Qixiang Electron Science and Technology AT598V Mobile Radio User Manual AT598V

Qixiang Electron Science& Technology Co., Ltd Mobile Radio AT598V

User manual

Thank you for choosing this  vehicle transceiver, always provides high quality products, And this transceiver is no exception. As you learn how to use this transceiver, you will find that   is pursuing "user friendliness". For example, each time you change the menu no. in Menu mode, you will see a text message on the GLVSOD\WKDWOHWV\RXNQRZZKDW\RXDUHFRQ¿JXULQJThough friendly design for user, this transceiver is technically complicated and some features may be new to you. Consider this manual to be a personal tutorial from the designers, allow the manual to guide you through the learning process now, then act as a reference in the coming years.Do not attempt to configure your transceiver while driving, it is dangerous.This transceiver is designed for a 13.8V DC power supply. Don't use a 24V battery to power on the transceiver.Do not place the transceiver in excessively dusty, humid or wet areas, nor unstable surfaces.Please keep it away from interferential devices (such as TV, generator etc.). Do not expose the transceiver to long periods of direct sunlight nor place it close to heating appliances.If an abnormal odor or smoke is detected coming from the transceiver, turn OFF the power immediately. Contact an Anytone service station or your dealer.Do not transmit with high output power for extended periods; the transceiver may overheat.3OHDVHREVHUYHWKHIROORZLQJSUHFDXWLRQVWRSUHYHQW¿UHSHUVRQDOLQMXU\or transceiver damage:Precautions-LENNAHU-VOLPWRFUNCV/MCALLMHzTX/DCSH/LSCANMINIMobile radio
CONTENTS1HZDQG,QQRYDWLYH)HDWXUHV..............................................1Supplied Accessories/Optional Accessories.....................2Supplied Accessories....................................................................... 2Optional Accessories .......................................................................2,QLWLDO,QVWDOODWLRQ ..................................................................3Mobile Installation ............................................................................3DC Power Cable Connection ...........................................................4Power Supply Voltage Display ......................................................... 6Antenna Connection ........................................................................6Accessories Connections................................................................. 7*HWWLQJ$FTXDLQWHG ..............................................................8Front panel....................................................................................... 8Rear panel .......................................................................................9Display .............................................................................................9Microphone ......................................................................................10Working Mode(Amateur Transceiver or Professional Transceiver)........................................................................11Basic Operations .................................................................12Switching the Power On/Off ............................................................12$GMXVWLQJWKH9ROXPH ...................................................................... 12Switch between VFO and Channel mode .......................................12$GMXVWLQJ)UHTXHQF\&KDQQHOThrough Selector Knob.................... 12Receiving .........................................................................................12Transmitting .....................................................................................12Transmitting Tone-Pulse ..................................................................13Transmitting Optional Signaling ......................................................13Channel Edit ....................................................................................13Channel Delete ................................................................................13Shortcut Operations.............................................................14Squelch Off/Squelch Off Momentary................................................14Squelch Level Setup ........................................................................14Frequency/Channel Scan ................................................................14Channel Scan ..................................................................................14CTCSS/DCS Encode and Decode Setup ........................................14CTCSS Scan....................................................................................15DCS Scan ........................................................................................15Compander (Decrease the background noise and enhance audio clarity ..................................................................................................15Offset Direction and Offset Frequency Setup ..................................16Keypad Lockout ...............................................................................16Current Voltage Enquiry...................................................................16Auto-Dialer Setup.............................................................................16Transmitting Edited DTMF Tones in the Auto-dialer Memory........... 17General Setting.....................................................................18Frequency Channel Step Setup....................................................... 18DTMF, DTMF ANI, 2Tone or 5Tone Signaling .................................. 18Sending 2-Tone Call.........................................................................19Sending 5-Tone Call.........................................................................19Sending DTMF call ..........................................................................19Signaling Combination Setup...........................................................19
CONTENTSBand-width Selection .......................................................................20TX OFF Setup.................................................................................. 21Busy Channel Lockout .....................................................................21Editing Channel Name .....................................................................21Reverse TX/RX ................................................................................ 21Talk Around ......................................................................................22Voice Compander  ...........................................................................22Scrambler Setup (Encryption).......................................................... 22Radio's DTMF SELF ID ENQUIRY .................................................22Radio's 5TONE SELF ID ENQUIRY ...............................................23Voice Prompt.................................................................................... 23TOT (Time-out timer) .......................................................................23APO (Auto power off)....................................................................... 23DTMF Transmitting Time.................................................................. 24Squelch Level Setup ........................................................................24Scan Dwell Time Setup....................................................................24LCD Backlight ..................................................................................24Pilot Frequency ................................................................................25Display Mode Setup......................................................................... 25PIN Setup ........................................................................................25Address List  ....................................................................................26Factory Default.................................................................................26Microphone Operation .........................................................27Function Setup By Microphone Keypad........................................... 27Squelch Level ..................................................................................27Optional Signaling ...........................................................................27Scan Skip ........................................................................................ 28Frequency/Channel Scan  ...............................................................28Busy Channel Lockout .....................................................................28Reverse TX/RX ................................................................................ 28TOT (Time-out timer)........................................................................29CTCSS/DCS Encode and Decode................................................... 29Talk Around  .....................................................................................29Voice Prompt.................................................................................... 29LCD Backlight  .................................................................................30Long-distance Anti-theft Alarm ..........................................31Cable Clone ..........................................................................323URJUDPPLQJ6RIWZDUH,QVWDOOLQJDQG6WDUWLQJLQZLQGRZVXP system) ............................................................................33Maintenance..........................................................................34Default Setting after Resetting(VHF) ...............................................34Trouble Shooting..............................................................................346SHFL¿FDWLRQV .......................................................................35Attached Chart......................................................................3650 groups CTCSS Tone Frequency(Hz) ..........................................361024 groups DCS Code................................................................... 36
11New and Innovative Features598 Mobile Radio has nice housing, stoutness & stability, advanced and reliable functions, perfect & valuable. This amateur mobile radio especially designs for drivers and it pursues company philosophy of innovation and practicality. More functions as follows:'LVSOD\RQDODUJH/&'ZLWKDGMXVWDEOH EULJKWQHVVFRQYHQLHQWIRUQLJKWWLPHXVH There are Amateur operation mode and Professional operation mode for option.Distribute buttons reasonably, convenient for operation. Adopt superior quality material, better technology and high quality radiator to ensure  stable and durable operation.SURJUDPPDEOHPHPRUL]HGFKDQQHOVLGHQWL¿HGE\HGLWLQJQDPH 3URJUDPPLQJGLIIHUHQW&7&66'&67RQH7RQHLQSHUFKDQQHOUHMHFWLQJH[WUDFDOOLQJIURPRWKHUUDGLRV Various scan functions including CTCSS/DCS Scan function. Using  5Tone to send Message, Emergency alarm, Call all, ANI, Remotely kill, Remotely Waken, etc.Automatic calling,GHQWL¿FDWLRQIXQFWLRQE\DTMF--ANI or 5Tone--ANI .Scramble function (Optional). Compander function for decrease the background noise and  enhance audio clarity, it can set compander ON/OFF per channel.Theft alarm provides extra safety.
