SCE MULTIMEDIA MIPS6950 Car DVD Player User Manual ingenix manual 2DIN FINAL PA 1111


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Download: SCE MULTIMEDIA MIPS6950 Car DVD Player User Manual ingenix manual 2DIN   FINAL   PA 1111
Mirror Download []SCE MULTIMEDIA MIPS6950 Car DVD Player User Manual ingenix manual 2DIN   FINAL   PA 1111
Document ID1663360
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Document Descriptionuser manual 02
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize325.44kB (4068002 bits)
Date Submitted2012-03-27 00:00:00
Date Available2012-03-28 00:00:00
Creation Date2012-03-13 16:17:53
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 7.0 (Windows)
Document Lastmod2012-03-13 16:18:04
Document Titleingenix manual 2DIN - FINAL - PA 1111.pdf
Document CreatorPScript5.dll Version 5.2
Document Author: prd001

Q3 Setup
BT Music
USB Media
Sc ree n Saver
The Sound settings button will directly access the setup menu with sound options accessed.
This is a quick link to allow the user to change sound settings with fewer steps See page 101
for information on sound options
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01. Basic Screen Na Vlgatlon
a) Getting started. Initial Screen.
< Declaration screen >
Wei???” and obey traffic rules. You must secure 1: ed”?
“the 't will not nterfere with the we 5
I agree
After 6090 starts, you will see the declaration screen as shown above.
< Map screen features - Normal mode >
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Wmmn 7:
Miami ii
The navigation system automatically locates your current position on the map by receiving GPS
signals If the navigation system doesn’t receive GPS signals properly, it could take some time to locate
your current position.
b) Map screen features - Driving Guidance Mode
The screen image below shows the map screen features when in guidance mode.
Descriptions of each item are as follows:
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1. Zoom out: Zooming out from level 1 to level 21
2. Compass: By tapping this icon, you can change the map display mode.
To Track up, North up or 3D view. (Refer to Settings>Map View for more information)
3. Next street name
4. Lane Guidance
5. Zoom in: Zooming in from level 1 to level 21
6. Current street name
7.Turn~by—Turn instrucion: indicates next guidance information (Tap this icon to go to Turn~by4Turn screen)
8. GPS signal receptionzTap this icon to go to GPS Status/information page.
9. Current Speed
10. Current Time
11. Expected time to arrival at destination
12. Remaining travel time from current position to destination
13. Remaining travel distance from current position to destination (To go to Route Summary page, tap
anywhere from 9-12)
14. Menu button: Tap to go to Menu
15. Map scale: Indicates current map scale level
16. Voice guidance repeat button: Repeats the last voice instruction
17. Picture in picture
02. Menu
The main menu can be accessed by pressing the ’Menu' button on the map screen.
Descriptions of each button are as follows:
4 Back Quit
01) [Where to?] Search for a location in various ways
02) [My Route] Editing the current route or retrieving the current route information.
03) [Clear route] Remove all existing locations from route.
04) [Settings] Customizing settings of the navigation system.
a) Where to?
The following ’Where to?’ screen is accessed by pressing the'Where to?’ button on the 
screen. Users can easily search for a location in different ways according to their purpose or prefer-
ence. 1 2 3 4
Wh el ‘e To ?
9 fl Q ”x"
Home Favorite: Bum-w Room Bolt.
I N ‘°\ ilf
[um-v Mam Mandi-3m
01) [Home] Searching for your home location saved on your favorites list.
02) [Favorites] Searching for locations saved to your ’Favorites’
03) [Emergency] In case of emergency, quickly search the nearest point of interest from your
current position without any complicated searching procedures.
04) [Recent Destination] Presents a list of recently searched destinations.
05) [Itinerary] Create or edit itineraries.
06) [Address] Searching [or addresses.
07) [Intersections] Searching for intersections.
08) [5] Go to page 2.
4 i Q 6“
Home Favorites Emergency Recent best.
if". fix “it“ b
Itiner'y Alfie“ Interacting
n -$-$-
09) [Zip Code] Searching for locations by zip code.
10) [Point on Map] Searching for locations by pointing on the map.
11) [Cities] Seaching for locations by city name.
12) [POI Category] Seaching for POI around yourcurrent position.
13) [POI Name] Searching for locations by POI (Point Of Interest) name or part of name.
14) [POI in City] Searching for a POI in a certain city.
15) [POI Telephone No.] Searching for locations by telephone no.
16) [>] Back to page 1.
This function allows you to quickly navigate to your home. You can also search for your home
location via ‘Favorites’.
W h ere To ? 1 / 2
a t llh t“
Home Favorites Emergency Recent Best.
I“ ¢°\
Select ’Home’ on [Where to?] screen.
