Quanta Computer LM175 LTE M.2 Card User Manual

Quanta Computer Inc LTE M.2 Card Users Manual

Users Manual

      Quanta LM175 Test Operation Guide     Version 0.1 Jun.  04,  2014   Robert
  Page 1Contents  1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 3 2. Test Environment ............................................................................................................................ 3 2.1. Uninstallation ......................................................................................................................... 3 2.1.1. Windows 7 (32 bit) ................................................................................................................. 3 2.2. Installation of drivers .............................................................................................................. 5 2.2.1. Windows 7 (32 bit) ................................................................................................................. 5 3. Operation of Connection Manager ................................................................................................. 11 3.1. Windows 7 (32 bit) ................................................................................................................ 11 3.1.1. Basic Configuration ................................................................................................................ 11 3.1.2. Extended Information ............................................................................................................13 3.1.3. LTE Manager ..........................................................................................................................15 3.1.4. Manual PLMN ........................................................................................................................16 3.1.5. Change to Commercial Mode .................................................................................................17 3.1.6. Disable Polling .......................................................................................................................18 3.1.7. PIN Management ...................................................................................................................19 3.1.8. Automatic Connect Mode ......................................................................................................20 3.1.9. Device Location .....................................................................................................................21 3.1.10. Help .......................................................................................................................................22 3.1.11. Reset .....................................................................................................................................23
  Page 2Revision History  Version  Release Date  Description 0.1  Jun. 04, 2014  1st Test Operation Guide Release
  Page 31. Introduction This document gives the guidance on how to test Quanta devices. 2. Test Environment Quanta LM175 device supports Windows XP, Windows Vista (32 bit), and Windows 7 (32 bit) operating system. It’s recommended to install Quanta LM175 software in Windows 7 32-bit OS. 2.1. Uninstallation In order to install latest version of software, uninstallation of previous version is required, including drivers, connection manager, and corresponding software tools.  2.1.1. Windows 7 (32 bit) 1. Please click   StartProgramsAltair SemiconductorLTE ALT3100Uninstall   2. Please click “Yes (Y)” button.
  Page 43. Please click “Uninstall” button. 4. Please wait a few seconds to complete uninstallation. 5. Please click “Close” button. 6. Please click “OK” button.  7. Please click   “StartProgramsAltair SemiconductorLTE ALT3100HLVUSBUninstall”.  8. Please click “YES (Y)” button. 9. Please reboot your computer after you have completed the uninstallation.
  Page 52.2. Installation of drivers 2.2.1. Windows 7 (32 bit) 1. Please double clicks on “Altair(Quanta) Tool Package v1.0.0.exe” to start installation. 2. Please click “Next >” button. 3. Please click “Install” button. 4. It will take a few minutes to complete installation. 5. Please click “Next >” button.
  Page 66. Please check “I accept the terms in the license agreement”. 7. Please click “Next >” button. 8. Please select “Full Installation” type. 9. Please click “Next >” button. 10. Please click “Next >” button.
  Page 711. Please click “Install” button. 12. Please click “Next >” button. 13. Please click “Finish” button.
  Page 814. Please click “Next >” button. 15. Please check “I accept the terms in the license agreement”. 16. Please click “Next >” button. 17. Please click “Install” button.
  Page 918. Please click “Continue to install driver anyway (I)”. 19. Please click “Continue to install driver anyway (I)”. 20. Please click “Continue to install driver anyway (I)”. 21. Please click “Continue to install driver anyway (I)”. 22. Please un-check “Launch “Hostless Image Burn””. 23. Please click “Finish” button to complete driver installation. 24. Please click “OK” button. 25. Please click “Finish” button.
  Page 1026. Please plug in Quanta device and please be patient and wait a few minutes to complete driver installation. 27. Please click “Close (C)” button. 28. Please reset Quanta device (take out and plug in the usb cable), it will take about 50 seconds for Quanta embedded system to be ready.
