Proxim Wireless XB92WLE 802.11 a/n PCIe Module User Manual Tsunami800 8000 SW Guide v5 2 SW2 6 2

Proxim Wireless Corporation 802.11 a/n PCIe Module Tsunami800 8000 SW Guide v5 2 SW2 6 2

software guide2

Advanced ConfigurationTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  171Given  below  is  the  table  which  explains  Protocol  Filter  parameters  and  the  method  to  configure  the  configurableparameter(s):After configuring the required parameters, click OK and then COMMIT. Protocol Filter TableThe Protocol Filter table displays a list of default protocols supported by the device and the protocols created by the user. Bydefault, the system generates 19 protocols entries. Each of the Protocol contains the following information:Parameter DescriptionFiltering Control This parameter is used to apply filters on the device’s interface. The filtering can be applied on any of the following interfaces: Ethernet: Packets are examined at the Ethernet interface.Wireless: Packets are examined at the Wireless interface.All Interfaces: Packets are examined at both Ethernet and Wireless interface.By default, the Filtering Control is set to Disable, meaning which Protocol Filters are disabled on all the interfaces.: In addition to enabling Filtering Control, the Global Filter Flag should also be enabled to apply filters.Filtering Type This parameter specifies the action to be performed on the data packets whose protocol type is not defined in the protocol filter table (this table contains a list of default protocols supported by the device and the protocols defined by the user), or whose Entry Status is in Disable state. The available filtering types are: Block: The protocols with entry status Disable or the protocols which do not exist in the protocol filtering table are blocked.Passthru: The protocols with entry status Disable or the protocols which do not exist in the protocol filtering table are allowed through the configured interface.Parameter DescriptionProtocol Name Represents the Protocol name. The system throws an error when you try to edit the name of a default protocol.Protocol Number Represents the Protocol number. The value is of 4 digit hexadecimal format. The system throws an error when you try to edit the Protocol number of a default protocol.Filter Status The supported filter status are,Passthru: When the filter status is set to Passthru and entry status is Enable, all packets whose protocol matches with the given protocol number are forwarded on the configured interface.Block: When the filter status is set to Block and entry status is Enable, all packets whose protocol matches with the given protocol number are dropped on the configured interface.By default, the status is set to Block.
Advanced ConfigurationTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  1725.10.1.2 Add User-defined Protocols to the Filter TableTo add user-defined protocols to the Protocol Filter Table, click Add in the Protocol Filter screen. The Protocol Filter AddRow screen appears. Figure 5-95 Add User-defined ProtocolsEnter details for all the required parameters and click Add.: The maximum number of Protocol Filters that can be added to the table are 64, out of which 19 are default entries.5.10.2 Static MAC Address FilterThe Static MAC Address filter optimizes the performance of a wireless (and wired) network. With this feature configured, thedevice can block traffic between wired devices and wireless devices based on the MAC address.Each  MAC Address or Mask  is comprised  of 12 hexadecimal  digits  (0-9,  A-F)  that correspond to a 48-bit  identifier. (Eachhexadecimal digit represents 4 bits (0 or 1)).Taken together, a MAC Address/Mask pair specifies an address or a range of MAC addresses that the device will look forwhen examining packets. The device uses Boolean logic to perform an “AND” operation between the MAC Address and theMask at the bit level. A Mask of 00:00:00:00:00:00 corresponds to all MAC addresses, and a Mask of FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF appliesonly to the specified MAC Address.For example, if the MAC Address is 00:20:A6:12:54:C3 and the Mask is FF:FF:FF:00:00:00, the device will examine the sourceand destination addresses of each packet looking for any MAC address starting with 00:20:A6. If the Mask is FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF,the device will only look for the specific MAC address (in this case, 00:20:A6:12:54:C3).You can configure the Static MAC Address Filter parameters depending on the following scenarios:To prevent all traffic from a specific wired MAC address from being forwarded to the wireless network, configure onlythe Wired MAC Address and Wired Mask (leave the Wireless MAC Address and Wireless Mask set to all zeros).Entry Status Set the entry status as either Enable, Disable or Delete.Enable: Enables filter status on a protocol.Disable: Disables filter status on a protocol.Delete: Deletes a protocol entry from the Protocol Filter Table.: System-defined default protocols cannot be deleted.
Advanced ConfigurationTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  173To prevent all traffic from a specific wireless MAC address from being forwarded to the wired network, configure onlythe Wireless MAC address and Wireless Mask (leave the Wired MAC Address and Wired Mask set to all zeros).To  prevent  traffic  between  a  specific  wired  MAC  address  and  a  specific  wireless  MAC  address,  configure  all  fourparameters. Configure the wired and wireless MAC address and set the wired and wireless mask to all Fs.To  prevent  all  traffic  from  a  specific  wired  Group  MAC  address  from  being  forwarded  to  the  wireless  network,configure only the Wired MAC Address and Wired Mask (leave the Wireless MAC Address and Wireless Mask set to allzeros).To  prevent  all  traffic  from  a  specific  wireless  Group  MAC  address  from  being  forwarded  to  the  wired  network,configure only the Wireless MAC address and Wireless Mask (leave the Wired MAC Address and Wired Mask set to allzeros).To prevent traffic between a specific wired Group MAC address and a specific wireless Group MAC address, configureall four parameters. Configure the wired and wireless MAC address and set the wired and wireless mask to all Fs.Static MAC Filter ExamplesConsider a network that contains a wired PC and three wireless PCs. The MAC addresses for each PCs are as follows:MAC Address of the wired PC: 00:40:F4:1C:DB:6AMAC Address of the wireless PC1: 00:02:2D:51:94:E4MAC Address of the wireless PC2: 00:02:2D:51:32:12MAC Address of the wireless PC3: 00:20:A6:12:4E:385. Prevent two specific PCs from communicatingConfigure the following settings to prevent the wired PC and wireless PC1 from communicating:Wired MAC Address: 00:40:F4:1C:DB:6AWired Mask: FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FFWireless MAC Address: 00:02:2D:51:94:E4Wireless Mask: FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FFResult: Traffic between the wired PC and wireless PC1 is blocked. wireless PC2 and PC3 can still communicate with the wiredPC. Prevent multiple Wireless PCs from communicating with a single wired PCConfigure the following settings to prevent wireless PC1 and PC2 from communicating with the wired PC:Wired MAC Address: 00:40:F4:1C:DB:6AWired Mask: FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FFWireless MAC Address: 00:02:2D:51:94:E4Wireless Mask: FF:FF:FF:00:00:00Result: When a logical “AND” is performed on the Wireless MAC Address and Wireless Mask, the result corresponds to anyMAC address beginning  with  the 00:20:2D prefix. Since  wireless PC1 and wireless PC2  share the same prefix (00:02:2D),traffic between the wired Server and wireless PC1 and PC2 is blocked. Wireless PC3 can still communicate with the wired PCsince it has a different prefix (00:20:A6). Prevent all wireless PCs from communicating with a single wired PCConfigure the following settings to prevent wired PC from communicating with all three wireless PCs:Wired MAC Address: 00:40:F4:1C:DB:6A Wired Mask: FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF Wireless MAC Address: 00:00:00:00:00:00 Wireless Mask: 00:00:00:00:00:00
Advanced ConfigurationTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  174Result: The device blocks all traffic between the wired PC and all wireless PCs. Prevent a wireless PC from communicating with the wired networkConfigure the following settings to prevent wireless PC3 from communicating with any device on the Ethernet:Wired MAC Address: 00:00:00:00:00:00Wired Mask: 00:00:00:00:00:00Wireless MAC Address: 00:20:A6:12:4E:38Wireless Mask: FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FFResult: The device blocks all traffic between wireless PC3 and the Ethernet network. Static MAC Address Filter ConfigurationTo configure Static MAC Filter parameters, navigate to ADVANCED CONFIGURATION > Filtering > Static MAC AddressFilter. The Static MAC Address Filter screen appears:Figure 5-96 Static MAC Address FilterClick Add in the Static MAC Address Filter screen. The Static MAC Address Filter Add Row screen appears. Figure 5-97 Static MAC Address Filter Add Entry
Advanced ConfigurationTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  175Given below is the table which explains Static MAC Address Filter parameters and the method to configure the configurableparameter(s):Click Add and then COMMIT.:You can configure a maximum of 200 MAC address filters. The Wired MAC address and the Wireless MAC address should be a unicast MAC address.The MAC Address or Mask includes 12 hexadecimal digits (each hexadecimal equals to 4 bits containing 0 or 1)which is equivalent to 48 bit identifier.5.10.3 Advanced FilteringWith Advanced Filtering, you can filter pre-defined IP Protocol traffic on the network.By  default,  5  IP  protocols  are  pre-defined  and  based  on  the  configuration  they  can  be  blocked  or  allowed  to  enter  thenetwork.To  apply  filters  on  the  IP  protocols,  navigate  to  ADVANCED  CONFIGURATION  >  Filtering  >  Advanced  Filtering.  TheAdvanced Filtering screen appears:Figure 5-98 Advanced FilteringParameter DescriptionWired MAC Address Specifies the MAC address of the device on the wired network that is restricted from communicating with a device on the wireless network.Wired MAC Mask Specifies the range of MAC address to which this filter is to be applied.Wireless MAC address Specifies the MAC address of the device on the wireless network that is restricted from communicating with a device on the wired network.Wireless MAC Mask Specifies the range of MAC address to which this filter is to be applied.Comment Specifies the comment associated with Static MAC Filter table entry.Status Specifies the status of the newly created filter.
Advanced ConfigurationTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  176The Advanced Filtering table contains a list of 5 pre-defined protocols on which Advanced Filtering is applied. The followingtable explains the Filtering table parameters:: The Advanced Filtering table contains a maximum of 5 pre-defined IP protocols.User-defined IP protocols cannot be added to the Advanced Filtering table. Edit Advanced Filtering Table EntriesTo  edit  Advanced  Filtering  table  protocols,  click Edit  in  the  Advanced  Filtering  screen.  The  Advanced Filtering -  EditEntries screen appears.Parameter DescriptionProtocol Name Represents the protocol name. By default, Advanced Filtering is supported on the following 5 default protocols:Deny IPX RIPDeny IPX SAPDeny IPX LSPDeny IP BroadcastsDeny IP MulticastsDirection Represents the direction of an IP Protocol traffic that needs to be filtered. The directions that can be filtered are,Ethernet to wirelessWireless to ethernetBothEntry Status The filters are applied on the IP protocol only when Entry Status is enabled.
Advanced ConfigurationTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  177Figure 5-99 Advance Filtering- Edit EntriesModify the IP protocol traffic direction that needs to be filtered, and the filtering status for the desired IP Protocol.Next click OK and then COMMIT.5.10.4 TCP/UDP Port FilterTCP/UDP  Port Filtering  allows  you to enable or disable Transmission  Control Protocol  (TCP)  ports  and User Datagram Port(UDP)  ports  on  network  devices.  A  user  specifies  a  Protocol  Name,  Port  Number,  Port  Type  (TCP,  UDP,  or  TCP/UDP),  andfiltering interfaces (Only Wireless, Only Ethernet or Both) in order to block access to services such as Telnet and FTP, and trafficsuch as NETBIOS and HTTP. To  apply  filters  on  TCP/UDP  Port,  navigate  to  ADVANCED  CONFIGURATION  >  Filtering  >  TCP/UDP  Port  Filter.  TheTCP/UDP Port Filter screen appears.
Advanced ConfigurationTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  178Figure 5-100 TCP/UDP Port FilterThe Filter Control parameters determines if filter has to be applied or not on a TCP/UDP Port. By default, it is disabled. Toapply filters, select Enable and click OK. TCP/UDP Port Filter TableThe TCP/UDP Port Filter table displays a list of default TCP/UDP ports and user-defined ports which can be enabled or disabledas desired. By default, the device support 7 default TCP/UDP port filter entries. Parameter DescriptionProtocol Name Represents the name of the service/protocol. Please note that the system throws an error when an attempt is made to edit the default service/protocol name.Port Number Represents the destination port number. Please note that the system throws an error when an attempt is made to edit the port number.Port Type Represents the port type (TCP, UDP, Both). Filter Interface Represents the interface on which the filter is applied. The supported interfaces are,Only EthernetOnly WirelessAll Interfaces
Advanced ConfigurationTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  179If you have configured any user-defined protocols then click OK and then COMMIT.For example, a device with the following configuration would discard frames received on its Ethernet interface with a UDPdestination  port  number  of  137,  effectively  blocking  NETBIOS  Name  Service  packets.  Please  note  that  even  the  FilteringControl should be enabled to apply the filter. Adding User-defined TCP/UDP Port Filter EntriesTo add user-defined TCP/UDP port filter entries to the table, click Add in the TCP / UDP Port Filter screen. The TCP/UDPPort Filter Add Row screen appears: Figure 5-101 Add User-defined TCP/UDP ProtocolsProvide details for all the parameters and click Add. To apply the configured parameters, click COMMIT.: The TCP/UDP filtering operation is allowed only when the Global Flag and Filter Control options are enabled.You can add a maximum of 64 TCP/UDP Port Filter entries to the table, out of which 7 are default entries.5.10.5 Storm Threshold FilterThe Storm Threshold Filter restricts the excessive inbound multicast or broadcast traffic on layer two interfaces. This protectsagainst broadcast storms resulting from spanning tree misconfiguration. A broadcast or multicast filtering mechanism needsto be enabled so that a large percentage of the wireless link remains available to the connected mobile terminals.Entry Status Set the entry status as either Enable, Disable or Delete.Enable: Filter is applied and filters the packet based on the Port number and port type.Disable: No filter is applied.Delete: Allows to delete only user-defined TCP/UDP port filter entry. When you attempt to delete default entries, the device throws an error.Protocol Name Port Number Port Type Filter Interface Entry Status (Enable/Disable)NETBIOS Name Service 137 UDP Ethernet EnableParameter Description
Advanced ConfigurationTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  180To configure Storm Threshold Filter, navigate to ADVANCED CONFIGURATION > Filtering > Storm Threshold Filter. TheStorm  Threshold  Filter  screen  appears.  This  screen  contains  information  about  the  threshold  values  per  second  of  themulticast and broadcast packets that can be processed for the interface(s) present in the device.Figure 5-102 Storm Threshold FilterGiven below is the  table  which explains  Storm Threshold Filter  parameters  and  the method to configure the  configurableparameter(s):After configuring the required parameters, click OK and then COMMIT.5.10.6 WORP Intra Cell BlockingThe WORP Intra Cell Blocking feature restricts traffic between SUs which are registered to the same BSU. The two potentialreasons to isolate traffic among the SUs are:To provide better security by isolating the traffic from one SU to another in a public space.To block unwanted traffic between SUs to prevent this traffic from using bandwidth.Parameter DescriptionInterface Allows to configure the type of interface on which filtering has to be applied. The Storm Threshold filter can be used to filter the traffic on two types of interfaces: Ethernet or Wireless. By default, Storm Threshold filtering is disabled on both Ethernet and Wireless interfaces.Multicast Threshold Allows to configure the threshold value of the multicast packets to be processed for the Ethernet or Wireless interface. Packets more than threshold value are dropped. If threshold value for multicast packets is set to '0', filtering is disabled. The default Multicast Threshold value is 0 per second.Broadcast Threshold Allows to configure the threshold value of the broadcast packets to be processed for the Ethernet or Wireless interface. Packets more than threshold value are dropped. If threshold value for broadcast packets is set to '0', filtering is disabled. The default Broadcast Threshold value is 0 per second.: Intra Cell Blocking is applicable only to a BSU in Bridge Mode only.
Advanced ConfigurationTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  181The user can form groups of SUs at the BSU which define the filtering criteria. All data to/from SUs belonging to the samegroup are bridged. If an SU does not belong to any group, the BSU discards the data.The user can also configure a Security Gateway to block traffic between SUs connected to different BSUs. All packets destinedfor SUs not connected to the same BSU are forwarded  to the Security Gateway  MAC  address (configured under  SecurityGateway).The following rules apply to Intra Cell Blocking Groups:an SU can be assigned to more than one SU that has not been assigned to any group cannot communicate to any other SU connected to the same or different BSU. Example of Intra-Cell Blocking GroupsAssume that four Intra Cell Blocking Groups have been configured on a BSU. SUs 1 through 10 are registered to the BSU.In this example, SU1 belongs to two groups, Group 1 and Group 3. Therefore, packets from SU1 destined to SU4, SU5, SU6and SU7 are not blocked. However, SU9 belongs to group 4 only and packets from SU9 are blocked unless sent to SU8 or SU10.To configuring Intra-Cell Blocking parameters, navigate to ADVANCED CONFIGURATION > Filtering> WORP Intra CellBlocking. The following screen appears:Figure 5-103 Intra Cell BlockingGroup1 Group2 Group3 Group4SU1  SU2  SU6  SU8 SU4  SU3 SU1  SU9 SU5  SU8  SU7 SU10
Advanced ConfigurationTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  182This screen is classified into two categories: Intra Cell Blocking and Security Gateway. Given below are the configurationdetails.: Intra Cell Blocking is configurable only in Bridge mode. When you change the device from Bridge to Routing mode or vice-versa, Intra-Cell Blocking stops or starts working only after device reboot. WORP Intra Cell Blocking Group TableThe user can form groups of SUs at the BSU which define the filtering criteria. All data to/from SUs belonging to the samegroup are bridged. If an SU does not belong to any group, the BSU discards the data.By default, a BSU supports 16 groups and each group can contain a maximum of 240 SUs. Please note that a single SU can bea member of all the existing groups.To view and configure the Intra Cell Blocking Group table, navigate to ADVANCED CONFIGURATION > Filtering> WORPIntra Cell Blocking > Group Table. The WORP Intra Cell Blocking Group Table screen appears:Parameter DescriptionIntra Cell BlockingStatus By default, Intra Cell Blocking is disabled on a BSU. Select Enable to enable the feature and then Click OK and then COMMIT.Security GatewayStatus By default, Security Gateway is disabled on a BSU. Select Enable to enable the feature.MAC Address Represents the MAC address of the security gateway. This gateway routes the packets transmitted by the SU to the different BSUs to which it belongs.After configuring the required parameters, click OK and then COMMIT.
Advanced ConfigurationTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  183Figure 5-104 WORP Intra Cell Blocking Group TableThis table displays the list of groups. If the Entry Status for a group is set to Enable then BSU discards all the packets comingfrom SUs which are not members of that group. If set to Disable, then allows all the packets coming from SUs which are notthe members of that group. If you have changed the Entry Status of a group, then click OK and then COMMIT. WORP Intra Cell Blocking MAC TableThe WORP Intra Cell Blocking MAC table allows to add SU’s MAC address and assign them to the groups. You can add amaximum of 250 SUs to the table.To add SU to the table, navigate to ADVANCED CONFIGURATION > Filtering > WORP Intra Cell Blocking > MAC Table.The WORP Intra Cell Blocking MAC Table screen appears:
Advanced ConfigurationTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  184Figure 5-105 WORP Intra Cell Blocking MAC Table5. To add MAC addresses, click Add. The following screen appears.Figure 5-106 WORP Intra Cell Blocking MAC Table Add EntryGiven below is the table which explains the WORP Intra Cell Blocking MAC Table entries and the method to configure theconfigurable parameter(s):After adding the MAC address, click Add.Parameter DescriptionMAC Address Represents the MAC address of the SU.Group ID’s 1 to 16 By default, a Group ID is disabled meaning which the SU is not a part of that group. To make it a part of that group, select Enable.Entry Status If SU is part of a group and its Entry Status is enabled then it can communicate with all the SUs belonging to that group. If Entry Status is disabled, then the communication is blocked.
Advanced ConfigurationTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  185To  edit  the  existing  MAC  addresses,  click  Edit  icon  in  the  WORP  Intra  Cell  Blocking  MAC  Table  screen.  Modify  theparameters as desired in the WORP Intra Cell Blocking MAC Table Add Row screen and click OK and then COMMIT.In the WORP Intra Cell Blocking MAC Table, you can change the Entry Status as either Enable/Disable/Delete. Once thestatus is changed, click OK and then COMMIT.5.11 DHCPDynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a network protocol that enables a server to assign an IP address to the DHCPclient from a defined range of IP addresses configured for a given network. Allocating IP addresses from a central locationsimplifies the process of configuring IP addresses to individual DHCP clients, and also avoids IP conflicts.5.11.1 DHCP PoolDHCP Pool is a pool of defined IP addresses which enables a DHCP Server to dynamically pick IP address from the pool andassign it to the DHCP client. To configure a range of IP addresses in the DHCP Pool, navigate to ADVANCED CONFIGURATION > DHCP > DHCP Server> Pool. The DHCP Pool screen appears: Figure 5-107 DHCP PoolEach pool entry comprises the following tabulated information: : You can add a maximum of five pool entries to the table. A pool entry can be deleted but cannot be edited. Adding a New Pool EntryTo add a new entry to the DHCP Pool, click Add on the DHCP Pool screen. The following DHCP Pool Table Add Row screenappears:Parameter DescriptionInterface Specifies the interface type, that is, Bridge or Routing (Ethernet and Wireless).Start IP Address andEnd IP AddressSpecifies the start and end IP address of the addresses to be added to the pool.Delete Allows you to delete a pool entry.
Advanced ConfigurationTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  186Figure 5-108 DHCP Pool Table Add EntryEnter the pool details and click Add. The entry will be updated in the DHCP pool table. To apply the configured changes, click COMMIT.5.11.2 DHCP ServerIf DHCP Server is enabled, it picks automatically the IP addresses from the specific interface address pool and assigns them tothe respective DHCP clients. DHCP Server feature is applicable to both Bridge and Routing Mode. In Routing mode, DHCP Server can be configured foreach interface (Ethernet and Wireless) separately. Unless the DHCP Server functionality is enabled for an interface, the DHCPServer does not respond to the DHCP requests received on that interface. To configure the DHCP server parameters, navigate to ADVANCED CONFIGURATION > DHCP > DHCP Server > Interface.The DHCP Server screen appears:Figure 5-109 DHCP Server (Bridge Mode)
Advanced ConfigurationTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  187Figure 5-110 DHCP Server (Routing Mode)Given below is the table which explains DHCP Server parameters and the method to configure the configurable parameter(s):Parameter DescriptionDHCP Server Status By default, DHCP Server is disabled on a device. To enable DHCP Server, select Enable. A DHCP Server can be enabled only when the following two conditions are satisfied:1. Before enabling, atleast one interface should be enabled on which the DHCP Server has to run.2. The DHCP pool table should have atleast one pool configured for that interface.Max Lease Time Specifies the maximum lease time for which the DHCP client can use the IP address provided by the DHCP Server. The value ranges from 3600 - 172800 seconds.DHCP Interface TableInterface Type Specifies the interface for which the DHCP Server functionality shall be configured. That is Bridge or Ethernet/Wireless in case of Routing mode. Net Mask Specifies the subnet mask to be sent to the DHCP client along with the assigned IP address. The netmask configured here should be greater than or equal to the netmask configured on the interface.Default Gateway Specifies the default gateway to be sent to the DHCP client along with the assigned IP Address. Default Gateway is a node that serves as an accessing point to another network.Primary DNS Specifies the primary DNS (Domain Name Server) IP address to be sent to the DHCP client.Secondary DNS Specifies the secondary DNS IP address to be sent to the DHCP client.
Advanced ConfigurationTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  188After configuring the required parameters, click OK and then COMMIT.5.11.3 DHCP Relay (Routing Mode only)The DHCP relay agent relays DHCP messages between the DHCP Clients and the configured DHCP Servers on different IPnetworks. You can configure a maximum of five DHCP Servers. There must be at least one DHCP Server configured in order torelay DHCP request.: DHCP Relay Agent is configurable only in Routing mode. It cannot be enabled when NAT or DHCP Server is enabled. To view and configure DHCP Relay Server parameters, navigate to ADVANCED CONFIGURATION > DHCP > DHCP Relay >Relay Server. The DHCP Relay screen appears:Figure 5-111 DHCP RelayBy default, DHCP Relay is disabled on the device. To enable it, atleast one DHCP Server IP address should be configured.To add a DHCP Server to the Relay Server Table, click Add in the DHCP Relay screen. The DHCP Relay Server Add Rowscreen appears:Default Lease Time DHCP Server uses this option to specify the lease time it is willing to offer to the DHCP client over that interface. Once the lease time expires, the DHCP Server allocates a new IP address to the device. The Default Lease Time should be less than or equal to the configured Max Lease Time.Comment Specifies a note for the device administrator.Entry Status Used to Enable or Disable the DHCP Server functionality over the interface.Parameter Description
Advanced ConfigurationTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  189Figure 5-112 DHCP Relay Server Add EntryEnter the DHCP Server IP Address and then click Add.After configuring the required parameters, click OK and then COMMIT.: DHCP server is disabled automatically if DHCP Relay agent is enabled and vice-verse.
Advanced ConfigurationTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  1905.12 IGMP Snooping Proxim’s Tsunami®  devices  support  Internet  Group  Management  Protocol  (IGMP)  Snooping  feature.  With  IGMP  Snoopingenabled  on  the  device,  multicast  traffic  is  only  forwarded  to  ports  that  are  members  of  the  specific  multicast  group.  Byforwarding the traffic only to the destined ports, reduces unnecessary load on devices to process packets.Explained below is the IGMP Snooping process with the help of a diagram:Figure 5-113 IGMP Snooping ProcessThe router forwards the IP multicast data to the BSU/End Point A. Lets say, with IGMP Snooping not enabled on the BSU/End Point A, the multicast data is transmitted over the wireless mediumirrespective of whether the multicast group address is a member of the multicast group table maintained in each BSU/EndPoint A. With IGMP Snooping enabled, the BSU/End Point A transmits the data only when the multicast group address is amember of the multicast group table, else drops the packet. The SU/End Point B will receive the multicast data. : IGMP Snooping is applicable only in Bridge Mode.
Advanced ConfigurationTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  191Similarly, with IGMP Snooping not enabled on the SU/End Point B, the multicast data is transmitted irrespective of whetherthe  multicast  group  address  is  a  member  of  the  multicast  group  table  maintained  in  each  SU/End  Point  B.  With  IGMPSnooping enabled, the SU/End Point B transmits the data to the host only when the multicast group address is a member ofthe multicast group table, else drops the packet. IGMP Snooping is of 2 kinds:Active: Active IGMP Snooping listens to IGMP traffic and filters IGMP packets to reduce load on the multicast router.Passive: Passive IGMP Snooping simply listens to IGMP traffic and does not filter or interfere with IGMP. : Tsunami® devices supports only passive IGMP Snooping.IGMP versions v1,v2 and v3 are supported.The device can add a maximum of 64 Multicast groups in the Snooping table.To  configure  IGMP  Snooping  parameters,  navigate  to  ADVANCED  CONFIGURATION  >  IGMP  Snooping.  The  followingIGMP Snooping screen appears:Figure 5-114 IGMP SnoopingGiven  below  is  the  table  which  explains  IGMP  Snooping  parameters  and  the  method  to  configure  the  configurableparameter(s):After configuring the required parameters, click OK and then COMMIT.Parameter DescriptionIGMP Snooping Status By default, IGMP Snooping Status is disabled on the device, meaning which, the device transmits IP multicast traffic to all the ports. To forward the traffic only to the members of the specific multicast group, enable IGMP Snooping Status.IGMP Membership Aging TimerRepresents the time after which the IGMP multicast group age-outs or elapses. It ranges from 135 to 635 seconds. The default Aging Timer is 260 seconds.IGMP Router Port Aging TimerRepresents the time after which the IGMP Router port age-outs or elapses. It ranges from 260 to 635 seconds. The default Aging Timer is 300 seconds.IGMP Forced Flood If you select Yes, all the unregistered IPv4 multicast traffic (with destination address which does not match any of the groups announced in earlier IGMP Membership reports) and IGMP Membership Reports will be flooded to all the ports. By default, IGMP Forced Flood is set to No.
Tsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  192ManagementThis chapter  provides  information  on  how  to  manage  the device  by  using  Web  interface.  It  contains  information  on  thefollowing:6.1 System 6.1.1 System InformationThe System Information tab enables you to view and configure system specific information such as System Name, SystemDescription, Contact Details of the person managing the device, and so on.To view  and  configure system  specific  Information,  navigate  to  MANAGEMENT  >  System  >  Information.  The  SystemInformation screen appears:Figure 6-1 System Information: Recommended characters for the name field are A-Z  a-z  0-9  - _ = :  . @ $ & and space.
ManagementTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  193Given below is the table which explains System parameters and the method to configure the configurable parameter(s):After configuring the required parameters, click OK and then COMMIT.6.1.2 Inventory ManagementThe Inventory Management tab provides inventory information about the device.To view inventory information, navigate to MANAGEMENT > System > Inventory Management. The System Inventory Management Table appears.Parameter DescriptionSystem Up-Time This is a read-only parameter. It represents the operational time of the device since its last reboot. System Description This is a read-only parameter. It provides system description such as system name, firmware version and the latest firmware build supported.For example: MP-8100-BSU-WD-v2.X.Y(Build No.)System Name Represents the name assigned to the device. You can enter a system name of maximum 64 characters and should be unique across all devices in WORP network.Email Represents the email address of the person administering the device. You can enter an email address of minimum 6 and maximum 32 characters.Phone Number Represents the phone number of the person administering the device. You can enter a phone number of minimum 6 and maximum 32 characters.Location Represents the location where the device is installed. You can enter the location name of minimum 0 and maximum 255 characters.GPS Longitude Represents the longitude at which the device is installed. You can enter a longitude value of minimum 0 and maximum 255 characters.GPS Latitude Represents the latitude at which the device is installed. You can enter a latitude value of minimum 0 and maximum 255 characters.GPS Altitude Represents the altitude at which the device is installed. You can enter a altitude value of minimum 0 and maximum 255 characters.
ManagementTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  194Figure 6-2 An Example - Inventory ManagementBy default, the components information is auto-generated by the device and is used only for reference purpose.Click Refresh, to view the updated system inventory management information.6.1.3 Licensed FeaturesLicensing is considered to be the most important component of an enterprise-class device which typically has a feature-basedpricing model. It is also required to prevent the misuse  and tampering of the device by a wide-variety of audience whosemotives may be intentional or accidental.Licensed Features are, by default, set by the company. To  view  the  licensed  features  set  on  the  device,  click  MANAGEMENT  >  System  >  Licensed  Features.  The  LicensedFeatures screen appears.Figure 6-3 Licensed Features
ManagementTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  195Given below is the table which explains each of the parameters: License Upgrade ProcedureIn order to get additional bandwidth, Upgrade the License by following the procedure given below:Retrieve the license information (License Info file with .lic extension) from the device. For more details, refer  section.To purchase a license upgrade, please contact your Proxim Sales Representative; to generate a unique license file foryour device, please refer to the Technical Note available on Proxim support site: Upgrade  the  bandwidth  using  the license  file(.bin  extension)  generated  in  the above  step.  For  more  details,  refer section.6.2 File ManagementThe  File  Management  tab  enables  you  to  upgrade  the  firmware  and  configuration  files  onto  the  device,  and  retrieveconfiguration and log files from the device through Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP).Parameter DescriptionProduct Description Description about the device.Number of Radios The number of radios the device supports.Number of Ethernet InterfacesThe number of Ethernet interfaces supported by the device.Radio 1 Allowed Frequency BandThe operational frequency band supported by the device radio.Maximum Output BandwidthThe maximum output bandwidth limit of the device. It is represented in mbps.Maximum Input BandwidthThe maximum input bandwidth limit of the device. It is represented in mbps.: The Input and Output Bandwidth features are referred with respect to the wireless interface. Input bandwidth refers to the data received on the wireless interface and output bandwidth refers to the data sent out of the wireless interface.Maximum Aggregate BandwidthThe maximum cumulative bandwidth of the device, which is the sum of configured output and input bandwidths.Product Family Represents the product family of the device.Product Class Represents the product class of the device, which is either indoor or outdoor.Allowed Operational Modes of Radio1Represents the operational mode of the device, that is, BSU/SU/End Point A/End Point B.Maximum SUs AllowedThe maximum number of SUs that a BSU supports.MAC address of the Device is The MAC address of the device.
ManagementTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  1966.2.1 TFTP ServerA Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) server lets you transfer files across a network. By using TFTP, you can retrieve files fromthe device for backup or copying, and you can upgrade  the firmware or  the configuration  files onto the device. You candownload  the  SolarWinds  TFTP  server  application  from  .  You  can  also  download  the  latest  TFTPsoftware from SolarWinds Web site at  . While using TFTP server, ensure the following:The upload or download directory is correctly set (the default directory is C:\TFTP-Root).The required firmware file is present in the directory.The TFTP server is running during file upload and download. You can check the connectivity between the device andthe  TFTP  server  by  pinging  the  device  from  the  Personal  Computer  that  hosts  the  TFTP  server.  The  ping  programshould show replies from the device.The TFTP server should be configured to transmit and receive files (on the Security tab under File > Configure), withno automatic shutdown or time-out (on the Auto-Close tab).: The instructions listed above are based on the assumption that you are using the SolarWinds TFTP server; otherwise the configuration may vary.6.2.2 Text Based Configuration (TBC) File ManagementText Based Configuration (TBC) file is a simple text file that holds device template configurations. The device supports the TBCfile in XML format which can be edited in any XML or text editors. You can generate the TBC file from the CLI Session and manually edit the configurations and then load the edited TBC file tothe device so that the edited configurations are applied onto the device. It differs mainly from the binary configuration file interms of manual edition of configurations.  The generated TBC file is a template which has only the default and modifiedconfigurations on the live CLI session. Generating TBC FileThe TBC file is generated through CLI by executing generate command.While generating the TBC file from CLI, there is an option to generate it with or without all Management and Security Passwords.  The  management  passwords  include  CLI/WEB/SNMP  passwords.  The  security  passwords  includeNetwork-Secret/Encryption-Key(s)/RADIUS-Shared-Secret. If included, these passwords become a part of the generated TBCfile and are in a readable form. If excluded, all these passwords are not part of the generated TBC file.The commands used for the generation of TBC file are:The generated TBC file contains,Default configurationsAny user-added or edited configurations on current live CLI sessionThe generated Text Based Template Configuration file appears as shown below:
ManagementTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  197Figure 6-4 TBC File in xml Format6.2.2.2 Editing the TBC FileThe TBC file can easily be opened and edited in any standard Text-Editors like Wordpad, MS-Word, Notepad++, StandardXML Editors. Proxim recommends XML Notepad 7 editor for editing the TBC file.You can modify any value between the double quotes(““) in the TBC file. It is recommended not to change the textoutside the double quotes (“”) or XML tags in the TBC file.Remove unchanged configurations from the TBC file before loading onto the device.
ManagementTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  1986.2.2.3 Loading the TBC fileThe TBC file can be loaded onto the device by using either SNMP, Web Interface or CLI. You can either use TFTP or HTTP toload the TBC file.By  using  Web  Interface,  you  can  load  the  TBC  file  by  navigating  to  MANAGEMENT  >  File  Management  >  UpgradeConfiguration. To load the TBC file, it should be generated or downloaded onto the device. While loading the TBC file ontothe device, any file name is accepted. Once loaded, the TBC file name is renamed to PXM-TBC.xml.If the TBC file does not contain correct XML syntax, the file will be discarded with DOM error and no configurations will beloaded.  All  duplicate  values  entered  are  considered  as  errors  while  loading  and  syslogs  will  be  generated  accordingly.Therefore, it is recommended to delete all unchanged parameters from the TBC file during its edition. Commit is required toretain the configurations across reboots after loading the TBC file.: Both Commit and Reboot are required to accept the modifications done in the TBC File. Only reboot is required to reject the modifications.Loading the TBC file is allowed only once in an active device session (that is, if TBC file is loaded, reboot is required to apply allconfigurations or to load another TBC file). All configurations in the TBC file are loaded to the device irrespective of theirdefault  or modified  or  added configurations.  Loading  the  TBC file  takes  approximately  10-20  seconds  depending  on  thenumber of configurations added. : Remove any unmodified parameters from the TBC file, before loading it.If you get any timeout errors while loading TBC file from SNMP interface, increase the time-out value to more than 30 seconds in the MIB Browser.6.2.3 Upgrade Firmware You can update the device with the latest firmware either through HTTP or TFTP.: Make sure the firmware being loaded is compatible to the device being upgraded.In a point-to-multipoint network, it is recommended to upgrade the base station first and then the subscriber(s).In a point-to-point network, it is recommended to upgrade the End Point A first and then the End Point B. Upgrade Firmware via HTTPTo upgrade the firmware via HTTP, do the following:1. Navigate to MANAGEMENT > File Management > Upgrade Firmware > HTTP.
ManagementTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  199Figure 6-5 Upgrade Firmware - HTTP2. In the HTTP screen, click Browse to select the latest firmware file from the desired location. Ensure that the file namedoes not contain any space or special characters.3. Click Upgrade. Upgrade Firmware via TFTPTo upgrade the firmware via TFTP Server, do the following:1. Navigate to MANAGEMENT > File Management > Upgrade Firmware > TFTP. Figure 6-6 Upgrade Firmware - TFTP2. Based on the IP mode configure either IPv4 or IPv6 address as TFTP Server address.3. Enter the name of the latest firmware file (including the file extension) that has to be loaded onto the device in theFile Name box.4. To upgrade the device with new firmware click Upgrade and then reboot the device, or click Upgrade & Reboot.
ManagementTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  200: After upgrading the device with the new firmware, reboot the device; Otherwise the device will continue to runwith the old firmware.It is recommended not to navigate away from the upgrade screen, while the upgrade is in progress.6.2.4 Upgrade Configuration You can upgrade the device with the latest configuration files either through HTTP or TFTP.: Make sure the configuration file being loaded into the device is compatible. That is, the configuration file being loaded should have been retrieved from a device of the same SKU. Upgrade Configuration via HTTPTo upgrade the configuration files by using HTTP, do the following:1. Navigate to MANAGEMENT > File Management > Upgrade Configuration > HTTP.Figure 6-7 Upgrade Configuration - HTTP2. In the HTTP screen, click Browse to locate the configuration file. Select a Binary Configuration file or a Config Profilefile, or a PXM-TBC.xml for Text Based Configuration file. Make sure that the file name does not contain any space orspecial characters.3. If you are upgrading the device with Binary Configuration file then click Upgrade and then reboot the device.4. If you are upgrading the device with Config Profile file then click Upgrade and then reboot the device. On upgrade,the device shall come up with the loaded profile. If the configuration profile is not compatible, then on reboot, thedevice will rollback to its old configuration.5. If you are upgrading the device with Text Based Configuration file then click Upgrade to upgrade the device with theconfig file and then click Load for loading the config file onto the device. Alternatively, you can perform both upgradeand load operation in one single step, by clicking Upgrade & Load.
ManagementTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  2016.2.4.2 Upgrade Configuration via TFTPTo upgrade the configuration files by using TFTP Server, do the following:1. Navigate to MANAGEMENT > File Management > Update Configuration > TFTP. Figure 6-8 Upgrade Binary Configuration via TFTP2. You can update the device with three types of configuration files: Binary, Text Based and Config Profile. To update thedevice with Binary Configuration file, select Binary Config.Based on the IP mode configure either IPv4 or IPv6 address as TFTP Server address. Enter the name of the Binary file (including the file extension) that has to be downloaded onto the device in theFile Name box.3. To update the device with Text Based Configuration files, select Text Based Config.Based on the IP mode configure either IPv4 or IPv6 address as TFTP Server address. Enter the name of the Text Based file (including the file extension) that has to be downloaded onto the device inthe File Name box.Figure 6-9 Upgrade Text Based Configuration via TFTP
ManagementTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  2024. To update the device with Configuration Profile files, select Config Profile.Based on the IP mode, configure either IPv4 or IPv6 address as TFTP Server address.Enter the name of the Config Profile file (including the file extension) that has to be downloaded onto the devicein the File Name box.Figure 6-10 Upgrade Configuration Profile via TFTP5. If you are upgrading the device with Binary Configuration file then click Upgrade and then reboot the device, or clickUpgrade & Reboot.6. If you are upgrading the device with Text Based Configuration file, click Upload and then click Apply.7. If you are upgrading the device with Config profile file then click Upload and then reboot the device, or click Apply& Reboot.: It is recommended not to navigate away from the upgrade screen, while the upgrade is in progress.6.2.5 Upgrade LicenseYou can upgrade the license file on the device either through HTTP or TFTP. Refer   section formore details. Upgrade License via HTTPTo upgrade the license using HTTP, do the following:1. Navigate to MANAGEMENT > File Management > Upgrade License > HTTP.
ManagementTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  203Figure 6-11 Upgrade License via HTTP2. In the HTTP screen, click Browse to locate the license upgrade(.bin) file to be loaded on the device.3. Click Upgrade button to upgrade the license on the device and then reboot the device. Upgrade License via TFTPTo upgrade the license file using TFTP Server, do the following:1. Navigate to MANAGEMENT > File Management > Update License > TFTP. Figure 6-12 Upgrade License via TFTP2. Based on the IP mode, configure either IPv4 or IPv6 address as TFTP Server address. 3. Enter the name of the file (including the file extension) that has to be loaded on the device, in the File Name box.4. Click Upgrade button to upgrade the license on the device and then reboot the device. :Upgrade license can be done through CLI/Web Interface/SNMP. It is applicable only to MP-820-BSU-100, MP-820-SUA-50+, MP-825-SUR-50+, and QB-825-LNK-50+ devices.
ManagementTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  2046.2.6 Retrieve From DeviceThe Retrieve From Device tab allows you to retrieve logs, config files, and license info from the device either through HTTPor TFTP. Retrieve from Device via HTTPTo retrieve files from the device by using HTTP, do the following:1. Navigate to MANAGEMENT > File Management > Retrieve from Device > HTTP. Figure 6-13 Retrieve Files via HTTP2. Select the type of file that you want to retrieve from the device from the File Type drop down box. The files may varydepending on your device. The File Types are: a. Configb. Event Logc. Temperature Logd. Text Based Template Confige. Debug Logf. Config Profileg. License InfoThe Config Profile is used for replicating the configuration of a master device on to other similar devices by excluding the unique parameters like System information, IP configuration, Ethernet configuration, Wireless configuration based on the selection By default, System Information and IP Configuration parameters are excluded. On selecting config profile type the following screen appears:
ManagementTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  205Figure 6-14 Retrieve Config Profile File via HTTPAfter excluding the unique parameters, click Create Profile for creating the profile and then click Retrieve. When the retrieved configuration profile file is loaded on target devices, the target devices will come up with configuration of the master device except the excluded parameters. The excluded parameters are retained as configured on the target device.: Config Profile is applicable only to the compatible devices.3. Click Retrieve. Based on the selected file, the following Download screen appears. Figure 6-15 Download Screen4. Right-click the Download link and select Save Target As or Save Link As to save the file to the desired location.
ManagementTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  2066.2.6.2 TFTP RetrieveTo retrieve files from the device by using TFTP, do the following:1. Navigate to MANAGEMENT > File Management > Retrieve from Device > TFTP. Figure 6-16 Retrieve Files via TFTP2. Based on the IP mode, configure either IPv4 or IPv6 address as TFTP Server address. 3. Enter the name of the file (including the file extension) that has to be retrieved from the device, in the File Name box.4. Select the file type that you want to retrieve from the device, from the File Type drop down box. The file types are:a. Configb. Event Logc. Temperature Logd. Text Based Template Confige. Debug Logf. Config Profileg. License InfoThe Config Profile is used for replicating the configuration of a master device on to other similar devices by excluding the unique parameters like System information, IP configuration, Ethernet configuration, Wireless configuration based on the selection. By default, System Information and IP Configuration parameters are excluded. On selecting config profile type the following screen appears:
ManagementTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  207Figure 6-17 Retrieve Config Profile File via TFTPAfter excluding the unique parameters, click Create Profile for creating the profile and then click Retrieve. When the retrieved configuration profile file is loaded on the target devices, the target devices will come up with configuration of the master device except the excluded parameters. The excluded parameters are retained as configured on the target device.5. Click Retrieve. The retrieved file can be found in the TFTP Server folder.Config Profile is applicable only to the compatible devices.When the device is running with default factory settings, there is no Binary Configuration file present and hence it cannot be retrieved.Similarly, the Text Based Template Configuration file does not exist if it is not generated from the CLI.You can retrieve Event Logs only when they are generated by the device.Retrieval of license info file (CLI/Web Interface/SNMP) is supported only by MP-820-BSU-100, MP-820-SUA-50+, MP-825-SUR-50+, and QB-825-LNK-50+ devices.For more information on license upgrade, refer   and   sections.6.3 ServicesThe Services tab lets you configure the HTTP/HTTPS, Telnet/SSH and SNMP interface parameters.6.3.1 HTTP/HTTPSTo configure HTTP/HTTPS interface parameters, navigate to MANAGEMENT > Services > HTTP / HTTPS.
ManagementTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  208Figure 6-18 HTTP/HTTPS Given below is the table which explains HTTP/HTTPS parameters and the method to configure the configurable parameter(s). Parameter DescriptionAdmin Password By default, the Administrator password to access HTTP/HTTPS interface is public. For security reasons, it is recommended to change the default password. The password should be alphanumeric with minimum of 6 and maximum of 32 characters. : The following special characters are not allowed in the password:             - = \ “ ‘ ? / spaceMonitor Password The Administrator user has the privilege to change the Monitor user password. By default, the Monitor user password to access HTTP/HTTPS interface is public. For security reasons it is recommended to change the default password. The password should be alphanumeric with minimum of 6 and maximum of 32 characters. : The following special characters are not allowed in the password:             - = \ “ ‘ ? / spaceHTTP By default, a user can manage the device through Web Interface. To prevent access to the device through Web Interface, select Disable. HTTP Port Represents the HTTP port to manage the device through Web Interface. By default, the HTTP port is 80.
ManagementTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  209After configuring the required parameters, click OK, COMMIT and then REBOOT.6.3.2 Telnet/SSHTo configure Telnet/SSH interface parameters, navigate to MANAGEMENT > Services > Telnet / SSH.Figure 6-19 Telnet/SSHHTTPS By default, a user can manage the device through Web Interface over secure socket Layer (HTTPS). To prevent access to the device through HTTPS, select Disable. : The password configuration for HTTPS is same as configured for HTTP.Parameter Description
ManagementTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  210Given below is the table which explains Telnet/SSH parameters and the method to configure the configurable parameter(s):After configuring the required parameters, click OK, COMMIT and then REBOOT.Parameter DescriptionAdmin Password By default, the Administrator password to access Telnet/SSH interface is public. For security reasons, it is recommended to change the default password. The password should be alphanumeric with minimum of 6 and maximum of 32 characters. : The following special characters are not allowed in the password:            - = \ “ ‘ ? / spaceMonitor Password The Administrator user has the privilege to change the Monitor user password. By default, the Monitor user password to access Telnet/SSH interface is public. For security reasons it is recommended to change the default password. The password should be alphanumeric with minimum of 6 and maximum of 32 characters. : The following special characters are not allowed in the password:             - = \ “ ‘ ? / spaceTelnet By default, a user can manage the device through Telnet. To prevent access to the device through Telnet, select Disable. Telnet Port Represents the port to manage the device using Telnet. By default, the Telnet port is 23. Telnet Sessions The number of Telnet sessions which controls the number of active Telnet connections. A user is restricted to configure a maximum of 3 Telnet sessions. By default, the number of Telnet sessions allowed is 2.SSH By default, a user can manage the device through SSH. To prevent access to the device through SSH, select Disable. SSH Port Represents the port to manage the device using Secure Shell. By default, the Secure Shell port is 22. SSH Sessions Represents the number of SSH sessions which controls the number of active SSH connections. A user is restricted to configure a maximum of 3 SSH sessions. By default, the number of SSH sessions allowed is 1.: The total number of CLI sessions allowed is 3, so the sum of Telnet and SSH sessions cannot be more than 3. For example, if you configure the number of Telnet sessions as 2, then the number of SSH sessions can only be a value 0 or 1.
ManagementTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  2116.3.3 SNMPTo configure SNMP interface parameters, navigate to MANAGEMENT > Services > SNMP.Figure 6-20 SNMPv1-v2c
ManagementTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  212Figure 6-21 SNMPv3Given below is the table which explains SNMP parameters and the method to configure the configurable parameter(s):Parameter DescriptionSNMP By default, the user has the access to manage the device through SNMP Interface. To prevent access to the device through SNMP, select Disable. : Any change in the SNMP status will affect the Network Management System access.Version Allows you to configure the SNMP version. The supported SNMP versions are v1-v2c and v3. By default, the SNMP version is v1-v2c. SNMP v1-v2c Specific Parameters Read Password Represents the read only community string used in SNMP Protocol. It is sent along with each SNMP GET / WALK / GETNEXT / GETBULK request to allow or deny access to the device. This password should be same as read password set in the NMS or MIB browser. The default password is “public”. The password should be of minimum 6 and maximum 32 characters.
ManagementTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  213After configuring the required parameters, click OK, COMMIT and then REBOOT.: The following special characters are not allowed in the password:             - = \ “ ‘ ? / spaceRead/Write Password Represents the read-write community string used in SNMP Protocol. It is sent along with each SNMP GET / WALK / GETNEXT / SET request to allow or deny access to the device. This password should be same as read-write password set in the NMS or MIB browser. The default password is “public”. The password should be of minimum 6 and maximum 32 characters.: The following special characters are not allowed in the password:             - = \ “ ‘ ? / spaceSNMP v3 Specific Parameters Security level The supported security levels for the device are AuthNoPriv and AuthPriv. Select AuthNoPriv for Extensible Authentication or AuthPriv for both Authentication and Privacy (Encryption). Priv Protocol Applicable only when the Security Level is set to AuthPriv.Represents the type of privacy (or encryption) protocol. Select the encryption standard as either AES-128 (Advanced Encryption Standard) or DES (Data Encryption Standard). The default Priv Protocol is AES-128.: The following special characters are not allowed in the password:             - = \ “ ‘ ? / spacePriv Password Applicable only when the Security Level is set to AuthPriv.Represents the pass key for the selected Privacy protocol. The default password is public123. The password should be of minimum 8 and maximum 32 characters.: The following special characters are not allowed in the password:             - = \ “ ‘ ? / spaceAuth Protocol Represents the type of Authentication protocol. Select the encryption standard as either SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm) or MD5 (Message-Digest algorithm). The default Auth Protocol is SHA. Auth Password Represents the pass key for the selected Authentication protocol. The default password is public123. The password should be of minimum 8 and maximum 32 characters.Parameter Description
ManagementTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  2146.3.3.1 SNMP Trap Host TableThe  SNMP  Trap  Host  table  allows  you  to  add  a  maximum  of  5  Trap  server’s  IP  address  to  which  the  SNMP  traps  will  bedelivered. By default, the SNMP traps are delivered to The default SNMP Trap Host Table entry cannot be deleted.To  add  entries  to  the  Trap  Host  Table,  click  Add  in  the  Services  screen.  The  SNMP  Trap  Host  Table  Add  Row  screenappears:Figure 6-22 Add Entries to SNMP Host TableConfigure the following parameters:IP Address:  Based on the IP mode, enter the IPv4  or IPv6 address of the  Trap  server to which SNMP traps will bedelivered.            : IPv6 address should be the global IP address and not the link local IP address.Password: Type the password to authenticate the Trap Server. The following special characters are not allowed in thepassword: - = \ “ ‘ ? /  space                  : Applicable only to SNMP v1-v2c. Comment: Type comments, if any.Entry Status: Select the entry status as either Enable or Disable. If enabled, the device will send SNMP traps to theauthenticated Trap Server.After configuring the required parameters, click Add and then COMMIT. Edit SNMP Trap Host TableEdit the desired SNMP Trap Host Table entries and click OK, COMMIT and then REBOOT.
ManagementTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  2156.3.4 LogsThe device supports two types of log mechanisms:1. Event Log: Based on the configured event log priority, all the log messages are logged and used for any analysis. This log messages remain until they are cleared by the user.2. Syslog: They are similar to Event logs except that they are cleared on device reboot.To configure Event log and Syslog priority, navigate to MANAGEMENT > Services > Logs. The following screen appears:Figure 6-23 LogsEvent Log Priority: By default, the priority is set to Notice. You can configure the event log priority as one of thefollowing:– Emergency– Alert– Critical– Error– Warning– Notice– Info– DebugPlease note that the priorities are listed in the order of their severity, where Emergency takes the highest severity andDebug  the  lowest.  When  the  log  priority  is configured as high, all the logs with low priority are also logged. Forexample, if Event Log Priority is set to Notice, then the device will log all logs with priorities Notice, Warning, Error,Critical, Alert and Emergency.Syslog Status: By default, Syslog Status is enabled  and default priority is Critical. If desired,  you can choose todisable.Syslog Priority: Configuration is same as Event Log Priority.After configuring the required parameters, click OK and then COMMIT.
ManagementTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  2166.3.4.1 Configure a Remote Syslog hostConfigure a syslog host (server) in order to forward syslog messages to it. : You can configure only one syslog host.Follow the following steps to configure a remote syslog host:1. Click Add in the Syslog Host Table screen. The Syslog Host Table Add Row screen appears:Figure 6-24 Syslog Host Table Add Row2. IP Address: Based on the IP mode, enter IPv4 or IPv6 address of the Syslog host.            : IPv6 address should be the global IP address and not the link local IP address.3. Host Port: Represents the port on which the Syslog host listens to the log messages sent by the device. The defaultport is 514.              : The user must configure the correct port number on which the Syslog host is running. Choice of port number must be in line with the standards for port number assignments defined by Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).4. Comments: Types comments, if any.5. Click Add. The syslog host is added to the Syslog Host Table.
ManagementTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  217Figure 6-25 Syslog Host ConfiguredFor some reason, if the configured syslog host parameters are changed then you can edit it directly in the Syslog Host Tableentry. You can change the following parameters:IP AddressPortHost CommentsEntry Status: –Enable: By default, the configured Syslog host is enabled on the device.–Disable: To disable an entry in the Syslog Host Table, click Disable.–Delete: To delete the configured Syslog host, click Delete.After doing the necessary changes, click OK followed by COMMIT.6.4 Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP)Proxim’s  point-to-multipoint  and  point-to-point  devices  are  furnished  with  Simple  Network  Time  Protocol  (SNTP)  Clientsoftware that enables to synchronize device’s time with the network time servers. The SNTP Client when enabled on the device(s), sends an NTP (Network Time Protocol) request to the configured time servers.Upon receiving the NTP response, it decodes the response and sets the received date and time on the device after adjustingthe time zone and day light saving.In case, the time servers are not available, then users also have the option to manually set the date and time on the device.To  synchronize device’s time  with  time  servers  or  manually  set the  time,  navigate  to MANAGEMENT  >  SNTP. The  SNTPscreen appears:
ManagementTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  218Figure 6-26 Time Synchronization Given below is the table which explains SNTP parameters and the method to configure the configurable parameter(s):Parameter DescriptionEnable SNTP Status Select this parameter to enable SNTP Client on the device. If enabled, the SNTP Client tries to synchronize the device’s time with the configured time servers.By default, the SNTP status is disabled.Primary Server IP Address/Domain NameEnter the host name, or the IP address based on IP modes (IPv4 only or IPv4 and IPv6) of the primary SNTP time server. The SNTP Client tries to synchronize device’s time with the configured primary server time.: If host name is configured, instead of IP address then make sure that DNS server IP is configured on the device.IPv6 address should be the global IP address and not the link local IP address. Secondary Server IP Address/Domain NameEnter the host name, or the IP address based on IP modes (IPv4 only or IPv4 and IPv6) of the secondary SNTP time server. If the primary server is not reachable, then SNTP client tries to synchronize device’s time with the secondary server time.:If the SNTP client is not able to sychronize the time with both the servers (primary and secondary), then it tries to synchronize again after every one minute.IPv6 address should be the global IP address and not the link local IP address.
ManagementTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  219To save the configured parameters, click OK and then COMMIT.6.5 Access ControlThe Access Control tab enables you to control the device management access through specified host(s). You can specify amaximum of five hosts to control device management access.To configure management access control parameters, navigate to MANAGEMENT > Access Control. The ManagementAccess Control screen appears:Time Zone Configure the time zone from the available list. This configured time zone is considered before setting the time, received from the time servers, on the device.Day Light Saving Time Configure the Day Light Saving time from the available list. This configured Day Light Saving time is considered before setting the time, received from the time servers, on the device.ReSync Interval Set ReSync time interval ranging from 0 to 1440 minutes. Once the time is synchronized, the SNTP Client tries to resynchronize with the time servers after every set time interval. By default, the ReSync interval is set to 60 minutes.Sync Status Specifies the SNTP Client sync status when it tries to ReSync again with the time servers. The status is as follows: Disabled: The SNTP client will not synchronize the time with the time servers and displays the status as Disabled.Synchronizing: The SNTP client is in the process of synchronzing time with the time servers. Synchronized: The SNTP client has synchronized time with the time servers.Current Date/Time Displays the current date and time. If SNTP is enabled, it displays the time the device received from the SNTP server. If SNTP is not enabled, then it displays the time manually set by the user.Manual Time ConfigurationIf SNTP Client is disabled on the device or the time servers are not available on the network, then the user can manually set the time. Enter the time manually in the format: MM-DD-YYYY HH:MM:SS.: Manual time configuration is not retained across reboots. After every reboot the user has to set the time again.Over a period of time, with manual time configuration, the device may lag behind the actual time. So, it is recommended to periodically check and adjust the time.Parameter Description
ManagementTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  220Figure 6-27 Management Access ControlBy default,  the  Management  Access Control feature is disabled on the device. To enable, select Enable  from the AccessTable Status box and click OK. Reboot the device, for the changes to take effect. : Only when the Access Table Status is enabled, you can add host(s) to the Management Access Control Table. Add Host(s) to Management Access Control TableTo add a host to the Management Access Control Table, do the following:1. Click Add in the Management Access Control screen. The Management Access Table Add Row screen appears:Figure 6-28 Management Access Table Add Row2. IP  Address:  Based  on  the  IP  mode,  configure  either  IPv4  or  IPv6  address  of  the  host  that  controls  the  devicemanagement access.3. Entry  Status:  By  default,  the  entry  status  is  enabled  meaning  which  the  specified  host  can  control  the  devicemanagement  access.  Edit  the  status  to  Disable,  if  you  do  not  want  the  host  to  control  the  device  managementaccess.4. Click Add.: If MAC ACL is enabled, configure at least one entry in the Management Access Table with the IP address (of the PC or the management station), in order to manage the device. Edit Management Access Control Table EntriesEdit the desired host entries and click OK, COMMIT and then REBOOT.
ManagementTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  2216.6 Reset to FactoryThe Reset to Factory tab allows you to reset the device to its factory default state. When this operation is performed, thedevice will reboot automatically and comes up with default configurations.To reset the device to its factory defaults, navigate to MANAGEMENT > Reset To Factory. The Factory Reset screen appears:Figure 6-29 Reset to Factory DefaultsClick OK, if you wish to proceed with factory reset, else click Cancel.6.7 Convert QB to MPThe Convert QB to MP tab lets you convert a QB to SU so that the converted device can connect to a BSU and operate as aSU.This feature is applicable only to,QB-8100-EPA which converts to a MP-8100-SUA QB-8150-EPR which converts to a MP-8150-SURQB-8150-EPR-100 which converts to a MP-8150-SUR-100QB-8200-EPA which converts to a MP-8200-SUAQB-8250-EPR which converts to a MP-8250-SURQB-8151-EPR which converts to a SUQB-825-EPR-50 which converts to a MP-825-CPE-50QB-825-EPR-50+ which converts to a MP-825-SUR-50+You can convert a QB to SU mode by using two methods:Method 1: Web InterfaceMethod 2: Load an SU config file (retrieved from another SU) onto the QB device and then reboot.: Even after conversion from QB to MP, the device description still shows as QB.
ManagementTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  222To convert a QB to SU using Web Interface, do the following:1. Navigate to MANAGEMENT > Convert QB to MP. The Convert QB to MP screen appears:Figure 6-30 Convert QB to MP2. Click OK.3. Reboot the device for the changes to take effect.:A QB after converting to SU will function in SU mode only. It will accept only MP firmware for upgrade.The version of the firmware being upgraded to should be 2.4.0 or later. If earlier version of the firmware is loaded, the device will reset to factory default upon initialization and operate in QB mode.When upgrading a converted device from Bootloader, it must be done using a QB image, as the device is licensed as QB.The conversion of the device from QB to SU requires a reboot.In case of Method 1 (Web Interface) conversion, QB mode configuration will be deleted.Reset to factory defaults, always results in the device initializing in QB mode.
Tsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  223MonitorThis  chapter  contains  information  on  how  to  monitor  the  device by using  Web  interface.  It  contains  information  on  thefollowing:  7.1 SystemThe System tab enables to view system specific information such as LED/RSSI Display.: 'RSSI LED' feature is applicable only to 82x devices.To view LED/RSSI Display, navigate to MONITOR > System. The LED/RSSI Display screen appears:Figure 7-1 LED/RSSI DisplayWhen the link is established, Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) LEDs on the scaling mask glow. Scaling mask LEDsindicate the received signal strength of the link. The more LEDs on the scaling mask glow, better is the signal. To  select  the  LED  Display  Status,  navigate  to Advanced  Configuration  > System.  By  default,  RSSI  Display  mode  isenabled, if required the user can select the Disable (LEDs Off) mode. In Disable (LEDs Off) mode, all the 5 LEDs will be off.– The LED behavior in RSSI Display mode is given below: By default all the 5 LEDs will blink for an interval of 1 second to indicate the device is UP.For a BSU, in order to monitor the SU link statistics, the user should first configure the wireless MAC address ofthe SU. If the configured SU is registered with the BSU, then the LEDs will glow based on the RSSI value else allthe 5 LEDs will blink.
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  224For a SU, if the SU is registered with the BSU, then the LEDs will glow based on the RSSI value else all the 5 LEDswill blink.For a CPE, if the CPE is registered with the BSU, then the LEDs will glow based on the RSSI value else all the 5 LEDswill blink.For  QB,  if  EndPointA  is  registered  with  EndPointB,  then  the  LEDs  will  glow  based  on  the  RSSI  value  of  eachEndPoint. else all the 5 LEDs will blink.7.2 Interface StatisticsInterface Statistics allows you to monitor the status and performance of the Ethernet and Wireless interfaces of the device.7.2.1 Ethernet StatisticsTo view the Ethernet interface statistics, click MONITOR > Interface Statistics. The Interface Statistics screen appears:Figure 7-2 Ethernet Interface StatisticsTo view Ethernet statistics, click Ethernet 1 or Ethernet 2 depending on the Ethernet interfaces supported by your device. Given below is the table which explains the parameters displayed in the Ethernet Statistics screen:Parameter DescriptionMTU Specifies the largest size of the data packet received or sent on the Ethernet interface.The MTU size varies from 1500 to 1514 depending on the MTU configuration (See ).MAC Address Specifies the MAC address at the Ethernet protocol layer.Operational Status Specifies the current operational state of the Ethernet interface. In Octets Specifies the total number of octets received on the Ethernet interface.
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  225To view the updated Ethernet statistics, click Refresh.To delete the Ethernet statistics, click Clear.In Unicast Packets Specifies the number of subnetwork- unicast packets delivered to the higher level protocol.In Non-unicast Packets Specifies the number of non-unicast subnetwork packets delivered to the higher level protocol.In Errors Specifies the number of inbound packets that contained errors and are restricted from being delivered.Out Octets Specifies the total number of octets transmitted out from the Ethernet interface.Out Packets Specifies the total number of packets requested by the higher level protocol and then, transmitted.Out Discards Specifies the number of error-free outbound packets chosen to be discarded to prevent them from being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.Out Errors Specifies the number of outbound packets that are not transmitted because of errors.Parameter Description
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  2267.2.2 Wireless StatisticsTo view the Wireless interface statistics, click MONITOR > Interface Statistics > Wireless1.Figure 7-3 Wireless Interface StatisticsGiven below is the table which explains the parameters displayed in the Wireless statistics screen:Parameter DescriptionMTU Specifies the largest size of the data packet received or sent on the wireless interface.The MTU size can range from 350 to 3808 bytes for High throughput modes and 350 to 2304 bytes for legacy mode. The default and maximum value of the WORP MTU is 3808 bytes for higher throughput and 2304 bytes for legacy mode.MAC Address Specifies the MAC address at the wireless protocol layer.Operational Status Specifies the current operational state of the wireless interface. In Octets Specifies the total number of octets received on the wireless interface.In Packets Specifies the number of packets delivered to the higher level protocol.
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  227To view the updated Wireless statistics, click Refresh.To delete the Wireless statistics, click Clear.7.2.3 PPPoE Statistics : Applicable only to an SU in Routing mode.To view PPPoE interface statistics, navigate to MONITOR > Interface Statistics > PPPoE > PPP Interface Stats. In Errors Specifies the number of inbound packets that contained errors and are restricted from being delivered.Out Octets Specifies the total number of octets transmitted out from the wireless interface.Out Packets Specifies the total number of packets requested by the higher level protocol and then, transmitted.Out Discards Specifies the number of error-free outbound packets chosen to be discarded to prevent them from being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.Out Errors Specifies the number of outbound packets that are not transmitted because of errors.Retunes Specifies the number of times the radio is re-tuned for better performance of the device.Max Tx Power Indicates the maximum power that the radio can radiate. SNR StatisticsSNR Statistics represents the signal strength with regard to the noise at the antenna ports.Antenna Specifies the antenna ports available for the product. Please note that the antenna ports vary depending on the product.Status Specifies the configuration status of the antenna ports. ON indicates that antenna port is enabled and OFF indicates that antenna port is disabled. Control Specifies the SNR value of the packet received at the selected channel frequency. Extension This parameter is applicable only to the 40 MHz modes, that is, 40 PLUS and 40 Minus.It specifies the SNR value of the packet received on the extension channel (20MHz). Rx Error DetailsDecrypt Errors This parameter is applicable only if security is enabled. It indicates the number of received packets that failed to decrypt.CRC Errors Specifies the number of received packets with invalid CRC.PHY Errors Specifies the total Rx PHY Errors. It generally indicates the interference in the wireless medium.Parameter Description
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  228Figure 7-4 PPPoE Interface StatisticsThe PPPoE interface parameters are same as the Ethernet interface parameters. Please note that if a link is not establishedbetween a PPPoE client and server, then the device displays the following message.Figure 7-5 PPPoE Server - No Link EstablishedTo view the updated PPPoE interface statistics, click Refresh. Please note that for every 4 seconds, the interface statistics getsrefreshed.To view the PPPoE connection status such as the number of attempts made to start a session between PPPoE client and server,and the number of attempts failed to establish a connection, click PPPoE Connection Stats.Figure 7-6 PPPoE Connection Statistics
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  229To view updated connection statistics, click Refresh.To restart the session between the PPPoE client and server, click Restart PPPoE Session. On successfully re-establishing asession, the IP address of the wireless interface will be assigned again by the PPPoE server, if Address Type is set to PPPoE-ipcp.To clear the existing connection statistics, click Clear.7.2.4 IP Tunnels : Applicable only in Routing Mode.To  view  IP  Tunnels  interface  statistics,  click  MONITOR  >  Interface  Statistics  >  IP  Tunnels.  The  following  IP  TunnelInterface Statistics screen appears:Figure 7-7 IP Tunnels Interface StatisticsGiven below is an explanation to each of these parameters:Parameter DescriptionName Specifies the tunnel interface name.Alias Specifies the supplementary tunnel interface name.Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU)Specifies the largest size packet or frame that can be sent over the tunnel interface. The MTU of the tunnel interface is derived from the underlying interface:For IP-IP tunnel interface: MTU = Underlying interface MTU – 20 bytes (IP header)For IP-GRE interface: MTU = Underlying interface MTU – 24 bytes (IP header + gre protocol)Operational Status The Operational Status indicates only the tunnel interface status. The status can be either UP or DOWN.: For the tunnel to function correctly both ends should be configured correctly.
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  2307.3 WORP Statistics7.3.1 General StatisticsWORP General Statistics provides general statistics about the WORP.To view General Statistics, navigate to MONITOR > WORP  Statistics > Interface 1 >  General Statistics.  The followingWORP General Statistics screen appears. Details Provides a more detailed statistics about the tunnel interface. To view the detailed statistics, click  . Figure 7-8 Detailed IP Tunnels Interface StatisticsThe detailed tunnel interface parameters are similar to the Ethernet Interface Statistics. Please refer to  .Parameter Description
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  231Figure 7-9 WORP General Statistics (SU/End Point A/End Point B)Figure 7-10 WORP General Statistics (BSU)
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  2327.3.1.1 Basic StatisticsGiven below is an explanation to the basic parameters:Parameter DescriptionInterface Type Specifies the type of radio interface.WORP Protocol VersionSpecifies the version of the WORP Protocol used. This information is useful to the customer support team for debugging purpose only.WORP Data MessagesSpecifies the sent or received data frames through wireless interface.Poll Data Refers to the number of polls with data messages sent or received.Poll No Data Refers to the number of polls with no data messages sent or received.Reply Data Refers to the number of poll replies with data messages sent or received.Reply More Data Refers to the number of poll replies with more data messages sent or received.Reply No Data Refers to the number of poll replies with no data messages sent or received.Poll No Replies Refers to the number of times the poll messages are sent by a BSU/End Point A and received no reply from SU/End Point B. This parameter is applicable only to a BSU.Data Transmission StatisticsSpecifies the number of transmissions occurred through the interface.Send Success Refers to the number of data messages sent and acknowledged by the peer successfully.Send Retries Refers to the number of data messages that are re-transmitted and acknowledged by the peer successfully.Send Failures Refers to the number of data messages that are not acknowledged by the peer even after the specified number of retransmissions.Receive Success Refers to the number of data messages received and acknowledged successfully.Receive Retries Refers to the number of successfully received re-transmitted data messages.Receive Failures Refers to the number of data messages that were not received successfully.Registration DetailsSpecifies the status of the entire registration process.Remote Partners Refers to the number of remote partners. For an SU/End Point A/End Point B, the number of remote partners is always zero or one.Announcements Refers to the number of Announcement messages sent or received on WORP interface.Request For Service Refers to the number of requests for service messages sent or received.Registration Requests Refers to the number of registration request messages sent or received on WORP interface.Registration Rejects Refers to the number of registration reject messages sent or received on WORP interface.Authentication RequestsRefers to the number of authentication request messages sent or received on WORP interface.
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  233: For better results, the Send Failure or Send Retrieve must be low in comparison to Send Success. The same applies for Receive Retries or Receive Failure. Click Clear to delete existing general statistics. Click Refresh to view updated WORP general statistics. Advanced StatisticsAdvanced statistics is applicable only to the BSU. The Advanced Statistics screen displays the wireless transmission valuesused by the BSU to send announcement and broadcast messages.Figure 7-11 WORP Advanced StatisticsGiven below is an explanation to the advanced parameters:Authentication ConfirmsRefers to the number of authentication confirm messages sent or received on WORP interface.Registration Attempts Refers to the number of times a registration attempt has been initiated.Registration IncompletesRefers to the number of registration attempts that are not yet completed.Registration Timeouts Refers to the number of times the registration procedure timed out.Registration Last ReasonRefers to the reason for the last registration getting aborted or failed.Parameter DescriptionTx Rate Displays the Data Transmission Rate used by the BSU.Data Stream Displays the Data Streams used by the BSU.Parameter Description
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  234Click Refresh to view updated WORP advanced statistics.7.3.2 Link Statistics SU / End Point B Link Statistics : SU Link Statistics is applicable only to a BSU, and End Point B Link Statistics is applicable only to a End Point A device.SU  Link  statistics  provides  information  about  the  SUs  connected  to  a  BSU.  Similarly,  End  Point  B  Link  Statistics  providesinformation about an End Point B currently connected to an End Point A device.To view link statistics, navigate to MONITOR > WORP Statistics > Interface 1 > SU Link Statistics.Figure 7-12 An Example - SU Link Statistics (For 82x Devices)TPC Displays the TPC value currently applied by the device to adjust the transmit power radiated by the radio. EIRP Displays the current EIRP that a radio antenna radiates (after applying the TPC).Power Displays the current transmit power radiated by the radio (after applying the TPC).Tx Antenna Ports Indicates the status of the antenna ports at the BSU end.Parameter Description
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  235Figure 7-13 An Example - SU Link Statistics (For All Devices)Given below is an explanation to each of these parameters:Parameter DescriptionSU Name/End Point B NameRepresents the name of the SU/End Point B connected to a BSU/End Point A respectively.MAC Address Represents the MAC address of the SU/End Point B connected to a BSU/End Point A respectively.Local Tx Rate (Mbps) Represents the data transmission rate at the local (current device) end.Remote Tx Rate (Mbps)Represents the data transmission rate at the remote (peer) end.Local Antenna Port InfoIndicates the status of the antenna ports at the local end. The following symbols indicate the status of the antenna ports.Local Tx Antenna Port InfoIndicates the status of the antenna ports at the transmitting end. The following symbols indicate the status of the antenna ports.Local Rx Antenna Port InfoIndicates the status of the antenna ports at the receiving end. The following symbols indicate the status of the antenna ports.Indicates the antenna port is disabled.Indicates the antenna port is enabled and signal is present.Indicates the antenna port is disabled.Indicates the antenna port is enabled and signal is present.Indicates the antenna port is disabled.Indicates the antenna port is enabled and signal is present.
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  236Click Refresh to view updated link statistics.To  view  detailed  SU/End  Point  B  Link  statistics,  click  Details  icon    in  the  SU/End  Point  B  Link  Statistics  screen.  Thefollowing screen appears depending on your device:Local Signal (dBm) Represents the signal level with which the device at the local end receives frames from the device at the remote end, through wireless medium.Local Noise (dBm) Represents the noise measured at the local end antenna ports.Local SNR (dB) Represents the SNR measured by the receiver at the local end and is based on the Local Signal and Local Noise.Remote Rx Antenna Port InfoIndicates the status of the remote end antenna ports. The antenna ports status is same as explained in Local Antenna Port Info.Remote Signal (dBm) Represents the signal level with which the device at the remote end receives frames, through wireless medium.Remote Noise (dBm) Represents the noise measured at the remote end antenna ports.Remote SNR (dB) Represents the SNR measured by the receiver at the remote end and is based on the Remote Signal and Remote Noise.Current Tx Power (dBm)TPC: Displays the TPC value currently applied by the device to adjust the transmit power radiated by the radio antenna. : For a given data rate, if the configured TPC value is greater than the maximum transmit power supported by the radio then maximum transmit power supported by radio value is applied.EIRP: Displays the current EIRP that a radio antenna radiates (after applying the TPC).Power: Displays the current transmit power radiated by the radio (after applying the TPC).Parameter Description
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  237Figure 7-14 An Example - SU Detailed StatisticsThe detailed page displays Remote SNR information,  that is, the Minimum  Required SNR  and the Maximum Optimal SNRvalue for a given data rate or modulation, to achieve optimal throughput. To disconnect an SU/End Point B from BSU/End Point A respectively, click Disconnect.To view updated detailed statistics, click Refresh.To view local SNR table, click Click here for Local SNR-Table on the upper-right of SU/End Point B Link Statistics screen(Refer  ). The following screen appears depending on your device:
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  238Figure 7-15 An Example - Local SNR InformationThese configured values are used by ATPC and DDRS to derive TPC and data rate for optimal throughput. BSU/End Point A Link Statistics : BSU Link Statistics is applicable only to an SU, and End Point A Link Statistics is applicable only to an End Point B device.BSU  Link  statistics  provides  information  about  the  BSU  to  which  SUs  are  connected.  Similarly,  End  Point  A  Link  Statisticsprovides information about an End Point A currently linked to an End Point B device.
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  239Figure 7-16 An Example - BSU Link Statistics (For 82x Devices)Figure 7-17 An Example - BSU Link Statistics (For All Devices)To access the Radio Link Test Tool, navigate to MONITOR > WORP Statistics > Interface 1 > SU/BSU Link Statistics >Details. Click  . The SU/BSU WORP Detailed Statistics screen appears. In this screen, click the Radio Link Test button.For detailed description of this tool, refer  .7.3.3 QoS Statistics (BSU or End Point A Only): This parameter is applicable only to BSU or End Point A radio modes.To  view  QoS  Statistics,  navigate  to  MONITOR  >  WORP  Statistics  >  Interface  1  >  QoS  Statistics.  The  following  QoSSummary screen appears.
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  240Figure 7-18 QoS SummaryThis  screen  shows  the  total,  minimum  and  maximum  bandwidth  allocated  per  BSU/End  Point  A,  and  the  minimum  andmaximum bandwidth allocated for each SU/End Point B registered with the BSU/End Point A respectively.7.4 Active VLAN: Active VLAN is applicable only to a device in SU (Bridge) mode.The Active VLAN page enables you to identify the VLAN Configuration mode applied on a device in SU mode.To view active VLAN applied on the device in SU  mode, navigate to MONITOR > Active VLAN. The  Active  VLAN pageappears:Figure 7-19 Active VLANThe Active VLAN Config parameter helps you to identify the current VLAN configuration applied on the device in SU mode.Local: VLAN configuration is done locally from the device.Remote: VLAN configuration is done through RADIUS Server.
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  241This page also displays the VLAN parameters and their values that are configured either locally or remotely.To  view  active  VLAN  Ethernet  Configuration,  navigate  to  MONITOR  >  Active  VLAN  >  Ethernet.  The  Active  VLANEthernet Configuration page appears:Figure 7-20 Active VLAN Ethernet ConfigurationThis page displays the VLAN Ethernet parameters and their values that are configured either locally or remotely.: Please note that the number of Ethernets vary depending on the device.7.5 Bridge7.5.1 Bridge StatisticsThe Bridge Statistics allows you to monitor the statistics of the Bridge.To view the Bridge Statistics, navigate to MONITOR > Bridge > Bridge Statistics. The following Bridge Statistics screenappears:
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  242Figure 7-21 Bridge StatisticsThe following table lists the parameters and their descriptionParameter  DescriptionDescription This parameter provides a description about the bridge.MTU Represents the largest size of the data packet sent on the bridge.MAC Address Represents the MAC address at the bridge protocol layer.Operational Status Represents the current operational status of the bridge: UP (ready to pass packets) or DOWN (not ready to pass packets).In Octets Represents the total number of octets received on the bridge interface, including the framing characters.In Unicast Packets Represents the number of unicast subnetwork packets delivered to the higher level protocol.In Non-unicast Packets Represents the number of non-unicast subnetwork packets delivered to the higher level protocol.In Errors Represents the number of inbound packets with errors and that are restricted from being delivered.Out Octets Represents the total number of octets transmitted out of the bridge, including the framing characters.Out Packets Represents the total number of packets requested by higher-level protocols to be transmitted out of the bridge interface to a sub-network address, including those that were discarded or not sent. Out Discards Represents the number of error-free outbound packets which are discarded to prevent them from being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  243To view updated Bridge statistics, click Refresh.To clear the Bridge statistics, click Clear.7.5.2 Learn Table Learn Table allows you to view all the MAC addresses that the device has learnt on all of its interfaces. To view Learn Table statistics, navigate to MONITOR > Bridge > Learn Table. The Learn Table screen appears.Figure 7-22  Learn TableThe Learn Table displays the MAC address of the learnt device, the bridge port number, aging timer for each device learnt onan interface, and the local (DUT's local interfaces)/remote (learned entries through bridging) status of the learnt device.To view updated learn table statistics, click Refresh.To clear learn table statistics, click Clear.7.6 Network Layer7.6.1 Routing TableRouting table displays all the active routes of the network. These can be either static or dynamic (obtained through RIP). Forevery route created in the network, the details of that particular link or route will get updated in this table.To view the Routing Table, navigate to MONITOR > Network Layer > Routing Table. The Routing Table screen appears:Out Errors Represents the number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.Parameter  Description
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  244Figure 7-23 Routing Table7.6.2 IP ARPAddress Resolution Protocol (ARP) is a protocol for mapping an Internet Protocol address (IP address) to a physical address onthe network. The IP ARP table is used to maintain a correlation between each IP address and its corresponding MAC address.ARP provides the protocol rules for making this correlation and providing address conversion in both directions. To view IP Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) statistics, navigate to MONITOR > Network Layer > IP ARP. The IP ARP Tablescreen appears.Figure 7-24 IP ARP TableThe IP ARP Table contains the following information:Index: Represents the interface type.MAC Address: Represents the MAC address of a node on the network. Net Address: This parameter represents the corresponding IP address of a node on the network. Type: This parameter represents the type of mapping, that is, Dynamic or Static.To view updated IP ARP entries, click Refresh.To clear the IP ARP entries, click Clear.
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  2457.6.3 ICMP StatisticsThe ICMP Statistics attributes enable you to monitor the message traffic that is received and transmitted by the device. To view ICMP statistics, navigate to MONITOR > Network Layer > ICMP Statistics. The ICMP Statistics screen appears.Figure 7-25 ICMP StatisticsThe following table lists the ICMP Statistics parameters and their descriptionParameter DescriptionIn Msgs or Out Msgs Represents the number of ICMP messages that are received/transmitted by the device.In Errors or Out Errors Represents the number of ICMP messages that are received/transmitted by the device but determined as having ICMP-specific errors such as Bad ICMP checksums, bad length and so on.In Dest Unreachs or Out Dest UnreachsRepresents the number of ICMP destination unreachable messages that are received/transmitted by the device. In Time Excds or Out Time ExcdsRepresents the number of ICMP time exceeded messages that are received/transmitted by the device.In Parm Probs or Out Parm ProbsRepresents the number of ICMP parameter problem messages that are received/transmitted by the device.In Srec Quenchs or Out Srec QuenchsRepresents the number of ICMP source quench messages that are received/transmitted by the device.In Redirects or Out RedirectsRepresents the rate at which the ICMP redirect messages are received/transmitted by the device.In Echos Represents the rate at which the ICMP echo messages are received.In EchoReps or Out EchoRepsRepresents the rate at which the ICMP echo reply messages are received/transmitted by the device.