This [Home] button will be activated if you registered your home location via [Add to favorites] explained
on page 9 or [Settings]>[Home]. Only one place can be registered as the home location. You can change
your home location via [Settings]>[Home] and also delete it via [Settings]>[Manage Favorites].
This function allows your to save addresses or Points of Interest (POI) that your frequently visit;
for example, you may want to save your work address or friend’s address so that you can quickly and
easily navigate to it
1. Select‘Favorites’on [Where to?] screen.
24 Press the button to add a location to your favorite list.
3. To navigate to a favorite, simply tap on the favorite name.
Select _ to order existing
favorites alphabetically.
Select m to order existing favorites
by the date / time of when you created the
4 Back A ; x), l?» Add Close favorrteentrys
4. Select the manage button, to edit, rename or delete your favorites.
Manage Favorites 9
‘ 3501 10th St, Riverside, “9150!
2010.01.01 03:29:2‘
4 Back A ; fijRename ”W Close
5. Press the rename button to rename a favorite.
6. Press the delete button to delete a favorite.
The [Home] favorite also appears in the favorite list. You can editl change or delete the [HOME]
location via [Menu]>[Settings]>[HOME].
me. --~\‘/
_ _\V\:;_\ _/\_
In case of an emergency, quickly search the nearest emergency point of interest (e.g. hospital) from
your current position without any complicated searching procedures. It will then find a route and
start guidance automatically.
Recent Destination
Searching for recent destinations, (Automatically saves up to ten destinations.)
Recent Best.
20506 Marcus Rd,
2010.01 0
1. Select‘Recent Destination’ on [Where to?] screen.
2. It will list recent destinations.
3. Select one of locations on the list then tap‘Next’ button.
For sorting by name tap m . For sorting by time tap m ,
"mm n
Q w R 1- v u I o P
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z c v a N M _ C V B " M _
Q Back 123 Close 4 Back ‘ ‘ Close
City: Riverside, CA City: Riverside, CA
"mu...” -
Q E T Y I 0 1 2 3 4 5 S
A S G K L 7 8 9 0 _ |_.
C V B M _.
4 Back 123 Close 1 Back Done Close
1. Select’Address’on [Where to?] screen.
2. For your convenience, previously searched state/province name and city name are initially selected
on the first stage of address search. If you want to change state/province, tap [Change] button.
For State/Province search, you can search by either the full name (eg New York), or abbreviation (e.g. NY).
3. Search for a City name by typing letters, Then choose it on the result list. (Only valid next letters appear.)
4. Search for a street name by typing letters then choose it on the result list
5. Reconfirm your state/province, city, and street choices on the top of  page,
then type the House not and tap‘Done'buttons
” “he MN]
03. Main Function
Address (Instead of searching [House No.], searching by intersec-
tion is also possible. Tap this intersection image button
_ n then, it will list intersections of the selected
dean or! Hams mi, Rivalsifle, CA
"°°" W “nu Milk-rm .u stree. Select one on the result list, then tap‘Done’
Nathan Drl Mat-us mi, Monica, (1 button.)
4 “M" Dune Close
Searching for a location by using intersection.
1.Take the searching steps [STATES]-[CITY]-[STREET], then it will list intersection of selected street.
Select one on the result list, then tap ’Done' button. (Refer to image screens on page 23 for searching steps.)
POI Telephone No.
Searching for a point of interest location by using Telephone No.
State/Prov: calirnrma [u] P01 ieiepnnne N
P01 Teleprm“e N05 l m 1300 Prescott Rd, Modesto, CA
menu-nu _ _
mm» M Twme ctr
1 2 3 4 5 6 ,
m or Mm Am
7 s 9 __ Norman
4 Back Close q Batk Dane Close
1. Select‘TeIephone No.’ on [Where to?] screen.
2. Search telephone number by typing numbers.
3.Tap one on the list that you are looking for, then it will list address information corresponding to
the selected telephone number. Select one on the result list, then tap’Done' button to proceed.
_ . /
ZipCode __\C__\_\/\_
Search for a location by using zip code.
State] Prov: California [CA]
00049 (Ammo)
90001 (Acton) -
1 Back 3%& Close
1. Select‘Zip Code’ on [Where to?] screen,
2. After searching zip code, proceed to the next searching steps [Streetl-[House no] or [Intersection].
(Refer to address search on page 23.)
Point on Map
Searching for a location by pointing on the map‘
, w... 5m
Nat if!" m .
®ii .. an. m
ccl mu...
68.7mi 2:16AM
1:11 3:27AM m Dmllh
”po:po anywhere on the map and you will see the street address. Press the dune button to set
this location as your destination or via point.
2) Pan: Press and drag the map to pan in any direction.
3) Find a F'OI nearby the chosen point on the map by tapping find POI button.
. /
_\ "__\ NA;
’Point on Map’ may be accessed at any time simply by tapping on the main map window,
To change the labeling option on the map, tap the button m .You can turn on
and off three map labeling optionsz’Street name', ’POI Symbol & Name; and ’Favorites Symbol
& Name’.
Refer to [SettingsI—[Label On Map] on page 43 for more information.
In this page, you can plan the details of your itinerary. For convenience sake, you can save
your itinerary so that you can easily start traveling without any searching steps next time
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mmaeormf "W,
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P}; ”Em!” [loos prom-y, In:
Q w E R T v u 1 o P “9 C“
< Back 123 Dorie Close 4 Back a» v’ m Done Close
1.The initial itinerary page is empty. To plan a new itinerary, tap “ .
7, c.elert [New] button, then entera name for a new itinerary, Tan’Done’ hutmn,
Start Navigation: Start traveling
New: Create a new litinerary.
Rename: Rename the current itinerary.
Load: Load one of itineraries.
Delete: Delete one fo itineraries.
3. To add a location to your itinerary as departure, via point, or destination, tap
If you select a location on the list, it will present six options for editing the selcted location.
' 5 Chevron
Destination Move Up Move Down
Find nearby POI
Show on Map
Destination: Set a selected location as destination.
Visited: Setting a selected location as a visited location tells the navigation system that you’ve already
visited this location, so skip this location when routing. Re-applying this function to a visited location
will cancel the visitation of it. (This function will be deactivated if the selected location is a destination
or departure.)
Show On Map: This function will take you to the selected location on the map.
Delete: Delete a selected location.
Move up: Move up a selected location in the itinerary.
Move down: Move down a selected location in the itinerary.
_ _\”
.__ ....\'/
‘:_\ _A_
Search forthe center of city. After taking searching steps [STATEHCITY], press [Done] when ready.
Refer to [STATEl-[CITY] searching steps on page 23.
POI Name
Searching for a location by using the full POI name, or part of the name.
sum/pm. Californla [u] m_
Cltv: Riverside, u m... um spatt- m.
_m mums-n».-
1. Select'POl Name’ on the [Where to?] screen.
Acct. ’-fi
2. The previously searched state/province name and city name are Initially selected. If you want
to change state/province or city, tap [...] button. Type POI Name then tap ’next’ button. It will list
valid POI names corresponding to the letters you’ve typed. Select one of the POI names that
you’re looking for, then it will list all valid locations with address information. Choose one and
then tap’next’ button. (When typing, only next available letters appear.)
3. Press [Done] when ready.
Note: You can also search for part ofa POI name or part ofa word in the POI name; for example,
if you search for the word ‘ParkL you can find all POIs with the word ’Park’ in their name; M Run
Cafe, Mall Ming, CafeMetc.
. . .,..\A/
POI In City ”A’\'
_ _ \_, __ _/\ _
Searching fora POI in a particular city.
POI Category 1/4
.. A
ié P f 1 iii
mi ram-nu me We E—
} um! Easternrutemtimalsnk
ii 15
MW "in" “N I nan-r UnknBank
I. [POI Category] screen (left screen image) is shown when you finish [State/Prov]-[City] searching steps.
The 28 POI categories are arranged in the order of frequency of driver’s use. (Refer to ’Address’ search on
page 23 for [State/ProvHCity] Search.)
» f fl.:|mi nab: Bank
2. Select one of POI categories, then it will list POIs in order of distance from current position. Tap
m to order alphabetically, or tap m to order by distance. Select one POI, then
tap next button.
All Food
Aidan _
Some POI categories have sub menus; for example,
‘"'°"“" the Food POI category contains a sub menu for
at... various cuisine types.
4 Back Close
POI In Category
Searching for POI around the current position.
Since this searching is based on your current position, there is no area selection steps ([State/Prov]-[Cityl).
Other searching steps are the same as POI in City.
“mum. an.
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led-tuna m .. m.
sst- 2:55AM
1:11 4:06AM We, semi/h
To start guidance, you should tap the start button on the [Route Summary] page. The above screen
image is the captured image when traveling guidance has begun. (Refer to  on page 18 foran explanation of map features)
Lane guidance
Lane Guidance helps you safely prepare for your next maneuver by displaying the correct Iane(s) to
m ifi , i,
Inner-flap m
N am 51
68.7ml 2:55 AM
1:11 4:05 AM m 60min.
Lane Guidance appears below the Next Street Name box. The highlighted white arrow indicates the
correct Iane(s) to be in. In the example above, there is one highlighted lane turning left; this is the
correct lane to stay in for the upcoming maneuver. The other three grey lanes are either going straight
or turning right.
Please be aware that Lane Guidance is available for some, but not all junctions.

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