22Supplied AccessoriesAfter carefully unpacking the transceiver, identify the items listed in the table below. We suggest you keep the box and packaging.Transceiver User ManualMicrophone (QHM-03) (with DTMF keyboard)DC Power Cable with Fuse Holder(QPL-01)-LENNAHU-VOLPWRFUNCV/MCALLMHzTX/DCSH/LSCANMINISupplied AccessoriesCar Antenna (QCA-01)Car Antenna (QCA-01)Antenna Gain:0dBi
3To install the transceiver, select a safe, convenient location inside your vehicle that minimizes danger to your passengers and yourself while the vehicle is in motion. Consider installing the unit at an appropriate position so that knees or legs will not strike it during sudden braking of your vehicle. Try to pick a well ventilated location that is shielded from direct sunlight.Install the mounting bracket in the vehicle using the supplied self-1.WDSSLQJVFUHZVSFVDQGÀDWZDVKHUVSFVPosition the transceiver, then insert and tighten the supplied 2.hexagon SEMS screws. Double check that all screws are tightened to prevent vehicle vibration from loosening the bracket or transceiver.3Car bodyWasher (M5)Tapping screw(M5x20mm)Mounting bracketInitial InstallationMobile installation Determine the appropriate angle of the transceiver, using the 3 screw  hole positions on the side of the mounting bracket.-LENNAHU-VOLPWRFUNCV/MCALLMHzTX/DCSSCANMINICAL
4Connect the DC power cable to the transceiver's power supply 6.connector.Press WKHFRQQHFWRUV¿UPO\WRJHWKHUXQWLOWKHORFNLQJWDEFOLFNVIf the ignition-key on/off feature is desired(optional feature), use the 3RedBlack([W3RZHUMDFNDC power cableInitial InstallationDC Power Cable ConnectionMobile OperationIn many cars,the cigar-lighter plug is always powered. If this is the case, you cannot use it for the ignition key on/off function.The vehicle battery must have a nominal rating of 12V. Never connect the transceiver to a 24V battery. Be sure to use a 12V vehicle battery that has sufficient current capacity. If the current to the transceiver is insufficient, the display may darken during transmission, or transmitting output power may drop excessively.When the ignition key is turned to ACC or ON(Start) position with 7.the radio turned off, the power switch illuminates. The illumination will be turned off when the ignition key is turned to the off position. Route the DC power cable supplied with the transceiver directly 1.to the vehicle's battery terminals using the shortest path from the transceiver.We recommend you do not use the cigarette lighter socket as  some cigarette lighter sockets introduce an unacceptable voltage drop.The entire length of the cable must be dressed so it is isolated from  heat, moisture, and the engine secondary (high voltage) ignition system/ cables.After installing cable, in order to avoid the risk of damp, please 2.use heat-resistant tap to tie together with fuse box. Don't forget to reinforce whole cable.In order to avoid the risk of short circuit, please cut down 3.connection with negative (-) of battery, then connect with radio.Confirm the correct polarity of the connections, then attach the 4.power cable to the battery terminals; red connects to the positive (+) terminal and black connects to the negative (-) terminal.Use the full length of the cable without cutting off excess even if  the cable is longer than required. In particular, never remove the fuse holders from the cable.Reconnect any wiring removed from the negative terminal.5.optional QCC-01(For Cigar-Plug connection) cable. Connect one of the cables between the ACC terminal or a Cigar-Plug that operates with the vehicle ignition or ACC switch on the vehicle and EXT 32:(5MDFNRQWKHUHDUVLGHRIWKHXQLWLocate the power input connector as close to the transceiver as possible.
53RedBlackRegulated power supply (QRP-01)DC power cable with fuse holder (QPL-01)Regulatedpower supply (QRP-01)([W3RZHUMDFNACC terminalCigar-Plug connectionInitial InstallationBefore connecting the DC power to the transceiver, be sure to switch  the transceiver and the DC power supply OFF.Do not plug the DC power supply into an AC outlet until you make all  connections.In order to use this transceiver for fixed station operation, you will need a separate 13.8V DC power supply (not included), power supply( QRP-01) as optional accessories. Please contact local dealer to require.The recommended current capacity of your power supply is 12A.Connect the DC power cable to the regulated DC power supply 1.and ensure that the polarities are correct. (Red: positive, Black:negative).Do not directly connect the transceiver to an AC outlet. Use the supplied DC power cable to connect the transceiver to a  regulated power supply.Do not substitute a cable with smaller gauge wires. To turn on the unit, press the power switch manually while it is illuminated. (While ignition key is at ACC or ON position)When the ignition key is turned to ACC or ON position with the 8.radio's power switch on, the unit turns on automatically and the power switch will be lit. Turn the ignition key to OFF position or manually turn the power switch off to shut down the radio.Using extra cable, power consumption:5MAH.9.Without this function, user can turn on/off  radio by Power knob.10.Connect the transceiver's DC power connector to the connector 2. onthe DC power cable.3UHVVWKHFRQQHFWRUV¿UPO\WRJHWKHUXQWLOWKHORFNLQJWDEFOLFNV .Fixed Station Operation The EUT can be used on vehicle.
63Initial Installation REPLACING FUSESIf the fuse blows, determine the cause, then correct the problem. After the problem is resolved, replace the fuse. If newly installed fuses continue to blow, disconnect the power cable and contact your autho-rized  dealer or an authorized   servi-cecenter for assistance. Only use fuses of the specified type and rating, otherwise the transceiver could be damaged.After connecting the transceiver to the power supply, the supply voltage can be displayed on LCD by pressing theFUNCkey together with the SCANkey. The display immediately changes as the voltage supply changes, It also displays voltage during transmission.The transceiver will return to its normal operation when the power is switched ON or repeat above operation.%HIRUHRSHUDWLQJLQVWDOODQHI¿FLHQWZHOOWXQHGDQWHQQD7KHVXFFHVVRIyour installation will depend largely on the type of antenna and its correct installation. The transceiver can give excellent results if the antenna system and its installation are given careful attention.8VHDȍLPSHGDQFHDQWHQQDDQGORZORVVFRD[LDOIHHGOLQHWKDWKDVDFKDUDFWHULVWLFLPSHGDQFHRIȍWR PDWFKWKHWUDQVFHLYHULQSXWimpedance. Coupling the antenna to the transceiver via feed-lines having DQLPSHGDQFHRWKHUWKDQȍUHGXFHVWKHHIILFLHQF\RIWKHDQWHQQDsystem and can cause interference to nearby broadcast television receivers, radio receivers, and other electronic equipment. Fuse  Location Fuse Current RatingTransceiver 15ASupplied Accessory DC power cable 20AIf you use the transceiver for a long period when the vehicle battery is not fully charged, or when the engine is OFF, the battery may become GLVFKDUJHGDQGZLOOQRWKDYHVXI¿FLHQWUHVHUYHVWRVWDUWWKHYHKLFOH$YRLGusing the transceiver in these conditions.The range of displayed voltage is only from 7V to16V DC, because the displayed value is estimated, please use a voltmeter when a more precise reading is desired.Power supply voltage DisplayAntenna Connection,PSRUWDQWTransmitting without first connecting an antenna or other matched load may damage the transceiver. Always connect the antenna to the transceiver before transmitting.$OO¿[HGVWDWLRQVVKRXOGEHHTXLSSHGZLWKDOLJKWQLQJDUUHVWHUWRUHGXFHWKHULVNRI¿UHHOHFWULFVKRFNDQGWUDQVFHLYHUGDPDJHThe possible locations of antenna on a car are shown as following:mobile radio mobile radio
73GroundMicrophone connectorErrorIUUQXXXRYE[DOInitial Installation External Speaker MicrophonePC ConnectingIf you plan to use an external speaker, choose a speaker with an LPSHGDQFHRIȍ7KHH[WHUQDOVSHDNHUMDFNDFFHSWVDPPmono (2-conductor) plug.For voice communications, connect a microphone equipped with an 8-pin modular plug into the modular socket on the front of the main XQLW3UHVV¿UPO\RQWKHSOXJXQWLO WKHORFNLQJWDEFOLFNV$WWDFK WKHsupplied microphone hanger in an appropriate location using the screws included in the screw set.7RXWLOL]HWKHRSWLRQDO436VRIWZDUH\RXPXVW¿UVWFRQQHFWWKHtransceiver to your PC then using an optional programming cable PC50 (via Data socket ).Please use QPS598 software for programming.External speaker adopt double port BTL, please care about the connecting way. The speaker can not connect with the ground, otherwise the speaker will be fault. The wrong connecting way as the following picture.Accessories Connections4141External speaker[SP-02]Microphone[QHM-04]Antenna[QCA-02]-LENNAHU-VOLPWRFUNCV/MCALLMHzTX/DCSH/LSCANMINI
