Rohde and Schwarz TMU925 UHF DTV ATSC 1KW TO 2.5 KW TRANSMITTER FAMILY User Manual Part 1



User Manual Part 1

R&S® TMU9Transmitter SystemSystem ManualSystem Manual(J0ÄG2)2600.5423.02 ─ 01BroadcastingFor information only! This manual, dated December 19, 2012, reflects the technical status as of that date. There may have been technical changes since that time.
© 2012 Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KGMuehldorfstr. 15, 81671 Munich, GermanyPhone: +49 89 41 29 - 0Fax: +49 89 41 29 12 164E-mail: info@rohde-schwarz.comInternet: http://www.rohde-schwarz.comPrinted in Germany – Subject to change – Data without tolerance limits is not binding.R&S® is a registered trademark of Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG.Trade names are trademarks of the owners.The following abbreviations are used throughout this manual: R&S®XYZ1234 is abbreviated as R&S XYZ1234
 KONFORMITÄTSERKLÄRUNG gemäß dem Gesetz über Funkanlagen und Telekommunikationsendeinrichtungen (FTEG) und der Richtlinie 1999/5/EG (R&TTE) Anhang V, zertifiziert durch die Benannte Stelle CETECOM ICT Services GmbH, Kennnummer 0682. DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY in accordance with the Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Act (FTEG) and Directive 1999/5/EC (R&TTE Directive) Annex V, certified by the Notified Body CETECOM ICT Services GmbH Germany, Identif. No. 0682. ROHDE & SCHWARZ GmbH & Co. KG Mühldorfstr. 15,  D-81671 München  München, den 26. Oktober 2012 Zentrales Qualitätsmanagement GF-QP / Radde Munich, 2012-10-26 Central Quality Management GF-QP / Radde   CE D/E-1 Vorlage: 2012_55_TMU9.doc 3573.7015.05 / ÄI 01.00              Zertifikat-Nr.: / Certificate No.:  2012-55   Hiermit wird in alleiniger Verantwortung bescheinigt, dass die Funkanlage We herewith certify under our sole responsibility that the radio equipment          Gerätetyp Equipment Type Benennung Designation   TMU9 Mittelleistungssender / Medium Power Transmitter  Geräteklasse: / Equipment class: 2.10 (Broadcast transmitter)  bei bestimmungsgemäßer Verwendung den grundlegenden Anforderungen des § 3 und den übrigen einschlägigen Bestimmungen des FTEG (Artikel 3 der R&TTE) entspricht. complies with the essential requirements of §3 and the other relevant provisions of the FTEG (Article 3 of the R&TTE Directive), when used for its intended purpose.  • Gesundheit und Sicherheit gemäß § 3 (1) 1, (Artikel 3 (1) a)) • Health and safety requirements pursuant to § 3 (1) 1, (Article 3(1) a))  • Schutzanforderungen in Bezug auf die elektromagn. Verträglichkeit § 3 (1) 2, (Artikel 3 (1) b)) • Protection requirements concerning electromagnetic compatibility § 3(1)(2), (Article 3(1)(b))  • Maßnahmen zur effizienten Nutzung des Funkfrequenzspektrums § 3 (2), (Artikel 3(2)) • Measures for the efficient use of the radio frequency spectrum § 3 (2), (Article 3(2))  • Luftschnittstelle bei Funkanlagen gemäß § 3(3), (Artikel 3(3)) • Air interface of the radio systems pursuant to § 3(3), (Article 3(3))  Angewendete harmonisierte Normen: Harmonized standards applied: EN 60950-1: 2006 ETSI EN 301489-1 V1.9.2 (2011-09) ETSI EN 301489-14 V1.2.1 (2003-05) ETSI EN 302296 V1.1.1 (2005-01) EN 61000-3-2: 2006 +A1 +A2 EN 61000-3-3: 2008  Einhaltung der grundlegenden Anforderungen auf andere Art und Weise (hierzu verwendete Standards/Spezifikationen): Other means of proving conformity with the essential requirements (standards/specifications used): Reg TP SSB RU 005 Rec.1999/519/EG;  26. BImSchV
 KONFORMITÄTSERKLÄRUNG gemäß dem Gesetz über Funkanlagen und Telekommunikationsendeinrichtungen (FTEG) und der Richtlinie 1999/5/EG (R&TTE) Anhang V, zertifiziert durch die Benannte Stelle CETECOM ICT Services GmbH, Kennnummer 0682. DÉCLARATION DE CONFORMITÉ selon la loi sur les équipements radio et les équipements terminaux de télécommunications (FTEG) ainsi que selon la Directive 1999/5/CE (Directive R&TTE) Annexe V, certifié par l'Organisme Notifié CETECOM ICT Services GmbH Allemagne, numéro d'identification 0682. ROHDE & SCHWARZ GmbH & Co. KG Mühldorfstr. 15,  D-81671 München  München, den 26. Oktober 2012 Zentrales Qualitätsmanagement GF-QP / Radde Munich, le 2012-10-26 Gestion centrale de la qualité GF-QP / Radde   CE D/F-1 Vorlage: 2012_55_TMU9.doc 3573.7015.05 / ÄI 01.00             Zertifikat-Nr.: / Certificat N° : 2012-55   Hiermit wird in alleiniger Verantwortung bescheinigt, dass die Funkanlage Par la présente, nous certifions sous notre responsabilité exclusive que l'équipement radio       Gerätetyp Equipment Type Benennung Designation   TMU9  Mittelleistungssender / Émetteur moyenne puissance   Geräteklasse: / Classe d'équipement : 2.10  bei bestimmungsgemäßer Verwendung den grundlegenden Anforderungen des § 3 und den übrigen einschlägigen Bestimmungen des FTEG (Artikel 3 der R&TTE) entspricht. est conforme aux prescriptions fondamentales du paragraphe 3 et aux autres prescriptions applicables de la loi susmentionnée (Article 3 de la Directive R&TTE), à condition qu'il soit utilisé dans les conditions stipulées.  • Gesundheit und Sicherheit gemäß § 3 (1) 1, (Artikel 3 (1) a)) • Prescriptions en matière de sécurité et de santé selon le paragraphe 3 (1) 1, (Article 3 (1) a))  • Schutzanforderungen in Bezug auf die elektromagn. Verträglichkeit § 3 (1) 2, (Artikel 3 (1) b)) • Prescriptions en matière de protection relative à la compatibilité électromagnétique selon le paragraphe 3 (1) (2) (Article 3 (1) b))  • Maßnahmen zur effizienten Nutzung des Funkfrequenzspektrums § 3 (2), (Artikel 3(2)) • Mesures pour l'utilisation efficace du spectre radioélectrique le paragraphe 3 (2), (Article 3(2))  • Luftschnittstelle bei Funkanlagen gemäß § 3(3), (Artikel 3(3)) • Interface radio des équipements radio selon le paragraphe 3 (3) (Article 3 (3))  Angewendete harmonisierte Normen: Normes harmonisées utilisées : EN 60950-1: 2006 ETSI EN 301489-1 V1.9.2 (2011-09) ETSI EN 301489-14 V1.2.1 (2003-05) ETSI EN 302296 V1.1.1 (2005-01) EN 61000-3-2: 2006 +A1 +A2 EN 61000-3-3: 2008  Einhaltung der grundlegenden Anforderungen auf andere Art und Weise (hierzu verwendete Standards/Spezifikationen): Autres moyens servant à établir la conformité aux prescriptions fondamentales (normes/spécifications utilisées) : Reg TP SSB RU 005 Rec.1999/519/EG;  26. BImSchV
2101.6093.54 - EU - D/E-2Für Betrieb im Europäischen Wirtschaftsraum (EWR)und zivilem Einsatz.Hinweis gemäß dem Gesetz über "Funkanlagen und Telekommunikationsend-einrichtungen" (FTEG) und der Europäischen Richtlinie 1999/5/EG:Dieses Produkt darf innerhalb des EWR nicht uneingeschränkt betrieben werden, dader verwendete Frequenzbereich auf nicht harmonisierten Bändern erfolgt. NationaleVorschriften / Genehmigungen sind zu beachten.Das Gerät ist 4 Wochen vor Inverkehrbringen bei der jeweils zuständigen nationalenBehörde für die Frequenzhoheit zu notifizieren. Informationen hierzu im Internet unterfolgender Adresse: operation in the European Economic Area (EEA)and civil use.Note pursuant to the German Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equip-ment Directive (FTEG) and the European R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC:Operation of this product within the EEA is subject to restrictions since the frequencybands used are not harmonised. National provisions / authorizations shall be com-plied with.The product shall be notified to the competent national frequency managementauthority four weeks before the product is put on the market.For more information refer to: in Germany
Sehr geehrter Kunde,Sie haben sich für den Kauf eines Rohde & Schwarz Produk-tes entschieden. Sie erhalten damit ein nach modernsten Fer-tigungsmethoden hergestelltes Produkt. Es wurde nach den Regeln unserer Qualitäts- und Umweltmanagementsysteme entwickelt, gefertigt und geprüft. Rohde & Schwarz ist unter ande-rem nach den Managementsys-temen ISO 9001 und ISO 14001 zertifiziert. Der Umwelt verpflichtet ❙Energie-efziente,  RoHS-konforme Produkte ❙Kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung nachhaltiger  Umweltkonzepte ❙ISO 14001-zertiziertes  Umweltmanagementsystem Dear customer,You have decided to buy a Rohde & Schwarz product. This product has been manufactured using the most advanced meth-ods. It was developed, manufac-tured and tested in compliance with our quality management and environmental manage-ment systems. Rohde & Schwarz has been certified, for exam-ple, according to the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 management systems. Environmental commitment ❙Energy-efcient products ❙Continuous improvement in  environmental sustainability ❙ISO 14001-certied environmental management systemCher client,Vous avez choisi d’acheter un produit Rohde & Schwarz. Vous disposez donc d’un produit fabriqué d’après les méthodes les plus avancées. Le dévelop-pement, la fabrication et les tests de ce produit ont été effec-tués selon nos systèmes de management de qualité et de management environnemental. La société Rohde & Schwarz a été homologuée, entre autres, conformément aux systèmes de management ISO 9001 et ISO 14001. Engagement écologique ❙Produits à efcience énergétique  ❙Amélioration continue de la durabilité environnementale ❙Système de management environnemental certié selon ISO 14001Certied Environmental SystemISO 14001Certied Quality SystemISO 9001Quality management and environmental management1171.0200.11 V 05.011171020011ISO-Qualitaets-Zertifikat_1171-0200-11_A4.indd   1 28.09.2012   10:25:08
1171.0200.22-06.00 Customer Support  Technical support – where and when you need it For quick, expert help with any Rohde & Schwarz equipment, contact one of our Customer Support Centers. A team of highly qualified engineers provides telephone support and will work with you to find a solution to your query on any aspect of the operation, programming or applications of Rohde & Schwarz equipment.  Up-to-date information and upgrades To keep your instrument up-to-date and to be informed about new application notes related to your instrument, please send an e-mail to the Customer Support Center stating your instrument and your wish. We will take care that you will get the right information.  Europe, Africa, Middle East  Phone  +49 89 4129 12345 customersupport@rohde-schwarz.comNorth America  Phone 1-888-TEST-RSA (1-888-837-8772) America  Phone +1-410-910-7988  Phone  +65 65 13 04 88  Phone  +86-800-810-8228 /   +86-400-650-5896
ContentsR&S® TMU93System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 01Contents1Information about this Manual..............................................................92 Safety Instructions...............................................................................112.1 Safety Instructions for Transmitter Systems and Equipment................................112.2 General Safety Instructions.......................................................................................122.2.1 Safety Instructions.........................................................................................................122.3 Special Hazard Information........................................................................................192.3.1 Hazards from AC Supply Voltage................................................................................. AC Power Supply.......................................................................................................... Changing Fuses............................................................................................................192.3.2 Hazards from High‑Energy Electric Circuits..................................................................192.3.3 Hazards from RF Radiation........................................................................................... Obligation to Instruct Personnel.................................................................................... RF Shielding.................................................................................................................. Rules When Operating an Amplifier.............................................................................. Rules When Working on an Open Amplifier..................................................................213Transmitter System R&S TMU9..........................................................233.1 Design and Function R&S TMU9...............................................................................233.1.1 Rack Design..................................................................................................................233.1.2 Arrangement of the R&S TCE900 Instruments and System Components....................233.1.3 Redundancy Concepts..................................................................................................253.1.4 Applications...................................................................................................................283.1.5 Overview of Modules and Devices................................................................................303.1.5.1 Mains Distribution Unit..................................................................................................303.1.5.2 Transmitter Control Unit................................................................................................313.1.5.3 TSP900 (Transmitter Status Panel)..............................................................................323.1.5.4 Exciter and System Components..................................................................................343.1.5.5 Output Stage Unit..........................................................................................................343.1.5.6 OSKAR Coupler Module...............................................................................................353.1.5.7 External Directional Coupler (GD901/902)....................................................................353.1.5.8 Bandpass Filter.............................................................................................................353.1.5.9 RF Connector................................................................................................................36
