Robert Bosch Car Multimedia LCN20 Radio Navigation System with Bluetooth User Manual No Job Name

Robert Bosch Car Multimedia GmbH Radio Navigation System with Bluetooth No Job Name

08 user guide

JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 231 SESS: 5 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 22 15:15:24 2012 SUM: 4C74EEC4/nissan_pdm/nissancims/owners/asd/og●Keep the antenna wire more than 8 in(20 cm) away from the electronic con-trol system harnesses. Do not route theantenna wire next to any harness.●Adjust the antenna standing-wave ratioas recommended by the manufacturer.●Connect the ground wire from the CBradio chassis to the body.●For details, consult a NISSAN dealer.WARNING●Use a phone after stopping your vehiclein a safe location. If you have to use aphone while driving, exercise extremecaution at all times so full attention maybe given to vehicle operation.●If you are unable to devote full attentionto vehicle operation while talking onthe phone, pull off the road to a safelocation and stop your vehicle.CAUTIONTo avoid discharging the vehicle battery,use a phone after starting the engine.BLUETOOTHTHANDS-FREE PHONESYSTEM WITHOUT NAVIGATIONSYSTEM (Type A) (if so equipped)module=COM_BT-GEN3-INTRO.13ALT itdseq=525ENTITY=WK0141ENTITY=WA0050ENTITY=WC0050ENTITY=WF0140ENTITY=WU0242ENTITY=WI0877Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-69ZREVIEW COPY—2013 Altima Sedan (asd)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)03/22/12—rootX
JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 232 SESS: 5 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 22 15:15:24 2012 SUM: 2ABEA9EC/nissan_pdm/nissancims/owners/asd/ogYour NISSAN is equipped with the BluetoothTHands-Free Phone System. If you have a com-patible BluetoothTenabled cellular phone, youcan set up the wireless connection between yourcellular phone and the in-vehicle phone module.With BluetoothTwireless technology, you canmake or receive a hands-free telephone call withyour cellular phone in the vehicle.Once your cellular phone is connected to thein-vehicle phone module, no other phone con-necting procedure is required. Your phone isautomatically connected with the in-vehiclephone module when the ignition switch is placedin the ON position with the previously connectedcellular phone turned on and carried in the ve-hicle.NOTE:Some devices require the user to acceptconnections to other BluetoothTdevices. Ifyour phone does not connect automaticallyto the system, consult the phone’s Owner’sManual for details on device operation.You can connect up to 5 different BluetoothTcellular phones to the in-vehicle phone module.However, you can talk on only one cellular phoneat a time.Before using the BluetoothTHands-Free PhoneSystem, refer to the following notes.●Set up the wireless connection between acompatible cellular phone and the in-vehiclephone module before using the hands-freephone system.●Some BluetoothTenabled cellular phonesmay not be recognized or work properly.Please visit a recommended phone list and connect-ing instructions.●You will not be able to use a hands-freephone under the following conditions:LHA2289art=lha2289 TRANSLATE4-70 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZREVIEW COPY—2013 Altima Sedan (asd)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)03/22/12—rootX
JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 233 SESS: 5 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 22 15:15:24 2012 SUM: 58BE1778/nissan_pdm/nissancims/owners/asd/og– Your vehicle is outside of the cellular ser-vice area.– Your vehicle is in an area where it isdifficult to receive a cellular signal; suchas in a tunnel, in an underground parkinggarage, near a tall building or in a moun-tainous area.– Your cellular phone is locked to prevent itfrom being dialed.●When the radio wave condition is not idealor ambient sound is too loud, it may bedifficult to hear the other person’s voice dur-ing a call.●Do not place the cellular phone in an areasurrounded by metal or far away from thein-vehicle phone module to prevent tonequality degradation and wireless connectiondisruption.●While a cellular phone is connected throughthe BluetoothTwireless connection, the bat-tery power of the cellular phone may dis-charge quicker than usual. The BluetoothTHands-Free Phone System cannot chargecellular phones.●If the hands-free phone system seems to bemalfunctioning, see “Troubleshooting guide”in this section. You can also for trouble-shooting help.●Some cellular phones or other devices maycause interference or a buzzing noise tocome from the audio system speakers. Stor-ing the device in a different location mayreduce or eliminate the noise.●Refer to the cellular phone Owner’s Manualregarding the telephone charges, cellularphone antenna and body, etc.REGULATORY INFORMATIONFCC Regulatory information– CAUTION: To maintain compliance withFCC’s RF exposure guidelines, use only thesupplied antenna. Unauthorized antenna,modification, or attachments could damagethe transmitter and may violate FCC regula-tions.– Operation is subject to the following two con-ditions:1. This device may not cause interference and2. this device must accept any interference,including interference that may cause unde-sired operation of the device.IC Regulatory information– Operation is subject to the following two con-ditions: (1) this device may not cause interfer-ence, and (2) this device must accept anyinterference, including interference that maycause undesired operation of the device.– This Class B digital apparatus meets all re-quirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations.BLUETOOTHtis atrademark owned byBluetooth SIG, Inc.and licensed to Vis-teon.USING THE SYSTEMThe NISSAN Voice Recognition system allowshands-free operation of the BluetoothTPhoneSystem.If the vehicle is in motion, some commands maynot be available so full attention may be given tovehicle operation.InitializationWhen the ignition switch is placed in the ONposition, NISSAN Voice Recognition is initialized,module=COM_BT-GEN3-REGULATORY-INFO itdseq=526module=COM_BT-GEN3-USE itdseq=527module=COM_BT-GEN3-INITIALIZATION itdseq=528Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-71ZREVIEW COPY—2013 Altima Sedan (asd)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)03/22/12—rootX
JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 234 SESS: 5 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 22 15:15:24 2012 SUM: 50D30EEE/nissan_pdm/nissancims/owners/asd/ogwhich takes a few seconds. If the button ispressed before the initialization completes, thesystem will announce “Hands-free phone systemnot ready” and will not react to voice commands.Operating tipsTo get the best performance out of the NISSANVoice Recognition system, observe the following:●Keep the interior of the vehicle as quiet aspossible. Close the windows to eliminatesurrounding noises (traffic noises, vibrationsounds, etc.), which may prevent the systemfrom recognizing voice commands correctly.●Wait until the tone sounds before speaking acommand. Otherwise, the command will notbe received properly.●Start speaking a command within 5 secondsafter the tone sounds.●Speak in a natural voice without pausingbetween words.Giving voice commandsTo operate NISSAN Voice Recognition, pressand release the button located on thesteering wheel. After the tone sounds, speak acommand.The command given is picked up by the micro-phone, and voice feedback is given when thecommand is accepted.●If you need to hear the available commandsfor the current menu again, say “Help” andthe system will repeat them.●If a command is not recognized, the systemannounces, “Command not recognized.Please try again.”Make sure the command issaid exactly as prompted by the system andrepeat the command in a clear voice.●If you want to go back to the previous com-mand, you can say “Go back” or “Correc-tion” any time the system is waiting for aresponse.●You can cancel a command when the sys-tem is waiting for a response by saying,“Cancel” or “Quit.” The system announces“Cancel” and ends the VR session. You canalso press and hold the button on thesteering wheel for 5 seconds at any time toend the VR session. Whenever the VR ses-sion is cancelled, a double beep is played toindicate you have exited the system.●If you want to adjust the volume of the voicefeedback, press the volume control switches(+ or -) on the steering wheel while beingprovided with feedback. You can also usethe radio volume control knob.●In most cases you can interrupt the voicefeedback to speak the next command bypressing the button on the steeringwheel.●To use the system faster, you may speak thesecond level commands with the main menucommand on the main menu. For example,press the button and after the tonesay, “Call Redial.”How to say numbersNISSAN Voice Recognition requires a certainway to speak numbers in voice commands. Referto the following rules and examples.●Either “zero” or “oh” can be used for “0”.Example: 1-800-662-6200– “One eight oh oh six six two six two ohoh”, or– “One eight zero zero six six two six two ohoh”●Words can be used for the first 4 digitsplaces only.module=COM_BT-GEN3-OP-TIPS itdseq=529module=COM_BT-GEN3-GIVE-VOICE.13ALT itdseq=530module=COM_BT-GEN3-HTSN itdseq=5314-72 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZREVIEW COPY—2013 Altima Sedan (asd)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)03/22/12—rootX
JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 235 SESS: 5 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 22 15:15:24 2012 SUM: 2E7485AD/nissan_pdm/nissancims/owners/asd/ogExample: 1-800-662-6200– “One eight hundred six six two six two ohoh”,– NOT “One eight hundred six six two sixtytwo hundred,” and– NOT “One eight oh oh six six two sixty twohundred”●Numbers can be spoken in small groups.The system will prompt you to continue en-tering digits, if desired.Example: 1-800-662-6200– “One eight zero zero”The system repeats the numbers andprompts you to enter more.– “six six two”The system repeats the numbers andprompts you to enter more.– “six two zero zero”●Say “pound” for “#”. Say “star” for “*” (avail-able when using the “Special Number” com-mand and the “Send” command during acall).See “List of voice commands” and “Specialnumber” in this section for more information.Example: 1-555-1212 *123– “One five five five one two one two starone two three”●Say “plus” for “+” (available only when usingthe “Special Number” command).●Say “pause” for a 2-second pause (availableonly when storing a phone book number).NOTE:For best results, say phone numbers assingle digits.The voice command “Help” is available at anytime. Please use the “Help” command to getinformation on how to use the system. CONTROL BUTTONSThe control buttons for the BluetoothTHands-Free Phone System are located on the steeringwheel.PHONE/SENDPress the button to initiatea VR session or answer an incom-ing call.LHA2273module=COM_BT-GEN3-CTRL-BUTTONS.13ALT itdseq=532art=lha2273 NO TRANSMonitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-73ZREVIEW COPY—2013 Altima Sedan (asd)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)03/22/12—rootX
JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 236 SESS: 5 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 22 15:15:24 2012 SUM: 4DCFD953/nissan_pdm/nissancims/owners/asd/ogYou can also use the buttonto interrupt the system feedbackand give a command at once. See“List of voice commands” and“During a call” in this section formore information.PHONE/ENDWhile the Voice Recognition sys-tem is active, press and holdthe button for 5 seconds toquit the Voice Recognition systemat any time.ENTER button / tuning switchWhile using the Voice Recogni-tion system, tilt the tuning switchup or down to manually controlthe phone system. Press the EN-TER button to select an option onthe display screen.GETTING STARTEDThe following procedures will help you getstarted using the BluetoothTHands-Free PhoneSystem with NISSAN Voice Recognition. For ad-ditional command options, refer to “List of voicecommands” in this section.Choosing a languageYou can interact with the BluetoothTHands-FreePhone System using English, Spanish or French.To change the language, perform the following.1. Press and hold the button for morethan 5 seconds.2. The system announces: “Press thePHONE/SEND ( ) button for thehands-free phone system to enter the voiceadaptation mode or press the PHONE/END() button to select a different lan-guage.”3. Press the button.For information on voice adaptation, see“Voice Adaptation (VA) mode” in this sec-tion.4. The system announces the current languageand gives you the option to change the lan-guage to Spanish (in Spanish) or French (inFrench). To select the current language,press the PHONE/SEND ( ) button. Toselect a different language, tilt the tuningswitch ( or ) up or down.NOTE:You must press the button within 5seconds to change the language.5. If you decide not to change the language, donot press either button. After 5 seconds, theVR session will end, and the language willnot be changed.Connecting procedureNOTE:The connecting procedure must be per-formed when the vehicle is stationary. If thevehicle starts moving during the procedure,the procedure will be cancelled.Main Menu“Connect phone” sA“Add phone” sBInitiate from handset sCName phone sDmodule=COM_BT-GEN3-GET-STARTED itdseq=533module=COM_BT-GEN3-CHOOSE-LANG.13ALT itdseq=534module=COM_BT-GEN3-PAIR-PROC itdseq=5354-74 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZREVIEW COPY—2013 Altima Sedan (asd)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)03/22/12—rootX
JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 237 SESS: 5 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 22 15:15:24 2012 SUM: 49548C59/nissan_pdm/nissancims/owners/asd/og1. Press the button on the steeringwheel. The system announces the availablecommands.2. Say: “Connect phone” sA. The system ac-knowledges the command and announcesthe next set of available commands.3. Say: “Add phone” sB. The system acknowl-edges the command and asks you to initiateconnecting from the phone handset sC.The connecting procedure of the cellularphone varies according to each cellularphone model. See the cellular phone Own-er’s Manual for details. You can also for instruc-tions on connecting NISSAN recommendedcellular phones.When prompted for a Passkey code, enter“1234” from the handset. The Passkey code“1234” has been assigned by NISSAN andcannot be changed.4. The system asks you to say a name for thephone sD.If the name is too long or too short, thesystem tells you, then prompts you for aname again.Also, if more than one phone is connectedand the name sounds too much like a namealready used, the system tells you, thenprompts you for a name again.Making a call by entering a phonenumberMain Menu“Call” sA“Phone Number” sBSpeak the digits sC“Dial” sD1. Press the button on the steeringwheel. A tone will sound.2. Say: “Call” sA. The system acknowledgesthe command and announces the next set ofavailable commands.3. Say “Phone Number” sB. The system ac-knowledges the command and announcesthe next set of available commands.Say: “Special Number” to dial more than 10digits or any special characters.4. Say the number you wish to call starting withthe area code in single digit format sC. If thesystem has trouble recognizing the correctphone number, try entering the number inthe following groups: 3-digit area code,3-digit prefix and the last 4-digits. For ex-ample, 555-121-3354 can be said as “fivefive five” as the 1st group, then “one twoone” as the 2nd group, and “three three fivefour” as the 3rd group. For dialing more than10 digits or any special characters, say“Special Number”. See “How to say num-bers” in this section for more information.5. When you have finished speaking the phonenumber, the system repeats it back and an-nounces the available commands.6. Say: “Dial” sD. The system acknowledgesthe command and makes the call.For additional command options, see “List ofvoice commands” in this section.Receiving a callWhen you hear the ring tone, press thebutton on the steering wheel.Once the call has ended, press the buttonon the steering wheel.NOTE:If you do not wish to take the call when youhear the ring tone, press the buttonon the steering wheel.For additional command options, see “List ofvoice commands” later in this section.module=COM_BT-GEN3-MAKE-CALL itdseq=536module=COM_BT-GEN3-REC-CALL.13ALT itdseq=537Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-75ZREVIEW COPY—2013 Altima Sedan (asd)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)03/22/12—rootX
JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 238 SESS: 5 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 22 15:15:24 2012 SUM: 5CE77E55/nissan_pdm/nissancims/owners/asd/ogLIST OF VOICE COMMANDSMain Menu“Call”“Phonebook”“Recent Calls”“Connect Phone”When you press and release the button onthe steering wheel, you can choose from thecommands on the Main Menu. The followingpages describe these commands and the com-mands in each sub-menu.Remember to wait for the tone beforespeaking.After the main menu, you can say “Help” to hearthe list of commands currently available any timethe system is waiting for a response.If you want to end an action without completing it,you can say “Cancel” or “Quit” at any time thesystem is waiting for a response. The system willend the VR session. Whenever the VR session iscancelled, a double beep is played to indicateyou have exited the system.If you want to go back to the previous command,you can say “Go back” or “Correction” any timethe system is waiting for a response.“Call”Main Menu“Call”(Speak name) sA“Phone Number”(Speak Digits) sB“Special Number” sC“Redial” sD“Call Back” sE(Speak name) sAIf you have stored entries in the phonebook, youcan dial a number associated with a name andlocation.See “Phonebook” in this section to learn how tostore entries.When prompted by the system, say the name ofthe phone book entry you wish to call. The systemacknowledges the name.If there are multiple locations associated with thename, the system asks you to choose the loca-tion.Once you have confirmed the name and location,the system begins the call.(Speak Digits) sBWhen prompted by the system, say the numberyou wish to call. Refer to “How to say numbers”and “Making a call by entering a phone number”in this section for more details.“Special Number” sCFor dialing more than 10 digits or any specialcharacters, say “Special Number”. When thesystem acknowledges the command, the systemwill prompt you to speak the number.“Redial” sDUse the Redial command to call the last numberthat was dialed.The system acknowledges the command, re-peats the number and begins dialing.If a redial number does not exist, the systemannounces, “There is no number to redial” andends the VR session.“Call Back” sEUse the Call Back command to dial the number ofthe last incoming call within the vehicle.The system acknowledges the command, re-peats the number and begins dialing.module=COM_BT-GEN3-VOICE-CMNDS itdseq=538module=COM_BT-GEN3-CALL itdseq=539module=COM_BT-GEN3-CALL.NAME itdseq=540module=COM_BT-GEN3-CALL.NUMBER itdseq=541module=COM_BT-GEN3-CALL.SPECIAL itdseq=542module=COM_BT-GEN3-CALL.REDIAL itdseq=543module=COM_BT-GEN3-CALL.BACK itdseq=5444-76 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZREVIEW COPY—2013 Altima Sedan (asd)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)03/22/12—rootX
JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 239 SESS: 5 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 22 15:15:24 2012 SUM: 419427D4/nissan_pdm/nissancims/owners/asd/ogIf a call back number does not exist, the systemannounces, “There is no number to call back”andends the VR session.During a callDuring a call there are several command optionsavailable. Press the button on the steeringwheel to mute the receiving voice and enter com-mands.●“Help” — The system announces the avail-able commands.●“Go back/Correction” — The system an-nounces “Go back,” ends the VR sessionand returns to the call.●“Cancel/Quit” — The system announces“Cancel,” ends the VR session and returnsto the call.●“Send/Enter/Call/Dial” — Use the Sendcommand to enter numbers, “*”or “#”duringa call. For example, if you were directed todial an extension by an automated system:Say: “Send one two three four.”The system acknowledges the commandand sends the tones associated with thenumbers. The system then ends the VR ses-sion and returns to the call. Say “star” for “*”,Say “pound” for “#”.●“Transfer call” — Use the Transfer Call com-mand to transfer the call from the BluetoothTHands-Free Phone System to the cellularphone when privacy is desired.The system announces, “Transfer call. Calltransferred to privacy mode.” The systemthen ends the VR session.To reconnect the call from the cellular phoneto the BluetoothTHands-Free System,press the button.●“Mute” — Use the Mute command tomute your voice so the other party can-not hear it. Use the mute commandagain to unmute your voice.NOTE:If a call is ended or the cellular phonenetwork connection is lost while the Mutefeature is on, the Mute feature will be resetto “off” for the next call so the other partycan hear your voice.“Phonebook” (phones withoutautomatic phonebook downloadfunction)NOTE:The “Transfer Entry” command is not avail-able when the vehicle is moving.Main Menu“Phonebook”“Transfer Entry” sA“Delete Entry” sB“List Names” sCFor phones that do not support automatic down-load of the phonebook (PBAP BluetoothTpro-file), the “Phonebook”command is used to manu-ally add entries to the vehicle phonebook.The phonebook stores up to 40 names for eachphone connected to the system.module=COM_BT-GEN3-CALL.DURING itdseq=545module=COM_BT-GEN3-PBOOK.WOPBAP itdseq=546Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-77ZREVIEW COPY—2013 Altima Sedan (asd)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)03/22/12—rootX
JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 240 SESS: 5 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 22 15:15:24 2012 SUM: 5A9FA195/nissan_pdm/nissancims/owners/asd/ogNOTE:Each phone has its own separate phone-book. You cannot access Phone A’s phone-book if you are currently connected withPhone B.“Transfer Entry” sAUse the Transfer Entry command to store a newname in the system.When prompted by the system, say the name youwould like to give the new entry.For example, say: “Mary.”If the name is too long or too short, the systemtells you, then prompts you for a name again.Also, if the name sounds too much like a namealready stored, the system tells you, then promptsyou for a name again.The system will ask you to transfer a phonenumber stored in the cellular phone’s memory.Enter a phone number by voice command:For example, say: “five five five one two one two.”See “How to say numbers” in this section formore information.To transfer a phone number stored in the cellularphone’s memory:Say “Transfer entry.” The system acknowledgesthe command and asks you to initiate the transferfrom the phone handset. The new contact phonenumber will be transferred from the cellularphone via the BluetoothTcommunication link.The transfer procedure varies according to eachcellular phone. See the cellular phone Owner’sManual for details. You can also for instructionson transferring phone numbers from NISSANrecommended cellular phones.The system repeats the number and prompts youfor the next command. When you have finishedentering numbers or transferring an entry, choose“Store.”The system confirms the name, location andnumber.“Delete Entry” sBUse the Delete Entry command to erase oneentry from the phonebook. After the system rec-ognizes the command, speak the name to deleteor say “List Names” to choose an entry.“List Names” sCUse the List Names command to hear all thenames in the phonebook.The system recites the phonebook entries butdoes not include the actual phone numbers.When the playback of the list is complete, thesystem goes back to the main menu.You can stop the playback of the list at any timeby pressing the button on the steeringwheel. The system ends the VR session.“Phonebook” (phones with automaticphonebook download function)NOTE:The “Transfer Entry” command is not avail-able when the vehicle is moving.Main Menu“Phonebook”Speak a Name“List Names” sA“Record Name” sBFor phones that support automatic download ofthe phonebook (PBAP BluetoothTprofile), the“Phonebook” command is used to manage en-tries in the vehicle phonebook. You can say thename of an entry at this menu to initiate dialing ofthat entry.The phonebook stores up to 1000 names foreach phone connected to the system.module=COM_BT-GEN3-WOPBAP.TRANSFER itdseq=547module=COM_BT-GEN3-WOPBAP.DELETE itdseq=548module=COM_BT-GEN3-WOPBAP.LIST.13ALT itdseq=549module=COM_BT-GEN3-PBOOK-PBAP itdseq=5504-78 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZREVIEW COPY—2013 Altima Sedan (asd)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)03/22/12—rootX
JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 241 SESS: 5 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 22 15:15:24 2012 SUM: 63D5249C/nissan_pdm/nissancims/owners/asd/ogWhen a phone is connected to the system, thephonebook is automatically downloaded to thevehicle. This feature allows you to access yourphonebook from the BluetoothTsystem and callcontacts by name. You can record a customvoice tag for contact names that the system hasdifficulty recognizing. For more information see“Record name” in this section.NOTE:Each phone has its own separate phone-book. You cannot access Phone A’s phone-book if you are currently connected withPhone B.“List Names” sAUse the List Names command to hear all thenames and locations in the phone book.The system recites the phone book entries butdoes not include the actual phone numbers.When the playback of the list is complete, thesystem goes back to the main menu.You can stop the playback of the list at any timeby pressing the button on the steeringwheel. The system ends the VR session. See the“Record name”command in this section for infor-mation about recording custom voice tags for listentries that the system has difficulty pronounc-ing.“Record Name” sBThe system allows you to record custom voicetags for contact names in the phonebook that thevehicle has difficulty recognizing. This feature canalso be used to record voice tags to directly dialan entry with multiple numbers. Up to 40 voicetags can be recorded to the system.“Recent Calls”Main Menu“Recent Calls”“Outgoing” sA“Incoming” sB“Missed” sCUse the Recent Calls command to access out-going, incoming or missed calls.“Outgoing” sAUse the Outgoing command to list the outgoingcalls made from the vehicle.“Incoming” sBUse the Incoming command to list the incomingcalls made to the vehicle.“Missed” sCUse the Missed command to list the calls made tothe vehicle that were not answered.“Connect Phone”NOTE:The Add Phone command is not availablewhen the vehicle is moving.Main Menu“Connect Phone”“Add Phone” sA“Select Phone” sB“Delete Phone” sC“Replace Phone” sD“Bluetooth OFF” sE“Phonebook Download OFF” sF“Display Settings” sGUse the Connect Phone commands to managethe phones connecting to the vehicle or to enablethe BluetoothTfunction on the vehicle.“Add Phone” sAUse the Add Phone command to add a phone tothe vehicle. See “Connecting procedure” in thissection for more information.“Select Phone” sBUse the Select Phone command to select from alist of phones connected to the vehicle. The sys-module=COM_BT-GEN3-PBAP-LIST.13ALT itdseq=551module=COM_BT-GEN3-PBAP.RECORD itdseq=552module=COM_BT-GEN3-RECENT-CALLS itdseq=553module=COM_BT-GEN3-RECENT.OUTGOING itdseq=554module=COM_BT-GEN3-RECENT.INCOMING itdseq=555module=COM_BT-GEN3-RECENT.MISSED itdseq=556module=COM_BT-GEN3-CONNECT-PH.13ALT-NEWitdseq=557module=COM_BT-GEN3-CONNECT.ADD itdseq=558module=COM_BT-GEN3-CONNECT.SELECT itdseq=559Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-79ZREVIEW COPY—2013 Altima Sedan (asd)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)03/22/12—rootX
JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 242 SESS: 5 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 22 15:15:24 2012 SUM: 5C66D703/nissan_pdm/nissancims/owners/asd/ogtem will list the names assigned to each phoneand then prompt you for the phone you wish toselect. Only one phone can be active at a time.“Delete Phone” sCUse the Delete Phone command to delete aphone that is connected to the vehicle. The sys-tem will list the names assigned to each phoneand then prompt you for the phone you wish todelete. Deleting a phone from the vehicle will alsodelete that phonebook for that phone.“Replace Phone” sDUse the Replace Phone command to replace anexisting phone pairing with a new phone. Thesystem will keep all voice tags assigned to yourphonebook.“Bluetooth OFF” sEUse the Bluetooth OFF command to prevent awireless connection to your phone.“Phonebook Download OFF” sFUse the Phonebook Download OFF command toturn off the automatic downloading of the hand-set phonebook to the available (if supported bythe cellular phone). When the command is rec-ognized, “Sync Contacts OFF” will appear on theaudio display.To turn the feature back on, say “PhonebookDownload”. When the command is recognized,“Sync Contacts ON” will appear on the audiodisplay.“Display Settings” sGUse the Display Settings command to controlwhere incoming call notifications are displayed inthe vehicle. Say “Driver Only” to have call notifi-cations shown on the vehicle information displayonly. Say “Both” to have call notifications shownon both the vehicle information display and thecenter audio display.To turn the feature back on, say “PhonebookDownload”. When the command is recognized,“Sync Contacts ON” will appear on the audiodisplay.VOICE ADAPTATION (VA) MODEVoice Adaptation allows up to two out-of-dialectusers to train the system to improve recognitionaccuracy. By repeating a number of commands,the users can create a voice model of their ownvoice that is stored in the system. The system iscapable of storing a different voice adaptationmodel for each connected phone.Training procedureThe procedure for training a voice is as follows.1. Position the vehicle in a reasonably quietoutdoor location.2. Sit in the driver’s seat with the engine run-ning, the parking brake on, and the transmis-sion in P (Park).3. Press and hold the button for morethan 5 seconds.4. The system announces: “Press thePHONE/SEND ( ) button for thehands-free phone system to enter the voiceadaptation mode or press the PHONE/END() button to select a different lan-guage.”5. Press the button.For information on selecting a different lan-guage, see “Choosing a language” in thissection.6. Voice memory A or memory B is selectedautomatically. If both memory locations arealready in use, the system will prompt you tooverwrite one. Follow the instructions pro-vided by the system.7. When preparation is complete and you areready to begin, press the button.8. The VA mode will be explained. Follow theinstructions provided by the system.module=COM_BT-GEN3-CONNECT.DELETE itdseq=560module=COM_BT-GEN3-CONNECT.REPLACE.13ALT itdseq=561module=COM_BT-GEN3-CONNECT.BT-OFF.13ALT itdseq=562module=COM_BT-GEN3-CONNECT-PBOOKOFF.13ALT itdseq=563module=COM_BT-GEN3-CONNECT-DISP.13ALT itdseq=564module=COM_BT-GEN3-SPKR-ADAPT itdseq=565module=COM_BT-GEN3-SA-TRAIN.PROC.13ALT itdseq=5664-80 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZREVIEW COPY—2013 Altima Sedan (asd)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)03/22/12—rootX
JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 243 SESS: 5 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 22 15:15:24 2012 SUM: 32B176DA/nissan_pdm/nissancims/owners/asd/og9. When training is finished, the system will tellyou an adequate number of phrases havebeen recorded.10. The system will announce that voice adap-tation has been completed and the system isready.The VA mode will stop if:●The button is pressed for more than 5seconds in VA mode.●The vehicle begins moving during VA mode.●The ignition switch is placed in the OFF orLOCK position.Training phrasesDuring the VA mode, the system instructs thetrainer to say the following phrases. (The systemwill prompt you for each phrase.)●phonebook transfer entry●dial three oh four two nine●delete call back number●incoming●transfer entry●eight pause nine three two pause seven●delete all entries●call seven two four zero nine●phonebook delete entry●next entry●dial star two one seven oh●yes●no●select●missed●dial eight five six nine two●Bluetooth on●outgoing●call three one nine oh two●nine seven pause pause three oh eight●cancel●call back number●call star two zero nine five●delete phone●dial eight three zero five one●record name●four three pause two nine pause zero●delete redial number●phonebook list names●call eight oh five four one●correction●connect phone●dial seven four oh one eight●previous entry●delete●dial nine seven two six six●call seven six three oh one●go back●call five six two eight zero●dial six six four three sevenMANUAL CONTROLWhile using the Voice Recognition system, it ispossible to select menu options by using thesteering wheel controls instead of speaking voicecommands. The manual control mode does notallow dialing a phone number by digits. The usermay select an entry from the Phonebook or Re-cent Calls lists. To re-activate voice recognition,exit the manual control mode by pressing andholding the PHONE/END ( ) button. At thatmodule=COM_BT-GEN3-SA-TRAIN.PHRASE itdseq=567module=COM_BT-GEN3.MANUAL-CTRL.13ALT itdseq=568Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-81ZREVIEW COPY—2013 Altima Sedan (asd)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)03/22/12—rootX
JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 244 SESS: 5 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 22 15:15:24 2012 SUM: 28C5118C/nissan_pdm/nissancims/owners/asd/ogtime, pressing the PHONE/SEND ( ) buttonwill start the Hands Free Phone System.Operating tips●To enter manual control mode, start theVoice Recognition system and tilt the tuning() switch up or down. The system willspeak 9Showing Manual Options9whenmanual controls are initially activated.●To browse the menu options, tilt the tuning() switch up or down. The system willalways speak the current menu option. De-pending on the audio display, it will alsoshow the current menu option.●To select the current menu option, press thePHONE/SEND ( ) button.●To go back to the previous menu, press thePHONE/END ( ) button. If the currentmenu is the Main Menu, pressing thePHONE/END ( ) button will exit thePhone system.●To exit the manual control mode, press andhold the PHONE/END ( ) button for 5seconds.TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDEThe system should respond correctly to all voicecommands without difficulty. If problems are en-countered, try the following solutions.Where the solutions are listed by number, tryeach solution in turn, starting with number 1, untilthe problem is resolved.module=COM_BT-GEN3.MANUAL.TIPS.13ALT itdseq=569module=COM_BT-GEN3.TROUBLESHOOT itdseq=5704-82 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZREVIEW COPY—2013 Altima Sedan (asd)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)03/22/12—rootX
JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 245 SESS: 5 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 22 15:15:24 2012 SUM: 24AAAAE2/nissan_pdm/nissancims/owners/asd/ogSymptom SolutionSystem fails to interpret the command correctly.1. Ensure that the command is valid. See “List of voice commands” in this section.2. Ensure that the command is spoken after the tone.3. Speak clearly without pausing between words and at a level appropriate to the ambient noise level in the vehicle.4. Ensure that the ambient noise level is not excessive (for example, windows open or defroster on). NOTE: If it is toonoisy to use the phone, it is likely that the voice commands will not be recognized.5. If more than one command was said at a time, try saying the commands separately.6. If the system consistently fails to recognize commands, the voice training procedure should be carried out to im-prove the recognition response for the speaker. See “Voice Adaptation (VA) mode” in this section.The system consistently selects the wrong entry from thephone book.1. Ensure that the phone book entry name requested matches what was originally stored. This can be confirmed byusing the “List Names” command. See “Phonebook” in this section.2. Replace one of the names being confused with a new name.Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-83ZREVIEW COPY—2013 Altima Sedan (asd)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)03/22/12—rootX
JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 246 SESS: 5 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 22 15:15:24 2012 SUM: 3E49BE79/nissan_pdm/nissancims/owners/asd/ogWARNING●Use a phone after stopping your vehiclein a safe location. If you have to use aphone while driving, exercise extremecaution at all times so full attention maybe given to vehicle operation.●If you are unable to devote full attentionto vehicle operation while talking onthe phone, pull off the road to a safelocation and stop your vehicle.CAUTIONTo avoid discharging the vehicle battery,use a phone after starting the engine.Your NISSAN is equipped with the BluetoothTHands-Free Phone System. If you have a com-patible BluetoothTenabled cellular phone, youcan set up the wireless connection between yourcellular phone and the in-vehicle phone module.With BluetoothTwireless technology, you canmake or receive a hands-free telephone call withyour cellular phone in the vehicle.Once your cellular phone is connected to thein-vehicle phone module, no other phone con-necting procedure is required. Your phone isautomatically connected with the in-vehicleLHA2290BLUETOOTHTHANDS-FREE PHONESYSTEM WITHOUT NAVIGATIONSYSTEM (Type B) (if so equipped)module=COM_BT-GEN3-10DA-INTRO.13ALT itdseq=571art=lha2290 TRANSLATEENTITY=WU0242ENTITY=WI08774-84 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZREVIEW COPY—2013 Altima Sedan (asd)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)03/22/12—rootX
JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 247 SESS: 5 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 22 15:15:24 2012 SUM: 515306AF/nissan_pdm/nissancims/owners/asd/ogphone module when the ignition switch is placedin the ON position with the previously connectedcellular phone turned on and carried in the ve-hicle.NOTE:Some devices require the user to acceptconnections to other BluetoothTdevices. Ifyour phone does not connect automaticallyto the system, consult the phone’s Owner’sManual for details on device operation.You can connect up to 5 different BluetoothTcellular phones to the in-vehicle phone module.However, you can talk on only one cellular phoneat a time.Before using the BluetoothTHands-Free PhoneSystem, refer to the following notes.●Set up the wireless connection between acompatible cellular phone and the in-vehiclephone module before using the hands-freephone system.●Some BluetoothTenabled cellular phonesmay not be recognized or work properly.Please visit a recommended phone list and connect-ing instructions.●You will not be able to use a hands-freephone under the following conditions:– Your vehicle is outside of the cellular ser-vice area.– Your vehicle is in an area where it isdifficult to receive a cellular signal; suchas in a tunnel, in an underground parkinggarage, near a tall building or in a moun-tainous area.– Your cellular phone is locked to prevent itfrom being dialed.●When the radio wave condition is not idealor ambient sound is too loud, it may bedifficult to hear the other person’s voice dur-ing a call.●Do not place the cellular phone in an areasurrounded by metal or far away from thein-vehicle phone module to prevent tonequality degradation and wireless connectiondisruption.●While a cellular phone is connected throughthe BluetoothTwireless connection, the bat-tery power of the cellular phone may dis-charge quicker than usual. The BluetoothTHands-Free Phone System cannot chargecellular phones.●If the hands-free phone system seems to bemalfunctioning, see “Troubleshooting guide”in this section. You can also for trouble-shooting help.●Some cellular phones or other devices maycause interference or a buzzing noise tocome from the audio system speakers. Stor-ing the device in a different location mayreduce or eliminate the noise.●Refer to the cellular phone Owner’s Manualregarding the telephone charges, cellularphone antenna and body, etc.REGULATORY INFORMATIONFCC Regulatory information– CAUTION: To maintain compliance withFCC’s RF exposure guidelines, use only thesupplied antenna. Unauthorized antenna,modification, or attachments could damagethe transmitter and may violate FCC regula-tions.– Operation is subject to the following two con-ditions:1. This device may not cause interference and2. this device must accept any interference,including interference that may cause unde-sired operation of the device.module=COM_BT-GEN3-10DA-REGULATORY-INFO.13ALTitdseq=572Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-85ZREVIEW COPY—2013 Altima Sedan (asd)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)03/22/12—rootX
JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 248 SESS: 5 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 22 15:15:24 2012 SUM: 55A3127A/nissan_pdm/nissancims/owners/asd/ogIC Regulatory information– Operation is subject to the following two con-ditions: (1) this device may not cause interfer-ence, and (2) this device must accept anyinterference, including interference that maycause undesired operation of the device.– This Class B digital apparatus meets all re-quirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations.BLUETOOTHtis atrademark owned byBluetooth SIG, Inc.and licensed to Vis-teon.USING THE SYSTEMThe NISSAN Voice Recognition system allowshands-free operation of the BluetoothTPhoneSystem.If the vehicle is in motion, some commands maynot be available so full attention may be given tovehicle operation.InitializationWhen the ignition switch is placed in the ONposition, NISSAN Voice Recognition is initialized,which takes a few seconds. If the button ispressed before the initialization completes, thesystem will announce “Hands-free phone systemnot ready” and will not react to voice commands.Operating tipsTo get the best performance out of the NISSANVoice Recognition system, observe the following:●Keep the interior of the vehicle as quiet aspossible. Close the windows to eliminatesurrounding noises (traffic noises, vibrationsounds, etc.), which may prevent the systemfrom recognizing voice commands correctly.●Wait until the tone sounds before speaking acommand. Otherwise, the command will notbe received properly.●Start speaking a command within 5 secondsafter the tone sounds.●Speak in a natural voice without pausingbetween words.Giving voice commandsTo operate NISSAN Voice Recognition, pressand release the button located on thesteering wheel. After the tone sounds, speak acommand.The command given is picked up by the micro-phone, and voice feedback is given when thecommand is accepted.●If you need to hear the available commandsfor the current menu again, say “Help” andthe system will repeat them.●If a command is not recognized, the systemannounces, “Command not recognized.Please try again.”Make sure the command issaid exactly as prompted by the system andrepeat the command in a clear voice.●If you want to go back to the previous com-mand, you can say “Go back” or “Correc-tion” any time the system is waiting for aresponse.●You can cancel a command when the sys-tem is waiting for a response by saying,“Cancel” or “Quit.” The system announces“Cancel” and ends the VR session. You canalso press and hold the button on thesteering wheel for 5 seconds at any time toend the VR session. Whenever the VR ses-sion is cancelled, a double beep is played toindicate you have exited the system.module=COM_BT-GEN3-10DA-USING.13ALT itdseq=573module=COM_BT-GEN3-10DA-INITIALIZATION.13ALT itdseq=574module=COM_BT-GEN3-10DA-OPTIPS.13ALT itdseq=575module=COM_BT-GEN3-10DA-GIVE-VC.13ALT itdseq=5764-86 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZREVIEW COPY—2013 Altima Sedan (asd)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)03/22/12—rootX
JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 249 SESS: 5 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 22 15:15:24 2012 SUM: 368A608B/nissan_pdm/nissancims/owners/asd/og●If you want to adjust the volume of the voicefeedback, press the volume control switches(+ or -) on the steering wheel while beingprovided with feedback. You can also usethe radio volume control knob.●In most cases you can interrupt the voicefeedback to speak the next command bypressing the button on the steeringwheel.●To use the system faster, you may speak thesecond level commands with the main menucommand on the main menu. For example,press the button and after the tonesay, “Call Redial.”CONTROL BUTTONSThe control buttons for the BluetoothTHands-Free Phone System are located on the steeringwheel.PHONE/SENDPress the button to initiatea VR session or answer an incom-ing call.You can also use the buttonto interrupt the system feedbackand give a command at once. See“List of voice commands” and“During a call” in this section formore information.PHONE/ENDWhile the voice recognition sys-tem is active, press and holdthe button for 5 seconds toquit the voice recognition systemat any time.Tuning switchWhile using the voice recognitionsystem, tilt the tuning switch up ordown to manually control thephone system.CONNECTING PROCEDURETo connect a phone to the BluetoothTHands-Free Phone System:1. Press the SETTING button.LHA2273module=COM_BT-GEN3-10DA-CTRL-BTNS.13ALT itdseq=577module=COM_BT-GEN3-10DA-CONNECT.13ALTitdseq=578art=lha2273 NO TRANSMonitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-87ZREVIEW COPY—2013 Altima Sedan (asd)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)03/22/12—rootX
JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 250 SESS: 5 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 22 15:15:24 2012 SUM: 2CAFD877/nissan_pdm/nissancims/owners/asd/og2. Use the TUNE/SCROLL knob to select“Bluetooth” and then press the ENTER but-ton.3. Use the TUNE/SCROLL knob to select“Add Phone or Device” and then press theENTER button.4. When a message with a PIN appears on thescreen, operate the BluetoothTphone toenter the PIN.The connecting procedure varies according toeach phone. See the phone’s Owner’s Manualfor details. You can also or call theNISSAN Consumer Affairs Department for in-structions on connecting recommended cellularphones.VOICE COMMANDSVoice commands can be used to operate theBluetoothTHands-Free Phone System. Pressthe button and say “Phone” to bring up thephone command menu. The available optionsare:●Call●Phonebook●Recent Calls●Send Text●Read Text●Select Phone“Call”For more information on the “Call” command, see“Making a call” in this section.“Phonebook”The following commands are available under“Phonebook”:LHA2257 LHA2274module=COM_BT-GEN3-10DA-VC.13ALT itdseq=579module=COM_BT-GEN3-10DA-CALL.13ALT itdseq=580module=COM_BT-GEN3-10DA-PBOOK.13ALT itdseq=581art=lha2257 NO TRANS art=lha2274 NO TRANS4-88 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZREVIEW COPY—2013 Altima Sedan (asd)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)03/22/12—rootX
JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 251 SESS: 5 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 22 15:15:24 2012 SUM: 46F8E9F7/nissan_pdm/nissancims/owners/asd/og●(a name)Say a name in the phonebook to bring up alist of options for that phonebook entry. Thesystem will say the name it interpreted basedon the voice command provided. If the nameis incorrect, say “Correction”to hear anothername.Once the correct phonebook entry is identi-fied, say “Dial” to dial the number or “SendText” to send a text message to that number.Say “Record Name”to record a name for thephonebook entry. Say “Delete Recording” todelete a recorded name for the phonebookentry.●List NamesSpeak this command to have the system listthe names in the phonebook one by onealphabetically. Say “Dial” to dial the numberof the current name or “Send Text” to send atext message to that number. Say “Next En-try” or “Previous Entry” to move through thelist alphabetically. Say “Record Name” torecord a name for the current phonebookentry. Say “Delete Recording” to delete arecorded name for the current phonebookentry.●Transfer EntryThis command can be used to transfer mul-tiple contacts at a time. To enable manualcontact transfer capability, set “PhonebookDownload” to “Off” in the Setting menu. Theability to transfer contacts via the OPPBluetooth profile depends on your mobilephone. See your phone’s Owner’s Manualfor details and instructions.●Delete EntrySpeak this command to delete an entry inthe phonebook. Choose an entry to deleteby speaking the desired name or say “ListNames”.“Recent Calls”The following commands are available under“Recent Calls”:●Incoming CallsSpeak this command to list the last fiveincoming calls to the vehicle. If the call isfrom an entry in the phonebook, the namewill be displayed. Otherwise, the phonenumber of the incoming call will be dis-played.Say “Dial” to call the number or “Send Text”to send a text message to that number. Say“Next Entry” or “Previous Entry” to movethrough the list of incoming calls.●Missed CallsSpeak this command to list the last fivemissed calls to the vehicle. If the call is froman entry in the phonebook, the name will bedisplayed. Otherwise, the phone number ofthe missed call will be displayed.Say “Dial” to call the number or “Send Text”to send a text message to that number. Say“Next Entry” or “Previous Entry” to movethrough the list of missed calls.●Outgoing CallsSpeak this command to list the last fiveoutgoing calls from the vehicle. If the callwas to an entry in the phonebook, the namewill be displayed. Otherwise, the phonenumber of the outgoing call will be dis-played.Say “Dial” to call the number or “Send Text”to send a text message to that number. Say“Next Entry” or “Previous Entry” to movethrough the list of outgoing calls.●RedialSpeak this command to call the last numberdialed.module=COM_BT-GEN3-10DA-RECENT.13ALT itdseq=582Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-89ZREVIEW COPY—2013 Altima Sedan (asd)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)03/22/12—rootX
JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 252 SESS: 5 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 22 15:15:24 2012 SUM: 4E277CA6/nissan_pdm/nissancims/owners/asd/og●Call BackSpeak this command to call the number ofthe last incoming call to the vehicle.“Send Text / Read Text”For more information on these commands, see“Text messaging” in this section.“Select Phone”Speak this command to select a phone to usefrom a list of those phones connected to thevehicle.MAKING A CALLTo make a call from a phone connected to thevehicle’s BluetoothTHands-Free Phone System:●Press the button.●The system will prompt you for a command.●Select one of the available voice commandsto continue:●“(a name)” – Speak the name of a phone-book entry to place a call to that entry. Thesystem will respond with the name it inter-preted from your command and will promptyou to confirm that the name is correct. Say“Yes” to initiate the call or “No” to hear an-other name from the phonebook.●“Number” – Speak this command to place acall by inputting numbers.For 7- and 10-digit phone numbers, speakthe numbers. When finished, say “Dial” toinitiate the call. Say “Correction” at any timein the process to correct a misspoken ormisinterpreted number.For phone numbers with more digits or spe-cial characters, say “Special Number”, thenspeak the digits. Up to 24 digits can beentered. Available special characters are“star”, “pound”, “plus” and “pause”. Whenfinished, say “Dial” to initiate the call. Say“Correction” at any time in the process tocorrect a misspoken or misinterpreted num-ber or character.●“Redial” – Speak this command to dial thenumber of the last outgoing call. The systemwill display “Redialing <name/number>”.The name of the phonebook entry will bedisplayed if it available, otherwise the num-ber being redialed will be displayed.●“Call Back”–Speak this command to dial thenumber of the last incoming call. The systemwill display “Calling back <name/number.”.The name of the phonebook entry will bedisplayed if it available, otherwise the num-ber being called back will be displayed.RECEIVING A CALLWhen a call is received by the phone connectedto the vehicle’s BluetoothTHands-Free PhoneSystem, the call information is displayed on eitherthe vehicle information display or both the vehicleinformation display and he control panel display.Press the button to accept the call. Pressthe button to reject the call.LHA2293module=COM_BT-GEN3-10DA-SEND-READ.13ALT itdseq=583module=COM_BT-GEN3-10DA-SELECT.13ALT itdseq=584module=COM_BT-GEN3-10DA-MAKE-CALL.13ALT itdseq=585module=COM_BT-GEN3-10DA-REC-CALL.13ALTitdseq=586art=lha2293 NO TRANS4-90 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZREVIEW COPY—2013 Altima Sedan (asd)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)03/22/12—rootX
JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 253 SESS: 5 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 22 15:15:24 2012 SUM: 50A7E1E8/nissan_pdm/nissancims/owners/asd/ogDURING A CALLWhile a call is active, press the button toaccess additional options. Speak one of the fol-lowing commands:●“(numbers)” – Speak numbers and then say“Send” or say “Correction” to change thenumbers entered.●“Mute On” or “Mute Off” – Speak the com-mand to mute or unmute the system.●“Transfer Call” – Speak this command totransfer the call to the handset. To transferthe call back from the handset to theBluetoothTHands-Free Phone System,press the button and confirm whenprompted.If supported by the phone, the BluetoothTHands-Free Phone System allows for call waitingfunctionality. If a call is received while another callis already active, a message will be displayed onthe screen. Press the button to hold theactive call and switch to the second call. Pressthe button to reject the second call.While the second call is active, pressingthe button will allow the same commandsthat available during any call as well as two addi-tional commands:●“Switch Call” – Speak this command to holdthe second call and switch back to the origi-nal call.●“End Other Call” – Speak this command tostay with the second call and end the originalcall.Press the button to accept the call. Pressthe button to reject the call.ENDING A CALLTo end an active call, press the button.TEXT MESSAGINGWARNING●Use the text messaging feature afterstopping your vehicle in a safe location.If you have to use the feature whiledriving, exercise extreme caution at alltimes so full attention may be given tovehicle operation.●If you are unable to devote full attentionto vehicle operation while using the textmessaging feature, pull off the road to asafe location and stop your vehicle.NOTE:This feature is automatically disabled if theconnected device does not support theMessage Access Profile (MAP). See thephone’s Owner’s Manual for details andinstructions.The system allows for the sending and receivingof text messages through the vehicle interface.Sending a text message:1. Press the button.LHA2294module=COM_BT-GEN3-10DA-DURING-CALL.13ALT itdseq=587module=COM_BT-GEN3-10DA-ENDING.13ALT itdseq=588module=COM_BT-GEN3-10DA-TEXT.13ALT itdseq=589art=lha2294 NO TRANSMonitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-91ZREVIEW COPY—2013 Altima Sedan (asd)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)03/22/12—rootX
JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 254 SESS: 5 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 22 15:15:24 2012 SUM: 1D0C4287/nissan_pdm/nissancims/owners/asd/og2. Say “Send Text”.3. The system will provide a list of availablecommands in order to determine the recipi-ent of the text message. Choose from thefollowing:●(a name)●Number●Incoming Calls●Outgoing Calls●Missed CallsFor more information about these options,see “Voice commands” in this section. 4. Once a recipient is chosen, the systemprompts for which message to send. Fivepredefined messages are available as wellas three custom messages. To choose oneof the predefined messages, speak one ofthe following:●“Driving, can’t text”●“Call me”●“On my way”●“Running late”●“Okay”To send one of the custom messages, say“Custom Message”. If more than one cus-tom message is stored, the system willprompt for the number of the desired cus-tom message. For more information on set-ting and managing custom text messages,see “BluetoothTsettings” in this section.LHA2296art=lha2296 NO TRANS4-92 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZREVIEW COPY—2013 Altima Sedan (asd)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)03/22/12—rootX
JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 255 SESS: 5 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 22 15:15:24 2012 SUM: 29351D54/nissan_pdm/nissancims/owners/asd/ogReading a received text message:1. Press the button.2. Say “Read Text”.The text message, sender and delivery time areshown on the screen. Use the tuning switch onthe steering wheel to scroll through all text mes-sages if more than one are available. Pressthe button to exit the text message screen.Press the button to access the followingoptions for replying to the text message:●Call BackSpeak this command to call the sender ofthe text message using the BluetoothTHands-Free Phone System.●Send TextSpeak this command to send a text messageresponse to the sender of the text message.●Read TextSpeak this command to read the text mes-sage again.●Previous TextSpeak this command to move to the previ-ous text message (if available).●Next TextSpeak this command to move to the next textmessage (if available).NOTE:Text messages are only displayed if thevehicle speed is less than 5 mph.BLUETOOTHTSETTINGSTo access and adjust the settings for theBluetoothTHands-Free Phone System:1. Press the SETTING button.LHA2295 LHA2257module=COM_BT-GEN3-10DA-SETTINGS.13ALTitdseq=590art=lha2295 NO TRANS art=lha2257 NO TRANSMonitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-93ZREVIEW COPY—2013 Altima Sedan (asd)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)03/22/12—rootX
JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 256 SESS: 5 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 22 15:15:24 2012 SUM: 3A9CBCED/nissan_pdm/nissancims/owners/asd/og2. Use the TUNE/SCROLL knob to select“Bluetooth” and then press the ENTER but-ton:●BluetoothSelect “On” or “Off” to turn the vehicle’sBluetoothTsystem on or off.●Add Phone or DeviceTo connect a phone to the system, see“Connecting procedure” in this section.●Delete Phone or DeviceSelect to delete a phone from the displayedlist. The system will ask to confirm beforedeleting the phone.●Replace PhoneSelect to replace a phone from the displayedlist. When a selection is made, the systemwill ask to confirm before proceeding. Therecorded phonebook for the phone beingdeleted will be saved as long as the newphone’s phonebook is the same as the oldphone’s phonebook.●Select Phone or DeviceSelect to connect to a previously connectedphone from the displayed list.●Show Incoming CallsSelect “Driver Only” to have incoming callinformation displayed only in the vehicle in-formation display. Select “Both” to have in-coming call information displayed in both thevehicle information display and the centerdisplay screen.●Phonebook DownloadSelect to turn on or off the automatic down-load of a connected phone’s phonebook.●Text MessageSelect to turn on or off the vehicle’s textmessaging feature.●New Text SoundSelect to adjust the volume of the sound thatplays when a new text is received by a phoneconnected to the BluetoothTHands-FreePhone System. The setting all the way to theleft indicates that the new text sound will bemuted.●Show Incoming TextSelect “Driver Only” to have incoming textmessages displayed only in the vehicle infor-mation display. Select “Both” to have incom-ing text messages displayed in both the ve-hicle information display and the centerdisplay screen. Select “None” to have nodisplay of incoming text messages.●Edit Custom MessagesSelect to set a custom message that will beavailable with the standard options whensending a text message. To set a custommessage, send a text message to your ownphone number while the phone is connectedto the system. Three custom messages canbe set. Custom messages can only be setwhile the vehicle is stationary.LHA2274art=lha2274 NO TRANS4-94 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZREVIEW COPY—2013 Altima Sedan (asd)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)03/22/12—rootX
JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 257 SESS: 5 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 22 15:15:24 2012 SUM: 519108CF/nissan_pdm/nissancims/owners/asd/og●Auto ReplySelect to turn on or off the Auto Reply func-tion. When enabled, the vehicle will auto-matically send a predefined text message tothe sender when a text message is receivedwhile driving.●Auto Reply MessageSelect to choose the message that is sentwhen the Auto Reply function is enabled.Choose from “I’m Driving”or one of the threecustom messages stored in the system.●Vehicle Signature On/OffSelect to choose whether or not the mes-sage “Sent from my Altima” is added tooutgoing text messages from the vehicle.This message cannot be changed or cus-tomized.MANUAL CONTROLWhile using the Voice Recognition system, it ispossible to select menu options by using thesteering wheel controls instead of speaking voicecommands. The manual control mode does notallow dialing a phone number by digits. The usermay select an entry from the Phonebook or Re-cent Calls lists. To re-activate Voice Recognition,exit the manual control mode by pressing andholding the PHONE/END ( ) button. At thattime, pressing the PHONE/SEND ( ) buttonwill start the Hands Free Phone System. WARNING●Use a phone after stopping your vehiclein a safe location. If you have to use aphone while driving, exercise extremecaution at all times so full attention maybe given to vehicle operation.●If you are unable to devote full attentionto vehicle operation while talking onthe phone, pull off the road to a safelocation and stop your vehicle.CAUTIONTo avoid discharging the vehicle battery,use a phone after starting the engine.BLUETOOTHTHANDS-FREE PHONESYSTEM WITH NAVIGATION SYSTEM(if so equipped)module=COM_BT-GEN3-10DA-MAN-CTRL.13ALT itdseq=591module=COM_BT-LCN2-INTRO.13ALT itdseq=592ENTITY=WU0242ENTITY=WI0877Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-95ZREVIEW COPY—2013 Altima Sedan (asd)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)03/22/12—rootX
JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 258 SESS: 5 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 22 15:15:24 2012 SUM: 2CEFB885/nissan_pdm/nissancims/owners/asd/ogYour NISSAN is equipped with the BluetoothTHands-Free Phone System. If you have a com-patible BluetoothTenabled cellular phone, youcan set up the wireless connection between yourcellular phone and the in-vehicle phone module.With BluetoothTwireless technology, you canmake or receive a hands-free telephone call withyour cellular phone in the vehicle.Once your cellular phone is connected to thein-vehicle phone module, no other phone con-necting procedure is required. Your phone isautomatically connected with the in-vehiclephone module when the ignition switch is placedin the ON position with the connected cellularphone turned on and carried in the vehicle.You can register up to 5 different BluetoothTcellular phones to the in-vehicle phone module.However, you can talk on only one cellular phoneat a time.NISSAN Voice Recognition system supports thephone commands, so dialing a phone numberusing your voice is possible. For more details, see“NISSAN Voice Recognition System” in this sec-tion.Before using the BluetoothTHands-Free PhoneSystem, refer to the following notes.●Set up the wireless connection between acellular phone and the in-vehicle phonemodule before using the hands-free phonesystem.●Some BluetoothTenabled cellular phonesmay not be recognized by the in-vehiclephone module. Please for a recom-mended phone list and connecting.●You will not be able to use a hands-freephone under the following conditions:– Your vehicle is outside of the cellular ser-vice area.LHA2291art=lha2291 TRANSLATE4-96 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZREVIEW COPY—2013 Altima Sedan (asd)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)03/22/12—rootX
JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 259 SESS: 5 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 22 15:15:24 2012 SUM: 536DB4B6/nissan_pdm/nissancims/owners/asd/og– Your vehicle is in an area where it isdifficult to receive cellular signal; such asin a tunnel, in an underground parkinggarage, near a tall building or in a moun-tainous area.– Your cellular phone is locked to prevent itfrom being dialed.●When the radio wave condition is not idealor ambient sound is too loud, it may bedifficult to hear the other person’s voice dur-ing a call.●Immediately after the ignition switch isplaced in the ON position, it may be impos-sible to receive a call for a short period oftime.●Do not place the cellular phone in an areasurrounded by metal or far away from thein-vehicle phone module to prevent tonequality degradation and wireless connectiondisruption.●While a cellular phone is connected throughthe BluetoothTwireless connection, the bat-tery power of the cellular phone may dis-charge quicker than usual. The BluetoothTHands-Free Phone System cannot chargecellular phones.●If the hands-free phone system seems to bemalfunctioning, see “Troubleshooting guide”in this section. You can also for trouble-shooting help.●Some cellular phones or other devices maycause interference or a buzzing noise tocome from the audio system speakers. Stor-ing the device in a different location mayreduce or eliminate the noise.●Refer to the cellular phone owner’s manualregarding the telephone charges, cellularphone antenna and body, etc.●The signal strength display on the monitorwill not coincide with the signal strengthdisplay of some cellular phones.REGULATORY INFORMATIONFCC Regulatory information– CAUTION: To maintain compliance withFCC’s RF exposure guidelines, use only thesupplied antenna. Unauthorized antenna,modification, or attachments could damagethe transmitter and may violate FCC regula-tions.– Operation is subject to the following two con-ditions:1. This device may not cause interference and2. this device must accept any interference,including interference that may cause unde-sired operation of the device.IC Regulatory information– Operation is subject to the following two con-ditions: (1) this device may not cause interfer-ence, and (2) this device must accept anyinterference, including interference that maycause undesired operation of the device.– This Class B digital apparatus meets all re-quirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations.BLUETOOTHtis atrademark owned byBluetooth SIG, Inc.and licensed to Vis-teon.VOICE COMMANDSYou can use voice commands to operate variousBluetoothTHands-Free Phone System featuresusing the NISSAN Voice Recognition system. Formore details, see “NISSAN Voice RecognitionSystem” in this section.module=COM_BT-LCN2-REGINFO.13ALT itdseq=593module=COM_BT-LCN2-VC.13ALT itdseq=594Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-97ZREVIEW COPY—2013 Altima Sedan (asd)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)03/22/12—rootX
JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 260 SESS: 5 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 22 15:15:24 2012 SUM: 0EE89700/nissan_pdm/nissancims/owners/asd/ogCONNECTING PROCEDURE1. Press the MENU button on the controlpanel.2. Select the “Settings” key. 3. Select the “Phone & Bluetooth” key.LHA2253 LHA2248module=COM_BT-LCN2-CONNECT.13ALT itdseq=595art=lha2253 NO TRANS art=lha2248 NO TRANS4-98 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZREVIEW COPY—2013 Altima Sedan (asd)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)03/22/12—rootX
JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 261 SESS: 5 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 22 15:15:24 2012 SUM: 2A0C2CAD/nissan_pdm/nissancims/owners/asd/og4. Select the “Connect New Device” key.5. Initiate the connecting process from thehandset. The system will display the mes-sage: “Is PIN XXXXXX displayed on yourBluetooth device?”. If the PIN is displayedon your BluetoothTdevice, select “Yes” tocomplete the connecting process.For more information, see the BluetoothTde-vice’s Owner’s Manual.VEHICLE PHONEBOOKTo access the vehicle phonebook:1. Press the button on the control panel.2. Select the “Phonebook” key.3. Choose the desired entry from the displayedlist.NOTE:To scroll quickly through the list, touch the“A-Z” key in the upper right corner of thescreen. Turn the TUNE/SCROLL knob tochoose a letter or number and then pressENTER. The list will move to the first entrythat begins with that number or letter.4. The number of the entry will be displayed onthe screen. Touch the number to initiate di-aling.LHA2265 LHA2297 LHA2279module=COM_BT-LCN2-PBOOK.13ALT itdseq=596art=lha2265 NO TRANS art=lha2297 NO TRANS art=lha2279 NO TRANSMonitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-99ZREVIEW COPY—2013 Altima Sedan (asd)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)03/22/12—rootX
JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 262 SESS: 5 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 22 15:15:24 2012 SUM: 2DFEA335/nissan_pdm/nissancims/owners/asd/ogMAKING A CALLTo make a call, follow the procedure below:1. Press the button on the instrumentpanel. The “Phone”screen will appear on thedisplay.2. Select one of the following options to make acall:●“Phonebook”: Select the name from an entrystored in the vehicle phonebook.●“Call Lists”: Select the name from the in-coming, outgoing or missed call history.●“Redial”: Dial the last outgoing call from thevehicle.●“”: Input the phone number manuallyusing a keypad displayed on the screen. Forinformation on how to use the touchscreen,see “How to use the touchscreen” in thissection.RECEIVING A CALLWhen a call is placed to the connected phone,the display will change to phone mode.To accept the incoming call, either:●Press the button on the steeringwheel, or●Touch the green phone icon on the screen.To reject the incoming call, either:●Press the button on the steeringwheel, or●Touch the red phone icon on the screen.LHA2297 LHA2298module=COM_BT-LCN2-MAKE-CALL.13ALT itdseq=597 module=COM_BT-LCN2-REC.13ALT itdseq=598art=lha2297 NO TRANS art=lha2298 NO TRANS4-100 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZREVIEW COPY—2013 Altima Sedan (asd)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)03/22/12—rootX
JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 263 SESS: 5 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 22 15:15:24 2012 SUM: 38AD647D/nissan_pdm/nissancims/owners/asd/ogDURING A CALLWhile a call is active, the following options areavailable on the screen:●“Handset”Select this option to switch control of thephone call over to the handset.●“Mute Mic.”Select this option to mute the microphone.Select again to unmute the microphone.●Red phone ( ) iconSelect to end the phone call.ENDING A CALLTo end a phone call, select the red phone ( )icon on the screen or press the button onthe steering wheel.TEXT MESSAGINGWARNING●Use the text messaging feature afterstopping your vehicle in a safe location.If you have to use the feature whiledriving, exercise extreme caution at alltimes so full attention may be given tovehicle operation.●If you are unable to devote full attentionto vehicle operation while using the textmessaging feature, pull off the road to asafe location and stop your vehicle.LHA2299 LHA2300module=COM_BT-LCN2-DURING.13ALT itdseq=599module=COM_BT-LCN2-ENDING.13ALT itdseq=600module=COM_BT-LCN2-TEXT.13ALT itdseq=601art=lha2299 NO TRANS art=lha2300 NO TRANSMonitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-101ZREVIEW COPY—2013 Altima Sedan (asd)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)03/22/12—rootX
JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 264 SESS: 5 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 22 15:15:24 2012 SUM: 2733A15A/nissan_pdm/nissancims/owners/asd/ogThe system allows for the sending and receivingof text messages through the vehicle interface.Sending a text message:1. Press the button.2. Say “Send Text”.3. The system will provide a list of availablecommands in order to determine the recipi-ent of the text message. Choose from thefollowing:●(a name)●Number●Incoming Calls●Outgoing Calls●Missed CallsFor more information about these options,see “Voice commands” in this section.4. Once a recipient is chosen, the systemprompts for which message to send. Fivepredefined messages are available as wellas three custom messages. To choose oneof the predefined messages, speak one ofthe following:●“Driving, can’t text”●“Call me”●“On my way”●“Running late”●“Okay”To send one of the custom messages, say“Custom Messages”. If more than one cus-tom message is stored, the system willprompt for the number of the desired cus-tom message. For more information on set-ting and managing custom text messages,see “BluetoothTsettings” in this section.Reading a received text message:1. Press the button.2. Say “Read Text”.The text message, sender and delivery time areshown on the screen. Use the tuning switch toscroll through all text messages if more than oneare available. Press the button to exit thetext message screen. Press the button toaccess the following options for replying to thetext message:LHA2301art=lha2301 NO TRANS4-102 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZREVIEW COPY—2013 Altima Sedan (asd)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)03/22/12—rootX
JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 265 SESS: 5 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 22 15:15:24 2012 SUM: 1FF9EF98/nissan_pdm/nissancims/owners/asd/og●Call BackSpeak this command to call the sender ofthe text message using the BluetoothTHands-Free Phone System.●Send TextSpeak this command to send a text messageresponse to the sender of the text message.●Read TextSpeak this command to read the text mes-sage again.●Previous TextSpeak this command to move to the previ-ous text message (if available).●Next TextSpeak this command to move to the next textmessage (if available).NOTE:Text messages are only displayed if thevehicle speed is less than 5 mph.BLUETOOTH SETTINGSTo access the phone settings:1. Press the MENU button.2. Select the “Settings” key.3. Select the “Phone & Bluetooth” key.LHA2253 LHA2248module=COM_BT-LCN2-BT-SETTINGS.13ALT itdseq=602art=lha2253 NO TRANS art=lha2248 NO TRANSMonitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-103ZREVIEW COPY—2013 Altima Sedan (asd)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)03/22/12—rootX
JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 266 SESS: 5 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 22 15:15:24 2012 SUM: 263EBAD9/nissan_pdm/nissancims/owners/asd/og●Phone SettingsSee “Phone settings”in this section for moreinformation.●Connect New DeviceSelect to connect a new BluetoothTdeviceto the BluetoothTHands-Free Phone Sys-tem.●Select Connected DeviceSelect to choose a BluetoothTdevice from alist of those devices connected to theBluetoothTHands-Free Phone System.●Replace Connected DeviceSelect to replace a BluetoothTdevice from alist of those devices connected to theBluetoothTHands-Free Phone System.●Delete Connected DeviceSelect to delete a BluetoothTdevice from alist of those devices connected to theBluetoothTHands-Free Phone System.●BluetoothSelect to toggle the BluetoothTon and off.PHONE SETTINGSTo access the phone settings:1. Press the MENU button.2. Select the “Settings” key.3. Select the “Phone & Bluetooth” key.4. Select the “Phone Settings” key and adjustthe following settings as desired:●Sort Phonebook By:Select “First Name” or “Last Name” tochoose how phonebook entries are alpha-betically displayed on the screen.LHA2265 LHA2302module=COM_BT-LCN2-SETTINGS.13ALT itdseq=603art=lha2265 NO TRANS art=lha2302 NO TRANS4-104 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systemsZREVIEW COPY—2013 Altima Sedan (asd)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)03/22/12—rootX
JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 267 SESS: 5 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 22 15:15:24 2012 SUM: 5096CFEE/nissan_pdm/nissancims/owners/asd/og●Use Phonebook From:Select “Handset” to use the phone’s phone-book. Select “SIM” to use the phonebook onthe SIM card. Select “Both” to use bothsources.●Download Phonebook NowSelect to download the phonebook to thevehicle from the chosen source.●Phone Notifications forSelect “Driver” to have phone notificationsshown in the vehicle information display. Se-lect “Both” to have phone notificationsshown in both the vehicle information displayand the center display screen.●Record Name for Phonebook EntrySelect to record a name for a phonebookentry for use with the NISSAN Voice Recog-nition System.●Text Message ServiceSelect to toggle the text message function-ality on or off.●Show Incoming Text forSelect “Driver” to have text message notifi-cations shown in the vehicle information dis-play. Select “Both” to have text messagenotifications shown in both the vehicle infor-mation display and the center displayscreen. Select “None” to have text messagenotifications not displayed.●SMS Auto Reply FunctionSelect to toggle the SMS auto reply func-tionality on or off.●SMS Auto Reply MessageSelect to choose a message that is sentwhen the auto reply function is activated.●Add Vehicle’s SignatureSelect to toggle on or off the addition of thevehicle signature to outgoing messages.●Predefined SMS MessagesSelect the predefined SMS messages thatare used by the system.The NISSAN Voice Recognition system allowshands-free operation of the systems equipped onthis vehicle, such as the phone and navigationsystems.To operate NISSAN Voice Recognition, pressthe button located on the steering wheel.When prompted, speak the command for thesystem you wish to activate. The command givenis picked up by the microphone and performedwhen it is properly recognized. NISSAN VoiceRecognition will provide a voice response as wellas a message in the center display to inform youof the command results.USING THE SYSTEMInitializationWhen the ignition switch is in the ON position,NISSAN Voice Recognition is initialized, whichtakes a few seconds. When completed, the sys-tem is ready to accept voice commands. Ifthe button is pressed before the initializa-tion completes, the system will announce: “VoiceRecognition System not ready. Please wait.”NISSAN VOICE RECOGNITIONSYSTEM (if so equipped)module=COM_VOICEREC-LCN2.13ALT itdseq=604module=COM_VR-LCN2-USE-SYSTEM.ALT13 itdseq=605module=COM_VR-LCN2-INITIALIZATION.ALT13itdseq=606Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-105ZREVIEW COPY—2013 Altima Sedan (asd)Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)03/22/12—rootX

Navigation menu