Pismolabs Technology P1AC8 Pepwave / Peplink / Pismo Labs Wireless Product User Manual Part 3

Pismo Labs Technology Limited Pepwave / Peplink / Pismo Labs Wireless Product Part 3

User Manual Part 3

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16 Inbound Access
16.1 Port Forwarding Service
Pepwave routers can act as a firewall that blocks, by default, all inbound access from
the Internet. By using port forwarding, Internet users can access servers behind the
Pepwave router. Inbound port forwarding rules can be defined at Advanced>Port
To define a new service, click Add Service.
Port Forwarding Settings
This setting specifies whether the inbound service takes effect. When Enable is checked, the
inbound service takes effect: traffic is matched and actions are taken by the Pepwave router
based on the other parameters of the rule. When this setting is disabled, the inbound service
does not take effect: the Pepwave router disregards the other parameters of the rule.
This setting identifies the service to the system administrator. Valid values for this setting
consist of only alphanumeric and underscore “_” characters.
IP Protocol
The IP Protocol setting, along with the Port setting, specifies the protocol of the service as
TCP, UDP, ICMP, or IP. Traffic that is received by the Pepwave router via the specified protocol
at the specified port(s) is forwarded to the LAN hosts specified by the Servers setting. Please
see below for details on the Port and Servers settings. Alternatively, the Protocol Selection
Tool drop-down menu can be used to automatically fill in the protocol and a single port number
of common Internet services (e.g. HTTP, HTTPS, etc.). After selecting an item from the
Protocol Selection Tool drop-down menu, the protocol and port number remain manually
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The Port setting specifies the port(s) that correspond to the service, and can be configured to
behave in one of the following manners:
Any Port, Single Port, Port Range, Port Map, and Range Mapping
Any Port: all traffic that is received by the Pepwave router via the specified protocol is
forwarded to the servers specified by the Servers setting. For example, with IP Protocol set to
TCP, and Port set to Any Port, all TCP traffic is forwarded to the configured servers.
Single Port: traffic that is received by the Pepwave router via the specified protocol at the
specified port is forwarded via the same port to the servers specified by the Servers setting.
For example, with IP Protocol set to TCP, and Port set to Single Port and Service Port 80,
TCP traffic received on port 80 is forwarded to the configured servers via port 80.
Port Range: traffic that is received by the Pepwave router via the specified protocol at the
specified port range is forwarded via the same respective ports to the LAN hosts specified by
the Servers setting. For example, with IP Protocol set to TCP, and Port set to Port Range and
Service Ports 80-88, TCP traffic received on ports 80 through 88 is forwarded to the configured
servers via the respective ports.
Port Mapping: traffic that is received by Pepwave router via the specified protocol at the
specified port is forwarded via a different port to the servers specified by the Servers setting.
For example, with IP Protocol set to TCP, and Port set to Port Mapping, Service Port 80, and
Map to Port 88, TCP traffic on port 80 is forwarded to the configured servers via port 88.
(Please see below for details on the Servers setting.)
Range Mapping: traffic that is received by the Pepwave router via the specified protocol at the
specified port range is forwarded via a different port to the servers specified by the Servers
Inbound IP
This setting specifies the WAN connections and Internet IP address(es) from which the service
can be accessed.
Server IP
This setting specifies the LAN IP address of the server that handles the requests for the
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16.1.1 UPnP / NAT-PMP Settings
UPnP and NAT-PMP are network protocols which allow a computer connected to the
LAN port to automatically configure the router to allow parties on the WAN port to
connect to itself. That way, the process of inbound port forwarding becomes
When a computer creates a rule using these protocols, the specified TCP/UDP port of
all WAN connections' default IP address will be forwarded.
Check the corresponding box(es) to enable UPnP and/or NAT-PMP. Enable these
features only if you trust the computers connected to the LAN ports.
When the options are enabled, a table listing all the forwarded ports under these two
protocols can be found at Status>UPnP / NAT-PMP.
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17 NAT Mappings
NAT mappings allow IP address mapping of all inbound and outbound NAT’dt raffic to
and from an internal client IP address. Settings to configure NAT mappings are located
at Advanced>NAT Mappings.
To add a rule for NAT mappings, click Add NAT Rule.
NAT Mapping Settings
NAT mapping rules can be defined for a single LAN IP Address, an IP Range, or an IP
This refers to the LAN host’s private IP address. The system maps this address to a
number of public IP addresses (specified below) in order to facilitate inbound and
outbound traffic. This option is only available when IP Address is selected.
The IP range is a contiguous group of private IP addresses used by the LAN host. The
system maps these addresses to a number of public IP addresses (specified below) to
facilitate outbound traffic. This option is only available when IP Range is selected.
The IP network refers to all private IP addresses and ranges managed by the LAN host.
The system maps these addresses to a number of public IP addresses (specified below)
to facilitate outbound traffic. This option is only available when IP Network is selected.
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This setting specifies the WAN connections and corresponding WAN-specific Internet IP
addresses on which the system should bind. Any access to the specified WAN
connection(s) and IP address(es) will be forwarded to the LAN host. This option is only
available when IP Address is selected in the LAN Client(s) field.
