Quanta Computer GPS600 GSM Tri-band mobile phone with GPRS, WI-Fi and BT User Manual ENP User Manul 20070110
Quanta Computer Inc GSM Tri-band mobile phone with GPRS, WI-Fi and BT ENP User Manul 20070110
PCS SAR Part 8
Safely In Aimrufls v Due to the poerihle interference urn-ed hy this product In nu nlrcrnfi'r navigation ryrheru und in emuunurieufiour nmwmh urlng this ymducl on bond rn uhpluue ir ugniun the 1m in morn country. Interference Wm Medical Equipment Fumtions v Thil product my can“ medic-l equipmemto malfunction The are of hi! device is forbidden inn-m Inspiuli md medical clinirx. Environment Restr'ctions Q Do not use thin product in gun or refueling lmimu. The nu onhir pmdlwl is ulro prohihiwd in fuel storehouse. chemical plants. uud localimu eonulniug explorivel. Safely For Environment! 9 Do not use rhlr product in gas nation. fuel depon, nhemiuul pluun ur where hllfiting uperniuur ure in progrerr. er in pmennrlly explurive “nowhere! such ll fueling lieu, below deck on bola, filel or chemical mlffll' u! flange ficilifiei, and Iran where the nix contain: chemicals or plfliclel, Inch u gnin, dull. or Mlliel powdefl. Please be nwm that Sprrkr in rueh nun eauld unn uu axplolion or fire lemming in badly injury or evzn death. 144 Explosive Atmospheres y when in my emwilh e palenxinlly explalive nmoiplieie m’whm flammable materiel: exin. the madam shauld be finned affenduur [herald obey Ill iigm Ind instruction. Spnks in [well mu wllld am an explosion or resulting in billy injury err even death. User; are ldvised mil in me “1! equipmenl alrefileling paint: such n "wipe m' gi- Menu. User! are reminded ofthe uad to obsave remains on the llle ofndie equipment in fuel depoll. chemical plum or where blasting upmu'onx me in pmgen. Are-n will: epmemi-lly exploeive pupa-pine me ofien, but not elweye, clearly milked These include fueling men, below desk on boat, fuel at chemicll mfer er maze heiliu'ee, Ind II“! where the lit com-inn chemical: upmiclel, Inch ll grain, min, or metal pow-ism Nonlonlzlng Rndletlnn V This pmdllct should be openwd in the we“ heme! eumiifien only in anllll'e me mdiomfive perfoflnanne mi “my offlu interference. A: with other mobile miio mmifling equipmenu, um are advised that far lafilfuwry open-ion afihe equipment and for die "My of pemmel. it i: recommended name pm pm hum body be allowed 00 come we close to the antenna during oyentinn afflle equipment. Road Safely . Vehicle driven in mnfiAm are net pemiued in use meleplmne service with handheld devinel, except in case cremeigeney. In lame emu-lei, lining hand-free device: an en Illentive ii allowed. Regulation Nollee and Salary Declaration 14-6 14-6 15 FAQ, 1. What lemurs: do» me Pocket PC havs7 Answer: Baum-in XOZJlb/z wink" mm module. B’lhbuilt—in cmmmndule‘! mifinfim mmingmumymbemnam om hnndn annckntPCin flu slme clns. mnemmimonwimvm Mobil=5.u mmmimmiu wfiingosmdanumuhkom. Yonwm’thmmwwyabomming ymrdlla evmifiha PuchtPC mm mxplmly on: ufpowsr. Th. cmu—lngeFlmhmcmmyspweiswp-bleofiwring-lngemmtof pmnnaldnhlndlppliufimlnvgnm 2. How do I wnfigum the wireless nelwurlfl And how do I comm k: the Internet? Amwex: Wink- Mun-pr wiflufinyuuinmmugingymnhmflx dzviees, GSMmmle dcvim,nndvawire1essnwtwnxh. “When yuupmhu undilpuims for mwfimtumxnmfi. a winlm wnnncficmyunwillbem'vm my mama, nus mm m lddren, mey m, mwfinnpmnmbfl, mdnatwnrkkny mfunnlfiwm, you will need this information w manfixfly counsel on the anmmmnmmhmyneeflldflifimfliflnmfim. plea“ comm yum camp-w'lwtwwk mm»: fin detail]. Ifyuu m using your wink“ mm rum: fimfim. flu." mfex w m; «101mm your wirelm Netwm‘k” lecfinn mu m the unwary common In: gem-1, you on wfiv-te the wimlen mecfimbyumfing me a iconinWinbu Mun-gar. Wm ynanocbtPC denwh mum to u-vn‘hblewizelennptwozk, - flficonwflllppwunflwtopnfyuu “mam mean! Mml’ochfl’cm mceslfnfly cmuwflwiflu nmmnpm (Awe-u Paint). At this fine, m: indie-ht on 61: we: nan nfyoux‘pockal PC will fluh me. FAQ 15-1 8. My Pocket PC mnrm hoot. What should I do about il? Answer: oMule mmfhv Pucbi PC baltuyyvuuc sthhu moushpuwux. myumrochtrc imam: chm-mm mmflwmdc‘hugiw indioumrlighlu uy. PMsdxe“PuwerEuWn.