Are you ussing pack veriffy? NO Are you packin ng ittems into carton ns? NO YES Pack orders using pa ack verify mode NO YES A B 18 C A B C Are you packing items onto o pallets? Packk items into cartons NO YES A Are you packing carttons onto pallets? NO YES Pack palllets Pack shipm ments Process WMS order billing Import billing b information using B/C quick ship polling D 19 D Are e you sending EDI ASNs to the customer? YES Generate ASN in Progressiion EDI NO Will backo ordered quantities sship later? NO Complete C order proce essing and invoicing g in Progression Was the order shipped complete in WMS? NO YES Shipment processing complete YES 20 Close order in WMS p and Proce ess Flow WMS P/O Receiiving Setup Complete the follo owing setup ps and proce essing stepss to receive against P/O O purchase s in WMS. orders WMS P/O Receiiving Setup p Complete the follo owing setup ps, as neces ssary, before e using WMS to receive e Progressio on ase orders. In addition,, you may occasionally o need to cha ange a settiing or value e to purcha betterr suit how yo our compan ny uses WMS S. 1. Create ven ndor overrid de entries, iff necessary . If a vendo or has a vendor override e set up, WMS will w use the defaults spe ecified in th e vendor ov verride file instead of th he defaults sp pecified in the WMS con ntrol file. Se ee Vendor O Override M Maintenanc ce for more inforrmation. ndor bar cod de definition ns, if necesssary. If a ve endor speciffic bar code is 2. Create ven being used d, the vendo or bar code file allows y you to defin ne the bar co ode, includin ng how to bre eak down th he segments s. See Vend dor Bar Cod de Mainten nance for m more informatio on. ndor item ov verride entrries, if necesssary. If a v vendor item has a vend dor 3. Create ven item overrride set up, WMS will us se the defau ults specifie ed in the ven ndor item override file instead of o the defaults specified d in the WMS S control file e or in the S Vendor r Item Ove erride Main ntenance fo or more vendor override file. See on. informatio essing WMS P/O Receiiving Proce Complete the follo owing steps s, in the order listed, to o receive a P P/O in WMS. These step ps ed for each purchase orrder that yo ou need to p process in W WMS. must be performe he purchase order to WMS using Po ost P/O Prin nt Processing g. This trans sfers 1. Release th the Progre ession purch hase order in nformation to WMS so receipts can n be made u using WMS RF devices. See Releasing g Purchase Orders to WMS using Post P/O O Print Processing forr more inforrmation. eceipts again nst the purc chase order in WMS. Eitther use rad dio frequenc cy 2. Process re devices to scan receiv ved items an nd quantitie es for a speccific purchas se order, or scan h a Wedge Reader R at a packing station. Producct labels can n also be items with generated at this time e. See Proc cessing a R Receipt Aga ainst a Purrchase Order. sactions Se etup and Pr rocessing F Flow WMS I/M Trans Complete the follo owing setup ps and proce essing stepss to perform m I/M transa actions in W WMS. sactions Se etup WMS I/M Trans No spe ecific setups s are necess sary to proc cess I/M tran nsactions in n WMS. WMS I/M Trans sactions Pr rocessing Flow F The fo ollowing I/M transaction ns can be pe erformed in WMS. Each h transaction n should be perforrmed as nec cessary and is not depe endent on an ny other WM MS I/M transaction. 21 n inventory issue. Allow ws you to isssue an item quantity an nd remove it 1. Process an from I/M inventory. See S Process sing an Inv ventory Iss sue for morre informatio on. 2. Process an n inventory receipt. Allo ows you to rreceive an ittem quantitty and add it to I/M inventtory. See Pr rocessing an a Invento ory Receiptt for more in nformation. 3. Process an n inventory transfer. Allows you to transfer an n item quanttity to a different I//M warehou use. See Pro ocessing a n Inventorry Transferr for more informatio on. 4. Process a physical or cycle countt. Allows you u to perform m a physical or cycle co ount Processing a Physicall or using a dirrected or a non-directed count metthod. See P Cycle Cou unt for more e informatio on. WMS SFC Trans sactions Se etup and Pr rocessing F Flow Complete the follo owing setup ps and proce essing stepss to perform m Shop Floor Control actions in WMS. W transa WMS SFC Trans sactions Se etup No spe ecific setups s are necess sary to proc cess SFC tra ansactions in n WMS. WMS SFC Trans sactions Pro ocessing Flow F The fo ollowing SFC C transactions can be performed in n WMS. Each h transaction should be e perforrmed as nec cessary and is not depe endent on an ny other WM MS SFC tran nsaction. 1. Issue material. Allows s you to issu ue material for a shop o order. See I Issuing t a Shop Order O for more m informa ation. Material to 2. Enter activ vity. Allows you to ente er activity trransactions for a shop o order, includ ding labor hourrs, machine hours, scra ap quantitiess, and rejec ctions. See E Entering Activity for a Shop Order O for more m inform ation. WMS POP Trans sactions Se etup and Processing Flow Complete the follo owing setup ps and proce essing stepss to perform m Production n Order ssing transa actions in WMS. Proces WMS POP Trans sactions Se etup No spe ecific setups s are necess sary to proc cess POP tra ansactions in n WMS. WMS POP Trans sactions Pr rocessing Flow F The fo ollowing POP P transactions can be performed in n WMS. Each h transactio on should be e perforrmed as nec cessary and is not depe endent on an ny other WM MS POP tran nsaction. 1. Enter prod duction. Allo ows you to enter e producction for released produ uction orderrs. See Enter ring Produc ction for a Productio n Order forr more inforrmation. S and Processing g Flow WMS Conveyor Interface Setup Complete the follo owing setup ps and proce essing stepss to allow W WMS to interrface with a ement syste em. conveyor manage 22 S WMS Conveyor Interface Setup Complete the follo owing setup ps to allow WMS W to inte erface with a conveyor managemen nt m. In additio on, you may y occasionally need to cchange a se etting or value to betterr suit system how your y compan ny uses WMS. 1. Activate co onveyor sup pport in the WMS contrrol file mainttenance. nveyors, inc cluding logical sort laness, physical ssort lanes, a and jackpot sort 2. Define con lanes. nters to be used by eac ch conveyorr. 3. Assign prin P settings fo or each conv veyor. 4. Define FTP g Flow WMS Conveyor Interface Processing Complete the follo owing steps s, in the order listed, to o use a conv veyor manag gement systtem W with WMS. 1. Create a stage s pick EPN. S to Conveyor buttton on the E EPN Editor sscreen. WMS will valida ate 2. Click the Send that the number of orrders does not n exceed tthe number of logical la anes defined d for yor. Then, WMS W will cre eate a wave e definition ffile for the s stage pick. T The the convey wave defin nition file wiill contain a record for e each carton that specifies the pick number, order o numbe er, sequence e number, ittem UCC-14 4, cube, weight, and logical lane destin nation. ent to the co onveyor management s system. The e 3. The wave pick definitiion file is se prior wave e is closed by b the conve eyor system m when the n new wave is s received. 4. The conve eyor system reads the UCC-14 U bar codes on th he cartons a and directs tthe products to t the lane specified s in the wave de efinition file. 5. The conve eyor system writes pack king informa ation back to the wave results file. 6. During the e next WMS polling cycle, WMS recceives the w wave results s file. n the wave results r file are a processe ed as follows: 7. Records in ord has a UC CC-14 ID an nd the physiical sort lane he record ha as 8. If the reco e listed in th not been previously p encountered e for this wave, WMS wiill add it to tthe list of physical so ort lanes forr the wave. WMS will g enerate a new pallet nu umber and pack the UCC-1 14 in that pa allet. The pa allet label is then printe ed to the printer specifie ed for the lan ne. e listed in th 9. If the reco ord has a UC CC-14 ID an nd the physiical sort lane he record ha as already be een created for this wav ve, WMS wi ll compare tthe pallet co ount numbe er in the file to the pallet count numbe er for the prrevious tran nsaction for this lane. Iff it is the same, the UCC-14 4 will be pac cked in thatt same palle et. If the palllet count number is different, WMS W will generate a new pallet num mber and pack the UCC C-14 in that pallet. The pallet label is then t printed d to the prin nter specified for the lan ne. 23 0. If the reco ord has a NO OREAD, UNT TRACKED, o or EMPTY me essage, it is s not proces ssed. 10 11 1. If the reco ord has an ENDOFWAVE E E message, WMS will in ncrement the number o of lanes completed for th he EPN. Onc ce all lanes for the EPN N have receiv ved the AVE message e, WMS will mark the E EPN as Conv veyor Complete. ENDOFWA 12 2. If any item m quantities s remain to be b packed o on the EPN, WMS leave es the EPN o open and displays a Reconc cile Conveyo or message . Double-click the entry y on the p monitor m to review r any e errors. If ne ecessary, us se the conve eyor conveyor processing processing g monitor to o close the EPN E and cre eate a new o one for any shortages. 13 3. If the END DOFWAVE message m is not received for a lane, click the En nd of Wave e button to process the end of wav ve for the la ne. 14 4. Once all items for the e EPN have been b packed d, WMS marks the EPN completed. 24 Chapter 4: WMS Se etup – System S Secur rity File Ma aintenance e The fo ollowing function is used d to create user accoun nts and to a assign securrity rights fo or WMS. The Securitty File Mainttenance me enu is accesssed from the Order Enttry Maintain n menu. This functiion should not n be provided to all ussers. Progre ession’s men nu security d be used to o limit acces ss to this fun nction to au uthorized pe ersonnel. should General Tab User Name – Ty ype the userr name for each e person who requirres access to o the shipping system m. Passw word – Type the user’s s password. t Microsoft SQL versiion of WMS,, the user name and pa assword in W WMS In the mu ust be identical to a use er name and d password in Progressiion. Progres ssion imp plements a double blind d security sy ystem which h WMS hono ors. For those warehouse use ers who sho ould not hav ve access to Progression n, the user ould still be created in Progression, P , but should d be assigne ed to a sho Pro ogression menu that do oes not have e any functio ons enabled d. If WMS W is operrating using Pervasive.S SQL, the usser name an nd password d do nott have to be e the same as a the Progrression userr name and password. The ere is no syn nchronizatio on between the two sysstems underr Pervasive..SQL. 25 In fact, f you do o not have to be a user in Progresssion to have e access to tthe shipping system under the e Pervasive .SQL version of WMS. Locattion – This is i the default warehous se for the usser. If the A Allow Change Wareho ouse check box is clearred, the use er will only have h accesss to this warrehouse. Mass Delete – This T option gives g the user the abilitty to delete cartons, pallets, shipm ments and orrders from within w the WMS W Inquiry y. It is recom mmended th hat only key y personnel have access s to this opttion. Allow w Change Warehouse W – This optio on gives the e user the a ability to cha ange to a wareh house other than the wa arehouse sp pecified in th he Location n field. Shipp ping Tab Pack Cartons – This option allows the user u access to the pack k cartons function. This s functio on is used to pack item ms into carto ons. Pack Pallets – This T option allows a the user access tto the pack pallets func ction. This functio on is used to attach carrtons onto pallets. p Pack Shipments s – This option allows the user acce ess to the p pack shipme ents function n. This fu unction is us sed to attac ch cartons and pallets o onto shipme ents. Order r Billing – This T option allows a the user u access to the order billing function. To us se this fu unction, you u must have the Progres ssion Barcod dule installed. In de for Distribution mod Pack Verify V Only mode, this option o allow ws the user tto close the e order and execute the e update Progressio on function. 26 hase Order r Tab Purch Enablle Purchase Order – Select S the Enable E Purch hase Orderss check box to allow the e user to have acce ess to the Pu urchase Ord der Receipt ffunction on R/F guns. ntory Tab Inven 27 ry Management – Select the Ena able Inventtory Manag gement che eck Enablle Inventor box to o allow the user u access to the inventory mana gement fun nction on R/F guns. Issue es – This option allows the user acc cess to the inventory isssues function. Receiipts – This option o allow ws the user access a to th he inventory y miscellane eous receipts s functio on Trans sfer Inventtory – This option allow ws the user access to th he inventory y transfer functio on Countt Tags – Th his option allows the user access to o the count tags functio ons. Stock k Inventory y – This option allows the user acccess to the sstock inquiry y functions. Shop Floor Tab Enablle Shop Flo oor – This option o allows s the user a access to the e Shop Floor functions. Report Activity – This optio on allows the user to re eport activity y. e Materials – This optio on allows th he user to isssue materia als. Issue 28 T POP Tab Enablle POP – Th his option alllows the us ser to accesss the Producction Order Processing functio ons. Report Productiion – This option o allows s the user t o report pro oduction on production s. orders 29 rol File Maiintenance Contr Contro ol File Mainttenance spe ecifies the de efault settin ngs in WMS.. The Contro ol File Mainte enance men nu is accesse ed from the e Order Entrry Maintenan nce menu. Shipp ping Tab Gener ral Setting gs UPC Company C Code C – Type e the compa any’s five dig git UPC code as assigne ed by the Universal Code Co ouncil, with two leading g zeros. Thiss is used ass a compone ent of the se erial CC-128 labe el. number on the UC his value spe ecifies where e the deparrtment number is locate ed in Department Qualifier – Th T th his value sho ould be set to DP. the inbound 850 document. Typically, g Type Field d – This fiel d specifies the user defined field o or Item Master Bill of Lading user note n field fro om the I/M Item Master file that is used to cla assify items into bill of lading g types. If th his field is se et to XX, all items will be classified d as bill of la ading type DFLT. w Scanning Range – Determines D whether w use ers are allow wed to scan a range of Allow carton n labels onto o a shipmen nt or pallet. Defau ult Scannin ng Range – When activ vated, WMS defaults to scanning ra anges if use ers are allowed to sca an carton ra anges. This option is dissabled if Alllow Scanniing Range is set to N. 30 e Entry of Multiplier? M – Select thiis check box x if the userr is typically y required to o Force specify y a multiplie er or quantity when pro ocessing shiipping entrie es. WMS will then prom mpt for the e multiplier before asking for the ittem numberr. Billing g Options Defau ult Order Completion C Mode – Th his field is ussed to deterrmine when billing selection is done. This valu ue may be overridden o fo or a specificc customer iin the Custo omer Override file. B – Ind dicates that WMS will re equire the u user to close e each order individuallly. SAS Billing Use th his method to t allow eas sier control when w a sing gle order willl often be s split among multip ple shipments within a billing b cycle. The order is manually y completed d only after tthe last sh hipment for that order is i processed d for the day y. Requiring g the order to be closed d manua ally preventts the accide ental partiall selection o of an order w when the us ser invokes the update Progressio on function. s – Indicates that an orrder should be complete ed when a s shipment that it Pack Shipments is atta ached to it is s completed d. Use this method m to s implify the processing o of orders. E Each order is flagged as a complete when the shipment s is completed, eliminating the need to o proces ss each orde er manually y in the WMS S billing fun nction. The b billing selecttion informa ation is passed to Progression whe en the user runs the up pdate Progre ession function. cates that an a order sho ould be treated as a unique shipme ent. Pack Verify Carttons – Indic When the order is s completed d, it is autom matically atttached to a shipment, w which is then autom matically com mpleted. Thiis mode is typically use ed for custom mers that se end individu ual orders s that are sh hipped to different locations or at d different tim mes. ODB Generation G ns – This fie eld specifies the numbe er of copies o s to of Quick Ship ODB files save for f shipping transaction ns. Although h rarely nece essary, having a backup of these ffiles can he elp track and resolve prroblems tha at occur whe en updating Progression n from WMS S. The maximum m nu umber of file es that may be saved iss 999. Confirm Ship an nd Confirm Bill – This check box iis used to specify that W WMS should d p and a Conffirm Bill ope eration simu ultaneously. This is only y perforrm both a Confirm Ship valid if the Progre ession syste em is set to Confirm Sh ip. When se et, the Quick k Ship action will be e specified for f both steps simultan neously. With this option, WMS can n be transa configured to relie eve invento ory prior to O/E O to A/R P Posting with hout the add ditional burd den of doin ng both a co onfirm ship and a confirm bill operration manu ually in Progression. Imme ediate Auto o Bill for Pa ack Verify – This checck box can b be used to s specify that the proces ss to update e Progressio on should oc ccur immediiately upon completing an order in Pack Verify V mode e. When this s is selected, the user w will not need d to periodic cally click th he Updatte Macola button. WMS will autom matically ge nerate the O ODB file forr Quick Ship p Polling g. If Quick Ship S Polling is running, the order w will be selectted for billin ng (or confirrmed shippe ed) immedia ately. 31 ections cann not be made e within WM MS for pack Note:: If this option is used, billing corre verific cation orders s. The orderr is immedia ately closed for this cyccle and prep pared for the e next cycle. c Do no ot post zero o ship to Quantities Q – This check k box is use ed to suppre ess the selec ction of line e items that are comple etely unpack ked. WMS w will leave tho ose items un nselected when invoicing or perfo orming confirm ship transactions. Pack Options AutoP Autom matic Pack k Cartons – This is a global setting g that allowss for the auttomatic generation of UCC C-128 labels s based on standard s ca ase quantitie es and the q quantity ed. This settting can be overridden for specific customers with an enttry in the ordere Customer Overrid de file. When using auto opack mode e, the pack ccartons func ction is cessary. See e ASN Bulk Weight W File Maintenancce for instrucctions on se etting up unnec standa ard case quantities. Thiis field is ign nored if the WMS EDI A ASN Data Co ollection Mo odule is not installed. 1 Car rton Per Or rder? – This s option forc ces WMS to create a sin ngle carton for orders that are be eing packed using the autopack a fun nction. Whe en activated, AutoPack will create a single carton and pack all of the items on o an order into that sin ngle carton. This option n is disabled if the Au utomatic Pa ack Carton ns field is no ot activated. ddress AuttoPack Ove erride field – Specify a user define ed field in th he A/R Alterrnate Alt Ad Address file that can c be used d to override e the order completion mode and a autopack gs for a spe ecific alterna ate address. This is typiically used w when small store orders are setting handle ed through pack verification and la arge DC ord ers are handled using A AutoPack. T To use th his option, th he specified d user define ed field musst be unhidd den on the P Progression screen n using Scre een Designe er. The follow wing valuess may then b be specified in the field in the Alternate Add dress file: VN = Pack k Verify Mod de, AutoPack Off SN = Pack k Shipments s Mode, AutoPack Off SY = Pack k Shipments s Mode, Auto oPack On BN = WMS S Billing Mode, AutoPac ck Off BY = WMS S Billing Mod de, AutoPac ck On Note:: If any othe er value is typed into th his UDF field d, it will be ignored and d the defaultt values s used. AutoP Pack Label Sequence UDF – Spe ecify a user defined field d in the Item m Location file to use e to sequenc ce labels printed via the e autopack process. No ormally, WM MS will look a at the Pic ck Ticket Orrder field in the Order Entry E Setup file to determine the o order to prin nt the labels. The labels are then prrinted either in pick seq quence or in n order entrry sequence. pecified in th his control setting, s the labels will u use the value of the Item When a UDF is sp Location file UDF specified he ere. 32 ping Label Settings S Shipp Carto on: UCC 128 1 Numbe er - Type th he label sequ uence numb ber for the n next carton label. This number will increment for ea ach label printed. on Label – Type T the name of the default d carto on label form mat. The forrmat will be Carto used when w printin ng carton level UCC-128 labels unl ess specifically overridd den for the custom mer with an entry in the Customerr Override file. The labe el format can be overrid dden for an individual order o by spe ecifying a la abel name in n the order header userr defined fie eld nated in Lab bel Overrid de Field. *N NONE is a rreserved forrm name wh hich indicate es to design generate the reco ords, but no ot to print th he label. s field speciffies the use r defined fie eld from the e O/E order Labell Override Field – This heade er file that is s used to ov verride the la abel format used to print carton (p pack) labels s. If set to XX, overrid ding the label format is not allowed d. Note:: WMS versions prior to o 7.5.11 use ed a setting in the WMS S INI file to allow this. T The INI en ntry is no lon nger supporrted. Defer r Printing – This check k box instruc cts the pack k cartons or pack verify y function to o defer printing a carton label until the carton is pack ked. If this ffield is clearred, WMS prrints el immediate ely when a new n carton is created. However, so ome custom mers require e the a labe label to t indicate the t contents s of the cartton. If the la abel is printe ed before th he items are e packed, WMS can nnot print th he item num mber on the label. If the e Defer Prin nting check k box ected, WMS will not prin nt the label until the usser clicks the e Reprint b button or lea aves is sele the ca arton. Pallett: UCC 128 1 Numbe er – Type th he label sequence numb ber for the n next pallet llabel. This number will increment with each e label printed. ype the nam me of the de efault pallet label forma at. The form mat will be used Pallett Label – Ty when printing palllet level UC CC-128 labells unless sp ecifically ov verridden for the custom mer with an a entry in the t Custome er Override file. The lab bel format c can be overrridden for an n individ dual order by b specifying g a label name in the o rder headerr user define ed field design nated in Lab bel Overrid de Field. *N NONE is a rreserved forrm name wh hich indicate es to generate the reco ords but nott to print the e label. s field speciffies the use r defined fie eld from the e O/E order Labell Override Field – This heade er file that is s used to ov verride the la abel format used to print pallet (ta are) labels. If set to XX, overriding the label fo ormat is nott allowed. o 7.5.11 use ed a setting in the WMS S INI file to allow this. T The Note:: WMS versions prior to INI en ntry is no lon nger supporrted. Defer r Printing – This check k box instruc cts the pack k pallets fun nction to deffer printing a pallet label until the t pallet is packed. If this t field is cleared, WM MS prints a label immed diately when a new pallet is create ed. Howeverr, some custtomers requ uire the labe el to 33 ents of the pallet. p If the e label is priinted before e the items are packed,, indicate the conte n on the label. If the Defer P Printing check box is WMS cannot printt the item number ntil the userr clicks the R Reprint buttton or leave es selected, WMS wiill not print the label un allet. the pa Labell Qty Forma at – The forrmat of case e packs whe en printed o on labels. Th his is typically #### #, which ind dicates four digits with no leading zzeros. This fformat follo ows standard d VB numeric formattin ng rules and d defaults to o #### if n not specified d. ping 2 Tab Shipp Bin / Serial / Lo ot / Catch Weight Se ettings Captu ure Catch Weights? W – Select this check box if WMS shou uld record the t breakdow wn of eac ch quantity packed p into a carton. This T is a com mmon requirrement whe en products are sold by b weight. Ignor re Multi-Bin n, Serial an nd Lot Flag gs? – This ccheck box m may be used to disable m multi bin, se erial, and lo ot support in n the WMS. This check box instructts WMS not to ask for b bin, serial,, or lot numbers. This should s be se elected only for compan nies not usin ng the WMS S autom matic billing functions. This T field is for f use with h non-pick m management orders onlly. It does not n apply to o pick manag gement orders. Use Item Pick Seq S as Defa ault Bin? – This check box may be e selected to o have WMS S matically deffault the bin number to the value sspecified in tthe items piicking seque ence autom field frrom the Item Location file. This is useful if mu ulti bin is turned on butt shipping is s done from f one prrimary bin lo ocation for each e item. W With this op ption selecte ed, a bin num mber does not n need to be typed orr scanned unless the ite em is being shipped fro om a bin oth her 34 t standard d location. This T field is for f use with h non-pick m management orders onlly. It than the does not n apply to o pick manag gement orders. Allow w Override of Default Bin? – This s check box may be sellected to allow the userr to override a defaultt bin numbe er. This chec ck box is dissabled if Us se Item Pic ck Seq as ult Bin is cle eared. If de efault bins are being use ed and Allo ow Override e of Default Defau Bin is cleared, WMS will not prompt for the bin num mber unless the defaultt bin has not been specified s or an invalid bin b is specified as the d default. If th his check bo ox is selected d, WMS will w default to the bin specified in the t Item Piick Sequen nce field, bu ut the user m may override it. If the Use Item Pick Seq as a Default B Bin check b box is cleare ed, WMS will or a bin. This s field is for use with no on-pick man nagement o orders only. It always prompt fo n apply to o pick manag gement orders. does not I/M Ext E Ser Num m Field – This T field spe ecifies the u user defined d field, user note field, o or user code c field to be used in the I/M Item Master to o identify th hat an item iis externally y serialized. When this field is not XX, extternal serial numbers ca an be tracke ed. The Item m onsidered e externally Master file field specified must contain a Y for the ittem to be co mbers will be b entered b but not valid dated against the serialized. External serial num ession Lot/S Serial file. Th hey will be written w to th he order line e comment file and can n be Progre looked d up using the t Progress sion Where Used inquiry y. Over/ /Under Shiip Handling g Overs ship Error – If set to Warning, W a warning me essage will be displayed d during carrton packin ng if the qua antity packe ed is greaterr than the q quantity ordered, but th he user may y acceptt the messa age and ship p the extra quantity. q If set to Hard d, an error m message willl be displayed and the e entry will not n be allow wed. ance % – Used U to indicate that WMS W should only genera ate a warnin ng or error iff the Tolera item is s over shipp ped by a vallue greater than the pe ercentage sp pecified. Undership Error r – If set to Warning, a warning m message will be display yed during o order cation, shipm ment comple etion, and order o billing if the quantity packed is less than n the verific quantity ordered. The user may m accept the t message without com mpletely fillin ng e and ship w t Hard, an error mess sage will be displayed and these functions will not the orrder. If set to be allo owed until the remainin ng quantity is packed a nd shipped.. Tolera ance % – Used U to indicate that WMS W should only genera ate a warnin ng or error iff the item is s under ship pped by a value greater than the p percentage sspecified. Addittional Bar Code C Searc ch Options The ch heck boxes in this section allow the e user to co onfigure how w WMS dete ermines the item number being pro ocessed whe en a value is s entered in nto any of th he item ID ffields in WM MS. ormal hierarchy of this search is to o see if the sspecified co ode can be ffound in the e The no following fields: B Weight File Alterna ate Item Ide entifier EDI ASN Bulk I/M Item Master M UPC Code 35 I/M Item Master M Item Number If sele ected, the ad dditional sea arch options s are added d, in order, tto the top off this hierarrchy. These additional searches s are typically used u when a company h has assigne ed the same UPC or UCC C-14 numbe er to multiple item num mbers. Such use violate es Universal Code Counc cil standa ards and is not recomm mended. How wever, it ca n be difficullt to remove e these tech hnical violatiions from a company’s catalog, so these optio ons allow WM MS to be