Queclink Wireless Solutions GV500 GPS Locator User Manual GV500 20150918x
Queclink Wireless Solutions Co.,Ltd GPS Locator GV500 20150918x
- 1. users manual
- 2. User Manual
User Manual
GV5000 User Manuaal GSM M/GP PRS/G GPS Tracke er GV5500 User Man nual TRAC CGV500U UM001 Version:1.0 02 TRAC CGV500UM001 ‐0‐ GV5000 User Manuaal Document Title GV500 Us er manual Verssion 1.03 Datee 2015-09-155 Stattus Release Document Control ID TRACGV5500UM001 Gen neral Notes Queclink offers this information as a sservice to itts customers, to supportt application n and engiineering efforrts that use th he products deesigned by Queclink. The information provided is based uponn requiremennts specificaally providedd to Queclin nk by the customers. Queclink hass not undeertaken any inndependent search for addditional relev vant informatiion, includingg any inform mation that may be in thhe customer’s possession. F Furthermore,, system valid dation of thiss product desiigned by Q Queclink withhin a larger electronic syystem remains the responssibility of thee customer or o the custoomer’s system m integrator. All specificaations supplieed herein are subject to chaange. Cop pyright Thiss document contains prop prietary techhnical inform mation which is the propperty of Queeclink Lim mited., copyingg of this docu ument and giiving it to oth hers and the using or comm mmunication of o the conttents thereof, are forbiddeen without exxpress authorrity. Offenderrs are liable tto the paymeent of dam mages. All righhts reserved in the event oof grant of a patent or thee registration of a utility model or deesign. All speecification su upplied hereinn are subject to t change witthout notice aat any time. Copy pyright © Shanghai Quecclink Wireleess Solutionss Co., Ltd. 20 013 TRAC CGV500UM001 ‐1‐ GV5000 User Manuaal Contentss Conttents ...................................................... .............................................................. .......................... 2 Table Index .................................................. .............................................................. .......................... 3 Figure Index ................................................. .............................................................. .......................... 4 Revision historry ...................................... .............................................................. .......................... 5 0. R 1. Inntroduction ............................................. .............................................................. .......................... 6 1.1. Referen nce ..................................... .............................................................. .......................... 6 1.2. Terms and a Abbreviattions ............ .............................................................. .......................... 6 2. Prroduct Overvview ................................... .............................................................. .......................... 7 2.1. Description ................................... .............................................................. .......................... 7 2.2. Parts Lisst ....................................... .............................................................. .......................... 7 2.3. Interfacce Definition ..................... .............................................................. .......................... 8 3. G Getting Startedd ........................................ .............................................................. .......................... 0 3.1. Openingg the Case ......................... .............................................................. .......................... 0 3.2. Closing the Case ........................... .............................................................. .......................... 2 3.3. Installin ng a SIM Card d.................... .............................................................. .......................... 3 3.4. Installin ng the Interna al Backup Batttery....................................................... .......................... 3 3.5. Device Status LED ......................... .............................................................. .......................... 4 4. O OBD II-relatedd features ........................... .............................................................. .......................... 5 4.1. Commu unication Prottocols ........... .............................................................. .......................... 5 4.2. OBD II Parameters ........................ .............................................................. .......................... 5 TRAC CGV500UM001 ‐2‐ GV5000 User Manuaal Table Indeex TABLLE 1: GV500 PROTOCOL REFERENCE .................................................................................................... 6 TABLLE 2: TERMS AND A ABBREVIA ATIONS ...................................................................................................... 6 TABLLE 3: PART LISST ...................................................................................................................................... 