84NO. KEY )81&7,21Pow(Power) Power on/OffVOL $GMXVW9ROXPH.H\Main Dial Change frequency, memory channel and scan direction etc.FUN/SET Function KeyV/M/MW Switches between VFO mode and ChannelmodeMHz/SHIFT Step Size Key ( step:1MHz)TS/DCS/LOCK Sets CTCSS and DCS valueCall keySQL/D Squelch off Data Terminal Data reading/writing, cloning and theft alarm functions TX lights during Transmitting Mic.connector Microphone connection portNO. KEY )81&7,21FUN/SET &RQ¿UPVWKHVHOHFWLYHIXQFWLRQVDQGH[LWV/M/MW Stores data into channelsMHz/SHIFT Sets offset direction and offset frequencyTS/DCS/LOCK Sets Keypad lock functionSQL/D Compander mode on/off NO. KEY )81&7,21Pow(Power)Reset to factory default settings V/M/MW Erase the memoryTS/DCS/LOCK Auto dialerEnters clone data function modeSQL/D Enters power supply voltage indication mode NO. KEY )81&7,21FUN/SET Press and hold for 2s to enter the Setting modeSQL/D Monitor modeGetting AcquaintedFront panel Press   FUNC key until  LFRQDSSHDUVWKHQSUHVVWKHIROORZLQJkey.PressFUNCNH\DQGIROORZLQJNH\WRJHWKHU WRDFWLYDWHIROORZLQJIXQFWLRQ)XQFWLRQVWKDWUHTXLUHFRQWLQXRXVSUHVVLQJIROORZLQJNH\to be activated%DVLF)XQFWLRQVPWRFUNCV/MCALLMHzTX/DCSSCANMINI-LENNAHU-VOLpower CALCALCALCAL
94NO. KEY )81&7,21Ext. Power JackTerminal for connecting optional cable QCC01 for use with ignition key On/Off function.The radio will auto power on when car is driving. The radio will auto power off when car stops. Ext.Speaker Terminal Terminal for optional external speaker  SP01 Antenna         Connector &RQQHFWLRQIRUȍFRD[LDOFDEOHDQGDQWHQQDNO. KEY )81&7,21SQL  Squelch level.MIn channel mode. Indicates the channel number in channel mode.Decimal pointChannel skip.Decimal point Indicates the decimal point of frequency and the scanning function. Indicates the frequency or memory name.Signal is being received or monitor.Signal strength of receiving and transmitting.Compander. Keypad lock . DCS Set DCS function. Set CTCSS function. +_Offset frequency direction. Scramble.  A Auto power off.Getting AcquaintedDISPLAYRear panel413213 13 101112 1473
104,FZ1BE4FSJBM%BUB7%08/61.*$(/%.*$155(/%microphone MIC Connector Diagram(in the front view of connector)Getting Acquainted$IBOOFM%PXO $IBOOFM61.JDSPQIPOFDBCMF.JD155$POOFDUPS
115According to practical application, you can set the radio works as Amateur Transceiver mode or Professional Transceiver mode. There are also 2 levels operation menu to set functions as you need. It is easy and convenient  (From No.1 to No.15 are channel function setup, From No.15 to No.29 are general setting setup).:RUNLQJ0RGH1.%\SURJUDPPLQJVRIWZDUHA. In PC software's "General Setting" menu, choose "Display Mode" to select Amateur Transceiver mode or Professional Transceiver mode.By manual setupB. : Please refer to "Display Mode" in Page 25.$PDWHXU7UDQVFHLYHU0RGH2. Except setting as "CH" mode, others considered as Amateur transceiver mode. Under this mode, press  V/M key to switch between Channel mode and VFO mode . 3URIHVVLRQDO7UDQVFHLYHU0RGH3. When set display mode as "CH", it enters into Professional Transceiver mode.At this mode, except scan, other shortcut operation can't operate. And from No.1-17 menu in function setting will be auto-hidden, they should be set by PC software.If there is corresponding name for current channel, the LCD will display current channel name Otherwise, it shows current channel number. (As pic 4)  (As pic 5) Under every mode, from No.18-29 menu in 4. general setting can be changed and saved.9)20RGH)UHTXHQF\PRGHC. :This mode shows only frequency onthe display. Shortcut operation and Channel setting will be changed & stored as the latest value permanently. Once the radio is turned off or changed to new VFO frequency, the latest setting is remained until next change.(As pic 3)If transceiver programmed as professional transceiver mode and locked, you can't return to amateur transceiver mode by manual operation from general setting.(Pic 1)(Pic 2)(Pic 4)(Pic 5))UHTXHQF\&KDQQHOPRGHA. : When set display as "FR", it enters into Frequency+Channel mode, new setting of channel operation and shortcut operation can be temporarily used by user. Once the radio is turned off or switched to another channel, the temporary setting will be erased and back to initial settings.(As pic 1)&KDQQHO1DPH7DJ0RGHB. : When set display as "NM", it enters into Channel+Name Tag mode. At this mode, it will display corresponding channel name when the current  channel is edited with name. Otherwise, it will display frequency+channel. Its operations are the same as frequency + channel mode.(As pic 2)(Pic 3)WORKING MODE (AMATEUR TRANSCEIVER OR PROFESSIONAL TRANSCEIVER)
12In standby, pressV/Mkey or Microphone's MINIkey until appear  , this indicates current channel in channel mode. Repeat above 6PWR KEYDialFrequencydecreaseFrequencyincreaseMinVolumeMaxVolumeBasic OperationsSwitching The Power On/OffAdjusting The Volume Switch between VFO and Channel modeAdjusting Frequency/Channel THROUGH SELECTOR KNOBReceivingAccording to the option selected during installation PressPWR the  switch or turn the ignition key to ACC (speed up) or ON (startup) position to power on radio. Press the  PWR key for 1s or turn the ignition key to OFF position to turn off.When the channel you are operating is called, the screen shows   and field intensity, in this way, you can hear the calling from transmitting party.Under frequency (VFO) mode, you can 1.change the current frequency to the desired one through selector knob; Turn clockwise to increase frequency; turn counterclockwise to decrease. Every gear will increase or decrease one step. Press key, the decimal point of Turn the VOL knob clockwise to increase the audio level, counterclockwise to decrease. 'XULQJFRPPXQLFDWLRQYROXPHFDQEHDGMXVWHGPRUHDFFXUDWHfive  step size available for this radio.If the transceiver has set at higher squelch level, it may fail to hear the calling.operation to switch between Frequency mode (VFO) and Channel mode.frequency in screen will be auto-hidden. In this status, turn selector knob or Microphone [   /   ] key will increase or decrease frequency quickly by 1MHz step.Under channel mode, you can change the current channel to the 2.desired one through selector knob, clockwise turn to the forward channel, anticlockwise turn to the backward channel. In relative working mode, Microphone's [   /   ] key has same IXQFWLRQIRUDGMXVWLQJIUHTXHQF\DQGFKDQQHOTransmittingPress and holdMINIkey or press MIC's   key to monitor for a while to FRQ¿UPWKHFKDQQHOGHVLUHGLVQRWEXV\ ReleaseSCANor press Mic's  MINIkey to return standby status, then press and hold [PTT] key to speak into microphone.When the channel you are operating is called, the screen shows BUSY and field intensity, you can't hear the calling from transmitting party, it means current channel receives a matching carrier but unmatching signaling(Refer to CTCSS/DCS encode and decode or Optional Signaling setup).DCSSCANMINIVOLPWRFUNCV/MCALLMHz-LENNAHU-PWRFUNCV/MCALLMHz-LENNAHU-5k, 6.25k, 8.33K,10k, 12.5k,  total CAL
13Basic OperationsTransmitting Tone-PulseTransmitting OPTIONAL SIGNALING Press and hold [PTT] key, then press Microphone [   ] key to transmit current selected tone-pulse signal. Press and hold [PTT] key, then press Microphone   key or press CALL  key in front panel or press Mic's MINI key to transmit pre-stored and selected DTMF/2Tone/5Tone optional signaling.Channel EditChannel DeleteUnder frequency mode (VFO), turn 1.selector knob to select the desired frequency or input frequency by MIC's numeric keys.Press2.TX/DCSkey to enter CTCSS/DCS signaling setup, turn selector knob to select the desired signaling.Press3.FUNC key, LCD appears  ,icon and current channel number, LFRQÀDVKLQJPHDQVFXUUHQWFKDQQHOLVUnder channel mode, turn selector knob to select channel which 1.you want to delete.Press2.FUNCkey and V/Mkey together, current channel will be deleted and emitted a prompt voice.  LFRQÀDVKLQJPHDQVFXUUHQWchannel is deleted.empty.Turn selector knob to select the desired channel number to store.4.Press5.V/M key,  ,   icon and channel number disappears and emit a prompt voice, thus the channel storage succeed.6Please hold the microphone approximately 2.5-5.0cm from your lips ,and then speak into the microphone in your normal speaking voice to get best timbre.Press and hold [PTT] key, LED lights RED and power intensity showed in screen indicates it is transmitting, release to receive.