configured to correc ctly handle this t situation. However,, it is strong gly recomme ended to av void creating g duplicate situations in the futture and to make reaso onable efforrts to remov ve such duplications going g forward. EDI Cust C Item X-Ref X UPC Lookup? – Add the ED DI Item crosss-reference e UPC No fie eld to the e search hierrarchy. This s option is ig gnored if the e Progressio on EDI modu ule is not installed. Normallly this check k box should d be left cle eared. C Item X-Ref X Cust Item Look kup? – Add s the O/E C Customer Ite em crossO/E Cust refere ence Custom mer Item Number N fielld to the sea arch hierarcchy. Normally this check box sh hould be leftt cleared. Bulk Weight W Customer Pre efix Lookup p? – Adds tthe custome er number as a prefix in n the ASN bulk b weight file Alterna ate Item Id dentifier fie eld. WMS wiill prefix the e specified c code to the e customer number n betw ween the ^ symbols, a nd then atte empt to find d the concatenated valu ue in the AS SN bulk weig ght file Alte ernate Item m Identifie er field beforre nuing using the normal hierarchy. Normally N th is check box x should be left cleared d. contin Ignor re Item Pre efix Speciffy a list of prefixes for specialty s item numberss. Items that begin with h this prefix will not be e written intto WMS and will be bille ed automatically when the order is s selected fo or billing. Up to 10 different d pre efix codes may m be spec ified. Note tthat the pre efix ** is matically con nsidered a miscellaneou m us item beca ause this is the standarrd used by tthe autom EDI module. m To add d an item prefix to be ignored, typ pe the prefix x in the Ignore Item P Prefix field, and then click c Add. To rem move an item prefix, cliick the prefiix in the listt to select itt, and then c click Delete e. To cha ange an exis sting item prefix, p click the prefix in n the list to select it. Ty ype the new w value in the field,, and then click c Update e. 36 T EPN Tab The EPN tab may not be visib ble if the fea ature has no ot been ena abled on you ur system. IIf o not see th his tab, please contact WMS W suppo rt for furthe er informatio on. In addition, you do this fe eature requires the Micrrosoft SQL database; d itt is not supp ported under Pervasive.SQL. Use Electronic E Pick P Ticket Processing – Select tthis check b box to enable electronic c pick tickets s. This functtion is inten nded for use e in an RF en nvironment because it enables the e use of han ndheld devic ces to walk a picker thrrough the pi cking materrials. Ignor re Negative e On Hand Error – Select this che eck box to a allow transactions which will generate a negative quantity y on hand. Although A WM MS will not w warn you du uring shipping, olling proces ss will produ uce an exception when billing selecction is attempted. the po Recom mmend Bin n/Serial/Lo ot By: - Select Expira tion Date o or Bin Priorrity from th he drop down d as the e primary criteria when making reccommendations for bin,, serial, and lot items.. Expiration n Date is only applicab ble to serial and lot item ms. When Bin Priority is selected, WMS wiill not recom mmend a specific lot or serial numb ber in the bin. mmend Split Lots – This T check box should b be selected iif WMS can use more th han Recom one lo ot to fulfill th he order. If Recommen nd Split Lo ots is selecte ed, WMS will use the remainder of the oldest, non-expired lott, and then ffill the rema aining open quantity fro om ext available e lot. If this check box is i cleared, W WMS will use the oldestt lot which h has the ne sufficient quantity y to fulfill th he order. This setting iss ignored if tthe Recomm mend Serial/Lot By B field is set s to Bin Priority. Bin/S EPN Pick P Order – Select the e field that contains the e sequencin ng value for the critical path throug gh the ware ehouse. In a binned env vironment th his typically y is the bin n number. In a 37 onment, this is typically y the pick s equence. However, the e user may non-binned enviro f va alues: Bin; Pick P Seque ence; and I Inventory L Location User choose from the following Defined 1 – 5. nd/Descen nd – Select whether w the e natural flo w through tthe warehou use for the p pick Ascen order specified in the EPN Pick Order field f is Asce ending or D Descending g. Defau ult Staging Bin – Type e the value used when creating a sstage pack a as the defau ult locatio on for stagin ng products. This can be b overridde en when the e stage pack k is created. Force e Multiplier r – Select th his check box if the use r typically iss required to specify a multip plier or quan ntity when processing p picks. p If thiss is selected, WMS will p prompt for multip plier before asking for the item num mber. Set th his option fo or Pick Pac ck, Stage Pick, and Stage Pack. me Full Qty y – Select th his check bo ox if WMS should pack the full ope en quantity Assum withou ut the user having to sp pecify a multiplier. Thiss option is available for Stage Pick k only. B Validattion – Selec ct this check k box to allo ow the user to pick from m a bin with hout Skip Bin having g to scan an nd validate that t it is the e correct bin n. This optio on is availab ble for Pick Pack and Stage Pick only. e Pack Sheet Setup Stage Print Stage Pack Sheet? – Indicates whether w a p rinted reporrt is necessa ary for proces ssing stage packs. Stage e Pack Sheet Format – Type the name of the e stage pack report. Copie es – Type th he number of o copies of the stage p ack report tto be printed. Stage e Pack Sheet Printer – Specify th he printer to o use when printing the e stage pack k reportt. The printe er name must have bee en added pre eviously usiing the Printter tab. 38 Receiiving Tab P/O General G Op ptions Force e Entry of PO P Multiplier – Select this check b box if the usser is typica ally required d to specify y a multiplie er or quantity when performing recceiving entrries. If this iis selected, WMS will prrompt for th he multiplierr before asking for the iitem numbe er. Enter r Cost – Select this che eck box if the user shou uld be prompted for the e cost during g the receiv ving process s. (Note thatt this featurre is not cur rently availa able.) ODB Generation G ns – This fie eld specifies the numbe er of copies o k receipt OD DB of the quick files to o save for re eceipt trans sactions. Although rarelly necessary y, having a backup of these files can help trac ck and resolve problems that occurr when upda ating Progre ession from mum numberr of files tha at can be sa aved is 999. WMS. The maxim Show w PO Cost – Select this check box if the cost sshould be diisplayed on the screen during g the receiviing process.. (Note thatt this feature e is not currrently availa able.) Receiiving Dock is Bin – Se elect this check box if P Progression’ss bin system m is in use a and goods s are typically offloaded from the trruck at a wa arehouse do ock and then n transferred to where e they will be stored. Scan Sheet Setu up Print Scan Shee et? – Use th his setting to o indicate if a scan shee et document is typically y neede ed for your vendors. v Select Yes, No o or Somettimes. The scan sheet is useful wh hen products are typic cally receive ed without bar b codes. T The scan she eet will prin nt with a barr f each item m on the PO O, allowing the t user to sscan the ite em instead o of having to type code for 39 em number.. If set to So ometimes, the report will only priint when the e user reque ests the ite it by pressing p the e F8 key. Scan Sheet Form mat Name – Type the name of the e Crystal Re eport or VB program th hat will be e used when n a scan she eet is requirred. Leave b blank if no scan sheet is s required. Format Type – Indicate I whe ether the sc can sheet prrogram is w written in Cry ystal Reportts or Visual Basic. es – Type th he number of o copies of the scan sh heet that WM MS should p print. Copie Scan Sheet Prin nter – Selec ct the printer to use wh en printing the default scan sheet. The printer name mus st have been added pre eviously usin ng the Printter tab. Samplle Scan Sheet Reeport way Ticket Setup Putaw Use th his section to indicate whether w a pu utaway ticke et should be e printed. The putaway y ticket is a BarTen nder label fo ormat named d Putaway y1.btw. Thiss format ma ay be modifiied in conjun nction with external lab bel file maintenance. Generate Putaw way Ticket – Select this check box x if a putawa ay ticket should be ch receipt. generated for eac way Ticket Printer Na ame – Selec ct the printe er to use wh hen printing putaway Putaw tickets s. The printe er name mu ust have bee en added ussing the Prin nter tab. Putaw way Ticket Copies – Type T the number of cop pies of each putaway tic cket that sh hould be printed. 40 Samp ple Putaway Ticcket Produ uct Labels Setup The re eceiving function can au utomatically y generate p product labe els for up to o four levels,, define ed as unit, in nner, case and a pallet. The T Product Labels secttion of WMS S Control File e Mainte enance dete ermines the default calc culations forr each layerr. These may be overrid dden in the vendor ove erride file for a vendor or o in the ven ndor item o override file for a specific vendo or item. For ea ach layer, th he user spec cifies the lab bel format, w whether it is printed, h how many copies s, what printer to use, and a a default package ccode to use in conjuncttion with the e ASN bulk b weight file to allow WMS to calculate the n number of labels requirred. Sam mple Product Labbel Labell Type – Shows which layer l is bein ng changed.. WMS sets this field au utomatically when the user selects an enttry to modify y. e drop down Print (Y/N) – Se elect Yes, No, N or Prom mpt from the n list to indiicate whether product labels sho ould be prin nted when product p is re eceived. Yes: Print automatically without waiting w for u user confirm mation. 41 No: Do not allow prod duct labels to t be printed d. D the calculated c qu uantity of la abels and allow the use er to override the Prompt: Display number off labels printted, as well as the case e pack used for this layer. he name of the form to o be used to o print the p product labels for this la ayer. Format – Type th es – Type th he number of o copies of each producct label thatt should be printed for this Copie layer. Printe er Name – Select the printer p to us se when printing the prroduct labels for this lay yer. The printer name e must have been added d previously y using the Printer tab. C – Sele ect the pack kage code th hat should b be used with h the item n number to fiind Pkg. Code the qu uantity per from f the AS SN bulk weig ght file when n calculating g the number of labels requirred. Inven ntory Tab Issue es/Receipt/ /Transfer Options Force e Multiplier r – Select th his check box if the use r typically iss required to specify a multip plier or quan ntity when processing p in nventory tra ansactions. If this is selected, WMS S will promp pt for the multiplier beffore asking for f the item m number. Allow w Any To Biin – Select this t check box b if the bin n number does not nee ed to exist alread dy when tran nsferring orr receiving product p into the bin. Speciify Order Number N – Select S this ch heck box if W d prompt for an order WMS should number while pro ocessing issu ues, receipts, and transsfers. 42 w Any Order Number – Select this s check box x if WMS sho ould not validate the orrder Allow agains st Progressio on Order En ntry. If this check box iss cleared, W WMS will vallidate the orrder number and only allow issues, receipts, and transfe ers for itemss that appea ar on the orrder. G ns – This fie eld specifies the numbe er of copies o of the inven ntory transa action ODB Generation ODB files f to save for issue, receipt, r and transfer tra ansactions. A Although ra arely necess sary, having g a backup of these file es can help track t and re esolve problems that oc ccur when 999. updating Progress sion from WMS. W The maximum num be saved is 9 mber of files that can b e Count Op ptions Physiical / Cycle Force e Multiplier r – Select th his check box if the use r typically iss required to specify a multip plier or quan ntity when processing p count c tags. IIf this check k box is sele ected, WMS will promp pt for the multiplier beffore asking for f the item m number. Auto Advance – Select this check box if the user ttypically willl be making one entry per tag. WMS W will auttomatically advance a to the next tag g once the ccurrent one is processe ed. This option o is igno ored for non n-directed counting. c Recor rd Non-Bin n Location – Select this s check box x to require the user to enter a bin locatio on, even forr non-binned d warehouse es or items.. This inform mation will p print on the reconc ciliation reports, which is useful in determining g each item m’s location, but will nott affect the posting g. Autom matically Use U Empty Tags – Sele ect this checck box for W WMS to auto omatically u use an em mpty tag whe en an item is scanned that t was no t included w when the count was generated. If this s check box is cleared, and a empty ttags are ava ailable, WMS will displa ay a ng. The user will have to t acknowle edge the wa rning to use e an empty tag. warnin Stock k Inquiry Hide Zero Quantity Bins – Select this check box iif the bin sto ock inquiry should defa ault o display zerro quantity bins. b not to 43 Shop Floor Tab Receiive to Staging Bin – Select S this check box to o automatica ally receive orders to th he stagin ng bin by default. Prompt for Path h – Select th his check bo ox for WMS to prompt tthe user for the path heck box is cleared, the e system will force the path to 000 00. number. If this ch ay Departm ment – Sele ect this chec ck box for W WMS to display the depa artment num mber Displa for the e user. Overr ride Departtment – Se elect this che eck box to a allow the usser to enter a different departtment numb ber. Displa ay Work Ce enter – Select this che eck box to d isplay the w work center for the userr. Overr ride Work Center C – Se elect this ch heck box to allow the usser to enterr a different work center. c Displa ay Labor Grade G – Sele ect this chec ck box for W WMS to disp play the labo or grade forr the user. ride Labor Grade – Se elect this check box to a allow the usser to enter a different labor Overr grade. n Message – Choose a method forr handling o over producttion entries. Over Production Hard – Pre events enterring an amo ount that is over producction. Warn – Wa arns when entering e an amount tha at is over prroduction. 44 k Preceding g Operatio on Qty – Checks the qu uantity of th he previous o operation to o Check determ mine the quantity comp pleted for its s parent item m. events enterring an amo ount that is over producction. Hard – Pre Soft – Warrns when en ntering an amount that is over production. Ignore – Allows A over production. Issue es Force e Multiplier r – Select th his check box if users arre typically required to enter a multip plier or quan ntity when entering e issu ued quantitiies. Assum me Remain ning Qty -- This is used d in SFC wh hen issuing b binned, serial, or lotted d compo onents durin ng a back flush. If selec cted, WMS d defaults to iissuing the ffull quantity y remaining against the lot. If you clear th his check bo ox, the quan ntity defaultts to 1 unles ss ser overrides it. the us Receiipts Force e Multiplier r – Select th his check box if users arre typically required to enter a multip plier or quan ntity when entering e receipt quantitty. Prompt for MFG G Serial/Lot No – Sele ect this checck box to ha ave WMS pro ompt users for the manufacturerr's serial or lot number. ect this check box to ha ave WMS prrompt users s for an Prompt for Exp Date – Sele ation date. The T expiratio on date defa aults to the current datte plus the s shelf life day ys expira from the t item num mber. If the e Item Master Shelf Liffe Days is z zero, the de efault expira ation is the current datte plus fiftee en years. Defau ult Serial/L Lot Mode – Choose an option for tthe default sserial/lot mode: Static/Num meric -- Disp plays the bin/serial/lot static numb ber screen. Scan Full Number N -- Displays D the e bin/serial/llot full scan mode scree en. WMS displays one e of these screens if the e operation is a Y count point and the parent item erial or lotte ed item, or if the parentt item is bin nned and the e Receive tto Staging Bin is a se check box is clearred. Auto Generate Serial S Num mbers – Sele ect this che ck box to ke eep the use ers in static numeric mode an nd prevent them from switching s be etween scan numeric m mode and full m scan mode. Assum me Remain ning Qty -- This is used d in SFC wh hen issuing b binned, serial, or lotted d compo onents durin ng a back flush. If selec cted, WMS d defaults to iissuing the ffull quantity y remaining against the lot. If you clear th his check bo ox, the quan ntity defaultts to 1 unles ss ser overrides it. the us Mater rial Issues and Retur rns Over Issue Message – Cho oose an option for hand dling over issues: 45 Warn -- Warns W users when issuin ng an amoun nt greater than what is required. Hard -- Pre events userrs from issuiing an amou unt greater than what iis required. Force e Multiplier r – Select th his check box if users arre typically required to enter a mu ultiple or qua antity when entering material issue es and returrns. POP Tab T Receiive to Staging Bin – Select S this check box to o automatica ally receive orders to th he stagin ng bin by default. Over Production n Message -- Choose an a option fo or handling o over produc ction: Warn -- Warns W users when entering an amou unt over pro oduction. Hard -- Pre events userrs from ente ering an amo ount over production. Issue es Force e Multiplier r – Select th his check box if users arre typically required to enter a multip plier or quan ntity when entering e a re eceipt quanttity. Assum me Remain ning Qty -- This is used d in POP wh hen issuing b binned, serial, or lotted d compo onents durin ng a back flush. If selec cted, WMS d defaults to iissuing the ffull quantity y remaining to issue against th he lot, witho out a user n eeding to enter it. If yo ou clear this s uantity defaults to 1 un nless the use er overridess it. check box, the qu Receiipts Force e Multiplier r – Select th his check box if users arre typically required to enter a mu ultiple or qua antity when entering a receipt quantity. 46 G Serial/Lot No – Sele ect this checck box to ha ave WMS pro ompt users to Prompt for MFG acturer's serrial or lot nu umber. enter the manufa ect this check box to ha ave WMS prrompt users s for an Prompt for Exp Date – Sele ation date. expira Defau ult Serial/L Lot Mode – Choose an option for tthe serial/lo ot mode: Static/Num meric -- Disp plays the bin/serial/lot static numb ber screen Scan Full Number N -- Displays D the e bin/serial/llot full scan mode scree en WMS displays one e of these screens if the e operation is a Y count point and the parent item erial or lotte ed item, or if the parentt item is bin nned and the e Receive tto Staging Bin is a se check box is clearred. Auto Generate Serial S Num mbers – Sele ect this che ck box to ke eep the use ers in static numeric mode an nd prevent them from switching s be etween scan numeric m mode and full m scan mode. Assum me Remain ning Qty – This T is used d in POP whe en issuing b binned, seria al, or lotted compo onents durin ng a back flush. If activ vated, WMS defaults to issuing the e full quantitty remaining to issue against th he lot, witho out a user n eeding to enter it. If yo ou clear this s uantity defaults to 1 un nless the use er overridess it. check box, the qu Mater rial Issues and Retur rns Force e Multiplier r – Select th his check box if users arre typically required to enter a mu ultiple or qua antity when entering material issue es and returrns. 47 S Tab b R/F System Auto Close on RF R Error – Select S this check c box to o allow the R RF client to shut down autom matically if an error occu urs in the RF connection n. If cleared d, WMS will display an e error on the e RF server and the clie ent will rema ain open un til the messsage has been addresse ed. The errror occurs when an RF F disconnectt occurs betw ween the RF d the RF gun. F server and The client, runnin ng as a session on the RF R server, ccan no longe er communicate with th he RF s the error cannot be displayed d on n the RF gun n. The RF gun will rese et and a new w RF gun, so client created, reg gardless of the option specified s he re. Leaving old clients can slow do own the RF F server bec cause they continue c to use resourcces. It is normally reco ommended that this ch heck box be selected. er Tab Printe The Prrinter tab de efines logica al printer na ames to be u used throug ghout WMS. Each works station can be b configure ed for the ac ctual printerr to be used d when this logical name is invoke ed. Note:: Currently this t feature is supporte ed for EPN sttage pack re eports, P/O scan sheets, P/O pu utaway tickets, and P/O O product la abels. The S Shipping Rep porting mod dule does no ot use th his feature at a this time. 48 d a logical printer p name e, type the name in the e Printer Names field,, and then c click To add Add. al printer name, click th he name in tthe Printerr Names listt to select itt, To dellete a logica and th hen click De elete. To cha ange an exis sting printer name, clic ck the prefix x in the list tto select it. Type the ne ew value in the field,, and then click c Update e. Use th he Printer ta ab to establiish differentt types of prrinters. For example, yo ou could establish printers with the fo ollowing nam mes: 4 x 6 Labe els 2 x 3 Labe els 8 x 11.5 White W Stock Manifest Form F 811 On each workstattion, a work kstation conffiguration e ntry would be made to direct each h of printer. See Workstatio on these printers to the approprriate local or network p Configuration fo or more info ormation. eyor Tab Conve WMS Conveyor Support is de esigned for use when u sing stage p pick and sta age pack ck standard cartons ontto pallets. A separate co onveyor ma anagement operattions to pac system m must be used u to conttrol the auto omated conv veyors. 49 Selectt the Use Co onveyor ch heck box. Th he Add Con nveyor Info ormation b button will th hen becom me active. Click the Add d Conveyor r Informattion button. Gener ral Tab Conve eyor Name e – Type the e name of th he conveyorr. Logical Sort Lan nes – Type the numberr of logical ssort lanes to o be used by y this conve eyor. A logic cal lane is composed c off two physic cal lanes. When the pallet being pa acked on the e first physical lane e is full, the conveyor management m t system will divert the e order to th he ue alternating between n the two ass the order is packed. second one, and then continu ult Bin – Ty ype the I/M bin to use as a the defau ult staging b bin for this c conveyor. Defau Physiical Sort La anes – Type e the numbe er of physica al sort laness to be used d by this conveyor. 50 pot Sort Lanes – Type the numbe er of jackpott sort lanes to be used for this Jackp conveyor. Packing g exceptions s due to errrors, special processing, or weight and size outed to a ja ackpot sort lane l for paccking. exceptions are ro er Mapping gs Printe A printer drop-do own list box will be displayed for ea ach physicall sort lane d defined in th he ect a printer for each Pr rinter field displayed. Generral tab. Sele FTP Information I n FTP Address A – Type T the IP address for the FTP serrver. FTP User U Name – Type a us ser name fo or FTP comm munications.. FTP Password P – Type a pas ssword for FTP F commun nications. FTP Send S File – Type the fillename of th he WMS con nveyor wave e definition file. This file e is sent to the conve eyor manage ement progrram and con ntains the o order packin ng informatio on. ollowing spe ecial charactters are supported for ffilenames: The fo * – Any va alue ? – Any on ne byte valu ue %d – Date e/time stamp in format yyyymmdd dhhmm 51 R File e – Type the e filename of o the wave results file ssent from th he conveyorr FTP Results manag gement systtem to WMS S. This inforrmation is u sed by WMS S to create and pack pa allets for the e order. The e following special s characters are ssupported fo or filenames s: * – Any va alue ? – Any on ne byte valu ue %d – Date e/time stamp in format yyyymmdd dhhmm Pollin ng Interval – Type a value, in seconds, for ho ow frequenttly WMS sho ould check ffor packin ng informatiion from the e conveyor system. s Click OK O to save the conveyo or information and retu urn to the m main Convey yor tab. Other r Tab Modiffy Literals – Click this button to change the la abels for the e fields on tthe Pack Shipm ments Page 5 and Page 6 tabs. Shorttcut Charac cter – The shortcut s cha aracter can be used when typing carton or palllet IDs to o eliminate the t need to type leading zeroes. Fo or example,, instead of typing 00000 0012, you ca an use the shortcut s cha aracter and type only 0 0.12, which is translated d into th he full value e. Select Period, Comm ma, or Sem micolon from m the Shorttcut Charac cter drop-d down list bo ox to change e the shortc cut character, or select Disable to disallow thiis featurre. Featu ures – This field should be left blan nk unless in structed by support personnel to specify y a value. 52 Pack Packa age Code and Bulk Weight W Setu up AutoP If you are using AutoPack, A WMS W will auttomatically p pack the ite ems from the e order into o ns based on definitions in the ASN Bulk Weigh t Cross-Refference file. carton WMS S finds item num mber NOT FOUND D WMS searches s for ED I item c cross-reference WMS sea arches for default I-Level ASN package NOT FOUND WMS S uses package ccode v value to find ASN N FOUND W WMS checks for P Package Code field FOUND Using the item nu umber from the O/E ord der, WMS se earches for a Progressio m on EDI Item Cross--Reference entry e for this customerr for this item m. If a cros ss-reference e exists, WM MS checks for a value e in the Pac ckaging Co ode field. If a package ccode has be een entered,, alue to find the ASN bulk weight crross-referen nce for the item. WMS uses that va E item cro oss-referenc ce is found, or no packa age code ha as been specified in the e If no EDI cross--reference, WMS W search hes the ASN N Package Co ode file for the default entry for th he item. Using the package code e specified in i that defa ult record, W WMS finds tthe ASN bulk erence for th he item. weight cross-refe ound the corrrect ASN bu ulk weight ccross-refere ence for the item, it use es the Once WMS has fo e correct num mber of cartons. quantity in the Ittems Per Pack field to pack the it em into the P Co ode Cross-Reference Maintenan nce ASN Package The ASN Package e Code file is s used by th he Warehou se Managem ment System m to establis sh n types. If Progression’s P s EDI ASN submodule s is installed, Progression n provides a carton functio on to maintain this tablle. Howeverr, the Defau ult Record field is hidd den on the 53 ession scree en. If you ha ave Progression’s Scree en Designerr module, yo ou can unhid de Progre the De efault Reco ord field and use the Progression p provided ma aintenance. If you do n not have Screen S Designer, or you do not have the EDI A ASN submo odule, use th he maintena ance progra am supplied d WMS. The WMS W version of this scre een provides s maintenan nce only for shipment a and item lev vel record ds (Level Co ode = S or I). The ASN Package e Code cross s-reference maintenancce menu is a accessed fro om the Orde er ce menu. Th he ASN Pack kage Code ffile is used b by WMS to e establish carton Entry maintenanc types.. The definittion of the carton c type depends d on the level off the ASN fo or which it is s used. At the shipm ment level, it is a generic definition n of the classs of packag ging for the shipm ment. For ins stance, CTN2 25 is the ED DI package ccode for a ccorrugated o or solid carton. Simila arly, PLT94 indicates i a wooden w palllet. At the e item level, this functio on is used to o define the e various box x sizes for tthe products s being shipped. Level Code – This field has four selectio ons: shipme ent, tare, pa ack, and item. Only ment and item m are currently used by y WMS. shipm Packa age Code – This is a us ser-defined field. Its ussage depend ds on the lev vel code specified. For a sh hipment typ pe, the pack kage code iss a generic d definition off the class of e shipment. For instance, CTN25 iss the EDI pa ackage code for a packaging for the gated or solid carton. Similarly, PLT T94 indicate es a wooden n pallet. corrug 54 e item level, this field is s used to define the varrious box siz zes for the p products being At the shippe ed. This cod de, in association with the ASN Bul k Weight crross-reference file, can indicate a variety y of standard d pack sizes s for a specific item. ult Record – Select this check box x to indicate e that this package code e is the defa ault Defau package code for this level ty ype. Activatting this che eck box will not clear th he check box x any ord was prev viously seleccted as the default package code ffor other record. If another reco evel type, th hat record must m be edite ed and the Default Re ecord check k box cleared. this le The de efault record d is used by y WMS in Au utoPack mod de to determ mine the sta andard case e pack when w calcula ating the nu umber of lab bels to printt for a speciffic item. Unless overrid dden for a customer-ite c em combina ation by spe ecifying a pa ackage code e in an EDI item crossrefere ence, the default packag ge code will be used to find the casse pack in tthe ASN Bulk Weigh ht file. EDI Package P Co ode – Type the t EDI app proved pack kage code to o be used by y WMS when search hing for an ASN A Bulk Weight W record d for the ite em. This typ pically will be e CTN25 orr PLT94 4. Item Volume UM M – This field is not use ed by WMS. Item Volume Le ength – This field is not used by W WMS. Item Volume Width W – This field is not used by WM MS. Item Volume He eight – This s field is nott used by W WMS. Item Volume – This T field is not used by y WMS. ASN Bulk B Weigh ht Cross-Re eference Maintenanc M ce The ASN Bulk We eight file is used u by the Warehouse e Manageme ent System to establish ha onship between a packa age code an nd a case qu uantity for an item. How w this is use ed relatio depen nds on the WMS W mode. In autopack k mode, posst pick ticke et processing g uses this ffile to dettermine the number of labels to generate. See e Appendix x B EDI File e Usage forr instructions on ho ow to set up p items for autopack. a O Otherwise, th he Alternate e Item Identtifier nning to cro oss-referenc ce various ittem identifie ers to a Prog gression item is used when scan number. gression’s EDI E ASN sub bmodule is in nstalled, Pro ogression provides a fu unction to alllow If Prog maintenance of th his file. How wever, the Progression P ffunction doe es not allow w maintenan nce of em Qualifie er and Alte ernate Item m Number fields. WMS S supplies a new the Allternate Ite versio on of this scrreen which allows main ntenance of the item lev vel records only (Levell Code = I) and allows entry in the altern nate item fie elds. The ASN Bulk We eight cross-rreference maintenance menu is accessed from m the Order ce menu. Entry maintenanc 55 gression item number. This must b be a valid Prrogression item Item Number – Type a Prog number. age Code – Type the carton c type for f this reco ord. The pacckage code must have been Packa previo ously set up in the ASN Package Co ode file. Items s Per Pack – Type the quantity off stocking un nits associatted with this item-carto on combination. T field is not used by y WMS. Pack Weight – This Packs s Per Tare – This field is not used by WMS. Tare Weight W – This T field is not n used by WMS. Altern nate Item Number – This field allows differe ent codes to o be cross-re eferenced to o the Progre ession item number. Ex xamples are e UPC or UCC C-14 codes.. The allternate item m number may m be prec ceded by ^C CustomerN Number^ to o assign a bar code to t different items based d on the cus stomer num mber. While a assigning th he same barr code to t multiple SKUs S is not recommend ded, it is so metimes the e most expe edient way tto handle e special needs for a large custome er. This sho ould be done e only if abs solutely necessary. c for the e customer number pre efix only if tthe WMS control file Bulk Note:: WMS will check Weigh ht Customerr Prefix Look kup check box is selecte ed. Altern nate Item Qualifier – This field specifies s the e qualifier se ent in the AS SN for this carton n-item comb bination. Forr example, when w shippiing pallets, an ASN wou uld be creatted with a tare level and a the trad ding partnerr would requ uire a UCC-14, also kno own as the I 2 of 5, in the t pack lev vel. UC is the EDI stand dard definitio on for UCC--14. In addittion, if the Altern nate ID Qu ualifier field d in the custtomer overrride file is po opulated, th his field mus st 56 h it. This allo ows WMS to o force the user u to ente er a specific type of code when the bar match code type t is critic cal. Note:: If you are using phanttom cartons s, you must specify an alternate ite em qualifierr if the WMS bulk we eight cross-rreference us ses an altern nate item number to de efine a value that re epresents a carton instead of an in nner pack. O Otherwise, W WMS will no ot calculate tthe correc ct number of cartons for the bill of lading. 