7 TABLLE 4: DESCRIPTION OF OBD D II CONNECTIO ONS ..................................................................................... 8 TABLLE 5: DEFINITION OF DEVICE STATUS AN D LED ................................................................................... 4 TABLLE 6: COMMU UNICATION PR ROTOCOLS LISTT .......................................................................................... 5 TRAC CGV500UM001 ‐3‐ GV5000 User Manuaal Figure In ndex FIGU URE 1: APPEAR RANCE OF GV500 ............................................................................................................ 7 FIGU URE 2: THE OB BD II CONNECT TOR ON THE G GV500 .................................................................................. 8 FIGU URE 3: OPENIN NG THE CASE ...................... ............................................................................................. 1 FIGU URE 4: CLOSIN NG THE CASE ..................................................................................................................... 2 FIGU URE 5: SIM CA ARD INSTALLAT TION........................................................................................................... 3 FIGU URE 6: BACKUP BATTERY INSTALLATION .............................................................................................. 3 FIGU URE 7: GV500 LED ON THE CASE ........................................................................................................... 4 TRAC CGV500UM001 ‐4‐ GV5000 User Manuaal 0. R Revision history Revision Date Author Description of chang ge 1.000 20013-8-16 Leo L LEI Initial 1.01 20014-03-19 Cid C Xu Updated Introduction information; Updated the pictures; Updated 4.2 OBD II Parameters 1.022 20015-09-15 Abside Yu Update Document tem mplate; Update LED status an nd device picttures; TRAC CGV500UM001 ‐5‐ GV5000 User Manuaal 1. IIntroducttion The GV500 is a vehicle traccking device that plugs into a vehiclee's OBD II pport. It's com mpact n. Its internall OBD reader can obtain information ffrom the veh hicle's desiggn allows eassy installation on-bboard compuuter and relay y it over GP PRS network ks. Its built in i GPS receeiver has sup perior senssitivity and fast time to first fixx. Its quad band GPR RS/GSM subbsystem sup pports 850//900/1800/19900 MHz alllowing the GV500's loccation to bee monitored in real tim me or perioodically trackked by a bacckend serverr and mobile devices. Its built in 3-ax axis accelerom meter allow ws motion detection an nd extendedd backup battery life through sopphisticated power mannagement alggorithms. Sysstem integrattion is straig ghtforward as a complete documentatio on is provvided for the full featured @Track prootocol. The @Track protocol supports a wide varieety of repoorts includingg; emergency y, geo-fence boundary crrossings, driv ver behaviouur, low batterry or scheeduled GPS position and many other usseful function ns. 1.1.. Referenc ce Tablle 1: GV500 Protocol Refeerence SN Documen nt name Remark [1] GV500 @T Track Air Inteerface Protoc ol The aiir protocol iinterface betw ween GV500 0 and backendd server. 1.2.. Terms an nd Abbrev viations Tablle 2: Terms annd Abbreviatiions Abb breviation Descriptio on PWR External Po ower Supply GND Ground OBD On-Board Diagnostics SAE Society of Automotive Engineers HS__CAN High Speed d CAN MS__CAN Medium Sp peed CAN SW__CAN Single Wiree CAN TRAC CGV500UM001 ‐6‐ GV5000 User Manuaal 2. P Product Overview 2.1.. Description GV5500 is based on o the OBD II I interface G GPS vehicle trracking devicce, compact ddesign and eaasy to instaall. GV500 coontains an OB BD II connecctor which co omplies with J1962 standaard, a 10PIN USB connnector, an inteernal GSM an ntenna, an intternal GPS an ntenna and th hree LEDs. Figure 1. Appearan nce of GV50 00 2.2.. Parts Lis st Tablle 3: Part Listt Nam me GV5500 Locator Picture 48mm*25mm*448mm DAT TA_CABLE__M (Optionall) TRAC CGV500UM001 ‐7‐ GV5000 User Manuaal 2.3.. Interface e Definition The GV500 has an a OBD II co onnector. It coontains poweer supply and interfaces off CAN bus, K-line, L-linne and J1850 bus. The sequence annd definition of the OBD D II connecttor are show wn in folloowing figure: Figure 2. The O OBD II connector on the GV500 Tablle 4: Descripttion of OBD II I Connectionns Indeex Deescription Comment PW WR Exxternal DC power input, 8-32V L__line L line of ISO 9141, ISO 914 41-2 and ISO O 14230 HS S_CAN_L HS_CAN_H liine of ISO 11898,J1939 annd ISO 15765 MS_CAN_L MS_CAN_L liine of ISO 11898 and ISO O 15765 J1850_BUS- J11850 Bus neg gative line of J1850 PWM and J1850 VPW K__Line K line of ISO 9141, ISO 9141-2 and ISO O 14230 HS S_CAN_H HS_CAN_H liine of ISO 11898,J1939 annd ISO 15765 GN ND Poower and digital ground GN ND Poower and digital ground 10 MS_CAN_H MS_CAN_H line l of ISO 11 1898 and ISO O 15765 11 J1850_BUS+ J11850 Bus possitive line of J1850 PWM aand J1850 VP PW 12 SW W_CAN SW W_CAN of ISO 11898 an nd ISO 157655 TRAC CGV500UM001 ‐8‐ GV5500 User Manu ual 3. G Getting Sttarted 3.1.. Opening g the Case Insert the trianguular-pry-opener into the gaap of the casee as shown below, push thhe opener up until the ccase unsnapped. TRAC CGV500UM0 001 GV5500 User Manu ual Figure 3. TRAC CGV500UM0 001 Opening g the Case GV5500 User Manu ual 3.2.. Closing the t Case The battery is gluued