Qixiang Electron Science and Technology 5188V1 VEHICLE RADIO User Manual 1

Qixiang Electron Science& Technology Co., Ltd VEHICLE RADIO 1


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Mirror Download [FCC.gov]Qixiang Electron Science and Technology 5188V1 VEHICLE RADIO User Manual                1
Document ID963688
Application IDBNtWqTC7MKI6yfl3MU1Fpg==
Document DescriptionUSERS MANUAL 4
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize204.43kB (2555437 bits)
Date Submitted2008-07-01 00:00:00
Date Available2008-07-02 00:00:00
Creation Date2008-06-27 17:30:39
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 7.0 (Windows)
Document Lastmod2008-06-27 17:30:51
Document TitleMicrosoft Word - 文档 1
Document CreatorPScript5.dll Version 5.2
Document Author: Randy HE

IF? 7. Advanced Operation
.K§XTE99.K§Q.EF_n9t-°n __________________________________________________________
This will look several keys to avoid unintentional operating transceiver.
1. Press FUNc key and press TSIDGS key while ‘I'
2. The " 01“ Icon appears.
3. Wlth this function activated. only the following commands can be accessed:
. F1'I'
' FUNC + TSIDCS to cancel this function
0 Monitor function (to release squelch for weak signal receiving)
a Squelch selling
0 UPIDOWN keys
Tone Burst
Press the DOWN keywhlle P1'I' Is pressed. The tone burst will be transmitted as long as both
keys are pressed together. Usually just a few seconds of burst is enough to activate the repeater.
IN elNarrgw Band _______________________________________________________________
Swift. 9 wide/narrow band mode:
1. Press MHz key while keeping FUNG key pressed.
" Nor ' appears on the LCD screen and the tran-
seetver enters to NARROW mode.
2. Repeat the same sequence to switch between the WIDE/NARROW modes. When the tran-
soeiver is in the WIDE mode, " Nar" dimppeers on screen.
3. In the NARROW mode, the microphone gain and modulation during transmission and the
demodulation range during receiving will be lower.
s uh on can ecrease e okgrou se an mprove ea oquaity.
1. Press FUNO, and then preesSQLwhen "I"dlsplays
on the soreen.WhiIe "JI.|L' shows this function is ON. J'I.I1.
2 Repeat the above operation, the transmitterswiimes
between ONIOFF Oompenderiunetion. 'J|.|1." dismpears on screen while set OFF this function.
§§F§MPI§H99§2EI§D ____________________________________________________________
Scrambler Is special solution of voice. This function will make the users who have transceiver
with same frequency only can get noise, can't listen clearly about the conversation. then it has
kept secret when communicates. If you want to use this function. the relevant transceivers also
must have same smimbler function and enable it otherwise both sides (ain‘t wmmunkxte nomfilly.
ANI Func n
This transceiver uses DTMFIS—TONE to res ANI function. When channels have been pro-
grammed to have ANI function, press PTI'tn send the repmgmmmable DTMFIfi-TONE modes, it
will display seller information to realize ANI function after allied transceiver has dewdas.
I}? 7. Advanced Operation
This will automatically transmit pre-pmgrammed DTMF tones. DTMF (Dual-Tone-MuIIi—Frequency)
are the same tones med in the telephone sys1em. and they are otten used to remote control electronic
devices prAUTOPATCH phone systems available on some repeaters.
To progr-m tones In the Auto-dI-Icr memory:
1. Press FUNC key and TSIDCS key at the same time
to enter the setting mode. Deleult display is 1 on n“ I
the fight and of the screen. Memory channel Icon I” 1835 5
displays which of the ten auto-dial memories(1-9) Ex. Dialer set mode
is in use.
2. Use UPIDOWN keys to seled the desired channel.
3. Rush the main dial it) select the first digit, then press TSIDCS key to enter. The (linear moves
toward tight. Repeat sequence to complete.
4. Use '-" for pause. The display scrolls when the 7th digit is entered. The numbers 0 to 5,
pause. a and i can be stored (Mums digits).
5. To check the entered digits. press FUNC then mate the main dial while'." displays on the
5. To delete. press CALL key. Press P1'I', VIM, MHz or SQL keys to exit and return to original
Diallng numbers In the Ante-dial memory:
1. Choose the desired communicating frequency or memory channel.
2. Pm FUNC and TSIDCS atthe same time In enter setting mode. chose anmdlallrg memory
3. Press HT and UP at the same time to transmit a group of numbers stored In theAuto—dlaler
__B“ rg_|_a__r__4_\_|_e_|_-_r_r_| __________________
Alarm CahlleL-01(B)]
Advanced Ogeration
(Operation 1]
