Restorative Therapies RT300-S Custom Controller w/Ipaq hx2100 PDA & Daughter PCB User Manual LB100108 RT300

Restorative Therapies Inc Custom Controller w/Ipaq hx2100 PDA & Daughter PCB LB100108 RT300


Users Manual 1 of 2

    RT300-STM system  User Guide
 RT300-S System  User Guide               Caution: Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a practitioner licensed by the law of the State in which he/she practices to use or order the use of the device.                  Part Number: LB100108 RV100608  Issue 7 [June 2005]
       Restorative Therapies Inc 2363 Boston St Baltimore, MD 21224 USA Telephone: 1-800-609-9166 Fax: 1-410-534-6263   Copyright 2005 Restorative Therapies Inc     All rights reserved.  No part of this document covered by the copyright herein may be reproduced or copied by any means or in any form without the written consent of Restorative Therapies Inc. Any software furnished under the license may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms set forth in the license agreement contract.  Restorative Therapies Inc reserves the right to amend, modify, or revise all or part of this document without notice and shall not be responsible for any loss, cost, or damage, including but not limited to consequential damage, caused by the reliance of the information contained herein.  Restorative Therapies Inc reserves the right to make changes in the product design without reservation and without notification to its users.  All other products and company names herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Contents  2005 Restorative Therapies Inc RT300-S User Manual • iii Contents Introduction ...................................................................................................................5 About this Guide ...................................................................................................................... 5 What You Need to Know Before You Start ........................................................................... 5 Indications for Use................................................................................................................... 5 Contraindication....................................................................................................................... 5 Warnings, Precautions and Safety Measures...............................................................6 Warnings................................................................................................................................. 6 Precautions ............................................................................................................................. 6 Adverse Reactions................................................................................................................... 7 Safety Measures...................................................................................................................... 8 Electrical Safety .................................................................................................................. 8 Environment........................................................................................................................ 8 Parts and Operation ............................................................................................................ 8 Electrostatic Discharge........................................................................................................ 9 Electromagnetic Interference ............................................................................................... 9 RTI Technical Support ........................................................................................................... 11 Terms used in this guide ........................................................................................................ 11 RT300-S System ..........................................................................................................12 What is the RT300-S System used for? .................................................................................. 12 Parts of the RT300-S System .................................................................................................12 Surface Electrodes ............................................................................................................ 13 Setting Up the Equipment ...........................................................................................14 RT300-S System Overview .................................................................................................... 14 RT300-S System Overview .................................................................................................... 15 Standard RT300-S Equipment ........................................................................................... 15 Optional RT300-S Equipment ............................................................................................ 16 RT300-SP Ergometer for Pediatrics ................................................................................... 16 Assembling the RT300-S ....................................................................................................... 17 Checking the Parts............................................................................................................ 17 Fitting the safety handle mount and extension.................................................................... 17 Fitting the safety handle..................................................................................................... 18 Fitting the controller / stimulator ......................................................................................... 19 Adjusting the pedal crank radius ........................................................................................ 20 Adjusting pediatric pedals.................................................................................................. 21 Base of support................................................................................................................. 