to top co over, so beforre closing thee case you sh hould let the battery conn nector pluggged in. The step s of closing case is show wn as followiing: Clo osing the Ca ase TRAC CGV500UM0 001 GV5500 User Manu ual 3.3.. Installing g a SIM Ca ard Open the case annd ensure thee unit is not powered. Sliide the holdeer right to oppen the SIM card. Insert the SIM card into the holder as shhown below with the golld-colored coontact area facing fa wn taking caree to align the cut mark. Cloose the SIM card holder. Close the casee. dow Figure 4. SIM Card Installation 3.4.. Installing g the Interrnal Backu up Battery Figure 5. B ackup Batttery Installa ation Therre is an internnal backup Lii-ion battery. TRAC CGV500UM0 001 GV5500 User Manu ual 3.5.. Device Status LED Fiigure 6. D on the Case GV500 LED LED Device statu us LED status CEL (nnote1) Device is seaarching GSM M network Fast fflashing (Notee3) Device has registered to G GSM network k. Slow flashing (Notee4) SIM card needs pin code to unlock. ON GPS chip is powered off OFF GPS sends no n data or dataa format erro or. Slow flashing GPS chip is searching GP PS info. Fast fflashing GPS chip haas gotten GPS S info. ON No external power and innternal battery y voltage is lo ower is pow wer off. than 3.46V. GV500 OFF No externall power andd internal baattery voltag ge is below 3.55V Slow flashing External pow wer in and intternal battery y is charging Fast fflashing External pow wer in and intternal battery y is fully charg ged ON GPS (nnote 1) OBD (nnote 1) Tab ble 5: Definitiion of Device status and LED Note: GPS LED annd OBD LED D and CEL LE ED can be co onfigured to turn off afterr a period off time 1-G usinng the configuuration tool. 2-F Fast flashing is i about 60ms ON/ 780mss OFF 3-S Slow flashingg is about 60m ms ON/ 1940m ms OFF TRAC CGV500UM0 001 GV5500 User Manu ual 4. O OBD II-reelated fea atures 4.1.. Commun nication Protocols GV5500 could moonitor the OB BD II system vvia not only communication protocols which defineed by SAE E but also som me special pro otocols. The llist of protoco ols is shown as follow: No. Protoccol Com mment J1850 PWM 41.6k kb/s FORD J1850 VPW 10.4k kb/s GM/Ch hrysler ISO 91 141-2 5 Bau ud init autom matic baud ratee ISO 14 4230 5 Bau ud init 10.4kb b/s ISO 14 4230 Fast init 10.4kb/s ISO 15 5765 ID 11 1bits 500kb ISO 15 5765 ID 29 9bits 500kb ISO 15 5765 ID 11 1bits 250kb ISO 15 5765 ID 29 9bits 250kb 10 J1939 ID 29 9bit 250kb 11 CAN_ _USER1 11*b bits 125*kb 12 CAN_ _USER2 11*b bits 50*kb 13 VW TP2.0 Volkswagen CAN N protocol Table 6: Com mmunication Protocols Lisst 4.2.. OBD II Parameters GV5500 can read the following g parameters through OBD D II system. 1) Vehicle idenntification num mber (VIN): 2) OBD Power Voltage 3) Parameter iddentification (PID) 4) Revolutionss per minute of o the engine (RPM) 5) Vehicle speed 6) Engine Cooolant Temperaature 7) Fuel Consum mption 8) Distance Staatistics 9) Malfunctionn Indicator Laamp (MIL) 10) Diagnostic Trouble Codees (DTC) 11) Throttle Possition 12) Engine Loadd 13) Fuel Level Input Notee: TRAC CGV500UM0 001 GV5500 User Manu ual 1-T The VIN is thhe unique iden ntifier of Vehhicle. Please note n that not all a Vehicle suupport getting g the VIN N from OBD II I system, beccause the Vehhicle manufaccturers are responsible forr defining the data returrn from OBD D II system. 2-D Distance Statiistics: GV500 0 could get thhe distance in two cases: distance accum mulated sincee MIL L is activated and distance accumulatedd since DTCs were cleared d. TRAC CGV500UM0 001 RF Exposure Statement: For the product,under normal use condition is at least 20cm away from the b ody of the user,the user must keeping at least 20cm distance to the product. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Its operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Note: THE GRANTEE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY CHANGES OR MODIFICATIONS NOT EXPRESSLY APPROVED BY THE PARTY RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLIANCE. SUCH MODIFICATIONS COULD VOID THE USER’S AUTHORITY TO OPERATE THE EQUIPMENT This product has been tested and found to comply with the limits for Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This product generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this product does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: —Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. —Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. —Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. —Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.5 Linearized : No Encryption : Standard V4.4 (128-bit) User Access : Print, Extract, Print high-res Author : user Create Date : 2015:09:18 18:44:59+08:00 Modify Date : 2015:09:18 18:44:59+08:00 XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 4.2.1-c043 52.372728, 2009/01/18-15:08:04 Format : application/pdf Title : Microsoft Word - GV500 User Manual_20150918.docx Creator : user Creator Tool : PScript5.dll Version 5.2.2 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 9.3.2 (Windows) Document ID : uuid:c6163753-6ef3-49a5-af65-3f5042163390 Instance ID : uuid:8ba10dd3-b406-44f9-a90e-23ebc576197d Page Count : 17EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools