Qisda GW50 MOD-SM Qisda BT/WLAN CWM-01 User Manual

Qisda Corporation MOD-SM Qisda BT/WLAN CWM-01

user manual rev

 Copyright ©2008 Qisda Corporation.                          Confidential Property W50 WLAN / Bluetooth Wireless Module  Rev. 1.0.0 2011/10/20             Copyright © 2010 Qisda Corporation.    All rights reserved. This document contains proprietary technical information which is the property of Qisda Corporation and is issued in strict confidential and shall not be disclosed to others parties in whole or in parts without written permission of Qisda Corporation. The documents contain information on a product, which is under development and is issued for customer evaluation purposes only.   Qisda may make changes to product specifications at any time, without notice.  Wireless Data Application BD Mobile Communications BU Qisda Corporation 18 Jihu Road, Nei-Hu, Taipei 114, Taiwan Tel: +886-2-2799-8800 Fax: +886-2-2656-6398 http://Qisda.com
                                               - 2 -  Version: 0.0.1 – 2011/12/02 Contents  1. REVISION HISTORY.............................................................................................4 2. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION...............................................................................5 2.1. OVERVIEW.......................................................................................................................................5 2.2. PIN CONFIGURATION .......................................................................................................................6 2.2.1. PIN ARRANGEMENT ..........................................................................................................................6 2.2.2. PIN FUNCTION ..................................................................................................................................6 3. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION..................................................................................9 3.1. RADIO FEATURES ..............................................................................................................................9 3.1.1. RF PORT...........................................................................................................................................9 3.1.2. RF BLUETOOTH.................................................................................................................................9 3.1.3. RF WLAN .......................................................................................................................................9 3.1.4. SPURIOUS EMISSIONS ........................................................................................................................9 3.2. CLOCK ............................................................................................................................................9 3.2.1. MAIN CLOCK .................................................................................................................................10 3.2.2. SLEEP CLOCK .................................................................................................................................10 3.3. START UP AND RESET.......................................................................................................................10 3.3.1. POWERING.....................................................................................................................................10 3.3.2. RESET .............................................................................................................................................11 3.4. ANTENNA DIAGNOSE CIRCUIT ........................................................................................................12 3.5. POWER SUPPLY...............................................................................................................................13 3.5.1. MAIN POWER.................................................................................................................................13 3.5.2. SUPPLY OF I/O PINS .......................................................................................................................14 3.5.3. POWER DOWN MODE ...................................................................................................................14 4. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATION............................................................................15 4.1. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS........................................................................................................15 4.2. OPERATING CONDITIONS ...............................................................................................................15 4.2.1. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS .......................................................................................................15 4.2.2. POWER SUPPLY...............................................................................................................................15 4.2.3. DIGITAL PINS ..................................................................................................................................16 4.2.4. EXTERNAL SLEEP CLOCK TIMING.....................................................................................................16
                                               - 3 -  Version: 0.0.1 – 2011/12/02 4.2.5. RF PERFORMANCE ........................................................................................................................16 5. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATION........................................................................18 5.1. PACKAGE TYPE ..............................................................................................................................18 5.2. PACKAGE DIMENSIONS ..................................................................................................................18 6. LABELING AND ORDERING INFORMATION ....................................................20 6.1. PRODUCT LABEL .............................................................................................................................20 6.1.1. SHIELDING FRAME COVER LABEL ...................................................................................................20 6.1.2. SHIELDING CASE COVER LABEL .....................................................................................................20 6.2. ORDERING INFORMATION ..............................................................................................................21 7. PRODUCT HANDLING ......................................................................................21 7.1. PACKAGING ..................................................................................................................................21 7.2. PACKING MATERIALS .....................................................................................................................24 7.2.1.      HUMIDITY PROTECTION MATERIALS ................................................................................................24   ALUMINUM BAG ...........................................................................................................................24 INDICATOR ...........................................................................................................................25 ..........................................................................................................................................26 7.2.2. PACKING MATERIALS .....................................................................................................................27 REEL...............................................................................................................................................27 PIZZA BOX......................................................................................................................................27 CARTON ........................................................................................................................................29 7.2.3. LABELS ...........................................................................................................................................29 OOB LABEL...................................................................................................................................29 CARTON LABEL ..............................................................................................................................35 CAUTION LABEL .............................................................................................................................35 7.2.4. TAPES .............................................................................................................................................36 7.3. SHIPMENT, STORAGE AND HANDLING .............................................................................................37 8. CERTIFICATIONS...............................................................................................37 8.1. FCC REGULATIONS: .........................................................................................37 9. CONTACT.........................................................................................................38
                                               - 4 -  Version: 0.0.1 – 2011/12/02 1. Revision history  Version Date  Notes VER: 0.0.1  2011/12/2  Preliminary version
                                               - 5 -  Version: 0.0.1 – 2011/12/02 2. Functional description 2.1.  Overview This chapter provides a short overview over the most important functions and fea-tures of the module. This data sheet is preliminary and will be changed if needed. The module is built on the Marvell® 88W8688 low-cost highly-integrated IEEE 802.11a/g/b MAC/Baseband/RF WLAN and Bluetooth Baseband/RF system-on-chip (SoC). The module supports IEEE 802.11g payload data rates of 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, and 54 Mbps, as well as 802.11b data rates of 1, 2, 5.5 and 11 Mbps for WLAN operation. For Bluetooth operation, the module supports Bluetooth 3.0 + High Speed (HS) (also compliant with Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR). For security, the 88W8688 supports the IEEE 802.11i security standard through imple-mentation of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)/Counter Mode CBC-MAC Protocol (CCMP), and Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) with Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) security mechanisms. The module also supports Internet Protocol Se-curity (IPsec) with DES//3DES/AES encryption and MD5/SHA-1 authentication as well as 802.11e Quality of Service (QoS). The module supports dual SDIO host interface for connecting the WLAN and Blue-tooth to the host processor. For Bluetooth application the high-speed UART (up to 4MB/s), PCM/Inter-IC Sound (I2S), are supported too. For better throughput of WLAN/BT, the module provides different RF paths for WLAN and Bluetooth for own antennas. By using of two antennas with enough decoupling it enables to do without coexistence.