24 Fitting the wheelchair restraints.......................................................................................... 24 Connecting the Power ....................................................................................................... 24 Fitting the equipment ..................................................................................................26 Using Surface Electrodes....................................................................................................... 26 Surface Electrode Placement Precautions.......................................................................... 26 Caring for Surface Electrodes............................................................................................ 26 Fitting the Surface Electrodes.................................................................................................27 Where to Place Surface Electrodes.................................................................................... 28 Connecting the surface electrodes to the ergometer................................................................ 29 Stimulation Cable Set............................................................................................................. 29 Connecting the Surface Electrodes .................................................................................... 30 Using the RT300-S System..........................................................................................31 Initial setup ............................................................................................................................ 31 Calibrate the touch screen .................................................................................................31 Set the time and date ........................................................................................................ 32 Positioning on the Ergometer .................................................................................................33 Setting the distance........................................................................................................... 33 Using the Calf Rests and Footrests.................................................................................... 33 Using the wheelchair restraints .......................................................................................... 34
Contents  iv • RT300-S User Manual 2005 Restorative Therapies Inc Using the Controller................................................................................................................35 Therapy Sessions...................................................................................................................37 How the therapy session progresses ..................................................................................37 Inbuilt Safety Measures......................................................................................................37 Handling Muscle Spasm.....................................................................................................38 Starting and Stopping a Therapy Session...........................................................................38 Data display graph.............................................................................................................40 Adjusting stimulation parameters........................................................................................41 Troubleshooting ..........................................................................................................44 Resetting the Controller..........................................................................................................44 Care of the RT300-S System .......................................................................................45 Cleaning and Maintenance .....................................................................................................45 Storing the RT300-S...............................................................................................................45 Moving the RT300-S System ..................................................................................................45 Shipping Instructions..................................................................................................46 Symbols .......................................................................................................................46 Technical Specifications .............................................................................................47 RT300-S Ergometer Limited Warranty (USA)...............................................48 Limited Warranty, Terms and Conditions ........................................................................48 A. Introduction ...............................................................................................................48 B. Enquiries and Warranty Service ..............................................................................48 C. Your Warranties and Rights .....................................................................................48 D. Warranty limitations .................................................................................................49 E. Restrictions on product use......................................................................................49 F. Keywords ....................................................................................................................49