Note that inbound mapping is not needed for WAN connections in drop-in mode or IP
forwarding mode. Also note that each WAN IP address can be associated to one NAT
mapping only.
This setting specifies the WAN IP addresses that should be used when an IP connection
is made from a LAN host to the Internet. Each LAN host in an IP range or IP network will
be evenly mapped to one of each selected WAN's IP addresses (for better IP address
utilization) in a persistent manner (for better application compatibility).
Note that if you do not want to use a specific WAN for outgoing accesses, you should still
choose default here, then customize the outbound access rule in the Outbound Policy
section. Also note that WAN connections in drop-in mode or IP forwarding mode are not
shown here.
Click Save to save the settings when configuration has been completed.
Important Note
Inbound firewall rules override the Inbound Mappings settings.
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18 QoS
18.1 User Groups
LAN and PPTP clients can be categorized into three user groups: Manager, Staff, and
Guest. This menu allows you to define rules and assign client IP addresses or subnets
to a user group. You can apply different bandwidth and traffic prioritization policies on
each user group in the Bandwidth Control and Application sections (note that the
options available here vary by model).
The table is automatically sorted by rule precedence. The smaller and more specific
subnets are put towards the top of the table and have higher precedence; larger and
less specific subnets are placed towards the bottom.
Click the Add button to define clients and their user group. Click the button to
remove the defined rule. Two default rules are pre-defined and put at the bottom. They
are All DHCP reservation clients and Everyone, and they cannot be removed. The
All DHCP reservation client represents the LAN clients defined in the DHCP
Reservation table on the LAN settings page. Everyone represents all clients that are
not defined in any rule above. Click on a rule to change its group.
Add / Edit User Group
Subnet / IP
From the drop-down menu, choose whether you are going to define the client(s) by
an IP Address or a Subnet. If IP Address is selected, enter a name defined in DHCP
reservation table or a LAN client's IP address. If Subnet is selected, enter a subnet
address and specify its subnet mask.
This field is to define which User Group the specified subnet / IP address belongs to.
Once users have been assigned to a user group, their internet traffic will be restricted by
rules defined for that particular group. Please refer to the following two sections for
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18.2 Bandwidth Control
You can define a maximum download speed (over all WAN connections) and upload
speed (for each WAN connection) that each individual Staff and Guest member can
consume. No limit can be imposed on individual Manager members. By default,
download and upload bandwidth limits are set to unlimited (set as 0).
18.3 Application
18.3.1 Application Prioritization
On many Pepwave routers, you can choose whether to apply the same prioritization
settings to all user groups or customize the settings for each group.
Three application priority levels can be set:
Normal, and
Low. Pepwave
routers can detect various application traffic types by inspecting the packet content.
Select an application by choosing a supported application, or by defining a custom
application manually. The priority preference of supported applications is placed at the
top of the table. Custom applications are at the bottom.
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18.3.2 Prioritization for Custom Applications
Click the Add button to define a custom application. Click the button in the Action
column to delete the custom application in the corresponding row.
When Supported Applications is selected, the Pepwave router will inspect network
traffic and prioritize the selected applications. Alternatively, you can select Custom
Applications and define the application by providing the protocol, scope, port number,
and DSCP value.
18.3.3 DSL/Cable Optimization
DSL/cable-based WAN connections have lower upload bandwidth and higher
download bandwidth. When a DSL/cable circuit's uplink is congested,
the download bandwidth will be affected. Users will not be able to download data at full
speed until the uplink becomes less congested. DSL/Cable Optimization can relieve
such an issue. When it is enabled, the download speed will become less affected by the
upload traffic. By default, this feature is enabled.
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19 Firewall
A firewall is a mechanism that selectively filters data traffic between the WAN side (the
Internet) and the LAN side of the network. It can protect the local network from potential
hacker attacks, access to offensive websites, and/or other inappropriate uses.
The firewall functionality of Pepwave routers supports the selective filtering of data
traffic in both directions:
Outbound (LAN to WAN)
Inbound (WAN to LAN)
The firewall also supports the following functionality:
Intrusion detection and DoS prevention
Web blocking
With SpeedFusion
enabled, the firewall rules also apply to VPN tunneled traffic.
19.1 Outbound and Inbound Firewall Rules
19.1.1 Access Rules
The outbound firewall settings are located at Advanced>Firewall>Access
Rules>Outbound Firewall Rules.
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Click Add Rule to display the following screen:
Inbound firewall settings are located at Advanced>Firewall>Access Rules>Inbound
Firewall Rules.
Click Add Rule to display the following screen:
Rules are matched from top to bottom. If a connection matches any one of the upper
rules, the matching process will stop. If none of the rules match, the Default rule will be
applied. By default, the Default rule is set as Allow for both outbound and inbound
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Inbound / Outbound Firewall Settings
Rule Name
This setting specifies a name for the firewall rule.
This setting specifies whether the firewall rule should take effect. If the box is checked, the
firewall rule takes effect. If the traffic matches the specified protocol/IP/port, actions will be
taken by the Pepwave router based on the other parameters of the rule. If the box is not
checked, the firewall rule does not take effect. The Pepwave router will disregard the other
parameters of the rule.