ContentsR&S® TMU94System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ Parallel Remote Control Interface.................................................................................363.1.5.11 Exhaust Kit (optional)....................................................................................................393.1.6 Performance Features..................................................................................................403.1.7 Power Display and Reflection Monitor..........................................................................413.1.8 Specifications................................................................................................................423.1.8.1 Transmitter System, General – DTV.............................................................................423.1.8.2 Requirements for the Output Bandpass Filter...............................................................463.1.8.3 Parallel Remote Control Interface.................................................................................503.2 Installation R&S TMU9................................................................................................503.2.1 Equipment Supplied......................................................................................................503.2.1.1 Integrated Transmitter Components.............................................................................503.2.1.2 Transmitter Components Supplied Separately.............................................................503.2.2 Overview of Transmitter Installation..............................................................................513.2.2.1 Required Tools..............................................................................................................513.2.3 Setting Up the Transmitter............................................................................................523.2.3.1 Preparatory Work..........................................................................................................523.2.3.2 Setting Up the Transmitter Rack...................................................................................533.2.3.3 Aligning the Transmitter Rack.......................................................................................533.2.3.4 Bolting the Transmitter Rack to the Floor......................................................................533.2.3.5 Removing the Front Panels...........................................................................................533.2.3.6 Unpacking the Components..........................................................................................543.2.4 Installing the UHF Channel Bandpass Filter.................................................................543.2.5 Installing the Amplifier...................................................................................................553.2.6 Installing the Power Supply...........................................................................................563.2.6.1 General.........................................................................................................................563.2.6.2 Connecting the Transmitter Ground..............................................................................573.2.6.3 Connecting the Power Cable........................................................................................573.2.7 Installing the RF output.................................................................................................593.2.7.1 Connecting the Antenna................................................................................................593.2.7.2 Connecting the Dummy Antenna..................................................................................593.2.8 Installing R&S TCE900 Customer Interfaces................................................................603.2.9 Installing the RF Loop...................................................................................................623.2.9.1 Single Drive (CAN Bus Adapter)...................................................................................62
ContentsR&S® TMU95System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ Dual Drive (RF Switch)..................................................................................................633.2.10 Installing the TM9-C1 Exhaust Kit.................................................................................633.3 Commissioning R&S TMU9........................................................................................654Exciter/Transmitter Control R&S TCE900..........................................674.1 Design and Function R&S TCE900............................................................................674.1.1 R&S TCE900 General Design.......................................................................................674.1.2 R&S TCE900 Functions................................................................................................715Amplifier R&S PMU901........................................................................735.1 Design and Function R&S PMU901...........................................................................735.1.1 Device Purpose and Overview......................................................................................735.1.2 Mechanical Design........................................................................................................745.1.3 Display Elements and Interfaces...................................................................................775.1.3.1 LEDs and Test Point – Front Panel...............................................................................775.1.3.2 Connectors – Rear Panel..............................................................................................795.1.4 Circuit Descriptions.......................................................................................................815.1.4.1 Block Diagram...............................................................................................................815.1.4.2 Signal Gain in Preamplifier and Driver..........................................................................815.1.4.3 Signal Gain in Doherty-Capable Output Stage.............................................................825.1.4.4 Power Control...............................................................................................................835.1.4.5 Self‑Protection Mechanisms..........................................................................................845.1.4.6 Emergency Shutdown...................................................................................................865.1.5 Specifications................................................................................................................865.1.5.1 General Data.................................................................................................................865.1.5.2 Digital TV (DTV)............................................................................................................875.1.5.3 Analog TV (ATV Combined)..........................................................................................885.1.5.4 CW Mode......................................................................................................................88AR&S TMU9 Interface Description........................................................91A.1 External Transmitter Interfaces.................................................................................91A.1.1 Transmitter Input AC.....................................................................................................91A.1.2 Input Signals (TS, RF, Reference)................................................................................91A.1.3 Transmitter Output........................................................................................................94A.1.4 Monitoring Signals (TS, RF, Reference).......................................................................94
ContentsR&S® TMU96System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 01A.1.5 Remote interfaces.........................................................................................................95A.2 Internal Transmitter Interfaces..................................................................................95A.2.1 Internal RF Interfaces....................................................................................................95A.2.2 Internal Ethernet Interfaces...........................................................................................97A.2.3 Transmitter Control Bus (CAN bus)..............................................................................98A.2.4 RF Loops.......................................................................................................................98A.2.5 TSP900 – Display Interface..........................................................................................98A.2.6 TDU900 – Display Interfaces (Optional).......................................................................99A.2.7 Air Cooling Interface (Optional).....................................................................................99BR&S TCE900 Interface Description...................................................101B.1 Interfaces of Base Unit ............................................................................................101B.1.1 X1: MAINS..................................................................................................................101B.1.2 Interfaces of Main Computer IPS1..............................................................................101B.1.2.1 X2 LAN REMOTE.......................................................................................................101B.1.2.2 X14 USB 1..................................................................................................................101B.1.2.3 X15 USB 2..................................................................................................................102B.1.2.4 X11 DVI.......................................................................................................................102B.1.3 Interfaces of System Connection Boards (SCB).........................................................103B.1.3.1 X3 LAN LOCAL FRONT..............................................................................................103B.1.3.2 X7 LAN LOCAL REAR................................................................................................103B.1.3.3 X66 GPS ANTENNA...................................................................................................104B.1.3.4 X12 TERMINAL SUPPLY...........................................................................................104B.1.3.5 X6 TX..........................................................................................................................105B.2 Module Slots..............................................................................................................105B.2.1 Coder Board................................................................................................................105B.2.1.1 X30 TS LAN 1.............................................................................................................105B.2.1.2 X31 TS LAN 2.............................................................................................................106B.2.1.3 X23 1PPS IN...............................................................................................................106B.2.1.4 X24 REF MONITOR....................................................................................................106B.2.1.5 X20 TS1 IN..................................................................................................................107B.2.1.6 X21 TS2 IN..................................................................................................................107B.2.1.7 X22 TS MONITOR OUT..............................................................................................107B.2.2 RF Board.....................................................................................................................107
ContentsR&S® TMU97System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 01B.2.2.1 X64 REF IN.................................................................................................................107B.2.2.2 X60 RF OUT...............................................................................................................108B.2.2.3 X61 RF MONITOR OUT.............................................................................................108B.2.2.4 X67 RF DOWNCONVERTER 1 IN.............................................................................108B.2.2.5 X68 RF DOWNCONVERTER 2 IN.............................................................................108B.2.3 Tx Interface.................................................................................................................109B.2.3.1 X40 LAN 1...................................................................................................................109B.2.3.2 X41 LAN 2...................................................................................................................109B.2.3.3 X42 LAN 3...................................................................................................................110B.2.3.4 X43 LAN 4...................................................................................................................110B.2.3.5 X44 Power Distributor.................................................................................................111B.2.3.6 X45 Rf Switch PAR IO................................................................................................112B.2.4 Cooling Interface (CIF)................................................................................................113B.2.4.1 X46 Pump...................................................................................................................113B.2.4.2 X47 HEX.....................................................................................................................114B.2.5 Air Cooling Interface (Optional)...................................................................................116B.2.5.1 Connection to Exhaust Fan, Differential Pressure Sensor, X46 FAN1.......................116B.2.5.2 Connection to Exhaust Fan, Differential Pressure Sensor, X47 FAN2.......................116CR&S PMU901 Interface Description..................................................119C.1 X1: Supply Input; Schaltbau M3 connector............................................................119C.2 X2: RF Output 7/16 - Socket (Rear)..........................................................................120C.3 X3: RF Test Socket; SMA Female (Front)...............................................................120C.4 X10: RF Input SMA Female (Rear)...........................................................................120C.5 X13: Second RF Test Socket for ADE; SMA Female (Rear)..................................121C.6 X22: Fan Connection 1; 4-pin Molex Connector....................................................121C.7 X23: Fan Connection 2; 4-pin Molex Connector....................................................121C.8 X11: Amplifier Control Unit; 15-pin D-Sub connector (rear).................................122
ContentsR&S® TMU98System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 01
Information about this ManualR&S® TMU99System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 011 Information about this ManualThis manual is part of the documentation for the R&S TMU9 transmitter family fromRohde & Schwarz. The individual manuals for the transmitter family have a modularstructure and complement each other.StructureThe system manual, which is the central and overarching part of the overall documen-tation, describes all the steps involved in installing a transmitter.Operation of the transmitter system after installation and the steps required to put thesystem into operation are described in the operating manual.The service manual describes all maintenance, troubleshooting and service tasks thatcustomers can carry out themselves. At certain points in the transmitter manual, thereader is referred to the appropriate operating manual or service manual.ContentsThe manuals for the transmitter family describe all activities required for installation,startup, operation, maintenance, troubleshooting and servicing of the transmitter and itscomponent parts. The appendix contains the interface descriptions and the technicaldocumentation.SafetyAll skilled personnel working with a transmitter or its components have a duty to read theassociated manuals and to follow the safety measures described in the section "Safety"and given at appropriate points in the manual. It must be ensured that the transmitter andthe individual components of the transmitter are used only for their intended purpose. Allactivities connected with the transmitter or individual transmitter components must becarried out by skilled personnel. If activities require additional skills and qualifications,this is indicated at the appropriate points in the manual.Symbols and notationThe warning triangle symbol refers the reader to potential hazards. The degree of dangeris indicated by different signal words next to the warning symbol.Instructions are given in numbered steps. All other formatting options are intended toimprove clarity and are self‑explanatory.
Information about this ManualR&S® TMU910System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 01
Safety InstructionsR&S® TMU911System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 012 Safety Instructions2.1 Safety Instructions for Transmitter Systems and Equip-mentCompliance with safety regulationsThe safety regulations specified in this manual must always be complied with.The following points require special attention:●Only qualified technicians are allowed to install and wire the electrical equipment.●National and international safety rules and regulations must be observed whenequipping operating facilities and during the assembly and operation of electricalsystems.These include, for example:– Protective measures to prevent accidents– Protection against overvoltage– Isolation of electrical systems– Grounding of electrical systems– Physical properties and laying of electrical lines and cables– Regulations that apply to factories, work areas and special systems●When installing transmitter racks, it is important to observe national accident pre-vention regulations, for example, with regard to:– Crushing hazard when working beneath suspended loads– Fall hazards when working on ladders– Risk of injury when lifting heavy loads●Personal protective equipment (PPE) must be used when installation or repair workis being carried out. Depending on the type of work, it may be necessary to wearprotective clothing such as hard hats, safety gloves, eye protection, etc.●Instruments and systems must not be operated unless their cabinets are closed.Observe the appropriate safety instructions when opening cabinets for maintenanceor repair work.●Isolate all poles when disconnecting instruments and systems from the AC supply.In addition, disconnect all external sources of power, i.e. all measuring cables, exten-sion cables and multipoint connectors (except for special service connectors). Thenwait approx. 5 minutes to ensure that the capacitors in the system are sufficientlydischarged.●Additional information on liquid‑cooled transmitters: When installing the cooling sys-tem and filling it with coolant (pump and heat exchanger), the applicable regulations  Safety Instructions for Transmitter Systems and Equipment
Safety InstructionsR&S® TMU912System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 01on working with hazardous products (coolant) must be observed; see the section"Material Safety Data Sheets" under "EC Safety Data Sheet – Antifrogen".2.2 General Safety InstructionsThis section contains general safety instructions applying to all products manufacturedor sold by Rohde & Schwarz.In accordance with IEC215 or EN60215, transmitter systems and their add-on equipmentmust be operated under the responsibility of qualified technicians only. The minimumrequirements for qualified electricians are also defined in the standard "Safety require-ments for radio transmitting equipment".Compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements is a precondition for operating radioequipment and systems. The operator or the operator's authorized representative isresponsible for ensuring compliance with these requirements. They must additionallyensure that the training of the operating personnel satisfies the country-specific require-ments. This includes any periodic training that is necessary.2.2.1 Safety InstructionsIt is essential to read and observe the following instructions and safety informa-tion.All factories and sites of the Rohde & Schwarz company group continuously strive toensure that our products meet the very latest safety standards and that our customersare provided with the highest possible degree of safety. Our products and any additionalequipment that they require are manufactured and tested in accordance with the appli-cable safety regulations. Our quality assurance department regularly checks if thesestandards are met. This product has been manufactured and tested in accordance withthe enclosed EC Certificate of Conformity and left the factory in a condition fully complyingwith the relevant safety standards. In order to keep the product in this condition and toensure that it operates safely, the user must observe all information, warnings andinstructions. Please do not hesitate to contact the Rohde & Schwarz company group ifyou have any queries regarding these safety instructions.Additionally, it is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the product is operated inthe appropriate manner. The product is intended for industrial and laboratory use onlyand, if expressly authorized, also for use in the field, and must never be used in such away that may result in injury to personnel or damage to property. The user shall be heldresponsible if the product is used for purposes other than those specified or in such away that disregards the instructions from the manufacturer. The manufacturer shall notbe liable for any consequences resulting from the product being used for purposes otherthan those for which it is intended.Use of the product for its intended purpose is assumed if the product is used in accord-ance with the specifications given in the associated product documentation and within itsperformance limits (see the data sheet, documentation and the following safety instruc-  General Safety Instructions
Safety InstructionsR&S® TMU913System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 01tions). Use of the product requires specialist knowledge and, in part, knowledge of theEnglish language. It is therefore important to ensure that the product is operated only byspecialist personnel and persons with the appropriate skills who have received detailedinstruction in how to operate the product. If personnel protective equipment is requiredfor the operation of Rohde & Schwarz products, this is indicated at the appropriate pointin the product documentation. Keep the basic safety instructions and product documen-tation in a safe place and pass them on to subsequent users of the product.Observance of the safety instructions is intended to prevent injury or damage resultingfrom hazards of all types. It is therefore necessary that intended users carefully read andunderstand the following safety instructions before and during use of the product. It isalso essential to observe all other safety instructions (e.g. relating to personnel protection)which are given at appropriate points in the product documentation. In these safetyinstructions, the term "product" refers to all articles sold and marketed by theRohde & Schwarz company group; these include instruments, installations and all acces-sory items.Signal words and their meaningThe following signal words are used in the product documentation to warn of risks andhazards.indicates an immediate high-risk hazard which will result in death or serious injury if it isnot avoided.indicates a potential medium-risk hazard which can result in death or (serious) injury if itis not avoided.indicates a low-risk hazard which could result in minor or medium injury if it is not avoided.indicates possible incorrect operation which could result in damage to the product.These signal words correspond to the definitions customary in the European EconomicArea for civil applications. In addition to this definition, there may also be varying defini-tions used in other economic areas or for military applications. It is therefore important tonote that the signal words described here are used only in connection with the associatedproduct documentation and the associated product. The use of signal words in connectionGeneral Safety Instructions
Safety InstructionsR&S® TMU914System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 01with non-associated products or non-associated documentation can lead to incorrectinterpretation and thus result in injury and damage.Operating conditions, positions and locationsThe product should only be operated in the operating conditions, positions and locationsspecified by the manufacturer such that ventilation is not obstructed. Non-observance ofthe manufacturer specifications can result in electric shock, fire and/or serious or (undercertain circumstances) fatal injury. All work must be performed in compliance with thelocal or country-specific safety and accident prevention regulations.1. Unless otherwise agreed, the following points apply for Rohde & Schwarz products:a) Operating position: housing base at bottomb) IP degree of protection: 2 x USB 2.0 for connecting an external mouse, keyboard,USB stick, etc.c) Degree of soiling: 2d) Overvoltage category: 2e) For indoor use onlyf) Operation up to 2000 m above sea levelg) Transport up to 4500 m above sea levelh) Tolerance for nominal voltage: ± 10 %i) Tolerance for nominal frequency: ± 5 %2. Do not stand the product on surfaces, vehicles, shelves or tables that are not suitablefor weight or stability reasons. When mounting and securing the product on/to objectsor structures (e.g. walls and shelves), always follow the installation instructions fromthe manufacturer. Persons can be injured or even killed if installation is not performedin the way described in the product documentation.3. Do not place the product on appliances that generate heat (e.g. radiators and fanheaters). The ambient temperature must not exceed the maximum temperaturespecified in the product documentation or in the data sheet. Overheating of the prod-uct can result in electric shock, fire and/or serious or (under certain circumstances)fatal injury.Electrical safetyNon-observance or inadequate observance of the instructions concerning electricalsafety can result in electric shock, fire and/or serious or (under certain circumstances)fatal injury.1. Before switching on the product, always make sure that the nominal voltage set atthe product matches the nominal AC voltage of power supply network. If it is neces-sary to change the voltage setting, it may also be necessary to change the associatedAC supply fuse of the product.2. In the case of products of protection class I with movable power supply line and plugconnector, operation is only permitted at sockets with protective contact and con-nected PE conductor.General Safety Instructions
Safety InstructionsR&S® TMU915System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 013. Any deliberate interruption of the PE conductor (both along the feed line and at theproduct itself) is not permitted. This can result in a potential shock hazard at theproduct. If extension cables or multipoint connectors are used, it must be ensuredthat their safety is checked at regular intervals.4. If the product is not equipped with a power switch to disconnect it from the powersupply, the plug on the connecting cable must be used to disconnect the power sup-ply. In such cases, it must be ensured that the power plug is easily reachable andaccessible at all times (length of connecting cable approx. 2 m). Function switchesor electronic switches are not suitable for disconnecting the product from the powersupply. If products without power switch are integrated in racks or systems, the dis-connecting device must be provided at system level.5. Never use the product if the power cable is damaged. Check at regular intervals thatthe power cable is in perfect condition. Take suitable precautions and use suitablecable installation methods to ensure that the power cable cannot be damaged andpersonnel cannot be injured (e.g. as a result of electric shock or tripping over cables).6. Operation is only permitted in TN/TT supply networks which are fuse-protected withmax. 16 A (higher fuse ratings should only be used after consultation with theRohde & Schwarz company group).7. Do not insert the plug into dusty or dirty sockets. Insert the plug firmly and completelyinto the sockets provided. Disregard of these points can lead to sparks, fire and/orinjury.8. Do not overload the sockets, extension cables or multipoint connectors as this cancause fire or electric shocks.9. In the case of measurements in electrical circuits with voltages Urms > 30 V, appro-priate measures must be taken to avoid all hazards (e.g. suitable measuring equip-ment, fuse protection, current limiting, electrical separation, insulation, etc.).10. In the case of connections to IT equipment (e.g. PCs or industrial computers), it mustbe ensured that such connections satisfy the applicable IEC60950‑1/EN60950‑1 orIEC61010‑1/EN61010‑1.11. Unless explicitly permitted, never remove the cover or any part of the housing whilethe product is in operation. Electrical lines and components will otherwise beexposed, which can lead to injury, fire or damage to the product.12. If the product is connected at a fixed location, the connection between the on‑site PEconductor connection and the instrument PE conductor must be set up before anyother connections are made. Installation and connection should only be performedby an electrician.13. In the case of permanently installed equipment without built‑in fuses, circuit breakersor similar protective devices, the supply circuit must be fused in such a way thatpersonnel who have access to the product, as well as the product itself, are ade-quately protected.General Safety Instructions
Safety InstructionsR&S® TMU916System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 0114. Every product must be protected against overvoltage (e.g. as a result of a lightningstrike) by means of appropriate overvoltage protection. The operating personnel areotherwise at risk of electric shock.15. Foreign objects must not be inserted into the openings of the housing. This can causeshort circuits in the product and/or electric shocks, fire or injury.16. Unless otherwise specified, products are not protected against the penetration offluids; see also the section "Operating conditions, positions and locations", point 1.The instruments must therefore be protected against the penetration of fluids. If thispoint is disregarded, there is a risk of electric shock for the user or of damage to theproduct, which in turn can also endanger personnel.17. Do not use the product under conditions in which condensation could occur (or mayalready have occurred) in or on the product, e.g. if the product has been moved froma cold environment into a warm environment. Water penetration increases the risk ofelectric shock.18. Before cleaning the product, fully disconnect it from the power supply (e.g. powersupply network or battery). Clean instruments using a soft, lint-free dust cloth. Neveruse chemical cleaning agents such as alcohol, acetone or cellulose thinner.Operation1. Use of the product requires special instruction and full concentration during use. Itmust be ensured that persons who operate the product are fit to do so from a physical,intellectual and mental viewpoint, otherwise there is a risk of injury or damage. It isthe responsibility of the employer/operator to select suitable personnel to use theproduct.2. Before moving or transporting the product, read and observe the information in thesection "Transport" on page 18.3. As with all industrially manufactured goods, it is not possible to completely rule outthe use of materials which cause allergies, i.e. "allergens" (e.g. nickel). If, when usingRohde & Schwarz products, allergic reactions occur (e.g. skin rash, frequent sneez-ing, red eyes or respiratory problems), consult a doctor immediately in order to deter-mine the cause and to prevent health problems.4. Before mechanically and/or thermally processing or dismantling the product, it isessential to refer to the section "Disposal" on page 18, point 1.5. Owing to the inherent functional design of certain products (e.g. RF radio systems),increased electromagnetic radiation may be produced. In order to protect unborn life,pregnant women must be protected by means of suitable measures. Electromagneticradiation also poses a risk to persons with pacemakers. The employer/operator isobliged to assess and identify workplaces where there is a particular risk of exposureto radiation, and to take precautions to prevent potential hazards.General Safety Instructions
Safety InstructionsR&S® TMU917System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 016. In the event of fire, toxic substances (gases, fluids, etc.) can be discharged from theproduct and damage the health of personnel. If a fire occurs, appropriate measuresmust therefore be taken (e.g. breathing masks and protective clothing).7. If a laser product is integrated in an Rohde & Schwarz product (e.g. CD/DVD drive),no settings or functions other than those described in the product documentationshould be used in order to prevent injury (e.g. from the laser beam).Repair and servicing1. The product should be opened by authorized specialist personnel only. Before anywork is performed on the product or before the product is opened, it must be discon-nected from the supply voltage, otherwise there is a risk of electric shock.2. Any adjustments, part replacements, maintenance or repairs should be carried outonly by authorized Rohde & Schwarz electricians. If safety‑relevant parts (e.g. powerswitches, power transformers or fuses) are to be changed, they must always bereplaced with original parts. A safety check must be performed after safety‑relevantparts have been replaced (visual inspection, PE conductor test, insulation resistancemeasurement, leaking current measurement, functional check). This ensures that theproduct remains safe to use.Batteries and rechargeable batteries/cellsNon-observance or inadequate observance of the instructions concerning electricalsafety can result in electric shock, fire and/or serious or (under certain circumstances)fatal injury.Batteries and rechargeable batteries with alkaline electrolyte (e.g. lithiumcells) must be handled in line with EN62133.1. Cells must not be disassembled, opened or crushed.2. Lithium batteries must not be exposed to high temperatures or fire. Do not store orplace batteries in direct sunlight. Keep cells and batteries clean and dry. Clean dirtyterminals using a dry, clean cloth.3. Cells and batteries must not be short-circuited. Cells and batteries must not be storedin a potentially hazardous manner in a box or drawer where they can short-circuiteach other or can be short-circuited by other conductive materials. A cell or batteryshould only be taken out of its original packaging when it is to be used.4. Keep cells and batteries out of the reach of children. If a cell or battery has beenswallowed, seek medical assistance immediately.5. Do not subject cells and batteries to severe mechanical jolts or impacts.6. If a cell is leaking, do not allow the fluid to come into contact with the skin or eyes. Ifthe fluid does come into contact with the skin or eyes, wash the affected area withplenty of water and seek medical assistance.7. There is a risk of explosion if cells or batteries containing alkaline electrolyte (e.g.lithium cells) are replaced or charged incorrectly. To ensure that the product remainsGeneral Safety Instructions
Safety InstructionsR&S® TMU918System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 01safe to use, always replace cells or batteries with the appropriate R&S type (see thereplacement parts list).8. Cells or batteries must be recycled and must not be disposed of with residual waste.Rechargeable batteries or batteries containing lead, mercury or cadmium must bedisposed of as special waste. Observe the country‑specific disposal and recyclingregulations.Transport1. The product can be extremely heavy. It must therefore be moved and transportedcarefully and, if necessary, using suitable lifting gear (e.g. lift truck) in order to preventinjuries to the back and other parts of the body.2. Handles on the products are handling aids which are only intended for persons trans-porting the product. The handles are not to be used for securing the product to or ontransport equipment (e.g. cranes, forklift trucks, carts, etc.). It is your responsibility toensure that the products are attached securely to or on suitable transport or liftingequipment. Observe the safety regulations from the manufacturer of the used trans-port or lifting equipment in order prevent injury to personnel and damage to the prod-uct.3. If you use the product in a vehicle, it is the responsibility of the driver to drive thevehicle in a safe and appropriate manner. The manufacturer shall not be liable foraccidents or collisions. Never use the product in moving vehicle if there is a risk thatthis could distract the vehicle driver. Make sure that the product is adequately securedin order to prevent injury or further damage in the event of an accident.Disposal1. If products or their components are processed mechanically and/or thermally beyondthe scope of the operating conditions for which they were intended, hazardous mate-rials (dust containing heavy metals such as lead, beryllium, nickel) can be released.The product should therefore be dismantled by specially trained personnel only.Incorrect dismantling can cause damage to health. The national regulations con-cerning disposal must be observed.2. If, when handling the product, hazardous materials or operating fluids are encoun-tered which must be disposed of separately (e.g. coolant or engine oils that have tobe changed at regular intervals), the safety instructions from the manufacturer ofthese hazardous materials and operating fluids, and the applicable local disposalregulations must be observed. Also observe any additional relevant safety instruc-tions in the product documentation. Incorrect disposal of hazardous materials oroperating fluids can result in damage to health and the environment.General Safety Instructions
Safety InstructionsR&S® TMU919System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 012.3 Special Hazard Information2.3.1 Hazards from AC Supply VoltageAll voltages of Urms > 30 V AC or U > 60 V DC must be regarded as constituting a shockhazard. When working with voltages that constitute a shock hazard, appropriate meas-ures must be taken to prevent exposure to danger. Never work on live components. Workon live parts should only be performed in exceptional cases and only if special safetyprecautions are taken. AC Power Supply●Before connecting the AC power supply, it is important to ensure that the power sup-ply specifications given for the system or instruments match the nominal specifica-tions for the local power supply network. The power supply circuit must be protectedby means of fuses in order to prevent overloads and short circuits.●Miniature modules have neutral conductor fuses. As a result, the power supply maystill be connected even after interruption of the circuit by a fuse. Changing Fuses●Fuses which are accessible to the operator should only be changed after the instru-ments have been disconnected from the power supply. They must always be replacedwith fuses that have the same electrical rating, tripping characteristics and breakingcapacity.●Motor protection switches and automatic line fuses in those parts of a transmittersystem that can be accessed by users must be tripped. If their response range isadjustable, the ex‑factory setting must not be altered. If settings are changed inad-vertently, the correct values specified in this documentation must be set.2.3.2 Hazards from High‑Energy Electric CircuitsThe instruments contain low-voltage circuits that can be fed from a voltage source withan extremely low impedance (e.g. amplifier operating voltage). These circuits carry dan-gerously high levels of energy. At Rohde & Schwarz, we treat these circuits in the sameway as circuits with hazardous contact voltages. Normally, these circuits are protectedby covers to prevent unintentional contact. The cover has a warning label.In practice it has been repeatedly shown that short circuits caused by small metallic toolsresult in severe burns. For safety reasons, any high‑energy electric circuits in areas ofthe equipment that can be accessed by users are concealed by protective covers.●Exercise the same amount of caution for measurements on low‑impedance voltages(e.g. for repair purposes) that you would when performing measurements on oper-ating voltages which constitute a shock hazard.Wear suitable protective gear when necessary.     Special Hazard Information
Safety InstructionsR&S® TMU920System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 01●Before opening any equipment or removing a particular cover, turn off the powersupply and wait 5 minutes to ensure that capacitors have discharged sufficiently.●Do not discharge capacitors by short‑circuiting them.2.3.3 Hazards from RF Radiation2.3.3.1 Obligation to Instruct Personnel●The operator must train all personnel in the operation of this transmitter or instrumentin line with EN60215 and/or IEC215. It is essential that these regular training sessionsemphasize the dangers related to high frequency that exist at the respective trans-mitter or instrument. Operating personnel are only authorized to adjust and operatethe equipment after they have completed the respective training sessions and theirparticipation has been documented.High‑energy RF circuits inside the transmitter or instrument are routed via conventionalremovable RF connectors (e.g. type N). Depending on the output power, the output portsof the transmitter and instrument are equipped with screw-type or plug-in RF lines orducts.If RF lines or modules carry high power, the connection point or the entire module istagged with the general danger warning label (yellow triangle with a black exclamationmark). RF ShieldingTransmitters and instruments from Rohde & Schwarz are shielded so that even in theimmediate vicinity there is no danger from RF radiation when all RF lines are connected.This applies to statutory provisions in Germany, i.e. the regulation concerning electro-magnetic fields:Limits for electrical and magnetic field strengths of high‑frequency installations aredefined in the 26th ordinance of the German Federal Government's Emission Control Actof December 16, 1996 (26. BImSchV). Rules When Operating an AmplifierDisconnecting RF lines that are in operation can result in arcs. These can cause burnsand eye injuries.●Operation of the amplifier is only permitted if a main or dummy antenna is connected●Never disconnect RF lines when the amplifier is in operation●Never open the amplifier or modules when the amplifier is in operation●Never operate the amplifier if RF lines are exposed    Special Hazard Information
Safety InstructionsR&S® TMU921System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ Rules When Working on an Open AmplifierOperation with RF power is not permitted if the instrument has been opened or covershave been removed. Special Hazard Information
Safety InstructionsR&S® TMU922System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 01Special Hazard Information
Transmitter System R&S TMU9R&S® TMU923System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 013 Transmitter System R&S TMU93.1 Design and Function R&S TMU9The TV transmitters of the R&S TMU9 transmitter family support the following standards.With DTV operation:●DVB-T/H●DVB‑T2●ATSC/ATSC Mobile●ISDBTBThis manual describes the TV transmitters of the R&S TMU9 transmitter family, whichsupport the DVB-T/H, DVB-T2, ATSC and ISDBTB standards.3.1.1 Rack DesignThe air-cooled transmitters of the R&S TMU9 series are designed as rack transmitters.The exciters (TCE900 exciter) and the transmitter control units (TCE900 SystemControlfor MultiTx, N+1, and dual drive) are each installed horizontally above their associatedoutput stages.When partially and fully equipped, the power distribution with main switches is on thebottom of the front.Installing customer instruments in the upper part of the rack is an option, depending onthe transmitter configuration.A maximum of 6 power amplifiers (3.5 RU) can be installed in a rack, depending on theconfiguration. The output stage of a single transmitter can contain up to 5 power ampli-fiers.3.1.2 Arrangement of the R&S TCE900 Instruments and System Compo-nentsThe R&S TCE900 instruments are always arranged according to the same rules for allapplications.●On top of the rack there are 1 to 3 optional customer rackmounts (depending on theconfiguration), followed by the TCE900-SystemControl or the TDU900 display unit..●The rackmounts for the TCE900 units and the amplifiers of a transmitter are underthe TDU900 display unit (required for MultiTx and N+1 transmitter systems, otherwiseoptional). One to three TCE900 units per transmitter are required, depending on thesystem (single drive, dual drive, backup drive).    Design and Function R&S TMU9
Transmitter System R&S TMU9R&S® TMU924System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 01In the following, different examples of transmitters with maximum configuration are dis-played.Fig. 3-1: TMU 9 – Multi Tx single drive with six transmitters.Design and Function R&S TMU9
Transmitter System R&S TMU9R&S® TMU925System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 01Fig. 3-2: TMU9 – Multi Tx dual drive with five transmitters.3.1.3 Redundancy ConceptsSingle transmitter (single drive)This simplest variant for medium-power transmitters consists of an exciter (R&S TCE900-Exciter) and an output stage. The redundancy in this transmitter type is exclusively in theoutput stage, which can consist of n amplifiers (n = max. of 5 per rack). Design and Function R&S TMU9
Transmitter System R&S TMU9R&S® TMU926System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 01Fig. 3-3: Single Drive - block diagram.Dual driveThis variant of a dual-drive transmitter consists of a transmitter control unit (R&S TCE900-SystemControl), two exciters (R&S TCE900 exciter), an exciter switch, and an outputstage. If one of the exciters fails, the transmitter control unit uses the exciter switch auto-matic to switch to the second exciter via moving the exciter switch.The redundancy properties of the output stage correspond to those of a single transmitter.One rack from the R&S TMU9 series offers space for a maximum of five transmitters asa dual-drive solution.Design and Function R&S TMU9
Transmitter System R&S TMU9R&S® TMU927System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 01Fig. 3-4: Dual Drive - block diagramBackup driveThis variant of a dual-drive transmitter consists of 2 exciters (R&S TCE900 exciter) withvarious functions, an exciter switch, and an output stage. In contrast to the dual-drivesolution, with the backup drive a TCE900-System Control is not necessary. By default,the program exciter (R&S TCE900 program exciter) is connected to the output stage andsupplies the modulation signal. The control exciter (R&S TCE900 control exciter) moni-tors the program exciter and switches to the output stage if the program exciter fails. Arack of the R&S TMU9 series offers space for a maximum of 5 transmitters as a backupdrive solution.Design and Function R&S TMU9
Transmitter System R&S TMU9R&S® TMU928System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 01Fig. 3-5: Backup drive – block diagram.3.1.4 ApplicationsMultiTx transmitters can be combined with any kind of redundancy. Consequently, how-ever, the possible maximum number of transmitters in a rack decreases.Theoretically possible structure in the rack:Transmitter type per rackSingle transmitter 6 single transmitters (with one amplifier for eachtransmitter)Dual drive 5 transmitters with dual drive (with one amplifier foreach transmitter)N+1 4 + 1 system (with one amplifier for each transmitter)A rack of the R&S TMU9 series offers space for a maximum of 6 single transmitters, eachwith one amplifier.Transmitter constellation with MultiTx systemsThe MultiTx application presupposes a combination of similar transmitters. In this case,there are different options:MultiTx transmitter with 1 amplifier / Tx Design and Function R&S TMU9
Transmitter System R&S TMU9R&S® TMU929System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 01Up to 6 single transmitters can be integrated for each rack. Up to 5 dual drives can beinstalled for each rack.MultiTx transmitters each with 2 amplifiers / TxUp to 3 single transmitters can be integrated for each rack. Up to 3 dual drives can beinstalled for each rack.Fig. 3-6: MultiTx transmitters, each with 2 amplifiers per transmitter.Tx = Transmitters 1 to 3Amp x = Amplifiers 1 to 2 per transmitterMultiTx transmitters each with 3 amplifiers / TxUp to 2 single transmitters can be integrated for each rack. Up to 2 dual drives can beinstalled for each rack.Fig. 3-7: MultiTx transmitters, each with 3 amplifiers per transmitter.Tx = Transmitters 1 to 2Amp x = Amplifiers 1 to 3 per transmitterMultiTx transmitters each with 4 or 5 amplifiers / TxA single drive transmitter, dual drive transmitter system, or backup drive transmitter sys-tem can be installed.Design and Function R&S TMU9
Transmitter System R&S TMU9R&S® TMU930System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 01Fig. 3-8: MultiTx transmitters each with 4 or 5 amplifiers per transmitter.Tx = Transmitter 1Amp x = Amplifiers 1 to 4 or 5 per transmitter3.1.5 Overview of Modules and Devices3.1.5.1 Mains Distribution UnitDesignThe R&S ZR900Z10 mains distribution unit is designed as a 19" rackmount and servesto provide power and safeguard various devices such as amplifiers, transmitter controlunits, etc.The mains distribution unit consists of the following modules or components:●Main switch Q1●Circuit breakers F1 to F20●Overvoltage protection A101●Network access terminal X1●4 terminals for auxiliary contacts (optional)●Network output terminal X2CharacteristicsThe variant of the ZR900Z10 mains distribution unit implemented until now is Var. 21.Characteristics Var. 21(2600.1370.21)Supply voltage 230 V: L1, L2, or L3 to NMain switch Q1 designed for max. 63 AProtective contacts (optional) designed for max. 10 AProtection Single-pole circuit breakers F1 to F6: 20 ASingle-pole circuit breakers F7 to F20: 6 A  Design and Function R&S TMU9
Transmitter System R&S TMU9R&S® TMU931System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 01Characteristics Var. 21(2600.1370.21)Overvoltage protection A101 One overvoltage arrester for each of L1, L2, L3, andNConnectors for max. 20 devices   FunctionSee circuit diagram 2600.1370.01 S.The supply voltage is routed to network access terminal X1 with three phases (L1, L2,L3, N). As an option, the two-pin switches can also be connected with the auxiliary con-tacts (each 1 phase and N). The individual phases are routed from X1 to main switch Q1via cable W1E. Q1 enables the total load to be switched on and off at all poles.The voltage is routed with three phases from Q1 to overvoltage protection A101, whichcontains one overvoltage arrester for each phase. Any overvoltage is diverted via W1Tand X1.PE to PE.Via W1T, the individual phases L1, L2, and L3 are each routed to circuit breakers F1 toF20, so that 230 V are present there with respect to N. The outputs of the circuit breakersare connected to output terminal strip X2 via cables W2A, W3A, and W3B. A max. of 20loads are connected to X2.Thus each load is protected against overcurrent by a circuit breaker. Circuit breakers F1to F6 trigger at 20 A and serve to protect the amplifiers. Circuit breakers F7 to F20 triggerat 6 A and serve to protect the TCEs, the fans of an exhaust kit (optional), or any customerinstruments.Standby power supply (with amplifiers)If an optional standby power supply is installed for an amplifier, the main and standbypower supplies operate in parallel, each at half power. If one of the two power suppliesdrops out, the functional one operates as the power supply at full power.Amplifiers not including a standby power supply are connected to L, N, and PE (networkoutput terminal X2) using a 3-wire cable. When using a standby power supply, a 5-wirecable is used to connect to L1, L2, N1, N2, and PL1, since now the main and standbypower supplies are protected by a separate circuit breaker. Transmitter Control UnitThe transmitter control unit contains the following components:●R&S TCE900 SysCtrlThe transmitter control unit is responsible for both internal and external communications,including all control functions. Design and Function R&S TMU9
Transmitter System R&S TMU9R&S® TMU932System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 01The current status of the transmitter system can optionally be shown on a straightforwardcolor display via the R&S TDU900. TSP900 (Transmitter Status Panel)The TSP900 allows local operation of a transmitter. One TSP900 is allocated to eachtransmitter (single drive, dual drive, backup drive) and is fastened to the front panel ofthe respective transmitter.Fig. 3-9: TSP900 (Transmitter Status Panel)For single drive, dual drive, and backup drive transmitters with optional TDU900, theTSP900 (keys and LEDs) are active in parallel with the TDU900.For N+1 and MultiTx transmitters, each individual transmitter has a separate TSP900,which enables local operation of the single transmitter.Meaning of the LEDs Single drive Backup drive Dual drive       OK (green) Transmitter allOKTransmitter allOKTransmitter all OKWarning (orange) Warning for trans-mitterWarning fortransmitterWarning for trans-mitterFault (red) Fault for transmit-terFault for transmit-terFault for transmit-ter Input OK Sum input statusof the exciter isOKSum input statusof the activeexciter is OK [2]Sum input statusof the activeexciter is OK [2]W Sum input statusof the exciter hasa WarningSum input statusof the activeexciter has aWarning [2]Sum input statusof the activeexciter has aWarning [2]F Sum input statusof the exciter hasa FailSum input statusof the activeexciter has a Fail[2]Sum input statusof the activeexciter has a Fail[2] Design and Function R&S TMU9
Transmitter System R&S TMU9R&S® TMU933System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 01Reference OK Sum reference ofthe exciter is OKSum reference ofthe active exciteris OK [3]Sum reference ofthe active exciteris OK [3]W Sum reference ofthe exciter has aWarningSum reference ofthe active exciterhas a Warning [3]Sum reference ofthe active exciterhas a Warning [3]F Sum reference ofthe exciter has aFailSum reference ofthe active exciterhas a Fail [3]Sum reference ofthe active exciterhas a Fail [3]Off Reference signal(10 MHz/ PPS/GPS…) is notpresent and is notrequired, sincefrequency regula-tion source is setto "Manual"Reference signal(10 MHz/ PPS/GPS…) for theactive exciter isnot present and isnot required,since frequencyregulation sourceis set to "Manual"Reference signal(10 MHz/ PPS/GPS…) for theactive exciter isnot present and isnot required, sincefrequency regula-tion source is setto "Manual"RF OK Transmitter RFOKTransmitter RFOKTransmitter RFOKW Transmitter RFWarningTransmitter RFWarningTransmitter RFWarningFTransmitter RFFail [1]Transmitter RFFail [1]Transmitter RFFail [1]Off Transmitter pro-gram offTransmitter pro-gram offTransmitter pro-gram off Local TransmitterLocal/RemoteLED shows theLocal status (yel-low)TransmitterLocal/Remote(applies for pro-gram and controlexciter)LED shows theLocal status (yel-low)Transmitter Local/Remote (appliesfor Tx control,exciter A andexciter B)LED shows theLocal status (yel-low)On Transmitter On(ON/OFF com-mand acceptedby the transmit-ter)Transmitter On(ON/OFF com-mand acceptedby the transmit-ter)Transmitter On(ON/OFF com-mand accepted bythe transmitter)[1] Special case: Saved RF Fail for (switched over and) switched off transmitter[2] If an exciter switchover – called up by an incorrect input feed – already took place, thefaulty input feed to the switched-over exciter cannot be identified by the input LED.Instead, only a transmitter sum warning is displayed for the exciter automatic switchoverfunction.[3] If an exciter switchover – called up by an incorrect reference feed – already took place,the faulty reference feed to the switched-over exciter cannot be identified by the REF-Design and Function R&S TMU9
Transmitter System R&S TMU9R&S® TMU934System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 01ERENCE LED. Instead, only a transmitter sum warning is displayed for the exciter auto-matic switchover function. Exciter and System ComponentsThe exciter consists of the following components:●Exciter●Exciter switch (for exciter standby only)●CAN bus adapter (for single drive only)●TS distributor (optional)ExciterThe R&S TCE900 exciter performs all signal processing from the audio/video input signalor transport stream signal up to an RF output signal that complies with the relevantstandards.For additional information, refer to the TCE900 instrument manual.Exciter SwitchWith dual-drive transmitters (dual drive), the exciter switch switches to the standby exciterin the following cases:●If the main exciter malfunctions●If there is a manual switchover via the R&S TCE900 SysCtrlThe exciter switch is controlled by the exciter switch automatic, which is operating onboth TCE900-Exciters redundant,CAN Bus AdapterThe CAN adapter is required for communication between the individual system compo-nents (output stage and CAN bus-capable test point) and the transmitter control unit (forsingle drive only).TS DistributorThe transport stream (TS) distributor distributes the input signal to the respective exciter(for dual drive only). Output Stage UnitThe air-cooled R&S PMU901 amplifier is a broadband unit that operates as a poweramplifier in the frequency range from 470 MHz to 862 MHz with the following TV stand-ards:●Digital (DTV) standards: DVB-T/H, DVB-T2, ATSC, ATSC Mobile, ISDBTB●Analog (ATV) standards: ATVc (combined) B/G, D/K, K1, I, I1  Design and Function R&S TMU9
Transmitter System R&S TMU9R&S® TMU935System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 01For additional information, refer to chapter 5.1, "Design and Function R&S PMU901",on page OSKAR Coupler ModuleThe acronym OSKAR stands for harmonics filter, splitter, coupler, absorber, and direc-tional coupler (Oberwellenfilter, Splitter, Koppler, Absorber, Richtkoppler).The OSKAR coupler module is a complete functional unit with the following functions:●RF signal distribution (splitter)●RF signal combination (coupler)●Cooling system of the coupler and the load compensation resistors by arranging thecoupler in the exhaust air flow of the amplifier●Integrated harmonics filter for either band IV or band V●Three directional coupler test points as separate sensors:– CAN bus-capable test point (forward/reflected power), frequency response-com-pensated– ADE test point (forward/reflected power)– Free test point (forward/reflected power, optional)The directivity of the test points is at ≈ 34 dB.Depending on how many amplifier output signals are to be combined, the following fourdifferent coupler versions can be used.●2-way coupler/splitter for an output stage with 2 power amplifiers●3-way coupler/splitter for an output stage with 3 power amplifiers●4-way coupler/splitter for an output stage with 4 power amplifiers●5-way coupler/splitter for an output stage with 5 power amplifiers3.1.5.7 External Directional Coupler (GD901/902)An external directional coupler can be used to measure the transmitter output power fortransmitters with an amplifier.You can select either the GD901 or the GD902 with one or two measurement connectionsfor the forward and reflected power (connection to main line 7-16). Bandpass FilterA UHF channel bandpass filter is provided downstream of the amplifiers to reduce out-of-band interference. In the signal path, the bandpass filter is located before the har-monics filter.   Design and Function R&S TMU9
Transmitter System R&S TMU9R&S® TMU936System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ RF ConnectorThe RF connector (EIA flange) is on the transmitter roof (alternatively, it can also belocated at the base of the transmitter). The size (diameter) of the RF connector is 1 5/8". Parallel Remote Control InterfaceThe parallel remote control interface is used to operate the transmitter from a remotelocation via parallel wire connections (not a computer interface). You can use a remoteoperator position to issue commands (ON, OFF, etc.) or to receive messages from thetransmitter, such as status messages (TRANSMITTER ON).Custom InterfacesNo. Designation Type Connection RemarksX101AX101BCommands totransmitter25-pin D-SubsocketCommand line The module hasoptocoupler inputsfloating with respectto 0 V. 0 V floatingis applied to pin 24and 25. (as percommand line)Commands 1 to 16to X101A pin 1 to 16Commands 17 to 32to X101B pin 1 to 16X201AX201BMessages fromtransmitter25-pin D-Sub plug Relay outputs The module hasnormally-open (NO)contacts or double-throw (DT) contactsfor messages.Messages 1 to 9and 76 are appliedto X201A.Messages 10 to 18and 77 are appliedto X201B.NO contacts areavailable for mes-sage 1 to 6 and 10to 15; all othershave DT contacts.  Design and Function R&S TMU9
Transmitter System R&S TMU9R&S® TMU937System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 01No. Designation Type Connection RemarksX203AX203BMessages fromtransmitter25-pin D-Sub plug Relay outputs The module hasnormally-open (NO)contacts or double-throw (DT) contactsfor messages.Messages 19 to 24and 78 are appliedto X203A.Messages 28 to 33and 79 are appliedto X203B.NO contacts areavailable for mes-sage 19 to 24 and28 to 33; all othershave DT contacts.X205AX205BMessages 25-pin D-Sub plug Relay outputs The module hasnormally-open (NO)contacts or double-throw (DT) contactsfor messages.Messages 37 to 46are applied toX205A.Messages 47 to 56are applied toX205B.NO contacts areavailable for mes-sage 37 to 42 and47 to 52; all othershave DT contacts.X207A X207B Messages 25-pin D-Sub plug Relay outputs The module hasnormally-open (NO)contacts or double-throw (DT) contactsfor messages.Messages 57 to 66are applied toX207A.Messages 67 to 80are applied toX205B.NO contacts areavailable for mes-sage 57 to 66 and67 to 72; all othershave DT contacts.Connectors for Connecting Remote Control EquipmentSpecial "D-Sub tandem connectors" are used. Possible designations for an X201 con-nector are X201A and X201B.Design and Function R&S TMU9
Transmitter System R&S TMU9R&S® TMU938System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 01The designation of the connector pin indicates the respective half of the tandem con-nector.Example: Command 1 is applied to connector X101, pin 1A. The command can be inputat connector pin 1 of connector 101A.Command InputsAll command inputs are operated via optocouplers with a floating supply voltage that isgenerated on the module. A command input becomes active by means of a connectionto the common command line. Both continuous signals and pulse signals are permitted.With pulse signals, a minimum pulse length of 100 ms must be ensured. With continuousoperation, the signal which became active last is rejected in the case of mutually exclusivesignals.Example: The TRANSMITTER ON command is valid and the TRANSMITTER OFF com-mand is issued. The TRANSMITTER OFF command stays invalid for as long as the firstON command is active. The command inputs are distributed between two 25-pin D-Subsockets (X101A, X101B).Message OutputsAll message outputs are implemented by means of floating relay contacts. A message isvalid when the contact is in its closed state. Normally-open (NO) contacts and, to a limitedextent, normally-closed (NC) contacts are available for this purpose. Relays with bistableswitching characteristics are reserved for the local/remote messages of the correspond-ing function groups.The module can be used universally for FM, DAB, and TV transmitters. It contains theconsecutively numbered commands COMMAND 1 to COMMAND 32 and the consec-utively numbered message outputs MESSAGE 1 to MESSAGE 80.Assignment to Transmitter FunctionsThe messages or commands are assigned to the transmitter functions according to theused configuration via a routing program stored in the higher-level control unit. Duringthe configuration phase, this program assigns the command inputs and message outputstheir logical meaning according to the functional use of the module.Communication between Remote Control Interface and TransmitterData is exchanged with the R&S TCE900 SysCtrl unit via an internal CAN bus. Thetransmitter control unit also provides the operating voltage for the remote control inter-face.CAN BusThe remote control interface has an internal 9-pin CAN bus D-Sub plug X1 and a 9-pinCAN bus D-Sub socket X11. The module receives its power supply (+12V) via the CANbus plug X1.Design and Function R&S TMU9
Transmitter System R&S TMU9R&S® TMU939System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 01Single Transmitter and Standby SystemIn a single transmitter, the remote control interface is directly connected to the TCE900SysCtrl via the CAN bus plug X1. The X11 socket remains free.In standby systems, the CAN bus is connected to further n+1 modules via X11. Exhaust Kit (optional)The exhaust kit allows the transmitter to be connected to a central ventillation system atthe transmitter station or for the hot air from the transmitter to be vented directly outside.Two differential pressure sensors (1) are used to measure the pressure inside the frameenclosure with reference to the outside air pressure. Through the ACIF of the TCF, theRPM of the two fans (2) are regulated with the aim of maintaining normal air pressurewithin the enclosed frame.Fig. 3-10: Mutli Tx transmitter with exhaust kit1 = Differential pressure sensors2 = Fans Design and Function R&S TMU9
Transmitter System R&S TMU9R&S® TMU940System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 01This option cannot be ordered separately and subsequently installed in the transmittersystem, since some modules or components have to be preassembled at the factory.The cooling system consists of the following modules or components:●Exhaust kit TM9-C1– Fans E1, E2– Differential pressure sensors S1, S2–Temperature sensor B2– Exhaust air transfer duct●Air cooling interface (ACIF) (option to the TCE900 TxControl transmitter control unit)The air cooling interface (ACIF) is used to establish the connection from the TM9-C1exhaust kit to the TCE900 SysCtrl unit. The ACIF serves in part to control speed andmonitor the fans and, where appropriate, to send error messages to the TCE900 SysCtrl.Pressure sensors S1 and S2 measure the pressure inside and outside of the rack. Thus,a pressure-neutral environment can be configured in the rack. Temperature sensor B2measures the exhaust air temperature in the vicinity of the exhaust air transfer duct.Mains distribution unit ZR900Z10 protects fan E1 via circuit breaker F7 and fan E2 viacircuit breaker F8.3.1.6 Performance FeaturesEfficiencyThe efficiency of a transmitter is correctable. This readjustment of the transmitter effi-ciency is done by modifying the DC supply of the power amplifier.To get an idea for transmitters that are not operated at the nominal power, the followingestimation is permitted.Unew=√(Pnew/Pnom)*UnomHere, a linearity precorrection found at nominal power does not yet have to be adapted.Uninterruptible power supplyTo bridge extended power supply faults, the control and signal processing componentspresent in the transmitter are equipped with a separate supply. The following options areavailable for an uninterruptible power supply:●The "external UPS feed" optionThe external supply can be switched off via the main switch and supplies the trans-mitter control unit components and the exciters. Alternatively, one or more UPS devi-ces can be installed in the option section of the rack. The UPS devices are 19" rack-mounts with 1 HU.●The "internal UPS" optionThe "internal UPS" option uses a UPS (additional purchase part) as a 19" instrumentrackmount with 1 HU. The 3 free rack units (option section) are intended as the Design and Function R&S TMU9
Transmitter System R&S TMU9R&S® TMU941System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 01defined installation location. This means it is not possible to equip all exciters and thetransmitter control unit with an independent UPS for MultiTx in the full configuration.●The "redundant voltage supply for the transmitter control unit (TCE900 CTRL)" optionThe transmitter control unit (TCE900 CTRL) has an optional "external supply" rack-mount for an "+12 V external" supply.Emergency modeIf the transmitter control unit has failed or communication with the transmitter componentshas been interrupted, the system is in emergency mode.This means the last operating states in all system components are saved to nonvolatilememory, with exception of the power amplifiers, for which the operation settings aresaved only until the next restart. When restarted, the amplifiers are re-commanded bythe active exciter.The system components maintain this operating state until other states are commandedby a new/repaired/replaced transmitter control unit.3.1.7 Power Display and Reflection MonitorDisplaysThe displays of the transmitter show the forward and reflected power of the transmitteroutput. The forward and reflected power is displayed with an accuracy better than ± 5 %of the nominal value.RF forward monitoring and messagesFor nominal power up until the warning level, the transmitter sends the messages RF ONand RF OK.If the configurable warning threshold (0 dB to -20 dB) is undershot, the transmitter sendsthe RF ON message and an additional warning message (RF WARNING). The RF OKmessage is canceled.If the configurable fault threshold (0 dB to -20 dB) is undershot, the transmitter cancelsthe RF ON message right away and issues an RF fault (RF FAIL) after a configurablewaiting period (1 s to 20 s).Reflection warningA warning threshold is set to generate a reflection warning.The warning threshold lies between -18 dB and -28 dB and is the return loss in dB.Reflection faultThe transmitter is switched off when the return loss is –17 dB to -14 dB (configurable)(corresponds to 1/50 to 1/20 of the forward power). It can be switched off by blocking theRF (RF carrier loop). Design and Function R&S TMU9
Transmitter System R&S TMU9R&S® TMU942System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 01Within one minute after it has been switched off the first time, three attempts at switchingit back on will be made. If there is still reflection after the last attempt to switch it on, thetransmitter is permanently switched off (Output Stage will be switched off) and a "Reflec-tion" fault message is generated.3.1.8 Specifications3.1.8.1 Transmitter System, General – DTVGeneral DVB-T/-H DVB-T2 ISDB-T ATSCFrequency range 470 MHz to 862 MHzUHF band IV/V:(step size 1 Hz)Frequency range Doh-erty470 MHz to 790 MHzChannel bandwidth 5/6/7/8 MHz 1.7/5/6/7/8 MHz 6/7/8MHz 6 MHzStandards EN 300744EN 302304 (opt.)EN 302755 ARIB STD-B31ABNT NBR 15601FCC Doc. A/53SFN / DTx function TS 101191 ARIB STD-B31ABNT NBR 15601 EMC EN 302296EN 301489-1 / -14With channel bandpass filterARIB STD-B31ABNT NBR 15601 Part 1 Max. installation alti-tude2000 m (sea level); up to 3000 m on requestOperating temperature(operation room)+1 °C to +45 °CMaximum relativehumidity95 % non-condensing (interior)Environmental class ETSI EN 300-019-1-3Interior, in acc. with 3.2, with limited temperature range, non-condensingVoltage supply 3W+N+PE (Y)230 V AC/400 V AC ±15 %AC supply frequency 47 Hz to 63 HzPower factor per phase ≥ 0.95Circuit feedback EN 61000-3-2 fulfilled for transmitters with ≤ 3 amplifiersEN 61000-3-12 fulfilled for transmitters with ≥ 4 amplifiers  Design and Function R&S TMU9
Transmitter System R&S TMU9R&S® TMU943System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 01 DVB-T/-H DVB-T2 ISDB-T ATSCImmunity --> to fasttransients and bursts(in acc. with EN61000-4-4)< 2kV (mains)< 1 kV (signals)Immunity to surges -->(in accordance with EN61000-4-5)< 1kV (symmetric)< 2kV (non-symmetric)Noise level Interior: < 60 dBAPermitted VSWR s ≤ 1.33at the transmitter level optionally at s > 1:1.33 shutoff (standard) or s > 1:1.45 (configurable)RF connector EIA 1 5/8"Inputs DVB-T/-H DVB-T2 ISDB-T ATSCInput signals ASI ASITS over IPASI ASISMTPE310MData rate 3 Mbps to 30 Mbps 3 Mbps to 50 Mbps 32,507937 Mbps 19.39 Mbpsinputs 2 x ASI (HP/LP)BNC 75 Ω2 x ASIBNC 75 Ω2 x ASIBNC 75Ω2 x SMPTE310 or2 x ASIBNC 75 Ω RJ-45, TCP/IP  Modulator interface - - - T2-MIETSI TS 102773 - - -Reference frequency 10 MHz; 0.1 to 5 Vpp or TTL, BNC 50 ΩReference pulse 1 pps, TTL, BNC 50 ΩMonitoring Current data rate, input signal present, TS synchronization present,Packet length 204 byte/188 byte Fixed packet length(188 byte)Generic cont. stream >64 kbitGeneric fixed packe-tized streams (<64 kbit)Generic encapsulatedstreams (TS 102606)High efficiency mode204/188 Byte 207 byte/187 byteModulation modes QPSK,16QAM,64QAMQPSK,16QAM,64QAM,256QAMDQPSKQPSK16 QAM64 QAM8 VSBDesign and Function R&S TMU9
Transmitter System R&S TMU9R&S® TMU944System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 01 DVB-T/-H DVB-T2 ISDB-T ATSCIFFT modes(bandwidth specifica-tions for 8 MHz chan-nel)2k, 8kopt. 4k for DVB-Hbandwidth 7.61 MHz1k, 2k, 4k, 8k, 16k, 32kbandwidth 7.61 MHzMode 1 2kMode 2 4kMode 3 8k- - -Extended carrier mode - - - 8k, 16k, 32kbandwidth 7.77 MHz - - -Symbol period 224 μs (2k)448 μs (4k)896 μs (8k)112 μs (1k)224 μs (2k)448 μs (4k)896 μs (8k)1792 μs (16k)3584 μs (32k)252μs (2k)504μs (4k)1008μμs (8k)- - -Guard interval 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32,19/128, 19/256, 1/1281/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32 - - -Code rate 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6 ,7/8 1/2, 3/5, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5,5/61/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6 ,7/8 - - -Trellis coding - - - - - - - - - 2/3Hierarchical coding supported - - - - - - - - -PAPR - - - Yes - - - - - -Rot. constellation - - - Yes - - - - - -DVB-T2 modes - - - Single PLPMulti PLP- - - - - -Delay correction Max. 1000 ms, automatic and manual settingPrecorrection ADE (adaptive digitalequalization)ADE (adaptive digitalequalization)ADE (adaptive digital equali-zation)adaptive digital equali-zation (ADE) ext. groupdelay (opt.)Quality DVB-T/-H DVB-T2 ISDB-T ATSCMER ≥ 33 dB at Pnom ≥ 33 dB at Pnom ≥ 33dB at Pnom ≥ 35 dB at PnomFrequency response < ± 0.5 dB < ± 0.5 dB < ± 0.5dB < ± 0.25 dBIntermodulation sup-pression≥ 37 dB (± 12 MHz) ≥ 37 dB (± 12 MHz) ≥ 37dB (± 12MHz) ≥ 47 dBref. to mean powerBW 8 MHz: ± 4.2 MHz  BW 7 MHz: ± 3.7 MHz  BW 6 MHz: ± 3.2 MHz  BW 6MHz: ± 3,15MHz  Spectrum mask in line with ETSI EN302296 with channelbandpass filter ABNT NBR 15601Part 1 with channel bandpassFCC DTV emissionmask, with channelbandpass filterDesign and Function R&S TMU9
Transmitter System R&S TMU9R&S® TMU945System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 01 DVB-T/-H DVB-T2 ISDB-T ATSCNonharmonics ≤ -60 dBcWithout channel band-pass filter≤ -60 dBcWithout channel band-pass filter ≤ -60 dBcWithout channel band-pass filterHarmonics ≤ -70 dBcWithout channel band-pass filter≤ -60 dBcWithout channel band-pass filter ≤ -60 dBcWithout channel band-pass filterNoise power density dBc / Hz10 Hz > 70100 Hz > 901 kHz > 9310 kHz > 103100 kHz > 1121 MHz > 130Frequency stability 10-7 / yearOperationRJ-45 Operation via PC using standard web browser(opt. network management interface for SNMP)Parallel interface Contacts / optocoupler (opt.)Safeguarding and monitoringTransmitter MainsReflectionTemperatureRF outAmplifier MainsReflectionTemperatureOvervoltageTransistor FailRF Input LevelRF output levelTransistor currentsDC voltagesDesign and Function R&S TMU9
Transmitter System R&S TMU9R&S® TMU946System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 01StandardsETSI EN 62015 Safety requirements for radio transmission equipment(VDE0866 / IEC 215)ETSI EN 60950 Safety of information technology equipment incl. elec-trical business equipment (VDE0805 / IEC 950)ETSI EN 301489-14 Electromagnetic compatibility for radio spectrum mat-ters (ERM)Electromagnetic compatibility for radio equipmentand service (EMC); Part 14: Specific conditions foranalog and digital terrestrial TV broadcasting servicetransmittersETSI EN 302296 Electromagnetic compatibility and radio spectrummatters (ERM); Transmitting equipment for the digitaltelevision broadcast service, terrestrial (DVB-T) Requirements for the Output Bandpass FilterA channel bandpass filter is required for maintaining the brand and nonharmonicsrequirements, which depend on standards.DVB-TThe shoulder distance on the transmitter side, without filter, is presupposed to be at least37 dB.Table 3-1: Specification of DVB-T Channel Bandpass Filter for Non-Critical MaskFrequency Default filter attenuationf00.3 dB to 0.4 dB± 3.805 MHz 0.8 dB to 1.0 dB± 4.2 MHz ≥ 5.0 dB± 6.0 MHz ≥ 20.0 dB± 12 MHz ≥ 40.0 dBTable 3-2: Specification of DVB-T Channel Bandpass Filter for Critical MaskFrequency Default filter attenuationf00.45 dB to 0.6 dB± 3.805 MHz 1.0 dB to 1.5 dB± 4.2 MHz ≥ 15.0 dB± 6.0 MHz ≥ 27.0 dB± 12 MHz ≥ 50.0 dBGeneral specifications●VSWR: ≤ 1.22 min in the range ± 3.805 MHz Design and Function R&S TMU9
Transmitter System R&S TMU9R&S® TMU947System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 01●Drift:: ≤ 2 kHz/K●RF connector: 3 1/8" pipe connectionDVB-T2The shoulder distance on the transmitter side, without filter, is presupposed to be at least37 dB.For DVB-T2, a new operating mode, "Extended carrier mode," was introduced in thestandard. This mode can be activated at FFT sizes of 8k, 16k, and 32k and leads to abandwidth extension of ± 80 kHz.The throughput range with DVB-T2 is at ± 3.885 MHz, the max. impedance matching hasto be ensured in this range.The attenuation requirements in the stopband are identical as with DVB-T.ATSCThe shoulder distance on the transmitter side, without filter, is presupposed to be at least37 dB.Table 3-3: Specification of Channel Bandpass Filter for "Full Power FCC Mask"Frequency Default filter attenuationf0±2.69 MHz 0.3 dB to 0.4 dB± 3.00 MHz ≥ 0.5 dB± 3.50 MHz ≥ 3.0 dB± 4.00 MHz ≥ 8.0 dB± 6.00 MHz ≥ 30.0 dB± 9.00 MHz ≥ 65.0 dBTable 3-4: Specification of Channel Bandpass Filter for "Stringent Mask"Frequency Default filter attenuationf0±2.69 MHz 0.3 dB to 0.4 dB± 3.00 MHz ≥ 0.5 dB± 3.50 MHz ≥ 3.0 dB± 4.00 MHz ≥ 8.0 dB± 6.00 MHz ≥ 30.0 dB± 9.00 MHz ≥ 30.0 dBGeneral specifications●VSWR: ≤ 1.12 to 1.15●Drift:: ≤ 2 kHz/KDesign and Function R&S TMU9
Transmitter System R&S TMU9R&S® TMU948System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 01ATSC (Canada)The shoulder distance on the transmitter side, without filter, is presupposed to be at least37 dB.Table 3-5: Specification of Channel Bandpass Filter for "Canadian Tight Mask"Frequency Default filter attenuationf0±2.69 MHz 0.3 dB to 0.4 dB± 3.00 MHz ≥ 0.5 dB± 3.50 MHz ≥ 1 dB± 4.00 MHz ≥ 6 dB± 6.00 MHz ≥ 20 dB± 9.00 MHz ≥ 30 dBGeneral specifications●VSWR: ≤ 1.12 to 1.15●Drift:: ≤ 2 kHz/KISDB-T (Japan)The shoulder distance on the transmitter side, without filter, is presupposed to be at least37 dB.Table 3-6: Specification of Channel Bandpass Filter for "Non-Critical Mask"Frequency Default filter attenuationf0±2.79 MHz 0.3 dB to 0.4 dB± 3.15 MHz ≥ 2 dB± 4.50 MHz ≥ 20 dB± 9.00 MHz ≥ 40 dBGeneral specifications●VSWR: ≤ 1.12 to 1.22 min. in the throughput range●Drift:: ≤ 2 kHz/KISDB-TBThe shoulder distance on the transmitter side, without filter, is presupposed with at least37 dB or 42 dB.Design and Function R&S TMU9
Transmitter System R&S TMU9R&S® TMU949System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 01Table 3-7: Specification of Channel Bandpass Filter for "Non-Critical Mask"Frequency Default filter attenuation(SH 37 dB)Default filter attenuation(SH 42 dB)f0±2.79 MHz 0.3 dB to 0.4 dB 0.2 dB to 0.4 dB± 3.15 MHz ≥ 2 dB 0 dB± 4.50 MHz ≥ 20 dB ≥ 12 dB± 9.00 MHz ≥ 40 dB ≥ 35 dBTable 3-8: Specification of Channel Bandpass Filter for "Sub-Critical Mask"Frequency Default filter attenuation(SH 37 dB)Default filter attenuation(SH 42 dB)f0±2.79 MHz 0.3 dB to 0.5 dB 0.3 dB to 0.4 dB± 3.15 MHz ≥ 8 dB ≥ 3 dB± 4.50 MHz ≥ 23 dB ≥ 18 dB± 9.00 MHz ≥ 48 dB ≥ 40 dBTable 3-9: Specification of Channel Bandpass Filter for "Critical Mask"Frequency Default filter attenuation(SH 37 dB)Default filter attenuation(SH 42 dB)f0±2.79 MHz 0.4 dB to 0.6 dB 0.4 dB to 0.6 dB± 3.15 MHz ≥ 15 dB ≥ 10 dB± 4.50 MHz ≥ 30 dB ≥ 25 dB± 9.00 MHz ≥ 55 dB ≥ 50 dBGeneral specifications●VSWR: ≤ 1.12 to 1.22 min. in the throughput range●Drift:: ≤ 2 kHz/KATVWith analog-only operation of the transmitter, a 4-circuit bandpass filter is sufficient forachieving the standards requirements.Table 3-10: Specification of Channel Bandpass Filter (Analog-Only Operation)Frequency Filter attenuationPassband < 0.2 dB (better 0.15 dB)fB - fT>30 dBfB + 2* fT>30 dBDesign and Function R&S TMU9
Transmitter System R&S TMU9R&S® TMU950System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 01Frequency Filter attenuationfB - 2* fT≥ 24 dBfB + 3* fT≥ 24 dBGeneral specifications●VSWR: ≤ 1.06 to 1.10●Drift:: ≤ 2 kHz/K3.1.8.3 Parallel Remote Control InterfaceOperating voltage 12 V DCCurrent drain 1 A maximumCAN interface CAN V2.0B at 1 MbpsNumber of command inputs 32Insulation voltage 3000 VeffMaximum external line resistance 50 Ω (referenced to common command line)Number of message outputs 80 (of which 5 have bistable character)Dielectric strength of contact/coil 1000 Veff3.2 Installation R&S TMU93.2.1 Equipment Supplied3.2.1.1 Integrated Transmitter Components●TCE900 units●System components3.2.1.2 Transmitter Components Supplied Separately●Amplifier●Bandpass filter (optional, depending on transmitter configuration)●Transmitter accessories     Installation R&S TMU9
Transmitter System R&S TMU9R&S® TMU951System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 013.2.2 Overview of Transmitter InstallationThe transmitter can be installed by following the basic sequence given below:●Setting up the transmitter–Checking the floor suitability– Preparing openings required in the floor (only with inlets and outlets from below)– Arranging the connections on the transmitter roof– Setting up the transmitter rack– Aligning the transmitter rack– Removing the front panels– Unpacking the components●Installing UHF channel bandpass filter●AC power supply– Connecting the transmitter ground– Connecting the power cable– Connecting external units●Amplifier– Making preparations for installing the amplifiers– Installing the amplifiers●RF output– Connecting the antenna– Connecting the dummy antenna●Connecting the modulation/reference signals●Connecting the remote control system to the transmitter system3.2.2.1 Required ToolsYou will need the following tools to install the transmitter:Tool Type SizeScrewdriver Torx No. 8Screwdriver Torx No. 20Screwdriver Phillips No. 1Screwdriver Slotted No. 1Screwdriver Slotted No. 3Hexagon socket  No. 5Hexagon socket  No. 6Open-end wrench  Width across flats 13 mm (2 pcs)Open-end wrench  Width across flats 10 mmSpirit level      Installation R&S TMU9
Transmitter System R&S TMU9R&S® TMU952System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 01The table lists the basic tools required for installation of the transmitter rack (not for flooropenings, base frame, and so on).3.2.3 Setting Up the Transmitter3.2.3.1 Preparatory WorkBefore setting up and installing the transmitter, you must make the following preparations:●Checking the floor suitability●Prepare openings required in the floor and set the screw holes in the floor for fixingthe rack (optional)●Arranging the connections on the transmitter roofChecking the floor suitabilityBefore installing the transmitter, you must check whether the floor of the building in whichthe transmitter is to be operated has an adequate weight to floor area ratio.Depending on the type of system, a transmitter rack of the THU9/TMU9 family can havea total weight of up to 720 kg with the maximum number of rackmounts installed. A weightto floor-area ratio of at least 1200 kg / m2 is therefore required.The exact weight of your transmitter is given in the specifications.The installation surface should be flat (i.e. horizontal along all axes) and measure at least600 mm x 1100 mm to accommodate the transmitter rack.During installation, the transmitter must be easily accessible from the front and rear. Aclearance space of at least 1.2 m is necessary in order to install all components withoutdifficulty.Preparing openings required in the floor (only with inlets and outlets from below)If cables (RF cables, control lines, etc.) are to be connected to the transmitter from below,you must make appropriate floor openings in the building in which the transmitter is to beoperated.Further details and dimensions can be found in the corresponding drawing in the appen-dix "Basic documentation":   Installation R&S TMU9
Transmitter System R&S TMU9R&S® TMU953System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ Setting Up the Transmitter RackThe transmitter rack can be set up using lifting equipment (crane). Lifting lugs areattached to the top of the rack for this purpose. Crushing HazardDo not stand under suspended racks.Risk of FallingTake the relevant safety precautions when climbing ladders (not wobbly, suitable foot-wear) Aligning the Transmitter RackThe rack must be aligned vertically and horizontally in order to prevent distortion causedby shearing forces.► Using the height-adjustable rack feet, align the rack such that it is vertical and hori-zontal along all axes.Use a water level to align the rack. Bolting the Transmitter Rack to the FloorIf required, the transmitter rack can be screwed to the floor or a floor frame. Two 12 mmboreholes are provided in the lower crossbeam of the transmitter rack for this purpose. Removing the Front PanelsBefore you start installing the individual units, make sure that you have easy access toall units, connectors, and interfaces needed.1. Using a Torx screwdriver No. 20, remove all front panels from the rack.2. Open the rear door of the transmitter rack.Take care not to damage the ground connections when removing and fitting the frontpanels.    Installation R&S TMU9
Transmitter System R&S TMU9R&S® TMU954System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ Unpacking the ComponentsEach transmitter component is packaged separately.► Remove the packaging and have all equipment ready for the installation.3.2.4 Installing the UHF Channel Bandpass FilterAn integrated bandpass filter is optionally available.High voltageRisk of fatal injury from touching voltages constituting a shock hazard. The transmitterrack must be completely de-energized before the following service work is performed,otherwise there is a risk of injury and death caused by electric shock.Plug in the RF components up to the respective markings.1. Unscrew the lower front panel on the transmitter (Torx screwdriver No. 20).2. Insert the filter into the filter trough from the front of the transmitter.3. Align the filter brackets with the fastening holes in the filter trough and screw the filterbrackets to the filter trough (hexagon socket No. 6).4. Install the directional coupler in the correct installation direction with the connectorbracket at the filter inlet/coupler output and fasten the directional coupler by tighteningthe clamps (hexagon socket No. 5).  Installation R&S TMU9
Transmitter System R&S TMU9R&S® TMU955System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 011 = RF bracket on the channel bandpass filter outlet2 = Retaining clamp of the harmonics filter3 = EIA pipeline junction4 = Roof mount of the directional coupler5. Install the RF connecting pipe at the upper bracket/filter outlet and fasten the RFconnecting pipe with clamps (hexagon socket No. 5).3.2.5 Installing the Amplifier1. With the aid of a second person, carefully slide the amplifier into the free slot until theautomatic connectors engage. The front panel of the amplifier must be flush with therack uprights. Installation R&S TMU9
Transmitter System R&S TMU9R&S® TMU956System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 01Fig. 3-11: Slide the amplifier into the rack2. Tighten the amplifier to the rack using the two screws on the front panel (Torx screw-driver T25).3. Switch on the amplifier via the power distribution unit in the transmitter rack (turn theappropriate protective switch to the "I/ON" position).If the installation was successful, the LINK LED flashes until the amplifier has beendetected by the system and is illuminated continuously if the amplifier is logged on to thesystem.3.2.6 Installing the Power Supply3.2.6.1 GeneralHigh VoltageRisk of fatal injury from touching dangerous voltages. To prevent injury and death fromelectric shock, always make sure that the power supply is disconnected before com-mencing any work.  Installation R&S TMU9
Transmitter System R&S TMU9R&S® TMU957System Manual 2600.5423.02 ─ 01The ZR900Z10 mains distribution unit is installed in the transmitter rack at the factory.The mains distribution unit is connected to the power supply network of the transmitterstation. Connecting the Transmitter GroundTransmitter GroundThe rack must be connected to the station's main ground terminal.The transmitter rack has two grounding bolts near the floor which are easily accessiblefrom the rear.Connect a system ground conductor to the free grounding bolt. Connecting the Power CableBefore connecting the power cable, remove the transparent protective cover of theZR900Z10 mains distribution unit.Loosen the transparent protective cover at the rear of the mains distribution unit using aTorx screwdriver No. 10, as shown in the following figure, and remove the cover.Fig. 3-12: ZR900Z1 mains distribution unit, protective cover on the rear sideFurthermore, determine which series fuses and cable cross-sections are required. Therecommended values refer to a cable length of 20 m when routing in perforated cable  Installation R&S TMU9

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