Quanta Computer GPS600 GSM Tri-band mobile phone with GPRS, WI-Fi and BT User Manual ENP User Manul 20070110
Quanta Computer Inc GSM Tri-band mobile phone with GPRS, WI-Fi and BT ENP User Manul 20070110
Users Manual Part 7
Emmmemovidn fimdmwnhl mud-hm 00-115, such I: firmnlu, fimfim. flirting. and filming, To display mmm mp vxn mam duck mm". 00:11 new we. here a. yuu _ . mam-L Osaka m1 mm; for the resource 0 0mm 9mm cum mm 9 onus-mum: ‘0 chum Sheet) v Sum zmz v Ea mummauuu \ 2 Ex 3 , m \ Q—Q If“ "m ~'x ‘x "= "k CTW numcnmnmmn tomodify flan. male. type mdleriem man man man znns mmpnnbn Programs 11-19 Tips for Working in Excel Mobile memeinfinm-fimonnring ExcelMobilntup undflmllklp, Nob; 011: following wlmxwmfing inlng=wufluheeh in aneanbflsz eviuwinmnmmodm see numb ofynln wurksheet u‘pnfiibln. Tm Viewmdfllmhllflm To exitfuu-mmmde,upmnure. QShvwnnflhidewimbwelmmfi. 7-1; vu-n. smm managing 013mm“ ynnvmnttouhw orhide. 0pm» puma on lwwrkxheet. Fin! mm the all when ywu wmtm fleeze puma. Tip Wmmdmmrlemmightwmlm mm: In]: and leflmnnpmiruwmkzhsetmhepmwmd mlumnhbell visible As ycm mullflmmgh mm QSplity-mmviewdifl‘mntmu uh mewmmt 1.1; Vim-ml msmmmflnqmmmmmwmnmmwm xpfignp vuw mam Remain Split. Qsmwmmamm ma calm. Tc hide mm uranium filed . cell inmemwntcolnmn yuuwlntm'hifle. map Mum,1m'mt,|han llnmenl-mn, mmm To lbowlhiddmwwoxcolmmy Mum, Form», an Raw ur Column, mdthen Uni-nu. 1 1-20 PowerPoint Mobile View Pawerl’oint slidei ere-ted in rmmmw ma mm vminm on your dukivp wm'pubn m numxmed mm imlucb m and App! ma. OSeuctmtypeoffomryonw-nt EAI thrs v . Nam: '— mm] fl/Zs/ns um dilplnyed inch: List. stm... aux/us skip. emmmcm’mmorm lint elhpwopmlflamdphyflle ll‘xiel. o‘l'opmupenawmeyouphyedhn o . "K" E "m“ . 6mm»- lhs relevant mu. CT» 4 anhlnwflleflwmnb vpmflummu. Tap End 51mm Mm", M mm . Znnm m 5m Dbl-ms... am Show Damion Program 11-21 Windows Media Player UnMiemoflVfirfluw-MzdiflnwamekflPCmPhydigifl uldinuldvidwfiIuflMmlmdmyomPncdeCwnnlnethkh aSDMNK Bank mm mama mama 0 E Dvnsmmnm aqu J em mp] a” Huang Un mm: [mm may mum.“ 11-22 OUIeMI-ammfnv'flwvidm, Omhywehite.findmrllccr videombepuyedfimwem. emmmmamw flaupwimxfih omwpltyu'pm OTnpmnfipmmmm mwdjutvohme, Own/mm mmmwufhm hick. CToenhrflulul-uhwnmfin lamhpMnlnmdtthhlry. Mun-q mlpundhcltlhfilnm-foldzmlu mem’wm Up. emu-mum: TmOp-l'llem phyfiboflmdombdmxtoflw MMTIPUM Lllnrywupdnhfllefibli-L Use Micmmftmwn Medil Player unyom' dump mm to wpydixihlmdin undvideo filestoyflull’ockatl’QYuuunphyW'mdm M=d*'mlndM'P3 filel m. youxPockflPC. Fur mole infirm-film about using Windows Mbdinl’lnyu fur Pnckn mmpnnbn Programs 11-23 Internet Explore Using Internet Explore Use Minuet!