57 Chapter 5: WMS Se etup – Shipping S g Custo omer Overr ride File Ma aintenance e The cu ustomer ove erride file ov verrides the e WMS contrrol file defau ults for a sp pecific customer. The Customer Ov verride File Maintenance M e menu is acccessed from m the Order Entry Main ntain n this file is only required if the default functio ons of the W WMS need to o be menu. An entry in c For F example, a Custome er Override File entry should be ma ade overridden for a customer. ecify a uniqu ue label form mat for a customer. to spe Custo omer Numb ber – Type the t Progression custom mer number. This must be a valid custom mer numberr in Progress sion’s A/R Customer C fil e. Shipp ping Label Preference es Carto on Label Fo ormat Name – Type the name of tthe carton la abel format. The speciffied format will be use ed when printing carton n level UCC--128 labels and specific cally overrid des, c form at entry in tthe WMS co ontrol file. for thiis customer, the default UCC-128 carton *NON NE is a reserrved form name which indicates to o generate tthe records, but not to print the label. rmat Name e– Pallett Label For UCC-1 128 Requir red? Pack Pallets – Select S this ch heck box to generate a UCC-128 la abel when a attaching a product directly to a pallet in n the pack pallets p funct ion. If seleccted, WMS w will generate ea 58 ber and printt the associated label fo or each item m-multiplierr entered. W When new carton numb ed, WMS will generate a single phantom carton n for each u unique scan code, cleare accum mulating multiple quantities of the same s code into the sam me phantom m carton. Phantom cartons are typically used when shipping sstandard cartons on pallets. Standard ns generally require UCC-14/I-205 bar codes, but do not require UCC C-128 labels s. carton The ad dvantage is that the us ser will not have h to labe el every cartton, and the e size of the e ASN is also o greatly red duced. When Autopack Cartons is activated, this t option ccontrols whe ether the au utopack function generates phanto om cartons or o regular ca artons. s – Select th his check bo ox to genera ate a UCC-1 128 Labels w when attaching a Pack Shipments product directly to a pallet in n the pack shipments fu unction. If selected, WM MS will gene erate w carton num mber and prrint the asso ociated labell for each ite em-multiplier entered. a new When cleared, WMS will gene erate a sing gle phantom m carton for each unique e scan code e, accum mulating multiple quantities of the same s code into the sam me phantom m carton. Phantom cartons are rarely used u when not n using th he pack palle ets function, so this che eck ormally should be selec cted. box no Mixed d Item Lite eral – Type a value to be b printed in nstead of th he customerr item numb ber when a carton lab bel is printed and more than one ittem exists in n the carton n. Pallett: Labell Format Na ame – Type e the name of the palle t label form mat. The form mat will be used when printing palllet level UC CC-128 labells and speciifically overrrides, for this customerr, the defaullt UCC-128 pallet forma at entry in the t WMS Co ontrol File. * *NONE is a reserved fo orm name which indic cates to generate the re ecords, but not to print the label. UCC-1 128 Requir red? Pack Pallets – Select S this ch heck box if pallet proce essing is use ed for this customer. Mixed d Item Lite eral – Type a value to be b printed in nstead of th he customerr item numb ber when a pallet labe el is printed d and more than t one ite em exists on n the pallet.. Department – Select S Use as a Dept Qualifier or U Use as Fixed d Dept from m the drop-down ox. This conttrols how WMS W process ses the depa artment valu ue specified. list bo Use as Dept Qualifier – The value e specified w will be used to search the EDI captture ermine the department d number fro om the inbound EDI purchase orde er. file to dete Use as Fixed Dept – The T value sp pecified is th he departme ent number. This can b be peed up postt pick tickett processing when the d department number does used to sp not change e. Distriibution Cen nter Qualiffier – This value v specifies how to d determine th he distribution centerr for a given n customer. Typically th his value sho ould be left blank. If blank, WMS u uses the ED DI Ship-To cross-refere c ence and the e A/R Altern nate Addresss to find the e distribution n centerr. This is the e recommen nded method. If a value e is entered d in the Disttribution 59 er Qualifier r field, WMS S will attemp pt to find th he distributio on center in n the EDI Cente purcha ase order us sing the info ormation prrovided in th he Start and d Length fields. For de etailed instru uctions on setting s up distribution ccenters, see e Appendix x A WMS & EDI Distriibution Cen nter Setup. Distributio on center pro ocessing req quires the P Progression EDI module. nter Start/ /Length – These T fields are only ussed if a distrribution center Distriibution Cen qualifiier is specified. The Sta art and Len ngth fields tthen work to ogether to e extract the s shipto num mber from the t fourth ellement of th he N1 segment in the E EDI purchase order. The e N1 segme ent used is determined d by the Disttribution C Center Qualifier field. The Start ffield indicates the posiition in the N104 data from f which WMS will se earch for the e ship-to act the inforrmation to the right of tthe starting position forr the number. WMS will then extra h of the valu ue of the Le ength field. Distribution n center pro ocessing requires the length Progre ession EDI module. m Proce essing Prefferences Order r Completio on Mode – This field determines w when billing selection is s done. This value overrides, for f this custtomer, the WMS W Contro ol File default. SA AS Billing – Indicates th hat WMS re quires the u user to close e each order individually. Us se this meth hod to allow w easier control when a single orde er is en split amo ong multiple e shipmentss within a billing cycle. T The order is s ofte sele ected only after a the las st shipment for that ord der is proces ssed for the e day. This prevents accidentally y selecting t he order pa artially when n the user ects the upd date Progres ssion processs. sele Pack Shipments – Indica ates that an n order shou uld be comp pleted when a ed to is com mpleted. Use e this metho od to simpliffy shipment that it is attache der processing. Each order is flagge ed for selection when the shipmen nt is ord com mpleted, elim minating the need to p rocess each h order again in the WM MS billing function n. The selecttion informa ation will be e passed to Progression ction. when the userr runs the Update Progrression func C – In ndicates tha at an order should be trreated as a Pack Verify Cartons ent. When th he order is ccompleted tthe order wiill automatic cally uniique shipme be attached to o a shipmentt, and will a automatically be comple eted. This m mode is typically t use ed for custom mers that se ual orders th hat are each h end individu shipped to diffferent locations or at di fferent time es. Alt Id dentifier Co ode – If pro ovided, the alternate a ide entifier code e indicates tthat a specific type of o bar code is required. For examplle, if you we ere shipping g pallets, yo ou would hav ve to send an a ASN with h a tare leve el and the trrading partn ner would re equire a UCC C-14 in the pack level. By typing UC U in the Alternate Identifier Co ode field, on nly those rec cords in the e ASN Bulk Weight W file with w the Alte ernate ID Qualifier Q fi eld set to U UC can be us sed within W WMS. Auto Pack Carto ons? – This check box allows UCC--128 labels to be generrated autom matically bas sed on stand dard case qu uantities an nd the quanttity ordered. This settin ng 60 s customer, the WMS co ontrol file d efault. Whe en using auttopack, the pack overrides, for this ns function is unnecessa ary. See AS SN Bulk We eight File M Maintenanc ce for carton instructions on se etting up sta andard case e quantities. This field iss ignored if the WMS ED DI D Collectiion module is not installed. ASN Data One Carton C per Order? – This T check box b can be u used to force WMS to create a sing gle carton n for orders that are being packed using the a utopack fun nction. When n selected, AutoPack will crea ate a single carton and then pack a all items on n an order in nto that sing gle n. This optio on is disable ed if the Autto Pack Carrtons check k box is clea ared. carton ASN Preference P es Send 856 Ship Level L – This s check box x must be se elected to crreate the AS SN shipment level record. r This check box normally sh hould be sele ected. This field is igno ored if the W WMS EDI ASN Data Collection mod dule is not installed. r Level – Th his check bo ox must be sselected to create the A ASN order le evel Send 856 Order record d. This check box normally should be selected . This field iis ignored iff the WMS E EDI ASN Data D Collectiion module is not installed. Send 856 Tare Level L – This s check box x must be se elected to crreate the AS SN tare (palllet) level record. r This check box normally sh hould be sele ected. This field is igno ored if the W WMS EDI ASN Data Collection mod dule is not installed. x must be se elected to create the AS SN pack Send 856 Pack Level – This check box (carto on) level record. This ch heck box normally shou uld be selectted. This field is ignored d if the WMS EDI ASN N Data Colle ection modu ule is not insstalled. Send 856 Item Level – Thiis check box x must be se elected to ccreate the ASN item lev vel record d. This check box normally should be selected . This field iis ignored iff the WMS E EDI ASN Data D Collectiion module is not installed. Labell Setup Configuring WM MS to Use BarTender B hat have a .btw . extension. These fformats are used by BarTender creates formats th nfigured in tthe active W WMS INI file e. BarTender and must reside in a directory that is con w or o RF serverr used to prrint shipping g labels, pro oduct labels,, or putaway y Any workstation labels must have BarTender version 6.20 or higher installed. B BarTender sh hould be installed before proceeding p with w the follo owing stepss. or each work kstation. These steps mustt be done fo 61 In the e WMS Work kstation Con nfigurator, double-click d the BarTen nder entry. If not already don ne, select th he Use BarT Tender che eck box. Verrify that the path is the directo ory where the BarTender label form mats are sto ored. Confirrm that BarT Tender is ins stalled corre ectly by clic king the Ru un BarTend der button, followed by the Test T BarTen nder button n, and then the Close B BarTender button. If 62 ctly installed d, BarTender should loa ad and printt a label to tthe default label printerr correc specified in the Workstation W Configurato or. t Update EXT button n, and then click OK. C Click the Sav ve button on the main WMS Click the Works station Conffigurator scrreen to save e the setting gs. The Workstation W Configurato C or will have made m the fo ollowing enttries into the e INI file as well as the e EXTs assoc ciated with post pick tic cket processsing. SASERVER R.INI setting gs: [Settings] Bartender= =ON Format Path=602b.ext VB B01602c.ex t VB01602a.ext, VB016 /ON /PATH H Printiing Shippin ng Labels without w BarTender WMS historically has been ab ble to print shipping s lab bels directly to Eltron EPL2 printers s. ased by Zeb bra, and Zeb bra continue es to manuffacture a nu umber of EPL L2 Eltron was purcha duct line. WM MS can still print to the ese printers directly when printers from the Eltron prod ng shipping labels. printin The diirect Eltron or EPL2 prin nting capability has lim itations, however. BarT Tender form mats can ha ave embedd ded VB scrip pting within the label fo ormat definittion. This ha as proven necessary as custtomers have e put more and more c omplex dem mands on th heir vendors s. er label form mats are sim mply beyond d the capabiilities of the e EPL2 langu uage. Some of the newe Thereffore, although WMS continues to support s EPL2 2 printing to o protect us sers with a large library y of EPL2 lab bel formats,, all new use ers should u use the BarT Tender form mat system. EPL2 printing p doe es not suppo ort content labels, prod duct labels o or putaway ttags. A stan ndard custom mer label is 4 x 6 inche es. The EPL2 2 printer mu ust be config gured with a minim mum of 256k k memory to o print these e labels pro perly. The fo orm definitio ons, which are a stored on the printe er, are creatted using th he CALTOOL LS softwa are available e from Zebrra. CALTOOL LS creates label formatts that have e a .ejf extens sion. The WMS W installation will create a directtory named Labels unde er the IPSSA AS directory y in the Prrogression directory. d Th he standard label forma ats will be in nstalled; how wever, additio onal formats may have been suppllied on a dissk labeled T Trading Partn ner Label Forma ats. These additional formats also need n to be ccopied to th he IPSSAS L Labels directtory. To inittialize a Zeb bra EPL2 Printer with th hese formatss, these files must be p printed to th he printer using the following co ommand: abels\*.ejf LPTx L (where e x is the po ort to which the printer is attached) Copy A:\la 63 ch file has been b supplie ed to simplify y the processs of initializing the printer. To run n this A batc batch file, type X:\MACOLA A70\IPSSAS\Labels\ PRTSETUP P at a command promptt, where e X is the Progression drive and MA ACOLA70 is the Progresssion root diirectory. The en press Enter. Do not use the In nitialize Printer button in Externa al Label File Maintenanc ce Utilities tto initialize Eltron prrinters. rnal Label File F Mainte enance Exter The Ex xternal Labe el File Mainttenance program allowss the user to o define the e shipping la abel formats to be use ed by WMS. abels themse elves are formatted usiing BarTend der from Sea agull Scientific. BarTender The la suppo orts most the ermal printe ers, and new w printers are added co onstantly. To determine e which printers are e supported d, please vis sit Seagull S Scientific’s w web site at www.s seagullscien ntific.com, or o contact an n authorized d WMS rese eller. Extern nal label file e maintenance is used to t define the e label form mat names and to instru uct WMS about the variable field ds in the label that need d to be upda ated during printing. Fo or at, there will be a label format and an External Label File Maintenanc ce every label forma entry. xternal Labe el File Mainttenance function can be e accessed ffrom the Orrder Entry, The Ex Purcha ase Order Processing, P and a System Manager m maintenance e menus. Appendix E. Extternal Labe el Field Listt contains a complete list of fields available to o o customerr labels. print on 64 Labell Informatiion Move Up – Click this button to move the selected ffield in the U Used Fields s list box up p one n the list. line in Move Down – Cllick this button to move e the selecte ed field in th he Used Fie elds list box x t list. down one line in the Add >> > – Click this t button to t move the e selected fie eld from the e Available e Fields list box to the e bottom of the t Used Fields list. Double-clicki D ing an entry y in the Ava ailable Field ds list bo ox will also move m it to th he Used Fie elds list box x. << Re emove – Click this buttton to move e the select ed field from m the Used d Fields list box to the e bottom of the t Availab ble Fields liist. Double- clicking an entry in the e Used Field ds list bo ox will also move m it to th he bottom of o the Available Fields s list box. Utilitiies – Click this t button to t access a utility scree en for Eltron n printers. T This function n applie es only to Elttron printers. Developm ment of this function is in progress s at this time e and will be e documente ed later. This function will w ultimate ely replace tthe PRTSETU UP batch file e curren ntly used to initialize Elttron printers. This funcction should not be used d at this tim me to initialize Eltron prrinters. C this bu utton to prin nt a sample of the curre ent label. Th his function only Print Sample – Click applie es to Eltron printers p at this t time. Th he Eltron lab bel format m must have b been stored on the prrinter previo ously. Attach .EJF – Click this buttton to store an Eltron fo ormat in WM MS. This fea ature ultima ately will be e used within the utilitie es function to t allow inittialization off the Eltron printer from m within n External La abel File Maintenance. At A this time , most insta allations use e the supplie ed batch file to initia alize Eltron printers. p It is not necesssary to atta ach the Eltro on format w when initialization is ha andled via th he batch file e. This functtion does no ot apply to B BarTender u users. aved, if an .ejf file has n not been atttached, WM MS will issue a Note:: When the format is sa warnin ng message e. This should be ignore ed by BarTe nder users, and may be e ignored by y sites using u the PR RTSETUP batch file to in nitialize Eltro on printers. 65 Conte ents Label Use th he Contents Label tab to set up shiipping labelss that require information on the conten nts of a cartton or pallett to be printted. Note:: This is sup pported only y for BarTender label fo rmats. Labell – The nam me of the lab bel. This field d is automa atically set to the label name from the Label Information n tab, and is s a display only o field on n the Conten nts Label tab b. L Per Page P – The maximum number n of liines per pag ge. Max Lines Print Total Cartons – Selec ct this check k box to hav ve the total number of cartons liste ed on this la abel printed on the ship pping label. Move Up – Click this button to move the selected ffield in the U Used Fields s list box up p one n the list. line in Move Down – Cllick this button to move e the selecte ed field in th he Used Fie elds list box x t list. down one line in the Add >> > – Click this t button to t move the e selected fie eld from the e Available e Fields list box to the e bottom of the t Used Fields list. Double-clicki D ing an entry y in the Ava ailable Field ds list bo ox will also move m it to th he Used Fie elds list box x. << Re emove – Click this buttton to move e the select ed field from m the Used d Fields list box to the e bottom of the t Availab ble Fields liist. Double- clicking an entry in the e Used Field ds list bo ox will also move m it to th he bottom of o the Available Fields s list box. Sort Order O – Use e the drop-d down list bo oxes to speccify sort orde ers. This gro oups the inform mation for th he label. Sum mmary totals are printe ed for the lo owest group ping level on nly. 66 T File Maintenanc M ce BOL Type Bill of lading type es group item ms into spec cific freight classificatio ons and allow w a specific c description for the group whiich can be used u in the ccommodity description section of tthe east one entry for the default d BOL type DFLT should be c created. The e bill of lading. At le specia al BOL type DFLT is use ed as the de efault when no other ty ype is speciffied in Item Master. T – This field is used in the Item m Master to o classify the e item as w well as group p BOL Type items together wiith a specific c description that will p print in the ccommodity description section of the bill of lading. More M than one bill of lad ding type m may be creatted for a spe ecific e description n. BOL type DFLT is used when no o freight classificatiion, each wiith a unique cified. other type is spec ription – Th he Descripttion field ap ppears on th he bill of lad ding in the c commodity Descr description area. Generally, this t should be a genericc description of the articles or packages being shipped. e represents s the freightt class code used to dettermine the e Class Code – The class code o items being shipped.. class of 67 C # – Nation nal Motor Frreight Classiification Item m Number. The NMFC n number is NMFC assign ned by comm modity type e and is used d by LTL carrriers to dettermine the level of rate es for a shipment. s User Defined 1 - 5 – Use th hese fields to t store use r defined va alues that need to be ype. related to the bill of lading ty rdous Mate erials Flag – Set this field based o on the type of items be eing shipped d. If Hazar the ha azardous ma aterial flag is set to Y, an a emergen ncy response e number ca an be speciffied. Emergency Response Group # – Type the emerg gency respo onse group n number for dous materiials. hazard Ship Via V Reportts File Main ntenance The WMS W uses the Ship Via Reports R file to indicate which formss to print fo or a specific carrier. With this function, th he user can specify up tto five Crysttal Reports or Visual Ba asic ams to be executed when a shipme ent is comp leted for this customerr and carrierr. In progra additio on, a printer number is s assigned to o the reportt so a seriess of printers with the co orrect forms can be set up, eliminating the nee ed for the usser to select a printer ffor each rep port. The Ship Via Repo orts File Maintenance menu m is acce essed from the Order E Entry Mainta ain menu. eports can create c their own custom m Crystal Re eports to Users familiar witth Crystal Re generate packing slips, manifests, etc. Users U can allso contact a an authorize ed WMS res seller om reports. to purrchase custo The fo ollowing pre-defined rep ports are su upplied with the WMS R Reporting mo odule: D.rpt – A Cry ystal Reportt designed tto work with h the Progre ession stand dard BOL_STND bill of ladin ng form (Form Numberr FP728, FC7 728 or FK72 28). This rep port calculattes based on cartons. c BOL_TARE E.rpt – A Cry ystal Reportt designed t o work with h Progression’s standard d bill of lading fo orm (Form Number FP7 728, FC728 or FK728 available from m the Progressio on Forms De epartment). This reportt calculates based on pa allets. VBI224P.E EXE – A Visu ual Basic pre e-process prrogram used to print a VICS comp pliant bill of ladin ng. Two verrsions of the e VICS comp pliant reportt have been n provided. BOL_VICS.rpt is the standard s VIC CS bill of lad ding. BOL_W WALM.rpt is the Wal-Ma art o the VICS standard. These T reportts were desiigned to print on an HP P variation of Laserjet on n plain pape er. These re eports suppo ort both palllets and carrtons. See Appendix A G – Bill of La ading Settiings for info ormation ab bout configu uring each o of these reports. 68 Custo omer Numb ber – Type the t custome er number ffor the report. This field d may be lefft blank to specify a default forr this carrierr. A default entry should d be created d for each carrier and only those t custom mers that ne eed to be ha andled diffe erently should have an dual ship via a reports file e entry. individ Ship Via V Code – Type the ship via code e that requirres reports to print at s shipment completion. de (SCAC) fo or this carrie er. Contact the SCAC Code – Type the Standard Carrier Alpha Cod sociation at 2200 Mill R Road, Alexan ndria, VA 22 2314carrier or the Nattional Motor Freight Ass e for the carrrier. 4654 for the code 1 – 5) – Typ pe the Crysttal Report o or Visual Bassic report na ame for this s ship Report Name (1 via code. sual Basic if the reportt is a VB pro ogram or C= =Crystal R Rpt if Type (1-5) – Choose V=Vis it is a Crystal Rep port. Param meters – Visual Basic c Only (1-5 5) – Specify parameterss to control a Visual Ba asic application launch hed by the Bill B of Lading g module. T The field is d disabled if the report ty ype is ystal Rpt. C=Cry Printe er (1 – 5) – Specify th he printer for the reportt. The actua al printer and path for this code are a specified d in the WMS INI file. See S Append dix F WMS INI Settings for inform mation aboutt configuring g bill of lading printers.. Copie es (1 – 5) – Type the number n of copies (1 – 9 9) to print o of the reportt. 