“ erfyuunm mm: mm but yumrockarc nil] cummbvogpmued Wiflnhe follvwing lisp: meve'he Pomtl’cblrkcnva, mdmdflle bnfimylnnkiu inplwe. Hunt, the Iymmcmnmhelmmd. I. My Pmt PC has a screen has or the system does not mpond. What should I do about m Answer: oYoumlytent your PocketPC. mum tare-1M me whole synem w uhmmmnrymummflmm zymm mum-Mn mum]. BliyuuhlvuusetywxP-mbt PC mic-unannmpenmem-uy, flwn youneedw carry on" wmmm noivedfiuymmm Howfo unyunuwldbootl’ms mdholdihe “PowetBlmlm”wi‘hone ma, man-e Ih: flylnnfipmpnllflu“keutflmmn”wifllflm mm Rnlmethe "Power! Button" Indflw “Rm! Button" lttha mefime. H yumquHothetwqmflnn-myedm-wum (Ernelfld-hlnfllnlddohnlflnalobnwtrywnlmmpnrgnm Sundial lty yon-ell, uII-madz man... and nil-mule dat- (uh “ac-um” Ind“Cdendlt”) vvflldlllppzll‘.Allfl mm to unit Malt mum. Allmullfiwemggutywwpyymxdmwhhcm-geuriD-ulw infiemugecndwillnntv-fis‘hbwwu nhwhiboot, Oryoucln xymhuniufliedlhonymPockflPCwiflxyowdukhp compnbu. 15-2 5. Why dussn't my Pocket PC rmaks any sound? Answer: OTflQflwxpwkvxiwn -“ unfhvafizhiufflxlmwnjlmselwtfiv val-m wnh'nl mm, m ndjnwt the vow affine inwming cull sum BMW», youmlylueflu volumn m1 key unlhn mu ufyuur roam rc bynnuhingil w in down «1 Bum-1] the vulume. 6. Why dues my Puckst PC screen eutnmalicslly become dark? 81mm» 5mm mb. haunt, mum 1h; anumemuw-nu. Yflnm-yfindflmifymme bmerypkudhebuk‘lighuntomxficfly am dawn-mm mommy dam-1mm ammnlpwnlhnunhwnalhfl mmbym Ifynu minkmmfimu mm mm. yonmyemndflxem unsealed. 1. when I want to open a program or file, a wamlng "issues ‘Nflt enough memory' popl up. What lhould I do about I? Answer: BecmeyoanonkvtPC’lmemmyil dated by flange mummy mdpmgnm mummy, flu following mm in available. Yummy choouefiw cum-(works best 15:1an Ilka-nave the prom! ynn inomlled mm m not frequmtly “and h “lane 1mm may mu- BDalm dammilmtmedfmquauflymmmlnywnlma mm memmy mice. FAQ 15-3 I. The characters on the screen are Inn small in mat How can I enlarge (ham? Answexfl‘lp Emufiwsnhmhb, Nahum numb. Yummy lfljnltthe text iiuu yw wilh. Aha, you my "1mm Lunchupe aflentBfinn in tha Guru-d uh mm m and chmgethem m mayor: cmnudmm monthly, l. The mutant point a! my srylus is not quite precise. What should I do about If? Amwexmmmhemmthhce, mdfhenruch mmmflmflz apex-firm ofyunr mun maplecilely. Th: tolluwing two lelwillbring yonimndmmunh men culibmfionmode. om m,mesy-m umsmmmmnpm Bum esmmmunrypm flw urn Son-m on gunman-ran nfihpl’ocke! PCAnd morurmd exwuficnlmfioninflu mm offlnmvigpfionyud. 10. The hardwnrs buttons of my Pocket PC dossn't mnka any response or calls a wrong program. What il’muld I do about in Answex:'l‘lp E Svfiinpdhe lamhb,mdmen m". Check emhbrmunfmcmuotmp. 15-4 11. My Pocket PC's Acfivssym: mnml be 11wa or malm a comedian. What should I do about if? Answer: 0Mlke aux: ywu'hlve imhlledAcfivelync mien“ m above. the CD momymying the ymduat contain. the mfiwule. Ifynu luvs la: the CD, yummy dawnluudit m eh; Mimuufi Websitz, eM-te 8m: Eh: chug-a: Is well In file 1m cm: provided fling with the prod-mm already comma up w your PC ml. GuemeyuumnntemmgmnflmmmfiAmuM ume mm punyrm “1mm fur ape-flan during inmlhfim cum: Aptivevync in min am working. mum die Aofivuync loibwlte n more sndlndimmllitmulgain. FAQ 15-5 First Version: December 2006 OurmnVelsiun: December 2006. Version 1 Number: 20061110
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