                                               - 6 -  Version: 0.0.1 – 2011/12/02 2.2. Pin Configuration 2.2.1. Pin arrangement 1510 15 1845 40 35 30 2854504619252720GNDBT_RFGNDBT_PCM_DINBT_PCM_CLKBT_PCM_DOUTBT_PCM_SYNCGNDVCC_VIO_X2GNDJTAG _TCKJTAG_TDIJTAG_TDOJTAG_TRSTnJTAG_TMS_SYSGNDGNDWLAN_RFWLAN_ANT_DIAGVCC_WLAN_ANT_DIAGGNDGNDVCC_3V3VCC_3V3GNDGNDVCC_VIO_X1UART_TXUART_RXUART_RTSGNDSD_DATA[2]SD_DATA[3]SD_DATA[0]SD_DATA[1]SD_CMDSD_CLKGNDVCC_1V8VCC_3V3VCC_3V3GNDGNDVCC_3V0GNDUART_CTSSLEEP_CLKANT_SEL_PJTAG_TMS_CPUPOWER_DOWNnANT_SEL_NRSESTnVCC_BT_ANT_DIAGBT_ANT_DIAG  Figure 2: Pin arrangement 2.2.2. Pin function Pin#  Interface  Pin Name  Type  Supply  Description 36  SD_CLK  I  VIO_X1  SDIO Clock Input 37  SD_CMD  I/O  VIO_X1  SDIO Command 39  SD_DATA[0]  I/O  VIO_X1  SDIO Data Line Bit [0] 38  SD_DATA[1]  I/O  VIO_X1  SDIO Data Line Bit [1] 41  SD_DATA[2]  I/O  VIO_X1  SDIO Data Line Bit [2] 40 SDIO SD_DATA[3]  I/O  VIO_X1  SDIO Data Line Bit [3] 46  UART CTS  I  VIO_X1  UART Clear to send 44  UART RX  I  VIO_X1  UART Receive   45  UART TX  O  VIO_X1  UART Transmit   43 UART UART RTS  O  VIO_X1  UART Request to send   5  BT_PCM_CLK    O  VIO_X2  Bluetooth PCM Clock (master) 7 PCM BT_PCM_SYNC  O  VIO_X2  Bluetooth PCM Sync (master)
                                               - 7 -  Version: 0.0.1 – 2011/12/02 6  BT_PCM_DOUT  O  VIO_X2  Bluetooth PCM Data Out   4  BT_PCM_DIN    I  VIO_X2  Bluetooth PCM Data In   52  RESETn    I  VIO_X1  Shut    down BT/WLAN IC (active low, internal 10 kOhm pull-down) 50   CONTROL   POWER_DOWNn    I  -  Shut down internal 1V8 LDO (active low, internal 10 kOhm pull-down) 47  CLOCK      SLEEP_CLK    I  VIO_X1  Clock Input for External Sleep Clock 11  JTAG_TCK    I  VIO_X2  JTAG Test Clock Input   12  JTAG_TDI    I  VIO_X2  JTAG Test Data Input   13  JTAG_TDO    O  VIO_X2  JTAG Test Data Output   14  JTAG_TRSTn    I  VIO_X2  JTAG Test Reset (active low)   15  JTAG_TMS_SYS    I  VIO_X2  JTAG Test Mode Select 49 JTAG JTAG_TMS_CPU    I  VIO_X2  JTAG Test Mode Select   2  BT_RF    I/O  -  Bluetooth RF, DC decoupled   17  RF  WLAN_RF    I/O  -  WLAN RF, DC decoupled   54  BT_ANT_DIAG    O      VCC_BT_   ANT_DIAG    Bluetooth antenna diagnose 19 Diagnose WLAN_ANT_DIAG  O    VCC_WLAN_ANT_DIAG    WLAN antenna diagnose 48  ANT_SEL_P    O  -  BT/WLAN Antenna select when the   antenna is shared for BT and WLAN 51 Bluetooth /   WLAN   Antenna   Select  ANT_SEL_N    O  -  BT/WLAN Antenna select when the   antenna is shared for BT and WLAN Power 23,24      VCC_3V3    I  -  Positive supply for WLAN PA   32,33  VCC_3V3    I  -  Positive supply for 1V8, 3V0 voltage regulators 26  VCC_VIO_X1    I  - VIO_X1 supply domain. Positive sup-ply for SDIO, UART interfaces as well as RESET and SLEEP_CLOCK pads 9  VCC_VIO_X2    I  - VIO_X2 supply domain. Positive sup-ply for PCM and JTAG interfaces pads as well as internal E2PROM     29   VCC_3V0    O  -  internal 3V0 voltage regulator, for test purpose, leave unconnected
                                               - 8 -  Version: 0.0.1 – 2011/12/02 34      VCC_1V8    O  -  internal 1V8 voltage regulator, for test purpose, leave unconnected     53      VCC_BT_ANT_DIAG    I  -  Supply for BT antenna diagnose circuit 20      VCC_WLAN_ANT_DIAG  I  -  Supply for WLAN antenna diagnose circuit   1,3,8,   10,16,   18,21,   22,25,   27,28,   30,31,   35,42     GND  -  -  Ground *) The antenna diagnose functionality is supported only when antenna has a DC path with 51K Ohm resistance to ground.
                                               - 9 -  Version: 0.0.1 – 2011/12/02 3.  Technical Description  3.1. Radio Features  3.1.1. RF port For WLAN and Bluetooth, the module provides single ended, 50 ohm matched bidi-rectional ports. The RX / TX switches are incorporated either in module or in 88W8688 chip.  3.1.2. RF Bluetooth The RF part of Bluetooth has a balun for transforming the differential RF port of 88W8688 to single ended port of module. The balun is also used for powering internal PA / LNA with 1, 8V supply. The output power of 2 dBm with power control is fully compliant to BT Class II re-quirements. The RF modem supports GFSK and DPSK modulations according to Bluetooth 2.1+EDR standard.   3.1.3. RF WLAN The module supports 802.11g/b operation in word harmonized 2.4 GHz ISM band. The Power Amplifier, RX balun and TX/RX switch are integrated in to module. The output power is 15 +/- 1 dBm in automotive temperature range.     3.1.4. Spurious emissions Both the spurious emission of conducted and radiated had compliant with the standards EN 300328, FCC Part 15.247.    3.2. Clock
                                               - 10 -  Version: 0.0.1 – 2011/12/02 3.2.1. Main clock The local oscillator and digital clocks are generated from crystal. The crystal is tuned during production process and tune values are stored in on board E2PROM.  3.2.2. Sleep clock The sleep clock is delivered from a external 32 kHz oscillator. This clock as from ex-ternal source is required for Bluetooth low power mode applications.    3.3.  Start up and Reset A low level at POWER_DOWNn pin turns off internal 1V8 LDO, but 3V0 band gap ref-erence remain on. A low level at RESETn pin turns off IC, this pin is also used for basic reset operation. The both pins POWER_DOWNn and RESETn have internal 10K Ohm pull-down resistors. It is distinguished between powering and reset.  3.3.1. Powering While powering external voltages VCC_VIO_X1/2 VCC_3V3 are turned on. For cor-rect functionality the start-up timing below has to follow. An additional reset isn’t necessary. The VCC_VIO_X1 and X2 can be turned on before VCC_3V3 but latest concurrently with it. The time between rising of VCC_VIO_X1/2 and VCC_3V3 isn’t specified and can be unrestricted.
