Rayence RYRWM001A Wireless LAN Module User Manual 0912

Rayence Co., Ltd. Wireless LAN Module 0912

User Manual

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 Conte 1.  Fea2.  Spe3.  Ext4.  Com5.  RF 6  Use         ents atures ecification terior of RWmponent MPerformaner InformatWM001A Map nce Table tion ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Pag………………………………………………………………………………………………ge 2 / 11 ……  3……  4……  5……  6……  7……  9
 1. Fea ● Qu ● XB ● IEE ● 3 x ● Min atures ualcomm-Ath140 ReferenEE 802.11ac cx 3 MIMO TeniPCI Expresheros QCA98ce Design compliant &echnology &ss 1.1 interfa880 & backward c& up to 1.3 Gce compatible wGHbps with 802.11aa/b/g/n Pagge 3 / 11
 2. Spe ProductModel NCPU Host IntNominaSupporttechnolAntennaconnectFrequenModulaData Ra(MaximTemperHumiditDimens(W x H       ecificatiot Name Name terface al Voltage t ogy a tor type ncy Range ations ate um rate) rature ty ions   x D) on Wireless LARWM001AQualcommMiniPCI-Exd.c. 3.3 V, 802.11 a/b3 x U.FL 2412 ~ 245150 ~ 525725 ~ 58OFDM: BP802.11a 802.11b 802.11g 802.11n 802.11ac 1) Op2) St1) Op2) St50.95 x 30AN ModuleA m QCA9880xpress 1.1 St4.7 W maxb/g/n/ac 72 MHz 50 MHz 25 MHz SK, QPSK, Dperating : -2orage : -40 perating : 5 orage : 90%x 3.2 mm tandard DBPSK, DQPS20 ~ 70  ℃~ 90  ℃ ~ 95% % (Max.) SK, CCK, 16-QMaximuMaximuMaximuMaximuMaximuQAM, 64-QAum 54Mbps um 11Mbps um 54Mbps um 450Mbpum 1.3Gbps PagAM, 256-QAps ge 4 / 11 M
 3. Ext                   terior of RWM0001A Pagge 5 / 11
 4.  Co   4-1. GP 4-2. mi     omponenPIO Pin MainiPCIe Slont Map apping ot Pin Assiggnment Pagge 6 / 11
 5. RF   RF2.    PerformF Type 4 GHz 802.14 GHz 802.14 GHz 802.14 GHz 802.1mance Tab1b 1g 1n HT20 1 HT40 ble Data R1 Mbp2 Mbp5.5 Mb11 Mb6 Mbp9 Mbp12 Mb18 Mb24 Mb36 Mb48 Mb54 MbMCS 0MCS 1MCS 2MCS 3MCS 4MCS 5MCS 6MCS 7MCS 0MCS 1MCS 2MCS 3MCS 4MCS 5MCS 6MCS 7Rate s s bps ps s s ps ps ps ps ps ps TX power17 dBm 16 dBm 16 dBm 13 dBm Pagr ge 7 / 11
   RF5 5 5 5 F Type GHz 802.11aGHz 802.11nGHz 802.11nGHz 802.11aa n/ac HT20 n/ac HT40 ac HT80 Data R6 Mbps9 Mbps12 Mbp18 Mbp24 Mbp36 Mbp48 Mbp54 MbpMCS 0MCS 1MCS 2MCS 3MCS 4MCS 5MCS 6MCS 7MCS 8MCS 0MCS 1MCS 2MCS 3MCS 4MCS 5MCS 6MCS 7MCS 8MCS 9MCS 0MCS 1MCS 2MCS 3MCS 4MCS 5MCS 6MCS 7MCS 8MCS 9Rate s s ps ps ps ps ps ps TX power15 dBm 15 dBm 13 dBm 11 dBm Pagr ge 8 / 11
 6. Use FederaThis eqdevice,reasonequipmand usecommuparticultelevisiouser is ● Re● Inc● Core● Co  FCC CaAny chcomplia  This detwo conmust acoperati  For proSelectio  FCC RaThis eqenviron20 cm blocated           er Informal Communquipment ha, pursuant table protecment generaed in accorunications. lar installaton receptioencourageeorient or recrease the onnect the eeceiver is consult the daution:   anges or mance could evice compnditions: (1ccept any ion. oduct availaon of otheradiation Equipment conment. Thisbetween thd or operatimation nication Coas been testo Part 15 oction againsates, uses ardance withHowever, ttion. If this eon, which ced to try to elocate theseparationequipment connected. dealer or anmodificationvoid the uslies with Pa) This devinterferenceable in the Ur channels iExposure Somplies wits equipmenhe radiator on in conjuommissionsted and foof the FCC st harmful iand can radh the instructhere is no equipment an be detecorrect the  receiving a between tinto an outn experiencns not expreser’s authoart 15 of thece may note received,USA/Canadis not possStatement:th FCC radnt should be& your bodunction withn Interfereound to comRules. Theinterferencdiate radio ctions, mayguarantee does causermined by  interferencantenna. he equipmtlet on a circed radio/Tessly approority to opere FCC Rult cause har including ida market,ible.  diation expoe installed dy. This devh any other ence Statemmply with these limits ae in a residfrequency y cause hathat interfese harmful iturning thece by one oent and recrcuit differeV techniciaoved by therate this eqes. Operatrmful interfeinterference only channosure limitsand operatvice and itsantenna oment   he limits forare designedential instaenergy anrmful interference will nterferencee equipmenof the followceiver. nt from thaan for help. e party respquipment. ion is subjeerence, ande that may nel 1~11 ca set forth foted with mins antenna(sr transmittePagr a Class Bed to providallation. Thd, if not insference to rnot occur ie to radio ont off and onwing measuat to which t ponsible forect to the fod (2) this dcause undan be operor an unconnimum dists) must not er. ge 9 / 11 digital de is stalled radio n a or n, the ures: the r ollowing evice desired ated. ntrolled tance be co-
  IC StatThis Cl  Operatinterfermay ca  Cet app  For proSelectio     IC RadThis equncontrminimu  This deany oth       IMPOR  This mothe IC c  20 cm musers fo102 radsatisfie  Any chthe use tement   ass B digition is subjerence, and ause undespareil numéoduct availaon of otherdiation Expquipment corolled envirum distanceevice and ither antennaRTANT NOTodule is intcomplianceminimum dor the host diation expod.  anges or mer's authorital apparatuect to the fo(2) this devsired operatérique de laable in the Ur channels iposure Staomplies witronment. Te 20cm betts antenna(a or transmTE: tended for Oe requiremedistance hathis modulosure limitsmodificationty to operatus compliesollowing twovice must ation of the da classe BUSA/Canadis not possatement: th IC RSS-his equipmween the r(s) must nomitter. OEM integrent of the es to be ablele is integras set forth fns not exprete this equis with Canao conditionaccept any device. est conformda market,ible. 102 radiatioment shouldradiator & yot be co-locrator. The Oend producte to be maated into. Ufor a populaessly approipment. adian ICESns: (1) this dinterferencme á la nor only channon exposur be installeyour body.cated or opeOEM integrt, which inteintained beUnder such ation/unconoved by theS-003. device mayce, includingrme NMB-0nel 1~11 care limits seted and opereration in crator is still egrates thisetween the configuratintrolled enve manufactuPagey not causeg interferen003 du Canan be opert forth for arated with conjunction  responsibs module. antenna aion, the IC vironment curer could e 10 / 11 e nce that nada. ated. an with le for nd the RSS-can be void
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