Introduction  2005 Restorative Therapies Inc RT300-S User Guide • 5 Introduction About this Guide This guide explains how to use the RT300-S System in your own home.  It contains information about how to: • apply proper safety measures when you use the system • set up and use the equipment • fix any basic problems that may occur What You Need to Know Before You Start Before you start using the RT300-S System: • read this guide – in particular, check the Indications for Use, Contraindication, and Warnings, Precautions and Safety Measures sections of this guide • talk to your clinician who will provide training to help you get started and explain how the Warnings, Precautions and Safety Measures relate to you. Indications for Use The RT300-S is indicated for: 1. Relaxation of muscle spasms 2. Prevention or retardation of disuse atrophy 3. Increasing local blood circulation 4. Maintaining or increasing range of motion Powered muscle stimulators should only be used under medical supervision for adjunctive therapy for the treatment of medical diseases and conditions. Contraindication Powered muscle stimulators should not be used on patients with other implanted devices (including cardiac demand pacemakers or electronic baclofen pumps).
Warnings, Precautions and Safety Measures  6 • RT300-S User Manual 2005 Restorative Therapies Inc Warnings, Precautions and Safety Measures Read this section carefully so you understand how to use the RT300-S System safely.  Before you start using the RT300-S System, talk to your clinician about the information in this chapter. The RT300-S generates currents sufficient to cause electrocution if used improperly. Warnings  If the patient’s blood pressure or heart rate reaches a level that the clinician considers to be a compromise to safety, or if the patient feels faint or nauseated, the session should be stopped immediately and appropriate medical action should be taken.  If the patient begins to feel light-headed or nauseated, stop the treatment immediately.    1. Some medical conditions can be aggravated by physical activity.  If symptoms of a medical condition occur during or after a therapy session, consult your clinician immediately.  2. If directed by the clinician, the patient’s blood pressure and heart rate should be  monitored during the therapy session.  3. The long-term effects of chronic electrical stimulation are unknown.  4. The long term effects of electrical stimulation on a pregnant individual (mother and baby) are unknown.  5. Stimulation should not be applied over the carotid sinus nerves, particularly in patients with a known sensitivity to the carotid sinus reflex.  6. Stimulation should not be applied over the neck or mouth.  Severe spasm of the laryngeal and pharyngeal muscles may occur and the contractions may be strong enough to close the airway or cause difficulty in breathing.  7. Stimulation should not be applied trans-thoracically (across the upper body) in that the introduction of electrical current into the heart may cause cardiac arrhythmias.  8. Stimulation should not be applied trans-cerebrally (to the head).  9. Stimulation should not be applied over swollen, infected, or inflamed areas or skin eruptions, e.g. phlebitis, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, etc.  10. Stimulation should not be applied over, or in proximity to, cancerous lesions. Precautions 1. Safety of powered muscle stimulators for use during pregnancy has not been established.   2.   Caution should be used for patients with suspected or diagnosed heart problems. 3. Caution should be used for patients with suspected or diagnosed epilepsy. 4. Caution should be used in the presence of the following: a. when there is a tendency to hemorrhage following acute trauma or fracture;
Warnings, Precautions and Safety Measures  2005 Restorative Therapies Inc RT300-S User Guide • 7 b. following recent surgical procedures when muscle contraction may disrupt the healing process; c. over the menstruating or pregnant uterus; d. history of uncontrolled autonomic dysreflexia; e. history of lower limb stress fractures and f. history of severe spasticity or spastic response to application of electrical stimulation. 5. Some patients may experience skin irritation or hypersensitivity due to the electrical stimulation or electrical conductive medium (gel).  The irritation can usually be reduced by using a sensitive skin electrode or an alternative electrode placement. 6. Some patients may be prone to thermal dysregulation.  Episodes of thermal dysregulation are usually less pronounced when exercising in an environment controlled for temperature and humidity.   Attention should be paid to hydration and limiting the duration and intensity of exercise in intemperate environments. 7. Electrode placement and stimulation settings should be based on the guidance of the prescribing practitioner. 8. Powered muscle stimulators should be kept out of the reach of children.  Children should only use this device under adult supervision.  Never leave the RT300-S unattended when children are present. 9. Powered muscle stimulators should be used only with the leads and electrodes recommended for use by the manufacturer. Adverse Reactions Autonomic Dysreflexia Individuals with a spinal cord injury at or above the T6 level are prone to episodes of autonomic dysreflexia.  These episodes may be triggered by electrical stimulation.  If you have a spinal cord injury, it is important that you discuss this with your clinician and understand how autonomic dysreflexia may impact you: Ø know how to recognize the signs of autonomic dysreflexia Ø know how to react if it occurs, including stopping electrical stimulation   To reduce the chances of experiencing autonomic dysreflexia the following precautions should be followed:  Ø Empty bladder and bowels before commencing a therapy session with the RT300-S. Ø Do NOT use the RT300-S if you have a bladder infection or fever.    IMPORTANT NOTE:  Care in noting any symptoms of Autonomic Dysreflexia should be taken during every therapy session.   Autonomic Dysreflexia could occur during any session even if you have not experienced it recently or in prior therapy sessions.   IMPORTANT NOTE TO PARENTS: The most common signs of dysreflexia in children include headache, dizziness, blurred vision, redness of the face, neck, and/or ears, and feeling hot.   Sometimes individuals will also report goose bumps, an upset stomach, or tingling feelings.  Consult your child’s physician for more information on how to recognize these symptoms.  If any of these symptoms occur stop the therapy session immediately.
