Qixiang Electron Science and Technology 5188V1 VEHICLE RADIO User Manual 1

Qixiang Electron Science& Technology Co., Ltd VEHICLE RADIO 1


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Document ID963686
Application IDBNtWqTC7MKI6yfl3MU1Fpg==
Document DescriptionUSERS MANUAL 2
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize266.04kB (3325474 bits)
Date Submitted2008-07-01 00:00:00
Date Available2008-07-02 00:00:00
Creation Date2008-06-27 17:29:36
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 7.0 (Windows)
Document Lastmod2008-06-27 17:29:51
Document TitleMicrosoft Word - 文档 1
Document CreatorPScript5.dll Version 5.2
Document Author: Randy HE

1,13" 3. Initial Installing
lf set tiie ignition-key ONIOFF (optional feature). use the optional QCC—Ot (For direm comedian
to the u'rcut on the vehicle or tor e cigar plug connection) noble. Oonneot one of the cables between
the ADC termlml or a cigar plug that operates with the vehicle Ignition orACC switch on the vehicle
power jack on the rear side of the unit. (NOTE: in my cars, the cigar-lighter plug is
llmys powered. In this one, you unnot rue If for the lgnltlon-lmy ON/OFF flirtation.) If set
this tunction on. the unit can be turned ONIOFF either manually or automatically in accordance
with the ignition-key position.
1. When the Ignition-key tums to ACC (speed up) or 0N(start) and the radio ls power off, the
power switch lights on. It turns ofi when the ignition key is turned to be cfi.To turn on the unit,
press the puwerswitchtmtlle It is on.(whlle bullion key Is at ACC orON)
2. When the ignition-key turns toACC (speed up) or ON (start) and the radio is power on,the unit
turns on automatically and the pwrerswiioh light on. Turn the ignition-key“: OFF or manually
turn the powerswitch 01? to shutdown the redio.
The power consumption when using the additional cable is 5 mA.
For operation without this function. use the power switch to turn the unit ONIOFF.
[Fixed Station Operation]
ln order to use this transceiver for fixed station operation. you will need a separate13.8 v no
power supply (not Inciuded).flD{lANG Co. otters emellent communication power supply as optional
ecoessory[QRP-01], please contact the local authorized WANG distributor.
The recommended current capacity of your power supply Is 12 A.
1. Connect the D0 pcmercable to the regulated DC power supply and ensure that the polarities
are eenact (Red: positive, Black: negative).
0 Do not directiy connect the transceiver to an Ac outlet.
0 Use the supplied DC power cable to connect the transceiver in e regulated power supply.
0 Do not substitute a cable with smaller gauge wires.
2. Connect the transceiver's DC power connector to the connector on the DC power cable.
O Press the connectors iinnly together until the locking tab clicks.
0 BeIpIe comeding the DC power supply to the transceNer, be sure to swi tch the transceiverand
the DC power supply OFF.
0Donat‘piugtheDCpawersupply/”to anAcautistuntilyou make all connections.
[S 3. Initial Installing
(Replacing Fuse]
If the fuse blows, detennlne the cause, then correct the problem. After the problem is resolved,
replace the fuself newly installed fuse continue to blow, disconnect the power cable and contact
your authorized m'dealer or an authorized m ‘servioe center for assistance.
SuppliedAmee-ory DC
Only use fuse olthe specified type and mung: chemise the transceiver could be damaged.
NOTE: if you use the tranweiver for a long period when the vehicle battery is not fully charged,
or when the engine is OFF, the battery may become discharged, and will not have sufficient
reserves to start the vehicle. Avoid using the transceiver under these conditions.
BQYEE§HPRWMQMSE 915149! ___________________________________________
Alter connecting the transceiver to the power supply, the supply voltage can be conilnned by
pressing SQL and FUNC at the same line. The supply voltage tisplays on the screen. The transceiver
wIII retum to normal operation when the power Is OFF. The display Immediately changes as the
voltage supply changes. It also displays voltage during transmission.
[IMPORTANT] The rlnul or the displayed voltaua is only l'rwn 1v-1uv. Eacluu of the displayed value
In olthnated, pine- ": voltmeter when a more precise reading I: dnlrod.
Antenna Connection
Before operating, Install an efficient, well-tuned antenna.The success of your Installation will
depend largely on the type of antenna and its correct installationThe transceiver can give excellent
results lfthe antenna system and Its installation are given careful attention.
Use a 500 impedance antenna and low-loss coaxial feed line that has a memoir. impedance
of 500, to match the transceiver Input Impedance. Coupling the antenna to the transceiver vb feed
lines having an impedance other than 500 reduces the efficiency of the antenna system and can
cause Interference to nearby broadcast television receivers, radio receivers, and other electronic
’ Transmitting withoutlirstoonnecting an antenna orolhermaMredloadmeydamage the transceiver.
Always connect the antenna to the transceiver before transmitting.