  Page 113. Operation of Connection Manager 3.1. Windows 7 (32 bit) 3.1.1. Basic Configuration 1. In order to get information from our embedded connection manager, it’s mandatory to configure as the following instructions. 2. Please click   StartProgramsAltair SemiconductorLTE ALT3100Connection Manager.  3. Please right click on top of connection manager and select   OptionsDevice LocationTechnician PC.  4. Connection manager will pop out window for you to enter IP and port. 5. Please enter IP address “”. (see NOTE) 6. Please click “OK” button. NOTE: If you have successfully installed Quanta LM175 device, the embedded module will generate DHCP server and its IP address is “”. Meanwhile, our Quanta device will get a DHCP address “” automatically.
  Page 127. Please check if connection manager shows device information correctly and the red Altair logo turns into yellow color.
  Page 133.1.2. Extended Information 1. Please right click on top of connection manager and select   ViewExtended Information. 2. Connection manager will pop out “Extended Information” window.  3. It’s NOT mandatory to set up this “Configuration” tab, connection manager will scan all the supported frequency bands and try to connect to the network.
  Page 144. The “Extended Data” tab shows information of Connection Status, APN, Transmission mode, Bandwidth, DL EARFCN, Band, PLMN and Physical Cell ID and so on. 5. The “At Commands” tab will allow you to send AT Commands sets to configure supported functional parameters or to get supported information you want.
  Page 153.1.3. LTE Manager 1. Please right click on top of connection manager and select   ViewLTE Manager. 2. Connection manager will pop out a “Supervisor Password” window.  3. Please input “123456” and click “OK” button. 4. It will pop out a “LTE Manager” window. 5. LTE Manager shows information about GeneralInfo, LogCreator, Dispatcher, Relay, and GPS Tool.
  Page 163.1.4. Manual PLMN 1. Please right click on top of connection manager and select   Manual PLMN. 2. Connection manager will pop out a “Plmn Search” window.  3. It’s not necessary for you to select PLMN manually if you want to connect to network.
  Page 173.1.5. Change to Commercial Mode 1. Please right click on top of connection manager and select   “Change to Commercial Mode”. 2. Connection manager will pop out a “User Mode Changed” dialog.  3. Please click “YES (Y)” button. 4. Please wait a few seconds for device to be ready.
  Page 183.1.6. Disable Polling 1. Please right click on top of connection manager and select   “OptionsDisable Polling”. 2. Connection manager will stop searching for available network.
  Page 193.1.7. PIN Management 1. Please right click on top of connection manager and select   “OptionsPIN ManagementPIN Information” to get PIN information. 2. Connection manager will pop out “PIN Information” window.  3. Please click “OK” button. 4. You also can enable PIN usage by right click on top of connection manager and select   “OptionsPIN ManagementEnable PIN Usage”.  5. Please input correct PIN code and click “OK” button.
  Page 203.1.8. Automatic Connect Mode 1. Please right click on top of connection manager and select   “OptionsAutomatic Connect Mode” to switch connection manager from manual connect mode to automatic connect mode. 2. Connection manager will automatically connect to network.
  Page 213.1.9. Device Location 1. For Quanta hostless device, please use “Technician PC” only. 2. Please right click on top of connection manager and select   “OptionsDevice LocationTechnician PC”. 3. Please set IP address to “” and click “OK” button. 4. Connection manager will get information from Quanta hostless device.
  Page 223.1.10. Help 1. Please right click on top of connection manager and select   “HelpAbout”. 2. Connection manager will pop out a “LTE Card Info” message box.  3. It will show information of IMSI number, IMEI number, Supported Bands, Current firmware version, and System package version. 4. Please click “OK” button. 5. Please right click on top of connection manager and select   “HelpShow Versions”. 6. Connection manager will pop out a “Version info” message box.  7. It will show information of System release version, SWInfra release version, and Current firmware version. 8. Please click “OK” button.
  Page 233.1.11. Reset 1. Please right click on top of connection manager and select   “Reset”. 2. Connection manager will pop out a “” message box.
ThisdeviceisintendedonlyforOEMintegratorsunderthefollowingconditions:(1)Theantennamustbeinstalledsuchthat20cmismaintainedbetweentheantennaandusers, (2)Thetransmittermodulemaynotbeco‐locatedwithanyothertransmitterorantennaexceptasdescribedbelow.(3)TocomplywithFCCregulationslimitingbothmaximumRFoutputpowerandhumanexposuretoRFradiation,themaximumantennagainincludingcablelossinamobileexposureconditionmustnotexceed:StandaloneCondition:。 5.0dBiin1700MHzBand。 9.0dBiin700MHzBandAssumingcollocatedwithaWLANtransmitterwithmaximum34dBmaverageEIRPpower。 5.0dBiin1700MHzBand。 6.0dBiin700MHzBandRemark:ThisassumptionisnotvalidiftheoutputpowerofthecollocatedWLANtransmitterishigherthan34dBm.Intheeventthattheseconditionscannotbemet(forexamplecertainlaptopconfigurationsorco‐locationwithanothertransmitter),thentheFCCauthorizationisnolongerconsideredvalidandtheFCCIDcannotbeusedonthefinalproduct.Inthesecircumstances,theOEMintegratorwillberesponsibleforre‐evaluatingtheendproduct(includingthetransmitter)andobtainingaseparateFCCauthorization.Aseparateapprovalisrequiredforallotheroperatingconfigurations,includingportableconfigurationswithrespectto2.1093anddifferentantennaconfigurations.Toensurecompliancewithallnon‐transmitterfunctions,thehostmanufacturerisresponsibleforevaluatinghostsystemforPart15subpartBrequirement.

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