Warnings, Precautions and Safety Measures  8 • RT300-S User Manual 2005 Restorative Therapies Inc Skin irritation and burns Skin irritation and burns beneath the electrodes have been reported with the use of powered muscle stimulators. Safety Measures Electrical Safety • Avoid flammable anesthetics:  Never use the equipment where there is a flammable anesthetic mixture containing air, oxygen or nitrous oxide. • Connecting the system:  Connect the system parts only in the way described in this guide.  Do not try to connect or disconnect any parts while the system is turned on. • Other equipment:  Do not use the system with any equipment not supplied by Restorative Therapies Inc as doing so could affect the electrical safety of the system. • System parts:  The system contains complex electronic parts.  The casings must not be opened by anyone other than qualified service personnel or the warranty will no longer apply.  Also, if you attempt to make repairs yourself, you might be seriously injured.  Environment • Use a stable surface:  Position the motorized ergometer on an even, anti-slip surface so the equipment is stable and does not move during use. • Use an anti-slip device:  As an added precaution, you may wish to use an anti-slip device (e.g. mat, etc) to make sure your wheelchair does not slip backwards during very active therapy. • Avoid wet areas:  Never use the RT300-S Cycle Ergometer in wet or damp areas. • Avoid heat sources:  Place the RT300-S Cycle Ergometer equipment away from heat sources such as radiators, stoves, etc, or other objects that produce heat. • Arrange the power cord carefully:  Arrange the power cord so it will not be walked or tripped on, or damaged by objects being placed on it. • Use the correct line voltage:  Make sure you connect the RT300-S Cycle Ergometer to a grounded (earthed) power outlet that uses the voltage shown on the product label. • Follow extension cord ratings:  If you plan to use an extension cord, make sure the plug has three pins (i.e. the plug includes a third, protective earth pin).  Parts and Operation • Isolation from supply mains:  The RT300-S Cycle Ergometer can be disconnected from the mains power supply by disconnecting the power supply cord from the RT300-S • Do not use the controller for other purposes:  Do not use the controller for any other purposes – for example, to store documents or images as it may alter how the controller works. • Do not use other controllers:  Do not use another person’s controller as each controller is specifically programmed to suit an individual’s requirements.  Using another person’s controller may lead to incorrect or excessive stimulation. • Before use:  before using the RT300-S Cycle Ergometer for the first time or after it has been transported over a long distance, allow it to stand for about 1 hour at room temperature. • After a long absence:  If you do not use the RT300-S Cycle Ergometer system for a prolonged period (e.g. a few months), you may find your progress is affected.  If this occurs, it is important to see your clinician for re-evaluation and, perhaps, re-training before you start using the system again.
Warnings, Precautions and Safety Measures  2005 Restorative Therapies Inc RT300-S User Guide • 9 • Handle with care:  Handle the various parts of the RT300-S Cycle Ergometer system with care to reduce the risk of dropping and damaging the equipment.  Do not stand on the footrests or the device’s plastic motor covers. • Check for wear and tear:  Each time you use the RT300-S Cycle Ergometer, carefully inspect all the parts first.  If you notice any damage – such as cracks or breaks in the covering of a cable – stop using the system and contact RTI Technical Support. • Do not handle or adjust the pedals when the RT300-S Cycle Ergometer system is switched on. • Moving parts:  Keep hands well away from the pedals while the machine is in operation. • Report changes:  If you find any changes occur in how the RT300-S Cycle Ergometer operates, stop using the system and contact your clinician or RTI Technical Support. Ø Repairs to the RT300-S must only be carried out by properly trained specialists. Ø If the RT300-S is damaged or faulty or if it produces abnormal noises or smells, stop the therapy session immediately, unplug the power cord and contact your service technician. • Clothing:  Dress comfortably to allow for the appropriate range of motion in the legs and / or arms.  Avoid wearing clothing that may catch on the moving parts of the system.  Electrostatic Discharge A discharge of static electricity could damage: • electrical parts of the system • software programs on the controller If static electricity is present, touch a metal part of the ergometer before fitting any parts or touching the controller.  