SCE MULTIMEDIA MIPS6950 Car DVD Player User Manual ingenix manual 2DIN FINAL PA 1111
user manual-6
, / __\C__\ \A_ (w git Setup Display “WWW-now TFT T031 20110729A MCIJ 7021 DVD 7A24 MICOM 07 BT Brig ess ' ' ‘——{ If you want a upgrade, click here Screen Saver IND w m Reset all setthgs to orlghal factory default setthgs. as ottwa re vers |on information 9 Upgrade activation 0 Region Setting a Resetto default 5 of'twa re: The software tab displays the software version currently insmlled. Software upgrades should only be installed by an lngenix authorized dealer The reset button resets all ofthe software to original factory settings. USERS SHOULDNOT ATTEMPT TO ALTER SOFTWARE THEMSELVES .DOING SO MAY CAUSE UNIT FAILURE. Region setting allows the user to select regions for DVD playback and radio station tuning. Pressing either button will bring up available options. Select the option for your region of the world for proper functionality. __\"C-E_\"‘_ AVIN Auxiliary AV input Using AV IN The AV in source will playback any Audio and or video that is connected to the AV input Pressing any part ofthe screen while using the AV IN function will display control options. . l . . Pressung the button WlII increase volume Pressing the F button will decrease volume Volume level is lsplayed between the volume controls. Pressing the 1 volume display number will mute audio u will be displayed while muted pressing again will resume sound levels. Pressing the “X“ in the upper right corner ofthe screen will close the player. Pull down menu in the AV IN source While operating in the AV IN source the Navi PlP button will switch to full screen Navigation when selected. Note: the Navi PIP button will not switch back to AV lN when pressed from the Navigation mum All other pull down buttons have standard function as listed on page 14. N / /\_ __\ _.:_\“'\7 Photo Allows user to display images and set wallpaper P hoto Viewer controls Se Iecting photos F iIe/F older dis play window R eset button Media selector (S D card currently selected) Ba ck button File/Folder dis play window slider Slide show button Screen saver selector button mpicmre display window Zoom out button F iIe/Folder information dis play Zoom in button Pull down menu button Flip rotate button C / \C__\_\_ 0 When the photo viewer firststarted Ingenix will ask you select photos you would like to see. First select where the photos are located. Press one ofthree tabs on the left. "S D'1 for S D ca rds, "HDD" for ha rd drive. Or"US B" for US B memory slicks ‘sometimes called thumb drives” a Select the folder the desired photos are located in Notezfoldersmaybeinside ofotherfolders 0 Once a photo is selected all photos in the same folder will be accessible through the main control panel. Ma in control panel 0 The left and right and rightarrows will move forward and back through all images in the current selected folder S creen saver O The screen saver button will save the current selected image tothe Ingenix Screen saver. Zoom feature I The - and + buttons will allowthe userto zoom in and out of the currentselected image. 0 While zoomed, touching the image will center the image atthe location touched. D Pressing reset will reframe the image back to the original location and size. Image rotation O Pressing the- rotate image button will rotate the image. 0 Each time the rotate image bumn is pressed the image will rotate 90 degrees clockwise. Back o The Back button will return the user totlre previous screen S Iideshow O The S Iideshow button will access the slideshow control panel 0 See "slrdeshow control panel"on next page for information on controls for slideshow. Slides how time delay options S Iideshow direction options Sa ve button C ancel button Screen saver selector button Zoom out button QQQGQQO m Zoom in button ” mnn gm: Flip rotate button R eset button Ba ck button ms Iides how button R eset button 5 Iideshow fade options A. _ _\”c;'£_\ _A_ Time set 0 Time set allows user to selecltlle delay time between pllutus during slide show playback O 3,5,or10 second intervals can be selected. Direction 0 This feature allows the userto select the direction pictures will transfer during slideshow 0 Pressing the up arrow will slide photos upward when replacing with the next. 0 Pressing the down arrow erI slide photos downward and so on. Fade options 0 Pressing the fade in option will render new images during slides how from top and bottom toward the center. 0 Pressing the fade out option will render new images during slideshow from centertoward the top and bottom. 5 ave C ancel and R eset 0 After changes are made you mustsave to have the changes take effect. 0 Cancel will disregard changes currently made to slideshow settings. 0 Resetallows the userto bring all slideshow settings backto factory default. Image display Window . The image display window will show an example of your slideshow including settings that have been made. 0 Press the image display window to enlarge the slideshow to full screen. 0 Touching the screen while in full screen mode will return the userto the Main control Pa neI. Ba ck o The Back button will return the user to the previous screen P ulI down menu in the P hoto source While operating in the Photo source the Navi PIP button will switch to full screen Navigation when selected. Note: the Navi PIP button will not switch back to Photo when pressed from the NaVlgation source. All other pull down buttons have standard function as listed on page 14. Memo Pad Make and save notes for future reference. ,} Memo Pad 1 (IL: 0 Memo Note selector buttons 9 F cm Width selector buttons 9 F ont color selector bunons o Erase button “ ., mm .,.,x/ __\\_L'L_\_A_ Memo Pad interface 0 The memo pad interface screen allows the userto write or draw note to be saved for future reference, 0 UptoIO memonotes can besaved atone time. 0 Users have the four optional colors and 2 optional writing sizes to choose from. Using the Memo pad 0 Select which memo note you are storing by pressing I through 10 buttons atthe top of the screen, - Select furrt width by pressing the appropriate button, 0 Select your desired font color by pressing one ofthe color buttons. After writing your memo the note will remain in the selected memo location“ through 10) unless erased 0 Pressing the erase button will erase only the select memo noted All notes in other locations will remain, Pull down menu in the Memo Pad source 0 While operating in the Memo Pad source the Navi PIP button will switch to full screen Navigation when selected. Note: the Navi PIP button will not switch back to Memo Pad when pressed from the Navigation source. 