69 R Reason Code File F Mainte enance EPN Reject Rejectt reasons arre used by electronic e pick managem ment to spe ecify the rea ason that a recom mmendation has been re ejected by a user. Code es can be ussed to track k the reasons for picking product other than what w was rec commended d. This allow ws analysis tto avoid suc ch s in the future. issues Reaso on Code – Type T a three character code to ide entify the rejject reason. Shortt Descriptio on – Type a short description, whicch can be displayed on an RF device. Full Description D n – Type a lo onger description, whicch can be ussed in reportts and stand dard works station inquiries. Leave e Qty: Not Avail\Avaiilable – Select the app propriate selection for w whether the quantity that has been rejectted remains s available fo or other ord ders or shou uld be placed on s no other order o can re eserve this quantity q unttil it has bee en reviewed d by hold so manag gement. Item Master File e Maintena ance WMS can use any y of the five user define ed fields or u user notes ffields in the Item Maste er o identify an n item’s bill of o lading typ pe or that a an item is to o be tracked as externally File to serialized. gression Scrreen Design ner is installe ed, the UDF Fs can be placed on the e screen and d If Prog labeled according gly. If Screen Designer is not installled so scree en changes cannot be c be used instead. Th he literal asssociated witth a user no ote made,, the user notes fields can can be e changed on o page fourr of the I/M setup. Exter rnal Serial Number Field The Ittem Master file can also o be used to o specify tha at an item iss externally serialized. WMS can us se any of the five user defined field ds or five usser notes fie elds to store e this inform mation. Type e Y in the us ser defined field or use r note speciified in the W WMS contro ol 70 yping a valu ue other tha an Y in the first f position n of the specified field w will cause W WMS file. Ty to trea at the item as not externally serialized. Bill off Lading Ty ype Field Use th he Progressiion Item Ma aster to classify items b by freight cla assification code. The W WMS contro ol file Item Master Bill of Lading g Type field specifies w which field in n the Item Master contains the bill of lad ding type co ode for the iitem. The bill of lading type define es a a hazardo ous materia al status. specific classificattion code, description, and m Master Maintenance,, click the User U Notes button to access the fiv ve user note es In Item fields. k, WMS will assume the e code is DF FLT. This If the bill of lading type field is left blank elimin nates the need to enter the BOL typ pe in each IItem Masterr record if m most items h have 71 ame type. WMS W will clas ssify all item ms as DFLT if the WMS control file Item Mastter the sa Bill off Lading Ty ype Field is s set to XX = Not Defi ned. This fiield is not validated by Progression n, so if the b bill of lading g type speciffied does no ot exist in the bill off lading type e file, WMS will not prop perly classiffy the item on a bill of lading g. Inven ntory Item Location File F Mainte enance WMS can use any y of the five user define ed fields in tthe inventorry item location file to y a sort seq quence other than order entry or p ick sequencce when prin nting autopa ack specify labels. The user defined d field d to be used must be sp pecified in th he WMS con ntrol file. eature requires Progres ssion Screen n Designer. This fe A field d can be placed on the I/M Item Lo ocation scree en and labe eled accordin ngly. The labels generated by AuttoPack will be b sorted by y the value sspecified in that field. nate Addre ess File Maintenance Altern WMS can use any y of the five user define ed fields in tthe A/R Alte ernate Addre ess file to er completion mode and d the autopa ack status fo or a ship to address. Th he override the orde d field to be used must be sp pecified in th he WMS con ntrol file. user defined This fe eature requires Progres ssion Screen n Designer. A field d can be placed on the A/R A Alternate Address screen and labeled acc cordingly. Acceptable values s for the field are: VN = Pack k Verify Mod de, AutoPack k Off SN = Pack k Shipments s Mode, Auto oPack Off SY = Pack k Shipments Mode, Auto oPack On BN = WMS S Billing Mod de, AutoPac ck Off BY = WMS S Billing Mod de, AutoPack On er value is used, u it will be ignored a and the deffault value u used. Note:: If any othe Order r Entry Hea ader File En ntry WMS can use any y of the five user define ed fields in tthe O/E orde er header file to overrid de arton or pallet label use ed when prin nting. The u user defined field must be specified d in the ca the WMS control file. This fe eature requires Progres ssion Screen n Designer. These fields can be b unhidden n on the O/E E order head der screen a and labeled accordingly y. WMS will w use the form name e specified in n these field ds instead off the values s specified in n the custom mer override e file or the default labe el specified in the WMS S control file e. If the field d is left bla ank, WMS will w revert to o the defaultt name. 72 Chapter 6: WMS Se etup – P/O P Rec ceiving Vendo or Override e File Main ntenance The Vendor Overrride file ove errides the system s defa ults for vendor specific information n. Vendo or Bar Cod de Setup Bar Code C Forma at – Select this t check box b if the ve endor supplie es a multi-s segment, ve endor specific bar code on products s. d Length? – Select this s check box if the vendo or specific b bar code is a fixed lengtth. Fixed This is s used to he elp validate that the barr code scann ned is in facct the vendo or specific b bar code. Lengtth – Type th he fixed leng gth value fo or the length h of the ven ndor specific c bar code. Identtifier – Type e the identiffier code em mbedded in tthe bar code sent by th he vendor, if one exists. up Scan Sheet Setu WMS contro Print – Use this field f to overrride the settting in the W ol file to indicate whether a receiv ving docume ent is typically needed for f this vend dor. Select Y Yes, No, orr Sometime es. The re eceiving doc cument is us seful when products p typ pically are n not received d with bar co odes. The re eceiving doc cument will print with a bar code fo or each item m on the PO to allow the user to scan the item i ID insttead of having to type it. 73 he name of the Crystal Report or V VB program which will b be used to p print Format – Type th eceiver when n one is required. the re Type – Indicate whether w the e receiver prrogram is w written in Cry ystal or Visu ual Basic. Copie es – Type th he number of o copies of the receiverr that WMS should prin nt. Printe er Number r – Type the e printer num mber that th he report sh hould print o on. The prin nter number specifies a printer na amed in the e local INI file as a BOL reports prin nter. Sample e Scan Sheet R Report Produ uct Label Setup S The re eceiving function can au utomatically y generate p product labe els for up to o four levels: unit, inner, case and a pallet. The T productt label setup p section of the WMS co ontrol file es the default calculatio ons for each layer. Thesse can be ov verridden in the vendorr define override file for a vendor or in i the vendo or item overrride file forr a specific v vendor item m. ach layer, th he user spec cifies the lab bel format, w whether it is printed, h how many For ea copies s, which prin nter to use, and a defau ult package code to use e in conjunc ction with th he bulk weight w file when w calculating the num mber of labe els required d. Click a lay yer to chang ge its setting gs. Sam mple Product La abel Labell Type – Shows which layer l is bein ng changed.. This field sset by the sy ystem when n the user selects s an en ntry to modify. 74 elect Yes, No, N or Prom mpt from the e drop-down list box to o indicate Print (Y/N) – Se wheth her product labels shoulld be printed d when prod duct is received. w for u user confirm mation. Yes: Print automatically without waiting No: Do not allow prod duct labels to t be printed d. D the calculated c qu uantity of la abels and allow the use er to override the Prompt: Display number off labels printted, as well as the case e pack used for this layer. Format – Type th he form nam me to be used to print tthe product labels for this layer. es – Type th he number of o copies of each producct label thatt should be printed for this Copie layer. Printe er Name – Select the printer p to us se when printing the prroduct labels for this lay yer. The printer name es must have e been adde ed using the e Printer tab b. C – Sele ect the pack kage code to o be used w with the item m number to o find the Pkg. Code quantity per from m the ASN Bulk Weight file f when ca alculating th he number o of labels requirred. Vendo or Bar Cod de File Main ntenance The Vendor Bar Code C file allo ows multi-se egmented v vendor speciific bar code es to be defined. h to break k down the vendor bar code segme ents. The Ve endor Overrride This fiile defines how file ind dicates when a vendor bar code is in use. Click the t Add Barcode Segm ment button to add a n new bar cod de segment definition. Double-click an existing entrry to edit its settings. 75 e of data fou und in this ssegment fro om the drop-down list b box. Field Type – Select the type Start Byte – Typ pe the starting position in the bar ccode for thiss segment. T This is autom matically set to the nextt byte position, based o on the segm ment definitio ons already entere ed. Lengtth – Type th he number of o bytes tha at this segm ent contains. Vendo or Item Ov verride File e Maintenance The re eceiving function can au utomatically y generate p product labe els for up to o four levels: unit, inner, case and a pallet. The T productt label setup p section of the WMS co ontrol file es the default calculatio ons for each layer. Thesse can be ov verridden in the vendorr define override file for a vendor or in i the vendo or item overrride file forr a specific v vendor item m. ach layer, th he user spec cifies the lab bel format, w whether it is printed, h how many For ea copies s, which prin nter to use, and a defau ult package code to use e in conjunc ction with th he bulk weight w file when w calculating the num mber of labe els required d. Click a lay yer in the lis st to change its setting gs. Sam mple Product La abel 76 or Number r – Type the e vendor number. Vendo Item Number – Type the Prrogression item numbe er requiring an override record. Thiis is not th he vendor’s item numbe er. Labell Type – Shows which layer l is bein ng changed.. This field iss set by the e system wh hen the us ser selects an a entry to modify. m Print (Y/N) – Se elect Yes, No, N or Prom mpt from the e drop-down list box to o indicate wheth her product labels shoulld be printed d when prod duct is received. w for u user confirm mation. Yes: Print automatically without waiting No: Do not allow prod duct labels to t be printed d. D the calculated c qu uantity of la abels and allow the use er to override the Prompt: Display number off labels printted, as well as the case e pack used for this layer. Format – Type th he form nam me used to print the pr oduct labelss for this lay yer. es – Type th he number of o copies of each producct label to b be printed fo or this layerr. Copie Printe er Name – Select the printer p to us se for this la ayer. The prrinter name must have been added a using g the Printerr tab. Pkg. Code C – Sele ect the pack kage code to o be used w with the item m number to o find the quantity per from m the ASN Bulk Weight file f when ca alculating th he number o of labels requirred. 77 Chapter 7: WMS Pr rocessin ng – Shiipping Pick Manageme M ent (EPN Pr rocessing) The WMS W Pick Ma anagement function f ma anages the p picking and packing pro ocesses for tthe wareh house. Orders are released to the pickers p as e lectronic do ocuments ca alled EPNs w which are de esigned to be b used in an RF environment and guide the p picker throug gh the wareh house to pick the necessary produc cts. Note:: The electro onic picking function re equires the M Microsoft SQ QL database e. It is not suppo orted for the e Pervasive.S SQL database. An EPN is a pick work w order comprised c of o one or mo ore sales orrders. An EP PN can be ed as a pick--to-pack or it can be crreated as a sstage pick a and a separa ate stage pa ack. create A pick k-to-pack EP PN is created d when prod duct can be easily picke ed and then n immediate ely packed into a ship pping container, either a carton orr pallet. The e cartons or pallets are diately labeled for shipp ping and are e ready to b be combined d with otherr cartons or immed pallets s being ship pped togethe er. A typicall scenario u sing a pick--to-pack EPN N would be an order that is too large l to be picked as pa art of a batcch. As the p products are e placed on the pallet,, they are sc canned and associated with the sh hipping palle et. The palle et can later be associiated with a shipment simply s by sc canning the pallets labe el. A pick k-to-stage EPN is create ed when it makes m sense e to pick the e products, and then brring them to a staging g area where e they will ultimately u b e packed into cartons o or pallets for k-to-stage EPN E will indiicate what p products are e to be picke ed and whe ere to shipping. The pick k-to-stage EPN E will alwa ays be asso ociated with a stage pac ck take them for staging. A pick EPN. ge pack EPN N is created to direct the e packers a bout how to o break out products th hat A stag have been b brough ht to a staging area as the result o of a pick-to--stage EPN. This can be e done on o either an n RF device or at a pack king station and presen nts the pack k out process in an ord der by orderr basis. A pick k-to-stage EPN and stag ge pack EPN N could be u used if a series of 20 sim milar orders s requirre quantities s of the sam me basic item ms. In a larg ge warehousse, sending a team to p pick those 20 orders in ndividually is very ineffficient becau use 20 passses through the wareho ouse would have to be made for th he same ite ems. Instead d, a bulk picck-to-stage EPN can be e ed for the 20 0 orders. On ne pass thro ough the wa arehouse can be made for the item ms, create with the total qua antity of eac ch item boug ght to a sta ging area. T The stage pack is then used parate the ittems based on the quan ntity needed d for each o order. to sep A seco ond example e of a pick-tto-stage/sta age pack pro ocess is whe en an orderr is being pic cked for a large numbe er of items, but cannot be easily pa ackaged in the aisle. Fo or example,, quire speciall packaging material th at can only be applied at a packag ging products may req n. The products need to o be picked and taken tto the packa aging statio on. Using pic ckstation to-stage, the pick ker can be in nstructed ab bout what to o pick and w where to briing the good ds. 78 dition, since the picker is scanning the productts as they a are being pic cked, any In add mistak kes will be caught c before items are e carried to the packing g station, minimizing re eturn trips to t get the co orrect item. The stage pack p is then n used as a double chec ck process in additio on to trackin ng which ite ems are goin ng into whicch cartons. Proce essing a Pic ck-to-Pack k EPN The EPN Controlle er creates and manages electronic picks or EP PNs. 1. Log in to the t EPN Con ntroller. 2. Type the warehouse w location in the Wareho ouse field. 3. Click the Sales S Order Filter button on n the toolbarr. 79 ny criteria to o restrict the e list of open orders to the group tthat you want to 4. Specify an release. 5. Click OK. 6. WMS will display d a listt of all orders that have e items thatt have not y yet been released and a that meet the criterria specified d in the prev vious step. 7. Click any column c head ding to sort the list by that column n. ub Type dro op-down listt box. 8. Select Pick To Pack from the Su 80 rtons or Pa allets from the t Pack Ty ype drop-do own list box x. 9. Select Car 0. Verify thatt the Add Sales S Order r As radio b utton is sett correctly. IIf Individua al 10 Picks is activated and d more than n one order is selected,, WMS will g generate a o If Bulk Pick is a activated, W WMS will atte empt to com mbine unique EPN for each order. s into a single EPN. How wever, WMS S will not com mbine orderrs that are the orders shipping to o different locations wh hen process ing a pick-to o-pack EPN. 11 1. Choose a value v from the t drop-do own list box for Status,, Priority, a and Assign a Specific User, U or acc cept the deffaults. 12 2. Type a com mment for this t EPN in the t Comme ent field, if d desired. 13 3. Select the orders to be b released. Select Alll – Selects every e order within the l ist Deselect All – Unsele ects every order o in the list Toggle Se elected – Changes C the selection sttatus for the e highlighte ed range of orders 14 4. When the list is correc ct, click the Create EP PN(s) button n. 15 5. WMS will create c EPNs s for the orders selected d. It will also o make o attempt to recommen ndations for products th hat are bin, serial, or lo ot controlled d. If WMS is unable to make a reco ommendatio on for one o or more item ms, you will receive a ndation erro or. See Reso olving Reco ommendattion Errors s for informa ation recommen about reso olving these e conflicts. 16 6. Click the Close C button to close th he sales ord der selector and return to the EPN selector sc creen. 17 7. WMS will display d the EPNs that have been crreated. 81 8. Log in to WMS W on an RF handheld d device. 18 19 9. If the orde er is not in your y defaultt warehouse e, select Utiility to chan nge to the correct wa arehouse. Ty ype the corrrect wareho ouse location n code in the To field, a and then press s Enter. 20 0. Select Shiipping, and d then selectt EPN. 21 1. Press the F2 key on the t EPN Proc cessing scre een for the h highest prio ority, open E EPN t you or un nassigned. You Y can also o press the F F7 key to ac ccess the EP PN assigned to Selector Options O scree en and select from a lisst of EPNs. 82 2. On the EPN Selector Options O scre een, you can n change th he status, th he user, or tthe 22 PN. Pressing the F4 key y will toggle the Status s field among: Open; H Hold; type of EP and Open n, Hold. Pressing the F5 5 key will to oggle the Us ser field am mong: Self, Unassigned; All; Se elf; and Una assigned. P Pressing the e F6 key will toggle the EPN Type field d among All, Stage Pic ck, Stage P Pack, and P Pick to Pack k. 23 3. Press Ente er on the EP PN Selector Options scrreens to see e a list of EP PNs that me eet the criteria a you speciffied. Select the EPN you u want to prrocess, and then press Enter. 24 4. WMS will display d the first f item to o be picked a and packed. 25 5. The carton n that items s are to be packed p in sh hould be listted in the CT TN field. Pre ess the F2 key y to have WMS W generatte a new carrton. 26 6. WMS will generate g a carton c numb ber and prin nt a bar cod ded custome er specific shipping la abel to attac ch to the carton. No ote: If the label did nott print corre ectly, press tthe F8 key to reprint itt. 83 7. WMS will next n promptt you to sca an and valida ate that you u are at the specified bin. 27 28 8.Scan the bin b number. Note:: In a non-b binned envirronment, the e bin numbe er displayed d will be the e pick seque ence value from the inventory loca ation file, an nd you will n not be prom mpted to verrify the bin number. 29 9. WMS will prompt p you to scan and d verify the item being picked and packed. 30 0. To enter a quantity fo or the item, press the F F4 key. Type e the new quantity in th he Mlt field, and a then prress Enter. 84 1. Scan the item. If the item is seria alized or lottted, WMS w will prompt ffor the seria al/lot 31 o be scanned d as well. number to 32 2. When the item has be een complettely picked, WMS will display the n next item. 33 3. In the previous example, the dow wn arrow ind dicates thatt there are a additional n up arrow w would indica ate that therre are additional records after the current one. An records be efore the currently displayed record d. You can sskip forward d or backwa ard by pressin ng the up or down arrow w keys. 34 4. If you go to t the specified location n and the prroduct is no ot available, a new recommen ndation can be displaye ed by pressin ng the F3 k key. You willl be given a list of reason codes to specify why yo ou are rejeccting the reccommendattion. Select the bes the reas son that the e recommen ndation is be eing rejected d. code that best describ 35 5. Press the F7 key to display the entire e EPN. 36 6. Press the F5 key to enter remove e mode. 37 7. Press the F2 key to sttart a new carton. c 38 8. Press the F6 key to to oggle the mode m among carton, palllet, and shipment pack king. 39 9. When the EPN has be een complete ely picked, W ssage that tthe WMS will display a mes EPN is com mpleted. Pre ess Enter to o accept the e message. 40 0. Press Esca ape until yo ou have exitted to the E PN Processing screen. 41 1. Now that the t cartons have been picked and packed, the ey need to b be attached to a shipment. See Packin ng a Shipm ment for info ormation ab bout packing g a shipmen nt. Proce essing a Pic ck-to-Stage and Stag ge Pack EP N The EPN Controlle er creates and manages electronic picks or EP PNs. 1. Log in to the t EPN Con ntroller. 85 w location in the Wareho ouse field. 2. Type the warehouse S Order Filter button 3. Click the Sales on n the toolbarr. ny criteria to o restrict the e list of open orders to the group tthat you want to 4. Specify an release. 5. Click OK. d a listt of all orders that have e items thatt have not y yet been 6. WMS will display released and a that meet the criterria specified d in the prev vious step. 7. Click any column c head ding to sort the list by that column n. 8. Select Sta age Pick fro om the Sub Type drop--down list b box. 86 cally determ mined based d on the stag ge pack 9. The Pack Type field is automatic associated d to the stag ge pick. 10 0. Verify thatt the Add Sales S Order r As radio b utton is sett correctly. IIf Individua al Picks is activated and d more than n one order is selected,, WMS will g generate a o If Bulk Pick is a activated, W WMS will atte empt to com mbine unique EPN for each order. s into a single EPN. the orders 11 1. When Bulk Pick is ac ctivated, you u can activa ate Group b by Custome er to create ea e custom mer. If Group by Custo omer is not activated, tthe unique bulk pick for each w be for multiple m custtomers. bulk pick will 12 2. Choose a value v from the t drop-do own list box for Status,, Priority, a and Assign a Specific User, U or acc cept the deffaults. 13 3. If this stag ge pick will feed f an exis sting stage pack, type tthe stage pa ack numberr in the Link to t Pack EPN N field. Pres ss the F2 ke ey to create e a new stag ge pack for tthis stage pick k. 14 4. On the Cre eate Stage Pack P EPN sc creen, you ccan specify tthe user, prriority, and p pack type, as well w as the sttage bin forr the producct. 15 5. Type a com mment for this t stage pa ack in the C Comment fiield, if desirred. 16 6. If you are using the WMS W Convey yor Interfac e module to o interface w with a conve eyor management system,, select the name of the e conveyor to use for th his stage pa ack C drop d down list box. from the Conveyor 17 7. Click Crea ate EPN to create c the stage s pack a and return tto the Sales Order Selector screen. 18 8. Select the orders to be b released. Select Alll – Selects every e order within the l ist. Deselect All – Unsele ects every order o in the list. Toggle Se elected – Changes C the selection sttatus for the e highlighte ed range of orders. 19 9. When the list is correc ct, click the Create EP PN(s) button n. 20 0. WMS will create c one or o more stag ge pick EPN Ns for the orrders selecte ed. It will also attempt to o make reco ommendatio ons for produ ucts that arre bin, serial, or lot controlled. If WMS is unable to make m a recom mmendation n for one orr more items s, 87 you will re eceive a reco ommendatio on error. Se ee Resolvin ng Recomm mendation Errors forr information n about reso olving these e conflicts. 21 1. Click Close to return to the EPN Selector scrreen and se ee a list of th he EPNs tha at n created. have been Proce essing the Pick To Sta age EPN In a pick-to-stage p e, stage-to-pack proces ss, the picki ng process and the pac cking proces ss are tw wo separate functions. Once O the pic ck to stage has been co ompleted, th he stage to pack needs s to be proce essed. This can be done e as productts are broug ght to the sttaging area during g the pick-to o-stage proc cess, and ca an be done by the same e or differen nt users. 1. Log in to WMS W on an RF handheld d device. 88 er is not in your y defaultt warehouse e, select Utiility to chan nge to the 2. If the orde correct wa arehouse. Ty ype the corrrect wareho ouse location n code in the To field, a and then press s Enter. d then selectt EPN. 3. Select Shiipping, and t EPN Proc cessing scre een for the h highest prio ority, open E EPN 4. Press the F2 key on the t you or un nassigned. You Y can also o press the F F7 key to ac ccess the EP PN assigned to Selector Options O scree en and select from a lisst of EPNs. O scre een, you can n change th he status, th he user, or tthe 5. On the EPN Selector Options PN. Pressing the F4 key y will toggle the Status s field among: Open; H Hold; type of EP and Open n, Hold. Pressing the F5 5 key will to oggle the Us ser field am mong: Self, Unassigned; All; Se elf; and Una assigned. P Pressing the e F6 key will toggle the e EPN Type field d among: Alll; Stage Piick; Stage Pack; and Pick to Pac ck. er on the EP PN Selector Options scrreens to see e a list of EP PNs that me eet 6. Press Ente the criteria a you speciffied. Select the EPN you u want to prrocess, and then press Enter. 89 d the first f item to o be picked. 7. WMS will display p you to scan and d validate th hat you are at the spec cified bin. 8. WMS will prompt b number. 9. Scan the bin binned envirronment, the e bin numbe er displayed d will be the e pick seque ence Note:: In a non-b value from the inventory loca ation file, an nd you will n not be prom mpted to verrify the bin number. 10 0. WMS will prompt p you to scan and d verify the item. 11 1. To enter a quantity fo or the item, press the F F4 key. Type e the new quantity in th he Mlt field, and a then prress Enter. 90 2. Scan the item. If the item is seria alized or lottted, WMS w will prompt ffor the seria al/lot 12 o be scanned d. number to 13 3. WMS will display d the next item when w the currrent item h has been com mpletely pic cked. 14 4. In the exa ample, the down d arrow indicates th hat additiona al records e exist after th he current on ne. An up arrrow indicate es that therre are previo ous, additional records.. You can move forward or backward by b pressing tthe up and down arrow w keys. 15 5. If you go to t the specified bin and d the producct is not ava ailable, a ne ew recommen ndation can be displaye ed by pressin ng the F3 k key. WMS will display a list of reason codes for re ejecting the recommend dation. 16 6. Select the code that best b describes the reaso on that the recommend dation is being rejected. 17 7. Press the F7 key to display the entire e EPN. 18 8. Press the F5 key to enter remove e mode. 19 9. When the EPN has be een complete ely picked, W WMS will display a mes ssage that tthe EPN is com mplete. Pres ss Enter to accept the m message. 20 0. Press Esca ape until yo ou have exitted to the E PN Processing screen. Note:: As the item ms are picke ed in a binne ed environm ment, an inv ventory tran nsfer is proces ssed from th he item bin to the stage e bin. Proce essing the Stage S To Pack P EPN – RF Client In a pick-to-stage p e, stage pac ck process, the t picking process and d packing process are ttwo separa ate function ns. The stage pack proc cess is used to pack the e products that have be een picked d from one or o more stage pick proc cesses into cartons or p pallets and llabel them accord dingly. In th he RF client version of this t process , the RF dev vice will wallk the user throug gh the orderrs. 91 W on an RF handheld d device. 1. Log in to WMS er is not in your y defaultt warehouse e, select Utiility to chan nge to the 2. If the orde correct wa arehouse. Ty ype the corrrect wareho ouse location n code in the To field, a and then press s Enter. d then selectt EPN. 3. Select Shiipping, and t EPN Proc cessing scre een for the h highest prio ority, open E EPN 4. Press the F2 key on the t you or un nassigned. You Y can also o press the F F7 key to ac ccess the EP PN assigned to Selector Options O scree en and select from a lisst of EPNs. 92 O scre een, you can n change th he status, th he user, or tthe 5. On the EPN Selector Options PN. Press the e F4 key to toggle the Status field d among: O Open; Hold;; and type of EP Open, Ho old. Press th he F5 key to o toggle the User field among: Self, Unassig gned; All; Self; and Unassigned. Pres ss the F6 ke ey to toggle e the EPN Ty ype field among: All; Stage Pick; Stage Pack; and Pick to Pa ack. 6. Press Ente er on the EP PN Selector Options scrreens to see e a list of EP PNs that me eet the criteria a you speciffied. Select the EPN you u want to prrocess, and then press Enter. 7. WMS will display d the first f item to o be packed.. n that items s are to be packed p in sh hould be listted in the CT TN field. Pre ess 8. The carton the F2 key y for WMS to t generate a new carto on. 9. WMS will generate g a carton c numb ber and prin nt a bar cod ded custome er specific shipping la abel to attac ch to the carton. No ote: If the label did nott print corre ectly, press tthe F8 key to reprint itt. 93 0. WMS will prompt p you to scan and d verify the item being packed. 10 11 1. To enter a quantity fo or the item, press the F F4 key. Type e the new quantity in th he Mlt field, and a then prress Enter. 12 2. Scan the item. If the item is seria alized or lottted, WMS w will prompt ffor the seria al/lot o be scanned d. number to 13 3. WMS will display d the next item when w the currrent item h has been com mpletely pic cked. 14 4. In the exa ample, the down d arrow indicates th hat additiona al records e exist after th he current on ne. An up arrrow indicate es that therre are previo ous, additional records.. You can move forward or backward by b pressing tthe up and down arrow w keys. 15 5. Press the F7 key to display the entire e EPN. 16 6. Press the F5 key to enter remove e mode. 17 7. When the EPN has be een complete ely packed, WMS will display a me essage that the EPN is com mplete. Pres ss Enter to accept the m message. 18 8. Press Esca ape until yo ou have exitted to the E PN Processing screen. 19 9.Now that the t cartons have been picked and packed, the ey need to b be attached to a shipment. See Packin ng a Shipm ment for info ormation on n packing sh hipments. Proce essing the Stage S Pack k EPN – Pa acking Stattion In a pick-to-stage p e, stage pac ck process, the t picking process and d packing process are ttwo separa ate function ns. During th he stage pac ck process, items that have been p picked durin ng one orr more stage pick proce ess are pack ked into carrtons or pallets and labe eled accordiingly. When using a pac cking station n, WMS prin nts a report to indicate what produ ucts are needed for each order. 94 Sample EPN E Stage Pacck Sheet W at the packing sta ation. 