                                               - 11 -  Version: 0.0.1 – 2011/12/02  3.1 powering  3.3.2. Reset After powering the IC correctly, it can be anytime reset by pulling down of signal RESETn for at least 5 ms (Pic 3.1). The reset by POWER_DOWNn-RESETn sequence is also possible. In this case the duration of POWER_DOWNn should be at least 700 ms.     3.2 Reset by RESETn
                                               - 12 -  Version: 0.0.1 – 2011/12/02  3.3 Reset by RESETn and POWER_DOWNn   3.4.  Antenna diagnose circuit The picture below shows the principle of antenna diagnose circuit. Requirement for functionality of circuit is that the external antenna has a internal DC path to ground with real impedance value of 51K Ohm. This impedance builds with in module built-in resistor of 51K Ohm a voltage divider. By measuring and evaluation of voltage in divider midpoint it is possible to detected 3 states of antenna connection: -  open, measured voltage is equal supply voltage of antenna diagnose circuit -  antenna is connected correctly, measured voltage is equal the half of supply voltage antenna diagnose circuit -  Antenna is shorted to GND, measured voltage is equal 0V Those three states are detected if supply voltage of antenna diagnose circuit (pins VCC_BT_ANT_DIAG or VCC_WLAN_ANT_DIAG) is equal reference voltage of ADC. In case that supply voltage is lower than ADC reference voltage it is possible to de-tect one more state: -  Antenna has bypass to higher voltage source (for example to UBAT), the measured voltage is higher than supply voltage of antenna diagnose circuit. On system side can be used a low pass filter for filtering. Good results can be achieved when C1=220nF and R1=51K Ohm, in this case the resistor R1 limits the current into ADC if antenna connector is shorted to battery voltage too.
                                               - 13 -  Version: 0.0.1 – 2011/12/02     3.5. Power supply  3.5.1. Main power All for functionality necessary power supplies are generated by into module inte-grated 1.8 V LDO, 1V and 3.0 V band gap reference. The digital core supply of 1,2V is generated by in 88W8688 integrated LDO powering external voltages VCC_VIO_X1/2 VCC_3V3 are turned on. For correct functionality the start-up timing below has to follow. An additional reset isn’t necessary. The VCC_VIO_X1 and X2 can be turned on before VCC_3V3 but lat-est concurrently with it. The time between rising of VCC_VIO_X1/2 and VCC_3V3 isn’t specified and can be unrestricted.
                                               - 14 -  Version: 0.0.1 – 2011/12/02  3.4 Power supply structure  3.5.2.  Supply of I/O pins The I/O pins are grouped in two supply domains: VCC_VIO_X1 and VCC_VIO_X2. Ba-sically each domain can be powered either from 1,8V or 3,3V, but in circuits used E2PROM can’t be powered by dual voltage. So supply of the VCC_VIO_X2 domain is specified by E2PROM chip. The supply for VCC_VIO_X2 can be chosen at ordering. The supply for VCC_VIO_X1 can be free chosen.  3.5.3.  Power Down Mode The module can be put into power down mode by signal POWER_DOWNn (Pin 50, active level low). Please note that 3V0 bang gap reference always remains on and consumes about 10 mA even if the IC and 1V8 LDO are powered down. From Power Down Mode the module can be wacked up by powering sequence (pic. 3.1).
                                               - 15 -  Version: 0.0.1 – 2011/12/02  4. Electrical specification  4.1.  Absolute maximum ratings  Symbol    Parameter  Min.  Max.    Units   0  2.3  V VIO_X1  Power supply voltage with respect to VSS    0  4.2  V 0  2.3  V VIO_X2    Power supply voltage with respect to VSS    0  4.2  V 3V3    Power supply voltage with respect to VSS  0  3.45  V Tstg        Storage temperature  -40  +85  ℃   4.2. Operating conditions  4.2.1. Environmental conditions  Symbol    Parameter  Min.  Typ.  Max.    Units   Ta     Ambient temperature range  -40      +85  ℃  4.2.2. Power supply  Symbol    Parameter  Min.  Typ.  Max.    Units   16.2  1.8  1.98  V VIO_X1    Host Interface digital I/O   power supply  2.97  3.3  3.63  V 16.2  1.8  1.98  V VIO_X2      Digital I/O power supply  2.97  3.3  3.63  V 3V3        3.15  3.3  3.45  V I_VIO_X1      Current Supply VIO_X1        tbd  205  mA I_VIO_X2      Current Supply VIO_X2        tbd  125  mA I_3V3    Current Supply 3V3    -  285  400  mA