147Shortcut OperationsSquelch level SetupFrequency/Channel ScanChannel ScanCTCSS/DCS Encode and Decode setupSetting the radio to a tight squelch level, you can avoid unwanted signals or noise, but you may not receive a weak signal. Therefore, it will be better for you to select the normal squelch level.In frequency (VFO) mode, this function is designed to monitor signal of every communicative frequency point of transceiver "step size" you have set. In channel mode, this function is designed to monitor signal in every channel.In channel mode, Press 1.V/M key for 1s to enter into channel scan. Repeatedly press TX/DCS key to check whether set CTCSS/DCS encode and decode in current channel or not.While standby, press 1.SCAN key and turn selector knob until LCD appears and current squelch level.Turn selector knob or press MIC [ 2./ ] key to set desired squelch level.Press any key except 3.PWR and FUNC key to exit. Frequency ScanIn VFO mode, press 1.V/M for 1s to enter into frequency  scan.Turn selector knob or press Microphone   2.[  /   ] key to change scan direction.Press any key except 3.PWR andFUNC key to exit.Turn selector knob or press Microphone  2.[ /   ] key to change scan direction.Press any key except 3.PWR and FUNC key to exit.    squelch off/squelch off momeNTARYSCAN key programmed as Squelch Off or Squelch Off Momentary to monitor the weak signal.Squelch Off: Press1.SCANkey to disable squelch, pressSCANkey again to resume squelch.Squelch Off Momentary: Press and hold2.SCANkey to disable squelch, releaseSCANkey to resume squelch.The above functions should be set in  programme software.When LCD appears 1.     icon, it means current channel with CTCSS encode, turn selector knob or press Microphone's  [   / ] key to select desired CTCSS encode.When LCD appears2. and icon, it means current channel with CTCSS encode and decode, turn selector knob or press Microphone's [   /   ] to select desired CTCSS code.
157Shortcut OperationsCTCSS SCANRepeatedly press TX/DCS key until LCD displays  and   icons, then hold TX/DCS key for 1S WRHQWHULQWR&7&66VFDQQLQJ2QFH¿QGLQJa matching CTCSS signaling, it will stop for 15s then scan again.Under channel mode, this operation can be temporarily used by user. Once the radio is turned off or switched to another channel, the temporary setting will be erased.When LCD appears 3.  icon, it means current channe can be set with DCS encode and decode together, turn selector knob or press Microphone's [   /   ] to select desired DCS encode and decode.CTCSS:62.5-254.1, Total 51groups; DCS:000N-777I total 1024 4.groups. N is positive code, , is inverse code.Press any key except 5.FUNC,  PWR and TX/DCS keys to return into standby status.Repeatedly press TX/DCS key until LCD displays DCS icons, then hold TX/DCS key for 1S to enter LQWR'&6VFDQQLQJ2QFH¿QGLQJDPDWFKLQJDCS signaling, it will stop for 15s then scan again.Compander function will decrease the background noise and enhance audio clarity, especially in long range communication.Press1.FUNC key, then press SCAN key to turn on compander function, repeat above operation again to turn off compander function.Compander (Decrease the background noise and ENHANCE AUDIO CLARITY)When LCD appears 2.  icon, enable compander in current channel.When LCD doesn't display 3.  icon, disable compander in current channel.DCS SCAN
16Press1.FUNC key until LCD displays  icon, then press TX/DCS key until, LCD displays  icon, it indicates keypad lockout function is valid.Repeat above operation, 2.  icon disappears, it indicates keypad lockout function is invalid.This will automatically transmit pre-programmed and stored DTMF tones. And they are often used to remote control electronic devices or AUTOPATCH phone systems available on some repeater.Press and hold 1.FUNC key, then press TX/DCS key to enter the auto-dialer enquiry mode, LCD displays current default data and current group displayed on left. If no data in current group, it shows "EMPTY".Turn selector knob to choose group you desired. Total:16 group, 2.Press and hold 1.FUNC key, then press SCANkey, LCD displays current battery voltage.Repeat above operation to return into 2.VFO or Channel mode.When LCD displays "  " icon, it indicates negative offset, which 4.means transmitting frequency lower than receiving frequency.Turn selector knob or Mic's [ 5.  /   ] key to change offset frequency, offset frequency changed as per stepping.Press any key except 6.FUNC and MHz key to exit into standby.Press1.FUNCkey until the   icon displays on the LCD, then press MHz key, LCD displays offset direction and offset frequency.Repeatedly press 2.MHz key to select positive offset and negative offset.When LCD displays "  " icon, it indicates 3.positive offset, which means transmitting frequency higher than receiving frequency.7Avoiding unintentional operation, this function will lock main keys, all keys except SCAN  / FUNC and PWR key are invalid.KEYPAD LOCKOUTCurrent Voltage ENQUIRYAuto-Dialer SetupShortcut OperationsThis function will display Current Battery Voltage.Under channel mode, this operation can be temporarily used by user. Once the radio is turned off  or switched to another channel, the temporary setting will be erased.In voltage display mode, all functions and channel or frequency selection are invalid.Repeater receives a signal(UP-LINK) on one frequency and re-transmits on another frequency(DOWN-LINK). The difference between these two frequencies is called the offset frequency. If the UP-LINK frequency higher than DOWN-LINK frequency, the direction is positive, If it is lower, the shift direction is negative.Offset Direction and offset frequency setup
177Shortcut OperationsPress1.FUNC key, then press TX/DCS key to enter into auto-dialer enquiryTurn selector knob to select desired transmitting group2.Press PTT or 3.SCANkey to transmit current selected DTMF tones.Transmitting Edited DTMF tones in the Auto-dialer memory01-16.Press3.SCANkey to enter into editing of current group, press MIC's numeric keys to set your desired data.The display scrolls when the 7th digit 4.is entered. The numbers 0-9, --, A-D, *and # can be stored up to a total of 23 digits.After editing, press PTT or5.SCANkey to send current group and store edited DTMF signaling. Press SCAN to exit and store.
18 Press and hold 1.FUNC key for over 2s to enter general setting menu.Press2.CALL / SCAN key to choose No.01 menu, LCD displays "STP--125".Turn selector knob to select the desired 3.frequency channel step. Channel step: 5K, 6.25K, 8.33K, 10K, Press4.TX/DCSNH\WRFRQ¿UPDQGH[LWPress and hold 1.FUNC key for over 2s to enter general setting menu.Press2.CALL or SCAN to select the desired function option.Turn selector knob to select the desired setup.3.Press4.TX/DCSWRFRQ¿UPDQGH[LWMeanwhile, if you want to edit channel name or start up menu, pressV/MorTX/DCS to move forward or backward, Press MHz to store and exit.Only in frequency (VFO) mode, this function is valid. Turn selector knob to select frequency or frequency scanning which is restricted by frequency step size.8General SettingFrequency Channel Step SetupThis function is auto-hidden in channel mode. DTMF, DTMF ANI, 2Tone or 5Tone SignalingDTMF/5Tone/2Tone signalling function as similarily as CTCSS/DCS. Without receiving correspondent tone signalling, the speaker will remain mute. DTMF and 5Tone signalling can be applied for other advanced features such as ANI, PTT ID, group call, remotely stun, remotely kill,waken,...etc.. The signalling edition must be done through programmingsoftware. Please refer to the HELP option in the programming software to know how to operate these features.Press and hold 1.FUNC key for over 2s to enter into general setting menu.Press2.CALL /SCAN to choose No.2 menu, LCD displays "72))".Turn selector knob to 3. select the desired setup." '70)": The channel will be mute by a DTMF signal. The speaker won’t be open until receiving a correspondent DTMF signal. Hold "PTT" then press [UP] or press CALLdirectly to transmit the pre-stored DTMF signaling. In Profession transceiver mode, the functions from No.1 to No.17 will be auto-hidden.In DTMF signaling mode,press  CALLfor 2s until LCD displays "AN---", turn selector knob to select desired digit (the other party ID).In this mode, press TX/DCSWRFRQ¿UPH[LVWGLJLWDQGPRYHFXUVRUto next, press V/M to forward cursor.After editing, press CALL  keyto operate ANI call." 2TONE": The channel will be mute by a 2-Tone signal. The speaker won’t be open until receiving a correspondent 2-Tone signal. Hold "PTT" then press [UP] or press CALLdirectly to transmit the pre-stored 2-Tone signaling." 5Tone": The channel will be mute by a 5-Tone signal. The Speaker won’t be open until receiving a correspondent 5-Tone signal. Hold "PTT" then press [UP] or 12.5K
198Sending 5-Tone CallPress2.CALL / SCAN key to choose No.04 menu, LCD displays "5TON XX", "XX"indicates the group in the list.Turn selector knob to select the desired sending 5TONE group, 3.Press PTT to transmit selected group. Total:100groups, 00-99, Default:00.4.Press5.TX/DCSNH\WRFRQ¿UPDQGH[LWGeneral SettingContent and name of 5TONE will be edited by programming software. This radio only query edited group or name. If there is corresponding name for 5TONE, this operation will display 5TONE corresponding name.PressCALLdirectly to transmit the pre-stored 5-Tone signaling.In 5Tone signaling mode, press CALL for 2s until LCD displays "AN---", turn selector knob to select desired digit(caller ID). In this mode, press TX/DCS to confirm exist digit and move cursor to next, press V/M to forward cursor.After editing, press CALL key to operate ANI call.Press4.TX/DCSNH\WRFRQ¿UPDQGH[LWSending 2-Tone CallPress and hold 1.FUNC key for over 2s to enter general setting menu.Press2.CALL / SCAN key to choose No.03 menu, LCD displays "2TON XX", "XX"indicates the group in the list.Turn selector knob to select the desired 3.sending 2TONE group, Press PTT to transmit selected group. Total: 32groups, 00-31, Default: 00.4.Press5.TX/DCSNH\WRFRQ¿UPDQGH[LWContent and name of 2TONE will be edited by programming software.This radio only query edited group or name. If there is corresponding name for 2TONE, this operation will display 2TONE corresponding name.Press and hold 1.FUNC key for over 2s to enter general setting menuSending DTMF callPress and hold 1.FUNC key for over 2s to enter general setting menu.Press2.CALL / SCAN key to choose No.05 menu, LCD displays "'70)XX", "XX" indicates the group in the list.Turn selector knob to select the desired 3.sending DTMF group, Press PTT to transmit selected group. Total: 16groups, 00-16, Default: 00.4.Press5.TX/DCSNH\WRFRQ¿UPDQGH[LWSignaling Combination setupThis function is to improve the level of protecting the radio against receiving irrelative signal. Press and hold 1.FUNC key for over 2s to enter general setting menu.