1. Log in to WMS er is not in your y defaultt warehouse e, select File e from the W WMS menu,, and 2. If the orde then click Change Warehouse. Type the co orrect wareh house locatiion code in the Warehouse field, and then click OK. E Mode button b on th he WMS Shiipping menu u. 3. Click the EPN 95 s pack EPN E numberr to be processed in the e EPN No fiield, and the en 4. Type the stage press Ente er. b for th he correct packing mod de: Pack Ca artons; Pac ck Pallets; or 5. Click the button Pack Ship pments. 96 o numbe er from the EPN scan s heet. 6. Scan the order y can scan n the carton n number. T To create a n new carton, 7. If the carton exists, you MS will gene erate a new carton num mber and print the press the F2 key; WM appropriatte customerr specific shiipping label . 97 ote: If the label did nott print corre ectly, click th he Reprint Label buttton No or press the e F8 key to reprint it. 8. Scan or ty ype the item m being pack ked. If the ittem is serialized or lotted, WMS will prompt yo ou to scan th he serial/lott number ass well. 9. To enter a quantity multiplier m for the item, cclick the Multiplier toolbar button or press th he F4 key. Type T the ite em quantity to pack in tthis carton iin the Multiplier r field, and then t press Enter. E 10 0. To remove e an item qu uantity from m the carton , click the R Remove Mo ode toolbar button or press the F5 key. Type T the qua antity in the e Multiplierr field, and tthen press Ente er. 11 1. When the order is com mplete, click k the Verify y Order too olbar button or press s the F11 key. If I you press s the Escape key to ex it the order,, WMS will a automatically verify the order. 12 2. Proceed to o the next order on the EPN, until a all orders ha ave been pa acked. 13 3. Once the cartons c have been picked and pack ked, they ne eed to be atttached to a shipment. See Packin ng a Shipm ment for info ormation ab bout packing g shipments s. Resollving Recom mmendatio on Errors The Piick Managem ment functio ons recomm mend the bin n, serial, and lot to fill a an order bas sed on setttings in the e WMS contrrol file. How wever, an inssufficient qu uantity on hand of a pro oduct being released wiill result in an a EPN with a recomme endation errror. 98 aximize the efficiency of the picking g/packing p process, thesse errors sh hould be To ma resolv ved before th he picker re eceives the EPN. E Thereffore, WMS a automatically places any EPN with w recomm mendation errrors on hold. 1. To resolve e the error, double-click d k the EPN w ith the reco ommendation error. 2. WMS will display d all ittems require ed for the E PN. Items tthat have iss sues will have a status of Recmd R Erro or. Click the e status colu umn heading to sort the list by status. Click it a second s time to sort in descending d o order, which h should bring all items s with errors to the t top of th he list. w a recom mmendation n error to diisplay the fo ollowing scre een: 3. Double-click an item with 99 4. The EPN Ittem screen lists the ord ders for the selected EP PN that requ uire this item m. Press the F3 key to view the deta ail for an orrder. Double e-click a line e to edit the e en will be dis splayed whe ere you can change the e amount quantity. A new scree released. 5. Type the revised r quan ntity to ship p, and then cclick Ok. t EPN Item m screen to review the recommend dation for an 6. Press the F6 key on the order. 100 ntrol+Enter r on a line on o the EPN IItem screen to toggle the quantity for 7. Press Con an order between b zero and the fu ull released amount. 8. Press the F5 key on the t EPN Item m screen to remove the e entire orde er from the EPN. p you to verify th hat you wantt to remove e the order. WMS will prompt 9. Click Yes to remove the t order fro om the EPN . Use th hese tools to o decide which orders should s rema ain and whicch should be e removed. Once the errrors have been b resolve ed, press Es scape to retturn to the E EPN editor s screen, chan nge the status on the EPN to Ope en, and click the Save button. ewing Rejected Recom mmendatio ons Revie When an item is not n available to be pick ked from a sspecific bin, serial or lott, the pickerr can reject the recomm mendation. WMS promp pts for a rej ect reason, and the infformation is written to the reje ected recom mmendations system. B Based on the e reason, th hat bin, seria al, or m be marrked unavailable until th he rejected recommend dation has b been lot forr that item may review wed and add dressed. To rev view the reje ected recom mmendations, select File e from the E EPN Selecto or screen, an nd then select s Review Rejected Recommendations. 101 WMS will w display all open rejected recom mmendation ns. The qu uantity for the t rejected d recommendations can n be made a available or unavailable. The record d can be leftt open or marked pending, closed, or deleted. The status codes control the re ecommendattions display yed so new entries can be easily distinguished d from ones s awaiting disposition. ewing Nega ative Relea ases Revie A negative releas se occurs wh hen a user reduces r the quantity for a line item m in Order E Entry b release ed to an EP N. When this occurs, th he EPN need ds to below the quantitty that has been be rev viewed to re emove the quantity. q 1. The Negative Releas se toolbar button b is active when negative e releases ex xist. N Release R toollbar button. WMS displa ays any EPN N items with ha Click the Negative negative release r state e. 102 2. Double-click a line or press Enter to edit the e quantity. T The Edit Qty y screen will be c change the amountt released. displayed where you can 3. Type the revised r quan ntity to ship p, and then cclick Ok. Th he line will b be reprocess sed through th he recomme endation sys stem and th e EPN upda ated. er Pick Tickets Tradittional Pape Althou ugh the Pick k Manageme ent functions s provide m many advanttages, WMS supports a traditional paper environmen nt for sites that t are morre comfortable with pap per picking s or that do not have th he RF infras structure neccessary to ttake full adv vantage of tthe tickets Pick Management M t functions. Printiing a Pick Ticket T se Pick tiicket proces ssing is used d to authoriz ze WMS to sship a Progrression orde er. Only thos orders s that have had pick tic ckets printed d may be re eleased to th he Warehou use Managem ment System m. 103 Complete the pick k ticket sele ection screen n as specifie ed in the Pro ogression O Order Entry al. manua Relea asing Order rs to WMS using Postt Pick Ticke et Process sing Orders s that have had pick tic ckets printed d are releassed to WMS using post pick ticket proces ssing. In addition, if the e WMS EDI ASN Data C Collection Module is insttalled, and a an order for a custom mer configured for auto opack is pro ocessed, WM MS will autom matically perforrm carton pa acking for th he order, ge enerating all of the com mpliant shipp ping labels requirred. Users of previous s versions off WMS pleas se note thatt when an order for a customer configured for auttopack is prrocessed, WMS W will gen nerate labelss for the rem maining unpac cked quantitty for each line item tha at has had a pick tickett printed. Th his is differe ent from previous p verrsions of WM MS. See Reprinting Ex xisting or P Printing Ad dditional Shipp ping Labels s for an Ord der for morre details. 104 1. In Progres ssion Order Entry, selec ct the Trx m menu. Selectt Picking, a and then click Post Pick k Ticket Pro ocess. 2. Type the warehouse w to t be proces ssed in the W Warehouse e field. This field can be e left blank to process all warehouses. w 3. Type an order numbe er range, or leave the O Order From m and Orderr To fields b blank s all orders. Note that any a order wiithin the ran nge that has s had a pick k to process ticket printed and has s not been previously p se ent to WMS S will be processed. In a order within the ran nge that hass had a change to the lline item addition, any quantity to o ship and the t pick tick ket printed w will be proce essed wheth her or not th he order has been previo ously release ed. 4. To force th he orders within the ran nge to be re e-released e even if no qu uantity chan nge has been made m since the order was w previoussly released, select the Re-release Orders ch heck box. Th his is typically done wh en an orderr has been d deleted from m WMS for some s reason n. 5. Verify thatt the label printer p and the t exceptio on report prrinter are se et to the corrrect locations, or click the Select button to chan ge to the co orrect printe er. 6. Click OK. Closin ng WMS Or rders when n the Progr ression Ord der has be een Closed WMS maintains itts own order informatio on. When an n order is de eleted from Progression n, d using the Progression P close orderr function, o or automaticcally closed by the closed Progre ession posting function,, WMS mustt be informe ed that the order is no longer eligib ble for shipment. Norrmally the order o would be updated d in WMS ussing post pic ck ticket ssing, but fo or these ord ders a pick ticket t canno ot be genera ated, so ano other tool is proces 105 ed. The Close WMS Orders function n searches a all open WMS orders an nd closes any neede order that is not an a open Pro ogression orrder by redu ucing the qu uantity to sh hip to zero. An exc ception repo ort will be printed p to ale ert the userr of any orde er that conttains packed d carton ns that have e not been completed. c This fu unction shou uld be used after postin ng O/E invo ices to A/R function or any time an n order is manually y closed. If an a order is deleted d from m Progressio on, the orde er can be clo osed in WM MS using this s function, or o deleted using the WM MS Inquiry m mass deletio on function.. See Deletting an Ord der from WMS W for information abo out the masss deletion ffunction. In Pro ogression Orrder Entry, select s the Trx menu. S Select Invoices/Cash, and then click Close e WMS Orde ers. 1. Verify the name of the exception report prin ter. Click th he Select bu utton to cha ange the printerr if necessarry. 2. Click the OK O button. WMS W will read through all open WM MS orders a and reduce tthe quantity to o ship to zero on all line e items for deleted or cclosed Progrression orde ers. Reprinting Existting or Prin nting Addittional Ship pping Labels for an Order A userr sometimes s needs to reprint r existting shipping g labels for an order. W Whether the label stock jammed wh hile printing,, someone tore t one or more labelss, or a cup o of coffee was d on them making m them m unreadable, WMS hass a number of ways to rreprint labels. spilled Additional labels can c also be printed if th he customerr increases the quantity y ordered affter o With WMS v7.5.17 and high her, howeve er, the labels have been generatted for the order. utopack func ction now prints labels for the unp acked quantity of each line item, s so the au releas sing a new higher h quanttity automatically gene rates the re equired labe els during th he norma al release prrocess. This eliminates the need to o manually p print additio onal labels. 106 nting additio onal labels is s required fo or some rea ason, though h, a function n still exists s to If prin do tha at. Because this can generate an over ship situ uation, printing additional labels is s only permitted when the t WMS con ntrol file Ov ver Ship Me essage field d is set to W for warnin ng. s only be printed when more labels are a actually required, rathe er Additional labels should a a method d for replacin ng damaged d labels. If a series of e existing labe els are than as damag ged, the lab bels should be b reprinted d instead. W WMS allows y you to repriint all labels s for an ord der or all lab bels for an ittem on the order. Indiv vidual labelss can also be reprinted from the pa ack cartons function in WMS. If a single s shippiing label nee eprinted, the e eds to be re pack cartons c reprrint is the re ecommended method. The fo ollowing sections describe the meth hods for prin nting additio onal or replacement lab bels. Re-pr rinting a Se eries of Existing Ship pping Labe ls The Re-Print UCC C-128 Labels s function en nables a use er to reprintt all labels ffor an order or bels for a particular item m on an orde er. In Progrression Orde er Entry, sellect the Trx x all lab menu. Select Picking, and then click Re e-Print UCC C-128 Labe els. 1. Type the warehouse w code c in the Warehouse e field for th he order to be reprinted d. o numbe er in the Or rder No field d. Labels ca an be reprin nted for only y one 2. Type the order order at a time. he labels forr all 3. Type the item number in the Item field. If tthis field is left blank, th t order will be reprintted. items on the 4. Verify thatt the correctt label printter is selecte ed. Click the e Select button to chan nge printers if necessary. 5. Click the OK O button. WMS W will reprint the re equested lab bels. 107 rinting Individual Shiipping Labe els Re-pr Being able to reprint an indiv vidual label is convenie nt when you u only need to reprint a few. WMS W can rep print a specific label during carton packing. Th his is true ev ven when th he label was w originally generated by the autopack funcction. To rep print a single e label, log in to WMS. If the WMS S EDI ASN D Data Collection Module iis installed, select Pack P Carton ns from the e WMS menu u. In pack v verify mode,, WMS will matically entter the pack k verify function. The in structions a are the same e for both autom modes s. 1. Type the carton c numb ber to be reprinted in th he Order N No field. Eith her the 10 d digit or 20 digitt carton num mber can be e used. 108 e order num mber. 2. WMS will look up the carton and automatica lly enter the R Lab bel toolbar button 3. Click the Reprint e F8 key. , or press the y to exit the e order. 4. Press the Escape key onal Shipping Labels Printiing Additio Printin ng additiona al shipping la abels can ca ause an ove er ship situa ation. Thereffore, this functio on is only permitted if the t WMS co ontrol file Ov ver Ship Message field is set to W for warnin ng. In addition, printing g additional shipping la bels assume es that a sta andard quantity of an item will be packed into o each carto on. The rule es determiniing the quan ntity placed in c are the same as those used by the auto opack functtion. This fea ature is only y each carton available if the WMS W EDI ASN N Data Colle ection Modu ule is installe ed. ogression Orrder Entry, select s the Trx menu. S Select Pickin ng, and then click Re-P Print In Pro UCC-1 128 Labels s to print additional ship pping labelss. 109 1. In the Wa arehouse fie eld, type the warehousse location fo or the orderr that needs s additional labels to be e printed. 2. Type the order o numbe er in the Or rder No field d. Additiona al labels can n only be printed for one ord der at a tim me. 3. Type the item number to assign to t the new labels in the e Item field d. 4. Select the Print Addiitional chec ck box. 5. Type the number n of additional a labels to printt in the Qty y field. Note that this is not the quantity of the ite em that will be placed in each carto on, but the actual number of cartons needed. 6. Click the OK O button. p the spe ecified number of labels. 7. WMS will print ompletely New N Set off Labels forr an Order Generating a Co ble to start over comple etely. The m most While not a normal practice, it is sometimes desirab comm mon reason for f this is wh hen a setup p problem ca auses labelss to be gene erated with a an incorrect case pac ck, which makes m each of o the labelss incorrect. The quantitty of labels b incorrect as well. WM MS allows a user with ssufficient rights to delette an would generally be hipping syste em so it can n be reproce essed as tho ough it had never been n order from the sh proces ssed before. The first step in this process is to delete e the order ffrom WMS. For detailed d instruction ns t Deleting g an Order from WMS S. about this, refer to Once deleted, the e order need ds to be rep processed in to WMS. In Progression n Order Entry, enu. Select Picking, an nd then click k Post Pick k Ticket Pro ocess. select the Trx me 110 arehouse fie eld, type the warehousse number fo or the orderrs to be re1. In the Wa released. 2. In the Ord der From and Order To T fields, typ pe the orderr number ra ange of the orders to be b re-releas sed. 3. Select the Re-release Orders check box. 4. Verify thatt the correctt label printter and exce eption reporrt printer are e specified. Click the Selectt button to change the printer if ne ecessary. 5. Click OK to t continue. 6. WMS will re-release r the orders within w the range. Labelss will be gen nerated for a any order that contains un npacked qua antities and that is for a customer configured for or each line item on each picked o order in the autopack. The quantitty to pack fo range spec cified will be e updated to o the curren nt quantity tto ship. 7. When proc cessing is co omplete, clic ck Close to o exit. W Loggiing In to WMS WMS is executed external to Progression n. It is typiccally used att a packing station. use Progress sion is not necessarily required r on that worksttation, the a administrato or Becau can prrevent acces ss to Progre ession from it. 111 1. Type the user u name in the Usern name field. p in the Passw word field. 2. Type the password er. 3. Press Ente erify Mode Packing Orders in Pack Ve The Warehouse W Management M t System ha as many adv vanced optio ons for hand dling the larrge, multi-order shipm ments that are a typical fo or EDI ASNss. However, WMS can a also process s individ dual orders efficiently. The T WMS pa ack verificattion mode iss designed tto streamlin ne the prrocess of handling indiv vidual orders s. The mode m is dete ermined by settings s in the WMS con ntrol file and d the WMS customer override file. In pack p verify mode, m the user will hav e all of the advanced o options availlable, hen an orde er is entered d in Pack Ca artons, WMS S will determ mine that the customer is but wh configured for pack verify mo ode, and Pack Cartons will operate e in pack verify mode. Packing the Ord der 1. Log in to WMS. W er is not in your y defaultt warehouse e, select File e from the W WMS menu,, and 2. If the orde then click Change Warehouse. Type the co orrect wareh house locatiion code in the Warehouse field, and then click OK. ck Cartons. 3. Select Pac 112 4. Type or sc can the orde er number in n the Orderr No field. 5. Click the New N Carton n toolbar bu utton or press the F2 key to cre eate a new carton. 6. A shipping g label will be b generated d and will p rint at this ttime. 113 ote: If the label did nott print corre ectly, click th he Reprint Label buttton No or press the e F8 key to reprint it. 7. Click the Multiplier M button b or press the F4 key to sspecify a mu ultiplier for tthe next item ID to be pro ocessed. 8. Type the quantity q to multiply m the e next item e entered by in the Multiplier field. In the examp ple, the next item case pack, as de efined in the e ASN Bulk W Weight cros ssreference, will be mulltiplied by fo our. If the ittem’s case p pack is defin ned as 6, th hen e carton. 24 eaches will be packed into the 9. In the Item Id field, scan or type any of the e following: item number, UCC-14 (Iumber, or an ny bar code that has be een set up in the ASN B Bulk 205) number, UPC nu e. Weight file 114 10 0. Continue to t type or sc can the item m IDs being packed into o this carton n. A transac ction history box at the botttom of the screen disp lays all tran nsactions that have bee en ox will be cle processed during the session. The history bo eared once the session is completed d and a new session beg gins, or it ca an be cleare ed manually y. To manua ally clear the transaction t history, high hlight the trransaction h history bar b by clicking tthe words Tra ansaction History, H and d then selecct File, Clea ar Transacttion Historry from the menu. m 11 1. Once the carton c is fully packed, click c the Ne ew Carton b button carton for this order. 115 to o start a new 12 2. To remove e an item fro om a carton n, click the R Remove toolbar button or pres ss the F5 key y to enter Remove R from m Carton mo ode. 13 3. In the Item Id field, type or scan the item n number, UC CC-14 (I-205 5), or UPC o be remove ed from the carton. number to 14 4. If necessary, use the multiplier fu unction to m multiply the quantity re emoved. 15 5. Press Ente er to remov ve the item. 16 6. Click the Add A toolbar button to t return to o Add to Carrton mode a and pack mo ore items. Exitin ng the Orde er When all cartons are packed,, the order can c be com pleted, or th he user can exit the ord der to worrk on another one. To complete c the order, the e user must have billing g rights spec cified in the WMS securrity file. If th he user does not have b billing rightss or the order is not rea ady to be completed and a billed att this time, press Esca pe to exit the carton, a and then pre ess pe again to exit the ord der. Escap WMS will w verify th hat the orde er is comple etely packed d. An inform mation box w will display a any errors s that are found. 116 1. Click the Return R and d Make Corrections bu utton if a co orrection nee eds to be m made. 2. Click the Continue C with w Errors button if th he errors are e acceptable e. In the example, click c Contin nue with Er rrors as lon ng as the tw wo items are e going to be e back orderred. 3. WMS will either e return n the user to the order so correctio ons can be m made, or re eturn the user to o the order number field to work o on the next o order. pleting the Order Comp A userr with WMS billing rightts will have the option tto complete e the order. If this user also has pa ack cartons rights, he will w be able to t make corrrections to the packaging. If the u user does not n have pack cartons rights, r he will w only be a able to comp plete the ord der or returrn it to a packer for co orrections. 117 can the orde er number to o be comple eted in the O Order No field. 1. Type or sc C Order O 2. Click the Complete to oolbar button n or press tthe F11 key y. s the ord der for errorrs, such as iitems that a are under sh hipped or ov ver 3. WMS will scan shipped, and a display a box with any a messag ges. urn and Ma ake Correcttions to ret urn to the ccarton packing/pack verify 4. Click Retu screen if you y have pack carton rights, or to tthe order nu umber field if you do no ot. k Continue e with Error rs, the orde er completio on process w will continue e, 5. If you click and then display d the complete c orrder screen. creen allows s shipment information n to be entered, includin ng 6. The compllete order sc the ship via code to be b used for this t order. U Use Page 2 through Pa age 6 to entter on that migh ht be needed d on a bill o of lading or o other reportt. informatio 118 er when all the informa ation is ente ered. 7. Press Ente g an ny bill of lading reports that have b been specifie ed. 8. WMS will generate r to the e Order No o field so the e next order can be pro ocessed. 9. WMS will return 0. When all orders o have been proce essed, click tthe Update e Macola bu utton 10 to finalize the e orders and d pass the information to Progresssion. See Im mporting Billing Se election Infformation using Bar Code for D Distribution n for information about importing the selection s info ormation intto Progression. Packing Cartons s for a Pick k and Pack k Environm ent The ca arton packin ng function is used in a pick and pa ack environment to pac ck multiple items into a carton. UCC C-128 labels s are genera ated at this time. 1. Log in to WMS. W er is not in your y defaultt warehouse e, select File e from the W WMS menu,, and 2. If the orde then click Change Warehouse. Type the co orrect wareh house locatiion code in the Warehouse field, and then click OK. P Cartons button. 3. Click the Pack 119 4. Type or sc can the Prog gression ord der number in the Orde er No field. To create a new carton and d generate a UCC-128 label, l you m must first sp pecify the orrder numberr. WMS will then t link the e carton num mber and th he items pla aced into the e carton to the order. 5. Click the New N Carton n button or press th he F2 key to o create a new carton. 120 6. A UCC-128 8 label will be b generate ed and will p print at this time. ote: If the label did nott print corre ectly, click th he Reprint Label butto on No or press the e F8 key to reprint it. 7. Click the Multiplier M button b to o specify a m multiplier fo or the next item to be processed. 121 d, type the quantity q to multiply the e next item by. In the 8. In the Multiplier field t next item case pack, as define ed in the ASN Bulk Weig ght crossexample, the reference, will be mulltiplied by fo our. If the ittem’s case p pack is defin ned as 6, th hen e carton. 24 eaches will be packed into the n or type on ne of the following: item m number, U UCC-14 (I-2 205) 9. In Item Id field, scan U numberr, or any barr code that has been se et up in the ASN Bulk number, UPC Weight file e. 0. Continue to t type or sc can the item m IDs being packed into o this carton n. A transac ction 10 history box at the botttom of the screen disp lays all tran nsactions that have bee en ox will be cle processed during the session. The history bo eared once the session is completed d and a new session beg gins, or it ca an be cleare ed manually y. To manua ally clear the transaction t history, high hlight the trransaction h history bar b by clicking tthe words Tra ansaction History, H and d then selecct File, Clea ar Transacttion Historry from the menu. m 11 1. Once the carton c is fully packed, click c the Ne ew Carton b button carton for this order. 122 to o start a new 12 2. To remove e an item fro om a carton n, click the R Remove toolbar button or pres ss the F5 key y to enter Remove R from m Carton mo ode. 13 3. In the Item ID field, type or sca an the item number, UC CC-14 (I-205), or UPC o be remove ed from the carton. number to 14 4. If necessary, use the multiplier fu unction to m multiply the quantity re emoved. 15 5. Press Ente er to remov ve the item. 16 6. Click the Add A toolbar button to t return to o Add to Carrton mode a and pack mo ore items. Packing Pallets The pa ack pallets function f is used u to pack k cartons on nto pallets. T The cartons s can have b been packed by carton packing or can have been automa atically gene erated by th he auto pack k on as a resu ult of printin ng pick ticke ets. WMS ca an also automatically crreate a carto on functio around an item sc canned dire ectly onto a pallet. 123 1. Log in to WMS. W er is not in your y defaultt warehouse e, select File e from the W WMS menu,, and 2. If the orde then click Change Warehouse. Type the co orrect wareh house locatiion code in the Warehouse field, and then click OK. 3. Click the Pack P Palletts button. 124 N Pallet toolbar buttton 4. Click the New or p press the F2 2 key to create a new p pallet. er carton pa acking or the e auto pack 5. To attach cartons that were creatted by eithe s or type e the UCC-128 number of the carto on in the Crrt/Ord No ffield. function, scan ectly to the pallet, type e the order n number in the Crt/Ord d No 6. To attach an item dire field. 125 number, UC CC-14 (I-205 5) number, UPC 7. In the Item Id field, type or scan the item n o any bar co ode that has been setu up in the ASN Bulk Weig ght file. number, or 8. If the custtomer is con nfigured in the t custome er override m maintenance e to require e carton UCC C-128 labels, a UCC-12 28 label will print. No ote: If the label did nott print corre ectly, click th he Reprint Label buttton or press the e F8 key to reprint it. 9. Click the Multiplier M button b to o specify a m multiplier fo or the next item. 0. In the Multiplier field d, type the number of u units of the next item tto add to the e 10 pallet. 11 1. Note that if the customer is configured to re quire carton n UCC-128 llabels, a sin ngle y. carton willl be created to contain the multipli ed quantity Packing a Shipm ment Pack Shipments S tells t WMS what w cartons and palletss were comb bined onto a truck. With h this functio on, a single Progression n order can be split into o multiple shipments, o or multiple Progre ession orderrs can be co ombined into o one shipm ment. Examp ple 1: Durin ng back-to-s school seaso on, Target ssends a sing gle order forr 5000 carto ons of notepa ads. These cartons will not fit in on ne truck. In fact, three trucks are lined up at tthe dock to t handle th he order. WM MS defines a shipment as all palletts or cartons s being ship pped on one e truck to th he same cus stomer desttination. Thiis destinatio on might be a distributio on centerr that will ulltimately re--route the cartons c to m many stores,, but initially y they are a all 126 ame D/C. In n this examp ple, three sh hipments, a and thereforre three ASN Ns, shipping to the sa d be created d, one for ea ach truck. should Examp ple 2: Federrated sends a purchase e order for 1 150 stores. P Progression creates 150 Progre ession orderrs. Of these orders, 50 are going to o D/C 1, 60 0 to D/C 2 and 40 to D//C 3. Federa ated require es the orderrs going to D/C D 1 to be treated as one shipme ent if they arre all on one e truck. This s would indicate three shipments s a and thereforre three ASN Ns. 1. Log in to WMS. W er is not in your y defaultt warehouse e, select File e from the W WMS menu,, and 2. If the orde then click Change Warehouse. Type the co orrect wareh house locatiion code in the Warehouse field, and then click OK. P Shipm ments butto on. 3. Click the Pack 127 4. Click the New N Shipm ment toolbarr button or press the F2 key to o open a new w shipment. 