“ lawman Explnm Mnbilnh vim Web uWAPp-gm‘n eithmfflumways; 0mm; uynnhminfinn with yflur duhop computer, downloadyvul fnvuritelinh ma mobile f-vuritnu um um mm: mm Mnbilu mm mbfnldet inn-mm mm m the delklnp mum. Com»: m m 1mm luvine prwidcr (In) or network and human a» Web. To do this. you'llneedh mm the martial! first. u describedin ‘Gnnncct m m Imam". Whncomdmmlsl'mnflwork, ynucmdmdmlondfilallml mmlfiumflwlnwmetufinkmet, To wine]: we Pub: Influx-net Bylaw, up Explorer, and Chm Inter-gt 1 1-24 Bmwse the Internet MkwmecfingwfiemfleofimmmmmmmPC wmwmmmfiumm‘ 1.11,» E nudthnlnlunmixplnru. 2.1nynzfluviulddmllinmflseldflnnhnnfllkmnfflnmmlmi wmctwfliiluite. 3.1mm muwumflghtaiammofmmmmsmeup mduwnbufimthocbtPChvicwflnwth-offlwmfin whim K II J) ' ' “ Ohm-dam has my //WWW mmmcum/wm v 7 "A 0 OTnymhmd: enuk Butmn 0mm finch-rim. Inc]! as Ilan Wndnws ~1ub||a > "fixgzmga Fmrltu, Add“ Fuvvrlbl. ‘iELTELDE’Efi'kfi‘fi‘EW’“ Hem. manure-n. Devlm Set U9 me: u nur e—mul Inmunt mm m. M D m mm wM Mums . . Midefivmhyinghhfldm-Myonmflmmmm “mmmwummm QTqflwFlwrnubnfiommdflxmhpflwflvuiuyuuwmtmview. Ohh-ddrewbn,hpthomow v mmmmpemmymm lddtenu. “Todd-MikkwhileudngficPodfiPC,pwflwmemwm hadihpmdhnfimfiemmlndtwmwhvoflw. Damion Program 11-26 View Mobile Favorites and Channels om me mm mm“: vim Favnntzf 01W“, :ddnr dam . folds: or a Mm Mable . . D mm at Web om fivmwhnk. fl wlmws thile 7. G Wmmwsh’leda (cm 3 Actual de Pnclet lE oven ma [was 1. Tupflle Flvnrlvulflmmlm displayyour fin offivafitca, 2.1mm: plgeywnwmtlovizw. Ymfllueflwplgeflmlwu downhldedflw llntimbynunynnhmnized mmagm cumpmn. IffliepugzismunyumPuumPQChe fivofine willbe dimmed. Ynnwillneedw lynrhmniuwithynnx delhoy wmpmlmmdownludhplgpw yourl’uclthC, urcomdmthp Imam-m viewt'heplge. The Mobile Favorites Folder Only hum “marlin the Mobile Flvuritel lflhfilldfll in moi-write! mumammmmmmwmummm witnymrouknpc, This folderwu mum-mulywmyuu mam, 1 1-28 Favorite Links During synchwninfimflw lint offnvufiwiinhininembiieymnm lbldxunyvnldubvpmmyutuilsynchunimdwifllPocmlnmfl mime: onymlt ham PC. Bofllwmpntetl n'e updatedwifl: chlngel mad: theiflafilinmhfimnyvurynchmiui Unlesl mmn'kflwfivmitbh’nku n mohii: film, unlyflm link will be mmmm yinn Pockntl’C. and yvnwl'llneedin mutiny“ lSPutmwmktuvitwflm mam Pm mm inrnmfim nnlynclmmiufion, neAm'vaSync min on an dfllhnp mmpuwr. Synchronize Mobile Favorites lfyrm m wing Miminn ImameQExplnl'el sin in he: rm yrrur dekap mnmmymmdawflmdmbilefnwrfiuhymmmm. Synchronizing mnbfle minim dawnluldii Web mm m ynanuchl PC nu ma ynll can View pugs! while ynu m aimnnnemd fnnn yuur m and dukmp computer, Use the 1mm Explom phlg—ininltallcdwjfllAcfiVESync to male nubile fivm-iml quickly. Create a Mobile Favorite 1. hhfimfifixpimxonymdflkfivampmetmfickwmdflnn Crab Mom F-wrlh. 2. Tnchlngeiheljnknm», min mwnnmeindieN-mbon. a. Optionally. in Update‘ mm I angina mm schedule. a Clicking hmsxpmaawnhm mehunvmamemm your dflhwp mpiflm: mmpnnbn Programs 11-27 s. Synchmnizeynurl’ucml’c Ind dump countenMnhik flvuritel am an Medium Mobil: me’ibs fhldfll in 1mm Bxplom m downbededw yum Pocket PC. Ilfyuu did mt specify BI! updm icllnliule