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  246To view updated ICMP Statistics, click Refresh.7.6.4 IP Address Table The IP Address Table shows all IP addresses of the device. The IP Address Table screen contains IP addresses of the interface.To view table, navigate to MONITOR > Network Layer > IP Address Table. The IP Address Table screen appears.Figure 7-26 IP Address Table7.6.5 DNS AddressesIt shows DNS Addresses currently active on the device. To view DNS addresses, navigate to MONITOR > Network Layer >DNS Addresses. The DNS Addresses screen appears.Figure 7-27 DNS AddressesIn Timestamps or Out TimestampsRepresents the rate at which the ICMP timestamp (request) messages are received/transmitted by the device.In Timestamps Reps or Out Timestamps RepsRepresents the rate at which the ICMP timestamp reply messages are received/transmitted by the device.In Addr Masks or Out Addr MasksRepresents the number of ICMP address mask request messages that are received/transmitted by the device.In Addr Mask Reps or Out Addr Mask RepsRepresents the number of ICMP address mask reply messages that are received/transmitted by the device.Parameter Description
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  2477.6.6 Neighbour Table: This parameter is applicable only in IPv4 and IPv6 mode, not in IPv4 only mode.The Neighbour Table contains a list of neighbouring routers and information about them. To view Neighbour Table, navigateto MONITOR > Network Layer > Neighbour Table. The Neighbour table screen appears.Figure 7-28 Neighbour Table7.6.7 RIP Database: Applicable only in routing mode.The RIP Database screen contains routes (Routing Information Protocol updates) learnt from other routers.Figure 7-29 RIP Database
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  2487.7 RADIUS (BSU or End Point A only): RADIUS is applicable only to a BSU or an End Point A device.7.7.1 Authentication StatisticsAuthentication Statistics provides information on RADIUS Authentication for both the primary and backup servers for eachRADIUS server profile.To  view  Authentication  statistics,  navigate  to  MONITOR  >  RADIUS  >  Authentication  Statistics.  The  RADIUS  ClientAuthentication Statistics screen appears:Figure 7-30 Radius Client Authentication StatisticsThe following table lists the Authentication Statistics parameters and their descriptionParameter  DescriptionRound Trip Time Represents the round trip time for messages exchanged between RADIUS client and authentication server since the client startup.Reqs Represents the number of RADIUS access request messages transmitted from the RADIUS client to the authentication server since client startup.RTMS This parameter represents the number of times the RADIUS access requests are being transmitted to the server from the device since the client startup.Accepts Represents the number of RADIUS access accept messages received by the device since client startup.Rejects Represents the number of RADIUS access reject messages received by the device since client startup.Resp Represents the number of RADIUS response packets received by the device since client startup.Mal Resp Represents the number of malformed RADIUS access response messages received by the device since client startup.Bad Auths Represents the number of malformed RADIUS access response messages containing invalid authenticators received by the device since client startup.Time Outs Represents the total number of timeouts for RADIUS access request messages since client startup.
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  249To view updated RADIUS Client Authentication statistics, click Refresh. 7.8 IGMP: Applicable in Bridge mode only.To view IGMP statistics, navigate to MONITOR > IGMP > IGMP Snooping Stats. The Ethernet or Wireless Multicast Listscreen appears:Figure 7-31 Ethernet1 Multicast List7.8.1 Ethernet or Wireless Multicast ListThe  Multicast  List  table  contains  the  IGMP  Multicast  IP  and  Multicast  MAC  address  details  for  the  Ethernet  or  Wirelessinterfaces. The following table lists the parameters and their description.To view updated IGMP statistics, click Refresh. 7.8.2 Router Port ListThe Router Port List displays the list of ports on which multicast routers are attached.To view Router Port List, navigate to MONITOR > IGMP > Router Port List. The Router Port List screen appears:UnKnown Types This parameter specifies the number of messages with unknown RADIUS message code since client startup.Packets Dropped Represents the number of RADIUS packets dropped by the device.Parameter DescriptionGroup IP Represents the IP address of the multicast group for Ethernet or Wireless interface learned by IGMP snooping.MAC Address Represents the MAC address of the multicast group for Ethernet or Wireless interface learned by IGMP snooping.Time Elapsed Represents the time elapsed since the multicast entry has been created for the Ethernet or Wireless interface.Parameter  Description
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  250Figure 7-32 Router Port ListThe following table lists the parameters and their description.To view updated Router Port list, click Refresh. 7.9 DHCPDHCP  Leases  file  stores the DHCP client database that the DHCP Server has served. The information  stored includes theduration of the lease, for which the IP address has been assigned, the start and end dates for the lease, and the MAC addressof the network interface card of the DHCP client.To view DHCP Leases, navigate to MONITOR > DHCP > Leases.Figure 7-33 DHCP LeasesParameter DescriptionPort Number Represents the port number on which multicast router is attached (on which IGMP Query has been received).Time Elapsed Represents the time elapsed since the port is marked as the router port.
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  2517.10 Logs7.10.1 Event LogEvent Log file keeps track of events that occur during the operation of the device. It displays the event occurring time, eventtype, and the name of the error or the error message. Based on the priority (the log priority is set under MANAGEMENT >Services > Logs), the event details are logged and can be used for any future reference or troubleshooting. View Event LogTo view the event log messages, navigate to MONITOR > Logs > Event Log. The following Event Log screen appears:Figure 7-34 Event Log MessagesTo retrieve the event log file from the device, see  .The maximum size of the event log file is 65 KB. If the file size exceeds 65 KB, then all the log messages are moved to abackup file and only the recent 100 lines are displayed in the log file. When the size of the log file exceeds again then itoverwrites the backup file. Backup  files  can  be  retrieved  by  using  ‘retrieve’  CLI  command.  For  more  details,  see  Tsunami  800  and  8000  SeriesReference guide available at .: Log messages can be stored in the log file approximately up to 6 days with logging interval of 5 minutes. Hide Event LogTo hide the event log messages, click Hide Event Log.
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  2527.10.1.3 Clear Event LogTo clear the event log messages, click Clear Event Log. The messages are cleared and moved to the backup file leaving theevent log file empty. An event is generated on clearing the event log messages.: The current and the backed up event logs are stored in the flash memory and can be retrieved even after device reboot.7.10.2 Debug LogDebug Log helps you to debug issues related to important features of the device. Currently, this feature supports only DDRSand DFS. This feature helps the engineering team to get valuable information from the field to analyze the issues and providefaster solution. This feature should be used only in consultation with the Proxim Customer Support team. Once logging isenabled, the Debug Log file can be retrieved via HTTP or TFTP.To enable Debug Log, navigate to MONITOR > Logs > Debug Log. The Debug Log screen appears:Figure 7-35 Debug LogFeatures: Select the appropriate features to be logged. The available features are Select All, DDRS Level 1, DDRS Level 2, DDRSLevel 3 and DFS. File Status: This parameter displays the current size of the Debug Log file. After selecting the DDRS level, click OK.To delete the Debug Log, click Clear Log. To get the updated status of the Debug Log File, Click Refresh.7.10.3 Temperature Log: Temperature Log is not applicable to  MP-8150-CPE, MP-8160-CPE, MP-825-CPE-50, MP-820-BSU-100, MP-820-SUA-50+, MP-825-SUR-50+, QB-825-EPR/LNK-50, QB-825-EPR/LNK-50+ and QB-8150-LNK-12/50 devices.Temperature Log feature is used to log the internal temperature of the device for the configured temperature logging interval(By  default,  it  is  5  minutes).  It  also  generates  a  trap  and an  event  message  when the  internal  temperature  of  the  device
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  253reaches or exceeds the configured threshold range. The device issues a warning trap when the temperature is 5º Celsius lessthan the configured threshold range. To access this feature, navigate to MONITOR > Logs > Temperature Log. The following Temperature screen appears:Figure 7-36 Temperature LogCurrent Unit Temperature: Displays the current internal temperature of the device in Celsius. High and Low Temperature Threshold: – Configure the high temperature threshold ranging from -40ºC to 60ºC. By default, it is set to 60ºC. – Configure the low temperature threshold ranging from -40ºC to 60ºC. By default, it is set to -40ºC. – When the current internal temperature of the device reaches or exceeds this threshold range, then a trap and event message is generated for every one hour (as long as it stays in the same state). If the temperature of the device further changes, then the device will immediately generates another trap and an event message. – For example, lets say the configured threshold range is -30(low) to 40 (high). If the device temperature reaches 50 then a trap and event message is generated for every one hour till it remains at 50. So, when the temperature increases to 51 then it will immediately generate another trap and an event message.Temperature Logging Interval: A logging interval from 1 to 60 minutes with 5 minute increment can be selected. For example, if you configure logging interval as 10 minutes then the device temperature is logged for every 10 minutes.              : If the logging interval is configured ‘0’, then the temperature log feature will be disabled. After configuring the parameters, click OK followed by COMMIT.
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  2547.10.3.1 View Temperature LogTo view the temperature Log, click Show Temp Log. Figure 7-37 View Temperature LogTo retrieve the temperature log file from the device, see  .The maximum size of the temperature log file is 65 KB. If the file size exceeds 65 KB, then all the log messages are moved toa backup file and only the recent 100 lines are displayed in the log file. When the size of the log file exceeds again then itoverwrites the backup file. Backup  files  can  be  retrieved  by  using  ‘retrieve’  CLI  command.  For  more  details,  see  Tsunami  800  and  8000  SeriesReference guide available at .: Log messages can be stored in the log file approximately up to 6 days with logging interval of 5 minutes.
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  2557.10.3.2 Hide Temperature LogTo hide the temperature log messages, click Hide Temp Log. Clear Temperature LogTo clear the temperature log messages, click Clear Temp Log. The messages are cleared and moved to the backup file leavingthe temperature log file empty. An event is generated on clearing the temperature log messages.: The current and the backed up temperature logs are stored in the flash memory and can be retrieved even after device reboot.7.11 Tools7.11.1 Wireless Site Survey : Applicable only to a device in SU or End Point B mode.Wireless Site Survey is done by the SU or End Point B only. This feature scans all the available channels according to thecurrent Channel Bandwidth, and collects information about all BSUs or Endpoint A configured with the same network nameas SUs or End Point B.Figure 7-38 Wireless Site Survey - SU ModeTo initialize the survey process, click Start. This process list the details of all the available BSUs or End Point A. To stop the sitesurvey process, click Stop. During the scan process, click Refresh to view the latest discovered BSU/End Point A.: Site Survey cannot be performed, when Roaming is enabled.
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  2567.11.2 Scan ToolWith Scan Tool, you can scan all the Proxim devices available on the network. To scan the devices, navigate to MONITOR > Tools > Scan Tool. The Scan Tool screen appears. In the Scan Tool screen,select Scan Mode as IPv4. Click Scan to scan and refresh the devices on the network. The scanned devices are displayed asshown below:Figure 7-39 An Example - Scanned Devices (IPv4)In the Scan Tool screen, select Scan Mode as IPv6 to scan the 82x devices with IPv6 mode. Click Scan to scan and refreshthe devices on the network. The scanned 82x devices are displayed as shown below:Figure 7-40 An Example - Scanned Devices (IPv6): ScanTool IPv6 support is applicable only for the 82x devices with IPv6 mode.7.11.3 sFlow®Proxim’s point-to-multipoint and point-to-point devices support sFlow® technology, developed by InMon Corporation. ThesFlow® technology provides the ability to measure network traffic on all interfaces simultaneously by collecting, storing, andanalyzing traffic data.Depicted below is the sFlow architecture that consists of a sFlow Agent and a sFlow Receiver.
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  257Figure 7-41 sFlow Architecture - An Example with a BSU and SUsThe sFlow Agent, which is running on devices, captures traffic information received on all the Ethernet interfaces, and sendssampled packets to the sFlow Receiver for analysis. The sampling mechanism used to sample data are as follows: Packet Flow Sampling: In this sampling, the data packets received on the Ethernet interface of the device are sampled based on a counter. With each packet received, the counter is decremented. When the counter reaches zero, the packet is packaged and sent to the sFlow Receiver for analysis. These packets are referred to as Packet Flow Samples.Counter Polling Sampling: In this sampling, the sFlow Agent sends counters periodically to the sFlow Receiver based on the set polling interval. If polling interval is set to 5 seconds then the sFlow Agent sends counters to sFlow Receiver every 5 seconds. These packets are referred to as Counter Polling Samples.The Packet Flow Samples and Counter Polling Samples are collectively sent to the sFlow Receiver as sFlow Datagrams. It ispossible to enable either or both types of sampling.sFlow Sampling effects the system performance and hence care must be taken in configuring the sFlow parameters.To configure sFlow, navigate to MONITOR > Tools > sFlow. The following sFlow® screen appears:
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  258Figure 7-42 sFLOWThis screen displays the following information about the sFlow Agent:Version: The version displayed is 1.3;Proxim Wireless Corp.; v6.4. The version comprises the following information:1. sFlow MIB Version: Indicates the agent’s MIB version. The MIB specifies how the agent extracts and bundles sampled data, and the sFlow receiver must support the agent’s MIB. The sFlow MIB version is 1.3. so the sFlow Receiver’s version must also be at least 1.3.2. Organization: Specifies the organization implementing sFlow Agent functionality on the device, that is, Proxim Wireless Corp.3. Revision: Specifies the sFlow Agent version, that is, v6.4.Address Type: Specifies the protocol version for IP addresses.Agent Address: Specifies the sFlow Agent’s IP address. sFlow Receiver ConfigurationThe Receiver Configuration page allows you to configure sFlow Receiver(s), which receives samples from all agents on thenetwork, combines and analyzes the samples to produce a report of network activity.To configure sFlow Receiver, navigate to MONITOR > Tools > sFlow and select Receiver Configuration tab. Given below is the table which explains sFlow parameters and the method to configure the configurable parameter(s):Parameter DescriptionS.No. Represents the Receiver index number. Please note that the number of indexes depends on the Ethernet interfaces your device supports.Owner Enter a string, which uniquely identifies the sFlow Receiver.
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  259Click Apply, to save the sFlow Receiver configuration parameters.Once the Receiver configurations are done, either Packet Flow sampling or Counter Polling Sampling or both can be started.: Enabling sampling effects the system performance and hence care should be taken in setting the right values for Timeout and Max Datagram Size.When the Owner string is cleared, the Flow Sampling and Counter Polling stops. Sampling ConfigurationTo configure and start packet flow sampling, do the following:1. Navigate to MONITOR > Tools > sFlow and select Sampling Configuration tab. Time Out Enter a value ranging from 30 to 31536000 seconds (365 days) in the Time Out box.The sFlow Agent sends sampled packets to the specified sFlow Receiver till it reaches zero. At zero, all the Receiver parameters are set to default values.Max Datagram Size Enter the maximum size of a sFlow datagram (in bytes), which the Receiver can receive, in the Max Datagram Size box. By default, the maximum datagram size is set to 1400 bytes. It can range from 200 to 1400 bytes.Address Type The address type supported by sFlow Receiver is ipv4, which is by default selected.: Only IPv4 is currently supported.Receiver Address Enter the sFlow Receiver’s IP address in the Receiver Address box.Receiver Port By default, the sFlow Receiver listens to the sFlow datagrams on 6343 port. To change the port, enter a valid port ranging from 0 to 65535 in the Receiver Port box. Datagram Version The sFlow datagram version used is 5.Parameter Description
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  260Figure 7-43 sFlow Sampling Configuration2. From  the  Receiver  Index drop-down box, select the receiver index number associated with the sFlow Receiver towhich the sFlow Agent should send the sFlow Datagrams.              : If device has two Ethernet interfaces, then configure different Receiver indexes for each of the interface. 3. Type  a  value  in  the  Packet  Sampling  Rate  box.  This  value  determines  the  number  of  packets  the  sFlow  Agentsamples from the total number of packets passing through the Ethernet interface of the device.4. Type a value in the Maximum Header Size box, to set the amount of data (in bytes) to be included in the sFlowdatagram. The sFlow Agent samples the specified number of bytes. For example, if you set the Maximum Header Sizeto 100, the sFlow Agent places the first 100 bytes of every sampled frame in the datagram. The value should matchthe size of the frame and packet header so that the entire header is forwarded. The default size is 128 bytes. Theheader size can range from 20 to 256 bytes.5. Next,  click  Apply  to  start  packet  flow  sampling.  Once  it  starts,  the  Time  Out  parameter  (see )  keeps  decrementing  till  it  reaches  a  zero  value.  On  reaching  zero,  the  corresponding  Receiver  andSampling values are set to default values.: Enabling sFlow packet sampling effects the system performance, and hence care must be taken when choosing the right value for Packet Sampling Rate and Maximum Header Size.Receiver Index for packet Sampling table and Counter Polling table should be same for each Ethernet interface. Counter Polling ConfigurationTo configure and start Counter Polling sampling, do the following:1. Navigate to MONITOR > Tools > sFlow and select Counter Polling Configuration tab.
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  261Figure 7-44 Counter Polling Configuration 2. From the Receiver Index drop-down box, choose the receiver index number associated with the sFlow Receiver towhich the sFlow Agent sends the counters.             : If Packet Flow Sampling is already configured and running, then you should configure the Receiver index same as configured in the Packet Flow Sampling for each Ethernet interface.3. Set the polling interval by typing a value in the Interval box. Lets say, the polling interval is set to 30 seconds. So forevery 30 seconds, the counters are collected and send to the sFlow Receiver. The valid range for polling interval is 0 to231 - 1 seconds.4. Next, click Apply to start  Counter  Polling Sampling. Once it starts,  the Time Out parameter (see )  keeps  decrementing  till  it  reaches  a  zero  value.  On  reaching  zero,  the  corresponding  Receiver  andCounter Polling values are set to default values.Enabling sFlow counter sampling effects the system performance, and hence care must be taken when choosing the right value sampling interval.Receiver Index for packet Sampling table and Counter Polling table should be same for each Ethernet interface.If a sampling starts and there is already another sampling running then we consider the time out value of the current/already running sampling. 7.11.4 Console CommandsThe Console Commands feature helps Proxim’s Technical Support team to debug field issues.
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  2627.11.5 Spectrum Analyzer: Spectrum Analyzer is not applicable to MP-8150-CPE and QB-8150-LNK-12/50 devices.Spectrum Analyzer helps to analyze a spectrum for interference, and select a relatively low interference channel. This tool isnot  a  replacement  for  the  commercial  Spectrum  Analyzers  as  this  is  only  intended  to  help  with  channel  selection  anddiagnose performance issues.: Only an administrator user can use Spectrum Analyzer to scan the spectrum. However, the Monitor user can view the last scanned results.To scan all the channels in the configured frequency domain, do the following:1. Navigate to MONITOR > Tools > Spectrum Analyzer. The following Spectrum Analyzer screen appears:Figure 7-45 An Example - Spectrum Analyzer2. Channel Scan Time: Enter the time (ranging from 100 to 60000 milliseconds) to scan each channel. By default, thescan time is set to 1000 milliseconds.3. Scan Iterations: Enter a number (ranging from 1 to 1000) which represents the number of times the scan iterates. Bydefault, the scan iteration is set to 1.4. After configuring the Channel Scan Time and Scan Iterations, click OK. Upon clicking OK, the Approximate ScanDuration parameter displays the total time (dd:hh:mm:ss) required to complete the scan.5. Last Scanned Time: Represents the time at which the last spectrum scan was done.6. Next click Start, to start the scan. Click Stop to stop the scan or wait for completion of the scan.:Spectrum Analyzer scan cannot be performed when  is enabled.The total duration of scan depends on the number of channels available, channel scan time and scan iterations.To reduce scan duration, configure the appropriate frequency filter lower and upper edges.While scanning, Spectrum Analyzer does not consider channel offset.The frequencies are scanned by 5MHz slice starting from the lower edge of the frequency filter, and displays the results captured at that particular instance.Spectrum Analyzer detects only 802.11 modulated signals.
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  263When working in a high interference network, ensure to run the spectrum analyzer with multiple iterations (increase the Scan Time) to get accurate results.7. The scanned results are displayed in the form of a graph as follows:            : A minor variation in Spectrum Analyzer results can be expected due to the following reasons:Satellite Density ConfigurationA variation in the radio properties between various device models.Figure 7-46 An Example - Scanned Results: •   When the Spectrum Analyzer starts, the wireless link, if established, is terminated and re-established after the scan is completed.•   As the wireless link is down during spectrum analysis, the remote device cannot be accessed. Hence, if Spectrum Analyzer is started on a remote device, the results will not be available until spectrum scan is completed and wireless link gets re-established.
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  264Graph Results InterpretationConsider a network with a device operating on channel 122 with 20 MHz channel bandwidth. In the same vicinity, when werun the Spectrum Analyzer on a Tsunami radio it will display the results as shown in  . From the results, we seeinterfering  signals  on  channels  115  to  129.  It  also  shows  strong  interfering  signal  on  channels  120  to124  indicating  thepresence of a device operating on channel 122, and moderate interfering signals on channels 115-119 and 125-129 (whichare side band signals from the same interference source). We recommend to avoid using these channels while installing Tsunami products, otherwise radio will report huge PHY andCRC errors. However, to make these channels usable and to ignore the low interference signals, we recommend configuring on the devices.By default, for each channel, the graph represents the following statistics:Please note that the Current Iteration parameter helps to learn the current scan iteration. For example, if Scan Iteration isconfigured as 2, and currently only one scan cycle is complete then Current Iteration parameter displays 1.To view the statistics of a particular channel, point the cursor to that channel on the graph. The statistics is displayed as shownbelow:Figure 7-47 Channel StatisticsIt is also possible to view only the selected statistics on the graph. For example, to view only Minimum and Maximum RSSI onthe graph, uncheck the box against Activity Count and Avg on the top of the graph. Parameter Description LegendMaximum RSSI  Represents the maximum RSSI of all the signals received during the scan on a given channel.Minimum RSSI  Represents the minimum RSSI of all the signals received during the scan on a given channel.Average RSSI Represents the average RSSI of all the signals received during the scan on a given channel.Activity Count  Represents the total wireless activities (including OFDM Signal and Errors) during the scan on a given channel.
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  265Figure 7-48 An Example - Selective Graph StatisticsAt a time, the graph represents the statistics of a maximum of 32 channels. To view the graph(s) of the remaining channels,click Next (available on the upper right corner of the graph). Click Previous to view the statistics of the previous channels.To view the tabular format of the graph statistics, click Detailed Statistics on the bottom left of the graph. The detailedstatistics is displayed as follows:Figure 7-49 An Example - Detailed Statistics
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  266: Spectrum Analyzer configuration parameters and results are not persistent across reboots.7.11.6 Radio Link Test ToolIn  general,  whenever  the  network  has  some  performance  issue,  it  is  required  to  identify  whether  the  issue  is due  to  thewireless  link  or  due  to  other  network  parameters.  The  Radio  Link  Test  (RLT)  tool  helps  to  measure  and  diagnose  anyperformance  issues  in  the  wireless  link.  At  MAC  level,  this  tool  internally  generates  the  traffic  between  the  two  radios,monitors the traffic, and generates a test report.The test report will help in analyzing the wireless link performance and otherrelated issues such as interference, lower throughput, and wireless errors. Especially for the static link establishment, this isvery  helpful  to  check  the  link  between  the  two radios  when  installing  for  the first  time  or  if  any performance  issues  arenoticed after the installation. If the link between the radios is of expected quality, then there is no issue with the wireless link.In case, if there is any issue due to wireless parameters, the link may need some tuning in configuration such as channel, DataRate, Tx power or distance between radios. In spite of all the testing and tuning, if the performance still fails to improve, thenit may be due to installation related issues such as antenna alignment or the physical path. In the worst case, it may be ahardware related issue.This is not a replacement for other wireless performance measuring tools and should be used in conjunction with other tools like Iperf or any other commercial tools. It is recommended to use this tool with caution on live networks as it will be generating internal traffic which may impact the network performance.Radio Link test is an experimental feature and will be improved in future releases.It is applicable only to 82x devices.This tool can be accessed through web interface, console commands, and CLI.Both ends of a link cannot simultaneously run this test. Configuration OptionsThe configuration options for the Radio Link Test tool are tabulated below:Parameter DescriptionTest Duration Time  duration  for  which  the  Radio  Link  Test  is  performed  (Default:  60seconds)Traffic Direction  Direction of the traffic (Downlink/Uplink /Bi-directional)Traffic Rate Amount of traffic to be generated (K bps)Periodic Report Interval Time interval in which the report is presented to the user interface (seconds)Packet Size Generate packet size (Default value: 1500 bytes)MAC Address  Wireless MAC address of the device running in server modeVerbose Mode Detailed statistics informationHelp List of possible options (Usage)Version Display tool version information
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  267To  access  this  tool  through  web  interface,  navigate  to  MONITOR  >  WORP  Statistics  >  Interface  1  >  BSU/SU  LinkStatistics > Details. Click   as shown in .Figure 7-50 An Example - SU Link StatisticsThe following BSU/SU WORP Detailed Statistics screen appears. Click the Radio Link Test Button. The following Radio Link Test screen appears.Figure 7-51 Radio Link Test ToolIn the Radio Link Test screen, you can select the required type of traffic from the given options namely Uplink, Downlink,and Bidirection. By selecting Verbose along with any one of the traffic options, you can get a detailed test report for thetraffic selected. In the above screen, for example, select Bidirection and Verbose. Next, click the START button.
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  268Figure 7-52 An Example - Radio Link Test (Bidirectional Traffic with Verbose mode)The test runs for 60 seconds and displays the Radio Link Test Report as shown below.Figure 7-53 An Example - Test Report (Bidirectional Traffic with Verbose mode)
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  2697.11.6.2 Statistics OptionsThe test report can be analyzed by using the statistics options tabulated below:Parameter DescriptionTraffic StatisticsTx Packets Total packets transmitted from the moment user initiated the test.Rx Packets Total packets received from the moment user initiated the test.Lost Packets Packets lost due to any reason.Duplicated Packets Number  of  packets  received  in  duplicate  for  the  already  receivedpackets.Tx Rate The rate at which the packets are sent.Rx Rate The rate at which the packets are received.Wireless StatisticsPhy Errors Total  number  of  error  packets  received  from  the  moment  userinitiated the test . The possible reasons: It indicates the interference in the wireless mediumLow signal levelCRC Errors Number of packets received with invalid CRC. The possible reasons:It indicates the interference in the wireless mediumLow signal levelMedium Busy Number  of times the radio detected busy  medium while trying totransmit  the  frame.  This  could  be  due  to  interference  on  thatspecific channel.WORP StatisticsSend success Refers to the number of data messages sent and acknowledged bythe peer successfully.Send failure Refers to the number of data messages that are not acknowledgedby the peer even after the specified number of retransmissions.Send retires Refers to the number of data messages that are re-transmitted andacknowledged by the peer successfully.Receive success Refers to the number of data messages received and acknowledgedsuccessfully.Receive failures Refers  to  the number  of  successfully  received  re-transmitted  datamessages.Receive retires Refers  to  the  number  of  data  messages  that  were  not  receivedsuccessfully.
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  270 Using the rlt command options tabulated below, you run the radio link test tool through Web Console.Signal StatisticsSignal Signal measured at the radio portNoise Noise detected at the radio portSNR Signal to Noise Ratio (dB)Options Description-t Test duration (Default: 60 seconds)-i Periodic report display interval (Default: 0 - disabled)-s Packet size (Default: 1500 bytes)-o Ignore timeout during test (Default: do not ignore)Traffic Direction-d Downlink throughput test with specified traffic rate in K bps (Default: Unlimited)-u Uplink throughput test with specified traffic rate in K bps (Default: Unlimited)No option Default: Bi-Directional test with unlimited rateMiscellaneous-h, --help Tool usage-v, --version Tool version number-V Verbose mode (Enables detailed statistics display)Parameter Description
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  271To access  this tool through Web Console, navigate to MONITOR > Tools > Console Commands. In the Web Consolescreen do the following:Figure 7-54 An Example - Radio Link Test Through Web ConsoleCommand: Type the required rlt command. Click the Execute button.The command execution is displayed in the Web Console screen.To run the Radio Link Test tool through Command Line Interface (CLI), refer the Tsunami® 800 and 8000 Series ReferenceGuide.7.12 SNMP v3 StatisticsSNMP v3 statistics can be viewed only when SNMPv3 feature is enabled on the device. See  .To view  the SNMPv3 Statistics, navigate to MONITOR >  SNMPV3 Statistics. The following SNMP v3 Statistics screenappears:
MonitorTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  272Figure 7-55 SNMP v3 StatisticsThe following table lists the SNMP v3 parameters and their descriptionParameter DescriptionUnsupported Sec Levels This parameter specifies the total number of packets dropped by the SNMP engine because they requested a security level that was unknown to the SNMP engine or otherwise unavailable. Not In Time Windows  This parameter specifies the total number of packets dropped by the SNMP engine because they appeared outside the authoritative SNMP engine's window. Unknown User Names  This parameter specifies the total number of packets dropped by the SNMP engine because they correspond to a user that is unknown to an SNMP engine. Unknown Engine IDs This parameter specifies the total number of packets dropped by the SNMP engine because they correspond to an SNMP Engine ID that is unknown to an SNMP engine. Wrong Digests This parameter specifies the total number of packets dropped by the SNMP engine because they do not contain the expected digest value.Decryption Errors This parameter specifies the total number of packets dropped by the SNMP engine because they could not be decrypted.
Tsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  2738Troubleshooting This chapter helps you to address the problems that might arise while using our device. If the procedures discussed in thischapter  does  not  provide  a  solution,  or  the  solution  does  not  solve  your  problem,  check  our  support  site  at which stores all resolved problems in its solution database. Alternatively, you can post a question onthe support site, to a technical person who will reply to your email.Before you start troubleshooting, check the details in the product documentation available on the support site. For detailsabout RADIUS, TFTP, Terminal and Telnet programs, and Web Browsers, refer to their appropriate documentation.In some cases, rebooting the device solves the problem. If nothing else helps, refer to  . This chapter provides information on the following:
TroubleshootingTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  2748.1 PoE InjectorProblem SolutionThe Device Does Not WorkMake sure that you are using a standard UTP– Category 5e/6 cable in case of MP-8100-BSU, MP-8100-SUA, MP-8150-SUR, MP-8150-SUR-100, MP-8160-BSU, MP-8160-BS9, MP-8160-SUA, QB-8100-EPA/LNK, QB-8150-EPR/LNK, QB-8150-LNK-100, QB-8151-EPR/LNK, MP-8200-BSU, MP-8250-BS9, MP-8250-BS1, MP-8200-SUA, MP-820-BSU-100, MP-820-SUA-50+, MP-825-SUR-50+, QB-825-EPR/LNK-50+, and QB-8200-LNK devices– Category 5/5e cable in case of MP-8150-CPE, MP-8160-CPE-A100, MP-825-CPE-50, QB-825-EPR/LNK-50, and QB-8150-LNK-12/50Try a different port on the same PoE Injector hub (remember to move the input port accordingly) – if it works then there is a problem in the previous RJ45 port or a bad RJ45 port connection.Try to connect the device to a different PoE Injector hub.Try using a different Ethernet cable – if it works, there is probably a fault in the cable or its connection.Check the power plug and hub.If the Ethernet link goes down, check the cable, cable type, switch and hub.There is No Data Link  Verify that the indicator on the device port is “ON.”Verify that the Ethernet cable from PoE Injector hub to the Ethernet port of the device is properly connected.Make sure that you are using a standard UTP– Category 5e/6 cable in case of MP-8100-BSU, MP-8100-SUA, MP-8150-SUR, MP-8150-SUR-100, MP-8160-BSU, MP-8160-BS9, MP-8160-SUA, QB-8100-EPA/LNK, QB-8150-EPR/LNK, QB-8150-LNK-100, QB-8151-EPR/LNK, MP-8200-BSU, MP-8250-BS9, MP-8250-BS1, MP-8200-SUA, MP-820-BSU-100, MP-820-SUA-50+, MP-825-SUR-50+, QB-825-EPR/LNK-50+, and QB-8200-LNK devices– Category 5/5e cable in case of MP-8150-CPE, MP-8160-CPE-A100, MP-825-CPE-50, QB-825-EPR/LNK-50, and QB-8150-LNK-12/50The length of the cable from the Ethernet port of the device to the PoE should be less than 100 meters (approximately 325 feet).Try to connect a different device to the same port on the PoE Injector hub – if it works and a link is established then there is probably a fault in the data link of the device.Try to re-connect the cable to a different output port (remember to move the input port accordingly) – if it works then there is a fault probably in the output or input port of the PoE Injector hub or a bad RJ45 connection.Overload Indications Connect the device to a PoE Injector.Ensure that there is no short over on any of the connected cables.Move the device into a different output port (remember to move the input port accordingly) - if it works then there is a fault probably in the previous RJ45 port or bad RJ45 port connection.
TroubleshootingTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  2758.2 Connectivity IssuesConnectivity issues include any problem that prevents from powering or connecting to the device.Problem SolutionDoes Not Boot - No LED ActivityMake sure the power source is ON.Make sure all the cables to the device are connected properly.Ethernet Link Does Not WorkCheck the Ethernet LEDSolid Green: The Ethernet link is up.Blinking Green: The Ethernet link is down.Serial Link Does Not WorkDouble-check the physical network connections. Make sure your PC terminal program (such as HyperTerminal) is active and configured to the following values:– Com Port: (COM1, COM2 and so on depending on your computer);– Baud rate: 115200; Data bits: 8; Stop bits: 1; Flow Control: None; Parity: None;– Line Feeds with Carriage Returns (In HyperTerminal select: File > Properties > Settings > ASCII Setup > Send Line Ends with Line Feeds):  Not  applicable  to  MP-825-CPE-50,  and  MP-8160-CPE-A100  as  it  does  notsupport serial interface.Cannot Access the Web InterfaceOpen a command prompt window and type the Ping command along with the IP address of the device. For example, ping If the device does not respond, check if you have the correct IP address. If the device responds then it means the Ethernet connection is working properly.Ensure that you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 (or later) or Mozilla Firefox 3.0 (or later).Ensure that you are not using a proxy server for the network connection with your Web browser.Ensure that you have not exceeded the maximum number of Web Interfaces or CLI sessions.Double-check the physical network connections. Use a well-known device to ensure the network connection is functioning properly.Troubleshoot the network infrastructure (check switches, routers, and so on).: At any point of time, if the device is unable to connect to your network, resetthe device by unplugging and plugging the cables from the PoE.
TroubleshootingTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  2768.3 Surge or Lightning Issues (For Connectorized devices)8.4 Setup and Configuration IssuesProblem SolutionSurge or Lighting ProblemIn case of any lightning or surge occurrence, check for the conditions specified below:Check the RF signals by referring to RSSI statistics and if the signal strength has been lowered considerably, replace the Surge Arrestor.Unscrew the N-Type connector at the top and visually inspect the Surge Arrestor for electrical burns. If any, replace it.Problem SolutionDevice Reboots ContinuouslyOne of the reason for the device to reboot continuously is that the radio card is not properly placed in the mini-PCI slot. When you power on the device and you do not see the “WIRELESS NETWORK1   PASSED” in the POST message in the Serial Console, please contact Proxim’s support site at  .Lost Telnet or SNMP PasswordPerform   procedure. This procedure resets system and network parameters, but does not affect the image of the device. The default HTTP, Telnet, and SNMP username is admin and password is public.Device Responds SlowlyIf the device takes a long time to respond, it could mean that:No DHCP server is available.The IP address of the device is already in use. Verify that the IP address is assigned only to the device you are using. Do this by switching off the device and then pinging the IP address. If there is a response to the ping, another device in the network is using the same IP address. If the device uses a static IP address, switching to DHCP mode could solve this problem. The network traffic is more.Incorrect Device IP AddressThe default IP address assignment mode is Static and the default IP address of the device is If the IP address assignment mode is set to Dynamic, then the DHCP Server will assign an IP address automatically to the device. If the DHCP server is not available on your network, then the fall back IP address ( of the device is used.Use ScanTool, to find the current IP address of the device. Once you have the current IP address, use Web Interface or CLI Interface to change the device IP settings, if necessary.If you are using static IP address assignment, and cannot access the device over Ethernet, refer to  .Perform   procedure. This will reset the device to static mode.
TroubleshootingTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  277HTTP Interface or Telnet Does Not WorkMake sure you are using a compatible browser: – Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 or later– Mozilla Firefox 3.0 or later: When working with Internet Explorer 9 in Windows 2008 Server, navigate to Internet Options -> Security -> Internet -> Custom Level -> Scripting -> Active Scripting to enable active scripting.When working with Internet Explorer 10 and facing web page issues, click the Broken Page icon   available on the right side of address bar.Make sure you have the correct IP address of the device. Enter the device IP address in the address bar of the browser, for example When the Enter Network Password window appears, enter the User Name and and Password. The default HTTP username is admin and password is public.Use CLI, to check the IP Access Table which can restrict access to Telnet and HTTP.Telnet CLI Does Not WorkMake sure you have the correct IP address. Enter the device IP address in the Telnet connection dialog, from a DOS prompt: C:\> telnet <Device IP Address>Use HTTP, to check the IP Access Table which can restrict access to Telnet and HTTP.Enable Telnet in Vista or Windows 7 as it is by default disabled.TFTP Server Does Not WorkThe TFTP server is not properly configured and runningThe IP address of the TFTP server is invalidThe upload or download directory is not correctly setThe file name is not correctChanges in Web Interface Do Not Take Effect1. Restart your Web browser.2. Log on to the device again and make changes.3. Reboot the device.4. Click COMMIT for the changes to take effect. 5. Wait until the device reboots before accessing the device again.Problem Solution
TroubleshootingTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  2788.5 Application Specific TroubleshootingProblem SolutionRADIUS Authentication Server Services unavailableIf RADIUS Authentication is enabled on the device, then make sure that your network’s RADIUS servers are operational. Otherwise, clients will not be able to log on to the device.There are several reasons for the authentication server‘s services to be unavailable. To make it available,Make sure you have the proper RADIUS authentication server information setup configured on the device. Check the RADIUS Authentication Server’s Shared Secret and Destination Port number (default is 1812; for RADIUS Accounting, the default is 1813).Make sure the RADIUS authentication server RAS setup matches the device.TFTP Server If a TFTP server is not configured and running, you will not be able to download and upload images and configuration files to or from the device. Remember that the TFTP server need not be local, as long as you have a valid TFTP IP address. Note that you do not need a TFTP server running unless you want to transfer files to or from the device.After the TFTP server is installed:Check  to  see  that  TFTP  is  configured to  point  to  the  directory  containing  thedevice Image.Make sure you have the proper TFTP server IP Address, the proper device imagefile name, and that the TFTP server is connected.Make sure the TFTP server is configured to both Transmit and Receive files (onthe TFTP server’s Security tab), with no  automatic  shutdown  or  time-out  (onthe Auto Close tab).
TroubleshootingTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  2798.6 Wireless Link IssuesGiven below are the possible reasons for a wireless link not getting established and the relevant observations. Reason(s) ObservationMismatch in network nameThe Wireless Interface Statistics (In Octets, In Non-Unicast Packets) are incremented in BSU/End Point A and SU/End Point B.The WORP counters are not affected. The remote device is not listed in the Site Survey. Incorrect or invalid configured BSU/End Point A nameThe Wireless Interface Statistics (In Octets, In Non-Unicast Packets) are incremented in SU/End Point B.The WORP counters are not affected. The remote device is not listed in the Site Survey. Mismatch in network secretThe Wireless Interface Statistics (In Octets, In Non-Unicast Packets) are incremented in BSU/End Point A and SU/End Point B.The WORP counters are incremented (Req for Serv, Reg Req, Auth Req, Reg Attempts, Reg LastReason: Incorrect Parameter) on both ends. Encryption set to No Encryption in BSU/End Point A and AES Encryption in SU/End Point BThe Wireless Interface Statistics (In Octets, In Non-Unicast Packets) are incremented in BSU/End Point A; No decrypt errors are observed in SU/End Point B.In SU/End Point B, the WORP counters (Announcements, Req for Serv, Reg Attempts, Reg incomplete, Reg timeout, Reg Last Reason: Timeout) are incremented. In BSU/End Point A, no WORP counters are incremented except announcements.The remote device is not listed in the Site Survey. Encryption set to AES Encryption in BSU/End Point A and No Encryption in SU/End Point BThe Wireless Statistics counters and WORP counters are not incremented in SU/End Point B.The remote device is not listed in the Site Survey.Encryption set to AES Encryption in both BSU/End Point A and SU/End Point B. A mismatch in Encryption keyThe Wireless Interface Statistics (In Octets, In Non-Unicast Packets) are incremented only in SU/End Point B.The remote device is not listed in the Site Survey.BSU exceeds the maximum SU limitThe Wireless Interface Statistics (In Octets, In Non-Unicast Packets) are incremented in SU/End Point B but fails to authenticate. The WORP counters (Announcements, Req for Serv, Reg Attempts, Reg Incompletes, Reg Timeouts, Reg Last Reason: Timeout) are incremented in SU/End Point B.The remote device is listed in the Site Survey.
TroubleshootingTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  280With multiple link profiles, the wireless network performance is getting affected.The overall performance of the wireless network gets affected when using multiple link profiles and atleast one of the subscriber is operating with a lower data rate.For example, consider a wireless network with a BSU and 5 SU profiles. Each SU is transmitting data at a data rate as tabulated below. As SU1 is operating at a lower data rate (6.5 Mbps), the entire performance of the network gets affected. In order to optimize the network performance, apply QoS. Given below is an example on how the network performance can be improved by applying QoS. QoS is applied for SU1 with the following configuration:PIR based on the ToS value 96SFC with MIR/CIR= 1Mbps; Priority = 3; Latency/Jitter=10msSubscribers SU2...SU5 use the default QoS configuration.: Given above is just an example and values might vary from case-to-case.Reason(s) ObservationSU Profile(s) Data Rate ThroughputSU1 6.5 MbpsAggregated throughput can be a maximum of 13 Mbps SU2 39 MbpsSU3 78 MbpsSU4 130 MbpsSU5 78 MbpsProfiles Data Rate ThroughputSU1 6.5 MbpsWith QoS applied for SU1, expected throughput is 26 MbpsSU2 39 MbpsSU3 78 MbpsSU4 130 MbpsSU5 78 Mbps
TroubleshootingTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  2818.7 Wired (Ethernet) Interface ValidationInterference issues due to wider beam width of the antennaMP-825-CPE-50, MP-825-SUR-50+, QB-825-EPR/LNK-50, and QB-825-EPR/LNK-50+ uses a wider beam width antenna (up to 38 o) with a gain of 15dBi. Due to its wider beam width, it may pick up more interfering signals and may report large number of errors compared to other Tsunami products. Wireless interference may also lead to:– SNR value fluctuations between the Antenna (A1/A2) ports– DDRS operation at lower data rates – Higher number of PHY errors which may result in false RADAR detection in DFS bandsTo overcome these issues, use a spectrum analyzer and switch to a noise-free channel.Problem SolutionWired (Ethernet) Interface ValidationRun iperf commandsUse iperf commands with –w option as 202k. The throughput is expected to be equal in both directions and should be comparable from laptop to laptop or desktop to desktop performanceIf the above throughput value is not in the expected range,Check speed and duplex settings between the device and Personal Computer or switch or router connectedMake sure the connection established is of same speed and full duplex is as expected (10 or 100 or 1000)With auto negotiation, if you notice this issue, then try manually setting the speed and duplexUpdate the Ethernet driver in the Personal Computer to the latest oneReason(s) Observation
TroubleshootingTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  2828.8 Wireless Interface ValidationProblem SolutionWireless Interface ValidationRun iperf commands (You can run Embedded iperf commands only through Telnet.)iperf –s –w 202k (command for iperf server)Iperf –c ipaddress –w 202k –t time Period –I <intermediateResultInterval> –P <4 or 6> (command to run iperf client) – Ipaddress -> of the SU/End Point B or BSU/End Point A device where the iperf server is running– P -> No of pairs (Streams)Use –d option to run bidirectional throughputUse –r option to run unidirectional throughput one after another without changing the server and SU ends If the expected throughput is not achieved, then check the following:Antenna Alignment– Note whether the antenna ports are balanced – SNR/RSSI provided for Local and Remote in the BSU/SU Link Statistics page or by using “aad” command– Signal difference of <=5 dBm is considered as balanced and recommended– If the chains are not balanced, then look at the alignment and connectors of RF cables, used between antenna and device– If in RMA (Returned from Customer), check the RF cable to radio port connectivity– Avoid nearby metal surfaces, if you are using Omni antennaData Streams– Select “Single” stream instead of “Dual” stream mode– DDRS - with single stream data rate or with Auto modeDual stream data rates can be used only when the signal in both antenna ports is balanced.Antenna Port Selection– For devices with 3x3 MIMO radio, make sure you are either enabling all antenna ports for 3x3 MIMO or using A1 and A3 antenna ports for 2x2 MIMO mode– For devices with 2x2 MIMO radio, use A1 and A2 antenna ports – For using single stream, it is mandatory to select antenna port A1– Enabling all antenna port will not cause any issue even if it is not in use.Bad Channel– Check for CRC errors, PHY errors, WORP Retries and WORP Failures in Monitor Interface Statistics page. If this count increments steadily (Refreshing the web page is required) thenEither change the channel and check for a better channelUse Wi-Spy or similar tool and check the environment for better channel
TroubleshootingTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  2838.9 Recovery ProceduresRecovery Procedure is used to restore the device to its factory default operating state. Depending on the device state, therecovery procedures can be classified under two modes:1. Operational Mode: Device is up and in running state.2. Bootloader Mode: Device operating image is deleted. Problem SolutionWireless Interface ValidationData Rate Issues– Ensure same data rates are selected if you are using fixed data rate between BSU/SU and End Point A/End Point B to have predictable throughput and link– Alternatively, use DDRS with Auto mode enabledPerformance and Stability Issues– Check the distance between two co-locating devices. The distance between two co-locating devices should be minimum 3 meters, in order to achieve good throughput and maintain link stability. The operating adjacent channel should maintain 5MHz spacing if managed by a single administrator.– When DDRS is disabled, check the Minimum Required SNR for the current data rate by navigating to MONITOR --> WORP Statistics --> Interface 1 --> Link Statistics Page --> Click here for Local SNR-Table. If the current SNR is not meeting the minimum required SNR criteria for the current data rate, then accordingly reduce the data rate.– If SNR is more than the maximum optimal SNR limit (MONITOR --> WORP Statistics --> Interface 1 --> Link Statistics Page --> Click here for Local SNR-Table) then it causes radio receiver saturation thus impacting the performance of the link. To overcome this situation, set the TPC appropriately or enable ATPC to adjust the signal level automatically. Also, enabling DDRS can help in choosing right data rate automatically. – To measure and diagnose any performance issues in the wireless link, use the Radio Link Test Tool. To use this tool, navigate to MONITOR --> WORP Statistics --> Interface 1 --> Link Statistics Page --> Details -->Click    icon. For detailed description of this tool, refer
TroubleshootingTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  2848.9.1 Operational ModeS.No Scenario Recovery Procedure1 Restore the device to its factory default configuration while accessing it through web interfaceIn the web interface, navigate to MANAGEMENT > Reset to Factory. The Factory Reset screen appears:In the screen, click OK. The device now reboots and comes with:IP Address: adminPassword: public2 The device is not accessible for reasons such as user has forgotten the web interface login password, Management VLAN Id is changed, wrong VLAN configuration.Press and hold the Reload button (use a pin or the end of a paper clip) on the POE injector for a time frame as mentioned in the following table:: To use this procedure, use a PoE injector with Reload functionality. The device operating image will get deleted, if you press the buttonfor more than the above mentioned time.The  timings  mentioned  above  are  valid  from  the  time  the  device  ispowered UP (that is during POST).The  device  now  reboots  and  comes  with:  IP  Address:;Username: admin; and Password: publicDevice TimingsMP-8100-BSU; MP-8100-SUA MP-8150-SUR; MP-8150-SUR-100MP-8160-BSU; MP-8160-BS9 MP-8160-SUA; MP-8200-BSUMP-8250-BS9; MP-8250-BS1MP-8200-SUA; MP-8250-SUR MP-825-CPE-50; MP-825-SUR-50+; MP-820-BSU-100; MP-820-SUA-50+QB-825-EPR/LNK-50+; QB-825-EPR/LNK-50; QB-8100-EPA/LNK; QB-8150-EPR/LNK QB-8150-LNK-100; QB-8151-EPR/LNKQB-8200-EPA / LNK; QB-8250-EPR / LNK5 to 6 secondsMP-8150-CPE; MP-8160-CPE-A100;QB-8150-LNK-12; QB-8150-LNK-5015 seconds
TroubleshootingTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  2858.9.2 Bootloader Mode8.9.3 Load a New ImageFollow one of the procedures below to load a new image to the device:S.No Scenario Recovery Procedure1 a) The device operating image is corrupted for reasons such as power interruption while upgrading (For 82x devices).After powering-up the device, press and hold the Reload button on the PoE injector (use a pin or the end of a paper clip) for first 15 seconds and then release the button between 15-30 seconds. By doing so, the operating image will get deleted.: No reload via Ethernet cross cable.It  is  not  applicable  to  MP-825-CPE-50  and  QB-825-EPR/LNK-50devices. After deleting the operating image, refer   and  sections to load the firmware onto the device.b) The device operating image is corrupted for reasons such as power interruption while upgrading (For all devices).Do one of the following:While powering the device, press and hold the Reload button on the PoE injector (use a pin or the end of a paper clip) for 15 seconds. By doing so, the operating image will get deleted.Use a 4-pair (Gigabit) cross over Ethernet cable between the PoE and the device. By doing so, the reload functionality gets activated and forcibly deletes the operating image.If you are having serial access to the device during POST, press SHIFT+u to enter into forced user mode of the bootloader. From the Bootloader prompt, enter the command firmware_delete.After deleting the operating image, refer   and  sections to load the firmware onto the device.2 The device is not accessible for reasons such as user has forgotten the web interface login password, Management VLAN Id is changed, and wrong VLAN configuration.And, you do not have a reload capable PoE but Serial access is possibleIf you are having serial access to the device during POST, press SHIFT+u to enter into forced user mode of the bootloader. From the Bootloader prompt, enter the command config_delete.Next, issue the command reboot.The device now reboots and comes with: IP Address:; Username: admin; and Password: public
TroubleshootingTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  286: A new image cannot be downloaded using Bootloader CLI onto MP-825-CPE-50, MP-8160-CPE-A100 andQB-825-EPR-50 as it does not provide a serial interface. Using the ScanToolTo download the firmware image to the device, you will need an Ethernet connection to the computer on which the TFTPserver  resides  and  to a  computer  that is  running  ScanTool  (this  is  either two  separate  computers  connected  to  the  samenetwork or a single computer running both programs).ScanTool automatically detects the device that does not have a valid software image. The TFTP Server and Image File Nameparameters are enabled in the ScanTool’s  screen so that you can download a new image to the device. (These fieldsare disabled, if ScanTool detects a software image on the device). See  .Preparing to Download the Device ImageBefore starting the download process, you need to know the device IP Address, Subnet Mask, the TFTP Server IP Address, andthe Image file name. Make sure  the TFTP server  is  running  and  properly configured to point to the folder containing theimage to be downloaded.Download ProcedureFollow these steps to download a software image to the device by using ScanTool:1. Download the latest software from  , and copy it to the default directory of the TFTP server.2. Launch Proxim’s ScanTool.3. Highlight the entry for the device that you want to update and click Change.4. Set IP Address Type to Static.             : You  need  to  assign  static  IP  information  temporarily  to the device  since its DHCP  client  functionality  is  notavailable when no image is installed on the device.5. Now enter the IP address, Subnet mask, Default-gateway, Server - IP address and the image filename.6. Click OK. The device will reboot and the download starts automatically.7. Click OK when prompted to return to the Scan List screen after the device has been updated successfully.8. Click Cancel to close the ScanTool.After  the  download  process is completed,  the  device  will  reboot and initialize.  After  successful  initialization,  the  device  isready to be configured. Using the Bootloader CLITo download the new device image, you will need an Ethernet connection to the computer on which the TFTP server resides.This can be any computer on the LAN or connected to the device with an Ethernet cable.You must also connect the device to a computer with a standard serial cable and use a terminal client. From the terminal,enter the CLI commands to set the IP address of the device and to download the device image.Preparing to Download the device imageBefore starting, you need to know the device IP Address, Subnet Mask, the TFTP Server IP Address, and the device image filename. Make  sure the TFTP server is running and configured to  point  to  the default  directory containing the image  to bedownloaded.
TroubleshootingTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  287Download Procedure1. Download the latest software from  , and copy it to the default directory of the TFTP server. 2. Connect the device serial port to your computer’s serial port.3. Open your terminal emulator program and set the following connection properties:Com Port: COM1, COM2 and so on, depending on your computerBaud Rate: 115200Data Bits: 8Stop Bits: 1Flow Control: NoneParity: None4. Under File > Properties > Settings > ASCII Setup, enable the Send line ends with line feeds option. Terminal Emulator program sends a line return at the end of each line of code.The terminal display shows Power On Self Tests (POST) activity. After approximately 30 seconds, a message indicates: Starting ScanTool interface, press any key to enter CLI 5”. After this message appears, press any key. Now the bootloader prompt appears as below:5. Enter the following commands: The device will reboot and then download the image file. When the download process is complete, configure the device.8.9.4 Setting IP Address using Serial PortIf the ScanTool fails to scan the device and users knows the login credentials then you can set the IP address for the deviceusing serial port. Hardware and Software RequirementsStandard serial (RS-232) cable ASCII Terminal software
TroubleshootingTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  2888.9.4.2 Attach the Serial Port Cable1. Connect one end of the serial cable to the device and the other end to a serial port on your computer.2. Power on the computer and the device. Initializing the IP Address using CLIAfter  connecting  the  cable  to  the  serial  port,  you  can  use  the  CLI  to  communicate  with  the  device.  CLI  supports  themost-generic terminal emulation programs. In addition, many web sites offer shareware or commercial terminal programsthat you can download. Once the IP address has been assigned, you can use the HTTP interface or the Telnet to complete theconfiguration.Follow these steps to assign an IP address to the device:1. Open your terminal emulation program and set the following connection properties:Com Port: COM1, COM2, and so on depending on your computerBaud Rate: 115200Data Bits: 8Stop Bits: 1Flow Control: NoneParity: NoneThe terminal display shows Power On Self Tests (POST) activity, and then displays the software version. It prompts you to enter the CLI username and password. The commands to enter the username and password are as follows: This process may take up to 90 seconds.2. Enter the CLI Username and password. By default username is admin and password is public. The terminal displays a welcome message and then the CLI Prompt. Enter ‘show ip’ as shown below:3. Change the IP address and other network values using the following CLI commands (use your own IP address and Subnet mask).
TroubleshootingTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  2894. After the device reboots, verify the new IP address by reconnecting to the CLI. Alternatively, you can ping the device from a network computer to confirm that the new IP address has taken effect.When a proper IP address is set, use HTTP interface or Telnet to configure the rest of the operating parameters of the device.8.10 Spectrum AnalyzerThe ultimate way to discover whether there is a source of interference is to use a Spectrum Analyzer. Usually, the antenna isconnected to the analyzer when measuring. By turning the antenna 360°, one can check the direction of the interference.The analyzer will also display the frequencies and the level of signal is detected. Proxim recommends performing the test atvarious locations to find the most ideal location for the equipment.8.10.1 Avoiding InterferenceWhen  a  source of interference is identified  and  when  the  level  and  frequencies  are known, the next step is  to avoid  theinterference. Some of the following actions can be tried:Change the channel to a frequency that has no or least interference.Try changing the antenna polarization.A small beam antenna looks only in one particular direction. Because of the higher gain of such an antenna, loweringthe output power or adding extra attenuation might be required to stay legal. This solution cannot help when thesource of interference is right behind the remote site.Adjusting the antenna angle/height can help to reduce the interference.Move the antennas to a different location on the premises. This causes the devices to look from a different angle, causing adifferent  pattern  in  the  reception  of  the  signals.  Use  obstructions  such  as  buildings,  when  possible,  to  shield  from  theinterference.8.10.2 ConclusionA  spectrum  analyzer  can  be  a  great  help  to  identify  whether  interference  might  be  causing link  problems  on  the  device.Before checking for interference, the link should be verified by testing in an isolated environment, to make sure that  thehardware works and your configurations are correct. The path analysis, cabling and antennas should be checked as well. Base Announces should increase continuously.Registration  Requests  and Authentication Requests should be divisible by 3. WORP  is designed in a  way that eachregistration sequence starts with 3 identical requests. It is not a problem if, once in a while, one of those requests ismissing. Missing requests frequently is to be avoided.
TroubleshootingTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  290Monitor / Per Station (Information per connected remote  partner):  Check that the received signal level (RSL) is  thesame  on  both  sides.  This  should  be  the  case  if  output  power  is  the  same.  Two  different  RSLs  indicate  a  brokentransmitter  or  receiver.  A  significant  difference between  Local  Noise  and Remote  Noise  could indicate  a  source  ofinterference near the site with the highest noise. Normally, noise is about –80 dBm at 36 Mbps. This number can varyfrom situation to situation, of course, also in a healthy environment.8.11 Miscellaneous8.11.1 Unable to Retrieve Event Logs through HTTPSIf using Internet Explorer 7 and are not able to retrieve event logs through HTTPS, do the following:1. Open Internet Explorer2. Navigate to Tool > Internet Options > Advanced3. Go to Security and uncheck/unselect Do not save encrypted pages to diskAlternatively, use Mozilla Firefox 3.5 or later.
Tsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  291Feature ApplicabilityGiven below are the feature(s) applicable to the respective point-to-point devices:
Feature ApplicabilityTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  292Given below are the feature(s) applicable to the respective point-to-multipoint devices:
Tsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  293Parameters Requiring RebootGiven below are the parameters that require the device to reboot.Parameter(s) Web Page(s) Applicable Device Mode*System ConfigurationRadio Mode BASIC CONFIGURATIONADVANCED CONFIGURATION -> SystemAllFrequency Domain BASIC CONFIGURATIONADVANCED CONFIGURATION -> SystemAllNetwork Mode ADVANCED CONFIGURATION -> System AllMaximum MTU ADVANCED CONFIGURATION -> System AllFrequency Filter Lower EdgeADVANCED CONFIGURATION -> System AllFrequency Filter Upper EdgeADVANCED CONFIGURATION -> System AllIP Configuration (Bridge Mode)Ethernet BASIC CONFIGURATIONADVANCED CONFIGURATION -> Network -> IP ConfigurationAllDefault Gateway IP AddressAllDNS  AllIP Configuration (Routing Mode)Ethernet BASIC CONFIGURATIONADVANCED CONFIGURATION -> Network -> IP ConfigurationAllWireless  AllWireless (With PPPoE)SU ModeDefault Gateway IP AddressAllDNS (Primary and Secondary Address)AllNATStatus ADVANCED CONFIGURATION -> Network -> NAT SU Mode / End Mode B modeDynamic Start Port ADVANCED CONFIGURATION -> Network -> NAT SU Mode / End Mode B modeDynamic End Port ADVANCED CONFIGURATION -> Network -> NAT SU Mode / End Mode B modePPPoE Status ADVANCED CONFIGURATION -> Network -> PPPoE Client SU ModeEthernet Interface PropertiesAdmin Status ADVANCED CONFIGURATION -> Network -> Ethernet All
Parameters Requiring RebootTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  294Wireless PropertiesChannel Bandwidth BASIC CONFIGURATIONADVANCED CONFIGURATION -> Wireless -> Interface1 -> PropertiesAllChannel Offset ADVANCED CONFIGURATION -> Wireless -> Properties Applicable only to,MP-820-BSU-100MP-820-SUA-50+MP-825-SUR-50+MP-825-CPE-50MP-8150-CPEMP-8160-BSUMP-8160-BS9MP-8160-SUAMP-8160-CPE-A100QB-825-EPR/LNK-50QB-825-EPR/LNK-50+QB-8150-LNK-12/50Auto Channel SelectionBASIC CONFIGURATIONADVANCED CONFIGURATION -> Wireless -> Interface1 -> PropertiesApplicable only to BSU.Legacy Mode BASIC CONFIGURATIONADVANCED CONFIGURATION -> Wireless -> Interface1 -> PropertiesApplicable only to, MP-820-BSU-100MP-820-SUA-50+MP-825-SUR-50+MP-825-CPE-50MP-8100-BSUMP-8100-SUAMP-8150-SURMP-8150-CPEMP-8150-SUR-100MP-8200-BSUMP-8200-SUAMP-8250-BS9MP-8250-BS1MP-8250-SURFrequency Extension ADVANCED CONFIGURATION -> Wireless -> Interface1 -> Properties -> MIMO Properties -> MIMOAllUpgrade Firmware and ConfigurationUpgrade Firmware  MANAGEMENT -> File Management -> Upgrade Firmware AllParameter(s) Web Page(s) Applicable Device Mode*
Parameters Requiring RebootTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  295Upgrade ConfigurationMANAGEMENT -> File Management -> Upgrade Configuration AllHTTP / HTTPSAdmin PasswordMANAGEMENT -> Services -> HTTP / HTTPSAllMonitor Password AllHTTP AllHTTP Port AllHTTPS AllParameter(s) Web Page(s) Applicable Device Mode*SNMP (If SNMP v1-v2c is enabled)SNMPMANAGEMENT -> Services -> SNMP AllVersion AllRead Password AllRead / Write PasswordAllSNMP Trap Host TableAllSNMP (If SNMP v3 is enabled)SNMPMANAGEMENT -> Services -> SNMP AllVersion AllSecurity Level AllPriv Protocol AllPriv Password AllAuth Protocol AllAuth Password AllSNMP Trap Host TableAllTelnet / SSHParameter(s) Web Page(s) Applicable Device Mode*
Parameters Requiring RebootTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  296* BSU: Refers to a Base Station   SU Mode: Refers to both SU and CPE   End Point A Mode: Refers to a device in End Point A mode   End Point B Mode: Refers to a device in End Point B modeAdmin PasswordMANAGEMENT -> Services -> Telnet / SSHAllMonitor Password AllTelnet AllTelnet Port AllTelnet Sessions AllSSH AllSSH Port AllSSH Sessions AllManagement Access ControlAccess Table StatusMANAGEMENT -> Access ControlAllManagement Access Control TableAllReset to Factory  MANAGEMENT -> Reset to Factory AllConvert QB to MP MANAGEMENT -> Convert QB to MP Applicable only to QB-825-EPR/LNK-50QB-825-EPR/LNK-50+QB-8100-EPA/LNKQB-8150-EPR/LNKQB-8150-LNK-100QB-8151-EPR/LNKQB-8200-LNKParameter(s) Web Page(s) Applicable Device Mode*
Tsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  297Frequency Domains and ChannelsIntroductionThe Tsunami® point-to-point and point-to-multipoint products are available in two SKUs: United States (US) and rest of theWorld  (WD)  markets.  Depending  on  the  SKU,  the  device  is  hard  programmed  at  factory  per  the  regulatory  domain.Regulatory domain controls the list of frequency domains that are available in that SKU. Further each frequency domain willdefine the country specific regulatory rules and frequency bands. The frequency domains can be easily configured using theWeb Interface as it is a drop down list with all the available domains. The following table lists all the Tsunami® 800 and 8000Series products with the applicable frequency domains and their corresponding ENUM values, SKUs supported and licensedfrequency bands.US Frequency DomainsPoint to Multipoint DevicesProduct(s) MP-8100-BSUMP-8100-SUAMP-8150-SURMP-8150-SUR-100MP-8150-CPE MP-8200-BSU / SUAMP-8250-BS9 / BS1MP-8250-SURMP-820-BSU-100    MP-820-SUA-50+MP-825-CPE-50 MP-825-SUR-50+Licensed Bands (in GHz) 2.4,4.9,5.05.0 5.0 4.9,5.05.0Frequency DomainsUnited States 5 GHz - US*ENUM Values1United States 5.8 GHz - US* 2United States 2.4 GHz - US* 3US2 (5.3 and 5.8GHz) - US* 22United States 4.9 GHz  28Point to Point DevicesProduct(s) QB-8100-EPA/LNK QB-8150-EPRQB-8150-LNKQB-8150-LNK-100QB-8151-EPR/LNKQB-8150-LNK-12#QB-8150-LNK-50QB-8200-EPA/LNKQB-8250-EPR/LNKQB-825-EPR/LNK-50    QB-825-EPR/LNK-50+US US US US USLicensed Bands (in GHz) 2.4,5.05.0 5.0 4.9,5.05.0 Frequency DomainsUnited States 5 GHz - US*ENUM Values1United States 5.8GHz - US* 2United States 2.4 GHz - US* 3US2 (5.3 and 5.8GHz) - US* 22United States 4.9 GHz 28
Frequency Domains and ChannelsTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  298World Frequency DomainsPoint to Multipoint DevicesProduct(s) MP-8100-BSUMP-8100-SUAMP-8150-SURMP-8150-SUR-100MP-8150-CPE MP-8160-BSUMP-8160-BS9MP-8160-SUAMP-8160-CPEMP-8200-BSU / SUAMP-8250-BS9 / BS1MP-8250-SUR    MP-820-BSU-100     MP-820-SUA-50+MP-825-SUR-50+MP-825-CPE-50WD WD WD WD WD WDLicensed Bands (in GHz) 2.4,4.9,5.04.9,5.05.0 6.4 4.9,5.05.0 Frequency DomainsWorld 5 GHzENUM Values4World 4.9 GHz 5World 2.4 GHz 6World 2.3 GHz 7World 2.5 GHz 8Canada 5 GHz 9WD Europe 5.8 GHz 10WD Europe 5.4 GHz 11WD-Europe 2.4 GHz 12Russia 5 GHz 13Taiwan 5 GHz 14WD United States 5 GHz 15Canada 5.8 GHz 16World 6.4 GHz 17WD UK 5.8 GHz 20World 5.9 GHz 21India 5.8 GHz 23Brazil 5.4 GHz 24Brazil 5.8 GHz 25Australia 5.4 GHz 26Australia 5.8 GHz 27WD United States 4.9 GHz 29Canada 4.9 GHz 30WD Japan 4.9 GHz 31Legacy 5GHz 32WD Japan 5.6 GHz 33WD United States 5.8 34World 5.8 GHz 40Indonesia 5.7 GHz 41
Frequency Domains and ChannelsTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  299Point to Point DevicesProduct(s) QB-8100-EPA/LNK QB-8150-EPRQB-8150-LNKQB-8150-LNK-100QB-8151-EPR/LNKQB-8150-LNK-12#QB-8150-LNK-50QB-8200-EPA/LNKQB-8250-EPR/LNKQB-825-EPR/LNK-50        QB-825-EPR/LNK-50+WD WD WD WD WDLicensed Bands (in GHz) 2.4,4.9,5.04.9,5.05.0 4.9,5.05.0 Frequency DomainsWorld 5 GHzENUM Values4World 4.9 GHz 5World 2.4 GHz 6World 2.3 GHz 7World 2.5 GHz 8Canada 5 GHz 9WD-Europe 5.8 GHz 10WD-Europe 5.4 GHz 11WD-Europe 2.4 GHz 12Russia 5 GHz 13Taiwan 5 GHz 14WD United States 5 GHz 15Canada 5.8 GHz 16World 6.4 GHz 17World UK 5.8 GHz 20World 5.9 GHz 21India 5.8 GHz 23Brazil 5.4 GHz 24Brazil 5.8 GHz 25Australia 5.4 GHz 26Australia 5.8 GHz 27WD United States 4.9 GHz 29Canada 4.9 GHz 30WD Japan 4.9 GHz 31Legacy 5 GHz 32WD Japan 5.6 GHz 33WD United States 5.8 GHz 34World 5.8 GHz 40Indonesia 5.7 GHz 41
Frequency Domains and ChannelsTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  300Europe and Japan Frequency DomainsWhen the device is configured by using CLI or SNMP, care has to be taken to set the domains by using a predefined ENUMvalue. Example: The CLI commands to set WORLD 5 GHz as frequency domain are as follows:Point to Multipoint DevicesProduct(s) MP-8100-BSUMP-8100-SUAMP-8150-SURMP-8150-SUR-100MP-8200-BSU / SUAMP-8250-BS9 / BS1MP-8250-SURMP-820-BSU-100     MP-820-SUA-50+MP-825-SUR-50+MP-825-CPE-50EU EU EU JP EU EULicensed Bands (in GHz) 2.4,4.9,5.04.9,5.04.9,5.04.9,5.04.9,5.05.0Frequency DomainsJapan 2.4 GHzENUM Values18Japan 4.9 GHz 19UK 5.8 GHz 35Europe 5.8 GHz 36Europe 5.4 GHz 37Europe 2.4 GHz 38Japan 5.6 GHz 39Point to Point DevicesProduct(s) QB-8100-EPA/LNK QB-8150-EPRQB-8150-LNKQB-8150-LNK-100QB-8151-EPR/LNKQB-8200-EPA/LNKQB-8250-EPR/LNKQB-825-EPR/LNK-50        QB-825-EPR/LNK-50+EU EU JP EU EULicensed Bands (in GHz) 2.4,4.9,5.04.9,5.04.9,5.04.9,5.05.0Frequency DomainsJapan 2.4 GHzENUM Values18Japan 4.9 GHz 19UK 5.8 GHz  35Europe 5.8 GHz 36Europe 5.4 GHz 37Europe 2.4 GHz 38Japan 5.6 GHz 39
Frequency Domains and ChannelsTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  3012.4 GHz ChannelsFrequency DomainFrequency Band(Start Frequency ~ End Frequency in MHz)Allowed Channels (Center Frequency in GHz)  5 MHz  10 MHz  20 MHz  40 PLUS MHz40 MINUS MHz US SKUUnited States 2.4 GHz2412 ~ 2462  1 (2412),2 (2417)...10 (2457),11 (2462).1 (2412),2 (2417)...10 (2457),11 (2462).1 (2412),2 (2417)...10 (2457),11 (2462).1 (2412), 2 (2417)...6 (2437),7 (2442).5 (2432), 6 (2437)...10 (2457),11 (2462).World SKUWorld 2.3 GHz 2277 ~ 2397  100 (2277),101 (2282)...123 (2392),124 (2397).100 (2277),101 (2282)...122 (2387),123 (2392).101 (2282),102 (2287)...121(2382),122 (2387).101 (2282),102 (2287)...117 (2362),118 (2367). 105 (2302),106(2307)...121(2382),122 (2387).World 2.4 GHz 2412 ~ 2472  1 (2412),2 (2417)...12 (2467),13 (2472).1 (2412),2 (2417)...12 (2467),13 (2472).1 (2412), 2 (2417)...12 (2467),13 (2472).1 (2412), 2 (2417)...8 (2447),9 (2452).5 (2432), 6 (2437)...12 (2467),13 (2472).World 2.5 GHz 2477 ~ 2507  200(2477),201(2482)...205 (2502),206(2507).200(2477),201(2482)...205 (2502),206(2507).201(2482),202 (2487)...204(2497),205 (2502).- -WD-Europe 2.4 GHz2412 ~ 2472  1 (2412), 2 (2417)...12 (2467),13 (2472).1 (2412), 2 (2417)...12 (2467), 13 (2472).1 (2412), 2 (2417)...12 (2467),13 (2472).1 (2412), 2 (2417)...8 (2447),9 (2452).5 (2432), 6 (2437)...12 (2467),13 (2472).EU SKUEurope 2.4 GHz 2412 ~ 2472  1 (2412), 2 (2417)...12 (2467),13 (2472).1 (2412), 2 (2417)...12 (2467), 13 (2472).1 (2412), 2 (2417)...12 (2467),13 (2472).1 (2412), 2 (2417)...8 (2447),9 (2452).5 (2432), 6 (2437)...12 (2467),13 (2472).: All DFS countries support only 20 and 40 MHz channel bandwidths.
Frequency Domains and ChannelsTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  3024.9 and 5 GHz ChannelsFrequency DomainFrequency Band(Start Frequency ~ End Frequency in MHz)Allowed Channels (Center Frequency in GHz)5 MHz  10 MHz  20 MHz  40 PLUS MHz  40 MINUS MHzUS SKUUnited States 5 GHz5260 ~ 5320 (DFS)5500 ~ 5580 (DFS)5660 ~ 5700 (DFS)5745 ~ 5825 (non-DFS)- - 52(5260),53(5265)...63(5315),64(5320).100(5500),101(5505)...115(5575),116(5580).132(5660),133(5665)...139(5695),140(5700).149(5745),150(5750)...164(5820),165(5825).52(5260),53(5265)...59(5295),60(5300).100(5500),101(5505)...111(5555),112(5560).133(5665),134(5670)...135(5675),136(5680).149(5745),150(5750)...160(5800),161(5805).56(5280),57(5285)...63(5315),64(5320).104(5520),105(5525)...115(5575),116(5580).136(5680),137(5685)...139(5695),140(5700).153(5765),154(5770)...164(5820),165(5825).United States 5.8 GHz5740 ~ 5830 (Non-DFS) 148(5740),149(5745)...165(5825),166(5830).149(5745),150(5750)...164(5820),165(5825).149(5745),150(5750)...164(5820),165(5825).149(5745),150(5750)...160(5800),161(5805).153(5765),154(5770)...164(5820),165(5825).United States2 (5.3, 5.8 GHz)5260 ~ 5320 (DFS)5745 ~ 5825 (Non-DFS)- - 52(5260),53(5265)...63(5315),64(5320).149(5745),150(5750)...164(5820),165(5825).52(5260),53(5265)...59(5295),60(5300).149(5745),150(5750)...160(5800),161(5805).56(5280),57(5285)...63(5315),64(5320).153(5765),154(5770)...164(5820),165(5825).United States 4.9 GHz4942 ~ 4987 (Non-DFS) 5(4942.5),15(4947.5)...85(4982.5),95(4987.5).10(4945),20(4950)...80(4980),90(4985).20(4950),30(4955)...70(4975),80(4980).- -Japan SKUJapan 4.9 4912 ~ 4980 (Non-DFS) 182(4912.5),183(4917.5)...188(4942.5),189(4947.5).183(4915),184(4920)...188(4940),189(4945).184(4920),188(4940)...192(4960),196(4980).184(4920),185(4925),191(4955)...192(4960).188(4940),189(4945),195(4975)...196(4980).
Frequency Domains and ChannelsTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  303Japan 5.6 5500 ~ 5700 (DFS) - - 100(5500)104(5520)108(5540)112(5560)116(5580)120(5600)124(5620)128(5640)132(5660)136(5680)140(5700)100(5500)108(5540)116(5580)124(5620)136(5680)104(5520)112(5560)120(5600)128(5640)140(5700)World SKUWD United States 5 GHz5255 ~ 5325 (DFS)5495 ~ 5585 (DFS)5655 ~ 5705 (DFS)5740 ~ 5830 (non-DFS)- - 52(5260),53(5265)...63(5315),64(5320).100(5500),101(5505)...115(5575),116(5580).132(5660),133(5665)...139(5695),140(5700).149(5745),150(5750)...164(5820),165(5825)52(5260),53(5265)...59(5295),60(5300).100(5500),101(5505)...111(5555),112(5560).133(5665),134(5670),135(5675),136(5680).149(5745),150(5750)...160(5800),161(5805).56(5280),57(5285)...63(5315),64(5320).104(5520),105(5525)...115(5575),116(5580).136(5680),137(5685)...139(5695),140(5700).153(5765),154(5770)...164(5820),165(5825).World 5 GHz 5155 ~ 6075 (Non-DFS)Please note that 8200 & 82x SKUs support upto 5920 MHz frequency.31(5155),32(5160)...214(6070),215(6075).31(5155),32(5160)...214(6070),215(6075).32(5160),33(5165)...213(6065),214(6070).32(5160),33(5165)...209(6045),210(6050).36(5180),37(5185)...213(6065),214(6070).World 4.9 GHz4905 ~ 4995 (Non-DFS) 181(4905),182(4910)…187(4935),188(4940).10(4945),20(4950)…100(4990),110(4995).181(4905),182(4910)…187(4935),188(4940).10(4945),20(4950)…100(4990),110(4995).182(4910),183(4915)…187(4935),188(4940).10(4945),20(4950)…90(4985),100(4990).182(4910),183(4915)…187(4935),188(4940).10(4945),20(4950)…50(4965),60(4970).186(4930),187(4935),188(4940),10(4945),20(4950)…90(4985),100(4990).Frequency DomainFrequency Band(Start Frequency ~ End Frequency in MHz)Allowed Channels (Center Frequency in GHz)5 MHz  10 MHz  20 MHz  40 PLUS MHz  40 MINUS MHz
Frequency Domains and ChannelsTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  304World 5.9 GHz5880 ~ 5920 (Non-DFS) 176(5880),177(5885)...183(5915),184(5920).176(5880),177(5885)...183(5915),184(5920).177(5885),178(5890)...182(5910),183(5915).177(5885)178(5890)179(5895)181(5905)182(5910)183(5915)Canada 5 GHz5255 ~ 5325 (DFS)5495 ~ 5585 (DFS)5655 ~ 5705 (DFS)- - 52(5260),53(5265)...63(5315),64(5320).100(5500),101(5505)...115(5575),116(5580).132(5660),133(5665)...139(5695),140(5700).52(5260),53(5265)...59(5295),60(5300).100(5500),101(5505)...111(5555),112(5560).132(5660),133(5665)...135(5675),136(5680).56(5280),57(5285)...63(5315),64(5320).104(5520),105(5525)...115(5575),116(5580).136(5680),137(5685)...139(5695),140(5700).WD-Europe5.4 GHz5495 ~ 5585 (DFS)5655 ~ 5705 (DFS)- - 100(5500),101(5505)...115(5575),116(5580).132(5660),133(5665)...139(5695),140(5700).100(5500),101(5505)...111(5555),112(5560).132(5660),133(5665)...135(5675),136(5680).104(5520),105(5525)...115(5575),116(5580).136(5680),137(5685)...139(5695),140(5700).WD-Europe5.8 GHz5735 ~ 5870 (DFS) - - 149(5745),150(5750)...172(5860),173(5865).149(5745),150(5750)…168(5840),169(5845).153(5765),154(5770)...172(5860),173(5865).Russia5 GHz5155 ~ 6075 (Non-DFS)Please note that 8200 & 82x SKUs support upto 5920 MHz frequency.31(5155),32(5160)...214(6070),215(6075).31(5155),32(5160)...214(6070),215(6075).32(5160),33(5165)...213(6065),214(6070).32(5160),33(5165)...209(6045),210(6050).36(5180),37(5185)...213(6065),214(6070).Taiwan 5 GHz5495 ~ 5705 (DFS)5740 ~ 5810 (Non-DFS) - - 100(5500),101(5505)...139(5695),140(5700).149(5745),150(5750)...160(5800),161(5805).100(5500),101(5505)...135(5675),136(5680).149(5745),150(5750)...156(5780),157(5785).104(5520),105(5525)...139(5695),140(5700).153(5765),154(5770)...160(5800),161(5805).Frequency DomainFrequency Band(Start Frequency ~ End Frequency in MHz)Allowed Channels (Center Frequency in GHz)5 MHz  10 MHz  20 MHz  40 PLUS MHz  40 MINUS MHz
Frequency Domains and ChannelsTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  305India 5.8 GHz5830 ~ 5870 (Non-DFS) 166(5830),167(5835)...173(5865),174(5870).166(5830),167(5835)...173(5865),174(5870).167(5835),168(5840)...172(5860),173(5865).167(5835)168(5840)169(5845)171(5855)172(5860)173(5865)Canada5.8 GHz5735 ~ 5855 (Non-DFS) 147(5735),148(5740)...170(5850),171(5855).147(5735),148(5740)...170(5850),171(5855).148(5740),149(5745)...169(5845),170(5850).148(5740),149(5745)...165(5825),166(5830).152(5760),153(5765)...169(5845),170(5850).WD U.K 5.8 GHz5730 ~ 5790 (DFS)5820 ~ 5845 (DFS)- - 147(5735),148(5740)...156(5780),157(5785).167(5835).147(5735),148(5740)...152(5760),153(5765).151(5755),152(5760)...156(5780),157(5785).Australia 5.4 GHz5475 ~ 5595 (DFS)5655 ~ 5720 (DFS)- - 96(5480),97(5485)…117(5585),118(5590).132(5660),133(5665)…142(5710),143(5715).96(5480),97(5485)…113(5565),114(5570).132(5660),133(5665)…138(5690),139(5695).100(5500),101(5505)…117(5585),118(5590).136(5680),137(5685)…142(5710),143(5715).Australia 5.8 GHz5730 ~ 5845 (Non-DFS) 146(5730),147(5735)…168(5840),169(5845).146(5730),147(5735)...148(5740),169(5845).147(5735),148(5740)…167(5835),168(5840).147(5735),148(5740)...163(5815),164(5820).151(5755),152(5760)…167(5835),168(5840).Brazil 5.4 GHz5475 ~ 5720 (DFS) - - 96(5480),97(5485)…142(5710),143(5715).96(5480),97(5485)…138(5690),139(5695).100(5500),101(5505)…142(5710),143(5715).Brazil 5.8 GHz5730 ~ 5845 (Non-DFS) 146(5730),147(5735)...168(5840),169(5845).146(5730),147(5735)...168(5840),169(5845).147(5735),148(5740)...167(5835),168(5840).147(5735),148(5740)...163(5815),164(5820).151(5755),152(5760)...167(5835),168(5840).Canada 4.9 GHz4945 ~ 4985 (Non-DFS) 10(4945),20(4950)...80(4980),90(4985).10(4945),20(4950)...80(4980),90(4985).20(4950),30(4955)...70(4975),80(4980).20(4950),30(4955),40(4960).60(4970),70(4975),80(4980).Frequency DomainFrequency Band(Start Frequency ~ End Frequency in MHz)Allowed Channels (Center Frequency in GHz)5 MHz  10 MHz  20 MHz  40 PLUS MHz  40 MINUS MHz
Frequency Domains and ChannelsTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  306Legacy 5GHz 5150 ~ 6080 (Non-DFS)Please note that 8200 & 82x SKUs support upto 5920 MHz frequency.30(5150),31(5155)...215(6075),216(6080).30(5150),32(5160)...214(6070),216(6080).30(5150),34(5170)...210(6050),216(6070).- -WD Japan 4.94912 ~ 4980 (Non-DFS)Please note that 8100 SKUs does not support this frequency.182(4912.5),183(4917.5)...188(4942.5),189(4947.5).183(4915),184(4920)...188(4940),189(4945).184(4920),188(4940),192(4960),196(4980).184(4920)192(4960)188(4940)196(4980)WD-Japan 5.65500 ~ 5700 (DFS) - - 100(5500)104(5520)108(5540)112(5560)116(5580)120(5600)124(5620)128(5640)132(5660)136(5680)140(5700)100(5500)108(5540)116(5580)124(5620)136(5680)104(5520)112(5560)120(5600)128(5640)140(5700)WD United States 4.9 GHz4942 ~ 4987 (Non-DFS) 5(4942.5),15(4947.5)...85(4982.5),95(4987.5),10(4945),20(4950)...80(4980),90(4985).20(4950),30(4955)...70(4975),80(4980).- -WD United States 5.8 GHz5740 ~ 5830 (Non-DFS) 148(5740),149(5745)...165(5825),166(5830).149(5745),150(5750)...164(5820),165(5825).149(5745),150(5750)...164(5820),165(5825).149(5745),150(5750)...160(5800),161(5805).153(5765),154(5770)...164(5820),165(5825).World 5.8 GHz5720 ~ 5855 (Non-DFS) 144(5720),145(5725)...170(5850),171(5855).144(5720),145(5725)...170(5850),171(5855).145(5725),146(5730)...169(5845),170(5850).145(5725),146(5730)...165(5825),166(5830).149(5745),150(5750)...169(5845),170(5850).Indonesia 5.7 GHz5730 ~ 5820 (Non-DFS) 146(5730),147(5735)...163(5815),164(5820).146(5730),147(5735)...163(5815),164(5820).147(5735),148(5740)...162(5810),163(5815).147(5735),148(5740)...158(5790),159(5795).151(5755),152(5760)...162(5810),163(5815).Frequency DomainFrequency Band(Start Frequency ~ End Frequency in MHz)Allowed Channels (Center Frequency in GHz)5 MHz  10 MHz  20 MHz  40 PLUS MHz  40 MINUS MHz
Frequency Domains and ChannelsTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  307EU SKUU.K 5.8 GHz5730 ~ 5790 (DFS)5820 ~ 5845 (DFS)- - 147(5735),148(5740)...156(5780),157(5785).167(5835)147(5735),148(5740)...152(5760),153(5765).151(5755),152(5760)...156(5780),157(5785).Europe5.8 GHz5735 ~ 5870 (DFS) - - 149(5745),150(5750)...172(5860),173(5865).149(5745),150(5750)…168(5840),169(5845).153(5765),154(5770)...172(5860),173(5865).Europe5.4 GHz5495 ~ 5585 (DFS)5655 ~ 5705 (DFS)- - 100(5500),101(5505)...115(5575),116(5580).132(5660),133(5665)...139(5695),140(5700).100(5500),101(5505)...111(5555),112(5560).132(5660),133(5665)...135(5675),136(5680).104(5520),105(5525)...115(5575),116(5580).136(5680),137(5685)...139(5695),140(5700).Frequency DomainFrequency Band(Start Frequency ~ End Frequency in MHz)Allowed Channels (Center Frequency in GHz)5 MHz  10 MHz  20 MHz  40 PLUS MHz  40 MINUS MHz
Frequency Domains and ChannelsTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  3086.4 GHz Channels: The center frequency listed in the above tables are based on channel offset set to ‘0’. If channel offset is set to anyvalue other than ‘0’ then the center frequency will be shifted accordingly. You can set the channel offset ranging from-2  to  +2  MHz  in  MP-8150-CPE,  MP-8160-BSU,  MP-8160-SUA,  MP-8160-CPE-A100,  MP-825-CPE-50,MP-820-BSU-100,  MP-820-SUA-50+,  MP-825-SUR-50+,  QB-8150-EPR/LNK-12/50,  QB-825-EPR/LNK-50,  andQB-825-EPR/LNK-50+.Details for 40MHz BandwidthWhile choosing 40MHz bandwidth, you can select 40 PLUS (Upper Extension) or 40 MINUS (Lower Extension). 40 PLUS meansthe center frequency calculation is done for 20MHz and add another 20MHz to the top edge of 20MHz. 40 MINUS meansthe center frequency calculation is done for 20MHz and add another 20MHz to the bottom edge of 20MHz.For 40 PLUS2.4GHz -> – Channel 1 = 2412 MHz– Bandwidth starts from 2403 MHz and ends at 2442 MHz5GHz -> – Channel 52 = 5260 MHz– Bandwidth starts from 5251 MHz and ends at 5290 MHzFrequency DomainFrequency Band(Start Frequency ~ End Frequency in MHz)Allowed Channels (Center Frequency)  5 MHz  10 MHz  20 MHz  40 PLUS MHz 40 MINUS MHzWorld 6.4 GHz5905 ~ 6420 181 (5905),182 (5910)...283 (6415), 284 (6420).181 (5905),182 (5910)...283 (6415),284 (6420).182 (5910),183 (5915)...282 (6410),283 (6415).182 (5910),183 (5915)...278 (6390),279 (6395).186 (5930)187 (5935)...282 (6410),283 (6415).