OAII fixed stations should be equipped with a lightning anesler to reduce the risk of fire. electric
shock, and transceiver damage.
There are many possible antenna locations on a car. Four cfthe most popular are shown and
discussed on the following:
rs 3. Initial lnstallin
A99§§§9f¥§999€9f971 ________________________________________________________
[External speaker]
lfyou plan to use an external speaker. choose a speakerwith an impedance of so The external
speaker iaok accepts a 3.5 mm (1/8') mono (2-conduotor) plug.
NOTE: Extemal speaker adopt BTL double ports as output, please care about the connectlng way
The speaker can not connect with the ground. otherwise the speaker will be fault. The wrong
connecting way as the following picture:
For voice oommuni-tions, conned a microphone equipped with an Spin modular plug into the
modular socket on the front of the main unit.Press firmly on the plug until the locking tab clicks.
Attach the supplied microphone hanger in an appropriate location using the screws included
in the screw set.
6 MlmpnquMP-ml é
MICW sounder
Exlemal speaker
4. Getting Acquainted
Front Panel
- Primary Function
VOL(Vulume swilch) Adjust voluma hy
fl MainDial -»- .- _.;
4 FUNC'SET Function key
5 VIM - MW Swllohss balwsan VFO mode and memo mode
I! MHZ-SHIFT seep key (step: 1 MHz)
CALL. HIL Call :
n SQL- 13 Squelch adlusilng key
Data Terminal Dela madlnglwriling, clone and burglar alarm iuncliona
TX Indicates when unnsmilfing
m Mic. Connector Connscilon port for supplied microphone
0 PM! FUNC, fli- funciions an I:- aciivmd while. appears.
4 FUNC-SET Confirm to choose function and exit the functions
5 VIM~ MW 8mm data in memory channels
_ Set dlrecilon and frequency of oflset irequsncy
8 CAL HIL Snitch bamun HI MID and LOW power transmission
9 SQL Enler Inla the com -—. ndar communication mods
Iii“ 4. Getting Acguainted
- Set function by pressing FUNc and one of the following keys at the
same tlme
PWR Reset to default selling
VIM' MW Delete the channel memory
MHZ' SHIFT swim between widelnarmw bend
TSIDCS- LOCK Set the auto dialer
8 CALL- HIL Enler clone dale fundion mode
9 sub El Enter the power supply voltage indication mode
0 Set functlons by pressing tile keys contlnuously
Key Functlon
FUNC - SET Press and hold ior 2 seconds to enter the setting mode
SQL- In Press and hold tor more than 1 second to monitor function
Ext. Speaker Tanninal Terminal fur optional extemel speaker
Terminal for connecting optional able ior use with
ignition key on/oli function
Use for connecting the 50 ohm coaxial cable with
Ext. Power Jack
Antenna Connector
[S 4. Gettin Ac uainted
Appears when in memory mode
indium the memory channel number In memory mode
Appenrs when setting the burglaralenn function
Icon Fundlon
SQL Appears when setting the squelch level
Decimal point Appears when setling the skip level
indicates the dicimal point offrequency and the scanning
indicates the frequency or memory name
Appears when a signal is being received and monitor
fundion “a ON
indicates the relative signal strength of transmtting and
Appears when“ m compander mods
O'cl'sl Key lock Appears when setting the key lock function
Appears when setting the DOS function
_ Appears when setling direction at offset frequency
lndicaies scramble
indicates narrow band
-_ indica'eslwnmr
18 ML lndlwtee medium power
19 Appears when pressing FUNc Kay
Decimal paint
[3 4 Gettin Acquainted
Ineiease fiequenw valuememory channel serial rllrbenar selilrg value
Deueuse freqznuy vulue,memory diamel serial numberpr selling value
Push-To—Talk, get hlo baisrdlllng slab
Set irrrrraions, ‘nputVFO inquemy ordial DTMEem.
Swim bdween dial-Inns fisquarw dial'ng ad function opemfirg
Key look (Lightnhg turns allwhen locking)
Speak has during transmitting
Mlc. Connecwr Dlagraln (wnlle lookan In the front vlew of the connedor)
GND (Grounding)
Mic (Mimpnons) C7)\ MlC GND (Microphone Grounding)
P'I'I'(Push-To-Ta|k)—LO ©5—
\ 2 Remote (cunnscllocnnlml)
5. Operating Basics
§W_19h U_9_Tb§_|39!l§[_°N/QEE _____
Press the power switch or turn the ignition key to ACC
(speedup)or Oleterup) according to the selected mode
when Installed to power ON. Press agaln the pmrswltch
or turn the ignition key to OFF to power OFF.
Adjusting The Volume
Turn the VOL control clockwise to increase the audio
output level and counterclockwise to decrease the output
level. Set it at the desired level.
Adjusting The Squelch
The purpose of Squelch Is to mute the speaker when no slgnals are present. With the squelch
level correctly set, you will hear sound only while actually receiving signals. The higher the selected
squelch level, the strongerthe signals must be reoeive.The appropriate squelch level depends on
the ambient RF noise conditions.
1. Press SQL Key. SQL icon d'eplays on the screen and
the squelch level wlll be shown where the memory
number is displayed. 21 Ievelst total(lrom o to 20) 3,3 l L153 E {7 m
-o- is the lowest setting value.
Squelch Level
2. Adjust desired squelch level by tumlng the main dlal
or by using the UPIDOWN keys on the micriohone.
To return to normal use mode. press NT or any key
on the front panel. or it there are no operations within
five seconds, the unlt will store the settlrrg and will
return to its original status.
The new squelch level will be stored in the CPU until another adjustment is done.
VFO tuning is set as a default mode at the tamory. VFO
(Vartable Frequency Oscillator) allows you to change the
frequency in accordance with the selected channel step
asyou rotatetha mindialoroyusingtheUPIDOWNkeys [95,383
on the microphone. VFO mode is also used to program VFQ Mode
the data to be stored In the memory channels.
om...- Frequency
1. Identify the current mode by checking the screen.
If "M' or "C' Icon ls NOT displayed on It, the unit ls “"' nun
already in the VFO mode. l7,501.1 U
"nu-mu ru-
2. Otherwise press VIM key untill those icons are gone.
[if 5. Ograting Basics
[Change Frequency By Channel Stepping]
Turn the main dial clockwise to increase the frequency value, counterclockw'se to decrease. The
UPIDOWN keys on the microphone act in the same way.
[Change Frequency By 1MHz Stepping]
This will enable a quick change of frequency in 1 MHz
1. Pram MHz key. The digits albr 100Kl-lz will disappear
on the screen. I L, 5
2. Turn the main dial or press UPIDOWN key on Mic.
Change Channel Stepping
1. Be sure the unit is in VFO mode. Refer to page 23
to enter the SET mode.
2. Select the channel step parameter setting by using Displaying mm ltepplng
the tuning knob. The current mannel step will be
displayed as below.
STP~5 STP-B3 STP-10 S P-125 STF-15
< > < . 4 > 4 >
(5KHz) (8,33KHZ) (1 OKHz) (12.5KHZ) (15KHz)
. . > 4 . 4 . .
(50KHz) (30mm (25KHz) (ZBKHZ)
3. Press PTI’ or any key except SQLon the hunt panel to enter the desired step into memory.
The screen will then return to the original status.
NOTE: Settings below 10KHz maybe automatically corrected according to the selected step.
Opera ng Through Repeaters
Repeaters, which are often installed and maintained
by radio clubs, are usually located on mountain tape or
other elevated locations. 111ey generally operate at higher
ERP (Effective Radiated Power) than a typical station
This combination of elevation and high ERP allows 00m-
munications over much greater distances than wmmun— \
icaling without using repeaters. \
Most repeaters use a receive and transmit frequency
pair with a standard or non-alandard offset (odd-epiil).ln
addltlon. some repeaters must receive a tone from the zfifi’g‘: m mm,“
transceiver to be accessed. For delails, consult your local RX: Miami: mm. mm:
Rx. “5.5sz
repeater reference.
[3 5. Ogerating Basics
[Offset Programming Flow]
(1) Select a receive frequency.
Q Select an offset direction,
QSeIect an offiet frequency (only when programming
odd-split repeater frequencies).
QAetlvatre the Tone function (If necessary).
®Select a tone frequency (If necessary).
lf you store all the above data in a Memory Channel. you will not need to reprogram the per-
ameters every time. Refer to IIMEMORY CHANNELS".
[Settlng Offset DIrectIon And Offset Frequency]
Repeater receives a signal (UP-LINK) on the frequency and re-tranemils on another (DOWN-LINK).
The difference between these two frequencies ls called the offset frequency. The default offset
frequency on VHF band is 600 kHz; the default offset frequency on UHF bend is 5.0 MHz. If the
UP-LlNK frequency is higher than the DOWN-LINK frequency. the shift direction is positive. end
if it is lower. the shift direction is negative. The onset is variable between D to BESBSMHZ on this
Frees the FUNC key. While the screen displays ". "
icon. press In": key. Screen shows the ounent status of
offset dlrectton and offsetfrequency. The default value Is
0.60 MHz (GOOKHZ) in the negative direction. Press MHz
key until the desired offset direction is set. If SlMPLEX et 800ml
mode (without changing transmit and receive frequency)
is desired. select the position where both - and + icons
1. Turn the dial or use UPIDOWN keys on the micro-
phone to ohenge the offset frequency. It changes
in accordance with the channel step setting value.
2. In this mode, if press the FUNC key again. the offset
frequency can be changed in 1 MHz steps for faster
sstfins- Cancel snrrt <7
1. Press any other key swept HJNC or MHz to return
to the original statue.
4» 0.900 4» +0500 7

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Title                           : Microsoft Word - 文档 1
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