iii-mp 3. W“ will need in mlmully limmlold minim kup an: infumllfiml “pained on ymlr dcchnp minimum Befinesymhnnizingwhhyml’nrkd PC.in!nWmetExploru myniude-lmimmpm,elinnnnli mam Syndn'miu.Youwfllludle hntime mmwudownln-dedmm um oompmrx, mayuuunmmnydawnlmmmifmml You on: um I bum in die him-net Bxplom mum tux awning mobile min-ins. In min Explm on your dukwp comm, click Vhw, Tuulluxl, and then Cnmnniu. Save Pocket PC Memory Mobil. f-vm'im tank: 111) mange memory on your mum 'l\a mintniznhnnmmt wfmmmylued: .I.nflw mixing fixfllel’lvotitu infumnfinntype inAsfiveSync swans, mm nfipimm mil ll‘lu‘ndl. or map some mobila 5mm. fiumbeing downlvnded to file Psalm PC. Fm mute infimnm'un, weActive‘Sync Help. lleitdm number vfdnwnluded linhdpagu. In lama Explmvr mm mm]; mmpnm, right-click the mobile harm m min, chmge md mrruperflulnfiwmwnlmmb,upecifijflurl fmflwmmbcruf linked page- yuu ml in duwnlmd. 1 1-29 12 Mainfil'luthePoeketPCI Adding or Removing Programs Pmmrnu ldded w your PucketPC n the wary-u main ROM (Mummy). You unmatnmm fln'n wflwn, m1 you'll never incidentally 1m ROMoonmm. All oflmrymymm and am file: med h) ymPocketPC mmwm1m m medin RAM (rmdnm amen mummy). Yunnanimhflmymnmmmd fmymrodmrc,u1muym PockatPChn mughmmnry. mmnpopnlnphuw find-0M fin ymPuchtPCismfllePcchtPCstlik (hupdlwwnmimwfimm/winmmmwwpwwo. Add Programs Using ActiveSync Yuu'll needtainml'l the was wflwflm {tryout room PC on your dukwp computer berm. inmh'ngit anyow Poem PC. 1. DemineyoulPBdflPCmdprwu Itypewflutyauhwwwhich vuninnofflwmnwnewimul]. M u mmsmng, om; Sync-1 at. hp About lntbeVenhn ab, nub H mm uflbe inform-Aim: inhuman]. z. Downloldfluyrognmwyowrbnkmp mmmmm on “disk Mcmfiepmymintoyuwdfikwpcomnm). Yonmlyseea tingle ‘xip, mm, m- ‘zip file, . San-pm; flu, or maul van-Emu of flu fordifl‘mnPockaCtypfl ndpmulmjemw Mama» 1mm duignedfurthe Pocket PC mdymPocketPCpmulm’type. 1. Many inmflnflnn inlfl'lwfinnl, RndMe files, or dnmmzmnimflnt cmauwifllflsepmgrm. Mmyymgumupmvide rpevillinstlflnfion inmfiom. a Cameotyuurneketrc mdfleckwp computer. Mnmhlnlng Ms PockatPC 12-1 5. Dolflflz-clickflu “Mm fllc. olflhbfileil minpfiflu,fibinlhfllfinnwiwdwfl1beginl7fllowflw dilecfinnl sunk um Onnel‘he zofiwne In! been innulled unyvul' dump umpuler, me inst-Ila win mmficflymfixfie sunwue w ymrPochtPC. 01mm 111. ilnnt n. ill-taller, you will see an mm mm min; am the prominvflidbnditildflignedfondifl'mtypeofmpuime willneedmmweflxiu film yourl’ocknPC. Hyonmotfindmy mmfimmmwfimx fnnhapmmminmReusz 5]an Mauritian, mAcfiveSync Erpkxew cuyylhepmgnm 51m flu Pray-um Pi!" folder unyour Packet PC.Furmm infimmfinn on copying me: uingAcfiveSync lee AcfiveSync Help. Ominmlnionil umplmnp pvgmnioonfowritchtoit Add a Program Directly from the Internet 1. Wmmmmmdymuumtwemthmyvuhwwhich vmicm ofthe uoflwnte w inst-u. Tap Symn at. hp Abunt. lntheVen‘hn ub, mlh n um um inform-Aim: in Prawn]: z. annlowflfln mm m yowPochtPC mam fivm me Manning mm 1mm Explnm.Youmyleenxinglc‘xip, ‘.exc nt‘m'p file, . smnm file, at mml vmioxu offilel mange-m Parke: pc type! mama...