                                               - 16 -  Version: 0.0.1 – 2011/12/02  4.2.3. Digital pins  Symbol    Parameter  VCC_VIO  Min.  Typ.  Max.    Units   Power Down input, High  -  1.4  -  5.5  V POWER_ DOWNn    Power Down input, Low    -  -0.3  -  0.5  V 1.8  1.2  -  V18+0.3  V Vin  Input high voltage    3.3  2.3  -  V33+0.3  V 1.8  -0.3  -  0.6  V Vin  Input low voltage  3.3  -0.3  -  1.1  V 1.8  1.22  -  -  V Vout      Output high voltage    3.3  2.57  -  -  V 1.8  -  -  0.4  V Vout    Output low voltage    3.3  -  -  0.4  V  4.2.4.  External Sleep Clock Timing  Symbol    Parameter  Min.  Typ.  Max.    Units   CLK    Clock Frequency   Range     32 or 32.768 - 50 ppm     32 or   32.768   32 or 32.768 + 50 ppm      kHZ THIGH      Clock high time    40  --  --  ns TLOW    Clock low time      40  --  --  ns TRISE    Clock rise time    --  --  5  ns TFALL      Clock fall time      --  --  5  ns  4.2.5.  RF Performance BT Radio Characteristics   Parameter Items  Specifications Transmit Power Level  Class1.5: 7.8  ± 0.8 dBm (2441Mhz),   7.8  ± 1.5 dBm (2402~2480Mhz), Class2.0:  2.5  ± 0.8 dBm (2441Mhz),  2.5  ± 1.5 dBm (2402~2480Mhz), Receive Sensitivity  -80dBm (GFSK),    -77dBm (π/4-DQPSK),   -77dBm (8DPSK) Operating Frequency  2402 MHz to 2480 MHz
                                               - 17 -  Version: 0.0.1 – 2011/12/02 Parameter Items  Specifications Channel  79 Carrier Spacing  1 MHz separation Duplexing  Time Division Duplex Hopping Rate  1600 hops/per second Symbol Rate 1 Mbps (GFSK) 2 Mbps (π/4-DQPSK) 3 Mbps (8DPSK) Modulation GFSK BT =0.5 π/4-DQPSK 8DPSK WLAN Radio Characteristics Parameter Items  Specifications Frequency Band  2.4000~2.4835Ghz (2.4G ISM Band) Selectable Sub Channel   13 Channels  (F=2412+n*5Mhz,n=0~12) Modulation    OFDM, DSSS (Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum), DBPSK,DQPSK, CCK , 16QAM, 64QAM Supported Rates  1, 2, 5.5, 11 Mbps (802.11b)   6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54 Mbps (802.11g) Maximum Receiver Level  -10dBm with PER < 8% (802.11b) -10dBm with PER < 10% (802.11g) Output Power   15 dBm ±  1.5 dBm for 1, 2, 5.5, 11Mbps (802.11b) 15 dBm  ±  1.5 dBm for 6 ,9 and >12Mhz (802.11g) Carrier Frequency Accuracy   +/- 25ppm (+/-2ppm in 25℃) 802.11b Mode EVM     1.0 Mbps (BPSK) : <35%     2.0 Mbps (BPSK) : <35%     5.5 Mbps (QPSK) : <35%   11.0 Mbps (QPSK) : <35% 802.11g Mode EVM   6.0 Mbps (BPSK) : <-5.0dB   9.0 Mbps (BPSK) : <-8.0dB 12.0 Mbps (QPSK) : <-10.0dB 18.0 Mbps (QPSK) : <-13.0dB 24.0 Mbps (16-QAM) : <-16.0dB 36.0 Mbps (16-QAM) : <-19.0dB 48.0 Mbps (64-QAM) : <-22.0dB 54.0 Mbps (64-QAM) : <-25.0dB 802.11b Mode Sensitivity  PER <8%, Rx Sensitivity @ 1.0 Mbps : -90dBm PER <8%, Rx Sensitivity @ 11.0 Mbps: -86dBm
                                               - 18 -  Version: 0.0.1 – 2011/12/02 Parameter Items  Specifications 802.11g Mode Sensitivity  PER <10%, Rx Sensitivity @ 6.0 Mbps: -88dBm PER <10%, Rx Sensitivity @ 54.0 Mbps: -72dBm   5. Mechanical specification  5.1. Package Type 54pin LGA, 1,6mm pitch  5.2. Package dimensions  Figure 3 : Package dimensions Parameter  Description  Min.  Typ.  Max.  Units A Height 0.15 21 0.15 mm B Width 0.15 30 0.3 mm C Thickness 0.2 4 0.15 mm D  Pin to Pin Pitch  tbd  1.6  tbd  mm
                                               - 19 -  Version: 0.0.1 – 2011/12/02 E  Edge to Pin  tbd  0.9  tbd  mm F  Edge to Pin  tbd  3.6  tbd  mm G Pin Width tbd 1 tbd mm Weight        5  g
                                               - 20 -  Version: 0.0.1 – 2011/12/02 6.  Labeling and ordering information  6.1. Product label 2 Product Labels of W50 have been placed on Shielding Frame and Shielding Case. For more information about the W50 Product Labels, please refer to the below 6.1.1 and 6.1.2.  6.1.1. Shielding Frame Cover Label The Label type of W50 Shielding Frame cover label is a 2D-Code Label with 9 * 9 mm dimensions. The P/N has been defined as 4E.1HR02.001. The 2D-Code digits have been defined as below:   1st digit: Present the 2D-Code type.   2nd digits: Present the Main board type.   3rd~4th digits: Present the Model type.   5th~6th digits: Present the Date. Refer to the below figure for the Date code rules.    7th digit: Present the Factory code.   8th~12th digits: Present the serial number.  6.1.2. Shielding Case Cover Label The W50 Shielding Case cover label with 13 * 13 mm dimensions, defined as 4E.1HR01.001, included below information:   A.  2D-Barode: The digital definition refer to the below 2D Barcode Defini-tion chart.