5. Type the shipment s da ate in the Sh hip Date fie eld. The ship pment date will defaultt to today’s da ate if not spe ecified. 128 e de elivery date in the Exp Dlvy Date field. The expected delivery 6. Type the expected date will default d to today’s date if not specifiied. 7. Type the ship s via code e in the Shiip Via field.. g by truckloa ad, type the e trailer num mber in the Trailer No field. 8. If shipping n LTL carrierr, type the carrier’s c pro o number in the Pro Nu umber field d. 9. If using an 0. Type the package p cod de in the Pk kg Code fiel d. The code e must be se et up in the ASN 10 Package Code C cross-rreference. 11 1. Enter any information n needed on a bill of lad ding or othe er report on Page 2 thrrough Page 6. 12 2. Once the fields f are co ompleted, prress Enter a and WMS w will print a sh hipment tag g label. This s label is for internal use e only. The shipment ta ag represen nts a physica al truck that will be load ded with ord ders going to o a common n destination. 13 3. Scan or ty ype a UCC-1 128 number in the Plt/Ctn/Ord fie eld to attach a carton o or a pallet to th he shipmentt. Type the order numb ber to attach h the entire order to the shipment. 129 14 4. If attachin ng an order, the cursor will move to o the Item Id field. Ty ype or scan an item ID to o pack the ittem directly onto the sh hipment. Th he item is va alidated aga ainst the order and UCC-12 28 labels are e printed, iff required. 15 5. To attach all existing cartons and d pallets for an order to o this shipment, click th he olbar button. Verify too 130 6. If the orde er completio on mode forr the custom mer is set to pack shipm ments, the o order 16 will be marked for com mpletion wh hen the ship pment is com mpleted; oth herwise, the e order mus st be closed manually. See S Using W WMS Order Completion for informatio on about ma anually comp pleting orde ers. 17 7. The Freight and Misc c fields will only appearr when the order completion mode e for mer is set to o pack shipm ments; if the ey appear, ttype the app propriate va alues the custom into the fie elds. 18 8. Press Ente er. 19 9. When all cartons, c palllets and ord ders have be een attached d to the shipment, click k the Complete e Shipmentt toolbar button 20 0. Click the Exit E button . nished. when fin Using g WMS Order Billing The Warehouse W Management M t System requires orde rs to be pro ocessed thro ough the WM MS billing system to close a billin ng cycle pro operly. This is required whether or not the ed to Progre ession. If no ot done prop perly, proble ems might o occur selection information is passe when processing a backorderr against the order. It is im mportant to note that WMS W does not actually sselect orderrs for billing in Progress sion, but instead passe es informatio on to Progre ession via P rogression’ss Bar Code ffor Distributtion gression mo odule allows s systems lik ke WMS to ttransfer billiing selection n module. This Prog mation to Pro ogression, and a is thereffore require ed to comple ete the auto omation process. inform See Im mporting Billing B Sele ection Information Us sing Bar Co ode for Dis stribution ffor detaile ed instructio ons about im mporting the e selection iinformation. 131 des for completing orde ers. The mo ode used is d determined by WMS has three different mod rder Completion Mode e field in the WMS conttrol file, and d can the status of the Default Or erridden forr a specific customer c in the custom mer override file. be ove If the order comp pletion mode e is set to pack shipments, orders will be flagg ged as comp plete when a shipment that include es the orderr is completted. If the o order comple etion mode flag is set to WMS billing, orders will be flagg ged as comp plete when a user spec cifically requ uests s mode m is conv venient for ccompanies tthat rarely s split the orrder to be biilled. Pack shipments an ord der into mulltiple shipme ents within a billing cyccle, while W WMS billing is s best for compa anies that frrequently sp plit orders in nto multiple shipments within a billing cycle. T The final option o is pac ck cartons verify v mode,, which indiccates that an order is to o be treated d as an ind dividual ship pment. Orde er completio on is done im mmediately during carto on packing, so manua al billing is not n necessa ary. Order r Completio on Mode is s Upon WM MS Billing 1. Log in to WMS. W er is not in your y defaultt warehouse e, select File e from the W WMS menu,, and 2. If the orde then click Change Warehouse. Type the co orrect wareh house locatiion code in the Warehouse field, and then click OK. B butto on. 3. Click the Billing 132 4. Type the order o numbe er in the Or rder No field d. 5. WMS will calculate c the e order weig ght based o on the weigh ht of the line e items in th he Progressio on Item Mas ster. 6. Type the freight f charg ges for the order, o if any y, in the Fre eight field. 7. Type any miscellaneous charges for the orde er in the Misc field. 133 8. Press Ente er. c the order. 9. WMS will complete ompleted, click the Upd date Progre ession toolbar button 10. After all orrders are co to process all completed orders to a file that th he Progression Bar Code e for Distrib bution uick Ship Po olling functio on can proce ess to selecct orders forr billing in module Qu Progressio on. d a wa arning mess sage alerting g the user that this pro ocess is 11. WMS will display permanent and canno ot be undone. t allow the process to continue, orr Cancel to abort. 12. Click OK to 134 13. After the Update U Prog gression function has fin nished, the transaction history will display a message m tha at all completed orders were poste ed. Note tha at the orders s will not be sele ected for billling in Prog gression unt il the Bar Co ode for Disttribution Quick Ship functtion has bee en run. See Importing Billing Sellection Infformation Using Bar r Code for Distributio on for inform mation abou ut running that process. 135 r Completio on Mode is s Upon Ship pment Com mpletion Order 1. Log in to WMS. W er is not in your y defaultt warehouse e, select File e from the W WMS menu,, and 2. If the orde then click Change Warehouse. Type the co orrect wareh house locatiion code in the Warehouse field, and then click OK. B butto on. 3. Click the Billing 136 4. In this mo ode, all orde ers are flagged for comp pletion when n a shipmen nt that they are attached to t is completed. 5. Click the Update U Pro ogression toolbar butto on to pro ocess all com mpleted ord ders to a file th hat the Progression Bar Code for D istribution m module Quic ck Ship Polling function ca an process to t select ord ders for billiing in Progre ession. 6. WMS will display d a wa arning mess sage alerting g the user that this pro ocess is permanent and canno ot be undone. t allow the process to continue, orr Cancel to abort. 7. Click OK to 137 8. After the Update U Prog gression function has co ompleted, th he transaction history w will display a message m tha at all completed orders were poste ed. Note tha at the orders s will not be sele ected for billling in Prog gression unt il the Progre ession Bar C Code for Distributio on module Quick Q Ship fu unction has been run. S See Importting Billing g Selection n Informatiion Using Bar B Code fo or Distribution for info ormation ab bout that proce ess. Impo orting Billin ng Selection Informattion using Bar Code ffor Distribu ution WMS does not actually selectt Progressio on orders for billing. Insstead, it inte erfaces with h ession’s Barr Code for Distribution module m to p pass order se election info ormation intto Progre Progre ession. Once the Update Progression n function ha as been com mpleted, the e Progressio on Quick Ship on of the Ba ar Code for Distribution module can n be used to o import thiis informatio on functio into Progression. elect the Trx x menu. Select Polling g, and then cclick Quick Ship. In Barr Coding, se 138 S Pollin ng button to o begin the p polling proccess. This prrocess will 1. Click the Start retrieve all orders tha at were proc cessed by th he Update P Progression ffunction and d n orders bas sed on the in assed from select the Progression nformation that was pa WMS. 139 ease refer to o your 2. Once complete, the order will be selected fo r billing. Ple Progressio on O/E manu ual for instructions on ccompleting tthe billing c cycle. Note:: This progra am can be started s on a dedicated machine an nd run contin nuously, wh hich allows s WMS to se end billing in nformation to t Progressi on instantaneously. This is not usu ually necessary, but is available if desired. Deletting an Ord der from WMS W When necessary, the work do one on an order o in WM S can be removed. This process sh hould not be e taken lighttly, and only y certain users should b be given acccess to this functionalitty. 1. Log in to WMS W as a us ser with ma ass deletion rights. W Inquiry toolbar button b 2. Click the WMS o or press the F3 key to launch the W WMS Inquiry. e that the cu urrent view is By Order Number, Carton, Item. If not, sele ect 3. Make sure View from m the menu,, and then change c the v view to By O Order Num mber, Carto on, Item. er is not in your y defaultt warehouse e, click Whs se Code. Ty ype the correct 4. If the orde warehouse e location co ode in the Warehouse W e field, and tthen click O OK. 5. Type the order o numbe er to be dele eted in the Order # fie eld. k the order number n in the list, and then click D Delete. 6. Right-click 140 7. WMS will display d a me essage that the order w will be deleted. Click Ye es to continue. d the order o and alll associated cartons fro om the shipp ping system m. 8. WMS will delete er is attache ed to a completed shipm ment, the order cannott be deleted Note:: If this orde withou ut first re-op pening the shipment. s 9. Exit the inquiry when done. he Totals fo or an Orde er in WMS Recallculating th Althou ugh rare, the system to otal values for an order line item ca an become out of synch h with the transactiion files. This is most likely to happ pen if a problem occurs s during ment complettion. A utilitty has been provided to o recalculate e the totals for the orde er shipm when necessary. 1. Log in to WMS W as a us ser with ma ass deletion rights. 2. Click the WMS W Inquiry toolbar button b Inquiry. 141 or press the e F3 key to launch the WMS e that the cu urrent view is By Order Number, Carton, Item. If not, sele ect 3. Make sure View from m the menu,, and then change c the v view to By O Order Num mber, Carto on, Item. er is not in your y defaultt warehouse e, click Whs se Code. Ty ype the correct 4. If the orde warehouse e location co ode in the Warehouse W e field, and tthen click O OK. 5. Type the order o numbe er requiring re-calculat ion in the O Order # field d. k the order number n in the list, and then click R Re-calculatte Order 6. Right-click Totals. d a me essage that the order ttotals will be e recalculate ed. Click Ye es to 7. WMS will display continue. r the t quantity y packed, qu uantity com mpleted, quantity billed, and 8. WMS will recalculate quantity posted p for th he order bas sed on value es in the shiipment tran nsaction table. 9. Exit the In nquiry when done. Generating an Advanced A Ship S Notice e Using WM MS Shipme ent Informa ation n EDI Bar Co ode Holding File sub-m odule and tthe WMS ED DI ASN Data If the Progression Collec ction Module e are not both installed,, ASN creatiion cannot u use WMS sh hipment inform mation. Refe er to the EDII manual for instruction ns about generating an ASN withou ut using WMS shipm ment informa ation. The Prrogression EDI E ASN sub b-module is used to ge nerate an advanced ship notice. Before an ASN can be crreated, the order o must have been a at least sele ected for billing if O/E is s set nfirm Bill. Iff O/E is set to t Confirm Ship, S the orrder must ha ave been att least shipp ped, to Con and if set to Conffirm Pick the e order mus st have been n at least picked. The o order can ha ave had th he invoice printed, and it is possible to genera ate the ASN after the orrder has bee en posted d. However,, since data on the orde er cannot be e changed a after the inv voice is postted, it is generally recom mmended to o create the ASN before e the invoice e is posted. This allows s o such as the ship p date or shiip via code, to incorrect or missing informattion on the order, e ASN. be corrrected so itt can be inclluded on the If the WMS EDI ASN A Data Co ollection module and th e Progressio on EDI Bar Code Interfface File su ub-module are a installed d, WMS can greatly sim plify ASN crreation in Prrogression b by elimin nating the ne eed to manu ually enter all a the carto on and palle et informatio on for a shipm ment. The infformation co ollected by WMS W will be e used durin ng the ASN creation ins stead. 1. Click Trx on o the Progression EDI menu. Clic k Outbound, and then n click Creatte. 142 g the ASN frrom an open n order, clicck the Curre ent a) If you are creating Orders) button. Data(O e Starting Order/Invoice e No field. 2. Tab to the 143 f order number, if yo ou are filter ing by order number. T To create ba ased 3. Type the first on all orde ers, leave th his set to All. Note:: Even if the e invoice has s been printted for the o order, if the e invoice has s not been posted d yet, you must m enter the t order nu umber here,, not the inv voice numbe er. 4. Type the last order nu umber in the Ending O Order/Invo oice No field d, if you are e y order num mber. To create based o on all orderss, leave this set to All. filtering by 5. b) If you are a creating the ASN fro om a posted d invoice, click the Pos sted Data(Inv voices) buttton. 6. Tab to the e Starting Order/Invo O oice No fiel d. Type the e first invoice e number, if you are filterin ng by invoice e number. To T create ba ased on all invoices, lea ave this set to All. 7. Type the last invoice number in the t Ending Order/Inv voice No fie eld, if you are y invoice nu umber. To crreate based on all invoiices, leave tthis set to A All. filtering by 8. If you are filtering by customer number, n typ pe the startin ng custome er number in n the Starting Customer C No N field. To o create base ed on all customers, leave this sett to All. 9. If you are filtering by customer number, n typ pe the ending customerr number in the Ending Cu ustomer No field. To create c based d on all custtomers, leav ve this set tto All. 10 0. If you are filtering by order date,, type the sttarting orde er date in the Starting Order Date field. To create base ed on all ord der dates, le eave this set to All. 11 1. If you are filtering by order date,, type the e nding orderr date in the e Ending Orrder Date field. To create based on alll order date es, leave thiis set to All. 12 2. If you are filtering by O/E ship da ate, type th e starting ship date in the Startin ng Ship Date e field. To create based d on all ship dates, leav ve this set to o All. 13 3. If you are filtering by O/E ship da ate, type th e ending sh hip date in th he Ending Ship Date field. To create based on alll ship datess, leave thiss set to All. 14 4. Select the 856 (Advan nced Ship Notice) N check k box. 15 5. You can fu urther refine e which orde ers are inclu uded using tthe Include e Order Sta atus drop-down n list box. To include all orders reg gardless of sstatus, leave e this set to All. 16 6. Click the OK O button. Progression P EDI will be gin the ASN N creation process. 17 7. If a flatfile e still exists from the las st outbound d creation, P Progression will display a messaging g prompting g you to app pend, erase,, or cancel. 18 8. Append -- Saves the e data alread dy in the fla tfile and pla aces the new w data at th he end of it. 19 9. Erase -- Deletes D the data already in the flattfile and rep places it with h the new data. 144 0. Cancel -- Saves the data d already y in the flatffile and doe es not create e any new d data. 20 Stops the ASN creatio on process. 21 1. Progressio on will sort the t orders based b on the e filter criterria specified d, and then display the e ASN Shipm ment Level Maintenance e screen. Note that the e ASN Shipm ment Level Main ntenance screen will be displayed o once for eacch ASN that is created. 22 2. The ASN Shipment S Le evel Mainten nance screen n allows you u to enter o or override certain shiipment deta ails for this ASN. A Althou ugh most orr all of these e fields will c come up with de efault inform mation in the em, you can n only enterr data in a fiield and hav ve that override appear on o the ASN if the forma at that you are using pulls data fro om ORMAT.TXT lists that a shipment va alue is pulle ed from a that field. If the EDFO shipment level (S reco ord) field in the EDBBC CIFL, then yo ou can gene erally overriide it nformation on o this scree en is only fo or the shipm ment level off the on this scrreen. The in ASN. It will not affect the order, tare, pack, or item leve els of the AS SN. 145 23 3. If the Misc c Info butto on is active on the ASN N Shipment Level Mainttenance scre een, click it to enter e inform mation in the e ASN misc fields. The data expectted in a mis sc field and the label displayed for the t misc fielld are deterrmined by th he ASN form mat. 24 4. To continu ue with the ASN A creation, click OK or press the Enter key y. 25 5. When the ASN creatio on is comple ete, Progresssion will dissplay a message asking g if you want to t print the transmissio on report. C Click Yes to print the re eport, or No to continue without w printting the rep port. 26 6. The outbound creation will close automatica lly. 146 Chapter 8: WMS Pr rocessin ng – P/O O Receiving Relea asing Purch hase Order rs to WMS using Postt P/O Printt Processin ng Post Purchase P Ord der Print Pro ocessing relleases purch hase orders that have b been release ed and printed in Pro ogression to o WMS. Rece eipts againsst the purchase order can then be ed from WM MS RF device es. entere In the e Progression P/O modu ule, select Trx, T Print P urchase Orders, Postt PO Print Proce essing. 1. Type the warehouse w to t be proces ssed in the W Warehouse e field. Leav ve this field blank to process all warehouses. w 2. Type a purchase orde er number ra ange, or lea ave the PO N Number Frrom and PO O T fields bla ank to proce ess all orderrs. Note thatt any printe ed purchase Number To order with hin the range e that has not n been pre eviously sen nt to WMS w will be processed. In addition n, any printe ed purchase e order with hin the range that has h had a w be proce essed, even if the purch hase order h has change to the quantitty ordered will been previously released. 3. Select the Re-Releas se check box to force p purchase ord ders to be re e-released e even if no quantity change has been made m since tthe purchase order was s previously T is typic cally used when a purch hase order h has been de eleted from released. This WMS. 4. Click the OK O button. A Repo ort button to o print a rep port of the P POs released d by this 5. Click the Audit process. 147 essing a Re eceipt Agaiinst a Purchase Orde r Proce The WMS W Receiving function processes receipts r aga ainst a purch hase order tthat was entere ed into the Progression P Purchase Order O module. Additiona ally, productt labels can be generated during this proces ss. 1. Log in to WMS W on an RF handheld d device. ceiving, and then selec ct Receive P/O’s. 2. Select Rec n use the do ock as bin m mode in WMS S. If 3. If you are using bins in Progression, you can this option n is turned on, o WMS willl prompt fo or a dock; ottherwise, it will skip this field. 148 ck field, typ pe the Progrression bin n number thatt represents s the dock to 4. In the Doc which you are receivin ng product. All subsequ uent receiptts will be pro ocessed aga ainst ntil you chan nge the dock. this bin un p ord der numberr for the purrchase orderr that you a are receiving g in 5. Type the purchase the PO fie eld. 6. If this is a release aga ainst a blanket PO, type e the releasse number in n the RLS field. dor has bee en configured to print a warehouse P/O scan sheet, WMS will 7. If the vend print it at this time. m, if necess sary. 8. Press the F4 key to specify a multiplier for t he next item 149 v to multiply the ne ext item qua antity by in the Mlt field. In the 9. Type the value example, the t next item quantity will be multtiplied by fo our. 10 0. Scan or ty ype one of th he following g in the Itm m field: item number, UC CC-14 (I-20 05) number, UPC U numberr, or any barr code that has been se et up in the ASN Bulk Weight file e. 11 1. WMS will determine d iff putaway ta ags are in u se and print one if requ uired. 12 2. WMS will validate v the item against the purch hase order a and determiine if produc ct labels are required. Iff so, it will either e autom matically prin nt them or p prompt the user. See Overriding g Product Labels L Whe en Promptiing for deta ails about bels. prompted product lab 13 3. When all receipts r hav ve been ente ered, press the Escape e or CLR key y on the RF device. 14 4. WMS will verify v if the purchase order has be een fully received; if nott, a list of ittems that have not been fu ully received d will be disp played. 15 5. Use the up p and down arrow keys s to scroll th rough the liist. 16 6. After revie ewing, press s the Escap pe or CLR ke ey on the R RF device. 150 7. WMS will prompt p the user to com mmit the recceipts. 17 18 8. Press Ente er to commit the receip pts. Once co ommitted, W WMS will upd date the Progressio on inventory y. Any chang ges or corre ections other than addittional receip pts must then be made frrom a works station. 19 9. Press Esca ape or CLR R to place the receipts o on hold inste ead of comm mitting them m. This will not delete the receipts. Overr riding Prod duct Labels s When Pro ompting The WMS W Receiving function can produc ce product la abels as recceipts are en ntered. During setup,, labels are configured to t print auto omatically, not to printt at all, or to o prompt the user before b printing. This can n be set as a global deffault, overridden by ven ndor, and overridden by ven ndor item; it can also be b set differe ently for each PO layerr. See Contrrol M ce Function n, Purchase e Order Ta b for inform mation about the global File Maintenanc setting gs. See Ven ndor Overr ride File Ma aintenance e for informa ation about overriding b by vendo or. See Vend dor Item Override O File Mainten nance for information a about overriding by ven ndor item. 151 ering receiptts, type or scan s the item m code in th he Itm field d. 1. While ente d the PO number,, the item n umber, and d the quantitty being 2. WMS will display received. ayer set to prompt for product labe el printing, WMS will diisplay the 3. For each la number off labels to be printed, th he item ID, and the quantity per la abel. If a lay yer is set not to print or alw ways to printt, that layerr will not be displayed. p and down arrow keys s to scroll th rough the e entries. 4. Use the up e entry to print. 5. Type Y or 1 to set the e entry not to print. 6. Type N or 0 to set the 152 e the entry. 7. Type C or 2 to change nge an entry y, WMS will display a sccreen showing the layerr 8. If you choose to chan nged, the nu umber of labels to be p printed, and the item ID D that will be being chan associated d with those e labels. ype a new number of la abels to prin nt. This will o only change e the numbe er of 9. You can ty labels for the t layer, not the quan ntity receive d. 0. Use the arrrow keys to o select a different pack kage code to o use for the layer, which 10 will change the number of labels calculated a and the item m ID associa ated with th he label. 11 1. Press Ente er to save the change. 153 2. When all changes c hav ve been mad de, press Es scape or CL LR on the R RF device. 12 13 3. WMS will print p the lab bels. Verify ying What Is Open on n a Purchase Order There are severall ways to ha ave WMS dis splay a veriffication scre een for a pu urchase orde er. WMS will w automatically displa ay a verifica ation screen n when a use er finishes p processing receip pts and esca apes out of the t purchase order. See e Processin ng a Receipt Against a Purch hase Order r for more in nformation. During g receiving, a user can also reques st a PO veriffication scre een by press sing the F7 key in eith her the Mlt or Itm field d. 154 w having to enter receipts. A userr can also verify a PO without 1. To check the t status of a purchase e order with hout enterin ng receipts, log in to WM MS on an RF handheld h de evice. 2. Select Rec ceiving, and then selec ct Verify P/ /O. 3. Type the purchase p ord der numberr to verify in n the PO field. If this is a release against a blanket PO, type the re elease numb ber in the RLS field. 155 d a listt of items fo or the PO w hich are currrently not ffully receive ed. 4. WMS will display wn arrow key ys to scroll tthrough the e list. 5. Press the up and dow ewing the lis st, press the e Escape orr CLR key o on the RF de evice to exitt. 6. After revie 156 Chapter 9: WMS Pr rocessin ng – I/M M Trans sactions Proce essing an Inventory I Issue I 1. Log in to WMS W on an RF handheld d device. ventory, an nd then select Issues. 2. Select Inv q to issue i in the Mlt field. 3. Type the quantity can an item number, UP PC code, UC CC-14, or an ny other barr code that has 4. Type or sc been confiigured to represent the e item in the e Itm field. 157 m is binned/llotted, you will w be prom mpted for th he bin/lot nu umber. 5. If the item a ly process the issue an d remove th he quantity from inventtory. 6. WMS will automatical essing an Inventory I Receipt R Proce 1. Log in to WMS W on an RF handheld d device. 2. Select Inv ventory, an nd then select Receipts s. 3. Type the quantity q to receive r in th he Mlt field.. 4. Type or sc can an item number, UP PC Code, UC CC-14, or an ny other bar code that has been confiigured to represent the e item in the e Itm field. 158 m is binned/llotted, you will w be prom mpted for th he bin/lot nu umber. 5. If the item a ly process the receipt a and add the quantity to o inventory. 6. WMS will automatical essing an Inventory I Transfer T Proce 1. Log in to WMS W on an RF handheld d device. 2. Select Inv ventory, an nd then select Transferrs. 3. Type the warehouse w to t transfer product p to in n the To field. The From field is automatically set to the user’s cu urrent wareh house. 159 q to receive r in th he Mlt field.. 4. Type the quantity m field, type e or scan an item numb er, UPC cod de, UCC-14, or any othe er 5. In the Itm bar code that t has bee en configure ed to represe ent the item m. nsfer is for a binned item m, WMS wil l prompt forr the bin to transfer pro oduct 6. If the tran from. m being transferred is a binned item m, the progrram will pro ompt for a b bin to 7. If the item transfer prroduct to. 160 a y in inventorry. ly process the transfer and move tthe quantity 8. WMS will automatical essing a Ph hysical or Cycle C Count Proce WMS allows you to t enter cou unt informattion with an RF device d during a phy ysical or cyc cle ormation ab bout creating g a physicall or count.. See the Prrogression I//M user manual for info cycle count. c Once created, WM MS can proc cess the cou unt as eitherr a directed or a non-diirected coun nt. g Directed Count Processing nt process is s particularly useful in b binned environments. T The count The diirected coun should d be created d with the so ort by bin option activa ated. Each R RF user is given a batch h code and a range of o tags to count. 161 1. Log in to WMS W on an RF handheld d device. 2. Select Inv ventory, an nd then select Count Ta ags. 3. Select Dir rected Coun nt from the Count Tagss menu. 162 b number in the Ba atch # field . 4. Type the batch s tag number in the t Tag # ffield. 5. Type the starting d the bin and item m to count. 6. WMS will display c in the Mlt field. 7. Type the count 163 m field, type e the item nu umber, UPC C number, U UCC-14 num mber, or any y 8. In the Itm other bar code that re epresents th his item. No ote that if yo ou type the UCC-14 cas se d should be the numbe er of cases. code, the quantity in the Mlt field v that you are co ounting the correct item m. 9. WMS will validate 0. Scan the bin b number to confirm that t you are e at the corrrect bin. If tthe wrong b bin is 10 scanned, WMS W will ge enerate an error e messag ge. 11 1. After the current c coun nt is entered d, WMS will direct you tto the next item. 12 2. When finis shed with yo our range, press p Escap pe or CLR to o exit. Non-D Directed Co ount Proce essing The no on-directed count proce ess is partic cularly usefu ul for non-binned or full physical situatiions. Each RF R user is giiven a batch h to count a nd directed to a specifiic area or aiisle of the warehouse e. 164 1. Log in to WMS W on an RF handheld d device. 2. Select Inv ventory, an nd then select Count Ta ags. 3. Select Non n-Directed d Count from m the Countt Tags menu u. 165 b code in the Batch h # field. 4. Type the batch c qua antity in the Mlt# field. 5. Type the counted 166 m# field, typ pe or scan the item num mber, UPC n number, UC CC-14 number, 6. In the Itm or any oth her bar code e representin ng the item being coun nted. Note th hat if you ty ype a UCC-14 ca ase code, th he quantity in i the Mlt# field should d be the cas se quantity. m is binned, WMS will prompt for a bin number. Type or s scan the bin 7. If the item number. u the tag t for that item-bin co ombination. 8. WMS will update 167 mplete, press s Escape orr CLR to ex it. 9. When com S Inquiiry on RF Devices D Viewiing a Bin Stock Using a WMS RF device, d an item can be located in a warehouse e without go oing to a works station. 