Click the dropdown menu next to the checkbox to place this firewall rule on a time
Select the WAN connection that this firewall rule should apply to.
This setting specifies the protocol to be matched. Via a drop-down menu, the following
protocols can be specified:
Alternatively, the Protocol Selection Tool drop-down menu can be used to automatically
fill in the protocol and port number of common Internet services (e.g., HTTP, HTTPS, etc.)
After selecting an item from the Protocol Selection Tool drop-down menu, the protocol
and port number remains manually modifiable.
Source IP &
This specifies the source IP address(es) and port number(s) to be matched for the firewall
rule. A single address, or a network, can be specified as the Source IP & Port setting, as
indicated by the following screenshot:
In addition, a single port, or a range of ports, can be specified for the Source IP & Port
Destination IP
& Port
This specifies the destination IP address(es) and port number(s) to be matched for the
firewall rule. A single address, or a network, can be specified as the Destination IP & Port
setting, as indicated by the following screenshot:
In addition, a single port, or a range of ports, can be specified for the Destination IP & Port
This setting specifies the action to be taken by the router upon encountering traffic that
matches the both of the following:
Source IP & port
Destination IP & port
With the value of Allow for the Action setting, the matching traffic passes through the
router (to be routed to the destination). If the value of the Action setting is set to Deny, the
matching traffic does not pass through the router (and is discarded).
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Event Logging
This setting specifies whether or not to log matched firewall events. The logged messages
are shown on the page Status>Event Log. A sample message is as follows:
Aug 13 23:47:44 Denied CONN=Ethernet WAN SRC=
CONN: The connection where the log entry refers to
SRC: Source IP address
DST: Destination IP address
LEN: Packet length
PROTO: Protocol
SPT: Source port
DPT: Destination port
Click Save to store your changes. To create an additional firewall rule, click Add Rule
and repeat the above steps.
To change a rule’s priority, simply drag and drop the rule:
Hold the left mouse button on the rule.
Move it to the desired position.
Drop it by releasing the mouse button.
If the default inbound rule is set to Allow for NAT-enabled WANs, no inbound Allow firewall rules will be required
for inbound port forwarding and inbound NAT mapping rules. However, if the default inbound rule is set as Deny,
a corresponding Allow firewall rule will be required.
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19.1.2 Apply Firewall Rules to PepVpn Traffic
When this option is enabled, Outbound Firewall Rules will be applied to PepVPN traffic.
To turn on this feature, click , check the Enable check box, and press the Save
19.1.3 Intrusion Detection and DoS Prevention
Pepwave routers can detect and prevent intrusions and denial-of-service (DoS) attacks
from the Internet. To turn on this feature, click , check the Enable check box, and
press the Save button.
When this feature is enabled, the Pepwave router will detect and prevent the following
kinds of intrusions and denial-of-service attacks.
Port scan
o Xmas tree
o Another Xmas tree
o Null scan
SYN flood prevention
Ping flood attack prevention
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19.2 Content Blocking
19.2.1 Application Blocking
Choose applications to be blocked from LAN/PPTP/PepVPN peer clients' access,
except for those on the Exempted User Groups or Exempted Subnets defined below.
19.2.2 Web Blocking
Defines web site domain names to be blocked from LAN/PPTP/PepVPN peer clients'
access except for those on the Exempted User Groups or Exempted Subnets defined
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If "foobar.com" is entered, any web site with a host name ending in foobar.com will be
blocked, e.g. www.foobar.com, foobar.com, etc. However, "myfoobar.com" will not be
You may enter the wild card ".*" at the end of a domain name to block any web site with
a host name having the domain name in the middle. If you enter "foobar.*", then
"www.foobar.com", "www.foobar.co.jp", or "foobar.co.uk" will be blocked. Placing the
wild card in any other position is not supported.
The device will inspect and look for blocked domain names on all HTTP traffic. Secure
web (HTTPS) traffic is not supported.
19.2.3 Customized Domains
Enter an appropriate website address, and the Peplink Balance will block and disallow
LAN/PPTP/SpeedFusionTM peer clients to access these websites. Exceptions can be
added using the instructions in Sections and
You may enter the wild card ".*" at the end of a domain name to block any web site with
a host name having the domain name in the middle. For example, If you enter
"foobar.*," then "www.foobar.com," "www.foobar.co.jp," or "foobar.co.uk" will be
blocked. Placing the wild card in any other position is not supported.
The Peplink Balance will inspect and look for blocked domain names on all HTTP traffic.
Secure web (HTTPS) traffic is not supported.
19.2.4 Exempted User Groups
Check and select pre-defined user group(s) who can be exempted from the access
blocking rules. User groups can be defined at QoS>User Groups section. Please refer
to Section 17.1 for details.
19.2.5 Exempted Subnets
With the subnet defined in the field, clients on the particular subnet(s) can be exempted
from the access blocking rules.
19.2.6 URL Logging
Click enable, and the enter the ip address and port (if applicable) where your remote
syslog server is located.