“ Bemwuhnflnmmdnixnedfmflzl’ochtm andva Pocket PC pmculor type. 3. Many installation inltmcfinnl. mm film, or domemn'm that com: with]: mm. mnypmymmvinc upwinlinxtxflafinn A. Tupflle me, luohuu mp «r‘mm file. minmfldiunwimdwill basin. palms.- dilecfinm m. the mm. 12-2 Add a Program to the Start Menu Setting. the Pemul uh, mum Men-l. m Cuneckmmwmm. mm (mm ugmsaweav m mam mm other; aweav m mm"; Emma DficEthuva , (arm's Dgnmm Agent 5.5mm MnhHE Dfijfib gum Dfiaamz DO sum Baakav Ha sultawe : lfywuduotmmymmmmwmfimmummom mmrmmwmemepmmwmmnamfommm Anfiveflynnonthadelhnp mmmmmmmwmmm nheefieshmindlnSmMmufoldm \ > QUsing Fils Expr on me Pocket PC: Tap Erw,m Exphrer,mdlnuwflwptom(1xwhnfoldnlin,llbebdldy DammbydcfidtndfllmMyMuwm-thofnfl foldmun firPocletPC).Tup mdhnldflwprogmmmdup Cntonflleyop-up mmOpentheShrthnu foldulucdedinlher-dnwl bit-1mm; Indhold lblmkmofthcwim‘bw, milky hlnonfllepvp-upmmu, hpmgmnwillwqupwonflm Mnmtnlnlng Ms Pocket PC 12x? iUsing AdivaSync on the desktop computer: Ule mfiqflmin MwSyncm malm yum Packet PC flu and lame an prom. Riga-click the 11mm. mdflm dick emu snmm Mm file lhlmlmfin the sun Mann folder in file Whirl-ml fnldn. The chm-n mm Minors infirrmlfinn. lee AnfiveSynn Remove Programs mmsmnm. om: smam uhhpknnanhm. . mums .; m “k Cm pmmmmmlin ZZZZZZE'ZZZZM mwmhw mmm'y" tn highlight it man up Dun“. may: ma smaqmm mm mm — lfflwpmmdoelnotuppwinflwfi'tofinlhflcdpmmlmleflb ExplorermyumPnnknPleumhpmmupmdhnldmspmgt-m, mdfihmthDebuvnflwm-upmu 12-4 Manage Memory View Memory Status Mr Tip Sew-9,1!» Syntax tab, mdflwn Memory. balm-15 mmmy mm; mm... Tum Emma max mama Innis 535MB huge 3”st Frz= enema Frat: mm M m gmwm aunmuwm e memflY a we was mg l | >aunqs mmmy mm? m mm m M New m mme sun/Mt ,7° Mam smiwm Punnnvvvwvimr Mme Mas usqutnvaqe memflY CTlpfluMllnH). 0m m «sump and mm mummy. 0M Quick link fo ills Send] mum. Clip flan Storage Cal-d fab. ecu-mm endmmnry mm OTIpwuledflwbflt-inmemd mustard, MmlnlngmePockBlPC 12-5 hams Cm a“ “b. Hm” 01‘s]; npwnmnnnn'n ”Running , _0 human bill” and Whm it il $3313; higmiglMMpAcflvnzorswp. a an a, Text Messages om. SM running. “1: (mg 5555 mmmm “ii; a.» “PM. —0 5M»: “Pmmmm Mm gmwm aunmuwm mm Mes usmggm . may 5"! All: Stop Ill indie “ “Running hogan: Lin” Find Available Memory mmm-Mnmmmmnm mmmmmmxmmmmmmmmmh (11:wath Ploy-m, uni M Sam. M 1. To find filu occupying larger mm < > . 5 mount-ofmemuy,ulect'1,|rgu we Lavger man 54 m AH am (abndar (mums mg Mchwb Ha mflwfinypemdhy Surat, 2.1'henm17fleExphnt. Rzmlts Messiah: Nata; outmck Mame Tasks Wmd Mable Seirzh Advanzzd 12-6 v my» vxq x u may.“ . Nan! . fivmqnm ms Elsnwvm u — B m...“ 9 Delete 2 Sun! m." rransnnrl uv mama. Jug 11/1/11; m. “(aramz 11/1/n5 225K . h .. m.