1. Log in to WMS W on an RF handheld d device. 2. Select Inv ventory, an nd then select Stock In nquiry. 168 her By Item m or By Bin from the Stock Inquiry y menu. 3. Select eith m – In the Itm field d, type or sccan the item m number, U UPC numberr, 4. By Item mode UCC-14 nu umber, or any other ba ar code repre esenting the e item to be e located. d the item numbe er, the total for the currrent wareho ouse, and th he 5. WMS will display location off the items, if bins are in i use. 169 ode – In the e Bin field, type t or scan n the bin nu umber. 6. By Bin mo d the items and quantity q on h hand in the bin. 7. WMS will display oggle betwe een By Item m and By Bin n modes. 8. Press the F6 key to to oggle betwe een showing g zero quanttities and hiding zero 9. Press the F8 key to to quantities. 0. Use the up p and down arrows to scroll s throug gh pages. 10 11 1. After revie ewing the lis st, press the e Escape orr CLR key to o exit. 170 Chapter 10: WMS Process P sing – Prroductio on Orde ers Enter ring Produc ction for a Production n Order The Prroduction fu unction allow ws you to en nter producttion for rele eased production orders s on an RF device. 1. Log in to WMS W on an RF handheld d device. 2. Select Production. e to Stagin ng Bin is acttivated in th he WMS Con ntrol File, W WMS will prompt 3. If Receive for a bin. Type T the bin n for the pro oduction in the Bin field. 171 p order o numbe er in the Orrd field. 4. Type the production d the item numbe er for this orrder in the I Itm field. 5. WMS will display q pro oduced in the Qty field. 6. Type the quantity C field f if the o order is com mplete; type N if the ord der is 7. Type Y in the Order Complete ete. not comple 172 omponent in n the parent item, WMS S will promp pt for 8. If there is a lotted or serialized co the lot or serial s inform mation. 9. If the item m is a binned d item, WMS S will promp pt for the bin informatio on. 10 0. WMS returrns to the Ord O field for the next prroduction tra ansaction. E Enter the ne ext transaction, or press Escape or CLR C to retu urn to the W WMS System Menu. 173 Chapter 11: WMS Process P sing – Sh hop Floo or Trans sactions s Issuin ng Materia al to a Shop p Order 1. Log in to WMS W on an RF handheld d device. op Floor, and then sele ect SFC Ma terial. 2. Select Sho S order number in th he Ord field.. 3. Type the SFC ed, type the e path in the e Pth field. 4. If prompte 174 or the item, press the F F4 key. Type e the quantity in the Mlt 5. To enter a quantity fo field. m field. 6. Type the item number in the Itm m is lotted orr serialized, WMS will p prompt for the lot or serial numberr. If 7. If the item you typed a quantity in the Mlt field, f you wi ll need to enter serial n numbers forr the entire quantity. O field for the next m material issue e. Continue issuing material 8. WMS returrns to the Ord for the sho op order, orr press Esca ape or CLR to return to o the WMS S System Men nu. 175 ring Activitty for a Sho op Order Enter 9. Log in to WMS W on an RF handheld d device. 0. Select Sho op Floor, and then sele ect SFC Acttivity. 10 11 1. If prompte ed for a bin number, type it in the Bin field. T This bin num mber is the default forr subsequen nt activity trransactions until you clo ose the SFC C Activity scrreen. 12 2. Type the order o numbe er in the Or rd field. 13 3. If prompte ed, type the e path numb ber in the Ptth field. 14 4. Type the operation o nu umber in the e Opr field. 176 5. If prompte ed, type the e departmen nt number in n the Dpt field. Press th he F7 key to 15 search for a departme ent number. 16 6. If prompte ed, type the e work cente er number in n the Wct ffield. Press tthe F7 key tto search for a work cen nter numberr. 17 7. In the Lab bor section, type the nu umber of lab bor hours in the Hrs fie eld. You cannot enter hourrs exceeding g 23.5. If yo ou need to e enter more than 23.5 h hours, enterr multiple trransactions to split the hours. 18 8. Type the employee e nu umber in the Emp field d. This mustt be an emp ployee set up p as a manufac cturing employee. Press s the F7 key y to search for the emp ployee. 19 9. If prompte ed, enter the labor grad de in the Grrd field. Presss the F7 ke ey to search h for the labor grade. g 20 0. If the operration has a machine, type t the num mber of machine hours s in the Hrs field in the Mac chine section n. 21 1. If the operration has a machine, type t the ma achine numb ber in the No field. 22 2. In the Qua antities secttion type the e quantity ccomplete in the Cmp fie eld. 23 3. If the operration is com mplete, type e Y in the O Opr Comple ete field; if n not type N. 177 4. Type the scrap s quantiity in the Qtty field in th he Scrap section. 24 25 5. If you ente ered a scrap p quantity, type t the scrrap code in the Cde field. Press F7 7 to search for the scrap code. c 26 6. If the operration is a Y count point operation,, type any rrejected qua antity in the Qty field in the e Rejected section. s 27 7. If you ente ered a rejec cted quantity, type a re eject reason code in the e Rsn field. Press the F7 key to se earch for th he scrap rea son code. 28 8. Type a non-conformin ng material location in tthe NCM fie eld. Press th he F7 key to o ocation. search for the NCM lo 29 9. Type the reject r item number n in the Itm field d. 30 0. WMS returrns to the Ord O field to process p the next activitty transactio on. Continue processing g transaction ns. Press Es scape or CL LR to return n to the WMS System M Menu when done e. 178 Chapter 12: WMS Inquiry I One of the most powerful p fea atures of the e Warehousse Managem ment System m is the WMS S Inquirry. This prog gram is inva aluable to sh hipping man nagers and p personnel w who need to review w the status s of a shipment. The WMS W Inquiry provides fiv ve views intto the shipp ping system data. All vie ews have a similar format witth an expan ndable tree view v on the left and de etailed inform mation on th he mong the av vailable view ws by clickin ng View on the WMS Inquiry menu. right. Navigate am The PO O/Order/Carton/Item view v groups orders with h the same ccustomer an nd purchase e order number. Th his is commo only used when w custom mers send ED DI orders w with the same PO number for many y stores. This view gives s the shippi ng manager an overvie ew of the en ntire PO. O n/Item view is used to see s the carttons that ha ave been packed for a The Order/Carton specific order. abel/Pallet/C Carton/Item m view is use ed to determ mine what a specific UC CC-128 labe el The La was used for. This can be handy if a box x is found in n the wareho ouse with a label, but n no nows why itt was packed. one kn The Shipment/Pallet/Carton view is used d to see all pallets and cartons tha at have been n packed. ent/Pallet/C O Carton/Item view is use ed to see alll shipments for an orde er, The Order/Shipm including the palle ets and carttons on each shipment.. W Inquiry can be accessed from anywhere w within WMS by clicking the telescope The WMS icon oolbar. on the to 179 Inquiry by PO/Orderr/Carton/Item t order nu umber in the e tree to dis splay summ ary line item m informatio on in the Click the Purcha ase Order Details D sectio on of the screen. Click an item to d display deta ailed informa ation about that item. The in nquiry uses color to provide easy visual identiffication of an item’s sta atus. If an ittem number is display yed in blue, that item is s under ship pped or not fully packed d. An item d in red is cu urrently ove er shipped. IIf an item n number is diisplayed in number displayed n completely y packed as ordered. black, it has been 180 Chapter 13: WMS File F Maintenanc ce As ord ders and shiipments are e processed in WMS, da ata is written n to various s files. Over time, these files can c become e large, degrrading perfo ormance. Se etting up a rregular edule to purrge WMS related files w will help prev vent perform mance issue es. maintenance sche em maintena ance, these steps shou ld only be p performed after comple eting As witth any syste and ve erifying a fu ull system backup. WMS Purge Utility The WMS W File Utillity Purge fu unction will purge the fo ollowing file es: WMS Pack k Header (OE EPCKHDR) Pack Line (OEPCKLIN)) n Shipment (OESHPTSL L) Shipment Transaction SHPTTL) Pallet (OES Carton (OE ESHPTCL) Item (OES SHPTIL) Bin Serial Lot (OESHP PTBS) PTCW) Catch Weight (OESHP In the e System Ma anager Proce esses menu u, click WMS S File Utilitties, and then select Purge e. Type a da ate in the Pu urge Activiity On and Before fielld, and then n click Purg ge. The da ata is then purged p base ed on the da ate entered in the Purg ge Activity On and Be efore field. If I the date specified s is less than on ne year old, a warning message will be display yed asking g you to verrify that you u want to pu urge the datta. Once you u purge, tha at historical data is lost and can on nly be retriev ved by resto oring it from m a backup. You should d never ente er a Purge e Activity On O and Beffore date th hat would pu urge active sshipments. Manu ually Purgin ng WMS Filles In add dition to run nning the WMS purge utility, the O EBOLWRK ffile and VICS S BOL files n need to be purged periodically. These files are e not cleare ed by the WM MS purge uttility and must anually initia alized. be ma 1. In the Sys stem Manager Processe es menu, clicck WMS Fille Utilities,, and then s select File Initia alize. 2. Select the check boxe es for the fo ollowing filess: OEBOLWR RK – Bill of Lading L Proce essing File EDVICSHD D – VICs BOL Header EDVICSL1 – VICs BOL L Sub 1 181 L Sub 2 EDVICSL2 – VICs BOL 3. Click the Save S toolbar button to initialize the e files. 4. WMS will display d a me essage to co onfirm that you want to o re-initializ ze the file. T This message is displayed once for ea ach file. Clic k Yes to initialize the ffile. 5. Once complete, WMS automatica ally clears th he check box xes for the files. Purging the EDI I Barcode Holding H Interface File e t Progress sion EDI ASN submodu le and EDI B Barcode Hollding Interfa ace If you are using the odule, WMS S will write shipment s infformation to o a file called d EDBBCIFL L. The ASN submo creatio on process can c then access the data in this file to return shipment re elated inform mation to the e customer on the ASN. Over time, t this fille can becom me very larg ge, degradin ng ASN crea ation performance. Althou ugh no purge function exists e in Pro ogression ED DI or WMS ffor maintena ance of the EDBBC CIFL EDI Ba arcode Interrface file, it can be purg ged by initia alizing the file in System m Manag ger. Note that t you sho ould have a verified sys stem backup p before com mpleting the ese steps. A All users must be out of ASN cre eation and WMS W shipme ent complettion during tthe file initialization. Therefore, it is recommend ded to perfo orm this pro ocedure after completing all ments and se ending all AS SNs for the day. shipm e Distributtion, and th 1. In the Sys stem Manager Processe es menu, clicck Initialize hen select EDI I Files. 2. Select only y the ASN Barcode B Inte erface File ( EDBBCIFL) check box. 3. Click the Save S toolbar icon. e will be displayed asking you to co onfirm that you want to o initialize the 4. A message ASN Barco ode Interfac ce (EDBBCIF FL) file. Click k Yes to inittialize the fiile. 5. Once the file f is initialized, Progre ession will re eturn to the e Initialize EDI Files scre een. Exit the sc creen. If you are using Pervasive.SQ P QL, you will also need tto run the W WMS key cre eation. Micro osoft W key cre eation step a after initializ zing the ASN N SQL users do not have to perform the WMS Barcod de Interface e file. 1. In the WM MS Utilities menu, m click File Initial ize. K Creatio on tab. 2. Click the Key C Interfface (EDBB BCIFL) checck box, and then click tthe 3. Select the ASN Bar Code Save toolb bar button to t add the additional a in dexes used by WMS. w now have e an empty EDBBCIFL file f to be us ed to generrate new AS SNs. If you n need You will to recreate an AS SN from prio or to the purrge, reopen the shipme ent in WMS, and then hipment will be recreatted. complete it again. The EDBBCIFL records for that sh 182 App pendix A: A WMS & EDI Distribut D tion Cen nter Settup This appendix des scribes the file settings s that must be in place for WMS to correctly ss distribution centers for f Progress sion store orrders. When n using pare ent/child proces relatio onships, all entries e use the parent customer n umber. Custo omer Overr ride File If a cu ustomer ove erride file re ecord exists for the custtomer, the D Distributio on Center Qualifier field typically shou uld be blank. If a value is entered in this field, WMS will me that it can determine e the distrib bution cente er from the E EDI purchas se order. assum Otherw wise, WMS will use the Progression n A/R Altern nate Address and EDI S Ship-To Cros ssRefere ences entrie es for the sto ores and dis stribution ce enter to find d the addres sses and IDs to use when printing g labels. A/R Alternate A Address A File An A/R R alternate address mu ust exist for each store and each distribution c center. For examp ple, if customer KMAR0 001 has thre ee stores an nd one distriibution centter, it must have four A/R A alternate e addresses s, one for the DC and on ne for each store. 183 A/R Alternate Address Entry for f a Store and A/R Alternate AAddress Entry forr a Distribution Center ogression A//R Maintain menu, sele ect Alternatte Address s. 1. On the Pro c nu umber in the e Cust No ffield. 2. Type the customer mber in the Alt A Addres ss No field. This can be e the same IID 3. Type the location num ustomer use es for the lo ocation, or a different ID D that you c choose. that the cu a for this location n in the maiiling addresss fields. Forr a store, this 4. Type the address would be the t store’s address. a Forr a distributtion center, it would be the DC add dress. 5. Populate any a other fie elds necessa ary for Prog ression A/R R processing. See the Progressio on A/R user manual for information n about the other fields s in the A/R Alternate Address. A EDI Ship-To S Cro oss Referen nce File The EDI Ship-To cross refere ence defines s the relatio nship betwe een the ID tthat a customer f a store or o distributio on center an nd the Progrression A/R Alternate A Address ID ffor uses for 184 ocation. It also a defines the distribu ution center that service es a store. A An EDI Ship p-To that lo cross reference is s required fo or each storre and distribution center. EDI Ship-To Cross-Reference C e for a Store and EDI Ship-To Crross-Reference ffor a Distribution Center 1. On the Pro ogression ED DI Maintain menu, sele ect Cross Re eferences, and then select Ship-To. 2. In the EDI I Ship-To Code C field, type t the cusstomer’s ID for this location. This informatio on is found in either the e fourth elem ment of the N1 segmen nt or in the S SDQ segment of o the EDI purchase ord der. 3. Type the Progression P A/R custom mer number in the Custtomer No ffield. This m must match the customer number n spec cified in the e EDI Tradin ng Partner cross referen nce. 4. If you hav ve selected Each E Store e Mode=C in n the EDI Trading Partn ner crossreference, enter the Progression P A/R child cu ustomer num mber for thiis location in n the C Cust No N field. If you have se elected Each Store Mo ode=N in th he Ship-To Child EDI Tradin ng Partner cross-referen c nce, this fie eld is disable ed. 5. In the Mac cola Ship-T To Code fie eld, type the e Progressio on A/R Alternate Addres ss ID for this loc cation. 185 Q fie eld, type DB B if this crosss-reference e is for a sto ore. 6. In the Alt Location Qualifier If this cros ss-reference e is for a dis stribution ce enter, leave this field bllank. 7. In the Alte ernate Loc cation field, type the diistribution ccenter numb ber for this store. If th his cross-refference is fo or a DC, leav ve this field d blank. When a label is printed for th he store, WM MS uses the e alternate location liste ed in the sto ore’s EDI Ship-To cross s reference to find the EDI Ship-To o cross-reference for th he DC. WMS S will u the DC’s s EDI Ship-T To cross refe erence to find the A/R Alternate Ad ddress entry y for then use the DC C so it can print p the dis stribution ce enter addresss in the ship to section n of the labe el. WMS will w use the individual store’s s addre ess in the m mark for secction of the label, if requirred. 186 App pendix B: B EDI Fiile Usag ge This appendix ind dicates the file f and field d usage of th he Progresssion EDI module when u used W Any fie eld not men ntioned belo ow is not use ed by WMS and should be set with WMS. accord ding to the Progression P EDI user manual. m EDI Setup S File 1 ASN N / Order? should not be activated 1 ASN N / BOL sho ould be activated ASN? must be ac ctivated (This is controlled by a Pro ogression ED DI registration file) C must be activated (This is co ontrolled by y a Progresssion EDI registration file e) Bar Code? EDI Trading T Par rtner Cross s Reference e WMS uses the 85 56 check box to determ mine if it nee eds to write to the EDI Bar Code ng interface file for ASN N creation. Holdin On the e Page 4 ta ab, Ship To Distributio on Center should be a activated. For all other fields s, refer to the EDFORMAT.TXT file included on n the Progre ession EDI ng Partner CD. C Tradin EDI Item Cross Reference e ackaging code is specifiied on the Page P 2 tab, the post pick ticket processing If a pa progra am will use it in autopack mode to find the bu ulk weight file record to use in determ mining the quantity q perr. For all other fields s, refer to the EDFORMAT.TXT file included on n the Progre ession EDI ng Partner CD. C Tradin EDI Ship S To Cro oss Referen nce See Appendix A A WMS & ED DI Distribution Cente er Setup forr detailed in nformation a about distrib bution cente er settings. To ass sociate a dis stribution ce enter with a store: 1. Create an EDI Ship-To o Cross-Refference reco ord for the sstore. t partner’s code for f the store e in the EDI I Ship-To C Code field. 2. Type the trading P A/R custom mer number in the Custt No field. 3. Type the Progression P A/R alterna ate address number forr the store in n the Macola 4. Type the Progression Ship-To Code C field. n the Alt Loc cation Qualiifier field. 5. Type DB in t partner’s code for f the distr ibution centter in the Allternate 6. Type the trading Location field. 187 efer to the EDFORMAT.T TXT file inclu uded on the e Progression 7. For all other fields, re EDI Tradin ng Partner CD. C 8. Create an EDI Ship-To o Cross-Refference reco ord for the D D/C. t partner’s code for f the distr ibution centter in the ED DI Ship-To o 9. Type the trading Code field d. 10 0. Type the Progression P A/R custom mer number in the Custt No field. 11 1. Type the Progression P A/R alterna ate address number forr the D/C in the Macola a Ship-To Code C field. 12 2. For all other fields, re efer to the EDFORMAT.T TXT file inclu uded on the e Progression ng Partner CD. C EDI Tradin EDI Ship S Via Cro oss Refere ence Refer to the EDFO ORMAT.TXT file included d on the Pro ogression ED DI Trading P Partner CD. M Charge e Code EDI Misc Refer to the EDFO ORMAT.TXT file included d on the Pro ogression ED DI Trading P Partner CD. B Weigh ht File ASN Bulk The WMS W uses this file to dettermine the items per p pack in auto opack mode e, as follows: 1. Pick tickett is printed for f the item. i cross reference r record exists for the custtomer and ittem being 2. If an EDI item processed, and the Pa ackage Cod de field is p populated, th he item leve el record forr this ombination is i used to determine th he items perr pack. item-package code co c is used d to determine the items per pack. 3. Otherwise, the default package code W uses this file to allo ow scanning g and cross--referencing g of any type of code to oa The WMS Progre ession item number. 4. Populate the t Alternate Item Nu umber field with the co ode to be crross-referenced. UPC UCC-14 (I-205) 5. Populate the t Alternate Item Qu ualifier field d to indicate e what type of code is b being used. UP = UPC UC = UCC-14 (I-205) ASN Package P Co ode File At least one S package code type record d must be sp pecified. c box CTN25 = cardboard PLT94 = wooden w palle et 188 m commo on S record should s be set as defaullt. The most At least one I pac ckage code type record d must be sp pecified to u use the ASN Bulk Weigh ht file. ng AutoPack k, one I package code type t record must be sett as default. If usin 189 App pendix C: C WMS Program m and C Comman nd Line O Options s This appendix doc cuments the e programs that comprrise the Warrehouse Man nagement m. A numbe er of these programs p ha ave comma nd line switches that ca an be used to System change the opera ation of the program. WMS Attached Workstatio W on and RF Server S Pro ogram Progra am Details Name: VB016.EXE I Location: \P Progression7 75\ISPSAS Standard Installation Comm mand Line Options er mode /SERVER: Start progrram in serve /INI= : Uses specified s .IN NI file in pla ce of SASER RVER.INI /NOSPLAS SH: Don’t dis splay the startup splash h screen. /LITE: Force execution of the Pac ck Verify On nly mode /USER= > Ignored un nless /SERV VER is speciffied. /PASSWOR RD= Ignored unless //SERVER is specified. /BTVISIBL LE: If BarTen nder interface is active,, load BarTe ender as a v visible application n instead of as a hidden n process. WMS Inquiry Progra am Details Name: VB022P1.EXE I Location: \P Progression7 75\ISPSAS Standard Installation Comm mand Line Options arehouse location /Wxxx: Wa /U : Forc ce a user name /INI : Uses U specified .INI file in place of S SASERVER.IINI WMS Post Pick Ticket T Proc cessing Pro ogram Progra am Details Name: VB01602.EXE I Progression7 75\ Location: \P Standard Installation Comm mand Line Options /REPRINT:: Start program in reprint mode 190 /ON: Print labels via BarTender B frrom Seagull Scientific /PATH : Location of BarTe ender forma ats /INI= : Location of .INI containing c fo ormat of casse packs and default label printer S program in Close WMS W Orderss mode /CLOSE: Start /TRACE: Forces F WMS into Trace mode m witho out requiring g the user to o select from m the Help menu u L Tools s WMS External Label Progra am Details Name: VB01604.EXE I Progression7 75\ Location: \P Standard Installation Comm mand Line Options Not Applicable WMS Control File Maintenance Progra am Details Name: VBI161P.EXE 75\ Location: \P I Progression7 Standard Installation Comm mand Line Options Not Applicable WMS Security File F Mainten nance Progra am Details Name: VBI168P.EXE 75\ Location: \P I Progression7 Standard Installation Comm mand Line Options Not Applicable WMS Customer Override File F Mainte enance Progra am Details Name: VBI163P.EXE 75\ I Location: \P Progression7 Standard Installation Comm mand Line Options Not Applicable 191 F Mainten nance WMS Bill of Lading Type File Progra am Details Name: VBI162P.EXE 75\ I Location: \P Progression7 Standard Installation Comm mand Line Options Not Applicable WMS Ship Via Reports R File e Maintena ance Progra am Details Name: VBI167P.EXE 75\ I Location: \P Progression7 Standard Installation Comm mand Line Options Not Applicable WMS Package Code C File Maintenanc M e Progra am Details Name: VBI150X.EXE 75\ Location: \P I Progression7 Standard Installation Comm mand Line Options Not Applicable WMS Bulk Weig ght File Maiintenance Progra am Details Name: VBI151X.EXE 75\ I Location: \P Progression7 Standard Installation Comm mand Line Options Not Applicable VICS Preproces ss Program m Progra am Details Name: VBI224P.EXE I \ n75\ISPSAS S Location - \Progression Standard Installation Comm mand Line Options /BOL= > - Bill of lad ding (shipm ment) numbe er to print /COPIES= : The numbe er of copies to print /PRINTER= = : N The e printer to print the re eport to 192 /DATAPATH= : Th he path to tthe Progresssion databas se (no DDF attached) nnect to Prog gression SQ QL database /SQL: Con /DATABAS SE= - The name of the e Progressio on SQL data abase /SERVER= = - The name e of the Prog gression SQ QL database server /USER= - The user name to log in to o the Progression SQL database /PASS= - The password p to o log in to th he Progression SQL database /R= - Name of th he Crystal R Report to run (Optional;; if blank B assumes BOL_VICS) /B= - Line e count for sections; s W = Custome er order first page, X = Customer order otherr pages, Y = Class orde r first page,, Z = Class order otherr pages. t data in the t VICS wo ork files whe en complete ed (used forr assisting in n /S: Save the modifying the reports) U (In nitialize, Im mport, Expo ort) File Utilities Progra am Details E Name: VB016P05.EXE I \ n75 Location - \Progression Standard Installation Comm mand Line Options /MOD= - Sett program mode m to INIT TIALIZE, IM MPORT, EXPO ORT PO Ve endor Over rride Progra am Details Name: VBI372P.EXE I Location - \Progression \ n75 Standard Installation Comm mand Line Options Not Applicable PO Ve endor Bar Code C Defin nition Progra am Details Name: VBI373P.EXE Location - \Progression I \ n75 Standard Installation Comm mand Line Options 193 Not Applicable P Order O Printt Processin ng Post Purchase Progra am Details Name: VBI375P.EXE I Location - \Progression \ n75 Standard Installation Comm mand Line Options Not Applicable PO Ve endor Item m Override File Mainte enance Progra am Details Name: VBI377P.EXE I Location - \Progression \ n75 Standard Installation Comm mand Line Options Not Applicable WMS Purge Utility Progra am Details Name: VBI426P.EXE I Location - \Progression \ n75 Standard Installation Comm mand Line Options Not Applicable WMS Workstation Configu uration Utillity Progra am Details MSCFG.EXE Name: WM Standard Installation I Location - \Progression \ n75 Comm mand Line Options Not Applicable 194 App pendix D: D Troub bleshootting Guiide This appendix des scribes how w to resolve the most co ommon prob blems that o occur in WM MS. If ection does not provide e the solution to your prroblem, plea ase contact your WMS this se suppo ort provider. Please note e that the diagnostic to ool described d below will often help your suppo ort technician assist you u more effec ctively. Syste em Diagnos stic Tool The Warehouse W Management M t System dia agnostic uti lity can help p your techn nical supporrt provid der troubleshoot problems on your system. Be efore contaccting your W WMS supportt provid der, please select s Help, then Aboutt from the m main WMS p program. On n the About screen n, click the Diagnostic D cs button. WMS W will the en prompt yo ou for a dire ectory to sa ave the diagnostic rep port. Note th he directory y location an nd press En nter. Be prepared to em mail nt and fax this informattion to yourr WMS suppo ort providerr. or prin WMS EDI / ASN N Diagnostiic Report WMS provides a diagnostic d re eport design ned to assisst technical ssupport in ttroubleshootting ems during ASN A genera ation. The re eport will ge enerate a lissting of the information proble being passed into o Progression from WMS S. Providing g this inform mation allows your technical suppo ort provider to determin ne where the e problem iss occurring and provide es information helpfu ul in isolating g the cause of the prob blem. To print this report, select th he File menu u from the P Pack Shipme ents or Pack k Cartons on. Select WMS W EDI/AS SN Diagnosttic Report. T Type the billl of lading n number for tthe functio shipm ment that is not n processing correctly y. A report ccontaining a all of the intterface reco ords will be e printed to the screen. Either print the reportt or export it to a Microsoft Word fiile by clickin ng the Expo ort toolbar button, b and then selectiing Word as the file type. Post Pick P Tickett Process Trace T Tool The Po ost Pick Tick ket Process program ca an generate a trace file designed to o assist tech hnical suppo ort with troubleshooting g problems with w releasin ng orders, a as well as trracking prob blems with distribution d center c proce essing. To generate g a ttrace file, se elect the Hellp, Trace Mo ode option n from post pick ticket processing p prior p to proccessing the order. Then n process th he order normally. A file called WMSTrace.L W Log will be ccreated in th he Progress sion root directo ory. Troub bleshooting g FAQ The fo ollowing section discuss ses a numbe er of commo on setup pro oblems and the resolutions for the em. When n I launch the t Main WMS W progra am, I receiive an Erro or 20 mess sage. WMS must be ablle to find Pe ervasive.SQL L in the pat h. Most systtems have tthis directorry in ath, but if yo ours does not, edit the environmen nt variables on the worrkstation to the pa include C:\PVSW\\Bin in the search s path. 195 n I launch a WMS pro ogram from m the Progrression Me enu, I receiive an Erro or 20 When message. m be able e to find the Pervasive.S SQL compon nents. Some e Progressio on WMS programs must ms have trouble executting Visual Basic B progra ams from a directory otther than the system Progre ession root. While WMS S executable es typically e exist in the ISPSAS sub b-directory, this is not working on your system. To resolv ve this prob blem, copy a all executab bles except ffor VB016 6.EXE and VB0022P1.EX V XE from the e ISPSAS dirrectory into your Progre ession Roott directo ory. Then, using u Notepad or some other text e editor, edit the corresp ponding .EXT T files in n the Progre ession root to t call the executables from the Prrogression ro oot instead of the IS SPSAS directtory. Note that these ex xecutables a are installed d in the Prog gression roo ot for WMS version v 7.5..11 or highe