Frequency Domains and ChannelsTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  3096.4GHz ->– Channel 181 = 5910 MHz– Bandwidth starts from 5901 MHz and ends at 5940 MHzFor 40 MINUS2.4GHz -> – Channel 5 = 2432 MHz– Bandwidth starts from 2403 MHz and ends at 2442 MHz5GHz ->– Channel 56 = 5280 MHz– Bandwidth starts from 5251 MHz and ends at 5290 MHz6.4GHz ->– Channel 186 = 5930 MHz– Bandwidth starts from 5901 MHz and ends at 5940 MHz
Frequency Domains and ChannelsTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  310
Tsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  311LACP - Device ManagementTsunami  Quickbridge®  devices  that  are  part  of  the  LACP  link  cannot  be  managed  through  the  switches,  so  it  isrecommended to use the second Ethernet port for management. : When using second Ethernet port for management, ensure to disable Auto Shutdown for Ethernet2. See ).STP/LACP Frames should be set to passthru. See In this chapter, we have chosen the following two examples to explain the device management in the LACP link, by using thesecond Ethernet port.Example1 Figure D-1 Device Management with No VLAN: The second Ethernet port is POE out; it should be connected via a passive POE (Without the AC power plugged-in) or Gigabit 48 VDC Injector (GIG-POE-INJ-48VDC-T) (without 48 VDC power plugged-in). Directly connecting the Ethernet port2 of the device to the PC Ethernet NIC may damage the PC NIC port or Ethernet port on the switch.
LACP - Device ManagementTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  312In this example, we have considered a network with two QuickBridge links each supporting LACP mode. In this setup, VLANis not configured on both LACP switches and devices.The Ethernet1 of all the devices is connected to the LACP port and is used for data transfer. To manage the devices, use a dedicated management Personal Computer per QuickBridge link. Use Ethernet2 port of thedevice to connect the Personal Computer.: In Fail Over Mode (if one of the link goes down), the remote device of a particular link cannot be managed.Example2Figure D-2 Device Management with VLANIn  this  example,  we  have  considered  a  network  with  two  QuickBridge  links  each  supporting  LACP  mode.  In  this  setup,Ethernet 1 of all the devices is connected to the LACP port, with no VLAN. The Ethernet 2 of all the devices is connected tothe tagged VLAN management port with Spanning Tree enabled.To manage all the devices in the QuickBridge network, use one dedicated management Personal Computer connected to theuntagged VLAN port of the switch. To manage the devices,  configure same management VLAN Id on  all the devices. The Ethernet 1 should be configured intransparent VLAN mode to allow data transfer. The Ethernet2 can be configured either in transparent mode or trunk mode toallow management traffic to the devices. With Spanning Tree enabled on the LACP Switches, you will be able to manage all the QuickBridge devices, even if one of thewireless link goes down.For VLAN configuration, refer  .
Tsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  313QinQThe Subscribers and End Point devices support QinQ VLAN feature that enables service providers to use a single VLAN ID tosupport multiple customer VLANs by encapsulating the 802.1Q VLAN tag within another 802.1Q frame. The benefits withQinQ are as follows:Increases the VLAN space in a provider network or enterprise backboneReduce the number of VLANs that a provider needs to support within the provider network for the same number of customersEnables customers to plan their own VLAN IDs, without running into conflicts with service provider VLAN IDsProvides a simple Layer 2 VPN solution for small-sized MAN (Metropolitan Area Networks) or IntranetProvides customer traffic isolation at Layer 2 within a service provider networkConsider a BSU and SU network, with QinQ (Double VLAN (Q in Q) Status) enabled on the SU.Subscriber: – Based on the Ethernet VLAN configuration on the Subscriber, the data packets are tagged as follows:Access Mode: SU double tags the packet with Access VLAN ID as inner tag and Service VLAN ID as outer tag.                        : When Double VLAN is enabled on the device, the Access VLAN ID should not be set to -1.Trunk Mode: SU expects a tagged packet (inner tag) and tags the packet with Service VLAN ID as outer tag.                        : When Double VLAN is enabled on the device, the Port VLAN ID should not be set to -1.Transparent Mode: When QinQ is enabled, SU cannot be configured in the Transparent mode.– In case of downlink traffic, SU always expects double tagged packet from the wireless side. If the outer VLAN tag matches with Service VLAN ID then SU will untag the packet and forward to Ethernet. Based on Ethernet VLAN configuration, the data packets are handled accordingly. When the outer VLAN tag does not match the Service VLAN ID, the packet is dropped.– Different outer VLAN IDs can be configured for different SUs, but those VLAN IDs should also be configured on the BSU Ethernet. Base Station: – BSU always considers the first VLAN tag available in the packet; in case of double tagged packet it is the outer VLAN ID.Trunk Mode: The outer tag of the packet arriving at the Ethernet side should match with the VLAN ID configured in the trunk table.Transparent Mode: When configured in transparent mode, ensure the data packet is double tagged.
QinQTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  314Device Management– From the BSU Ethernet side, the BSU/SU can be managed with a single VLAN tagged packet that matches the Management VLAN ID.– From the SU Ethernet side, only SU can be managed with a single VLAN tagged packet that matches the Management VLAN ID; BSU cannot be managed from the SU Ethernet side.: In a QuickBridge link, Q-in-Q should be enabled either on an End Point A or an End Point B.The user configurable TPID is only used in the Service Provider VLAN tag. The Inner or customer VLAN tag should always have TPID as 0x8100.An Example: The following diagram is the pictorial representation of how traffic flows in a QinQ enabled network.The Computer behind SU can be used to manage the SU.To manage BSU, connect another Computer to BSU Ethernet port through a VLAN switch with PVID as 100.
Tsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  315BSU RedundancyThe  BSU  Redundancy  feature  can  help  in  reducing  the  network  outage  in  case  of  the  Primary  BSU  failure.  This  featureenables the SU to keep track of the Primary and the Secondary BSU availability through a proprietary protocol. This allowsthe SU to switch between the Primary and the  Secondary BSU depending on the link status. If both the Primary and theSecondary BSU are not available, the SU attempts to find any other BSU within its network. Configuration GuidelinesThis feature is activated only on a SU. By default, it is disabled. Use a non-empty string to enable this feature and an empty string to disable this feature.When this feature is enabled, it is mandatory to configure both the Primary and the Secondary BSU name on the SU.The Primary and the Secondary BSU names should be unique.It is expected that the Primary and the Secondary BSUs are connected to the same L2 Broadcast domain and are configured with the same “Network Name” as the SU.ExampleFigure F-1 An Example - BSU Redundancy Feature           
BSU RedundancyTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  316Log Samples for BSU Redundancy SU - During Boot UpChannel 160 is set as the current channel.SU is trying to register with BSU: BSU1 (MAC: 00:0b:6b:b7:4c:26).SU received QoS Class: Unlimited Best Effort (indx: 1).SU registered with BSU: BSU1 (MAC: 00:0b:6b:b7:4c:26) on channel 160(0x14004A0) (SNR: A1:46 A2:0 A3:40[dB]) at WORP port[ 0 ].Link Profile Index: 1.Wireless: WORP Link Established with Primary BSU: BSU1Wireless: SU discovered Secondary BSU:BSU2 on channel:60After getting connected to the Primary BSU, the SU should discover the secondary BSU.Primary BSU Down - Connected to Secondary BSUSU unregistered from BSU: BSU1 (MAC: 00:0b:6b:b7:4c:26).Channel 60 is set as the current channel.SU is trying to register with BSU: BSU2 (MAC: 00:0b:6b:b7:4b:ff).SU received QoS Class: Unlimited Best Effort (indx: 1).SU registered with BSU: BSU2 (MAC: 00:0b:6b:b7:4b:ff) on channel 60(0x78043C) (SNR: A1:51 A2:0 A3:49[dB]) at WORP port[ 0 ].kernel:Worp: Link Profile Index: 1.Wireless: WORP Link Established with Secondary BSU: BSU2Connected to Other BSU01:52:25 kernel:Worp: WARNING: Channel 100 is set as the current channel.01:52:25 kernel:Worp: SU is trying to register with BSU: BSU3 (MAC: 00:20:a6:d3:ed:e5).01:52:25 kernel:Worp: SU received QoS Class: Unlimited Best Effort (index: 1).01:52:25 kernel:Worp: SU registered with BSU: BSU3 (MAC: 00:20:a6:d3:ed:e5) on channel 100(0xC80464) (SNR: A1:58 A2:0 A3:54[dB]) at WORP port[ 0 ].01:52:25 kernel:Worp: Link Profile Index: 1.01:52:25: Wireless: WORP Link Established with Other BSU: BSU301:54:35: Wireless: SU discovered Secondary BSU:BSU2 on channel:6001:54:35: Wireless: SU discovered Primary BSU:BSU1 on channel:160SU should discover both the Primary and the Secondary BSU, and connect to the Primary BSU after the switch time interval. BSU Switch Time Interval - 15 Minutes1Wireless: WORP Link Established with Secondary BSU: BSU200:08:34: Wireless: SU discovered Primary BSU:BSU1 on channel:16000:23:34 kernel:Worp: SU unregistered from BSU: BSU2 (MAC: 00:0b:6b:b7:4b:ff).00:23:34 kernel:Worp: WARNING: Channel 0 is set as the current channel.00:23:35 kernel:Worp: SU is trying to register with BSU: BSU1 (MAC: 00:0b:6b:b7:4c:26).00:23:35 kernel:Worp: SU received QoS Class: Unlimited Best Effort (indx: 1).
BSU RedundancyTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  31700:23:35 kernel:Worp: SU registered with BSU: BSU1 (MAC: 00:0b:6b:b7:4c:26) on channel 160(0x14004A0) (SNR: A1:43 A2:0 A3:36[dB]) at WORP port[ 0 ].00:23:35 kernel:Worp: Link Profile Index: 1.00:23:35: Wireless: WORP Link Established with Primary BSU: BSU100:24:34: Wireless: SU discovered Secondary BSU:BSU2 on channel:60Connect to Primary BSU01:59:25: Wireless: WORP Link Established with Other BSU: BSU302:02:25 kernel:Worp: SU unregistered from BSU: BSU3 (MAC: 00:20:a6:d3:ed:e5)..02:02:25: Wireless: SU discovered Secondary BSU:BSU2 on channel:6002:02:25: Wireless: SU discovered Primary BSU:BSU1 on channel:16002:02:25 kernel:Worp: SU is trying to register with BSU: BSU2 (MAC: 00:0b:6b:b7:4b:ff).02:02:25 kernel:Worp: SU received QoS Class: Unlimited Best Effort (indx: 1).02:02:25 kernel:Worp: SU registered with BSU: BSU2 (MAC: 00:0b:6b:b7:4b:ff) on channel 60(0x78043C) (SNR: A1:37 A2:0 A3:35[dB]) at WORP port[ 0 ].02:02:25: Wireless: WORP Link Established with Secondary BSU: BSU202:04:25 kernel:Worp: SU unregistered from BSU: BSU2 (MAC: 00:0b:6b:b7:4b:ff).02:04:25 kernel:Worp: SU is trying to register with BSU: BSU1 (MAC: 00:0b:6b:b7:4c:26).02:04:25 kernel:Worp: SU registered with BSU: BSU1 (MAC: 00:0b:6b:b7:4c:26) on channel 160(0x14004A0) (SNR: A1:46 A2:0 A3:42[dB]) at WORP port[ 0 ].02:05:25: Wireless: SU discovered Secondary BSU:BSU2 on channel:60 02:04:25: Wireless: WORP Link Established with Primary BSU: BSU1No Response Message03:32:25 kernel:Worp: WARNING: Channel 0 is set as the current channel.03:32:25 kernel:Worp: SU is trying to register with BSU: BSU1 (MAC: 00:0b:6b:b7:4c:26).03:32:25 kernel:Worp: SU received QoS Class: Unlimited Best Effort (indx: 1).03:32:25 kernel:Worp: SU registered with BSU: BSU1 (MAC: 00:0b:6b:b7:4c:26) on channel 160(0x14004A0) (SNR: A1:45 A2:0 A3:42[dB]) at WORP port[ 0 ].03:32:25 kernel:Worp: Link Profile Index: 1.03:32:25: Wireless: WORP Link Established with Primary BSU: BSU103:33:25: Wireless: SU discovered Secondary BSU:BSU2 on channel:6003:40:43: Wireless: Secondary BSU: BSU2 not Available
Tsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  318Bootloader CLI and ScanToolBootloader CLIThe Bootloader CLI is  a minimal subset of  the normal CLI that is  used to perform initial configuration of the device. TheBootloader CLI is available when the device embedded software is not running. This interface is only accessible through the serial interface, if:The device does not contain a software image An existing image is corrupted An automatic (default) download of image over TFTP has failedThe Bootloader CLI provides  the  ability  to configure the initial setup parameters;  and  depending  on  this configuration, asoftware file is downloaded to the device during startup.The Bootloader CLI supports the following commands: : Restore the factory settings: Print Online Help: Reboot the device: Set the parameters: Show the parametersThe Bootloader CLI supports the following parameters (for viewing and modifying):: IP Address: System Name: Gateway IP Address: Server IP Address : IP Address Type: Net Mask: Image file name (including the file extension)If the Bootloader fails to load the firmware from flash, it tries to get the firmware from the network. While trying to getfirmware  from  the  network,  the  device  should  be  powered  on  using  Ethernet  1  interface  of  the  device.  The  defaultconfiguration of the Bootloader parameters are as follows:Parameter Valueipaddr systemnameserverip imagenameipaddrtype dynamic
Bootloader CLI and ScanToolTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  319To Load the Firmware from the NetworkUse the   command to view the parameters and their values, and use the   command to set the parameter value.To Load the Firmware by using Dynamic IP Parameters1. Set the ipaddrtype to dynamic2. Run the BOOTP and TFTP Servers followed by device rebootWhen the device reboots, the device gets the IP Address and Boot filename from the BOOTP server. You need not change anyof the default Bootloader parameters. After BOOTP succeeds, the device initiates a TFTP request with the filename it getsfrom BOOTP.To Load the Firmware by using Static IP Parameters1. Use the   command to set the IP parameters like ‘ipaddr’, ‘serverip’, ‘filename’ and also set the parameter ‘ipaddrtype’ to static.2. Run the TFTP Server followed by device reboot.When the device reboots, the TFTP request is initiated with the value taken from the parameter “filename”. This request issent to the IP address set as “serverip”. In this case, the TFTP Server should be reachable to the device.ScanToolIf you want to access the device with ScanTool, then the host running the ScanTool should also be in the same network as thedevice. The ScanTool broadcast requests are discarded by the routers if the device and the host running the ScanTool are indifferent network. This means that the ScanTool cannot discover the device.A device in Bootloader can be recognized by looking at the system description. If the system description does not contain anybuild number in braces, conclude that the device is in Bootloader mode.For example:MP-8100-BSU-WD - Description of the devicevX.Y.Z                                                     - Firmware VersionSN-11Pl15010031                                  - Serial NumberBL-v1.3.1                                                - Bootloader versionFigure G-1 Scan Tool View of a Device in Bootloader Mode (An Example)
Tsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  320SNR InformationGiven below are the SNR values for the following devices:MP-8100-BSUMP-8100-SUA MP-8150-SURMP-8150-SUR-100QB-8100-EPA/LNKQB-8150-EPR/LNKQB-8150-LNK-100QB-8151-EPR/LNKMCS Index ModulationNoof Streams2.4 GHz5 MHz 10 MHz 20 MHz 40 MHzDataRateMin SNRMax SNRDataRateMin SNRMax SNRDataRateMin SNRMax SNRData Rate Min SNRMax SNRFull ShortMCS0 BPSK 1/2 Single 1.6 10 86 3.3 10 86 6.5 12 86 13.5 15 26 80 MCS1 QPSK 1/2 Single 3.3 15 86 6.5 16 86 13 21 86 27 30 26 80 MCS2 QPSK 3/4 Single 4.9 21 84 9.7 21 84 19.5 21 84 40.5 45 26 79 MCS3 16 QAM 1/2 Single 6.5 23 82 13 23 82 26 23 82 54 60 30 77 MCS4 16 QAM 3/4 Single 9.7 26 80 19.5 26 80 39 25 80 81 90 33 77 MCS5 64 QAM 2/3 Single 13 29 79 26 29 79 52 27 78 108 120 37 76 MCS6 64 QAM 3/4 Single 14.6 30 79 29.3 31 78 58.5 30 77 121.5 135 40 75 MCS7 64 QAM 5/6 Single 16.2 32 78 32.5 32 78 65 32 77 135 150 42 75 MCS8 BPSK 1/2 Dual 3.3 12 86 6.5 14 86 13 14 86 27 30 16 80 MCS9 QPSK 1/2 Dual 6.5 20 84 13 21 84 26 21 84 54 60 26 80 MCS10 QPSK 3/4 Dual 9.7 22 82 19.5 23 82 39 22 82 81 90 28 79 MCS11 16 QAM 1/2 Dual 13 23 80 26 23 80 52 24 80 108 120 32 77 MCS12 16 QAM 3/4 Dual 19.5 27 80 39 27 80 78 30 78 162 180 35 77 MCS13 64 QAM 2/3 Dual 26 30 79 52 30 79 104 34 78 216 240 37 76 MCS14 64 QAM 3/4 Dual 29.3 36 78 58.5 35 77 117 37 77 243 270 43 75 MCS15 64 QAM 5/6 Dual 32.5 39 78 65 38 77 130 39 76 270 300 45 75
SNR InformationTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  321Given below are the SNR values for the following device(s) in legacy mode:MP-8100-BSUMP-8100-SUA MP-8150-SURMP-8150-SUR-100MCS Index ModulationNo of Streams5 GHz5 MHz 10 MHz 20 MHz 40 MHzData RateMin SNRMax SNRData RateMin SNRMax SNRData RateMin SNRMax SNRData Rate Min SNRMax SNRFull ShortMCS0 BPSK 1/2 Single 1.6 6 86 3.3 7 86 6.5 6 86 13.5 15  9 80MCS1 QPSK 1/2 Single 3.3 8 86 6.5 8 86 13 9 86  27 30 11 80 MCS2 QPSK 3/4 Single 4.9 10 84 9.7 13 84 19.5 11 84 40.5 45 15 79MCS3 16 QAM 1/2 Single 6.5 14 82 13 16 82 26 14 82 54 60 16 77MCS4 16 QAM 3/4 Single 9.7 17 80 19.5 20 80 39 18 80 81 90 20 77MCS5 64 QAM 2/3 Single 13 22 79 26 24 79 52 22 78 108 120 24 76MCS6 64 QAM 3/4 Single 14.6 25 79 29.3 26 78 58.5 25 77 121.5 135 27 75MCS7 64 QAM 5/6 Single 16.2 28 78 32.5 29 78 65 28 77 135 150 30 75MCS8 BPSK 1/2 Dual 3.3 8 86 6.5 9 86 13 9 86 27 30 9 80MCS9 QPSK 1/2 Dual 6.5 12 84 13 12 84 26 12 84 54 60 13 80MCS10 QPSK 3/4 Dual 9.7 14 82 19.5 15 82 39 14 82 81 90 17 79MCS11 16 QAM 1/2 Dual 13 16 80 26 16 80 52 16 80 108 120 22 77MCS12 16 QAM 3/4 Dual 19.5 20 80 39 21 80 78 20 78 162 180 25 77MCS13 64 QAM 2/3 Dual 26 25 79 52 26 79 104 26 78 216 240 27 76MCS14 64 QAM 3/4 Dual 29.3 29 78 58.5 29 77 117 29 77 243 270 30 75MCS15 64 QAM 5/6 Dual 32.5 30 78 65 30 77 130 30 76 270 300 33 75Modulation2.4 GHz 5 GHz5 MHz 10 MHz 20 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 20 MHzData RateMin SNRMax SNRData RateMin SNRMax SNRData RateMin SNRMax SNRMin SNRMax SNRMin SNRMax SNRMin SNRMax SNRBPSK 1/2 1.5 10 84 3 10 84 6 13 84 8 84  8 84 7 81BPSK 3/4 2.25 10 84 4.5 11 84 9 13 84 9 84  9 84 8 81QPSK 1/2 3 12 84 6 11 84 12 15 84 10 82 10 82 9 81QPSK 3/4 4.5 14 84 9 13 84 18 15 84 12 82 11 82 12 8116QAM 1/2 6 17 82 12 17 80 24 22 80 16 82 16 82 15 8016QAM 3/4 9 20 82 18 23 78 36 25 73 18 82 18 80 18 80
SNR InformationTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  322Given below are the SNR values for the following devices:MP-8150-CPEQB-8150-LNK-12/5064QAM 2/3 12 27 81 24 29 76 48 28 73 24 80 24 80 24 7864QAM 3/4 13.5 29 80  27 30 74  54 29 72  27  80 27 80  27 76 MCS Index ModulationNo of Streams5 GHz5 MHz 10 MHz 20 MHz 40 MHzData RateMin SNRMax SNRData RateMin SNRMax SNRData RateMin SNRMax SNRData Rate Min SNRMax SNRFull ShortMCS0 BPSK 1/2 Single 1.6 8 82 3.3 8  82  6.5 8  82  13.5 15 8  82 MCS1 QPSK 1/2 Single 3.3 8 82 6.5 9  82  13 9  82  27 30 9  82 MCS2 QPSK 3/4 Single 4.9 10  82  9.7 11  82  19.5 11  82  40.5 45 11  80 MCS3 16 QAM 1/2 Single 6.5 13  82 13 15  82  26 17  82  54 60 16  80 MCS4 16 QAM 3/4 Single 9.7 16  82 19.5 19  82  39 19  82  81 90 18  80 MCS5 64 QAM 2/3 Single 13 20  81 26 22  81  52 23  81  108 120 23  79 MCS6 64 QAM 3/4 Single 14.6 22  80 29.3 24  80  58.5 25  80  121.5 135 24  79 MCS7 64 QAM 5/6 Single 16.2 24  80 32.5 26  80  65 26  80  135 150 26  79 MCS8 BPSK 1/2 Dual 3.3 9  82  6.5 8  82  13 9  82  27 30 9  82 MCS9 QPSK 1/2 Dual 6.5 10  82 13 10  82  26 12  82  54 60 11  80 MCS10 QPSK 3/4 Dual 9.7 12  82  19.5 12  82  39 13  82  81 90 13  80 MCS11 16 QAM 1/2 Dual 13 16  82  26 16  82  52 18  82  108 120 15  78 MCS12 16 QAM 3/4 Dual 19.5 19  80  39 20  82  78 19  82  162 180 20  68 MCS13 64 QAM 2/3 Dual 26 24  80  52 24  80  104 24  80  216 240 24  60 MCS14 64 QAM 3/4 Dual 29.3 29  80  58.5 30  78  117 27  78  243 270 29  58 MCS15 64 QAM 5/6 Dual 32.5 33 80 65 33 78 130 32 78 270 300 32 56Modulation2.4 GHz 5 GHz5 MHz 10 MHz 20 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 20 MHzData RateMin SNRMax SNRData RateMin SNRMax SNRData RateMin SNRMax SNRMin SNRMax SNRMin SNRMax SNRMin SNRMax SNR
SNR InformationTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  323Given below are the SNR values for the following device(s) in legacy mode:MP-8150-CPEQB-8150-LNK-12/50Given below are the SNR values for the following devices:MP-8160-BSU MP-8160-BS9MP-8160-SUAMP-8160-CPEModulation5 GHz5 MHz 10 MHz 20 MHzData RateMin SNRMax SNRData RateMin SNRMax SNRData RateMin SNRMax SNRBPSK 1/2 1.5 7 81 3 7 81 6 7 81BPSK 3/4 2.25 8 81 4.5 8 81 9 8 81QPSK 1/2 3 9 80 6 9 80 12 9 79QPSK 3/4 4.5 12 78 9 12 78 18 12 7816QAM 1/2 6 16 76 12 16 76 24 16 7316QAM 3/4 9 20 72 18 20 71 36 20 7164QAM 2/3 12 24 69 24 24 69 48 24 6964QAM 3/4 13.5 27 68 27 27 68 54 27 66MCS Index ModulationNoof Streams6.4 GHz5 MHz 10 MHz 20 MHz 40 MHzData RateMin SNRMax SNRData RateMin SNRMax SNRData RateMin SNRMax SNRData Rate Min SNRMax SNRFull ShortMCS0 BPSK 1/2 Single 1.6 6  87  3.3 6 87 6.5 6 87 13.5 15 7 87MCS1 QPSK 1/2 Single 3.3 8 87  6.5 8 87 13 7 87 27 30 8 86MCS2 QPSK 3/4 Single 4.9 10  86  9.7 10  84 19.5 10  86 40.5 45 12  82MCS3 16 QAM 1/2 Single 6.5 13  84  13 14  84 26 13  82  54 60 13  74MCS4 16 QAM 3/4 Single 9.7 16  80  19.5 16  78 39 16  76 81 90 19  70MCS5 64 QAM 2/3 Single 13 21  74 26 21  70 52 20  70 108 120 21  62MCS6 64 QAM 3/4 Single 14.6 22  70 29.3 23  67 58.5 22  67 121.5 135 24  56MCS7 64 QAM 5/6 Single 16.2 24  67 32.5 24  65 65 24  65 135 150 27  55MCS8 BPSK 1/2 Dual 3.3 8 87 6.5 8 87 13 7 86 27 30 10  86MCS9 QPSK 1/2 Dual 6.5 10  87 13 10  87 26 11  84 54 60 12  82
SNR InformationTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  324Given below are the SNR values for the following devices:MP-8200-BSU / SUA MP-8250-BS9 / BS1MP-8250-SURQB-8200-EPA/LNKQB-8250-EPR/LNKMCS10 QPSK 3/4 Dual 9.7 15  84 19.5 13  84 39 13  82 81 90 15  75MCS11 16 QAM 1/2 Dual 13 16  80 26 17  80 52 17  78 108 120 18  74MCS12 16 QAM 3/4 Dual 19.5 20  74 39 23  74 78 20  71 162 180 22  56MCS13 64 QAM 2/3 Dual 26 25  70  52 24  66  104 24  65  216 240 25  55 MCS14 64 QAM 3/4 Dual 29.3 27  66 58.5 27  62 117 27 62 243 270 27  53MCS15 64 QAM 5/6 Dual 32.5 28 64 65 29 62  130 29 62 270 300 30  52MCS Index ModulationNo of Streams4.900 - 5.925 GHz5 MHz 10 MHz 20 MHz 40 MHzData RateMin SNRMax SNRData RateMin SNRMax SNRData RateMin SNRMax SNRData Rate Min SNRMax SNRFull ShortMCS0 BPSK 1/2 Single 1.6 7 50 3.3 7 50 6.5 7 50 13.5 15  9 50MCS1 QPSK 1/2 Single 3.3 9 50 6.5 10 50 13 11 50 27 30 10 50MCS2 QPSK 3/4 Single 4.9 11 50 9.7 13 50 19.5 13 50 40.5 45 14 50MCS3 16 QAM 1/2 Single 6.5 15 50 13 16 50 26 16 50 54 60 16 50MCS4 16 QAM 3/4 Single 9.7 19 50 19.5 20 50 39 20 50 81 90  20 50MCS5 64 QAM 2/3 Single 13 23 50 26 24  50 52 24 50 108 120 24 50MCS6 64 QAM 3/4 Single 14.6 25 50 29.3 26  50 58.5 26 50 121.5 135 27 50MCS7 64 QAM 5/6 Single 16.2 28 50 32.5 29 50 65 29 50 135 150 29 50MCS8 BPSK 1/2 Dual 3.3 8 50 6.5 9  50 13 9 50 27 30 10 50MCS9 QPSK 1/2 Dual 6.5 12 50 13 12  50 26 12 50 54 60 13 50MCS10 QPSK 3/4 Dual 9.7 15 50 19.5 15  50 39 15 50 81 90 16 50MCS11 16 QAM 1/2 Dual 13 18 50 26 18  50 52 18 50 108 120 20 50MCS12 16 QAM 3/4 Dual 19.5 20 50 39 21  50 78 21 50 162 180 24 50MCS13 64 QAM 2/3 Dual 26 25 50 52 26  50 104 26 50 216 240 27 50MCS14 64 QAM 3/4 Dual 29.3 29 50 58.5 29 50 117 29 50 243 270 30 50MCS Index ModulationNoof Streams6.4 GHz5 MHz 10 MHz 20 MHz 40 MHzData RateMin SNRMax SNRData RateMin SNRMax SNRData RateMin SNRMax SNRData Rate Min SNRMax SNRFull Short
SNR InformationTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  325Given below are the SNR values for the following device(s) in legacy mode:MP-8200-BSU / SUAMP-8250-BS9 / BS1MP-8250-SUR MCS15 64 QAM 5/6 Dual 32.5 30  50 65 30  50 130 30  50 270 300 33  50Modulation4.900 - 5.925 GHz5 MHz 10 MHz 20 MHzData RateMin SNRMax SNRData RateMin SNRMax SNRData RateMin SNRMax SNRBPSK 1/2 1.5 7 80 3 7 80 6 8 79BPSK 3/4 2.25 8 80 4.5 9 79 9 9 77QPSK 1/2 3 10 79 6 10 77 12 10 76QPSK 3/4 4.5 12 78 9 12 76 18 12 7416QAM 1/2 6 16 77 12 16 74 24 16 7316QAM 3/4 9 20 76 18 20 72 36 21 7264QAM 2/3 12 25 74 24 24 70 48 25 6964QAM 3/4 13.5 27  73 27 27  68 54 27  68 MCS Index ModulationNo of Streams4.900 - 5.925 GHz5 MHz 10 MHz 20 MHz 40 MHzData RateMin SNRMax SNRData RateMin SNRMax SNRData RateMin SNRMax SNRData Rate Min SNRMax SNRFull Short