“ um; an m-MGN (mm he!) Stnvaqe tam (mums my mm m y uttnthment5(flKB) 54“anamnlmsmmqfad mm ddeled mews Mamaflv v mm Messig. may; Stuvsge v llmemzt Mum .; vK 4, m mm 5M W n my mgkad m um Dag m In. My fleartistwy De‘elewehmment that m hemvrevmuw wewedm symmuea m medzwce mist: mu fienera‘ Mammy 5mm munmemnxpmm movefize files yvu wmtiokecpw emu-1 wen-difhpmd haldflw iwml an bemnd, film mpCuthupyonthcpop-np mm Move in m muse enduui mhprme. A. UnFIDExplm'a-mdelete fllu Myanmlmgazneed. Maud“. Menu. Tm,0pmu,mr1flunflm saw-pub. CM“SmMmmhm maemi"wuvenmhndfllu BomB-mflllnmnfiodlyinflie mngowdinfmm. lam-net Expmm, Meanv Tech mdthm Option, CTlp cum mnm—y mam mmdelmmaxdlofwebma Myouhvebmwwfl. MmlnlngmePockBlPC 12-7 an" initials . Nan! . flL—Dndnrk ll/B/ns 1.95 Emu“ u/fl/ns 2k magnum." my“ m an ”we.“ mum selm nu mm." mm; ’ .; 7K 1; wk am"; new m wmm . Defsun KEWDME sum Nuts . m m . Rscmd mm mm Swnch m Abra; . cm 1” 03m; and LBmtrflleNmufilelixtm 2.1.1; MenumdfllenOpflou. :. hp the‘fiuvem" Mum ma mm sumac m fliefist mmmmmm mmmdmngaond. Plenum.” filcl will be automatically medium: flange and. anllwflm me apex-flan mmxmmwm Mame dexul Malina lnndditimymcmulefllekmmdemSneAlfuncfim Whyhpmmmmmumeflelmhmm 12-8 System Information “TIP Saflna.MSyltunhb.mdfl1mSy-umlnfinrmndnn. "am-15 “A "* C'l'lpEoerdispI-ymhidam 5mm mm” A D m lyllem infulmnfinn. . D (PU A El Marm'v , a my El (may 15 EN; El 7qu W710: El Huuznmd mmk Z4D Duels D Vemcaw mews 32m mew; . Eb Scflwavs A El Wraess Mndub Mmlnlng me PockBlPC 12-9 12-10 13 Specifications I ham Den-mm)" Openfing m W'mdm Mobile“ 5.0 mnwm fwakfiPCl (AKU 32) ancnu' Summing sca 2442, 400 MHz Memory lzsmFl-hROM64MB SDRAM Din-plly 2.8", m x 320, 65,536 enlun, TPT-LCD Comm - GSM qmbmissolsoonaoomoo ME: I EDGE ' GPRS Class 10 - 5mm“ vzn 01m 2 + EDR I WiFi mm; snub/g GPS Bum-in GPS modn'le (am Stat 111) TMC funcfinn supported ‘ 0 m‘bjuhn clungflry region) Exp-mm slot MimSD Clmm Built-in 2.0 Meg. Pin]: Upm 1600 x 1200 mm lame/Audio Built-in micmp‘lmne and npealm- External mm mum hmmm USE Sync, hndsetjnck Power supply away. 1530 mAhLi-Ion, rechargeable, Nphoedzle AC Adapt“: 100440 VAC/5m Hz, SVIIA DC Spedflcaflona 131 Item Dueliptlon Jami-mental may opinion: in ~ 40’s; nun-gm 40°.»~ 50°o winner-tum Envimnmenml 4S‘/- ~ 859/- humidhy Dnnensinns 113x595x15.5mm(Lxle-l) 146 3 including heady Dpt'nml Emery, Cu charger. Bluntnmh" Beadle! marries “Design and specificufiunx we lubjecth chmge withomnofioe. 13-2 14 Regulation Nollco and safety Doclaratlon I SAR Information Rudfllil mmlnl carefully before filing, Warning: Reduced elemmmgnefic “we, pleue me populy. GSM Head: 0.743 leg (103) Dos Head: 0441 mwlg (10g) cs WLAN Body: 0.117 mW/g (log) PCS Head: 0 776 W/Kg(1g) WLAN SARA 135 W/Kg (1g) GSM 350 Body with holster: 0.987W/Kg (1g) Holster Information Holster model name: PZX23 Dimension: 6.1 x1 1 Bx 2.5cm +l- 0.1 cm mummmwmm 14-1 Health and Safety