19.3 OSPF & RIPv2
The Peplink Balance supports OSPF and RIPv2 dynamic routing protocols. Click the
Network tab from the top bar, and then click the OSPF & RIPv2 item on the sidebar to
reach the following menu:
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Router ID
This field determines the ID of the router. By default, this is specified as the LAN IP
address. If you want to specify your own ID, enter it in the Custom field.
This is an overview of the OSPFv2 areas you have defined. Click on the area name to
configure it. To set a new area, click Add. To delete an existing area, click .
OSPF Settings
Area ID
Determine the name of your Area ID to apply to this group. Machines linked to this group
will send and receive related OSPF packets, while unlinked machines will ignore it.
Link Type
Choose the network type that this area will use.
Choose an authentication method, if one is used, from this drop-down menu. Available
options are MD5 and Text. Enter the authentication key next to the drop-down menu.
Determine which interfaces this area will use to listen to and deliver OSPF packets
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To access RIPv2 settings, click .
RIPv2 Settings
Choose an authentication method, if one is used, from this drop-down menu. Available
options are MD5 and Text. Enter the authentication key next to the drop-down menu.
Determine which interfaces this group will use to listen to and deliver RIPv2 packets.
19.4 Remote User Access
a Networks routed by a Peplink Balance can be remotely accessed via L2TP with IPsec
or PPTP. To configure this feature, navigate to Network > Remote User Access
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Remote User Access Settings
Click the checkbox to enable Remote User Access.
VPN Type
Determine whether remote devices can connect to the Balance using L2TP with IPsec or
PPTP. For greater security, we recommend you connect using L2TP with IPsec.
Preshared Key
Enter your preshared key in the text field. Please note that remote devices will need this
preshared key to access the Balance.
Listen On
This setting is for specifying the WAN IP addresses where the PPTP server of the router
should listen on.
User Accounts
This setting allows you to define the PPTP User Accounts. Click Add to input username and
password to create an account. After adding the user accounts, you can click on a
username to edit the account password. Click the button X to delete the account in its
corresponding row.
Click the button to switch to enters user accounts by pasting the information in.CSV
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Miscellaneous Settings
The miscellaneous settings include configuration for high availability, PPTP server,
service forwarding, and service passthrough.
19.5 High Availability
Many Pepwave routers support high availability (HA) configurations via an open
standard virtual router redundancy protocol (VRRP, RFC 3768). In an HA configuration,
two Pepwave routers provide redundancy and failover in a master-slave arrangement.
In the event that the master unit is down, the slave unit becomes active. High availability
will be disabled automatically where there is a drop-in connection configured on a LAN
bypass port.
In the diagram, the WAN ports of each Pepwave router connect to the router and to the
modem. Both Pepwave routers connect to the same LAN switch via a LAN port.
An elaboration on the technical details of the implementation of the virtual router
redundancy protocol (VRRP, RFC 3768) by Pepwave routers follows:
In an HA configuration, the two Pepwave routers communicate with each other
using VRRP over the LAN.
The two Pepwave routers broadcast heartbeat signals to the LAN at a frequency
of one heartbeat signal per second.
In the event that no heartbeat signal from the master Pepwave router is received
in 3 seconds (or longer) since the last heartbeat signal, the slave Pepwave router
becomes active.
The slave Pepwave router initiates the WAN connections and binds to a
previously configured LAN IP address.
At a subsequent point when the master Pepwave router recovers, it will once
again become active.
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You can configure high availability at Advanced>Misc. Settings>High Availability.
Interface for Master Router
Interface for Slave Router
High Availability
Checking this box specifies that the Pepwave router is part of a high availability configuration.
Group Number
This number identifies a pair of Pepwave routers operating in a high availability configuration.
The two Pepwave routers in the pair must have the same Group Number value.
Preferred Role
This setting specifies whether the Pepwave router operates in master or slave mode. Click
the corresponding radio button to set the role of the unit. One of the units in the pair must be
configured as the master, and the other unit must be configured as the slave.
Master Role
This option is displayed when Master mode is selected in Preferred Role. If this option is
enabled, once the device has recovered from an outage, it will take over and resume its
Master role from the slave unit.
This option is displayed when Slave mode is selected in Preferred Role. If this option is
enabled and the Master Serial Number entered matches with the actual master unit's, the
master unit will automatically transfer the configuration to this unit. Please make sure
the LAN IP Address and the Subnet Mask fields are set correctly in the LAN settings page.
You can refer to the Event Log for the configuration synchronization status.
Master Serial
If Configuration Sync. is checked, the serial number of the master unit is required here for
the feature to work properly.
Virtual IP
The HA pair must share the same Virtual IP. The Virtual IP and the LAN Administration IP
must be under the same network.
This setting specifies a LAN IP address to be used for accessing administration functionality.
This address should be unique within the LAN.
Subnet Mask
This setting specifies the subnet mask of the LAN.
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Important Note
For Pepwave routers in NAT mode, the virtual IP (VIP) should be set as the default gateway for all hosts on the
LAN segment. For example, a firewall sitting behind the Pepwave router should set its default gateway as the
virtual IP instead of the IP of the master router.