0 All other pull down buttons have standard function as listed on page 14, Utility Games, Biorhythm check, World clock, C alculator, and Scheduler UTILITY f""—'" /) Calculator Registration information Update Utility options The uttlrty source is a listof programs. Inside the utility source you will find six programs Texas Hold’em, Biorhythm check, World (lock, Scheduler, Car Organizer, and Calculator To select the program you would like to open touch either the left and rightarrows or the icons in the lower option bar. Once selected touch either the main display window or ”E xecute” to begin the program. While highlighted in the main displav window program options will be available. “Execute" will begin the program. "Registration information“ will display program information including title, version, producer, and file size. ”R egistration information“ will also allow the user to initialize the program ”U pdate” will allow the user to update the progra m. ”Initialization” will resetany saved data on the program. “' t, ., WK] __\ €—;_\\_A_ Elice Poker (Texas Hold’em) 1|IHE|5IlIl — ' ' , emmnn E lice Poker is very similar to Texas Hold'em I n Elise poker you will play against 2 computer players. After the game starts you will have option keys located atthe bottom of the screen. The key buttons allow forthree different game saves to be made. You can either press menu screen or one ofthe key buttons to begin to play. You will be given an option menu before the game can begin. Selectto either ”Start" a New game or continue a saved game, reset the game through the options button, see your current score, or exit the ga me. Once the game has begun you will see the computer opponents. Touch the screen to load the play screen atthis time Each player will be dealttwo cards. Each round you have the option to: ”Die” or told your hand and wait until the current play is linis hedt " we WN/ __\ \;'_1\ _A_ ”Check”or match any bet increases made but not raise the bet yourself. "Ping”or raise the bet a minimum about. "Full” or raise the full amount allowed in the current round "Half" or raise half of the amount allowed in the current round "Double” or double the bet made by another player "Call”or call the round, meaning you match the bet and stop bet increases from being made by the player that made the last bet. This play will not stop the player making the last bet raise ifa different player makes an increase Note: always pay attention to the information window showing the total pot and cost to call the bet. Biorhythm * Biorhythm is an attempt to predict various aspects ofa person's life through simple math— ematical cycles * According to believers in biorhythms, a person's life is affected by rhythmic biological cycles which affect one‘s ability in various domains, such as mental, physical, and emotional activityr * I hese cycles begin at birth and osallate in a steady sine wave fashion throughout life; thus. by modeling them mathematically, a person's level of ability in each ofthese domains can be predicted from day to day. * To begin tuning your biorhythm by selecting one of the five user presets. * Enter the your year, month, then day of birth. * After birth date is entered press "Enter" to save information to that user location. l ow period , we Low Denna — High period and you reel depressed, l rhythm mil help you, , Without troubles, Monthly Biorhyth m Calculator O The calculator program is a standard full function calculator. . / __\C__\ _\/\_ CarOrganizer The Car Organizer will allow the userto enter vehicle records in the calendar. F |rst choose a date. The previous and next month arrow keys will move through months. The previous and nest year arrow keys will move through years. 5 elect the day you wish to enter information by touching the day on the ca Iendar, Once selectedthe day will display a green border. Press the “E nter Contents” key or the date on the calendar. Enter Contents] f View List ] “Previous year button eFOrward year bumn GPrevious month button GVieW Graph button 6C urrently selected month and yea r OE nter contents button oForward month button eView Inst button ” m ~-->'/ __\ \;'__\ _\\_ 0 Vou will have four options in which to enter information. 0 The four options are ”Payment status. R epair status, Tax related, and Option status”. CAR ORG ANIZER Refueling Car information sub category “(a r information category E ach category will have sub categories. 5 elect the s ub category that applies to the information to be entered. Press ”OK” to select the 5 ub category. A data table or tables will be displayed. . . .,..'/ __\C__\ _\/\_ CAR ORGANIZER parking expense “Data information window eNumber keypad c E nter the data in the data information window and select “OK“ I Data will be entered to the 0793 nizer and the daily information 5: teen will be displayed. 0 Press ”OK” again to return to the monthly dis pla y, 0 View Iis t" will dis pla y the daily informalion screen 0 "View G raph” will display the annual qraph
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.6 Linearized : Yes XMP Toolkit : 3.1-701 Modify Date : 2012:03:13 16:20:46+08:00 Create Date : 2012:03:13 16:20:35+08:00 Metadata Date : 2012:03:13 16:20:46+08:00 Creator Tool : PScript5.dll Version 5.2 Format : application/pdf Title : ingenix manual 2DIN - FINAL - PA 1111.pdf Creator : prd001 Document ID : uuid:4e0422de-b780-4e9f-820e-dcb536ece47f Instance ID : uuid:9fc79a59-45b2-4c0f-aac5-3bc91b5cff59 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 7.0 (Windows) Has XFA : No Page Count : 15 Author : prd001EXIF Metadata provided by