SNR InformationTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  326Given below are the SNR values for the following device:MP-820-BSU-100MP-820-SUA-50+MP-825-SUR-50+MP-825-CPE-50QB-825-EPR/LNK-50QB-825-EPR/LNK-50MCS Index ModulationNo of Streams 5 GHz5 MHz 10 MHz 20 MHz 40 MHzData RateMin SNRMax SNRData RateMin SNRMax SNRData RateMin SNRMax SNRData Rate Min SNRMax SNRFull ShortMCS0 BPSK 1/2 Single 1.6 9 50 3.3 9 50 6.5 9 50 13.5 -9 50MCS1 QPSK 1/2 Single 3.3 10 50 6.5 10 50 13 12 50 27 -11 50MCS2 QPSK 3/4 Single 4.9 13 50 9.7 13 50 19.5 13 50 40.5 -15 50MCS3 16 QAM 1/2 Single 6.5 17 50 13 17 50 26 16 50 54 -16 50MCS4 16 QAM 3/4 Single 9.7 20 50 19.5 21 50 39 22 50 81 -24 50MCS5 64 QAM 2/3 Single 13.0 24 50 26 25 50 52 25 50 108 -28 50MCS6 64 QAM 3/4 Single 14.6 26 50 29.3 27 50 58.5 27 50 121.5 -29 50MCS7 64 QAM 5/6 Single 16.2 30 50 32.5 29 50 65 30 50 135 -30 50MCS8 BPSK 1/2 Dual 3.3 10 50 6.5 10 50 13 10 50 27 -10 50MCS9 QPSK 1/2 Dual 6.5 13 50 13 12 50 26 12 50 54 -13 50MCS10 QPSK 3/4 Dual 9.7 15 50 19.5 16 50 39 15 50 81 -17 50MCS11 16 QAM 1/2 Dual 13.0 18 50 26 19 50 52 17 50 108 -22 50MCS12 16 QAM 3/4 Dual 19.5 23 50 39 23 50 78 23 50 162 -25 50MCS13 64 QAM 2/3 Dual 26.0 27 50 52 26 50 104 27 50 216 -27 50MCS14 64 QAM 3/4 Dual 29.3 29 50 58.5 29 50 117 30 50 243 -30 50MCS15 64 QAM 5/6 Dual 32.5 31 50 65 30 50 130 31 50 270 -33 50
SNR InformationTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  327Given below are the SNR values for the following device in legacy mode:MP-820-BSU-100MP-820-SUA-50+MP-825-CPE-50MP-825-SUR-50+Modulation 5 GHz10 MHz 20 MHzData RateMin SNRMax SNRData RateMin SNRMax SNRBPSK 1/2 3 8 50 6 8 50BPSK 3/4 4.5 9 50 9 9 50QPSK 1/2 6 11 50 12 12 50QPSK 3/4 9 12 50 18 13 5016QAM 1/2 12 16 50 24 16 5016QAM 3/4 18 21 50 36 21 5064QAM 2/3 24 24 50 48 25 5064QAM 3/4 27 28 50 54 28 50
Tsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  328Configuration File Cross-loading across the ProductsProxim  portfolio  comprises  different  product  lines  and  SKUs  which  differ  in  features  and  capabilities  depending  on  thehardware platform and the country setting or licensing used in them. This document describes the process to successfullyapply the configuration file on a device(s) and the software checks run while applying the configuration file on a device(s). The user can apply a configuration file retrieved from a (Source) device to another compatible (Target) device. In order tosuccessfully apply the configuration file, the following criteria should be met. 1. The Hardware Inventory Component ID should be same for both the source device and the target device. The configuration file can be applied only to the devices of the same family.The configuration file retrieved from an 8xx series device cannot be applied to a device from 81xx series.The configuration file of a MP-8160-BSU/MP-8160-SUA device cannot be applied to an 8100/8200 series device and vice versa even though they share the same component ID.The configuration file of a MP-8150-CPE device cannot be applied to a MP-8160-CPE device and vice versa even though they share the same component ID.2. The Regulatory Domain should be same in both the source device and the target device.The available Regulatory Domains are listed below: WD SKU is compatible only with the EU SKU. For example, if the configuration file retrieved from a WD SKU device is loaded on a US or JP SKU target device then the upgrade fails.If the above criteria are met, the configuration file can be successfully applied on the target device else an error message isthrown. Once the configuration file is loaded and the device is rebooted, the software tries to apply the new configurationfile during the system boot-up process. Hardware Inventory Component ID Products2000 AP-800; AP-80002001 MP-8100-BSU; MP-8100-SUA; MP-8150-SURMP-8150-SUR-100MP-8160-BSU; MP-8160-SUA; MP-8160-BS9MP-8200-BSU; MP-8200-SUA; MP-8250-BS9/SURQB-8xxx-EPA; QB-8xxx-EPR;2003 MP-8150-CPE2005 Tsunami 82x Series2006 AP-8100
Configuration File Cross-loading across the ProductsTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  329Sometimes, a device from a particular product series may have different a license information compared to other devices ofthe same series. Therefore, the start-up process validates the configuration file against the license file of the device beforeapplying the configuration file. The configuration file is valid, if the following conditions are met:1. The input bandwidth limit in the configuration file should be less than or equal to the input bandwidth limit in the license file.2. The output bandwidth limit in the configuration file should be less than or equal to the output bandwidth limit in the license file.3. The sum of the input and output bandwidth limit in the configuration file should be less than or equal to the cumulative bandwidth limit in the license file.4. The frequency band (2.4, 4.9, and 5 G Hz) in the configuration file should match with any one of the supported frequency bands in the license file.5. The radio operation mode (BSU/SU/AP) in the configuration file should match with any one of supported radio operating modes in the license file.6. The number of satellites in the configuration file should be less than or equal to the number of satellites in the license file.7. The product family (TMP/TQB/AP) value in the configuration file should match the product family value in the license file.8. Tx/Rx antenna chain mask in the configuration file should match the Tx/Rx antenna chain mask in the license file. If any one of the above conditions is not met, the configuration file will be removed by the flash control module during initialization and the device will boot-up with the last known good configuration. Before deleting the configuration file, an eventlog is generated about the violation of the license parameters. In some cases, if the last known good configuration does not exist internally, the device can reset the configuration to factory defaults and boot up.
Tsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  330AbbreviationsAACL Access Control ListACS Automatic Channel SelectionAES Advanced Encryption StandardALG Application Level GatewayARP Address Resolution ProtocolATPC Adaptive Transmit Power ControlBBSU Base Station UnitCCCP Compression Control ProtocolCHAP Challenge Handshake Authentication ProtocolCLI Command Line InterfaceCIR Committed Information RateCPE Customer Premises EquipmentCRC Cyclic Redundancy CheckDDDRS Dynamic Data Rate SelectionDES Data Encryption StandardDFS Dynamic Frequency SelectionDHCP Dynamic Host Configuration ProtocolDNS Domain Name SystemDSL Digital Subscriber Line EEIRP Equivalent Isotropically Radiated PowerEOL End of LifeETSI European Telecommunications Standards InstituteFFCC Federal Communications Commission
AbbreviationsTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  331FCS Frame Check SequenceGGbps Gigabit Per SecondGPL General Public LicenseGRE Generic Routing EncapsulationHHTTP HyperText Transfer ProtocolHTTPS HyperText Transfer Protocol SecureIIANA Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)IC Industry CanadaICMP Internet Control Message Protocol IGMP Internet Group Management ProtocolISP Internet Service ProviderITS Intelligent Transportation SystemLLACP Link Aggregation Control ProtocolLAN Local Area NetworkLCP Link Configuration Protocol LED Light Emitting DiodeLGPL Lesser General Public LicenseMMAN Metropolitan Area NetworksMbps Megabits Per SecondMD5  Message-Digest algorithmMIB Management Information BaseMIMO Multiple-input and multiple-outputMIR Maximum Information RateMP MultipointMPPE Microsoft Point-to-Point EncryptionMSCHAP v2 Microsoft Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol MTU Maximum Transmission Unit
AbbreviationsTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  332NNAPT Network Address Port TranslationNAT Network Address TranslationNCP Network Control ProtocolNBD Next Business DayNMS Network Management SystemNOP Non Occupancy PeriodPPAP Password Authentication ProtocolPC Personal ComputerPoE Power Over EthernetPPPoE Point-to-point Protocol over EthernetPTMP Point-to-multipointPTP Point-to-pointPVES ProximVision ESQQB QuickBridgeQoS Quality of ServiceRRADIUS Remote Authentication Dial In User ServiceRAS Remote Access ServicesRF Radio FrequencyRIP Routing Information Protocol RMA Return Material AuthorizationRLT Radio Link TestRSSI Received Signal Strength Indicator SSHA Secure Hash Algorithm SKU Stock Keeping UnitSNMP Simple Network Management ProtocolSNR Signal-to-noise RatioSNTP Simple Network Time ProtocolSSH Secure Shell
AbbreviationsTsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  333SSL Secure Socket LayerSTP Spanning Tree ProtocolSU Subscriber UnitTTBC Text Based ConfigurationTCP Transmission Control ProtocolTFTP Trivial File Transfer ProtocolTKIP Temporal Key Integrity ProtocolTPC Transmit Power ControlTPID Tag Protocol IdentifierTTL Time to LiveUUDP User Datagram ProtocolUTP Unshielded Twisted PairVVLAN Virtual Local Area NetworkWWEP Wired Equivalent PrivacyWORP Wireless Outdoor Router Protocol
Tsunami® 800 & 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  334Lightning ProtectionLightning protection is used to maximize the reliability of the communications equipment by safely re-directing current froma lightning strike or a power surge traveling along the Cat 5/Cat5e/Cat 6 Ethernet cabling to the ground using the shortestpath possible. Designing a proper grounding system prior to installing any communications equipment is critical to minimizethe possibility of equipment damage, void warranties, and cause serious injury.The  surge  arrestor  (sometimes  referred to  as  a  lightning  protector)  can  protect  your  sensitive  electronic  equipment  fromhigh-voltage surges caused by discharges and transients at the PoE.Proxim  Wireless  offers  superior  lightning  and  surge  protection  for  Tsunami®  series  products.  Contact  your  reseller  ordistributor for more information.
Tsunami® 800 and 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  335Statement of WarrantyWarranty CoverageProxim Wireless Corporation warrants that its products are manufactured solely from new parts, conform substantially  tospecifications,  and will be free of defects in material and workmanship for a Warranty Period of  1 year from the date  ofpurchase.Repair or ReplacementWhen Proxim determines that a returned product does not meet the warranted criteria during the warranty period, Proxim atits option, will either: (a) repair the defective product; (b) replace the defective product with a new or refurbished productthat  is  at  least  equivalent  to  the  original;  or  (c)  refund  the  price  paid  for  the  defective  product.  Generally,  products  arerepaired  or  replaced  within  thirty  (30)  business  days  of  receipt  of  the  product  at  a  Proxim  Logistical/Repair  Center.  Thewarranty period for repaired or replacement products is ninety (90) days or the remainder of the original warranty period,whichever  is  longer.  These  three  alternatives  constitute  the  customer’s  sole  and  exclusive  remedy  and  Proxim’s  sole  andexclusive liability under warranty provisions.Limitations of WarrantyProxim’s warranties  do  not  apply  to  any  product  (hardware or software) which  has  (a)  been  subjected  to  abuse,  misuse,neglect, accident, or  mishandling, (b) been opened, repaired, modified, or altered by anyone other than Proxim, (c) beenused for or subjected to applications, environments, or physical or electrical stress or conditions other than as intended andrecommended by Proxim, (d) been improperly stored, transported, installed, or used, or (e) had its serial number or otheridentification markings altered or removed.Buyers can contact Proxim Wireless Customer Service Center either by telephone or via web. Support and repair of productsthat are out of warranty will be subject to a fee. Contact information is shown below. Additional support information can befound at Proxim Wireless’s web site at  .Contact technical support via telephone as follows:USA and Canada Customers Phone: +1-408-383-7700; +1-866-674-6626Business Hours: 24x7 live response. Tier 3 support: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. M-F PDT (UTC/GMT -7 hrs)International Customers Phone: +1-408-383-7700; 0800-916475 (France); 8-800-100-9485 (Russia)Business Hours: 24x7 live response. Tier 3 support: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. M-F PDT (UTC/GMT -7 hrs)General ProceduresWhen contacting the Customer Service for support, Buyer should be prepared to provide the product description and serialnumber and a description of the problem. The serial number should be on the product. In the event the Customer Service Center determines that the problem can be corrected with a software update, Buyer mightbe instructed to download the update from Proxim Wireless’s web site or, if that’s not possible, the update will be sent toBuyer.  In  the  event  the  Customer  Service  Center  instructs  Buyer  to  return  the  product  to  Proxim  Wireless  for  repair  orreplacement, the Customer Service Center will provide Buyer a Return Material Authorization (“RMA”) number and shippinginstructions. Buyer must return the defective product to Proxim Wireless, properly packaged to prevent damage, shippingprepaid, with the RMA number prominently displayed on the outside of the container.
Statement of WarrantyTsunami® 800 and 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  336Calls to the Customer Service Center for reasons other than product failure will not be accepted unless Buyer has purchased aProxim Wireless Service Contract or the call is made within the warranty period. After the warranty period, Technical Supportis fee based (detailed in  ).If  Proxim  Wireless  reasonably  determines  that  a  returned  product  is  not  defective  or  is  not  covered  by  the  terms  of  thisWarranty, Buyer shall be charged a service charge and return shipping charges.Other InformationSearch KnowledgebaseProxim Wireless stores all resolved problems in a solution database at the following URL:  .Create a Support RequestSubmit a question or open an issue to Proxim Wireless technical support staff at the following URL: .
Tsunami® 800 and 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  337Technical Services and SupportObtaining Technical Service and SupportIf you are having trouble using the Proxim product, please read this guide and the additional documentation provided withyour product. If you require additional support to resolve your issue, please be ready to provide the following informationbefore you contact Proxim’s Technical Services team:Product information– Part number and serial number of the suspected faulty deviceTrouble/error information– Trouble/symptom being experienced– Activities completed to confirm fault– Network information (What kind of network are you using?)– Circumstances that preceded or led up to the error– Message or alarms viewed– Steps taken to reproduce the problemServPak information (if a Servpak customer):– ServPak account numberRegistration information– If the product is not registered, date and location where you purchased the product  : Technical Support is free for the warranty period from the date of purchase.Support OptionsProxim eService Web Site SupportThe Proxim eService Web site is available 7x24x365 at  . On the Proxim eService Web Site, you can access the following services:Product Download Page: Provides quick links to product firmware, software, and documentation downloads.Proxim TV Links: A link to helpful video tutorials. Knowledgebase: A solution database of all the resolved problems. You can search by product, category, keywords, or phrases.Live Chat: Chat with a support technician on-line or request to call back at a later time.Create a Support Request: Create a support request with our technical support staff who will reply to you by email.Case Management: Login to check the status of your support cases, update your personal profile, or access restricted information and features.Provide Feedback: Submit a suggestion, complaint, or other feedback about the support site and our products.
Technical Services and SupportTsunami® 800 and 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  338Telephone SupportContact technical support via telephone as follows:USA and Canada Customers —Phone: +1-408-383-7700; +1-866-674-6626—Business Hours: 24x7 live response. Tier 3 support: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. M-F PDT (UTC/GMT -7 hrs)International Customers —Phone: +1-408-383-7700; 0800-916475 (France); 8-800-100-9485 (Russia)—Business Hours: 24x7 live response. Tier 3 support: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. M-F PDT (UTC/GMT -7 hrs)ServPak SupportTo  provide  even  greater  investment  protection,  Proxim  Wireless  offers  a  cost-effective  support  program  called  ServPak.ServPak is a program of enhanced service support options that can be purchased as a bundle or individually, tailored to meetyour specific needs. Whether your requirement is round the clock technical support or advance replacement service, we areconfident that the level of support provided in every service in our portfolio will exceed your expectations.All ServPak service bundles are sold as service contracts that provide coverage for specific products from 1 to 3 years. Servpakbundles are considered an upgrade to the standard product warranty and not an extension.24x7 Basic TechnicalSupportBasic Advanced Replacement (Two business days/ International economy shipment service)Priority Advanced Replacement(Next business day/ International priority shipment service)Priority Comprehensive Advance Replacement (Next business day/ International priority shipment service)8x7 Advanced TechnicalSupport24x7 Advanced Technical Support24x7 Advanced Technical SupportSoftware Maintenance PVES & PV NMSSupportPVES & PV NMSSupportAccess to Knowledge BasePost-InstallationOptimization50% discount on Onsite Technical Support and Services
Technical Services and SupportTsunami® 800 and 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  339Additional Information on ServPak OptionsAdvanced Replacement of HardwareIn the event of a hardware failure, our guaranteed turnaround time for return to factory repair is 30 days or less. Customerswho purchase this service are guaranteed replacement of refurbished or new hardware to be shipped out within one or twobusiness  days,  as  applicable.  Options  are  available  for  shipment  services  depending  on  the  customer’s  support  needs.Hardware is shipped on business days, Monday – Friday excluding Holidays, 8:00 AM – 3:30 PM Eastern Time.Comprehensive Advanced Replacement of HardwareIn addition to ServPak Prime options, in the event of a hardware failure, Proxim will repair or replace the failed product for anyreason, other than vandalism.7x24x365 AvailabilityUnlimited, direct access to technical support engineers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year including Holidays.8x5 AvailabilityUnlimited, direct access to world-class technical support engineers 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, Monday through Friday from8:00AM - 5:00PM Pacific Standard Time.Basic Technical SupportCustomers who purchase this service can be rest assured that their call will be answered by Proxim’s Tier 1 technical supportand a case opened immediately to document the problem and provide initial troubleshooting to identify the solution andresolve the incident in a timely manner.Advanced Technical SupportIn addition to Proxim’s world-class Tier 1 technical support, customers will be able to have their more complex issues escalatedto our world-class Tier 3 technical support engineers. Our Tier 3 engineers will review specific configurations to troubleshootintricate issues and will also provide helpful insights regarding Proxim’s products and various tips from decades of collectiveexperience in the wireless industry.Software MaintenanceIt's  important  to  maintain  and  enhance  security  and  performance  of  wireless  equipment  and  Proxim  makes  this  easy  byproviding a Software Maintenance  program that enables customers to access new feature and functionality rich softwareupgrades  and  updates.  Customers  will also  have  full access  to  Proxim's  vast  Knowledgebase  of  technical bulletins,  whitepapers and troubleshooting documents.Post-Installation OptimizationYou  can  consult  with  our  technical  support  engineers  to  enhance  performance  and  efficiency  of  your  network.Post-installation optimization services include:Review frequencies to select best possible channelReview Modulation, Channel Bandwidth, MIMO, and WORP settings to optimize throughput and link qualityReview Satellite Density & TPC/ATPC settingsAssistance with Bandwidth controls
Technical Services and SupportTsunami® 800 and 8000 Series - Software Management Guide  340Assistance with QoS, RADIUS, and VLAN settings on Proxim equipmentTo purchase ServPak support services, please contact your authorized Proxim distributor. To receive more information or forquestions  on  any  of  the  available  ServPak  support  options,  please  visit  our  website  at, call Proxim Support (For telephone numbers, see  ) or send anemail to  .Technical Support PolicyTechnical Support for Current Products during Warranty PeriodAll Customers are entitled to free technical support for the Proxim products they purchase from Proxim’s authorized resellersor distributors. Technical Support is defined as communication via the Proxim Support website ( ) and/orvia telephone. This technical support will be provided for free for the entire time the product is covered by a Proxim warranty.The term of Proxim’s warranty is determined according to the agreement under which the product was sold and generallyvaries from 3 months to 2 years depending on the product. If a Customer disagrees with Proxim’s determination of warrantyduration, a request for review supported by a copy of all product purchase documentation may be submitted.Technical Support for Current Products after Warranty PeriodAfter the warranty period, technical support on products then being sold by Proxim will be based upon one of the followingthree options Customers can choose:Customers can choose to purchase one of Proxim’s ServPak extended warranty and enhanced support packages for the productCustomers can choose to purchase one-time per-incident technical support for the product for a fee Customers can choose to call the reseller or distributor who sold them the product for technical supportTech Support on Discontinued ProductsTechnical Support on some products that Proxim has declared as EOL (End of Life) or otherwise is no longer selling is availablebased upon one of the following three options Customers can choose:For some discontinued products, Customers can choose to purchase one of Proxim’s EOL ServPak support packages for the product– No EOL ServPak support package will be available for any product discontinued more than 5 years ago– No EOL ServPak support package is available for certain discontinued productsCustomers can choose to purchase one-time per-incident technical support for the product on a per hour basis at a rate of $125 an hour (4 hours minimum payable in advance by major credit card). This fee is payable in addition to any RMA fee that may be charged to subsequently repair the product.Customers can choose to call the reseller or distributor who sold them the product for technical supportAll Proxim technical support for discontinued products, whether through an EOL ServPak package or otherwise, is providedon a “best effort” basis and is subject to the continued availability of necessary components, equipment, and other technicalresources.Note  that  Proxim  is  unable  to  support  or  warrant  any  equipment  that  has  been  modified,  whether  this  modification  isphysical, or if third-party software codes have been loaded onto the product.

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