Examples of where static electricity might occur are: • putting clothes on over your head • in very low humidity  Electromagnetic Compatiility The RT300-S needs special precautions regarding EMC and needs to be installed and put in service according to the EMC information provided in the User Guide. The use of accessories and cables other than those specified with the exception of accessories and cables sold by the manufacturer of the RT300-S as replacement parts for internal components, may result in increased emissions or decreased immunity of the RT300-S.  Electromagnetic interference (EMI) from sources such as radio and TV stations, amateur radio (HAM) transmitters, two-way radios, and cellular phones can affect the RT300-S Cycle Ergometer. a. Portable and mobile RF communications equipment can affect the RT300-S  b. Do not operate handheld transceivers such as citizens band (CB) radios while operating the RT300-S c. Be aware of nearby transmitters, such as radio or TV stations d.  Keep the RT300-S at least 20ft away from microwave ovens
Warnings, Precautions and Safety Measures  2005 Restorative Therapies Inc RT300-S User Guide • 11 RTI Technical Support Restorative Therapies Inc (RTI) offers a technical support service to provide troubleshooting help when: • you have read this guide but are experiencing difficulties with the RT300-S System  • the system is due for a maintenance service • you need to order replacement parts Contact RTI Technical Support:  • via email to  • by calling 1-800-609-9166  Terms used in this guide Term  What it Means BlueTooth  A wireless, automatic means by which electronic devices connect to each other.  BlueTooth devices communicate with each other on a standard band or range of radio frequency called the ISM (industrial, scientific and medical) devices band. controller   A computerized panel used to control the RT300-S System. FES  Functional Electrical Stimulation  Important information or help. RTI  Restorative Therapies, Inc Calf or leg  The limb segment between the knee and ankle. surface electrode  An electrode (adhesive pad) that is attached to the skin surface to stimulate a group of muscles.  Each surface electrode connects to the RT300-S System via the stimulation cable. Thigh  The limb segment between the hip and knee. Torso  The part of the body from the shoulders to the waist. Type BF Applied Part This term is used in the “IEC 60601-1” electrical safety standard.  It applies to the parts of a medical device that must physically touch a person to carry out the device’s intended function.   Applied Parts are Type B, or Type BF, or Type CF depending on the nature of the device and the type of contact.  Each type has different requirements for protecting people against electrical shock. Table 1: Terms used in this guide
RT300-S System  12 • RT300-S User Manual 2005 Restorative Therapies Inc RT300-S System What is the RT300-S System used for? The RT300-S System is a motorized therapy system, which you use for: • passive therapy – with motor power, and • active therapy – with electrical stimulation applied to your muscles The system is designed to provide a therapy routine prescribed by your clinician. Parts of the RT300-S System Table 2 shows a list of the RT300-S System’s parts: Part Part Number RT300-S system RT300-S  FA100052  RT300-SP (Pediatric)  FA100053 Controller / Stimulator  SA100090 Controller / Stimulator mounting plate  PP100271 Controller / Stimulator power cable  PP100206 Power cord (USA)  SA100110 Stimulation cable  SA100091 Rectangle surface electrodes 2”x3.5” Qty 4  FA100015 Velcro pedal straps  PP100124 Velcro calf support straps  PP100125 Wheelchair restraint strap  PP100458 RT300-S System User Guide (this document)  LB100108 Warranty card LB100109 Table 2: RT300-S System parts and part numbers   If a part is damaged or lost, use the part number to order a new one from Restorative Therapies Inc.  Please call or use our web store at
RT300-S System  2005 Restorative Therapies Inc RT300-S User Guide • 13 Surface Electrodes You should replace your surface electrodes after approximately 15 uses to ensure good adhesion and connectivity.  Be especially careful to monitor the condition of the electrodes that you use on your gluteal muscles as these are subject to more wear and skin burns are reported to be more likely here. Table 3 shows the description and part number for ordering surface electrodes from RTI. Contact RTI to order new electrodes or via the web at  Part  RTI Part Number Size:  2” x 2”  PP100418 Standard electrode: Size:  2” x 3.5”  FA100015 Size:  3” x 4”  PP100419 Size:  3” x 5” oval  PP100420 Size 2” x 2” (sensitive skin)  PP100421  Table 3: Recommended surface electrode details Selecting the right electrodes Electrodes need to be selected that best fits the size of your muscles - your clinician will assist you in selecting the correct electrodes for your body. The quadriceps and hamstrings typically require larger electrodes than the gluteals.  Usually your clinician will try to cover a good portion of the muscle without allowing the electrodes to touch and without covering other muscles that are not to be stimulated.