Information Elsciriral and Battery SuMy ' Ure uuiy the AC udupter provided with thir pmducl. Do not ure riurihu item from utherprodueu. The provided AC adapter ir foruue with thir pmducl only. Do not use il fvr other clawiul madam. q Follnw the specificltitmx orthe huttery uruuutiuehuer: Avoid ehurgiug the hutrery when the anvimnmanul temperurure ir higher thuu 49C. Do uomureururethehetterywheutheeuvirouureutuiteurperuhueir higher then we. Otherwise, buttery expuuuiou or leakage mly occur. y no not uhemptth djuumble, pound. pieree or dumge the heweryhu uvoid euusiug iujury, duuger or risk. Appllcallnn Erwlronmenl Smarty ' no not directly expuim the Packet PC to my nfihe fuuuwiug envirvurueuu: npid ehuuger ofheruperehrre. highteruperuhue (rueh is direct expoxlne to sunlight or Mel), exueruely low temperature, high plflm. here with =l=mlmfic diiehurge iuherhuerree or duety uud hruuid pheeu. no uot eoek orwet the Peehet PC with water or uuy other liquid. 0 Do not piuee the Poclm PC ueur eieetrie-i uppiirureer (rueh n We. eotuputerr. reuuherr. diee phym, fuxee, huir dryerr, etc.) thut ruuy generete eieetrorunie direhurge iuterfiererree. V Never drop the Pocket PC um subject it to mung imp-ct 9 no not me erriirrery pen or my ohjeet with u uhuup tip In up the rocket PC eover or met-uh (LCD puue1)tn uvuid thuuugiug uud rentehiug the turf-eel. Q Do not use wmsiv: or volltile liquidate wipe the Pocket PC. If ueeemry, use i ruh eioth or film to wipe the Pack! PC. 14-2 Wan-amy Security v Inc-u mruknrc isdnmnged,kindlymmninnyollrpllce of pmhm. Do not mumps w dinuuemhln this am» on you! m as am my vuid the wmmy. V Ifmyhnnrds resullfi'omlhe failule oftheulerm complywiihmge min, we will ml be mm mmmihln fix my msulling van-my shims. Data Securlty ' m. cmplny in nolmlponliblg for my an. ion nrdlmnge to the mm PC due to improper m Record impomnt um inymll notebook upnmely muse m: as»; memories um come with m: pmdml lo ave impomnl an. m yuucompum or! Image and. Prlvacy Rsslrlctlonl ' Some cmmm'n mix: m1 diulonln utmm'ded telzphone conversational, and lfipuhme that you mutt inform the person with whom you an spa-king that the conversation is being recorded. Alwlyl obey lb: “1mm 1m m1 mgnlnfiuux nfymlr mnmry when using m. wording rum" erymrocmrc Plume. IMPORTANT SAFETV PRECAUTDNS Q Whemuinz 111i: product. the “My precautions below munbe taken to mm ponible [cpl 1mm m1 damngu. Safety in ailpcrls. medical hcilitiss, and inflammable environment! 0 Whmymun:unaplnne,inamediulfxcililyonlugumfiunwhne wink“ mmmnnicniunl devicel m not allowed And must be filmed GE place so h) Wirele- Mun-get ind lelecnhe ALL 0" Butwnto Iu'm ufi‘ymlr Pocket PC': mobile phone, Bluenwth. and wireless LAN fmm'mu. By pruning m “in 5mm" nfflm mm rc, ynll unly mm with dilplny. Regulation Notice and Salary Dsdmtlon 14-3
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