er. On so ome workstations, I am a receivin ng an erro r 429 or 33 39 when I execute a WMS program from f the Pr rogression menu. The WMS W program ms are external to Prog gression and d require a n number of W Windows contro ols that are not used by y Progressio on to be regiistered. The e workstatio on setup progra am must be e run on any y workstation that is go oing to run W WMS. Running the works station install should up pdate your Windows W con ntrols and a allow the wo orkstation to o execute the WMS S programs. See your in nstallation o or upgrade m manual for information ation setup program. about the worksta When n I run the main WMS S program,, the splash h screen is s displayed d and the progr ram appear rs to hang.. WMS may have displayed d an n error mess sage that is being comp pletely hidde en by the sp plash n. To determ mine if this is i the case, modify the properties o of the WMS S desktop screen shortc cut. At the end e of the cu urrent comm mand in the e Target field, add /NO OSPLASH. T This will instruct WMS not to display the spla ash screen a at startup. Iff an error is s being ble to see it. Once the e error is corrrected, the p program should displayed, you will now be ab begin to launch correctly. Another possibilitty is that WM MS may nott actually be e hung. If th he workstatiion has any atched Pervasive.SQL components c , Pervasive..SQL may actually func ction, but misma openin ng files may y take as lon ng as 20 minutes. Let tthe program m continue to o run for at least 45 minutes. If WM MS eventually starts, th hen you pro obably have a problem with your sive.SQL ins stallation. Please contac ct the perso on responsib ble for Perva asive.SQL at Pervas your location. a Eltron pr rinter, but I do not get a label, or I get a I am printing diirectly to an blank k label. A num mber of thing gs can cause this. First, the printerr must have e been initia alized. When n the printer is initialize ed, it should d print two labels. The ffirst label sh hould be a p printer ge. Verify that the image buffer siz e listed on tthis page is at least 157 7k. configuration pag The se econd label should conttain a list off your label formats. If the format you are tryiing to prin nt is not on the list, please confirm m that this fo ormat is in y your labels s subdirectory y. 196 n print, check the con nnections to the printer. Turn the p printer off an nd If the labels did not then back b on, and d then try to o re-initializ ze it. If the labels did print, p check the settings s in Externa al Label File Maintenanc ce. The label might require a fiield that was not selectted, or a fielld that is no ot used by th he label mig ght have been b selecte ed. Check th he label setu up documen nt for the label and verify that all o of the requirred fields listted have be een selected d. If this doe es not corre ect the probllem, contact your WMS W supporrt provider. I am using the BarTender B interface and when I print a ca arton label for a spec cific forma at, I get multiple cop pies. When the BarTender label format is crea ated the num mber of cop pies can be s specified in print option ns. Use the full f version of BarTende er to open tthe format a and change the numberr of copies s. Then save e the formatt. This should correct th his problem. When n I print the label, the e departme ent numbe er is missin ng. WMS uses the ED DI capture file (EDCCAP PFL) to deterrmine if the departmen nt number w was n a REF segment. By se electing Use e as Dept Q Qualifier in the Custom mer Overriide sent in File Department D t field and specifying s a qualifier va alue of DP, W WMS will se earch the ED DI capturre file for a matching REF R segmentt and return n the associa ated department number on the label. O number on o the O/E order o must match m the P PO number in the EDI capture file. If The PO the PO O number on the order was change ed, WMS will not be able to find the correspon nding entry in the EDI capture c file. If the EDI capture c file was purged d or initialize ed after the e O/E d, WMS will also not be e able to find d the departtment numb ber. order was created Note:: If the depa artment num mber is a co onstant valu e for the cu ustomer, Use as Fixed D Dept can be e activated in the Custo omer Override File. The e value speccified in the departmentt number field will then be use ed when prin nting the lab bel. If the setups abov ve have bee en verified and a the dep artment number still do oes not prin nt, check the Externa al Label File Maintenanc ce to confirm m that the D Departmen nt Number field is shared with BarTender. Th he share nam me in the la bel configurration is DE EPT_NUMBE ER. OR #3021 EITHER E BO OF OR EOF IS I TRUE, O OR THE CUR RRENT REC CORD HAS ERRO BEEN DELETED. REQUESTE ED OPERAT TION REQU UIRES A CU URRENT MSCTLW_C C_PV_IMMED_AB SOU URCELINE# #20075 OEWM The WMS W File Upd date needs to be run. In System M Manager, sellect the WM MS File Utility y menu,, and then click c WMS File F Export. Click the U Update tab,, and then c click the Sta art Updatte button. If you are using Pervasive.SQ P QL, the DDF Fs may also need to be updated. B Browse to the a\ipssas\ddf directory, and then click OK to ru un the upda ate. Macola 197 n found Error # 53 file not This error e is returrned if the WMS W ODB Generation G fiiles set up in the WMS Control File e is lower than the nu umber of the e ODB file the system is trying to ccreate. To c correct this proble em, increase e the WMS Control C File ODB Generration numb ber of file to be saved. T The maxim mum value for f this field is 9999. Sp pecifying a n number higher than 99 999 in the W WMS Contro ol file will re esult in an Error E 6 Overrflow. I get an error 88 Incompa atible mode e after clic cking Start Update Prrocess in W WMS File Utility. U WMS has encounttered a lock k by a works station or by y a gun. Ma ake sure eve eryone is log gged ncluding RF guns and workstations w s. This is nott a registrattion error. out, in When n I try to lo og in to WM MS, I get a Cannot Co onnect to M Macola Dattabase erro or. Verify that your user u name and a passworrd are set up p in the WM MS Security File and tha at u has bee en granted access a to th he WMS funcctions. your user I am running th he WMS De evice Regis stration, an nd I now ge et an errorr that we h have excee eded our alllowable lic censes. We e cannot d etermine w what devic ces are consu uming the registratio on. How can I tell wh at devices are runnin ng? Click Help H on the e WMS menu u, and then click Abou t. Click the Modules b button. On the Registtered Modules window, click the De evices Cur rently In U Use tab to v view the num mber of dev vices in use in addition to a list of the t devices. To clear the devic ces, click Fille on the WMS W Control File menu b bar, and the en click Clea ar Devic ce Licenses s. All devices will be res set, and the ey will recon nnect when tthey next lo og in to WM MS. If device es are logge ed in when you y clear the e devices liccenses, they y will autom matically reconnect with h the next trransaction t hat they perform. I get an Invalid File Name e 20507 error when p printing the e BOL. This message m indicates a pro oblem with the t setup off the Ship Via Reports ffile record fo or this sh hipment. WM MS is trying g to print a Crystal C Repo ort or VB prrogram and cannot find it. Verify the report name, parameters path h, and that the report is located in the SASFiles dirrectory. Che eck these for both the ccustomer sp pecific report and the de efault Data\S reportt for the carrrier listed on shipment in WMS. If the customer is s Wal-Mart, the parame eters path m must be set as Parametters = /R= BOL_W WALM /B= 5,5,19,19. 5 I justt upgraded WMS. When I try to start WMS S now, I ge et a runtim me error 37 74 Failed d to activatte control 'VB.Userco ontrol'. The SQLBTR.OCX X file is missing from the e IPSSAS diirectory on tthe worksta ation. Search the station for SQLBTR.OCX X. More than n one copy o of the file m may exist on the computter. works Copy the t SQLBTR R.OCX to the e IPSSAS directory, and d then regisster it. Depe ending on th he versio on of Window ws installed on the workstation, it may also be e necessary y to reboot a after registe ering the OC CX file. 198 w calc culation in WMS does s not seem to match tthe weightt on the O/ /E The weight order r. The weight w in Ord der Entry is calculated using u the ite em weight tthat was in IItem Masterr at the tim me that the order was created. c Thiis is true forr both manu ually entered orders and orders s integrated by the EDI module. The weight w in WM MS is calcula ated using th he item weight listed in n Item Mastter at the tim me that th he shipmentt is completted. If the ittem weight is changed in I/M afterr the order is s create ed but beforre the shipm ment is comp pleted, WMS S will use th he new item weight. ASNs created by the EDI module can retturn either tthe O/E order weight or the weight ated by WM MS, dependin ng on wheth her the ASN N format is d designed to pull the weight calcula from the t O/E header file or from the EDI Barcode H Holding file. The WMS E EDI ASN Bulk Weigh ht cross refe erence Pack k Weight an nd Tare We eight fields are not use ed by ASN formats. If the co orrect weigh ht is calculatted in WMS but not retu urned on the ASN, plea ase ct EDI support for assis stance. contac I get an error th hat the acttion cannott be compl eted becau use other a application n is busy.. WMS returns this error becau use BarTend der has gen erated an e error; howev ver, the m win ndow is not visible on tthe screen. To make the BarTender BarTender error message v edit the propertties of the WMS W startup p icon and a add /btvisible to the error visible, comm mand line forr vb016.exe. This will allow you to toggle and see the BarrTender messa age so you can c troubles shoot the prroblem with that applica ation. Conta act Seagull suppo ort at 425-64 41-1408 forr assistance with correccting the BarTender errror. WMS BOL# not found OEB BOLWRK message m du ring a WMS Inquiry This error e is returrned if the pallet p does not n show ass attached to o the shipment under the shipm ment/pallet/c carton inquiry option on n the WMS i nquiry. To ccorrect this error, initialize the OE EBOLWRK fiile. This is a work file and no loss o of data will o occur. WMS Error 11_0 0012- 01 When a given ord der and cartton number are entered d by the use er, WMS validates that the order and carton number exiist. Error 11 1_0012-01 ““Order Number is not A Authorized to o Ship” is returned when there e is no carto on that existts for that order, or no such order exists in that cartton. You ca an also get this error if you fail to run r the WM S Post Pick Ticket proc cess. WMS Error No DDF D Locatio on Specifie ed The sa aserver.ini file f is in a diirectory with h a name longer than e eight charac cters. The W WMS Inquirry does not support long file names s. Place the saserver.in ni file in a directory with ha name that has eig ght or fewerr characters s, with no sp paces. Rightt-click the W WMS desktop icon and select Properties. Change the e command line path to the new loc cation of the e ver.ini file by adding /in ni= . saserv 199 P Utility, but my EDBBCIFL L file is still large. I ran the WMS Purge The EDBBCIFL ED DI Barcode Interface I file e is not purg ged by this process. Us se the steps s in enance to purge the EDBBCIFL E file. WMS File Mainte 200 App pendix E: E Extern nal Labe el Field List This appendix listts the fields that are av vailable to prrint on shipping labels. The BarTen nder n must be b used as the t share na ame in BarT Tender for W WMS to corrrectly print tthe field name label. Field Name BarTenderr Field Name e Bill of o Lading Nu umber BILL_OF_L LADING Order Type ORDER_TY YPE Order Number ORDER_N UMBER P/O Number N PO_NUMBER Pro Number N PRO_NUM BER Depa artment Num mber DEPT_NUM MBER Carrier CARRIER UCC--128 Bar Co ode UCC128_B BAR_CODE UCC--128 Bar Co ode Display UCC128_D DISPLAY Ware ehouse Nam me WAREHOU USE_NAME Ware ehouse Addrress 1 WAREHOU USE_ADDRE ESS_1 Ware ehouse Addrress 2 WAREHOU USE_ADDRE ESS_2 Ware ehouse City WAREHOU USE_CITY Ware ehouse State e WAREHOU USE_STATE Ware ehouse Zip Code C WAREHOU USE_ZIP_CO ODE Ware ehouse Coun ntry WAREHOU USE_COUNT TRY Bill To T Name BILL_TO_N NAME Bill To T Address 1 BILL_TO_A ADDRESS_1 1 Bill To T Address 2 BILL_TO_A ADDRESS_2 2 Bill To T City BILL_TO_C CITY Bill To T State BILL_TO_S STATE Bill To T Zip 10 BILL_TO_Z ZIP Bill To T Zip 5 BILL_TO_Z ZIP_5 Bill To T Country BILL_TO_C COUNTRY 201 Field Name BarTenderr Field Name e Ship To Name SHIP_TO_ _NAME Ship To Address 1 SHIP_TO_ _ADDRESS_ _1 Ship To Address 2 SHIP_TO_ _ADDRESS_ _2 Ship To City SHIP_TO_ _CITY Ship To State SHIP_TO_ _STATE Ship To Zip 10 SHIP_TO_ _ZIP Ship To Zip 5 SHIP_TO_ _ZIP_5 Ship To Country SHIP_TO_ _COUNTRY Ship To Numberr SHIP_TO_ _NUMBER Mark k For Name MARK_FOR R_NAME Mark k For Addres ss 1 MARK_FOR R_ADDRESS S_1 Mark k For Addres ss 2 MARK_FOR R_ADDRESS S_2 Mark k For City MARK_FOR R_CITY Mark k For State MARK_FOR R_STATE Mark k For Zip 10 MARK_FOR R_ZIP Mark k For Zip 5 MARK_FOR R_ZIP_5 Mark k For Countrry MARK_FOR R_COUNTRY Y Mark k For Numbe er MARK_FOR R_NUMBER Case Pack CASE_PAC CK Item Number ITEM_NUM MBER Item Description n1 ITEM_DES SC_1 Item Description n2 ITEM_DES SC_2 Custo omer Item Number N CUST_ITE M_NUMBER R UPC UPC Order Carton Nu umber ORDER_CA ART_NUMBE ER O/E Customer C Ittem UDF 1 CUST_ITE M_UDF_1 O/E Customer C Ittem UDF 2 CUST_ITE M_UDF_2 O/E Customer C Ittem UDF 3 CUST_ITE M_UDF_3 O/E Customer C Ittem UDF 4 CUST_ITE M_UDF_4 202 Field Name BarTenderr Field Name e O/E Customer C Ittem UDF 5 CUST_ITE M_UDF_5 Paren nt Customer Number PARENT_C CUSTOMER Paren nt Customer File UDF 1 PARENT_C CUST_UDF_ _1 Paren nt Customer File UDF 2 PARENT_C CUST_UDF_ _2 Paren nt Customer File UDF 3 PARENT_C CUST_UDF_ _3 Paren nt Customer File UDF 4 PARENT_C CUST_UDF_ _4 Paren nt Customer File UDF 5 PARENT_C CUST_UDF_ _5 Paren nt Customer File Note 1 PARENT_C CUST_NOTE E_1 Paren nt Customer File Note 2 PARENT_C CUST_NOTE E_2 Paren nt Customer File Note 3 PARENT_C CUST_NOTE E_3 Paren nt Customer File Note 4 PARENT_C CUST_NOTE E_4 Paren nt Customer File Note 5 PARENT_C CUST_NOTE E_5 Child d Customer Number CHILD_CU USTOMER Child d Customer File UDF 1 CHILD_CU UST_UDF_1 Child d Customer File UDF 2 CHILD_CU UST_UDF_2 Child d Customer File UDF 3 CHILD_CU UST_UDF_3 Child d Customer File UDF 4 CHILD_CU UST_UDF_4 Child d Customer File UDF 5 CHILD_CU UST_UDF_5 Child d Customer File Note 1 CHILD_CU UST_NOTE_1 Child d Customer File Note 2 CHILD_CU UST_NOTE_2 2 Child d Customer File Note 3 CHILD_CU UST_NOTE_3 3 Child d Customer File Note 4 CHILD_CU UST_NOTE_4 4 Child d Customer File Note 5 CHILD_CU UST_NOTE_5 5 Ship To A/R Alt Address A UDF 1 S2_ALT_A ADR_UDF_1 Ship To A/R Alt Address A UDF 2 S2_ALT_A ADR_UDF_2 Ship To A/R Alt Address A UDF 3 S2_ALT_A ADR_UDF_3 Ship To A/R Alt Address A UDF 4 S2_ALT_A ADR_UDF_4 Ship To A/R Alt Address A UDF 5 S2_ALT_A ADR_UDF_5 Mark k For A/R Altt Address UD DF 1 M4_ALT_A ADR_UDF_1 203 Field Name BarTenderr Field Name e Mark k For A/R Altt Address UD DF 2 M4_ALT_A ADR_UDF_2 Mark k For A/R Altt Address UD DF 3 M4_ALT_A ADR_UDF_3 Mark k For A/R Altt Address UD DF 4 M4_ALT_A ADR_UDF_4 Mark k For A/R Altt Address UD DF 5 M4_ALT_A ADR_UDF_5 Order Header UD DF 1 ORDER_HDR_UDF_1 Order Header UD DF 2 ORDER_HDR_UDF_2 Order Header UD DF 3 ORDER_HDR_UDF_3 Order Header UD DF 4 ORDER_HDR_UDF_4 Order Header UD DF 5 ORDER_HDR_UDF_5 Line Item UDF 1 ORDER_LIINE_UDF_1 Line Item UDF 2 ORDER_LIINE_UDF_2 Line Item UDF 3 ORDER_LIINE_UDF_3 Line Item UDF 4 ORDER_LIINE_UDF_4 Line Item UDF 5 ORDER_LIINE_UDF_5 Progrression Ship p To Numbe er MAC_SHIP P_TO_NUM Progrression Mark For Numb ber MAC_MAR RK_FOR_NUM M Order Carton Total Order_Carrton_Total Seria al / Lot Num mber SERIAL_LO OT_NUMBER R 204 App pendix F: F WMS INI I Setttings The Warehouse W Management M t System relies on an I NI file for m much of its c configuration n. The .INI file allow ws WMS to be b configure ed differently y for differe ent workstattions or even differe ent data com mpanies. Th he default na ame for the INI file is S SASERVER.INI and it is stored d in the Windows directory of each machine ussing WMS. The na ame and loc cation of the e file can be e overridden n with a com mmand line option for the WMS programs. See S Append dix C. WMS S Program and Comm mand Line O Options forr mation aboutt WMS prog gram comma and line opttions. inform [Configurattion] This sec ction can be e used to assign a work kstation ID tto WMS, which w can he elp in identiffying which machines a are having difficulties d b by analyzing g the error log. (Optional) Workstation_ID This can n be set to a unique cod de to allow analysis of the error log g by worksttation ID. (O Optional) [Btrieve] This sec ction instruccts WMS how w to find the e Pervasiv ve.SQL data a files. (Required) DDF locatio on = Specifie es the path tto the Progrression data a directory. T The files tha at are uniqu e to WMS w will reside in a subdirectorry called WM MSFiles. (Re equired) [SQL Serve er] This sec ction instruccts WMS how w to connec ct to Microso oft SQL Serrver for the SQL compliiant version n. (Optional)) SQL= Y = Yes s SQL Comp liance, N = Not SQL Co ompliant. No ote that if the WMS SQ QL Compliance module iis not installed, ue must be set to N. (O Optional) this valu Server= The nam me of the M icrosoft SQL L Server tha at the Progression databa ase resides o on. Ignored if SQL=N. ed if SQL=Y Y) (Require Database= The nam me of the M icrosoft SQL L database ffor the Progression compa ny to be pro ocessed. (R Required if SQL=Y)) [Screens] This sec ction definess the locatio on of the Pro ogression Screens s directory. T This allows access to Progression’s s search engine. e (Req quired) Screens Lo ocation = Specify the path to o the Progression Screens directory y. (Require ed) [Settings] This sec ction configu ures a numb ber of options and defa ault 205 settings s within WM S. (Required) Format= The form mat of case packs when n printed on n labels. This is typically y ####, wh hich indicate es four digitts with no leading zeros. Form mat follows sstandard VB B numeric formatting rules. D Defaults to # #### if not specified. (Optional) Pack UDF= = This enttry is obsole ete. This settting has be een moved tto the WMS Control Fiile. (Ignored d) Tare UDF= This enttry is obsole ete. This settting has be een moved tto the WMS Control Fiile. (Ignored d) Error Loggiing = Indicate es what leve el of error lo ogging is performed. 0 = No Logging g to Screen – R/F serve er only otherrwise no 1 = Log logging 2 = Log g to Screen (in R/F serv ver mode on nly) and Log g to ERR.LOG G in applica ation directo ory. This sho ould typicall y be set to 2. (Require ed) Quick Ship Extension = Specify the extensi on to use w when creatin ng the exporrt file during the Upda ate Progresssion function. This can be her program m to intercep pt the file prrior used to allow anoth to quick k ship polling g. This value defaults tto .ODB if no ot specified d. (Optiona l) Communica ations Specify the location n of the file WMS.MDB. This Micros soft Database = Access database d co ontains the ttext of all th he error messages for the W Warehouse M Managemen nt System. IIn n, this file co ontains som me temporarry tables tha at addition are used d during WM MS processing. Typically this shoulld be the directory d WM MS is installled in. (Required) Default Lab bel Printer= Specify the name o of the printe er labels sho ould be printted on. Note e the name is case sensitive and m must exactly y match the t printer n name speciffied on the c computer. (Require ed) BarTender= = Activate es the WMS BarTender interface. On = Prrint labels v ia BarTende er interface Off = Prrint labels d irectly to Eltron printerr This settting defaultts to Off if n not specified d. (Optional)) Format Patth= Specifie es the path tto the BarTe ender label formats. (Require ed, if BarTender=On) 206 Default BOL Printer 1= = Specify the name o of the printe er BOL reporrts code for Printer 1 should be e printed on.. Note the n name is case e atch the prin nter name sensitive and must exactly ma d on the com mputer. (Op ptional) specified Default BOL Printer 2= = Specify the name o of the printe er that BOL reports coded for Printter 2 should d be printed on. Note th he name is case sen nsitive and must exactly match the e printer na ame specified d on the com st mputer. Deffault BOL Prrinter 1 mus be specified. (Optio onal) Default BOL Printer 3= = Specify the name o of the printe er that BOL reports coded for Printter 3 should d be printed on. Note th he name is case sen nsitive and must exactly match the e printer na ame specified d on the com st mputer. Deffault BOL Prrinter 2 mus be specified. (Optio onal) Default BOL Printer 4= = Specify the name o of the printe er that BOL reports coded for Printter 4 should d be printed on. Note th he name is case sen nsitive and must exactly match the e printer na ame specified d on the com st mputer. Deffault BOL Prrinter 3 mus be specified. (Optio onal) Default BOL Printer 5= = Specify the name o of the printe er that BOL reports coded for Printter 5 should d be printed on. Note th he name is case sen nsitive and must exactly match the e printer na ame specified d on the com st mputer. Deffault BOL Prrinter 4 mus be specified. (Optio onal) BOL Reportt Path= Specifie es the locatio on of the Crrystal Reporrts to be execute ed for the Bi ll of Lading module. Us sually this is s the data a directory. (Required) [Warehous se Label This sec ction allows the default label printe er to be Printers] overridd den for a sp pecific wareh house. This is usually used in an R//F environm ment. (Optional) XXX= XXX = Progression P warehouse location code to be overridd den. Wareho ouse code m must occupy y three byte es. The nam me of the prrinter labelss printed forr warehouse e XXX sho ould be prin ted on. Notte the name e is case sensitive and must exactly ma atch the prin nter name d on the com mputer. (Op ptional) specified [Warehous se BOL This sec ction allows the name o of the printe er that BOL Printer 1] reports coded for P Printer 1 to b be overridde en for a specific warehouse . This is usu ually used in n an R/F 207 environment. (Optiional) XXX= XXX = Progression P warehouse location code to be overridd den. Wareho ouse code m must occupy y three byte es. The nam me of the prrinter that B BOL reports coded for Printer 1 for wareh ouse XXX should be printed on. No ote me is case se ensitive and d must exac ctly match th he the nam printer name speciffied on the computer. ((Optional) [Warehous se BOL This sec ction allows the name o of the printe er that BOL Printer 2] reports coded for P Printer 2 to b be overridde en for a specific warehouse . This is usu ually used in n an R/F environment. (Optiional) XXX= XXX = Progression P warehouse location code to be overridd den. Wareho ouse code m must occupy y three byte es. The nam me of the prrinter that B BOL reports coded for Printer 2 for wareh ouse XXX should be printed on. No ote the nam me is case se ensitive and d must exac ctly match th he printer name speciffied on the computer. ((Optional) [Warehous se BOL This sec ction allows the name o of the printe er that BOL Printer 3] reports coded for P Printer 3 to b be overridde en for a specific warehouse . This is usu ually used in n an R/F environment. (Optiional) XXX= XXX = Progression P warehouse location code to be overridd den. Wareho ouse code m must occupy y three byte es. The nam me of the prrinter that B BOL reports coded for Printer 3 for wareh ouse XXX should be printed on. No ote the nam me is case se ensitive and d must exac ctly match th he printer name speciffied on the computer. ((Optional) [Warehous se BOL This sec ction allows the name o of the printe er that BOL Printer 4] reports coded for P Printer 4 to b be overridde en for a specific warehouse . This is usu ually used in n an R/F environment. (Optiional) XXX= XXX = Progression P warehouse location code to be overridd den. Wareho ouse code m must occupy y three byte es. The nam me of the prrinter that B BOL reports coded for Printer 4 for wareh ouse XXX should be printed on. No ote the nam me is case se ensitive and d must exac ctly match th he printer name speciffied on the computer. ((Optional) [Warehous se BOL This sec ction allows the name o of the printe er that BOL Printer 5] reports coded for P Printer 5 to b be overridde en for a specific warehouse . This is usu ually used in n an R/F 208 environment. (Optiional) XXX= XXX = Progression P warehouse location code to be overridd den. Wareho ouse code m must occupy y three byte es. The nam me of the prrinter that B BOL reports coded for Printer 5 for wareh ouse XXX should be printed on. No ote the nam me is case se ensitive and d must exac ctly match th he printer name speciffied on the computer. ((Optional) [Misc Item Prefix] 1=”” 1= Spec cify a prefix x for specialtty item num mbers. Items s that beg gin with thiss prefix will not be writtten into WM MS and will be billed au utomatically y when the order is d for billing. Up to 10 different preffix codes may selected be specified. Note tthat the pre efix ** is automatically ous item per standards considered to be a miscellaneo y the EDI mo odule. (Optiional) used by 209 App pendix G: G Bill off Lading g Setting gs Suppllied Reportts The fo ollowing reports come as a standard componentts to the WM MS Reporting module. BOL_ _STND.rpt is a Crystal Report designed to worrk with Prog gression’s sttandard bill of lading g form. (Form m Number FP728, F FC72 28 or FK728 8) This report calculates s based on carton ns. BOL_ _TARE.rpt is s a Crystal Report R desig gned to worrk with Prog gression’s sttandard bill of lading g form. (Form m Number FP728, F FC72 28 or FK728 8) This report calculates s based on pallets s. BOL_ _VICS.rpt is s a Crystal Report R that prints the s tandard VIC CS complian nt bill of ladiing. The VICS preproc cess program m VBI224p p.exe must be executed d before priinting. The s ship ntry should be b made witth the Repo ort field sett as VBI224 4P, the Typ pe via reports file en a Visual Ba asic, and th he Parametters field lefft blank. Prrinter and C Copies shou uld field as be spe ecified as ne eeded. BOL_ _WALM.rpt is a Crystal Report that prints the Wal-Mart v variation on the VICS compliant bill of lading. The VICS V prepro ocess progra am VBI224 4p.exe mus st be executted e printing. The T ship via reports file entry shou ld be made with the Re eport field s set before as VB BI224P, the e Type field as Visual Basic, B and tthe Parame eters as /R R= BOL_WA ALM /B= 5,5,19,19. 5 Printer and d Copies sh hould be spe ecified as ne eeded. This report expe ects the Mu ust Deliver By Date to be stored in n O/E order header user defined fie eld 3. Use an EDI us ser defined map to pop pulate that value. v Interfface to use er created reports Users can create their own re eports for th he Bill of Lading module e. The interrface can pro ocess reportts that are written w using g either Cry ystal Reportss or Visual B Basic. Crystal Reports al Reports must m be crea ated to acce ept the bill o of lading num mber as Parrameter 0. T The Crysta param meter field must m be crea ated with the name Billl_Of_Ladin ng. The program will set the prin nter device, driver and port, and th he number o of copies to print p Via Reportts file entrie es and the ccurrently acttive INI file.. Note that iif the based on the Ship P the e system will automatic ally force Crystal to dis splay the report printer name is Preview e screen. to the Visua al Basic When launching Visual V Basic programs, the system uses comm mand line op ptions to pas ss inform mation to the e called program. The following f de etails the infformation prrovided in th he comm mand line tha at must be parsed p in th he Visual Basic applicatiion. /BOL= > - Bill of lad ding (shipm ment) numbe er to print 210 /COPIES= – The numb ber of copiess desired /PRINTER= = N – Th he printer to o print the rreport to /DATAPATH= – The T path to the Progresssion databa ase (no DDF F attached) Any options speciified in the Parameter P rs field of th he Ship Via R Reports file will follow tthe data path. p If operrating underr Microsoft SQL, S the folllowing com mmand line information is also sent: ogression SQ QL database e /SQL – Connect to Pro /DATABAS SE= – The name of th he Progression SQL database /SERVER= = – The name e of the Prog gression SQ QL database Server. /USER= – The e user name e to log in to o the Progre ession SQL database. /PASS= – The password to o log in to th he Progress sion SQL database. t the pas ssword is en ncrypted and d ready to u use to conne ect to the Prrogression S SQL Note that databa ase. 211 App pendix H: H Functtion Key y Usage WMS uses functio on keys cons sistently thrroughout th e warehousse transactio on entry ons. The following defin nes each fun nction key. functio F1 – Help F2 – New ch Inquiry F3 – Launc F4 – Enterr Multiplier F5 – Add/R Remove Mode Toggle F6 – Secon ndary Mode Toggle (Re eceipt Entry,, toggles Acccept / Rejec ct Mode) F7 – RF Ve erify F8 – Reprint Label F9 – Exit sed Item (RF devices on nly) F10 – Next Unprocess ete Order (attached worrkstations o only) F11 – Verify / Comple ete Shipmen nt (attached d workstations only) F12 – Verify / Comple Note:: RF guns do o not support function keys k beyond d F10. 212
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