Setting: Connect the provided alarm DC cable directly to the battery.
1. Conned the provided alarm cable to the DATAjack on the front panel as shown. Secure the
other end of the cable to an object that stays fixed In the vehicle.
2 Enter the Parenreter Setting mode by pressing FUNG key tor more than 2 semnda. Use SQL
or UPIDOWN keys to select menu and rotate the dial to set SCR—ON. Press any key other
than SGLIUPIDOWN key b enter the setting and exit.
3. Turn OW the unit with PWR switch. The TX LED will light
To turn off the alarm function, turn on the unit, enter the Parameter setting mode again, and
select SCR-OF When alarm is adivated, the decimal points on 100 MHz and 10kHz order will
flash on screen.
1. The alarm function is ON only when the unit is turned off.
2. When alarm is actilrated (SCR—ON orDLW, the Ignition key function does not work.
1. When the alarm cable is removed from the DATAth or cut without using the proper sequence.
the alarm sounds for 10 minutes During the alarm, the unit goes to receive on memory channel
99. according to “its pro-programmed setting (T SQIDCS received).
2. When a signal is received on Channel 99, the alarm steps.
3. Tuming on the unil with SQL key pressed also cancels the alarm.
4. Turn the unit off again with the alarm cable connected properly. It retums to the alarm mode.
[Operation 2]
Choose this operation when a delay period is desired.
1. Enter the Parameter setting mode as described previously and select SCR—DLYFoIlow the
previous instruction to set.
2. Turn otfthe unit. Display will disappear but the LCD Illumination stays on. After 20 seconds
TX LED lights up, illumination dims. and alarm functions. The system won'twork during
the 20-seoond "DELAY" period.
3. The alarm sounds under the same condition as described previously. Tilers is a 20 second
delay until the alarm sounds. During the 20-second period,only the display Illumination Is IIt.
Turn ON the unit during “DELAY" period to cancel the alarm iunction.
Do set SCR-OF during normal operation.
1. Start alarming, the unit will switch between transmitting and receiving signals per 5 seconds
(lasts 1 minute), and then the audio-alarm sounds for 10 minutes.
2. Setting and operating this function is same with other models. it allows you to monitor and
central alanri faraway on memory channel 99.
[if 7. Advanced Operation
Cable Clone
This feature will clone the programmed data and parameters In the master unit to slave units.
It copies the parameters and memory program settings.
Make enable using 3.5mm(QxPL-l)1) stated-mini plugs as shown below. Set and program it as
requlred, turn of both units. Connectthe cable between the DATAJacks on both master and slave.
Tum both radios on ether connecting.
MWllave demo [lugfl 56" Plus prueeu
GNDmmunding) MATlex
3.5mm stereo plug(QXPL-01) (DU-W)
liege isms
Main side Auxiliary side
(Setting: Main side]
1. Press CALL and FUNC keyatthe same time. CLONE wlII be displayed and the radio enters
the clone mode.
2. Press PTI'. "SD 100' will be displayed and it starts sending the data into the slave unit.
it. ‘PASS' will eppeeron the screen when the date is successfully transmitted,
4. The master radio may stay turned on forthe next clone. Turn ofithe unittn axitfrem the clone
(Setting: Auxiliary side]
1. When the Slave unlt receives the clone data, ' LD...‘I shows on the screen.
2. "PASS“ will appear on the screen when the dale is successfully transmitted.
3. Turn all the pcmer. Disconnect the cable and repeatthe sequenoe to copy the next slave unit
Ifthe date is not successfully transmitted, tum off both units, make sure the cable connection is
correct and repeat the entire operation from the beginning.
if 7. Advanced Oeeration
8. Microphone Operation
K§¥§f__|[‘§t_!'9£t.__ n_ __________________________________________________________________
1. Duei-eudio keypad -- setting tunctions, inputting VFO trequency or dieiing DTMEetc.
2. LOCKIOFF—Key iocks (Lightening turns ONIOFF in synchrony).
3. DTMF OFF and DTMF keypad switch between dual-audio dieiing, functions operating, etc.
EH Mime 911.31! ____________________________________________________________________
Kay Tr-nlutvor eons-pending trey Function
0-9 — Input frequency dlrectiy
7 A VIM > Switches between VFO and Memory mode
B CALL Switch to Cali Mode
c Press FUNC tor more than Switch parameter setting modes, matches with # key to
2 seconds check the value of DTMF/ANIIZT one 5Tone
D FUNC + TS/DCS Program auto dialer values
! Press SQLfor 1 second Monitor function