208If select "SQ", it indicates you can hear the calling from caller when receive a matching carrier.If LCD displays " CTC", it indicates you can hear the calling from caller when receive a matching carrier and CTCSS/DCS signaling.If LCD displays " TON", it indicates you can hear the calling from caller when receive a matching carrier and  DTMF/2TONE/5TONE signaling.If LCD displays " C T", it indicates you can hear the calling from caller when receive a matching carrier and CTCSS/DCS and DTMF/2TONE/5TONE signaling.If LCD displays " C/T", it indicates you can hear the calling from caller when receive a matching carrier and either CTCSS/DCS and DTMF/2TONE/5TONE signaling.Press4.TX/DCSNH\WRFRQ¿UPDQGH[LWGeneral SettingPress  2.CALL / SCAN key  to choose No.06 menu, LCD displays "SPK--SQ".Turn selector knob to select the desired 3.combination.This setting will be set together with adding optional signaling and CTCSS/DCS.
218TX OFF SETUPDisable this function, it is invalid to press PTT, current channel only works in RX mode.Press and hold 1.FUNC key for over 2s to enter general setting menu.Press2.CALL / SCAN key to choose No.09 menu, LCD displays "TX-ON".Turn selector knob to select the desired 3.setting.21In current channel, Press PTT to transmit.2))In current channel, Press PTT is invalid.Press4.TX/DCSNH\WRFRQ¿UPDQGH[LW'HIDXOW21Busy Channel LockoutBCLO is to disable transmitting while RX signal is received. Once the channel is busy and you press PTT, the radio will beep as warning and get back to receiving.Press and hold 1.FUNC key for over 2s to enter general setting menu.Press2.CALL / SCAN key to choose No.10 menu, LCD displays "LOCK-2))".Turn selector knob to select the desired setting.3.BU: Enable  BCLO, Carrier lockout, transmitting is inhibited when current channel receives a matching carrier; press [PTT] to emit error voice prompt and back to receiving status.RL: Enable  BTLO, transmitting is inhibited when current channel receives a matching carrier but dis-matching CTCSS/DCS. Press [PTT] to emit error voice prompt and back to receiving status.OFF: Busy channel lockout is disabled.It can transmit in any receiving status.Press4.TX/DCSNH\WRFRQ¿UPDQGH[LWPress and hold 1.FUNC key for over 2s to enter general setting menu.Press 2.CALL / SCAN key to choose No.11 menu, LCD displays cursor and ÀDVKLQJTurn selector knob to select the desired letter, press 3.TX/DCS key to confirm selected letter and enter into next edition, Press V/M to return forward edition.After edition, press 4.TX/DCS key to exit.Reverse TX/RXGeneral SettingEditing Channel NAMEIn Frequency (VFO) mode, this function will be auto-hidden.TX frequency turns to RX frequency & RX frequency changes to TX frequency. The signaling will also be reversed if CTCSS/DCS signaling exited in this channel.Press and hold 1.FUNC key for over 2s to enter general setting menu
228Press2.CALL / SCAN key to choose No.12 menu, LCD displays "5(9²2)".Turn selector knob to select the desired 3.setting.21Enable Frequency Reverse2))Disable Frequency Reverse.After edition, press 4.TX/DCS key to exit.Talk Around Press2.CALL / SCANkey to choose No.14 menu, LCD displays "COMP-2)".Turn selector knob to select the desired 3.setting.21 Enable compander2))Disable companderPress4.TX/DCSNH\WRFRQ¿UPDQGH[LW'HIDXOW2))Scrambler setup (Encryption)An analog voice inversion scrambler can be equipped as optionals. This special audio process can offer a more confidential communication. Other radios at same frequency will receive only disordered noises.General SettingBy Talk Around function, you can directly communicate with other radios in your group in case the repeater is not activated or when you are out of the repeater range. The transceiver will transmit by RX frequency with its CTCSS/DCS signaling.Press and hold 1.FUNC key for over 2s to enter general setting menu.Press 2.CALL / SCAN key to choose No.13 menu, LCD displays "7$/.²2)".Turn selector knob to select the 3.desired setting.21Enable Talk Around   2))Disable Talk AroundAfter edition, press 4.TX/DCS key to exit.Voice Compander Enable this function to reduce background noise and enhance audio clarity, especially in long range communication.Press and hold 1.FUNC key for over 2s to enter general setting  menuRadio's DTMF SELF ID ENQUIRYThis function is optional.  Press and hold 1.FUNC key for over 2s to enter general setting menu.Press2.CALL / SCAN key to choose No.16 Press and hold 1.FUNC key for over 2s to enter general setting menu.Press2.CALL / SCAN key to choose No.15 menu, LCD displays "SCR--2)".Turn selector knob to select the desired 3.setting.21Enable Scrambler2))Disable ScramblerPress4.TX/DCSNH\WRFRQ¿UPDQGH[LW'HIDXOW2))
238menu, LCD displays "D--XXX", "XXX" is radio's DTMF SELF ID. Press3.TX/DCSNH\WRFRQ¿UPDQGH[LWRadio's 5TONE SELF ID  ENQUIRYPress and hold 1.FUNC key for over 2s to enter general setting menu.Press2.CALL / SCAN key to choose No.17 menu, LCD displays "F--XXXXX", "XXXXX" is radio's 5TONE SELF ID. Press3.TX/DCSNH\WRFRQ¿UPDQGH[LWVoice PromptThe prompting tone provides confirmation of entry, error status or malfunctions of the transceiver. You can enable or disable this function.Press and hold 1.FUNC key for over 2s to enter general setting menu.Press2.CALL / SCAN key to choose No.18 menu, LCD displays "BEEP--ON".Turn selector knob to select the desired 3.setting.21Enable voice prompt2))Disable voice promptPress4.TX/DCSNH\WRFRQ¿UPDQGH[LW'HIDXOW21TOT (Time-out timer)The time-out timer limits the amount of transmitting time. When you reach the time limit which has been programmed by your dealer, your transmission will be cut off. In order to transmit again, you must release PTT button to reset the timer.Press and hold 1.FUNC key for over 2s to enter general setting menu.Press2.CALL / SCAN key to choose No.19 menu, LCD displays "TOT--3".Turn selector knob to select the desired 3.setting.7LPHU1-30min, each level 1min2))Disable TOTPress4.TX/DCSNH\WRFRQ¿UPDQGH[LW'HIDXOWAPO (Auto power off)Once APO is activated, the radio will be automatically switched off when the pre-set timer is running to end.Press and hold 1.FUNC key for over 2s to enter general setting menu.Press2.CALL / SCAN key to choose No.20 menu, LCD displays "$322))".Turn selector knob to select the desired 3.setting.0,1Auto power off after 30m+285Auto power off after 1hGeneral SettingSuggestion:Enable this function to check incorrect operation and malfunctions.