In drop-in mode, no other configuration needs to be set.
Please note that the drop-in WAN cannot be configured as a LAN bypass port while it is configured for high
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19.6 PPTP Server
Pepwave routers feature a built-in PPTP server, which enables remote computers to
conveniently and securely access the local network. PPTP server settings are located at
Advanced>Misc. Settings>PPTP Server.
Check the box to enable PPTP server functionality. All connected PPTP sessions are
displayed at Status>Client List. Please refer to Section 22.3 for details. Note that
available options vary by model.
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PPTP Server Settings
Listen On
This setting is for specifying the WAN connection(s) and IP address(es) that the PPTP
server should listen on.
This setting is for specifying the user database source for PPTP authentication. Three
sources can be selected: Local User Accounts, LDAP Server, or RADIUS Server.
Local User Accounts - User accounts are stored in the Pepwave router locally. You can
add/modify/delete accounts in the User Accounts table.
LDAP Server - Authenticate with an external LDAP server. This has been tested with Open
LDAP servers where passwords are NTLM hashed. Active Directory is not supported. (You
can choose to use RADIUS to authenticate with a Windows server.)
RADIUS Server - Authenticate with an external RADIUS server. This has been tested with
Microsoft Windows Internet Authentication Service and FreeRADIUS servers where
passwords are NTLM hashed or in plain text.
User Accounts
This setting allows you to define PPTP user accounts for authentication via local user
accounts. Click Add to input username and password to create an account. After adding
the user accounts, you can click on a username to edit the account password. Click
to delete the account in its corresponding row.
19.7 Certificate Manager
This section allows you to assign certificates for local VPN and web admin SSL. The
local keys will not be transferred to another device by any means.
19.8 Service Forwarding
Service forwarding settings are located at Advanced>Misc. Settings>Service
Service Forwarding
SMTP Forwarding
When this option is enabled, all outgoing SMTP connections destined for any host at
TCP port 25 will be intercepted. These connections will be redirected to a specified
SMTP server and port number. SMTP server settings for each WAN can be specified
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after selecting Enable.
Web Proxy
When this option is enabled, all outgoing connections destined for the proxy server
specified in Web Proxy Interception Settings will be intercepted. These
connections will be redirected to a specified web proxy server and port number. Web
proxy interception settings and proxy server settings for each WAN can be specified
after selecting Enable.
DNS Forwarding
When this option is enabled, all outgoing DNS lookups will be intercepted and
redirected to the built-in DNS name server. If any LAN device is using the DNS name
servers of a WAN connection, you may want to enable this option to enhance the
DNS availability without modifying the DNS server setting of the clients. The built-in
DNS name server will distribute DNS lookups to corresponding DNS servers of all
available WAN connections. In this case, DNS service will not be interrupted, even if
any WAN connection is down.
Custom Service
When custom service forwarding is enabled, outgoing traffic with the specified TCP
port will be forwarded to a local or remote server by defining its IP address and port
19.8.1 SMTP Forwarding
Some ISPs require their users to send e-mails via the ISP’s SMTP server. All outgoing
SMTP connections are blocked except those connecting to the ISP’s. Pepwave routers
support intercepting and redirecting all outgoing SMTP connections (destined for TCP
port 25) via a WAN connection to the WAN’s corresponding SMTP server.
To enable the feature, select Enable under SMTP Forwarding Setup. Check Enable
Forwarding for the WAN connection(s) that needs forwarding. Under SMTP Server,
enter the ISP’s e-mail server host name or IP address. Under SMTP Port, enter the
TCP port number for each WAN.
The Pepwave router will intercept SMTP connections. Choose a WAN port according to
the outbound policy, and then forward the connection to the SMTP server if the chosen
WAN has enabled forwarding. If the forwarding is disabled for a WAN connection,
SMTP connections for the WAN will be simply be forwarded to the connection’s original
If you want to route all SMTP connections only to particular WAN connection(s), you should create a custom rule
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in outbound policy (see Section 14.2).
19.8.2 Web Proxy Forwarding
When this feature is enabled, the Pepwave router will intercept all outgoing connections
destined for the proxy server specified in Web Proxy Interception Settings, choose a
WAN connection with reference to the outbound policy, and then forward them to the
specified web proxy server and port number. Redirected server settings for each WAN
can be set here. If forwarding is disabled for a WAN, web proxy connections for the
WAN will be simply forwarded to the connection’s original destination.
19.8.3 DNS Forwarding
When DNS forwarding is enabled, all clients’ outgoing DNS requests will also be
intercepted and forwarded to the built-in DNS proxy server.
19.8.4 Custom Service Forwarding
After clicking the enable checkbox, enter your TCP port for traffic heading to the router,
and then specify the IP Address and Port of the server you wish to forward to the service
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19.9 Service Passthrough
Service passthrough settings can be found at Advanced>Misc. Settings>Service
Some Internet services need to be specially handled in a multi-WAN environment.