# — Switch to DTMF/ANIIZ-TondS-Tone mode
0 H/L ‘ Switches transmission output among HI, MID and LOW.
1. Under the Parameter setting mode. press UP or DOWN to choose menu, press v or # to
choose the desiredseth'ng, press enyotherkeyexoept s, i, UPorDOWNto exitthe Parameter
setting mode.
2. Setting the auto dialer, press UP or DOWN to choose memory channele, input the numbers
on the keypad. Press - art! to shame numbers orsymbols, pressA to enter: press cm clear,
press 5. D orPTTkeyto return to the initial status.
3. OnlyDTMF/ANVZ—TONE/fi-TONE mode has been selected. Ckey mamhes with # lmyto check
the value ofDTMF/ANl/Z—TONE/S—TONE. In addition. press and hold FUNC heylors aeoonds
to enter, the value also can be checked bymarchlng wlth UParDOWN key.
[53 8. Microphone operation
Inputting Frequencies
Frequenu'ee can be entered directly by pressing lhe numerical (1~0) keys.
1. Set the mlucphone DTMF OFF to OFF.
2. DTMF keys can be used (0 enter frequencies from 100MHz‘
(Ex) When eening 144.20MHz with the tuning step eetio 5kHz
Afler entering the sixth digit a slightly longer beep
Is heard and the entry Is complelerThe outpul
frequendes cannot be input.
1. Canceliing lhe entry : Press NT, or any key dlher lhan the numerical keys.
9. Maintenance
Resetting the transceiver is return all programmed setting to dehult setting. lf the trouble oon-
tinuously appears. this function can solve the problems and return to the nomrel operetion status
How To Reset
Press FUNC tor 3 seconds and power ON the tran-
sceiver. all the icons display on the LCD eoreen. and
then display the detault setting.
NOTE: All the settings would be I
F mil-Aim -Dfi°-nJIIL
all Icons display on the LCD semen
zed. therefore pay more attention on resetting operation.
Default Settin After Resetting
VFO Frequency
CALL Frequency
Memory Channels (0-99)
Key Locked Setting
Otfset Frequency
Channel Stepping
CTCSS Setting
Squelch Level
Check the transceiver refer to the tollowing chart if there is anything wrung with it. Resume the
transceiver Ifthe trouble continuously appears. It can avoid the Incorrect operation.
Shoutlng Gulde
Get through. but displays
The battery pole is reversed. Canned the Red lead to
positive teml'nel ofthe DC power. conned the Black lead
to negative terminal.
The [use is melted
The screen is too dim
Check out the problem and solve, change a new fuse.
Setting the dimmer LAMP-L to LAMP-H.
No sound from the speaker
The keys and main diel cannot
Decrease the squelch level when it is set to mute. Set
the Tone-Burst or DOS squelch functlon ON. Set OFF
the CTCSSIDCS function.
Set ON the Tuning-Locked function. Set it OFF.
The main keypad couldnot The transceiver is on CALL or VFO mode.
change the memory channel
Press P1'I' but cannot transmit The microphone ls Installed Incorrectly.
signals Please connect conectly again.
10. Specification
General Specific-lion
135-173995MHZ 2742995 MHdwsiomize)
“mum“ Rm“ 400489995 MHz 220-259.995(cue|omize)
Working Way 16KOF3E (FM) BK50F3E (Narrow band FM)
Frequency Rale 5,8.33,10,12.5,15,20,25,30,50kHz
Number af Channels 100 channels + CALL channel
Antenna Impedenm 50 fl Imbalance
Frequenw Stability t 5an
Microphone Impedance 2 k ohm
Regulafie Voltage DC 13.8V 115%(11.7-1s.5)
0mm TRE££5‘<‘§$M
Working Tempei-amre -10‘c - +001: (+14- F — +14o- F)
Grounding Negative
Size 145(W)X47(H)X190(D)mm
Weight about 1 .2kg
sow (High)
Output Power 10W (Medlum)
5w (er)
Modulefion FM
Residual Radiation -.ldB or below
Max. Fro. Deviation t 5KHz, t 2 5KHz (Narmw bend mode)
Circuit Double-change Transceiver
Sensiflvlly -12.0 (EU (0.25flV) or below 12dB SlNAD
Middle Frequency Firei: 21.7MH1, Second: 450KHz
Squelcn Sensitivity 46.0 dBu (0.1l-IV)
Selectivity >60dBl12.5KHz >70d5125KHz
lnienncdulation >65dB
Audio Power 2.0 W (80,101: distortion)
NOTE: No Miner advise for changing the spedfieefl‘m.
lelang Electron Science a. Technology Co..Ltd.
Md:chth Bulldlng Tangad Industrial Zom.ijIang
Diskichflumzhou 362011,Fujifln,chini.

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Metadata Date                   : 2008:06:27 17:30:51+08:00
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Title                           : Microsoft Word - 文档 1
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Producer                        : Acrobat Distiller 7.0 (Windows)
Page Count                      : 10
Author                          : Randy HE
EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools
FCC ID Filing: T4K5188V1

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