                                               - 21 -  Version: 0.0.1 – 2011/12/02 B.  P/N: Present the Harman PCBA Part Number. C.  S/N: Present the Harman Serial Number. D.  EC: Present the Engineering Changer Number.    2D Barcode Definition (1/3)    xxx   1xxxxxxxx  xx 01  xxxxxxxx,   LICHRG#  Desc. Qisda Supplier Code Harman Serial No. EC Level Harman Module No. Harman PCBA Part. No. Fixed Specified Key Digits  3 digits  9 digits  2 digits  2 digits  8 digits+1  7 digits  2D Barcode Definition (2/3) YYYYMMDD,KD_PC#  GW50,   KD_SN#  9J1HR01001 S0x,   MAC-ADR# Supplier Production Date,  Fixed Specified Key Qisda In-ternal Pro-ject No. Fixed Speci-fied Key Qisda In-ternal Part No. Qisda In-ternal Ver-sion No. Fixed Spe-cified Key 8 digits+1  6 digits  4 digits+1  6 digits  10 digits  3 digits+1  8 digits  2D Barcode Definition (3/3) xxxxxxxxxxxx,   BLUE-TOOTH#  xxxxxxxxxxxx,  WiFi MAC,   Fixed Specified Key  BT MAC,  12 digits+1  11 digits  12 digits+1  6.2. Ordering information  Ordering No.  Product CWM-01-3V3  Bluetooth/WLAN Module 3,3V supply  7. Product handling 7.1. Packaging Below Table 1 displays the W50 Packaging list, including Humidity Protec-
                                               - 22 -  Version: 0.0.1 – 2011/12/02 tion Materials, Packing Materials, Labels, and Taps. For more information about the illustration of W50 packaging materials, please refer to the Figure 1 and Figure 2.   Table 1 W50 Packaging table Type Item Spec. Qisda P/N Packaging Figure No. Aluminum Bag L460 * W410 * T0.15 mm ALUMINUM BAG GW50 4G.1HR01.001  8 Humidity In-dicator CARD HUMIDITY IN-DICATOR GP  4J.G3501.002 9 1. Humid-ity Pro-tection Materi-als DESICCANT BAG DESICCANT BAG 68*89  3H.09005.001 12 Taping Reel  PLATE TAPING REEL 13IN. GW50  4B.1HR02.001 4 Pizza Box    L356 * W344 * T61 mm  4D.1HR01.001 10 2. Pack-ing Materi-als Carton  L355 * W340 * T386 mm (Pizza Box * 5)  4D.1HR02.001 1 OOB Label  100*50mm  4E.1HR03.001  2 Carton Label  50*15mm (Print on Carton )  X 3 3. Labels Caution  label LABEL ATTENTION 56M31 55 mm * 55 mm   4E.G3503.001 11 Cover Tap  COVER TAPE GW50  4B.1HR01.001  5 4. Taps Carrier Tap  CARRIER TAPE GW50  4B.1HR03.001  6
                                               - 23 -  Version: 0.0.1 – 2011/12/02  Figure 1 W50 Packaging 1/2  Figure 2 W50 Packaging 2/2
                                               - 24 -  Version: 0.0.1 – 2011/12/02 7.2. Packing Materials 7.2.1. Humidity Protection Materials Aluminum Bag: The L460*W410*T0.15 mm dimensions Aluminum bag is prepared for the W50 module vacuum packing on the Humidity pro-tection purpose. The P/N has been defined as 4G.1HR01.001. Please see the below illustration and picture for the W50 Aluminum bag:
                                               - 25 -  Version: 0.0.1 – 2011/12/02 Humidity Indicator: The L102*W38 mm dimensions Humidity Indicator is prepared for including in the W50 Aluminum Bag on the Humidity In-spection purpose. The P/N has been defined as 4J.G3501.002. Please see the below illustration and picture for the W50 Humidity Indicator: 湿度卡图.jpg
                                               - 26 -  Version: 0.0.1 – 2011/12/02 Desiccant:  The L89*W68 mm dimensions and Mineral Bentonite inside Desiccant is prepared for the W50 module packaging on the Humidity prevention purpose. The P/N has been defined as 3H.09005.001. Please see the below illustration and picture for the W50 Desiccant:
                                               - 27 -  Version: 0.0.1 – 2011/12/02 7.2.2. Packing Materials Reel:  The 13” dimension and PS Black Reel is prepared for the W50 module packaging, met to ESD standard Ohm: 10^7Ω~10^11Ω and EIA-471-D. The P/N has been defined as 4B.1HR02.002. Please see the below illustrations and pictures for the W50 Reel: Pizza  Box:  The L356*W344*T61mm dimensions and B Flute Pizza Box is prepared for the W50 Reel(with Aluminum Bag) inside. The P/N has
                                               - 28 -  Version: 0.0.1 – 2011/12/02 been defined as 4D.1HR01.001. Please see the below illustration and pictures for the W50 Pizza Box:
                                               - 29 -  Version: 0.0.1 – 2011/12/02 Carton:  The L355*W340*T384mm dimensions and AB/F Carton is pre-pared for the 5 Pizza Boxes inside. The P/N has been defined as 4D.1HR02.001. Please see the below illustration and picture for the W50 Carton:     7.2.3. Labels OOB Label: 4 OOB Labels on Reel, Aluminum Bag, Pizza Box and Car-
                                               - 30 -  Version: 0.0.1 – 2011/12/02 ton are placed for the W50. For more information about the W50 OOB Labels, please refer to the below description. The W50 OOB Label on Reel with 100 * 50 mm dimensions defined as 4E.1HR01.001. Please see the below picture illustration and detail information.    Item Content Remark Reel ID   R+Year+Month+SN   SN is from 0001~9999    Ex. R2011040001  PIO No    Defined by Harman, will be changed for each ship-ment   Lot No    L+Year+month+SN    (a)  5 Pizza boxes are in 1 Lot.    (b) SN is from 0001~9999 Ex. L2011040001 Model No    GW50    Qisda Model No.   Harman Part No  Defined by Harman, will be changed for each ship-ment  C1b sample:2318091 C3/D1 sample:2321122 D2 sample : 2357720   Part No.    9J.1HR01.001    Qisda Part No.
                                               - 31 -  Version: 0.0.1 – 2011/12/02 Item Content Remark General Desc.  MOD-SM Qisda BT/WLANCWM-01.C1A  Add sample build status, Ex.C1a.EVT3-2/C1b.EVT3-3/C3.EVT3-4  Q’ty    400    400 pcs for each Reel   EC    Started at 03 and be up-dated by every pilot run   EVT 3-2(C1a): EC05/ 3-3 (C1b): EC06/    3-4(C3): EC07 DVT (D1a/b): EC08/ (D2): EC09   FCC ID  VRSGW50    The W50 OOB Label on Aluminum Bag with 100 * 50 mm dimensions defined as 4E.1HR01.001. Please see the below picture illustration and detail information.    Item   Content   Remark   Bag ID    A+Year+Month+SN    SN is from 0001~9999 Ex. A2011040001  PIO No   Defined by Harman, will be changed for each shipment
                                               - 32 -  Version: 0.0.1 – 2011/12/02 Item   Content   Remark   Lot No    L+Year+month+SN    (a) 5 Pizza boxes are in 1 Lot. (b) SN is from 0001~9999 Ex. L2011040001 Model No    GW50    Qisda Model No.   Harman Part No   Defined by Harman, will be changed for each shipment   C1b sample:2318091 C3/D1 sample:2321122 D2 sample :2357720  Part No.    9J.1HR01.001    Qisda Part No.   General Desc.  MOD-SM Qisda BT/WLANCWM-01.C1A  Add sample build status, Ex.C1a.EVT3-2/C1b.EVT3-3/C3.EVT3-4  Q’ty    400    400 pcs for each Aluminum Bag   EC    Started at 03 and be up-dated by every pilot run   EVT 3-2(C1a): EC05/ 3-3 (C1b): EC06/ 3-4(C3): EC07 DVT (D1a/b): EC08/ (D2): EC09   FCC ID  VRSGW50    The W50 OOB Label on Pizza Box with 100 * 50 mm dimensions de-fined as 4E.1HR01.001. Please see the below picture illustration and detail information.