Pepwave routers can handle these services such that Internet applications do not notice
being behind a multi-WAN router. Settings for service passthrough support are available
Service Passthrough Support
Session initiation protocol, aka SIP, is a voice-over-IP protocol. The Pepwave router can
act as a SIP application layer gateway (ALG) which binds connections for the same SIP
session to the same WAN connection and translate IP address in the SIP packets
correctly in NAT mode. Such passthrough support is always enabled, and there are two
modes for selection: Standard Mode and Compatibility Mode. If your SIP server’s
signal port number is non-standard, you can check the box Define custom signal ports
and input the port numbers to the text boxes.
With this option enabled, protocols that provide audio-visual communication sessions will
be defined on any packet network and pass through the Pepwave router.
FTP sessions consist of two TCP connections; one for control and one for data. In a
multi-WAN situation, they must be routed to the same WAN connection. Otherwise,
problems will arise in transferring files. By default, the Pepwave router monitors TCP
control connections on port 21 for any FTP connections and binds TCP connections of
the same FTP session to the same WAN. If you have an FTP server listening on a port
number other than 21, you can check Define custom control ports and enter the port
numbers in the text boxes.
The Pepwave router monitors outgoing TFTP connections and routes any incoming
TFTP data packets back to the client. Select Enable if you want to enable TFTP
passthrough support.
This field is for enabling the support of IPsec NAT-T passthrough. UDP ports 500, 4500,
and 10000 are monitored by default. You may add more custom data ports that your
IPsec system uses by checking Define custom ports. If the VPN contains IPsec site-to-
site VPN traffic, check Route IPsec Site-to-Site VPN and choose the WAN connection
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to route the traffic to.
19.10 GPS Forwarding
Using the GPS forwarding feature, some Pepwave routers can automatically send GPS
reports to a specified server. To set up GPS forwarding, navigate to Advanced>GPS
GPS Forwarding
Check this box to turn on GPS forwarding.
Enter the name/IP address of the server that will receive GPS data. Also specify a port
number, protocol (UDP or TCP), and a report interval of between 1 and 10 seconds.
Click to save these settings.
GPS Report
Choose from NMEA or TAIP format for sending GPS reports.
NMEA Sentence
If you’ve chosen to send GPS reports in NMEA format, select one or more sentence
types for sending the data (GPRMC, GPGGA, GPVTG, GPGSA, and GPGSV).
Vehicle ID
The vehicle ID will be appended in the last field of the NMEA sentence. Note that the
NMEA sentence will become customized and non-standard.
TAIP Sentence
If you’ve chosen to send GPS reports in TAIP format, select one or more sentence types
for sending the data (PV—Position / Velocity Solution and CP—Compact Velocity
Solution). You can also optionally include an ID number in the TAIP ID field.
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20 AP Controller
The AP controller acts as a centralized controller of Pepwave AP devices. With this
feature, users can customize and manage multiple APs from a single Pepwave router
Special Note
Each Pepwave router can control a limited number of routers without additional cost. To manage more, a Full
Edition license is required. Please contact your Authorized Reseller or the Peplink Sales Team for more
information and pricing details.
To configure, navigate to the AP tab.
20.1 Wireless SSID
This menu is the first one that appears after clicking the AP tab. This screen can also be
reached by clicking AP>Wireless SSID. Note the appearance of this screen varies by
AP Controller
The AP controller for managing Pepwave APs can be enabled by checking this box. When
this option is enabled, the AP controller will wait for management connections originating from
APs over the LAN on TCP and UDP port 11753. It will also wait for captive portal connections
on TCP port 443. An extended DHCP option, CAPWAP Access Controller addresses (field
138), will be added to the DHCP server. A local DNS record, AP Controller, will be added to
the local DNS proxy.
Permitted AP
Access points to manage can be specified here. If Any is selected, the AP controller will
manage any AP that reports to it. If Approved List is selected, only APs with serial numbers
listed in the provided text box will be managed.
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Current SSID information appears in the SSID section. To edit an existing SSID, click its
name in the list. To add a new SSID, click Add. Note that the following settings vary by
SSID Settings
This setting specifies the SSID of the virtual AP to be scanned by Wi-Fi clients.
Select Yes to enable the virtual AP.
This setting specifies the VLAN ID to be tagged on all outgoing packets generated
from this wireless network (i.e., packets that travel from the Wi-Fi segment through
the Pepwave AP One unit to the Ethernet segment via the LAN port). The default
value of this setting is 0, which means VLAN tagging is disabled (instead of tagged
with zero).
Broadcast SSID
This setting specifies whether or not Wi-Fi clients can scan the SSID of this wireless
network. Broadcast SSID is enabled by default.
Data Rate
Select Auto to allow the Pepwave router to set the data rate automatically, or select
Fixed and choose a rate from the displayed drop-down menu.
Multicast Filter
This setting enables the filtering of multicast network traffic to the wireless SSID.
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Multicast Rate
This setting specifies the transmit rate to be used for sending multicast network
traffic. The selected Protocol and Channel Bonding settings will affect the rate
options and values available here.
IGMP Snooping
To allow the Pepwave router to listen to internet group management protocol (IGMP)
network traffic, select this option.