Setting Up the Equipment  14 • RT300-S User Manual 2005 Restorative Therapies Inc Setting Up the Equipment Surface  electrode Power cord (USA)      Base unit Toolkit Safety handle mount   Safety handle extension with cable Safety handle  Controller / stimulator  Stimulation cable Wheelchair restraint (1 of 2)   Adult pedal (1of 2)     or  Pediatric pedal (1 of 2)
Setting Up the Equipment  2005 Restorative Therapies Inc RT300-S User Guide • 15 RT300-S System Overview Standard RT300-S Equipment Standard RT300-S equipment is: • motorized cycle ergometer • controller / stimulator and mounting plate • 12 skin surface electrodes • stimulation cable for connecting the skin surface electrodes to the controller / stimulator • wheelchair restraints for securing the wheelchair to the RT300-S • power cord Figure 1 shows the standard equipment and features.     Figure 1: RT300-S system components You use the RT300-S System from your wheelchair, with your feet secured in the pedals and your legs supported by the calf rests. Surface electrodes placed on your skin over particular muscle groups are connected to the ergometer by a set of cables. Controller / stimulator Handle mount Handles Wheelchair restraint Pedal (adult)  Handle extension Height adjustment knob Rollers Calf rests attached to pedals
Setting Up the Equipment  16 • RT300-S User Manual 2005 Restorative Therapies Inc Software on the controller controls the stimulation patterns sent to your legs, producing a smooth pedaling motion.  It is recommended you always wear shoes (e.g. running shoes) when using the RT300-S System.   Optional RT300-S Equipment You can add the ergometer platform if you need to raise the height of the whole ergometer.   Contact RTI  for more information on purchasing the ergometer platform or visit the store at Figure 2  Ergometer platform with adjustable height legs, FA 100019  RT300-SP Ergometer for Pediatrics The RT300-SP is the pediatric version of the RT300-S.  It includes as standard equipment: • handles which can be adjusted to a lower height than the handles on the adult ergometer • a different pedal system that is adjustable for smaller feet and limbs This system is intended for children aged from 4 to 12 years old.
Setting Up the Equipment  2005 Restorative Therapies Inc RT300-S User Guide • 17 Assembling the RT300-S Checking the Parts Before you start assembling the ergometer, unpack all of the parts and: 1. Check to make sure none of the parts are damaged or missing.  See page 12 for details on all parts.   If any of parts are damaged, missing contact RTI Technical Support immediately.  Do not use the system.  Fitting the safety handle mount and extension To fit the support arm: 1. Place the base unit of the ergometer on a flat, even surface.    Figure 3: Base unit of the ergometer 2. Slide the safety handle extension into the safety handle mount as shown in Figure 4.  Ensure that the Controller power cable also passes completely through.  Figure 4 Slide the safety handle extension into the safety handle mount 3. Hold the safety handle mount with the height adjustment knob facing you. 4. Slide the safety handle mount forks over the encased sheave being careful not to trap the Controller power cable. 5. Connect the Controller power cable to the cable protruding from the base unit.  6. Slide the support arm down until the bolt holes on the forks align with the bolt holes on the sheave casing being careful not to trap or cut the Controller power cable.   There are two bolt holes on each fork and two corresponding bolt holes on each side of the sheave casing.