                                               - 33 -  Version: 0.0.1 – 2011/12/02  Item Content Remark Box ID    B+Year+Month+SN    SN is from 0001~9999    Ex. B2011040001  PIO No    Defined by Harman, will be changed for each shipment    Lot No    L+Year+month+SN    (a)  5 Pizza boxes are in 1 Lot.    (b) SN is from 0001~9999 Ex. L2011040001 Model No    GW50    Qisda Model No.   Harman Part No   Defined by Harman, will be changed for each shipment   C1b sample:2318091 C3/D1 sample:2321122   D2 sample : 2357720   Part No.    9J.1HR01.001    Qisda Part No.   General Desc.  MOD-SM Qisda BT/WLANCWM-01.C1A  Add sample build status, Ex.C1a.EVT3-2/C1b.EVT3-3/C3.EVT3-4  Q’ty    400    400 pcs for each Pizza Box   EC    Started at 03 and be updated by every pilot run   EVT 3-2(C1a): EC05/ 3-3 (C1b): EC06/ 3-4(C3): EC07
                                               - 34 -  Version: 0.0.1 – 2011/12/02 Item Content Remark DVT (D1a/b): EC08/ (D2): EC09   FCC ID  VRSGW50    The W50 OOB Label on Carton with 100 * 50 mm dimensions de-fined as 4E.1HR01.001. Please see the below picture illustration and detail information.     Item Content Remark Carton ID    C+Year+Month+SN    SN is from 0001~9999 Ex. C2011040001   PIO No    Defined by Harman, will be changed for each ship-ment   Lot No    L+Year+month+SN    (a) 5 Pizza boxes are in 1 Lot. (b) SN is from 0001~9999 Model No    GW50    Qisda Model Number   Harman Part No   Defined by Harman, will be changed for each ship-(a) EVT3-3(C1b sample): 02318091 (b) EVT3-4(C3 /D1 sample): 02321122
                                               - 35 -  Version: 0.0.1 – 2011/12/02 Item Content Remark ment      (c ) D2 sample : 02357720   Part No.    9J.1HR01.001    Qisda Part Number   General Desc.  MOD-SM Qisda BT/WLAN CWM-01.CXX  Add sample build status as “XX”   Ex.C1A=EVT3-2/C1B=EVT3-3/ C3=EVT3-4   Q’ty    Depend on shipment Q’ty    400 pcs for 1 Reel, Max Q’ty is 2000 pcs for each Carton  EC    Start from 03 and be up-dated by every pilot run   EVT 3-2(C1a): EC05/ 3-3 (C1b): EC06/ 3-4(C3): EC07 DVT (D1a/b): EC08/ (D2): EC09   FCC ID  VRSGW50 Carton  Label:  The L50*W15 mm dimensions’ Carton Label, printed on Carton, is prepared for the W50 moving caution language. Please see the below picture on the W50 Carton: Caution  Label:  The L55*W55 mm dimensions’ Caution Label is pre-
                                               - 36 -  Version: 0.0.1 – 2011/12/02 pared for the ESD Indicator purpose. The P/N has been defined as 4E.G3503.00. Please see the below illustration and picture for the W50 Caution Label:   7.2.4. Tapes: The 400 pcs W50 of per Reel with PS Black Cover and Carrier Tapes are prepared for the W50 Module packaging, met to ESD stan-dard Ohm: 10^4Ω~10^6Ω and EIA-481-D. The P/N has been defined as Cover Tap-4B.1HR01.001 and Carrier Tap-4B.1HR03.001. Please see the below illustration and pictures for the W50 Carrier and Cover Tapes:
                                               - 37 -  Version: 0.0.1 – 2011/12/02     7.3.  Shipment, storage and handling The W50 Shipment, Storage and Handling are based and acting on per Carton with 5 Pizza Box packages and 2,000 pcs W50 inside.  8. Certifications  8.1. FCC Regulations:   This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following  two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.   This device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital  de-vice, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiated radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turn-ing the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:   -Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. -Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. -Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. -Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
                                               - 38 -  Version: 0.0.1 – 2011/12/02 Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user‘s authority to operate the equipment.   RF Exposure Information    This Modular Approval is limited to OEM installation for mobile and fixed applications only.   The antenna installation and operating configurations of this transmitter, including any applicable source-based time-averaging duty factor, antenna gain and cable loss must satisfy MPE categorical Exclusion Requirements of §2.1091.     The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons, must not be collocated or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter, except in accordance with FCC multi-transmitter product pro-cedures.    The end user has no manual instructions to remove or install the device and a separate ap-proval is required for all other operating configurations, including portable configurations with respect to 2.1093 and different antenna configurations.   Maximum antenna gain allowed for use with this device is 2 dBi. When the module is installed in the host device, the FCC ID label must be visible through a window on the final device or it must be visible when an access panel, door or cover is easily re-moved. If not, a second label must be placed on the outside of the final device that con-tains the following text: “Contains FCC ID: VRSGW50”.  9. Contact Qisda Corporation 18 Jihu Road, Neihu, Taipei 114, Taiwan Tel: +886 2 2799-8800   Fax: +886 2 2799-9688 Website: Qisda.com

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