248+285Auto power off after 2h2))Disable Auto power offPress4.TX/DCSNH\WRFRQ¿UPDQGH[LW'HIDXOW2))DTMF Transmitting TimePress and hold 1.FUNC key for over 2s to enter general setting.Press2.CALL / SCANkey to choose No.21 menu, LCD displays "SPD--50".Turn selector knob to select the desired 3.setting.30/50/100/200/300/500, which indicates the time for sending each DTMF signal & the interval between each DTMF being sent.Press4.TX/DCSNH\WRFRQ¿UPDQGH[LW'HIDXOW06Squelch level SetupSetting the radio to a tight squelch level, you can avoid unwanted signals or noise, but you may not receive a weak signal. Therefore, it will be better for you to select the normal squelch levelPress and hold 1.FUNC key for over 2s to enter general setting menu.Press2.CALL / SCAN key to choose No.22 menu, LCD displays "SQL--04".Turn selector knob to select the desired 3.squelch level.       OF-20 total 21, OF is min setting value(ON)Press4.TX/DCSNH\WRFRQ¿UPDQGH[LW'HIDXOWScan Dwell Time SetupThere are 3 kinds of Scan Dwell Time for option.Press and hold 1.FUNC key for over 2s to enter general setting menu.Press2.CALL / SCAN key to choose No.23 menu, LCD displays "SCAN--TO".Turn selector knob to select the desired Scan Dwell Time.3.72It pauses 15s once scanning a matching signal, then resume scan.&2It pauses once scanning a matching signal, signal disappeared then resume scan.6(It stops once scanning a matching signal.Press4.TX/DCSNH\WRFRQ¿UPWKHVHOHFWLRQand exit.Default:TO.LCD BacklightPress and hold 1.FUNC key for over 2s to enter general setting menu.Press2.CALL / SCAN key to choose No.24 menu, LCD displays "LAMP--25".General SettingPressSCAN, then turn selector knob also can select the desired squelch level.If the transceiver has set at higher squelch level, it may fail to hear the calling. If set at lower squelch level, the radio will be interfered.
258Turn selector knob to select the desired LCD backlight brightness 3.1-32 total 32 level backlight brightness.Press4.TX/DCSNH\WRFRQ¿UPDQGH[LW'HIDXOWPilot FrequencyThis function uses to start repeater. It needs a certain intensity Pilot Frequency to start dormant repeater. As usual, no need to send pilot frequency again once repeater started.Press and hold 1.FUNCkey for over 2s to enter general setting. Press2.CALL / SCANkey to choose No.25 menu, LCD displays "TB--1750".Turn selector knob to select the desired 3.pilot frequency.+=Pilot frequency1750HZ+=Pilot frequency 2100HZ+=Pilot frequency 1000HZ+=Pilot frequency 1450HZPress4.TX/DCSNH\WRFRQ¿UPWKHVHOHFWLRQand exit. Default:1750HZDisplay Mode SetupThere are 3 different dispaly modes: Frequency+Channel mode, & Channel mode&Channel+Name Tag mode.Press and hold 1.FUNC key for over 2s to enter general setting menu.Press2.CALL / SCAN key to choose No.26 menu, LCD displays "'63²)5".Turn selector knob to select the desired 3.mode.)5Frequency+Channel mode(Amateur transceiver mode).&+Channel mode(Professional transceiver mode).10Channel+Name Tag mode(Amateur transceiver mode), if channel not named, it displays Frequency+Channel mode.Press4.TX/DCSNH\WRFRQ¿UPDQGH[LW'HIDXOW)5PIN Setup Enable this function, you have to insert a matching PIN to enter into normal status when radio is turned on.(Pin setup by programme software).Press and hold 1.FUNC key for over 2s to enter general setting menu.Press2.CALL / SCAN key to choose No.27 menu, LCD displays "&2'(2)".Turn selector knob to enable/disable 3.Pin setup.21 Turn on Pin setup2))Turn off Pin setupPress4.TX/DCSNH\WRFRQ¿UPDQGH[LW'HIDXOW2))This function will be auto-hidden if channel mode locked.(Refer to programme software)General Setting
268Address list You store desired ID and corresponding ID name in address list. The LCD displays ID corresponding name if radio received ANI calling and ¿QGPDWFKLQJ,'LQDGGUHVVOLVWFactory DefaultIf your radio seems to be malfunctioning, resetting the microprocessor may solve the problem. When performing the reset, you may lose memory data and stored information. Back up or write down important data before performing the reset.General SettingPress and hold 1.FUNC key for over 2s to enter general setting menu.Press2.CALL / SCAN key to choose No.29 menu, LCD displays "RESTORE".Turn selector knob to select the desired 3.operation.FACT:Resume factory default for  channel, signaling and  general setting.SETUP:Return initial setup for No.18-No.27 general setting menu.Press4.MHzNH\WRFRQ¿UPYou can operate the transceiver by keypad or input desired frequency Press and hold 1.FUNC key for over 2s to enter general setting menu.Press2.CALL / SCAN key to choose No.28 menu, LCD displays "BOOK".Press3.MHz to enter into ID setting, press CALL / SCAN to select the desired group (00-127, total is 128 group ID).Turn selector knob to select desired number, press TX/DCSFRQ¿UPDQGPRYHFXUVRUWRnext edition, press V/M to clear out all digits.After finishing edition, press 4.MHz to FRQ¿UPDQGHQWHULQWRHGLWLRQRIFXUUHQWgroup's ID corresponding name.Turn selector knob to select desired letter, press TX/DCS to move cursor to next edition, Press MHzto clear out all letters. 00-127, total 128 group ID and corresponding ID name.Press5.MHz to confirm and return into main menu. Repeat above Step 3 and Step 4 operations to edit multi-ID and corresponding ID name.Press6.TX/DCS key to return into standby status.
279or channel through the QHM-03 microphone (Note:In professional transceiver mode, other keys are invalid except PTT, [   /   ],   CALL and SCAN).Keypad LockPull down the slide switch to lock position, the lamp is turned off and all of keypads is not work except PTT switch.Transmitting DTMF By Microphone KeyPAD Switches between VFO and channel mode In standby, press FUNC key to switch between channel mode and Frequency mode (VFO).Short CallingIn standby, press CALL to transmit the selected DTMF/2TONE/5TONE in current channel.7UDQVPLWWLQJ'70) &RGH:In standby, press SCAN , LCD displays DTMF data and group. Press [   /   ] key to select the desired transmitting  DTMF group, then Press PTT to transmit.If no DTMF data in current group, LCD displays "EMPTY", press SCANkey again and input desired DTMF code by keypad, press PTT to transmit and store DTMF data.Squelch LevelIn standby, press 1.FUNC , then press MINI , LCD displays "SQL" and current squelch level.Press2.  /  WRDGMXVWWKHGHVLUHGVTXHOFK OHYHOSUHVVFUNC , then press MINI , turn selector knob also canDGMXVWWKHdesired squelch level.3UHVVQXPEHUNH\WRFRQ¿UPDQGH[LW3. Optional signalingIn standby, press FUNC , then press H/L to add optional signaling, repeat above operation to set DTMF, 2TONE or 5TONE signaling.:KHQ¿UVWELWRI([DE\WHLQIUHTXHQF\ displays "D", it indicates DTMF function enable. :KHQ¿UVWELWRI([DE\WHLQIUHTXHQF\ displays "T", it indicates 2Tone function enable. Microphone OperationSlide DTMF key to DTMF position, press and hold the [PTT] key, transmitting the desired DTMF signaling by the numeric key directly.(Note:Slide DTMF key to DTMF position, the keyboard is invalid in standby).Function Setup By Microphone Keypad6TXHOFKRII:In standby, press MINI key, the squelch is disabled when   icon ÀDVKHGLQ/&', Press MINI again to enable squelch and the   icon disappears.$IBOOFM%PXO $IBOOFM61.JD155
289Reverse TX/RXTX frequency turns to RX frequency & RX frequency changes to TX frequency. The signaling will also be reversed if CTCSS/DCS signaling exited in this channel.In standby, press 1.FUNC , then press MINI , LCD displays "REV—ON".Press [ 2.  /   ] to select the desired value.21Enable Frequency Reverse2))Disable Frequency Reverse3UHVVQXPEHUNH\VWRFRQ¿UPDQGH[LW3.In corresponding mode, press FUNC then press MINI key to enter into scanning. In scanning mode, press   /   to change scan direction.Busy Channel LockoutBCLO is to disable transmitting while RX signal is received. Once the channel is busy and you press PTT, the radio will beep as warning and get back to receiving.In standby, press 1.FUNC , then press MINI to enter into Busy Channel Lockout.Press [ 2.  /   ] to select the desired value.%8 Enable BCLO, Carrier lockout, transmitting is inhibited when current channel receives a matching carrier; press [PTT] to emit error voice prompt.5/ Enable BTLO, transmitting is inhibited when current channel receives a matching carrier but dis-matching CTCSS/DCS. Press [PTT] to emit error voice prompt It can transmit in any receiving status.2)) Busy channel lockout is disabled.3UHVVQXPEHUNH\VWRFRQ¿UPDQGH[LW3.This function can be temporarily used in channel mode. Once the radio is turned off or switched to another channel, the temporary setting will be erased and back to initial settings. Frequency/Channel scan Scan Skip :KHQ¿UVWELWRI([DE\WHLQIUHTXHQF\ displays ")", it indicates 5Tone function enable.This function can be temporarily used in Channel mode. Once the radio is turned off or switched to another channel, the temporary setting will be erased and back to initial settings. This function can be temporarily used in Channel mode. Once the radio is turned off or switched to another channel, the temporary setting will be erased and back to initial settings. Microphone OperationIn Channel mode, press FUNC then press MINI , decimal point displayed between frequency's ten digit and unit digit, it means current channel is scan skip. Repeat above operation to set scan or scan skip in current channel.decimal point displayed between frequency's ten digit and unit digit, 1.it means current channel is scanned skip.decimal point is not displayed between frequency's ten digit and 2.unit digit, it means current channel is scanned.
299TOT (Time-out timer)The time-out timer limits the amount of transmitting time. When you reach the time limit which has been programmed by your dealer, your transmission will be cut off. In order to transmit again, you must release PTT button to reset the timer.In standby, press 1.FUNC, then press MINI LCD displays "TOT-X".Press [ 2.  /   ] to select the desired value.3UHVVQXPEHUNH\WRFRQ¿UPDQGH[LW3.CTCSS/DCS Encode and DecodeIn standby, press 1.FUNC , then press MINI to enter into CTCSS/DCS Encode and Decode.Repeat  above operation to set as below:2.LCD displays   icon, it indicates CTCSS encode set in current channel.LCD displays   and   icon, it indicates CTCSS encode and decode set in current channel.LCD displays  DCS icon, it indicates DCS encode and decode set in current channel.In corresponding icon, press [ 3.  /   ] to select the desired CTCSS/DCS encode and decode.Press4.TX/DCS or SCANWRFRQ¿UPDQGH[LWTalk Around This function can be temporarily used in Channel mode. Once the radio is turned off or switched to another channel, the temporary setting will be erased and back to initial settings. By Talk Around function, you can directly communicate with other radios in your group in case the repeater is not activated or when you are out of the repeater range. The transceiver will transmit by RX frequency with its CTCSS/DCS signaling.In standby, press 1.FUNC, then press MINI key, LCD displays "7$/.2)".Press [ 2.  /   ] to select the desired setting.                                  21Enable Talk Around    2))Disable Talk Around3UHVVQXPEHUNH\WRFRQ¿UPDQGH[LW3.This function can be temporarily used in Channel mode. Once the radio is turned off or switched to another channel, the temporary setting will be erased and back to initial settings.Voice PromptThe prompting tone provides confirmation of entry, error status or malfunctions of the transceiver. You can enable or disable this function.In standby, press 1.FUNC, then press V/M , LCD displays "BEEP--XX".Press [ 2.  /   ] to turn on/off BEEP voice prompt.%((3²2) turn off voice prompt%((3²21 turn on voice promptPress number key to exit and store.3.Microphone Operation
309 LCD Backlight In standby status, press 1.FUNC , then press MINI LCD displays "LAMP-XX".Press [ 2.  /   ] to select desired backlight brightness(1-32 levels).3UHVVQXPEHUNH\VWRFRQ¿UPDQGH[LW3.Microphone Operation
3110This function is mainly use for simple anti-theft alarm device in vehicles. When the transceiver be removed in an improper manner, the transceiver will emit and transmit alarming and background voice to system and other transceiver of  the same frequency.Steering-wheel etc.Alarm cable [QL-01(B)]DC power cableBatteryAlarm cable [QL-01(A)]Long-distance Anti-theft AlarmConnect DC power cable with car battery.&RQQHFWWKHRSWLRQDODODUPFDEOH4/$WR WKHGDWDMDFNRQ1.the front panel as shown. Secure the other end of the cable to an REMHFWWKDWVWD\V¿[HGLQYHKLFOH1RWHLIDODUPFDEOH4/$LVnot enough long, you can choose optional alarm cable QL-01 (B) to extend).When transceiver power off by press 2.PWR key, the long-distance anti-theft alarm enable.When the alarm cable QL-01(A) or QL-01(B) is removed from the 3.'$7$MDFNRUFXWE\LPSURSHUVHTXHQFHWKHDODUPIXQFWLRQHQDEOHand will alarm as programmed. In alarming, the transceiver will stop alarm once receiving a matching signal. And alarm again when a matching signal disappeared.Restart radio to cancel anti-theft alarming.Reconnect with alarm 4.cable and turn off radio, the system will return to alarm mode.The long-distance anti-theft alarm only available when transceiver power off.-LENNAHU-VOLPWRFUNCV/MCALLMHzTX/DCSH/LSCANMINI
3211This feature will copy the programmed data and parameters in the master unit to slave units. It copies the parameters and memory program settings.8VHRSWLRQDO&3FORQLQJFDEOHFRQQHFWWKHFDEOHEHWZHHQWKHGDWDMDFNVRQERWKPDVWHUDQGVODYH1.Press and hold 2.FUNC key, then press         key to enter into cloning mode, LCD displays "CLONE".Press master unit's [PTT] key, LCD displays "3. SD XXX", "XXX" indicates data volume in transmitting. Slave unit displays "LD XXX", "XXX"LQGLFDWHVUHFHLYHGGDWDYROXPH:KHQWKHWUDQVPLVVLRQLVVXFFHVVIXOO\¿QLVKHGWKHPDVWHUDQGVODYHXQLWERWKGLVSOD\PASS". Turn off the power, disconnect the cable and repeat step 2 to step 3 operations to clone the next slave unit.Cable CloneIf the data is not successfully transmitted, turn off both units, make sure the cable connection is correct and repeat the entire operation from the beginning.GND DATA TX/RXMaster/Slave stereo plug,3.5mm plugCALLPWRFUNCV/MCALLMHzTX/DCSSCANMINI-LENNAHU-VOLPWRFUNCV/MCALLMHzTX/DCSSCANMINI-LENNAHU-VOLCAL CAL
3312Programming Software Installing and Starting (in windows XP system)Double click "QPS598 setup.exe", then follow the installing instruction.7KLVVRIWZDUHKDVSURGXFWLGHQWLI\V\VWHPVRZKHQ¿UVWO\LQVWDOOLQJWKHVRIWZDUH\RXKDYHWRFRQQHFWWKHSURGXFWVRWKHUZLVH\RXFDQQRWVWDUWWKHVRIWZDUH    Install USB Cable Driver Programme(As pic 1)(As pic 2)(As pic 3)Click start menu in computer, under "ALL PROGRAMS" menu, 1.choose and click "USB To Com port" in QPS598 program, install "USB To Com port" driver by indication.Connect the optional PC50 USB Programming cable to USB port in 2.PC with transceiver.(As pic 1)Double click QPS598 shortcut or click QPS598 in procedure index 3.of start menu, choose serial com port as indicated then click OK to start programming software. (As pic 2)According to instruction, select correct "COM Port"(As pic 3), then 4.click "OK" to start programming software.1RWHEven in same computer, the selective COM Port is different when USB cable connects with  different USB port.You shall install software before connecting the USB cable line. Switch on transceiver before writing frequency. You had better not switch on or off the power supply of transceiver when it is connected with computer, otherwise, it will make transceiver unable to read or write frequency. In this case, you have to turn off programming software, pull out USB cable.then reinsert USB cable and open software, then rechoose COM Port, it will turn into normal operation. Therefore, please connect transceiver with computer after switching on the transceiver. Don't restart transceiver power when it is connected with computer.-LENNAHU-VOLPWRFUNCV/MCALLMHzTX/DCSH/LSCANMINI
3413AT598 DCS encode and decode .VFO  frequency 145.00MHz      DCS  code 023NMemory channel!0-199!. Output power HIOffset direction . !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Key-lock setting OFFOffset frequency 600KHz         TOT OFFChannel step 12.5KHz           APO OFFCTCSS encode and decode . !!!!!!!!!!!!! Squelch Level 4CTCSS frequency 88.5HzDefault Setting after Resetting(VHF) Trouble ShootingProblem Possible Causes and Potential SolutionsD Power is on, nothing       appears on Display.+ and - polarities of power connection are reversed. Connect red lead to plus terminal and black lead to minus terminal of DC power supply.E Fuse is blown. Check and solve problem resulting in blown fuse and replace fuse with new fuse.F Display is too dim. Dimmer setting is "LAMP-L". Please make the dimmer setting "LAMP-H".G No sound comes from       speaker. 6TXHOFKLVPXWHG'HFUHDVHVTXHOFKOHYHO7RQHRUCTCSS/DCS squelch is active. Turn CTCSS or DCS squelch off.H Key and Dial do not      function.Key-lock function is activated. Cancel Key-lock function.L Rotating Dial will not      change memory channel.Transceiver is in CALL mode. Press the VFO or memory mode.J PTT key is pressed but      transmission does not occur.0LFURSKRQHFRQQHFWLRQLVSRRU &RQQHFWmicrophone properly. $QWHQQDFRQQHFWLRQLVSRRU&RQQHFWDQWHQQDproperly.Maintenance