DHCP Option 82
If you use a distributed DHCP server/relay environment, you can enable this option to
provide additional information on the manner in which clients are physically
connected to the network.
Network Priority
Select from Gold, Silver, and Bronze to control the QoS priority of this wireless
network’s traffic.
Layer 2 Isolation
Layer 2 refers to the second layer in the ISO Open System Interconnect model.
When this option is enabled, clients on the same VLAN, SSID, or subnet are isolated
to that VLAN, SSID, or subnet, which can enhance security. Traffic is passed to
upper communication layer(s). By default, the setting is disabled.
Band Steering
Band steering allows the Pepwave router to steer AP clients from the 2.4GHz band to
the 5GHz band for better usage of bandwidth. To make steering mandatory, select
Enforce. To cause the Pepwave router to preferentially choose steering, select
Prefer. The default for this setting is Disable.
- Advanced feature. Click the button on the top right-hand corner to activate.
Security Settings
This setting configures the wireless authentication and encryption methods. Available
options are Open (No Encryption), WPA/WPA2 - Personal, WPA/WPA2 – Enterprise
and Static WEP.
Access Control
The settings allow administrator to control access using MAC address filtering. Available
options are None, Deny all except listed, Accept all except listed, and RADIUS MAC
When WPA/WPA2 - Enterprise is configured, RADIUS-based 802.1 x authentication is
enabled. Under this configuration, the Shared Key option should be disabled. When using
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this method, select the appropriate version using the V1/V2 controls. The security level of this
method is known to be very high.
When WPA/WPA2- Personal is configured, a shared key is used for data encryption and
authentication. When using this configuration, the Shared Key option should be enabled. Key
length must be between eight and 63 characters (inclusive). The security level of this method
is known to be high.
The configuration of Static WEP parameters enables pre-shared WEP key encryption.
Authentication is not supported by this method. The security level of this method is known to
be weak.
MAC Address
Connection coming from the MAC addresses in this list will be either denied or accepted
based the option selected in the previous field.
RADIUS Server Settings
Enter the IP address of the primary RADIUS server and, if applicable, the secondary RADIUS
Enter the RADIUS shared secret for the primary server and, if applicable, the secondary
RADIUS server.
In field, enter the UDP authentication port(s) used by your RADIUS server(s) or click the
Default button to enter 1812.
In field, enter the UDP accounting port(s) used by your RADIUS server(s) or click the Default
button to enter 1813.
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20.2 Settings
On many Pepwave models, the AP settings screen (AP>Settings) looks similar to the
example below:
AP Settings
AP Profile Name
This field specifies the name of this AP profile.
These buttons specify which wireless networks will use this AP profile. You can also
select the frequencies at which each network will transmit. Please note that the Peplink
Balance does not detect whether the AP is capable of transmitting at both frequencies.
Instructions to transmit at unsupported frequencies will be ignored by the AP.
This drop-down menu specifies the national / regional regulations which the AP should
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If a North American region is selected, RF channels 1 to 11 will be available and
the maximum transmission power will be 26 dBm (400 mW).
If European region is selected, RF channels 1 to 13 will be available. The
maximum transmission power will be 20 dBm (100 mW).
NOTE: Users are required to choose an option suitable to local laws and regulations.
Per FCC regulation, the country selection is not available on all models marketed in US.
All US models are fixed to US channels only.
These buttons determine the frequency at which access points will attempt to broadcast.
This feature will only work for APs that can transmit at both 5.4GHz and 5GHz
5 GHz Protocol
This section displays the 5 GHz protocols your APs are using.
5GHz Channel
There are three options: 20 MHz, 20/40 MHz, and 40 MHz. With this feature enabled, the
Wi-Fi system can use two channels at once. Using two channels improves the
performance of the Wi-Fi connection.
5 GHz Channel
This drop-down menu selects the 5 GHz 802.11 channel to be utilized. If Auto is set, the
system will perform channel scanning based on the scheduled time set and choose the
most suitable channel automatically.
2.4 GHz Protocol
This section displays the 2.4 GHz protocols your APs are using.
2.4 GHz Channel
There are three options: 20 MHz, 20/40 MHz, and 40 MHz. With this feature enabled, the
Wi-Fi system can use two channels at once. Using two channels improves the
performance of the Wi-Fi connection.
2.4 GHz Channel
This drop-down menu selects the 802.11 channel to be utilized. Available options are
from 1 to 11 and from 1 to 13 for the North America region and Europe region,
respectively. (Channel 14 is only available when the country is selected as Japan with
protocol 802.11b.) If Auto is set, the system will perform channel scanning based on the
scheduled time set and choose the most suitable channel automatically.
This field specifies the VLAN ID to tag to management traffic, such as AP to AP
controller communication traffic. The value is 0 by default, meaning that no VLAN tagging
will be applied. NOTE: change this value with caution as alterations may result in loss of
connection to the AP controller.
Choose from the schedules that you have defined in System>Schedule. Select the
schedule for the integrated AP to follow from the drop-down menu.
Power Boost
With this option enabled, the AP under this profile will transmit using additional power.
Please note that using this option with several APs in close proximity will lead to
increased interference.