Setting Up the Equipment  18 • RT300-S User Manual 2005 Restorative Therapies Inc   Figure 5: Bolt holes aligned 7. Screw the bolts into the bolt holes and tighten each bolt using the Allen (Hex) Key provided.  Figure 6  Allen (Hex) key  It may be necessary to loosen the lower bolts and rotate the whole assembly.  Figure 7: Tightening a bolt with the Allen (Hex) Key Fitting the safety handle 1. Fit the safety handle to the safety handle extension using the two bolts supplied.   Figure 8: Fitting the safety handle  Safety handle retaining bolts (x 2)
Setting Up the Equipment  2005 Restorative Therapies Inc RT300-S User Guide • 19 Fitting the controller / stimulator 1.  Fit the Controller mounting plate to the safety handle assembly using the hex bolts supplied as shown in Figure 9.  Figure 9  Controller Mounting Plate 2.  Fit the Controller to the Controller mounting plate using the three screws supplied. 3.  Plug the Controller power cable into the back of the Controller. Mounting plate hex bolts
Setting Up the Equipment  20 • RT300-S User Manual 2005 Restorative Therapies Inc Adjust the height of the safety handles When you use the RT300-S System, you need to sit upright, and be able to comfortably reach and use the handles and controller. The safety handle’s extension section can be moved up or down to a height that suits you. To adjust the height of the safety handles: 1. Turn the height adjustment knob counter-clockwise until the handle extension section is loose.  Figure 10: Adjusting the height 2. Slide the handle extension section to the height you require. 3. Turn the height adjustment knob clockwise until the handle extension section locks into place.  Adjusting the pedal crank radius The pedal crank radius can be adjusted as shown in Figure 11  1. Open the locking pin 2. Move the footrest to the desired position on the crank and tighten the locking pin firmly! 3. Adjust the opposite pedal in the same way.    Figure 11 Pedal crank radius adjustment    Make sure that the crank lengths on both sides are equal. Depending on the nature of the patient’s condition, asymmetrical crank lengths may sometimes be of benefit. With an amputated leg it can be necessary to remove one pedal completely.  Locking pin
Setting Up the Equipment  2005 Restorative Therapies Inc RT300-S User Guide • 21  Adjusting pediatric pedals Two hex wrenches are provided for adjusting the pediatric pedals.  Figure 12  Pediatric pedal adjustment tools The angle of the calf rest can be adjusted in three dimensions as shown in Figure 13.    Figure 13  Calf support angle adjustment
Setting Up the Equipment  22 • RT300-S User Manual 2005 Restorative Therapies Inc   The plastic foot plate can be removed by detaching it from the retaining Velcro.  The angle of the plastic foot plate can be adjusted by reattaching it at the required angle using the retaining Velcro provided. Figure 14  Foot plate angle adjustment  Make sure that the plastic foot plate is firmly attached by the Velcro.  Press firmly!  The position of the calf rest on the foot plate assembly can be adjusted as shown in Figure 15 (inner, middle and outer positions).  Figure 15 Calf rest position adjustment The height of the calf rest can be adjusted as shown in Figure 16.      Figure 16  Calf rest height adjustment
Setting Up the Equipment  2005 Restorative Therapies Inc RT300-S User Guide • 23   Figure 17 Calf rest angle adjustment The height of the foot rest assembly can be adjusted as shown in Figure 18.         Figure 18 Foot plate assembly height adjustment The feet must be strapped into place within the plastic foot rests using the Velcro straps shown in Figure 19.  Figure 19 Foot straps
Setting Up the Equipment  24 • RT300-S User Manual 2005 Restorative Therapies Inc Base of support The stability of the RT300-S can be increased by extending the base of support.   To extend the base of support: 1. Tip the RT300-S up over on its castors 2. Loosen the two hex bolts with the hex key provided 3. Pull out the cross bar as far as needed but do not extend it beyond the mark.   Figure 20 Hex bolts and cross bar for stability adjustment  Fitting the wheelchair restraints To fit the wheelchair restraints: 1. Place nylon washer over wheelchair restraint attachment point on crossbar 2. Bolt the wheelchair restraint to the crossbar and tighten 3. Repeat for the other side of the crossbar  Figure 21  Fitting wheelchair restraint  Connecting the Power To connect the power: 1. Use the power cord provided to connect the RT300-S System to a power outlet. 2. The system is intended to be left connected to a power outlet so that the Controller’s internal battery remains charged.  The system will automatically switch off shortly after a therapy session so it is not necessary to disconnect the power.   Hex bolts Cross bar
Setting Up the Equipment  2005 Restorative Therapies Inc RT300-S User Guide • 25  Figure 22: Power connection   Never pull on the power cord.  Always grip and pull the plug to disconnect the power cord from the power outlet.

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