35146SHFL¿FDWLRQVDUHVXEMHFWWRFKDQJHZLWKRXWQRWLFHGXHWRDGYDQFHPHQWVLQtechnology.GeneralFrequency RangeNumber of Channels200 channels Channel SpacingPhase-locked Step5KHz, 6.25KHz, 8.33KHz, 10KHz, 12.5KHz, Operating Voltage 13.8V  DC ±15%SquelchCarrier/CTCSS/DCS/5Tone/2Tone/DTMFFrequency Stability ±2.5ppmOperating Temperature-20ą~+60ąDimensions(WxHxD) 145 (W) x 47 (H) x 190 (L)mmWeight about 1.2Kg5HFHLYHU(76,(1VWDQGDUGWHVWLQJSensitivity(12dB Sinad) ȝ9$GMDFHQW&KDQQHOSelectivity G%Intermodulation G%6SXULRXV5HMHFWLRQ G%Audio Response +1~-3dB(0.3~2.55KHz)Hum & Noise G%Audio distortion Audio power output Ὕ2W@10%7UDQVPLWWHU(76,(1VWDQGDUGWHVWLQJPower Output 75WModulation .ĭ)($GMDFHQW&KDQQHOPower G%Hum & Noise G%Spurious Emission G%Audio Response +1~-3dB(0.3~2.55KHz)Audio Distortion SpecificationsVHF: 136-174MHz12.5Kbandband
361567.0 79.7 94.8 110.9 131.8 156.7 171.3 186.2 203.5 229.169.3 82.5 97.4 114.8 136.5 159.8 173.8 189.9 206.5 233.671.9 85.4 100.0 118.8 141.3 162.2 177.3 192.8 210.7 241.874.4 88.5 103.5 123.0 146.2 165.5 179.9 196.6 218.1 250.377.0 91.5 107.2 127.3 151.4 167.9 183.5 199.5 225.7 254.1Attached Chart50 groups CTCSS Tone Frequency(Hz) 1024 groups DCS Code.                                                                                                                                                                                      
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SAFETYTRAININGINFORMATIONYour   radiogeneratorsRFelectromagneticenergyduringtransmitmode.Thisradioisdesignedforandclassifiedas“OccupationalUseOnly”,meaningitmustbeusedonlyduringthecourseofemploymentbyindividualsawareofthehazards,andthewaysToMinimizeSuchhazards.ThisradioisNOTintendedforusebythe“GeneralPopulation”inanuncontrolledenvironment.ThisradiohasbeentestedandcomplieswiththeFCCRFexposurelimitsfor“OccupationalUseOnly”.Inaddition,yourradiocomplieswiththefollowingStandardsandGuidelineswithregardtoRFenergyandelectromagneticenergylevelsandevaluationofsuchlevelsforexposuretohumans:᪽to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields.   ᪽American National Standards Institute (C95.1-1992), IEEE Standard for Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz.   ᪽American National Standards Institute (C95.3-1992), IEEE Recommended Practice for the Measurement of Potentially Hazardous Electromagnetic Fields– RF and Microwave.   ᪽The following accessories are authorized for use with this product. Use of accessories other than those (listed in the instruction) specified may result in RF exposure levels exceed the FCC requirements for wireless RF exposure.   Toensureyou’reyourexposetoRFelectromagneticenergyiswithintheFCCallowablelimitsforoccupationaluse,alwaysadheretothefollowingguidelinesTheinformationlistedaboveprovidestheuserwiththeinformationneededtomakehimorherawareofRFexposure,andwhattodotoasͲsurethatthisradiooperateswiththeFCCRFexposurelimitsofthisradio.ElectromagneticInterference/CompatibilityDuringtransmissions,   radiogeneratesRFenergythatcanpossiblycauseinterferencewithotherdevicesorsystems.Toavoidsuchinterference,turnofftheradioinareaswheresignsarepostedtodoso.DONOToperatethetransmitterinareasthataresensitivetoelectromagneticradiationsuchashospitals,aircraft,andblastingsites.Occupational/ControlledUseTheradiotransmitterisusedinsituationsinwhichpersonsareexposedasconsequenceoftheiremploymentprovidedthosepersonsarefullyawareofthepotentialforexposureandcanexercisecontrolovertheirexposure.InordertocomplywithRFexposurerequirements,aminimumdistanceofmustbemaintainedbetweentheantennaandallpersonsFCC OET Bulletin 65 Edition 97-01 Supplement C, Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure 76.6cmQixiang Electron Science & Technology Co.,Ltd.Qixiang Electron Science & Technology Co.,Ltd.Qixiang Electron Science & Technology Co.,Ltd.
6$)(7<75$,1,1* INFORMATION:$51,1*   This radio generates RF electromagnetic energy during transmission. This radio is designed for and classified as “Occupational Use Only”, meaning it must be used only during the course of employment by individuals aware of the hazards, and the ways to minimize such hazards.This radio is NOT intended for use by the “GeneralPopulation” in an uncontrolled environment.For compliance with FCC and Industry Canada RF Exposure Requirements, the transmitter antenna installation shall comply with the following two conditions:1.The transmitter antenna gain shall not exceed 0 dBi.The antenna is required to be located outside of a vehicle and kept at a distance of 76.6 centimeters or more between the transmitting antenna of this device and any persons during operation.For small vehicle as worst case, the antenna shall be located on the roof top at any place on the centre line along the vehicle in order to achieve 76.6centimeters separation distance. In order to ensure this distance is met, the installation of the antenna must be mounted at least 76.6centimeters away from the nearest edge of the vehicle in order to protectagainst exposure to bystanders.&$87,21To ensure that your exposure to RF electromagnetic energy is within the FCC allowable limits for occupational use, always adhere to the following guidelines:DO NOT operate the radio without a proper antenna attached, as this may damage the radio and may also cause you to exceed FCC RF exposure limits. A proper antenna is the antenna supplied with this UDGLRE\WKHPDQXIDFWXUHURUDQDQWHQQD VSHFL¿FDOO\DXWKRUL]HGE\WKHmanufacturer  for use with this radio.DO NOT transmit for more than 50% during the time of employment (50% duty cycle or less). Transmitting excessive amount of time can cause RF exposure compliance requirements to be exceeded. Please carefully read this instruction manual to learn how to transmit and stop transmitting before starting to use it.(OHFWURPDJQHWLF,QWHUIHUHQFH&RPSDWLELOLW\During transmissions, your radio generates RF energy that can possibly cause interference with other devices or systems. To avoid such interference, turn off the radio in areas where signs are posted to do so. DO NOT operate the transmitter in areas that are sensitive to electromagnetic radiation such as hospitals, aircraft, and blasting sites.2FFXSDWLRQDO&RQWUROOHG8VHThis product is used in situations that users are exposed to RF as consequence of their employment provided those users are fully aware of the potential RF hazards and can exercise control over their exposure.This transceiver is NOT ATEX approved and NOT intended for the use in hazardous explosive atmospheres.

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