Output Power
This drop-down menu determines the power at which the AP under this profile will
broadcast. When fixed settings are selected, the AP will broadcast at the specified power
level, regardless of context. When Dynamic settings are selected, the AP will adjust its
power level based on its surrounding APs in order to maximize performance.
The Dynamic: Auto setting will set the AP to do this automatically. Otherwise, the
Dynamic: Manual setting will set the AP to dynamically adjust only of instructed to do
so. If you have set Dynamic:Manual, you can go to AP>Toolbox>Auto Power Adj. to
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give your AP further instructions.
Max number of
This field determines the maximum clients that can be connected to APs under this
Client Signal
This field determines that maximum signal strength each individual client will receive.
The measurment unit is megawatts.
Beacon Rate
This drop-down menu provides the option to send beacons in different transmit bit rates.
The bit rates are 1Mbps, 2Mbps, 5.5Mbps, 6Mbps, and 11Mbps.
Beacon Interval
This drop-down menu provides the option to set the time between each beacon send.
Available options are 100ms, 250ms, and 500ms.
This field provides the option to set the frequency for beacon to include delivery traffic
indication messages (DTIM). The interval unit is measured in milliseconds.
RTS Threshold
This field provides the option to set the minimum packet size for the unit to send an RTS
using the RTS/CTS handshake. Setting 0 disables this feature.
Determines the maximum size (in bytes) that each packet fragment will be broken down
into. Set 0 to disable fragmentation.
Select the distance you want your Wi-Fi to cover in order to adjust the below parameters.
Default values are recommended.
Slot Time
This field provides the option to modify the unit wait time before it transmits. The default
value is 9μs.
ACK Timeout
This field provides the option to set the wait time to receive acknowledgement packet
before doing retransmission. The default value is 48μs.
With this feature enabled, throughput will be increased by sending two or more data
frames in a single transmission.
Frame Length
This field is only available when Frame Aggregation is enabled. It specifies the frame
length for frame aggregation. By default, it is set to 50000.
- Advanced feature. Click the button on the top right-hand corner to activate.
Web Administration Settings
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Check the box to allow the Pepwave router to manage the web admin access information
of the AP.
Web Access
These buttons specify the web access protocol used for accessing the web admin of the
AP. The two available options are HTTP and HTTPS.
Management Port
This field specifies the management port used for accessing the device.
This option will be available if you have chosen HTTPS as the Web Access Protocol.
With this enabled, any HTTP access to the web admin will redirect to HTTPS
Admin User
This field specifies the administrator username of the web admin. It is set as admin by
Admin Password
This field allows you to specify a new administrator password. You may also click the
Generate button and let the system generate a random password automatically.
Navigating to AP>Settings on some Pepwave models displays a screen similar to the
one shown below:
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Wi-Fi Radio Settings
This option sets the country whose regulations the Pepwave router follows.
Wi-Fi Antenna
Choose from the router's internal or optional external antennas, if so equipped.
Important Note
Per FCC regulations, the country selection is not available on all models marketed in
the US. All US models are fixed to US channels only.
Wi-Fi AP Settings
This option allows you to specify whether 802.11b and/or 802.11g client association
requests will be accepted. Available options are 802.11ng and 802.11na. By default,
802.11ng is selected.
This option allows you to select which 802.11 RF channel will be used. Channel 1
(2.412 GHz) is selected by default.
Channel Width
Auto (20/40 MHz) and 20 MHz are available. The default setting is Auto (20/40 MHz),
which allows both widths to be used simultaneously.
Output Power
This option is for specifying the transmission output power for the Wi-Fi AP. There are 4
relative power levels available – Max, High, Mid, and Low. The actual output power
will be bound by the regulatory limits of the selected country.
Beacon Rate
This option is for setting the transmit bit rate for sending a beacon. By default, 1Mbps is
Beacon Interval
This option is for setting the time interval between each beacon. By default, 100ms is
This field allows you to set the frequency for the beacon to include a delivery traffic
indication message. The interval is measured in milliseconds. The default value is set to
1 ms.
Slot Time
This field is for specifying the wait time before the Surf SOHO transmits a packet. By
default, this field is set to 9 µs.
ACK Timeout
This field is for setting the wait time to receive an acknowledgement packet before
performing a retransmission. By default, this field is set to 48 µs.
This option allows you to enable frame aggregation to increase transmission
Guard Interval
This setting allows choosing a short or long guard period interval for your
- Advanced feature, please click the button on the top right-hand corner to activate.
20.3 Toolbox
Tools for managing firmware packs can be found at AP>Toolbox.
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Firmware Packs
Here, you can manage the firmware of your AP. Clicking on will result in information regarding each firmware
pack. To receive new firmware packs, you can click Check for Updates to download new packs, or you can click
Manual Upload to manually upload a firmware pack. Click Default to define which firmware pack is default.
21 System Settings
21.1 Admin Security
There are two types of user accounts available for accessing the web admin:
admin and user. They represent two user levels: the admin level has full administration
access, while the user level is read-only. The user level can access only the device's
status information; users cannot make any changes on the device.
Admin account UI User account UI

Navigation menu